The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Cinnamon RC.

Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela Cinnamon Edition
Linux Mint 17.2 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.
New features at a glance:
- Cinnamon 2.6
- Software Sources
- Update Manager
- Language Settings
- Login Screen
- System Improvements
- Artwork Improvements
- Other Improvements
- Main Components
- LTS Strategy
For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon“.
Important info:
- Watching Flash DRM content
- Issues with Skype
- DVD Playback with VLC
- EFI Support
- Misconfigured Swap when using home directory encryption
- Solving freezes with some NVIDIA GeForce GPUs
- Booting with non-PAE CPUs
- Issues with KDE apps
- Other issues
Make sure to read the “Release Notes” to be aware of important info or known issues related to this release.
System requirements:
- x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
- 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
- 5 GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
- Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
- CD/DVD drive or USB port
Bug reports:
- Please report bugs below in the comment section of this blog.
- Please visit to follow the progress of the development team between the RC and the stable release.
Md5 sum:
- 32-bit: 15e83f42489b7f75f2a2ab3c23a081d8
- 64-bit: 83c6b150a232ea6044c649742a66273a
- Signed sha256 signatures
HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:
- Argentina Xfree
- Australia AARNet
- Australia Internode
- Australia Western Australian Internet Association
- Australia Yes Optus Mirror
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Bangladesh dhakaCom Limited
- Belarus ByFly
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
- Bulgaria Telepoint
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- Colombia EDATEL
- Czech Republic CZ.NIC
- Czech Republic Ignum, s.r.o.
- Czech Republic UPC Ceska republika
- Ecuador CEDIA
- Ecuador CEDIA Ecuador
- France
- France Gwendal Le Bihan
- France IRCAM
- France Ordimatic
- Germany Artfiles
- Germany Copahost
- Germany FH Aachen
- Germany Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Germany GWDG
- Germany Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Germany
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
- Greece National Technical University of Athens
- Greece University of Crete
- Greenland Tele Greenland
- Iceland Siminn hf
- Ireland HEAnet
- Israel Israel Internet Association
- Italy GARR
- Kazakhstan Neolabs
- Luxembourg root S.A.
- Netherlands NLUUG
- Netherlands Triple IT
- New Zealand University of Canterbury
- New Zealand Xnet
- Poland ICM – University of Warsaw
- Poland Polish Telecom
- Portugal Universidade do Porto
- Romania ServerHost
- Russia Yandex Team
- Serbia University of Kragujevac
- Singapore NUS – School of Computing – SigLabs
- Slovakia Energotel
- Slovakia Rainside
- South Africa Internet Solutions
- South Africa University of Free State
- South Korea KAIST
- South Korea NeowizGames corp
- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
- Sweden Portlane
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Taiwan NCHC
- Taiwan Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- Taiwan TamKang University
- United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting
- United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service
- USA Advanced Network Computing Lab at the University of Hawaii
- USA Department of CS at Utah State University
- USA Go-Parts
- USA James Madison University
- USA Linux Freedom
- USA MetroCast Cablevision
- USA Nexcess
- USA Team Cymru
- USA University of Oklahoma
- USA US Internet
- USA XMission Internet
HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:
- Argentina Xfree
- Australia AARNet
- Australia Internode
- Australia Western Australian Internet Association
- Australia Yes Optus Mirror
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Bangladesh dhakaCom Limited
- Belarus ByFly
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
- Bulgaria Telepoint
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- Colombia EDATEL
- Czech Republic CZ.NIC
- Czech Republic Ignum, s.r.o.
- Czech Republic UPC Ceska republika
- Ecuador CEDIA
- Ecuador CEDIA Ecuador
- France
- France Gwendal Le Bihan
- France IRCAM
- France Ordimatic
- Germany Artfiles
- Germany Copahost
- Germany FH Aachen
- Germany Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Germany GWDG
- Germany Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Germany
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
- Greece National Technical University of Athens
- Greece University of Crete
- Greenland Tele Greenland
- Iceland Siminn hf
- Ireland HEAnet
- Israel Israel Internet Association
- Italy GARR
- Kazakhstan Neolabs
- Luxembourg root S.A.
- Netherlands NLUUG
- Netherlands Triple IT
- New Zealand University of Canterbury
- New Zealand Xnet
- Poland ICM – University of Warsaw
- Poland Polish Telecom
- Portugal Universidade do Porto
- Romania ServerHost
- Russia Yandex Team
- Serbia University of Kragujevac
- Singapore NUS – School of Computing – SigLabs
- Slovakia Energotel
- Slovakia Rainside
- South Africa Internet Solutions
- South Africa University of Free State
- South Korea KAIST
- South Korea NeowizGames corp
- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
- Sweden Portlane
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Taiwan NCHC
- Taiwan Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- Taiwan TamKang University
- United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting
- United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service
- USA Advanced Network Computing Lab at the University of Hawaii
- USA Department of CS at Utah State University
- USA Go-Parts
- USA James Madison University
- USA Linux Freedom
- USA MetroCast Cablevision
- USA Nexcess
- USA Team Cymru
- USA University of Oklahoma
- USA US Internet
- USA XMission Internet
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!
I absolutely love the work your team has done with Cinnamon!
In my opinion it is by far the most well designed DE out ther and just keeps getting better!
Thanks Clem!
Edit by Clem: Thanks 🙂
right click move to (anywhere you want it) option —- has gone 🙁
Edit by Clem: Hi Marcos, it’s configurable in Edit->Preferences->Display->Context Menus->Show all available actions in context menus. Once this is changed, either logout/login or “killall nemo” in a terminal.
Awesome 😀 can’t wait to test it out !!!!
I’m a newby with two questions:
1. What does RC stand for?
2. When should we expect LinuxMint17.2 KDE?
Edit by Clem: Hi Doug. RC stands for “Release Candidate”, it’s a “Beta” so to speak (its quality is almost stable but it’s yet to meet user feedback and it’s released for the specific purpose of finding bugs prior to releasing a stable release). This process usually takes 2 weeks or so. The KDE and Xfce editions are usually released a month after the Cinnamon and MATE editions (and they go through RC releases as well).
Really anticipating the final release 🙂
Will we be able to upgrade from 17.1 without reinstalling? Thanks!
Edit by Clem: Yes.
I currently have Cinnamon 17.1. I want to upgrade to 17.2, but I can’t find a notification anywhere in the ‘software updates’ (I’m using in non-English version, so maybe it has a different official English name. It’s the program that shows you all the updates for the different packages).
Using this screen worked when I upgraded from 17.0 to 17.1.
Therefore my question is: do I need to download it from one of the hyperlinks above, or is it possible to do the 17.2 upgrade though ‘software updates’?
Edit by Clem: It will show up when the stable release is out.
can i update my “Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64-bit” to “Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Cinnamon RC” ?
And Thank you for an amazing OS!
Edit by Clem: You can upgrade once the stable release is out.
For the Flash DRM issue, instead of installing Wine and the Windows version of Firefox/Flash, why not recommend installing the deprecated HAL (from ppa:mjblenner/ppa-hal)? That will let many video streaming sites work just fine, natively. In the cases that require a newer Flash version, then the Windows version can be used as a last resort. I would personally use caution recommending a Windows-based browser.
Edit by Clem: Hi Mike, the tutorial talks about that solution. Note also that libhal1-flash is now present in Betsy and Rafaela. In short this solution is already implemented for you in Linux Mint, but it doesn’t solve all cases.
Hello! Where to find the public key needed to verify the sha256 sigs?
Edit by Clem: Hi, it’s the Linux Mint repository key provided by linuxmint-keyring.
How can I tell which release of Mint I’m currently running? I know it’s 17.x.
Edit by Clem: In Cinnamon you can go to System Settings -> System Info. Otherwise you can always run the Welcome Screen, or check the content of /etc/linuxmint/info.
Thanks Clem. I knew it was there somewhere, I just couldn’t find it.
thanks clem… and thanks for answering questions like, “what is a RC?”, it feel like chating with bill gates (no offence) 😀 waiting for the stable relace. 😀 (me and all my office desktops)
fer from mexico
clem, i think this is not the place… but,… would be nice having a link to report bugs in the wellcome screen, i repported one last week and it was kind of hard to find where to do it.
fer 😀
The kernel from Ubuntu 15.04 is better, my laptop battery is better now and my machine is also faster. The kernel from LTS isn’t so good.
Who still uses Screensaver?
Mint is the best distro but has the ugliest Login Screen 🙁
This bug is still present in the RC:
There still seems to be some wierdness with the panel on the secondary monitor when using full screen apps on either monitor. I have noticed this with wine apps as well.
Edit by Clem: Thanks Jon, we’ll have a look at it.
Thank you, Clem, for your answer about RC and KDE schedule.
Your work with Linux Mint is excellent.
Though still a newby, I’ve donated twice and will again.
Hi Clem!
I tried out the new 17.2 Cinnamon release, but sadly i was affected by frequent freezes.
I think it has something to do with the nvidia card, like you mentioned, but i wasn’t able to resolve it. I tried installing the nvidia proprietary drivers 304, 331 and also 340 from xorg edgers.
I was able to reproduce this by rapidly changing my screen brightness. My nvidia-card is an NVS 31000 (GT218).
If there is anything i can provide (logs, etc) please let me know.
Edit by Clem: Are they Xorg freezes? or Cinnamon freezes? Do they happen with the MATE edition?
New instalation LM 17.2 with Cinnamon, but no start Firefox ant Thunerbird. (Glib error) What fixed?
Edit by Clem: Hi, did you perform level 4 or 5 updates? If so, which ones?
@Carlos Felipe
You can use Mint’s nifty kernel manager to change the default kernel if you like one verse another. Also, you can edit the Login Screen to your liking using one of the standard ones in Mint, download community created ones, or even design one yourself =]
Thanks to the team for all the hard work! Will be looking at this distro to use for my 24 classroom computers in our school (and possibly more if it is a significant upgrade).
The RC announcement and download link were on distrowatch before Linux Mint offical blog :))
And thanks for the such a great distro…
Carlos Felipe@12
I still use screensavers.
I also realize that I’m not the center of the universe, and they may completely go away for the interests of the many. I’m okay with that, and won’t complain when they go away. But I will enjoy them while Clem still sees fit to include.
Thanks Clem!
Here goes my feedback…
I have laptop ASUS K55N-DS81, specifications are here:
However, I can’t boot any Mint version with UEFI Enabled (Secure Boot and Fast Boot are disabled). Rebecca and LMDE aren’t booting either. I just get a black screen and that seems to be it. I think it doesn’t even start booting (I press Ctrl+Alt+Del and it reboots instantly).
I don’t know what is the problem, I tried some kernel flags too, like radeon.dpm=0, nomodeset, nothing. Debian Stable,Testing,Sid, all of Ubuntu versions are booting without any problem, even with Fastboot enabled.
But, this laptop also does support BIOS mode through Launch CSM, and that way Linux Mint boots. On first boot I got kernel panic.
After reboot it booted fine, I am writing from Rafaela with Cinnamon.
I’ve created bootable usb with dd, like I usually do.
I am experienced user, I’ve been using advanced distributions like Arch and Gentoo, but I really like Linux Mint, and I would like to find a fix for this weird problem and enjoy using Mint.
Otherwise than this problem, Rafaela is working and looking really nice.
Keep up good work.
Edit by Clem: Hi Dino, it probably won’t help, but just to rule it out, can you try and burn the 64 ISO to USB stick using mintstick? Also, when it fails to boot, do you see the isolinux menu or the grub menu? or no menu at all? At what stage do you get a black screen? I assume it’s post-grub on the live EFI boot? Can you confirm? Last but not least, please remove “quiet splash” from the boot arguments, so you get as much info as possible.
I’m not sure, the Laptop freezes completely. Strg+Alt+Back, Del, F1 etc won’t work. The keyboard and mouse is completely unresponsive and I have to force it off. Also, I couldn’t find anything in the logs.
I was running Kubuntu 14.04 and also 15.04 for some time and never had such problems.
I’ll try the MATE edition tomorrow, since I’m on battery now.
Edit by clem: Hi Luke, it could be kernel-related. Can you go in the Update Manager -> View -> Linux kernels and try other kernels? 3.13.0-37 was the one used in Mint 17.1, and 3.13.0-24 in Mint 17. You can also try newer 3.16 kernels, see if you can pinpoint this to be a kernel regression and what versions are affected. Check dmesg and /var/log/syslog for clues about these freezes as well. If your mouse freezes then it’s not related to Cinnamon and it probably will happen with MATE too.
“New instalation LM 17.2 with Cinnamon, but no start Firefox ant Thunerbird. (Glib error) What fixed?”
“Edit by Clem: Hi, did you perform level 4 or 5 updates? If so, which ones”
Hi Clem,
Yes I test again and Firefox and Thunderbird worked perfectly without marked update nr.5 – Linux Kernel Headers for development 3.13.0-55.92
Thanks Josef
Edit by Clem: Thanks, there seems to be a real problem with that update, and it seems to happen randomly as well. We’ll try to find/fix the cause.
Hi Clem, are you aware of the regression in the new UI-style of the system settings. Not fixed in 2.6.8. I think it has a middle prio. See to reproduce. Perhaps I put the issue in the wrong place…
B.t.w. changes are terrific, thanks a lot!
Edit by Clem: Thanks, we’ll get this fixed.
Thank you all for making this OS possible.
I am running Mint 13(x64), and was planning to install the latest LTS, as I am having problems with VirtualBox. Although vbox is the latest version(vboxadditions too), doing operations(like formatting, scanning(with chkdsk for ex.), even extracting on) with a usb drive mounted in a windows guest, makes my virtual machine to Abort. I asked on the vbox chat, and one guy tested those operations on a windows guest, but different host than mint, and it worked flawlessly for him, which led me to believe is my old Mint 13 the culprit. Although, other than some rare freezes(for ex. if the pc was turned off with the sound jack plugged in, and before the first time when I turned it on I removed that jack, it almost all the time happened to freeze, but I rarely plug or unplug sound jacks,external monitor..) I would have happily stayed with Maya( “hey it’s my first love”, my first gnu/linux OS single booting on my only one machine), but those big problemes with the usb on vbox, makes me try a “younger one”. I can only hope that Rafaela will understand much better vbox.
Rafaela is looking good here but have a question,I always use Docky no matter what dist,when I click on System Settings I get a Bluetooth icon,that embarrassing!
Edit by Clem: That’s a funny bug 🙂 We’ll get that fixed 🙂
Edit #2 by Clem: It turns out that’s not a bug in Cinnamon. It looks like Docky is looking in /usr/share/applications for the first .desktop file which Exec line matches “cinnamon-settings”, and it finds “Exec=cinnamon-settings bluetooth” in that case. If you remove the bluetooth .desktop file, it finds the color setting module then 🙂 That way of scanning simply doesn’t work in this case. It’s not accurate enough. Please forward this report to the Docky developers directly if you get the opportunity.
doing operations(like formatting, scanning(with chkdsk for ex.), even extracting on) ON a usb drive mounted in a windows guest
sorry my mistake. i ment on a usb , not with a usb!
Thanks Clem and team, Rafaela is perfect.
It would be nice to see the code of LM17.2 less dependant on systemd.
Edit by Clem: (I fixed the typo you made on “systemd”, as it wasn’t very nice for the people who work on it.. I assumed you didn’t do it on purpose ;). Please note that Linux Mint 17.x is using sysvinit with consolekit and upower. The reason you’re seeing a runtime switch in Cinnamon 2.6 and logind support in MDM is to increase compatibility in other distributions and to let users be able to switch between logind and consolekit/upower without Cinnamon/MDM getting in the way of that choice they make. In the past MDM would only unlock via consolekit and Cinnamon would either only support logind, or only support consolekit/upower, depending on how your distribution compiled it for you. That’s all in the past now and you get to choose that yourself. Note also that if you’ve been using Linux Mint so far and you’re happy with sysvinit/consolekit/upower/mdm/cinnamon, this changes absolutely nothing for you.
Great news to here that 17.2 RC is out. I’m now on 17.1 Cinnamon x64 and would like to upgrade to 17.2 RC without reinstalling.
