The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint Xfce.
Linux Mint Xfce (201104)
Introduction to Linux Mint Xfce
Linux Mint Xfce is rolling on top of a Debian Testing package base and uses the same repositories as LMDE.
This offers the following advantages to Linux Mint Xfce:
- A huge performance boost
- A continuous flow of updates which allows users to keep their system up to date without waiting for new releases
- A more mainstream desktop and software selection
- An easier maintenance for the team which makes it easier to release in both 32-bit and 64-bit with every LMDE release
Performance boost
One of the most significant improvements is the performance boost given to this edition.
Here are a few figures comparing the memory consumption in the 32-bit live sessions of Linux Mint Xfce and Linux Mint 9 Xfce:
- Mint Xfce: 114 MB RAM (Mint 9 Xfce: 153 MB RAM)
- Mint Xfce + Writer + Calc + Firefox: 177 MB RAM (Mint 9 Xfce + Writer + Calc + Firefox: 212 MB RAM)
- Mint Xfce + Writer + Calc + Firefox + Thunderbird + VLC + Rhythmbox: 220 MB RAM (Mint 9 Xfce + Writer + Calc + Firefox + Thunderbird + Gnome MPlayer + Exaile: 256 MB RAM)
A more mainstream edition
This performance boost allowed us to give Xfce a more mainstream software selection, replacing Exaile with Rhythmox, adding VLC and giving Xfce almost the same software selection as Gnome.
With KDE 4 and Gnome 3 bringing drastic changes to their environments, and with the emergence of Fluxbox and LXDE on the lightweight scene, Xfce represents a nice alternative for PC desktop users who are looking for a light yet full-featured desktop solution. Its relevance is becoming more significant and this is another reason for us to support it in both 32-bit and 64-bit and to give it a mainstream software selection.
We also added mintMenu to this edition as an alternative menu. Be aware that it uses an additional 30MB RAM. You can add it easily by right-clicking on the panel and selecting “Add new Items”->”XfApplet”->”mintMenu”.
mintMenu in Linux Mint Xfce
Easier to maintain
We’ve been struggling with releasing editions in time. Too often, we’ve seen Linux Mint release its main edition and the Xfce desktop edition, among others, lagging behind and being released far too late in the release cycle. The switch to a rolling package base simplify things tremendously, both for the project and for the users.
Users do not rely on new releases to keep their system up to date, they can do so themselves with a continuous flow of updates.
Bringing the edition to a new release doesn’t involve re-basing it as it did before. It’s now a simple matter of updating the ISO and releasing a snapshot. Similar to LMDE (which will eventually be renamed “Linux Mint Gnome”), this edition will support both 32-bit and 64-bit within a loose release cycle. All Debian-based editions will be released at the same time either to keep up with new features coming in the frozen editions (i.e. Mint 11, Mint 12..), to feature LMDE specific improvements or simply as a snapshot update to their live ISO images.
The importance of feedback in our decision process
We’ve learnt a lot in the past few months and it enabled us to make difficult yet important decisions for this edition. Xfce was the 5th most popular Mint desktop behind the Main edition, “LMDE”, KDE and LXDE. Among its users, a vast majority of people were in favour of a switch to a Debian package base (twice as many as the number of people who were opposed to it). We also noticed only 1% of the users used optic drives that couldn’t read DVD discs. This was relevant as Debian’s language support takes more space than Ubuntu’s and our plan to mainstream this edition meant adding more applications to it.
This is also the first Debian-based release to feature a release candidate.
1. Which editions are based on Ubuntu and which editions are based on Debian?
Frozen releases are based on Ubuntu. They carry a version number. For instance, Linux Mint 10 is based on Ubuntu 10.10. The next frozen release will be Linux Mint 11, based on Ubuntu 11.04.
Rolling editions do not carry version numbers. They follow the Debian Testing branch. Because of their rolling nature, they’re receiving continuous updates and their version number never changes (technically it’s always “1″ though we do not mention it since it’s not relevant). Note the absence of version number in “Linux Mint Xfce” for instance, indicating its rolling nature.
An important thing to notice is the fact that rolling editions are in constant evolution but that a particular ISO image is a snapshot of this edition at a particular time. So, though rolling editions do not get outdated, ISO images do. For this reason we use a timestamp for our ISO images, such as “Linux Mint Xfce (201104)”.
2. Is Linux Mint switching to Debian?
No. Linux Mint is Linux Mint, it’s not based on anything per se. It provides different editions which include different upstream components. In regards to package bases and repositories, what’s happening today is that the Xfce edition of Linux Mint is switching two important things:
- It’s switching its package base from a frozen Ubuntu pool to the rolling Debian Testing branch.
- It’s switching its lightweight software selection to a more mainstream one.
3. Are other editions going to switch to Debian?
Fluxbox will switch to Debian but remain minimalist in its default selection.
No decisions were made about LXDE and KDE yet, though switching them to Debian Testing would bring significant advantages to both the project and the users.
