The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” KDE RC.

Linux Mint 17 Qiana KDE Edition
Linux Mint 17 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.
New features at a glance:
- Update Manager
- Driver Manager
- Login Screen
- Software Sources
- Welcome Screen
- KDE 4.13
- System Improvements
- Artwork Improvements
- Main Components
- LTS Strategy
For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 17 KDE“.
Important info:
There is some important info in the Release Notes:
- Issues with Skype
- DVD Playback with VLC
- EFI Support
- Solving freezes with some NVIDIA GeForce GPUs
- Booting with non-PAE CPUs
- Other issues
Make sure to read them to be aware of known issues and known solutions related to this release.
System requirements:
- x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
- 10 GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
- Graphics card capable of 1024×768
- DVD drive or USB port
Bug reports:
- Please report bugs below in the comment section of this blog.
- Please visit to follow the progress of the development team between the RC and the stable release.
Md5 sum:
- 32-bit: 320bf2c2a3d6377199789270121184ce
- 64-bit: ee0c5375d3657f656b7dca3b2c24dcf6
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- Singapore NUS – School of Computing – SigLabs
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- South Africa University of Free State
- South Africa Web Africa
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HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:
- Argentina Xfree
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- Australia uberglobal
- Australia Western Australian Internet Association
- Australia Yes Optus Mirror
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Bangladesh dhakaCom Limited
- Bangladesh IS Pros Limited
- Belarus ByFly
- Belgium Solutions
- Bulgaria Telepoint
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- China HUST
- China Qiming College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- China University of Science and Technology of China Linux User Group
- Czech Republic CZ.NIC
- Czech Republic Ignum, s.r.o.
- France
- France
- France Gwendal Le Bihan
- France IRCAM
- France Ordimatic
- Germany Artfiles
- Germany Copahost
- Germany FH Aachen
- Germany GWDG
- Germany Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Germany
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
- Greece National Technical University of Athens
- Greece University of Crete
- Greenland Tele Greenland
- Iceland Siminn hf
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- Israel Israel Internet Association
- Italy GARR
- Kazakhstan Neolabs
- Luxembourg root S.A.
- Netherlands NLUUG
- Netherlands Triple IT
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- Philippines PREGINET
- Poland ICM – University of Warsaw
- Portugal Universidade do Porto
- Romania ServerHost
- Russia Yandex Team
- Serbia University of Kragujevac
- Singapore NUS – School of Computing – SigLabs
- Slovakia Rainside
- South Africa University of Free State
- South Africa Web Africa
- South Korea NeowizGames corp
- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
- Sri Lanka Lanka Education and Research Network
- Sweden DF – Computer Society at Lund University
- Sweden Portlane
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Taiwan NCHC
- Taiwan Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- Taiwan Yuan Ze University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting
- United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service
- USA Department of CS at Utah State University
- USA James Madison University
- USA Linux Freedom
- USA MetroCast Cablevision
- USA Nexcess
- USA Secution, LLC.
- USA Team Cymru
- USA University of Maryland, College Park
- USA University of Oklahoma
- USA XMission Internet
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!
Finally a KDE version. Thank you so much for your efforts
any news on when to expect XFCE?
Edit by Clem: Hi, you can follow its progress on the QA at We’re getting very close.
Pls let me know is it possible to install KDE Edition on my 800×600 Graphics card system. i recently switched from win XP to Linux Mint Qiana Mate Edition
Edit by Clem: You can try in live mode and see if you’re happy with it. 800×600 is really small these days though, many apps won’t fit in the screen. Of course that isn’t specific to KDE and there as well you can use Alt+mouse to grab and move windows around to work around that.
I’ve installed the RC (64 bit), and there are some bugs.
The first ones I noticed was:
– Cairo dock doesn’t run in OpenGL mode.
– Chromium doesn’t register any plugins, i.e. flash
– VLC seems to be missing some (audio) codecs, it doesn’t play audio on some videos
It’s RC so bugs are to be expected…hopefully it’ll all be sorted out through updates 🙂
Edit by Clem: Chromium moved to pepper plugins. You need to use pepperflash instead. Can you give us more info about VLC, which codecs it’s missing etc..?
Thank you Linux, this version i feel its gonna be one of the best !!