How do I do that? I dont want to wail ’til 17.2 is released
Edit by Clem: If you really want to do that (note that we recommend to wait for the stable release), you can edit your APT sources (list them with “inxi -r”) and replace all occurences of “rebecca” with “rafaela”. Then use your update manager to upgrade packages.
Bug hunting…
New PPA archive package browsing. You don’t see if a package is already installed. Checkbox is always empty if you reopen the package list. No error when you install “again”, but irritating.
And the PPA package list should be modal. One wrong click and the window is behind the non responding sources window.
Edit by Clem: Thanks we’ll fix that.
Thanks for the great RC. I was able to update quickly and without issue by replacing the word Rebecca with Rafaela in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list. After installing all the updates and the new kernel-generic package i rebooted and all has worked like a champ. I even tried out the new Ubuntu 15.10 4.0.5 kernel and have no issues with it as well.
high five to the mint team!
sorry – more…
Installed ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer, then installed grub-customizer directly from the package list (works). Unabled PPA, downgrade foreign packages -> nothing to select from. Uninstalled PPA, refreshed APT cache -> still nothing to select from in downgrade foreign packages. Of course I can uninstall grub-customizer the old fashioned ways.
Edit by Clem: Ok, that’s because it has no package to downgrade to. I’ll look into it to see if we can also consider these kind of packages as “foreign”. It’s quite tricky the conditions to identify them.. 🙂
REAL nice work on this rc. Been checking it out and I found that, for me anyway, the Power Management icon will not load the software from the System Settings.
Edit by Clem: Can you launch “cinnamon-settings power” and tell me if you see errors?
Rafaela looks good and feels faster than Rebecca. I noticed a few missing translations in Finnish. Translations are ready for use and are available at Lauchpad.
Edit by Clem: Hi Ari, translations will be updated again.
Hi Clem,
Do you have any plans to simplify the upgrade process for LM 17.x to LM 18? I know it’s not an immediate concern but would like to know whether you intend to do something or not. Maybe something simple and similar to these point releases?
Thanks for Linux Mint!
Edit by Clem: Hi Jon, I can’t comment on this yet, it really depends on what’s in LM 18 🙂 We’ve the technology to make it simple… to give you a button to click on and simple steps to follow, but whether we “should” make it simple or not really depends on how safe we consider the upgrade to be. If the base jump from 17 to 18 is risky, especially considering that 17 is supported until 2019 we might not recommend the update. In the end of the day we all want the same thing, a safe and simple update. If we can achieve it, we will, if we think there’s a trade-off we’ll take that into account though.
I just fresh-installed 17.2 RC Cinnamon 64bit over 17.1 Cinnamon. After first login, I installed “nouveau-firmware” hoping to get rid of the banner which shows “Cinnamon is running in software rendering mode…” This doesn’t work. Had to install “nvidia-304 driver” using Software Manager to get rid of it. My video card is GeForce 6600GT. I have a few questions:
1. Do I need to blacklist “nouveau”? If so, how?
2. In future when kernels are upgraded, via regular system update (i.e. apt-get update, etc), what should I do before hand in order to avoid the black screen? I just want to install nvidia once.
Thanks for your help.
Edit by Clem: Hi, no.. installing the nvidia driver should be enough, no need to blacklist nouveau. Kernel updates, assuming the nvidia drivers are compatible with it, trigger dkms recompilation of modules, in most cases that works (sometimes it doesn’t), but there’s nothing you “need” to do 🙂
I haven’t tried upgrading from one OS release to another with Linux Mint. I always do a fresh install every after release. I have tried it on Ubuntu years ago and it did not went well. Ended up downloading a lot of package only to break my system. So I still ended up doing a fresh install.
As with Mint, currently I’m using 17.1 in it. When 17.2 is released as stable and ready for upgrade, how large usually is the update/upgrade? I mean it’s download size.
And what will happen with my existing PPA? Will they be replaced or overwritten during the upgrade?
Edit by Clem: Hi Ken, your PPAs will be fine (no change) and the upgrade will be small. By default the Update Manager will only apply level 1 updates for you. The Ubuntu base being the same, you’re already upgrading base packages past Rafaela, if that makes sense..
Currently writing from 17.1 Xfce 32 Bit installed on a 16GB USB with Gparted and Unetbootin, using my girlfriend’s laptop. I was able to change the language to French and ALL updates have been done successfully (it took one day). I am a great fan of your work, thank you for your contribution to humanity.
Looking forward to 17.2 on my own laptop, already running 17.1 Xfce 32 Bit there in dual boot with Windows 7. One word: flawless. If only my cooling fan could keep up… Is it possible to change from 17.1 Xfce 32 Bit to 17.2 Cinnamon 64 Bit without a new install or am I dreaming in technicolor?
Any idea of how the upgrade to Windows 10 will affect dual boot systems like mine or if it should affect them at all? I do not want to be impolite by mentioning the other OS, but here seems like a good place to ask in order to get a credible answer.
Again, thank you very much for your excellent work. Mint is just what I asked for, been with you since Maya.
Edit by Clem: Hi. I don’t really know about Windows 10 (feel free to mention it, we don’t need to pretend it doesn’t exist or anything like that)… we should test other OSes, know our competition and all, but I’ll admit we’ve been busy focusing on our little World and I haven’t tried it yet. When it comes to Xfce -> Cinnamon, you could upgrade Xfce 17.x -> Xfce 17.2 after it’s released and then install Cinnamon, or even install Cinnamon and then upgrade… but one thing you cannot do is switch from 32-bit to 64-bit like that.
Any exfat support during the live session?
Edit by Clem: Not at the moment, we’ll have a look to see if we can add it.
I love Linux Mint this is best linux distro. Long time ago I used Windows Xp and decided I changed to linux (I love XP also, but it was old OS in 2011). In 2008 I saw and tried Ubuntu (maybe 8.10) and caught me it was first meeting linux OS. In 2011 (when I decided to change) downloaded Ubuntu and saw new desktop (Unity). Jesus, what’s this??? I don’t understand why got new desktop when Gnome 2.xx was very good. I installed because I wanted to change but I don’t like that. Later got some info a very good distro for my friend and told me try it. It’s called Linux Mint 13 (Maya). Downloaded, run live mode and appeared smile on my face “Woaou its the same as XP desktop”! Great! Linux Mint is very good distro, for me the best! Thank you Clem and Linux Mint developers!
Sorry my stupid english 🙁 I’m learning…
“Username window” (login window) and unable to restart, due to problems, I uninstalled Linux Mint 17.2 RC Cinnamon. I installed Linux Mint 17.1 RC Cinnamon again. At the moment I’m fine, I’m waiting for the stable version.
Edit by Clem: Can you describe what happens step by step? You boot the live session, you install, you restart but it doesn’t restart (that’s known issue with powermanager/networkmanager btw)? When do you see that login screen?
Please consider to integrate RedShift into Cinnamon.
I noticed that Mint 17.2 is still using evolution 3.10.4.
Has this just something to do with the gnome version cinnamon is based at or are cinnamon and gnome now drifting more and more apart?
I’m trying to figure out what the future of evolution will be in linux mint (cinnamon).
Kind regards
Edit by Clem: The version of Evolution is reason enough to worry, you’re right. We’re not talking about some independent application here, we’re talking about a GNOME component, if not at runtime at least in the way it’s being maintained. Google permanently closed their obsolete API and they won’t open it again, Evolution provides a workaround (GOA) which is DE-specific, GNOME is happy to say “3.10” is no longer supported, both Linux Mint and Ubuntu ship with Thunderbird by default, so if you’re using Evolution with Gmail right now you probably care about this problem more than any maintainer/developer involved. I doubt Google will do anything, I’d fancy Ubuntu or ourselves to backport a cherry-pick on 3.10 if GNOME was to commit a fix, but I doubt they will. Eventually we might end up fixing this ourselves. You’re asking about long-term solutions though.. whether this particular issue gets fixed or not, my recommendation is to switch to Thunderbird.
Really poor 3d performance with nouveau on a GeForce GTX 750 ti
Cinnamon reports rendering issues / effects don’t work / incorrect resolution which can’t be changed.
strangely enough “glxinfo |grep render” reports that rendering is enabled and 3d games work (but sluggish performance)
I know this is not Mint specific… but those of us using this video card series are doomed for poor performance until nouveau / mesa catches up. The only option is to install the proprietary nvidia driver (which the driver tool won’t detect) so has to be done manually.
Nice. But does any know:
What version of gEdit and Evince will be included?
And will the comming release include gnome’s header decoration?
Edit by Clem: Respectively 2.30.5 and 3.10.3. Client-side decorations (CSD) are fully supported in Muffin (the Cinnamon WM) but they create issues in other window managers which are also supported by Linux Mint.. so we try to support them the best we can, but since they don’t work great on all DEs out there, we try not to use them and not to use applications which are using them.
I tried the MATE edition today, sadly with the same outcome. Here’s what i’ve done:
-created an usb boot stick with disk creator
-started mint with nomodeset (otherwise i’ll get no login/window)
-installed nvidia 331 drivers (also tried 304 and 340 from ppa)
-tried to rapidly change display brightness and after a few seconds the system freezes
I tried again with nomodeset, the result was the same. Although i got a messed up black/green/violet screen as a result.
If i don’t change the display brightness, the system will freeze eventually after a few minutes of use.
Maybe this can also be a hardware error, but i don’t have these problems on Kubuntu 15.04 with nvidia 340.76 drivers
Thanks a lot for great job. Linux Mint is the best distro.
Just one request, please improve the design of login screen and make the lock screen looks like login screen to have the same design for both login and lock screens.
Thank you very much and good luck!
Thank you, your answers were enlightening.
Nemo is missing copy-to and move-to right click menus
Edit by Clem: It’s configurable in Edit->Preferences->Display->Context Menus->Show all available actions in context menus.
I’ve only encountered one issue with 17.2rc Cinnamon and that is that during the initial boot, it dims it display to about 10%. It did this with the live dvd prior to the install, too. At this point, it’s just an annoyance. This is on my Dell Inspiron 15/3542 laptop.
Hi !
I have a question…
Regarding stability and compatibility, which version should I use, Mate, Cinnamon or XFCE ?
Is it correct to say that Cinnamon is more “future proof” than Mate ?
Thanks for your good work on Linux Mint and for your attention.
Edit by Clem: No it’s not. MATE is built on more proven technologies which are less likely to change. Where MATE needs to adapt is with its compatibility with more modern hardware, for instance, it cannot support HiDPI without switching to GTK3.
Actually, I’m using evolution mainly to connect to our company exchange server (using evolution-ews) not so much for gmail.
This works mostly ok, but newer versions with bug fixes and features are always welcome.
Do I understand your answer correctly in that evolution on cinnamon will not be updated in the near future?
Edit by Clem: No. If newer versions of evolution are compatible with GTK/GNOME 3.10 we can consider backporting them. This is an isolated issue though. Long term, you noticed the fact that evolution’s version was tied to the version of GNOME and its libraries (yes, including GTK), that’s indicative of a real problem.
I usually use UnetBootin to extract ISOs to USB sticks. This time, however, when using UnetBootin, it doesn’t extract the kernel image and the initrd image to the USB. The ISO was downloaded correctly, and both files are there.
Any idea why this happens?
I’ll try it using dd, I hope it works that time. Strange, the first time for UnetBootin to disappoint me…
Edit by Clem: New version of syslinux. You should have seen the same issue with LMDE 2 ISOs I guess?
Massive props to you Clem and all the team. The number of improvements is astounding! I thinks freezing the Ubuntu base was a great decision.
As someone who has played with Linux a bunch of times over the years but always returned to Windows, I really feel this time that Linux on the desktop (and especially Mint) is finally ready for primetime for the average user.
You have more than earned my humble 50EUR donation.
Thanks again. Exciting times for Linux I feel…
Edit by Clem: Thanks 🙂
Addendum: My issue with UnetBootin was related to the USB stick. Using dd, it came out the same (yet the md5sum of the ISO and the USB did match despite the missing images)
Using another USB, it’s working.
Edit by Clem: Ok, good to know. Thanks for reporting back theSeppi.
I done a fresh install of rebecca cinnamon AMD64 edition on My machine with a SSD 120 GB and I was enjoed. You @clem and team had a good Linux mint. I follow You from Nadia. With the exit of Rafaela mint 17.2 I re-do a fresh install ( last install is two week ago ) . My only question is : I had 3.5 of Gib and I do swap partition or not ( for SSD ). Thanks a lot . When all done I donate to Your project as other edition. I sure You will do a good work ! Excuse Me for techincal help.
The mint flavour of GNU/Linux it is better than other ( I use mint since Nadia, and before I tried debian ( no recognition of ethernet ), BDS ( totally different ) and REDHAT(r) it is too commercial . I wish my think help another people to DONATE to MINT project because it is the ONE and only .
Edit by Clem: Swap partitions are less and less useful, hibernation can be done to file rather than to disk, and we’ve enough RAM nowadays to rarely need swap space. That said our HDDs are even bigger and it’s a nice concept to prepare for the case where things might go wrong. I still use a swap partition myself. It’s not necessary. I’d say it depends on your HDD size, if you can spare a few GB, then why not do it 🙂
Why does LM17.2 64bit ship with a i386 version of libcurl3? When I installed Google Chrome I was shocked to read that packages would have to be removed.
Is any software using the 32bit version of libcurl? Only the meta package ia32-libs was removed additionally, so no installed package actually depends on the 32bit libcurl3.
Additionally, the amd64 and i386 version of libcurl3 do not conflict with each other, as to their corresponding DEBIAN/control, so why was it uninstalled in the first place?
Edit by Clem: Hi theSeppi, it looks like it’s because libcurl3 is multiarch. I updated ia32-libs and removed libcurl3:i386 from it.
Login window appears, when it comes to boot with the live CD. That an event related to the live CD. However, after installing the system, the system does not restart or shut down. I am having this problem for the first time on Linux Mint. This picture was viewed live CD loading: This is Vahan’s follows:
I installed nvidia-331 with nvidia-settings and nvidia-prime in Linux Mint 17.2 RC Cinnamon 64-Bit on an Acer Laptop with Intel i5-4210U and Nvidia 840M graphics card. There were no errors while installing it and I the laptop seems to work well. I can start nvidia-settings. But it’s not possible to switch between the two graphics cards using nvida-prime via nvidia-settings. In earlier versions of Linux Mint and in Ubuntu 14.04 / 14.10 / 15.04 it worked. Maybe some problem with nvida-prime?
Edit by Clem: Hi Robin, this worked for you in 17.1 but not in 17.2? Other than the kernel, almost all components are the same though… nvidia-prime, ubuntu-drivers-common, nvidia-331.
Congratulations for this very well polished release (17.2 Cinnamon).
Just an annoyance which will not disturb too much people except in Latin America. I am using Using 2 keyboards: The one of my laptop which has a “latam” layout, and an external one (for office works) which has a “Spanish” layout (we find only this in Peru).
My problem is that when I start my machine, I configured it to start with the Latam layout. Here I have no flag dislayed in the taskbar. If I switch to the Spanish layout, Spanish flag appears in the taskbar. If I switch back to Latam Layout, THE SPANISH FLAG remains (but the latam layout is activated).
When I set the keyboard applet to not display the flags, I have he normal text indication ES1 for Latam and ES2 for Spanish. Both layouts are switched when requested, it is just a bug with flag indication, the rest functions. This problem was not existing on 17.1 except that there is no flag but an empty icon space when working with latin American layout.
This is really a minor bug, but it may disturb Latin American users, as a flag is more appealing and effective than text to have a quick feedback on the current layout you are typing with. The rest of the system looks very clean.
Best regards.
JF Duhamel
Edit by Clem: I’m not sure I can find a Latam flag.. but we can certainly fix this for the next update.
Edit #2 by Clem: This is fixed in git now. We’ll show the text name when icons aren’t found. We also added a tooltip on the applet.
Proč nejde dát panel na vrch monitoru? díky
Hi Clem
Quick question, will you be updating LibreOffice with the bug fix releases in the 4.4 series (4.4.4, 4.4.5, 4.4.6 etc) over time?
