Monthly Stats – October 2010

Donations & Sponsorships:

Many thanks to the following donors and sponsors for financially supporting Linux Mint:


  • $150, Jim D. aka “jajodo”
  • $135, Dr J. C. aka “Medicine Man
  • $108 (2nd donation), Achim Leybach
  • $100 (2nd donation), Jordan S.
  • $100, Pascal A.
  • $100, Bruno C.
  • $100, Stephen P.
  • $100, Onofre Properties and Rentals
  • $100, Somers Rocks Press
  • $100, altair4
  • $100, Robert C.
  • $94.5, Olivier R.
  • $91, Balázs G.
  • $81.25 (2nd donation), Ian M. aka “iMitch403”
  • $81 (3rd donation), Jan W.
  • $78, Orlando M. M.
  • $67.5, Niranjan Radhakrishnan aka “niranj”
  • $65 (2nd donation), Edwin Vervliet aka “edwin”
  • $65, Jozsef B.
  • $61.75 (2nd donation), Ian M. aka “iMitch403”
  • $60 (2nd donation), David Gagne aka “davidgagne80”
  • $54.6, Nick Prosch
  • $52 (2nd donation), Olaf L. aka “olligod”
  • $51 (2nd donation), Suyog B.
  • $50 (7th donation), Jonathan B. Horen aka “JBHoren
  • $50 (2nd donation), Richard H.
  • $50, John M.
  • $50, Carlos H. G.
  • $50, Glenn R.
  • $50, William R.
  • $50, Simon N.
  • $50, Paul E.
  • $50, 21st Century Cabinets
  • $50, Paul C
  • $50, Tim M.
  • $50, Michael L. aka “ddavid123”
  • $50, Philip M.
  • $50, Carl G.
  • $47.25, Sebastian W.
  • $47.25, Christian aka “nert”
  • $40, Johh D.
  • $40, Dale R.
  • $39 (5th donation), Wolfgang P.
  • $37, Jarosław N.
  • $35 (11th donation), Pete Molina aka “pmolina”
  • $35 (2nd donation), Sung P.
  • $33.75, J J. V. K.
  • $33.75, Harald T.
  • $33, Maxim A. aka “Sp1ker
  • $33, Scott N.
  • $30 (2nd donation), Derek L.
  • $30, Jun Q.
  • $30, Graham J.
  • $27 (14th donation), Manuel F.
  • $27 (4th donation), Miguel Cunha Duarte aka “mcduarte2000
  • $27 (2nd donation), Salvador T. S.
  • $27 (2nd donation), Gilles Jurek
  • $27, Christian P.
  • $27, Prepress by Sloane
  • $27, Andreas G.
  • $27, Ronnie T.
  • $27, Miss anon aka “Anonymous “
  • $27, Molnár P.
  • $26 (13th donation), Marco R.
  • $26 (8th donation), Olli K.
  • $26 (2nd donation), David T.
  • $26, Douglas H.
  • $26, Jon C. K.
  • $25 (3rd donation), Kamal G.
  • $25 (3rd donation), Kenny Hendrick aka “NprComputers
  • $25 (2nd donation), Ventura M
  • $25 (2nd donation), Edward Comer aka “celem”
  • $25, Norman B. D.
  • $25, Dror C.
  • $25, Adam M.
  • $25, James J.
  • $25, John B.
  • $25, Kenneth D. H.
  • $23.45, Borja L. S.
  • $21, Илья Ш.
  • $20.25, Ian P.
  • $20 (7th donation), Matthew M.
  • $20 (3rd donation), Mark B.
  • $20 (2nd donation), David S.
  • $20 (2nd donation), Chad S. aka “seca”
