Hi everyone,

Many thanks for your donations and support.

Here are the news for this month.

Important Firefox Update

On March 14, 2025, a root certificate used by Firefox will expire.

When this happen, Firefox version 128 (and lower) will suffer significant issues related to:

  • configuration
  • add-ons
  • signed content
  • DRM-protected media playback

To avoid these problems, make sure you’re up to date in your Update Manager. Press Refresh and apply all updates.

This is important for security reasons, and in this case it’s also important to avoid regressions.

Firefox 135.0.1 is available on all supported Linux Mint releases.

Firefox 135.0.1 was also sent as an emergency update to the following discontinued releases:

  • Linux Mint 19.3, 19.2, 19.1 and 19
  • LMDE 5
  • LMDE 4

If you are using a discontinued version of Linux Mint (20 or older) or LMDE (5 or older) please upgrade or reinstall Linux Mint.

For more information on upgrades read https://linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/upgrade.html.

Website Maintenance

The backend for the main Linux Mint website was completely rewritten and containerized. This allowed us to minimize the interactions between the site and the hosting server, making it easier to upgrade the server and maintain/develop the website on different computers.

Sometimes we make a tiny little change and everybody loves it. This time it’s the opposite. It took a lot of time to get this done, yet nobody will be able to tell the difference.

The URLs were kept unchanged to avoid 404 errors.

Stripe was integrated and is now fully supported. Donations made with Stripe are now automatically handled and included in our stats.

Cinnamon App Menu

Work started on a redesign of the Cinnamon application menu.

This project is led by Joseph in our development team.

Here’s a preview of what it currently looks like:

Desktop and Release Stats

Our Datadog stats show us the following breakdown for our different desktops:

Note that these stats reflect downloads over the last 7 days, not usage.

Cinnamon represents 60% of our downloads, followed by Xfce and MATE at roughly 20% each.

The following chart gives us a breakdown per release:

Linux Mint 22.1 represents 70%, followed by LMDE 6 at 14%, Mint 22 at 8% and Mint 21.3, still relevant also at around 8%.

As previously announced, Linux Mint 22.x will not have an EDGE release. Starting with Linux Mint 22.2, the HWE kernel will be used.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC
Tinken Inc

Donations in January:

A total of $18,676 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 668 donors:

$300 (13th donation), Plamen Penev Atanasov
$250, Victor B.
$200 (3rd donation), Edmund B.
$200, Edgar Y.
$200, Robert F D.
$150, Adam S.
$140, RS
$120 (8th donation), Markus S.
$108 (9th donation), Christian G. aka “Chrissy”
$108 (5th donation), Kristoff S.
$108 (2nd donation), Peter V.
$108, Chris W.
$102, Data Eng team on behalf of Tymek!
$100 (37th donation), Wolfgang P.
$100 (22nd donation), Philip W.
$100 (18th donation), John Mc aka “Land Research Project”
$100 (9th donation), Jean P. R.
$100 (9th donation), Michael C.
$100 (7th donation), John B.
$100 (5th donation), Charles H.
$100 (5th donation), James F.
$100 (4th donation), Philip M.
$100 (3rd donation), David S.
$100 (3rd donation), Donald C.
$100 (3rd donation), Emily L.
$100 (3rd donation), Vincent P.
$100 (2nd donation), Charles W.
$100 (2nd donation), Steven W B.
$100, Curtis K.
$100, Daniel W.
$100, David T.
$100, Donkeydude
$100, Gary H.
$100, James P.
$100, Justin M.
$100, Kyle T.
$100, Pierre-emmanuel V.
$100, Robert H.
$100, Steven M.
$81 (3rd donation), Thomas B.
$80 (4th donation), Terry Ya!
$72 (2nd donation), Andy Frank S.
$54 (21st donation), Bernard H.
$54 (13th donation), Roland H.
$54 (10th donation), Mimi
$54 (9th donation), Jorge R. R.
$54 (9th donation), Peter W.
$54 (8th donation), Johanan M.
$54 (7th donation), Daniel K.
$54 (7th donation), Jean-luc W.
$54 (7th donation), Nurettin G.
$54 (7th donation), Rolf-Jürgen G.
$54 (6th donation), erwn16 aka “erwn”
$54 (6th donation), Gerald H.
$54 (6th donation), Marcin G.
$54 (6th donation), Thomas R.
$54 (5th donation), Bobby
$54 (5th donation), Guenter B.
$54 (5th donation), Winfried B.
$54 (4th donation), Athanasios M.
$54 (4th donation), Bernard R. aka “Beer4661”
$54 (4th donation), Gerard B.
$54 (4th donation), Karl-heinz P.
$54 (4th donation), Mark K.
$54 (4th donation), Stefan N.
$54 (3rd donation), Siegfried S.
$54 (2nd donation), Alfred G.
$54 (2nd donation), António Salsinha – Graphic Designer
$54 (2nd donation), Christian S.
$54 (2nd donation), Domagoj Ž.
$54 (2nd donation), Enrico V.
$54 (2nd donation), James C.
$54 (2nd donation), Klaas M.
$54 (2nd donation), Mori aka “Romio”
$54 (2nd donation), Peter S.
$54, Andreas K.
$54, Andrew R N.
$54, Craig E.
$54, Dieter H.
$54, Dirk M.
$54, Dominique S.
$54, Francesco G.
$54, Hannu H.
$54, Jens M.
$54, Jonathan H.
$54, Jostein T.
$54, Marc G.
$54, Michael J.
$54, Olivier C.
$54, Pablo V.
$54, Rainer Werner B.
$54, René B.
$54, Roberto G.
$54, Viv H.
$54, Walter V.
$54, Walter W.
$54, WebTradeSolutions
$50 (91st donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (16th donation), An L.
$50 (10th donation), Ian H White.
$50 (10th donation), Kyle S.
$50 (7th donation), David V.
$50 (6th donation), Herman B.
$50 (6th donation), James G.
$50 (6th donation), William C. aka “N4ES”
$50 (5th donation), Jaime F. Zarama
$50 (5th donation), Salomon G.
$50 (4th donation), Mike H.
$50 (4th donation), Mothy
$50 (3rd donation), Arestor B.
$50 (3rd donation), Derek B.
$50 (3rd donation), Don Jr.
$50 (3rd donation), Jay V.
$50 (3rd donation), Karl J.
$50 (3rd donation), M J W.
$50 (3rd donation), Patrick N.
$50 (3rd donation), Patrick T.
$50 (3rd donation), Shane B.
$50 (2nd donation), Andri A.
$50 (2nd donation), Jason G.
$50 (2nd donation), John M.
$50 (2nd donation), Joseph B.
$50 (2nd donation), Martin M.
$50 (2nd donation), Michael F.
$50 (2nd donation), Stephen L.
$50, 4 FUN LLC
$50, Alan G.
$50, Alfred C.
$50, Allen S.
$50, Carl F.
$50, Christopher M.
$50, Craig H.
$50, Douglas C.
$50, Glenn S.
$50, Hector G.
$50, Jaime A.
$50, John B.
$50, Jonathan S.
$50, Kenneth B.
$50, Kenneth S.
$50, Liam H.
$50, Matthew J Hunt
$50, Miles C.
$50, Peter N.
$50, Peter N.
$50, Robert P.
