- Update Packs are for LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) users only.
- If you are using a regular edition of Linux Mint, do not follow the instructions below and ignore this post.
Update Pack 8 was released as the “latest” update pack today.
How to upgrade
1. Perform a system backup (otherwise you won’t be able to go back)
When things go wrong and you have a backup, the only thing you lose is time.
Make a backup of your system. We recommend the following tool: http://redobackup.org/
2. Switch to the official repositories (otherwise things will break)
Point to the official repositories to make sure everything is up to date:
- Run “gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list” or “gksu pluma /etc/apt/sources.list” in a terminal to edit your APT sources.
- Replace the content of the file with the lines below and save the file:
deb http://packages.linuxmint.com/ debian main upstream import
deb http://debian.linuxmint.com/latest testing main contrib non-free
deb http://debian.linuxmint.com/latest/security testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://debian.linuxmint.com/latest/multimedia testing main non-free
3. Switch to an UP8 mirror (otherwise it will take forever)
As everyone downloads the UP, the official repositories will be extremely busy. You can safely point to a mirror as long as it is up to date with UP8.
Here is the current status of the LMDE mirrors:
- UP8 (safe):
To select a mirror:
- Run “gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list” or “gksu pluma /etc/apt/sources.list” in a terminal to edit your APT sources.
- Replace http://debian.linuxmint.com/latest/ with the mirror of your choice.
- Save the file.
- Run “apt update” in a terminal.
4. Check your APT sources
- In the Update Manager, click on the “Update Pack Info” button
- Make sure “Your system configuration” shows up as green and doesn’t show any warnings or errors.
- If you see a warning or an error, follow the instructions given and repeat the process until they’re gone.
5. Read about the Update Pack (otherwise you’ll be asking things we already answered)
In the “Update Pack Info” window of the Update Manager, make sure to read all the information related to Update Pack 8. Some of it might be irrelevant to you, but it will only take you a minute and it might save you hours.
6. Upgrade the packages
When you’re ready and you know all that there is to know, press the “Install Updates” button.
7. Join us
You can chat with other LMDE users or with the dev. team while the system is upgrading. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you encounter issues.
From the menu you can launch “Xchat”, or join #linuxmint-debian on irc.spotchat.org with any IRC client.
Will LMDE get new ISO images with Update Pack 8?
Hi, where is the change list to up8?
We made specific improvements to MintSources, MDM and live-installer (which will be featured in the upcoming ISOs) but the two big changes are an updated UP based on Debian Testing (more recent stack) as well as a backport of almost everything that made it to Linux Mint 16 Petra (latest Mint tools, system improvements, a more recent MATE 1.6, Cinnamon 2.0. these are detailed at http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_petra_cinnamon_whatsnew.php and http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_petra_mate_whatsnew.php).
Downloading it right now!
The upgrade went (almost) smooth for me. Except, now, locale gives me:
Before the upgrade, I had a mix of fr_FR.UTF8 and en_US.UTF8
And “Regional Settings” doesn’t change a thing.
Cool! I didn’t know this released today. I was just in the middle of trying to fix an issue and ran ‘sudo apt-get upgrade’ and surprise, surprise. Of course the Repos went down right in the middle of it, but I recovered nicely enough!
Edit by Clem: Hi Chris, we noticed it and you might have seen a blog post about it here. The downtime only lasted a few minutes and some Yahoo servers were down as well. We think it was a routing incident somewhere in the US.
Hi Clem,
I was waiting eagerly for this LMDE update. BTW, when we’re going to have the ISO? It’d be great to have a ChangeLog for this update pack.
Edit by Clem: We’ve been working on the ISOs for a little while already. I’m hoping we’ll hit QA this week.
Smooth upgrade to UP8 but some hal related error messages during bootexactly like described in this bug report:
Solution is to “sudo apt-get purge hal”
No problems afterwards so far.
Good job.
Hello LMDE team.
Updated without any issues. Fantastic job.
MintBox2 running even happier 🙂
After some updates this morning, and a subsequent reboot, my system wont fully go into Mate desktop.Everything was fine until the update this morning.
Please, help, help!
Edit by Clem: Hi, please be more precise in your description of the problem. Also, install mint-meta-debian-mate to make sure you’re not missing anything.
Clem – I am using Mint LMDE but still count myself a Newbie, and I am confused when you begin with
Update Pack 8 was released as the “latest” update pack today.”
And then you go on with “How to upgrade”
Does that mean that to Update we have to go through the Upgrade path?
Edit by Clem: Hi Mike, sorry for the confusion. Update/Upgrade mean the same thing here indeed.
Clem, congratulations for you great work.
One thing I miss in LMDE is a file system check on boot. Sometimes I have to run a livecd in order to run fsck and correct things, when it’s not possible to log in as root to do so.
I’ve been using LMDE Mate 64bit version for a couple of months, starting with the 201303 live disk version. The update to the previous kernel went very smooth, but the upgrade to up8 prevents the MATE (and even the console) to load. The system gets me past the new login screen, loads the desktop background image, but no menu or interface component allowing interaction with the system shows up. The computer does not respond to functional keys and keyboard shortcuts, although I can move the cursor by mouse. The cursor turns repeatedly into the busy wheel, but the condition does not change.
Upon upgrade I got notified about defects with the following 5 packages. apt-get install –reinstall from the recovery system worked, but did not solve the no interface problem:
The above happened when I upgraded my normal installation, but also when I started from a fresh install of the old live disk (201303).
The system is a Samsung R560, which worked like a song under LMDE so far.
I hope this can be resolved, otherwise I’m stuck with the 201303 version since the kernel update now points to up8 as well.
Let me know if you need further information.
Kind regards, Ann
Edit by Clem: Hi Ann, are mate-session, caja, mate-panel present in the process list after you log in? Also, can you check for errors in .xsession-errors and /var/log/syslog?
Please release an updated ISO including update pack 8.
Edit by Clem: Hi Mathias, we’re working on it 🙂
I noticed when I try to upgrade via the update manager, before I begin downloading me it says that the new packages are unauthenticated. Is this normal?
Edit by Clem: Hi Will, it’s something we’d like to fix so I can’t say it’s “normal” but it’s not a security issue. It’s a cosmetic one. We’re yet to find how to fix it and whether it’s a bug in mintupdate itself, in synaptic or a consequence of the snapshots we’re taking from Debian (which on their side are given a timeout).
Hi, can I simply do this?
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
By the way, what’s the difference between apt and apt-get? apt seems to be just a python script that uses apt-get.
Edit by Clem: You can do a simple update & dist-upgrade and it “should” work fine. The reason we recommend a few extra steps is to make sure you make a backup, to make sure you point to mirrors which we know are up to date, and to minimize the risks of you encountering issues. But technically, yes, you can upgrade straight from APT. “apt” is a convenience script in Linux Mint which calls apt-get, aptitude, apt-cache and a few other tools to perform various tasks. You can type “apt help” to get help on it. “apt help held” for instance will tell you what “held” does: “dpkg –get-selections | grep hold”.
I think kamennik was quoting my forum post verbatim:
I copied off my data, and I re-installed, applied updates, and am now installing hw specific drivers.
