This is the BETA release for Linux Mint 18.1 “Serena” Cinnamon Edition.

Linux Mint 18.1 Serena Cinnamon Edition
Linux Mint 18.1 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2021. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.
New features:
This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.
For an overview of the new features please visit:
“What’s new in Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon“.
Important info:
The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.
To read the release notes, please visit:
System requirements:
- 512MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
- 9GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
- Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
- DVD drive or USB port.
- The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
- The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
- The 64-bit ISO is recommend for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold in the last 10 years are equipped with 64-bit processors).
Upgrade instructions:
- This BETA release might contain critical bugs, please only use it for testing purposes and to help the Linux Mint team fix issues prior to the stable release.
- It will be possible to upgrade from this BETA to the stable release.
- It will also be possible to upgrade from Linux Mint 18. Upgrade instructions will be published next month after the stable release of Linux Mint 18.1.
Bug reports:
- Please report bugs below in the comment section of this blog.
- When reporting bugs, please be as accurate as possible and include any information that might help developers reproduce the issue or understand the cause of the issue:
- Bugs we can reproduce, or which cause we understand are usually fixed very easily.
- It is important to mention whether a bug happens “always”, or “sometimes”, and what triggers it.
- If a bug happens but didn’t happen before, or doesn’t happen in another distribution, or doesn’t happen in a different environment, please mention it and try to pinpoint the differences at play.
- If we can’t reproduce a particular bug and we don’t understand its cause, it’s unlikely we’ll be able to fix it.
- Please visit to follow the progress of the development team between the BETA and the stable release.
Download links:
Here are the download links for the 64-bit ISO:
- Torrent
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- Romania ServerHost
- Russia Yandex Team
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- Sweden Academic Computer Club, Umea University
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A 32-bit ISO image is also available at
Integrity and authenticity checks:
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Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.
- Please read and follow the steps at
- Link to the sums: sha256sum.txt
- Link to the signed sums: sha256sum.txt.gpg
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Many thanks in advance for testing the BETA!
Awesome, now downloading. I’m very happy with this new LTS model.
Excellent! Thank you! 🙂
Would you please consider solving this issue in the final edition:
@Clem – Under “Upgrade Instructions” you state:
“It will also be possible to upgrade from Linux Mint 18. Upgrade instructions will be published next month after the stable release of Linux Mint 18.1.”
So folks who are currently running Linux Mint 18/Cinnamon (and MATE) won’t have an upgrade path (via the Update Manager?) until January 2017? I only ask because this post is dated December 1st. Just on the chance you actually wrote it up November 29th (wishful thinking on my part?) 😉 .
Edit by Clem: Hi Kirk. I’m expecting the upgrade path to be trivial, it’s already been tested to some extent. I can’t say how long the BETA phase will last though. It’s usually around 2 weeks, but if we need more time, we’ll take it.
Nice work.
Now that Banshee has been dropped in favour of Rhythmbox, why not also replace Tomboy with Gnote? I believe Gnote is a drop in replacement with very similar functionality.
That would allow Mono to be dropped completely, saving image & disk space (and ridding us of the scourge of Microsoft).
Edit by Clem: It was considered. Note that Mono isn’t a political issue though. The reason Banshee was removed was stability. Mono added to the fact that we didn’t want to get involved in its development, but not for political or idealogical reasons.
Good news and good work! I’ll definitely be downloading the beta like I always do.
[ Smiles ] I am a huge fan of Linux Mint. I am currently using Linux Mint 18 (Sarah) with the Cinnamon desktop and it works flawlessly.
I have no intentions of trying out the beta version of Linux Mint 18.1 (Serena). However, I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to upgrade to Linux Mint 18.1 as soon as it is officially released.
You folks at Linux Mint are amazing and do keep up the good job!
Will I at last be able to set the refresh rate in the Mint 18.1 Cinnamon GUI as I can do in MATE?
Edit by Clem: No. It’s something we want to add eventually, but it’s not there in 18.1.
I mean the monitor refresh rate of course
Clem, you are the reason I permanently switched to Linux, and have been getting away from Windows for the past 3 years. I just want to thank you and your whole team for your amazing work and efforts. I’m short on money at the moment, but will definitely contribute as soon as my situation improves. It feels so great to have a stable, free, open source system. Can’t wait to try this new version, although I am very satisfied with Mint 18 so far!
Merci beaucoup et bon succès! D’un Québécois en Thaïlande qui roule plusieurs versions de Mint sur différents laptops (Cinnamon, Mate, KDE et XFCE!)
Edit by Clem: Mai pen rai et merci bcp Tommy 🙂
If we have a current LM18 machine how do we go about putting the beta on it?
Edit by Clem: You should only use the BETA to help us fix bugs. Once 18.1 is stable, we’ll publish an easy way to upgrade from 18 to 18.1.
Thank you for that great OS and Desktop Envoirement. Just one thing would be realy cool: That you could tick/check folders to get them marked/elected like in Windows.
Thank you!
I welcome 18.1 and in particular, for one thing, the improvements (one of which I asked for myself) in the kernel updater.
One thing about the changes to that updater, though. To wit: ‘Most stable recommendation’ is poor English. For, it is not the *recommendation* that is stable, is it? At the least, the words ‘most stable’ should go in quotation marks. Better would be something like: ‘This kernel is recommended for stability’.
Still experiencing black screen when coming back from sleep (after closing the lid.)
On a MacBook Air 2012.
Even if I edited Grub and added the path to the Swap partition to resume.
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= “quiet splash resume=UUID=xxxx”)
Edit by Clem: Hi Claude, it’s a kernel issue afaik. Try this as a workaround: close the lid again and re-open it again.. once, twice.. I see this on a Macbook Pro too, since the move to xenial/4.4, I suspect the kernel series.
I have tried it boot to normal mode and “safe” mode and always the same, black screen (monitor message: out of range). I have Nvidia 1070. Maybe nouveau drivers doesnt support nvidia pascal?
Edit by Clem: Try with nomodeset, check the instructions in the release notes.
Is there a way you can put older nvidia graphic drivers in newer edition of linuxmint? I like to up grade to the newest version but have a n olde video card nd can’t get a driver for it. I have a nvidia 5500 gforce.
What about support for flatpak and snap packages?
Edit by Clem: MDM works with flatpak now. These aren’t isntalled out of the box though.
I’ve found one “glitch” so far. Right-click an icon on the panel, select “options”, then “edit”. Try to choose a new icon. The new icon shows in the window. Try to click “OK”. It won’t click and the icon won’t change.
Small glitch in the installer:
If I come to the last dialog during the installer of Mint (Name, Computer name, Password) I enter at first my name, than I press several times the tab key, leaving computer name and user name at the prefilled values. If I am now in the first field for entering my password the field with the user name gets and stays completely marked, but this should not be the case.
@Craig re.15
If it’s the Geforce FX5500 then the site lists 32-bit and 64-bit drivers for it.
An Nvidia Quadro FX1700 (512 MB) with two DVI-D outputs and TV output can be bought very cheaply on e-bay and the Linux Mint driver manager will install the Nvidia driver for it. The FX1700 card is what I used for three years.
Annoying problem with language packs.
I installed (64 bit) with German language. After booting the installed system I find in the language settings the message about incomplete language packs for 4 English and 2 German language variants. The annoying thing is, that each of those 6 language packs have to get installed separately, so this really wastes some time.
I did several installs of Serena and found the problem reproducible.
This problem does not exist in Mint 18 (Sarah) and before. After installing the system all language packs are completely installed. I just did a new installation of Sarah to prove, that this works correctly without the missing packs.
Edit by Clem: Not a bug, an improvement. Mint 18 only checked for update packs packages.. 18.1 now checks for much more than that, including dictionaries etc. We can consider making it easier to install them though. I’ll have a look.
No change in Mint 18.1: Update Manager creates objects with wrong ownership. See
Already corrected if the ram usage?
Tengo una ASUS Rog GLT752VW, 16 gb RAM , 1 tb HDD, NVIDIA 960 , , quiero ponerle Linux mint y no me deja iniciar el live c
Cd ,
I like the idea to display the origin of the packages in the update manager. The problem with this column is at now, that in case of a very long list of updates it gets rather cumbersome to make use of it. Consider, that some users use their computer rather seldom, so that after some weeks the update list might grow really long.
I suggest to use colors for the same purpose. E. g. green for packages coming from Mint sources or one of its mirrors, a second color (purple?) for Ubuntu and a third color for PPAs. This would give 2 advantages: Very easy to identify the source of an update and the space for the additional column can be saved.
Another suggestion in this regard: Display the origin also in the update manager history. This might be very useful in cases, where a user suspects some broken functions happening after the latest updates.
Thanks to the LinuxMint team for their great effort.
Just a tiny detail rather than a serious bug, but if the aim is to be as close to perfection as possible… in a desktop context menu there is no space between words “Desktop” and “Settings”(en_UK).
Otherwise excellent work!
Edit by Clem: Thanks Lee, we’re aware of it, it’s a translation issue in en_GB.
When a number of files, in this case PDF, are opened, there is overlap on the last files on the Panel.
Thank you
I am waiting final release of 18.1 by the minute, but I got a frankenstein-pc where I can test this out.
Very excited about the new version release. I thank the Linux Mint team for the great effort.
Just a question – I am currently using Mint 17, will these updates be automatically pushed by update manager after the release? or should i do a clean installation again. (I am new user for Linux Mint, pls dont mind asking this question if its too basic)
Edit by Clem: You can upgrade 17 into 17.3 (, and then 17.3 into 18 (, or you can perform a fresh install.
Im from kerala.I came to know linux as a part of IT@school project.Now I’m using linux mint 18.Great work,thanks.
Hello Clem
I met untranslated title in Menu “Layout and content”
which I don’t know where it blongs to.
Screenshot –
Can you give me the location of its pot in launchpad?
I would translate it on soon!
And Happy news is
I don’t have any issue with Input Methods configuration in Serena.
New mintlocale works fine for everything!
Thank you 🙂
Edit by Clem: Great, I’m really happy to hear that. It wasn’t easy to understand how to implement IM, but your feedback on github helped a lot. Regarding “Layout and Content”, it’s not translatable yet. There are a couple of strings like this one. We’ll get this all sorted before the stable release.
I confirm. This bug affects the panel launcher applet and is not limited for changing the icon. You cannot change anything in the settings for an object in the applet, e.g. change the title or the comment. The comment field does not make any sense BTW, as it does not get displayed anywhere except in this dialog.
Hi there!
I just bought a new laptop (dell gaming with skylake processor and geforce 860m) and i´m in doubth if i install version 18 ou wait for 18.1.
Any sugestion?
OBS: Keep the excelent work. Mint is the best os i have used so far.
Regarding the screensaver.
The information on the screensaver(clock, absence message) gets now jumping around every 5 seconds. This is at least distracting, probably annoying. If this is really needed is on today’s monitors is doubtful.
Please make this jumping around as an option; possibly give also an option to make the interval for those jumps user-configurable. At least make the default interval for the jumps bigger (at least one or several minutes). Looking for some time at this jumping time (which is by itself a very useful information, especially if you have set a delay, before the screen gets actually locked) produces headaches (not virtually, but actually) for me; that means, that this jumping feature is a regression.
Further observation: If the display for the time gets disabled, also the absence message does not get shown. I think, both should be independent from each other. At least this behavior is surprising, as with deactivated time display the options regarding the absence message are still available in the settings. This is technically wrong, similar as the formatting fields for a user defined time / date format is not available, if the option to use a user defined format is set to off.
At the end: I am a little bit sad, that there are still too few time options for the delay to start the screensaver after inactivity and for delaying the screen lock.
Hi, when I try to install Mint to USB thumbdrive, the drive becomes like a live CD with limited capability after booting.
I’m guessing the Linux Mint image is an installer – not the actual operating system.
How do I actually install it as a usable operating system directly please?
On the Mint desktop, there is a shortcut called “Install Linux Mint” (or similar) but it fails to recognize the thumbdrive as a disk to install to (even though the session has actually booted from it).
I’m guessing it can’t install because the drive is mounted so what’s the solution please? Use a live CD instead and install to the Thumbdrive from a DVD – or maybe use a second USB as the “install from” device?
Thank you.
Hello Clem, It’s me again.
I found one more untranslated pot at lockscreen
“Please enter your password”
screenshot –
I’ve checked that and I think it was already translated at mdm in launchpad.
so, can you check it please?
Thank you.
Hello Clem, It’s me again.
This time , I found missed pot for Nemo in launchpad.
There is no pot for “Click on a file’s name twice to rename it”.
Can you check it please?
Thank you 🙂
Tested LM 18.1 beta Cinnamon. The provided Driver Manager tool did not show proprietary AMD driver.
