Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Cinnamon released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Cinnamon.

Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela Cinnamon Edition

Linux Mint 17.2 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features at a glance:

To be aware of issues and read about explanations and possible solutions related to this release, visit: “Release Notes for Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon

System requirements:

  • 512MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 9GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
  • DVD drive or USB port.


  • The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
  • The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
  • The 64-bit ISO is recommend for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold in the last 10 years are equipped with 64-bit processors).

Upgrade instructions:

  • If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17.2 RC, simply launch the Update Manager and install any Level 1 update available.
  • If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17 or Linux Mint 17.1, please wait for a few days while we release a new version of the Update Manager to you. In the meantime, you do not need to download or to reinstall anything. We’ll make announcements next week when this is ready.


Md5 sum:


HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:

Alternative downloads:

No-codecs images:

Distributors and magazines in Japan, USA and countries where distributing media codecs is problematic can use the “No Codecs” ISO images.  These images will be made available next week, for both the MATE and Cinnamon edition in 32-bit and 64-bit at the following address:

OEM images:

Manufacturers can pre-install Linux Mint on their computers using the OEM installation images. These images will be made available next week, for both the MATE and Cinnamon edition in 64-bit at the following address:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!


  1. Well done and a big thank you to the entire Mint Dev Team. As usual, an excellent release. Love all of the new features, and it’s very fast. No bugs detected on any of my three systems. Will give the Mate Edition a play with in Virtualbox 🙂

  2. @Clem: If there’s one thing I miss from the old Gnome 2 days and now Mate, is the ability to preview songs just by hovering the mouse pointer over a music file in the file browser. It’s so much handier and quicker than having to click and play a file just to preview it. I’d love to see that feature added to Cinnamon. How realistic a possibility would that be to have it included in a future release?

    Edit by Clem: Hi, install nemo-preview. I think it does that already.

  3. Hi Clem,

    Recently started using Linux Mint Cinnamon, coming from SuSE, Ubuntu and Debian. Great fan of your work! You guys do a great job!

    I have software RAID1 in a UEFI mobo running with in Legacy mode.
    I’m currently using Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.1, in this PC, which is my production machine.

    Is there any known issue in this case or I can upgrade when it’s available?


    Edit by Clem: Hi Henrique. It should work just as well, you’ll be able to upgrade as soon as we open up the upgrade path. We’ll make separate announcements for that.

  4. What would I do if I want 17.2 with Xfce? Do I already install 17.2 Cinnamon, install mint-meta-xfce and wait for an update for the packages or do I wait for the 17.2 Xfce release altogether? I’m asking because I want to switch from Xubuntu 15.04 back to Mint and I would like to keep using Xfce 4.12.

    Edit by Clem: You should wait for the release (it will be simpler, and also, the repositories currently host 4.10).

  5. Finally, it’s arrived. Will wait a few days for the new Update Manager version before I upgrade. Thank you so much for such a great Linux OS.

  6. Congrats to the Linux Mint team. Great work. Really looking forward to the upgrade being made available.

    Quick question Clem, this release has improvements for Nvidia Optimus, will there be similar work done for AMD hybrid systems (AMD CPU/GPU) and Intel CPU/AMD GPU systems in the future?

    Also, not sure you saw my question in the RC announcement, but will Catalyst updates be provided over the coming months. I personally don’t need it but no doubt some users will buy a new AMD card and find that the open source drivers in Mint 17.2 are not updated enough to support the hardware and therefore require an easy Catalyst install.

    Anyway, keep up the awesome work. Cinnamon feels like home on my main PC…one that gets better all the time. 🙂

    Edit by Clem: It depends on feedback. We noticed a high demand for Prime support and a real problem to solve, so we got the hardware and adapted the software for it. Afaik the AMD solution doesn’t require offloading and the likes, so switching is done via aticonfig and already works with MDM? I also had a quick look at it and aticonfig isn’t able to report whether the system is hybrid or not.. (I might be wrong with that), for instance on the MintBox Mini, I’m able to tell it to switch to the discrete GPU even though it doesn’t have one .. 🙂 Same thing with the Intel configuration, we rely on your feedback for all that. It’s quite easy for us to develop around technology like that, but it starts with the community telling us what they use, what’s missing, how things can be improved. Then after that we either work based solely on feedback, or we purchase the hardware and do everything ourselves. Regarding the driver version we’ve got 13.350 and 15.200 from upstream, we’re up to date afaik (AMD provides 15.101 drivers to the public, via their 15.5 Catalyst download).

  7. 1) Looks like the plan with the appindicator extension for Cinnamon was removed from the roadmap. Could you tell me if there’s a reason for it or do you move it to the 2.8 release?

    2) The battery applet doesn’t detect the battery of my wireless mouse (its a Logitech one that recharges by connecting to USB port and doesn’t need battery AA/AAA, I don’t remember the exact model on it)

    3) I’m sure this is something unrelated to this release but I manage to add (and migrate after a lot of troubles) the Blueberry app into the AUR archlinux repos so you can have that app working great on it, if you need something additional or would like to make an opinion about it, you can check my Github page if you wish.

    Otherwise, congratulations on the work and I hope to see Cinnamon keep growing on from here. Greetings and thanks once again

    Edit by Clem: Hi Sam. 1) It wasn’t ready, but we’re still interested in doing it yes. Lestcape is leading the effort on this. 2) Check upower –dump, if it’s not there, it won’t be in Cinnamon either.

  8. Hey Clem!

    You’re doing a great work with the OS. I really like it!

    How can I upgrade from Rebecca (17.1) to Rafaela (17.2)?

    Edit by Clem: Hi, we’ll be announcing this when it’s ready, give us a few days 😉

  9. I’ve been checking this blog daily for the past week awaiting this announcement. Can’t wait for the update to trickle down to 17.1!

  10. I was hoping that Cinnamon 17.2 would have the ability to set different desktop backgrounds with multiple monitors.

  11. @Clem: The Cinnamon release is great with the exception of applet installation. The Spices website is almost constantly down.

    Edit by Clem: It was moved to a new server but it looks like we need to tune it.

  12. Congratulations for Linux Mint Team great work!

    I’m using LM Cinnamon Edition since LM13 edition as my 1st machine. I also installed LM17 on many laptops of my friends and trainees I mentored. The results were fantastic, every installation was very stable in time.

    For this reason, any time when an upgrade or change I performed on a given LM version, I tried 1st to exercise in a Virtual Box machine which I am using currently.

    I used as live DVD both LM 17.2, Cinnamon and Mate and everything works with one only glitch present in Cinnamon Edition: when I tried to play a video file (flv, mp4 or similar), the machine freezes systematically. It doesn’t happen if the file is played with Totem.
    Initially I thought that it is a Virtual Box bug, but in LM17.2 Mate this freeze doesn’t happen.

    Given this fact Clem could you, please, try to reproduce and fix this before to issue the upgrade procedure from 17.1 to 17.2? I want to be absolutely sure that nothing would happen on the laptops which are used in production.