Edit by Clem: Hi Gabriel, if critical bugs are found/fixed.
I have an encrypted home directory so I didn’t upgrade to 17.1 from 17.0 as there was mention of swap partition problems (beyond my understanding). Will this be fixed in the 17.2 upgrade option? Thanks.
Edit by Clem: Hi David, this bug does not affect upgrades.
Thanks for 17.2
Just a minor oddity, while LM is booting, my monitor goes into standby mode (no video signal) until the Login screen is available.
On 17.1 I used to get a green on black LM boot screen (along with the warning message that one of my disks was slow to start) — any chance of getting it back?
My (very old) video card is “VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Redwood XT [Radeon HD 5670/5690/5730] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])” using the open source driver.
Thanks for your answer.
I have tried what you have suggested, and I am using 64bit ISO. I tried to write USB stick with mintstick – same. I deleted quiet and added nosplash and nomodeset – same again. And if it can be helpful, I have recored video showing the issue, and also showing that it is booting in CSM mode. It seems that users of all K55N series (e.g. K55N-DB81) have the same issue. Well, if there is anything I can try, please let me know.
Thanks again.
Edit by Clem: Thanks Dino. If you have time, can you try to do the same with Linux Mint 17 and Linux Mint 17.1 (both 64-bit/Cinnamon editions in EFI, in the same conditions as the ones which fail for Linux Mint 17.2?). We think there’s a regression on our side with support for certain hardware and we can’t put our finger on it. We’ll purchase a couple of laptops to troubleshoot this on our side (we lack some hardware to test… problematic ATI and Nvidia cards, nvidia/prime etc..) but I’m afraid we won’t have time to do that before this release is out so we rely on feedback for the time being.
Dear Minties, thanks for already fixing bugs – you’re great :-).
Before you get lazy (just kidding) – here are new ones:
Error with scale and expo in hot corners (tested in a VM): If you have one screen, two panels, the top hot corners don’t work (even with pointer pass through on). In 3.6.8 it’s worse than in 3.6.7.
Because of no real showstoppers and very few minor bugs, would you be so kind to have a look at a minor battery eating bug described here:
And a “fully” loaded battery is not always recognized. If I use the BIOS option to load the battery only up to 80%, there’s always “xx minutes until fully charged” or “charging” (power applet and power settings). Is there an easy way to detect that the battery is on ac but not loaded anymore?
Request: nice new feature monitor brightness control when screen is locked, thanks. But what about control of volume? I often have to stop the music, but have to login first.
Concerning no. 36 foreign packages: Did I misinterpret your description “A foreign package is a package which origin and/or version is unknown and which doesn’t match what is available in repositories known by your operation system.”? Then it’s ok :-).
Edit by Clem: Thanks, I’m keeping most of these for Cinnamon 2.8 🙂 Regarding foreign packages, I sent an update for mintsources which allows you not only to downgrade packages which version is exotic, but also now to remove those which aren’t present in repositories at all.
Hi @clem, I submit a comment but did not appears. Thanks a lot for devoleped GNU/Linux Mint Rafaela cinnamon AMD64 edition. I tomorrow will download it and install to my machines. Then if I enjoed it I donate like other time. I agree and believe in Your Project. I wish this comment appears …
@clem : I apologias that I wrote : the comment still in rank with other.
Excuse Me and I wish You long life & prosperity (StarTrek(r)).
Just one bug to report so far, when attempting to connect to a WPA/WPA2-Enterprise network using either the NetworkManager panel applet or Network Settings dialogue.
Expected behavior is that a configuration dialogue for security settings (identity, password, CA cert, etc.) should pop up, allowing user to configure network. NM should then connect to the network.
Actual behavior is that NM displays the “connecting to network” animation but never connects, pops up the security dialogue, or gives any error message (at least in the GUI).
However, configuring the same WPA2 Enterprise connection through the “Connect to a Hidden Network” dialogue (i.e., manually) works as expected.
I ordered and installed Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca over a year ago. Although on installation, it did not give me the opportunity to Dual Boot with my Windows7. After using it for a period of time, I don’t care about that now. This is absolutely the best OS of Linux Brand I have ever used. I will never go back to Windows again. It took me a bit of getting used to it. But once I did, found it easier than windows by far from a user stand point. I absolutely Love it! Thanks Folks!…..and please do keep up the great work!!
congrats on great new release.
Opera 31.xx and 32.xx dev versions seem to have problem with context menu after right-click, as opposed to Opera’s same versions on 17.1 Cinn & XFCE work ok.
Thanks again for epic work.
Edit by Clem: Hi, I can’t reproduce that issue, it seems to work fine here.
Congratulations for Rafaela, your distro is better and better.
SUGGESTION: On “startup applications” or “power management” insert the option cpufreq-set -g powersave or ondemand or performance ….
(mint distro included cpufrequtils!!!)
This is the only exception for use Mint out-of-the-box, and high temperature is an enemy of laptops.
Edit by Clem: Thanks, we need to make sure things work for everybody though. We could do this on specific hardware (I’m thinking of CompuLab here, although in the case of the mintbox the heat isn’t really an issue, it’s designed to get hot, and we want to get maximum performance).
Hello guys, I started to use Linux Mint about 14 months ago, I have to say THIS IS THE GREATEST OS EVER !
I am still a newbie but since I started I have erased more than 60 Windooozzze machine and installed Mint, and everybody love’s it.
Continue the good work and THANK YOU !
Hi. Cinnamon 2.6 looks great and seems more responsive now. All the new stuff is looking great also,but we need a new icon for the power applet,i think a sun around the battery icon would make it more obvious of its new functions. A worldclock would also be nice to have included when clicking on the time and date applet and also with an “interactive” calendar application that could take small notes and memos that could be set to give a notification maybe with sound too if needed. Streaming sound over bluetooth works much better in Cinnamon 2.6 than in any other distro and DE i tried so far but when it connects automatically to a bluetooth source the sound applet does not recognise that and does not switch over the volume control to bluetooth. Another thing that would be good is if sound applet could have a +- time delay since looking at a movie or youtube and streaming the sound over bluetooth usually makes the sound lag behind a bit. Another thing to make the wishlist long and complete would be to have radiotray integrated into the sound applet also,i know radiotray is an almost dormant project but it works great and maybe the users could make some localized lists of channels that could be easily installed/uninstalled trough the sound applet…and maybe that would breathe new life into radiotray itself also. Thanks for best OS out there and as always you show very good taste when moving forward…you’re simply making it better and improving it every time and still keeping it fast,familiar,good looking and easier to use than previous version. 5/5 stars to you & team !.
Welcome Rafaela! It took 23 minutes from insert DVD to first login. Fast install and Cinnamon 2.6 has some great improvements, even in a VM test setup.
🙁 my wallpapers weren’t picked 🙁 …maybe in a future distro… 🙂
Edit by Clem: Sorry J.
When i installed RC and it will be upgrade to stable?
Edit by Clem: Yes.
@Clem I used the command “cinnamon-settings power” like you asked and this is what I got.
Python module
Loading Power module
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/”, line 594, in
window = MainWindow()
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/”, line 89, in wrapper
res = func(*arg)
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/”, line 309, in __init__
self.go_to_sidepage(cat, path)
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/”, line 121, in go_to_sidepage
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/bin/”, line 329, in build
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules/”, line 168, in on_module_selected
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules/”, line 266, in build_battery_page
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules/”, line 321, in set_device_battery_primary
time_string = get_timestring(time)
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules/”, line 65, in get_timestring
return time_string
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘time_string’ referenced before assignment
Edit by Clem: Thanks, it was a typo in the code. It’s fixed in Git now and it will be in the next Cinnamon package update.
I’m running 17.1 Cinnamin and run Mint Xfce on another machine. I love the screensavers on XFCE Edition. Can we get that on Cin? I tried “Really Slick Screenavers” in package manager and some others but couldn’t find the pack from xfce.
Edit by Clem: Hi Drew, that works in Cinnamon 2.6, you just need to install the rss-glx package.
Hi Clem fantastic job. Cant wait for the final version. I installed the RC on thinkpad w530 with the Nvidia Quadro K1100M. However i constantly get themes not working after a while. Default mint-x theme resorts to a gtk-theme. Even after rebooting , the themes dont seem to displaying ok. Odd on the log in screen the controls seem okay
Edit by Clem: Can you confirm this happens in MATE? You posted the same issue on both the MATE and Cinnamon posts here..
Hi Clem,
Is Synapse able to run on Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela”?
It is not able to run on Ubuntu Mate (not even with this:
Looking forward hearing about this, as Synapse is a must for many, including me.
Thanks, Henrik
Edit by Clem: Version 0.2.10 (from the stable PPA) works fine (tested on Cinnamon). Version 0.2.99 (from the testing PPA) segfaults.
I have laptop ASUS UX305F with QHD+ screen, specifications are here:
I can’t boot cinnamon 17.2 64 bit from USB installer with Secure Boot disabled. After GNU GRUB screen I get mint logo for a second and then I get black screen. After a few more seconds I get the start up sound and black screen does not go away. Remove quiet splash in GRUB I see screen with large text then after flash screen with tiny text before screen goes blank. Adding radeon.dmp=0 in GRUB editor does not make any difference. Adding nomodeset in GRUB editor gets me to low resolution “without video hardware acceleration”. After installation I get the same black screen at boot.
I have this problem with Mint 17.1 and Ubuntu 14.04 also. But Ubuntu 15.04 works fine. Is this because of kernel version?
It sounds similar to problem in kernel 3.16 and 3.17 in this forum:
Some one in the forum says kernel-3.18.5-101.fc20 works.
When will mint have 3.18 kernel?
I really enjoy mint. Appreciate your great work!
Linux Mint is *awesome*.
I’m trying to come up with constructive criticism… something that must be changed… but can’t think of anything.
Ok, here’s one thing that could be improved: the icon for the Software Manager, it could be better. Perhaps a shopping bag with a Mint icon.
But that’s it. Linux Mint is so good that I can’t come up with any other suggestion. 🙂
Yesterday, I installed the 17.2 RC on a laptop with an Hi-DPI screen, but I noticed the user interface scaling settings where still set to normal.
On 17.1 this was set to Auto.
Edit by Clem: Yes, this was changed on purpose. Even though Cinnamon is able to render in HiDPI, many applications either don’t do so out-of-the-box (Firefox for instance) or not at all (all GTK2 applications for instance). With that in mind, we preferred to default to high-res rather than hi-dpi and so the setting was changed from auto to normal by default. In MDM things were a little bit different.. we kept HiDPI there simply because no apps are visible at that stage and thus the entire screen can look good in HiDPI.
Clem and Mint Team:
Great job on all the updating! I’ve used Mint since Julia and it just gets better every release! I can’t wait until I can upgrade to stable Rafaela!
Currently using Rebecca with Cinnamon 2.6.
I have a suggestion for future consideration (perhaps it is too late for 2.6): In “Themes” a Mint-X-Grey option for Controls and Desktop. I see Mint-X-Grey is available for Icons, but it would be nice if that color scheme were available throughout.
Again, great work and thank you for your attention!
Edit by Clem: Thanks.
Clem, congratulations for the great job improving the Linux Mint and cinnamon.
My humble contribution with the project currently is the reporting of what I believe to be a small bug.
Since early versions of Mint, when the system returns from suspend mode, analog audio device output is changed to HDMI audio output and I always need to reset it manualy opening audio settings and changing audio output device some times until the song return to play. This (bug?) is yet present in 17.2 Cinnamon RC.
There is something else I would like to understand in Cinnamon.
“gnome-file-share-properties” opens a dialog box called “Personal File Sharing Preferences”. In that box, in session “Share Files over the Network” the following message is showed: “This feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your system”, and the checkbox is dimmed.
This message would be more helpful if clearly inform what are these mysterious packages not installed, and if the fix is only that, otherwise only experts could share their personal files through network.
Edit by Clem: I think both issues are upstream to us unfortunately.. pulseaudio for the first one and gnome-user-share for the second one.
Just tried out RC2, and for the most part it works great, but I’m getting some strange behavior in the Display control panel…
For reference, I have two NVIDIA Quadro K2000 video cards. The primary one has three monitors connected to it (one DVI and two DisplayPort) and the secondary one has two (both DisplayPort).
When Cinnamon loads, the nouveau driver seems to recognize both cards and all of the monitors. The three monitors connected to the primary card and the first monitor connected to the secondary card all activate and seem to work properly, but the last monitor is not enabled. When I go to the Display control panel, they are all displayed there, but its behavior is very odd; the monitor graphics are tiny, and I have to click and drag below the monitor icons in order to actually interact with them. I cannot enable the fifth monitor, nor can I adjust the rotation of the fourth one. Trying to drag and reposition either of them responds very slowly and erratically. Manipulating the three primary monitors works fine.
I don’t know if this behavior is changed from 17.1; this computer is actually still running 13 as its primary OS. For what it’s worth, the nouveau driver in 13 is completely broken in this setup, so this is at least an improvement. 🙂
Keep up the good work. Cheers!
hi Clem from my earler post this happens in cinnamon
Hello to Linux Mint team! Thank you guys for this great linux distro. I am currently using Linux mint 17.1 cinnamon and very much happy with it. But I have a small issue. Mint’s default bluetooth software is not working properly for me. I am not able to send file between my nokia 112 phone and pc. Also bluetooth tethering (DUN) of my phone is not working at all. So i hope you guys will take care of this issue in your next great release. Thanks.
Hey clem! first off, I, as always, am very excited about this will-be-as-clean-as-ever release. The team is outpassing itself. I’m sure it requires good project coordinators for this to happen! The constancy of this greatness is impressive. May the Rome empire never fall!
As a side note, as with post #48 (Kaddy), the Driver Manager does not list any proprietary drivers for my card (NVIDIA GTX 750 TI). As I prefer doing it the safe way, I’ll wait for an update so something appears there, which lists the “good” driver with the “recommended” tag.
Is something planned to be appearing there, or would I just be better installing manually from the Software Manager?
Edit by Clem: I think it’s because it’s too recent for the version of the nvidia driver we provide at the moment. We’re looking into backporting it. Alternatively, feel free to install it directly either from PPA or from the NVIDIA website itself.
Edit by Clem #2: The NVIDIA drivers 346 were backported so this is fixed now.
Very good news.
Regarding the future 17.2 KDE edition: I am using since some weeks the new KDE Plasma 5 in Kubuntu 15.05. I must to say that it is really good I didn’t expect that, but this is with no dude better than KDE 4 in stability, performance and usability. I hope the next 17.2 KDE edition to come with new KDE Plasma 5 if possible.
using the Firefox to browse a a site with images like and
trying with the mouse to page down, usually the mouse loosing the grub of the widget; very annoying.
Seeing a video even with propriate drives usually I have screen tearing.
I know it is not a Mint issue at all but these small details make people go back to windows. You are the number 1 distribution , maybe you have to do something about this.
Edit by Clem: Two things might help here. First, there’s a Cinnamon option in System Settings -> General, to disable compositing for full-screen windows. Second, there’s a brilliant media player called “mpv” which you’ll find in the repositories and which uses your GPU acceleration to perform media playback. Playing with this option and using MPV you should get very good playback. Last but not least, after trying all that, check your GPU driver settings (ATI/NVIDIA configuration tools) for a vsync option.
Thanks Clem and to your team.
It looks amazing. Its only after you try Mate and XFCE that you really appreciate Cinnamon’s start menu.
Yes, i got it installed at the 5th attempt – let me first say that it’s an old laptop!
$ inxi -G
Graphics: Card: NVIDIA C79 [GeForce 9400M]
X.Org: 1.15.1 drivers: nvidia (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,nouveau) Resolution: 1280×800@61.2hz
GLX Renderer: GeForce 9400M/integrated/SSE2 GLX Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 331.113
$inxi -M
Machine: System: Apple product: MacBookPro5 5 version: 1.0
Mobo: Apple model: Mac-F2268AC8 Bios: Apple version: MBP55.88Z.00AC.B03.0906151708 date: 06/15/09
1st attempt – I selected the first (default) option on the installation disk on booting up using the installation disk. I didn’t even get to the login screen, just gave me some spurious comments about “controller” not being found and screen went black.