4. What about the main edition?
The main edition is and always was our flagship product. It implements the vision we have for Linux Mint and represents our most polished desktop. We do provide other editions and alternative desktops to please particular groups of people within our user base, but our main edition is where our biggest focus remains.
Unless major obstacles or changes meant either Ubuntu or Gnome 3 weren’t compatible with our vision of a perfect desktop anymore, this will not change. We’ll release two major desktops this year: Linux Mint 11 in May and Linux Mint 12 in November, and these two releases are by far the most important events for us at Linux Mint.
Switching editions to Debian Testing simplifies a lot of things and brings considerable advantages to everyone involved, but it doesn’t change our main focus and our commitment to our main edition, which is still featuring Gnome on top of an Ubuntu package base.
5. These switches to Debian seem to take the focus away from the development of the main edition
We’re holding back on two major projects, and sadly they’re likely to be postponed to Linux Mint 12. The main reasons for this aren’t associated with LMDE though. Drastic changes are occurring upstream, whether it’s with Ubuntu pushing for the adoption of its Software Center, switching to Unity and planning to switch away from Xorg, or Gnome moving ahead with Gnome 3, Shell and GTK3… we’re expecting that a lot of things will break and we’re not quite sure how big will the challenges ahead of us be. With this in mind, we’re not in a state of mind where we want to innovate and develop additional features, but in a position where we want to make sure everything works as well as before.
In the long run, switching our alternative desktops to a rolling base also simplifies their maintenance. To users, this means faster updates and synchronised releases. To us, this means more focus on the main edition.
Important links
- Download mirrors: [32-bit] [64-bit]
- Known problems
- Changelog
Download links:
Md5 sum:
- 32-bit: 36c09ee17ad42deea1406191bb95a919
- 64-bit: f076ae4b080bb3a41fc163c6d3c3dc3e
HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit ISO:
- South Africa Internet Solutions
- Japan JAIST
- Taiwan Yuan-Ze University
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Belarus ByFly
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic Silicon Hill
- Denmark
- France
- Germany Copahost
- Germany GWDG
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Ireland HEAnet
- Latvia University of Latvia
- Lithuania Atviras kodas Lietuvai
- Netherlands Tuxis Internet Engineering
- Poland Polish Telecom
- Portugal CeSIUM – Universidade do Minho
- Sweden DF – Computer Society at Lund University
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Turkey Linux Kullanicilari Dernegi
- United Kingdom Netrino
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- USA Linux Freedom
- USA Linux Mirrors
- USA Secution, LLC.
- USA Yellow Fiber Networks
- Australia ‘Yes’ Optus Mirror
- Australia AARNet
- Australia Western Australian Internet Association
- Indonesia idREPO
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit ISO:
- South Africa Internet Solutions
- Japan JAIST
- Taiwan Yuan-Ze University
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Belarus ByFly
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic Silicon Hill
- Denmark
- France
- Germany Copahost
- Germany GWDG
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Ireland HEAnet
- Latvia University of Latvia
- Lithuania Atviras kodas Lietuvai
- Netherlands Tuxis Internet Engineering
- Poland Polish Telecom
- Portugal CeSIUM – Universidade do Minho
- Sweden DF – Computer Society at Lund University
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Turkey Linux Kullanicilari Dernegi
- United Kingdom Netrino
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- USA Linux Freedom
- USA Linux Mirrors
- USA Secution, LLC.
- USA Yellow Fiber Networks
- Australia ‘Yes’ Optus Mirror
- Australia AARNet
- Australia Western Australian Internet Association
- Indonesia idREPO
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
Mint Xfce isn’t “trying” to be lightweight anymore. It’s snappier and uses less resources, while becoming more mainstream and offering more popular applications. We hope you’ll enjoy this new release. Thank you for using Linux Mint.
I hope the installer problems are fixed!
Congrats to the entire Linux Mint Xfce dev team!
Awesome!!! Tested and play around a bit on the netbook, i prefer it above the LMDE Gnome. It’s that what i’ve been looking for, a fast, snappier and great looking rolling release distro.
Could be possible that it will also be installed on my other machine soon.
Many thanks and congrats to Clem and the Mint team on this release.
You mean “per se” not “per say”. It’s Latin, amigo.
I’m testing both this version and LMDE in virtualbox. In comparison, the xfce desktop looks a bit blurry. Mostly the fonts. Any reason for this difference?
Always nice to have options. Gnome fan here, using LMDE for now but if I ever pick up a netbook…
I like it very much,two days ago I installed the RC.My only question is why dont you integrate 4.6 and not 4.8?
@Pete I’m not sure why, but I think I read a comment about the same issue on the Release Candidate version of this same LM XFCE that said that the switch away from Ubuntu as the base is the prime reason. I guess the fonts and software for Ubuntu is a bit better in some areas than it is in the Debian. But that is a guess only.
