Linux Mint 18 “Sarah” MATE – BETA Release

This is the BETA release for Linux Mint 18 “Sarah” MATE Edition.

Linux Mint 18 Sarah MATE Edition

Linux Mint 18 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2021. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features:

This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.

For an overview of the new features please visit:

What’s new in Linux Mint 18 MATE“.

Important info:

The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.

To read the release notes, please visit:

Release Notes for Linux Mint 18 MATE

System requirements:

  • 512MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 9GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
  • DVD drive or USB port.


  • The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
  • The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
  • The 64-bit ISO is recommend for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold in the last 10 years are equipped with 64-bit processors).

Upgrade instructions:

  • This BETA release might contain critical bugs, please only use it for testing purposes and to help the Linux Mint team fix issues prior to the stable release.
  • It will be possible to upgrade from this BETA to the stable release.
  • It will also be possible to upgrade from Linux Mint 17.3. Upgrade instructions will be published next month after the stable release of Linux Mint 18.

Bug reports:

  • Please report bugs below in the comment section of this blog.
  • When reporting bugs, please be as accurate as possible and include any information that might help developers reproduce the issue or understand the cause of the issue:
    • Bugs we can reproduce, or which cause we understand are usually fixed very easily.
    • It is important to mention whether a bug happens “always”, or “sometimes”, and what triggers it.
    • If a bug happens but didn’t happen before, or doesn’t happen in another distribution, or doesn’t happen in a different environment, please mention it and try to pinpoint the differences at play.
    • If we can’t reproduce a particular bug and we don’t understand its cause, it’s unlikely we’ll be able to fix it.
  • Please visit to follow the progress of the development team between the BETA and the stable release.

Download links:

Here are the download links for the 64-bit ISO:

A 32-bit ISO image is also available at

Integrity and authenticity checks:

Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Many thanks in advance for testing the BETA!


  1. @mintsteven do you really need to shout “pole” for every attempt you make at being “first”? It’s not a competition and you’re not a child any more, surely.

  2. Downloading now, can’t wait to take it for a test drive! Thanks for all your hard work guys!

  3. Mintbackup just hangs indefinitely when you try to restore software selection, terminal has no output, and mintbackup is using no cpu.

  4. I really like the new themes but in spite of using Linux Mint and mint being green, green really isn’t my thing. I absolutely loved it when you came out with the other colors for the Mint-X theme. I would really like to see other colors for the new themes. I know that when you change the colors in the new themes most of it conforms with the color you choose but the check and radio buttons remain green. Hopefully, at some point you will give us more color choices?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Karen, yes that’s the plan, but we’ll let Mint-Y mature first, for a release or two before we create color deviations.

  5. Could we hope to upgrade directly from Linux mint17.3 ?

    Edit by Clem: We’ll certainly try to make it possible yes.

  6. in Mint 18 MATE: mintmenu mint-y-dark colors are swapped, to fix: Right click the menu, go to preferences, themes, uncheck use custom colors.

  7. Congrats to Clem && Co!
    One question: gufw is installed by default, but is the firewall actually enabled by default?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Fred, it’s disabled by default.

  8. \\Bug \reports
    I am using Mint MATE 18 Beta at now. from USB.

    Machine Lenovo Yoga 500.

    – Bug – Can’t connect to WPA2 Wifi using basic method:
    – I click in NM Applet, select the Wifi network and type the password.
    I did these several times, but can’t connect.Always return the same interface asking to type the password, like the first time.
    – But, after checking syslog, I found that when I finish type and click connect, no password was passed.
    – Then I click in Connections and Edit the WIFI Connection, type password and save. WOW! Now connect.
    – The Standard Way are not saving the password.

    Someone more found the same bug?

  9. Did that issue of the Control Center > Keyboard > Layouts “Choose a layout” window being gigantic and unresizable in newer versions got fixed?

    my laptop is 1024×600 and in newer versions of linux mint (from 17.3 and above) the window is so big that you cant add new layouts i have to switch the keyboard layout every time i turn it on so thats really a big problem to me.

    If it hasn’t i will stay on 17.2

    Edit by Clem: 1024×768 is usually the minimum we design for. That said, I’ll have a look to see if we can make it better. In the meantime, please be aware of three things. 1. You can use the applet to switch layouts. 2. You can define a keyboard shortcut to do that as well. 3. You can move windows by holding ALT and moving the window with the mouse (that’s a very good trick to know if your resolution is small).

  10. Installed easily on my older, custom built desktop (8GB RAM/ dual 2.9 GHZ/ no dedicated graphics card).
    I am looking forward to trying out this Beta.
    Congratulations on the great work, Clem and the team.
    Both New Zealand download links are a fast download, by the way ( 9.3 megabytes/sec, locally, on fibre).

  11. The text in the start menu is practically illegible when on the mint-y-dark theme, because the grey font is barely distinguishable from the menu’s white background.

  12. whether it will be necessary to download stable release ISO and install OS one more time when beta ends or it will be like update?

  13. I am using it and I can play games on it. There is one mistake which appear every time I try to access my ssd and it is not possible to entry there

  14. Question to the Linux Mint Team, is it too much to ask for a native panel applet which let us know the CPU and HDD/SSD devices’ temperature?
    Additionally, an other panel applet to report the Upload and Download speed would be very much appreciated.

    BTW, I have checked what the community had to offer, but didn’t find anything that works at all.


    Edit by Clem: Check mate-netspeed for the UL/DL speed monitoring. As for temperature, it’s called mate-sensors-applet.

  15. Does anyone else have this ‘problem’?

    gpg –verify sha256sum.txt.gpg sha256sum.txt
    gpg: Signature made Tue 07 Jun 2016 17:46:57 BST using RSA key ID A25BAE09
    gpg: BAD signature from “Linux Mint ISO Signing Key ”

    Edit by Clem: Hi Ahab, please follow the steps at You probably need to import the key first.

  16. Some Dude: It sounds strange.. I have an Acer Aspire One, with 1024×600 screen. It works works pretty well for me..
    I also have Compiz activated on this little machine so I can use Alt + button 1 and even move actual windows above the visible screen if I need or want. 🙂

  17. Why 32bit version doesn’t support 32bit UEFI? There are some low-cost devices with 32bit UEFI?

    Edit by Clem: We looked into this actually. It’s a known issue upstream and it’s being chased in Ubuntu. There are impacts not only on the ISO, but also in grub. I don’t think we’ll have 32-bit UEFI support this release.

  18. First of all: Thanks a lot to all of you.

    I’m sure that Linux Mint 18 will be perfect after the regular debugging time.

    My first impression of MATE is very comfortable. It looks and feels like Linux Mint 17.3 – which I personally think that it’s a perfect OS.

    I’m sure that Linux Mint 18 will support more hardware, and this is important.

    The installation of Linux Mint MATE 32-bit on an old ASUS laptop was easy and simple as usual. The installation of the multimedia support was very simple and it’s hard to miss it…

    To sum up:
    Linux Mint 18 is going to continue the tradition of a best operation system. Debugging takes time as usual, and needs help and feedback from the whole community.

    Bugs I found in MATE 32-bit:

    Videos (xplayer), while in full screen mode does not play video smoothly, i.e. it has delays. I tried it with my favorite Korean drama in MP4 format.

    I’ve noticed that VLC and Banshee play that videos OK in full screen.

    I think that even in window-mode, xplayer has an almost invisible delay in playback (I’ve watched this drama over 100 times… so that’s why I think so. but I can’t be sure about the window-mode).

    The highest resolution of my laptop is 1024×600.

    I know that it is lower then what Linux Mint desktop officially supports, yet in too many cases, the dialog boxes can be easily designed to fit into this resolution, so I could not understand why it is not.

    I.e. so many dialog boxes has lots of free space, yet I cannot access the ‘OK’ button at the bottom of the box, nor can I resize the box itself, or use a scroll bar to reach the bottom of the box.

    To sum up: too many Mint’s dialog boxes can easily fit into 1024×600 resolution, and yet they don’t, and this can be improved for small screens which needs bigger fonts anyway.

    Edit by Clem: For xplayer in fullscreen, use Desktop Settings to switch to Marco + Compton. You might get better performance (xplayer isn’t exactly the fastest player around and marco isn’t exactly the fastest compositor). For the dialogs, please send us screenshots so we know which dialogs you’re talking about 🙂

  19. Laptop is Alienware 13′ with Skylake CPU:

    1, Touchscreen isn’t working

    2, WIFI is not working. Then I tried USB WLAN and got the same result.

    Could you plz fix it?

  20. Is upgrade via repo change from 17.3 possible / paths to do so for final release confirmed?

    Edit by Clem: It will be, but that will come later, not in time for the stable release.

  21. Some Dude: You can also use the hide/show arrows for the bottom-panel to get more space if you should need. 🙂

  22. I just found out, in comment #17, that:

    Edit by Clem: 1024×768 is usually the minimum we design for. … You can move windows by holding ALT and moving the window with the mouse (that’s a very good trick to know if your resolution is small).

    ALT+mouse to move a window is really really useful (I’ve never noticed this feature…). Thanks a lot.

    Edit by Clem: Yes, it’s one of the little tricks everybody should know. Here’s another handy little one then… you can select text with the left mouse button, and if you click the middle mouse button you’ll see that text pasted. There you go, super-fast copy-paste method without going near the keyboard (it also uses a different buffer, so you can essentially copy two different things without using a paste manager) 🙂

  23. Hi , I love Mint haven’t used it in a while noticed a couple of things so far with this Beta release Update manager is not responding, the Ubuntu software center is not opening and when I did an nmap scan found the microsoft-ds ports, open 443.

    Edit by Clem: There’s no such thing as Ubuntu Software Center.. how to reproduce the case where the Update Manager is not responding?

  24. LM 18 MATE 64 Beta:
    Thunderbird (38.8) can’t write to the profile on a network drive (auto mounted with Gigolo). This is at /run/user/1000/gvfs/{etc}. It can read it and shows my email folder structure but has a ‘waiting’ circulating arrow on the tab. It can send email ok then it gives an error message saying ‘ can’t write to Send folder’ However, it can create new calendar entries. I’ve used exactly the same arrangement as in my LM 17.3 installation which also has Thunderbird 38.8 (which works fine there).
    LMDE Betsy MATE 64bit was tried a couple of weeks ago and this works fine too.
    I can create and edit files on the network drive and Firefox can download files to the network drive in LM 18 Beta. It’s only Thunderbird that has a this problem.
    I’ve carefully compared this with my LM 17.3 installation and can’t figure out where anything may be different.
    I haven’t tried it with Ubuntu 16.04 (yet)
    Does anyone else use Thunderbird with the profile stored on a network drive?

  25. Translation file of mintlocale’s input method was not updated, please check it.
    or, I think it should be updated all of mo file in Korean for Cinnamon and MATE both of them.

    Edit by Clem: All translations will be updated for the stable release.

  26. Found a bug in nm-applet. In Mint MATE 18 after I resume from suspend NetworkManager seems to work fine, Wifi connection is maintained, but nm-applet shows Wi-Fi Networks and other things grayed out. Running ‘pkill nm-applet’ and then ‘nm-applet’ fixes this. This are the little things that make life hellish for the users. I’m pretty sure this bug is from upstream, but I would really like to see it solved…

  27. The above bug, if it wasn’t clear, means you can’t use the nm-applet GUI to switch Wi-Fi connection or to connect to a new Wi-Fi network.

  28. Some Dude (17): The update policy is even worse. When using a 10.1″ screen this window doesn’t show the button to move on unless you hide the panel which can cause problems for beginners:

    Also, in some online guides and in courses people are being taught that they should always manually select all updates including those that are not default. Showing updates on levels 4 and 5 is asking for trouble.

  29. Great! New stuff to play around with. 😉

    Can anybody give me some pointers as to how to upgrade to the beta? I’m running Rosa and at a loss on how to get Sarah…

  30. Update to #35

    With the thunderbird profile in the local hard drive, it works fine.

    I installed Ubuntu 16.04 MATE 64bit and this shows exactly the same problem as with LM 18 MATE 64bit Beta. I tried it with an isolated install of Thunderbird and it has the same problem. It’s strange that LMDE Betsy 64bit MATE works fine.

  31. Now I have installed LM 18-32 Mate for daily production, on one computer, it performs so well.

    I used Gparted to both move and resize some old partitions before installation over an old LMDE-1. I kept my previous home-partition from LMDE-1 for the new Mint 18 Mate. All operations succeeded and the result is very convincing.

    Very well done Clem and the team! 😀

  32. QUOTE:
    Job Diogenes says:
    June 10th, 2016 at 12:53 am

    \\Bug \reports
    I am using Mint MATE 18 Beta at now. from USB.

    Machine Lenovo Yoga 500.

    – Bug – Can’t connect to WPA2 Wifi using basic method:
    – I click in NM Applet, select the Wifi network and type the password.
    I did these several times, but can’t connect.Always return the same interface asking to type the password, like the first time.
    – But, after checking syslog, I found that when I finish type and click connect, no password was passed.
    – Then I click in Connections and Edit the WIFI Connection, type password and save. WOW! Now connect.
    – The Standard Way are not saving the password.

    Someone more found the same bug? END QUOTE

    Hello Clem, congratulations!
    Testing Mint 18 thru a USB stick.
    I am confirming the above problem.
    I also found out that Gparted gives wrong values for partition sizes.

  33. Once again Congratulations to Clem and the team! The 32bit version is already working very well installed BrucesWay on a ’32GB’ USB3key, hosted by an ‘old’ E5700 PC.
    For Linux-literate folk, BrucesWay simply relies on Live session Gparted to initialise the USBkey (Device, Create MSDO Partition table), the creation of a Windows-visible NTFS shared data partition and only then the creation of a ‘hidden’ ext4 partition for ‘Something else’ installation with ‘Your name: Bruce R’,initial username ‘owner’ and initial password ‘mint’.
    (After making my usual additions and safer configurations, Clonezilla whole USBkey, Disk backups will support further work and replication, followed by simple ‘Users and Groups’ ownership transfer.)

    Incidentally, whilst writing this I have also been able to install the 64bit version on a second USB3key, hosted by an ‘old’Q6600 PC!

    However I have yet to explore other features, like codecs installation, but I like the default theme!

  34. Thanks Clem and team

    No show-stoppers here 😉 ECS nm 70-1 cel 487 2 Gb 60 Gb ssd uefi

    A request though
    can you add a Gamma slider to mate-display-properties ?
    In every installation i have to add a startup command to alter the gamma value`s to 0.55 to get a crisp display regardless of monitor brand connected ( default is 1 obviously )

    With regards , Ruud

  35. I congratulate the all team members and all contributors.

    Could you update virtulbox-guest packages from Debian sid repo (5.0.2 versions) for solving 3D acceleration.

  36. Hi Team!

    Kudos to the Installation team!

    I am installing Cinammon 64 bit beta on a brand new Lenovo G51-35 with Windows 10 dual booted.

    I previously had problems with UEFI installation (17.3) failing on the copy file step and crashing. No problems with the beta.

    I really like the way the installer confirms UEFI operation and previous attempts.

    +1 on the Wireless Network Authorization Password issue.


  37. This is showing up frequently in my syslog whenever I use synaptic:

    org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1724]: (synaptic:2007): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_hide: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

    org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1724]: Discarding: 12 over 15

    org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1724]: Discarding: 12 over 15

    org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1724]: Exception in RPackageLister::xapianSearch():The revision being read has been discarded – you should call Xapian::Database::reopen() and retry the operation

    org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1724]: (synaptic:2007): Gtk-CRITICAL **: /build/gtk+3.0-R6U57c/gtk+3.0-3.18.9/./gtk/gtktreeview.c:5524 (gtk_tree_view_bin_draw): assertion `has_next’ failed.

    org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1724]: There is a disparity between the internal view of the GtkTreeView, and the GtkTreeModel. This generally means that the model has changed without letting the view know. Any display from now on is likely to be incorrect.

    org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory[1724]: (synaptic:2007): Gtk-CRITICAL **: /build/gtk+3.0-R6U57c/gtk+3.0-3.18.9/./gtk/gtktreeview.c:5524 (gtk_tree_view_bin_draw): assertion `has_next’ failed.

  38. QUOTE:
    Job Diogenes says:
    June 10th, 2016 at 12:53 am

    \\Bug \reports
    I am using Mint MATE 18 Beta at now. from USB.

    Machine Lenovo Yoga 500.

    – Bug – Can’t connect to WPA2 Wifi using basic method:
    – I click in NM Applet, select the Wifi network and type the password.
    I did these several times, but can’t connect.Always return the same interface asking to type the password, like the first time.
    – But, after checking syslog, I found that when I finish type and click connect, no password was passed.
    – Then I click in Connections and Edit the WIFI Connection, type password and save. WOW! Now connect.
    – The Standard Way are not saving the password.

    Someone more found the same bug? END QUOTE

    Hello Clem, congratulations!
    Testing Mint 18 thru a USB stick.
    I am confirming the above problem.
    I also found out that Gparted gives wrong values for partition sizes.


  39. I notice that PhotomatixForLinux_beta2.deb (which installs with no problem under the XFCE versions of Mint 17.1, 17.2 and 17.3) does not install under Mint 18 “Sarah” MATE. Instead I get a box saying “Error: Dependency is not satisfiable Libopenexr6” (whatever that means).

    Edit by Clem: This library no longer exists in Debian (and thus Ubuntu/Mint).

  40. @Ahab
    I got a valid signature. If it says bad signature, it means you haven’t imported the key properly. If it says key not valid, it means you haven’t signed the key with your own key yet. Also, don’t forget to set the owner trust as well.

  41. ///

    While Spotify (ver1.0.28.89.gf959d4ce) is playing, when clicking music note icon in system tray to see track playing, Cinnamon crashes and restarts in fallback mode.

    VMWare Workstation 12 Player with vm-open-tools installes

    Edit by Clem: Wait.. this doesn’t make sense to me. First, this is the MATE announcement, and you’re talking about Cinnamon. Second, Cinnamon doesn’t show the spotify in the system tray, but in the sound applet. Third, Mint 18 provides Spotify 1.0.27, not 1.0.28… and the latest version from upstream is 1.0.31. Fourth, I can’t reproduce the issue on a computer here. I’d like to know why it crashes and if it happens with other versions of Spotify, as it is though, I can’t do much.

  42. Hey its working great so far. It would be nice to see Curl installed with default packages. The Ubuntu 16.04 distribution includes it I think. openFrameworks uses it in its install scripts.

    Edit by Clem: We’ll add that in.

  43. #nemo-terminal#

    Installation of nemo-terminal failed whilst I am playing the beta:
    How to correct this problem?

    $ sudo apt-get install nemo-terminal
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
    requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
    distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
    or been moved out of Incoming.
    The following information may help to resolve the situation:

    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    nemo-terminal : Depends: gir1.2-vte-2.90 (>= 1:0.34.6~) but it is not installable
    E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

    $ sudo apt-get install gir1.2-vte-2.90
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    Package gir1.2-vte-2.90 is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source

    E: Package ‘gir1.2-vte-2.90’ has no installation candidate

    $ sudo apt-get install gir1.2-vte-2.91
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    gir1.2-vte-2.91 is already the newest version (0.42.5-1ubuntu1

  44. 1) Regression : I must write manually «Paris» because my location isn’t found automatically even if I choosed «Français» at the beginning of the installation.

    2) Suggestion : why not first choosing the keyboard and after, ask which town ? So, I would not need to write «Pqris» instead of «Paris».

  45. After writing «Paris», I’ve got this error message :
    « ubi-timezone failed with exit code 1. Further information may be found in /var/log/syslog. do you want to try running this step again before continuing? If you do not, your installation may fail entirely or may be broken. »

    Edit by Clem: That’s probably the installer failing to find out where you’re located (by looking at your IP address).

  46. Heeelp ! When I want to post here the content of my /var/log/syslog, I’ve got an error page : Sucuri WebSite Firewall – CloudProxy – Access Denied

  47. At the end of the installation, I’ve got this error message :
    «L’installateur a planté
    Nous sommes désolés ; l’installateur a planté. Lorsque vous fermerez cette fenêtre, nous vous permettrons de remplir un rapport de bogue à l’aide de l’outil de rapport de bogue intégré. Cet outil rassemblera des informations sur votre système et sur votre processus d’installation. Les détails seront envoyés sur notre outil de suivi de bogues et un développeur prendra ce problème en charge le plus tôt possible.»

    -> impossible to install Linux Mint MATE 18 beta

  48. 1) I tried again and then, I did not write «Paris» but clicked « France » on the map. It works !

    2) Even I choose the french keyboard, I’m still on QWERTY instead of being on AZERTY. It’s annoying to write the user password on the next step.

  49. If I choose an automatic installation, Mint creates 2 partitions, one for / and a second at the end at the disk for swap. Why the swap partition is an extended (sda5) partition ? A primary (sda2) partition would be more simple and it would be easier to resize it after, or to move it when we clone the installation on bigger disks.

  50. (reply to 64. NumOpen – The hard drive may only have 4 primary partitions, so by creating an extended partition Mint allows us to use more then 4 partitions, for installing another OS or for creating a backup drive, etc).

    Bug report (MATE 32-bit):

    When connecting to Wi-Fi it took few times to enter a password until it actually tried to connect.

    When it is finally connected, sometimes it shows the ‘Wired connection’ icon instead of the ‘Wi-Fi’ icon in the system tray (although it is actually connected by Wi-Fi).

  51. @Clem and av8r0023,
    Thank you, I’ll look into all that, (my first time with key signing/checking).

    Re. My posts 35 and 41:
    I’ve worked around the problem by mounting the network drive with an fstab entry using cifs to mount it in /media/{etc}. (I tried all sorts of things.) Now, after changing the Thunderbird Account settings to point to the new appropriate places, it works.

    However, it does seem strange that LM17.3 works fine and LMDE 2 Betsy works fine. The difference in behaviour seems to have been inherited from Ubuntu 16.04
    So, if anyone has problems with network drives mounted via the gvfs folders, try a cifs mount into /media using an fstab entry instead.

  52. Reply to 65. Shian – Creating an extended partition will not be useful in this case. Mint needs 2 partitions (/ and swap). Using a primary + an extended partition is the same thing than using 2 primary partitions. In both cases, you are using 2 partitions.

  53. Reply to 65. Shian – In case of the automatic installation, even if you are using 2 primary partitions for / and swap, 2 partitions are remaining. You can choose to use the remaining partitions later (but you need to resize the / and swap partitions before), as new primary partitions or as new extended partitions. So, it isn’t useful to create imediatly an extended partition for the swap.

  54. High!

    Installation manager resizes automatically to 1030px (when installation begins resizes back) if russian language was selected (the exact size of my virtualbox screen), don’t know what’s with other locales, but it’s too wide I guess.

