Many thanks for your donations and for your support.
Night Light in Cinnamon
The team is working on adding Night Light support in Cinnamon.
Night Light consists in reducing the amount of blue light emitted by the screen. It makes the color of your monitor warmer as you get closer to bed time to help reduce eyestrain and improve sleep quality.
In the past Linux Mint shipped with Redshift to provide this functionality. Redshift wasn’t integrated in the settings though, it only worked in Xorg and it was auto-configured by something called geoclue which is no longer functional.
The team is hoping to have this feature fully integrated into the Cinnamon desktop and working out of the box, both in Wayland and Xorg.
Clutter Dialogs
Work continues on migrating key Cinnamon dialogs to Clutter.
Here is the dialog which pops up when a keyring needs to be unlocked:
And here is the one to confirm display changes:
Donations via Stripe
Stripe was added as an alternative to PayPal on the donors page.
This was done to make it easier for people who couldn’t or didn’t want to donate via PayPal. More countries and more bank cards are supported by Stripe and no account registration is necessary.
Framework Laptops
We started working with Framework. We’re hoping this will lead towards a great partnership.
Framework promotes a concept which is quite admirable. They make high-performance laptops which are easy to upgrade, repair and customize.
They want to achieve full compatibility with Linux Mint and the Cinnamon desktop. That’s also very important to us because it means we can recommend this brand within our community without having to worry about compatibility issues.
Their laptops are packed with components we don’t have or technologies which we hadn’t really focused on yet. This will boost new areas of development for us.
The Laptop 13 they sent me just arrived today so I won’t be able to review it until the next blog post. Spoiler alert: I like it 🙂
When it comes to hardware I love it when a product feels special and/or of high quality. I’ve had many different computers in the past. The ones I enjoyed the most weren’t the most modern or the most powerful, they were the ones I grew attached to, either because they were very well built or because I loved something unique about them. I still work mostly on a Mintbox 3 and an old Macbook Pro Retina. I’ll be comparing this Laptop 13 to these two next month.
Hellotux Garments
Some of our branded clothes will soon be discontinued.
Hellotux can’t source the green Mint shirts anymore.
Some sizes are missing, some are reduced. We’ll also probably remove the old Mint logos eventually.
If you like the green shirts or the old logos don’t wait until they’re gone.
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Am really looking forward to Night Light, as I had notice lately that Redshift wasn’t working anymore for me.
Hi Stan,
Just to add a little bit more information on this. Redshift itself still works but it’s configured by default to use something call geoclue, which finds your latitude/longitude coordinates based on your IP address. The online service used by geoclue was taken down so that no longer works. That said, you can still use Redshift if you set it manually (using ~/.config/redshift.conf), or if you install a new frontend to configure it, such as the Cinnamon QRedshift applet for instance.
Check the forums for more info on these workarounds:
I’ve personally started using QRedshift:
It works well enough for my usage and integrates well with cinnamon.
Recently bought a framework 13″. Linux Mint 22.0 works just fine on it.
I would be nice to get an update on the wayland session, now that it as be available as experimalt for almost an year now.
A complete Wayland session is not a short-term priority since we’ll ship with Xorg by default at the very least until Mint 23, possibly later. That said Wayland compatibility is taken into account and it’s something we have in mind whenever we work on anything else. For this new night light implementation for instance we’re targeting both Xorg and Wayland, we want the feature to support both perfectly. Moving to native Cinnamon clutter agents and aptkit also means we can leave behind legacy components (synaptic, gnome-polkit, nm-applet etc..). This simplifies future plans for a Wayland migration down the line as we replace these older components with new ones.
Very good news. Thank you for the update. All the best to the development team.
Following everything from here with great joy, wishing much success to the most beloved project in the world (^o^)//
To infinity and beyond!
Clem, I hope that also in the future you guys can switch from Touchegg to something that works in Wayland (maybe something like Fusuma).
As a replacement for Redshift I have recently used gammastep, I have had no major problems (I have not tested it in a wayland session), maybe it is a useful alternative.
Thank you very much for the constant effort!
Hi Seb,
We’re still testing and experimenting but so far a native Clutter filter (i.e. no external tools) seems to work perfectly in Wayland. It works perfectly in Xorg also, but can lead to a loss in performance on some specific hardware. To accommodate for that we’re thinking of supporting SCT as an option. The settings and logic would be part of Cinnamon. Setting the monitor temperature would be done by Cinnamon, by default, or by SCT if the setting is enabled.