  • $20 (2nd donation), Juhani K.
  • $20 (2nd donation), Jeffrey DeVries
  • $20 (2nd donation), Anonymous
  • $20, Roger P.
  • $20, John B.
  • $20, Trevor H.
  • $20, Kimberly P.
  • $20, Erling D.
  • $20, Jackson C. aka “Splintercat
  • $20, Robert L.
  • $20, Zachary S.
  • $20, Martin H.
  • $20, Tom B.
  • $20, Russell N.
  • $20, Todd M.
  • $20, Daniel J.
  • $20, Roy C.
  • $20, Shreyas G.
  • $20, Robert K.
  • $20, Roger G.
  • $20, Hugh Dowling
  • $19.5, Simon C.
  • $18 (2nd donation), DLX Company
  • $18, Graham T.
  • $17, David R.
  • $16.2 (2nd donation), Kevin D.
  • $16, Vivian P. aka “VRP”
  • $15 (16th donation), slw
  • $15 (2nd donation), Michael C.
  • $15 (2nd donation), Greg Dawes aka “Greg-NZ”
  • $15, Vincent A.
  • $15, Stephan K.
  • $13.5 (10th donation), Temel Balci
  • $13.5, Michael T.
  • $13.5, Jörn G.
  • $13.5, Martin J.
  • $13.5, Volker K.
  • $13.5, C R. P.
  • $13.5, Ricardo J. G.
  • $13.5, Siniša M.
  • $13 (12th donation), Emil Pavlov aka “emil_pavlov”
  • $13, Christian B.
  • $13, Helmut T.
  • $13, Attila B.
  • $10.8, Vagn B. J.
  • $10 (6th donation), William S. aka “Supergoo”
  • $10 (3rd donation), Jose P.
  • $10 (2nd donation), Paul B.
  • $10 (2nd donation), Luis D.
  • $10, Mark C.
  • $10, Nobutoshi K. aka “FOUNCID”
  • $10, Alexandr Bobylov
  • $10, Dan N.
  • $10, Thomas M.
  • $10, Jacob T.
  • $10, Francisco Hernández aka “frankh73”
  • $10, Barry J. C.
  • $10, Jesus R. P.
  • $10, David C.
  • $10, Chandrasing P.
  • $10, John M.
  • $10, Andy’s Pens
  • $10, Justin P.
  • $10, Colin R.
  • $9.45 (5th donation), Sylwia Bialczak
  • $9, Kaarel K. aka “Kaar3l”
  • $8, Bernhard N.
  • $8, Jamie F.
  • $7 (2nd donation), Tiaan Steynberg aka “Jesica
  • $7, Zoe Q.
  • $6.75 (2nd donation), Ulf S. aka “MonteDrago”
  • $6.75, Barry M.
  • $6.75, Michael L.
  • $6.75, Sven B.
  • $6.75, Kalle F.
  • $6.5, Ronald T.
  • $6.5, Fabio N.
  • $5.4, Álvaro S. T.
  • $5 (4th donation), Michael G.
  • $5 (3rd donation), Rashed aka “Rashed
  • $5 (2nd donation), Susann aka “Blogger Su
  • $5, Ankit M.
  • $5, Dominic B.
  • $5, Guillermo E. D.
  • $5, Jamie H.
  • $5, O.Mehmet. Y. aka “mehmet7”
  • $5, John F.
  • $5,
  • $5, Simon R.
  • $5, Mr D. S. V.
  • $5, Owen G.
  • $4, Thomas L.
  • $3, Michał S.
  • $2.5 (2nd donation), Le T.
  • $2 (2nd donation), Craig Stock aka “craig10x”
  • $2, Philip C.
  • $1.5 (2nd donation), Charles Vlk aka “kunk”
  • $1.35,
  • $1.33 (2nd donation), Anton Konnoff
  • $1 (6th donation), free backlinks
  • $1 (3rd donation), Gonzalo C. aka “gcosta
  • $1, Efriel Elyasa
  • $1, jk
  • $1, Ruben D. G.


