Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” MATE RC released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” MATE RC.

Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela MATE Edition

Linux Mint 17.2 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features at a glance:

For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 17.2 MATE“.

Important info:

  • Watching Flash DRM content
  • Issues with Skype
  • DVD Playback with VLC
  • Bluetooth
  • Compiz in Virtualbox
  • EFI Support
  • Misconfigured Swap when using home directory encryption
  • Solving freezes with some NVIDIA GeForce GPUs
  • Booting with non-PAE CPUs
  • Issues with KDE apps
  • Other issues

Make sure to read the “Release Notes” to be aware of important info or known issues related to this release.

System requirements:

  • x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
  • 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 5 GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
  • CD/DVD drive or USB port

Bug reports:

  • Please report bugs below in the comment section of this blog.
  • Please visit to follow the progress of the development team between the RC and the stable release.


Md5 sum:


HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!


  1. I use Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon. Can i update to this release from update manager? It will appear there?

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit by Clem: Hi Eric, yes, but when it’s stable. Right now this is the RC (Release Candidate), or “Beta” so to speak (its quality is almost stable but it’s yet to meet user feedback and it’s released for the specific purpose of finding bugs prior to releasing a stable release). This process usually takes 2 weeks or so.

  2. Hi.. I installed Linux Mint 17.2 RC Mate. First, while the DVD to boot, on the screen “sched error” appeared in the form of a marquee. After installation, the system is switched on It was as if the “user name window” as income. Of course I was very surprised. Anyway, there was no user name window. The current system has a defect. The system does not restart. Greetings.

    Edit by Clem: What do you mean by “user name window”? Can you describe the problem again in a different way or illustrate it with a picture?

  3. Hi Clem,

    Congratulations to all team.

    Could you enable “Copy to texture” with CCSM for solving Compiz window decorations render problem on Virtualbox.

    Edit by Clem: We’ll have a look.

  4. Will there be a possibility of integrating the upcoming kernel 4.1 into this or next release?

    There are so many great improvments such as power saving improvements. If not, is there any way I can upgrade the kernel without affecting stability?

    Edit by Clem: You can install the 4.1 “mainline” kernel from;O=D. It won’t upgrade your kernel, it will be installed alongside your current kernel, i.e. you’ll have both 3.16 and 4.1 and you’ll be able to select the one you want from the boot screen. If it’s your first time doing something like that, I would suggest to give it a try just after your OS is installed, so you can reinstall again if things go wrong and you’re not sure how to fix them. Note that in the process of upgrading the stack, we decided that it was too early for kernel 3.19 already… if you’re using virtualbox, proprietary nvidia/ati drivers, broadcom drivers or dkms in general, you might need to be careful, otherwise it’s likely to go smooth.

  5. System does not restart with button, at the same time, “sudo reboot” command is not working. Similarly, the close button not working. The system does not shut down.

    Edit by Clem: This is post-install? Does anything happen when you perform these actions?

  6. I do not know Clem, I was amazed. A “user name window” appeared for a short time. I see in other distributions and I do not like anything. Certainly there is no picture at the moment. But I try to take pictures if I re-install.

  7. Nice. How to update from 17.1?

    Edit by Clem: Once the stable release is out, from the Update Manager (either from 17 or from 17.1).

  8. First of all: Thank you for all your hard work!

    One thing I noticed booting the live environment is that my two displays are at the same position. 17.1 (live) booted to an expanded desktop setup.

    I’m available to test any changes.

  9. Meanwhile, it’s freezing in the first opening. Yes, I have picture of “the user name window”, Clem. Picture’s here: This window comes, when DVD is booting. Shortly after, desktop is coming.

    Edit by Clem: Ah.. that’s the timed login screen. If resources are low or if loading takes time (reading from an optical drive for instance) you might see that screen with a countdown saying “user Mint will login in X seconds”. That’s ok. That screen usually doesn’t show up, but if it does it’s no big deal.

  10. Woops, didn’t notice I commented on the wrong blog post. I’m running the Cinnamon flavor as can be seen by the /proc/cmdline.

  11. I am a chinese student,I want to talk with Clem

    Edit by Clem: We’re often available on IRC at #linuxmint-dev (

  12. Hi Clem. I’ve done a full install of the MATE rc and everything works well with the exception of one of the themes. When I install the BlackMate theme the windows and panel get themed, but not the MintMenu. I have to theme the menu with a dark color using the Theme tab in the right-click/preferences.

  13. Yay 🙂

    Any news if the KDE version will already use Plasma 5?

    I saw that a lot of other distributions already use it as stable, and the method to install it by adding a repository fails because project neon has broken dependencies (framework, runtime and workspace not available) and I could not find other repositories that offer Plasma 5 for Ubuntu 14.04/Mint 17.x

  14. does mate 1.10’s experimental gtk3 support mean that gtk3 indicators now might work?

    Edit by Clem: Maybe, but note that it’s compiled with GTK2 in Linux Mint.

  15. There was an swap disk issue inherited from Ubuntu when installing Mint with an encrypted home directory. Has this issue been solved?

    Edit by Clem: No, there’s more info about this in the release notes.

  16. I have 16 GB or space on my netbook (8 GB on internal and 8 GB on an SD card). The installer won’t let me get past step 2, saying that 8.7 GB of disk space is required. Is there any work-around for this?

    Edit by Clem: Try to mount / on one and /usr on the other.

  17. Does this also come with the Ubuntu 14.04.2 upgraded graphics stack by default (mesa 10.3.2)?

    Edit by Clem: As an opt-in (you can upgrade to it if you don’t need what it breaks, but it’s not used by default).

  18. That’s interesting. Now I installed Linux Mint 17.2 RC Cinnamon.
    The same thing happened. When DVD is booting, “user name window” comes. Shortly after, desktop is coming. In addition, the system does not restart, “sudo reboot” command is not working too. Similarly, the close button not working. The system does not shut down. Greetings.

    Edit by Clem: I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by “user name window”..

  19. I’m already addicted to mate Debian addition. And no systemd! When are the mate upgrades coming to lmde? Thanks for your work guys!

    Edit by Clem: Hi Rhy, post-RC (we’re expecting bug reports to come and fixes to land before porting it to LMDE).