$50, Russell T.
$50, Tom M.
$50, Vincent E.
$45 (6th donation), William L.
$44 (2nd donation), Joachim F.
$43 (2nd donation), Martin .
$43, John N.
$43, Toni
$40 (32nd donation), Hemant Patel
$40 (8th donation), Darin W.
$40 (5th donation), Douglas R. aka “darco”
$40 (2nd donation), Christopher W.
$36, Jens V.
$36, Joachim K.
$35, Stefan K.
$35, Tom M.
$33 (2nd donation), Christopher B.
$32 (13th donation), H ScottB
$32 (7th donation), Wolfgang S.
$32 (6th donation), Gerardo A. M.
$32 (6th donation), Jürgen H.
$32 (3rd donation), Lukas P.
$32 (2nd donation), Gerard O.
$32, Claude V.
$32, Jan L.
$32, Thomas Schmall
$30 (24th donation), Kevin S. aka “K R Shook Consulting
$30 (11th donation), Thomas C.
$30 (6th donation), Anonymous
$30 (5th donation), aka “GM46”
$30 (3rd donation), macglen
$30 (2nd donation), Petur K.
$30, Axel W.
$27 (12th donation), Alexander M.
$27 (5th donation), Opik Oort
$27 (4th donation), Rob B.
$27 (3rd donation), Florian H.
$27 (3rd donation), Heiko K.
$27 (2nd donation), Matthias W.
$27, Andreas M.
$27, Bernhard K.
$27, Fabian B.
$27, Nico M.
$27, Pascal V.
$27, Philippe GM
$25 (83rd donation), Andreas S.
$25 (47th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (14th donation), Andrew Currie
$25 (9th donation), John T.
$25 (6th donation), Mihnea Rădulescu
$25 (4th donation), John A.
$25 (4th donation), Myron J.
$25 (3rd donation), James H.
$25 (3rd donation), John N.
$25 (3rd donation), Robert O.
$25 (2nd donation), Larry G.
$25 (2nd donation), Pablo J.
$25, D L R.
$25, Frank Z.
$25, Hector R.
$25, John B.
$25, Matt W.
$23, Rooter
$22 (56th donation), Peter E.
$22 (24th donation), Ke C.
$22 (22nd donation), Stefan W.
$22 (18th donation), Benjamin W. aka “UncleBens”
$22 (18th donation), Marek S.
$22 (11th donation), Dirk M.
$22 (10th donation), Daniel Gruhn
$22 (8th donation), Peter C.
$22 (8th donation), Robert D. aka “Wilbobob”
$22 (7th donation), Alberto A.
$22 (7th donation), Erik W.
$22 (7th donation), John V.
$22 (7th donation), Pavel P.
$22 (7th donation), Waldemar P. aka “valldek”
$22 (6th donation), Jan S.
$22 (6th donation), Jean, Jacques G.
$22 (6th donation), Jose M. K. Z.
$22 (6th donation), Thomas M.
$22 (5th donation), Benoit R.
$22 (5th donation), Raik D.
$22 (5th donation), Stefan E.
$22 (5th donation), Wouter W.
$22 (4th donation), Daniel K.
$22 (4th donation), Dragomir Deltchev aka “Drago”
$22 (3rd donation), Andrea C.
$22 (3rd donation), Edward A Lockhart
$22 (3rd donation), Frits M.
$22 (3rd donation), Giorgio B.
$22 (3rd donation), Henning P.
$22 (3rd donation), John Baines
$22 (3rd donation), Luca V.
$22 (3rd donation), Odie P.
$22 (3rd donation), Raffael V. aka “raffael”
$22 (3rd donation), Robert L.
$22 (3rd donation), Samy S.
$22 (3rd donation), Sławomir P.
$22 (2nd donation), Andrea C.
$22 (2nd donation), Antero K.
$22 (2nd donation), Benito R.
$22 (2nd donation), Bernd B.
$22 (2nd donation), Bernd H.
$22 (2nd donation), Christian M.
$22 (2nd donation), François D.
$22 (2nd donation), G. L.
$22 (2nd donation), Gb K.
$22 (2nd donation), Jean-yves D.
$22 (2nd donation), Jens R.
$22 (2nd donation), Loic D.
$22 (2nd donation), manuelvh
$22 (2nd donation), Mario D.
$22 (2nd donation), Michael A.
$22 (2nd donation), Michael J.
$22 (2nd donation), Mirko Z.
$22 (2nd donation), Philippe W.
$22 (2nd donation), Reinhard R.
$22 (2nd donation), Szymon N.
$22 (2nd donation), Tiberiu N.
$22 (2nd donation), Wolfgang P.
$22, Achim S.
$22, André G.
$22, Andreas F.
$22, Andrew S.
$22, Arwind S.
$22, Christoph W.
$22, David P.
$22, Denick M.
$22, Dieter B.
$22, Dirk S.
$22, Edgars S.
$22, Endre M.
$22, Felix G.
$22, Francisco J G.
$22, Frank K.
$22, Georges H.
$22, Georges M.
$22, Gideon K.
$22, Giovanni F.