Money raised in October:

* Donations: $5283.08 (189 donors)
* Sponsors: $929 (84 sponsors)

User Stats:

Repartition of Linux Mint users across releases:

  • Linux Mint 9 Isadora LTS: 56.26%
  • Linux Mint 7 Gloria: 12.36%
  • Linux Mint 8 Helena: 11.49%
  • Linux Mint 10 Julia: 10.14%
  • LMDE: 3.79%
  • Linux Mint 4.0 Daryna: 2.32%
  • Linux Mint 6 Felicia: 2.30%
  • Linux Mint 5 Elyssa LTS: 1.34%

Web Stats:

  • Visits: 2,579,663
  • Unique views: 3,293,483
  • Pageviews: 4,239,064
  • Page impressions: 2,148,044
  • Search queries: 6,623,880
  • Forum users: 38,553
  • Forum posts: 321,498


  • Distrowatch (popularity ranking): 1430 (3rd)
  • Distrowatch (traffic share): 5.1% (2nd)
  • Alexa (website ranking): 17,846th



  • October was an exciting month for us, with all the attention culminating around a single event, the release of Linux Mint 10 RC. The new artwork was well received within the community and we noted people were excited by the new features. I’d like to thank all the translators who are participating in translating it at the moment, and also all the people who raised bug reports. We’ve fixed a lot of bugs since the RC release, and even though nothing critical was found, the feedback gave us the opportunity to bring additional yet significant improvements. The stable release of Linux Mint 10 should be ready early this November and we’re hoping it will be among the most popular desktops we’ve ever released.
  • We’re traditionally hit by the gap between Ubuntu and Linux Mint in the release cycle, when there’s a new Ubuntu system out there, and no up-to-date Linux Mint released yet. Surprisingly this year, we managed to close this gap to a minimum with an early RC release and a longer delay between RC and stable. Our user base didn’t fluctuate by 10% like it usually does and our income is actually up this month.
  • Last month, I expressed worries about the low amount in donations compared to 2009. I don’t really know how to express the gratitude I feel towards the community right now, but it’s huge… you reacted more than we ever hoped. Almost twice as many people donated and we managed to collect more this month than we ever did before: $5283. This is a fantastic sign of support. It’s not only inspiring and motivating, it’s also extremely comforting going forwards and it shows us the level of support we’re having from you. Very few projects out there manage to get this far without corporate backing and focus on commercial activities. Thanks to you, we don’t have to worry about that, we’re at the top, fully focused on the distribution itself, and it’s all community-funded. It’s hard to describe how special this is and I feel really thankful and privileged by this.
  • The blog was moved to its own dedicated server in the USA. As a result both the website and the blog are now more responsive.
  • Coming up, we’re getting close to a stable release of Linux Mint 10 early November, a second LMDE release with the same features and an improved installer in December. Work also started on the other editions and we’ll have more news about them in the coming days.


  1. To Clem and Team,


    We the users and Mint community are grateful that you make Mint happen.

    Of course you don’t want to be “begging” for money – but it was worthwhile to let the audience know about the “money thing” in the last “monthly stats” blog.

    You see, sometimes even well meaning users (generally ready to give some donation) don’t think so far as to the need to actually DO IT occasionnally. …We all like to get something for nothing…Mint for free for example!
    So one uses Mint and sometimes doesn’t think further.

    With your blog remarks, everybody could see what was going on and what was needed financially.

    JUST BE PROUD — the big amount raised as a response should also be seen as a big applause by the community.
    And those who cannot give also have the opportunity to use this great distro!

    I am happy for every enthusiast sitting somewhere on the planet that discovers Mint.

    Keep it up!

    (… for me, I am waiting for LMDE-64 …)

  2. I’m glad your call was listened and people could help. This pretty much shows how alive and well glued this community is. Congratulations! 🙂 You guys deserve it.

  3. free software is not free of cost

    free of cost software is not better than the payed sofware

    the quantity of money is directly proportional to pressure on better products and services, so

    money imply better products and services,so

    linux mint should have a price
    or on desktops linux will be forever the poor choice

  4. Awesome work! And the donations are great!
    I’m kinda short by cash, as I’m a poor student, but as I’m already using linux mint for about 2 releases, I really feel I need to donate something, so I hope I can get some money free soon!
    Keep on rocking and I hope mint will get the one and only real linux distro.
    I’m glad that I feel I can recommend this to any windows user with no linux experience! (obviously when it’s released, I’m not gonna recommend an RC :P) so that is a great step forward!
    Well good luck going on, and again a great thank you from The Netherlands here! 🙂

  5. joe: All ADOBE need to do is to make THEIR Flash work in Linux, both 32- and 64-bit. 😉 Well, maybe ATI and Intel need to get cracking on their Linux-drivers too, but I believe Adobe is first on the firing-line with your requirements.

