The team is proud to announce the release of LMDE 5 “Elsie”.

LMDE 5 Elsie
LMDE is a Linux Mint project which stands for “Linux Mint Debian Edition”. Its goal is to ensure Linux Mint would be able to continue to deliver the same user experience, and how much work would be involved, if Ubuntu was ever to disappear. LMDE is also one of our development targets, to guarantee the software we develop is compatible outside of Ubuntu.
LMDE aims to be as similar as possible to Linux Mint, but without using Ubuntu. The package base is provided by Debian instead.
Important info:
The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.
To read the release notes, please visit:
System requirements:
- 2GB RAM (4GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
- 20GB of disk space (100GB recommended).
- 1024×768 resolution (on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen).
Upgrade instructions:
Stay tuned. Upgrade instructions will be posted at a later stage. The team is working on improving the major release upgrade tool used in Linux Mint and LMDE.
If you are using LMDE 5 BETA, you don’t need to upgrade. Run the following commands:
apt install network-manager-config-connectivity-debian plymouth-label pipewire plocate apt remove mlocate brltty sudo updatedb
Download links:
Here are the download links for the 64-bit ISO:
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A 32-bit ISO image is also available at
Integrity and authenticity checks:
Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.
Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.
- Please read and follow the steps at
- Link to the sums: sha256sum.txt
- Link to the signed sums: sha256sum.txt.gpg
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!
I have tried (again) to check the iso image as you advise but I have not succeeded: the process is very very difficult (at least for me) I do not understand anything and it never works (the terminal never finds the file: it says it does not exist!); however I took my image on your site in the “mirror” part so I guess it’s your version to you
thank you for confirming it
thank you to all the team to maintain this wonderful distribution that is lmde!
Translated with (free version)
Use GTKHASH to check your LMDE iso…
thank you i finally understood and managed to check my iso image lmde5
I am *VERY* KEENLY interested in the Major Upgrade Tool! I’m still running Mint 18.3 Sylvia. I did download V20, but it wouldn’t UPGRADE, only OVERWRITE my existing system disk!
Instead, I installed it onto a spare drive, and it looks great… but I’m still USING my 18.3. I really don’t want to deal with the headache of copying everything over… if your “Major Upgrade Tool” does what the name implies, I’m REALLY looking forward to learning more about it! I hope to use the “stable release” version when it’s ready :)!
You can’t upgrade Mint to LMDE.
They should be treated as different OS’s
To upgrade Mint you would need to upgrade your 18.3 to 19 then upgrade to 20.
I’d suggest you backup your data, then install either LMDE5 or just possibly Mint 20.3.
Since you have a strong preference for stability, LMDE5 would appear to be the best choice.
@Willie – You can’t upgrade using a downloaded ISO. That’s only for clean installs. You have to follow the instructions posted in blogs around the time of each major version release to upgrade from 18.3 to 19 (, then to 19.3 (through the Update Manager), and then to 20 ( It’s an involved process, requiring CLI commands, and it takes a long time to complete – far longer than just doing a clean install.
Alternative recommendations:
1. Since you’ve got a brand new LM 20 already installed on a second drive, why not just copy the data you need to that new user account? If you want it to be exactly the same data and settings, just log into your LM 20 installation’s user account. From there, open the LM 18.3 home folder on the other drive for the user account you want to migrate, tell the file manager to show hidden files, and copy *everything* (including all folders that begin with a .) into the home folder for the new account (as your LM 20 logged-in user, not as root or anything else) and tell it to overwrite everything. It would copy everything over, with the new user account permissions, and replace the entire setup. Then log out and then back in, and you’ll have things mostly the way you want them. Should work. You might need to adjust some things afterward, maybe. Then you could reformat the old drive and use it for backup data storage or whatever you want to do.
2. If you want something a little more advanced (aka, if you don’t understand what you’re doing, you might end up deleting your data anyway), but far more versatile, you could always convert the current LM 18.3 drive into a /home partition containing your old data and settings, and do a clean install of any new Mint version you want, tell the install where the /home partition is, and all of your data and settings will be there, just as you left them. There should be various guides on how to do this all over the Internet.