$22, Harald Und Beate P.
$22, Harry P.
$22, Hendrikus T.
$22, Joseph D.
$22, Karl K.
$22, Marc H.
$22, Marco T.
$22, Marcus H.
$22, Matthias E.
$22, Matthias K.
$22, Michael K.
$22, Michel S.
$22, Mike G.
$22, Nicolas S.
$22, Noelle A.
$22, Oleksandr V.
$22, Pablo M.
$22, Rolandas B.
$22, Ronny G.
$22, Salvatore C.
$22, Simon W.
$22, Sven B. aka “OldFox”
$22, Sven L.
$22, Thomas G.
$22, Thomas J.
$22, Thomas S.
$22, Viktor W.
$22, Volker B.
$22, Werner M.
$22, Wolfgang R.
$20 (65th donation), Bryan F.
$20 (21st donation), Dave S.
$20 (16th donation), Vladimir Litvinenko
$20 (15th donation), Joao Kodama
$20 (14th donation), Terry B.
$20 (12th donation), John W.
$20 (10th donation), Andrei Sinkevich
$20 (8th donation), David K.
$20 (7th donation), Doug S.
$20 (7th donation), Kendall G.
$20 (7th donation), Lal C.
$20 (7th donation), Stacey B.
$20 (7th donation), Thomas N.
$20 (6th donation), Gareth L.
$20 (6th donation), Robert A.
$20 (6th donation), Robert S.
$20 (5th donation), Eric W.
$20 (5th donation), John P.
$20 (5th donation), Nicholas B.
$20 (4th donation), Nathan B. aka “Diginate ”
$20 (3rd donation), Ben M.
$20 (3rd donation), Michael R.
$20 (3rd donation), Robert W.
$20 (3rd donation), Steven W.
$20 (3rd donation), Tony W
$20 (3rd donation), Yotuel G.
$20 (2nd donation), Adam D.
$20 (2nd donation), Alex M.
$20 (2nd donation), Andrew R.
$20 (2nd donation), Goran M.
$20 (2nd donation), Hans-dieter W.
$20 (2nd donation), Ivo Kremer
$20 (2nd donation), John G.
$20 (2nd donation), Jonathan F.
$20 (2nd donation), Lee B.
$20 (2nd donation), Mark J.
$20 (2nd donation), Paul C.
$20 (2nd donation), Pencho P.
$20 (2nd donation), Phillip B.
$20 (2nd donation), Ron G.
$20, Chester J.
$20, Claudio Leonel S.
$20, Clifford J.
$20, Daniel C.
$20, David G.
$20, David H.
$20, David M.
$20, Dirk A.
$20, Edward G.
$20, Eric K.
$20, Fred P.
$20, Frederick J.
$20, Gilbert T.
$20, Gregg D.
$20, Halt Productions
$20, Jack B.
$20, Jean-cédric F.
$20, Jimmy H.
$20, John B.
$20, John H.
$20, John McKissick
$20, John S.
$20, Jonathan M.
$20, Justin S.
$20, Lucas R.
$20, Luis E.
$20, Michael H.
$20, Michael H.
$20, Norman C.
$20, Parsifal H.
$20, Paul J.
$20, Pradeep Gowda aka “btbytes
$20, Quebec
$20, Raymond R.
$20, S & CV Marshall
$20, Scott S.
$20, Tomasz K.
$20, Werner F.
$20, William W.
$19 (2nd donation), CercLL d’Entraide et Réseau Coopératif Autour des Logiciels Libres (LUG of Marseille, FR)
$16 (2nd donation), Günter S.
$16, Alain E.
$16, Michael A.
$16, Michael R.
$15 (16th donation), Michel C.
$14 (103rd donation), Johann J.
$13 (9th donation), Theofanis-Emmanouil T.
$13 (4th donation), Kiss J. aka “lowstar
$13 (2nd donation), Xabier A.
$13, Gordon L.
$13, Jean Francois B.
$12 (9th donation), Adian K.
$12 (5th donation), John W.
$12 (2nd donation), Alessandro S.
$11 (57th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (33rd donation), Tugaleres.com
$11 (31st donation), Denys G.
$11 (19th donation), Abdulkadir H. aka “Askari”
$11 (18th donation), Marc V. K.
$11 (17th donation), Michael P. aka “www.perron.de
$11 (15th donation), Christian B.
$11 (13th donation), Aimless Games
$11 (13th donation), Dominique M.
$11 (13th donation), JCSenar – linuxirun.com
$11 (13th donation), Ronald S.
$11 (12th donation), Rupert B.
$11 (11th donation), Axel R.
$11 (11th donation), Darius O.
$11 (11th donation), Juergen M. B.
$11 (10th donation), Laurent M
$11 (10th donation), Roland Smit
$11 (7th donation), Joerg B.
$11 (6th donation), Hamid N.
$11 (6th donation), Mario I.
$11 (6th donation), Thomas L. aka “hensys”
$11 (5th donation), Günther H.
$11 (5th donation), HM Magnusson
$11 (5th donation), Steven J. L.
$11 (4th donation), Aleksi L.
$11 (4th donation), Andre T.