2nd attempt – I selected the second option on the installation disk, compatability mode. I got to the main screen, got the usual warnings about software rendering mode etc. Anyway tried to then install the OS and the screen froze halfway through(keyboard and mouse).
3rd attempt – I selected force third option (force pae). I got further than the second attempt, it installed, but then the OS didn’t boot on restart.
4th attempt – I choose the second option on installation disk, compatability mode, but this time I pressed tab to edit, and it brought up the command line. Can’t think what i changed with respect to nomodeset, but yeah everything froze later on when i was in the middle of the installation – just at the keyboard layout stage.
5th attempt – I choose the first option on the installation disk, the default installation option,except this time, I pressed Tab,and i added nomodeset to the list of arguments. I was able to complete my installation.
Then i could select Menu/Administration/Driver Management and install Nvidia!
I would say for noobies like me the whole Disk Partition screen is still very daunting when you are dual booting.I found this page great ( – perhaps consider a hyperlink to such a page on the Disk Partition screen. In my opinion the disk partition page on LMDE2 is probably easier to understand than the one for Cinnamon.
@Dino, @Clem
Hi guys. Just to confirm the same behaviour in my very own Asus K55N-DS81. The same behaviour is present in 17.0 and 17.1 images, no matter what method you use to flash the drive Mint will only boot with EFI deactivated. Any other distro claiming to support UEFI boot is working except Mint. I use Cinnamon on Arch Linux just because I can’t dual boot from GRUB.
Once said that, kudos to the Mint team! Cinnamon has become a real contender in linux DEs. I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes head to head with Plasma 5 very soon!
Edit by Clem: Could it be that ASUS needs GRUB EFI modules we don’t provide? I’ll spin an ISO with updated EFI modules if you can test it.
Edit #2 by Clem: @CENTSOARER, @Dino, can you try this ISO? (md5sum: 59f4a13855e7c7bb23f5445d1fc2419f). It ships with an updated version of Grub for efi-amd64. I’m hoping this could solve the issue with Linux Mint not booting for you in EFI mode. Please let me know if this changes anything (also don’t hesitate to mention if that impacts GPU compatibility post-boot).
Thanks to Clem and team!!
I have a laptop with intel advanced 6205 and the wireless is terrible. whilst I have been on google and I realize this is not just affecting this Mint distro does anyone have any ideas or is there something that can be included in the final release that could help?
Edit by Clem: No, but please tell me which laptop it is. I’m planning on buying a couple of them very soon, ideally models which have a lot of issues, so we can reproduce and fix hardware problems. I’ve got hybrid-ATI, nvidia optimus (prime), asus EFI on my radar already 🙂
First of all, love the new Mint release. Congrats guys.
Secondly, I just noticed a bug with mounted drives. If you plug in a USB, it auto mounts in a location on the desktop but if you unplug it, plug in another, and re-insert the first, the desktop icons overlap each other.
I’ve noticed a similar issue in previous Mint releases. It would be great if the icons could auto position.
Well done – everything works “as advertised” on my laptop. Special thanks for adding screensavers – I especially like the Celtic knots!
Would it be possible to make a feature enhancement request? I’d like to see a “random” option added to the list of screensavers.
Thanks Mint team!!!! You are the best!!! Maybe, for user with powerfull cpu, the next step would be customize the top of the windows, like the themes on firefox or thunderbird. I dont say that is vital, i didnt know if a files manager can do it. Sorry for my terrible english. Thanks from Chile.
Very pretty this system Linux Mint Cinammon, i like this system. I don’t want systemd
I have a problem with the option “Always select and trust security updates” in the update manager. What happens is for level 3 updates, I have the ‘Visible?’ checkbox enabled and the ‘Safe?’ checkbox is disabled. This is so I can see all level 3 updates and selectively install them. I also have “Always select and trust security updates” enabled because I always want level 3 security updates to be installed automatically. Non-security updates ranked at level 3 should stay unchecked by default and they luckily are.
The problem arises when a level 3 security update appears in the update manager. I would expect these kinds of updates to be selected by default but they aren’t even though the option “Always select and trust security updates” is enabled. It’s like the ‘Safe?’ checkbox is overriding “Always select and trust security updates”.
Edit by Clem: Hi June, it shouldn’t. I’m sorry though, I can’t reproduce this issue. If I set level 3 updates to be visible but unsafe and I select the option to trust security updates, I then see all level 3 updates but only security ones are checked by default. I tested this in both git master and the ISO (mintupdate 4.8.6).
Thank you Clem et al, looking forward to 17.2 – Mint goes from strength to strength.
Question: Will the policy of tracking an LTS edition of Ubuntu mean that programmes such as Thunderbird and Firefox will get further and further behind the times?
My Apple and PC both install new editions right away.
Edit by Clem: The short answer is NO :). Here are some details: First of all, Firefox/Thunderbird aren’t more recent in the latest Ubuntu than they are in its LTS version. What’s interesting is the pace of release from Mozilla (one new version every 6 weeks, with point releases sometimes as often as multiple times a week), the fact that they introduced new features in 38.0.5 and their recent 38.0(.1) ESR LTS-like release. All of this introduces uncertainty and I guess Canonical is waiting to see how they want to react. Whether they want to stick to ESR, or upgrade to newer versions. Right now they only seem interested in security fixes but while letting new features in at the same time. On our side we’re using their packages on Linux Mint but ours in LMDE. We could upgrade Betsy to Thunderbird 38.0.1 and Firefox 38.0.6 but we want to see how things develop upstream first, so that ideally, even though they’re not packaged the same way, we can keep versions in sync on both distributions.
There’s a new ISO available for people who can’t manage to boot in EFI mode ( See comment #99.
is it possible to update 17.1 to 17.2 by terminal command ..
Edit by Clem: Yes, it is. In /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ replace all occurences of rebecca with rafaela. Then update the cache with “apt update”. You’re then pointing at Rafaela and that gives you access to all updates. You can then apply them selectively with targeted “apt install“, or blindly upgrade everything with “apt dist-upgrade”.
I have a small issue with the 17.2 Update Manager.
I like to keep my software up to date. With 17.1, this is easy. After I have applied a batch of ‘Safe’ updates, I can still see the unsafe updates, and choose which to apply one-by-one.
When the 17.2 version has applied the ‘Safe’ updates, it hides the unsafe updates behind a full-window display of a tick. I may be being stupid, but I cant find a way of seeing behind the tick. Could the tick display have a close button?
Edit by Clem: Fixed.
There was always a small bug in all Linux Mint Cinnamon editions (maybe with Nemo). When I drag and drop some file(s) on an archive , my expectation is the files being added to it , but instead of that an error message pops out : “An error occurred while adding files to the archive. You can’t add an archive to itself.” . The Mate edition does not have this problem . Can this problem be fixed future 17.2 release ? It would be great .
Is it possible to prove the Live ISO in secure boot of the UEFI?
Edit by Clem: Afaik this consists in Linux Mint purchasing a “certified” key from Microsoft and signing its boot loader with it. It’s feasible but unless it becomes necessary it’s something we’d like to avoid (not for cost reasons, but simply because it’s not acceptable for a company to be in a position where it “certifies” its competitors). Our position on this at the moment is simply to tell people to turn SecureBoot OFF, and to tell buyers of computers which SecureBoot option can’t be disabled to bring their hardware to the store and ask for their money back (the primary function of a computer is to run OSes, if a computer isn’t able to do that, for any reasons, it’s not fit for purpose).
(Cinnamon 17.2 64 bit RC) When I open firefox and use control-L to type something in the address bar, the address bar remains empty. Firefox does not seem to have focus. After I click on the firefox window or do a control-tab, then the control-L works to direct typing to the address bar.
I suppose this could be a firefox and/or noscript problem. But it seems to me this happened once before with a Mint RC.
Hello Mint team, congrats on the new Cinnamon, looks great.
Issues to report though… There are issues with nvidia-prime switching. (I noticed someone else also reported it.) In all previous versions of Mint, prime switching works as expected. In 17.2RC Cinnamon there seems to be an issue. Nvidia-prime installs fine with no issues. Also nvidia drivers. Nvidia 331, the recommended driver. Reboot and no issues. Switch to Intel mode via nvidia settings without issues. However, when you then switch to Nvidia mode via nvidia settings, computer just boots with a black screen. Tried ctrl-alt-backspace, but does not work. I have tried this twice and both times with the same result. This is with default kernel, 3.16.
When I do updates at first, it gives me option to install linux 3.13 kernel headers, although 17.2RC ships with kernel 3.16??
There is a also a gap between the battery indicator and the percentage meter at times on the taskbar. The gap comes and goes, not consistent. In all previous versions of Cinnamon, there was no space.
Really looking forward to 17.2 release!
Edit by Clem: Hi Jacques, which NVIDIA GPU do you have?
Edit #2 by Clem: We got our hands on a laptop with NVIDIA Optimus. I’m happy to report PRIME support was fixed. The new MDM now handles GPU switches with a simple logout, we backported the new NVIDIA drivers 346, and we even added an NVIDIA prime system tray icon for easy switching.
Issue with the update manager:
With the default setting (security updates for level 4 & 5 shown, but not selected) and all updates level 1 to 3 applied (so that there are non left) those level 4 / 5 updates do only get shown for a second and then hidden by the great tick with the remark, that the system is up-to-date. You can force this 1-secnd-appearance by activating / de-activating to show descriptions (from the view-menu).
To make level 4 / 5 security updates permanently shown you have to activate to always trust and select security updates (what is not wanted and not default).
The same is true if I activate to display all level 4 / 5 updates, but deactivate to automatically select and trust them.
The version number of the update manager with this faulty behavior is 4.8.6
Edit by Clem: Thanks (and also to Charles Jardine). We’ll get this fixed.
Hi Clem, it is NVIDIA Corporation GF119M [GeForce GT 520M]. Thanks for the quick reply.
I am going to download MATE now to see if that perhaps makes any difference? In the past I have tried Mint MATE and had no issues either with nvidia-prime. Will leave feedback here later.
Edit by Clem: Hi Jacques, I don’t think it will help. Prime relates to the following components: nvidia-prime, nvidia-331, ubuntu-drivers-common, mdm (i.e. none DE-specific.. and I’m really confused as to why it would work in 17.1 and not 17.2 since these components are unchanged… well MDM is, but the part that deals with prime in MDM isn’t). I’m planning on buying an NVIDIA hybrid (optimus with intel hd graphics) laptop, hopefully on Monday, so I can see what’s going on and improve support on this asap. I’ll be relying on feedback until then.
Edit #2 by Clem: Done now. All PRIME issues are fixed. If you’re running the RC, make sure to install nvidia-prime-applet (that will be present in the stable release).
If the display for desktop icons are completely turned off in the desktop settings, the right click menu on the desktop does not open. (This bug is already present in LM 17.1 Cinnamon, here 64 Bit)
Don’t want to spoil the fun, but do you people realize that ‘Rafaela’ is also the codename for Dragora/GNU Linux-Libre 2.x ? See : , bottom of the page…
Still, keep going strong, lads. Waiting for the Xfce-release 🙂 (or maybean LXDE ?)
Any chance to upgrade Clementine from 1.2 to 1.3? 1.2 contains some bugs.
Can you please change the behavior of the login screen? Following problem (not new in 17.2):
With the option to remember the last logged in user (activated by default and consequently for most users) there is the problem, that in case the user does a typo for the password the login screen switches unexpectedly to the “neutral” state, I mean now the user-name has to be entered (or the user has to be selected at first). If the user does not notice this he will enter his password which will now be clearly readable for any person, who is in the room.
IMHO this is a security (at least a privacy) risk.
Typos happen and I think, that very most users expect in this case, that they simply have to be more careful by typing the password in. In case that indeed another account shall get opened (a situation, which does not even apply in many (most?) machines with only one account), he will quickly find out, that he has to switch to this account (and would most likely not want use the offer, to manually enter his user-name, but use the up/down arrow keys instead).
Edit by Clem: I understand the issue and I agree that it’s not ideal. This is more complex than it looks though and it won’t be changed for 17.2.
Success! 🙂 MATE is working for me. No issues whatsoever. I have done a few reboots between Nvidia and Intel and it works 100% every time. There was quite a few updates which I did not have last time with Cinnamon, so perhaps one of them made a difference? Although based on what you wrote earlier, it should not have?
Furthermore, I actually really like the MATE version. (It’s been a while since I last tried it.) It’s REALLY good. Font rendering is better too for me. Somehow it’s more “vibrant” compared to the Cinnamon version. I am now officially a convert from Cinnamon to Mint MATE 🙂
Buying a new laptop is quite extreme and costly, but I can understand why you want to do it. It is small things like this that make all the difference between using Mint and another distro. The developers actually care and listen to it’s users.
Respect to you sir!!!
Edit by Clem: Wow.. I’m even more confused now 🙂 Why would it work in MATE and not in Cinnamon? If you get a chance, please try Cinnamon again to confirm. In any case, I’m glad you enjoy MATE, it’s a great DE 🙂
Edit #2 by Clem: OK, I confirmed PRIME support was limited in both MATE and Cinnamon and in prior versions of Mint. This is now all fixed in 17.2 for both editions (they all get systray support, MDM now handles logout-GPU-switch, and Cinnamon also gets a Cinnamon applet).
thank you for the update clem. also can you update pitivi video editor to new version 0.94. the current version 0.93 always crash.
thank you
Hi Clem.
Mint finally booted in UEFI mode in my ASUS K55N after flashing #99 post Mint image to a USB pendrive! I’m really happy to confirm this. However I can’t confirm if this version can boot once installed to the hard drive, I’m pretty sure it works, because installation in MBR mode works alright and I’m using the 17.2 RC live session to write this. I hope this update gets into stable 17.2 release.
Edit by Clem: Great, thanks 🙂
Him Clem
Just installed and found that when setting own wallpaper, often will be upside down. How to fix this? Never had in previous versions. Tried removing EXIF data and that kind of worked, but not for all pics. Any suggestions welcome, or is this a possible bug?
Other than this problem, this an exquisite release. Thank you, thank you!
Edit by Clem: Hi Zane, you can use jhead: “apt install jhead” to install it, and then “jhead -autorot *.jpg” to automatically rotate all your jpg according to their EXIF data. I don’t think Cinnamon ever took EXIF into consideration to display pictures… if it did in the past and doesn’t anymore, please give us more info and we’ll fix that as a regression. Otherwise it can be a new feature to consider for Cinnamon 2.8.
Reference: Post 64
Thank you to take this in consideration, although it is only “cosmetic”.
Regarding flags for Latin America, you have 2 in the distro (I saw them in the /usr/share/linuxmint/mintlocale/flags/16/pe.png (Peru) and ar.png(Argentina)). A good solution is “If you want to represent your keyboard by a flag, leaving a choice to the user for each layout he or she uses:(Spanish for ES-es layout and Peruvian or Argentinian for ES-la layout). Like this there would not be any confusion possible.
Best regards, À bientôt
JF Duhamel
Edit by Clem: I can’t show an Argentinian flag to a Peruvian user or vice-versa. The way I fixed this was simply to not show a flag for Latam but to show ES1 (or ES2 depending on the order) instead. We can also take PRs on github going forward if somebody designs a nice generic flag for Latam.
As I posted earlier… the GTX 750 ti card has very poor performance with the version of nouveau / mesa and I would imagine other people would have the same experience with that or even newer cards. Can I please request that the final release of Mint 17.2 has the very latest nouveau / mesa to fix this issue please?
Edit by Clem: It would help, but it would also break compatibility with Virtualbox, introduce package conflicts etc.. we looked into upgrading the MESA/Xorg stack and eventually decided against it as it introduced new issues. Note also that we recommend NVIDIA users to run the NVIDIA drivers, so these issues are temporary during the live and post-installation session, and only last until the NVIDIA drivers are installed.
Any plans on using Plasma 5 for the KDE edition?