I don’t know what happened this morning, but you can check out my forum post if you want a few more details.
Edit by Clem: It looks like the update either didn’t apply cleanly (corrupted downloads I guess) or was interrupted and you weren’t fully up to date. At 18:30 London Time yesterday we noticed packages.linuxmint.com, debian.linuxmint.com and some Yahoo search servers (one could not get search results on http://www.yahoo.com for instance) were simultaneously down. It looks like there was a routing issue in some parts of the USA. Fortunately it didn’t last long. On your side that shouldn’t impact the update without telling you though, it would pop up a message saying it couldn’t download some packages.
i followed the instructions. when installing libpng12-dev and/or other packages mentioned in the update pack info, i get warning about package not being authenticated or untrusted version. since i’m on a sensitive machine, i cannot afford to install packages from untrusted sources or once that are not authenticated. any suggestions?
Edit by Clem: Debian would not be aware of the snapshot system we perform with LMDE. We also suspect cosmetic bugs in regards to authentication warnings in mintupdate and synaptic. I can confirm though that everything is as it’s intended to be. We’re looking into this bug and we might tighten the way these checks are performed (they’re very Debian-esque right now and we might need to adapt them a bit to how LMDE works) but there are no concerns about the packages or the repositories themselves.
I updated today to Update Pack 8 and everything is solid. I’ve also been using KXStudio Repositories with LMDE & am happy to report everything is playing nicely together after today’s updates.
I just wanted to Thank You for your work Clem. I’ve used lots of distro’s over the years and for me, LMDE is /Home 🙂
I’ve never had a good experience updating Ubuntu, which led me to Debian in the first place. LMDE is the perfect blend for someone like me who wants stability, loves MATE Desktop & also adds things like KXStudio which in the past was a nightmare on Ubuntu based distro’s.
LMDE makes me a happy penguin. Can’t thank you enough 😉
Can I jump from an UP6 directly to UP8. My last upgrade from 6 to 7 went wrong and I had to recover with a backup.
Thanks, all the best
Edit by Clem: Yes, make sure to read and follow both the UP7 and UP8 sections of the upgrade notes.
after update and restart the login screen does not appear, the screen was all green without any input fields. I think is would be better to install the new iso image.
Edit by Clem: Hi. I can help easily with that issue if you want to connect to the IRC. I’ll try my best to give you hints from here in the meantime. First, check to see if nicknames appear on the login screen. If so, click on them or press the UP or DOWN arrows of the keyboard to select a user. If no names appear, then it could be an issue with webkit, and in this case the solution is to use the GTK greeter. To do so, switch to console with CTRL-ALT-F1, and edit /etc/mdm/mdm.conf. In the [daemon] section, specify “Greeter=/usr/lib/mdm/mdmlogin”. Save the file, kill and restart MDM, or reboot the computer. You should then be greeted with a GTK login screen.
smooth update ….
nice to have the login manager patched (no need to put username and visual improvement)and it also fixed the mint upload tool (that was broken on my system since UP7).
Thank you very much to Clem and all the devlopment team for this amazing distribution !!!!!
Where are the updated ISO images?
When will the UP8 ISO images be available?
Edit by Clem: We’re hoping to hit QA this week.
Clem, what does it mean when some packages are not authenticated? Not authenticated by who and why?
Edit by Clem: We know it’s cosmetic, but we’re not 100% sure on how to fix it yet. Not authenticated by Debian in a way that works well in LMDE.. or properly authenticated but with a little bug in either synaptic or mintupdate 🙂
dbzix, did you read the UP notes before the upgrading?
Monsta, sure. And there’re no any words about not authenticated packages.
Answer to Clem: Hi Ann, are mate-session, caja, mate-panel present in the process list after you log in? Also, can you check for errors in .xsession-errors and /var/log/syslog?
Hi, Clem.
How do I access those when I don’t get an interface except in rescue mode? My command line and system interna skills are still in their infancy. I post the details message the updater returned below, maybe they provide a hint despite being localized German.
Trigger für libc-bin werden verarbeitet …
Trigger für initramfs-tools werden verarbeitet …
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64
cp: der Aufruf von stat für „/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pango/1.6.0/module-files.d/libpango1.0-0.modules“ ist nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
E: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/plymouth failed with return 1.
update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64 with 1.
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von initramfs-tools (–configure):
Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
Trigger für menu werden verarbeitet …
Trigger für libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:amd64 werden verarbeitet …
Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:
In my last attempt from a fresh install of the 201303 live disk, I checked synaptic afterwards, which returned the same list of defect packages (which weren’t defect before the update, I checked) and the following error line:
Synaptic: E: Internal Error, No file name for console-setup-linux:amd64
I hope this gives you an idea of what might be going on.
Kind regards, Ann
Edit by Clem: Hi, it looks like the upgrade didn’t complete properly. Try to upgrade plymouth first with “apt install plymouth”, check that the cached operations are fine with “apt install -f” and try to “apt dist-upgrade” to see if anything is left to upgrade. If you can’t get in the desktop, you can log in in console with CTRL-ALT-F1. Also don’t hesitate to connect to the IRC, people on #linuxmint-debian can help you troubleshoot/solve this situation.
@dbzix: there are some words about it, you need to scroll a little to UP7 notes.
@Ann Kniggendorf, you need to upgrade plymouth to work around the update-initramfs error. If you’re still having problems with that I recommend creating a thread in the forums with the full description of all your issues.
@Marco: yes you can jump from UP6 to UP8, but you ABSOLUTELY need to read the Update Pack notes before the upgrade to avoid some breakages.
@everyone seeing “NOT AUTHENTICATED” message: this is a cosmetic bug in apt tools. You should’ve read the Update Pack notes (see the section for UP7) before the upgrade, then you wouldn’t ask this question.
update workded as it seems<
now i have the loginbox as in mint petra
but login is somewhat slower plus it shows the original wallpaper then it changes to the chosen one previously.
hope that it all went fine though.
thank you very much for your effort.
yours sincerely
Thanks Clem & everybody that worked on it, I am very happy with LMDE and pack 8 so far seems to work great!
from log/on box when i enter my passwort it takes 30 seconds to load the desktop!!! i have a intel i5/3230m after the update the WLAN does not connect to the Signal anymore. it shows the available signals, but i cannot connect , f.e. to the EDUROAM here at the university, where i did finish the update. something must have gone wrong with the update.
yours sincerely
Update appears to have gone smoothly apart from mintsources. I always get the following error:
steve@juno:~/Desktop$ mintsources
glibtop: Non-standard uts for running kernel:
release 3.11-2-amd64=3.11.0 gives version code 199424
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSources/mintSources.py”, line 1217, in
File “/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSources/mintSources.py”, line 594, in __init__
self.mirrors = self.read_mirror_list(self.config[“mirrors”][“mirrors”])
File “/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSources/mintSources.py”, line 743, in read_mirror_list
mirrorsfile = open(path, “r”)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/usr/share/python-apt/templates/LinuxMint.mirrors’
Edit by Clem: Hi, you need to install mint-mirrors.
thanks for the update. It looks very nice.