No way to make work Afatec af9015 with kaffeine
Works flawlessly with Mint 13
Edit by Clem: Upgrade mintdrivers to 1.1.4 and run the Drivers Manager to install linux-firmware-nonfree.
yeey….finally….it came.. 🙂
@Sjur (#5) – For Chromium, it’s not a Linux Mint problem. As of Chrome/Chromium version 35, Google has removed NPAPI from their browsers which was the (ancient Netscape) API that is used by plugins such as Flash and the IcedTea plugin or Java plugin (and QuickTime I believe) to interface with the browser. That’s why you’re not seeing these plugins in Chromium.
Because Chromium does not have the PepperFlash plugin built in as Google Chrome does, it has to be installed manually via the repos. You can use Synaptic for example to install the pepperflashplugin-nonfree plugin which will give you Flash support in Chromium. Javascript support is built into the browser of course.
As far as VLC is concerned, the best thing you can do is load up a video that has no audio, run it and head to “Tools” in the menu bar and select “Codec information” from the drop-down menu. This should hopefully give you a read out of what codecs are supposed to be in use. Also, see if you can find out exactly which codecs are missing and report it back here since the place to post detailed bug reports for an RC is the comment thread of the RC announcement post itself. 🙂
Can’t help you with Cairo Dock.
Kirk M,
Thank you, I’m not going to do too much troubleshooting on the bugs as I’m sure most of them will be fixed by updates from the Mint team.
All I know is that I’m using Chromium 34.0.1847.116 and there was no issues with VLC, Cairo or Chromium out of the box with Mint 16 KDE so I’m pretty sure it’s an RC problem 🙂
Re-read Kirk M.’s message.
It says, “As of Chrome/Chromium version 35, Google has removed NPAPI from their browsers which was the (ancient Netscape) API that is used by plugins such as Flash and the IcedTea plugin or Java plugin (and QuickTime I believe) to interface with the browser. That’s why you’re not seeing these plugins in Chromium.”
You are using Chromium 34.0.1847.116 (version 34) which came before version 35. The changes were make in version 35 which explains why your version 34 has no issues.
Am downloading the 32bits version since the 64 one did not start in my virtual machine. I start the machine, I see the message that Mint will start in 10 seconds where I tab the Enter key. I then get the start menu where I type Enter again but nothing happens.
Hope the 32 bits version does start. I am sure the laptop I am using is 64 bits capable,since it is running mint 16-64:
uname -a
Linux_laptop 3.11.0-12-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 9 16:20:46 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Also VirtualBox is 64 bits.
Will let you know more when I know more. 🙂
Thanks Clem for the new release, one which I will use for many years, I hope.
EDIT: Ok, sorry, I can see there’s some plugin issues with Chromium 34 and up…but if there are plugins available that can make flash/java work then imo it should be pre-installed in the distro. After all, one of the reasons myself and many others started using Mint was because everything worked out-of-the-box. I know this is a Google problem, but I hope the Mint team can do something to polish over this foolishness from Google.
You guys are awesome. Thank you for all you do. I am a total noob that knows nothing about computers, other than the pains of MS, and am thrilled that your efforts have freed me (it was no harder to figure out how ti install and customize Linux mint 13 xfce than it was to solve one printer driver problem in Windows). I am looking forward to xfce for my old hardware. Thanks for making Linux accessible to regular people that are not computer savvy nerds.
Thank You Thank You Thank You! been anxiously awaiting KDE. U guys rock.
Well, the 32 bit version did start but I did not pass the live version since everything came to a hold. Seems I have to wait till the big-box comes available again. What a shame, I wanted to try it so much.
Craig, hehe, seems we’re both misunderstanding things.
I’m only using 34, on Mint 16 and 17. On Mint 16 Chromium works with all plugins, on Mint 17 it doesn’t.
I’m currently downloading the Cinnamon edition to test it in a live environment.
Does this KDE flavor have the same BT Problem under my LENOVO G700 laptop? Has anyone installed and sucessfully used BT on that unit? TY
Remote Desktop Access (RDP) has a forward does not work.
Still waiting for XFCE.
I love this LTS version. Will stick with it for a long time.
Prerelease necessary? Mate and Cinnamon works very well. So there was a need. Well, greetings and love.