Very disappointed with the lack of proper AMD driver for my GPU. I thought that LM team would have already tested and approved the driver AMD released for Ubuntu 16.4 many months ago.
Edit by Clem: What driver? How many “months ago”? I don’t understand what you mean.. the drivers available are the same for Ubuntu 16.04 and Mint 18.x. Surely you don’t mean FGLRX? This was discontinued by AMD.
Just a quick info:
On my laptop, Serena is working flawlessly! 🙂
However, on desktop I have a problem after login screen.
Quite often system just hangs after entering password.
It’s just showing cursor on black screen. I need to reboot.
Btw, I’m using 2 monitors setup, both are working during system start-up, but after login, main monitor is just showing the cursor, the other one is sleeping.
This was also the problem with Sarah and I had to downgrade to Rosa again.
Can it be related to systemd somehow?
That’s it so far.
And just to comment on backgrounds:
Such an amazing collection! Never better!
Greetings and keep polishing already the best OS in the world!
Edit by Clem: It’s hard to say.. it could be a VT switch issue, a kernel issue, a driver issue in Xorg.. you’d need to switch to console, see what’s running in terms of process, check for errors etc. I can’t tell like that without any info. I wouldn’t think it’s related to systemd though.
User is selected, system is waiting for password.
If I enter it, system will hang.
However, if I click few times on user name and then enter the password, system will be up and running.
Tried few other combinations in Login Window settings, but didn’t find the pattern, sorry.
What is wrong with it? In Mint 17.X I’ve never had any problem at all…
It’s not systemd actually, I remember that I’ve tried both Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 and didn’t encountered this.
Edit by Clem: You can go in the “Login window” settings and enable debug information. On your next reboot and failure to log in, you can drop to console and run “sudo service mdm restart” to get a new login screen. You should be able to see MDM debug in /var/log/syslog. I never heard of such a bug… it looks like MDM is somehow failing preselect your username? What’s your username by the way?
I already skipped Sarah because of a similar problem:
– after boot splash screen a black screen and the (movable) mouse cursor appears
– after maybe 2-3 minutes this hanging screen changes to “Cinnamon has crashed. Do you want to restart? [No/Yes]”
System: Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E330. On my AMD desktop PC everything works fine.
Edit by Clem: Check “inxi -Gxx” after Cinnamon crashes. It looks like a graphics card issue.
I have a InfinityBook from Tuxedo with a “Intel Dual AC 8260” (Wi-Fi card) and can assure you that Linux Kernel 4.4 does not work very well with it.
It took me a while to find this out. As it worked but very slow and sometimes it seemd like the Wi-Fi card was falling asleep very slow until not one byte went through anymore. At the moment I am using a Linux Kernel 4.8 with Linux Mint 18.
Please consider to offer a higher Kernel for brand new hardware maybe with a warning – otherwise you might frustrate quite a few users.
Is the speed of the mouse pointer finally changable via the settings? This did not work for years now
During install, the slideshow still shows Banshee as the music player.
I’ve read the changelog for Mint 18.1 and there’s a huge progress. But, I was wondering, can you add a “Send to…” (desktop a.s.o.) command in Nemo, like Thunar has (not to say the Explorer in Windows…), for much easier creating the links (shortcuts)? If Thunar is “equiped” with such a command that makes the user feel much comfortable, why not to be integrated also in Nemo, especially if we are talking about convincing the Windows users to try something else. And Cinnamon is a excellent DE, able to make a very good impression. I hope you will take into consideration my idea. Thank you.
18.1 cinnamon with i3-6100 / biostar B150s1B4 board
1. With ublock origin extension added to firefox, firefox does not receive focus when it is opened. So control-J and control-L do not work for making selections. You have to click on the window for it to receive focus. When a second firefox window is opened, it does receive focus immediately. (This problem does not happen with the noscript extension by itself.)
So this looks like a problem with the firefox extension, rather than cinnamon. However, this problem does not occur with xubuntu 16.04, and it does not occur when running the live session of cinnamon prior to installing. So even if it is an extension problem, xubuntu and cinnamon live-session manage to get around it.
2. When running cinnamon live session, attempting to do a restart via the button on the cinnamon menu causes the screen to hang on the cinnamon logo as the system begins to shut down.
Problem reported in #40 about firefox extension always happens. And second firefox window receives focus on opening if first firefox window was clicked on first, always.
I agree with Hot Chilli #39: In a future version of cinnamon, it would be nice to have send-to functionality for right-click minu in nemo.
The Mint backgrounds are always good. Even better this time if that’s possible.
Thank you Mint team and Clem for another excellent release.
When’s 18.1 Xfce coming? Eagerly awaiting it.
Notification sound:
By default the file name for the sound is my username (without ending like .oga). This file does not exist, so that by simply turning the option to play the notification sound will do nothing. Looks like a forgotten default value.
Critical bug:
If in panel edit mode right clicking the panel doesn’t do anything. This means, that you cannot turn off panel edit mode.
Only workaround at now: As the menu does not work as usual in panel edit mode, the only chance you have is right clicking the desktop, open an settings dialog, navigate to the panel settings and deactivate the panel edit mode.
The situation gets even worse, if nemo should crash in this situation, because the right click menu is not more available. A user with some deeper knowledge how to help himself out via terminal or command line (alt-F2) is likely completely lost.
Option for sending system information directly from System Info screen: This button will likely flood you with system specs, which the user did not really want to send. You know, that many people click, whenever they find a button. This risk is even greater, as it takes some time, until a reaction happens, i.e. the browser opens with the uploaded info. Further more the user has no option, to undo or to withdraw the upload. That might be considered as a privacy concern.
I suggest to add a confirmation dialog into the process, so that the user is able to cancel it.
Edit by Clem: There’s no private info uploaded.
The option to go up one level by double clicking an empty place (a very welcomed feature) doesn’t work at all. I tried it with some empty folders (e.g. Desktop), but nothing happens at all. Also logging out and back into the user account does not help.
LM 18.1 Cinnamon 64-bit Beta
Wonderful work Clem & Team! Just minor stuff found so far:
– just once, got low resolution in MDM, perhaps 800×600, on a monitor set to 1600×1200;
when I logged in resolution was 1600×1200
– System Settings window does not save window geometry; you can change the window size
but once a sub-category (or the main list) is chosen, the window goes back to its default
size; this seems to be consistently the case when the window size is changed via a
mouse drag; when done via a “Toggle Maximize Horizontally/Vertically” action (as after
changing settings in System Settings | Windows | Titlebar | Actions), the geometry
remains until System Settings is restarted; similarly, using the maximize button works
and the window continues to stay maximized until System Settings is restarted;
File Management Preferences in Nemo also does not save window geometry
– in xed, when you have more than a page, scrolling down (or up) with the down (or up)
arrow creates a jerky display; similarly, with a large document, going from the top to
the bottom with Ctrl-End (or vice-versa with Ctrl-Home) seems to have an intermediate
stage where it is displaying text from somewhere in the middle of the document;
reminds me of “smooth” scrolling in Firefox; makes xed unusable for me except for
short periods of time or for very short files
– in xed, running with root priviledges, it does not save the Preferences for the next
time it is run with root priviledges; don’t know if it is supposed to or not
– gnome-calculator takes way to long to exit (for a calculator); it also seems to be
thrashing my HDD when it exits
– don’t know if it matters that Banshee is listed as Featured Software in the installer
slideshow (there are several other features software titles that are not installed by
BTW, did someone noticed this error, trying to install online available themes?
@Minter: Thank you for your support. But why not sooner, in the final edtion of Mint Cinnamon 18.1? 🙂
It can’t be that hard to implement the right-click “Send To” functionality. Or, at least, I hope so. It is probably about a plugin that has to be included in Nemo.
Configuration option for the menu urgently missed:
Until Mint 18 Sarah there was for the menu the option “menu hover delay”. This is not the same as the option with the same name in 18.1 Serena, as also the tool tip reveals, if you hover the option.
The new option delays the appearance of the menu, if you have the option to open the menu by hovering it in the panel activated.
The old option delayed switching the categories. This means, if you have selected a category and want now to move the pointer to the menu entry to the right, you can (with the delay set to e.g.150 ms) move the mouse diagonally over other categories without activating them by doing so. Without the delay the categories, touched by the mouse pointer get at once activated and the command in the right column is not more there.
This leads to the result, that without the delay you have to move the mouse at first properly to the right and then up or down to the needed command; diagonal (and far quicker and more logical) movements are without the delay not possible.
As this category delay has now been (erroneously?) removed the menu in 18.1 appears as a regression in usability. Please restore this option.
Having more than one terminal open the command to close all terminals in the file menu (or shortcut ctrl-shift-q) does not work as expected. Only the current terminal gets closed, all the others remain open.
Great great job, smooth so far. I like the vertical panel feature
Bug Found: 24 hour format won’t change to 12 hour in vertical panel mode
To reproduce: Change panel to vertical panel, then change clock from 24 hour to 12 hour, the clock will display in 24 hour format still. If you change panel to horizontal, time will be correct, change back to vertical and it changes back to 24 hour format, but settings still say 12 hour
Mint 18 is worse than Mint 17.
Under Windows, at least two buttons,dim/brighten the screen light, work well.
My new laptop is Dell Inspiron 11. These two buttons do not function any more.
I would appreciate it if someone tests it before release.
Is this really cool Gnome 3 custom menu layout available in this version ?
Critical bug.
Installation Type screen –> select Something else –> the continue button is never selectable.
Asus VX-6 laptop.
Cannot install.
Edit by Clem: Hi Paul, we’ll have a look. I know there’s a similar issue in the QT frontend, so make sure you have enough HDD space (in case you’re hitting the same bug).
I just have to say……
AMAZING WORK. Linux mint has become a famous Distro.O.S’
Microcough has nothing on you guys..
keep up the great work… 🙂
Everything seems good with beta however Steam does not work at all.Installs ok but when you hit icon nothing happens.
Edit by Clem: Ah yes, that’s a library path issue with the launcher. There are workarounds for this.. I’ll have a look to see if we can get this to work out of the box.
Downloaded and tried the live DVD, and than I tried to install google chrome by using command line
$ sudo add-apt-repository “deb stable main”
$ wget -q -O – | sudo apt-key add –
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo aptitude install google-chrome-stable
but there are too many lines to type into the terminal, is there a shorter way ? (by using the terminal command)?
@56 Cosmo: I believe the problem is with the wording of the menu. Shift+Ctrl+W closes one tab (terminal) in the active (terminal) window. Shift+Ctrl+Q closes the active (terminal) window, regardless of how many tabs (terminals) are open. It is not supposed to close all terminal windows.
The menu in Linux Mint Mate reads ‘Close Tab Shift+Ctrl+W’ and ‘Close Window Shift+Ctrl+Q’. That would be less confusing (at least for menus in English).
Hi Clem,
Very happy with 18 Sarah Cinnamon edition.
Just want to know whether 18.1 Beta can be dual booted or not.
Also if I wont be happy with the Beta can I remove it.
If yes how?
And lastly,
Can I upgrade to the latest version of Linux Mint from the beta or not?
Edit by Clem: It can be dual booted and you can upgrade from the BETA to the stable version when it’s out. To remove it.. well, no you can’t “remove it”, you can reclaim or reuse the partition it was using.
More about #46
1. The problem with firefox not receiving focus when the ‘ublock origin’ extension is installed was present in v18 also. I’d just started using the extension recently, hadn’t reported it for v18.
2. The hang on the logo when doing a restart is in the installed version of 18.1 also, not just the live version.
When the screen locks the live user needs a password to resume 🙁
Hi Clem,
Thank you for your answer and sorry for this late reply.
I’m not at home right now to test Serena again on my desktop.
Tomorrow I will try to debug that failed login attempt to get some more info.
Do you want me to post results from /var/log/syslog here?
My username on that system is m1l4n. I’ve been using it for a couple of years without a single glitch until now.
Also, I’m using a very short password, but it has nothing to do with it, right?
And, please, try to do something about that Steam launcher.
@62 fred
Run this command: LD_PRELOAD=’/usr/$LIB/′ steam
I was able to start Steam using this on Sarah. Didn’t try it on Serena…
Serena BETA, unrecognized audio devices “Dummy output”.
ProBook 470 G4
Sara audio ok.
Perfectly backgrounds. 🙂
Hi Clem,
I’m testing LM18.1 Cinnamon.
When setting the system language to Hebrew (a Right to Left language), I’ve encauntered several bugs:
When setting the panels on the sides, the order of the applets is wrong. The Mint menu and the launchers are set on lower half of the panel, with the launchers under the menu.
The windows list applet appears *under* those two, pushing them up as windows appear:
Other than that, on the lock screen the clock overlaps the users and lock icons.
An unrelated-to-Hebrew bug I’ve noticed is that the tile-left and tile-right shortcuts don’t seem to work with Nemo windows (they work fine with other programs).