  20. Is there a time frame for the nvidia-346 (GTX 960) drivers to be added into the repositories? If I know they’re coming soon, I’d rather just go that route rather than installing off NVidia’s website. Some of the instructions I’ve read on the forum seem cumbersome.

    Edit by Clem: Hi Dave. No there isn’t, there’s no guarantee it will be backported either. It’s been added to the roadmap and we’ll try to do so. We’ll make sure to properly test everything and if anything doesn’t look right, it won’t be happening 🙂

  21. I have used Mate, Cinnamon, and XFCE in versions 17, 17.1, and 17.2. While using Pithos and viewing videos of several web sites I experience a skip or pause maybe a better term of the sound. I have Ubuntu 14.04.2 and the pauses are much less then in Ubuntu 15.04 there are hardly any pauses. I know it is a broad question and I have not furnished you my system specs but I will if needed. I was hoping you had an idea of how one might eliminate this situation without taking much of your time. I have searched for similar comments but have not found any. I feel that I have ruled out equipment because I have had distros that do not have the pausing using the same hardware. In fact have two PCs a laptop and a desktop that reacts the same. Thanks for all the work on Mint. I started with Ubuntu 7 and quickly found Mint to be much easier to work and use. But I have to say a few little nagging problems as described has sent me back to Ubuntu and that doggone Unity :)!

    Edit by Clem: It could be down to Pithos versions or pulse audio configuration maybe? I’m not really sure, just a guess on possible leads.

  22. so rebecca sources will become rafaela and ubuntu trusty sources stay the same?

    Edit by Clem: Yes.

  23. Hello i have make upgrade four my PC, it works wherry wheal.
    But something i miss, the Structure of the Screen is wherry Flatt.
    I miss the older 3D like.
    And atril don’t work, i installed evince…

    Edit by Clem: Please explain more in detail what you mean by the “structure of the screen” being flat? Also, what happens with Atril, what doesn’t work?

  24. Hi Clem! As always a good job! Installed Mate 64 edition on A Fujitsu Siemens Quad Core 2.4 GHz, 4GB RAM, 500 GB HDD. So far so good! However:
    1 – How do I install a picture in mdm login manager – HTML5 (did not find any way)
    2 – Trying to install along side to windows 8.1 on a DELL Inspiron 15, 3000 series, quad core 2.0GHz, 4 GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, from a normal (that means I used almost only this method) installation from USB Stick, after the selecting window, the grub shell became active and no more activity. The system is under UEFI (at boot moment I select UEFI USB Name of the stick). Any ideas?
    Thanks again! Using Linux Mint since Elyssa.

    Edit by Clem: Hi. 1) An avatar via the “About Me” config tool, a slideshow picture by modifying /usr/share/mdm/html-themes/Mint-X/slideshow.conf. 2) Looks like the grub menu wasn’t generated? Try to “sudo update-grub” from within a chroot (this might help

  25. Fortran @ 21 – Surely that`s the one where you use your login name. If your login name is “Fortran” put that in it. Then the next one will be for your password.
    Or am I missing something?

  26. @21 and others @29

    This problem seems to be happening when the user boots from DVD.
    Based on what I can understand from the posts, the login window appears and then the machine seems to freeze.

    Installation of MATE seems to have been possible but system unusable with similar freezing at login screen.

    There is a bit of info on this page about Mint on this machine

    As and XFCE Mint user I have not tested the latest versions, but I am puzzled by the background picture of the login screen which seems to come from the Live DVD – has Mint 17.2 introduced colourful login backgrounds or has this come from somewhere else? also reports issues with this machine on Arch so I wonder if fortran’s problems are hardware – specifically Nvidia or BIOS?

    Edit by Clem: Hi, some of the backgrounds are quite colorful alright. There’s an overview of them at

  27. Great news, and thanks a lot, linux mint dev team!

    I want to create a customized live usb key for my laptop which requires proprietary (bcmwl-kernel-source) firmware using the upcoming Linux Mint 17.2 ISO. Also I want to customize a few things (kernel, /etc/*, desktop).

    As I understand there exist two ways to do this:

    1. create a bootable usb stick with persistence (COW) and change what I want
    2. remaster the standard iso image and write it read-only

    For 1) I used to write an image via ‘usb key writer’ but it seems abandoned or at least very broken.
    2) is more complicated and I sometimes rendered the image unusable

    Does anyone have good references about 1) or 2) for Linux Mint?
    What do I need to consider if I upgrade to another libc/kernel version without breakage?

    Thanks a lot for your hints 🙂

    Edit by Clem: Hi. If you change the kernel you’ll need to update the initrd. I’d recommend remastering things by hand in that case (chroot, squashfs, etc..). The live ISO contains two kernels, one in the squashed FS, and the initrd copy in the casper/initrd file. They need to match.

  28. Hi there,ther is an install failure!!!

    I am familair with LinuxMint-mate-16.
    Today I try to install LinuxMint-17.2-32bit-rc.iso, from NLUUC.
    After reading the DVD I get a window asking username and password.
    In this procedure the system gets in a loop, asking to put letters in the other box.
    I tryed several combinations but the username and password is not accepted and I cannot get true.
    Correct this please.

    Joop W.

    Edit by Clem: The username is “mint” and the password is blank (i.e. just press Enter). Failing that, press CTRL+ALT+F1 to reach the console, type “mint” and press Enter for the password, and type “startx” to launch Xorg. Note that this shouldn’t happen though, it might be a sign of a corrupted download or DVD (make sure to check the MD5 and to burn at the lowest possible speed).

  29. Additional response on nr. 34.

    I read about timing problems by -low resources- so I tryed to install again. When the username box is showen I do not responded and waited for a wile.
    After some time the installation goes on and completes the tasks.
    So it works if you do not respond on the unsername box!
    Ok thanks.

    Joop W.

    Edit by Clem: Ok you’re looking at timed-login then. You shouldn’t normally see the screen.. I guess you see it because the system is to slow to read the information it needs from the DVD.

  30. Finally, Atheros AR9485WB wlan chipset works without any issues.
    (I am writing this from the Live CD I mean Live USB flash drive however…, no additional installation of any packages, drivers etc.)
    I’m very happy about that and looking forward to the final release of Linux Mint 17.2, so hopefully I can take a big step away from Windows.