Edit by Clem: I think it only happened once since 2006 that an RC went golden without a change. As much as we test the RC we can’t possibly replicate the amount of usage done by the users. The KDE edition benefits of course from the multiple fixes already brought to the MATE and Cinnamon edition, but you might still bring us feedback or we might have overlooked something. We’re not in a hurry to release something that could have been better. The RC process for the KDE and Xfce editions is usually less intensive, but it’s nonetheless important.
Good news… But what will be the official way to upgrade considering that mintBackup doesn’t work at all in Linux Mint 16 KDE? See (closed as won’t fix!!).
Edit by Clem: Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I need to check within the team. I think this was fixed for Qiana and so we should be able to backport the fix.
Hello, I tried to install LM17 KDE64 RC on my hdd and after reboot, could not get to the desktop…I could log on, but all I would get is text mode, and unfortunately I installed OVER mint 16 (use entire disk) and when I found that I couldn’t get the desktop to load, I decided to install LM17 Cinnamon 64 final, and still could not get the desktop to load, same symptom.
Also, I could not get a live session, going on either version of LM17 and had to use “compatibility mode”
I got Mint16 KDE64 back, and will now install LM17 side by side with LM16
My system is an AsRock H61M-VG3 socket 1155, Intel G2030 cpu with onboard graphics, and 2048 ddr3 mem. I believe that the graphics on this chip is Intel HD3000.
I will try again, and will try to submit a report, but I do not know to whom or how to report
This is great. Thanks so much! Only “problem” is that the Cinnamon edition works great for me – yet I am still tempted to re-install with this one when it gets to final release.
XFCE is the best version, please Mint X Colors Theme!!!
About time!!! =D Thanks lm devs!
Mange Takk. Thanks very much for the KDE version. I’ve used Mint KDE LTS as my primary distro for many years now, & have gotten many others using it as well.
Can any one inform me how to install with the .iso file. I don’t have DVD ROM to install. I wish to install in Windows XP. Here is my email:
There are many tools to help you create a USB install i.e. LinuxLive USB Creator:
tried the x64 KDE 17 RC i dl 2 days ago from heanet ftp, and each time i
wanted to install it in Vbox or VWare ,installer failed and live sesion froze.
Will try again on a real hardware and vm with this new version and report back.
Edit by Clem: Make sure you give it at least 2GB RAM and enough HDD space.
@Clem: thank you for checking about the problem with mintBackup.
I take the chance to bring to your attention that I filed other 8 bugs on Mint 16 KDE during the latest months, but I got no feedback to any of those.
Here’s the list:
One is certainly KDE specific (#1306912) and I also proposed a workaround/fix. I don’t know if it still applies to Mint 17 KDE.
Many of the other ones are Mint-specific (mintInstall or mintStick), maybe some of them already got fixed for Mint 17?
Thanks for your good work!
Works so fine in LiveCD mode.
I recommand using Yumi (your universal multiboot installer) from
Thanks Clem sir & Team.
Pls provide qt3 runtime library in software manager so that i can install my ZTE connection Manager for my mobile 3g dongle.
Pls let me know how to upgrade from Mate edition to KDE edition from software manager
gdebi crashed after install every time.
I don’t like Network Manager. So, I use wicd. If I uninstall Network Manager, that also removes cinnamon-screensaver and nemo.
So then I can’t lock the screen anymore and don’t have a file manager.
In 16 I don’t have this problem. So, I had to roll back.
Thank you for your work.
I tried to install this RC on both VMware Player and VirtualBox VMs (using default VM configurations, Mint 17 host) and the installer crashed on both with lots of Python traceback output.
Edit by Clem: Please provide the output.
Thanks to the Mint team!
I attempted to install the KDE rc today and received a UBI-PARTMAN code 141 failure during the installation. It occurs after pressing NEXT on the screen that checks for disk space and internet connectivity.
I tried this in default mode and in compatibility mode. I also attempted to install in each of these modes AFTER running update/upgrade/dist-upgrade. No dice. Any thoughts?
Edit by Clem: Hi, this indicates the installer is unable to detect your partition scheme. Can you provide the output of sudo fdisk -l?