    My machine is a Dell XPS L521x with i7-3612QM with an additional Nvidia GT640M discrete card, 512GB SSD and 16 GB RAM. When I performed the tests I used only internal GPU, for both Cinnamon and Mate, but Cinnamon Edition has frozen regularly in the respective context.

    Once again, thank you!

    Edit by Clem: What player does it freeze with?

  13. Hello, Mint team
    Thank you for your efforts always as you did
    Thank you so much
    And , I have noticed little tiny issue of gdebi
    its translation file might be outdated ,or, missed Iguess
    please, check this

  14. Thanks to all the team of Linux Mint, you are focused increasingly more excellence, are the first system with more than 3000 points at Distro Watch. Congratulations with this new version!

  15. Excellent news. Can’t wait to see updates from 17.0 and 17.1 rolling out. I’ll probably be to impatient and install from scratch.

    I’m so glad that Mint has become a really stable, useful, reliable distro. Keep on with the good work!

  16. Great to see a new release.

    Some help if I may?

    I managed to get 17.1 (rebecca) 32 bit to install on my HP Stream 11 in legacy mode – there’s a post on my website about how I did it. It refused to do anything with the 64 bit version

    I thought I’d have another go with 64 bit UEFI installation on the new version. However having brought up the Mint logo having booted from the USB stick, the machine drops to the shell with Busybox and the line

    (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system

    Now I know I came across something similar when I was working with the 32 bit 17.1 when I upgraded the kernel – resolved by installing the relevant ‘extra’ kernel package. I can’t see that’s an option here.

    The only other error messages I can see are:
    xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Command completion event does not match command
    usb 2-1: device not accepting address 2, error -62
    xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Command completion event does not match command
    usb 2-1: device not accepting address 3, error -62

    which occur prior to the Mint logo being displayed

    Any ideas?

  17. @Clem
    Nice work!
    I just want to say that I successfully got Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon working on my ASUS K55N-DS81. In RC I said it didn’t want to boot. However, it also got stuck there in similar way, but when I press ESC key it boots without any problem, and it works with Fast Boot enabled too! I will do a further investigation after I do a clean install.
    Finally I can enjoy Mint on my laptop.

    Also Rafaela looks and works great.


  18. I updated from 17.1 cinnamon to 17.2 cinnamon rc …. everything look normal but as soon as I started downloading available theme online the spices website was always down, error 110. extension online also down error 104….i cant use any of the online applets, extension, and theme…plus every window I open took about 5 to 7 seconds for it to work… i change back to 17.1 cinnamon and now i still having problems with online download of extention, applets, and theme spices is still down.. I never had, had this problem before with any Linux Mint from 15 until now……

    Edit by Clem: I think more people used Cinnamon than before and things were getting really slow, so we put spices in maintenance and moved them to a new server. It’s probably a cache problem. The new is at Try to ping it to make sure your DNS didn’t cache the old IP.

  19. congrats, im sure its a fine relese but im planning to do a clean install and i think ill wait untill the spices website us running again. any idea when that might be?

  20. Hello! I’m really excited to try out this release! Thank you =)

    I have a question about verification sha256sum.txt.gpg

    I used the following commands:
    gpg –verify sha256sum.txt.gpg linuxmint-17.2-cinnamon-64bit.iso
    gpg –recv-key 0FF405B2
    gpg –verify sha256sum.txt.gpg linuxmint-17.2-cinnamon-64bit.iso

    And I’m getting this output:

    gpg: Signature made Sun 28 Jun 2015 06:38:05 PM EEST using DSA key ID 0FF405B2
    gpg: BAD signature from “Clement Lefebvre (Linux Mint Package Repository v1) ”

    What should I do about it? Md5sum matches, so is my downloaded .iso file ok or not? Thanks again. )))

    Edit by Clem: The public key is provided by linuxmint-keyring

  21. Great news!
    “If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17.2 RC, simply launch the Update Manager and install any Level 1 update available.”

    But, for the time being, the “Rafaela” servers are not responding at all…

  22. Hi Mint-team,

    Congratulations on this new release! I’m using Mint as my daily driver for years now and am truly grateful for the hard work you’re putting in this distribution (especially the Cinnamon flavor).

    If I may make a suggestion. The release cycle (for at least the last two releases) has been a separate RC (image), a release (image) and then the upgrade release (update manager). I would love to upgrade to RC and then upgrade to the official release and test with all my usual applications and settings. I think this would make the RC-test group a lot bigger and directly benefit the user and the development team. Next to that, “the daily Mint user” will be able to use the release on its official release date in stead of having to wait for a few days.

    Just my two cents.

    Again, great work!


  23. Congrats to Clem and the whole team! I’ve been waiting for Rafaela to do the first clean install of Linux Mint in years – my legacy system’s been super stable.

    Quick question – in Ubuntu, I used to be able to install nautilus-scripts to have a right-click image resize option right in the file manager window. Is there such an equivalent yet in Nemo?


    Edit by Clem: Yes. Check the new plugin manager. Nemo supports “actions”, “extensions” and “scripts”.

  24. Great work, as always. I’m already preparing for replacing 17.1 by this one. Looking forward for Flying Toasters 😉

    (New installation instead of upgrade because I want to switch back to Legacy BIOS, as I noticed my computer’s UEFI is buggy as hell only after installing 17.1 and I can only generate the firmware upgrade EFI image with Windows… ;( No more HP…)

    @Clem did you insert your Italy holiday pictures as wallpapers? ^^

    Edit by Clem: Some of them 🙂 The landscapes were amazing so I took some time to take a few shots in case some of them could be used like that.

  25. I am having the spices error too. desklets, applets and themes wont load. i tries a ping to it reached. i’m using OpenDNS. what should i do? wait?

    @Clem and team. awesome release!

    Edit by Clem: Don’t ping ping to make sure it points to

  26. just found another bug.

    when i enable the NVIDIA card on my system.( i have the Prime thingy.) after about 10 mins the system freezes. i have to do a hard reboot. right now i only have the intel card enabled so we will see if that fixes the issue. no problems with the NVIDIA drivers from 17.1 only now in 17.2.

    Edit by Clem: OK, use the Driver Manager to switch to nvidia-331 (note: It could also be a kernel regression, in which case you can use Update Manager -> View -> Linux Kernels to install other kernels).

  27. FOR asderceder,
    Installing mint 17.1, and updarade xfce to ver. 4.12.
    #add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12
    #apt-get update
    #apt-get upgrade
    #apt-get dist-upgrade

    Then, you can upgrade to the Mint 17.2:
    #gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list
    replace rebeca to rafaela:

    deb rafaela main upstream import
    deb rafaela main

    #apt-get update
    #apt-get upgrade
    #apt-get dist-upgrade

  28. Good job!

    Can not you could always access the AMD Catalyst drivers that are updated in the latest version of Ubuntu, since distributions LinuxMint?

    I think it is important and beneficial to all users.

    Thank you very much.

    Edit by Clem: 15.200 is the latest already.

  29. Great work by the LM team. Congrats! I have been using Mint since LM14 and since tried out other distros but always ended up coming back to LM cinnamon. Awesome work! Thanks Clem and team.