I am using a an Acer U5-610 with a Nvidia 760 card. Mint Cinnamon 17.1 ran fine with the above set up. With 17.2 everything seems to work except I cannot change my background and it is just plain black. The system runs well with nouveau. For the moment I am using the on board Intel 4th gen integrated graphics controller. But I would like to be able to use the Nvidia card as in the past.
Edit by Clem: It sounds like cinnamon-settings-daemon crashed. This was fixed in the latest cinnamon-desktop update.
Bug: Panels can be completely removed in Cinnamon 2.6.8.
This was not possible in Cinnamon 2.4 and before.
The user can end up, where he finds himself in the situation, where he does not get out.
This is especially cumbersome in combination with the problem I reported in #116.
As longs as the context menu on the desktop works, the user can open “add desklet” or “change wallpaper” and from there via control center to the panel settings. But if the context menu is missed, this way is closed.
Next options to solve the problem would be to press ctrl-alt-t, alt-f2 or super-e (and then open a terminal from Nemo) and then run the command cinnamon-settings. But none of those ways are bullet-proof, as none of those keybindings are hard-coded; the user could have changed the keybindings to other commands.
Yes, this is a unusual situation, but I indeed tried to find the worst-case-scenario (and possible workarounds).
The last possibility to get out of this problem I can think of would be ctrl-alt-f1, but which command would be needed here?
Please prevent the possibility to remove the last panel and / or solve the problem from post #116 or provide a hard-coded shortcut-key to get out of this situation.
Edit by Clem: No. First, some people use docks and/or don’t want panels. Second, you can Alt+F2 or right-click->Change background to access the settings and from there you can go to Panels and Add a new panel.
Visual glitch in panel options:
If the last panel has been removed and then one panel has been added again, the general panel settings appear at the bottom of the settings window. If I close the window and reopen it, the general settings are placed directly below the upper settings (where they mostly likely should be).
This glitch is not fully reproducible. Playing with it I sometimes saw it, in other cases (but not predictable) the glitch did not happen.
Up to now it looks great, but I can’t scroll on the right side of my mousepad anymore, hope that gets changed in the near future
Edit: found the setting, sorry
Rafaela is very well behaving, but she seems a little bit forgetful. I use Dropbox and got a small problem with Dropbox icon not appearing in system tray (17.2 Cinnamon,64 bit). The Dropbox daemon is still running and updates files as expected. I tried to solve this by delaying start of the Dropbox daemon at boot time. This brings the icon back at next boot, but only temporarily. The delay setting is forgotten and changed back to 0, and next boot is without the icon. This is reproducible.
Regards to the hard working developers. You have done a great job!
I grasped that 17.2 improved Japanese support.
The Japanese user was not able to use support added in 17.1.
I confirmed that 17.2 RC improved this problem.
Support from Japan to Linux Mint will be collected in this more.
I thanks Linux Mint developer on behalf of the Japanese users.
Hi Clem,
I can’t use the Linux Mint 17.2 RC Cinnamon 64 bit version on my laptop. I tried via an usb key and via a DVD disc. When I use the live usb key with the Start Linux Mint option, I’ve got the message : “BUG: Soft lockup -CPU#4 stuck for 23s! [modeprobe:2616]” in the verbose mode (and nothing happens). When I use the live DVD disc and the Start Linux Mint option, i see this message in the verbose mode : “INFO: RCU_SCHED detected stall on CPU/tasks: {2} (detected by 6, ….), but the system don’t start. I tried the Start Linux Mint in compatibility mode option but i’ve got a message like this : “Failed to start the X server”. 🙁
I’ve got the Optimus technology. 🙁
Edit by Clem: We’ve improved both UEFI support and Prime support since RC. Hopefully you’ll have more luck with the stable release.
Hi Clem,
many thanks for your great work on Linux Mint. My private equipment is running partly (>3 years) on Mint, fully since 1/2 year. You freed me from MS crap.
I observe the constant improvement of Mint (even if there are no major issues), thats really great.
But one thing to mention:
Starting on Maya till today still several complete Windows or also single words are not yet translated to German.
–> How can I help in providing the missing translation?
Thanks, Henrik
Edit by Clem: Thanks, it all happens at
Regarding the option in Nemo, to show / hide all available actions in the context menu:
This setting is fine to clean the context menu, if their are not needed.
On the other hand switching this setting is because of the need to restart Nemo somehow a bit cumbersome.
I understand that the primary wish, to make this possible without the need to restart, is probably not doable in the time until the release of the final build of 17.2.
But perhaps you can add one of the following suggestions.
Idea #1: If you (de)activate in the new module dialog an extension, a button does appear automatically to restart Nemo. This is far better than to quit Nemo with nemo -q in the terminal. Can you add such a button also in the settings dialog, in case the option for the context menu gets changed?
Idea #2: Even easier to change the context menu setting would be placing an appropriate command in the view menu and additionally place a command for restarting Nemo in the file menu.
Edit by Clem: This is something you’re likely to just change once. Alternatively we could “expand” the list in Nemo 2.8 and remember whether you want to see it expanded or not. So we’ve better ideas for this, but we’ll need to wait until the next cycle to see them in.
@Cosmo #128 — I am one who actually would like to have the option of zero panels; I think that if the right-click context menu always included a direct “Add Panel” option (and your #116 issue were fixed), it would be enough to keep people from getting stuck.
The reason I would like this is because Cinnamon still doesn’t allow a vertical panel, which I find necessary to make the best use of space on a widescreen monitor, particularly a smaller laptop screen. I currently run Cairo-Dock on the left side, auto-hiding the mostly-empty Cinnamon panel with a three-second delay to keep it from popping up. This works well enough for Cinnamon to finally edge out KDE as my DE of choice (there are other reasons too!), but I’d rather not have even something that lightweight running unnecessarily. I do much prefer the Cinnamon Menu over any of Cairo’s, though. Ideally for me, the Cinnamon panel would A) allow vertical placement; B) have an icons-only option for the window list; and C) allow removal of the last panel, with the recovery option in the screen context menu, for those who still want to run other docks etc. With A and B (which KDE does pretty well IMO), I wouldn’t care about C myself, but others might.
Dear Clem,
like everyone else, I want to thank you for your work. You should feel proud of yourselves. I will express my gratitude with a 100 EUR donation. Well deserved.
I have a question for you: In the features for 2.6, there is mention of: (…) “File operations are now queued and performed in sequence rather than in parallel.” (…)
I am a long-term user of PCs, and I could never figure out why all main OSs (Win, OSX, Linux) did file operations in parallel instead of sequentially. Or, at least, offering the option for sequential ops (e.g. “do you want to add this operation to the queue”?).
Can you explain why did it take so long for something so obvious and frequently needed to occur? I guess (hope) the answer is not “nobody thought of it as a problem”.
Edit by Clem: Hi Jordi, I can’t speak for everybody. That’s something we wanted to do and so it was done. Ideally it would analyse whether the source/destination are already busy with another file operation and decide whether to do it in parallel or not, but yeah… most of the time it makes more sense to do it in sequence.
Active corners have a bug, when I start session and open one window(web browser, preferences, nemo, etc) don’t let me select a option when click, by the way restarting cinnamon solves the problem.
Nemo icon zoom, can’t back to normally when decrease %
“Nemo icon zoom, can’t back to normally when decrease %”, sorry this just happens on preferences option not in the controller located in the corner
Edit by Clem: Note that this is the “default” zoom level.. the ones you modify in Nemo itself (via corner widget or view menu) are custom then.
Hi Clem,
I’m on 17.1 and I have hal installed via the ppa:mjblenner/ppa-hal. This solution means that DRM protected content from places like 4od plays natively in Firefox. Is it best to purge hal and remove this PPA prior to upgrading to 17.2?
Edit by Clem: Yes. 17.2 has its own libhal1-flash package for this.
Clem: (and other Mint devs) Hope I’m not treading on anyone’s toes here. Experimented with modifying an icon for 17.2(+) Update Manager “Your system is up to date”. My goal was three fold.
1) Maintain visual continuity between Panel icon and Update Manager.
2) Icon should be non-fussy, characterising elements of the simplified newer flat look, while maintaining the recognised tick and distinctive Mint feel.
3) Use of the shield to help enforce the physiological aspect of being both ‘up to date’ and also ‘protected’.
If happy with the modification, I can email the new ‘yes.png’ icon.
Thank you greatly for all your hard work lowering Cinnamon’s resources. After comparing the new RC versions, I’m extremely impressed, 17.2 Cinnamon RC produces a Blender render 3 minutes and 36 seconds faster than 17.1 Cinnamon (older netbook with single CPU core and 1GB RAM), bringing it in-line with MATE, Xfce and KDE. 🙂
Edit by Clem: Thanks David. I like the original one better (for simplicity), although I agree with the rationale and I’m grateful for your help and work on this.
Using a 40″ widescreen monitor, so no option for a vertical panel is a deal breaker for me. Mint KDE and XFCE are all time favorites of mine. Would like to use Cinnamon one day for a little change of pace.
Thank You Mint team for offering consistently reliable distro’s over the years.
Edit by Clem: May I suggest Docky? It can expand as a panel, does vertical layout very very well and has full cinnamon-struts support (i.e. it pushes the workarea when necessary).
Hello Folks,
First of all, many thanks and congratulations to Clem and the Linux Mint team for their great “Rafaela” RC !
I have today installed it on my HP Spectre 13-h201ef x2 Ultrabook (UEFI BIOS & GPT SSD) with success in replacement of Ubuntu 14.04.1 still in dual boot with Windows 8.1.
I just needed to make some workarounds to be able to go ahead with the UEFI stuff (switch-off UEFI, make the installation, rewrite the GRUB2 and switch-on UEFI).
For the time being, everything is doing okay and I have no particular issue to bring. I am very pleased with this new release even if it is still a RC.
I will continue working with “Rafaela” RC and will see…
Edit by Clem: This should be fixed in the stable release (the live GRUB was updated and is now on par with the post-install version).
When you move files (up to 300 at least) “File operations” appear in a little window
Edit by Clem: We believe this is fixed in nemo 2.6.7.
@Clem, I’ve been using Cinnamon 2.6 since it was released and installed it via Romeo on top of Mint 17.1. Thanks for fixing the initial minor bugs that I reported at the time. I’ve now installed Mint 17.2 on my HP Envy Touchsmart 15 laptop and also on my Desktop PC that I built, and everything is working just fine on both, with only one little bug occurring on both machines. On booting or logging in from MDM, on either of the systems, I can’t use the mouse pointer to select any of the workspaces except for the default/original one by pushing the pointer back into the hot corner. If I try clicking on the default or any other workspace, nothing happens. I can only select another workspace with the arrow keys of the keyboard and then pressing the enter key. This continues until I open one or two separate windows of any application and then drag one to another workspace, then all seems to start working as normal. I hope I’m explaining the problem clearly. To reiterate, on startup or login, workspaces can only be selected by keyboard arrow keys and then pressing the enter key, or the default/original workspace reselected by the mouse pointer in the hot corner. This happens until I open a window of any app (or two windows) and drag it/one to any other workspace. Then all of the workspaces become selectable by mouse-clicking on the one I want in the normal way. I thought it might be a dodgy theme I’ve installed, but it also happens with Mint’s default theme.
To finish on a positive note, that’s the only bug I’ve encountered and absolutely everything else is working fine. This release candidate is so good, I’m using it as my daily driver on both my desktop as well as my laptop. Not recommended, I know, but it’s THAT stable. Very well done for yet another superb job done by you and the Dev team. I can’t wait for the final release.
@Clem again, Just for reference to my previous post (#138) as well as this one, I’m using the 64-bit version of Cinnamon on Mint 17.2. There is one more long-standing bug that I’ve been experiencing from the very outset of Cinnamon back in Mint 13 to present day. The keyboard applet has NEVER displayed with or without the country’s flag on my machines or any of the other machines that I’ve installed Mint on for other people. I’ve seen screenshots and the odd Youtube video of other distros using Cinnamon – especially Arch Linux or Manjaro – and it always seems to display on those distros. That has also been partially my experience the couple of times that I’ve installed Manjaro on my Desktop PC. I say partial experience because it doesn’t display on Manjaro consistently either. Sometimes it displays, sometimes it doesn’t. However, in Linux Mint, it has NEVER displayed with or without the country’s flag. When I remove the applet – which I always do – there’s a black icon placeholder that flashes and disappears from under the update manage’s icon, as though the keyboard icon is constantly being hidden by it. I don’t need that applet as I’ve no need to be changing the keyboard’s language, but I’m rather OCD about little things like that, and it does niggle away at me, the fact that it wouldn’t display even if I needed it to. Any chance you guys could take a look at that and get it working, please?
Edit by Clem: Hi, that’s normal, it only shows up if you have two or more layouts defined (that allows us to enable it by default without annoying everyone). Regarding the workspace issue in your previous comment, please take it to github or #linuxmint-dev on the IRC, it’s something we should troubleshoot.
God bless you people!……good work proud of you
Thank you for the quick response to 109/114.
I have a minor issue with the Grub version installed on the 17.2 ISO. My desktop is a Dell 7010 set up for UEFI booting. My screen’s native resolution is 2560×1440. When I boot from the ISO, the Grub menu screen is displayed in the correct resolution but the menu itself is the wrong size. It is the correct height, but very narrow, occupying only a small area at the left side of the screen. This is an old Grub bug. When I actually install 17.2, I get a newer Grub which does not show this bug.
I think you need to upgrade the Grub used to boot the ISO if it is to work correctly on high resolution screens.
Edit by Clem: It was upgraded post-RC and that should be fine in the stable release.
Hi – total beginner here, I’ve got Cinnamon 17.1, can someone please tell me if it’s possible and if so how to upgrade to 17.2 via the update manager?
Thanks guys
Edit by Clem: There will be announcements with the stable release to explain how to upgrade. It’s a little bit too soon at the moment since 17.2 isn’t officially out (not the stable release anyway).
estoy por instalarlo en mi pc, como me gustaria que tomaran en cuenta el dividir en 4 los espacios de trabajo asi como en kde ya que es muy util, hasta windows 10 lo tiene ahora, otra cosa es que siempre tuve probemas con el sonido en kde y una tarjeta nvidia nunca tuve sonido asi que lo abandone mi motherboard era una gigabyte y la tarjeta de video era una evga gt 440
Once Linux Mint 17.2 is released you will be able to upgrade. The Mint developers will probably have a guide on how to do the upgrade along with the official release announcement.
It seems in Cinnamon 2.6 the week number is missing in the calendar applet?
Edit by Clem: Right click the applet -> Configure -> Show week numbers in calendar
Further to my #145 post, I confirm the same hardware issues exist under Linux Mint 17.2 64b RC than under Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04 on my HP Spectre 13-h201ef x2 Ultrabook (UEFI BIOS & GPT SSD).
To solve them, here are my workarounds in a terminal (CTRL + ALT + T).
1. WiFi – Combo INTEL Dual Band 802.11- AC 7260 (2×2) and Bluetooth 4.0
# To blacklist {acer-wmi} driver which blocks {hp-wmi} driver:
echo “blacklist acer-wmi” | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
# For kiling {acer-wmi} process and bring back to life {hp-wmi} one:
sudo rmmod acer-wmi
# To make above definitive even after reboot:
sudo update-initramfs -u
2. µSDCard – exFAT
# exFAT format is not recognized, so we have to:
sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils
Edit by Clem: I’m reluctant to add exfat support by default, due to licensing. Known manufacturers are actually paying Microsoft to be able to support this. I can’t believe we’re going through this “again”.
Hmmm, never mind, seems I looked in the wrong place.
I checked the ‘Date and Time settings’ (Left-click) instead of ‘Configure…’ (Right-click)
Problem with F6:
If Nemo is open with 2 folder-panes the user can switch between both panes with F6, that is fine, if one uses the file-manager with keyboard only.
The problem is, that F6 only works at once, if you have set Nemo to open with 2 panes. If Nemo opens with 1 pane (default setting) and the second pane gets opened via F3 (or menu), pressing F6 does at first nothing – no reaction at all.
You can either click the second pane with the mouse (what is against a keyboard-only usage) or you have to navigate in the first pane anywhere (e.g. by pressing backspace), only after that F6 is reacting.