However i have a couple of problems i haven’t solved yet.
First: everytime i start up i have a warning that no 3d graphic can be found
Second: vpn connection is not working anymore
Any idea?
Hi Clem
My netbook (Hanspree Hansnote SN10e1) has been running Mint very reliably for almost a year now and when it informed me there was an update I have previously just left it to get on with it which until now has worked easily and sucessfully. However I left it last night to take 7 hours for downloading the update and also left it this morning to instal it and it was running fine until I rebooted. I suspect that it somehow has changed the video settings because it boots as normal until the login script should appear then I just get a screen with slow moving horizontal lines and irregular moving vertical lines and there is a visible off button (top right which works). I am a newcommer to Mint and have little knowledge of the language until now I haven’t had the need. Please can you help. I can I think using the recovery section of grub 686Pae login to something but have no idea where to go to change or update the video settings manually. ( I have no backup!!!)
Thank you, I have a smoothly running system with UP8 now. The misunderstanding was indeed the upgrade of plymouth, because packetmanager reported the installed version as up-to-date. I forced the upgrade from the command line and afterwards the UP8 upgrade went smooth.
Thank you for your fast help. I tried a couple of distributions and LMDE is by far the best for both, having a functional system for everyday computer work and being able to learn the interna. Big thanks to you all!
🙂 Ann
Hi Clem,
My “Update Pack Info” shows,
‘Current Update Pack Available: 8
Latest Update Pack Used By This System: 6’
I don’t get it. I just upgraded the Update Pack to the latest following your blog post and everything just upgraded without any issue. But this is showing the latest update pack used is 6; how come?
Upgrading open-vm-tools which has bug “cannot build kernel module on 3.11” with kernel 3.11… Fantastic!
System upgrade stopped at this point, and the good thing was a system backup done by me before upgrading.
Clem, please take a look on that. Thanks!
@Muntasim-Ul-Haque: you’ve probably been hit by this bug – https://github.com/linuxmint/mintupdate-debian/issues/3
@dbzix: when did you discover this bug? Was it today or, for example, a week ago? It would be also nice to post a link to the bug report.
Monsta, I’ve got that with apt-listbugs during upgrade. Not sure where to find a link.
@Monsta Apparently so. I’ve upgraded to the latest Update Pack through command line. Now what should I do?
Another problem is, now I’ve got double packages e.g. two Startup Applications, two Bluetooth etc. What should be done for this?
Hi again
after the last update of mint-meta-debian-cinnamon and mint-meta-debian-core the 3d hardware graphic acceleration missing warning disappeared.
How does one check that a mirror has the UP8? I will upgrade using the mirror at my local university but I want to make sure they are up to date. What should I look for?
Thanks Clement for LMDE.
@Muntasim-Ul-Haque: nothing to do because that number is not used anywhere else. Read this thread – http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=198&t=151524 – for more info. Nothing’s critical here.
@dbzix: ah, okay then. I’ll search for it and see if I can find any workarounds.
My system is LMDE x64 with MATE desktop.
I did an upgrade for 2 times and both times I have got the same as in answers 9 and 12 here:
– absolutely new login screen with no prompt for user, but with prompt for password;
– after login there is no interface loaded; I see only background image but no windows, panels or something else;
– screen is periodically blinking (not too frequently, about 1 time for 10-15 seconds);
– cursor is forever in the “loading” state;
– I see a panel in the right-up corner with button for shutdown, but it’s definitely NOT the Mate’s panel; seems like a Gnome interface.
Also I can see mate-session, caja, and mate applets in processes (ps aux), but no application is loading.
In /var/log/syslog, BTW, I’ve found the next:
There are many errors with mention of libfreetype.so.
My .xsession-errors is:
but I don’t know what has written her at which time, so I can’t match upgrade-related errors.
If I can help you with something more, just tell, ‘cauze I constantly checking this thread.
Now I’m on backed up system with updates ready to install.
Used sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in the terminal. System rolled to update pack 8, but took about 2 hours, installing 1500 packages. Works fine, though. By the way, since my initial installation came from the 201303 ISO, I started with update pack 6, upgraded to UP7, then to UP8, so now there are three different versions of the Linux kernel installed on my computer. Is it safe to delete all but the latest one?
i have completed 1 upgrade to UP8.
the 2nd one has produced a ‘writing GRUB to boot device failed – continue ?’ notice. (this also occurred when i ran UP7 too – though i am not recalling what i did to resolve it then).
anyone got any tips?
Hi Clem, your tip was very good! Thank you very muck! Detlef
Yay! I’ve been waiting a long time for this (especially for the ISOs). It’s finally here (and ISOs are almost here). Too bad I’m going to be very busy for a while longer. I can’t wait to try it though. =)
@Roman: yes, you can do whatever you wish with these kernels if you’re sure the latest one works fine for you.
Hi Clem
After the update 8 Cinnamon does not work. I installed before mint-meta-debian-cinnamonand followed the instructions.
If starting DE Cinnamon says it’s crashed, asks to reboot Cinnamon but it is a continuous loop.
Mate is ok.
But I prefer Cinnamon 🙁
@dbzix: I found that bug report about open-vm-tools – http://bugs.debian.org/729540
It says the problem is fixed in version 2:9.4.0-1280544-1, which is in Debian Testing repos. Can you get it from there and test if dkms module compiles fine?
When I pressed installed I had the following warning? Is it normal?
Apply the following changes?
Tish is your last opportunity to look through the list of marked changes before they are applied.
You are about to install software that can’t be authenticated. Doing this could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your system.
Will UP8 upgrade the linux kernel used in LMDE?
If so, it will be a good bye for lmde from me because my amd legacy card…
Monsta, well today an official repo is very busy, so I’ll try tomorrow. I have a question here which is still under moderation. Please look at it. What do you think? Is it somehow related to hardware configuration?
Thank you, guys!
Thanks guys, everything seems going OK after the update to SP8. It was a huge SP and the system seems to work smoothly.
Thnx again!
Hi Clem,
While updating sources, error messages pop up. It shows “duplicate sources.list found…” in several lines. What can I do?
thxs RORI!
“Smooth upgrade to UP8 but some hal related error messages during bootexactly like described in this bug report:
Solution is to “sudo apt-get purge hal”
No problems afterwards so far.”
I was surprised to see the UP8 today, but it went not as smooth as UP6 and UP7. The result was, however, a lot better: no desktop configurations evaporated like in UP6, and up to now nothing broken like in UP7 (skype collaboration with pulseaudio: at least tweaked PA configuration survived). Even couple of broken games resurrected :o)
And it seems, HD videos from youtube run much better…
I got a small problem. When trying to upgrade the update manager tells me to repair broken packages. Taking a look into synaptics the repair packages button doesn’t do anything (an apt-get -f install does nothing as well).
Any idea what I need to fix?