  31. I installed Mate 17.2 (32bits) from scratch.
    I’m using a separate partition for /home.
    Can I install the 64bits version over it?
    I’d reformat the root partition but not the /home one.


    Edit by Clem: Hi Francois, yes.

  32. Beware: this release’s compatibility with mdadm is terrible, can’t mount IMSM or even regular mdadm arrays, even ones created by mdadm by this ISO, something critically wrong here, everything in the 17.1 iso works flawlessly. Anyone who uses mdadm stay away!

    Edit by Clem: Hi Paul, can you give us more info and troubleshoot things a little? Identify where things differ compared to 17.1. On our side we can’t see much difference.. this maybe? Also, please note that this is the RC, it’s specifically released so that people like you can help us test and fix things before the stable release. If every mdmadm user stays away from the RC, as you kindly suggested, then I can guarantee you this issue will not get fixed.

  33. folder “backgrounds” has 189 items, totalling 167.2 MB

    I’m just saying..

    Edit by Clem: Feel free to remove as many as you want. People enjoy them, that’s why they’re here.

  34. mdadm does not function on the live session, cannot install on mdadm arrays

    Edit by Clem: Please explain what happens, troubleshoot the cause, suggest solutions.

  35. From 28 to Clem: The grub shell start at the very begining on USB stick. I can not start the installer. Strange!

  36. Clem, unfortunately this 32b Live-DVD version now suffers from the same high CPU load problems as the recent LMDE2. As I already was afraid of, on my nForce2-400 Ultra based Athlon XP systems with Radeon 9600 (RV350) or Radeon X800 (R420), ‘radeon.modeset=0’ is still required to prevent system freeze-up as soon as the GUI comes up, resulting in unbearable high CPU loads when VLC or Totem try to play a standard resolution H264 coded file.
    Even worse, other than with LM17.1 my old Athlon XP-M laptop with Radeon IGP320M (RS100), which doesn’t require above kernel parameter now also suffers from those intolerable high CPU loads when playing a mp4 file.
    Please let me know, if you need any log files or want me to run other tests. Unfortunately however I currently depend on running the Live-DVD.

    Edit by Clem: Hi, this is very weird… especially as it worked with 17.1? Could it be related to the syslinux update… Can you try the 64-bit version as well?

  37. And I got another question (32b Live-DVD on nForce2-400 Ultra based Athlon XP w.PAE): why is the Mate-System-Monitor on its System tab reporting only 2.5GiB of RAM on a system with its max of 3GiB being installed (Dual-Channel 2×1+1GiB)? What happened to the remaining 500MiB? Why are they being ignored?

    Edit by Clem: Hi, you can run “inxi -I” (that’s a capital i.. sorry, the blog doesn’t show it very well) in a terminal to see the memory. That will indicate whether it’s just the MATE system monitor not reporting this accurately or if some of the RAM isn’t detected/used by the system.

  38. Ive tried for a over three hours trying to get this to install the 32 bit edition on my Asus Maximus V with core i7-3770k 32 gigs of ram geforce gtx 760.. I have some programs that only run in 32 bit and was hoping I could get this up and running. I have no problem setting up the hard drive with partitions /boot /temp /file system /home… then input user name and password… check off encrypt home directory … press continue… then it takes an awful long time to copy files a good 45 minutes then after it copies files it hangs on installing system no error messages just hangs no progress at all… any help would be appreciated I have the bios set up for just legacy cant figure this out I assume that when you say the 32bit OS supports bith 32 bit and 64bit architectures that here should be no problem with this install am I right?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Sean, it should work fine (at least as long as you’re booting in BIOS mode.. I’m not sure about 32-bit via EFI). Note also that you can run 32-bit applications from within the 64-bit version of Linux Mint, it’s multi-arch.

  39. Clem,

    Thanks for the reply about the nvidia-346 (GTX 960) drivers – I appreciate the “if it doesn’t work right, it’s not approved” mentality, what about the latest Nouveau drivers? I see from the feature matrix my card is at the “work in progress” stage on some things, but presumably it could at least be an option?

    I’m not sure how to check what driver I’m using (I was using a GTX 460 v2 with the nvidia-331 drivers then swapped it for the GTX 960) but it’s running OK, with some occasional oddities (primarily with cairo dock). Presumably I’m in some sort of VESA mode because I didn’t see nouveau listed when I used the lsmod command.

    Edit by Clem: Hi Dave, you can run “inxi -Gx” in the terminal to get information about drivers and 3D acceleration.

  40. “Edit by Clem: The username is “mint” and the password is blank (i.e. just press Enter).”

    Clem, when booting up the installation DVD, username of ‘mint’ and blank password is not working for me in 17.2 Mate 64. I tried several times using the DVD. I just wait the 10 seconds or so for timed login anyway. I ‘think’ all these login complaints may because ‘mint’ and blank password does not work if someone attempts to use the login function when booting up the installation DVD. Maybe I am wrong but I personally could not get the login function to work utilizing those credentials.

    Edit by Clem: Thanks, I’ll have a look.

  41. Why waste so much “iso space” on Wallpaper (many are ugly) and omitting “Bluetooth”, which is present in almost all newer laptops??

    Edit by Clem: We’ve enough space on the ISO, the last limit was 700MB and we can’t fit in it anyway. I can’t use your feedback on their quality, it’s far too subjective and you don’t explain which ones you don’t like and/or why you don’t like them. Regarding Bluetooth, it has nothing to do with space, it’s because blueman doesn’t integrate well (it pops up in the system tray even in the absence of bluetooth adapter, that’s unacceptable for non-bluetooth users) and because cinnamon-bluetooth is DE-specific (we solved that issue with blueberry in LMDE but it requires gnome-bt 3.14 so it’s not an option here).

  42. Atril now supports the ePub format.?? Where can i find this app? 3D screen support stays exclusively in MS Windows?

    Edit by Clem: Atril is installed by default. ePub support is a bit buggy in it but it was previously non-existant so we’ll enable it in version 1.10.0-2. I’m not sure about 3D support..

  43. Hi Clem fantastic job. Cant wait for the final version. I installed the RC on thinkpad w530 with the Nvidia Quadro K1100M. However i constantly get themes not working after a while. Default mint-x theme resorts to a gtk-theme. Even after rebooting , the themes dont seem to displaying ok. Odd on the log in screen the controls seem okay

    Edit by Clem: Hi, that’s a bit weird. Can you check the process list to make sure mate-settings-daemon is running? It’s the component which is responsible for applying the theme. If it’s not running, check with dmesg to see if you see crashes.