I’m planning on trying this out in the coming few days. I was using LM XFCE version 9 and thought it was good overall. However, I was tempted by the supposed snappy responses and lite resource use of Linux Mint 10 LXDE edition. It’s good, but honestly, the resources it uses are almost similar to that of LM XFCE 9, IMO. I feel that LXDE is a bit overhyped by its fanbois.
At start-up that version of LXDE is using 138 MB of RAM on my old computer setup. I figured it could be down to 100 MB even after eliminating unnecessary apps at startup but no, that is not the case it seems. Another major annoyance of LXDE, it seems, is not being able to alter the small things like how font colors look in certain apps like VLC without getting overly technical. I remember LM XFCE 9 being smart enough and vast enough to do these things easily enough. And of course the biggest pain in LXDE is being forced to have PCMan file manager program being so important to the process and also forcing the user to have desktop icons. So I’ll try out this version of LM XFCE and hope it does surprisingly well.
Don’t get me wrong, LXDE is quite good, but it needs to be polished in a few major rough areas. I just find after my testing that XFCE is superior overall than LXDE.
Good work, but it would be awesome if you’d include a KDE rolling release.
Great, i’m still hoping that KDE will go on debian rolling release too….but let’s just enjoy xfce for now! Anyway…one of the most important things, in my opinion, to gain more users is the implementation of Jockey for Debian. A lot of people still prefer Ubuntu (or Ubuntu-based like Mint 10) because of its ease of nvidia/ati vga configuration thanks to Jockey (sometimes also small things count!).
Wise move.
I am using Aptosid Xfce and I am very happy with it. I will stick to it unless something very bad happens.
However, I will also give Mint Xfce a try in a virtual machine. If it is as good as LMDE, it will be the distro I will recommend to the less experienced users with not so powerful computers.
Been waiting for this!
Great work of the Mint team.
Thank you again for a rock solid distro.
thank you mint team have now made the switch to linux !!
Actually it is “PER SI” (“by himself” or “by itself” ) no “SE” wich is in use in latin laguages and has no translation in English (it is a grammatic token)
Note that SI, wich pronounces as “see” in English would naturally be misread in an English environment being pronounced “say”.
So, both are right and wrong, but more wrong than right.
Not very good example: Linux Mint XFCE edition values PER SI, by the efficiency of it’s parts and how they put together in interaction… Not by any comments (good or bad) someone may place, though desirable.
I think it would be a great Idea to keep the Main Edition as it is and to switch all other editions to Debian since it would be quite easier to maintain because of their rolling release nature.
Then you could concentrate on both more. Since the tools for the Debian Editions would be the same (MintUpdate / MintInstall).
Good work guys!
I would love to use this out on my netbook, but on the RC, I could not get my touchpad to work. I’ve seen instructions for this, but it does not seem to work. (the same problem with debian xfce, fedora, and others I have tried). LXDE works great however.
I know that this is off topic,
Sorry Dulac, but actually is “Per se”. No doubt about this. Since the latin alphabet is what we are using. In Latin “SE” was SE, no doubt here. On top of that I am sure that Clem knows exactly how to write it (it had to be a typo), he is a 30 years old French so is likely that he had Latin as subject at school. Felix tempus praeteritum!!
Have you tried to enable anti-alaising setting Hinting on slight and Sub-pixel order to RGB? You can do so in Appearance. Worked for me.
Installing to btrfs / does not work (separate ext4 /boot partition). On booting, it says “read-only filesystem” repeatedly and then hangs.
With exactly the same partition scheme but formatting both / and /boot as ext4 it works well.
I just installed in under vmware.
Looks nice enough but I was kinda hoping for XFCE 4.8.
Guess this is not yet available upstream.
I upgraded a Mint 9 to the 10 RC and the Grub2 removed my Freedos partition and the rescue mode turned it to a Grub2 command shell. Intel i8 Sound also quit working. I will try the final version tonight.
Trying AMD64 version:
Installation hangs on “Copying usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/” for 20 minutes now. i assume it will not go any further…
same on second try
To upgrade from RC do I just install the recommended updates?
Congratulations and many thanks, guys!
I’ve been trying the RC in a virtual machine, and am awfully tempted to move to it as my main day to day OS.
Giving me 2 choices (Mint 10 and Mint Xfce) that look so awesome is definitely a complement to the whole Mint team
Hi,would it be possible to fit xfce on a CD,a DVD for xfce makes no sense.Probably it would be better if you take redundant programs.
Hopefully the Fluxbox edition will be on a CD and not a DVD.
Incorrect. In Latin, “si” is a conjunction that means “if”. “Se” is the accusative form of the reflexive pronoun.
Which version of the Linux core is included in the 64 bit version of Mint Xfce?
I can’t install Linux Mint Debian xfce from USB flash drive.
Installer still hangs when formatting JFS partition. Hopefully bug #738296 will be corrected soon…
Minor problems:
1.- Both the totem-mozilla and gecko-mediaplayer plugins are installed. In certain sites with asx files pointing to wmv streams both plugins are activated at the same time. I have tried uninstalling either one and I have come to the conclusion that the totem plugin works better. The xine plugin also works fine but shows the disadvantage that you can not jump to a given time position of the stream.