Edit by Clem: Thanks, I think it’s already fix in Cinnamon master, I’ll check the screensaver too, we’ll get this done.
Yes I love Linux Mint and 18.1 should be awesome. I am fairly new to Linux only been using less than a year. My question is I know Linux Mint is made from Debian and Ubuntu a friend of mine said I should just use Debian or Ubuntu because Linux Mint might not be getting all the updates and security patches. This does not seem right me to what my friend told me. I would think everyone would get the same security patches. Or am I wrong. Sorry for this question as it might have already been asked.
Is anybody able to set the speed of the mousecursor? I am not talking about the acceleration but about the sensitivity which used to switch the general speed of the mousecursor.
@Tony- this issue has been debunked repeatedly, by both the Mint team and many third parties.
previous Critical Bug[Installation Type screen –> select Something else –> the continue button is never selectable.]
Rebooted and tried again and work around.
This time I mounted the HDDs so that later Installer asks me to unmount HDDs –> then start installer and all is fine.
Don’t really know if it was fluke or not.
I upgraded from Mint 17.3 to Mint 18.1 beta. Everything fine so far.
I had Mint 17.3 64bit MATE on a MintBox 2. It got four partitions: boot, root, home and swap. In the home directory were two encrypted user directories (mine and my wife’s).
And on a notebook I have Mint 18 64bit MATE. With backup I generated a list of the installed programs.
Then I booted the MintBox 2 with Mint 18.1 beta from a memory stick. With gparted I reformatted boot and root on the drive in the Mintbox 2. After that I installed Mint 18.1 beta. When I was asked to install my account, the installer detected that there already was a encrypted user directory in the home directory and enforced encryption. I used the same password, which I used for Mint 17.3.
After the installation I rebooted, and got my old home directory again. Then I updated the installation and finally added the programms which I also had on my notebook. Then I restarted the MintBox 2. As ibus for English, German, Japanese and Chinese was added (like the ibus on the notebook), I got my input selector displayed as on my notebook.
Then I added the user account for my wife, selected encryption, entered her password and selected “desktop user”. After that a logged out and logget into the account of my wife. Also in here account all files and settings were available as in the 17.3 installation.
Even the network printer and the network scanner had not to be reinstalled.
The Linux Mint team did a great job again. Thank you!
Will the desktop background slideshow have a fade or dissolve feature so the backgrounds transition smoothly from one to another?
Edit by Clem: Yes.
For Macbook users with resume from sleep problems in Cinnamon:
## edit default grub file to tell which ACPI driver to load
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor quiet splash”
## avoid usb devices to wakup or interrupt suspend
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add these three lines BEFORE “exit 0”
echo “EHC1” > /proc/acpi/wakeup
echo “EHC2” > /proc/acpi/wakeup
echo “XHC1” > /proc/acpi/wakeup
This config makes the resume from sleep behave as it should.
Thank you Linux Mint Team for this great OS.
@Nomen luni, thank you so much I figured it was not true. I am new to Linux in general so I just wondered. Thank you again for the link, I totally understand now.
Great work as ever. Is there any way of changing the program icon spacing on the left side of the bottom panel ? I used to use a theme ‘windows 7 aero’ which spaced them out a bit more, but this doesn’t seem to work now. I tried adding a separator but this didn’t work.
do you have any schedual for LXDE version?
Edit by Clem: Sorry, we do not maintain any LXDE edition.
In Lm 18.1, Banshee will be replaced with Rhythmbox.
What will happen when we later upgrade from 18.0? Will it automatically replace Banshee with Rhythmbox? Or it’s up to the user whether the user remove Banshee and install Rhythmbox.
Can’t wait to update LM 18.0 to 18.1.
I’m using LM 18 Cinnamon on a production machine and I can’t test 18.1 beta on the same machine. All I can do is wait when it’s available for upgrade (to get latest features of Cinnamon).
Edit by Clem: This only affects new installations. It’s up to you to decide if you want to change or not.
I installed Linux Mint 64 Cinnamon Rosa 17.3 bits.
Can update to Linux Mint 18.1 Serena cinnamon?
Very strange. The bug I reported (#71) about Nemo windows not tiling left or right (using keyboard shortcuts *or* window snapping) seems to exist on one of my PCs, but not in a virtualbox I just spun. I thought perhaps it was a botched installation of some sort, but after reinstalling Mint Cinnamon 18.1 on that PC the tiling of Nemo windows still to the left and to the right doesn’t work… To be clear, other windows tile normally, and Nemo windows still tile upwards and downwards…
OK, the Nemo tiling bug (see #71 and #83) seems to be related to the low resolution of my screen (it’s a netbook with a 1024×600 display). When I hide the sidebar of Nemo it allows left and right tiling. I still thing this is mishandling of this issue, because I would still like to be able to tile Nemo left and right and still use the sidebar (thats how I like to work with multiple Nemo windows). Let me cope with real estate concerns on my own.
And, of course, and as always: great job! can’t wait to get 18.1 on my main machines.
Edit by Clem: I’m not sure it’s a nemo issue… I think it’s to do with muffin, the Cinnamon WM. If the minimum width of a window is more than half the screen’s width, you can’t tile.. would that be it?
Hey, unfortunately LM Cinnamon 18.1 is still not workung correctly in a VM under VMware Fusion 8.5.3. Windows are translucent and and nearly unreadable. There are no problems with Mate.
Hi Clem,
That /var/log/syslog is 863 lines long, so I guess it’s not appropriate to put it here in the comments…
/var/log/syslog | pastebin
And publish the URL you get here.
Looking good so far.
Is there a roadmap (scheduled date) estimate for the final release?
Edit by Clem:, we don’t do ETAs though.
@Clem- Is it possible to add ‘libdvd-pkg’ before the final release? It’s required to play DVDs and I assume it was removed upstream when they ‘went beyond optical media.’
Edit by Clem: No, it’s not really needed. If you install the “Multimedia codecs” (from the sound and video menu, or installer, or welcome screen), it will add libdvdcss2 and you’ll get DVD playback.
What’s the best way to accomplish a dual boot setup on EFI with Linux Mint 18.1 and Windows 10?
Presently my laptop has 500 GB SSD and as you know that’s well under the 2TB limit of MBR….thus dual booting is easy with MBR… but down the road someday I can see myself getting an SSD greater than 2TB eventually.
If you care to know I like to use GAG4.10 boot manager on the MBR and put grub on the first sector of the root or boot partition…
Please share your thoughts about EFI dual booting.
off topic here but is there any plan to release new lmde2 iso with fresh mate and cinnamon?
@87 Elad – Thank you!
Here it is:
I hope this helps.
Edit by Clem: The log says you’re using auto/timed login?? And with which theme?
Hello, I can’t wait for the release of Linux Mint 18.1, I have installed Linux Mint 18 and since then updates are inhibited, I come from Linux Mint 17.3 which worked properly and hope that 18.1 release will be OK again.
If anybody has some ideas about how to get my update manager work again, I’ll appreciate.
Thank you.
Bug: Menu applet does not support icon-shadow: apply LinuxMint default theme then resize panel then move the cursor over show desktop icon and see the mess
Hi @Clem great work as always, but this is what happend when you install (Minty theme) the aplication menu theme looks very ugly 🙁
can you tell us what is the name of the icons in your picture ?
Edit by Clem: It’s the Mint-Y theme. Regarding “Minty”, give its artist some time to fix the issue.
To expand on # 57, the new vertical panel in Cinnamon is also refusing to Display seconds, when that is turn on using Date & Time. The ability to enter a custom format string for time similar to that option for date might be a great solution.
When changing icons using the Appearance control panel, then Cinnamon seems to lock up and not respond to mouse clicks until I restart cinnamon alt+f2 then “r” enter Anyone else seeing this?
Update: it appears to be more things than just changing icons that seems to “freeze cinnamon” requiring a restart: for example, if you click on the “Inhibit Applet” nothing happens. After that first click, cinnamon is hung. Any RIGHT CLICK after it is hung will show the Nemo right-click menu (meaning the clicks are being handled by nemo not by cinnamon, thus cinnamon appears ‘frozen’). This seems pretty serious, can anyone confirm?
One more update: now the “Inhibit Applet” seems to be OK (may have been a false positive), but in my panel next to “Inhibit” is the ibus icon. It is when clicking it that I see Cinnamon “freeze” (and display the nemo right click menu when right-clicking anywhere on the cinnamon panel). The first time I click ibus icon it works, then I click again to close the menu. The 3rd click to open it again and Cinnamon is “frozen”. I will have to test more to see if not running ibus leads to a more stable panel. But for us it is important to have ibus as the input method!
Edit by Clem: Check your version of libmuffin0, it should be 3.2.1 to include this fix
I have tried Cinnamon 18.1 x64.
1. Sometimes I find the shutdown will take minutes and it seems doing nothing but waiting.
2. I am also Chinese User; using fonts **Kai is so blurry that cannot see it clearly. I suggest you can also develop a tool to configure non-English language fonts, and Microsoft Yahei UI is the best to me.
3. Sometimes the wine program cannot use fcitx to write Chinese characters.
Just tried 18.1. Still has the same unable to login from DVD issue same as 18.0, as reported by many, many people. As far as I am concerned, it’s nothing but junk until I can actually log in to use it,
p,s version was, cinnamon 18.1 x64.
Qt 5.7 still looks like shit, fix this please
Edit by Clem: Hi Adrian, which apps in particular?
Problem with the width of some configuration windows:
E. G. with the configuration window for window list applet.
If I open the configuration dialog from the context menu of the applet in the panel the width of the dialog is too small to display the complete content. Screen width is 1280 px, so there would be enough room. Actually only a very small part of the buttons on the right side are visible, making it necessary to resize the window at first to make it usable.
This problem did never arise in any previous version of Cinnamon / Mint.
bug report : when linux mint cinnamon 18.1 beta is installed, i put the screen resolution in 1152×864, and when i get in the screensaver after waiting, the clock where over the password field.
bug report : when linux mint cinnamon 18.1 beta is installed, i put the screen resolution in 1152×864, and when i get in the screensaver after waiting, the clock was over the password field.
Thank you Clem and team!
I’ve been a Mint user since Unity came out and never deviated from what became Cinnamon until 18 caused random (as in I could not link the effect to a cause) crashes.
I then began distro hopping like crazy. I found many features in many distros that I really liked – even loved. The wonderful welcome and software boutique tools in Ubuntu Mate, the Ice tool and colorful theming in Peppermint 7, the breathtaking animations in KDE Neon 5.8 and Maui. But these were always swamped by things like clunky mouse response, screen tearing, counterintuitive feature layout and having to heavily customize to get to even a partially comfortable workflow.
I installed 18.1 Beta to see if the crash issue was resolved of course, but also to really try to identify what I enjoyed about using Cinnamon in light of the recently acquired experience with other distros and DEs.
I am happy to report that I have not seen the crash issue over the past three days but I am happier, even ecstatic, to say that my appreciation of Cinnamon has only grown.
It is the most comfortable DE I have ever used.
-The animations, while not as arresting as Plasma, create transitions that are easy on the eyes in the truest sense of that phrase – non-fatiguing, non-distracting and purposeful.
-So many little configuration features that are useful and in the right places – the ability to uninstall from a right click on the app in the menu. The placement of launchers on the panel – they are where they are supposed to be – no having to move them across the panel, no having to resize other panel applets/widgets.
– The ability to control the timing of the hide panel feature – while it may seem the smallest of small adjustments, it is none the less brilliant – it allows a top panel that gets out of the way (essential on a laptop) and does not accidentally pop back when I’m minimizing or doing any other top-of-the-window activities. And again the animation is spot on – a relaxing roll up, not a jarring pop.
– The menu is aligned perfectly and by far the most responsive of any DE – quicker than even the Whisker. Its category assignments are the most intuitive as well – one of the needles I had with both the Mate and the Plasma menus.
Improvements? I don’t know. Reflexively, I would like to see more colorful themes and icons. But then part of the relaxing comfort of using Cinnamon may well be its monochromacity. Take hints from Mate’s software boutique to update the software center – would be welcome, but that’s not a daily workflow tool, so it’s not a priority. Otherwise, I would say stay the course. Nothing so far in the development of Cinnamon has made anything other than happy.
While not knowing your intentions, I will say that it looks to me like Clem and your team are truly focused on the usability and comfort of Cinnamon as a working environment and not on branding, flash, keeping-up-with-commercial-OS-theming, resource usage minimalism and other things that seem to drive the development of other DEs.
My apologies for being long winded – so I’ll close with the hackneyed, but completely appropriate keep up the great work!!!!!
Edit by Clem: Thanks Rob 🙂
I am super stoked for this next release, so many great updates and bug fixes. That said looking at the article of what’s new I found this typo:
“You might be used to this kind of search already, as it is used in other popular applications such as Firefox, Eclipse or Sublime (which is was inspired from).”