Clem: Will these new dialogs be themeable, or will they look like these images, no matter what theme is used? I prefer themes that aren’t flat, so Mint-X is my favorite (since it’s one of the few nice-looking non-flat themes left). But these dialog images are all super flat looking. I don’t mind the rounded corners, and really wish all windows had them. But, will the dialogs take on the Mint-X theme I’m using? Or will they all be this flat all the time? Just wondering.
Hi Mike,
They’re themed via the Cinnamon theme. The next version of Cinnamon will introduce new class names for themes to support.
Good to know! Thanks for the info
Clem, I just tried the LM 22.1 beta. These new dialogs don’t seem to follow the Cinnamon theme. I set the theme to Mint-X, and the dialogs still show as the black, flat slab, even after a restart. Is there a trick to getting the theming on these things to function?
Awesome news on the collab with Framework!
And XFCE, Clem? Will it not get updates?
For night light? Redshift continues to work on Xorg but it needs to be configured by the user.
Hi Clem,
But isn’t Clutter a retired Gnome project now? (
Clutter itself is discontinued afaik. Both GNOME and Cinnamon ship with their own version of it.
Night light: great stuff, but I hope it will be scriptable; I use gammashift (a successor to redshift) and I have scripts that turn it off when I watch a video and turn it back on afterwards.
Framework: _excellent_. Please try, Clem, on your FM13, to reproduce the bug whereby an auto-hiding top panel never pops up; I had to put my panel on the side of the screen.
Could you add screen/scanner/printer color calibration tools too?
It would be nice to have some of that. Another interesting thing for those of us with laptops would be the inclusion of a default Power Profiler tool. I used to use cpufreq, but I recently discovered rcalixte’s applet and it works quite well.
Great job!
Clem, when will the redesigned and upgraded xplayer media player be released, or something better and more modern to replace Celluloid in the style of Showtime or Clapper from GNOME?
I’m not sure what you mean. Xplayer isn’t being redesigned or upgraded.
Clem, I meant that we need to make a new media player in the style and at the level of Showtime and Clapper, in a modern style and new functionality. We need a new attractive media player to be the best and easiest alternative to VLC and SMPlayer.
That’s what I meant by that, but you also needlessly abandoned xplayer, at least it was my favorite and reference media player for Linux Mint, in my opinion there was no alternative to xplayer for me.
Clem, therefore, I ask you to make for us a new modern media player, like GNOME’s Showtime, with new functionality.
Celluloid seems to be modern, isn’t it?
InfoLibre, nothing like that, Celluloid for Linux Mint is not modern + there is no basic functionality in it, under version 21 it has long been outdated, and even more so there is a new Celluloid only under GNOME and the functionality has become more in it.
It’s very bad when Clem and the Linux Mint developers drop xplayer, for me the worst sign, so it was the most convenient for watching videos/movies. That’s why we need a new media player.
I’m sure that maybe Clem and his team will make a new media player like this not in 22.1, but maybe in version 22.2.
P. S. Dear Clem, do not miss this opportunity to create a new media player in the unusual release of Linux Mint 22.2, codenamed “Wanda”, for example.
Great news about the official Framework laptop support. Mine is working really well with Mint, but fingerprint setup was a real pain – though it works really well now it has been set up. I’d love to see GUI support in Cinnamon for adding fingerprints etc.
According to what I’ve read, keeping a lithium battery charged to 100% seriously degrades overall battery life compared to charging to no more than 75 or 80%. Many devices give an option to adjust maximum charging level. I don’t think Mint provides this option. Could it be added as a standard part of Mint?
Linux handles that already. Check for some information. We could integrate this into the desktop or a UI in a future version eventually, along with power profiles.
Thanks Clem. Yes, it would be very good to have this nicely-integrated into mint, along with profiles.
Hello Clem, Is it possible that a theme with a blur effect will be operational and available in future cinnamon releases?
Hi Juan. Technically yes, it’s possible. In practice every time we bumped (no pun intended.. bumpmaps..) into performance issues and cropping issues around rounded corners.
Just recently purchased two “Framework” laptops for my customers, Installed mint 21.3 at the time, with a “mate” desktop. Only one issue I encountered was UI font size, simply applying 200% scaling in the “display” app completely solved the problem.
I am aware “scaling” is set to improve dramatically in the not too distant future – will be a boon to those using “Mint Mate” in the future.