Hello there, sorry to bother you. What i did was i saw updates on the mint update thingy, and immediately i used the terminal and did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. But i had not updated my sources list as mentioned here. INstead the below following were and are the repos i had in my /etc/apt/sources.list.
deb http://packages.linuxmint.com/ debian main upstream import
deb-src http://packages.linuxmint.com/ debian main upstream import #Added by software-properties
deb http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/linuxmint/debian/latest testing main contrib non-free
deb http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/linuxmint/debian/latest/security testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/linuxmint/debian/latest/multimedia testing main non-free
@Muntasim-Ul-Haque: you can read the UP notes to find the answer.
@dbzix: I don’t see that other question, it’s probably still under moderation. Why don’t you post it at the forums? They’re far more convenient for answering questions and solving the problems.
After upgrading to the 8th package the cinnamon not apply theme (icons, window decoration) if the system has more than one keyboard layout.
Monsta, if you can see that, then I won’t put that on the forum 🙂
My system is LMDE x64 with MATE desktop.
I did an upgrade for 2 times and both times I have got the same as in answers 9 and 12 here:
– absolutely new login screen with no prompt for user, but with prompt for password;
– after login there is no interface loaded; I see only background image but no windows, panels or something else;
– screen is periodically blinking (not too frequently, about 1 time for 10-15 seconds);
– cursor is forever in the “loading” state;
– I see a panel in the right-up corner with button for shutdown, but it’s definitely NOT the Mate’s panel; seems like a Gnome interface.
Also I can see mate-session, caja, and mate applets in processes (ps aux), but no application is loading.
In /var/log/syslog, BTW, I’ve found the next:
There are many errors with mention of libfreetype.so.
My .xsession-errors is:
but I don’t know what has written her at which time, so I can’t match upgrade-related errors.
If I can help you with something more, just tell, ‘cauze I constantly checking this thread.
Now I’m on backed up system with updates ready to install.
very nice update pack – congratulations to the team! loyal user since update pack 5, never had to re-install…
Some issues:
1. I’m missing the “keyboard” entry in Preferences. Can’t find it anywhere.
I can change layout in system settings, but shortcuts can’t be defined in that panel (regional settings). Don’t know how to do that from the console (btw which file would I have to edit?).
As my configuration got overwritten during update (or myself?) there are some default shortcuts that conflict with my emacs settings… (Alt-Space for example – a hint on how to specifically disable that shortcut would also resolve my problem).
“keyboard-configuration” package is installed
2. Is there a way to disable login sound?
OK – got an answer to the keybindings issue:
dconf-editor -> org -> cinnamon -> muffin -> keybindings
org -> cinnamon -> sound (login-enabled)
Older Toshiba A75 laptop.
Nothing past logon screen, blank, for multiple desktops, mate lxde gnome …., cl okay.
Read helpful posts, installed plymouth (missing), purged hal, and installed mdm (missing) and all fixed.
I’ve never been totally happy with GDM3. I’ve had problems on other systems with it.
why gstreamer failed to download when i upgrade to Up8? how to solve this problem.
Need help.
when i wont to update to UP8 show this: first need to fix a corrupt packets.
What i wanted to knowk is if i have caused any irreparable harm by doing the above?
I accidentally removed my kernel on update… I tried restore it by chroot, even recompiling a new kernel in it but no luck.. My remaster just couldn’t install properly so, I reinstall last distro and re-upgrade it.
Fortunately I kept a backup from my home dir so I just lost some more time reinstalling my apps.
The system now seems stable and fast.
Looking forward for the updated iso.
I’m using LMDE 64bit MATE as my primary system for professional purposes (programming-development of web apps).
thank you Monsta! 🙂
Update from UP7 to UP8 via update manager appeared to go well. After reboot get login display. However, attempt to login leads to a blank background (same color as login screen) but then nothing. Same with MATE, Cinnamon, Gnome. Sometimes the blank screen will go back to the login screen. Checked sources.list, redid apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and it reports everything up to date. Verified all the mint-meta-debian packages are installed. Any help? Thanks.
Seems my login problem is problem with gdm3. Installed mdm and mint-mdm-themes. Now login works. Tried going back to gdm3, still broken. So will be using mdm.
Want to thank one more time the guys who help (and especially Monsta) and the LMDE team who worked hard for all of us on this great distribution!
Thank you very much!
Great work – thanks a lot!
I had to do follow fixes on my different computers:
-> udevd-error at bootup (as mentioned above): sudo apt-get purge hal
-> if wlan not working (no idea why…): nm-applet (run and than add to autostart)
-> remove gnome: sudo apt-get purge gnome-session-common gnome-utils-common gnome-colors-common gnome-control-center nautilus gnome-screensaver gnome-sushi gnome-session-fallback gnome-session-bin gnome-session-flashback gnome-session-fallback gnome-the$
-> then fix cinnamon-login (desktop manager): sudo apt-get install mint-meta-debian-cinnamon mdm mint-mdm-themes
-> to get rid of cpufreqselector passwordpromts: sudo nano /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.gnome.cpufreqselector.policy (change auth_admin_keep to yes)
-> and than disable sound effects with cinnamon-settings
After that I cleaned my systems with deborphan (may be dangerous):
for i in `deborphan –guess-all`; do sudo apt-get –purge remove -y $i; done
Now everything is working even better than before.
Best regards from Bavaria 🙂
Great work – thanks a lot!
Here the fixes I had to do on my computers:
-> udevd-error on boot: sudo apt-get purge hal
-> to fix wireless I had to run: nm-applet (and than add it to autostart)
-> remove gnome: sudo apt-get purge gnome-session-common gnome-utils-common gnome-colors-common gnome-control-center nautilus gnome-screensaver gnome-sushi gnome-session-fallback gnome-session-bin gnome-session-flashback gnome-session-fallback gnome-the$
-> than fix login by installing the desktop manager: sudo apt-get install mint-meta-debian-cinnamon mdm mint-mdm-themes
-> to get ride of cpufreqselector password promts:
sudo nano /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.gnome.cpufreqselector.policy (auth_admin_keep –> yes)
-> at last I disabled the sound effects in cinnamon-settings
No solution so far for ffmpegthumbnailer won’t thumbnail all video files…
Best Regards from Bavaria 🙂
i hope i’ll actually be able to install next lmde. the current one behave differently with every attempt that i’ve made to install it and it keeps freezing at diffrent parts of installation routine.
LMDE update without any problems. I’m fine. Thanks. 🙂
Hi everyone,
FYI, we’ll be rolling additional updates tomorrow, to fix the following issues:
– MDM login screen not showing usernames when /etc/mdm/mdm.conf contains “DefaultFace=” (workaround: startx from console and switch to a GDM theme with mdmsetup)
– cinnamon-settings-daemon crashing when more than one keyboard layout is defined (workaround, only keep one keyboard layout for the time being).
– nm-applet missing at launch in cinnamon-session (workaround, run nm-applet manually).
Hello there, sorry to bother you. In the update manager i saw updates and UP8. What i immediately did was i used the terminal and did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. But i had not updated my sources list as mentioned on this page here. INstead the below following were and are the repos i had in my /etc/apt/sources.list.
deb http://packages.linuxmint.com/ debian main upstream import
deb-src http://packages.linuxmint.com/ debian main upstream import #Added by software-properties
deb http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/linuxmint/debian/latest testing main contrib non-free
deb http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/linuxmint/debian/latest/security testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/linuxmint/debian/latest/multimedia testing main non-free
What i wanted to know is if i have caused any irreparable harm by doing the above mentioned?