I believe you meant either “(which it was inspired from)” or “(which is what it was inspired from)”
Edit by Clem: Thanks 🙂
Will there be a KDE 18.1? or is this just for Gnome? Thanks.
Edit by Clem: There will be Xfce and KDE editions for 18.1.
#96 Marcos…None of the themes from the spices cache seem to work with the new Cinnamon 3.2 due to the redesign of Cinnamon. I saw the same issue with the pop up menu when I installed the windows 10 theme, the pop up menu looked like some sort of mutation, really ugly. Tried some other themes, same result. Panel looked OK but did not try to move the panel to the sides, probably won’t work. I’m kind of partial to a semi transparent theme so the wallpaper will show through. What I did is tweak the Linux Mint theme .css file to get the desired result, looks real nice and fully functional. Save the original .css file as a .bak file in case you mess it up and edit the .css file as root. Just changed the colors and the transparency for the panel and pop up menu. I can send Clem a screenshot and copy of the .css file if he is interested in seeing it. I guess it will be necessary for the theme developers to gear up for the new Cinnamon interface. On a different note, this beta is rock solid, have had no issues with it so far. The only bug I noticed is the clock on the side panels that a few have mentioned. Good work Clem and team! Keep up the good work!
Edit by Clem: There are changes in 3.2 which require theme artists to update their themes. It might take some time for all themes to look good again.
Just checked some themes in spices. The panels do work when you move them, but the pop up menu still looks weird.
You say you can’t reproduce my gnome-calculator and xed issues. Let me clarify.
gnome-calculator takes about a half second to exit. That is about the time it takes Pluma or xed to exit
when several files are open. It’s understandable with a text editor that has to close several files. But
should it take that long with a calculator? I would think a calculator would exit almost instantaneously
or take at most about a quarter of a second. Plus, I installed this beta onto a HDD (not a SSD), and I hear
the HD being used every time the calculator exits. Does it really need to do a write on exit? Why? I’m
guessing this is what takes the time. And in my programming I’ve had programs which opened, copied, and
closed dozens of small files in half to three quarters of a second. How much is this calculator writing?
More importantly is xed: My initial test was on a triple-core AMD 2.1 GHz machine. I’ve confirmed the
jerky page scrolling in two old machines (each one a standard Compaq PIII 700 MHz single processor 32-bit
machine). On all machines, Pluma does not have these issues, but xed does. I made sure each editor was set
up with the same preferences. Since the Compaqs are very old computers, they go slower, so it’s even
easier to see that jumping from top to bottom stops at line 2, line 70, line 137, then to the end (~line 200).
One Compaq has LM 18 Xfce and the other has LMDE 2 MATE.
Edit by Clem: Hi Jesse. For gnome-calculator, it’s upstream from us and I can’t reproduce it. Looking at the code, it doesn’t do anything when quitting the app For Xed, I really want to fix it, but I can’t reproduce it either. Either it’s not happening here, or I don’t understand what you’re talking about and it’s happening but I don’t see it?? Two of us in the dev. team looked at it already, and we can’t see anything wrong with it. Can you describe the issue more in details? Can you see it happen in Virtualbox for instance? Can you install pluma side by side and pinpoint what to do, what you think is wrong and how to observe it? Also, please include gedit in your test, I’d like to know if it affects it or not.
Thank you for making the best workstation OS and for the continued improvements with every edition. I am using LM18 now and will wait till Jan to upgrade.
One issue I hope you addressed is dlna support in xplayer. It’s the only issue that keeps me from wiping Win10 partition!
Edit by Clem: DLNA sharing, browsing? Please explain the issue more in details.
Congrats Clem, to you and the team for this release.
Unfortunately, after downloading the 64-bit ISO from HEAnet, it wouldn’t install, it got to the end of the installation and said that it would collate the information for a bug report – or something to that effect.
Anyway, the PC details are:
mint@mint ~ $ inxi -F
Machine: System: Acer product: Aspire R3700
Mobo: Acer model: TDPS05 R3700
CPU: Dual core Intel Atom D525 (-HT-MCP-) cache: 512 KB
Graphics: Card: NVIDIA GT218 [ION]
Display Server: X.Org 1.18.4 drivers: nouveau (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
Drives: HDD Total Size: 160.0GB (27.6% used)
ID-1: /dev/sda model: Hitachi_HTS54501 size: 160.0GB
It might have something to do with the fact that I choose the disk partition formats for both the LM File system and Home to be Btrfs instead of EXT4. I’ll try again tomorrow with EXT4.
Anyway, leaving that aside, after I choose my disk partition, the installation began, well actually it said it was “copying files” in the bottom left. During the period, when different flat pages (aside:would be nice to see some carousel of images to make the installation more lively) some of the choices for “Featured Software” on the different pages seemed to be legacy programs.
There was Skype, Thunderbird, Pidgin and Hexchat on one page, Thunderbird and Hex chat are fine, perhaps the name of Pidgin should match what it is called in the Linux Mint Menu but should Skype still be there as “featured software” if it is no longer preinstalled?
On another page, there was Pix, Gimp and Inkscape. Gimp is fine, but the icon for Pix differs to that in the Linux Mint Menu, and Inkscape is not in the Linux Mint Menu.
On another page, there was VLC, Xplayer listed, yet in my Linux Mint menu there is no VLC anymore, nor is there a Xplayer though there is a Movie player:-)
On another page, there is Spotify and Banchee listed, yet on the Linux Mint menu there is neither listed, only Rhythmbox.
I know many of these applications can be installed via the Software Manager, I’m just wondering if we should be more explicit that “featured” software is that software preinstalled,
and say but Linux Mint through the Software Manager gives you access you other applications including x, Y and Z….
Edit by Clem: Hi Gerry, I think it’s ok that we feature apps which aren’t installed by default. VLC gets added when you add the codecs. I’ll check for the Pix icon and Banshee will be removed too.
1. When scrolling through the menu I still see an item’s ghost at the bottom. It’s very faint compared to 3.0.7, but it’s still there.
2. The volume control on the lock screen in the upper left hand corner looks like a glitch more than a feature. Especially with no media playing.
3. I would like update manager would show updates to the kernels series selected. I’ve running a 4.8 kernel and still shown updates to the latest 4.4 kernel.
Edit by Clem: Thanks, we’ll have a fix for point 3 this week.
Great work Clem and team!
Looking foward to the stable release when it’s ready.
Take your time, you always do a great job when you do.
Thanks very much!
One question, How do I donate?
Edit by Clem:, thank you 🙂
I ran the LiveUSB, screensaver activated but default login mint/enter doesn’t work. Is there a different user/password?
Edit by Clem: No, it’s mint for the username and the password is empty. It’s a bug though, the screensaver shouldn’t activate at all in live session. We’ll get this fixed in the stable release.
Crash on opening Network Share?
Nemo/Cinnamon crash as Network sftp:// share opens.
This seems to be a reappearance of
Not sure that this was ever really sorted before, but its back again!
Edit by Clem: Please use github for Mint projects Also, I can’t reproduce this issue, I can browse SFTP just fine using Nemo here. Maybe it only happens in particular cases? Try to provide a stack trace if possible.
Hello again,
At first, I was using default theme, but later I’ve changed it to “Clouds”. And, yes, I’ve set auto login, but nothing has changed. Still random blank screens and successful login attempts. 🙁
Hi clem, great job with this OS. I’ve got a question.
Is it possible to have more fluid animations on the entire system? the current effects, to me, seem to have a low frame rate
Salut Clem,
Je vais tester la beta 18.1 ce soir et je te referai un post à son sujet à ce moment donné.
Sous la version 18 j’ai installé le kernel 4.8.0-28 fourni via le gestionnaire de mises à jour. Il m’a informé par la suite de la disponibilité d’un nouveau kernel 4.4.0-53 mais pas du 4.8.0-30 ?
En lisant un post ci dessus on dirait que la version 18.1 à le même soucis…
Quand on va dans les paramètres du son et qu’on met le réglage à 150 %, ce paramètre n’est pas persistant ce qui est regrettable.
Si tu peux corriger ces 2 choses avant la sortie définitive ça serait pas mal.
Meilleures salutations.
Edit by Clem: Pour le noyau c’est tout a fait normal. Les noyaux 4.8 sont disponibles mais la branche LTS c’est la 4.4. Le gestionnaire ne te demandera jamais de passer en 4.8… c’est une serie qui n’est supportee que pour quelques mois et dont le support laisse fortement a desirer (par exemple si tu as un chipset broadcom, tu perd ta connection en passant en 4.8… en general les nouvelles series prennent du temps pour gagner en compatibilite sur les drivers proprietaires).
This is just a follow up about the DLNA issue in LM18. The issue affects xplayer and VLC (2.2.2). Neither players can browse or play content served by a DLNA server (running on a separate LM18 machine). Android and iOS tablets (and Win10) have no problem playing/browsing the content on the same network.
Edit by Clem: Thanks Albert. Please feel free to create a feature request (i.e. an issue) at
gnome-calculator: I’m sure you’re right. Upstream is the problem. ‘nuf said.
Hi Clem,
A simple observation Since version 18, same 18.1 it is impossible to install the proprietary driver of the Nvidia GeForce 6150SE / nForce 430 chipset, in previous versions it was possible, is there any solution? With the free driver of noveau the system is constantly frozen
Edit by Clem: Impossible? As in… what happens exactly?
Regarding #38
I do mean FGLRX. It is called “AMDGPU-Pro Driver” now. And I believe it is very much alive. I have posted a link to AMD driver page in forums before. Check it out.
Edit by Clem: Thanks for clarifying. FGLRX support is gone for good. The AMDGPU driver (xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu) is FOSS and installed by default and doesn’t need to show up in the Driver Manager. The AMDGPU-PRO driver is only available from AMD upstream, it’s not packaged in the repositories yet and the Driver Manager doesn’t support it. I’ll ask Alberto Milone what his plans are for it going forward the next time we chat. In the meantime can you tell me your experience with this driver? What chipset are you using? How better supported is it with the proprietary hybrid driver compared to the FOSS stack?
xed: Installed gedit 2.30.4 onto my LMDE 2 main computer. No problems with scrolling; it acts just like Pluma.
I’m not sure how else to explain it. It’s like “smooth” scrolling in Firefox. It blurs the text as it scrolls;
it makes me dizzy. Pluma and gedit jump, in one motion, from top to bottom. xed has to get fancy and show text
along the way.
Ok, when you Page-Up/Page-Down in Firefox: With smooth scrolling off, it jumps a page a data in one instant; with
smooth scrolling on, you see the blur of the scroll. This is what xed is doing. (But there is no option in xed to
turn that off.) And holding down an arrow key to scroll has a definte jerky response. I’ve tried two keyboards
(Dell QuietKey and Memorex) with the same results.
I will try it on Virtualbox and let you know. I’ve been meaning to try Virtualbox for some time now, so this is a
good excuse to use it.
Either way, Clem, I know you and your team are doing a wonderful job. Thanks for responding and checking these
things out.
Edit by Clem: Ok, I can see it now, thanks. I’m not sure it’s something we can change or make configurable in Xed… it looks like this is up to GTK3, and GtkTextView in particular doesn’t seem to have an option to disable that behaviour. I like it personally, but it is slightly jerky and probably requires more performance/processing than the simple jumps seen with GTK2, so I can understand why you don’t. If you can convince GTK to make add a gtk_text_view_set_smooth_scrolling(boolean) function, we’ll be happy to have a configuration option for it and to call it in Xed. As it is now though, it’s not in our hands.
> Edit by Clem: No, it’s mint for the username and the password is
> empty. It’s a bug though, the screensaver shouldn’t activate at all
> in live session. We’ll get this fixed in the stable release.
well, two bugs then 🙂 simply pressing the enter key on the password request does not work. Also, even if you deactivate the screensaver, the problem remains if the user simply decides to lock the screen. The login just doesn’t work. Plus, clicking on the button to switch the user, shows no “mint” user. (The login is valid when I switch to terminal UI.)
a bug report concerning the cinnamon and mate version of linux mint :
manytimes i had : “Failed to install grub-efi to /target/ the system will not boot”
cause i was disconnected of the web, so i order not to have that problem you have to be connected when installing linux mint.
Edit by Clem: I’d like to know how to reproduce this. Simply being offline doesn’t trigger this issue.
Clem, and Minty team: thank you for this fresh goodness. Serena with Cinnamon is certainly a beauty, I’m really loving the new Backgrounds and the new Mint-Y theme choices.