In any case, make backups of your home folder(s) just in case.
Thanks Clement Lefebvre and Linux Mint Team.
I used the LMDE4 version and I really liked the Debian-based Mint.
I will download and install the LMDE 5 Elsie version.
Thank you for your dedication to the users of your System.
Can you please clarity, what you mean by; “To install LMDE on an existing LVM partition you must first remove it from the LVM volumes and groups to which it belongs” As this is what I shall be doing, and would not want any issues? Thank You in advance for answering
I am Super impressed, having tried dozens (and dozens) of distros – THIS IS THE BEST! Includes all apps and tools, looks great and best of all – smooth. LMDE4 was ok and nearly my goto but seemed sluggish on my hardware. Always had issue with wifi being found – not with LMDE5 works on laptops or desktops without issue Great work and keep it going – this is the distro going forward. Thank you!
Is pipewire the default audio server? That would be amazing.
I’m very impressed with the EPUB thumbnailing, however for actual screen-reading the supplied reader (xviewer) is inferior to installing Calibre (several hundred MB) and using the Calibre reader.
So it’s all good.
E-book readers are weak anywhere outside smartphones and dedicated readers. However, there is one huge exception – foliate. It has a flatpak.
I have Windows 11, LM20.2, MX21 and Manjaro on one SSD, and a second, 2TB HDD. Can I install LMDE5 on the 2 TB drive and boot to it from the GRUB menu?
Yes, but I recommend you to install the boot loader on the 2TB HDD, just in case. Then, to boot into this new OS, you need to select in your BIOS what drive to boot from, and select the 2TB HDD.
This is reply to Leonsk29: suggestion worked, /boot/efi and boot loader on same location on 2 TB HDD. I am now responding using LMDE5. Thank you very much.
Well Clem, ya did it again.
Got me a new debmint for my March 17 bday 240ssd.
Turned 69. Great position_not-so-great-age.
Perfection as always.
If Ian was still around he’s be running it.
10:15 a.m. CST USA 3/20/2022
the Torrent downloaded perfect
the SHA test link is timing out.
will it be possible to upgrade from lmde4 to lmde5
The article states that upgrade instructions will follow. It is mentioned shortly before the list of download mirrors.
Hello from Austria!
I would like to ask the LMDE5 team again.
Is it possible for you to also create an edge ISO with LMDE5 and keep it up to date? I mean the 5.15 kernel.
The problem is e.g. with LMDE4:
Which user should, for example, install LMDE4 with the 4.19 kernel on an AMD Ryzen or Intel iX of the 11th or 12th generation?
It is not possible. But there was and isn’t an ISO of LMDE4 with kernel 5.10.
For LMDE5, please think about an edge ISO with currently kernel 5.15.
Thanks very much!
Best wishes
Excuse my English.
This is Google – Translator written German –> English.
This is very easy with the command:
sudo apt-get install -t bullseye-backports linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64
But you need the 5.15 for the latest AMD or Intel iX CPU of the 12th generation already in the ISO file.
Therefore please also with LMDE5 an edge – ISO with the 5.15 kernel please!
Thanks alot!
What I did with LMDE4 was to install on old hardware (a VM might do) and upgrade kernel/headers to 5.15. Then make a snapshot iso. Flashed to usb and installed on AMD Ryzen laptop. Long winded, not ideal but works.
Thank you for the work of you and your team!!!
Sorry the new Kernel in Debian is 5.16.12-1
Having installed LMDE5 alongside Mint 20.3 on my 2012 Dell laptop I’m happy to report that all is very well with Debbie! I prefer using the GNOME desktop environment and Debbie runs great with GNOME. Thank you Clem and the entire Linux Mint team for a very smooth, stable and up-to-date Debian based operating system!
It’s not Debbie any more, she’s been replaced with Elsie
Yes, my apologies. Thank you for the correction!
Thank you team. Will upgrade my beta machines.
