MintBox Mini News

CompuLab is working hard on the MintBox Mini. SMT (Supervised Manufacturer’s Testing) was done, and they’re now soldering, testing, starting mechanical assembly and packing of the units.

They sent us a picture of the casing, which is said to be metallic green and of car paint quality:

We’re expecting to get our hands on the MintBox Mini this month.

PS: The first batch of fitlet/MintBox Mini is already sold-out. For more news on stock and the unit itself, please visit




  1. @Subhajit Mirbar
    Compulab will resume ordering of MintBox Mini in a few weeks.
    It is expected to be available through Amazon in June.
    If you want to be notified when Compulab accepts orders again please email

  2. Yes to the AMD chipset 🙂

    Nvidia and Linux simply are not good – with AMD it is simply installing the 4 *.deb files and the proprietary driver even survives kernel updates at noob-user-systems 😉

  3. Very good news…

    I am waiting for the next Mint Box.

    Somebody know when the new one will be releassed.

  4. @BS86, buddy I need your help. Looks like you’re having some experience with AMD+Linux, I’m having a tough time with AMD Radeon. It will be nice if you can help me with it. My email is: just contact me whenever you can. Thanks mate!

    And I like this new Mint Box, it’s simple and displays mint colors very nicely. I love it, would like to get one as soon as possible.

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