  44. @Dave 23, 45

    You may want to install latest nVidia proprietary driver via xorg-edgers ppa. It should support GTX 960 very well.

    Edit by Clem: The NVIDIA Drivers 346 were backported so this should no longer be necessary.

  45. Looks great, but

    1. Could you provide a dark theme
    Not only that it would look more elegant, but it would be good to use at night

    Thank you

  46. I forgot number 2

    Installing your language is a bit unintuitive for new users

    I fiddled 10 minutes before installing my language

    I could not understand why was not in the list, but there were around 10 english versions
    Maybe you could put somehow all english versions as sub-categories of english

    I believe you tried to make something beautiful with the horizontal list of languages, but for me it seems an accesibility nightmare

    It’s hard to read an horizontal list and can’t use keyboard to quickly select my language by pressing the first letter of my language
    In a vertical list it’s very easy to pinpoint your language

    Anyway, I found at the end of the list Install / Remove Languages and install it

    Maybe you could add a tooltip at top saying that if your language is not in the list you need to install it

    The translations are somewhat otdated, maybe mate guys forgot to sync with Transifex before releasing mate

    Thank you

  47. Thanks guys, it is an awesome RC 17.2..It ran out of the my Toshiba C645D E-300 AMD 1.1 dual core, Radeon HD6310..I tested it from a usb driver first..saw no issues…connected anything excepting Radeon card I installed it in my 250GB HD partition, shared with Crunchbang ++ 1.0 debian 8.1 Jessie…Process of installation went fine and fast..then rebooted and logged in LM 17.2 RC Rafaela with no demanded to upgrade LM’s uograde manager at once and then upgraded 68 MB new upgrades .. Then I added my Radeon HD6310 proprietary drivers and AMD microcode processor dependecy reboot again and it is working light and faster than previous Linux MInt Ubuntu Mate 17.1.. saw you added LibreOffice latest 4.4.3 and also hvae noticed some fresh graphical widgets and icons like the check sign after upgrading, and also Videos new icons too… So Far so Good.. Clement’ s team ..thanks to you all.

  48. @Clem in response to your reply to #42 OS2User:
    Well, the vintage Athlon-XP is still a 32b CPU, so testing the 64b DVD isn’t possible.
    On the laptop, where no ‘modeset’ kernel parameter is required, VLC is working with LM17.1 Mate when playing standard resolution files. 720p is borderline and more miss than hit in mostly overwhelming the system.
    However, other than with VLC back on Helena, I am experiencing these annoying artifacts ( on sudden heavy contrast changes.
    With LM17.2, displaying the graphs on the System Monitor’s Resources tab are around 8.5%, which would be kind of normal (LMDE2 was already at around 16%), but for whatever reason, trying to play H.264 or avi coded files in VLC or Totem are now shooting the CPU load up to 100% and the video frozen at the very first frame or updating only every 40 or 50s, while with LM17.1 and before with Helena, it is only around some 52% and playing nicely.

    @Clem in response to #43: I’ll check with inxi -I over the weekend and report back next week.

    BTW, I hate moronic fonts, that for whatever stupid reasons, value some very debatable aesthetics over disambiguity.

  49. Is there a way to put that “privacy” tool like in Cinnamon 17.2 (system settings-preferences) on Mate 17.2…
    Caus’ in cinnamon (with nemo) , it really don’t keep history of opended files…
    But with Mate (and caja) , that option is not available…


  50. I installed LM17.2 Mate on two 13+ year old P4 computers and it went pretty smoothly. Most of my problems had to do with the ancient NVIDIA cards in them. So far everything looks quite good and I think 17.2 is great. Both of my computers seem to be running as well or better than they did on LM13 XFCE last year (or any previous version of LM17). Thanks for the amazing work!

    The P4/2GB RAM laptop went smoothly and very fast. This one has NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5600, which of course was ignored, but the screen looks better than ever with whatever default graphics driver LM put in. (This computer is LM 17.2 exclusively.)

    The P4/1GB RAM desktop was very slow install (same USB stick as for other one) and gave me more trouble. This one has NVidia GeForce4 MX4200, which of course was ignored and the screen looked quite bad plus many items showed but were “ghosted out” with the default graphics driver LM put in. I added “nomodeset” to the grub boot arguments and that helped, but the aspect ratio didn’t look right. I tried Clems alternate suggestion (in release notes) of the “nouveau.noaccel=1” in the boot arguments (in place of “nomodeset”) and that gave me amazing results in the display (except videos cannot play in VLC although they play OK on stock video player, I haven’t spent much time on this to see if there’s a workaround but that’s a small price to pay since playing videos on VLC is hardly important to me). I’m adding 1GB RAM to this computer just for the hell of it to see if this improves things (plus modifying swap). (This computer is LM 17.2 in dual boot with XP as I have a few older programs that I occasional need to run on XP and I haven’t been able to get running on Wine – and of course they do not run on Windows 7 or on MAC.)

    I guess My old P4 computers are at the end of the road and LM 17 will be the last workable solution, OMG this means that by 2019 when LM17 is no longer supported these “beauties” will bite the dust after “only” 17+ years of service (LOL). [It actually is amazing that the LM Teams give us an OS that works so well right out of the box even in ancient computers like these.]

  51. “Thanks to a new audio library, libmatemixer, MATE can now take full advantage of mixer functionality and it is able to automatically detect and support PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS.”

    Does this mean you can uninstall PulseAudio and have working sound with ALSA in Linux Mint 17.2 MATE edition? That would be awesome.

    Edit by Clem: Hi Lando. Yes, although I didn’t test this myself, we discussed this within the MATE development team and it was confirmed.

  52. @Clem comment to 47/48
    Yes, my taste is subjective – I just don’t like overly colorful wallpapers, I find them disturbing looking at, seeing and finding my Icons/Text on Desktop. Dark simple colors are best for my eyes – yes, my taste. The historic “Mint” wallpapers i find acceptable, because historic. Download is unnecessarily bloated in my opinion.