I took the plunge into Linux by installing Mint17 RC onto a Toshiba XP laptop. The install went smoothly, and Mint seems completely happy on the LT. XP OTOH won’t boot any more. The XP splash screen shows for about 10 seconds and three progress bars, and the machine reboots. None of the stock options to troubleshoot work. I am not worried about losing anything, since I can easily back up to the original HD, but I would appreciate any hints on how to solve the problem. I’m new to Linux, but this type of problem isn’t new to me on Windows systems, but I’m clueless on what Linux tools to use to get well. If I’m in the wrong place to post this, please point me in that direction also. I don’t think I need heavy details, just a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Many Thanks, Doug
Edit by Clem: Hi Doug, the only thing I can think about is that XP might not be happy about the fact that its partition got resized. Other than the change of size, nothing is written on the disk anywhere for XP to see. If you see the splash, then the boot sequence is intact as well. You can try a checkdisk I guess, or an fsck on the Linux side (although it’s usually better not to interfere with Windows partitions and to let Windows handle them itself). Also don’t hesitate to ask on the Windows forums, it might sound silly but I (at least) am not experienced at all with Windows when it comes to troubleshooting it.
You guys and/or girls xxx rock!!!
I had my share of distro´s but the last one and a half year since win8 came out and it was ´only´ 25 bucks (twice that is, pc and lap)at the time. Last time i payed for win was like in 98, so good moment to get rid of my bad feelings about the use of non free software and never touched linux since yesterday that is. Because omxg, after the disaster of downgrade 8.1 ms decided that i need to use my ms accounts password on my computers instead of other one´s otherwise i was like offline, wtx??? Forget win8, feels more like frontdoor sub8 instead of ol scool backdoor sub7. Whats next, they gonna have some fun with opening and closing my rom players and flipping my screen!??
Only reason why i jumped from time to time to windows is because of games and the lack of power or support. Wears you out all those little time consuming pains in the ass. Like for instance, i sticked after mandrake/suse/red hat…but also arch for a short time just like ubuntu, to debian. Love Deb, but there is always something xxxing around, and im talking about test/sid because the kernel of stable is like reallllllyyyy old and imho only usable for office purposes or maybe some design stuff.
Anyhow, debs installers…till today, install and wifi…a no go (or you want to burn 10 dvd´s) and the problem i had yesterday…getting your surround sound to work or underscaling, pfff way to much work. And not only core deb but also mint deb. So i thought, there must be a reason why at distro watch mint (ubuntu, only dont get why deb version is a xxx with my rad5770 since both are deb based)is positioned at number one….it xxx works out of the box and cinnamon was new for me, awesome, and way faster then windows and even wow is easy to install with wine.
This is the first time i think, no, know, linux has grown mature enough an have a reel change, no its a mather of time and money machine ms is kicked from its throne. You people got all my respect, thanks a million, i spread the word!
Edit by Clem: Thanks. I removed the f-word here and there (for the kids out there) 🙂
I encounter a bug when I open firefox. When I press CTRL+A at the address bar, it does not select the address, rather it takes the cursor to the beginning of the first letter. This doesn’t happen when I use a text editor software like Libre Office. Maybe somehow the Emacs style key-bindings got enabled. But I did not do that on my own. Did anyone else have this issue?
i tried on my Dell Inspiron 14Z,and in several VM with different setup,and still i wasn’t able to install Mint 17 KDE.
Ubiquity Installer crashed every time..i am at lost.
However,live sesion was a bit slow,but i was able to do what i needed.
But when i tried to install,well….
I was waiting for this version for such a long time to upgrade from Mint 13 KDE….
ISO was checked with md5sum ,so i am sure that i’ve got the right stuff.
Anyone here had the installer crashing or freezing?
@Clem,could you spare a few minutes to see why installer crashes ?
Thanks in advance,i am sure that you will fix it.
Edit by Clem: It would be guesswork if you don’t point me to the cause of the crash… check /var/log/syslog, /var/log/installer etc.. tell us where it fails, whether it’s always reproducible or not etc etc.. Also, this is KDE, so be generous on the RAM and HDD, check that you’re not running out of space with df -h etc etc.
I ran er tried to run LM 17 KDE 64 on an old P4 machine and while it did load, the kWin kde crash handler came up and I did not have an internet connection to report the bug, so I wrote down the info on the dialog
Details:Executable:kWin PID:3462 aignal:segmentation fault (11) and it gave the time.