Seems to be a bug, please solve it.
> Once Linux Mint 17.2 is released you will be able to upgrade.
> The Mint developers will probably have a guide on how to do
> the upgrade along with the official release announcement.
I would love to help testing 17.2, but I’ll have to wait for the official release.
It would be NiceToHave (TM) a feature to allow this kind of “unsafe” upgrade between major versions.
Of course this option should burried down in the preferences of the update manager, the default being only “safe” upgrades.
Those are my 2 cents.
I’d like to add that I just tried out 17.2 on my desktop – which was running Windows – and I encountered the following stumbling blocks (aside from the fact that LibreOffice cannot really compete with MS Office, partly because the former is single-threaded; also, Office does not work well on Wine).
(1)My mouse wheel scrolled very slowly – and there is no (remotely easy) way to do anything about it.
(2) Grub looked terrible, to the point of illegibility. (I was dual booting – and I tried to use the Grub Customiser program to improve things, but to no avail.)
(3) Mint was throttling my 2.6GhZ quadcore (Intel Q6700) to 1Ghz. Still, I managed to think that (though not quite sure how . .).
I hope these comments are helpful.
Hi i just want to ask if it possible to make Linux mint detect that i’m in Youtube and watch a video or i watch a movie and skreen turn down after 5min.For now i turn it Off but it never go to sleep mode.Vindows detect when you watch a movie or you are in youtube and never lock the screen.If i don’t sweetch off the screen every 5(by default)lock and turn down.But when i sweetch off never turn and stay On.Thank you
Je parles de l’économiseur d’ecran… ne detecte pas quand je regards film ou je suis sur Youtube.Il s’étende tous les 5 min(reglage pars default) .If faut que je l’arrete complaitement.Mais le probléme c’est quands je l’arrete complaitement ne se met plus en mode en vaille.Tout le temps allumer.Windows detecte ça.Merci si vous pouvais faire quelque chose.
Edit by Clem: Salut Sonya. Je continue en Anglais. Firefox does inhibit power management so when you watch something, say, in HTML5, the screensaver shouldn’t come up. The problem here is that we’re dealing with a proprietary plugin. Mozilla is aware of the issue but cannot solve it. Adobe.. well.. should I comment? Let’s say they’re not interested in fixing issues like this one. One thing that should help in Cinnamon 2.6, although not ideal, is the new Inhibit applet. Add that to your panel if you’re watching Flash often, and simply disable power management manually with it. Alternatively, you can go to and tell Youtube to switch to HTML5, that should help as well.
Although I am a newbie to linux, but as a noob I have found linux mint cinnamon a joy to work with its easy to use and easy to install. I have been enjoying the little features and apps in learning about using this operating system. I know I still alot to learn about it but its fun to use an a good learning experience thanks
Hi Clem.
Para cuando esta la versión estable de Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon?
Edit by Clem: Hopefully, around the end of the month 😉
Cinnamon continues to impress, as does Linux Mint itself. Good job guys!
I have a question that I haven’t seen discussed yet. I am using Mint 17.1 and will wait for the final stable release and hope to install using the Update Manager option.
Some time ago, on 17.1, I changed the kernel from the recommended to 3.16.0-36. Will this affect the upgrade to Rafaela? Should I revert back to the recommended kernel version before doing the update?
Edit by Clem: It shouldn’t affect the upgrade.
im receiving a bad signature error, can anyone help?
lukas@lukas ~/Desktop $ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0x0FF405B2
gpg: requesting key 0FF405B2 from hkp server
gpg: key 0FF405B2: public key "Clement Lefebvre (Linux Mint Package Repository v1) " imported
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
lukas@lukas ~/Desktop $ gpg --verify sha256sum.txt.gpg shasum gpg: Signature made Mon 15 Jun 2015 12:37:04 PM CEST using DSA key ID 0FF405B2
gpg: BAD signature from "Clement Lefebvre (Linux Mint Package Repository v1) "
Been running Linux Mint since Ubuntu switched to Unity, so for some years now and after some tweaking I get almost everything working really well and the Cinnamon just matches my requirements for look and feel.
Im current running 17.1, recently upgraded from 15 (or was it 16… not sure) but in both I had the tweak “ulimit -n” to a lot more than the default 1024 otherwise my chrome (running a lot of tabs) would trigger the limit and start to act really strange… at least until I close some tabs down, releasing open files slots again. Could you set a default higher value? Im guessing Im not the only one hitting this issue.
Another minor, but quite annoying, issue is focus for new windows/software opened with shortcuts. I have most of my stuff bound to shortcuts and rarely uses the menu, but in a dual screen setup where im “active” on one screen, like watching some steam or whatever, sometimes in full screen, and I pop up a new chrome to google something using my shortcut the new windows will not get input focus, but the cursor is in the windows, like the address bar of chrome. I have to manually click it to start typing. Im guessing the problem hasnt been address since it has been in Mint “forever”, but it would be awesome if it could be. 🙂
Thanks for a great distro and all the good work in it.
You could try the Release Candidate (RC) in a virtual machine…it is safer and less likely to break something on your install. Alternatively you could just run the RC off the USB stick/DVD without installing…if you just want to test.
If you really want to upgrade before the official release you could enable the Romeo repository via the software sources in the system settings which should pull in a lot of the Cinnamon packages but I’m not sure if it will pull in all the updates.
The last option is to change your sources to Rafeala via the command line but I would not recommend it unless you are experienced with Linux.
So far so good, but there are some classic features missing like the configurable panel and the MTP support from command line.
Anyway, it’s much faster and resposive than 17.1, so thanks for your hard work.
Some good NEWS for NVIDIA Optimus users:
We finally managed to get our hands on some hardware and support was significantly improved:
– cinnamon-desktop 2.6.5 fixes CSD (cinnamon-settings-daemon) crashing at login time with some NVIDIA cards.
– mdm 2.0.1 is now able to let you switch between Intel <-> NVIDIA with a simple logout (previous versions of MDM required a reboot).
– nvidia-prime-applet was added to the repositories. It starts automatically when you login and provides a systray icon for Cinnamon/MATE/Xfce/KDE if it detects a compatible Optimus card. It shows you which card is currently in use and gives you a quick shortcut to the NVIDIA settings’ PRIME page if you want to switch. It also provides a Cinnamon applet which, when added, replaces the systray icon.
– NVIDIA drivers 346 were backported (bringing support for newer NVIDIA GPUs)
Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that! <- but my message isnt on the site, why is that?
Since install of 17.2 my I can no longer control my UPS (Eaton 3s) in power settings. I can se it and it shows 0% charge even it in reality has 100% charge. In 17.1 I could set what happens with low power – shut down, and so on. No I have no settings at all to control te UPS.
Edit by Clem: Hi Mattias, please try to catch us on IRC at #linuxmint-dev. We’ll troubleshoot things with you, ask you to run commands, to look into dbus and all and we’ll get to the bottom of this.
Been running Linux Mint since Ubuntu switched to Unity, so for some years now and after some tweaking I get almost everything working really well and the Cinnamon just matches my requirements for look and feel.
Im current running 17.1, recently upgraded from 15 (or was it 16… not sure) but in both I had the tweak “ulimit -n” to a lot more than the default 1024 otherwise my chrome (running a lot of tabs) would trigger the limit and start to act really strange… at least until I close some tabs down, releasing open files slots again. Could you set a default higher value? Im guessing Im not the only one hitting this issue.
Another minor, but quite annoying, issue is focus for new windows/software opened with shortcuts. I have most of my stuff bound to shortcuts and rarely uses the menu, but in a dual screen setup where im “active” on one screen, like watching some steam or whatever, sometimes in full screen, and I pop up a new chrome to google something using my shortcut the new windows will not get input focus, but the cursor is in the windows, like the address bar of chrome. I have to manually click it to start typing. Im guessing the problem hasnt been address since it has been in Mint “forever”, but it would be awesome if it could be. 🙂
Thanks for a great distro and all the good work in it.
167 Clem Says: “Some good NEWS for NVIDIA Optimus users:…”
Improvements and additions sound amazing! Can’t wait to try, thank you. 🙂
Hi! Thanks for all your hard work. I love Linux Mint. I think I did find a small bug though (apologies if this has already been reported). I have Mint installed on my Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E530. I’ve noticed that the battery icon applet in the panel doesn’t seem to be working properly. When I first plug in the powercord the icon changes from just the battery to the battery with lightning bolt, as it should. After a few seconds though the icon switches back to just the battery. I know it’s charging correctly because the percent charged display continues to go up. Anyway, hope this helps! -Joe
One issue to report (carried over from 17.1).
dpkg -s libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a | grep Status
revels the lib is available both during a live session, and after installation with the 32-bit edition.
While the 64-bit edition contains the lib during a live session, but it’s absent after installation.
Missing lib causes some invisible menu options in VMware Player, also noticed switching some custom themes can be clunky without libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a.
This only seems to affect Cinnamon, MATE 64-bit edition includes libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a after installation.
Thank you.
Edit by Clem: Thanks.
Hi Lord Mozart (No. 148),
to get the keyboard applet working you have to add at least one more layout in System settings – Keyboard – Layouts.
@ Clem
Nothing to do with Rafaela but with all Linux Mint web sites and blogs.
It is very difficult to read and write on a postage stamp!
You have to increase all the time the zoom in your web browsers to be comfortable with Linux Mint.
Why not changing – increasing the default resolution of all your web sites and blogs for matching the average screen resolution of the PC and laptops to, let’s say, min. 1,280 (+ 64 % share) or even 1,360 (+ 57% share) width.
I’m sure you know the following stats:
Thanks. Joe
Hi Clem, I’m jealouse of the Optimus news. If you get new hardware, perhaps you can have a look at my problems (gets better with every release, especially battery consumption):
Intel-Amd hybrid (Samsung Chronos Series 7, nearly three years old):
– Latest (and older) Radeon driver problems: Black screen when switching users (2nd or 3rd time) or when 2nd user logs out or wakeup after suspend, especially if Intel mode is used. Even restarting MDM doesn’t work then, next login lasts forever.
– Hibernate doesn’t work (shutdown fails because of the 2nd graphics card, so startup is like a normal reboot).
– Some special function keys (keyboard backlight control, fan normal/silent, Wi-Fi on/off) don’t work ootb, but I get managed this by installing samsung-tools and/or doing some changes by hand. Problem: after some updates (maybe level 4) the keys are gone (no more in /lib/udev/hwdb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb).
– Monitor backlight changes are only possible with kernel-param acpi_backlight=vendor.
– WLAN is half as fast as in Windows (2,5 MB/s instead of 5 MB/s).
I know these are mostly minor problems, but perhaps you are interested in some. I can give you more detailed information if required. Thank you.
Edit by Clem: Wow.. that’s a lot of problems. I won’t be able to work on Hybrid/AMD in time for 17.2. But I’ll do the same as I did for NVIDIA Optimus eventually, I’ll study all that, purchase a laptop with as many issues as possible and try to fix them for the next release.
Hi, I love all the job you are doing, thanks you so much I love so much linux mint.
Bug reporting:
Shortcut commands have issues, sometimes just not respond
@Clem: I’m sorry, you can delete the “new error” in the github roadmap Cinnamon section “Error with scale and expo in hot corners (tested in a VM)” – I forgot to restart Cinnamon m(
@ 175 Joe Linux: The following may prove helpful while using a high resolution display.
In Firefox’s address bar type:
In the about:config search bar type:
Look for:
Once found, change the default value from -1.0 to 1.25 (or higher if still too small). -1.0 tells the browser to use the OS default scaling. As a visual reference, 1.25 setting in Mint is the equivalent of using 125% display scaling under Windows.
Hi. I’ll can update from RC to final release?
Edit by Clem: Yes.
Hi, here again with bug reporting.
Media keys or I thing the shortcuts, like I have mentioned before have strange behaviors, check this
When I open a window(any like nemo, google chrome or virtual box)
and then close all or I thing just one trigger the bug that kill shortcuts.
well its all for now keep the good job guys and thank you again.
Here again and sorry for my bad english, (thing = think, so wrong there XD), the issue I just report goes back to normal when you open a new window or when create a new custom shortcut.
Problem with power management (critical):
If I click on power management in the system settings, the title bar changes to “Power Management”, but the system settings window stays there. If I try to open power management directly via menu I see the opening window for a second and then it vanishes.
This is Cinnamon 2.6.9 on a VirtualBox guest.Today I found a post in the forum from another user who has the same problem.
So this seems to be a critical bug.
Addition to my last post (# 183):
Also the respective applet does not appear in the panel, after it has been added.
Edit by Clem: Try to run it from the command line to see if there are errors “cinnamon-settings power”
This is what I get:
Python module
Loading Power module
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/”, line 597, in
window = MainWindow()
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/”, line 89, in wrapper
res = func(*arg)
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/”, line 312, in __init__
self.go_to_sidepage(cat, path)
File “/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/”, line 126, in go_to_sidepage
IndexError: list index out of range
Additional info:
I just launched the life system (with Cinnamon 2.6.8) on the very same virtual machine.
Here the power settings do open as expected (so it must have been a regression of 2.6.9), but the applet does not get shown there in the panel also. If I add it, it shows blinking for 1 second, but the place stays unused (not an empty place); the applets too the left and right of the blinking stay on their positions, if I remove or add it via applet settings dialog.
Edit by Clem: Already fixed in Git by glebihan (even before I read this…) 🙂
Cinnamon 2.6.9 has been released? It is updated so fast…So will 17.2 stable release be released with cinnamon 2.7 ?
Edit by Clem: Hi. The version of Cinnamon is “2.6” here (x.x.7 is a minor bug-fix increment tag/version). You’ll likely see 2.6.10 very soon as we fix more bugs 🙂 In the next Linux Mint (17.3) you’ll see the next Cinnamon “2.8” (as you can see we stick to even numbers for stable versions… developers will work on “2.7” which is the development version of the “2.8” release-to-be).
Hi Clem,
I know it’s only a third party application, but VLC does come bundled with LM – so is there any chance we could have VLC Version 2.2 bundled automatically in Mint 17.2?
From this page, it looks like Mint 17.1 is based on Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) so the PPA only gives allows those on Mint 17.1 to install VLC 2.1.6, but if Mint 17.2 was based on Ubuntu (14.10) or (15.04) the PPA would give you VLC 2.2.
VLC 2.2 does seem to have a few bug fixes.
Edit by Clem: This is quite late in the RC process… I can’t guarantee it will get in, but I’ll have a look. If it doesn’t it’s available via PPA at (be selective though, there’s many packages in there and I’m not sure it’s packaged the same way Ubuntu does).
@ David Black
Ref. your # 179. Hi and thanks but this was not my point.
This is okay if you use all the time the same PC which is not my case, the reason why I was rising this concern.
You cannot change the behavior of a PC which is not yours, thus my suggestion.
@ Clem,
Hi and thanks for your answers to my posts.
# 145 / UEFI BIOS
“This should be fixed in the stable release (the live GRUB was updated and is now on par with the post-install version).”
This is a good news for all the owners of UEFI BIOS PCs.
# 155 / µSDCard – exFAT
“I’m reluctant to add exfat support by default, due to licensing. Known manufacturers are actually paying Microsoft to be able to support this. I can’t believe we’re going through this “again”.”
On my HP Spectre 13 x2 I have NO other choice for increasing the size of my “hard disk” (the SSD is soldered on the MB)). In add, if I well understood it, exfat support, for at least Linux, is now under GNU GPL v2.
Edit by Clem: It’s not a licensing problem, sorry I was confusing.. it’s a patent issue.
Will you please put system setting in the right click.
Hi Clem:
Regarding your comment to my post #128:
The point, that some user use docks and therefor want to remove the panels completely is taken.
But your solutions via alt-F2 or right-click on the desktop are not bullet-proof, as I described in #128 in detail. The first one, because it is not hard-coded and can be unset by the user, the second one because of the bug I described in #116.
Edit by Clem: Agreed, nemo 2.8 should provide the option to add a panel when appropriate.
Just out of curiosity, how long does it take approximately to develop the stable release once the RC is out?