I am aware too, many under the age of 40, “may” be able to see the screen OK, however both my customers were in their 50’s – absolutely impossible for them.
Framework and companies that emerge with similar philosophies, are our computing future.
SYSTEM:- Framework Laptop 13, INTEL Chip, 2TB M.2 drive, 32GB RAM, each system, DEDICATED LINUX MINT – “Windows” never installed.
Hi Mal,
MATE should detect HiDPI and default to 200% for you. I’m surprised it didn’t. Afaik the only desktop which doesn’t auto-scale by default in our editions is Xfce. Which resolution display do you have? 2256×1504 or 2880×1920?
The display is what impresses me the most about the laptop. The unit here shipped with the following display: 13.5″ 2880×1920 120Hz 2.8K matte. It automatically defaults to 200% in Cinnamon (effectively 1440×960 with double pixel density). It looks amazing and still provides a lot of space. I also love the matte finish.
Both systems are in the hands of my customers, I cannot remember the original display, however, 2880×1920 does “ring a bell”. Why my installs did not default to 200%, I do not know, however, it turned out to not be an issue for me
(one possible reason, I installed the “beta” as the latest 21.3 was due in days – I fully informed my customers of the reason I was doing this, and that the “updates” would take care of the transition from beta to full version, without any intervention from them or me – which of course they did)
They returned to OZ after their travels, singing the praises of both Mint and Framework, I have since upgraded them both to Mint Mate 22 – a seamless upgrade.
Agree they look truly amazing, it instils even more confidence in the product, knowing you will partner with them to iron out any potential issues.
I still own a relatively modern H.P. i5 with 16MB Ram – when the time comes to replace, I have no doubt what it will be…………….
Best wishes, Mal
Cinnamon is very complete and even handles fractional scaling well so it’s a joy to use. One small thing that could be added is a toggle for desktop icons. If you right-click the desktop in Windows you can show/hide desktop icons. This would be a useful addition to Cinnamon.
You can toggle that in the desktop settings. It’s accessible from right-click->customize->desktop settings also, but I’m not sure why you’d need quicker access to it.
It’s because I like a clean desktop, but I still want fast access to shortcuts and files on the desktop (without opening a new window). I was thinking the same thing about Desklets. It would be nice with a toggle in the desktop right-click menu. I think Windows had it when they supported desktop gadgets.
Anyway, these are small things that I think some users would appreciate. I know you are busy with other things so just suggestions for future consideration.
Hi Clem,
In connection with Mint 22.1 theme improvements, what are your thoughts on shipping ‘papirus-folders_1.13.0-1~127~ubuntu22.04.1_all.deb’ (just 6.8 KiB in size) with Mint, providing users with a way to select the various (already shipped) Papirus icon folder colours?
Further to above, with ‘deb’ installed, there’s also a handy GUI tool (213.3 KiB in size) for easier folder colour selection…
Thank you in advance for your time and feedback.
Kind regards
Linux Mint and Framework = I love it!
Just waiting for official selling of Framework-Notebooks in Switzerland, then i will buy one. Started to think about Fedora for best support on their Notebooks but now, its obsolete. I can stay on Linux Mint. 🙂
Hope Mint-Support for the Notebooks will be for Linux Mint Cin and LMDE because i thinking about to switch to LMDE.
No-one in Germany to get one for you?
Btw., don’t be shy in buying adapters. I bought only two USB-C and find myself using a hub and HDMI cables now to attach keyboard, mouse, power, phone and two monitors at work. (The hubs I have don’t support PD + two external displays).
This is probably not the place to post a compliant, but here it is anyway. I have been using Linux Mint for many years and never had the problems with the systems I am having with now. I installed Mint 22 and after about an hour the touch pad mouse goes to the right edge of the laptop screen and will not move. A wireless mouse does the same thing. Also Firefox crashed when I was typing information on a document and lost all of my information. I installed Mint 21.3 and the same thing happens. I installed LMDE6 and it goes into fallback mode. Did you Mint developers put something in the new ISO’s that does not agree with the hardware in some computers? I tried the same wireless mouse on a laptop with Debian 12 and it worked perfectly.
First test your RAM with Memtest86+ available in the GRUB menu.
This is very probably not directly a HW oriented problem, so Memtest86+ typically does not find any issue. There could be involved some driver issue. I can confirm the same problem as reported here on several different machines (notebooks with touchpad) on LM 21.3 and 22 with the latest kernel 6.8.0-xx.