2. Unnecessary locales are not removed after installation. I installed localepurge which got rid of over 400 MB.
These and the btrfs issue are the only problems I have identified this far.
The java plugin, the w64 codecs, the flash plugin, all are working out of the box. Excellent distro for newbies.
Great News!! Thanks Clem and Mint Team.
When will be available a DVD version of LMDE with different Desktop Enviroments like Gnome, KDE, LXDE, XFCE, etc where the User can choose the DE during install?
Thanks again and keep the good work!
What Xfce is it by default? 4.8?
P.S. Yeah – thanks!
Running Mint XFCE 201104 Live on my HP Vectra VL420 desktop PC. Excellent work! The few gripes I had about 201104 RC (kept my mouth shut though, it was a RC after all) have been taken care of. It looks as if the system is more RAM and CPU efficient now also. I’ve never considered a dual boot with WinXP before, after trying 50+ Linux distros. Linux Mint XFCE changed my mind about that. I’ll definitely also try to make this the OS for my Sony Vaio PCG-R505EL laptop (which has the dreaded Intel Almador 82830 chipset).
Could somebody let me know which one is “lighter”: Mint XFCE or Mint LXDE? I have a low-resources netbook. Thanks
@18. Imhoteps: As you can see in Debian packages repository (, Xfce is still 4.6 in testing branch…
I’m really glad you moved the Xfce to Debian base, but honestly I’m not quite sure you made the right selection of software. Xfce is not meant to be some kind of classic gnome implementation/alternative, but (taken from their own website) a lightweight desktop environment that aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly.
Considering that, I don’t see there’s a valid reason to choose Rythmbox over Exaile, Vlc over Parole, etc. I think most of Mint’s Xfce Edition users would rather have the default Xfce apps installed, instead of this be-a-gnome-alternative selection, and at the same time most of Gnome users would rather stick to the main or Debian edition, as it’ll take a while till Gnome3 reaches testing.
I know that this are times of changes and maybe you took this decision to smooth up the transition.
Just my 2 cents.
Cheers and congrats! =)
@ Maruel
Thanks, man!
I don’t understand the default software selection. but that’s generally an area Linux Mint kind of sucks in — FOUR video players, are you kidding me?
What’s worse replacing default packages is a pain. Also, I think you’re making a mistake replacing lighter software in Xfce with the Gnome counterparts; I understand where that’s coming from with many changes in upstream and many people looking at Xfce as an alternative, but it’s still a mistake imo. There’s still GNOME (2) Debian Edition for the foreseeable future, and even the main edition can use the regular gnome2/gnome-panel without many issues, for at least half a year or a year, so why butcher Xfce and jump on the “It’s the next Gnome2” bandwagon so early?
Also, Gwibber 1.2??? Why is such an outdated piece of software even included by default? I haven’t checked, but I’m fairly certain it doesn’t even work with Twitter’s new OAuth system, hence, it’s unusable. I understand Debian Testing has generally pretty outdated packages, but including this one by default is just unprofessional.
On the plus side:
-I like Xfce, but haven’t used it in a while, so it was great seeing it again.
-It really is fast, I’m impressed.
-And of couse, the general Debian praise, pretty stable.
I think, this is the moment where Mint should make very strong decisions. This is the moment, where I foresee Mint to have the opportunity to become the leading distro, based on Debian. Distrowatch’s page-ranking shows the gap closing to Ubuntu, who will have a dramatic ( I foresee again ) fall shortly, based on wrong decisions. The future can be beautiful, but think twice. Innovation is one, but people also demand a stable, secure distro that they can recognise as their distro. So, stick to what they are happy with.
I was surprised with this edition of Mint, I was not happy with KDE. Base yourself on Debian, forget Ubuntu and become the nr. one.
Regards, Hassle Mc Auliffe
Regarding software selection, my proposal would be having a light edition with one light application per task and a full edition conceived as a Gnome/KDE replacement. In any case, for me Xfce has become indeed a Gnome replacement.
The Xfce version of Aptosid fits into 430 MB (32-bit) or 435 MB (64-bit) iso images, respectively. For KDE, they have lite versions (530 and 535 MB) and a full versions of 1.9 GB (multi-architecture).
I think if I take Aptosid Xfce and add the multimedia codecs and plugins and a couple of more goodies (one light application per task), it should still fit into a CD.
Dear Hassle,
I think you are right. For me, the Debian-based versions of Mint are already superior to Ubuntu: Lighter, simpler, more reliable, more responsive, more stable and better out-of-the-box experience.
The last item is what worries me. To improve the out-of-the-box experience, Mint includes “pre-installed” components that Canonical decided not to include due to potential legal issues. If Mint ever became the n° 1 Linux distro, possibility that, I fully agree with you, is highly likely, could it not be legally attacked and forced to remove those items?