I really hope this is the future of Linux Mint. Great work team!

I hope Mint’s Team give LMDE more focus and make it flagship Mint instead of Ubuntu based.
We need more stable system like Debian, and no more Ubuntu hassle (remember snaps? and chromium?) . And make it easily install up to date Kernel 5.15 and up with updated MESA. Just take a look on MX Linux AHS version.
I think for next release, you can add more DE such as Mate and Xfce to LMDE too
I used MATE before and I’m using Cinnamon now. Cinnamon is really better than MATE. LMDE with Cinnamon would be more interesting than with MATE.
Keeping Cinnamon and Xfce would be enough. Adding Openbox like in SparkyLinux could be more interesting than MATE, for old computers.
I see no reason to include Mate but Xfce would be a much-welcomed addition.
> make it flagship Mint instead of Ubuntu based

Incluir más escritorios a LMDE seria aun mas trabajo, es mejor centralizarse en un escritorio sencillo pero que permite configuraciones avanzadas para quienes deseen adaptarlo como deseen así no hay desgaste de recursos fragmentados y unificamos el trabajo para hacerlo aún más grande, expansible y totalmente funcional.
For the last 2 years, I have been using Mint 18, then 19.3 and now 20.3, as my daily driver on all my computers.and I am Very Very happy with it.
I have just installed LMDE5 on one of my computers and it looks stunning – easy install and looks almost indistinguishable from my favourite LM20.3.
Here is my question:
As LDME is a alternative should Ubutu disappear – What are the chances the LDME project gets canned??
I like the Debian feel and have always liked the ease of installing a *.deb program , but is the long term goal to keep both Linux Miint and LDME?
Would it be an equally safe long term decision to use LMDE5 as daily driver rather then Linux Mint 20.3?
Debian has a longer track record than Ubuntu, so it’s not going away. LMDE5 should be a perfectly fine daily driver: it has a solid Debian Bullseye package base, which is supported until 2026 in theory. Longer then Mint 20! Of course, later this year you will have Mint 21, based on Ubuntu 22.04, but Ubuntu is doing silly things these days with packaging, so LMDE5 seems like a good way to go. Can’t wait to try it myself soon.
LMDE won’t get canned if Ubuntu disappears, it will instead replace the Ubuntu version of Mint. That is partly why the project exists as an aside to the main Mint apart from seeing what will and won’t run on a Debian base from the Mint Team developed packages.
LMDE was created for the very purpose of keeping the LM project alive, if Ubuntu should ever go defunct for any reason. I personally found LMDE more stable, as it is only one step removed from its parent. Debian isn´t going to go away, so LMDE should stay with us.
Many thanks to you for this LMDE 5. Today it is my favorite operating system. Long live LMDE.
LMDE = ?
“Linux Mint Debian Edition”
Linux Mint Debian Edition
Linux Mint Debian Edition
Linux Mint Debian Edition? (Just guessing.)
I have installed lmde 5 and then tested mate; I like this desktop but it is impossible to remove the desktop icons like trash…; I have searched for hours, testing many solutions seen on the net but nothing works except risking to destroy my system! So can you confirm if it is really impossible to remove these icons (in this case it is really stupid from mate!) or if a solution exists that remains in the simple domain without entering the depths of the system!
Translated with (free version)
MATE tweak
go to preferences, look and feel, mate tweak
(I use pure Debian, mixed with LMDE the menus are different)
Try Cinnamon, it’s better.
How about a “MATE” version of LMDE in addition to “Cinnamon.”
In installed MATE using “apt install mate”. Looks just like Linuxmint MATE 20.3 and I can customize it just like I want. (Being old and set in my ways, I use mint-x theme with mint-x icons and WinMe border). So fare, everything is working well with MATE on LMDE. Purists may object!
I meant to say “I installed MATE ……”
I suggest you install mate-desktop-environment-extras metapackage.
What will I suggest you install mate-desktop-environment-extras metapackage do?
I see that mate-desktop-environment is already installed. Is there something more I need?