I don’t need the specific date when 17.2 (stable) will be released, but I’m just curious whether such a development phase tends to a few days, a few weeks or rather a few months.
Edit by Clem: Usually two weeks.
Edit by Clem: Thanks David. I like the original one better (for simplicity), although I agree with the rationale and I’m grateful for your help and work on this.
No problem. Thank you for making time to give feedback. Since making the previous post, I have created other designs, a veritable smorgasbord. 🙂
May as well show them before they are permanently assigned to obscurity. 😀
02 (mid grey (like the previous except with minor fixes)
03 (lighter tick)
04 (outline)
05 (outline + solid tick)
06 (sans shield, solid tick) Similar to your tick, except tick is the same orientation as Panel shield tick (visual continuity). Dark grey colour chosen, rather than black, as this helps it look a little less harsh while drawing attention to the text below.
All designs are svg.
Looking forward to 17.2 official, shaping up to a great release and just in time for my birthday! 🙂
Edit by Clem: Happy birthday 🙂 this one is nice (can you make a PR for it?).
I’d like to install gitg. Higher version than 2.7, which is default for current Rebbeca (probably Rafaella, too).
I can build it from source, but gtk+ of version >= 3.11.5 is required.
In repos for Rafaella (, there is still listed version 3.10.8~8+qiana.
I kind of feel, that this could be some breaking change, but anyway, is it possible to upgrade this lib in the repo to higher version ?
Thanks !
Edit by Clem: No, too much relies on GTK and upstream causes way too many regressions for it not to be frozen. We’ll stick with 3.10 for 17.x. Try to reduce the dependency to 3.10, eventually remove/adapt GTK calls relying on 3.11 in the source code and you should then be able to compile gitg 2.7 with 3.10. I might do this myself if I find some time.
Hi Clem!
I had the “black screen on boot up”-issue on my Dell XPS 13 (2015), too. The new image from #99 solved this problem for me. I hope the fix makes it to the final release.
I’d really like to use LM17.2 on my Notebook.
I had do time to test anymore today, so that’s all for now. I’m looking forward to try the new RC on the weekend 🙂
Best regards
Edit by Clem: It will.
Thanks Clem,
The update on the daemon came through here in Asia just a few minutes ago. It worked on both the Nvidia 331 and 346 drivers. Also thanks for the great Linux Mint versions.
Hi there is there any chance of including the new Linux Kernel 4.1 LTS this is going to be supported for 2 years see
all so live patching is supported on Kernel 4.0 and higher
Edit by Clem: Not that late in the cycle, but hopefully next time around.
Hi, Clem. I noticed something about the update manager and the “always select and trust security updates” problem.
You said the update manager works as expected for you regarding these settings, but did you happen to also have the “always show security updates” option enabled? I noticed that if I enable both “always show security updates” and “always select and trust security updates” that I do get the desired effect, but then what’s undesirable is level 5 security updates appear and are selected by default and I know I never want to install a level 5 update of any kind.
Can you verify that this happens to you too? If not, is there a way for me to reset the update manager to its default settings so I can hopefully get it working the way you have it working?
Edit by Clem: OK, I can reproduce it now, thanks for digging into this 🙂
Our previous correspondence refers.
Apologies for the long delay, but I had some things to see to and was away from my computer for a few days.
I have tried Cinnamon again and it works perfectly now.
There has been a lot of improvements/updates since I last used it. The prime-indicator applet is great. In the past I used prime-indicator from the Webupd8 PPA, but it never worked perfectly with Cinnamon. Thank you so much for this!
Thank you also for updating the Nvidia drivers. This will solve another issue… Wine did not “play well” with Nvidia 331 drivers. It had to uninstall something, nvidia-icl or similar (can’t remember exact name now), and then install it’s own version of that file. That only happened with Nvidia 331 drivers for some or other reason?
I am still going to stick to MATE though. Just wanted to test Cinnamon again and give feedback as promised. 🙂
Thank you so much for all your hard work!
@ 193 “Edit by Clem: Happy birthday 🙂 this one is nice (can you make a PR for it?).”
Thank you, and thank you. 🙂 PR = public release (sure you don’t mean pretty ribbon)?
Since you like the that design, had a go at new Panel icons in the same style. Made a tiny improvement to the shield, noticed shield points were not symmetrical.
07 (base)
07 (base-apply)
07 (base-error2)
07 (base-info)
Now I’ve seen them in situ, feel the Panel icons shield outline should be increased a fraction, to match the “All windows” icon width.
If you like the overall design, I can make dark versions for MATE.
Edit by Clem: Oh no, PR as in Pull Request (on github). This is more about development than RC bug fixing. You’re also getting close to symbolic icons… if mintupdate had a dbus interface, Cinnamon could interface it with an applet.. we can look into all that for the next release. You’re already often on the IRC so there’s no need to talk about it here.
whats ! rafaela screen saver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash compiz 3D desktop.
I can’t desktop on newwallpaper by plasma theme.
I can’t desktop on icon.
Congratulations! an awesome job you’ve done. I think Mint is one of the best distros. I’d like to know if theres an option to hear a song just passing the mouse over the sound icon.
Edit by Clem: I think nemo-preview does that.
Previous versions of linuxmint allowed one to configure cinnamon menu like choosing not to show “Recent File” on the Menu. Can this feature
be brought back.
Sometimes one opens files with long names and this expands the Menu in
a way I don’t like.
Great job on linuxmint cinnamon, I’ve been using mint for 6 years now
Edit by Clem: Yes, it’s now in System Settings -> Privacy.
nemo-extensions installation and nemo -q (2 different, but related bugs):
1. I installed nemo-terminal. After that I opened nemo (plugin did not show) and looked into the new module dialog. NemoTerminalProvider showed there and was shown as activated, but it did not work; pressing F4 did nothing. I had to deactivate it for getting the button to restart nemo in the module dialog, after that I had to activate it again and restart nemo a second time. Only than the plugin was usable.
I understand, that after adding (or removing) of a plugin a new start of nemo is needed, but I think, that the module dialog should show newly added plugins at first as deactivated (what is the actual state of it); with this a single restart of nemo would be enough.
2. As this double restart is circumstantial I installed another plugin and this time I used the command nemo -q in the terminal. This gives a new problem: After entering the command all desktop icons disappeared and also the context menu for the desktop was not reachable. Opening the desktop settings of Cinnamon showed nevertheless icons as activated. Switching this twice (off – on) brought the icons and the context menu back.
I know, that this command is not needed any more because of ctrl-alt-esc, but old habits, you know? Anyway, the option -q should either get removed or the icons and menu have to stay visible (especially if the options tell, that they are). ctrl-alt-esc does not have this bug.
Current version of Cinnamon is 2.6.10.
Hi Clem,
Not sure if this corner case bug has been fixed since initial RC release.
While checking something else, using the RC live from USB on an Optimus laptop, after clicking various System Settings, including ‘Panel’ a couple of times before moving onto others, suddenly the desktop panel changes back as if still in Panel settings.
Even after closing System Settings, the desktop panel is stuck in that state (second link), until System Settings is opened and ‘Panel’ is selected.
It’s a strange one, with seemingly no straightforward method of reproducing it.
Took the plunge and updated 5 laptops, Lenovo’s and Dell’s to 17.2. 3 of these were running Cinnamon and the update was flawless, 2 also had MATE installed and finished with multiple errors. Using sudo apt-get remove mate-desktop and apt-get autoremove, then running the update manager again got me past the errors and into 17.2. It really is a superb version of Mint. Very polished and smooth and also seems a tad quicker. Excellent work Clem and the team. Donation on it’s way.
Edit by Clem: Thanks, we’ll look into mate-desktop.. it works ok but it might have upgrade issue. We usually clean up the upgrade path post release.
@Clem, regarding my previous post (#147), it turns out that the problem was with the Configurable Menu Applet that I had installed. Once I remove it, and replace the original stock menu, everything works just fine on login and boot up. I can select any workspace by clicking on it. That applies to both my desktop pc, and laptop. So the good news is, Mint 17.2 Cinnamon is working 100% fine on both machines with no bugs. No wonder I couldn’t wait for the final release and installed it on both as my daily production machines. 🙂
Thanks for your reply on my other post (#148). After installing the English (US) keyboard layout, the UK flag popped up to show which keyboard layout I was using. I guess it was working fine all along since its inception, but I just didn’t realise you had to have at least two keyboard layouts installed. Thanks for the tip, and thanks again for a brilliant release.
Edit by Clem: Ah cool. Don’t hesitate to let the panel author know about this He’s lestcape, he’s quite good, very involved in the Cinnamon development and I’m sure he’ll react to and welcome your feedback.
Rafaela will not boot using a live DVD or a USB. I am using a Dell XPS 8700 64 bit machine and working with the Cinnamon 64bit .iso and verified the md5 sum and downloaded it twice, thinking maybe something just went wrong with the first download.
System Info =
When using the DVD, I see this:
and then this:
(there was a lot more that scrolled past very quickly and it just stopped here. I didn’t know how to page it back up to capture all that was displayed.)
It does the same thing with the USB in regular mode. When I tried the USB in UEFI mode, I got a pixelated screen.
Edit by Clem: Check comment #99 for an updated ISO. UEFI support was improved post-RC.
I downloaded Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition 17.2 Rafaela, but when it opens, from cd, the window that asks me to login, unless I was able to set. What should I do? Thanks!
Edit by Clem: If there’s a timer, just wait for it to log in automatically. Otherwise that’s usually a sign of a corrupted download or DVD. Check the MD5 and burn at low speed.
I installed Rafaela a week ago, when the RC was released and… completely forgot it was an RC! Flawless performance so far! Astonishing! Thanks Clem and all the developers in Linux Mint!
Could we have the search feature that Ubuntu has? it is awesome. Ofcourse without the spyware! I don’t know why no one else has thought about it?
On ACER V3-371-59W7 notebook, the touchpad right button doesnt work.
In LM 17.1 it works.
xinput list gives the following:
Virtual core pointer
Virtual core XTEST pointer
SYN1B7F:01 06CB:2991 UNKNOWN
Virtual core pointer
Virtual core XTEST pointer
SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad
@Clem, re: my post #147 and your reply to post #208, I’ve no idea how to inform the developer of the configurable menu applet. I can’t see anywhere on the page for posting comments …or I’m just not allowed to. So, would you mind copy and pasting these relevants snippets from my post #147 and 208 to the developer for me please? (see below). Thank you.
On booting or logging in from MDM, on either of the systems, I can’t use the mouse pointer to select any of the workspaces except for the default/original one by pushing the pointer back into the hot corner. If I try clicking on the default or any other workspace, nothing happens. I can only select another workspace with the arrow keys of the keyboard and then pressing the enter key. This continues until I open one or two separate windows of any application and then drag one to another workspace, then all seems to start working as normal. I hope I’m explaining the problem clearly. To reiterate, on startup or login, workspaces can only be selected by keyboard arrow keys and then pressing the enter key, or the default/original workspace reselected by the mouse pointer in the hot corner. This happens until I open a window of any app (or two windows) and drag it/one to any other workspace. Then all of the workspaces become selectable by mouse-clicking on the one I want in the normal way. I thought it might be a dodgy theme I’ve installed, but it also happens with Mint’s default theme.
It turns out that the problem was with the Configurable Menu Applet that I had installed. Once I remove it, and replace the original stock menu, everything works just fine on login and boot up. I can select any workspace by clicking on it.
Search engine just on the PC it’s slowdown and friezes alike under Unity…
Hi! I just have a question: 17.2 has the same conflict between Wine and nvidia drivers? Thank you!
Did a clean install, but kept my separate /home.
Had 17.1 mate 64bit installed before
Installed and booted fine, but I cannot install wine
root@octo:~# apt install wine1.6
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have unmet dependencies.
wine1.6 : Depends: wine1.6-i386 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4)
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
root@octo:~# apt install wine1.6-1386
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package wine1.6-1386
E: Couldn’t find any package by regex ‘wine1.6-1386
How do I fix this?
#214 Lord Mozart :
You’ll have to make an account so you can login and leave a comment.
Lestcape is indeed quick to respond and very helpful.
Hi Clem: When will the stable release be out for the auto update? thanks, Scott
Hi Clem: how to upgrade 17.1 mate x64 to 17.2 mate x64? thanks, Sopan
Window order after “Show Desktop” / super-d:
Pressing super-d or using the respective applet gives an annoying problem: After the 2nd call (for getting back the previously shown windows) does not show the windows in the previous order, but the window, that had the focus as the second last, does get the focus and is in the foreground. So I have to press every time after restoring the windows once alt-tab, to get the last focused window back into the foreground.
And no, there has no window the “always in foreground” attribute set.
Thanks for the suggestion, in #209, on how to be able to boot with either a live DVD or USB, Clem, by going here:
and trying that .iso. Unfortunately, this link is dead.
Also, it’s not just UEFI that I can’t boot with, I can’t boot the Mint 17.2 Cinnamon .iso at all. On my 17.1 installation, I don’t have UEFI enabled. I was just trying all options available when booting with the 17.2 USB; the regular boot option didn’t work so then I tried UEFI.
If I can get to that .iso that you suggested, I would love to try it.
Update: I did manage to download the .iso you suggested, Clem. I switched flash drives just to make sure it wasn’t a defective one; trying anything I can think of.
It was the Cinnamon 64bit .iso. I tried legacy boot and uefi boot and neither worked properly. Also, I created a live usb using persistence and one without, again, just trying anything.
System Info: (Dell XPS 8700)
and a full sized image of boot screen failure, hopefully so you can read it well. It was identical on both legacy and uefi. (size = 6.2mb)
Hi Linux Mint team!
Environment: LM 17.2 Cinnamon
Panel set contains a mistake!
1) Panel Settings
2) Auto-Hide Panel: Always show panel or Itelligently hide panel
3) Allow Cinnamon to scale panel…: OFF
4) Smaller setup
5) Watch the bottom of the panel
i’ll ask here because is’t also about Linux Mint but KDE:
Will this problems between kubuntu and ubuntu affect somehow Mint KDE edition? i think specifically about udates problems.
Nemo bug ?
I just had this strange ‘fallback’ again :
This is how Nemo looks normally :,h9ovaiH#0
The all over sudden it changes to this :,h9ovaiH#1
I couldn’t see anything in the LookingGlass logs.
Is there another place where I can help you to whats’ going on ?
This is the last part of syslog :
Jun 27 12:40:39 ska kernel: [565129.556398] traps: cinnamon-settin[3233] trap int3 ip:7fa940b0ec13 sp:7fff3cce3850 error:0
Jun 27 12:40:39 ska colord: device removed: xrandr-Iiyama North America-PLE2607WS-16843009
Jun 27 12:40:39 ska colord: Profile removed: icc-8bde80c41b395035c586ccda75f8cacb
Jun 27 12:40:39 ska x-session-manager[3049]: WARNING: Application ‘cinnamon-settings-daemon.desktop’ killed by signal 5
Jun 27 12:41:00 ska dbus[1315]: [system] Activating service name=’org.freedesktop.systemd1′ (using servicehelper)
Jun 27 12:41:00 ska dbus[1315]: [system] Successfully activated service ‘org.freedesktop.systemd1’
Jun 27 12:41:00 ska colord: Device added: xrandr-Iiyama North America-PLE2607WS-16843009
Jun 27 12:41:01 ska colord: Profile added: icc-8bde80c41b395035c586ccda75f8cacb
Jun 27 12:43:29 ska x-session-manager[3049]: WARNING: Application ‘cinnamon.desktop’ killed by signal 15
Jun 27 12:47:03 ska dbus[1315]: [system] Activating service name=’org.freedesktop.hostname1′ (using servicehelper)
Jun 27 12:47:03 ska dbus[1315]: [system] Successfully activated service ‘org.freedesktop.hostname1’
Jun 27 12:47:03 ska kernel: [565513.624729] systemd-hostnamed[26231]: Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!
I’ve restarted Cinnamon, Reloaded the theme and eventually manually kill -15 nemo and restarted it.
The last action brought it back to normal.
Running on the latest Cinnamon 64-bit with Romeo patches (but I’ve seen this behaviour before too).