    Also no keyboard shortcut is selected for KB layout switching. I guess Alt+Shift should be choosed by default

    I’ve also tried Mint-Y theme. The panel is dark, is it by design? I’ve used to see light panel with Mint-X. If it is by design then tray icons should be light.

    By the way will gnome-disks forked to x-disks? They look a bit out of place. The same for gnome-calculator, I guess galculator is better choice for Mint Mate.

  55. Hi Mr. Clement,
    Congratulations and your staff on this great release.
    I downloaded the beta Mate version 18 last night, then I installed it on my Acer VN Aspire which is a gaming machine then to realize that the wifi is not working. The wifi is listed and when I select my wifi then put in the password after couple second the dialog box pop up and ask to re-enter the password. Also the grub menu is not come up when I reboot. The only way to use the Linux Mateis by reboot Windows while holding the shift key. Any way the wireless is a Quallcom Atheros. I even open the driver manager and install the driver from there and it is still not workin.

    Please tell me what to do.. Meanwhile the new Suse version 42.2 is working fine include the grub menu..but, I’m a LinuxMint fan and that’s what I want to use.

  56. Installed cinnamon 64 bit and only issue I have is screen tearing in firefox. When scrolling web pages it’s quite visible. I’m using 2013 mac mini (Intel 5000 GPU). Not sure if you can do something about it but it’s actually quite annoying. Makes me want to stick with Mate and Compton.

  57. Codecs quickly applied, Sensibly included GUFW Enabled, RIPPERX added but sadly EXAILE not available to this release, which is now working well on an ‘old’ i3 Lenovo Laptop via Wifi.
    Will slowly try other host PCs whilst further adding to the USBkey installations.

  58. This is based on Ubuntu 16.04 which I tried without success to get my Radeon card to work. Fglrx does not work in 16.04 but uses generic drivers that do not work. Will I encounter the same issues with Mint 18?

  59. Just now it was an update. This update caused my WI-FI stop working.. ?
    (on My Acer Aspire One) I expect some kind of correction as soon as possible. 😉

    Edit by Clem: Hi tux-sven, I expect some kind of precision 🙂 You can’t blame an update without mentioning the package name and version. We worked too hard on warning people about regressions and being selective when applying these.

  60. I’m thumb driving M18b Cinnamon on a Lenovo desktop that would random freeze on 17.3 while MATE doesn’t – I like Cinnamon and hope it proves out to use for a dual boot. The new release is very attractive and running well today. Two issues and one question:

    1. Able to install a driver and use a Realtek 11n USB wi-fi adapter but on boot M18 identifies it as a second ethernet – I have to pull out the adapter and plug it back in again for wi-fi to connect. Never happened before, not sure if it will persist as an issue or if other adapters are affected.

    2. I like the new Mint-Y Dark theme but as per usual with dark themes, on some websites the login boxes are black and the text font is unreadable. It’s necessary to change Control to a different, lighter theme to avoid this, spoiling the dark theme effect.

    My question is whether and how Mint 18 will enable the new “Snappy” package update technology in Ubuntu 16.04 – I know it’s new but have read Firefox and other apps will be developing for it and it sounds like an improvement on Ubuntu LTS repositories that go stale in a couple of years.

    Edit by Clem: Snap (and other similar solutions) are considered for 18.1.

  61. After reboot and a manual connection procedure the WI-FI started to work again, but it shows the symbol for Wired connection in the panel.

    The connection should be automatic and then show the wireless bars in the panel.

  62. Someone please verify this:

    I’ve downloaded linuxmint-18-cinnamon-64bit-beta.iso and
    I’m getting a different md5 checksum that what is expected. It’s been a long day at work and I could be going crazy.

    Source: USA James Madison University

    Edit by Clem: No MD5 sums were published for this BETA, only SHA256 sums.


    Linux Mint 18 64b MATE “linuxmint-18-mate-64bit-beta.iso” running LiveMedia

    When I try to print a file on my printer I get a “BUFFER OVERFLOW” message in the printer display, and several lines of garbage print.

    HP LaserJet 5000 on parallel port – Device URI: parallel:/dev/lp0
    Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet 5000 Series (selected in setup)
    19 megabytes of memory
    Driver: HP Laserjet 5000, hpcups 3.16.3[en]

    This is the same configuration that works in LM 13 and 15 – 32b MATE, but does not work in 17.2 or 18 – 64b MATE

    Thank you for your gracious attention to this issue.

    Art in Carlisle, PA USA

  64. Another new restart and everything worked again, as it should.. 🙂
    WI-FI started automatic and the four bars are visible in the panel again..? 😮 I have no idea, I can’t explain why.

  65. 68 NumOpen… it’s a bit off-topic but please think about all different cases, for example, installing Mint alongside a version of Windows, or leaving us the option to shrink the logical volume (on the extended partition) later on, to create 5 or 10 more partitions.

    Many users are not aware of a 4 primary partitions limit of the master boot record (MBR), and if Linux Mint will not create the extended partition automatically, they are going to have an unpleasant surprise when Gparted will tell them about it.

    Also, I guess that on some systems Linux Mint creates more then 2 partitions (UEFI, /, swap, boot,…), in those cases you can’t rely on primary partitions only.

    (just think about all cases – not only your specific case…).

  66. I just tried the beta release. This release, unless fixed, will not work on the (many) 64-bit machines that have Intel integrated ¡915 Sandybridge graphics. Ubuntu 16.04 and flavors have the same flaw, but you may have time to fix it. This is a kernel issue. The last kernel that supported these graphics was 4.2.x, I believe. I would use this distribution if I could.


    Edit by Clem: If there’s a bug report on this, please paste the link to it.

  67. Could we have an option during installation to choose a font family or families? In my case, I want Latin fonts only, not Thai, Punjabi, Khmer, … When I try to uninstall unwanted ttf files in Synaptic, it wants to install other files of similar names (otf files).

  68. Broadcom Wifi not showed up on Cinnamon Beta 18 on 64 bit, 32 bit run well. TP-Link wifi WN727N showed by default. Docky run strange on session launcher only log out showed other not show up.

  69. Linux Mint Cinnamon 18 not run with low specification not compatible with legacy PC with old hardware, but Lubuntu does. Hopefully When Linux Mint 18 Xfce come up it will support.

  70. System and button sounds — all the little sounds the system is supposed to make when checkboxes are selected and buttons are pushed — don’t work, even when enabled. It’s really easy to tell what’s missing, simply by running Ubuntu MATE and comparing it with Linux Mint MATE. Ubuntu MATE plays all kinds of system sounds, by default.

    This isn’t just a problem with Linux Mint MATE amd64 v18. It is also true of the entire 17.x series.

    I wonder if it’s a problem with my specific computer — i.e. do other people have system sounds?

    (In general, sound works fine, for example, when using media players, video players, web browsers, etc.)

  71. First off, thank you! This is a great project and a wonderful operating system.

    Secondly, my first impression of the OS is good.

    One bug I’ve noticed is the terminal. Normally it displays fine, but ‘snap right’ (ie drag to take up the right half of the screen) and the text is too far to the left to read the first character in each line.

    Reboot has message ” [ 0.095920] Firmware Bug]: the BIOS has corrupted hw-PMU resorces (MSR 30d is 3) “

  72. Hi Everybody, hi Clem, hi Mint Team!

    First… Congratulations! Its awesome work! I like Mint! The best!
    But I have a problem…

    I think I hate gpg valid, but maybe I’am stupid…

    I have a problem with key import.
    I type in terminal this: gpg –recv-key A25BAE09

    and terminal write me the follow message:
    gpg: requesting key A25BAE09 from hkp server
    ?: Host not found
    gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn’t connect: Success
    gpg: not found OpenPGP datas.

    What’s the problem? What is key server?


    Edit by Clem: should work, but you can use another one. For instance (gpg –keyserver –recv-key A25BAE09).

  73. Am testing on a lenovo w530. Bluetooth applet cant seem to pick any device. It will just display searching for devices and either provide an empty list or list devices i cannot setup. On 17.3 it worked like a charm

  74. Bug on Alienware 15 R2.

    Wireless card is not detected. It doesn’t seem to be a driver issue, the wireless card doesn’t show up at all in the Driver Manager. Clicking on the network icon on the dock bar has “wired connected” and “wireless unavailable”

    Alienware 15 (2016) Killer Wireless 1535 2×2 Wifi ac card.

    lspci produces
    00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers (rev 07)
    00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sky Lake PCIe Controller (x16) (rev 07)
    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Skylake Integrated Graphics (rev 06)
    00:04.0 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation Skylake Processor Thermal Subsystem (rev 07)
    00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H USB 3.0 xHCI Controller (rev 31)
    00:14.2 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H Thermal subsystem (rev 31)
    00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H CSME HECI #1 (rev 31)
    00:17.0 RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile SATA Controller [RAID mode] (rev 31)
    00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #1 (rev f1)
    00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #5 (rev f1)
    00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #6 (rev f1)
    00:1c.6 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #7 (rev f1)
    00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H LPC Controller (rev 31)
    00:1f.2 Memory controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PMC (rev 31)
    00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio (rev 31)
    00:1f.4 SMBus: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H SMBus (rev 31)
    01:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM204M [GeForce GTX 965M] (rev a1)
    3b:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 10)
    3c:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (rev 32)
    3d:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5227 PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01)

    Also, the terminal sometimes will launch properly, and sometimes shows up all gray (the text is no longer color coded) and the back ground is opaque (not semi-transparent as it usually is)

  75. On ThinkPad Z61T, volume buttons still don’t work (same as 17.3). And TLP power management is a regression compared to 17.3. Fan is always on at high speed in version 18.

  76. Bug report (MATE 32-bit):

    Videos (Xplayer) window cannot be maximized (other windows can);

    And it still play videos not smoothly in full screen mode.
    In many cases SMPlayer has similar problem in full screen mode (delays).

    Edit by Clem: For performance, try a better WM (from Menu->Desktop Settings), for instance Marco+Compton, and a better video player, for instance mpv.

  77. {79. eco2geek says:
    System and button sounds — all the little sounds the system is supposed to make when checkboxes are selected and buttons are pushed — don’t work, even when enabled.

    MATE 32-Bit:
    I cannot hear alert sound as well.
    The problem is that when I modify the ‘Alert Volume’ and then close the Sound Preferences window – the ‘Alert Volume’ goes back to zero.
    i.e. there is no way to increase the ‘Alert Volume’, therefore there is no way to hear any alert sound (if the alert sound actually works).

    Edit by Clem: We’re half-way through this. We’ve been trying to kill the concept of “sound themes” for years. This was done in Cinnamon already (and replaced by configurable sounds), and we’re planning to do it in MATE and in the apps (terminal for instance).

  78. Mate 18, x64 beta
    I have a language problem. I had set as system language “Deutsch” (German, Germany). When I started the computer next time the system language was English (UK). I was even asked, if I wish to translate the names of my folders to English (NO). And I can’t get the system back to German.

  79. Was reading article on Mint 18 Changes in release management
    I thought if its possible why not go ahead and include all Desktop Editions in two ISO’s (32-bit and 64-bit) so users will just need to choose what Desktop they want to select during setup, Cinnamon, MATE, XFCE or KDE. like how openSUSE has Desktop Selection feature during setup:

    About codecs, if i choose to install them during setup or from install multimedia codecs, will codecs install if i install it on computer that does not have internet connection?

    Edit by Clem: No, they’re not present on the ISO, so you’ll need a connection to the Internet. If this becomes a popular issue, we’ll prepare a separate downloadable item for this.

  80. As to EXAILE I guess that I am going to have to re-learn how to convert source TAR to DEB file(s) before I can discern John Entwhistle base guitar playing courtesy of Ripperx+LAME’s superior quality 160Kbit/sec VBR2 encoding that reproduces the frequencies that other coders cannot, but what’s really annoying is that XSANE, which works well in Mint17.1 merely halts with the Error message ‘Failed to start scanner:Error during device I/O’.
    Other video applications could also be a moot point but at least VLC Player seems OK.

  81. Bug report (MATE 32-bit):

    The Advanced MATE Menu (mintMenu 5.7.0) is not configured well with ‘Mint-Y-Dark’ theme.

    Especially the ‘Background’ must be set manually to color #383838, and the ‘Theme’ must be set manually to ‘Mint-Y-Dark’.

    If not set manually, then the menu text is not readable.

    The Sound Icon and the Power Manager Icon in the system tray are not so visible with ‘Mint-Y-Dark’ theme (dark on dark).

    The ‘Mint-Y-Dark’ theme is very nice, and easier for the eyes; and I hope that it will work well without having to manually fine tune each application.
    (this was always the problem on Windows OS, I had to configure each application to work well with dark theme – eventually I just gave up trying because in many cases some text/icon was invisible…).

  82. Maybe the problem of The Advanced MATE Menu (mintMenu 5.7.0) with ‘Mint-Y-Dark’ theme, is only because that ‘Use custom colors’ is set by default – therefore it overrides the default ‘Desktop theme’ colors.

  83. An appendix to language issue I’ve already written about at the Cinnamon edition: in Language Settings under System locale -> labels Language and Region seem to be set (probably done by installation procedure). When I changed language to UK English and clicked Apply Sytem-Wide, it got messed up (labels changed to “No locale defined” as already mentioned at Cinnamon). So the problem is most likely with the Apply System-Wide procedure.

  84. LM18 MATE 64 – The frequent “at-spi-registryd.desktop not responding” error at reboot/shutdown and it’s associated very slow reboot/shutdown is becoming quite aggravating quickly. Three different machines having the same situation. If this problem isn’t fixed it will prevent us from using LM18 in production.

  85. Bug reports

    Mate 64-bits

    1. micro sd card reader does not work.

    2. no sound 2.1: the subwoofer does not work. Only 2 Speakers.

    pc: Lenovo Y700

    Best Regards

  86. RE: BUG REPORT in post #74
    The printer works fine in LM15 64b Mate, so it’s not just the 64 bit driver that is broken.

    Thanks … Art

  87. Cannot change default System Locale by Language settings. Thus it can be changed manually by text editor. (file: /etc/default/locale)

    Firefox Search Engines are missing and cannot add new one. In Cinnamon that works ok.

  88. Reply to 83. Shian – My suggestion to use a primary partition instead of an extended partition for swap was in the case of an automatic installation, without keeping another system on the disk. In this case, 4 partition are free to use and it’s better to create only primary partitions for Linux Mint and no extended partition.

  89. In the date/time configuration, trying to change Manual by Synchronisation with NTP server. ntp package is not installed (in Ubuntu, it is), so, a message proposes to install it. I answer yes but it fails :
    “Could not install package

  90. Mint MATE :
    In the prefered applications(menu Preferences, “Prefered applications”), Caja isn’t the File manager by default. Must add it manually.

  91. Mixed results so far, all using the live DVD.

    Dell 9020/Core i7 4770 to Asus 4k monitor via Displayport. This is my main Mint 17.3 machine. Live DVD starts loading but stalls with a tiny flashing underscore cursor in the top left of the screen (just before the point where the white spot with rotating black dots should appear). Ubuntu 16.04 is also installed on this PC and works fine but I prefer Mint/Cinnamon.

    Dell XPS13 Ubuntu Edition with Mint 17.3 installed. Broadwell Core i5 5200U and 1920 x 1080 display panel. This worked pretty well apart from bluetooth, which has never worked on this laptop with any Linux Distro. Firefox or networking seemed temperamental, with frequent inability to load web pages, but “Try Again” usually worked.

    Intel NUC with Core i5 4250U connected to Asus 4k monitor via Displayport. Win10 installed for those times when Windows is inescapable. Early in the live DVD loading process the monitor went blank followed by “Displayport – NO SIGNAL.” The live DVD carried on loading but no video signal was going to the monitor and the only way forward was a long press of the power button to force shutdown.

    It is not clear whether Mint 18 Beta has a dislike of Haswell CPUs or 4k monitor resolution.

    Keep up the good work… Mint 17.3 was always going to be hard to beat.

  92. Another NetworkManager bug. Just tried to run the mint 18 MATE live on an old pc in my home and it wouldn’t recognize my Wi-Fi at all. It just looked as if I didn’t have Wi-Fi. Killing and restarting nm-applet didn’t help in this case, so the bug must be deeper. Sadly, this is a bug I’ve read about in Ubuntu MATE 16.04 so again, this might be a bug from upstream. For comparison, I had no problem of this sort when running mint cinnamon 18 live on this pc, and it is running mint Xfce (first 17.2, upgraded to 17.3) for a while and never had this problem.

    Clem, if you need anymore details or you want me to try something just tell me. I’d be more than glad to help.

  93. Bug,
    Banshee will not import media form folders causing hard locks, applies to both Mate and Cinn versions
    Theme issues with Mint-Y Darker network and volume icons in task bar are unthemed and not visible .
    Mate MEnu is unreadable with Mint-Y Dark
    Installer hangs at checkbox to install codecs page had to quit and restart install, applies to both versions

  94. Thanks for all your efforts. Have been eagerly awaiting 18.
    Cinnamon 64-bit installed on HPCompaq CQ61-410us have found a couple issues:
    1. Hung after install at ‘…remove the installation media…’; Hit enter several times after removing USB (tried both enter keys), waited 5 minutes and used power button. No lasting harm; booted and rebooted.
    2. Scrolling with the touchpad is reversed; i.e. when I scroll down with the touchpad the document scrolls down and vice versa. Normal behavior has been for the document to move the other way so that scrolling down allows you to read down. I have plugged in a USB mouse and confirmed it works the opposite of the touchpad (checked in Firefox and exd). I also have Mint 17.3 Cinnamon on another partition in this machine and have booted it and checked touchpad scrolling to confirm it works the opposite way; that is it works normally in 17.3, not in 18.

  95. Update to previous comment about reversed scrolling.
    This is easily fixed by turning the reverse scrolling button off in System Settings, but shouldn’t be on by default? (Never seen it so before.)

    Edit by Clem: Hi, reverse scrolling was enabled in Mint 18. It’s been like that in both Mac and Windows for a while now, and kids these days are exposed to iOS and Android before they starting using computers.. so the standard has changed. On touchpads, like on touch screens, we’re not interacting with some abstract widget, but with the content itself. It’s different for the mouse wheel, before we don’t get the feeling to interact with the content itself.

  96. Perfect install, no issues to report after 3 days.

    System: Host: kris Kernel: 4.4.0-24-generic x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 5.3.1)
    Desktop: MATE 1.14.1 (Gtk 3.18.9-1ubuntu3) info: mate-panel dm: mdm
    Distro: Linux Mint 18 Sarah
    Machine: System: Dell (portable) product: Vostro 1700 Chassis: type: 8
    Mobo: Dell model: 0HX767 Bios: Dell v: A07 date: 04/21/2008
    CPU: Dual core Intel Core2 Duo T7700 (-MCP-) cache: 4096 KB
    flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 9576
    clock speeds: min/max: 800/2401 MHz 1: 2000 MHz 2: 1600 MHz
    Graphics: Card: NVIDIA G84M [GeForce 8600M GT]
    bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:0407
    Display Server: X.Org 1.18.3 drivers: nvidia (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,nouveau)
    Resolution: 1440×900@59.94hz
    GLX Renderer: GeForce 8600M GT/PCIe/SSE2
    GLX Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.96 Direct Rendering: Yes
    Audio: Card Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller
    driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:1b.0 chip-ID: 8086:284b
    Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.4.0-24-generic
    Network: Card-1: Broadcom BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX
    driver: b44 v: 2.0 bus-ID: 03:00.0 chip-ID: 14e4:170c
    IF: eth0 state: down mac: 00:1d:09:a4:05:40
    Card-2: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection
    driver: iwl3945 v: in-tree:s bus-ID: 0c:00.0 chip-ID: 8086:4222
    IF: wlp12s0 state: up mac: 00:1c:bf:ad:f9:5c
    Drives: HDD Total Size: 640.1GB (12.0% used)
    ID-1: /dev/sda model: ST9320325AS size: 320.1GB serial: 6VE2QTAT
    ID-2: /dev/sdb model: ST9320423AS size: 320.1GB serial: W33043WL
    Partition: ID-1: / size: 14G used: 7.5G (57%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2
    ID-2: /home size: 276G used: 61G (24%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda3
    ID-3: swap-1 size: 4.00GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda1
    RAID: System: supported: N/A
    No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present
    Unused Devices: none
    Sensors: System Temperatures: cpu: 50.0C mobo: N/A gpu: 0.0:51C
    Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A
    Info: Processes: 202 Uptime: 39 min Memory: 2091.0/3950.4MB
    Init: systemd v: 229 runlevel: 5 default: 2 Gcc sys: 5.3.1
    Client: Shell (bash 4.3.421 running in mate-terminal) inxi: 2.2.35

  97. Superb. So far just running on the live disc but it’s brilliant. Cant wait till the full release.
    Will be upgrading from 17.3 Rosa.
    A big thanks to the team.

  98. LM Mint 32: The appearance of wireless connection in the menu bar is different after sleep/hibernate than after a shutdown.
    Bluetooth connection and wireless (WI-FI) connection behaves different and a bit strange too.
    WI-FI does not show the name of the connection when you click on the icon in the panel, and Bluetooth has mostly to be re-established.

  99. Hi Clement, you didn’t give me any advice on how to solve the problem with the wifi and the grub menu that’s are not workin. Once again, the wireless is a Quallcom Atheros.
    Please let me know what to do.

  100. I installed LM 18 MATE 32-bit on a VM and it’s working perfectly!
    but I think there’s a bug with the MATE Menu when I install a piece of software it doesn’t show up until I log out from the desktop session and log back again, is it something normal or not?

    Thank you for your hard work on this <3 I love it!!!

  101. add to #119: When WI-FI connection is established a message comes up on the screen telling that connection is being disconnected….?
    My test machine is an Acer Aspire One with Intel Atom N270 chipset.

  102. I’ve been running the Cinnamon-64 beta for 24 hours now. Only some minor issues with the battery applet not updating the true battery percentage. Problem is intermittent (not reproducable) and not really a big issue for me. All in all it’s shaping up to be a great release so far!

  103. First off, cheers for the new release!

    Problem found:

    Mint 18 MATE x64, fresh install, all updates as per default update manager’s prefs, refuses to add support for input methods. Tried adding support for iBus and FCITX (in Languages > Input Method) with the same result: “cannot add support …, fix broken packages first”.
    Synaptic > Edit > Fix Broken Packages does not fix the problem and neither does installing FCITX & dependencies with Synaptic.

    Am I the only one?

  104. Steam will not work at all in MATE. It also will not work fully with a lot of games in Cinnamon. Xorg drivers have never properly worked with a lot of games and the only way for these to work correctly was to install the proprietry drivers. Nvidia drivers still install and it all works. FGLRX is apparently not supported. So the conclusion is that everyone with an ATI/AMD graphics card will not be able to play a lot of games that only seem to work when FGLRX is installed. What this means is LinuxMint 18 will be useless for gamers that own a ATI/AMD graphics setup.