    Bluetooth is a standard feature, ok, for those without i guess it needs to be not present. 3D is not a hype anymore, but still present. I just wondered, if it will ever come natively in Linux …

    Atril and epub doesnt work here, why not include Calibre in Distro?

  53. Regards,

    Very pretty this system Linux Mint Cinammon, i like this system. I don’t want systemd, would it be possible to make the start menu, model of windows xp by default?

  54. Sigh. I lost count of how many beta or RC Linux distributions (Mint, Fedora, …) I installed, and hibernation was broken.

    Same with Mint 17.2.

    I’m glad I have a spare laptop for testing things like this. I guess I’ll have to wait a bit until I upgrade my production machine.

    Edit by Clem: Make sure to have a swap partition (also be aware that there are known caveats with home directory encryption). Other than that, hibernation is fully functional.

  55. Works well in Virtual Box so far, which is more than I can say for Fedora 22.

    Re: tdockery97 @14, the Mint menu preferences are set to “custom colors” by default, which may not be the best choice. Turn that off (in left click/Preferences/Theme), and the menu colors match the theme.

  56. Installation on my test system went very smooth. So far the only bug I have encountered was in the volume control, sound effects section. The alert volume setting resets to zero when you close the volume control regardless of where you set the slider. The master volume setting works fine. I assume this may be a mate issue rather than a Linux Mint one.

    Great job team!

  57. Looks like the hibernation problem is related to the encrypted home folder problem (missing swap). The rest of this release looks awesome. Thanks a lot!

    Edit by Clem: Yes 🙂

  58. Flawless installation on a Dell Vostro 1700. Thanks Clem and Team.

    System: Host: kris Kernel: 3.16.0-38-generic x86_64 (64 bit, gcc: 4.8.2)
    Desktop: MATE 1.10.0 info: mate-panel dm: mdm Distro: Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela
    Machine: System: Dell product: Vostro 1700 Chassis: type: 8
    Mobo: Dell model: 0HX767 Bios: Dell version: A07 date: 04/21/2008
    CPU: Dual core Intel Core2 Duo CPU T5670 (-MCP-) cache: 2048 KB flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3) bmips: 7182.06
    Clock Speeds: 1: 800.00 MHz 2: 1801.00 MHz
    Graphics: Card: NVIDIA G86M [GeForce 8400M GS] bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:0427
    X.Org: 1.15.1 drivers: nvidia (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,nouveau) Resolution: 1440×900@60.1hz
    GLX Renderer: GeForce 8400M GS/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 331.113 Direct Rendering: Yes
    Audio: Card: Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:1b.0 chip-ID: 8086:284b
    Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ver: k3.16.0-38-generic
    Network: Card-1: Broadcom BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX driver: b44 ver: 2.0 bus-ID: 03:00.0 chip-ID: 14e4:170c
    IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: 00:1d:09:d5:f2:d4
    Card-2: Broadcom BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n driver: b43-pci-bridge bus-ID: 0c:00.0 chip-ID: 14e4:4328
    IF: wlan0 state: down mac: 00:1f:e1:1e:de:b8
    Drives: HDD Total Size: 640.1GB (17.0% used)
    1: id: /dev/sda model: ST320LT023 size: 320.1GB serial: W0Q045DH
    2: id: /dev/sdb model: ST9320423AS size: 320.1GB serial: W33043WL
    Partition: ID: / size: 23G used: 5.5G (26%) fs: ext4 ID: /home size: 267G used: 97G (38%) fs: ext4
    ID: swap-1 size: 4.00GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap
    RAID: System: supported: N/A
    No RAID devices detected – /proc/mdstat and md_mod kernel raid module present
    Unused Devices: none
    Sensors: System Temperatures: cpu: 40.5C mobo: N/A gpu: 0.0:44C
    Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A
    Info: Processes: 190 Uptime: 30 min Memory: 2144.7/3951.6MB Runlevel: 2 Gcc sys: 4.8.4
    Client: Shell (bash 4.3.11 running in mate-terminal) inxi: 1.9.17

  59. @Clement
    I have installed MATE 17.2 RC on my 2GB RAM HP netbook, which is running mint since I have it, and since 17.1 get the same disturbance either with Mint 17.2: It takes minutes for the wallpapers catalog to display when you want to change the screen wallpaper. On my wife’s 64 bits laptop it is the same also.
    Also during the boot, on my 1024×600 netbook (HP Mini 110), the beginning logo appears to be dimmed, then all comes back to normal. I saw other users have the same problem.
    Last point with small netbooks 1024×600: in LMDE2 and MATE 17.2 installers, the install screens are too high for the 1024×600 netbooks screens, just the top of the buttons down the forms can be distinguished when you permit the taskbar to hide automatically (but this is cheating as you have to jingle with the taskbar coming back and hiding the small part you can see from the buttons of which you cannot even see the texts). This problem exists also on the LMDE2 installer, where I had to connect an extra monitor to perform correctly the installation. This is only a pBm with the install software graphic design which should not not excess 576 pts high).
    This apart, Mint and Cinnamon 17.2RC are impressive on the easiness of install, improvements and polishing (all the job You and your team have performed). Congratulations, I think and hope that Mint has a great future. I hope that in the future you will stick with Debian directly, (you will allways be better served by God himself than his Saints).
    Best regards.
    JF Duhamel

    Edit by Clem: The MATE appearance properties aren’t multi-threaded so you need to wait until they read all the wallpapers to show up. Regarding resolution, we won’t design UIs for less than 1024×768 nowadays, it’s not a reasonable expectation anymore. That said there’s a really hand trick in Linux when a window doesn’t fit… press the ALT key and you can then drag windows with the mouse (not only from the titlebar, but from anywhere in the window). That way you can access any part of the window at any moment, no matter what resolution you’re in.

  60. @Clément
    Thank You for the information, I did not know this.
    I was trying Fedora 22 Mate but they have the same slowness for the choice of wallpapers, except they have less choice so it seems faster, in appearance only.
    Best regards
    JF Duhamel

  61. I know it works from 17.1 “Rebecca”, but can we upgrade to 17.2 from 17.0 “Qiana” using the terminal method? Ie. replacing “qiana” in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* then running apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade?

    Edit by Clem: Yes.