I’ve installed the beta version of 18.1 Cinnamon on three different laptops and found only one problem to report. My Ideapad Y500 laptop runs dual Nvidia GT 650M cards and seems unable to use any Nvidia driver if encryption and LVM are selected at installation. Nvidia drivers work without the encryption and of Laptop BIOS is up-to-date. I’m pretty sure this is not new to 18.1 but I don’t have any notes from previous trials.
Install completes normally and after bootup the initial prompt for encryption password works as expected with the -nouveau driver. I can use Driver Manager to install the intel-microcode without a problem. Reboot and (for each of the 3 offered Nvidia drivers) the kernel update seems never to reach completion. Without encryption this stage usually completes in <2 minutes (on SSD). With encryption I've left it for about 10 minutes without any difference. The machine doesn't freeze. There is no offer of a reboot and progress bar stops advancing (80-90% complete apparently).
I've tried power-cycling anyway after many minutes, and entering the encryption password after a suitable delay from power-up, but there's no apparent effect, regardless whether the screen is dark or gibberish. I've been unable to see a pettern in those two sad outcomes after trying to add the Nvidia drivers.
Anyone out there running (either/both) LVM and encryption with ANY large video blob drivers installed?
It's a pretty odd case and running without the encryption has been working for all except the oldest legacy Nvidia driver. In that case the kernel update works fine, but the driver crashes and I end up in cinnamon-recovery mode. Right now its running with the recommended (367) driver and without encryption — no problem.
Again, thanks all you Minties! Just think of all the happy computers around the world thanks to your efforts.
Edit by Clem: Try to install them in command line, to see where/why it hangs? “apt install nvidia-367 –install-recommends”
After install wine, it is not showing up at menu.
Edit by Clem: Hi Robert, you didn’t say how you installed it. Installing wine from the suggested page of the software manager works fine here, and wine appears in the Cinnamon app menu.
When I write too much words when I lock the screen, those letters interfere the login dialog.
I think we need a wrap of strings there.
LM 18.1 Cinnamon Beta 64-bit – Virtual Box 5.0.2
did not do initial update after install; just installed gedit and Pluma
gedit 3.18.3 – Ctrl-End jumps to line 2, then to end; similar with Ctrl-Home. Sometimes there is an additional stop in between.
Arrow key scroll is relatively smooth despite being in graphics fallback mode.
Page-Up/Down sometimes does the move in 1 jump, sometimes in 2 or 3.
Please note that this is a different gedit version than the 2.30.4 reported on before (which didn’t have the issue).
xed 1.2.1 – same as gedit 3.18.3
Pluma 1.16.0 – works as it should
I absolutely love this OS. Linux (mint) is the only branch of OS’s that will run on my old PC. the newest commercial OS that will run is windows XP.
you guys breathe life into computers from 2001 and speed to computers of today.
Congratulations Clem (et al.), After finding a (v.sync) tearing fix, been using Mint 18 Cinnamon for last 2.5 weeks, very impressed! So many improvements, and old issues fixed. 🙂
(Due to HTML restrictions, to assist readability, Caps used for headings, asterisks for topics. Being a visual person, lots of images to assist)
*** Black screen login, race condition / zombie process. Hopefully the following prove helpful
After around 1 min 45 sec of black screen and high CPU usage Cinnamon crashes, Gnome desktop appears, CPU usage remains high, at which point ran System Monitor and Top
After around 9 minutes of high CPU usage the process reaches 3 GiB virtual memory then crashes, desktop resets and offending process memory drops to 1.5 KiB
With VirtualBox 5.1.10 and VboxGuestAdditions (GA) installed race condition happens approximately 60% of the time after login. Also tried with GA 5.0.16, and kernel 4.8.0-30.
*** VirtualBox full-screen switch (Host+F)
Desktop background scaling issue
Before switch
After switch
Sometimes, after full-screen switches desktop background fades to brightly lit
*** Missing details text, dotted line (also seen in Mint 18)
*** Desktop peek slight opacity change, helps enforce ‘peek’ rather than ‘show desktop’
Current (around 5% opacity?) barely visible
Proposed (GIMP mock-up)
10% opacity
*** Panel menu text reposition, most used option ‘Close’ returns to the bottom (nearest mouse option)
Proposed, also reduces menu height (GIMP mock-up)
*** System Info (Upload System Information)
“This includes no personal information”, possibly shorten to ‘Includes no personal information’, or ‘No personal information included’?
MINT 18.1 NEW ‘isolinux’ SPLASH
To finish with something positive!
In use screen captures
“Clem: There are changes in 3.2 which require theme artists to update their themes. It might take some time for all themes to look good again”
lol, well i dont think the artist try to update the themes any soon,, e.g
Minty 2.2
Score: 71
Last edited: 4 years ago
Thanks Clem,
I am very surprised and amazed that you considered my request to improve languages support in Mint 18.1. I hope this will have hindi default keyboard namely as devnagari inscript and ramgington without using ibus. However I don’t want to try this beta version as i am not an expert in the linux installation. but will definitely try, once you guys release its final version. Currently I am working on 17.3 Please also let me know if there is an easy way to upgrade 17.3 into 18.1.
Against thanks for your effort and support.
Great, my WiFi dongle (RTL8191SU) now woks out of the box.
Hi, 18.1 Cinnamon doesn’t work currently on a Razer Blade 2016 … see Screenshot
you need a magnifying glass because switching to other resolutions doesn’t work also.
Specs: 3200 x 1800 14.0”
Intel i7-6700HQ … Intel HD Graphics 530
On my old laptop, 17.3 works perfectly.
Thanks for the great work.
Edit by Clem: Can you use xrandr to work around the issue? Do you get an errors when launching the configuration tool via command line (“cinnamon-settings display”) and changing the resolution?
I thought that mu WiFi dongle would work. That was based on running the Live ISO from USB.
After installation, no it doesn’t work. Effin crap!
So please make it work – like it works on the 17’s!
Other than that, After 2nd boot the system gets stuck on login. All the RAM (8 GB) is filled up, then it starts filling up the swap. So yeah, there goes my beta testing.
Edit by Clem: The Wifi issue seems to be upstream, it looks like this one Regarding the SWAP, there’s clearly something going on, but you didn’t tell us what it was. Check dmesg, syslog, the process list etc..
I found a bugg and I tought it belongs to Serena, but I was wrong. It has to do with something else. The problem is that you can’t install the mscorefonts on Serena even though it seams to be that the process of instalation was correct. I saw it last night on the computer with fresh installed 18.1. The folder /usr/share/fonts/truetype/mscore is totally empty and you can’t use in the editor for instance the TimesNR font. On my first computer that is running Sarah I can use Times etc. but I realize today that it is because I have ms fonts installed in my home directory. It is why I tought that the problem is somehow specific for the Serena.
I think it is a problem with ubuntu not with the “Mint”
Edit by Clem: Thanks, we’ll have a look.
BUG: Network manager does not detect 3G dongle and I have to unplug it then replug it many times to get it to wok. BTW the same dongle works like a charm on Linux Mint17.X
Edit by Clem: Hi Brahim, I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do with this report. First, it’s very likely to be upstream from us (related to the kernel in particular). Second, I can’t even look for solutions or workarounds because the only thing you told me was that your dongle didn’t work. There are thousands of dongles out there, using different chipsets and failing for very different reasons. We can fix things for the stable release but you need to troubleshoot issues. If you don’t have a solution, at least troubleshoot the cause of the issue. You should check your hardware chipset, what module is being used, any errors for that module in dmesg etc etc… I’m not giving out to you here, I’m trying to help. I can’t take any action on a report like this one. The only relevant piece of information is that it worked in 17.x, so we’re probably looking at a kernel regression.
Clem, any idea what could be this? What could cause it, to be more specific. It appears when a system boots in the live mode, and after click on “OK” the system continues to load normally.
I need a expert answer. Thank you.
Edit by Clem: The messages in there look normal, except for “no process found: syndaemon”. I would definitely expect it to be present by default in Mint… can you make sure xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is installed? Were some Xorg packages removed? Also when you see this message, you can switch to console and see the active processes with “ps -ef –forest”, you should see the MDM server process, the MDM session holder process (its son) and underneath it the Xorg process and the session manager, cinnamon-session for instance. Then under all that you’ll see the session programs, cinnamon, nemo etc.. you can check dmesg for signs of segfaults (maybe cinnamon-session segfaults?), you can also enable debug messages for MDM in the “Login screen” configuration tool and grep mdm in /var/log/syslog.
Crash during install with PXE on debian Jessie.
I got it installed second time around, still using Btrfs partitions – I know what happened the first time, i never selected to format the existing file partitions so it never installed correctly over the previous LM version.
Upon restart, I got the usual black screen – so i restarted, held down Shift until i got into GRUB, and added nomodeset and F10, and everything booted albeit in a crazy resolution.
Checking INXI-F
I get
System: Host: Aspire-R3700 Kernel: 4.4.0-53-generic x86_64 (64 bit)
Desktop: Cinnamon 3.2.2 Distro: Linux Mint 18.1 Serena
Machine: System: Acer product: Aspire R3700
Mobo: Acer model: TDPS05 R3700
Graphics: Card: NVIDIA GT218 [ION]
Display Server: X.Org 1.18.4 drivers: fbdev (unloaded: vesa) FAILED: nouveau
Resolution: 640×480@73.00hz
GLX Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.8, 128 bits)
GLX Version: 3.0 Mesa 11.2.0
with the “FAILED” in red, so I guess it’s off to install the proprietary Nvidia driver.
With respect to the featured programs, i understand what you say, and I see no issue with it. But we could have gone another route, show the preinstalled software on the left, and a screenshot from the Software Manager of the optional “related” software on the right (For example Rhythmbox on the left, Banshee,Spotify etc in the Software Manager on the right). The effect is two-fold, it shows that you have kept the installation to a minimum (which is what many like) but that Linux Mint provides you with the opportunity to install all these other programs at the click of a button within its repository. Also, given the obsession people have with customizing their screen for whatever reason, I wonder if you should include a screen about “Themes” in Linux Mint.
One additional point about Nvidia drivers,
do you think maybe at the end of the installation,
where you are prompted to restart or continue testing,
that maybe the installation process could
determine your graphics card, and if its Nvidia, prompt you to install the proprietary graphics card before you reboot.
So, a comment like the following for Nvidia cards
“Experience has shown that installing the proprietary version of your graphics card driver has resulted in a richer experience with Linux Mint. To install the proprietary driver, please click here.”
Edit by Clem: I’m not 100% sure we “should” push people into using drivers they don’t necessarily need… but if we did, we could make the welcome screen better in that respect. I think that would be the best place for this.
Clem, answering your question from #85, the inability to tile Nemo windows left and right isn’t dependent on the size of the window. The same sized window with the Nemo side bar won’t tile and without the sidebar will tile. It’s easy enough to reproduce this bug on a VM when setting the screen width to 1024 pixels or lower.
Edit by Clem: The presence of the sidebar reduces the minimum size of the window, even if the size remains the same.
Mint-Y Controls idea
Considering ‘Mint-Y-Darker’ is (a little confusingly) lighter than ‘Mint-Y-Dark’. Possible re-name idea, (with ‘Mint-Y-Darker’ being a mix of light and dark) ‘Mint-Y-Dusk’?
GIMP mock-up
Splash – update since previous post (fixed small issue at base of reflection)
Hi Clem!
Thank you so much, I like LM 18.1, can’t wait for the stable release and upgrade my notebook!
One little question: Do you plan an option for a dock similar panel in the near future? (like Windows or KDE panel with symbols only) I would prefer to control my open applications from the launcher symbol.
Can’t use cairodock, etc. since no support for hi-dpi! Also it is uncomfortable to use third party apps, because when crashes no have the cinnamon panel any more or when using auto-hide, users will unhide accidentially… Will appreciate much an cinnamon built-in option for symbols only panel!
Edit by Clem: Hi Richard, no. We can consider supporting existing docks better, but we have no plans to make our own dock.
The Recent Files icons on the LM menu is very different to the icon in Nemo.
I accept that this may be on purpose because on the LM menu, the background is darker than in Nemo, but maybe you could put on a white dropped shadow like you did in Nemo so that it would show. On my resolution, it is difficult to see the circular arrow on the green folder in the LM menu. Instead the green folder for Recent Files looks like the green folder for Places.
Speaking of similar icons, the icon for Pix is very similar to the one for Gnome-Screenshot, although there are some colour differences if you look carefully. Should Pix not be more of a gallery icon?
Furthermore, the Gnome-screenshot does not work in certain cases, for instance, if you open both Nemo and screenshot. Right-click on a folder to bring up the menu. Now try to take a screenshot of that pop-up menu. In Windows, you can just select the Print Screen button.
Edit by Clem: You can use the timed function of the screenshot tool, that way you can trigger it and then open up the popup menu.
Follow-up to 138, 140 and possible solution for 142.