  105. Mate System Monitor was not visible in any of the Mate menus in my installation. It was however accessible through mate-system-monitor command. “apt reinstall mate-system-monitor” solved the problem (application showed up in the menus). Is this a random issue or a common problem?

  106. HP-15 Intel laptop Realtek rtl8723be, two test installs, wifi connection unstable, even tried different drivers.

    wifi connections fail to list if manually reconnected.

    At boot, the log in screen background goes through a flicker fade effect before log on, it seems to resolve on further log out/in.

    As mentioned above, I did two test installs, both had different outcomes, first one failed to see my built in microphone until Intel microcode driver was installed, second install found the built in microphone, once the microphone was set up I got skype working however the constant wifi drops made it unusable.

    Why two installs you may ask ? first install suffered from the dreaded ‘Failed to retrieve share list from server’ on my network, I tried the usual fixes but decided to re-install, the second install also had the same problem.

    Cant seem to be able to set the clock, unlock the setting and set it but it doesn’t hold.

    Battery applet seems to stay at ‘charged ‘ even after power cord is removed, it MAY stay showing on charge or it may show on battery, its unpredictable.

    Despite those issues I appreciate the work you have done to develop 18 and look forward to its final release.

  107. Forgot to mention in my post above, this is the cinnamon X64 version, installed on an extended partition as root/swap/home primary partitions have W7 and a ntfs partition for misc data accessed by Mint and W7.

    Would also like to mention networking to a shared epson x322 printer, it is no longer necessary to install epsons driver, I found out it wont install so used ‘printer-driver-escpr’ in synaptic.

    A list of programs I have tried and used without a problem:

    Palemoon installed via script
    skype (works fine but for unstable wifi, on cable its fine)
    Libreoffice extra styles
    Remmina (vnc)
    Wine (Acrypt, Moffsoft calculator,sprint layout pcb)

    Banshee needs a mention here, when importing music from my music folder banshee freezes, I disabled podcast plugin to resolve this, its reported elsewhere on the internet.

  108. BUG REPORTS (with workarounds):

    1) when changing the appearance to Mint-Y-Dark the background in caja doesn’t change!
    you have to go to “Edit” -> “Backgrounds and Emblems” and reset it once manually. now it changes every time with the theme.

    2) in mintupload when editing a (non working – e.g. the default “suggested”) account, without changing something (and therefore closing the window with the top right X) the next time i just get an empty tiny Properties-window!
    you have close the Upload Manager (just the window – not even necessary to restart mintupload) and it is working again.

  109. Tray icons are black with mint-y themes.

    Also it would be good if you supplied the white “cog” icon for the menu button, I found only the black one, which is good for the white mint-x theme, but not black mint-y theme… Cinnamon has white “cog” icon (the cog icon on the left).

    Also some more theme inperfections…

    Firefox. Caja File manager with mint-y dark theme, and transmission

    Generally black icons on black background problem… there will be more problems in more programs.

  110. bug with mate-menu :
    when editing the menu, the slide of an entry between a submenu to another crashes the menu editor and corrupt the menu (all applications disappear)
    this append both in the 32 and 64 bit versions
    it is possible to retrieve the menu back ( delete /home/user/.config/menu/ and restart the computer) but this bug should be corrected

    thanks for all the good work

  111. same problem when deleting a shortcut in the “other” submenu (i suppose the name is “other” , in my case it’s in french : “autre”)

  112. Auto login fails. User is required to select their name from login window even though they are the only account on the machine and have been selected for auto login in mdm. Password is not required but bootup will not proceed until user clicks on his/her name. That is not auto login.

  113. LM18 beta MATE 64bit:
    (1) mintmenu 5.7.0 is transparent only one after reboot (first click on menu). Next click menu show not transparent

    not bug same 17.3:
    (2) Clock on system bar is not modifiable (color, font) I need using script .gtkrc-2.0 etc.:
    style “my-panel-clock”
    fg[NORMAL] = “#FFFFFF”
    font_name = “sans bold 16”
    widget “*.clock-applet-button.*” style “my-panel-clock”
    (3) It would be possible to add sound to login screen. I think login and logout when starting and ending session

  114. Great job guys, mate is now fascinating. Have you ever thought of merging Cinnamon & MATE? MATE has many interfaces now but none is as good as Cinnamon. I mean instead of maintaining two awesome DEs why not work on & maintain a perfect super DE?

  115. Hi Everybody, hi Mint Team and hi Clem!

    Thank you for your help (key server problem)! It was helped! I typed in terminal: gpg –keyserver –recv-key A25BAE09 and it’s works! I installed Mint Mate 18 beta. Cool! I love it and Mint-y theme very good! Nice! Good work! Congratulations!
    Mint is the best! thx

  116. same grub issue as in Cin:
    with HDD and SSD:
    installed LM 18 MATE beta onto HDD, but this time, I didn’t touch where grub was going to be installed (on SSD).
    installed fine, but on reboot, grub did not show LM 18 MATE.
    booted into another HDD distro (LM 17.3 KDE) and ran:
    sudo grub-update
    then on reboot, LM 18 MATE was listed, and I was able to boot into it.

    I suspect that LM 17.3 KDE is the “controlling” distro re grub since it was the last distro I installed before either LM 18 Cinnamon or MATE. LM 17.3 KDE shows up first in the grub menu. I have had similar issues with grub where the last installed distro (with grub installed) is the “controlling” distro/partition. I’m not sure why LM 18 Cinnamon (or MATE) didn’t take over this time. Similar issues but not the same: This (both LM 18s) is the first time where the newly installed distros did not show up in grub right away. Other times it was the previous distro(s) that did not show up in grub until a grub-update.

  117. Clean install has gone well running AMD A8 7670 Radeon R7 Asus XA Motherboard.

    Mint 18 looks and feels great thanks all

  118. BUG

    Can you somehow disable the audio file sound preview when you point your mouse pointer on it? It just often crashes the whole Caja file manager and the audio sometimes keeps playing even if I point mouse away from it (so i have to kill the proccess in proccess manager).

    The same was happening in 17.3

  119. Response to #146 (Jadia):

    Hi Jadia,
    Open Caja, click on “Edit” (on top of the window) and go to the Settings.

    Now a new window appears. Go to the fifth tab (don’t now the title in the English version, could be “Preview”). There should be the option to disable the audio preview.

    Note for the Mint team: I don’t have the same bug as Jadia. Tried several MP3 and FLAC audio files, but Caja didn’t crash 🙂

    Kind regards,

  120. Here’s another bug. It may be an Ubuntu bug but it’s a pretty serious impact on those with Epson inkjet printers.

    The Add Printer wizard does not seem to know the correct driver for my Epson WF-3540 network printer. It tries to install a vendor-provided driver and that fails. If I try to install it (epson-inkjet-printer-201212w_1.0.0-1lsb3.2_amd64.deb) with gdebi it fails with:

    This package is uninstallable
    Dependency is not satisfiable: lsb (>= 3.2)

    My solution was to install printer-driver-escpr which is already in the repository. It appears the wizard should do that too.

  121. To Clem And Team
    I have A bug to Report For Linuxmint 18 MATE 64 bit Beta
    Live Mode Beta Test Log

    Booted Up Linuxmint 18 MATE 64 Bit Beta Via USB Flash Drive

    Bug In Mint Menu Preferences to re produce first go to preferences by right clicking the mint menu button then click on the places tab next click the new button then for an example type Documents in the name path then click the button to add the place and choose the correct place /home/mint/Documents

    then the select folder dialog comes up choose your folder and click the OK button the dialog should close but it does not you need to click The OK Button Many times then it will close i had to click a total of 7 times to get it to close this bug has also been in earlier versions of MATE

    Other than that so far everything else is fine I,am testing In Live Mode Via USB Flash Drive
    if i find any more bugs in live mode i will let you know

    Edit by Clem: I can’t find anything wrong in the code. I can reproduce the issue though… we’re planning to move mintmenu to gtk3 in a future release and this is basically relying on a GTK dialog. It’s probably an issue related to the fact that we’re using GTK2 with gi at the moment (we’re forced to do that because MATE is GTK2 despite its libs forcing us to use gi).

  122. {142. Sadegh says:
    Great job guys, mate is now fascinating. Have you ever thought of merging Cinnamon & MATE? MATE has many interfaces now but none is as good as Cinnamon. I mean instead of maintaining two awesome DEs why not work on & maintain a perfect super DE?

    Off-topic but sometimes I share similar thoughts. It could save lots of resources (similar to merging OEM & no-codecs & yes-codecs into one production).

    A single OS (KDE is exception?), which offers 3 operating modes; The difference in modes is only the initial configuration (resources are the same):

    1. Efficient mode (Xfce approach)
    2. Safe mode (MATE approach)
    3. Full mode (Cinnamon approach)


  123. Another Bug Report For Linuxmint 18 MATE 64 Bit Beta
    The Problem Is with The Opacity control in the mint menu to reproduce
    right click the mint menu go to preferences click on the plugins tab
    no matter what you set the opacity value to nothing happens

  124. Mint MATE. I installed Clementine. In Caja preferences :

    1) Clementine can be associated with all excepted “CD audio” (the association isn’t kept, “CD audio” stays associated with “Doing nothing”).

    2) DVD audio can be associated with nothing.

    These 2 bugs are not present in Mint MATE 17.3.

  125. Mate 32 bit. I have 4 workspaces present in the panel. When I put the cursor on them (1 by 1), ALL of them shows Current workspace: “Workspace 1”.
    If I try to move a window by right-klicking in the header-area and selecting “move to workpace on right side” or some other place, the window doesn’t move at all.
    I have Compiz rotating cube running and I can still drag the window to another workspace if I want.

    Edit by Clem: You’re supposed to use Marco for this to work.

  126. Just installed the LM 18 MATE 64 bit beta:

    – A big THANK YOU to the dev team for fixing the installer so that it recognizes Virtualbox ‘legacy BIOS’ mode – the Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit iso did NOT much to my consternation.
    – the X-apps look good but they REALLY need to show the PACKAGE NAME in the Help balloon and menu Description. There are several apps reporting as ‘Image Viewer’, Document Viewer’,’Videos’. Just put the package name in parens please.
    – evince used to crash on large PDF files but so far xviewer has not, not sure if this is a ‘fix’.

    Per above comment, please do Not consider merging MATE and Cinnamon. The former seems much more modular, lightweight and stable. Not sure how Cinnamon is an improvement yet.

    However due to the GTK3 toolkit migration it may be possible to absorb much of Xfce functionality into MATE, or am I wrong?

  127. Hi.

    VPN for Cisco is STILL not working but, to be fair, it never did in the first place. Required steps, install:

    – vpnc
    – network-manager-vpnc
    – network-manager-vpnc-gnome

    Then, import a *.pcf Cisco file via Network Manager applet (this part works fine) but after that, it always fails no matter if you remember the password or type it.

    Never worked on LM 17.3 (my current OS), Ubuntu 16.04 Mate, or LM 18 Beta so this is probably an upstream problems.

    Regards and thank you for you great work.

  128. Auto-login is lost after a cold power down. It’s non-functional. Mine is on a 10 second timer, which is the same as not logging in.

    Edit by Clem: Can you show me your /etc/mdm/mdm.conf? Also, is your home directory encrypted?

  129. Installs and works great on one of my quad core desktop machines (not my primary machine).

    When I installed it to a USB 3.0 drive on my HP Envy laptop, I get the bottom bar but the rest of the screen is black. Nothing seems to work. Mint Mate 17.3 works just fine installed on a USB 3.0 drive on the Envy.

  130. @Jadia, #146: Not a bug. Go to Caja / Edit / Preferences / Preview tab. Under Sound Files, set Preview sound files to “Never” Hope this helps.

  131. I like 18 Mate. Great job!

    A suggestion about LibreOffice: The default theme is really poor but it easily fixed by adding Libreoffice-office-style-tango

    Sometimes I get shutdown errors for at-spi but that happened in Ubuntu16.04 too. So far I can shutdown after something times out.

    Stew Bottorf

  132. Another possible bug here. I installed Kodi but it’s not working very well. Just navigating its menus, the screen often does not update as expected when arrow keys are hit. Looks like some sort of video rendering problem. I’m running an Asus UL20FT which has a Core i3 U380 using the built-in video, and an external monitor in addition to the native display. Same behavior in either full screen or windowed mode.

    I also tried Kodi 16.1 via the PPA for Ubuntu but same thing.

  133. Bug report: USB 3.0 external hard drives connected to a USB 3.0 port after selecting the “Safely Remove Drive” option from the desktop partition option, will unmount all partitions on the drive, then immediately automount again (as if the drive had just been plugged in). It does not matter how many partitions are on the drive, nor what type (NTFS, ext4). It is possible to unmount the drive partitions from the command line without an unexpected automount. If the mounting user logs out, and logs in again, the “Safely Remove Drive” option changes to “Unmount”; this works as expected, with no unexpected automount – though as expected, the drive is not powered down. USB 2.0 external drives do not do this, even when connected to USB 3.0 ports. USB 3.0 external drives connected to USB 2.0 ports are also fine. USB 3.0 flash drives and external USB 3.0 capable memory card readers also are fine.

    This bug has been around for several releases – at least all of the 17 series. I saw it in both Cinnamon and MATE in earlier releases, but haven’t yet tested the 18 Cinnamon Beta. I have seen this behaviour with multiple USB 3.0 external drives, and on different machines (desktop boxes and laptops), and on different sets of USB 3.0 ports on the same machine. I have no 32-bit machines with USB 3.0 ports, so have only observed this on 64-bit installations. I have seen a couple of forum posts that might be describing this issue, but nobody had yet isolated it to USB 3.0 external hard drives on USB 3.0 ports.

    My workaround in the past has been to unmount by hand from the command line; this doesn’t work for users who are not administrative users — the easiest thing for the users in this position that I support is to shut down the machine (usually a laptop), and then disconnect the external drive.


  134. Thanks Clem for reply to #27.

    I will use another, faster, video player for this old laptop (or install Xfce 18 when it’s available and try again).

    About the dialogs, I don’t have a place to upload screenshots at the moment, but the max resolution is 1024×600 and I must use big fonts as well (the default font is simply too small for me because the screen is small).

    – the ‘Update Manager’ (with big fonts) is higher then the screen, and it’s not resize-able.
    – the ‘Software Sources’ (with big fonts) is higher and wider then the screen, and it’s not resize-able.
    – the ‘Kernels Warning!’ (with big fonts) does not show all text – and there is no scrollbar to scroll down and to read more.

    These are the first windows I’ve used and had a problem (until I found out about Alt+Mouse to move a window).

    I can probably add more to this list later on, but the point is:
    Since some users, like me, are using big fonts, it changes the size of the windows (on a small and big screen as well); therefore it’s important to allow the user to resize the window, or to use a scrollbar.

    …In Windows OS – if you enlarge the fonts (or using a dark theme…), you simply cannot use the dialogs, so these features, on Windows, are quite useless.
    On Linux Mint it works MUCH better, yet we still must consider that big fonts needs more space, and dialogs should be able to deal with bigger fonts then the default size.

    Edit by Clem: From a design point of view I can’t support 600px, it’s simply not enough these days, and that’s with the default fonts.

  135. Clem, thanks for the response on comment 80 (sha256). I know you have a bigger fist to fry. Sorry for the distraction!

  136. @92 (my earlier post) and @100, regarding missing window and button sounds:

    I finally found a post in the Linux Mint forums that gives me window and button sounds, here:

    (Not all of his instructions need to be followed — e.g. you don’t have to install “moblin-sound-theme” and “gtk2-engines-moblin”; you don’t have to download a new “freedesktop sound theme”; setting the sound theme to “LinuxMint” will do; and you don’t have to reboot, you just have to log out and log back in. But finally I’ve got window and button sounds!)

    Clem and company, what are you planning to do instead?

    Thank you for your work on MATE and Cinnamon. Good stuff.

    Edit by Clem: It’s already done in Cinnamon. The idea is to let users define individual sounds, as opposed to using themes.

  137. bug report (MATE 32):

    In the ‘Control Center’, when using ‘Mint-Y-Dark’ theme, and then pressing an item in the ‘Groups’ menu (such as ‘Hardware’), it paints the group-block in a very light-green color, so the white text is not readable.

  138. A l’installation, quand on entre le mot de passe choisi associé à l’utilisateur il est mémorisé avec la disposition du clavier américain même si on est dans l’environnement français.
    Après l’installation à la première demande du MdP il peut y avoir erreur si il n’y a pas concordance des touches clavier français et US comme le z par exemple.

    Edit by Clem: C’est avec un Logitech sans fil ca? Et si oui, y’a-t-il un autre clavier connecte? est-ce un PC portable?

  139. I am not rushing to upgrade, but I needed to switch to a 4.4 Kernel for hardware support, and that does seem to be working well.

  140. Hi everyone.

    During installation, I have not found possibility to install LM 18 Mate beta without installing GRUB. Is it bug? Or is it feature?

    Great thanks for your work guys!

  141. Forget all I said workspaces in # 149. Compiz overrides all settings in the workspace shifter. It’t no failure! Sorry, my misstake.

  142. not really a bug just a advice/request:

    1) the calculator (gnome-calculator) looks really out of place!
    i don’t think it is necessary to fork it to the x-apps or bring back mate-calc, just change to galculator!
    –> because it’s just a replacement without any dependencies, hopefully it can be done before the 18.0 release!?!

    2) “Disks” (gnome-disk-utility) looks also out of place! (i’m used to GNOME2 & MATE and it is a pain in the ass to work with it, thus i use gparted most time instead)
    …but i’m afraid this will imply much work to “fix” this?

    PS: by the way… i’m surprised and impressed gthumb was forked to x-apps (pix). really good work guys!!!

    Edit by Clem: gThumb had to be done, no question there. When it comes to disks, I’m not sure.. the goal isn’t to absolutely eradicate all signs of CSD. When it comes to the calculator, imo, it’s actually one of the rare examples of CSD done right.

  143. # 124 partly remains, BUT the Bluetooth connection has been stable after some system updates. Bluetooth don’t need reestablishment after sleep-mode any longer. 🙂

  144. Will S.M.A.R.T. analysis be included in ‘Disks’ utility in the final or have I missed in some other area?

  145. BUG REPORT:
    if you open the mintmenu and then realize your desired program was already opened and click on it in the window list “strange things” happens… (if clicking on the desktop background, an opened window or a luncher mintmenu closes and everything works as expected)
    -) the mintmenu stays open and the entry in the window list gets bold (like notification pending) and it does not get on top.
    -) if you are clicking on more than one entry in the window list non gets on top and they begin “something like fighting” each other, and after closing mintmenu you have to reopen the active one first to access the other ones.
    -) but it’s getting even worse when clicking on minimized windows (without having others open), you have to open a other window first, to access the minimized ones again.

    Edit by Clem: Which WM is this with?

  146. Mint 18 Mate 32:
    I can’t downsize the newly installed “Program-sources window” It’s too wide for my little computer. Other windows possible to shrink.

  147. Works well on 4Gb Lenovo x61 booting from 120G SSD.
    Thanks again to the Mint team for a great release !
    will keep testing and report back.

  148. #154 (WayneC)
    I tested a couple of USB3 hard disks (between them one SSD, MediaRange 128GB and one flush disk SanDisk Ultra Fit 32GB) on Mint 17.3 Cinnamon 64-bit. Disk format: Ext4, ntfs and exFAT. All worked as expected. Are you sure your PC drive is OK?

  149. Painless installation of MATE 64 bit version on a new PC. I have been testing it for a couple of days and no problems encountered.
    Well done Clem and team. Thanks for another great release.

  150. Mate 64 bit on Intel quad processor, System freezes completely when attempting to normalize audio in Audacity 100% of the time.

    Nothing in the logs…

  151. I think it would be better to keep codecs in the ISO so codecs can install without internet, just have codecs not install by default so manufactures can install Mint on PC without having to worry about codecs. Users who want to install codecs can just select them to install during Setup or from Install Multimedia Codecs. This way it will be win win for both manufacturers and users who want codecs unless having codecs in ISO itself is an issue for manufacturers.

  152. I see my comments were deleted about the two bug reports about Mint Menu

    Bug 1 under the plug ins tab the set opacity feature does not work
    no matter what value is entered
    Bug 2 under the places tab add a new place enter the name in the name path and click the select folder button choose your folder click The OK Button the dialog should close but it does not you need to click several times to close it at least 2 or more times
    can anyone else reproduce these bugs or are they at my end

  153. Banshee media player issues:

    1: starts super slow and window is blank(even on an ssd)

    2: always starts with volume in ‘mute’ position regardless of last volume when closed. music still plays as volume is actually at 100% at start despite what volume bar says.

    second issue is ongoing and confirmed across many distros, as well as replicated by other users on irc

  154. Update when refreshed fails with a message that Google Chrome not using proper encryption. Tried changing to Firefox and received the same message.

  155. Mate 64bit MintMenu issue:

    Setting menu theme to “MintY dark” changes only “selected” item background and divider, but not background and text color. This is resulting in unreadable selected item and inconsistent theming.

  156. I’m sorry for and not reading comments properly, I see, that this issue was already discussed, but now i can clarify my point.
    Back on 17.3 I was using Numix Dark theme, and it’s main color scheme was like Mint-Y-Darker (dark borders and toolbars, light background). But I like it when my menu is dark with this setup, so I chose Mint-Y-Darker as my main theme, and was expecting that I’ll be able to make the menu dark by choosing Mint-Y-Dark as my menu theme. But it doesn’t work that way, resulting in unreadable colors. It looks like the menu colors is chosen inconsistently, some from gtk theme, and some from chosen menu theme. So that is what I consider an issue. I think none of the colors should be chosen from gtk theme, and menu theme can be automatically changed when you chose themes in appearance.

  157. And here am I again, and sorry for spamming like that((
    After some juggling with settings I was able to finally set the colors properly, but then I found the step, that was ruining it. When I was selecting the “Darker” theme, I was always changing default “Selected” item background color, and that is what’s ruining it. When I change it back to default – it’s good, but when I change at least one of the colors in “Appearance->Customize theme” – mintMenu is going crazy. And i really don’t like that light green(

  158. Just found a bug/feature probably related to systemd, when my data (non root, non home) partitions don’t mount successfully the system goes into maintenance mode! WTH? At least with upstart the system came up so I could investigate.

  159. When saving a document in xed, the default document name is initially highlighted (i.e Unsaved Document), ready to type a new name for the document, but on first use it did not default to the Documents folder. After selecting the folder, the default name was still highlighted, but attempting to type a new name resulted in the first typed character going into a search window, while the subsequent typed characters were entered into the file type window, after which the file type selection became greyed out (This only occurred if the selected directory contained files; if empty, all typed characters were entered in the search window). The default name remained highlighted the entire time.