Thank you Jerry. Much appreciated!
I previously installed LMDE5 beta, and today I tried to upgrade to LMDE5, following the upgrade instructions at the beginning of this post:
apt install network-manager-config-connectivity-debian plymouth-label pipewire plocate
apt remove mlocate brltty
sudo updatedb.
The first two commands okay, the last one returns
sudo: updatedb: command not found
Am I missing something?
Thank you for your answer.
Trying installing ‘mlocate’ instead of ‘plocate’, then the missing command will appear!
I’ve noticed that one too while reading and I find it odd.
updatedb – update a database for mlocate (from updatedb’s man page).
So by removing mlocate you’ll be rending updatedb useless.
I interpret this as an error on the procedure.
But I also see the installation of plocate. It seems (according to Google) to be a faster substitute for mlocate on searches. Don’t know if updatedb updates its search or if it is limited to mlocate only.
Mind you I’m not using LMDE, I’m on the (Ubuntu based) Main Edition and plocate is not on the repos, so I can’t give you a proper hands on reply. If anyone can chime in a better reply, thanks.
I’m quoting @Kelebek333 further down:
Run following command for installing plocate
sudo apt install –reinstalll plocate
Yes, Bruno Miranda, @Kelebek333 suggestion worked for me.
Hello all.
I have Linux Mint 20.3 (Ubuntu) is it possible to “upgrade” to the Debian version or i need to do a clean install?
Thank you.
Hello, João.
They are different versions, you need a clean install
Encantado con esta versión Mint Debian la instalé, en mi Pc en Beta y se ha actualizado hace unos dias estoy encantado, se ha actualizado sin problema, estable, sencilla, muy atractiva cinamon
Very nice – thanks!
Comment regarding the Update instructions: the last command — ‘sudo updatedb’ fails w/ “file not found” . I’m wondering if perhaps ‘apt remove mlocate brltty’ should have been ‘apt reinstall ..’ ? The locate(1) command actually uses mlocate; also both mlocate and brltty are installed on LMDE4.
Run following command for installing plocate
sudo apt install –reinstalll plocate
No “what’s new” section in “Release notes”, just a list of “Known issues”?
Is it correct that LMDE5 now runs fstrim weekly – or did LMDE4 always include this feature?
Looks like the timer is indeed enabled now.
Certainly there in LMDE5, I can’t remember either for LMDE4 but think it was too.
Glad to see there’s a 32-bit version. I’m still running some older hardware for some other tasks.
Great work guys! I can’t wait to give this a whirl! I’m particularly happy with the i386 support, as it gives the 2008 netbook I take travelling a few more years of life.
I have been running LMDE as my main distribution on most machines since Cindy. Whenever I’ve actually tried to test/measure it, it’s seemed to boot faster, run snappier, and consume less RAM than its Ubuntu-based counterpart, without compromising on Linux Mint’s legendary user-friendliness and comprehensive feature-set. It’s certainly been the most stable and trouble-free distribution I’ve ever used. Keep up the good work! Everything “just works”.
If one’s using a laptop with Nvidia hybrid gpu, is it possible to install the nvidia tray applet like in regular Mint? In order to easily change gpus on the spot. Or do we need to edit app’s launch parameters to use “__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1__GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia”, as per Debian’s instructions on how to use NVIDIA PRIME Render Offload ? Is there a graphical alternative? Thank you!
That applet uses Ubuntu-specific backend (ubuntu-drivers-common package), I don’t think it would work in Debian.
Hi Clem,
I would like to thank the developer team and all contributors for their efforts.
By the way, You can solve that issue with rebuilding aptdaemon package.
If You wish, You can add aptdaemon packages to repository from my PPA. This packages only rebuilding and also includes translation files for aptdemon.
I just upgraded from Beta to standard Elsie with your three line upgrade instructions that worked like a dream – so simple. Thank you SO MUCH for making such a slick and immediately usable system. Kudos to everyone on the team.
Uma distro baseada em debian ainda a caminho.