After vigorous web searching I found this:
WLAN dongle works after adding to /etc/rc.local:
sleep 5
service network-manager restart
Maybe the network manager starts before the USB-dongle is ready or something. It’s an upstream (Ubuntu) issue propably.
I installed the MATE edition to try if it’s any different with the issue (no). Then I installed Cinnamon on it. Works well so far.
Menu editor crashes randomly.
When I edit an entry in the menu the menu editor crashes in most cases (but not ever time, not predictable); the made change does nevertheless get accepted.
I used for the test the entry for rythmbox and edited the name field (nothing else).
Edit by Clem: Run it from the command line to see why it crashes “cinnamon-menu-editor”. If it’s a python exception we can fix it. If it’s Gio segfaulting.. well.. we can still look into it.
When you open the calculator instead of saying “Calculator” on the panel, it says “gnome-calculator”.
It happens every time I open the calculator, this is on a fresh install with no apps installed, and the HDD was wiped before install.
It did not happen on Linux Mint 17.3.
I have installed all updates available from the update manager.
I have tried varoius linux distros. But Linux Mint is the reason that made me switch from Windows permanently. I am currently using Linux Mint 18, and I have no intention to upgrade to beta release because I have only one laptop and I need it for my work.
I am waiting for stable release and will upgrade to 18.1 as soon as it is released. You guys are the best.
New feature of linux mint says ability to peek desktop by hovering on show desktop icon, I guess that is feature of Cinnamon 3.2. Drag and drop feature is not yet very good in linux mint. I mean when I drag contents of zip file to desktop or folder, that works. But When I drag contents of zip file to “Show Desktop” applet it works in Windows but not yet on linux mint. Adding that feature would be great, so that I don’t have to minimize all windows before dragging and dropping contents of zip file to desktop.
Edit by Clem: Thanks, we’ll try to add that in the next release.
Hello people of Linux Mint, i got a question, should i do a fresh installation when 18.1 be done or just will be a update/upgrade? Thank You guys!!!
Hi Clem,
Unicode Character ‘CALENDAR’ (U+1F4C5):
Browser Test Page for Unicode Character ‘CALENDAR’ (U+1F4C5):
This character is planned to be used in the CardBook extension that is an add-on to Mozilla Thunderbird:
Image of CardBook is found here with the Unicode Character ‘CALENDAR’ (U+1F4C5) not shown correctly being circled:
From what I could gather, this character from Unicode version 6.0 released 2010.
Is this a bug in Linux Mint as this character shows correctly in Ubuntu?
Thank you
Edit by Clem: Hi Ovari.. would it be a font installed in Ubuntu and not in Mint maybe? ttf-ancient-fonts-symbola? Can you install that and let us know? We can add it to the default installation if needed.
@Clem this is my device info.
Device name: E3331
IMEI: 869201012045088
IMSI : 605020702749765
Hardware version: CH1E3331SM
Software version:
Web UI version:
LAN MAC address: 00:0D:87:8E:4B:AC
WAN IP Address:
I have a problem when i start Spotify from the sound icon Cinnamon crash. When i open it in the menu it works. I didnt have that problem with Mint 18.0
Regarding #126
AMD hardware I use:
1) Processor – FX-8370E;
2) Motherboard – ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 (AMD 990FX/SB950 chipset);
One thing I can tell You for sure is that I run into a problem with open source driver while attempting to watch DVB-T on Kaffeine (video player from KDE). There was no picture. On some channels I could get sound, but on others there was nothing at all. Just a black screen. As soon as I switched to AMD driver, all my problems were fixed – I had a beautiful video with a sound on all my free to air channels.
Feel free to e-mail me should You need additional info.
Very nice, works great on my PC, not encountered any problems so far. Well done to the Mint team on yet another great accomplishment.
Hi Clem,
I was wondering, are there any plans to integrate touchpad multi-touch gesture support out of the box in linux mint in the near future?
It seems like these are things that really add to the overall user experience on laptops, in a big way.
using touchegg almost always involves hacking around, and doing horrible things to make a feature work.
Edit by Clem: Hi Sam, not on the DE just yet, but in the XApps, yes, as soon as Mint 18.2
Hi Clem,
very good work
Gparted should be installed by default
Gconf incomplete compared to version 18.0
Edit by Clem: Support for gconf is unchanged. Can you explain more in details?
Salut Clément,
Sur mon portable (Asus G56JR) l’installation se passe normalement, bien qu’à la fin de cette installation, aucun message n’apparaît pour me dire de retirer le support d’install et de rebooter la machine, j’ai donc dû forcer le redémarrage via le bouton on/off de mon ordi.
Les mises-à jour se passent bien, l’install des drivers propriétaires aussi.
Fait étrange, bien que j’aie fait un upgrade du kernel vers la version 4.4.0-53 quand je fais un “uname -r” je constate que c’est le noyau 4.4.0-31 qui se charge par défaut.
La mise à disposition du kernel 4.8 est très appréciable 🙂 Là aussi après que j’aie fait un upgrade du kernel vers la version 4.8.0-30 quand je fais un “uname -r” je constate que c’est le noyau 4.4.0-31 qui se charge par défaut. Dans “Option avancées pour Linux Mint 18.1 Serena” il n’y a que le kernel 4.4.0-31 qui s’affiche alors que le 4.4.0-51 et le 4.8.0-30 sont bien installés.
Même après un “upgrade-grub” le noyau le plus récent ne se charge pas et c’est toujours le 4.4.0-31 qui est actif. Je n’ai pas de choix dans grub pour charger un autre kernel !?
L’installation de mes softs habituels se passe bien.
Sous Mint 18 avec le kernel 4.8.0-30 ou le 4.4.0-53 j’ai des problèmes pour lancer une machine virtuelle avec “VirtualBox” alors que préalablement tout fonctionnait, le message d’erreur est le suivant :
Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)
The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please install virtualbox-dkms package and load the kernel module by executing
‘modprobe vboxdrv’
as root. If it is available in your distribution, you should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.
where: suplibOsInit what: 3 VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (-1908) – The support driver is not installed. On linux, open returned ENOENT.
La commande “sudo modprobe vboxdrv” ne résout rien.
Comme je ne peut pas tester d’autres kernels que le 4.4.0-31 avec la version 18.1 de Mint, je ne peux pas vérifier si cela fonctionne correctement.
Comme je te l’ai déjà dit il serait bien de pouvoir régler le son à 150 % sans passer par “paramètre son” et faire en sorte si on est à plus de 100 % que ce réglage soit permanent.
Il faut que je refasse des tests avec ma stations de travail pour t’en dire plus.
Si non le design, etc me plaisent beaucoup 🙂
Bien à toi.
Après avoir transféré mon disque de tests sur ma station de travail tout est ok, les kernels sont tous disponibles au boot et tout les composants de ma station de travail sont bien reconnus.
Je présume que ça vient de mon adaptateur SATA 3 vers USB 3 (Icy Box IB-AC6031-U3) qui n’est pas totalement bien géré en cas de simple reboot ? Après avoir retransférée mon disque dur sur mon portable, là miracle, tous les kernels sont dispo 🙂
Par contre “VirtualBox” me pose tjrs les mêmes problèmes.
J’ai bien pris note de ta remarque :
“Pour le noyau c’est tout a fait normal. Les noyaux 4.8 sont disponibles mais la branche LTS c’est la 4.4. Le gestionnaire ne te demandera jamais de passer en 4.8… c’est une serie qui n’est supportee que pour quelques mois et dont le support laisse fortement a desirer (par exemple si tu as un chipset broadcom, tu perd ta connection en passant en 4.8… en general les nouvelles series prennent du temps pour gagner en compatibilite sur les drivers proprietaires).”
Si malgré cela tu pouvais forcer la vérification et l’installation des mise à jour des kernels 4.8.x pour autant qu’une de ces versions 4.8 soit installée sur un pc, ce serait vraiment super.
Tout de bon à toi et ton équipe et merci pour votre travail collaboratif 🙂 !! Cette version 18.1 me plaît beaucoup.
One issue: KDE apps are not themed when opened as root, and look very ugly (when opened as user, KDE apps are themed as they should and blend in nicely).
One more issue: On resume from Suspend, the user desktop is shown for several seconds, then the screen locks and requires a password to be unlocked.
some things I missing:
cann’t personalize folder icons .
cann’t see week nr in calendar,
opera browser is not in app list. (confused)
je peux confirmer qu’il n’y a aucun souci avec le noyau partant du 4.40-31 jusqu’au 4.9.0-rc9 pour les avoir testés tous, ainsi que la bonne coexistence des GPU Intel /Nvidia du pilote 304.132 au 375.20
sous tout noyaux confondus.
Asus x53sd, I5- 2.5/3.1 ghz, 8go ram,
dual gpu Intel/Nvidia, ssd 256 + hdd 750
“a bug report concerning the cinnamon and mate version of linux mint :
manytimes i had : “Failed to install grub-efi to /target/ the system will not boot”
cause i was disconnected of the web, so i order not to have that problem you have to be connected when installing linux mint.
Edit by Clem: I’d like to know how to reproduce this. Simply being offline doesn’t trigger this issue.”
-> I think it’s just cause of the hardware i’m installing mint on, all my other installs of mint never did that before.
#157 @Clem
Thank you for your advise, installing font:
now shows the calendar correctly.
Will you update all supported Linux Mint editions to install this font by default?
Thank you once again.
Edit by Clem: Yes.
when I try to boot from an USB Stick to intall I am getting an error:
end Kernel panic – not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs unknown-block(2,0)
What can I do? I googled but I found so many different solutions and none of the several tried worked.
Mah, I guess I forgot to format my USB stick as FAT32… Its late here…
Im getting an error that the package “grub-efi-amd64-signed” could not be installed at the end of the installation. Anyway to solve this?
I was initially a bit disappointed at the loss of menu pointers because I thought them beautiful, but in typical green eggs and ham fashion, upon testing this Beta, the smoothness of the animations and the sleekness of the pointerless menus immediately won me over. The polish of 18.1 is rather striking. I can’t thank the Clem and the dev team enough. Millions of users cannot. It’s incredible to me that I’ve lived to see, without exaggeration, an open source project become a widely regarded ‘best’ OS experience for most criteria — aesthetics, ease of use, ease of installation and backup, etc. I’m blown away every time I login to my machines. It’s beyond belief.
Edit by Clem: Thanks, I suppose from our point of view it was clear they had to go. I can understand the other perspective though, and they did look good in their own way. They restricted us a lot though. Now that they’re gone we can implement more animations, more styles, we can go back to experimenting with bumpmaps maybe? 🙂 And they were also buggy… removing them got us rid of some really nasty bugs in Cinnamon, and they added a lot of complexity in the code and design of the popup menus.
Regarding #166
I had the same problem during installation in manual mode. It had nothing to do with being online or offline.
I found that the solution was to create an additional partition (mount point) “/efi” and not just “/”.
With both partitions created installation will complete in UEFI mode with no problems.
However if “/efi” was not manually created I would get the same error as described above.
About #165.
I save the same issue on LM 18. But I use KDE version.
As I understand that’s not a DE specific issue.
#139, @Clem
Sorry, had no luck. Starting “cinnamon-settings display” on command line works normal, if I change the resolution the screen turns black and I need to restart even if I wait a minute or two.
I’m currently on Fedora 25 (kernel version 4.8).
xrandr didn’t work either, parts of xrandr –verbose:
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3200 x 1800, maximum 8192 x 8192
eDP-1 connected primary 3200×1800+0+0 (0x46) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 310mm x 174mm
Identifier: 0x42
Timestamp: 70338
Subpixel: unknown
Gamma: 1.0:1.0:1.0
Brightness: 1.0
CRTCs: 0 1 2
Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
scaling mode: Full aspect
supported: None, Full, Center, Full aspect
Broadcast RGB: Automatic
supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235
audio: auto
supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on
3200×1800 (0x46) 373.250MHz -HSync -VSync *current +preferred
h: width 3200 start 3248 end 3280 total 3360 skew 0 clock 111.09KHz
v: height 1800 start 1803 end 1808 total 1852 clock 59.98Hz
3200×1800 (0x47) 298.690MHz -HSync -VSync
h: width 3200 start 3248 end 3280 total 3360 skew 0 clock 88.90KHz
v: height 1800 start 1803 end 1808 total 1852 clock 48.00Hz
3200×1800 (0x48) 248.900MHz -HSync -VSync
h: width 3200 start 3248 end 3280 total 3360 skew 0 clock 74.08KHz
v: height 1800 start 1803 end 1808 total 1852 clock 40.00Hz
Edit by Clem: I’m not sure it will work, but you can try to drop to console, export your display, run cinnamon-settings display from there, switch back to your Xorg VT and change resolution. Upon getting the black screen you can look at the console to see if you can find errors, or a segfault.
Hi Clem,
Would Linux Mint please install by default Unicode 9.0?