P.S. Sorry for reposting
Edit by Clem: For a few hours packages.linuxmint.com was updated to UP8 whereas RTS wasn’t. Right now they’re both up to date though, so if you’ve no more updates coming up, I’d assume everything is fine.
Updated from UP7 to UP8 without problems in the process, but after this:
1) GNOME shell crashes all the time FileChooserDialog popup
2) apt update gives following result:
apt update
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock – open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/
After update on Virtul Box are have deleted partition table of vdi image. It is very stupid error.
This solution is not possible http://veino.com/blog/?p=1019 becouse list of partitions is empty.
Have You any idea?
Are you install this update in Virtual Box LMDE vdi disk? When I install it,my vdi image is destructed. Is it only my problem?
1) GNOME shell crashes all the time FileChooserDialog popup – not only that, many apps are crashing shell as they start: gedit, dconf-editor and more:
~/.cache/gdm/session.log says:
mutter:ERROR:ui/ui.c:634:meta_ui_get_default_window_icon: assertion failed: (default_icon)
So, it’s just missing icon in Mint-X icon theme?.. Temporary fixed by switching to Gnome (default) icon theme…….
2) 2) apt update gives following result:
apt update
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock – open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/
Fixed by removing lock:
sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vfr
Now exploring new UP8 to more bugs…
@Roman Y.: you can run dmesg to see the exact message about segfault (if it was segfault, of course). Also something might be found in ~/.xsession-errors file. If you find something interesting I suggest posting it at the forums instead of here.
I had to reinstall LMDE as I didn’t disable the Nvidia driver. I then updated to UP8 with no problems using the nouveau driver.
I removed the obsolete packages in Synaptic (there were 272 I think). Since then I get this problem:
andy@lmde ~ $ mintsources
glibtop: Non-standard uts for running kernel:
release 3.11-2-486=3.11.0 gives version code 199424
(synaptic:4333): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_set_data: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)’ failed
(synaptic:4333): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
(synaptic:4333): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)’ failed
Then when I click “Update the sources”:
W: GPG error: http://www.mirrorservice.org testing InRelease: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907
I’ve tried with several mirrors.
lmde Kernel: 3.11-2-486 i686 (32 bit), MATE 1.6.1
Single core AMD Athlon 64 3500+
NVIDIA C51PV [GeForce 6150]
Thank you for a nice and very important update. After two years of work, Cinnamon goes its own way and can look forward with pride.
After fiddling to know which were these mysterious “broken packages” Mintupdate told me to remove, I was advised by Synaptic to remove first before upgrading the three folowing packages: gir1.2-mutter-3.0 gnome-session gnome-shell
?? I did it and it did no harm.
As far as UP8 is concerned, everything important is OK.
Some system messages (like the one for starting Synaptic) and the weather applet are still in English while I set “French” for all my language preferences. Small thing.
Same here, after upgrading to UP8 it looks like no themes, icons or decorations were applied. I checked the Appearance settings and Icons and Windows borders are set to Mint-X. Even after change to another option than Mint-X
After upgrading to UP8 (Cinnamon edition) no icons, themes or decorations were applied. I checked the Appearance menu and here Icons and Window borders are both set to Mint-X. Even after changing the Mint-X value to another one – nothing happens. Is there anyone who already solved this issue ?
I’m back with a major problem after update: caja halts on user mode, I can only run it in root mode (sudo caja).
I think it has something to do with locales as i receive the error msg:
Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback ‘C’ locale.
I tried to fix this by running
dpkg-reconfigure locales
export LANG=’en_US’
etc, but it doensn’t seems to fix.
my locale remains:
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
any suggestions?
there are some nice suggestions inside, some of them may help
Thank you for your reply Clem.
There are updates/upgrades being shown in the update manager as well as synaptic right now. However I did a sudo apt-get update and subsequent sudo apt-get upgrade and still there seems to be no more updates/upgrades in the terminal while updates are being shown in the update manager as well as synaptic. And when i checked my libreoffice for confirmation, the installed version is while the latest is 4.1 something in synaptic.
My question is if i can’t install updates/upgrade using sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade what do i do? Can i use sudo apt-get install or is it more dangerous under the above mentioned circumstances?
1. All things considered my LMDE seems to be working fine, updates or partial updates, no problems so far. And I would like to thank you for that 🙂
2. I am very sorry to be such a bother; I am not actually as Linux savvy as I should be.
3. Should i be posting the above in the forums instead?
@koll: never use sudo apt-get upgrade, always use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in LMDE
Today update of firefox 26 to 27. But still the same problem of “freez” and “Segment fault”. 🙁
@The_Raven: thanks for the info, this means I’ll be using my FF 25 for a little longer 🙂
I had problems with Locale too, I use English language in Sweden so I need the correct paper size etc. After UP8 the locale had changed to ‘C’, seemingly US English defaults. The settings in Control Center/Regional Settings/Formats tab are borked, nothing is selectable and I can’t do a thing. The other tabs seem correct.
Running “dpkg-reconfigure locales” worked for me, after reboot things look better. My system appears to work correctly now, strange that the Formats tab is borked. (I use ‘en_DK.UTF-8’ if anyone wondered, Sweden and Denmark have the same formatting in all aspects, our currencies are even named the same.)
Take a look in the Debian Wiki about Locale to see if you can’t get some more help. 🙂
i have used the up8 package, but get consistently the error
http://packages.linuxmint.com debian/upstream i386 Packages [7,509 B]
E: Release file for http://debian.linuxmint.com/latest/dists/testing/InRelease is expired (invalid since 53d 7h 19min 2s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
given that nobody else gets this error – what do i wrong?
i have applied the “solution” from
but this is against the idea of safe repositories and keys?
thanks for the help!
I fixed the missing video thumbnails by changing the settings of Nemo:
Open file manager and go to: Edit -> Preferences -> Preview
There change to smaller than 4 GB – thats it 🙂
Two days ago I have deleted my LMDE – the system sometimes was gone down. Hope, that this update pack will bring more stability to LMDE.
And now I am waiting for iso – don’t want to update it, to prevent appearing of errors.
(Ignore my bad English).
Thanks for Clem and for all team, who make this distributive! It is good, at all )
@Monsta: Yes FF 25 works very stable, but 26 and 27 not 🙁 After the UP8 iso’s are out i test it on another computer to be sure it’s not a system problem.
Hi, What does the following mean? I don’t see any green color in “Your system configuration”. Thanks!
Make sure “Your system configuration” shows up as green and doesn’t show any warnings or errors.
1) GNOME shell crashes all the time FileChooserDialog popup – not only that, many apps are crashing shell as they start: gedit, dconf-editor and more:
Reinstalled mint-x-icons and mint-elementary icons by apt install –reinstall. Now dialogs, gedit, dconf-editor, etc – all working!..