The system is a P4 506 @ 2.66ghz> 2x1024mb ddr400 on an MSI MS 7071 with VIA P4M800 chipset
The desktop loaded, but Kickoff never showed, no show DeskTop no filemanager..but the upper and lower cashews did work though
same problemem on kde and on cinnamon. It is to easy for a begginer to remove a applet. please lock the right click remove applet thing(unless in edit mode).
Drivers manager cannot enable/install linux-firmware-nonfree for devices which requires it to work. I think this is a bug.
Edit by Clem: Fixed in mintdrivers_1.1.4. Let us know if that update solves the issue for you.
Print screen key does not launch Ksnapshot in a default installation.
Installed in a VM (64-bit version) and discovered a couple of problems (not sure if any of these are Mint specific):
1) Tried to install ia32-libs, which went okay except gtk2-engines-oxygen:i386 ended up being a broken package – the error was that it couldn’t write /usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/gtkrc – something about it being different. I finally got it fixed by temporarily renamed gtkrc to gtkrc-bak and installed gtk2-engines-oxygen:i386 with no issues. The new gtkrc installed was identical to gtkrc-bak.
2) Had trouble installing muon (KDE’s package manager, which I like to have installed along side the Synaptic package manager as it has some nice features that Synaptic doesn’t have like getting info for uninstalled packages like dependencies where Synaptic gives nothing). But after it was selected for installation and I hit apply, it said it was broken. I thought it was related to problem above (it wasn’t). Tried to install from the command line, said that dependencies weren’t met – needed libmuonprivate2. Tried to install this but it needed software-properties-kde. Installed this and then libmuonprivate2 and then muon installed with no issues. I was under the impression that dependencies get installed automatically when needed (either from the package manager or from the command line) – but it doesn’t always work (like in this instance). Perhaps I’m doing something wrong.
3) Also tried to install muon from the Software Manager, but this program appeared to be broken. I typed muon in the search box. First problem was if you don’t type what you are searching for fast enough, the search field clears by itself. The program appeared unresponsive when clicking on a program to install, but I finally realized that after rapidly double-clicking the program to install once, and waiting a second or two, the install screen would come up.
Other then these little problems, it looks great so far.
Edit by Clem: Thanks, we’ll get 1) and 3) fixed. For 2) I’m afraid there’s little we can do. software-properties-gtk|kde is a tool we conflict with. If Muon depends on it, you can’t install it, or at the very least you’ll first need to remove mintsources and a couple of Mint meta packages.
I can’t install Mint KDE 17 (64-bit ) in VirtualBox ( Mint KDE 16 host ). Installer crushes every time.
Edit by Clem: Make sure you give it plenty of HDD and RAM, and please send us more info about the cause of the crash.
Found the xfce rc on the servers – I’m so impatient…
Just a minor typo in the installer slidershow: “können mir VLC abgespielt werden” should be “können mit VLC abgespielt werden”.
(German version, sorry forgot to mention.)
…in the German default login screen, the text “Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein” (please enter user name) still runs out of bottom of the grey box – only minor decoration problem, still readable.
Hello, and thanks for the release.
I’m having the following issue, however:
After installing and upgrading everything (this includes level 4 and 5 upgrades, and also backports) I used the driver manager (from System Settings) to install an nVidia driver.
My computer uses Optimus with a GeForce 635M GT card, and I noticed after the installation that the nvidia-prime package had also been installed.
After rebooting, whenever I try to log in the message “ksmserver could not be started. Check your installation” appears on the top left of the screen and then the log in screen appears again.
This is with Mint17 KDE RC 64bit.
Edit by Clem: Hi George, please check People reported the bug was fixed with an update but they don’t know which one. Let us know if you get more info on this.
I forgot to mention that the driver I installed was 331.
Removing the driver (simply “apt-get remove nvidia-331”) allows me to log in, but of course prime-switch isn’t working and I’m only using the Intel card.
I’m going to try desperately to keep this one short because I know I could go on forever, but anyway. . . .
As usual, for me anyway, KDE has the look of polish initially on the desktop. Really slick effects, and of course, Mint’s added touches manage to keep it nicely subdued, and not overdone as it can easily become. I love the default window theme chosen, I actually wish Cinnamon had something similar with a glassy sort of window border and background that matches the Dark-Glass 1.6 Cinnamon theme. Hint, hint.
Also, very responsive, quite a bit more than Cinnamon here and there. Desktop loads quick, and again, looks very refined on the surface.