  30. Linux mint mate 17.1 Rebecca is good. But in that OS some settings are automatically changed by themselves , and it is loading very slowly and also WINDOWS key shortcut does’nt work properly.

    What can I do?

  31. Further to my #38 message. The status is still the same this morning.
    I’m running Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon RC 64-bit.

    “If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17.2 RC, simply launch the Update Manager and install any Level 1 update available.”

    But the only one proposed update is: “Nautilus – Level 3” and that’s all!

    What is wrong? Thanks.

    Edit by Clem: That’s ok. That means you’re already up to date.

  32. Love your work guys,

    Anyone know a way to use the old parallel file copying/moving/etc over the new sequence system ?

    Edit by Clem: It’s not configurable.

  33. Wow! Nice work again! As Cinnamon 17.1 is working fine I wonder will the upgrade be worthy. Well, got to try. 😉

    A question though:
    “File operations are now queued” — is this configurable, as it does only some sense with SSD’s and no sense if using several physical disks (or does it understand that no transfer is ongoing between certain disks)?

    Edit by Clem: It’s not that smart at the moment. Queued operations can however be started at any time and thus run in parallel.

  34. Hi, is there a proper way to upgrade from LM 13 Maya ? Thanks.

    Edit by Clem: It’s possible to perform an apt-get upgrade but it’s not recommended. The safest way is to back up your data and perform a fresh installation.

  35. Hi Clem,

    Congrats to LM team and you.

    I have a question about menu in nemo. is it normal that “copy to” and “move to” options are missing that nemo menu?

    Thanks for your great works.

    Edit by Clem: Yes, it’s configurable in Edit->Preferences->Display->Context Menus->Show all available actions in context menus. You can then “killall nemo” and re-open your home dir.

  36. Thank you very much to all Linux Mint and Cinnamon developers for this amazing release. It looks fantastic and it works great. It fully supports my NVIDIA Optimus GPU and now it boots without requiring turning off secure boot. Cinnamon is more stable and faster than ever. Very polished. The best desktop distro for anyone to use.

    There is only one little annoyance that I spotted, changing the mouse cursor theme, it doesn’t remain consistent across GTK and QT apps like VLC or Opera browser.

    I would like to make a donation to Linux Mint. Is there any way I can transfer the amount via credit card? I tried to create a PayPal account some weeks ago but for some unknown reason the transfered money doesn’t arrive to PayPal account and I don’t know how to solve this.

    Edit by Clem: We can’t take money directly (we could when we were smaller, it’s a bit silly and it boils down to accountancy and tax/legislation transparency). If Paypal isn’t an option I’d recommend using the money to promote Linux around you. For instance to purchase materials, DVDs and spread them for free to universities, libraries around you.

  37. Please fix this:

    Edit by Clem: We sure tried.. and failed to fix it in 2.6. We’ll try again and again though.. eventually one day we might even redesign the systray entirely. We’re also looking into bringing support for alternative similar technologies. In short, we’re very annoyed with this ourselves, and we want to see it fixed too 🙂

  38. Hi Clem, once again congratulations for such a fantastic release. Sticking with the LTS base was the best decision and it shows on how polished Cinnamon is becoming and how well Mint 17 performs, release after release.

    I have a suggestion to make based on my personal experience.

    I used to be a XFCE user because it is a stable, conservative, customizable and lightweight DE. Since previous version 2.4 and even more with newest version 2.6, I feel like Cinnamon is becoming lightweight, mature and stable enough for adoption even on low-powered laptops. I have tried Mint Cinnamon 17.2 today on a 2007 Acer notebook with terrible specs of a friend of mine and it works great. Performance gets even better with effects disabled. Sure it uses a few more MB of RAM than XFCE would but at this point in time most people wont even notice.

    Therefore, I think it becomes rather unnecessary to support 2 GTK2-based DEs on Linux Mint. With full focus on making Cinnamon as good as possible, I believe you could allocate your resources to support only one GTK2 DE – either MATE or XFCE.

    This is just my perspective but if you wish so you could do a community vote or something. Its always good to provide as much choice as possible but Ive used XFCE and tried MATE a couple times and they essential work similarly and share most of their features and advantages.

    Meanwhile, I wonder if you could put a bit more effort on the KDE Plasma release, because every other distro I have tried shipping with Plasma 5 is yet to reach an acceptable level of quality and grasp all the potential of KDE like Mint usually does.

    Thank you very much once again for another fantastic release, keep up the good job.

  39. Good evening, I would like to thank you for the excellent work done by the team. One question, nemo lost the ability of some actions, such as creating a launcher, how can I fix it? Thank You!

    Edit by Clem: It’s configurable in Edit->Preferences->Display->Context Menus->Show all available actions in context menus. You can then “killall nemo” and re-open your home dir.

  40. I’ve already downloaded the 64 edition twice and still getting a mismatch MD5. 🙁

    Tried to burn it and ended up with broken XSERVER.

    I will try downloading it again in a few days.

  41. @KenWeiLL
    use a torrent, and then let it run for a few days After the download is complete (as a payback).

  42. Bonjour,
    utilisant actuellement windows 7 intégrale 64 bits, j’ai essayer il y a une vingtaine de jours linuxMint cinnamon 64 bits j’ai été très impressionner par linux et celui-ci m’a convaincu, mais je ne l’ai pas garder pour les raisons suivantes qui je pense sont du entre autred à ma méconnaissance du partitionnement de linux:

    _disosant de 4 GO de mémoire j’ai affecter 8 GO a la partition SWAP, pour la partition racine j’ai affecter 70 GO et enfin tout le reste pour la partition home et ces trois partitions en primaire, mais voila je ne sais pas faire d’autre partitions c’est cela qui m’as fait revenir à windows, car avec celui-ci j’ai créer deux autres partitions ou je sauvegarde des films et des lettres pouvez-vous m’éclairer;

    _d’autre part c’est bète mais je bloque sur le fait que pour linux il n’y a pas d’anti-virus;
    _comment faire une sauvegarde du systeme linux
    _est-ce qu’ avec libre office je pourrai lire lettres microsoft office et aussi savoir que si j’envoie du courrier avec libre office celui-ci pourras etre lu avec microsoft office.

    Je ne sais pas si vous pouvez me répondre à mes interrogations ou vers qui me tourner mais ce serait aimable si vous pouvez m’éclairer.

    Je vous en remercie par avance.

    Edit by Clem: Bonjour Camille. Les partitions peuvent etre crees en ligne de commande ou bien simplement avec un outil comme gparted (que vous pouvez installer a partir du gestionnaire de logiciels). LibreOffice est plus ou moins compatible oui.. ca depend du niveau de compatibilite recherche, le mieux est de l’essayer, et s’il ne convient pas de continuer a utiliser Microsoft Office. Je me permets de vous donner un lien vers le guide utilisateur, il ne couvre pas tout mais c’est une bonne introduction a Linux Mint

  43. Thanks for a great distro, but I have a problem.
    Since I upgraded by changing rebecca to rafaela in etc folder (there were some more folders but i dont remember their names) all is working fine, but I am unable to print. I have HP printer.
    I tried to solve the issue in the same way that helped me in the past. I tried to reinstall the printer. See this thread
    but it doesnt work anymore!
    it says
    /home/vesna/.hplip/ file does not match its checksum. File may have been corrupted or altered

    why is this? Yesterday morning I was able to print normally but this happened after I upgraded.