@Mr. B
The settings you suggest work quite well for me. Thanks.
Hi: was xfce 4.8 not available or are there still reservations about it?
Two Opinions…
1)Remember those using XFCE version aren’t all using older hardware and craving to use the (more mainstream!?) apps if could. Otherwise the 64Bit version probably wouldn’t be used! Easy to change programs but why XFCE (at least 64Bit can run Gnome anyways) so probably prefer XFburn, abiword,Exaile, Parole ect.)changing back tho is easy BUT WHY?
2) Distrowatch rankings Not a true indication anyways! But remember LinuxMint ranking take in all editions (Main, KDE, XFCE(alco LMDE version) LXDE, Fluxbox LMDE EVerTHING, Ubuntu ranking is Ubuntu (& Netbook) but Xubuntu, Kubuntu ect have own rankings (and down forget the distros of variants that really don’t chang all that much that have their own rankings…
2 cents opinion!
ok i love the mint 8 backround using that in 10
I liked the speed and layout very much. The only major reservation I have is that I dual boot and can’t see the other drives. Perhaps I have yet to find how to see the. Possibly the problem may be that I only used the live DVD, however other versions of Mint let me see the other drives.
Please do not replace the XFCE default app with GNOME it makes no sense
Let xfce be xfce and it will not take that much space as well and will fit on a CD
One question, I checked and notify-osd’s installed, but I still get the standard gnome notification bubbles :S Any way to fix that?
Does anyone know when will Linux Mint release Fluxbox 11? I have been waiting for it forever… Will it be this month or next month?
Regarding the quibble over per se, the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary is unambiguous. When used in English English it is per se.
Perhaps not a lot of people know that!
Thanks to everyone who has helped improving linux mint financially or with labor…..
I am using the Xfce Edition as my main system. I love how this release is built! I never did care for Plymouth and I like the default choice of applications. The theme and the look in general is perfect, it looks so clean and refined. I am very happy with the Debian base!
@46. David Parsons: The thing about not beign able to see other drives is because of Thunar. I’m not sure if they fixed it in 4.8 release (note that Xfce is still 4.6 in Debian Testing, though it was released on January this year). I remember there was a way to fix that, but you needed to recompile Thunar… Otherwise you could add shortcuts to the mountpoints on the left column of Thunar, I know it’s not the same as having the drive displayed, but it’s something =)
Good luck!
Good work! Thanks!
But why I don’t see this version here:
Cool! i’m just downloading this now to try on VB. I use Mint 9 xfce and like it, but this version looks more beautiful to me and i hope it runs fast on my PC with 512 MB memory…
Great work! I allready used xfce on the gnome-version of LMDE, but this is even nicer!
I used Ubunt since 5.04 and changed to mint LMDE a few month ago! I just like it. I will not return to Ubuntu.
Thank you very much for your work!!!!!!!
Really nice ! How do you set proxy configuration. Is there a global tool like the one in gnome or do you have to set it manually everywhere you need (firefox, apt-get, wget, etc.) ?
Moreover I did not find the way to set proxy in the MinUpdate manager (could not find the preferences/proxy tab I have on Isadora)
Many thanks for the dev strategy applied and for this amazing release! I stick with you in the way of the Mint rollon model base on Deb Testing. I am just posting my article for Czech linux portal linuxsoft appreciating what people behind Mint provide for linux users. really a great job! There is the right time to switch from Diadora… Cheers, Petr
Which version of kernel is used?
@ M16
i just installed the iso on flash drive using unetbootin. you cant find the new version in the program but choose the downloaded isofile and there you go.
The checksums of the download didn’t match.
4 times 32bit
no problem with the 64bit at all.
Homines dum docent discunt
Many latin reprints (for centuries) insert errors.
But even today, most latin languages still use SI as a reference to itself, and SE as (usually, not allways) to IF as pointed.
Even in Italian, wich is not a representation of latin, but of popular latin as spelled by imigrants from Europe, Asia and Africa. In Italian even the word COSI reminds in it’s structure (as it happens in all languages) that something reflects to itself.
For centuries the reference was PER SI, and not PER SE, wich is relatively recent. So where is the error after centuries of transcriptions. I must confess I can not be absolutely sure.
But the reference from monasteries points to PER SI, a reference I’ve heard all my life, and present in literature by the monastery connections.
I must state I do not want to be right, just to be happy.
Sharing is usually just one of my ways. And as usually a lot of wrongs do not make a truth, just an illusion of it.
So now I’m aware of a problem with the transmission of errors… in the latin I abhorred
“Mint Xfce isn’t “trying” to be lightweight anymore.”
What’s the point of having an Xfce release at all then?
People can just install the Gnome version then add Xfce if they want it.
Linux Mint is my favorite distro, I work for a year and no problems. Russia loves Mint. Thank you.