    After noticing this behavior with a new document, I tried a save as with an existing document and found it was the same.

    Edit by Clem: This is the behavior of all GTK3 file chooser dialogs I’m afraid.

  160. I can confirm the screen tearing using firefox (the original mozilla tgz-installation) using an average intel pc (no mac)


    1) in pix AND xview the “set as wallpaper/background” does not work (the caja-extension does), the only result is a 100% cpu-load of caja!
    –> if it can’t/won’t be fixed at least the extension(s) should be disabled/removed (in pix).

    2) after staring pix instead of the thumbnails just the generic icons show up (in both views), but they appear after scrolling around.

    3) in xview several extensions does not work:
    -) “Date in statusbar” doesn’t work.
    -) “Disable Dark Theme” doesn’t work, if i’m right when i assume it should do “gsettings set org.x.viewer.view use-background-color false”?
    -) “Hide Titlebar” not sure what it should do…?
    -) “Export to Folder”, “Fullscreen Background”, “Python Console” and “Slideshow Shuffle” can’t be activated. in the moment they get grayed out and a tool-tip says “The plugin ‘XXX’ could not be loaded – An error occurred: Plugin loader ‘python3’ was not found”

    4) in xview after a fullscreen-view the sidebar is gone and must be enabled manually again.
    –> by the way: please make the position (left/right, top/bottom won’t make much sense) of the sidebar configurable (like the gallery) at least via dconf!

    5) i list it here because IMHO it is a bug:
    in xed with the classic and default (tango) color-scheme there is nearly no differentiation (color or border) between the text and the line-numbers; and at the latest working on a file with numbers at the beginning of the lines this is a disaster.

    ad comment #135-1) gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences background-set false
    ad comment #135-2) mintupload 4.0.7 fixed it.

  162. So happy mint 18 is almost ready!!! As soon as I can windows ten is GONE!!! However, there has been a problem with my PC and all distro’s so far. I have the Alienware 15 r2 which comes with a Killer networking wireless N1535 card. The card reads fine after about 2 minutes it actually starts listing the wireless networks available. However when selecting the preferred network and entering the passphrase the card never connects and gives a message at the top of the screen saying it has been disconnected. I’ve done a lot of things to get this to work but it’s a no go. As soon as I replace files with drivers from killer networking’s webpage things start to not work at all. I understand that this isn’t an issue that would effect many but I’m hoping it gets some attention because I am getting really depressed in Windows lol. Thanks for the awesome work!!! Looking forward to the official release.

    Here is some info ****lspci****
    00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers (rev 07)
    00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sky Lake PCIe Controller (x16) (rev 07)
    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Skylake Integrated Graphics (rev 06)
    00:04.0 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation Skylake Processor Thermal Subsystem (rev 07)
    00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H USB 3.0 xHCI Controller (rev 31)
    00:14.2 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H Thermal subsystem (rev 31)
    00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H CSME HECI #1 (rev 31)
    00:17.0 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 31)
    00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #1 (rev f1)
    00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #5 (rev f1)
    00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #6 (rev f1)
    00:1c.6 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #7 (rev f1)
    00:1d.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #9 (rev f1)
    00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H LPC Controller (rev 31)
    00:1f.2 Memory controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PMC (rev 31)
    00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio (rev 31)
    00:1f.4 SMBus: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H SMBus (rev 31)
    01:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM204M [GeForce GTX 965M] (rev a1)
    3b:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 10)
    3c:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (rev 32)
    3d:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5227 PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01)
    3e:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Samsung Electronics Co Ltd NVMe SSD Controller (rev 01)

    [ 1292.028172] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11
    [ 1314.817715] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 7h 39min 26.337146s random time.
    [ 1314.895386] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 6h 40min 42.115036s random time.
    [ 1315.622964] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 10h 53min 52.847843s random time.
    [ 1315.702506] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 1h 20min 44.379022s random time.
    [ 1315.763627] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 11h 4min 45.128010s random time.
    [ 1327.812438] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 11h 31min 40.385650s random time.
    [ 1328.170501] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 9h 38min 29.063393s random time.
    [ 1329.763101] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 6h 43min 54.281368s random time.
    [ 1329.824317] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 5h 8min 10.134865s random time.
    [ 1329.888735] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 10h 27min 30.412648s random time.
    [ 1355.045831] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11
    [ 1418.035814] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11
    [ 1481.093510] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11
    [ 1544.059458] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11
    [ 1607.097293] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11
    [ 1670.047090] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11
    [ 1733.048939] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11
    [ 1796.102772] ath10k_pci 0000:3c:00.0: failed to start hw scan: -11

    ***rfkill list all***
    0: dell-rbtn: Wireless LAN
    Soft blocked: no
    Hard blocked: no
    1: hci0: Bluetooth
    Soft blocked: no
    Hard blocked: no
    2: phy0: Wireless LAN
    Soft blocked: no
    Hard blocked: no

  163. Touchpad scrolling revisited – re comments 120 & 121
    HP Compaq Presario CQ61-410us w/64 bit Cinnamon This is a 6 year old laptop that I’ve been asked to update to Windows 10 and Mint 18 (set up to dual boot Windows 7 and Mint 13 when purchased, later upgraded to 17.3). It does not support multi-touch gestures.

    You replied that reverse scrolling has been enabled on Mac and Windows for a while and that it’s now the standard. In the past few weeks, I’ve tested more than a dozen of the latest releases of different distros (including Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity); none of them exhibited this behavior as standard, nor did Windows 10 after upgrading this computer. My understanding is that Windows changes this when switching to and from tablet mode and/or using multi-touch gestures. Also, when I loaded the latest Synaptics Windows 10 driver, I found that it is set by default to normal for one finger scrolling and reverse for 2-finger scrolling.

    I’ve used touchpads for twenty years as mouse substitutes; I don’t expect one-finger scrolling to be reversed on my mouse and touchpads. I do expect multi-touch scrolling to work differently. I (and others I know) sometimes plug in a mouse when using a laptop and sometimes use the touchpad; I use a keyboard with a built-in touchpad for my htpc (LMDE Mate); scrolling should work the same on these. Having the touchpad scroll in opposite directions to the mouse is odd and there’s no option to reverse scrolling on the mouse. I’d love to see this default behavior reconsidered. Much better would be a separate option to reverse two-finger scrolling.

    Mint has been my distro of choice since Mint 7 largely because it does not work like Windows or OSX. It’s better. I have installed it on scores of computers (many in classrooms). I don’t want it to emulate Android or iOS either; it’s not a tablet or a phone OS and it shouldn’t work like one. If I have a touch screen and want to make this change, you’ve provided an easy way and if you leave it as is I can just as easily change it since I know I need to.

    Thanks and keep up the good work.

    Edit by Clem: It’s not possible technically to set a different scrolling direction for edge-scrolling and 2-finger-scrolling. That’s a limitation of the synaptics drivers (in Linux at the very least), as this direction is global to all scroll methods for a given touchpad device.

  164. The good news is my desktop absolutely loves Mint Mate 64 18.

    The bad new is my new laptop hates it. If I type nomodeset I can boot into the newly installed machine but without any fglrx drivers, I can only get a 899 x 600 screen, absolutely useless. I was really hoping for better, darn those ATI folks!

  165. I’m running a HP with an Intel e7200 cpu and Nvidia Geforce 7100 graphics and 4 gigs of ram, proprietary drivers for both the cpu and graphics loaded , I’m having an issue with the software mgr , 2 out of three times it’ll flash on the screen and disappear , every third or fourth attempt it’ll load and run normally.Had the same issue with gufw but fixed broken dependencies with the package mgr , however it didn’t work for the software mgr . I’m a complete novice using Linux so this has me scratching my head , everything else is running great on my machine , hopefully someone might have a clue as to how to fix the issue with the software mgr , I’m stumped .

  166. Please disregard post 174 in regards to Mate , I posted in the wrong section , I’m running the Cinnamon beta not Mate

  167. I love mint 18 Mate. Found a couple of small bugs.
    1) With 32bit on asus eee pc 900 the wi-fi does not work after resuming from sleep. I have to disable the wi-fi then re-enable it. I found same problem when I tryed Ubuntu Mate 16.04.

    2) with 64bit on Toshiba Satellite P300 wi-fi is perfect but with auto login enabled it still shows timed login screen, ticking or un-ticking ‘enable auto login’ makes no difference.

    Edit by Clem: Make sure you select your username under the tick option (and you won’t be able to do that if you’re using an encrypted home directory).


    When using (Refresh) on update manager—An ERROR notice appears with a message about Google Chrome…………………….

    Edit by Clem: Launch the Software Sources tool, and remove the Google repository. (Next time you mention an error message, please paste it so we can actually read it though) 🙂

  169. Hi Clem.

    The latest version of MATE (1.14.1) for Ubuntu 16.04 was released yesterday:

    Acording to Martin Wimpress is stable and well tested; any hope it gets included by default in LM18?

    Thank you.

    Edit by Clem: It’s already in Mint 18. There’s no such thing as “MATE 1.14.1”, we’re talking about individual “1.14” updates. If you want to follow MATE updates, please refer to instead. The only one missing in Mint 18 at the moment is “mate-panel 1.14.1”, as it was released on the 08/06/2016. We’ll add that in, along with future 1.14 updates of course. You can see the changes it brings at As for testing, there’s nothing like a Mint BETA to identify plenty of bugs in MATE and/or Cinnamon. So don’t worry, there will be updates 🙂

  170. On Dell 13.3 XPS 9350,

    First start up touch screen and wifi is working fine. After standby (lid closed and opened) touch screen stops working and sometimes wireless does not find the available networks.

    Thanks for the great product, looking forward to the stable release.

  171. BUG REPORT:

    open mintinstall and then via “Edit” -> “Software sources” mintsources… then the mintinstall-window gets unresponsive and kills itself after closing mintsources.

  172. In both Mate and Cinnamon 18 I have a problem on my HTPC using Kaffeine (tv viewer and file player), symptoms are.

    Kaffeine scanned and found all the channels.
    When trying to view a live channel, I only get 2 seconds of audio and no video.
    When checking the EPG, all the channels are populated with the program guide.
    It will record from both tuners @ the same time.
    VLC will play these recorded channels, but Kaffeine will only give 2 sec of audio and no picture.
    Me-TV works, I can view the channels live as well as record them.
    Kaffeine work fine with Mate 17.3 out of the box (no extra steps needed)

    My HTPC is

    Machine: Mobo: Gigabyte model: AM1M-S2H v: x.x Bios: American Megatrends v: F2 date: 06/20/2014

    CPU: Quad core AMD Athlon 5350 APU with Radeon R3 (-MCP-) cache: 8192 KB flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm) bmips: 16369 clock speeds: max: 2050 MHz 1: 800 MHz 2: 800 MHz 3: 1200 MHz 4: 2050 MHz

    Graphics: Card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Kabini [Radeon HD 8400 / R3 Series] bus-ID: 00:01.0

    Ram: 8 Gig

    Now for the twist, Kaffeine work fine on my Intel mini computer (both Mate and Cinnamon 18), this box is.

    Machine: Mobo: GIGABYTE model: MZBAYAP-00 v: 1.x
    Bios: American Megatrends v: F3 date: 06/18/2014

    CPU: Dual core Intel Celeron N2807 (-MCP-) cache: 1024 KB

    Graphics: Card: Intel Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series Graphics & Display

    Ram : 4 Gig.

    This looks like it may be another ATI Gremlin

  173. Hello,

    Thanks for new version, I really enjoy mint 🙂

    I found an annoying issue during the installation : the keyboard map is asked after the partitionning. So, if you want to encrypt your HD with lvm, the security key uses the default qwerty map (instead of azerty for example).

    It’s really embarrassing because we can’t see the password entered, so we run the full install process. And when we reboot, the password doesn’t work, and we need to do new installation again to set the correct password (with copy/past from a text edit for example).

    Thanks in advance,

  174. Hello guys,

    Thank you for building this great OS.

    The system is running very stable, I’ve only experienced some small problems with the new Mint-Y themes.

    -With the Mint-Y Dark selected, the mintMenu becomes unusable.
    -The icons aren’t playing well together with the new themes. The icons are too dark and difficult to see on dark backgrounds. This is especially annoying when using LibreOffice with the dark theme.

    Except for these minor problems, I really love Sara. Keep up the great work!


  175. {209. TomT says:
    When using (Refresh) on update manager—An ERROR notice appears with a message about Google Chrome…………………….

    I’ve seen an error like this when someone installed Google Chrome 32-Bit on Linux Mint 17.3 64-Bit…

    I had to completely remove the Google Chrome 32-Bit (using aptitude); and remove it from the Software Sources as well.

    Maybe it can help somehow…

  176. LM 18 MATE beta – all minor stuff

    Control Center
    – should remember the last window size (on Cinnamon System Settings too)
    – ESCape should not close the application
    – should have a Close button (on Cinnamon System Settings too)
    – “Filter” searches could be better (some of these apply to Cinnamon System Settings too). Eg:
    enter “video,” “resolution,” or “monitor” to get to “Displays”
    enter “tiling” or “compositing” to get to “Windows”
    If you want me to give a more thorough analysis (perhaps even a programming solution to this), please let me know.

    In Caja, using the right-click menu,
    if you are opening a file in an editor which is normally opened in another application, such as an HTML file,
    and have both Pluma and xed installed,
    then the right-click “Open With” option has two “Text Editor” options. That’s confusing.

    Here’s an interesting one that happens on LM 18 MATE beta and LMDE 2 MATE (both with Marco + Compositing):
    Open two applications: I’ve been using Caja and pluma (or xed), one behind the other but with some part each title bar visible.
    Click on the main Mint Menu.
    Click on the title bar of the application in the background. The main Mint Menu disappears as it should,
    but many times the application does not get raised. Try it a couple times if it doesn’t happen right away.
    When the application does not get raised, you can confirm that the background application has focus by
    choosing Alt-f to bring up the File menu. (Depending on your window layout, you can then have a File menu
    on top of another app which is on top of the app showing the File menu…to M.C.Escher’s delight).
    In Cinnamon, the first click simply dismisses the main Mint Menu and does not raise or focus the clicked window.
    Is that supposed to be the case? I would think that the click should dismiss the main Mint Menu and bring the
    clicked application to the foreground (in either DE).

  177. Shian Bug 209

    {I’ve seen an error like this when someone installed Google Chrome 32-Bit on Linux Mint 17.3 64-Bit…

    I had to completely remove the Google Chrome 32-Bit (using aptitude); and remove it from the Software Sources as well.

    Maybe it can help somehow… Thanks for your response. I downloaded Google Chrome 64 bit on a 64 bit HP desktop. But I`ll try removing and re-installing.

  178. Hi Clem.

    Please informe us, are you going to made linux mint 18 KDE use kde 5.6 latest or just the release that comes with kubuntu?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Yro, probably the version that comes with Kubuntu. I can’t comment on the quality of the DE and the work involved in making this happen yet though… and these will be important going forward. I would expect upstream to produce a good quality DE and the Ubuntu base to properly support it.

  179. I’m noticing a bug regarding the look of Qt 5 apps in this beta. They use the Fusion theme by default rather than the GTK+ one, making them inconsistent with the rest of the desktop. Can this be changed? I managed to fix the problem using the qt5ct tool, but some inexperienced users may not be able to do so… Also, my initial Firefox install (Linux Mint Sarah’s version always) didn’t have any search engine installed and that made the browser a little buggy (when I tried to type something in the address tab or when I opened the search tab of the preferences and when I was just trying to open a link in another tab), until I installed one search engine from the firefox addons site.. Then everything was ok and I was able to add other engines from the correspondent Linux Mint page.. In the end, the Mint-Y theme is astonishing (I am a fan of the Arc & Moka themes), but it makes the panel dark while the panel icons are also dark, which is not so eye-candy! Other than those I liked the new Mint release and my experience was pretty smooth!!! Congrats to the Mint Team!!!

    Edit by Clem: For Firefox, which locale did you use? Regarding QT we’re already doing this, I’m not sure what else we can do.

  180. Banshee volume slider always starts in mute position even though sound is output in relation to sound preferences in tray icon (MATE)

  181. TomT

    For problem with [update manager], Google Chrome stable cannot be used you must uninstall and install Chromium Browser however you will loose Hulu which means that if you want to watch Hulu you must use Firefox but update manger will work. For Hulu to work on Firefox you need to install hal-lib.The update problem I mentioned is associated with Google Chrome stable.

  182. Hi only a little problem:


    gnome-gmail-notifier not present on software repositories.

    this is a permanent situation?, or in LM18 stable this is reapering?.
    it is present in Ubuntu-MATE 16.04

    Edit by Clem: did you try mail-notification?

  183. Running “Sarah” MATE on a Lenovo X201 using a 64GB SanDisk USB Drive. So far no burps, glitches or hangups. I am using this computer for college, accessing Blackboard and Outlook 360 with no issues. All drivers seem to be functioning as designed. YouTube works clean – using Chromium.

  184. Cosmetic issue, but a serious papercut for perfectionists, especially since Mint 18 is almost perfect (thank you for making the best OS currently available!!!!!!!!):

    Check your own MATE screenshot. The new MintMenu theme is supposed to have rounded corners, but the transparency is broken, leaving hideous white triangles where there ought to be transparency. This issue never came up in Mint 17.3 because the MintMenu was squared off. Mint 18 needs to either give up the idea of rounded corners on the Main menu slab, or fix the intended transparency.

    I am sensitive to imperfection, and I adore Mint’s MATE, so I find my self growing faint every time I look at it. It’s quite intolerable. Please fix it!

    Thanks again.

  185. @Rod (comment #217)
    i know mintinstall isn’t a perfect pice of software (IMHO), but the memory usage is definitely not the point!
    the (virtual) testing machine has 4GB (64bit & 2×2,8GHz) and with mintinstall and mintsources running, approximately 800MB (never more than 900MB) RAM are used.

    ad comment #212:
    this behavior occurs in mininstall 7.7.0 in conjunction with mintsources 1.5.7 and also 1.5.9.
    one additional thing i noticed is, that mintinstall started (most of the time) itself again… so it comes in my mind that possibly this behavior is by design for refresh (although nothing changed in mintsources)…?!?

    Edit by Clem: It’s not elegant, but yes, it’s there for a reason. Mintinstall needs to essentially reload everything after an eventual source change or cache update.

  186. I am a big fan of Linux Mint. I’ve downloaded dozens of different Linux distros in the past, and have used several different desktops on Linux Mint. I’ve tried Ubuntu 16.04 and am downloading Linux Mint 18 Sarah beta now.

    I’m now in China and have a new Chinese “tablet computer.” It has a Cherry Trail processor. Neither Linux Mint 17.3 nor Ubuntu 16.04 seem to have audio support for this processor.

    I’m hoping that LM18 Sarah will support my little computer. If not LM18, perhaps LM18-2, etc. will. Here’s hoping!

    Thank you again for a wonderful product.

  187. Oh please help all of us folks who have ati graphics..the low resolution is not workable.

    Edit by Clem: If you mean fglrx, the only solution I can think of is a PPA which would downgrade your version of Xorg… it’s very unlikely to happen. Other than that, you need to hope ATI will change their mind and release a new version of flgrx, or that the open source drivers will get better. In the meantime, you still have a lot of time before Mint 17.3 reaches EOL (all the way to 2019).

  188. I you have/had a Logitech wireless keyboard and were plagued with the auto repeating 555555555’s key problem in LM 17.3, the problem continues onward in LM 18. It’s a kernel problem and is found in LM18’s kernel 4.4.0-21 and is also in the offered 4.4.0-24.43 kernel. There is good news though. Ubuntu launchpad has been working on a test kernel4.4.0-22.40+lp1579190 and they have determined it fixes the problem. I have been running that test kernel since the release of the LM 18 beta and have had zero instances of the 55555555’s problem. Launchpad/Ubuntu is in the process of getting the fix into the pipeline for all affected Ubuntu kernels. Information on the patch can be found here:

  189. I am trying Linux Mint 18 Mate on a ten year old desktop machine (Maxdata AMD athlon64 3500+ PC with 1GB memory).

    Yesterday I installed Linux Mint 18 Mate and then all the applications I had found I liked since discovering last year how delightful Linux Mint is.

    I have so far come across only one real problem.

    I use deja-dup backup to secure my data files and had found that in Mint 17.3 I could either use the restore button in the backup to restore all files to a particular date or I could use Nautilus to restore an individual file. That gave me a warm feeling of security.

    I can not find how to restore an individual file in Nautilus under Mint 18.

    In 17.3 when I right clicked on a file the list of possible actions ended with:-
    Revert to previous version

    In 18 the line
    Revert to previous version
    is missing.

    In both systems I had installed
    nautilus, nautilus-data and libnautilus-extension1a

    Also Restore missing files is missing from the Location options button menu.

    Have these functions been moved to a different file manager or just lost by mistake?

    Please tell me they exist somewhere.

  190. Installed yesterday night without any problem!
    I honestly don’t like the Mint-Y theme, but I do *love* the Mint-Y icon set though, thanks!
    I also like the new plymouth theme with the animation under the LM logo, very nice!
    The new backgrounds are stunning, beautiful artwork!

    Merci Clément et toute l’équipe!


    Hi guys !

    Sorry for my poor English, it’s not my native language, but I’ll try to be as clear as I can.

    I Installed LM-18-beta yesterday on my HP pavillon 17-1088nf laptop (with just a little more RAM and a SSD instead of classic HDD) and noticed that even on the live session, my screen light was off as soon as the desktop was to be displayed (but Grub menu and LM logo were properly enlightened). I unsuscessfully tried to increase light (thanks to some ambient light, I was able to hardly distinguish some display which leads me to try it) and serendipitily (if this word doesn’t exists I strongly suggest to include it in any dictionnary) discovered that reducing light did in reality increase it (and increasing it did reduce it up to none) wether I did it thanks to keyboard shortcuts or through control pannel.

    Hence, I disabeled light control when working on battery and everything is working fine, but maybe you’ll face some issues so I let it here.

    Thanks for your great work !
    This release promise to be sooo nice 🙂 !!!


  192. I completely agree with dark #102. It would be really nice to have all editions (both for 32-bit and 64-bit) as a single ISO files. 🙂
    Anyway, new theme looks way better on MATE edition than on Cinnamon. Flat icons are beautiful on gray background that MATE has by default, but some icons for different things are the same, which is not nice.
    All in all, great releases so far! Both versions are working great on my not-so-new system.
    Thank you, Linux Mint team!!!

  193. my computer does not like any live installers (universal usb installer, ubootin, ect) is it possible to download a drag and drop’able live version? I kinda depend on the stability of all of my computers and don’t want to repartition to ad sarah to my grub. if this is possible, I will literally pay you guys back by committing hours per day on bug seeker mode.