Now for the other shoe thump. It absolutely kills me that fonts look terrible in so many places, application files especially. I have a large .xls file that looks horrendous. Yes, I know how to fix that, kind of, and I know KDE is great because you can make so many changes like this. But I find it hard to believe that fonts should not be presented in a refined fashion out of the box. We may like to change the fonts for another reason, but it should never be because they look horrible. If this is the first impression I get of any DE, then it has some work to do to bring me out of shock. With all of the polish, and hard work that Mint goes through with this, it seems so simple a thing that fonts are still a mess.
I also never cared for having to monkey around so much with getting sound configured, or trying to figure out how to get the partitions I want mounted at boot for accessibility by certain users. The Disks utility in Cinnamon has been a great companion for this. Easy, easy, easy, and best of all, it works. I tried the device utility found in System Settings, and while it appears to allow me to mount the desired partitions at log in, it doesn’t give write access over to other users if they’re not admins. Very frustrating, although I’m sure this is due to a lack of familiarity with how KDE manages these things.
A question(s) to Clem: What am I missing about fonts? Your team must see this, or is it officially just me? I doubt that, as there is a fix that does help a little, and I didn’t come up with it, so somebody else has had the same problem, and it’s been this way for some time. I feel like there must be something upstream that you have no way of dealing with. But please explain what might be happening here.
Overall, KDE is still really fun to mess around with every now and then, but I have yet to adopt it on any permanent basis, because of stated reasons. I also never understood why it’s supposedly more similar to Windows than most other DE’s. But that’s obviously my twisted thinking.
Good day, I am a first time Linux user. The installation went through without any problem. The system is running fast and stable and it brings everything you need. You are doing a great job. Thank you! Andreas Hintze
Installed the KDE RC on my Lenovo 302-44U Thinkpad.
Did a manual partitioning. All went fine except it hung after the disc ejected. Hit the power button to reboot with no further troubles. Did an apt-get dist-upgrade and so far all seems to work great.
I’ve noticed that this KDE version doesn’t seem quite as resource intensive as past editions have been. Dolphin opens much faster than it has in the past.
Thanks Clem and team for what appears to an awesome Mint KDE LTS release!
I found that the ksmserver problem exists only when a second monitor is connected. nvidia-prime in the last Ubuntu version had a problem with dual monitors, but I thought it was fixed for this one. I guess not. Back to bumblebee, then.
Another problem: pidgin fails to start, either with “segmentation fault” or “*** Error in `pidgin’: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x00007f4048c2e980 ***
Aborted” (the address can vary).
Once again, thanks for the hard work!
I installed Mint KDE RC a few days ago. The install went off without a hitch, however when it was finished, I could not boot into XP any more. I was a bit concerned when I saw that the Grub boot select screen showed that the version installed was a beta. It wasn’t that XP didn’t try to boot, but the HD was wacked to the point that it rebooted a few seconds after loading the splash screen.
The thing that finally fixed XP was to run chkdsk from a portable version of XP. Prior to that I couldn’t get access the drive and even an MBR fix didn’t help.
When the XP partition was again accessible, I found a folder called $WINDOWS.~bt on the partition. In a folder called panther there was a log file that contained errors. Presumably that was the source of the error that screwed up the XP partition.
Prior to installing Mint, the XP partition was defragmented and all the disk space where Mint was installed was free of any files. XP was working normally before I started the install.
I would like to try Mint again, but I don’t care to duplicate the misery, unless I can find some record of this problem being fixed, or some way to avoid it.
Superb distro! I have tested 2 days, no problem found.
Only I had to patch and compile Kaffeine to work with Wintv Nova Hd S2, but this must be done for MATE release too!. Continue your work!.
Viel Spaß mit dieser DISTRO, die hat es in sich.
Es una de las mejores y yo las pruebo (casi) todas.
For me: simply the best!
love mint kde but minetest keeps crashing !!
Beer4661 mint 17 will load just need to increase the amount of ram used ( i had the same problem ) good luck
I have just installed Linux Mint 17 Qiana KDE.
When I put it to sleep, or it goes to sleep, it freezes and won’t resume. I have to reboot or shut down.
Anyone else have this problem?
Thank you Clem and the LM Dev Team!
No problems found when installing to my ASUS K55vd nb. 🙂
Keep it up!!!