Man I love XFCE edition of Linux mint! Talk about a responsive system, I can show it off to my Windows friends and turn them green with envy. This last version has a minor flaw though. I have tried to install it on a VirtualBox vm using JFS with either the 32 or 64 bit edition — Neither makes it through the JFS format section. I know, people are using the cutting edge file systems out there, but I like a stable fs for my business laptop. Anyone else?
Guys you made a wonderfull job with Linux Mint Xfce based on Debian, Congratz for this amazing OS.
I will recommend all of my friends to give it a try and to support Linux Mint in any way he can.
We definitely need CD version, I;d love to install it on my P3 laptop, but it have only CD drive unfortunately.
Wow – congratulations to the team !
This is the first 64-bit LMDE version to start working for me from a Unetbootin created USB key.
It still doesn’t even load on my new HP MiniNote 110 netbook that’s happy with Mint10 Main Edition.
In a desktop Live USB session of LMDEXFCE I have been able to find out how to invoke sound and add sound-juicer and exaile but not of course acidrip etc so I guess that I will be sticking with 64-bit Mint10 there too for a lot longer.
From Ubuntu Natty Beta1 it looks as though media capabilities like DVD Styler and Openshot will still be possible, so I have hopes for Mint11 Ubuntu fork, but the increasing non-free Canonical emphasis could mean that it’s time to part ways, so my fingers are now crossed for the Debian fork.
Can I upgrade from Isadora?
finally got a 32bit to pass checksums.
Problem with this distro is no “xfs” support without online connection to obtain “xfsprogs”, so it is pretty much a useless operating system for a computer without an online connection and several TBs of DATA on any XFS partition.
going back to Debian 6 for out-of-the-box xfs filesystem support, sheesh even CrunchBang statler has xfs support.
NOT HAPPY with this release.
I’ll try it
If only the installer is more user-friendly. I’m just a linux starter and and I don’t know much about linux’s partition. The main edition’s installer could lead the user to install mint very quickly. I hope you can improve LMDE’s installer. Thanx a million~! I love linuxmint ! ^_^
Thanks again for creating a work of art. Leave it to the French and the artists to create!
I will enjoy XFCE / LMDE very much, and I will appreciate the beautiful work that was put into this.
Linux Mint Team,
Always keep your integrity in your beautiful work, and don’t ever listen to what idiots have to say… I think you are all very talented, and I think your works are a science and works of art! Especially your new innovative LMDE projects!
Installed Mint Xfce from USB on HP Mini without any problems.
Everything except wireless was working.
Went through these steps (skip the first) to get my wireless working:
Enabled file search in Thunar by installing Catfish.
Now just to get network browsing working and find a way to customize the application menu…
Another happy camper…thanks!
I love it, but, could you make an audio icon? The one that is in the panel looks ugly.
Which’s more light: LMDE with XFCE or LMDE with GNOME?
About DEBIAN !
For months, or years, I experience a problem on my desktop with Ubuntu and/or derived Linux Mints : when restarting the system after having “Suspended”, I loose IRREMEDIABLY the wired “eth0” network (This does not happen on my laptop, which is Wifi connected ! On the same desktop, this problem NEVER happens on WINDOWS (XP or 7).
By MAGIC, the problem of my desktop has disappeared with LMDE !!!
My conclusion : LONG LIFE to Debian based Linux Mints ! THANKS !!
I expect more to come (Debian KDE ?)
Great edition…. thanks!
Fast as stable on VirtualBox at work.
Now I don’t have to look at Win XP all day
There are some bugs with this release.
I have posted some of the fixes for them in the forums.
LMDE XFCE edition is very good THANK YOU!! (still prefer other lighter apps to the ‘Mainstream” ones tho) easily changeable.
Network Browsing… is built in 4.8 but Debian testing version does not!
Use the program Gigolo (built by XFCE people to resolve that problem from earlier versions).
And because Thunar (even in 4.8) is a one pane view file manager I think Gigolo will still be used side by side Thunar to make drag & Droping easy.
Some good news!
Further to my number 51 entry, I have been able to create a 64-bit LiveUSB by using a WinXP version of unetbootin that then works on my HP Mini Note netbook as well as on my C2D desktop PC so that I can at last explore a version of LMDE.
I like LMDE XFCE 64 bit, but I had problems getting it to work with my uSB Skype Phone. My USB Skype Phone works just find with LMDE standard edition 64 bit, so I’m switching back.
Is Linux ready for users with little or zero tecnical abilities? If so, is Linux Mint Xfce (201104) compatable with Asus P4S800D-X Motherboard and Intel Pentiom 4 CPU 3.40GHz (Hyper=Threading) Processesor?
Will it install in Windows 7 Ultimate [Virtual-Machine]?
Is there a no cost download or is it more advisable to purchase it?
Thank you, kindly, for bothering with such a dumb user!
For anyone having audio problems (headphone OK but no speaker sound) on a HP:
1. Get the latest ALSA snapshot:
2. Install linux headers
sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`
and then in the folder were I un-tar the alsa-driver:
./configure –enable-dynamic-minors
sudo make install-modules
3. Edit alsa-base.conf
gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
add at the end:
options snd_hda_intel model=hp
You might need to change =hp for your specific type. Just google for it.