  194. I try to open eclipse IDE, but too late to open and any task that I traied to do, never complete, I needed press ctrl+Alt+Del to finish process, I gave up and Now I am usign Netbeans

  195. After the latest Banshee patch, Banshee will now attempt to import media from folder but crashes halfway into a import.

    Pix has various theme issues with new themes with blacked or unthemed icons in context menus and toolbars

  196. Hi Clem,

    I tested Linux Mint 18 in VBox and when I call programs such as mozilla firefox or system monitor, they just don´t open, but others are working normally.

    Kind regards.

  197. Hi Clem,
    Good job, thanx.
    I have a small problem, I can’t find hidden files in Caja file manager.
    I noticed that search result doesn’t appear till the end of search, this may take some time. it would be nice to improve search behavior like the search in nautilus so that the search results in the current folder appears instantly.

  198. After the update of Network manager applet, today, everything works as I wanted! (this update was coming up-streams from the Ubuntu repo)

    I am running LM 18 -32 On my tiny little 10,1″ Acer Aspire One with only 1,6 GHz processor and 1 GB RAM! WITH Compiz activated (Cube, 3D and Wobbly – no problems)

    This is for me a rock stable and well working release. 🙂

    Thanks again.

  199. Hi, again,

    I am continuing to try out the facilities in Linux Mint 18 Mate on my ten year old desktop machine (Maxdata AMD athlon64 3500+ PC with 1GB memory).

    I have two hard discs on the machine, one an 80GB, shows as SDA, now used to store backups, the other an 165GB, shows as SDB, partitioned into 3 primary and 1 extended partitions. The extended partition is divided into 3 partitions. This allows me to have two operating systems (Linux Mint 17.3 Mate and Linux Mint 18 Mate) each with its own home partition but sharing a data partition.

    I was looking for information on how much disc space was being used and started in
    Menu > Accessories > Disks. This shows only 4 partitions. It does not show partitions 5, 6, or 7.

    Gparted shows all of them, as it does in 17.3, and shows that I have loads of free space well distributed across the partitions.

    I think this is a bug in gnome-disk-utility.

    There also seems to be another bug in Nautilus in that when I have had it open fullscreen, then close it down the desktop goes to Mint -Y-Dark even though I had set theme Mint-Y and background Sky.
    Unfortunately this does not happen absolutely every time, just most. I have not yet worked out what was different when it didn’t happen.

    These are niggles, not show-stoppers, for me.

  200. After the update I did yesterday night, the screen resolution of the plymouth theme changed.
    The logo and the animation are much bigger than previously.

  201. Hi, I have installed Linux Mint Mate on my two laptops and it is running well and very pleased with the performance.

    DELL Inspiron 5559 with CPU: Intel Core i7-6500U @ 2.50GHz 8GB RAM
    DELL Vostro 1520 with CPU: Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo T6670 @ 2.20GHz 4GB RAM

    I noticed that the boot time is quite slow on both laptops

    DELL Inspiron 5559 with SSD boot time is 110 seconds
    DELL Vostro 1520 with HDD boot time is 45 seconds

    I just wondered if anyone else has experienced slow boot times as well.

    This is not really a problem, I’m just providing feedback. Many thanks for a very polished piece of software. Keep up the great work you are doing.

  202. Edit by Clem: If you mean fglrx, the only solution I can think of is a PPA which would downgrade your version of Xorg… it’s very unlikely to happen. Other than that, you need to hope ATI will change their mind and release a new version of flgrx, or that the open source drivers will get better. In the meantime, you still have a lot of time before Mint 17.3 reaches EOL (all the way to 2019).
    Look’s like my wife will be getting a laptop (this one) with Mint 17.3
    and Windows 10, while I go buy one with a Nividia card so I can move to Mint 18 Mate 64 bit. Oh well, it’s only money! 🙂

  203. Disks tool does show all drives, however most drives are shown a free space.
    (This is a very old big with Disks)

  204. I posted a comment 254 at 2:15pm regarding slow boot times for my Linux Mint Mate installation

    Sorry, I got the times the wrong way round, so I have corrected that below…

    DELL Inspiron 5559 with SSD boot time is 45 seconds Laptop bought 2016
    DELL Vostro 1520 with HDD boot time is 110 seconds Laptop bought 2010

    I also wanted to add that the DELL Vostro dual-boots with Xubuntu which boots to login in screen in 10 seconds versus 110 seconds for Mint Mate.

  205. Sorry again, I got the SSD & HDD the wrong way round, should be…

    DELL Inspiron 5559 with HDD boot time is 45 seconds Laptop bought 2016
    DELL Vostro 1520 with SSD boot time is 110 seconds Laptop bought 2010

  206. Hi,

    I have been using LM18Beta for days, but my EPSON L210 printer has a problem. Printing is 100% working, but not scanning (either using Xsane, Iscan, or Simple Scan). I have installed appropriate drivers from EPSON site + external lsb*, and I have been trying to solve it my self, but no luck. I have no such problem in LM 17-17.3. Any solution?

  207. @257 peter e:
    Are you using the ‘Tree’ view in the side pane? – This only shows mounted drives. If you use the ‘Places’ view it should show all devices.

    @258 peter e:
    I see this happening for NTFS or FAT drives. Ext4 drives show the space used.

  208. about 227 message:

    Yes … have mail-notification installed

    but compared with gnome-gmail-notifier

    -configuration more complex
    – my gmail account ok, my local enterprise gmail account not work
    – alert sound not play.

    missing gnome-gmail-notifier… any possible return to LMint18?.

    any way thanks for LMint18MATE, it is working fantastic in my about 10 years old PC.

  209. HDMI out is very buggy. Sometimes doesn’t recognise it until it is rebooted with HDMI plugged in. Sound is also not working via the HDMI, the sound device does not how up in the settings. This is an Nvidia graphics card.

  210. Bug,

    When opening a image via Imageviewer and right click set as wallpaper fails to set wallpaper

    When opening a image in Pix, right click set as wallpaper fails to change wallpaper

    Edit by Clem: This is fixed now.

  211. I have much the same issue as Jerry in #160: I had installed Mint from CD. Initially (during the initial boot following installation), Mint worked fine. But after I applied updates, I get the login screen as usual, but after I enter my password I get only a black screen with a white bar across the bottom. (The HW is a rather old Dell Vostro 200 desktop.)

    Edit by Clem: Check your ~/.xsession-errors, /var/log/syslog, dmesg for signs of clues on what’s happening. Check the process list to see if everything is running (caja, mate-settings-daemon), run them manually to see what happens.. etc etc. Also, if this is due to an update, please mention which one (pkg name, version).

  212. I just installed on my 2002 Mobile Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.06GHz × 2 Vaio and it runs even better than LM 13 Maya ever did (which was better than any Windows that ever ran on this computer). Thank you.

    The installation was a bit difficult, but I think this is due to the fact that this computer is so “modern.” I had to retry several times and nomodeset was the only way to get it to work. Then after install it kept hanging up during startup (would be almost running after booting up but the CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK lights would start flashing and nothing could get it to reboot – not alt-ctrl-del, no key sequence, not even the power switch held for a whole minute; the only thing to do was unplug and pull out the battery – but after a few tries (and adding nomodeset to grub) it works perfectly. I was getting worried that I would have to get rid of this baby because it was really getting bogged down with LM 17 (especially 17.2 and 17.3), but it now runs much better than some brand new computers I have seen recently.

    Other than startup issues during install, no bugs at all. One more thing, I could never suspend with any of the LTS versions of LM I had tried (it would always lock up), but now this works great too!

    I will soon try it on my 2001 Pentium M laptop to see if that one is also better. After that I look forward to installing on some of my newer core i computers as I am sure it will be amazing (I am already running all my other computers on LM 17.3 dual boot and will replace 17.3 with Sarah).

  213. #180 (julian):
    The USB3 external drives which did an immediate remount for me were all Seagate spinning platter style drives, 1 TB to 2 TB in size. Yours sound like they might all be SSD or flash-style drives (I’ve only seen exfat on flash devices); I don’t have any of these to test, though I have tested USB3 flash drives, and USB3 card readers — these do not automatically remount on remove. Perhaps there is something different happening in the remove code paths between spinning disks and solid-state or flash devices. Since I have seen the immediate remount on several machines, I think I can rule out hardware problems on the computer side, though I can’t rule out some sort of Seagate-specific behaviour in their drive firmware, but it would be something common to several different drive models.

  214. (MATE-32) After the last system update, the Wi-Fi icon and menu appears correctly in the laptop’s system tray (before, it showed a Wired Connection icon). Thank you.

  215. I had an issue with the mouse cursor disappearing after switching users with 2 users logged in.

    Running the following seemed to fix it;
    gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false

    I had to run this once for each user (ie user A and B logged in, screen locked, switched from user A to user B, mouse disappeared, ran gsettings command, mouse reappears. Locked screen, switched from user B to user A, mouse disappeared, ran gsettings command, mouse reappears.

    So far, after running this command once for each user I haven’t seen the issue recur.

  216. @Shian. Yes it looks fine and you can also Disonnect Wi-Fi, using the right button menu. AND you can also Re-establish the connection from the right button menu.

    BUT now, try to Suspend or Hibernate the computer and then wake it up and check what happens! Not the same Wi-Fi icon any longer? nor does the Disconnect and Re-establishment of Wi-Fi work any longer.

    BUT the Wi-Fi connection still works, until you manually stop it. So the computer is still usable, even after a suspend/hibernate action.

  217. Bug,
    Not sure why but i am geting 100% cpu on caja at times freezing up the pc. Having hard time pinning it down but it happens when i am not even using it.

  218. Regarding my previous post about the Wi-Fi-applet: This is from syslog and could perhaps be the problem:

    “jun 17 14:12:17 sven-Aspire-one org.a11y.Bus[1644]: ** (process:1654): WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files”

  219. I made comment earlier that auto login was not working correctly and I was presented with a login window. I have an update to that.

    Auto login fails for me if I set up auto login after installation. If I select the option for auto login when in the installer auto login works correctly.

    LM18 MATE 64

  220. I continue with the wi-fi applet problem:’

    Could it be as simple as a common naming problem in the source code, gnome versus mate?

  221. Mint Issues:

    1) The Mint-Y monochrome icons are still black, which blend into the Mint-Y taskbar theme. They need to be changed to white/light as intended before release. Personally, I think there should be a Light and Dark Mint-Y icon theme so we can use the new icons with any theme. As of now, however, Mint-Y theme & icons together is unusable due to this issue and should be fixed before release so Mint-Y gets a good intro.

    2) The MintMenu slab still has lack of transparency on corners.

    Non-Mint Issues:

    3) @People talking about Caja 100% CPU & crash: I think this is due to the audio preview function which is currently broken in Caja. It should be set under Preferences in Caja under Preview tab to not do audio previews of any audio files local or remote. This is a known Caja bug, which has nothing to do with Mint, except that the problematic functional was left active by default. The final release and subsequent ought to deactivate this function by default till the MATE peeps fix it. By the way, it’s been an issue since before the fork from GNOME2! lol

    4) Wifi applet still does not initiate connectivity after enter password and does not save the password entered. One must manually enter wifi security info via Edit Connections, then click on desired network to initiate a connection. This happens with 16.04 and every 16.04-derived distro I’ve tried, so it’s not a Mint issue.

  222. Possible Mint 18 Legal Issue:

    1) AFAIK, libmad0 is illegal in the U.S. and Japan. I know Mint 18 has removed multimedia support out of the box partly to streamline global distribution. It seems you removed libmad0 from default amd64 images, but you left libmad0:i386 apparently by accident, since all other codecs seem to be cleaned out on the Beta image. I don’t want to see Mint run into any trouble in the U.S. or Japan, so libmad0:i386 ought to be removed before release.

  223. wy does linux make sooo much diffrent things is it so we can have better use than windows or what cause i am reallyy unsure

  224. To clarify, the above officially screenshotted MintMenu broken transparency rounded corners only arises with non-Compiz compositors. Compiz draws a square slab, so the issue doesn’t present itself.

  225. I had 17.3 running on an old PC which was always buggy on it, and with 18 beta I have already noticed a stability improvement on my old hardware! Thanks team, what you guys do is great! If only iTunes would make a Linux version.

  226. Another comment and it’s a bug this time. Having trouble ssh’ing into my machine. Tried restarting the OpenSSH server and it still won’t let me log in. Only bug I’ve found so far.

  227. To continue with the wi-fi applet problems above.
    I put the computer in hibernate mode and waked it up again. After wakeup the wi-fi applet was not the same as before. The menu of right-mouse-click was not the same anymore. Though the wi-fi still runs. (Now possible to disconnect but not reestablish the connection)

    Here is a a part of the syslog showing what happened, if Clem and the team are interested:

  228. Hey, it’s me again. About the ssh bug, I fix it. Operator error. Should have double checked my port forwarding on my router.

  229. oh boys, i think i should stop exploring the BETAs… every time i try to gather additional information i find some new things to report! :-p

    ad comment #177: @Clem
    –> most time i’m testing with a virtual machine and/or a live-system (with at least all level1-updates applied), to guarantee the default settings are used.
    i did some additional testing and this behavior occur 5 of 10 times when starting a livesystem (within virtualbox and native) without any changes to the windowmanager (marco+compositing) and of course all available updates (level1+2+3) applied and performed a relogin. but when it occurs also after changing to marco, marco+compton, metacity, metacity+compositing and metacity+compton this behavior persists. only compiz doesn’t suffer this behavior. – sometimes with a relogin this behavior is gone and after another it is here again…!


    1) IMPORTANT – no “user-workaround” known:
    with marco, metacity and compiz a black frame of approximately 20px (with a tiny bright border) appears around the (not maximized) “GNOME3-windows” like calculator and disks. also after a restart this still persists!

    2) ANNOYING – but a reboot solves it:
    after switching a little bit around the window-managers i noticed some rare times black frames around opened dropdown menus (i only checked the 4 dropdown menus in “Desktop Settings” and can’t discover a scheme or fixed combination – just that the “Buttons lauout”-dropdown often has a “own behavior”)… but e.g. caja’s “folder view” seems to be not effected.
    -) with marco and metacity it is a black frame of approximately 10px.
    -) with marco+compositing & marco+compton and some other times with metacity+compositing & metacity+compton it is a even bigger (maybe 20px) black frame!

    3) ANNOYING – but a reboot solves it:
    switching to compiz doesn’t works smoothly:…
    -) sometimes after switching to compiz and opening mintmenu, the menu doesn’t shows up right above the panel but a little bit (approximately the default hight of the panel a second time) higher. – with a change of the panel-hight or a relogin this behavior is gone.
    -) but the most time after switching to compiz the whole panel don’t reacts (i think it isn’t crashed because e.g. the seconds of the clock keeps counting)…! right clicking on the panel just shows the same context-menu as right-clicking on the wallpaper. – the only thing you can do is starting the mintmenu via shortcut (Super_L) and then it is placed as you’ve got the panel on the top. after opening & closing some windows or relogin this behavior is gone.

    4) ANNOYING – no “user-workaround” known, but won’t effect everyday use:
    using the “add to panel” in mintmenu adds the launcher right after the menu-button even before “show desktop” and the seperator… – it would be nice if this can be changed that new launchers will be added right before the windowlist.

  230. True… 269. tux-sven – The Wi-Fi icon is still turning into Wired Connection icon/menu in some cases (I can’t tell when and why).

  231. Looks really good. Thanks for the great work.

    1 issue. After suspend the network menu stops displaying ssids for the available wireless networks or the currently attached network.

    Thinkpad P50s
    i7 6500U
    Hybrid: NVIDIA Quadro M500M & Intel Graphics 520

    VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Integrated Graphics (rev 07)
    USB controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP USB 3.0 xHCI Controller (rev 21)
    Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio (rev 21)
    Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I219-V (rev 21)
    Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 (rev 3a)
    3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM108GLM [Quadro K620M] (rev a2)

  232. Wanted to say that is a really great OS, The best among hundreds of distros i’ve tried. Compiz finally works with all effects enabled… but can’t get it to boot fast.. takes about 60 seconds, HP compaq NX6310 Core Duo T2300, GMA950, HDD 5400 RPM. 4gb Ram. Dmesg shows everything fine, so i think it must be something related to Gdm or the Desktop…
    The Same laptop with Xubuntu, takes no more than 30 seconds. All startup services enabled in both systems.. Really appreciate your work.
    I Really want to ditch Xubuntu… Mint has way more options and polish. Oh, and the X-apps is a magnificent idea.. New apps in 16.04 are terrible….e.g. (Totem terrible), X-player (beautiful) but the boot time has me thinking. Just a little detail. Thanks.

  233. In Firefox the Mint -Y dark theme does not have contrasting text and background in the Mint Search box and the search box in the following search output list. I installed ARC Dark Theme from Fire Fox which works as a great alternative to the default setting.

  234. LM 18 MATE 64-bit– BETA- Live USB pendrive
    Dell Studio 1558, CPU Intel i5

    -Laptop HD 1080 screen and external (HDMI) monitor SXGA. After closing laptop lid (suspend) and open lid (wake up) screen problem
    Graphic Card
    -After suspend sometimes problem with Wi-Fi connection and menu problem (no icons)
    -Brightness Applet very slow (increase/decrease) when use mouse roll and sometimes crash graphic environment
    -Empathy 3.12.11 -problem with add new account
    -After run Orca (screen reader) problem with control. How Off this program?
    -Menu->Control Center – can’t add link to panel and to desktop
    -If possible please add keyboard LED applet to Panel->Keyboard LED Settings


  235. Hi,

    hp Compaq nx6125 (very old laptop)

    I have installed Linux Mint Mate beta 64-bit and is running very well.

    The only issue I can see is the boot time is very slow, it takes about 120 seconds to boot to login screen. I think it must be checking the hard drive perhaps.

    I dual boot this with Debian Stretch Xfce and it boots in 15 seconds so I don’t think its a hard drive problem.

    Apart from that it’s a very good system for a beta. Your top place in is very well deserved.

  236. Another very good beta. It runs like a final version on my PC.

    Even my beloved photo album software Picasa is still working fine in the 32bit version. All necessary libraries included.

    Graphics card support for Nvidia Geforce GTX970 out of the box.

    The only small issue I had so far is verification of ISO image. I failed with the verification process. Can we also use good old md5sum?

  237. @Clem: (comment #174)
    the abbreviation CSD stands exactly for what?

    ad comment #177 & #278:
    also level4+5 updates does not change anything…!

    ad comment #231:
    i red at the roadmap minstinstall should be partly reworked anyway, so i beg to post some ideas about it…
    -) why isn’t apt-xapian-index – responsible for quicksearch in synaptic – (or a similar mechanism) used for mintinstall?
    –> the search would become much more responsive and maybe as a side effect a more elegant solution can be found for reloading mintinstall.
    -) the voting system is unfortunate from the beginning! – why the heck is the sum of scores used for ranking?!? IMHO for a dynamic and current ranking the average score has to be used (maybe not being ranked before a minimum of something like 10 votes), and the quantity of votes should additionally be indicated to verify the significance.
    –> as a result in Mint 13 (still supported for nearly a year) OpenOffice is still ranked on second place in the office-section!?!
    -) is it possible to bring back the links and open them (maybe by default) in a browser-window without(!) superuser-privileges? so also for noobs it should be clear that you are surfing the web, but without a additional security risk.

    at the end one request/advice:
    i’m an advanced user and like to work with synaptic, but for example without a “upgrade-entry” it is troublesome to work with, and therefore i always have to replace it with the original synaptic or aptitude.
    why do you maintain a crippled version of synaptic, when there is no need for uneducated users to use it? won’t it be easier to remove it, or at least the launchers from the default menu/control-center, so it is “hidden” for the uneducated users which don’t know what they are doing!?
    –> thankfully “mintsynaptic” and mintupdate shares history with “real synaptic”! – please consider this also for mintinstall, driver-manager, installing multimedia-codecs and so on…

  238. i have a problem with the mouse application in linux mint 18 mate: it doesn’t display all mouses i’ve connected on pc. I see only generic settings that doesn’t specify what mouse i affect. My first mouse is the touchpad, that is recognized as mouse by the system (i check in terminal and see with other distro) so it is a kernel problem, while the second is a external usb mouse.
    I’ve disabled with
    xinput set-prop [idmouse] “Device Enabled” 0
    but i hope that you fix this problem.

  239. Problem installing: I’m using an old netbook with one 8Gb drive and one 4Gb – total 12Gb. I’ve previously been able to install LM by splitting the installation across both drives. Now the installer simply refuses, saying that I don’t have the required 9.5Gb space. I do! Please can the older functionality of being able to choose where everything goes be restored?

  240. @DJCrashdummy: (comment #283)
    the term ‘uneducated users’ stands exactly for what?

    My friend is 60 years old, a French specialist surgeon for the last 30 years, which never uses synaptic or aptitude. Is he on your ‘uneducated users’ list?

    Linux Mint is popular because we, the ‘uneducated users’, which don’t know what we are doing!? – can use it.

  241. I installed nemo file manager. When you close out nemo, all your desktop icons get duplicated and the original icons are frozen, cannot move them etc. Reboot clears the duplicate icons and everything appears to work normally then.

  242. In Mint 18 64-bit Mate Beta, I couldn’t get DSL connection to work via Network Manager. After creating, saving and launching new connection nothing happens and no error messages appear. It’s not that critical, since doing “sudo pppoeconf” in Terminal gave me a working DSL connection. Please leave pppoe and pppoeconf in release ISO.
    The new “Mint-Y-Dark” theme looks great. Thanks a lot for yet another cup of delicious mint tea.

  243. === Swap partition and encrypted home directory ===
    This combination only worked after little manual repears. The problem was inherited from Ubuntu. Is it fixed now? I installed Xubuntu 16.04 on an old eee PC and I noticed that the 32bit installer creates the swap partition in an extended partition, which seemingly just exists to pack a the swap partition into it. Will Mint do that as well?

    Edit by Clem: Hi, Rosa didn’t encrypt the swap (to work around this bug which affected Trusty). In Xenial and Sarah, this doesn’t happen anymore and the swap is both encrypted and functional.

  244. === WiFi icon ===
    “279. Shian says:
    June 17th, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    True… 269. tux-sven – The Wi-Fi icon is still turning into Wired Connection icon/menu in some cases (I can’t tell when and why).”

    Perhaps that is inherited from Ubuntu?

    By the way, in Xubuntu on my EeePC 901 sometimes WiFi doesn’t start. Then the “WiFi Network Manager” helps. (No worry, I’ll stick with Mint.)

    @Clem: I hope that all in the Mint team sometimes take long enough breaks. 17.3 is fine. Don’t rush it.