$11 (4th donation), Balazs S.
$11 (4th donation), Carlo B.
$11 (4th donation), Christophe L.
$11 (4th donation), Davide M.
$11 (4th donation), Erich G.
$11 (4th donation), Fabio
$11 (4th donation), Gerhard H.
$11 (4th donation), Nabil aka “Billy”
$11 (4th donation), Thomas B.
$11 (4th donation), Yanko N.
$11 (3rd donation), Arnis D.
$11 (3rd donation), Daniele V.
$11 (3rd donation), Giovanni P.
$11 (3rd donation), Martin G.
$11 (3rd donation), Pasquale D.
$11 (3rd donation), X F C.
$11 (2nd donation), Alan L.
$11 (2nd donation), Alejandro G.
$11 (2nd donation), Aleksei V.
$11 (2nd donation), Alessio R.
$11 (2nd donation), Arvidas S.
$11 (2nd donation), Christian F.
$11 (2nd donation), Dinos E.
$11 (2nd donation), Francisco Rafael H.
$11 (2nd donation), Frederik H.
$11 (2nd donation), Jasper V.
$11 (2nd donation), Jörg H.
$11 (2nd donation), Kenzo Manuel
$11 (2nd donation), Paul dB
$11 (2nd donation), Ronny K.
$11 (2nd donation), Walter W.
$11, Aitor S.
$11, Alberto Z.
$11, Andrii Y.
$11, Anna E.
$11, Anonymous
$11, Antonio M.
$11, Artem Ignatyev aka “ZaZooBred”
$11, Bastian H.
$11, Bernard H.
$11, Chris P.
$11, Chris W.
$11, Christian M.
$11, Christopher K.
$11, Dieter T.
$11, Dirk R.
$11, Fardis M.
$11, Florian S.
$11, Frank W.
$11, Frédéric L.
$11, Gaetano C.
$11, Georgios T.
$11, Ger P.
$11, Gerd S.
$11, Giampaolo V.
$11, Gianluigi D.
$11, Giovanni S.
$11, Giusseppe Domínguez aka “gsp
$11, Gojko M.
$11, Harald M.
$11, Jacques P.
$11, James K.
$11, John D.
$11, Jonathan E D.
$11, Jose V M.
$11, Julian K.
$11, Klaus B.
$11, Klaus-dieter K.
$11, Lars W.
$11, linux-helt-enkelt v/Ketil Ervik
$11, Lydia S.
$11, Malcolm J.
$11, Marc L.
$11, Markus K.
$11, Mathias S.
$11, Mattia T.
$11, Michal G.
$11, Michelle B.
$11, Mik Prims
$11, Mirko S.
$11, Moreno M.
$11, Rolf S.
$11, Seweryn M.
$11, Simo P.
$11, Soutarson P.
$11, Stefan L.
$11, Stefan W.
$11, Stephane S.
$11, Taylan G.
$11, Thomas M.
$11, Tzvetan Hristov H.
$11, Vlad I.
$11, Walter R.
$11, Yvonne H.
$10 (106th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (51st donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (16th donation), Thevirtua
$10 (15th donation), Benjamin S. aka “fantasybenji”
$10 (10th donation), Neil B.
$10 (10th donation), TONY aka “STRUZZIN ELECTRONICS
$10 (8th donation), redman
$10 (6th donation), Jody M.
$10 (5th donation), Daniel Greg aka “006.5”
$10 (5th donation), Rimon K.
$10 (5th donation), Szymon R.
$10 (5th donation), William C.
$10 (4th donation), Harry W.
$10 (4th donation), Henrique D.
$10 (4th donation), John H.
$10 (4th donation), Stan aka “Dataful.Tech
$10 (4th donation), Steven L.
$10 (3rd donation), Evan M.
$10 (3rd donation), Gregory M.
$10 (3rd donation), Ian E.
$10 (3rd donation), N K.
$10 (2nd donation), Edward M K.
$10 (2nd donation), Gene E.
$10 (2nd donation), Kai P.
$10 (2nd donation), Michael E.
$10 (2nd donation), Mike P.
$10 (2nd donation), Mj J.
$10 (2nd donation), Paulo De Tarso A.
$10, Alex B.
$10, Allen T.
$10, Ari G.
$10, Blair’s Computer Service
$10, Brendan C.
$10, Cody G.
$10, Craig D.
$10, Dale H.
$10, David W.
$10, Davis J.
$10, Dzmitry B.
$10, Edward H.
$10, Ground Glass Productions
$10, Jim M.
$10, Jonathan T.
$10, Juan G.
$10, Justin F.
$10, Luther F.
$10, Melvin R.
$10, MyIndex
$10, Nicholas P.
$10, Optimizare SEO
$10, Oriel C.
$10, Richard L.
$10, Trevor D.
$10, Tyler S.
$10, Wallace A.
$9, Daniel P.
$9, Michael Philipp M.
$8 (30th donation), Blazej P. aka “bleyzer”
$8 (2nd donation), Dirk B. aka “sur4k”
$7, Thomas C.
$6 (94th donation), Eugene T.
$6 (41st donation), Oleksandr P.
$6 (5th donation), Józef S.
$6, Anastasios I.
$6, Arnau H.
$281 from 66 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit https://www.linuxmint.com/donors.php