Uso versão Ubuntu por enquanto mas a dedicação referente ao Mint cinnamon baseado em Debian vai ser muito bom! Parabéns a equipe
E sim sou brasileiro e não vou bancar o entendido em inglês porquê eu não sei aí a gente acaba passando vexames!
Um abraço a todos
Great release, it was running like clockwork in Beta to be fair and the instructions to convert from beta to final worked a treat!
noob question…ubuntu based linux mint have point release update(20.X), why debian based doesnt seem to have any?
Hi, looks amazing! Still compatible with snaps?
How to upgrade from lmde4 to lmde5
Bonjour, il semblerait que la version de Cinnamon qui est intégrée dans LMDE 5 ne permette pas de choisir d’exécuter un software sur la carte graphique discrète ou dédiée (à choix) contrairement à Gnome qui permet de le faire depuis un petit moment déjà. Pensez-vous intégrer un jour cette fonctionnalité ? Meilleures salutations.
Dear Team, I always loved the way you guys present the Debian and Ubuntu with new approach
hardcore fan since inception of linuxmint, but one question why we don’t have lighter version of LMDE ie. LMDE with xfce instead of cinnamon which is bit heavy compared to xfce, Let me know if you guys have future plans to have LMDE Xfce
“instead of cinnamon”?
You expect the team that developed Cinnamon to leave it out of LMDE? That’s not going to happen but I agree that an Xfce edition would be welcomed.
Human Being needs LMDE xfce version. ^_^
I’m lovin ‘it, thanks you!!!.
“cinnamon (edge).png” missing on Linux Mint 20.3 edge downlaod page.
What are the latest server versions available?
Hola. quisiera instalar LMDE 5 en mi portatil Dell Inspiron 17 5000 series. Mi pregunta es, tienen alguna versión virtual ya configurada para instalar?… ya que no tengo suficientes conocimientos para poner a punto la instalación.
Developers of Linux Mint, Ubuntu is build on Debian; yes; and Linux Mint scripts away Ubuntu’s nastiness to make Linux Mint. On the other hand LMDE is built on Debian no Ubuntu which I’ve running and came back to since Feb 2020 upon leaving Microsoft products which I’ve used since 1983. Most know that Ubuntu is the Microsoft of the Linux world and are waking up and choosing other distros anything that doesn’t include Ubuntu.
Why does Linux Mint call LMDE Linux Mint and what’s now called Linux Mint, Linux Mint Ubuntu Edition. You’ve proved that Linux Mint is still Linux Mint without Ubuntu that way you can focus on Linux Mint without trying to make someone’s else’s thing yours.
I looking forward to upgrading LMDE4 to LMDE5. For all the hours of work from all the developers, testers and the whole community; Thank you so much.
I am just desperately waiting for 32bit version all the repositories that the link above (aftrerthe x64 versions) leads to , but alas all those I tried gave a 404
Will it come and is so when ? lots of old netbooks would do well by it .
bart koens belgium
This is a great release! I’ve been using Ubuntu based Mint for years, but will be making the switch to LMDE as a daily driver. With the Bullseye base, software like LibreOffice is now quite recent and the Mint team provides an up to date non-ESR Firefox, which is greatly appreciated. Elsie has all the bells and whistle’s a Mint user comes to expect out of the box. Very nice. Even noticed that Nemo is able to connect to a samba share much faster than with the Ubuntu base – not sure what’s going on there, but I like it. I’ve dabbled with many distros, out of curiosity, but I’ve always come straight back to LM with more reasons why I want to keep using it. My Windows 10 SSD is collecting dust and uninstalled updates while I continue to enjoy a well crafted Linux OS. Thanks for all the hard work!
btw, anyone notice the mint menu has gotten flickery over the past couple releases? I notice it as I’m scrolling through applications and the category highlight changes size creating a flicker effect.
(Sometimes) still there is a flicker effect scrolling through the LMDE 5 menu.