  245. OK, 100% of my problem was with the kernel. I have downgraded Mint18 to the 3.16 kernel for my architecture and this new Mint version now runs flawlessly. Very happy to be able to run the newest kdenlive, corebird etc that wouldn’t run on Ubuntu Trusty based systems. Thanks guys, I love it!

  246. Very good work so far…
    system-config-samba and folder sharing does not work in LM 18 Mate.
    I am unable to assign sharing properties on anything, even with adequate permissions on user and group. It does the same thing with root user.
    The trouble is permanent.
    The bug is present on several installations.

  247. Fantastic release! Bravo!

    I scanned through the comments and didn’t see this so if it has already been reported then just ignore my comment. I have been running the Cinnamon BETA since it was released and while I have not had any major issues, I have noticed that the Cinnamon Desktop crashes 4 out of 5 times I wake the computer from suspend. This can be anything from the desktop freezing up completely to it coming up with no Desktop icons or the panel and menu will lose all icons. I have completely re-installed the system three times and this problem still persists. I was running Cinnamon 17.3 prior and this function worked almost flawlessly.Other than that, Linux Mint 18 BETA has been surprisingly smooth and stable.

    HP EliteBook 844OP
    4 GB’s Ram
    Intel i5
    Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

    This machine is driving an external monitor and runs with the lid closed most of the time.

    By the way, I did have some Network Manager issues but that was fixed by manually re-installing it and it has since been updated and now works just fine.

    Thank you!

    Edit by Clem: If you can crash it reliably, please try and get a stack trace to the development team. Once we identify the cause of the issue, we might be able to send a fix via update.

  248. I really enjoy Linux 17.3 and 18 is very easy to move to from that. I am running the beta on my laptop and have had no issues with hardware compatibility. Looks like you have a winner here. Great job!

  249. I loaded Cinnamon 18 on my Chuwi HI12 tablet.
    With Live USB the touch screen worked. After install the touch screen did not work.

    My wireless adapter does not work either. Realtek RTL8723BS Wireless Lan 802.11n SDIO Network Adapter.

    I have no sound. Do not know what the sound card is yet.

    Screen resolution is good.

    destry@destry-Default-string ~ $ inxi -Fxz
    System: Host: destry-Default-string Kernel: 4.4.0-21-generic x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 5.3.1)
    Desktop: Cinnamon 3.0.5 (Gtk 3.18.9-1ubuntu3)
    Distro: Linux Mint 18 Sarah
    Machine: System: Default string product: Default string v: Default string
    Mobo: Hampoo model: Cherry Trail CR v: Default string
    Bios: American Megatrends v: 5.11 date: 04/28/2016
    CPU: Quad core Intel Atom x5-Z8300 (-MCP-) cache: 1024 KB
    flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 11519
    clock speeds: max: 1840 MHz 1: 1017 MHz 2: 557 MHz 3: 1508 MHz
    4: 1588 MHz
    Graphics: Card: Intel Device 22b0 bus-ID: 00:02.0
    Display Server: X.Org 1.18.3 drivers: intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
    Resolution: 2160×1440@59.95hz
    GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel HD Graphics (Cherryview)
    GLX Version: 3.0 Mesa 11.2.0 Direct Rendering: Yes
    Audio: Card Failed to Detect Sound Card! Sound: ALSA v: k4.4.0-21-generic
    Network: Card: Failed to Detect Network Card!
    Drives: HDD Total Size: NA (-) ID-1: /dev/mmcblk0 model: N/A size: 62.5GB
    Partition: ID-1: / size: 53G used: 4.9G (10%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/mmcblk0p2
    ID-2: swap-1 size: 4.21GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/mmcblk0p3
    RAID: No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present
    Sensors: System Temperatures: cpu: 40.0C mobo: N/A
    Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A

  250. Hi, using Linux Mint 18 beta, I got the following issue:
    – panel edit mode; move panel to top
    – click on menu applet produces a flicker

    My machine:
    ASUS x55vd, 4gb RAM, 128Gb SSD, Intel and Geforce 610M video cards, using Nouveau driver 1:1.0.12-1build2, Linux kernel 4.4.0-24-generic, Cinnamon 3.0.5

  251. Hello,

    the automatic mounting of the DVD-Drive does not work.
    It works when I mount it manually in the Shell with:
    mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom

    Also Mint version 13 which is installed on the same Computer has no problem with automatic mounting.

    Any idea?

  252. Have now tried two different ways to create DEB file from exaile-3.4.5.tar.gz in both 64bit and 32bit MATE versions, all simply refusing to work.
    Xsane is OK in 64bit version of MATE but as earlier reported produces an error message forhe 32bit installation.
    Throughout keyboard operation has been intermittent whilst laptop hosted WiFi refuses to engage so I am simply giving up until formal release which is a pity as it was looking good for other applications.

  253. Another Bug Report testing Linuxmint 18 MATE 64 bit in live mode via usb flash drive
    bug in Mint Menu preferences main button change the menu button icon
    to reproduce select nint-logo.svg as the icon for the mint menu
    what will happen is the preferences dialog box will take up the entire screen and the panel will be green and white striped

    to clarify this right click on the mint menu go to preferences on the first tab ( the main button tab) click to the right of where it says button icon and in the dialog that comes up select mint-logo.svg the menu preferences dialog box is partway off screen it takes up allot of screen space
    this bug has been around in older versions of MATE
    If you could please fix the bugs i reported I would be grateful
    Thank You

  254. Hi, using Linux Mint 18 beta, I got the following issue:
    – install mpv
    – playback a movie – mpv opens at 50% with no sound (mpv settings such as “start” and “volume” have no effect in mpv.conf

    My machine:
    ASUS x55vd, 4gb RAM, 128Gb SSD, Intel and Geforce 610M video cards, using Nouveau driver 1:1.0.12-1build2, Linux kernel 4.4.0-24-generic, Cinnamon 3.0.5

  255. Installed DoxBOX. On 1366×768 screen, entering the full screen (ALT + ENTER) (800×600, i guess) and exiting, it returns to another screen resolution..

  256. Mint 18 is looking good. I am looking forward to upgrading my ‘holi-in-the-wall’ server (it literally lives in the HVAC return shaft for a constant air flow).

    I installed the beta on VMware workstation version 11. The bad news: I can not find the kernel headers and or sources in Synaptic Package Manager. That makes it impossible to install vmware tool. THe good news: I appear not to need them except for cut/paste and folder sharing both of which never worked very well under vmware anyway.

    Comments 17, 27, 166.
    I have to say that I agree with the users in this case. The default resolution is 800×600 (at least on my install). The stated required resolution is 800×600 (1024×768 recommended). Even if one plans/needs to change to a higher resolution it can be problematic if the needed tools to configure the installation are not useable at the default resolution (short of special keys that most people do not know about).

    The modules that I found that have problems at the 800×600 are:
    Update Manager … can’t get to ‘OK’ button
    Caja ‘File Management Preferences’ … same problem
    User manager, Change Advanced User Settings
    CompwizCinfig Settings Manager default window (others fit)
    Login Window Preference
    Mouse Preferences
    Sound Preferences
    Software Manager barely fits

    These are some of the tools one needs access to solve problems that may be forcing them to use the lower resolution. They may even be stuck without a ‘mouse’ due to a incompatible driver or other unknown problem. There is really no reason why these dialogs can not be made to function at the default resolution. Most of them have a huge amount of ‘white space’. I have some screen shots as well but I am also ignorant of where to send them.

    Appearance Preferences comment:
    The triangular color picker used for the solid background may be intuitive for expert in true color graphics but for most neotype users it is a holy nightmare. There needs to be a default simpler interface with a button for advanced.

    Strange behavior (no explanation).
    I am using the ‘Mint-x-Grey’ theme with a grey background (yes I am boring). When I move the ‘Update Manager’ as high as I can on the display then the background changes to a different color (darker grey).

    Option to share folder directly from the Mate caja file manager.
    sudo apt-get install caja-share
    did not work in original beta install but does now after updating and rebooting.
    kernel to also updated to 4.40-24.43

    Enough of my useless ramblings. What is the projected full release date?

  257. @288 – Fix for thick black borders around GTK3 + CSD apps when using Compiz — it involves creating a ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css file.

    Follow the directions here:

    Obviously we’re not using the “i3” window manager, but the fix works.

    A fix with a shorter gtk.css file has also been widely circulated. See, for example, However, that solution is incomplete as it still leaves a black border around the app’s window.

  258. It’s just a minor aesthetic issue, but I’ve noticed that in the MATE version, VLC doesn’t look like the other applications. For example, when you select menu entries, they’re highlighted in blue instead of green.

    Otherwise, everything else looks great to me.

  259. Very smooth. It seems (still doing more testing) that Ubuntu 16.04 upline has an underlying issue with memory and swap management. Example – doing a big copy device to device, suddenly at 40% through, the swap floods and stays full well after the copy is done and long completed. LM 18.1 has inherited this quirk .. I don’t know enough, but this could even be a kernel thing as these 2 (UB 16.04 and LM 18.1) are on a different Linux kernel.
    LM’s system monitor has 3 panels as always, noted that Ubuntu (16.04 MATE) has an extra panel with system info – useful.

  260. [hard bug] numlock indicator isn’t lit when activated during unlocking of sda5_crypt. The numpad keys do in fact work, but the indicator light itself does not toggle when pressed. (Same goes for the caps lock key.) Behavior not seen in previous installs. Keyboard is a Rosewill RK-9100. The other backlit keys are properly illuminated and both the numlock and capslock keys get normally illuminated past boot.
    [moderate bug] In the update manager, “always show security updates” and “always show kernel updates” conflict with the setting “level 5 updates not visible” — as they will be visible if either the previous 2 options are checked.
    [moderate bug] Hard text visibility when using the Mint-Y-Dark theme and Mint software manager.
    [minor bug] After installing a package in software manager, clicking “search results” to go back doesn’t update your newly-installed package icon with a green check mark to indicate that it’s installed. It will however if you either search for something else and come back to it, or restart the manager.
    [minor bug] the default trash icon view had an initial black background with unreadable black icon text. Can’t reproduce as reopening produces the default white one. Switching views produces expected text colored behavior.
    [minor bug]hard text visibility in “about:config” in Thunderbird (this is solved by the custom theme “TT DeepDark” for Thunderbird)

    [feature request] For most of the custom window borders (including Mint-Y-Dark), the top right ‘x’ close button control isn’t wedged high enough into the top-right corner for easy closing due to fast mouse movement. Only the ‘Esco’ window border has this design attribute.
    [feature request] ctrl+z to undo overwritten text in various text fields, such as in a desktop launcher command textbox
    [feature request] pre-install “numlockx” so numlock auto-activates at the login window
    [feature request] some files can’t be right-clicked “open with” another application — like xed. I found this with a file called: blablabla.desktop — I wanted to modify this config file with xed and found myself simply manually opening it with xed.

    I’m having trouble with the front panel audio connectors — installing Intel’s microcode in the driver manager and rebooting seemed to have solved that but the available devices sporadically show up as “HDA ATI HDMI” and “HDA Intel PCH” — obviously not “built-in audio” as expected. I never used HDMI audio from my gpu and not interested. I’ve noticed killing PulseAudio and having it restart automatically seems to solve the problem for now…I wonder if I should just set the audio type as AC97…also the taskbar volume slider seems to be disconnected from the audio level as well…I suspect that will work again on reboot but the actual sound preferences slider bar works.

    VLC seems to have disappeared from the “preferred applications” list after linking it with firejail. Since there’s no “save” button in that dialogue box, every time you open those settings, all of the linked media files with VLC get lost and then get auto-linked to “Videos/xplayer”…I suppose I *could* try to reinstall VLC and see what happens…

  261. I’m having problems getting Mint 18 to do an unattended install (although this is using Packer to create a Vagrant box, I have tried manually). When the initial splash screen appears, with the ‘Automatic boot in 10 seconds’ message, I press twice to get to the ‘boot:’ command. I then try using a command that I used in Mint17.3:

    boot: /casper/vmlinuz noapic http:/n.n.n.n:p/mint.seed boot=casper automatic-ubiquity splash noprompt initrd=/casper/initrd.lz —

    I have tried a few variances on this, but they all seem to be ignored and Mint 18 then proceeds to auto-boot into the ‘Live CD’ version of Mint 18.

    I’m not that experienced with booting from ISOs in this way, but it definitely breaks between 17.3 and 18.0.

  262. @Shian: (comment #299)
    i’m afraid you got me wrong: “uneducated” refers of course to the knowledge of whats happening under the hood of the polished GUI of a operating system. – keep in mind these are comments to a BETA testing release and not a release for “end users” or a geneal forum…!

    so IMHO in reference to this topic “uneducated users” stands for people who just want to use a computer and don’t know (sometimes also don’t want and maybe don’t need to know) why something is or is not working. – i’m aware this would be the majority of the users.

    and “don’t know what they are doing” is meant when it comes to synaptic… for example that they don’t know they can harm their system with it! – and that’s why i advise to remove (or hide) this tool instead trying to restrict it (and invest resources for that), especially when all necessary tasks “end users” need or should do/need can be done without it.
    –> so i think we are “voting” for the same…!? – making Linux Mint more secure/easy for “end users”! 😉

    please be patient with me, i’m not a native speaker neither a pro developer, just a self-educated lonely advanced user and therefore i’m maybe not so familiar with the exact terms… i don’t mind if you call them “uneducated users”, “end users”, “new users”, “newbie”, “noobs” or whatever!

    at the end i want to expand your last statement:
    Linux Mint is popular because advanced users and gurus like it and like to develop (and recommend) it… AND it fits the needs of advanced (easy adaption & no enforcements) and new users (easy & smoothly usage) and that’s because the lead developers listen to the users… the whole user base!

  263. I formated a USB stick (ext4 partition) with Gparted. After, I can mount it but I can’t write on it as normal user, I can only read it as normal user or write as superuser.

  264. I can’t set VLC as preferred video application. It seems set as preferred application in Cinnamon menu but Nemo keep opening all video format with Video. I also tried to change the file association through Right Click > Proprieties > Open With.. but I got no effect, Video keep to stay in the default video application position and it opens all video formats. Can you cast a glance over it, please? Thanks!

  265. @ NumOpen
    Gparted creates partitions with Root as Owner. Annoying, but that is what it is. I don’t know a workaround…
    however you can Mount the partition, Open as Administrator, then change Owner to the user you prefer.

  266. Hey it’s me again. I’ve isolated my audio and “preferred application” problems to current issues with firejail. You can ignore the last 2 paragraphs of my post #323.

  267. Installed Mint 18 Beta (Mate) 32 bit with EeePC on external flash drive. Everything fine. It’s wunderfully boring, meaning: It just works. Thank you.

  268. Hi, just another minor aesthetic issue: if I increase the mate panel size to anything above 28 pixels (which is truly necessary on a WQHD display) the network manager applet icon shows up with a black background color (instead of being transparent). It doesn’t seem to be themed for anything above 28 pixels.

  269. Unfortunately this beta is utterly useless for my use case. Without the codecs AND VLC being part of the live-DVD, my standalone Athlon-XP machines with Radeon AGP graphics cannot be tested for continued 100% CPU loads as soon as some video/animated graphics contents needs to be displayed.
    For the last few years Totem as well as Banshee only eat up CPU cycles like crazy, but are otherwise completely useless here.
    The only, and btw. much more comfortable to use, mediaplayer that works here at all, is VLC.

    Therefore I need some method to download and apply offline both, the missing codecs AND VLC!

    I only can urge you, to please reconsider your stand on omitting the MM codecs and VLC. For me, and based on quite a few previous comments, many others, not having them included anymore, are several severe steps back in terms of Mint’s usability.

    Why is removing them suddenly of such great importance despite the explicit preference of most of Mint’s users?

    PS. forgot to check, is the character map now finally part of the live medium again?

    Edit by Clem: gucharmap is there by default now yes. Regarding the codecs, it wasn’t “urgent”, but it made sense going forward. If it helps we can provide a separate archive you could download for this.

  270. After installing rebooting, and updateing, the final reboot left me with:
    NO usb ports, and NO wifi.
    Networkmanager, dbus,…, all dead ?
    Let me guess, systemD ???

    I’m going back to Linux Mint 17.3 (64), ’cause this LinuxMint 18 Mate (64) BETA is a total embarrassment !

  271. LM 18 MATE 64

    Definitely much slower boot up in comparison to LM 17.2

    97 sec. vs 45 seconds Huge difference.

    Edit by Clem: hi Trapper, please troubleshoot this. You can use tools to see what takes time during the boot sequence (especially with systemd now). Check if you gain time by removing support for btrfs and/or samba.

  272. Thanks Clem and the team, for this excellent work.

    I just installed mint 18 MATE beta on a separate partition in my main system (an intel NUC5i3RYH with Mint 17.3), then added the microcode driver and did an update. Wifi does not work, it’s greyed out in the network manager (it works, not very well though, in 17.3).

    First install failed, but it was probably my fault (during it I mounted partitions, messed with the bluetooth). Second time I behaved and all went well. Both times I could see this error output repeatedly:

    mint wpa_supplicant[1643]: wlp2s0: Failed to initiate sched scan

    Hope this helps

  273. @DJCrashdummy: (comment #325)

    Sorry if I misunderstood you.

    Synaptic may be harmful if you don’t know Linux; But also many other system tools. One can easily damage the system with the Update manager or the Software manager as well.

    Yet Synaptic can be useful tool for anyone, so I believe that it should be visible, easy to use, and safe as possible. New user may follow online tutorial before using it.

    Currently desktop computers are too complicated and there is no safe tool to manage them, but Linux Mint is the best of all worlds (simple and advanced).

    Advanced users can change the system to their needs. Regular users will be more careful and responsible after the third or fourth installation…

  274. my first experiences with 18 beta:
    – 17.3 was faster.
    – 18 beta is very slow and system resource consuming.
    I hope it is because beta.

  275. Hi, I have a bug to report.

    I know this is a known issue, but none of the workarounds help.

    When I try to boot, my computer freezes always. It gets partway through loading the desktop, then freezes.

    It is an Inspiron mini 1012 netbook, with an Intel Atom processor and integrated graphics.

    I can change the boot options by deleting “quiet splash” and writing “nomodeset”. This lets me see a login screen and interact with the login screen. As soon as I actually log in, it begins to load the desktop, and freezes just after the mate menu has begun to show up. I’m not sure if it happens under the Cinnamon desktop environment, haven’t tested that yet.

  276. great – linux mint beta works like a charm since two weeks, now – thanx a lot to the developers! ( no problems, no crash , no bugs – daily production, on a 64 bit computer, it performs so well.)

  277. Continuing to use Sarah on a 64GB SanDisk USB drive. I do mostly web work including accessing my college account which includes Outlook 360 mail. No problems to report. Libre Office works with no issues either. My 5 year-old X201 Lenovo laptop w/i5 first-gen CPU and 8GB runs like a newer machine.

  278. Wired network stops working after screen turns off after 10 minutes of inactivity (as specified under power management). Only thing to do is to either reboot or de-select and then re-select wired connection from popup menu from network manager app. Let me know if you need any system information and I will do my best to provide it.

  279. #321 @Larry Nestor
    Hplip version 3.16.3 is installed by default in LM 18 and works “out of the box” with my HP printer. Unless you have a very new printer do you really need a later version?

  280. I encountered a serious bud. Try to install mate into a VM (Virtual Box). Keyboard is detected as Belgian (Azerty) which is ok. If I type my name (bernard) in lower case everything is ok. However If I start my name with a capital (Bernard), the keyboard is reverted to qwerty. It looks like that pressing the shift-key is resetting the keyboard-layout

    Edit by Clem: This happened in Mint 17.x also. We’ve no idea why, and it seems to only happen in Virtualbox.

  281. I tested with the Cinnamon-Beta and Cinnamon doesn’t have the keyboard-layout-reset problem (as I mentioned above). Now if you specify the layout before installing the Mate-Beta, the keyboard-layout is ok. The keyboard-layout is only reset when one immediately starts installing after booting up. Specifying the name in lower-case doesn’t help, as if one starts to enter the password where capitals and numbers are used, a mismatch between the entered passwords is signalled. The reset of the layout occurs even when typing in the detected keyboard-layout-menu.

  282. hi Clem,
    The blog says there may not be support for 1024×600 display on my Dell ‘mini’ 7… :-(. If there is a work-around that would be fantastic!

    I am grateful for your time and expertise. 🙂 I am just an Linux amateur, but I find using Mint the best and relaxing to use… never have to fight with it.

    I am using Mint on several other Dell machines with nil issues. All good.

  283. Hi,
    the boot time is extremly long… > 5 min.
    After the login all seems ok. But the boot time is craisy

    Edit by Clem: Something is hanging in your boot sequence. Please troubleshoot it and let us know why. You can start with “systemd-analyze blame”.

  284. As i thought, Mint team shouldn’t remove codecs from the ISO, it will later cause issues even if you provide separate downloadable item.

    It will be much better and efficient if you make four ISO’s, two OEM’s (32 and 64-bit) and two with codecs (32 and 64-bit). Consider adding Desktop selection feature like openSUSE does. 🙂

    This is much better choice than providing separate eight or more ISO’s for each desktop edition or removing codecs permanently.

  285. Don’t know if someone reported it , but when i select mint-Y-Darker theme, icons for network and volume remain dark and because of that they are barely visible.

    Oh and icon for Pale Moon browser looks like Blizzard B-net launcher 🙂

    Thank you for your hard work

    Edit by Clem: Hi, Mint-Y is still a work in progress (expect updates and changes during the cycle), the status icons aren’t defined yet (Mint-Y is currently falling back on the Mint-X ones).

  286. Hi again
    I have a small problem. sometimes when locking the screen i can’t type my password and nothing appears in the password field when i begin typing, so i have to click on switch user and then enter my password and login. after logging in that way the mouse pointer disappears for sometimes and appears again.
    another thing that when connecting to 3g dongle, i can’t close the notification that says i am connected and mate-notification-daemon eat a lot of cpu.

    Edit by Clem: For the mouse disappearing

  287. ad comment #135-1) fixed: automatically change of caja-background works now
    ad comment #135-2) fixed: edit-window of mintupload no more gets destroyed
    ad comment #198-1) fixed: the “set as wallpaper/background” in pix AND xview works now

    ad comment #198-2) not recorded in github-roadmaps/bugs:
    please really have a look at the not appearing thumbnails in pix. within a folder with only a few pictures it is really bad, because you can’t scroll around and therefore it is tedious to get the thumbnails back (via switching browser/picture-view fo at least 2 times).

    ad comment #198-3) xview-plugins:
    -) “Date in statusbar” now seems to work at least with jpg-files; but when enabling it, the statusbar gets (unnecessarily) noticeable higher, although the other text has (also before the statusbar gets higher) more than enough space.
    -) “Disable Dark Theme” doesn’t work: sorry, i posted the wrong gsetting (org.x.viewer.view use-background-color – this is working)! i meant “org.x.viewer.plugins.fullscreenbg use-custom” isn’t set to false and also doing manually “gsettings set org.x.viewer.plugins.fullscreenbg use-custom false” doesn’t change anything! …and “org.x.viewer.plugins.fullscreenbg background-color” isn’t either respected.

    ad comment #296 request/advice:
    sorry, my fault… installing multimedia-codecs is also recorded in the synaptic-history! just mintinstall leaves a big gap, and also the driver-manager is absent.