    Edit by Clem: It looks like a regression in hplip, I can see bug reports in Ubuntu and Fedora as well. I’ll try to reproduce it and either get it fixed with 3.15.2 or get it upgraded.

  44. Hi Clem, remember me? 🙂 I’m the guy that aggravated you over on the Rafaela RC page. Well, bad news, the stable release of the Mint 17.2 64bit .iso doesn’t boot for me. Neither does Mate 17.2. But, LMDE Betsy does boot.

    Changing the sources list entries from rebecca to rafaela is the only thing that has allowed me to be able to use 17.2 Cinnamon 64bit.

    I don’t know, just thought I might throw that out there again in case you wanted any additional info.

    Graphics Card – Nvidia GeForce GT 720. DELL XPS8700.

    I think it has something to do with the graphics card, but what do I know? Not much, really. It’s just that somehow, I’ve managed to keep the NVIDIA 331 updates drivers from Mint 17.1, which aren’t natively available in 17.2. And, when I choose the 346 drivers, the system won’t boot in the same exact fashion as it won’t boot with the live DVD or USB.

    Hopefully not a lot of users will run into my issue but, I wouldn’t doubt it if they did. I even tried installing off the live DVD. The only way I was able to do that was to boot using compatibility mode. I knew it was a bad idea since the live DVD wouldn’t actually boot Mint in regular mode but, I figured I’d give it a try anyway. So I go through with the process and do a fresh install and it still wouldn’t boot.

    So, I restored my 17.2 image that I created using Redo Backup, fixed the boot drive, and am able to use 17.2 again.

    Edit by Clem: Both 331 and 346 should be available in 17.2. Afaik the Driver Manager should list both for you. It could also be a kernel issue (different kernels in 17.1 and 17.2).

  45. I tried the new release in VB and I must says that Linux is making huge progress toward stability and ease of use. It is surprising clean looking, simple and efficient. It always amaze me when I plug something new, the OS knows what to do with it. I hope it bring windows users aboard as well as new developers and commercial grade applications. I suspect that a lot of people are put off by the disastrous windows 10 childish OS.

    I admire the Mint team for their dedication and fantastic work.
    Thanks !
    -now waiting for the upgrade patch from 17.1 to 17.2.

  46. re:45 @Clem

    I have tried the other drivers and have tried other kernels but still crashes. 331 and 345 both work on 15.04 with no crashes. i’ve tried updating the kernel to 4.07 and 4.1.1 and still crashes. i have a NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M and the intel one.

    even when installing i had to boot in compatibility mode because nouveau would crash so the installer wouldnt even boot.

    any ideas???

    Edit by Clem: No.. I’ve an 850M here. It randomly crashes with nouveau (that’s a known issue) but it’s perfectly stable once the nvidia drivers are installed. I wouldn’t recommend 4.x just yet, actually I’d suggest you downgrade the kernel back to 3.13 to see if that works better.

  47. I’m new to Linux. I went to Update Manage to find the update and the manager was blank. Nothing there to update or select. Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance!

  48. Very nice, as usually…

    @Clem: You wrote here that mdm2.0 is able to show a User icon when using a encrypted home-folder.
    But i don’t understand what i have to do to enable this funktion. Is it possible to explain this shortly?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Daeniel, simply go to the Account Details in the System Settings and choose a user picture.

  49. Thanks for providing us such a great desktop experience.Moved from Mate to Cinnamon and realized what I was missing so far. Able to get rid of slow start menu & file browsing issue of Mate.

  50. Additional infos required by Clem, following message #24:

    – Tried to play video files (mp4 and flv) with Mint Cinnamon on Oracle Virtual Box release 4.3.28 (last)

    – Tried with both LM 17.1 and LM17.2 using vlc media player and totem

    – Tried also with LM 17.2 Mate Edition

    – totem plays properly, the player window can be moved without any picture damage; it is possible to close the player.

    – vlc starts to play but any trial to close the player freezes the virtual machine window

    – any trial to move the vlc window during playing leaves the picture on the initial screen co-ordinates and then again the virtual machine window freezes

    – all these DO NOT occur in LM 17.2 Mate edition which run smoothly

    – I checked this with LM installed and also running as live CD

    – My conclusion: this is a bug affects actual and previous Cinnamon Edition but not Mate Edition.

    Clem, please do not hesitate to ask me to perform any other checks if you consider them important!

    Edit by Clem: It’s probably an issue with the Virtualbox graphics driver module and its support for 3D rendering. There are also slight artefacts in the panels, to do with shadows, if you look closely. This is specific to Cinnamon+Virtualbox.

  51. I sincerely can not thank all of your team enough for the fantastic work you do. Linux has restored life back into a few older computers that barely ran Windows. I truly am very impressed with all of the bells/whistles and overall performance of Linux. Now that I have become more comfortable with it, I tossed all of my Microsoft products in the trash. I’m sorry I didn’t try Linux years ago. I can’t tell you how many times over the years I’ve had to reinstall that OS, so many times I’ve lost count. I’m in the process of talking my boss into installing this great OS system on our work computers.

    Thanks a million!


  52. So, Cinnamon crashes in the 32-bit version on a Thinkpad T61, and is not to revocer in the live version. On another laptop i tried the 64-bit live version, and get a kernel panic on bootup, and on a restart, the laptop gives a loud BEEP, and i have to remove the battery to be able to boot it up again lol… maybe a bit of a rushed release? Obviously there is a lot of porblems there.

  53. Hi there.
    I was using the 17.2 RC, and after the release, i only get 4 updates (nautilis, update manager and some 2 other stuff… Software source and system info still shows 17.1. What is wrong?

  54. Hi, Will users on 17.0 be able to update to 17.1 and 17.2 from the update manager? Or just 17.2?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Paul, just 17.2.

  55. @Paul:
    I asked this in the thread with the RC announcement.
    Yes, you can upgrade from 17 to 17.2 directly.
    There is no need to step to 17.1 and then to 17.2.

    In the next days there will be an update of the update manager and then we can jump to 17.2.

    The LM-Team did/do/will do a great job.

    Best Regards,

  56. 🙁 going back to 17.1, its awful for me Unfortunately for me this release has even more bugs , it locks up and freezes when i adjust the brightness , and the brightness always stays dim , also freezes when i plug in my wacom tablet, most unstable release ever , performs very poorly on amd gpu

    Edit by Clem: Hi Antoine, you’re not giving us much info to work with here.. try the MATE edition, restore the 3.13 kernel, look at GPU drivers.. find out which component causes the regressions (cinnamon? the kernel? nvidia drivers maybe?). In Cinnamon itself we’re using a new COGL API for supported hardware.. but I can’t really go into that until I know that’s even remotely related to your issues here (you can also try Cinnamon 2.6 from Romeo in 17.1, at least to rule it out).