OS: LMDE 5 (elsie) x86_64
Kernel: 5.10.0-14-amd64
Shell: bash 5.1.4
Screen: LG 19in
Resolution: 1360×768
DE: Cinnamon 5.2.7
WM: Mutter (Muffin)
Theme: Mint-Y [GTK2/3]
Icons: Mint-Y [GTK2/3]
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 840 (4) @ 3.200GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a
Will the upgrade procedure from LMDE4 to LMDE5 be available soon?
I recently went with LM to LMDE and is fantastic!
I noticed that LM on the SSD disk will automatically turn off the hibernation function. On LMDE hibernation is available. Is this a mistake or expected behavior?
For me it’s good, but I prefer to make sure
LMDE5 seems slow compared to the many other Linux systems I have used. If we could also choose XFCE I think it would be much faster than cinnamon. Clem, why is b44 blacklisted in etc/modprobe.d/broadcom-stadkms.conf? I use a wired network and that kept it from connecting to the internet. I took me several years to find the solution to that problem because you never answered the questions about LMDE not connecting to a wired network. I use wired because it is faster than wireless.
Maybe your are the almost only one with this issue?! I run lots of different pc’s and laptops only wired connected and never had any issue this way for years now…
Hi Fabian,
We don’t provide this file. You can check which package contains it with “apt contains /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom-stadkms.conf”.
Oh it’s ok, this is no longer a problem. Many of those systems were never able to boot or connect to any networks for other reasons.
Dear Clem and team: Thank you so much for all your hard work making LMDE 5 a fantastic operating system! I have used the Ubuntu based version of Linux Mint for several years, but I’ve been concerned about the direction Ubuntu has been going and was excited to try LMDE. It is brilliant, and I have to say that I like it even better than the main version. Thanks again!
Good morning.
I have LMDE 4 installed on my old PC. I am very happy. Would you like to install LMDE 5?
Sorry for my English.
This is Google – Translator written Catalan -> English.
Very awesome news! Congrats to everyone involved!
Unable to install LMDE5 on Mac book air 11inch (2012) as installer can not find the Mac ssd. However if use Linux mint cinamon Ubuntu version, installation works flawlessly on the same Mac book and LM runs very well. Strange why LMDE5 can not detect ssd.
Use the same LMDE5 installer that will not work on MBA 11 inch on iMac 2011 instead, installation works flawlessly and LM run well.
At least when the upgrade procedure for LMDE4 -> LMDE5 eventually emerges, I will know that LMDE5 has been thoroughly tested by those who did an overwrite installation.
LMDE 5 and LM20 all flavors lock up on 2009 iMac 2.9ghz Core2Duo, 4GB RAM. (all install OK but lock up within 1-2 minutes. Previously ran LM18 then LM19 without problems. Hardware incompatibility? Kernel incompatibility? Now running LMDE 4, seems to be working well.
Can you still move the mouse pointer when they lock up? If so it’s just the DE. IF not it might be also X11. Does it lock up in console mode also, is it still responsive to ping/ssh? If not it might be a kernel panic. Try the different kernel series to see if it helps in that case.
Same issue for me. Most applications work, but browsers of any kind freeze the whole environment for the default system timeout.
I would like to ask you very much for help in this topic:
Unfortunately, no one from the team reacted and ignored the problem.
I love LM, I support subsidies as I can and there is nothing worse than the frustration lack of help
What an impressive piece of work !!
Thanks again to the Mint Development Team.
LMDE 5 works ok, no problems
Verifies ok as per your instructions
Dell Optiplex 760 with 8 GB of ram
LMDE5 kernel 5.10.0-13-686 does not work good on my old dell laptop. Firefox in this system freezes constantly. Mint 19.3 xfce worked perfectly. I changed LMDE5 kernel to 5.10.0-12-686 which seems to be working better. If you can afford a new modern laptop, well good for you.
Oh well, it’s someone else’s problem now.