It happens rarely and I can’t reproduce it at will…
Pls. advise on anything else needed to figure out what this is.
Thanx !
Edit by Clem: That looks like a CSD (cinnamon-settings-daemon) crash. Something similar was fixed recently:
@ Hairybiker
Did fresh install too of 17.2 RC. Wine trought gui playonlinux (avaible in official repository)is working here. Maybe try that way ?
Cinnamon 64 installed on an i3 Acer laptop in 5 mins. It look like the project is just going from strength to strength. It feels ‘snappier’ and the other improvements are great. Keep up the good work.
Hi Clem
Quick question, will the updated Catalyst packages be available for Mint users with 17.2? The reason I ask is that AMD has released the new RX 300 series and Fury cards on the market. Many of these cards will only be supported by the open source drivers with Kernel 4.2+, Mesa 10.7/11+ and llvm 3.6.2/3.7+. Given that Mint won’t have these components for some time, updated Catalyst packages will be required to support this new hardware.
#226 Clem :
OK. It’ll be updated in the repos in the near future I suppose.
I’ll keep an eye out for it and come back if I ever see it after that again.
Thanx !
Until now I didn’t succeed in get working my Canon scanner CanoScan 4400F under 17.1 Cinnamon
Is this hardware supported with the new 17.2?
……Or anyone with another solution?
TanX! Francis
I only have Intel integrated graphics, but LM 17.2 Cinnamon only shows wallpaper after boot from USB. After booting from compatibility mode I can see the desktop, but the installer crashes:
Jun 27 15:54:32 mint in-target: Ign rafaela/main Translation-en
Jun 27 15:54:32 mint in-target: Ign rafaela/upstream Translation-en_US
Jun 27 15:54:33 mint in-target: Ign rafaela/upstream Translation-en
Jun 27 15:54:33 mint in-target: Fetched 754 kB in 23s (32,5 kB/s)
Jun 27 15:54:33 mint in-target: Reading package lists…
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint in-target:
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint ubiquity: mv: cannot stat ‘/target/etc/apt/’
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint ubiquity: : No such file or directory
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / log-output -t ubiquity umount /target/cdrom
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint finish-install: Disabling CD in sources.list
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint ubiquity: sed: can’t read /target/etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / Exception during installation:
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / Traceback (most recent call last):
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / File “/usr/share/ubiquity/”, line 1772, in
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint /
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / File “/usr/share/ubiquity/”, line 78, in wrapper
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / func(self)
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / File “/usr/share/ubiquity/”, line 202, in run
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / self.configure_apt()
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / File “/usr/share/ubiquity/”, line 656, in configure_apt
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / “AptSetup failed with code %d” % ret)
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint / ubiquity.install_misc.InstallStepError: AptSetup failed with code 1
Jun 27 15:54:37 mint /
Edit by Clem: Hi, this doesn’t look like a GPU issue but more like something is wrong with the installation media. Can you check the MD5 for your ISO and burn it to a different USB stick if possible?
In post #109 I reported an issue with the Update Manager. Cosimo reported the same problem in post #114. Clem replied to #114: “Thanks (and also to Charles Jardine). We’ll get this fixed”.
Today, I have just applied two updates to 17.1, mintupdate 4.9.0 and mint-upgrade-info 1.0.1. 17.1 now has the same issue 🙁
Буду обновляться с рабочей Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon x64 ,до Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon x64 .Спасибо за хорошую работу.Я люблю Linux Mint.
@ 230 Charles Jardine:
Hi Charles, after today’s 17.1 updates, to view unsafe updates enable ‘Always show security updates’ in Update Manager preferences.
I installed Cinnamon 17.2. I have a problem in that immediately after the computer is turned on I am left with a blank screen where I expect the green LM logo and the cryptsetup box. After clicking enter a few times the box comes up.
I really hate this but, it doesn’t seem like Mint 17.2 will be available to me. I’ve tried the Cinnamon RC and Mate RC .iso’s and they will not boot with DVD’s or USB’s.
I’ve been using Mint Cinnamon since the Isadora release,
and have never not been able to test a release with a live DVD or USB. I’m afraid that, at this point, if I still can’t even get past the boot screen, my chances of being able to use the stable release are probably pretty slim.
The computer I use is not outdated or anything and it isn’t super duper top of the line either, just a mid-range Dell, so I’m not sure why it isn’t working with the .iso’s.
If providing any detailed information about the computer being used may help, I would be more than happy to provide that.
Edit by Clem: If it’s an UEFI issue, it’s probably fixed. We updated the live grub version post-RC and that made a huge difference on many computer models.
This will be my last post as I don’t want to take over the whole discussion here, as I feel I may be starting to do.
I just wanted to mention one more thing that I did, in case it would help. I checked Romeo updates and updated to 17.2 Cinnamon 64bit and updated through Update Manager and everything went well. No issues with booting.
To review, I was unable to boot with live USB’s or DVD’s using Cinnamon or Mate but was able to with Update Manager. Maybe that will help someone work something out? Thanks
I am trying to install Intel HD graphics, but it says that it only supports Ubuntu.
I think my games doesn’t run smoothly due to lack of them. Do intel hd graphics come along with 17.2 or there is an other way to install them?
Edit by Clem: Hi Aditya. First thing to try isn’t to update the drivers (HD graphics should be taken care of by the kernel already.. so the drivers should already be installed) but to try to remove compositing for full screen windows. That setting is in System Settings -> General. When it comes to the Intel Driver Manager, afaik, it’s just a detection issue. It should work fine with Linux Mint (after all, all it does is to add a repository and update packages) but Intel only made it work if it detects Ubuntu. Edit your /etc/lsb_release file to make your Linux Mint OS pretend to be Ubuntu. You can find the right values for each line by typing “lsb_release -u -a”. Then use the Intel Driver Manager. Upon reboot, Mint will fix your lsb_release file automatically.
Very last post. As mentioned in post above, I was able to update with Update Manager, changed rebecca to rafaela, and everything went fine and I was able to boot.
Changed NVIDIA drivers from 331 to 346 and was unable to boot and received the exact same error messages I was receiving with the live DVD.
Here I have a bag with the update manager icon in both upgraded 17.1 and 17.2 rc at start up.
When manually closed and started again it shows correctly.
Edit by Clem: Thanks Eugene, we’re aware of this bug unfortunately.. and we’re not sure how to fix it. It’s specific to Cinnamon and not specific to mintupdate.
I have a Medion X7827 laptop running an NVIDIA GTX780M gpu. While booting the livecd, it goes into X and then the whole system freezes completely. It doesn´t matter if I use the MATE or the cinnamon edition. Any ideas what´s going wrong?
Btw, on the laptop of my parents (HP 6735s) with an integrated ATI gpu, the livecds are running without any problems.
Edit by Clem: Hi Michael, check the release notes. This is a known issue. There’s instructions to work around this.
#231 Francisco:
CanoScan 4400F unfortunately unsupported
Solution great scan software VueScan
I have a bug for This. I have been trying to get Krita to work but it will not start. I get the message “Essential application components could not be found. This might be an installation issue. Try restarting, running kbuildsycoca4.exe or reinstalling.” I like Krita over Gimp so I really would like to get it working.
Edit by Clem: Hi Brian, please read the release notes for a solution to this known issue.
Thank you Clem. I did not realize Krita was a KDE app. Worked perfectly.
Clem, thanks for this:
Edit by Clem: If it’s an UEFI issue, it’s probably fixed. We updated the live grub version post-RC and that made a huge difference on many computer models.
response in #239. I’ll quit bothering you after this and just wait on the final release. I did manage to download the updated, post-RC .iso that you gave me a link for in another post. It would not boot either.
The only way I was able to try out 17.2 was to check-mark the Romeo button in software sources. This was successful. I did that and rebooted but forgot to change all instances of rebecca to rafaela. So I then change them and reboot again and everything was still good. I could successfully boot at that point and checked the version and it was 17.2.
Then, I went to driver manager and changed the drivers from NVIDIA 331 to the now available NVIDIA 346 and shut down the computer. Upon restarting, I could not boot and received the exact same stuck boot screen, stopped at the same spot, as it had been doing when I tried all the different live DVD’s.
Maybe the .iso’s are booting with the nVIDIA 346 drivers or something and messing it up for me? I really don’t know, as you can tell I’m not a great computer whiz or anything. I just thought I would try to explain what was happening and I’ll stop now and just wait on the final release and hope for the best.
Thanks for looking into my issue along with everyone else’s.
Edit by Clem: No, the ISO uses the open source drivers by default. The NVIDIA drivers aren’t present until you installed them.
Somehow I really messed up my last attempt hardening it so I thought through the SPM I deleted my whole Network! I didn’t do this on purpose. Its all exercise one day I will have this down. Aty This moment I am trying to find a place to download this It’s Clem’s: linuxmint-17.2-Cinnamon-amd64-20150627101 Approved for Stable release
1 Day ago nreleased! Where is the iso?
I am using cinnamon version of Linux mint 17.02 . on a dell inspiron 3521 corei3 4gb ram . Sir when I trying format page menu in print preview of a document libre office crashes
Hi Clem,
When should we expect Mint 17.2 Cinnamon Stable release?
I am going to be seeding the RC torrents until the official release, then proceeding to seed the official completed release once announced.
This is to provide a fast download speed for those with congested connections, or ISP’s that purposely like to slow down things for certain websites (which is wrong to do).
(Again, the link is the youtube channel I post to. Feel free to remove this part)
Not sure if this is a bug or not but when using the file manager in “List” view I am unable to drag a window with my mouse to select multiple files. I can do this no problem when using the Icons or Compact views so it seems a bit strange that it won’t also work in List view. Not a huge deal since I can just use the Shift key instead but is there any way to fix this?
There is a LinuxMint 17.2 Cinnamon 64 bit stable release download link on distrowatc.What is this? Is this real or not?
@Hal, it seems real – following the mirrors distributing Mint you will find the 32 and 64 bit versions of Mint 17.2, eg:
However, the no-codecs, oem etc are not yet available.
Feedback further to my #145, 155, 177 and 190 messages.
I’m using Rafaela RC 64-b since one week on my ultrabook HP Spectre 13-h201ef x2 Ultrabook (UEFI BIOS & GPT SSD – Intel Core i5-4202Y with Intel HD 4200 graphic card) with no (major) issue.
This morning after a system update (Cinnamon 2.6.11), part of Linux Mint, including the switch off, was not responding. CTRL + ALT + ESC solved my concern by resetting my desktop => back to normal.
Guys ethernet connection is not working on this RC
Does anyone know what Mesa 3d version is in Rafaela? I really need to know because one version (Mesa 10.3 I think) had serious issues of black screen with some AMD cards.
Does 17.2 address or fix the problem with assigning static IP addresses?
it seems that the new release is still outside ?
(same question as #253 …)
I’ve tested it (the latest 17.2 was downloaded YESTERDAY) : openSSL and GnuTLS are not up to date ?
IMHO, if you would like to be seen as a mature distro, it is better to have an up to date distro…
just sayin’
Why in Nemo I could not use the context menu “copy to” ? It is so useful…
Hello, I am very pleased with the progress that has cinnamon in each upgrade offers great improvements. I wanted to make a suggestion, when active hot corners to see all open applications or desktops all assets and the transition is very slow, unlike for example the transition KDE is very fast. I see that this is the same in other distributions that use cinnamon in the latest version. also as suggestion that I would like Nemo file manager when a folder contains images inside could preview the photos in the folder, something like this that I would like Cinnamon future versions of these improvements were included. congratulations on your work. Regards.
I apologize for my English is not my native language.
hola, estoy muy contento con los avances que tiene cinnamon, en cada actualizacion ofrece grandes mejoras. queria hacer una sugerencia, cuando activo las esquinas calientes para ver todas las aplicaciones abiertas o todos los escritorios activos y la transicion es muy lenta, a diferencia de por ejemplo KDE que la transicion es muy rapida. veo que esto es igual en otras distribuciones que usan cinnamon en la ultima version. ademas como sugerencia me gustaria que en el gestor de archivos Nemo cuando una carpeta tiene imagenes en su interior se pudiera previsualizar las fotos en la carpeta, algo asi como esto me gustaria que en proximas versiones de Cinnamon se incluyeran estas mejoras. felicitaciones por su trabajo. Saludos.
I have been using 17.2 RC for a few days now without any major problems, except:
– some hang ups, occasionally, specially when copying large files over the network, the system becomes unresponsive.
– MDM went blank for me after the 26th June updates – if I enter my password I am able to login, it’s just the MDM login screen that’s not showing. And my screen power led blinks like it has some wrong resolution.
Edit by Clem: Are you using the default theme? And what locale/language are you using?
Edit #2 by Clem: I tested MDM 2.0.2 in Portuguese and it works fine here. Other than that, could it be a problem related to Prime? You can comment lines in /etc/mdm/SuperPost/Default (restart MDM with sudo service mdm restart).
An un-expected/anticipated success-story !
Yesterday my power-supply blew up.
Today I changed it (for the original one) but was also forced to replace my nVidia GeForce 260 since the failed PSU supplied the extra power.
So I put the (original) ATI-Radeon back in and prepared for massive driver-issues (I used the propriety-nVidia drivers).
But lo and behold !
The system came up, let me login and everything just worked like nothing ever happened !
I don’t know who to blame or to thank but IMHO Mint rulez !
Thanx Clem and team for this wonderful piece of work !
A very happy Minter from Holland.
There’s still no update or post about the stable release but DistroWatch already have a link on where to download the stable ISO release of LM 17.2 Cinnamon.
Bluetooth applet only in English even if translated.
Can I upgrade directly from 17 to 17.2 or will I have to update to 17.1 and then to 17.2?
Thank you!
Edit by Clem: Hi Tim. We closed the 17->17.1 upgrade path 2 days ago while we’re working on the new one. When it’s ready, you’ll be able to upgrade to 17.2 directly, whether you’re running 17 or 17.1.
Thank you!
I love Linux Mint.
The team is great!
I also bought an access to PIA as I heard that they sponsor Linux Mint!
@Clem: I am using the English locale and default themes. Also, yesterday I forgot to mention that my graphics card is a Radeon HD 3450.
Anyway, it’s working again, I commented the Prime lines as you suggested and now MDM is visible again.
Edit by Clem: Weird.. can you show me the output of /var/log/gpu-manager.log?
Hello… I am install linux 17.2 x64 cinnamon and my pc is lenovo Y50.. ok i have a problem whit the drivers Nvidia my screen flashes pliss i need help.. i new in linux..thank!
in version Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Cinnamon displays the battery power only.
@Clem: Yesterday, right after I commented Prime, I rebooted to test MDM and it was OK. Today, it’s not working anymore. To better test it, I uncommented Prime. Result: I can see MDM. OK, reboot again: no visible MDM. So it’s not Prime after all. But the weird thing (for me at least) is that every time I edit /etc/mdm/SuperPost/Default MDM login gets visible.
Anyway, here is gpu-manager.log:
Edit by Clem: If you can, could you find out which version of MDM causes this issue? Are you able to build 2.0.1 and 2.0.0 from git? I can make debs for you otherwise. Also, please test the different MDM themes/greeters (the GTK one for instance) with sudo mdmsetup to make sure it’s not theme-related.
Will we be able to upgrade from 17.1 via update manager if the answer is yes when this will happen do you have specific date?
Edit by Clem: Yes, either this week or the next.
Clem, I’ve built 2.0.0 and after the first reboot the greeter is visible, on the next reboot I got a blank screen.
After this I tried with another greeter, GTK. All good the first time but not after.
Then I tried a GDM greeter, Elegance. As usual, the first reboot is the good one but guess what – a blank on subsequent reboots.
@ David Black,
Further to #177, 181 and 190 messages, I would like to add:
layout.css.devPixelsPerPx in Firefox has nothing to do with the web pages zoom level! It’s related only to the size of the text.
So my suggestion for all Linux Mint sites and blogs in post #177 remains valid especially for all high resolution screens.
An alternative is to use a Firefox add-on such as Default FullZoom Level or NoSquint.