  288. *Loss of Usability for Linux Newcomers*

    I chair a Linux Users Group for Newcomers, and encourage the use of the LinuxMint (LM) MATE versions.

    In the “Welcome Screen” under LM MATE 17.2 Rafaela there was a quick link to the on board “User Guide”. It was shown at startup and could also be accessed from the panel by selecting the LinuxMint Advanced Menu > All Applications > Welcome Screen. I thought that on board link alone was one of the greatest new features for newcomers when moving up from 17.1 Rebecca, because really novice users have much difficulty downloading the PDF documentation. Plus they always wind up (as I often do) pulling down the CINNAMON User Guide.

    When I went to LM MATE 17.3 Rosa That “User Guide” went away from the “Welcome Screen”. It has not come back under LM MATE 18 Sarah BETA as I had hoped it might.

    As I recall the 32 bit versions changed the same as the 64 bit versions.

  289. not accepting wifi password on sara mate 32 using usb stick… on dvd it was not keen either but did eventually
    A friend who just tried it on a card says it did same with him. currently using ethernet

  290. Is it all right to install this beta and then update, or is it necessary to wait for the final? My wife is still using Mint 13 and I’d like to install 18 if it’s safe..

  291. Clem, thank you for continuing to track this post.

    Perhaps you could add something to the TODO list before I have to do it in All Caps.

    ==> Xreader needs MULTIPLE TAB support!

    Evince users have been begging for this since at least 2009, but Adding features to apps is something that GNOME devs rarely do anymore.

    By contrast, the closed source Foxit Reader has supported it since v1.0.

    TIA! Mike

  292. i’ve created a lateral (on the left) panel whice is hidable (it hides if you dont go with the mouse to it).
    however, when hovering the mouse, it is not showing up. if i click on the position that the Launcher is, it you start the aplication. however, i cant see it.
    when i move the mouse away, it finally shows and hides again, not being possible to click on it.

  293. Bugs, Sorry if these been reported just switched back from Cinn to Mate testing
    1: Banshee still crashes on opening and crashes on importation of songs from music folder. It gets about 800 in then hard crashes.
    2: Software manager will occasional crash on opening
    3: Minty Darker them still has unthemed icons for Vol and network on taskbar.

    Right click setting of Wallpaper in Pix and ImageViewer now work great!

    Thank You

  294. [moderate bug] While browsing in a folder, I’m unable to go back or forward using the back or forward buttons on my g402 mouse while hovered over on an icon or on list selection while in list view. The bug also applies to “compact view” as well. Once the cursor is not hovered over these elements (but still inside the window), the back and forward buttons on the mouse work (and hence navigation will go back or forward.) This bug existed in previous versions of MATE.

    [moderate bug and feature request] The mint-y-dark theme produces odd GTK appearances in elements in firefox — one example is the near-invisible thumbs up/down numbers on a youtube video. The feature request in the new x-apps is to make more defined borders in regards to the entire window outline AND the draggable window border instead of having a flat color where you don’t know where the window border starts/ends. Chris Were talked about this in his latest video (yes it’s about Cinnamon but also applies to MATE.) Here is the timestamp link describing the issue:

    [minor bug] In the “login window preferences” -> options -> there’s no selection available for “primary monitor” for a dual monitor display. For some reason on my box, it always prefers the mini-DP connected monitor to display the login screen (even though that’s not the primary monitor.) It could be because I have an AMD gpu and they don’t have drivers for 16.04 yet…


    1) for some playlist-files (particularly m3u, m3u8 and xspf) the icon in caja is correct but when you run it (after installing mint-meta-codecs) you got referenced that it “is an executable text file” and asked, whether you like to “Run in Terminal”, “Display”, “Cancel” or “Run” it. after hitting “Display” the file is opened correct with the default player. pls-files are not affected and opened without any further inquiry.

    2) the screensaver is not inhibited when playing audio-files in xplayer (although it is selected to do so for “Video or Audio” and “org.x.player lock-screensaver-on-audio true” is set).

    3) i don’t know if this are just easy settings, but it would be nice if as much programs as possible (at least mate-apps and x-apps) respect the “Button-label” setting for “Toolbars” via “Desktop Settings” – “Interface” (“org.mate.interface toolbar-style”). for example engrampa, xreader, xviewer, xed and pix does not… for now it should be rather named to “Caja Setting” instead of “Desktop Settings”. :-p
    but at least for pix it seams that this can easily be achieved with setting “Preferences” – “General” – “Toolbar style” to “System settings” (“gsettings set org.x.pix.browser toolbar-style system”), but then it accidentally(?) listens to “org.gnome.desktop.interface toolbar-style”.
    and via dconf a setting for xed (“org.x.editor toolbar-buttons-style”) can be found, but at least the setting “XED_TOOLBAR_SYSTEM” seems to be ignored.

    4) the configuration of xed-Plugin “Spell Checker” to “Always autocheck” (allthough “org.x.editor.plugins.spell autocheck-type” is set to “always”) seems to have no effect.

    5) after enabling the xviewer-plugin “Exif Display” the enabled button “Preferences” doesn’t do anything when pressed. and i’m afraid this plugin does not work at all…

    6) after installing updates for imagemagick (for sure via mintupdate) 2 entries “ImageMagick (display Q16)” in mintmenu appear: commands are “/usr/bin/display-im6 %f” and “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ImageMagick-6.8.9/bin-Q16/display %f”, both launchers with no effect…

    7) more or less just a “design-thing”:
    i’m aware that mintdrivers is primary written for proprietary drivers, but it also suggests additional FOSS-drivers (like intel-microcode), which i endorse. (…it is simply impossible for normal users to know which additional components he can/should use.)
    in this particular case before installing, “intel-microcode (open-source)” is shown, and after installing, “(open-source)” is gone. i don’t know if this is for a reason like unfree dependencies or not? if it is still FOSS-software the bottom statement beside the buttons “1 proprietary driver in use.” is wrong. – either be more accurate with the statement or use something more generic like “1 additional/external driver in use.”.
    anyway an additional information about the licenses besides the version & description (i think like it was in the old jockey-gtk) would be nice.
    by the way: virtualbox-guest-x11 and virtualbox-guest-dkms are proprietary, like the said statement suggests?

    8) caja-Extensions:
    -) why is caja-image-converter not installed by default? – maybe just deactivated it if necessary.
    -) what do you think about using folder-color-caja instead of caja-folder-color-switcher? – it has more functions and looks more flexible…!

  296. I installed it on my laptop and can say this so far:
    1. Live Mint loads faster than previous versions.
    2. It looks much sleeker with that new, darker background.
    3. There is a smoother and faster feel to it.
    I am just an average user but it does feel like a few steps above what we are used to from Linux Mint and that to me is exciting. I can’t wait to get a final Mate version.
    I know I am saying this for all of us – great, great work Mint team! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  297. MATE-32, bug report:

    I’ve selected Preferences -> Desktop Setting -> Windows -> Openbox.

    Xplayer does not responds well with Openbox Window Manager:

    I open Xplayer (Videos) (at this point the sidebar, F9, is closed; Controls are visible);
    Then load a movie from existing list on the ‘Movie’ menu;
    Then press F11 or Fullscreen control.

    In some cases it does not enter fullscreen mode.
    In other cases is does enter fullscreen mode – but there is no way to return to window-mode (I must kill the process using tty2).

    Another bug I’ve noticed:

    I’ve downloaded Totem movie player and it worked; Yet after few times that I’ve used Xplayer – Totem would not start at all.

    (The same problem happened with Smplayer: I’ve downloaded it and it worked; Yet after few times that I’ve used Mpv Media Player/Xplayer – Smplayer reported something and did not start at all. – This report is not completed though, I have to reinstall Smplayer and clearly reproduce this bug).

    BTW, I really like the traditional and practical design of the Xapps.

  298. @Shian: (comment #338)

    well… but it is definitely not that easy to harm your system with mintinstall or mintupdate, than synaptic. (for example: several updates are not shown in mintupdate which can harm, destroy or/and uninstall your desktop-environment)

    why do you think synaptic is a recommended tool for “new users”? – for several users i assist, it just produces questions, confusion (in conjunction with mintinstall) or even worse issues. (i hide the launchers for years now… without any troubles.)
    for users who are interested in tutorials, it won’t be a hassle to reinstall synaptic even with mintinstall. 😉

    you made my day: “Regular users will be more careful and responsible after the third or fourth installation…”!
    –> you are probably right, but why not avoid the one or another installation for users?! – some upset users will maybe leave Linux Mint or go back to “the dark side”… :-/

  299. About) Untranslated titles shown in mate-control-center

    Please, see this screenshot of G-plus with Martin’s comment in MATE community

    And, I also filed a bug to Ubuntu MATE with same issue.

    Of course, MATE 1.14 is translated 100% onto Korean in Transifex.
    It only happens to mate-control-center, the same items in Menu are shown correctly
    It seems *.desktop shows correctly though, mate-control-center shows wrongly, untranslated state.
    Can you check it please?

  300. [elevated bug] In a multi-monitor setup, alert sounds seem to play locationally within headphones depending on where the source application window (like Pix) calls them. For example, if the sound preferences window is located at the far-right side of the right monitor, the “alert sound” will only play in the right ear only of headphones. The same will happen on the far left side and left-ear only playback will occur. Interestingly, you can balance the alert sound in both ears by playing the window directly between both screens. Here’s a screenie showing the correct placement for the reproduction:
    …as you can see, the left side is the “end of screen1” and the right side is the “beginning of screen2.” Clicking any of those sounds for that specific window placement will produce “balanced” audio for headphone users.

    [moderate bug] If a launcher is created from the desktop of type “application in terminal”, any command and attempting to execute the launcher results in the following error: “Details: Failed to execute child process “xterm” (No such file or directory)”

  301. @DJCrashdummy: (comment #366)

    Ask Clem to add a big WARNING box when synaptic starts. It’s enough.

    GParted, Software Sources, Update Manager, Software Manager, GDebi, Disks, etc – all need a standard and big WARNING box. That’s all.

    Have you noticed that GParted is on the live CD? many users don’t know the theory of partitions and file system.

    Have you noticed that Disks is on the Accessories menu? many users might think that it’s safe…

    Have you noticed that each new user has the root password? new users from Windows don’t even understand what for…

    To sum up:
    Panic is not the solution. The solution is a big WARNING box as mentioned above. After that point, the user is responsible. That’s life.
    Or simply use Android which behaves and feels like an industrial HMI unit.

    Giving a driving license to teenagers is way more dangerous then giving new users the root password for their own PC. They might lose some data, yet backup is up to them as well, and Linux does not have a monopoly on the backup theory.

  302. mint 18 crashed!!!
    when i installed mint18,i clicked the “install linux mint 18 “icon(??) or i did nothing ,it crashde ;mouse can’t move ,and “caps lock” key no response…
    my computer :i7 6700hq;
    nvidia gtx960m;
    8g DDR3 memory;
    intel3165 wireless card

  303. MATE-32 bug report:

    Pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 does not present the tty1 login line.

    Ctrl+Alt+F2..F6 work normally.

    Edit by Clem: Fix on the way

  304. One big suggestion:
    … add DISPLAYS (Monitor Preferences) to the Startup screen.

    Would be a really big help when the system has automatically selected a display resolution larger (taller) than the attached monitor can display and everything on the bottom is in never never land.

  305. 1°)
    Installing, keyboard layout select ok, username, etc. ok but typing password restore originel layout ! The user unknow that because password is welly-not visible.

    Opening an image with xviewer, setting it for background don’t effectiv’ 🙁

    My English is not very good…
    In french : Lors de l’installation, on peut choisir l’agencement du clavier, après quoi la saisie du nom d’utilisateur ok mais lorsque l’on saisi le mot de passe l’agencement d’origine redevient silencieusement effectif 🙁 L’utilisateur l’ignore car tout naturellement le mot de passe n’est pas lisible à l’écran. Lorsque l’on ouvre une image, on peut la définir comme fond d’écran mais cela ne fonctionne pas 🙁

    Edit by Clem: Dans Virtualbox? Le clavier c’est un Logitech sans fil? Sinon pour xviewer, ca y’est c’est regle ca.

  306. A minor problem is Linux Mint Samba Shares …
    While Linux Mint includes a administrative tool for sharing the desktop it does not include any tool for sharing files even from the file manager. Several post have suggested that this occurred with Mint 17.x and that the solution is to install ‘caja-share’.

    While this addresses the problem to some extent it only allows for user level unsecure anonymous connections.

    I am getting old and senile but I would swear that at one point in time there was an administrative file sharing tool (much simpler than the extensive gadmin-samba application). I believe something of that nature would be a welcome addition although I admit this is too late in the release cycle for mint 18.

    Seems a shame to have gone to all the trouble of including Samba without having anyway to set up file shares.

    Edit by Clem: Yes, and that’s not all, Samba impacts boot time significantly, so it’s being removed in the stable release. We’re really far from having it working out of the box, it’s better left out. I’d suggest NFS, but I haven’t used Windows in years so I don’t know how well it supports it. Another thing I’ve been interesting in doing is reviving Giver or allocating time in a project called network-discovery, but that only solves the issue of sharing out of the box between Mint machines though, it doesn’t help with Windows/Mac.

  307. Clem and Mint Team, I am using Cinnamon Sara and everything good and very stable, only except the network-applet,it dose not store the wireless key on the applet itself. To make cinnamon to remember, I have to open the network configuration and then save on the configuration application.

    I also very like the new theme Mint-Y-Dark.

    Thanks You !!.

    Edit by Clem: Hi, please try to update network-manager to 1.2.0 in the update manager.

  308. @Clem #333
    Yes, for me it is essential. Please make the codecs AND VLC with everything needed for it to work, downloadable for offline Live-DVD usage.

    Edit by Clem: We’ll update mintsystem to provide a better “apt download” command. You’ll then be able to run the live session on a computer with Internet connection and type “apt download mint-meta-codecs”. That will download all the packages from the repositories and place them in an archive, along with a little installation script.

  309. Hello,

    I have WLAN adapter Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 and it is not recognized as WLAN but as Ethernet adapter. So, I cannot configure it to connect to Access Point.
    Booting Mate by USB stick.

    Goran H

    Edit by Clem: Hi, please try to update network-manager to 1.2.0 in the update manager.

  310. @comment 373

    I should have noted that problem occurred on a physical display (vs. vmware) of an old Lenovo box with small monitor.

    Also I should written ‘Welcome’ screen rather than ‘Startup’ screen.

    NOMACHINE remote control version 5 works GREAT with Mint 18 … much better than previous versions that did not accommodate display resizing.

  311. Hi, running Linux Mint 18 MATE 64Bit beta fully updated. When clicking on a URL link in Mozilla Thunderbird email client, Mozilla Firefox Internet browser opens with no [Minimize][Maximize][Close] windows buttons? Hope you can fix this before official release, thank you! -Jesse

  312. Hi, running Linux Mint 18 MATE 64Bit beta fully updated. I tried to submit a review for a software in the official Software Manager but it does not work. I did enter my Linux Mint forum user name and password but when I hit submit button it says the credentials are bad? Hope you can fix this, thanks!

    Edit by Clem: You need an account for the website. The forums are a different thing.

  313. LM 18 MATE 32-bit:

    Please Clem, It’s very annoying with the Wi-Fi connection problems. How to reproduce:

    1. Use Wi-Fi and a Bluetooth mouse.
    2. Suspend the computer – and wake it up again.
    3. Check the Wi-Fi applet’s look and feel! (Try disconnect and reconnect the Wi-Fi) And the applet doesn’t show signal strength any more?
    4. Suspend the computer once more and wake it up again.
    5. Check the Wi-Fi applet look and usability once more, also check if your Bluetooth connection still works.

    If you use Hibernate instead of suspend, it’s almost the same, but Bluetooth uses to start correct in this case.

    Is this something you could manage? Or is it an upstream problem?

    Otherwise Mint 18 MATE -32 works very nice to me and is already being used for daily work. 🙂

    Edit by Clem: Hi, please try to update network-manager to 1.2.0 in the update manager.

  314. Bad News: My printer dies
    Good News: I got a new printer, HP Envy 4520
    Bad News: HPLIP 3.16.5 install fails under MINT 18

    Gtk-Message: Failed to load module “topmenu-gtk-module”
    error: A required dependency ‘libtool (libtool – Library building support services)’ is still missing.


    \Gtk-Message: Failed to load module “topmenu-gtk-module”
    error: A required dependency ‘libtool (libtool – Library building support services)’ is still missing.
    error: Installation cannot continue without this dependency.
    error: Please manually install this dependency and re-run this installer.

    lewis@lenovo2 ~/Downloads $ sudo apt-get install libtool
    [sudo] password for lewis:
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    libtool is already the newest version (2.4.6-0.1).
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 16 not upgraded.
    lewis@lenovo2 ~/Downloads $

    Good News: HPLIP 3.16.3 is included in Mint 18 but needs the HP Gui installed as well.

  315. On Mint Mate 18 64bit at shutdown, I get “at-spi-registryd.desktop not responding”
    Shutdown takes a long time and icons change from custom changes.

    Edit by Clem: The icon change when mate-settings-daemon dies, that’s part of the logout/shutdown process. Something is making your shutdown sequence slow though and that’s the real issue here.

  316. Love the new beta release.

    Navigating the new Menu button you cannot get to the shutdown icon using just the keyboard. You could do this in 17.3.

    It would be great to add the following to the System Settings, Mouse and Touchpad options:
    In Windows 7: Mouse Properties, Pointer Options, Snap To
    [x] Automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog box.

  317. more problems with “topmenu-gtk-module”
    lewis@lenovo2 ~ $ gksu system-config-samba
    Gtk-Message: Failed to load module “topmenu-gtk-module”

    Reference (I think):

    So i went into Software manager and searched for topmenu-gtk.
    Then I installed:

    Reboot and Then I tried the gksu system-config-samba command again.
    lewis@lenovo2 ~ $ gksu system-config-samba
    File “/usr/share/system-config-samba/”, line 121, in __init__
    self.basic_preferences_win = basicPreferencesWin.BasicPreferencesWin(self, self.xml, self.samba_data, self.samba_backend, self.main_window)
    File “/usr/share/system-config-samba/”, line 97, in __init__
    self.admin = libuser.admin()
    SystemError: could not open configuration file `/etc/libuser.conf’: No such file or directory
    lewis@lenovo2 ~ $

    I am out of ideas …

  318. Do you guys know what GTK version is included with this release? I’m asking cause my loved arc-theme requires GTK 3.14 🙁

    Edit by Clem: 3.18

  319. Just want to reiterate that Kodi responds erratically to keyboard and mouse input. The display is often a step behind the actual state of the program. No add-ons are installed yet. This was not a problem with earlier Mint/MATE releases. I’m running an Asus UL20FT which has a Core i3 U380.

    Otherwise things are going well with the beta in everyday use.

  320. @comment 383 solution
    @Sarel nothing there to touch

    I am a pain in the most southern region but I am pigheaded as well. Here is how I got ‘Samba Server Configuration’ to work in Linux Mint 18 beta.

    Find a Linux Mint install with ‘system-config-samba’ installed and working. Copy the file /etc/libuser.conf to the Linux Mint 18 beta machine. I used my home download directory.
    In Synaptic Package Manager search for and install the following:

    Note: some of these may already be install but best to check to be sure
    Open a terminal window/session
    su root
    cp /your local directory/libuser.conf /etc
    cd /root
    mkdir .local

    open caja as superuser
    navigate to /etc directory and locate file libuser.conf
    insure owner is root and that user root has ‘read write’ permissions
    insure group is root and that group root has ‘read write’ permissions
    insure group others has ‘read only’ permissions

    navigate to /root directory and locate folder .local
    insure owner is root and that user root has ‘create and delete files’ permissions
    insure group is root and that group root has ‘create and delete files’ permissions
    insure group others has ‘access’ permissions
    Apply permissions to Enclosed Files

    Now execute Samba Manager normally
    …the command line is ‘gksu system-config-samba’…
    Appears to work as advertised.
    I get no more errors generated when executed from the command line.

    If and/or how you incorporate this into Mint 18 I have no idea.

    … why does the blog tell me I have embedded html code?

  321. Comment 380 – Jesse Palser : I cannot confirm your bug here.

    When clicking on a URL link in Mozilla Thunderbird email client, Mozilla Firefox Internet browser opens with [Minimize][Maximize][Close] windows buttons as expected.

  322. Mint MATE 18 is now the fastest, most complete and stable Linux distro I’ve tried and could certainly replace my current system, Ubuntu MATE 16.04. This Beta is pretty stable for a Beta and gave me a good first impression. First thing I do is to create another panel and give this Gnome 2 look.

    Just one thing. When you activate the Mint-Y Dark theme, text in the main menu won’t be visible, as it matches the color of the background. You have to uncheck the “custom colors” box in the Mint Menu preferences to make it look as it should.

    RAM consumption is slightly lower than Ubuntu MATE, CPU load too. I have concerns about writing to disk, because my storage is an eMMC, which is flash memory. Hope it comes optimized and set to TRIM, as Ubuntu does.
    Also, many network-manager users have been suffering from wireless issues when using Intel devices. Mint Beta did not suffer from any issues during my tests, but the question remains…

  323. The only issue I could find (and you’re probably aware of) is that sometimes you can’t restore an application’s window. No matter how many times you click it, alt-tab to it, it doesn’t respond… unless you run another program and alt-tab or click to it, then it will restore.

  324. BIG STEP FORWARD FOR YOU GUYS, I have NOT road tested the BETA full tilt however a lot of the issues I was having have been resolved out of the gate, the default black gray theme is awesome and a step in the right direction, I am actually looking forward to installing 18 when it pops…thx


  325. Regarding my Kodi complaints (#163 and 390), I found this problem goes away completely by uninstalling the package xserver-xorg-video-intel. The package’s description advises not using it for computers newer than about 2007. I’m a very happy camper now.

    So Clem, can you take a look at the conditions under which the installer chooses this package? This might solve various video problems for others as well.