  57. Hi,

    It’s NO POSSIBLE for me to install any online applet for cinnamon. I am having the spices error too: desklets, applets and themes won’t load. I tried the comand:

    $ ping

    and it is at and working. But, when I want to download any applet or theme remote server fails! In fact, I cannot open the main page of cinnamon-spices using Firefox.

  58. Clem and Team,

    Very nice! Simply did the upgrade process to 17.2. Things running very smoothly. Like what you’ve done with the screensaver service. One small thing I’ve noticed about it though. It seems like when you make away message changes in the screensaver, it SOMETIMES stops the daemon, not always. Not sure exactly which event it is. Log-off and back in of course, restarts it, and all is fine. Away message changes are seen immediately upon a manual screen lock. But lock settings seem to be stopped in some cases. Maybe an apply button would be good for changes, that would also restart the daemon.

    Please be assured that this is NOT at all at the top of the list for me. Just an observation. Thanks again for the hard work.

  59. @ Redman

    Open ‘Software Manager’ (e.g. by clicking on the updates shield-like icon, next to the time), click on ‘Edit’ and the option to update should be on the list (below the usual ‘Preferences’ and ‘Software Sources’ options).

    Bri 🙂

  60. I just bought a shiny new Dell laptop and I plan on creating a dual boot with this new Mint release. I know you advise to turn off secure boot, but I have read of others who have successfully installed Ubuntu who have left secure boot enabled. If I leave secure boot enabled, and it causes an issue, will it simply refuse to install at all? Then could I just simply disable secure boot and proceed with the Mint install. Or would this junk-up the boot procedure and potentially cause a load of problems?

    Edit by Clem: You can try… we don’t buy any signatures from Microsoft though so it’s unlikely to let you boot Mint.

  61. I love the desktop, so smooth, and I really like the way that the new desktop feels. I am however also having issues with applets, I cannot seem to get a download to work. cinnamon-spices in general seems very sluggish, and pinging the site from terminal does show the proper server ip that you mentioned, and same with the browser as well. Is there anything else I can try?

  62. Great work, Clem and team. No problems detected upgrading from 17.1 Mate to 17.2 MATE. However, bash history still shows duplicates in .bash_history?

  63. Currently trying to update to 17.2, but download software sources/package info is excruciatingly slow. Running since one hour now in the background and still not started the actual update process. I already tried changing my mirrors, but that doesn’t seem to help much.
    Anyone experiencing the same?

  64. You’ve done great guys. I’ve switched from microshaft windoze to mint 17.1 and I liked it. But in 17.2 the windows are ‘snappier’, smoother translations and the font contrast (resolution?) seems to be better (or I need to get my eyes checked XD).

    Thank you for this great FREE OS.

    I’d like to add a note for future releases though.
    In my opinion the ‘unsnapping’ of windows that are fullscreen should happen faster. I mean, like when I grab a window at the top of it (toolbar?), trying to restore it from fullscreen, I have to pull it down for at least a couple of centimeters (about one inch or so) until it’s ‘released’. It’d be nice if this happened sooner.

    Of course this is a minor thing but you requested feedback, didn’t you?

    Thanks again. Great work.

  65. It doesn’t run well on my lenovo e425, i even had to install linux mint in compatibility mode because it would freeze, I don’t know what the underlying problem exactly is but my gpu is amd radeon 6480g with amd a4-3300m apu , ive tried fglrx drivers and some from the amd website,tried all the settings in the catalyst manager, i still experience video tearing in everything and random freezes and it makes my laptop run very hot,Its disappointing to me that Linux mint doesn’t take full advantage of my hardware, but Windows7 and 8.1 does, it works perfectly on it , and i expect the same from Linux

  66. Been trying for 3 days and cannot get extensions wth?

    Edit by Clem: Server issues, it’s on our side.

  67. Antoine@93

    Sorry to hear you’re having issues.

    Don’t know how long you’ve been using Linux, but there is a fundamental flaw with thinking that Linux should work perfectly on your hardware, just like Windows. You are aware of the challenges that Linux has with developing drivers for every piece of hardware in every possible configuration — all this without charging you one penny? Video drivers are particularly troubling for legal reasons. Perhaps you’d like to do some research on that, and it may give you some perspective.

    This is not to say that Linux will never work “perfectly” and that the community is completely disinterested in making your machine work. But for some very complex reasons, there are limitations. At the end of the day, some of us will be left disappointed. I have been one before, and will be one again because of the ever changing sea of technology, both hardware and software based.

    But again, having a basic understanding of the big picture helps me keep things in perspective. Sure, it’s aggravating to experience regressions and performance issues like you are experiencing. But hopefully you realize the folly of expecting identical results from 2 entirely different development models.

    On the other hand, nothing is perfect, not even Windows or OSX.

  68. I’m also having the problem with refreshing the Applet/Extension/Desklet list. I’ve pinged and it does point to Anything else I can try?

    Otherwise, this is a terrific update! Every update gets better and better! Thanks for your excellent work!

  69. Did a clean install of Cinnamon 17.2 and the only issue, which I also had with the 17.2rc, is that during the initial boot, brightness drops to about 10%. This on my Dell Inspiron 15, model 3542. This also occurs with the live DVD. Other than that, everything I’m doing in Mint is functioning just fine.

    Good job!


  70. With a fresh install of 17.2 Cinnamon I have the following weird problem. All went well but when working in the terminal I got random error messages, all gtk related, so I went for a recovery boot. In grub I choose “advanced options”, recovery mode., fsck or dpkg refuse to boot, a text flashes through the screen and suddenly stops with a blinking cursor. Only a hard power cut can me take out of there. This happens only in Cinnamon, tried on another pc with MATE 17.2 without a problem. So now I’m worried that whenever I need the recovery mode it will not work. (To be complete, I have 2 hdd’s on board, one with 17.2 Cinnamon, the other with 17.1 KDE installed)
    Congrats for the 17.2 Cinnamon release, it is excellent.

  71. Thank you for all of you hard work. When I reinstall my linux mint 17.2, I found my operation can’t be started by using the 3.16 kernel, but it can be started by using 3.14 and 3.13. I don’t know why this happened.Thank you for your answers.

  72. after upgrading to 17.2 cinnamon, something strange happens with graphics. some artefacts appeared in some windows (terminal, main menu etc.). they look like blocks of horizontal colored lines. after restarting DE they’re disappering for a while, but then they return again 🙁

    ps. Intel Mobile 4 series integrated graphics

  73. Additional infos for Clem connected to messages #24 and #77:

    Clem, I just upgraded successfully and smoothly 4 laptops from LM 17.1 to LM 17.2 Cinnamon Edition.

    Conclusion: you’re right regarding the reported issues: the glitches are produced by the Virtual Box driver for LM 17.x Cinnamon Edition only.

    Many thanks again to Linux Mint Team professional work! I will promote further LM to all the happy Linux users I know!