There are characters that come in Thunderbird email that do not show correctly when people send emails from their iPhone.
Thank you
Edit by Clem: Not by default, no. If it just added support yes, but it modifies default font configuration.
BIG Issue: After running about one hour (and only Firefox open), used RAM memory is >2.5 GB. Must be a memory leak?
Edit by Clem: Could be, but not necessarily. Try to find which process takes the RAM and why, and whether it ever frees it.
As this is a point release, not a main release,
I can understand if we won’t be updating the LM guide.
So, please just archive these comments accordingly.
page 22 of 52
“Getting to know the menu”
Linux Mint comes with the default Cinnamon menu.
To open the menu click on the “Menu” button at the bottom-left corner of your screen or press CTRL+SUPER_L (“Super_L” is the left Windows key on your keyboard).
For me this is no longer the case, for me it is just “Super_L”
The Guide in general is excellent, if a little jumpy after page 21.
We have just been shown on page 22 of the guide how to bring up the menu, so the next thing we talk about should be the second column. You’re thinking that would be the Search Box, followed by the “Applications” menu as the guide calls it, followed by Administration / Preferences followed by Places.
Instead, the Search Box is discussed on page 32 of 52, the “Applications” menu is discussed Page 30 of 52, System / Preferences are partly discussed on pages 34/35 yet we reference the Places Menu on Page 22.
page 22 of 52
The “Places” Menu talks about 5 entries6, but never states what they are – nor has any screenshots nor mentions that you can add your own personal folders there via Nemo by dragging the folder from the right hand side of Nemo to the left between Documents and Music say.
Even more confusing is that this Places Menu is followed by screenshots from Nemo. It starts with Computer Places, and you can clearly see the downward arrow to the left of both My Computer and Network, so perfect happy with that – i know they are both two “categories”. It probably could say that if you have a external HDD, it appears under another category called “Devices”
But the next section is where it gets confusing, the lead-in sentence says “the menu can prove useful by providing you with a way to quickly access your “Home”.
Then the bullet points include “Network Place” and “Trash” Place. Also the File System has its own section in the guide with no screenshot either.
In my mind, if indeed we do want to discuss Nemo at this part of the guide, it would be easier to understand breaking it into 3 parts, My Computer, Network and Devices. Under the section My Computer, we explain how your computer is subdivided into Home and File System (we can even mention the storage measurement line under each in Nemo). Then we say how Home is subdivided into 6 pre-specified folders (I’m including Desktop as a folder) and this is where you save your personal work and these folders appear under Places in the main LM menu, while the File System is divided into 25-odd folders but these are typically only accesible to administrators.
Then we talk about Devices, and how HDD and SDcards are included here.
Finally we talk about the category of Network.
Page 31 of 52
My LM menu has no education category by default – should we still include it in the guide?
LibreOffice Draw is no longer under Graphics it is under Office, likewise Image is now under all applications.
Page 32
Banshee should be replaced with Rhythmbox under Sound and Video
Page 34 of 52
The screenshot of the Menu configure screen looks very different to mine.
Page 40
Should there be more screenshots of the Software Manager – to really push this method of installation to new users as this is who is reading the guide. We should also include in the guide, that when you search for say Viber in the Software Manager, if it does not exist, the Software Manager will not give feedback such as “No such application exists” it just continues to say “No ongoing actions at the bottom”.
Page 49 of 52
The left click to copy is not working for me in LibreOffice!
Edit by Clem: Hi Gerry, thanks, but do feel free to update the guide. In there’s a link to point to the source files. You can modify the ODT (make sure to get LibreOffice to record your changes), and then send it to us via email (, along with the newly generated PDF.
Why is there no Turkce link to download?
I am sick of seeing turkish hostility everywhere 🙁
Edit by Clem: Mirror lists are generated prior to release and according to whether or not they are up to date. I don’t know who’s being hostile to Turkish people elsewhere and for what reasons, but it’s certainly not happening here.
MintUpdate: When an update has completed the button ‘Close’ is not translated.
Edit by Clem: Make sure your language packs are installed. You can check this in Language Settings.
Why can’t we have a netspeed applet just like we have on Mate!!!!! It is very useful especially for 3G networks! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz add one
Edit by Clem: We can, if there isn’t any in Cinnamon Spices, do create one.
When I run the graphical system monitor with an otherwise idle system it shows each of the 4 ‘cpus’ averaging 70%. When I restart cinnamon cpu usage drops to about 10% each. (i3-6100)
Great work, Clem!
No major issues, but one problem that may contribute to some excessive head scratching. The wi-fi won’t connect after the SSID is selected and the password entered. It just sits there. After a lot of research and trial & error, I found that the workaround is to select the SSID and password as usual, bring up the network settings menu and manually connect to the network. Wi-fi then connects automatically every time. I had this problem in Sarah as well. Very frustrating to noobs.
The computer is an Acer Aspire One ao532h with an Atheros We-fi radio.
Great job as always, Clem. Looking forward to the stable rollout.
@Clem: Just in case you missed my comment above (#17) re: changing panel icons, the bug still exists where you cannot click “OK” in the Edit window.
Thanks Clem for the very great work! I maybe have a good idea for the Mintupdater. Because I see lots pc’s who hasn’t been updated for a while, people just forget it. Why is it always needed to type the password before update? It will be great to have a fully automatically update starting when you push the ‘pc off’ button. On screen you could see for example this text:
‘There are updates waiting your system! Your pc will be first updated and then automatically closed’
Maybe a good idea? Good luck to you and your team!
Dear All in Linux Mint,
I am a consultant and have been a school teacher in Greece. I have been using Linux Mint (Ubuntu since 2009 and later Linux Mint) along with other open source resources to facilitate my pupils’ IBL and communication and have promoted the use of Linux Mint at several schools and on several desktop/laptop/netbook machines available at Greek state-run schools.
I am currently addressing You via my state-provided MU-106 Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz 2GB netbook (2009, then dual-boot WinXP & Ubuntu 9.04), loaded with single-boot Linux Mint 17.3 MATE.
The reason for all these details is I want to make the following point:
1. Having tested several versions of Linux and assessing them according to their ease and applicability to the needs and hardware available to Greek teachers (considering the current crisis, I suppose You all understand what this means), my netbook is above average, that is why I keep referring to it!
2. Not even Edubuntu or Skolelinux are capable of supporting the needs and configurations referred to above; at least not as smoothly as Linux Mint up to 17.3!
3. I have tested all versions available of Linux Mint 18 – I even tested Ubuntu 16.04 for the same reason – but the results have been quite disappointing: our hardware doesn’t work (wi-fi adapters, graphics-cards) and the whole resources-load that the 16.04 carries along makes all (at least a great many of) our machinery to “hang”!
Given the above, that, I feel, touch other regions and countries, too,
would the Linux Mint Team consider keeping up supporting the older architecture of Linux Mint (that is, the 14.04/12.04 architectures and standards) after 2019?
I consider it would be of help to those that chose Linux Mint not only because of its characteristics as an OS, but also for its capability to run on older machines, A FEATURE NEEDED FOR THOSE THAT CANNOT FINANCIALLY SUPPORT A RENEWAL OF HARDWARE!
Anyhow, expecting Your reactions and answer,
I wish You All keep up the good work and send You All my season’s greetings and wishes!!!!
Serena introduces screen tearing and mouse tails on Intel N3150 quad cpu (Intel Corporation Device 22b1 (rev 21)).
Problem is not present on Mint 17.3
Change is in the i915 module (vs i915_bpo) and gpu to driver mapping.
Tried Sarah and has the same problem.
uname -a :
Linux mint 4.4.0-31-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 13 00:07:12 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I have the same problem with Update Manager as LorenzoG (comment #94), I’m also coming from 17.3 which works very well. Since LM 18 Update Manager constantly has problems with refreshing its list of updates. In addition, it also doesn’t check if internet connection is even available, so it reports an error when you’re disconnected instead of simply ignoring that refresh interval.
Mirror selection for “Main (sarah/serena)” in Software Sources also has a weird issue of not always listing all the mirrors, it seems only the ones from the north and south American continent are listed and tested. In Serena you can open the mirror selection window for a second time to get mirrors from the rest of the world.
Another problem I’ve noticed is that when you disable wireless, either via the Network Manager applet or rfkill, it then sometimes refuses to scan for networks or do anything else after reenabling wireless. This can be solved by “systemctl restart network-manager”.
Having major issues with this release when trying to move 100’s of files ( < 50Mb each)
moving on same partition is taking 10's of minutes.
If I run nemo from a shell I get loads of these errors:
GVFS-WARNING Error: Timeout was reached
This was a clean install on a new box, with 3 attached usb3 drives. I am moving files on one of the usb disks.
Salut Clem,
Un dernier mot pour te dire qu’il serait sympa, dans le futur, qu’il n’y aie plus qu’une seule ISO regroupent les divers bureaux (Cinnamon, Made, LMDE, etc), qu’à l’install nous ayons la possibilité de choisir celle(s) que nous désirons utiliser et que nous puissions les faire cohabiter sans difficultés.
En me réjouissant par avance de la mise à dispo de la 18.1, bon week-end à toi.
I don’t know if there’s option to answer comment so i write it here.
Qt 5.7 ugly look:
– download Qt Creator (installer is ugly too)
– create new project
– place some buttons or other widgets
– build
– cry, because it’s looks far from good 🙁
#178, @Clem, I didn’t know how to export the display so I startet cinnamon-settings display from the console window and redirected the output into a file, also with no luck because after changing the resolution again the screen turned black but I had the hope to get back with strg + alt + f1 but the screen remained black, sorry but thanks for your efforts
I tried even to connect from another linux box and start the cinnamon-settings from there didn’t work because connecting to a live system seems not to work … I couldn’t install ssh-server
#193 Philippe, you can find a single iso with the different Mint 18 flavors on linuxaioDOTnet
Is anyone else having problems connecting to their VPN? On the full installation of 18.1 cinnamon 64bit -beta, it installs fine, but won’t connect (and no the login details are correct as it would give you a prompt if they are incorrect).
Yes, I have used the v65 file from
So, I tried others
On full installation of Debian 8.6.0 amd64, download the above file and install, and it connects (eventually, after seeming to hang)
On the 18.1 mate 64bit-beta.iso DVD disk, downloaded the above file and installed it, and it connects perfectly.
On the 18.1 cinnamon 64bit-beta.iso DVD disk, downloaded the above file and installed it, and it connects perfectly.
So I did another full installation of 18.1 cinnamon 64bit -beta it installed fine but won’t connect.
My obvious reaction was that i did something wrong. So I ran the 18.1 cinnamon 64bit-beta.iso DVD disk, downloadeded the above file, installed it, and it connected perfectly.
Back to the full installation of 18.1 cinnamon 64bit -beta it installs but won’t connect.
So tried the 18.1 cinnamon 64bit-beta.iso DVD disk again, and it works. Tried the full installation of 18.1 cinnamon 64bit -beta it installs but still won’t connect.
I’ve checked the settings, they are the same every time.
When using the VPN, is there something obvious that i need to do when running the full installation version rather than the ISO DVD disk?
Follow up to #119
Thanks Clem,
Thanks for all your hard work, looking forward to the final release.
I find that if I make a ‘Bookmark’ of the network link it starts without Crashing Nemo!
FWIW. this was the error message in syslog:
kernel: [ 2734.097109] nemo[6293]: segfault at 18 ip 00000000004f6360 sp 00007fff3fb1bb78 error 4 in nemo[400000+1c5000]
As there is a workaround I don’t intend to pursue this further.
18.1 cinnamon installed on a vm, firejail installed:
Searched for ‘launcher’ and ‘firejail’, did not see this description previous.
– Editing the ‘Menu Editor’ to prefix ‘firefox %u’ with ‘firejail’ is not honored. Terminal shows a blank line for ‘firejail –tree’.
– Running ‘firejail firefox’ from the command line responds with the proper ‘firejail –tree’ output.
– I can confirm Cosmos’ comment (#32)
i got the same problem as #190 on every Intel Atom Cherry Trail X5 Z8300 tablets i have (i’ve got 3 tablets with that type of processors), i’ve got mouse trails and screen tearing on those…..
One thing I was hoping for was drag and drop support on cinnamon menu, I find it’s a pretty major missing feature, especially to new users or average desktop users.
It’s great that the dependency glitch in GDebi has been corrected (we can now see all dependencies instead of a single straight line). However, is it normal that there is no menu bar on the top of the GDebi window?
If yes, then I don’t see the point of keeping GDebi in the Cinnamon menu anymore since it’s unusable if you don’t open it by double-clicking on a .deb package, unless we just add an “Open” button so we could open a .deb package in this window.