  326. Hi, on Linux Mint 18 MATE 64Bit I have problem with VMWare Workstation Player 12 and my Win 10 Pro 64Bit virtual machine. If I move the VMWare Player’s window then the mouse coordinates in my Win 10 VM are wrong? I’ve been using VMWare Player for years on Linux and never saw this problem before. Hope you can fix this before official release as I use Win 10 VM alot on Linux Mint for software dev purposes. Thanks!

  327. [moderate bug] in caja, after selecting multiple arbitrary files in a folder icon view to move to another location while using the shift key, some files become “deselected” in the process of dragging (while holding down left-click.) I can’t determine which files are being de-selected when the shift key is held down and then left-clicked to move. Not holding down shift while left-click dragging doesn’t de-select items as mentioned but the problem there is that items will be copied (versus moved) to an external location. Seems to be a regression bug in caja as it’s seen in 17.3 as well.

    [minor bug/suggestion] after disconnecting from a VPN connection, the top-right notification says “VPN connection FAILED” — I would probably use the term “disconnected” instead. It would be nice to have a openVPN gui front-end (windows has one) to easily see the status of the connection and what it’s doing at times (like attempting to reconnect) but that may be out of your dev scope.

  328. MATE-32, bug reports:

    I’m using an old Asus laptop, Intel® Atom™ CPU N280 @ 1.66GHz × 2;
    My settings in Control Center -> Power Management Preferences ->
    On AC Power -> When laptop lid is closed: Suspend;
    Set display brightness to: 0%;

    (my computer/display are suspended Only when lid is closed, on AC power).

    When I reopen the lid the actual brightness is not 0% as it was when I closed the lid (although it still shows 0%) it actually jumps to about 4% brightness. It happens also after I restart the laptop.

    I’ve installed LM 17.3 Xfce alongside MATE 18 and decided to reformat the /dos fat16 partition into fat32 (btw the /dos & /windows menu wasn’t presented by the setup program)…
    Afterward I could not start MATE 18 because it could not mount the (local) /dos partition with the new format.

    Although I pressed S (skip mounting /dos) after the advanced grub menu – it could not start MATE 18 (it stopped loading after the btrfs check message…).

    The last solution I had is to enter the root CLI and remove the /dos line in fstab using nano editor (btw vi editor misbehaves in this root mode, in LM 17.x as well, therefore vi editor is useless for recovery(!)).

    The point is that it might be hard for many users to edit the fstab in this way, just to be able to start LM. I assume that it’s better to load the system anyway, as long as the system itself can be mounted – the user then, I guess, can use ‘Disks’ to mount /dos, /home, etc…

  329. LM 18 (Mate, 64-bit) sieht super aus und funktioniert tadellos, bis auf folgendes: “sysinfo” stürzt ab beim Anklicken des Reiters “System”; Gimp-Plugin “Batch” (gimp-plugin-registry) stürzt beim Beenden ab; PC bleibt beim Herunterfahren manchmal hängen. Fragen: Warum ist der Exaile-Player nicht mehr im Repository? ffdiaporama kann nur bis Version 1.5 installiert werden, warum?

  330. { 382. tux-sven says:
    LM 18 MATE 32-bit:
    Please Clem, It’s very annoying with the Wi-Fi connection problems. …
    Otherwise Mint 18 MATE -32 works very nice…

    Edit by Clem: Hi, please try to update network-manager to 1.2.0 in the update manager.

    network-manager 1.2.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 is installed on my system (MATE-32), yet the Wi-Fi icon/menu in the system tray is still replaced by a Wired Connection icon/menu. (Bluetooth is disabled on my system).

    Maybe I should restart the (Intel® Atom™ CPU N280 @ 1.66GHz × 2) laptop and try again…?

  331. 404: Shian says:

    “network-manager 1.2.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 is installed on my system (MATE-32), yet the Wi-Fi icon/menu in the system tray is still replaced by a Wired Connection icon/menu. (Bluetooth is disabled on my system).”

    Exactly the same for me, still!

  332. @Clem,

    I read an article over at Foss, and it mentioned Mint 18 ISOs will not included out of the box codecs. Can you comment on this and/or confirm it?

    Thank you sir!


  333. Hey Clem, here is a part of syslog, from wake-up after suspend. Perhaps it can explain why Bluetooth does not restart:

    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one systemd-udevd[367]: worker [5391] failed while handling ‘/devices/platform/regulatory.0’
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: Failed to obtain handles for “Service Changed” characteristic
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one systemd[1]: Started Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status.
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: Not enough free handles to register service
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: Error adding Link Loss service
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: Not enough free handles to register service
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: message repeated 2 times: [ Not enough free handles to register service]
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: Current Time Service could not be registered
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: gatt-time-server: Input/output error (5)
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: Not enough free handles to register service
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: Not enough free handles to register service
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: Sap driver initialization failed.
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one bluetoothd[806]: sap-server: Operation not permitted (1)
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one systemd[1]: Unit not needed anymore. Stopping.
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one systemd[1]: Stopped target Bluetooth.
    Jun 25 15:41:42 sven-Aspire-one systemd[1]: Reached target Bluetooth.

  334. Bluetooth was broken on my:
    Product: AXC-603G
    Vendor: Acer
    Serial: DTSUWAA00140203A283000

    I fixed it by adding pavu control

    Shutting off volume control and pavu control in startup applications
    Adding pasystray in startup applications

    And adding this line to the bottom of etc/pulse/
    load-module module-switch-on-connect

    At least now it shows up and I can get it working.
    Blue tooth device is Thump-808 wireless speaker.
    I also have if you search blue in synaptic these files are loaded.
    Some may not be needed.
    pasystray *
    pavu control *
    blueman blueberry may work instead?
    Hope this helps.

  335. Clem, another thing: During wake-up after suspend, when wi-fi re-CONNECTS, there is a text coming up, that tells something like “Disconnecting the network”

    It should be “Connecting to network”. Can that be a hint helping to explain what is happening in the system when the network applet gets “crapped”?

    I also have saved the syslog from that. but it is impossible to post here.

    (the blog tells me I am not allowed to post html-code..??) 🙁

  336. I have installed Cinnamon / Mint 18 both versions. Wifi connection shown, allows me to give router password but doesnt connect and removes the connection from the drop down. I have had no problems with previous version with Wifi.

  337. Wi-fi reconnection after suspend:

    Now I have succeeded 2 times to get the right wi-fi applet! And then it also works as it should, and the messages for connection and de-connection are as they should be!

    BUT all the other times I tested it fails again.. 🙁

    When it fails, the connect/disconnect messages are wrong again.

    To me this sounds like a kind of built-in run-time competition problem. Such cases shouldn’t be. 😉

    This computer has only an Intel i386 N270 1.6 GHz processor. 🙂
    And the Bluetooth still fails to re-connect also. 🙁

  338. Hibernate wake-up has the same problems as suspend, but I NEVER succeeded to reconnect Wi-fi any time.

    Bluetooth has even got a bit worse than before. When I tested hibernate a couple of days ago Bluetooth mostly succeeded to reconnect.

    I can create and post logs to you if you want.

  339. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not a grumbler. I am very satisfied with almost everything about this release. But not to be able to suspend the computer is an important disadvantage for me.

    I think this will be the very best Linux Mint release so far. 🙂

    It runs surprisingly fast and nice on my little Acer Aspire One, even with Compiz activated in 3D mode! 😀

  340. @tux-sven: Post the logs on (or similar) and add the link here. I’ll have to test the beta and see how my wifi and bluetooth perform. Broadcom sucks.

  341. I was able to install apache2 on LM18 cinnamon without a problem. However, when I tried to enable php using the command
    $sudo a2enmod php7.0
    and then restarted apache2 with
    $sudo service apache2 restart
    the restart crashed with an error message in journalctl -xe:
    * The apache2 configtest failed.
    apparently something in the a config file was corrupted by a2enmod php7.0.
    It didn’t happen in LM17.3.

  342. My syslog is being spammed really hard by entries with “org.mate.panel.applet.MintMenuAppletFactory” in them, and these entries are written for a multitude of reasons, and this was not happening in Mint 17.3 or earlier versions.

  343. Mate was running almost ok, besides Bluetooth instability.

    But, today, after the last updade. The system freeze after boot.
    I try recover mode, but still freeze.

    Now, using live usb pendrive.

  344. Mate is so much better. I had some problems with Mysql, so I decided to reinstall the system. This time I game Mate a chance. After an hour of tweaking it began to look almost as good as Cinnamon. What amazed me was difference in usage of system resources. Mate is so much better. It’s a good chance that after years of Cinnamon use I will switch to Mate as my primary Desktop.

  345. well I made an iso used it to install on my HP MC4400. The live cd works but when I say install on hard disc it goes thru the motion and when it asks you to remove the dvd media and it restarts wont boot just hangs there

  346. Several errors with Gambas3 version 3.8.4 as installed by Linux Mint 18 Beta Synaptics Package Manager. Note that I am running Gambas3 version 3.8.4 on Linux Mint 17 without these errors.

    It does load and run but specific projects will not which means this is going to be a bear to trace down the problems. I just happen to have a program that I use to record OTA (Over The Air) TV programs (I am too cheap to pay for cable). When I try to load this project I get lots of errors. The first of these are the missing modules:
    gb.qt4 and gb.qt4.ext
    Well gambas3 has some new modules gb.qt5 and gb.qt5.ext
    Problem is I can not get to the point of changing the required modules because I get another error in the IDE: “CDocumentation.ImplementAndNeed.1138”

    This seems to be tied to a Gababas3 problem with the Offline Help system that was reported back in April:

  347. { 403. Shian says:

    I’m using an old Asus laptop, Intel® Atom™ CPU N280 @ 1.66GHz × 2;

    When I reopen the lid the actual brightness is not 0% as it was when I closed the lid (although it still shows 0%) it actually jumps to about 4% brightness. It happens also after I restart the laptop.

    I had this problem from the beginning – suddenly it disappeared… I have no idea how. Now the brightness works OK. Hopefully will continue to.

    BTW, about #406, I restarted the laptop and the Wi-Fi icon/menu appeared correctly – but once I pressed the suspend button I only see a Wired Connection icon/menu. (i.e. the Wi-Fi icon/menu disappears after sleep mode, on Intel® Atom™ CPU N280).

  348. @422 Gambas3 solved
    Got round the problem by going into Gambas preferences and turning offline help on, save project, exit gambas and start again. Replaced module gb.qt4 with gb.qt5/ There is no gb.qt5.ext … luckily it seems that I do not need it …

    Happy Camper :>)

  349. I tried the Mint-Y theme from the live USB and it turns the task bar black. Aaaaaarghh! 😀

    That’s the most trivial of issues, but I like it white/grey.
    Thinking a black taskbar is a good idea if you use the “light theme with dark menu bars” variant, not so much with “light theme with light menu bars”.
    I found it unexpected, but using the default theme is good enough.

  350. I am continuing to try out the facilities in Linux Mint 18 Mate on my ten year old desktop machine (Maxdata AMD athlon64 3500+ PC with 1GB memory) and now also on an eight year old HP Pavillion machine with 4x AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor
    I don’t know whether this is an 18 problem or my lack of understanding but I am having two problems with my home wireless LAN.

    I used the method outlined in
    to fix the IP addresses of these two desktops, having installed Mint 18 on both of them and have found that setting a manual IPv4 method does not stick. For one thing when I look at the active network connection the subnet mask shows as and when I set it in Ipv4 settings it reverts to 24. The address, gateway and DNS server settings hold.

    When I reboot the machine it sets up a new automatic address. This happens on both machines.

    Have I found a bug or am I doing something stupidly wrong?

    The reason I want fixed IP addresses is that this was an easy way to use SSH to access files on the other machine.

    The other problem is one carried over from 17.3 in that one of the wireless adaptors is a Belkin N300 which keeps dropping its connection. In 17.3 I followed the instructions in
    Do I still need to do this in 18?

  351. #361
    actually, there are a few itens that are getting hidden all windows (calendar, the left panel, sometimes the authentication window).
    It will only show up if i’m on desktop screen with no other windows in front of it.

  352. I updated Bluez to 5.40 today and reconnection on my a2dp speaker is working better and faster than before.

  353. Hola: Hace varios años que descargué la familia de iconos ClearlooksOSX desde y la voy añadiendo a las distintas versiones de Mint que he utilizado. Basta con mover la carpeta que los contiene a la ruta /usr/share/icons para que podamos utilizarlos desde Apariencia > Personalizar > Iconos. Me gustan mucho pero veo que en Mint 18 hay algunas aplicaciones en las que este tema de iconos no se integra bien y algunas partes aparecen gigantes (Firefox, Synaptic, Xed…) Otras aplicaciones, sin embargo, se ven bien (Libreoffice, Banshee, Brasero..) Ejemplo:

    Iconos ClearlooksOSX en Mint 18 y Firefox:

    Iconos ClearlooksOSX en Mint 18 y Synaptic:

    Iconos ClearlooksOSX en Mint 17 y Firefox:

    ¿En la versión final se solucionará esto? Estoy buscando otros iconos de mi gusto (o, tal vez, me quedaré con alguno de los que trae por defecto Mint 18) que se ven bien pero si alguien sabe por qué pasa esto y si tiene solución, pues se lo agradecería. Saludos

  354. Bugs,

    Banshee still a bugfest, crashing while import and starting

    Software center (Mint Install) after entering password opens and crashes

    Overall amazing as a Beta pretty stable


  355. I just set up my Xscreensaver & Power to go off at 45 mins and turn off the screen at 1 hour, then found something to do while waiting. At exactly 45 idle mins Xscreensaver kivked in…and then within a few minutes it froze my entire system. Had to do a Hard rebbot pushing the button on my computer a quad core i7 with 16 gigs ram and a 27″ inch flat screen monitor and a Nividia card with 3 gigs of memory. I tried it 3 times adjusting times. Same result every time, computer froze and had to be forced to reboot. Guess’s not the hardware..

  356. Font Viewer won’t open after following this:

    1. clean install Linux Mint 18 into DELL OPtiplex 9020 desktop
    2. launch Font Viewer from Menu –> working so far
    3. Perform full update
    4. Restart System
    5. Launch Font Viewer from Menu –> it won’t load anymore

  357. Problem with GNome Terminal 3.18.3 & Font Viewer after following this:

    1. clean install LInux MInt 18 on DELL OPTIPLEX 9020
    2. launch System Settings and configure backgrounds, effects (enabling windows effect & effects style to BLEND), themes (selected Windows Borders as MINT-Y-DARK), all items in the preferences, hardware
    3. then without restarting the system, headed to Update Manager and update the system. —> GNOME & Font Viewer still working fine while updates are being downloaded.
    4. Updates were downloaded and installed including the LInux Kernel upgrade.
    5. Restarted the computer after successful installation
    6. Launch Gnome TErnimal —> won’t load at all
    7. Launch Font Viewer —> won’t load at all
    8. Repeat the process from step 1
    9. Launch Font Viewer & GNome Terminal —-> working great
    10. did not touch anything from the System Settings and headed straight to Update Manager to install the updates.
    11. Restart the computer after successful installation of updates including the Linux Kernel upgrade
    12. Launch Font Viewer —> won’t load at all
    13. Launch GNome Terminal —> working great
    14. after few days, install updates from update manager and Font Viewer still wont load.
    15. Created new profile and same results –> Font Viewer still wont load at all.

    hoping for a fix on stable release


    Edit by Clem: Do they crash? Do you have a stack trace or some error message you could share? Is your locale properly set? What’s in /etc/default/locale?

  358. Hi Mr. Clem:

    Thanks. I’m new to linux environment and still learning things up.

    this is what is set on my /etc/default/locale


  359. Hi Mr. Clem:

    this is what the system logs showing up when launching Font Viewer via Menu > Accessories

    Jun 27 13:37:09 hiper-LM org.gnome.font-viewer[1983]: Unknown option –gapplication-service
    Jun 27 13:37:09 hiper-LM org.gnome.font-viewer[1983]: Run ‘/usr/bin/gnome-font-viewer –help’ to see a full list of available command line options.

  360. Random bug:
    I turned on the notebook today and the panels was not showing, however it was there (clicking on Menu showed everythin, as well calendar and others).
    Rebooted and everything was back there.

  361. Hi Clem,
    Installed LM18 cinnamon 64bits next to LM17.3 and 17.2 on a SSD
    I only can use the Menu with keyboard (Menu key-> arrows->enter key). Clicking on the menu or an taskbar icon (except for the Update icon) on the taskbar does’nt give any response. When a program is opened with the keyboard, I can use the mouse perfectly in that window. When I reboot to LM 17.3 everything works perfect.
    Found same problem on item 26 of this blog

  362. I’ve problem with my radeon card – only two screen resolutions – 1024×768 and 800×600 and that is not my resolution.

    00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Sumo [Radeon HD 6480G]
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Whistler [Radeon HD 6630M/6650M/6750M/7670M/7690M]

  363. In Rosa when a file is open in the document viewer and an application revises the file on the disk, the new version is automatically reloaded. This is very convenient behavior.

    In Sarah the document viewer just terminates when the file on the disk is changed.

    In my case, application producing the file is pdflatex.

  364. one bug I see is in update manage. Using a screen size of 1024 x 600 can not see the buttons at the bottom to choose an update policy, so canot download the updates.hopefully this will be adressed

  365. Got some video weirdness after the last update, which included a new kernel. Rebooted, logged in, and the widgets on the right end of the task bar are shifted left from their normal position, with about 3 inches of empty space on their right. Then I logged out of MATE and logged in again and they are in the correct position.

    Rebooted and did it all again, same thing.

    This is with my Asus UL20FT with an external monitor set as the primary display.

  366. [feature request] the ability to modify specific screensaver options like in XFCE (unless this was already implemented somewhere else other than the screensaver options.) Some of these screensavers are really old but if you can’t configure them easily, just keep them in anyway for the release — as they’re a nice addition to MATE. #bouncingCow

    [feature request] the ability to resize windows left/right that have been tiled to the left or right half of the screen. Currently, once a window has been tiled, the leading edge border appears to be static and not movable.

  367. I am running MATE on an inspiron 7559 with 16 Gb ram, i7 6700 cpu, gtx 960m GPU with 4Gb ram. I also have a 4k screen (I have a feeling the 4k screen might have something to do with it.) I have this installed in a 100Gb partition of a 1 Tb HDD. Win10 is on a separate SSD.

    I was able to install and boot by changing changing ‘quiet splash’ in grub to ‘nomodeset’ (otherwise more often than not it would not be able to boot correctly.) Once installed, booting with nomodeset, I changed the graphics driver to nvidia’s and restarted and everything worked fine. Later I wanted to try to see if I could save power by switching to integrated graphics, so I installed the driver for the intel graphics and switched control over to it and rebooted. As far as I can tell, it booted normally, but nothing was displayed on the screen. It gave the terminal output and all, the part where it says ramdisk initialized and all that (I honestly don’t really know much about how the boot process works or what that means in context, but I do remember seeing that printed out) and the little mint logo splash screen appeared but later diss-apeared and nothing else happened after that. I found that I could boot normally by starting in recovery mode, however when I changed the graphics back to the nvidia card it still would not boot correctly. I changed the normal boot parameters in grub from quiet splash to nomode set again, and this allowed a normal boot (although the change in resolution was not preserved. again changed the video card back to nvidia with the nvidia driver and rebooted and it still didnt fix it. I ended up just formatting the partition and re-installing. I do not know if it is re-producable.

  368. This release looks very promising. I had a problem installing versions of Mint 17 on some used and new motherboard bundles but this release seems to have fixed the problems. These were particularly evident with AMD chipsets/motherboards where the installation terminated half way through boot up.
    I did notice that it didn’t recognise a USB wifi, a WNA1100 but it works with others OK.

  369. I’m trying out Mint 18 Mate 64 under virtualbox.

    One of the applications I currently use is the decibel audio player. It doesn’t appear to be in the repositories for Mint 18. Is this an accidental omission or is there a reason for it? I can’t find any mention of the problem with a Google search.

  370. bug report, MATE-32:

    The MATE Panel 1.14.0 don’t show the windows-buttons anymore…

    I was watching youtube in full screen for 2 hours, then switched back firefox to window mode, then the windows-buttons on the task bar disappeared…

    So I restarted the laptop and still the task bar is empty… strange, here is a screenshot:

  371. Installed this beta LM 18 MATE 64-bit on a partition on my laptop yesterday. Dang! This LM 18 sure doesn’t ‘feel’ like a beta release. It just works and good looking, too.

    Nice work Clem et al!

  372. I have a hp 6530b with Rosa 17.3 and recognizes the bluetooth, recently installed the beta and did not recognize the Bluetooth device.

  373. Hello,

    I’m just curious whether it would be possbile that MDM login screen (the default one) uses the dark theme on login dialog not the light grey one?

    Thank you and good work on this!

  374. @461. François Blais:

    I don’t use metacity…

    I’ve installed and using Openbox Window Manager & Mint-Y-Dark theme &
    bigger fonts then the default size.

  375. Installation of LM18-Mate-64 (beta) (german version) on Fujitsu AH 512 & Fujitsu S 652 (both Core i5, 4 GiB RAM) in LVM without problems.

    Added Programs: abiword aspell-de asunder audacious audacity bleachbit blender bluefish calligra calligra-l10n-de cheese clamav claws-mail claws-mail-i18n claws-mail-pdf-viewer conky-all cuneiform cups-pdf darktable diskscan dropbox evolution ffmpeg2theora ffmpegthumbnailer fontforge fonttools font-manager gadmin-rsync gadmin-rsync-dbg geany geany-plugin-addons geany-plugins-common gimp-dcraw gimp-gutenprint gkrellm gocr gparted gpick gscan2pdf hardinfo icewm inkscape kaddressbook kcalc kcharselect kdepim kdf kexi kmail kmymoney kontact krita ksnapshot leafpad libchromaprint0 libclass-dbi-sweet-perl librecad lshw-gtk midori nemo-dropbox ocrfeeder okular p7zip-full p7zip-rar pdf2svg pdfchain pdfmod pdfsam pdfshuffler pdftk ristretto sane scribus skanlite storageservicemanager sweethome3d-furniture sweethome3d-furniture-editor sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree sweethome3d-textures-editor sysinfo tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-deu tumbler ufraw xsane yagf autotrace chromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n chromium-chromedriver libparted-i18n language-pack-kde-de structure-synth gutenprint-locales foomatic-db-gutenprint menu-l10n … and opera*, sweethome3d*, artofillusion* (* = from web)

    gpick (language) and yagf not working properly

    I modified the desktop-background *edeldesigner_linuxmint.png -> into light-grey (*changed with GIMP)

  376. {#458/#459 Shian:
    The MATE Panel 1.14.0 don’t show the windows-buttons anymore…

    OK, it’s not a bug… somehow I probably removed the ‘Window List’ applet from the panel. I’ve added it to the panel and it works again.

    (sorry, sometimes I’m confused between Windows OS and Linux Mint).

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