  62. Wow, another RC release that’s better than formal releases of other distros. Impressed by a 32bit MATE Live DVD session I installed it BrucesWay in a 13GiB partition on a ’64GB’ LexarUSB3key to achieve persistent use whilst still doubling as a Windows ’50GB’ NTFS data device. I then added my usual suite of software including PDFshuffler, Planner, LAME+RipperX, Handbrake and Kaffeine for FreeView reception, all working well with StartUp, Shutdown and overall operation seeming slicker.
    My only real niggle is that I cannot Rename desktop icons as I can with version 17.1 having overcome all other minor niggles.
    Otherwise it’s looking good for formal release, so well done team!
    (I must now try out the Cinnamon version.)

  63. Looking forward to 17.2 release with Mate 1.10. Perfect for older laptops, imho more user friendly than Xfce.
    Will there be a 32-bit OEM version? I know only see 64-bit versions.
    would be handy to – for example – install OEM version on an old laptop and donate it to charity. That way the user can configure the system himself.

    Edit by Clem: No sorry.

  64. Just up-graded to 17.2 from 17.1 Cinnamon. All went well except I’m getting a frozen mouse. Can’t find any help anywhere. Any ideas

    Edit by Clem: Check dmesg and Xorg logs.

  65. Advice for anyone running old machines disappointed at poor video playback in 17.2, especially in Chrome/Chromium. Run Chrome/Chromium 41. From v42 onwards, HTML5 playback experiences slowdowns and sync issues (radeon RV250 / Toshiba L30-113). Playback near perfect in Chrome 41. Ditto for flash video.

  66. @Clem in response to your reply to #43 OS2User:
    Well, it looks like those missing 512MiB are the result of some hardware issue and completely unrelated to LM.
    Maybe an address line trace got nicked last spring, when I had to replace the CPU SMPs electrolyte capacitors.
    With only two 1 GiB modules in any of those 3 DIMM sockets, 2 GiB are always detected, but as soon as the third one gets added, only one rank instead of both gets added. So my guess is that the problem is between CPU and Northbridge.

  67. Mate 32 bits does not finish boot (in replacement of old functioning xfce Mint).
    Working board: AMD Sempron 2.8GHz, 2Giga Ram.
    Blocking Error: DMA fault.

    Cinnamon errors, on AMD Laptop:
    Copying stops as by freeze.
    It’s only waiting for MSG windows, hidden behind working window.
    Lack of focus seems to be the problem (forgotten?).

    Edit by Clem: We pushed a fix in the latest nemo upgrade. It might help with problem #2.

  68. Mate x64 – Nvidia hdmi audio out and dual screen works using Nouveau drivers, even with kernel 4.1 🙂

  69. @Clem – From #28-2 and #41: Installation problems form USB (DVD) on UEFI system (Dell Inpiron 15, 3000 series). Still can not instal Mint 17.2 MATE 64 from these media. On the other hand I tried UBUNTU-MATE 15.04. Had no problem to install (well there are some others issues, but this is another story 🙂 ). Any ideas?

    Edit by Clem: Hi, we updated the grub used in the live ISO. A Cinnamon ISO was respun to test it (we already got a few positive feedback so this is going into the stable release): (md5sum: 59f4a13855e7c7bb23f5445d1fc2419f)

  70. Do Mate and Cinnamon edition contain the same version of libraries? I mean Mate has GdkPixbuf 2.30.7 and it cannot provide current git GIMP 2.9, because GIMP requires 2.30.8.

    Edit by Clem: They may contain different packages, but not different versions of the same packages (i.e. they’re both built from the very same snapshot package base). Here they’re both using 2.30.7. Gimp 2.9 shouldn’t need GdkPixbuf 2.30.8 though… you’re probably trying to install a package which was built for another distribution/release? You can use the following PPA to get Gimp 2.9 in Mint 17.x: ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp-edge.

  71. Some good NEWS for NVIDIA Optimus users:

    We finally managed to get our hands on some hardware and support was significantly improved:

    – mdm 2.0.1 is now able to let you switch between Intel <-> NVIDIA with a simple logout (previous versions of MDM required a reboot).

    – nvidia-prime-applet was added to the repositories. It starts automatically when you login and provides a systray icon for Cinnamon/MATE/Xfce/KDE if it detects a compatible Optimus card. It shows you which card is currently in use and gives you a quick shortcut to the NVIDIA settings’ PRIME page if you want to switch.

    – NVIDIA drivers 346 were backported (bringing support for newer NVIDIA GPUs)

  72. Good to be back in the Linux Mint World! Thanks Clem! Got the new iso and cinnamon is up and already updated!

    Edit by Clem: Great, I’m delighted we got this fixed.

  73. In short, Mate32 Booting from unetbootin:

    On Old AMD Sempron 2.8GHz, 2Giga, nVidia Accelerator Card,IDE disk:
    (replacing old working Xfce Mint, from 8 years ago)
    – Does not finish boot, with the sequence:
    [9.125992 ata3.01] exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 action 0x6 frozen
    …and it continues, only mentioning 1 time of several, in order
    BMDMA stat 0x65
    failed command: READ DMA
    cmd C8/…… (HMS violation)
    status: {DRDY DRQ ERR}
    Error: {UNC}
    [sdc] No Caching mode page found
    [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write trough

    Possible reason may be:
    – double RAM Banking, most board used to double Speed when a 2nd RAM doubled previous one (they should be twins). MOST boards used this.
    (if that is the reason new version does not work).
    Such PCs, are good to work, not to face Internet abusive demands. Mint keeping a good balance thanks to efficiency and tools availability (Excellent for programming and with efficiency testing).

    Hope it helps. (My 486 will keep DOS, though) Gotcha!

  74. Have upgraded from 17.1 to 17.2 and noted Atril will not load even after remove – reinstall. PDF files no longer thumbnailed,(display office icon).otherwise all seems stable and working fine.Any thoughts?

    Edit by Clem: No I can’t reproduce it here, but we’re planning on rebuilding Atril with epub support and rebasing its packaging (this might help, we’re sending the update today).

  75. ” Clem: They may contain different packages, but not different versions of the same packages (i.e. they’re both built from the very same snapshot package base). Here they’re both using 2.30.7. Gimp 2.9 shouldn’t need GdkPixbuf 2.30.8 though… you’re probably trying to install a package which was built for another distribution/release? You can use the following PPA to get Gimp 2.9 in Mint 17.x: ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp-edge.”