It turns out that a month ago Linux Mint released a new version of its Debian OS – LMDE 5, based on Debian 10 BullsEye… This is a masterpiece! I looked and spent a couple of hours replacing my native Debian 10 with Mint LMDE 5 on my laptop. And this despite the fact that I am a fan of native Debian. LMDE 5 is the best operating system. Probably the best OS for the next couple of years. The best OS for home laptops and even for home desktops! We have been waiting for such an OS for 2 or 3 years from the Mint Team. Thank you, Mint Team! Thank you, Clem!!!
Do you use a SSD drive together with FDE encryption?
If so, can you check this problem for me?
LMDE 5 works ok, no problems
Verifies ok as per your instructions
Dell Optiplex 760 with 8 GB of ram
LMDE 4 was our goto and LMDE 5 is replacing it.
1 laptop and 1 desktop (fresh install) so far, without issue.
Still 6 more desktops/laptops to come when the upgrade tool will be stable.
From my point of view LMDE remain the Mint distro going forward (The Ubuntu layer is toxic and useless in Mint).
Thank you to all the team !
LDME 5 is great but can you make
/org/cinnamon/settings-daemon/peripherals/keyboard/bell-mode ”off” by default, it’s super annoying beeping when backspace in empty field
Just to mention that I could not get LMDE 5 iso to boot on a fresh Dell Latitude 5420.
Then I tested the ISO in KVM, boot OK, install with LVM and encryption → fail to find dm-rai45 module on boot, LVM cannot load its volume group.
Pretty disappointed, LMDE experience so far is miles away from what I had been used to with LM.
Ok, forget what I said earlier (not yet published at the time of this writing) : Dell sucks, LMDE works fine.
For some reason I can’t fathom, I could boot Almalinux fine but LMDE 5 was never booting… until I updated the firmware on the Lattitude 5420 (to 1.15)!
Installation went fine after that, all good. Apologies and keep up the good work!
Hello Clem, hello everyone!
I’ve been a Mint fan since 17.0 and I’m getting ready to migrate permanently to LMDE 5.
My system is very much configured to be the most ergonomic, efficient and most of all pleasant to look at. My theme ‘ Mint-X-Honey’ proposes a mix between dark (too black) and light (too white) and all the fonts of all the softwares and the desktop are displayed in gold. I worked a lot on it and the readability is almost perfect. However I have some problems with this migration. Without counting Chromium-browser which became chromium, which is located in ‘lib’ rather than in ‘bin’ whereas I have some 200 “windowed” shortcuts which do not function any more… But that, for the moment, is my business.
But there is that which chagrin me a little:
Since Linux Mint 20* and LMDE 5, in order to reduce the system memory, the simplification of window effects has seen the disappearance (Fine Zoom)of the directional function of flights (up, down), their execution speed and qualification curves.
This approach is commendable in the sense that it preserves the proper functioning of computers with little power and modest RAM capacity. But what about the users who have the necessary power on their hardware and who have spent a lot of time configuring these effects, have obtained a very satisfactory result, have gotten used to them for years and are suddenly deprived of their favorite effects. All of this without warning and, above all, without offering a software option that would allow them to recover them?
I have tried to find a solution like swapping the concerned file ‘’ or the folder ‘cinnamon-settings’ but it doesn’t work. Any idea?
Apart from that, I understand that it is not easy to please everyone, again a huge congratulations for the work done!
Thanks a lot, C6ril
Translated with (free version)
@Clem… Feature Request:
No Password is required to open any partition on any drive.
please provide a tool or terminal commands to revert/undo this behavior.
> require root password to open partitions the same as Debian
I do understand that you consider the current LMDE behavior a feature.
Thanks, Peter
The Github has a disarbing of the problem from this comment:
Please pass to the LMDE Team.
I am in the process of upgrading 6 hobby machines to LMDE 5 from LMDE 4 using the Mintupgrade tool.Two upgrades went fine with no issues. So far,I have not lost any functions or features from the old LMDE 4 install. The install process does take awhile with the last one going 4 hours.As these are hobby machines,I am not concerned with loosing critical data,but I will pay more attention to machines that have important data when it is time to upgrade.
Neither LMDE 5 not Mint 20.3 all flavors work for my 2009 iMac 2.9Ghz Core2Duo, 16GB RAM.