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,489 patrons, for a sum of $4,090 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit https://www.patreon.com/linux_mint

Hi everyone,

We received donations from 852 people in December, for an all-time monthly record of $31,720!

Every time this number goes up I think of it the same way. I imagine that many people in one big room, all there just for us. Imagine it for a moment. It’s huge, not only in terms of support but in terms of validation and motivation for the entire team.

December celebrates the holidays, the end of the year and a new Linux Mint release. We get more donations in December than in any other month. It’s never been that high before though.

We see a compliment here and a sign that you really enjoyed our work. I’d like to thank you for this gift and for this message. Many many thanks for doing this for us!


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC
Tinken Inc

Donations in December:

A total of $31,720 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 852 donors:

$1294 (2nd donation), Jan S.
$1000 (7th donation), Gerald L.
$1000 (5th donation), B
$539 (2nd donation), Joshua G. aka “Heptaveegesimal
$431 (7th donation), Tanev, T.
$377 (5th donation), Soldev sàrl
$377, Markus B.
$335 (2nd donation), Andrey P.
$323, Matthew M.
$265 (17th donation), John Mc aka “Land Research Project”
$250 (3rd donation), Lauren A.
$216 (7th donation), Marcus H.
$216 (5th donation), Franky W.
$200 (12th donation), Plamen Penev Atanasov
$200 (3rd donation), David R.
$200 (2nd donation), James W.
$200, John R.
$200, Joseph F.
$200, Nicolas M.
$162 (5th donation), Gianni O.
$162 (5th donation), Wolfgang S.
$162, Thomas P.
$150 (4th donation), Michel R.
$129 (2nd donation), Karljosef K.
$125, David B.
$108 (9th donation), aka “Phantasus
$108 (8th donation), Walter K.
$108 (5th donation), Nicolas S.
$108 (4th donation), Johan V. D. K.
$108 (4th donation), Marco van den Berg
$108 (3rd donation), Torsten M.
$108 (2nd donation), Gabriele R.
$108 (2nd donation), Marcel R.
$108 (2nd donation), Uwe K.
$108, Dirk H.
$108, Malte F.
$108, Manuel C.
$108, Marco H.
$108, Martin S.
$108, Steven G.
$108, Tom N.
$101 (2nd donation), Josh L.
$100 (25th donation), Hans J.
$100 (13th donation), Mountain Computers, Inc aka “MTNCOMP aka GGPCTU
$100 (10th donation), Michael S.
$100 (6th donation), William C.
$100 (5th donation), Urban R.
$100 (4th donation), James F.
$100 (4th donation), James J. Q.
$100 (4th donation), Matt S.
$100 (3rd donation), Michael H.
$100 (2nd donation), John A.
$100 (2nd donation), Rodney B.
$100 (2nd donation), William D.
$100, Aaron S.
$100, Donald A.
$100, Janice H.
$100, Kenneth W.
$100, Terrence A J.
$86 (2nd donation), Jean-françois G.
$81 (6th donation), Jean-baptiste P.
$75 (10th donation), Jeff S.
$75 (6th donation), Frank R.
$75, James S.
$75, Peter W.
$68, Vivian D.
$65 (4th donation), Ulrich W.
$60, Stanley P.
$55 (8th donation), Chris M.
$54 (21st donation), Per J.
$54 (17th donation), Paul S. E. aka “Paul”
$54 (14th donation), Torsten P.
$54 (13th donation), Hans-Georg Thien
$54 (11th donation), More Linux
$54 (10th donation), Martin R.
$54 (9th donation), Karl H.
$54 (8th donation), Jose L. D.
$54 (8th donation), Jyrki A.
$54 (7th donation), Armin F.
$54 (7th donation), Brian S.
$54 (7th donation), Johanan M.
$54 (7th donation), Ronald Severin
$54 (7th donation), Uwe O.
$54 (6th donation), Bernhard M.
$54 (6th donation), Christian T.
$54 (6th donation), Dominique P.
$54 (6th donation), Luis R.
$54 (6th donation), Rosanna & Alex
$54 (5th donation), Anton M.
$54 (5th donation), Florian L.
$54 (5th donation), Gilles S.
$54 (5th donation), Malte K.
$54 (5th donation), Sébastien B.
$54 (4th donation), Isabell C.
$54 (4th donation), Stefan B.
$54 (3rd donation), Cecilio P.
$54 (3rd donation), Leo P.
$54 (3rd donation), Lothar S.
$54 (3rd donation), Matthias R.
$54 (3rd donation), Reinhold S.
$54 (3rd donation), Wolfgang W.
$54 (2nd donation), Alexander B.