    Thank you for the PPA, I’ll try. I compile GIMP from git by myself. In Mint Mate 17.1 GIMP started refusing to be built about a month ago due to insufficient version of GdkPixbuf. So I installed 17.2 rc, but the result happens to be the same.

  76. The desktop icon fonts with the shadowing are very hard to read with these old eyes. How can they be changed to a non-shadowed font?

    Edit by Clem: They can’t. They used to be themeable but themes didn’t know about the background. We therefore chose something that worked with both light and dark backgrounds.. thus the need for a shadow.

  77. Tested 17.2 RC (Mate 64bit, MSDOS partitioning, no EFI) on Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon. The essential thing is that it has a “smart F-keyboard” instead of ordinary keys – that is, another piece of hardware requiring a driver, and it was not supported correctly in all the kernels available for 17.1. Appears to work normally now…

    ps. on reading the above, retested Atril. Appears to work normally, including thumbnails. However, I know that it did fail on some PDF files in my 17.1 – and probably does. If so, the problem is in Atril itsef and not in a particular Mint version. Example:

  78. #89 I changed the desktop to a darker theme and the fonts look a lot better.
    Other than that trivial issue, LM17.2 Mate RC works very well.

  79. #91 – not only that, finally they fixed a bug in Mate that caused black fonts against dark background after wake-up or reboot. On the other hand, mate-services-admin is not included now, and I’ve already got used to this minor convenience…

    #89 – try plain even background (not an image), e.g. the default dark blue one (RGB 16/32/82 +/- up to your monitor and taste), or dark green as in W95. Fonts should be switched to white automatically, and shadowing is either not used or not visible in this case. Combined with Mcity-W2k theme, and Raleigh or Redmond controls style, looks pretty well.

  80. I just hope this version of mint contains that intel backlight software that keeps the same brightness level between reboots like the latest version of ubuntu ubuntu 15.04.They finally figured that issue out since I have to consistantly have to restart my linux version because of continual crashes,If it doesnt Im going back to the ubuntu family of fedora family.14.04 is basically history as afar as im concerned,lts or not its ancient.

    Edit by Clem: Why run something you consider “ancient”? 14.04 is only a year old and this is the 3rd release in the series already. If you can’t wait for software to mature and you prefer to run bleeding edge technologies, then don’t wait for this stable release. Linux Mint, or Ubuntu even, aren’t designed for you. I would recommend you switch to Arch Linux instead. They don’t hold anything back and they ship the very latest of everything. Whatever comes out upstream, good or bad, gets available very fast.

  81. Re. my previous post regarding upate from 17.1 to 17.2 Atril and thumbnailling problems.this is obviously a problem with the apt-get process installing all new versions and leaving something behind breaking the system.A new clean install of mate 17.2 is working flawlessly.Many thanks to Clem and the team for yet another super release !!!!!!!!!

    Edit by Clem: No no no.. we updated Atril yesterday, you must have picked up the new one (it doesn’t just bring epub support, its packaging was updated) 🙂

  82. Ancient yes ancient,I only use a version of linux because My computer came with no os whatsoever,it took two years for ubuntu to stop my laptop from blinding me with the brightness between reboots which happen daily due to crashing.

    Edit by Clem: Hi Mark, I’m sorry but you’re using the wrong distribution then. You might even be using the wrong OS entirely, if the only reason you’re using Linux is because it’s free. If you stick to Linux I’d recommend a rolling distribution (I mentioned Arch already).

  83. Also maybe you could give us updates to the unstable totem and vlc media players.

    Edit by Clem: Totem is frozen and that won’t change. We’ll be looking at VLC 3 when it’s out. Note that these applications are not “unstable”.

  84. Hi Clem!
    Great work is it “Rafaela”! I’m install it, run it and enjoy it! 😉
    This release (i.e. aka RC) really is Mint 18 (!) and LTS for this it’s great idea.
    P.S. Hmm… and the letters of the alphabet for the Names of Mint releases will soon run out of…

    Edit by Clem: That’s ok, we’ve got time before that happens and a plan for when it does 🙂

  85. @Clem – From#80: Finally UEFI booting Mint USB Live (Mint’ s USB image writer) in my MSI GT70 with (md5sum: 59f4a13855e7c7bb23f5445d1fc2419f) Only some minor problems (cannot boot from USB 3.0 connections and need to delete quite splash to avoid freezing ) but USB live works.

    TBA-From#38 and #40: I have no problems mounting and working with mdadm in my RAID 0 (neither with linuxmint-17.2-cinnamon-64bit-rc.iso md5sum 83c6b150a232ea6044c649742a66273a in Legacy BIOS) and installer seams will work. I’m waiting for updates because Rebecca Cinnamon, Mate and KDE (also W 8.1 ) are installed and have no room for RC.

    Highly appreciated your great work. Thank you very much.

  86. Hi Clem,
    You and your wonderful team are doing great job!
    I do hope my post will be of real use for me and other users as well as for the developing team.
    I am using and really enjoying Linux Mint Mate 17 on my laptop HP 4540s.
    All the hardware is working to its best out-of-the-box but the wifi and bluetooth (Ralink combined wifi-bluetooth adapter (RT3290)).
    The bluetooth problem was solved by downgrading the Kernel to 3.8.7 and installing a 3-rd party driver in .deb package and blueman for interface.
    The wifi works with rt2800pci (rt2x00pci) driver as the in-built kernel module – I am using it, it actually IS working but since it is a compatibility driver, the wifi signal fluctuates and never is above 80% within 1 (one) meter from access-point!!! There is a 3-rd party .deb driver for RT3290 available on the Internet – it gives a signal of 100% but invariably causes kernel panic (even if kernel-drivers rt2800pci and rt2x00pci are properly blocked). It is a well known bug reported numberless times on UBUNTU forums.
    I am not a high-tech user, I do not understand what causes this panic – I do not have that necessary knowledge to be able to solve this issue. But I do ask you to consider and hopefully find a way how RT3290 issues can be solved so that wifi could work to the best of its performance. Many users like me would be really thankful.
    (Users of Atheros and Broadcom wireless cards on HP 4540s laptops have no these problems whatever. How lucky they are!)

  87. Hello, Private Internet Access application won’t work on 17.2. I think there is some problem with open vpn? Otherwise great distro. Thanks for your effort.