UI lock up with some applications for the defined system timeout. Tried installing newer kernel version. Nothing changed.
I love Mint (LMDE in particular), but this is causing me to go to Fedora, simply because there is no resolution to this problem. I used to have minor issues with LMDE 4.0 and in particular with Firefox, but now only a few Cinnamon UI apps work without issues, so for now it will be Fedora till I hear that those fixes are in place.
I believe there are a lot of people who want to utilize their old HW and not spend $$$ for new laptops and it is a waste for the environment if we can do it with older HW and Linux Mint (or any flavor)!
BTW Fedora runs under 5.17.x kernel. I tried with 5.16.x in LMDE 5 and to no avail…) Sorry guys, but this is not a real progress for me. Hate to say that, knowing how much effort has been put into this release.
Hi Clem, Hi whole Team!
I reached the “end of the internet” looking for a detailed explanation of the differences between LM and LMDE. I only found the obvious that LM is based on Ubuntu and LMDE is based on Debian (packages, repos, etc) So these are obvious things…
Personally, I found two differences: LMDE does not have Driver Manager and Kernel Manager. Here I found your statement that several features are disabled or absent
I have come across hundreds (or thousands) of similar questions from other people, and no one has received a complete and unambiguous answer.
I think that I am asking on behalf of many people and myself: Could you comprehensively and clearly and definitively explain (for example with a special post here on the blog) the differences between LM and LMDE? I mean a post for beginners or intermediate users (What are the functional differences, what is missing from LM, what did you mean when you wrote “There are a few features like this one which aren’t part of the scope within the LMDE project, they’re either disabled or absent.”…. etc)
Best Regards!
Is the pathway for the Lmde4 to Lmde5 upgrade imminent?
I have been running Mint since version 16 on 4 computers and have upgraded through each of the versions to the present 20.3 UNA.. Thought I’d check out LMDE 5 and absolutely love it. Already it is my primary and preferred OS. Great job! The only hitches so far was I found my 4 IP cameras wouldn’t function with VLC then learned rstp isn’t supported resolved that issue with Snapd and Voila! The only other issue is Conky-Manager. I have it running on all of my other machines but only ‘close’ so far with LMDE 5. No problem with Conky (working fine) but Conky Manager opens and allows my viewing Gotham, however, can’t get the clock onto the cinnamon desktop. I’ll keep fighting that one.
LMDE 5 appears to be extremely stable, quite fast and I love it. I feel Debian will be a permanent ‘replacement for Ubuntu as the Mint core in the near future!
Hi; maybe i,m too old i do not understand the way to check my ISO .is there a very easy way to check that.i saw GTKHASH but where do i go with that.. thanks
linux mint lmde V5
Even though this page still says “Stay tuned” …. there’s another page that explains how to upgrade:
Maybe this page should be edited?
Hi, is LMDE(5) a rolling release / do I ever need to upgrade to the next LMDE-release?
No. LMDE is not a rolling release.
LMDE is based on Debian … Debian is intended to be Stable and does not provide a “rolling release” for public consumption.
(exception: DebianUnstable aka Sid
Thank you for your answer! How long is LMDE5 being supported with updates etc.? Thank you!
one important note:
I just installed LMDE on an Asus EEE 1000H with a resolution of 800×600. For this low resolution, we can read that “on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen”.
On my Asus, this measure does not fit (enough). You need the ALT and you need the left button of the touching pad, too. If you press ALT and the left button of the pad with one hand, you can scroll down the windows with the other hand.
That works.
Greetings from Germany.
Hi guys, how to remove the bootloader-countdown completely?
Thanks a lot!
I am just desperately waiting for 32bit version all the repositories that the link above (aftrerthe x64 versions) leads to , but alas all those I tried gave a 404
Will it come and is so when ? lots of old netbooks would do well by it . bart koens belgium
apologies for the wrong placement

Bart, use the Torrent file. It’s downloading properly as I type this, and has almost completed after about a minute.