So installed yesterday and everything was fine for a short while. Now it appears theres a problem with the windows manager. Windows will open, but are missing the min, max, close buttons and frame around them. Nor are the tabs appearing for them at the bottom of the screen. If I hover over the bar at the bottom the mouse pointer is stuck in the loading animation.
A good distribution! One tip on the component mintMenu…
Is not it more userfriendly move above the ‘menu’ button the switch between “All Applications” and “Favorite”?
I can’t install Linux Mint Debian xfce from USB flash drive.
Hallo I like this Release very much,but I am no specialist.So I have 2 Questions: 1.How can I upgrade to Xfce 4.8 without compiling source or destroyng my desktop and 2.has anyone here experience with modern kernels (2.6.37, I know that this questions are very heavy,but if Linux Mint Deb/xfce will be a rolling-release there must be a solution (for beginners) Hope to read something,because I like the release very much.Thanks to Mint-team
Clem, after the update is not working scrolling touchpad LMDE!!!
I run LMDE xfce(32bit) from usb flash drive. But I don’t see harddisk on my PC. And I can’t install to harddisk. Help me,please.
Pentium4 3.0 Ghz. , 512 ddr ram, 320 hdd , 865 GVLM mainboard
(but I can install LMDE Gnome to harddisk )
I’m sorry for my English language.
WOW!! I just download LXDE some days ago. But not satisfied yet. I will write a review on LinuxMint10LXDE in my blog. Now I am going to download LinuxMint10XFCE. I wish it will satisfy my wishes. Thanks for this lighter release.
okey! good
The Proxy configuration can be changer in MINT MENU then CONFIGURATION options and NETWORK PROXY.
Is this a stable release or a Release Candidate?
this is the ‘stable’ release but its not really stable as updates may cause breakage but fixes may come fast too.
Great. I would like to try this version..
Thanks to De Linux Team, i cant wait to try it
Well… with all the pros and cons about this release of XFCE I can certainly say it made a real buzz around the world and this is great. In only 3 days(!) I uploaded a little over 80GB of my XFCE torrent so that speaks for itself. Great job, guys!
I’m enjoying the new Linux Mint XFCE Debian edition. The LM LXDE 10 version wasn’t that great in my opinion. Had a lot of small, annoying flaws to alter the appearance. Not to mention, I could only get the start-up RAM to 140MB. With the LM XFCE Debain, I can get the start-up RAM size to 97MB. Nice! Not to mention there are no annoying flaws to alter the appearance. Will be nice to see how well the rolling edition works.
The drivers I use in the “normal” Linux Mint version with Ndiswrapper don’t work with XFCE. so, although I had no access to the internet, I noticed it was very fast!
Today I tried a live stick of XFCE on the laptops at school with a wired internet connection, and I was very impressed!
Mint XFCE Debian is the BEST distro i saw … Thanks guys… СПАСИБО РЕБЯТА!!!
If either term “KDE” or “Latin” was part of your posts on this page you should be flogged! jk…
I am really liking the RC and now am just getting into the new release. Thank you to everyone who helped fix problems (before I had to ask.)
I would like to see a gradual shift to native apps but for now I can fix almost all this for myself on a case by case basis which is great.
Just downloaded and tried to install on an old IBM Thinkpad, but encounted problems with installer. Disk booted up no problem, hard drive was partitioned without a problem, but a couple seconds into the file indexing, the system completely shut down. Retried a couple times but was even unable to boot–system would shut down before boot up. Put in the Zenwalk 7.0 CD and that installed without a hitch. I’ve never seen this behavior before installing a distro, on a new or old computer.
I want to ask if you can add Compiz and other eyecandy using this Linux Mint XFCE version. I’m honestly new to the Debian edition and rolling release entirely but I want to give this a try now that Mint released XFCE version that is a rolling release.
Thanks again
(Though kindly answer my question – thanks xD)
@Bruce R: persistent USB is not working with LinuxMint XFCE + Unetbootin (I’ve tried with another iso – ubuntu 10.04 – persistent works fine). Did you manage to get a persistent LM XFCE USB ?
I managed to make a working persistent flash card installation using the Universal USB Installer at
You just need to select Linux Mint Debian from the drop list, click Browse and then search for the iso using the * wildcard.
The only thing is that the latest “upgrades” to Unbuntu (if incorporated into Mint)are not really an improvement, for example both Ubuntu 10.0 and 11 beta will not “transfer” if you change to a lower resolution monitor and 10 will not even install on a machine driving a TV (800×600) style monitor. But conversely Mint will not drive many monitors at their optimum resolution (try AOC 7F). Xorg was a disaster but at least you could force it too work (sometimes) but the latest Ubuntu leaves even that option in doubt.
from Casey Barnes:
Is Linux ready for users with little or zero tecnical abilities? If so, is Linux Mint Xfce (201104) compatable with Asus P4S800D-X Motherboard and Intel Pentiom 4 CPU 3.40GHz (Hyper=Threading) Processesor?