Example :
Also, is the bug that resets the wallpaper to the default one sometime (so far, I got that bug in Linux Mint 18 when I plug removable media like USB key or USB hard drive) still in Linux Mint 18.1? It doesn’t break the OS, but it’s still something extremely annoying.
Have a good day. ^^
Edit by Clem: Good point about gdebi. I’m glad you like it. The menubar is gone because it wasn’t useful and the menu item should go too, we’ll remove it in an update. Regarding the Cinnamon background manager (that’s what it’s called), it was improved and it “should” solve that issue in “most” cases. I can’t say 100% because I’m not 100% sure we covered all cases, but we got it working better than before and it also leaves more traces going forward so we’ll be able to troubleshoot if it happens again.
Hopefully the new version of Linux Mint finally fix a bug where if marked checkbox Log me in automatically at startup anyway user selection screen appears.
same problem as #190 and #201 for me on intel N3700.
Add a hide applets applet to give users more space for window list; sth like this one
Great work, making me happy. One bug: If you choose a background picture respectively a wallpaper then after shutdown and restart the wallpaper comes with bad quality (more lightish with reduced resolution). If I change the background and restore the same wallpaper in the running system the original quality remains so it has to do with storage and loading of the background picture in the shutdown restart process.
One wish: resizable icons in the menu.
System: Intel QCore 64Bit Desktop with LinuxMint Cinnamon 18.1/VirtualBox under Windows 7
I was running 18.1 beta until today, 12/11/2016, did the update manager , which updated me from 18.1 to I guess to the stable version. now boot times are tripled, takes 3 minutes to boot.
Edit by Clem: Troubleshoot with “systemd-analyze critical-chain”
I am using Sony Vaio E series laptop, with cinnamon 64bit beta version of LM18.1.
Bluetooth does not work upon system wakeup. Even restarting Bluetooth service does not help. I need to reboot system to fix this. This wasn’t an issue with LM18 or before.
Language packs are installed, but it is just this button in mintUpdate that is not translated. Is it because it is actually part of Synaptic? Where does Synaptic in Mint get its translations from? Is it from Launchpad? Synaptic in Launchapd is 100% translated into Danish, still some strings are not in Danish in Synaptic.
Edit by Clem: We’re pinning version 0.83, maybe these translations only came in a more recent version? I can see it happen in other languages too.
Further investigation into comment #190 on tearing and mouse trails, it appears this only happens on the cinnamon desktop, not the login screen (mdm ?) It also does not happen on Ubuntu 16.04.1 vanilla iso which shares the same base as Serena. Comments 201 and 205 indicate it happens on different chipsets from intel. So maybe it is in the APIs used in Cinnamon.
#179 @Clem:
Thank you for your comment Clem about modifying the default font configuration. I had not seen the statement regarding Ubuntu Unicode 9.0 “The following PPA will set the default serif, sans-serif and monospace fonts to Bitstream Vera.”
Would Linux Mint please install by default Unicode 8.0?
Thank you
In the mint software center(mintinstall), is it possible to bring back the splash screen, like the one in Linux Mint 16.
I liked the splash screen that the software center has, and the one in mint 17.x and 18.x no longer has it.
This “fix” appears to have solved the tearing issue on my Intel system
I don’t know if it causes any other issues though.
Using Blueberry I can only send files but I can’t receive any
@214 from @211
This definitely fixes the Firefox tearing issue, including FF 50. Thanks for that. Will continue testing.
But the mouse trails on the desktop are still present. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04.1 and no mouse trails. Tried with fuly updated Serena system, no joy. System doing sofware rendering despite intel N3150 cpu has GPU… (I am not well versed in graphics stuff) :
glxinfo | grep OpenGL:
OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics (Cherryview)
OpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 11.2.0
OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 3.30
OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)
OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile
OpenGL core profile extensions:
OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 11.2.0
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.30
OpenGL context flags: (none)
OpenGL extensions:
OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.1 Mesa 11.2.0
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.10
OpenGL ES profile extensions:
The notification FRENCH FOLLOW “Toutes les dépendances sont satisfaites” are really nice in the .deb installation process. But why red color for a message who say that all is fine? Green maybe
Nice work 😉
SDcard readers on every Intel Atom Cherry Trail X5 Z8300 tablets doesn’t work : dmesg error i got : “error -110 whilst initialising sd card”
@215 Hi Richard,
With you mentioning “…not well versed in graphics stuff”. I won’t go into details, but there is a way to try newer Mesa versions using PPAs. As an alternative test, (using Update Manager) possibly try kernel 4.8…
In connection with screen tearing, the fix mentioned in the following link made a considerable difference on my system
@Clem, Hope you are well and having a great and productive week. Will Linux Mint 18.1 final ship with newer Mesa version and possibly the above linked tearing fix? Thanks, your hard work is greatly appreciated.
Clem, will you someday make QT version of Cinnamon? 🙂
Edit by Clem: No sorry.
Greatly appreciate the first class work done on this release. I have not tried it yet, but will definitely do so once it goes final.
Two comments:
1. I never could get Mint 17 to make any sound to notify me when a new E-mail arrives in Thunderbird. This is probably a problem for Mozilla to address, but maybe you can prod them along.
2, It would be very, very nice if Mint 18.1 brought back the ability to install Picasa. I know it is not a native Linux application, but some of us old geezers still really appreciate it. If Mint 17 runs Picasa, why cannot Mint 18.1?
Edit by Clem: Regarding point 1, if Thunderbird sends a notification you’ll be able to configure Cinnamon to make a sound. You can assign a sound on all notifications in Cinnamon 3.2, it’s one of its new features.
Ref #46: Focus problem with Firefox has improved somewhat, but not fully. Problem now occurs some times, other times not. Random, so far as I can tell.
I have the Cinnamon upgrade (3.2.6) in LMDE.
Sometimes, often after a Cinnamon restart, the applications list in the main menu is doubled, one list displayed on top of another. Scrolling the menu clears it up so it’s not a major problem.
I installed xed to see the upgrades there, and they were, and the menu didn’t pick it (xed) up even after a Cinnamon restart. I started messing with .desktop files to launch it and in the process xed showed up in the menu, but I’m not sure if or which of my changes caused that. There was an xed.desktop file in /usr/share/applications.
Hello Clem! I greatly appreciate the hard work you have done. It is a sound release and I have been using this system on my main production machine for a week. The only problem I have is with the bluetooth. It is every searching for the devices and never recognizing them.
@219 Thanks David. The most annoying now is the mouse trails. I have tried several ISO’s with the same HDMI display, and :
– No problems at all with Linuxmint 17.3
– No problems at all with Sarah/Serena on AMD procesors/GPUs
– No problems at all with Ubuntu 16.04.1 (k
– No problems at all with Fedora (but it is wayland)
Now will see if I can try Kernel 4.8.6 from PPA (it has several Intel fixes) Will post results if I can manage it.
To Clement : I am doing all this because I think your product is fantastic. Installed Mint on over 50 machines in the past 18 months.
Not sure if someone has reported this issue, sorry if it has been.I can not change the icon for shortcuts / launcher to the desktop that I have created. I click on the created launcher go to properties, click on the icon box in the upper left corner, select my icon and then nothing happens. The launcher works just fine but I just can’t add an icon.
Thanks for all your work Mint team!
i’m not really a linux-master, but i tried different ways to update mesa-drivers with some how-to’s i found online. all i tried doesn’t help and in most cases i broke my mint at the end.. (thanks to backups 😉 )
i also tried different kernels (better say; i tried all kernels i can chose in linux-mint-update-tool) and at the moment i run kernel 4.8.0-30.. but not really better, still mousetrails and i think more screenflickers in kodi (it’s my htpc, a intel nuc5ppyh).
no problems under mint 17(.1/.2/.3).
I have a small sugestion, I use mint Sarah Cinamon in a laptop connected to a external monitor and with the cover closed.I have a keyboard with the power, sleep, awake keys, that I use to wake from hibernation, but most of the time the login screen goes to the laptop monitor not to the external monitor, so I have to open the cover to put the password. Not sure if this is a bug or something in the configurations that I still havent figured out.
Any way keep up the excelent work that you guys do 🙂
Clem, thanks for the tip. Rebuilding kernel works 100% as expected with either the gui or the console mode. Seems speedier than before.
The remaining problem is much smaller. First reboot after new kernel build produces the familiar LM graphical prompt for crypto password. keyboard input is ignored from this point.
Second and subsequent reboots produce just a blank screen, no LM graphic and no text or flashing cursor. But if I enter crypto password at this black screen after a brief wait it works entirely as expected to a full logon.
So, first boot after kernel rebuild produces the graphic prompt and does not accept input, later boots produce no prompt but accept input. Also I can reproduce the first-boot-after-rebuild effect by choosing the grub reload option in the Recovery boot.
This is delightful, I have two workarounds now, and happily using encryption and LVM on this oddball laptop. Thanks again, I have Serena now happily testing on three different machines.
Thank you again Clem and Mint-team!
Thanks very much for your prompt reply to my #221.
I think the best (simplest) way to ensure a new E-mail generates a sound is to add “new mail sound” to the sound options in Cinnamon. Unfortunately I am not a programmer, so maybe this is not possible (but it would be nice if it could be done).
I guess I should not beg/pester you further regarding the return of Picasa, but it would be really appreciated by me and perhaps others.
Best Regards, Scott Ochiltree.
Please disregard my second message about sound and incoming E-mails in Thunderbird, as I have solved my problem.
Best Regards, Scott Ochiltree.
Are there plans of having a dedicated calendar app? There are quite few options available; but a more integrated one would be nice. E.g., the panel applet of calendar can be integrated with the desktop so that the panel can now show reminders and alarms.
And thanks for everything else!
Thanks again for a really great DE and distro!
One question on a feature:
Is there a means to remove the title bar on maximized windows? Mate has a global method and KDE has it as part of the options when right clicking the title bar.
If it is not a current feature -is it part of the development road map?
Thanks much in advance
I’ve had a similar problem to Joao, with the added complication of Nvidia PRIME video hardware. To make MDM only show on a connected external display on startup, insert the following code (on at the end of the /etc/mdm/Init/Default file, before the ‘exit 0’. Your milage may vary.
>> PeterJ says:
>> December 1st, 2016 at 8:19 pm
>> I have tried it boot to normal mode and “safe” mode and always the >> same, black screen (monitor message: out of range). I have Nvidia 1070. Maybe nouveau drivers doesnt support nvidia pascal?
>> Edit by Clem: Try with nomodeset, check the instructions in the release notes.
Thanks for your help, but nomodeset or other help like nouveau.modeset=0 etc didn’t work. I find this:
> You may also want to try vga=ask <
I choice one of VESA mode and finnaly i can boot!
Some new info to unrecognized sound card? (Post70, ProBook 470 G4, “Dummy Output”)
Hi I escaped the windows madness after a friend introduced me to LM17 And now using LM 18 and loving it.Made a live usb stick and tried 18.1 and have not come across any bugs. Unfortunately have bad reception of fixed wireless internet through NBN so have gone back to LM18 stable to try and sort out NBN signal issue but had no issues with 18.1.Thanks to Clem and all the other hard working people and volunteers for Linux it is fantastic.I am 70 and just learning about computers (2 years) and learning with Linux doesn’t punish you like Windows used to do to me when I would try something different
-Full screen mode. System Settings->Display->Back arrow (left, upside corner)-no back
-Bluetooth doesn’t work (Atheros AR3011). Blueman instaled. Work well in Mint 18.0
-After click ‘Lock screen’, no automatical login (System settings->Login Window->Auto Login->Enabled automatic login
-Screensaver preview (full screen)-no option
@227 Roland :
I tested with mint 18.0, and the mouse trail problem is there. It seems to have been introduced between 17.3 and 18.0. But 18.0 was also the changeover to systemd and new graphics stack AFAIK. A search of Google for ‘Linux Mouse Trails’ shows that problem in multiple configurations, including Nvidia. So this appears to be an upstream problem. Trying to test with 4.8.6 but I think I should compile it on this machine to make sure I do not compromise anything. Not much can be done by Clem on this.
Greetings. First I wanna thanks the developpers. Linux rocks! I’m 100% newbie with Linux and I’ve just installed Mint 18.1 a couple of days ago.
I’ve only got one issue so far.
Whenever I’m away from my computer for a couple of minutes, Mint automatically puts my monitor into a sleep mode. Two times, when I get back at the desktop (or other program) by moving the mouse, Linux stops responding. I still can see the program or the desktop but whenever I click doesn’t change anything (the pointer is still working).
I tried to get into system manager (task manager alternative) by using the shortcut cntrl + alt + del that I’ve previously set up and usually works, but it didn’t open. I had to turn off my pc the hard way.
Wish there was a way to completely turn off the sleeping option on the monitor, or at least, that Mint still respond 100% of the time after it gets back from monitor sleep.
Thank you guys!