$54 (2nd donation), Arie N.
$54 (2nd donation), Benoît H.
$54 (2nd donation), Bernt Stefan Angelo A.
$54 (2nd donation), Ciaran S.
$54 (2nd donation), Daniel Kassner
$54 (2nd donation), Heinz Martin D.
$54 (2nd donation), Hubert S.
$54 (2nd donation), Joachim S.
$54 (2nd donation), Kai K.
$54 (2nd donation), Ludovic M.
$54 (2nd donation), Matthias G.
$54 (2nd donation), Pauli K.
$54 (2nd donation), Ralf G. A.
$54 (2nd donation), Reinhard B.
$54 (2nd donation), Ronald K.
$54 (2nd donation), Udo L.
$54, aka “deroppi”
$54, Aer H.
$54, Andreas F.
$54, Christian S.
$54, Clemens L.
$54, Daniel L.
$54, Denis C.
$54, Dominik S.
$54, Dominique D.
$54, Eimar K.
$54, Enrico M.
$54, Eugenio B.
$54, Germain C.
$54, Håkan F.
$54, Henry R.
$54, Joerg S.
$54, Johannes B.
$54, Martin F.
$54, Mauro G.
$54, Miikka K.
$54, Olaf W.
$54, Pierric W.
$54, Raoul P.
$54, Robert G.
$54, Ronny J.
$54, Silvan S.
$54, Silvano P.
$54, Stefan W.
$54, Volker W.
$50 (90th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (13th donation), Robert D. aka “MacDhai
$50 (10th donation), Christophe Caillé aka “KKY”
$50 (10th donation), Stuart B.
$50 (9th donation), David S.
$50 (9th donation), Michael T.
$50 (9th donation), William G.
$50 (8th donation), Bob Tregilus
$50 (8th donation), Ralph P.
$50 (8th donation), Stacey F.
$50 (7th donation), Al B.
$50 (7th donation), GELvdH
$50 (6th donation), David K.
$50 (5th donation), Chris C.
$50 (5th donation), Jim W.
$50 (5th donation), Kurt T.
$50 (5th donation), Stuart C. D.
$50 (5th donation), William T. aka “Beel
$50 (4th donation), Doug S.
$50 (4th donation), Douglas J.
$50 (4th donation), Gilles B.
$50 (4th donation), Peter C.
$50 (3rd donation), Brian B.
$50 (3rd donation), Corey P.
$50 (3rd donation), David Diaz
$50 (3rd donation), Evan S.
$50 (3rd donation), Julie A G.
$50 (3rd donation), Leland M.
$50 (3rd donation), Melvin M.
$50 (3rd donation), Mothy
$50 (3rd donation), Todd P.
$50 (2nd donation), Dan B.
$50 (2nd donation), David B.
$50 (2nd donation), Frank J.
$50 (2nd donation), Gary E.
$50 (2nd donation), John B.
$50 (2nd donation), Kody B.
$50 (2nd donation), Lee J.
$50 (2nd donation), Mark M.
$50 (2nd donation), Martin-pierre L.
$50 (2nd donation), Matthew C.
$50 (2nd donation), Papa’s Voice Audio LLC
$50 (2nd donation), Schneider Wood Working
$50 (2nd donation), Steven O.
$50 (2nd donation), Vincent P.
$50 (2nd donation), William M.
$50, Alfred W.
$50, Andrew S.
$50, Christopher S.
$50, Dave N.
$50, Edgar R.
$50, Frank O.
$50, Hamza 21
$50, Humberto C.
$50, John M.
$50, John S.
$50, Joshua G.
$50, Michael H.
$50, Michael L.
$50, Michael W.
$50, Ralph K.
$50, Robert M.
$50, Scott S.
$50, Shawn H.
$50, Stephen R.
$50, Teddy W.
$50, Terry K.
$50, William M.
$49 (5th donation), Ingo S.
$45 (3rd donation), Flint W. O.
$44 (2nd donation), Juri N.
$43 (11th donation), Pavel B.
$43 (6th donation), Mathias P.
$43 (3rd donation), Bogdan O.
$43 (3rd donation), Floris V.
$40 (6th donation), Daniel T.
$40 (5th donation), Richard M.
$40 (4th donation), Paul S.
$40 (4th donation), Stefan E.
$40 (4th donation), Steve K.
$40 (3rd donation), Timothy R.
$40, Paul P.
$40, Sam S.
$38, Alessio Bolognini
$38, Walter G.
$37, Eric F.
$35 (11th donation), John Eady
$35 (4th donation), Steven H.
$35 (3rd donation), P W E.
$34 (3rd donation), Daniel H.
$32 (14th donation), Luca D.
$32 (14th donation), Marc S.
$32 (11th donation), Wolfgang N.
$32 (9th donation), Jürgen F.
$32 (8th donation), Daniel K.
$32 (7th donation), Frank B.
$32 (6th donation), Anthony G M.
$32 (5th donation), Grzegorz I.
$32 (4th donation), Marie-josee B.
$32 (4th donation), Raimund L.
$32 (3rd donation), Marcus R.
$32 (3rd donation), Rene G.
$32 (2nd donation), Bastian K.
$32 (2nd donation), Boris B.
$32 (2nd donation), Karl Felix K.
$32 (2nd donation), Manfred S.
$32, Annegret O.
$32, Graham P.
$32, Matthias G.
$32, Matthias W.
$32, Peter T.
$32, Thomas K.
$32, Walter G.
$31 (19th donation), Adam K.
$31 (8th donation), Graeme M. J.
$30 (6th donation), Larry B.