    Edit by Clem: It’s a pity this came so late, we could have added this by default to make it easier. I’ll add it to the roadmap for now. In any case, it works perfectly and it’s quite easy to set up. You need to install “network-manager-openvpn-gnome”. NM should detect that so you shouldn’t need to reboot. Then open “Network connections”, click Add->VPN->OpenVPN->Create. Then fill in the details for PIA (for instance I use for gateway, “password” type authentication, put your PIA username and password. In advanced, enable LZO compression. And get the crt certificate from the PIA website

  88. Great job!! So far the only issue I have is bluetooth. After installing blueman my stereo headset pairs, but stream fails to connect for audio sink. After some research I found running “pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover” does allow the device to connect successfully, however it doesn’t automatically switch to the headset like it used to. I have to go to the sound options and select the device before it works. Bluetooth was FLAWLESS in Mint 13 MATE. I also noticed the popup notifications aren’t present when bluetooth devices connect. Keep up the great work!

  89. Live USB pendrive
    MATE 64-bit
    Dell Studio 1558

    – Slow connecting with Wi-Fi network (card Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6200)
    – Network Manager not be option to segregate WiFi networks from strong signal on the top to poor signal on bottom. Default segregate alphabetical.
    – HELP don’t work everywhere.
    – Shortkey F3 to show only pop-up “Power Information” thats all
    – Old version System-config-printer 1.4.3 the newest version 1.5.7
    – MDM 2.0- Theme (HTML)-Numix, Synergy, Zukitwo, Zukitwo-Circle, Zukitwo-Transparent after logout don’t be window to enter User name and Password.
    First Theme -GTK after logout and automatically login (10 sec.) error: “~/.xsession-errors file
    – Will add Intel WiDi support
    to Linux Mint?

    Thanks Linux Mint Team

  90. Kernel 3.16 and (FINALLY) an updated Nvidia driver (346.72). I’ve been waiting over a year for these upgrades to be added to the base. Thank you Clem and the Linux Mint team! Looking forward to my “Maxwell” GTX 750 being supported “out of the box” on a clean install.

    As new drivers are released will they be added to the Repositories for easy updating or do we still have to do it manually through the terminal? 346.82 was released on June 23rd. 346.72 was released May 12th.

  91. We have made the news in the final version. Of course we tried to download version. When the live CD was booting, passed a text on the screen like this: nouveau fault. You know the login window appeared again for a short time. After, boot occurred. It did not restart the system again. I experienced some problems when I bought this computer first. Therefore, I wrote I can not install GNU/Linux on my laptop. According to this, I opened the system nomodeset option. But it did not work either. Do we leave Linux Mint? It was a harrowing experience for me.

  92. It was first download Mate. I tried downloading the Cinnamon also. When the live CD was booting, passed a text on the screen like this: nouveau fault. The login window appeared again for a short time. After, boot occurred. It did not restart the system again. Everything was going great but this time there’s a problem. I do not know what happened, I’m sorry.

  93. Here it’s an EVGA Nvidia 750ti in an i7 Lenovo desktop. Both RC’s boot to that degraded Nouveau display, accompanied by considerable on-screen shenanigans.

    Neither will successfully shutdown.

    This is, though, an improvement over Ubuntu 15.04, which boots into a black screen with Nouveau.

    This might be fixed in Nvidia’s recent drivers but they are not available for 14.04-based projects unless you go to a PPA, which I’m not willing to do.

  94. Please bring back parallel file operations. I am on 17.1 and I have not upgraded to 17.2, but I’ve noticed that the feature has been integrated into my system. Now, it takes forever to access my network fileserver. Moreover, file operations on different media should be allowed to go in parallel, why do USB operations have to wait for hard-drive.
    My file server is cifs. I keep my wallpaper folder on the file server, now I cannot open the backgrounds applet in reasonable time.
    Could it be something else?

  95. It is not that bad now, but it takes sometime to retrieve the remote folder content. Thanks, you are doing great job

  96. Hi Clem and team,

    I’m keen to try out and test 17.2, so have changed the ‘official package repositories’ to read rafaela where it read rebecca, in sources.list.d and saved.

    This bought in a raft of updates for which all installed but 12. This is what I get when trying to install by apt-get dist-upgrade in term…

    Extracting templates from packages: 100%
    (Reading database … 326527 files and directories currently installed.)
    Preparing to unpack …/libmate-window-settings1_1.10.0-1+rafaela_amd64.deb …
    Unpacking libmate-window-settings1:amd64 (1.10.0-1+rafaela) …
    dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libmate-window-settings1_1.10.0-1+rafaela_amd64.deb (–unpack):
    trying to overwrite ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/’, which is also in package mate-control-center 1.8.3-0+rebecca
    Preparing to unpack …/mate-control-center-common_1.10.0-1+rafaela_all.deb …
    Unpacking mate-control-center-common (1.10.0-1+rafaela) …
    dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/mate-control-center-common_1.10.0-1+rafaela_all.deb (–unpack):
    trying to overwrite ‘/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/mate-network-properties.svg’, which is also in package mate-control-center 1.8.3-0+rebecca
    dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
    Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1) …
    Errors were encountered while processing:
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    How can I resolve this, so I can continue testing?


  97. Hi Guys,

    same as Baldrick here… after upgrading from 17.1 to 17.2 I got:

    E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmate-window-settings1_1.10.0-1+rafaela_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/’, which is also in package mate-control-center 1.8.3-0+rebecca
    E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mate-control-center-common_1.10.0-1+rafaela_all.deb: trying to overwrite ‘/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/mate-network-properties.svg’, which is also in package mate-control-center 1.8.3-0+rebecca

    any idea on how to sort it out?


    Edit by Clem: Hi. This is a typical example of the package conflicts we fix before opening the upgrade path.

  98. Laptop microphone didn’t work under Skype. Easy fix was to change Analogue Stereo Output to Analogue Stereo Duplex under Sound Preferences.

  99. Hi,
    I first installed 17 cinnamon in my new machine lenova all in one c260 which has Intel HD graphics i face display problem so i updated to 17.2, in 17.2 brightness adjustment icon is available that’s good now i can adjust the brightness but the problem is that each time when i boot i have to adjust and second thing is that shutdown, sometime it shutdown properly sometime screen freeze please guide me

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