  74. Sir, Clem, let me know which is the best (obviously bug_free) LINUX MINT 17.x OS?
    [As many users is saying about the bugs in v17.2]
    I’m using ASUS P5G41T-M-LX, linux supported mb, no graphics card is installed, RAM 2GB, Hdd 1/2 TB.

  75. Which Chinnamon or Mate, should I use?
    I’m new in linux.
    I don’t know much more about linux, as I am a SuperUser of Windows OS, but I want to switch to linux, so please help me to clear my concept about Linux Mint.
    …:Thanks in advanced:…

  76. For my computer the new stars screensaver was causing xorg to use 100% cpu (1 core) while it was running.
    I have 2 monitors. Just let me know if you need more information.

    Thank you for a great operating system!

  77. Just got around to dumping XP on an old R31 Thinkpad, and installed 17.1 with a hiccup or two along the way, then 17.2 over the top of that without a problem, EXCEPT that my USB wireless adapter — a Belkin N150 — can’t seem to maintain a network connection for more than about five minutes.

    Foolishly tried replacing MINT with UBUNTU 14.04.2 instead, only to find that it runs like a dead dog with “only” a gigabyte of RAM to play with(!), and still had the same issue with the adapter.

    Simple question: is there a USB wireless network adapter that’s known to work? And if so, what make and model should I be looking for?

    Otherwise — love your work, guys!

  78. Clem, first off, nicely done! The polish and attention to detail is obvious. As usual, I’m impressed.

    I have however noticed that the screensaver GUI is only showing two options, the standard Locker and a nice one called Stars. In your screenshot, there are many options. I tried installing xscreensaver, but then only two more showed up, FiberLamp and FuzzyFlakes, which I don’t particularly like. How can I get more options? I think the installation process missed something here.

  79. been using linux since ubuntu8.04 along with opensuse
    unfortunately i have an ati card on my new laptop , tried nearly every desktop environment i could find, Razor-qt,e20,openbox, xfce and so many ,After many battles and wasted hours trying to get it to work with linux- first thought – no more ati ever. and the proprietary + open source drivers are unable to use all power of me ati card.

    To me this feels like a battle decision between whats free unstable not always guaranteed to work opensource vs full power proprietary,

    However i would like to know what good hardware/laptop that linux mint 17.2 runs on and takes full advantage of and with 3d acceleration without experiencing video tearing and random freezeups and graphical glitches in art programs and without the backlight staying dim all the time

  80. Sir.
    Please answer my question of previous day. I am in trouble, anybody help me.


    This is not a forum to help new users (Not sounding disrespectful ! 🙂 )
    You could d/l and burn a DVD with Mate and one with Cinnamon and run it from there (Boot from the DVD itself without installing) to try it out.
    Wrt. Bugs : It might seem that there are a lot of problems but the findings are mostly specific to certain users and their h/w setup.
    It doesn’t reflect the stableness of Mint by any stretch.
    Most ppl. have no problems at all but if you look at this (b)log, that’s intended to iron out the last issues, you might get the feeling it’s not good, which absolutely isn’t true !

    Maybe you could search the internet for “new user linux mint” to find specific help.

    Or just run the live DVD and play with the OS as that way you’ll learn the most and come up with specific questions you can find the answers to.

    Mint’s very intuitive so just dive in 🙂

    Happy Minting !

  82. Hi,

    a big thanks to the whole team who made 17.2 possible.

    I found two bugs regarding Kernel 3.16 and the notification Icons.

    1. Every Kernel >3.13 changes the “curve” of the brightness control. Instead of, say, 10 steps linear from full brightness to lowest, I now have 20 steps, 15 of which are nuances of the full brightness.
    The other steps are very coarse and at the bottom end is a weird error where the background light is so weak, it flickers.
    I confirmed this with several Lenovo Thinkpads.

    2. The Battery indicator lost all of its features! It cannot be configured to display the remaining time. Furthermore the batt icon and the percentage look strangely misaligned.

  83. @109 – try installing the xscreensaver-data-extra, *-gl, and *-gl-extra packages, as well – that should give you the full complement of xscreensavers.

    The screensaver maintainer should bundle it all in one package.

  84. I have a problem with setting the mouse speed to slow. When I use the cinnamon settings, okay it gets slow, but still not so slow… Minimum setting feels just normal or a bit faster than normal.

  85. Upgraded from 17 to 17.2 – no problem. Upgraded to recommended kernel and suddenly on-board sound wasn’t working. Usual alsa force-reload fix didn’t seem to help either. Reverted to original kernel and problem solved. I’m a relative newbie to Linux and this kinda thing always gets me. LOL! Still prefer Linux to Windoze tho…

  86. Jesse V@109

    In addition to comment 113, you can install rss-glx. That has some pretty good screensavers as well. But brad is totally correct. You just need more screen savers, and the screensaver will manage them perfectly.

  87. Thanks for getting the extension server back up and running.

    Say, does anyone know how to turn off this dang screensaver? I have tried settings and every place I could but my screen still blanks after about 5 mins. Very aggrivating when trying to watch video. Thanks.

  88. Loving the newest version of Linux Mint!
    Wanted to upgrade to the newest version of Firefox 39.
    Firefox didn’t update after typing:
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install firefox
    Is Firefox now automatically updated in Linux Mint 17.2?
    Checked with the update manager as well.
    Am somewhat familiar with Linux Mint.

  89. Ref Item 100 : solved. Reinstalled with the same usb, had the same errors (MD5 was correct) , downloaded a new iso and this time all went well.

  90. Mint 17.2 working flawlessly here. Couple of issues:

    1. Desktop effect for “Mapping” windows in Cinnamon 2.6 (the effect used when restoring window from minimised state) behaves like “Scale” even when set to “Traditional”. Can we have the 17.1 / Cinnamon 2.4 effect back ie. shows the window zooming up from the panel, and perhaps have a new option for “creating” windows?

    2. Queued file copy progress shows incorrect percentage (off by a mile) when copying a number of large files to a device.

  91. I just did a fresh install. Cinnamon is now much faster than before. Performance gain is noticeable.

    But one thing I noticed when I start using it:
    Mouse pointer disappear when I scroll on top of my screen. I didn’t have this problem on 17.1. Here on 17.2, mouse pointer will vanish when pointed on top of the screen and goes visible again when moved back downward.

  92. I upgraded from 17.1 to 17.2 on 4 different computer, all works fine but this:

    On the one with this GPU:
    Graphics: Card: NVIDIA G98M [GeForce G 103M]
    X.Org: 1.15.1 drivers: nvidia (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,nouveau) Resolution: 1366×768@60.0hz
    GLX Renderer: GeForce G 103M/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 331.113 Direct Rendering: Yes

    I simply do not see the selection of the nvidia-346 in the driver manager.

    I actually tried to installed them from the command line, but I experience crashes when cinnamon start. I guess that is because cinnamon is not meant to be use with such old gpu (6 yo)

    Is that correct ?

    If yes, is it planed to make it happen eventually ?

    If, No. What did I do wrong ?

    Did anyone experience similar issue.