Will it install in Windows 7 Ultimate [Virtual-Machine]?
Is there a no cost download or is it more advisable to purchase it?
1. Linux is ready for users with little technical ability. However, for those users, I’d suggest using something like Linux Mint 9 (the main edition). It’s stable, supported for another two years (after which one can upgrade to the next stable release), is very easy to install and it is easy to use the default installation for most common tasks.
In my experience, XFCE, the desktop being discussed here, takes a little more effort. It may be usable, but when you want to change something, it might not be as obvious how to do it.
2. can’t say about the Asus motherboard. You might want to check the video, whether onboard or a card. If it is Intel, it should work fine. If it is Nvidia or ATI the chances are excellent that it will work fine, though you might want to go to a little effort installing a different driver. If it is anything else, you should check specifically.
It looks to me that this motherboard has an SiS chipset. If that is the case, then you should check into it further. SiS graphics can be a problem with Linux.
3. Subject to the video, there shouldn’t be a problem installing in a virtual machine.
4. It is a no cost download. Donations to help sustain the project are welcomed.
I absolutely love this release. The change to Debian was a good thing in my opinion. It just feels smooth. I had to deal with a couple easy-fix issues, for example making my volume up/down/mute buttons function, which wasn’t an issue for me in the Ubuntu based edition. Also had to install ntp because my system time was completely off. However, the OS is simple and its quick. Actually, quicker than ever. I personally wouldn’t recommend this to a complete newbie, but for some who’s comfortable with linux I definitely would. This is the easiest and most flexible set up I’ve had yet. The xfce version of mint is light and sexy. Keep it up guys!
@ koroshiya.itchy #20:
I’ve solved read-only issue having / in btrfs by setting 0 instead of 1 on the relative mount entry in /etc/fstab to disable fs check at boot time, since fsck.btrfs is not released yet….
Lots of statements here,but is there someone who managed to update to xfce4.8? I am interressted on all kinds of tips to do so.Mint is very good,Debian is stable and xfce is fast,but the communication between this parts is not optimal
i downloaded linuxmint julian in my laptop LG490 i5 processor….but after i installed it the display is not very dim and i cant use the os…. PLEASE HELP WATS THE SOLUTION WHICH OS SHOULD I DOWNLOAD???
Why do you want to upgrade to the darn slow XFCE 4.8? The integration of gio to thunar is sub-par at best.
Hopefully it will improve in the next 4.8.X series releases, but for the moment XFCE 4.8 is just annoyingly slow. 4.6 runs great, and you don’t really want that gio/gvfs bugger… gigolo is a very good replacement.
nice. very fast.
but my analog TV-Card (with Philips 7134 Chipset) won’t work
2 Players can open it and my Soundcard is recognised
but no Sound from the TV-Card so… where is xawTV ?
put it in the Package!
OK, problably the best xfce ever but why not a CD. I have a laptop with a CD-ROM and without a USB boot. Why not a basic CD download the repository as you like. Keep the great job.
Tries Mint/xfce and LMDE 64-bit. Liked the Live-CD. On Installation, Screen goes black for 1 second every 30-secs. Does not happen on my main Mint9/gnome install Mint10LXDE installs.
Just tried Saline/OS (xfce) and Crunchbang (openbox) – both 64-bits: both OK.
Although I have used Mint 9 for a year and want to go Mint/debian; for now, I am staying with Crunchbang.
Is PER SE…without any doubts…I’m Italian and I’d studied latin for five years…And this expression has remined the same in Italian. DI PER SE==BY ITSELF
In latin PER SI means BY ANY
The FAQ says “Linux Mint is Linux Mint, it’s not based on anything per say.” It’s “per se,” which is Latin for “”by itself,” that is, according to Webster’s, intrinsically. Okay, I’m compulsive and small details bother me. Isn’t that true of all good programmers?
Thank You for Linux Mint Xfce Debian. Good Job !
For those who want to get rid of the tabbed borders around the desktop icons just install Xfce mintDesktop from synaptic package manager. When you open the program ( its under Settings in the menu ) click on System Tweaks and enable either white font color or black font color. You’ll now have icons with transparent backgrounds.
It boots to about 205 MBs on my 4 GBs of memory; I could get it under 200 but I added 2 panel plugins. Its fast and the appearance looks very polished. Those themes in the settings manager are numerous, diverse, and well done in my opinion.
Would you add package xfsprogs to future Linux Mint Xfce releases in order to be possible to format partition as XFS and install the os to it.
Ihave just struggled to install linux mint xfce on a dual boot system after about six hours i realized that the problem was because i had an exterior drive connected and the dual boot was going to this and then could not find it on bootup hope this stops anyone else from struugeling
Now I’m impressed!
One of the most painless Linux installs ever! Needed some reading up for partitioning but once set, everything worked like a dream on my laptop.