I use sleep on my HP Folio 1040 (LM 17 KDE 64bit) all the time, no problems here
Almost flawless on an Asus U31SD.
Only thing has been mentioned
@47 the software manager appears to clear too early, it seems to me to be auto complete too early. I often cant finish what I want to search on before it goes off and searches on a few letters.
This seemed to work a lot better in previous versions.
Edit by Clem: Fixed.
Hey – forgot to post here too!
If you use a computer at night – you may not know / realize that it displays the same set of colors (color temperature) in both daytime and nighttime – why does this matter?
There is a program called f.lux that will fix all this, I put this here to cut to the chase – explanation is below.
Your screen matches 6500k (I’ll post a chart explaining what the numbers mean) which is a cloudy sky – really, it’s not a joke.
It’s a bluish white that looks absolutely beaUtiful in the daytime – but at night generally it’s nice to have warmer and more relaxing light sources around, and that goes for your monitor as well.
Most Incandescent (Tungsten) light sources are 2700k, very warm yellow color – but by default your monitor is a glowing blue cloudy sky color temperature at night, and it’s *NOT* relaxing.
Download the Windows version of f.lux (or alternatively Redshift but it’s only command line based, I’ll explain it too) at:
f.lux research page:
That color temperature chart I was telling you about (takes 2 – 3 minutes to find a good one)
This one will do!
F.lux will gradually tone down your monitor at night, but you have to choose the slow 60 m transition speed which is NOT DEFAULT!!
f.lux has a cool mode that’s red and black called Darkroom mode, sadly it doesn’t work correctly in Wine so don’t use it as it will black out the screen.
Instructions for that are at the bottom.
Also set your location to somewhere at least near you so the sunset and even sunrise times are accurate.
Start out with 4200k Fluorescent as the night time color and stick with that for a few nights, then when you adjust tone it down to Halogen (3400k).
If you’d rather use redshift use THIS COMMAND so it’s not extremely overkill orange
redshift -t 6500:4700
I think that looks good and very very close to 2700k in f.lux.
Redshift darkroom mode
redshift -o 700 (or lower -o is a one time run.
Tnx Clem (n.8)
I noticed two more things (64-bit). First, it was using MDM instead of KDM (which wasn’t even installed). I discovered this when I was installing packages that I had installed with Mint 13. After switching it to KDM, it appeared to run much smoother (moving windows, resizing, minimizing, restoring, etc.).
And second, with the switch to KDM, its login screen is now used and I noticed that background image says Mint “15” instead of “17”, but as soon as hitting enter after typing the password, it immediately switched to the “17” background.
Edit by Clem: KDM is being abandoned upstream. Also there’s no reason for KDE to act any different under MDM than it does under KDM. If you noticed some performance delta I’d like to get some benchmark or tangible facts we can work on. Regarding the artwork, we’ll get that updated.
Hi, thanks for Your great work, I’m very long time opensuse user, but LTS strategy for Mint KDE is very tempting for me.
Some first issues, I’ve found:
1. When I click buttons (new features, import inform etc…) on welcome screen, one after another, it “tries” to open another firefox window, but (as I would like of course) opens in another tab, but the “attempt” stays on KDE panel (for like 20 seconds or more – kind of annoying) :
2. You unified Language Settings for other desktops (which is great !), why KDE is not included ?
From KDE settings we can only change language for actual account, no possibility of change it for system globally (or did I miss something ?).
3. Not a bug actually, just a suggestion, maybe replace kaffeine with something else (smplayer ?), kaffeine is abbandoned and latest version is more than 3 years old.
Of course, everybody can install whatever thay want after install, but isn’t it better to give to new users some more fresh and active software, especially if it’s multimedia.
And yes, I know, there’s VLC on default install, like I said, just a suggestion 🙂
Besides that, Mint 17 KDE looks awesome overall, thank You one more time, I hope you give KDE some love during the LTS cycle 🙂
Edit by Clem: Hi Ed. Regarding #2: MintLocale is not included by default as it partially duplicates the functionality of the KDE module you mentioned. Ideally, the DE should not engage in cross-DE/distro-specific activities, such as language settings. This was never there in Xfce/MATE and it was removed from Cinnamon. In the case of KDE, we’re not empowered to design the DE and the scope is limited in terms of adaptation and patching. We also found the KDE module to be quite competent (that wasn’t the case with the Cinnamon one) and since it does more than just locale (date format for instance) it wasn’t easily removable.