Note: if you want to restore Nautilus “delete to trash” behavior with simple Delete key (not Ctrl+Delete as it 3.6 and 3.8 version), follow this instruction (many thanks to it’s author Kagu): https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=154684
I just updated my computer to Update Pack 8, and am mostly happy with it. I’m using the cinnamon version and did “apt install mint-meta-debian-cinnamon” before running the update, as the Update Pack info suggested. I got some errors at the end of the update, but as far as I can see they relate to vlc (and probably some codecs that vlc can’t use). Everything I tried works fine.
The only thing that bugs me (a bit) is that I have a black screen background and no way of changing that. At the end of the update I had a black screen with the window(s) of the update manager (update still running) and the taskbar. I opened nemo, looked at my desktop (in nemo) and suddenly everything on my desktop was visible again.
But since then I have a black desktop background.
Right-clicking the desktop and trying to change the background image did nothing, as did choosing a different color for the background (in the same window, under advanced).
Anybody got a hint?
Update to UP8 went smooth with no errors, thanks for that!
– GDM3 workes out of the box.
– purge hal removed the error messages (cosmetic fix)
BUT: energy management ignores its settings since this update. When I close the laptop lid, nothing happens, but it should suspend (energy save) as I declared in energy management. I also declared suspend on power-button, but it shuts down instead.
the mate-control-center is installed correctly, like before, but it simply ignores these settings now.
Ah yes, and I can find no place to configure gdm … where can I choose different themes?
thanks so far!
For the security-paranoid:
Rudimentary instructions for manually verifying the “Not Authenticated” packages are at https://wiki.debian.org/SecureApt
Has someone of you out there problems with UP8 + google-talk-plugin + FF26/FF27/Chrome? I cannot start a video chat anymore!
On a 201303 LMDE updated to UP7 I installed UP8 and the default XChat settings changed. Before the update there was only one channel in the favorites: #linuxmint-debian
After the update, #linuxmint-debian was removed and XChat logged in into #linuxmint-chat and #linuxmint-help, as the Ubuntu-based edition would do.
@acrophoenix: you should see a green icon with letter “i” inside and a message that says “Your system is pointing to the Linux Mint Debian Latest repository”. If there is something else, it’s not safe to upgrade and you need to fix the issue first.
I am wondering what the problem is with my post from yesterday, as it is still ‘awaiting moderation’ after 24 hours?
It is a genuine problem with LMDE following installation of UP8. I assume something which was listed as ‘obsolete’ is actually needed by mintsources.
Following update, I have no desktop background and can’t set one. The images are there in the library, but they don’t “take.” There are also some error messages on booting.
Since updating LMDE (Mate) to UP8, I have been unable to reset my monitor screen resolution using the control panel or via the preferences in the menu. I want to decrease it from 1600×1200 to 1024×768. I’ve tried setting it, hit “apply” and get a blank screen for about 30 sec before it returns to the 1600×1200 resolution. Also tried making 1024×768 the default setting and that doesn’t work either. Help, pleae.
Did a FDE install of 201303 LMDE MATE X64 and then upgraded to UP8. Install went smoothly and download/upgrade of 1500+ packages went surprisingly fast. Only a couple of minor issues so far. Luks unlock box is positioned right over the LM logo but that does not hamper unlocking the encrypted volume. Also there is about a minute delay when shutting down. I have not investigated that yet though but I suspect it probably has to do with an NFS4 share I have. And then there’s the usual /etc/fonts/conf.d/53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf situation where 2 fonts are listed and one needs to be eliminated. Other than that, so far so good.
I have a switch that allows me to choose up to four hard drives.
I back up with clonezilla directly from one drive to another.
Then I update. Every thing went fine . . .as usual. Only thing is I have to update HPLIP print driver every time . . no big deal. I love these rolling releases . . .hate to have to reinstall everything, I am surprised that PClinuxOS is the only other release out there for for people with modest computer skills like me. I’ve tried them both and prefer Mint LMDE. Clem . . live long and prosper.
The bug of closing the lid (as described above) only affects MATE, not Cinnamon, I found out! Also, most settings of the Energy Management work instantly (like dim background on battery). The only two functions not working are what he shall do on lid close and on power button press. Lid Close does nothing, no matter what you choose. Power Button always shuts down no matter what you choose.
Maybe a hint for finding the bug: when you choose “ask me what to do on power button”, he asks me what to do AND still shuts down 🙂 Maybe there are two drivers installed that react to the same event!?
In System Settings>Regional Settings>Formats I could not select a region because there are no regions to select.
In the Languages tab I have eight languages, but nothing happens when clicking “get more languages”.
Clicking the +-signs shows an empty square.
Hi Clem and all Mint devs just a shout out of THANKS! for LMDE it is a great OS, and UP8 ran without a hitch on all 3 of my computers. Keep up the good work. 🙂
@Monsta: Thank you, I do see the information “Your system is pointing to the Linux Mint Debian Latest repository”, but it is not a green icon, it is yellowish, and there is no letter “i” inside. Last time when I upgrade from UP6 to UP7, it is also like this, and I upgraded with no problem. So I suppose it is fine?
@Monsta: Ahhh… I see, it is because of the icon theme I am using. So it is green only if you are using the Mint theme. I think you should change the wording in the instructions, so that it is not confusing for people using a different icon theme.
Two bugs that I have found:
– Gdebi package manager: it’s not able to (apparently) finish the installation of packages.
– I have noticed (with Banshee at least) that when I start this software the volume becomes suddenly 100%.
For the latter I’ve found a workaround in the solydxk forum, editing /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.
workaround for #101 google-talk-plugin and firefox:
remove libudev0.
This breaks Google Chrome. But you should be able to fix it by unistall/reinstall it again.
When will the ISO be available???
I’ve had issues with the update (if a bug in UP7 still applies in UP8 it should be listed under UP8 as well). After screwing everything up trying to fix things, I ended up reinstalling from the ISO (UP6) and doing a dist-upgrade to get to UP8. When booting UP8 for the first time, I was met with a blank screen. Adjusting grub’s options to use “i1915.modeset=1 driver intel” and “nosplash” let me boot into a graphical environment. Then I used the Device Driver Manager to switch to nvidia drivers and that fixed the blank screen issue.
I’m currently having a locale issue similar to Ced and maurOS. Worse, all the locale settings are set to my password in plaintext! Are there any fixes for this yet? This is a HUGE security breach on my machine. “dpkg-reconfigure locales” didn’t work.
Also, is “exit” still supposed to close a terminal because it doesn’t…
There shouldn’t be a problem with doing a fresh installation and fully replacing the home directory with a backup I made, correct?
Looking forward for the updated ISO. Thanks for your work.
Since I applied the LMDE (Mate) Update Pack 8, I cannot reset my screen resolution. It stays at 1600×1220. I prefer it at 1024×768. When I set it using either the control panel or preferences and apply, I get a 30 sec blank screen and then a return to the same settings (I’ve tried making it Default, but that doesn’t change the resolution. Help, please.
tlcmd (aka Dick)
Hi All !!
thanks for this new Upadate Pack, I was looking forward having sticky windows on cinnamon.
After update I can’t suspend my Workstation, it says that I don’t have permission to do that action. Could I do something to fix it?
My starting point was to have installed LMDE 201303 a month ago, then UP7 and now UP8.