I tried to install LMDE6 on my machine with Intel’s sata-raid (mirroring). The installer offers only separate disks as the installation path, but does not give the Raid volume option at all. Ubuntu-based ones have installed fine in the past. There seem to be others with the same problem. Is there a solution for this?
sometimes Cinnamon just freezes. happens randomly idk why. cant type then. sometimes moving Window helps. its in full mode tho seen on firefox and discord. sometimes just restart helps. also sometimes shut down takes very long. like 20min.
LMDE 6. all updated.
Hi Clem, I am running LMDE 6 and recently I discovered a issue with Chromium and UHD videos streaming from . This does not occur with Firefox or Ungoogled Chromium :
I got this message after the Pub
“audio append of 120415b failed for segment #0 in playlist O-”
After a Chromium update on my laptop this morning the above issue with UHD streaming has been solved.
Redshift works like a charm, so I will stay with it.
People still use PayPal? Heh…
First time I head about that Framework laptop though, interesting, though pricey it seems.
Embroidery is becoming a rare dying art *sigh*
First place at! Congratulations!
It’s really pleasant to see Cinnamon becoming easier and easier on the eyes, this new visual philosophy is very welcome by my old eyes.
@Clem and Team, one ergonomics complaint I’ve been having on that particular authentication password entry box and something I personally consider Cinnamon should receive a lot of love and attention: On Mint 21.3 whenever Cinnamon tries to connect to a new wireless network and this box pops up requesting the password, the cursor is not set and active on the password field, meaning I must take one hand away from the keyboard to grab the mouse, go there to that field with the mouse, click on it to activate it and only then enter the password.
Recommendation: In these scenarios where something pops up requiring user input, the focus should be automatically set on that input field and active waiting for user input.
Nemo would greatly benefit from some more basic keyboard navigation abilities. Nothing that fancy, just the basic ability to move around without needing the mouse so much when moving between panes, menus, files, etc..
Also, it would be interesting that this kind of ergonomics principles and others be written on something like a Cinnamon Book Of Style to guide the Mint Team on their hard but welcomed work and make it easier for everyone – the Dev Team for guidance when writing applications and for all of us end users.
Thanks again Clem, Team and all the voluntaries running our beloved Mint project.
PS – Here I’m seeing that this blog post and the comments have a December 3rd date. I’ve just got up and I’m still drowsy looking at all my calendars around and all of them say December the 2nd. Me feels o_O yelp…
No November news?
In Cinnamon 6.2.9 there are folders cyan but no buttons for this color.
The November news hasn’t come out yet. What’s going on?
There’s a new release coming out this month (22.1) according to previous Mint News posts. From past experience the Mint News post will be late on a release month.
Nice to hear about the Framework partnering.
As Mint users since Isadora and having two 13″ Frameworks at home since 22 / 23 :
Good decision!
Yes, it is now in testing stage. 👍
I think Clem and co are pretty busy at present
Downloaded Mint 22.1 MATE BETA. Copied it to my Ventoy flashdrive and booted it on my number 2 (test) computer. No problems with bootup. Firefox is Version 133.0 and MATE is Version 1.26, both the same as 21.3. I will install it on a plug-in SSD on my test computer tomorrow and do some more checking.
Where did you download it from? I can’t wait either!
It’s OK, I got it!
Just installed and tested 22.1 cinnamon beta in a oracle VM. Everything seems okay. Thanks Clem and team for your beautiful work.
Hi Clem. I tested the Mate version briefly this morning, one observation that I’ve made is that in the Caja file manager the folder color feature does not include the color yellow. this is one of my favorite features of the file manager which was admitted in 21.3 and resurrected in 22, but it seems it’s been lost again.
Sorry, I meant: “which was omitted in 21.3”.
it’s now the 11th day of the month and still no blog update for November. and I’ve already tested the beta.
Bit late, but I just saw it and did a little dance re the Framework news! Yay! I LOVE, love, love my (also 13″) Framework. I plan on this laptop to be my last one ever, hence the price wasn’t that high. (And no, I’m not terminally ill. ;))
The Framework forum is a catastrophe — too cluttered, too much volume, no real structure, so I hope that you’ll be able to help them focus on communicating important updates for LM users.
Thank you soooo much!!
I would love to buy a laptop Framework one day, unfortunately they don’t offer CH_FR keyboards