I forgot to paste the link to the screenshot for point 1
Thank you for the reply Clem
I tried Pepperflash which solved the flash problem…but then there is java, and I’m sure tons of other things like Quicktime, VLC etc
In short, I’ve moved over to Firefox 🙂
“No suitable decoder module:
VLC does not support the audio or video format “undf”. Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.”
The files are downloaded with Clipgrab, which incidentally can’t be installed with PPA anymore:
“The following packages have unmet dependencies:
clipgrab : Depends: ffmpeg (>= 4:0.8.6) but it is not installable
Depends: libavcodec-extra-53 (>= 4:0.8.6) but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.”
I’m guessing this is why the audio doesn’t work on those files.
I know Cairo dock may be out of scope, but still, I’d like to mention that I’ve installed it on several computers with different flavors LM 17 KDE, XFCE and Cinnamon.
OpenGL is not detected by Cairo on any of them.
What I’ve later found is that it only fails when starting the program from the start menu. If I start it with the command ‘cairo-dock -o’ it works fine.
So I edited the cairo-dock.desktop file under ~/.config/autostart/ to run the correct command, and now it works.
Something is wrong with mobile broadband connections in network management.
I use Huawei E327 dongle. When I start, it ask me to enter PIN code twice. PIN1 and PIN2.
In PIN2 request I may click cancel or ok or I may enter random number. It connects me to internet anyway and it works.
But when I click connection details (from desktop taskbar), then network manager is hanged, It shows me “connecting” and network speed is not available.
Details about connection (signal strenght, net type etc) are visible.
With wired internet connection (LAN) everything works fine.
Sorry about my poor english.
Thanks Taz, it worked, installation without problems.
i want emails on all new 64 bit KDE mint releases for example for 18 when it comes out why cant i have that? i cant be a mind reader??? please help
Finally a KDE version. Thank you to all
Very nice release. I have one audio channel not working in phonon. Using SB0570 [SB Audigy SE] soundcard. Worked fine under mint 15 kde… Anybody?
Спасибо, наконец то кеды долгоиграющие от Вас появились.
better startup sounds for Mint systems.
i like better the network manager from mint 15 but other than that it awesome as always cheers clem
Hi Clem, thanks for the reply (about nvidia-prime and ksmserver). However there’s no difference for me, it still has the same error if a second monitor is connected.
Since they say it’s been fixed in Ubuntu, could it be related to the display manager?
What is the procedure for reporting bugs/issues on actual released version of Linux Mint?
Is there a bug-reporting web-site somewhere that should be used?
If not – what should be done?
Edit by Clem: Hi Gordon, if it relates to Mint projects (mint tools, Cinnamon, MDM, etc..) the best thing is to report the issue on Otherwise I’d recommend Launchpad
Driver installer fails to install nVidia drivers.
It just sits there displaying ‘applying changes’ indefinitely. Only approx 10% of progress bar is filled at this stage.
At my own system, Nvidia installer took an unusually long time (>5min.) to complete installation, but finally installed them successfully.
software manager is no longer working
Edit by Clem: Run mintinstall from the terminal and paste any error you might see. Is it not starting? is it not installing apps? what’s not working exactly? and since when and after what changed?? 🙂
Just bought myself a new 1TB hard disk for the desktop in preparation for upgrading to Mint 17 KDE (we’re running the previous KDE LTS right now.) I’ll wait till you get the final release out, since this is my ‘prime mover’ machine.
I’m so excited about this KDE release. However I’m waiting for the final release.
And then I try install this OVER the old Linux Mint 16 Cinnamon (with KDE installed) version and see if it works. I hope. Even with backups I would need at least 1 week to set it all up and change it to the way I use it.
Sometimes I wished Linux Mint would be a rolling release.
KDE edition is showing as approved for release since 3 days… Please release it soon.
While i was waiting for kde rc i installed mint 17 cinnamon. Then mint kde came out and i switch, now i been testing mint kde since it came out and just a small thing i noticed. Being volume control from the keyboard which worked fine with cinnamon but kde it wont turn anything down or up. Second
mint 17 kde 64 bit can’t install.There is a bug on keyboard