LMDE 8 iso: when?
the new version of Evince is really faster and nicer than the previous! excellent!
Upgrade went fine. Thank you Mint Team and our giant Debian brothers on whose shoulders we’ve been standing. Mint Team, you are adding a lot of easiness, beauty, friendliness and functionality to Debian! Warm regards from Greece.
Thanks for the update. It went smoothly. All questions were answered in the @linuxmint-debian chat channel promptly and kindly. Appreciate the hard work by all.
So happy for the update. Thanks.
I also am really enjoying the new spin. Congrats on another new edition of LMDE. I upgraded using the installer and only had to fix broken packages in synaptic once during the process. However, I am now unable to use the third-party program, “acroread” which I use to view Vitrium-locked pdf’s for school. I have uninstalled and re-installed this several times with the same output. Here is an example of me both installing and “attempting” to use the program:
kevin@kevin-lmde-xps8500 ~ $ sudo apt-get install acroread
[sudo] password for kevin:
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
acroread-data acroread-debian-files:i386 acroread-dictionary-en
Suggested packages:
acroread-plugins:i386 mozilla-acroread:i386 acroread-l10n:i386
Recommended packages:
acroread-dictionary-en:i386 acroread-dictionary:i386
The following NEW packages will be installed:
acroread:i386 acroread-data acroread-debian-files:i386
acroread-dictionary-en acroread-l10n-en
0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/27.5 MB of archives.
After this operation, 86.8 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Selecting previously unselected package acroread-l10n-en.
(Reading database … 207906 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking acroread-l10n-en (from …/acroread-l10n-en_9.5.5-dmo1_all.deb) …
Selecting previously unselected package acroread-debian-files.
Unpacking acroread-debian-files (from …/acroread-debian-files_9.5.8_i386.deb) …
Selecting previously unselected package acroread-data.
Unpacking acroread-data (from …/acroread-data_9.5.5-dmo1_all.deb) …
Selecting previously unselected package acroread.
Unpacking acroread (from …/acroread_9.5.5-dmo1_i386.deb) …
Selecting previously unselected package acroread-dictionary-en.
Unpacking acroread-dictionary-en (from …/acroread-dictionary-en_9.5.5-dmo1_all.deb) …
Processing triggers for menu …
Processing triggers for mime-support …
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils …
Processing triggers for gnome-menus …
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme …
Setting up acroread-l10n-en (9.5.5-dmo1) …
Setting up acroread-data (9.5.5-dmo1) …
Setting up acroread-dictionary-en (9.5.5-dmo1) …
Setting up acroread (9.5.5-dmo1) …
Setting up acroread-debian-files (9.5.8) …
Processing triggers for menu …
kevin@kevin-lmde-xps8500 ~ $ acroread
ERROR: ld.so: object ‘libesets_pac.so’ from /etc/ld.so.preload cannot be preloaded: ignored.
/usr/lib/Adobe/Reader9/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kevin@kevin-lmde-xps8500 ~ $
Now, admittedly, I am rocking a 64-bit system and the package is 32-bit & I am a novice linux user of only a few years…but here is what I know: before UP8 in worked and now nothing using the “libGL.so.1” library works. I know this because I tried a different pdf viewer to get around using acroread….but I got the same error output because it needed the same defunct library.
Any help anyone can give me will be appreciated. But please, in advance, do not tell me to just use Evince….I need a pdf reader that will unlock Vitrium-locked pdf’s via contacting my school server w/ my log-in info…..until my upgrade to UP8 this was possible using the SLOW but usable acroread. Please help.
Flawless upgrade from 7 to 8 on my Toshiba Satellite. Thanks Clem and your team for doing such a great job. If only the general public would wake up and see what you have to offer here. I promote and distribute Linux Mint as much as a I can.
I noticed that this update will remove texlive. Did cinnamon break something with tex distributions that they will no longer work?
Can’t wait for the ISO, want test it! 🙂
When I confirm the upgrade (I am currently in MATE UP7), I get this warning that some mate related packages will have to be uninstalled and some other cinnamon related packages will be installed. I want to remain in the mate environment. Do I have to go through this and then try to reinstall the MATE environment, or is there another approach. I did not see anybody else with a similar problem. Thanks
Update went fine – I really like the new login site, only ‘libre office’ is now a little unstable – sometimes it crashes caja and the panels are invisible but not gone(klickable).But I need more time to check this.
But I get in xsession-errors:
(caja:4217): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_action_get_name: assertion `GTK_IS_ACTION (action)’ failed
(caja:4217): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_ui_manager_add_ui: assertion `name != NULL || type == GTK_UI_MANAGER_SEPARATOR’ failed
Thanks @alesso for #109 I had the same issue with the sound – now my ears are very happy. ㋡
Clem & your team thank you so much for your Linuxmint that I enjoy since Bea/Bianca ジ
i recently downloaded LMDE iso using torrent link. but it seems it is not up to date. it is showing me about 808 MB updates!!!
please update the iso file.
Mintupdate did not manage to start the upgrade process for me.
Manually issue sudo apt-get dist-upgrade seems to work at least so far though.
When clicking install packages in Mintupdate it just restarts, updates the list and that it it.
The last install iso was 201303. When is the next one due to be relsed?
I need to completely re-install LMDE and if an update iso is due to be released soon, will wait.
tlcmd (aka Dick)
I was using Mint XFCE but i wanted to go with a debian version.
I really wanted XFCE
so I downloaded linuxmint-201204-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
Upgraded without problem.
I adore LDME 🙂
Thank´s for UP8, went without any problems here. Does it take long until the LMDE iso files updated with UP8?
I’m so happy with UP8! All my hardware is finally supported, and it’s noticeably faster than the Ubuntu base.
Not to sound like a broken record, but can we get an ETA on that ISO?
Hi, I update my system successfully and now (after update) I have a small problem.
If my screen i locked from screensaver, sometimes (but not always) cursor does not appear in password field (even if you click on it) and is impossible to unlock my system. the only way is to kill X server Ctrl-Alt + F12 and start it again.
I have LMDE Mate Edition
I had not this problem before the update.
An other problem is with SMB mounts with gvfs most of times they freeze during the transfer, but i had this problem and before update.
all others Works perfect for me.
I have been meaning to try LMDE but all I have is an old Mint LMDE iso from 12/12/13. Will the update pack 8 work with that or should I download LMDE again?
Hi i just noticed that if i open system settings and then account details webcam turns on automatically for few seconds. Is this right or is a bug?
Thanks for the upgrade!
when will be ISO UP8?
Found 1 minor bug. The GTK spinner widget (https://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/spinner.html#spinner-objects) doesn’t spin in the Mint-X-theme, while it does spin in every other built-in theme.
Thank you so much!
Any update on when to expect the new ISOs.
I am not getting the top most layer of my windows where the close, minimize and maximize button are suppose to be. My desktop background has gone black plz help.
@ Andrea: yeah, that has been happening since UP6 at least on my pc.
Oh and dear devs, please don’t forget we’re still waiting for the new ISO 🙂
@Jürgen Kazmirzak: thanks, reported this issue on github.