    PS: it works like a charm with GTX750m GTX560Ti GTX650

  93. Mint 17.2 Cinnamon is really faster, and works perfectly. But there are some issues. When I change the volume via sound applet on the panel, the sound is missing (in the sound settings it’s turned on and the previous Cinnamon versions had not this problem). Cinnamon sometimes crashes when I clear all the applets from the panel and reset all panel settings to the default. When I try to change the brightness via power manager applet, nothing happens. Drag’n’drop a file onto a zip file gives nonsense error message: “An error occurred while adding files to the archive. You can’t add an archive to itself”.

  94. Hi,

    i am not able to update from 17.0 to 17.2. Same behaviour on 2 PCs and with update to 17.1. The update manager shows the update to 17.2, but nothing happes, when i click the button. What is going wrong?

    Thanks for help.

  95. From nvidia-331 LM17.1 to nvidia-346 LM17.2, even you stays with the intel card (and you have NVIDIA gpu) being active, the NVIDIA gpu being disable, the power consumption matches what I use to observe running on the NVIDIA GPU permanently on LM17.1 and 331 drivers.
    That is an increase of 50% power consumption on my laptop (I observe this from the time available on battery passing from 6h30 to 4h10 when at 100%).

    Is there a way to get ride of that problem using the nvidia-346 drivers ?
    I guess I have to test as well with 331 driver to see if that comes from what package is shipped with 17.2 but at that point, my distribution is so different from the clean installed one that I could use some feed back to know what is the impact and what (if?) are the package of interest.

    I read on some ubuntu forums that primus what the reason for that but removing the primus package did not solve that problem.

    PS: I don’t use TLP and the values I indicate here are consistent with that. I used it once and it get 5% saving (and SSD hardware failure, so not for my hardware.), so that won’t help and that actually is not the topic

  96. Congrats!!! You did it again!
    This is the best linux distribution, and every release is better and better. You really rocks!

  97. Hi Comunity!

    I am proving the Live ISO of Linux Mint 17.2 in Cinnamon, in one portable computer of 64 bits with UEFI activated in Secure Boot. The mark of the Laptop is ASUS, i decided to update the UEFI/BIOS to the latest version and everything works perfect.

    Thank you team of Linux Mint, I’m very happy without systemd.

  98. Thanx sir for your help.
    This is one of the best os, so i will soon download this version from my friend as i am not connected to internet.
    Nice Job

  99. its awesome but we linux uses need something else,we would highly apprectiate if we get battery sounds like when the battery is low in addition to notifications and also linux mint system hibernates when battery level is extremely low i.e less than 2% which reduces battery durability.Please help

  100. Hi Clément, 17.2 wasn’t quite ready on june 30th as I had tried to install it on launch day, but a week later, I tried to install it again and it went like a charm. Just letting you know.

    Cheers to the team.

  101. ” To reduce this initial load time, Cinnamon 2.6 introduces a preload mechanism which loads themes and app info asynchronously earlier on during the boot sequence. Distributions using non-standard icon themes can add them to /etc/cinnamon/preload/iconthemes.d/. ”

    Can you make the theme selector do it?

  102. hi
    thanks for the release!
    i have 525m nvidia card and installed 17.2, i follow the instructions and install 446 driver from driver manager,but the switch applet doesn’t work for me,and it recognize intel hd3000 card in sys info but the applet says unknown active driver.I think all of them looking at nvidia or nvidia-current folder but they don’t exist,the folder is nvidia-446 and i don’t know where to change that.
    i tried old method by installing bumblebee and correct where the bumblebee should look for(nvidia-446 folder) and work fine with optirun,but the driver manager method and applet switcher doesn’t work.
    Could you write a full instruction on how to install driver and it’s dependencies for all the nvidia driver,intel driver and the applet switcher works?

  103. I’m having a problem…

    LM 17.2 Cinnamon was working perfectly from the upgrade on Friday until last night. I performed a pm-hibernate before going to bed; instead of hibernating, the system hung. Previous iterations of hibernate/resume had worked very well; when they didn’t; a simple hard power-off/startup worked fine. So, last night, I just did a hard power-off.

    Resuming from hibernate did not work this evening, and neither did a hard recycle. The system would “boot”, allow me to login, and then freeze. I used the current 3.16 kernel, and the “old 3.13 kernel with the same results. I booted 3.16 in “safe mode”, ran fschk, which supposedly repaired a “dirty bit”, and resumed the boot, with the same issue.

    Suggestions? A fresh install of LM 17.2?? I’m writing this from an LM 17.1 KDE partition on the same laptop, which booted properly.

  104. I tried a few more things, including clearing the swap space, and some of the other menu entries in “safe” mode. Nothing seems to work. I guess I’ll just do a fresh install, after backing up my data

  105. Solved! My .Xsessions log revealed that there was a “saved” subdirectory in cinnamon-sessions that was corrupt. Renamed the corrupt subdirectory, restarted X via Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, and Bob’s your uncle!

    *That* was weird – probably didn’t need to do a fresh install of 17.2 after all…

  106. Until now it’s always been possible to put a link to important directories onto the Cinnamon desktop. (As I remember, the operation was to right-click a directory, click ‘make link’, then copy the linked directory to the desktop).

    But this no longer works, which is a darn nuisance 🙂

  107. I’m going to backup and do a fresh install to my SSD. The upgrade went fine, but I’m going to be swapping some hardware around, so I’m going to download and do a clean install. Thank you Clem and Mint development team for such an amazing, polished desktop experience every time there is a release!! I’ve never had a problem with Mint, and I’ve been a user back to the early releases.(Elyssa) I continually recommend this distribution to anyone who inquires about computer help from me. Please look for another donation coming your way very soon!

  108. So far, this has been a greate update! A lot of issues I experienced were panned out. However, I am having one major issue…

    My taskbar items are rearranging themselves randomly. I rearrange them in the order I need them in, then they move themselves around when I’m not looking… It doesn’t seem like the order they are placing themselves in are the order in which they were opened. It really seems random…

    This happens multiple times throughout the day. I use a LM 17.2 VM as my development rig everyday, and this is happening on all of my machines… Any ideas?

    BTW, thanks for all the work you guys do!

  109. I tried Windows 10 preview, and it made me sick to my stomach… Microsoft just don’t care about us at all… I tried Mint and I’m loving the ride. It does everything just right – I hated Metro and Unity desktops – totally useless for professionals.

    In my mind, Mint hits the sweet spot for OS… light, fast and intuitive to use. Well done guys…

  110. hi
    i found a way to switch between graphic cards with nvidia-prime and get rid of unknown driver.
    after installing nvidia-346 from driver manager i had to do these steps in order to make prime works:
    sudo update-alternatives –remove x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/
    sudo update-alternatives –remove i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/

    it always choose mesa no matter how many times i changed that and when it chooses mesa,it prompt an error that wrong alternatives,so the only way is to delete them and now the system recognize intel driver but still not nvidia.

    in order to use nvidia driver i did this:
    copy from /usr/lib/nvidia-346/xorg to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers
    and delete(or cut some where else) from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers

    i don’t know why the driver is not in the path.
    and with this the nvidia driver i can switch between intel and nvidia driver via nvidia applet.
    and for nvidia-settings to keep changes, i had to copy nvidia-application-profiles-346.72-key-documentation from /usr/share/nvidia-346 to /usr/share/nvidia and rename it to nvidia-application-profiles-key-documentation.
    please look in to this problem.