  6. wow, I’m happy to know that all is well;)

    In the coming weeks, I’ll definitely install Linux Mint 10, this looks fantastic!!!! ;)… and hopefully get the version with LXDE (this is definitely my favorite Desktop).

    Greetings 😉

  7. Well done Clem! This week I will registrer as an sponsor. I have the opinion that we should open up an ideas forum on how to rise money for the project. lets put it to a vote.

    Linux Mint really rocks!!!

  8. @Clem and team Thanks for Linux Mint 10 RC. It is the tour de force of OSes.

    @detechy Not everything depends on money. Money is an important factor, not the only factor. See Windows Vista 64-bit.

  9. Its a great project, and I hope to one day be able to donate to the cause. Sometimes I even Wish I could code like Clem 🙂 Glad to know theres enough people who believe in this and will selflessly invest in its future through donations.

  10. I can get a surplus P4, 1GB system for $50. It can run Mint 9 well.

    I have an ASUS Dual-core laptop that suffered with Windows Vista for 3 long years. Its owner got tired of constant problems and traded with me for a new netbook. Now it is doing well with Mint 9.

    Mint turns computers that can barely run Windows (and there are a few out there 😉 into low-cost fast computers.


  11. No ppoeconf package included on Linux Mint Debian. Waiting for the
    new iso next december 2010.

    Running the Live CD of Linux Mint 10 RC pppoeconf from terminal it does
    not work good – authentication as Login and Passwaord so,i can connect
    to the internet but unable to surf the WEB.
    Solution: sudo route add default ppp0 – This command works great.
    Ubuntu 10.10 Live CD does not present this glitch. My preference goes
    to the Linux Mint Debian – See you next December 2010.

  12. I am proud to be a user of Linux Mint. It has truly been a great experience to learn and to watch the Linux community grow in the last few years! Congratulations to you and the team, Clem on a great distribution! Here’s to many more and the continuing success of the Linux Mint projects! Cheers!

  13. you deserve such community support
    your team and the community deserve to have such as awesome Captain at the helm as you clem!
    well done, again, hehe

  14. I think Mint 10 rocks and so do Clem and all his team !!Death to the tyrants (M$$ & Mac)Long live Linux FREEDOM!!!!

  15. Congratulation to you Clem (and everyone else working on mint) I’ve been using mint for quite a while now and it’s a great Distro, the only one I ever felt compelled to send money to! Those new mint 10 icons are really kick-ass! Keep up the good work!

    I think you should have a store selling stupid stuff like t-shirts and stickers and such to make a couple extra $$$… I’d definitely buy Linux mint stuff!

  16. Hi Clem, will the ubiquity installer in mint 10 include the “use the largest continuous free space” option for mint 10? coz Ubuntu has done away with option and it’s been a real pain in the neck for amateur Linux enthusiasts like me to install the OS, please do include this option in the ubiquity installer in mint 10 final release for easy-installation. Cheers.. 🙂

  17. yeah i agree with detechy, mint should be released fully functional, say good bye to free and then it will mature to be a succesful desktop.

  18. Looking forward the 10 stable release, the hint was on early of November… now we are about reaching the mid. Any ideas?

  19. Anxiously awaiting LM10. Have been checking LM website every day since 1st Nov. Whats up? No matter when it comes, I am going to wait for LM10. No more distro hoppings. 🙂

    Clem, relieve me from this anxiety. 😉

  20. Please accept my humble apologies… haven’t checked in for a while and was disappointed to see the last few months’ donation stats. I haven’t made a donation for a while. I guess we donate once or twice and feel we’ve earned the right to use Mint forever, and that it will always be there, without so much as a thought about the team who make this excellent thing (much more than an OS!) happen. After three years of using Mint I simply cannot imagine being without it! Let’s keep this thing snowballing and take satisfaction in knowing we were there when it was “just another distro”. Donation on it’s way.

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