I do now a completely new installation the 4. time because update didn’t everytime not work 100%. Only 0-90%.
My main problems seem to be with the display driver for nvidia.
After installed update pack 8 last time and more or less working I wanted to change in drivers menue to the origin nvidia driver. It told me that was everything ok and I should restart computer now.
That was it again. “Can not start xserver”.
Also no cinnamon was missed every time and I had to install it afterwards manually.
Klaus, did you check if you must use legacy driver version 304xx for Nvidia ? If your GPU isn’t so new, you MUST use it, or won’t work at all with “current” version.
@Klaus: if you used DDM for installing NVidia drivers then it’s no wonder this happened. DDM was buggy and horribly outdated, and it’s been decided to remove it from the repo. Now it’s no more.
As for the missing Cinnamon, we found a nasty bug in the installer today – see the top note at http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_debian.php
Thanks a lot, LMDE team! My MATE edition updated smoothly without any problems.
But there is a very small bug. When I logout, the login screen is without any theme and is a little ugly although I have chosen a specific login theme.
@kevin: on acroread issue – run: apt install –reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx
I updated to the latest version UP.
It runs really smooth.
Really anxious for the new ISO, because i intend to install mint Debian on all my systems and those of friends and family.
Untill now there always was some flaw in the debian branch, but the last 2 updates have been really awesome and stable.
My parents still run mint 14, my neighnour mint 15 and my girlfriend mint 16. With the new ISO i’ll upgrade them all to mint debian LMDE.
That way i just have to update the systems instead of reinstalling everything over and over again.
But Clem, thx lots and lots for all your efforts.
Linux Mint is the system i love.
And i tried lots of them.
Mint has it all !
@Monsta Thank you Monsta, I took your advice and sudo apt-get dist upgrade d my system and so far so good
cheers (y)
First time ever, went sithout a hitch. Even the Nvidia drivers where ok. good work.
Edit by Clem: As soon as they’re ready 🙂 Look, the only reason we hold them back is because there are bugs we want to fix, so the more you wait the more stable they get. We don’t set dates in the calendar and release no matter what. They’ll come out as soon as we’re happy with them.
@ Monsta – Thank you for the suggestion. I did reinstall that package however I still get the same error after re-install:
kevin@kevin-lmde-xps8500 ~ $ apt reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx
The following packages will be REINSTALLED:
libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-glx:i386
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/266 kB of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used.
(Reading database … 208390 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 9.2.2-1 (using …/libgl1-mesa-glx_9.2.2-1_amd64.deb) …
Unpacking replacement libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 …
Preparing to replace libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 9.2.2-1 (using …/libgl1-mesa-glx_9.2.2-1_i386.deb) …
Unpacking replacement libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 …
Processing triggers for glx-alternative-mesa …
Processing triggers for libc-bin …
Setting up libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 (9.2.2-1) …
Setting up libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 (9.2.2-1) …
Processing triggers for libc-bin …
kevin@kevin-lmde-xps8500 ~ $ acroread
ERROR: ld.so: object ‘libesets_pac.so’ from /etc/ld.so.preload cannot be preloaded: ignored.
/usr/lib/Adobe/Reader9/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I then tried to just install the package “libGL.so.1” and I got this:
kevin@kevin-lmde-xps8500 ~ $ sudo apt-get install libGL.so.1
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package libGL.so.1
E: Couldn’t find any package by regex ‘libGL.so.1’
E: Couldn’t find any package by regex ‘libGL.so.1’
So I am at a loss. Has there been anyone who has installed acroread on LMDE UP8? Do I need to just backup my system, wipe it, and re-install LMDE when the ISO drops? Again, respectfully, thank you and anyone willing to advise and help me.
@kevin: I can’t reproduce it, acroread runs fine one my system, it finds all the libs… I suggest posting this issue at the forums. These comments are not convenient for discussion and they’ll be closed next Tuesday anyway.
I read the “Update Pack Info”, and removed afterwards the “Gnome packages no longer required by Cinnamon”.
When removing ‘gnome-session-bin’ synaptic also wanted to remove mint-meta-debian-cinnamon and nemo-share, so I did it.
Then afterwards I tried to re-install mint-meta-debian-cinnamon and nemo-share, but synaptic said there were failed dependencies.
Then I installed them via ‘aptitude’, and it installed again ‘gnome-session-bin’.
So you better update the “Update Pack Info” not to remove ‘gnome-session-bin’:
‘mint-meta-debian-cinnamon’ depends on ‘nemo-share’ which depends on ‘gnome-session-bin’.
I did the UP8 pack this morning. Besides the HAL warnings, my panel is gone, replaced by a completely empty panel. I can’t add anything to it either. I’ve left with no mint menu, no notifications, and no way to start applications other than a shortcut to the run-dialog.
Anyone know what I can do about the panel. I’ve tried adding to the existing panel and “new panel”, both of which does nothing.
forgot to mention, I’m using MATE
installed mint-meta-debian-mate and the panel came back after reboot.
Another issue I’ve noticed. On my Thinkpad (X60), the thinkpad Suspend doesn’t work anymore. It just screen-locks. Suspend from the menu works.
Hibernation stopped working for me as well. I can’t resume successfully from it.
It’s not a new kernel issue either. If I startup&hibernate from the 3.10 kernel that I used in UP8, it doesn’t work on UP8. So whatever change there was to break it, happened directly with a package in UP8
I noticed that after UP8, apt-get wants to autoremove a bunch of mate stuff. My primary and only desktop is mate.
mate-backgrounds mate-calc mate-control-center mate-keyring mate-media
mate-media-common mate-media-gstreamer mate-power-manager
mate-power-manager-common mate-screensaver mate-screensaver-common
mate-session-manager mate-settings-daemon mate-settings-daemon-common
mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer mate-system-monitor mate-themes mate-utils
mate-utils-common mint-debian-mirrors mint-meta-debian-core mint-mirrors
I fear that if I let it “auto remove”, I’ll be left with a system that won’t be useable.
Clem, congratulations for you great work.
Thank you very much for this great edition. I’m running it without problems since a year; the last update went smooth
Thank you for the hard work Clem. Th update was very smooth and welcome 🙂
But after the update, ptp devices don’t automount anymore. gphoto2 is there, gvfs-backends is there, mtp automount correctly but no luck for ptp. Does anyone else have the issue?
I notice that my systems are running quieter, cooler and feel my zippy with UP8. I should have taken some benchmarks of UP7 vs UP8. Seeing the difference on multiple systems.
great updates, im using linux mint since 6 months and are great, thanks for the great work with the system
i need UP8 ISO. wheen? Thanks
Flawless upgrade. Excellent work by Clem and team in preparing update pack 8 after intense testing to make sure nothing breaks. Just a small bug related to hal which had to be removed to go away.
Great. As always, waiting a couple of weeks saves me from headaches. Minor: remove hal (again), and set up pm (again) to make suspend_hybrid and hibernate_after_suspend working (’til someone make this default on pm-utils). See instruction http://superuser.com/questions/298672/linuxhow-to-hibernate-after-a-period-of-sleep/667833#667833