  111. Hi
    After upgrading from LM 17.1, I hoped to be able to use my optimus nvidia card (geforce GTX 860m), but unfortunately, it’s still the same situation. I started with the kernel used with the LM 17.1 (kernel version 3.13.0-37), after 10 minutes with the Nvidia card, the laptoo freezes and I have to make an hard reboot.
    I upgraded the kernel to use the recommended one for LM 17.2 (kernel version 3.16.0-38) and I still encounter the same freezes after 10 minutes max…
    Any idea / suggestion to solve these freezes and succeed to use nvidia graphic card.
    I’m using the driver nvidia-346 (Version 346-72).

    Other point: sometime, when I log in, the language is displayed in English even if everything is configured with French as default language. I heve to log out / Log in a couple of time to come back with a French interface. Any idea for this second point?

  112. Linux Mint 17.2 looks great and always boot up well but the wifi is REAL flaky, it will run for a while (might be 5 minutes might be 20) then cuts out and will not then find my router (finds others) until I restart and then it all starts again.
    I love the OS and don’t want to switch but this cant go on, It’s pissing me ofF!
    HP laptop 17f004dx with a Realtek RTL8188EE wifi card
    Please help
    NB I’m a Linux newbee (3 months) so a guide or patch to overcome would be great!

  113. “If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17 or Linux Mint 17.1, please wait for a few days while we release a new version of the Update Manager to you.”

    …Still waiting…

    Would like to upgrade to 17.2 x64 Cinnamon from 17.1 x86 Xfce without re-installing the entire OS. Anyone know if this can be done?

  114. Hi Clem,

    When will LMDE 2 get Cinnamon 2.6? And how will it be delivered? As a new image?

    Thank you,

    Edit by Clem: LMDE 2 already has Cinnamon 2.6. It was pushed to its repositories as an update more than a month ago.

  115. Just installed Mint 17.2 Cinnamon 64 bit and facing a problem with display. After I login at the MDM, the screen goes completely blank instead of showing the desktop screen. After I tried to switch to a virtual terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and back to the X display (Ctrl+Alt+F8), I can see the desktop, but with a message window that says –

    “Could not switch the monitor configuration
    could not set the configuration for CRTC 63”


    My graphics cards info from inxi command is a below –
    $inxi -G
    Graphics: Card: Intel 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller
    X.Org: 1.15.1 drivers: intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) Resolution: 1600×900@75.0hz
    GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel G33 GLX Version: 1.4 Mesa 10.1.3

    Is this a known problem with my Intel graphics?
    Please help me fix this problem.

  116. reply to comment #150

    I got it fixed. I had old .Xauthority, .xsession-errors files in my home partition which were probably causing trouble. I removed them and rebooted and now I can login without problems.

    Nice distro, still exploring the Cinnamon desktop, I use Mint 17.1 KDE 64-bit as my primary OS though.

    Looking forward to Mint 17.2 KDE ;).


  118. hi
    please update cuda-toolkit package,it’s only uses 331 driver and will remove 346 driver.
    and if it is possible update cuda from 5.5 to 7.

  119. @Paulob
    hi,I had problems with optimus and mine was it didn’t work at all,i couldn’t change graphics with prime and it always unknown driver.
    I find a way to solve this and write it at comment 146,i don’t know it is safe or will work for you,if you want you can try that.

  120. @mhn,
    Thanks for your support, but my problem is not I can’t switch to nvidia graphic card. After installing the nvidia prime in my systray using a ppa, I can switch without any issue. The only point is if I switch to Nvidia graphic card, the laptop freezes after 10 – 15 minutes.
    When I was using the 17.1 version, I succeeded to solve this point but I don’t remember in details which procedure I used and I lost a very long time making some changes and I neeeded to re install a lot of times from scratch. To be honest, I don’t want to start all these tests for the moment.

  121. hi…

    i upgraded to cinnamon latest version but now border color of windows -upper side of windows- is blue and i can’t change it… it stuck in can i change? theme option does not work.thanks

  122. Why [sudo] password for ian:
    on terminal startup?
    New since new MintUpdate
    How to switch off?
    Annoyance factor: why should I have to key in my user password to access terminal?

  123. “Linux Mint 17.2 looks great and always boot up well but the wifi is REAL flaky, it will run for a while (might be 5 minutes might be 20) then cuts out and will not then find my router (finds others) until I restart and then it all starts again.
    I love the OS and don’t want to switch but this cant go on, It’s pissing me ofF!
    HP laptop 17f004dx with a Realtek RTL8188EE wifi card
    Please help
    NB I’m a Linux newbee (3 months) so a guide or patch to overcome would be great!”
    I have the same problem with wifi. And it happens that I have the same brand wifi card realtek RTL8723BE

  124. Hey guys,

    why does mysql-workbench habe soo ugly icon? You can see it, when you browse your applications with Alt+Tab.
    This problem is only at linux mint cinnamon. Every other distro has a standard icon, looks good.

    How could I change the icon from mysql-workbench?

  125. Most linux desktop never reach completion because the focus is not on basic desktop requirement, but rather on flashy colouring and can be used as demo (even though not working). This is typical of student assignment where the program does not work but just make nice comment and formatting to look like it is working.

    Some of the essential desktop requirements not always available on linux desktop:
    1. file explorer side window displaying the folder tree/list.
    2. configure desktop user profile using command line command/script

  126. I just found a solution concerning the freezes I encountered with the nvidia gpu. The freezes appear only when the nvidia gpu is active and when I was using the touchpad, nothing happened with a usb mouse.

    I found this bug on launchpad with a solution proposed on the post #18

    I have created file /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf with following entry:

    options psmouse proto=imps

    I have rebooted the notebook and had to increase pointer speed of trackpad under System settings > Mouse & Touchpad after reboot. So far I don’t have any issues with trackpad freezing.

    Default parameter proto for psmouse module is set to auto. The current value of the proto paramater of psmouse kernel module can be read from /sys/module/psmouse/parameters/proto file:

    cat /sys/module/psmouse/parameters/proto

    After creating /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf file parameter is set to ImPS/2.

    The idea for changing psmouse proto parameter came from

    So the quick fix would be:
    1.) Run following command from terminal:
    echo “options psmouse proto=imps” | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf >/dev/null

    2.) Reboot the system or reload psmouse module from terminal with following commands:
    sudo modprobe -r psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse

    3.) Increase the speed of pointer under System settings > Mouse & Touchpad

  127. I have a samsung 120 gig ssd840. When I run 17.2 on a standard HD the onboard sound output works fine. On the live DVD it works fine, However when I install it on the SSD all it shows is a DUMMY OUTPUT device. I have attempted multi clean installs with the same result.
    Everything else seems to work fine. Any ideas?

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