$30 (3rd donation), Bart L.
$30 (3rd donation), Greg P.
$30 (2nd donation), Owen L.
$30 (2nd donation), Veronique K.
$30, Dr. Dale
$30, Judy S.
$30, Tal O.
$27 (14th donation), Bill Metzenthen
$27 (10th donation), Peter Schallmoser-Schlogl
$27 (7th donation), Alessio B.
$27 (7th donation), Herberth M.
$27 (5th donation), Chris F.
$27 (5th donation), David Fletcher
$27 (5th donation), Miss anon aka “Anonymous ”
$27 (4th donation), Christoph F.
$27 (4th donation), Gerhard K.
$27 (4th donation), Guenther M.
$27 (4th donation), Marius A.
$27 (4th donation), Sape S.
$27 (3rd donation), Alexander W.
$27 (3rd donation), Mark
$27 (3rd donation), Rainer G.
$27 (2nd donation), Joseph B.
$27, Andrew G.
$27, Florian W.
$27, Jens K.
$27, Tony J.
$26 (69th donation), Michael R.
$26 (2nd donation), Dennis H.
$25 (102th donation), Johann J.
$25 (46th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (20th donation), George R. aka “Az4x4”
$25 (12th donation), Timothy C.
$25 (12th donation), Todd W.
$25 (11th donation), John W.
$25 (9th donation), Edmond I.
$25 (9th donation), Robert S.
$25 (9th donation), Roy Q.
$25 (7th donation), Thomas H.
$25 (5th donation), Craig B.
$25 (5th donation), Edward C.
$25 (5th donation), Mihnea Rădulescu
$25 (4th donation), John P.
$25 (4th donation), Kevin R.
$25 (3rd donation), Arun M.
$25 (3rd donation), Chris L.
$25 (3rd donation), Kelechi A.
$25 (2nd donation), Andrew R.
$25 (2nd donation), Carol B.
$25 (2nd donation), John N.
$25 (2nd donation), Laura S.
$25, Chris H.
$25, David M.
$25, Larry H.
$25, Maxime L.
$25, Richard T.
$25, Simon B.
$22 (55th donation), Peter E.
$22 (27th donation), Kevin O. aka “Kev”
$22 (22nd donation), Nigel B.
$22 (20th donation), Arvis Lācis aka “arvislacis
$22 (20th donation), Stefan W.
$22 (17th donation), Benjamin W. aka “UncleBens”
$22 (17th donation), Marek S.
$22 (14th donation), Frank J.
$22 (13th donation), Henrik H.
$22 (11th donation), Bernhard L.
$22 (11th donation), Dimitar S.
$22 (11th donation), Frank V.
$22 (11th donation), Gabriele Bandini aka “GiBi Gab
$22 (9th donation), Gabriele B.
$22 (8th donation), Gerhard A.
$22 (8th donation), Giovanni D. S. aka “ChibiOS
$22 (8th donation), Manfred W.
$22 (8th donation), Marco P.
$22 (8th donation), Richard L. F.
$22 (8th donation), Sebastian J.
$22 (8th donation), Vidal Santos
$22 (7th donation), Kai H.
$22 (7th donation), Stefan S.
$22 (6th donation), aka “Max”
$22 (6th donation), RobH
$22 (5th donation), Andreas F.
$22 (5th donation), Andreas F.
$22 (5th donation), Florian S.
$22 (5th donation), Frank R.
$22 (5th donation), Ingo P.
$22 (5th donation), Jens F.
$22 (5th donation), Mario N.
$22 (4th donation), Anthony S.
$22 (4th donation), Carsten M.
$22 (4th donation), Christian S.
$22 (4th donation), Harald U.
$22 (4th donation), Jean-francois L.
$22 (4th donation), Konstantinos K. aka “SV1XV
$22 (4th donation), Ludwig K.
$22 (4th donation), Nils D. aka “Akron
$22 (4th donation), Olaf K.
$22 (4th donation), Raul A.
$22 (4th donation), Sybren H.
$22 (3rd donation), Andrea T. aka “atasc”
$22 (3rd donation), Antun K.
$22 (3rd donation), Charles K.
$22 (3rd donation), Christoph M.
$22 (3rd donation), Grega K.
$22 (3rd donation), Hugo L.
$22 (3rd donation), Jan B.
$22 (3rd donation), Joshua W.
$22 (3rd donation), Marc LASTHAUS
$22 (3rd donation), Rudolf M.
$22 (3rd donation), Sebastian G.
$22 (3rd donation), Sinan B.
$22 (3rd donation), Stefan Korn – Webentwicklung
$22 (2nd donation), Albert P.
$22 (2nd donation), Antonio S.
$22 (2nd donation), Carsten S.
$22 (2nd donation), Christian J.
$22 (2nd donation), Dimitrios S.
$22 (2nd donation), F. E.
$22 (2nd donation), Florian B.
$22 (2nd donation), Heinz-juergen B.
$22 (2nd donation), Hristo B.
$22 (2nd donation), Ingo P.
$22 (2nd donation), Janos V.
$22 (2nd donation), Joachim W.
$22 (2nd donation), John B.
$22 (2nd donation), José Luis D.
$22 (2nd donation), Josef C.
$22 (2nd donation), Marc R.
$22 (2nd donation), Nils L.
$22 (2nd donation), Peter S.
$22 (2nd donation), Reimund M.
$22 (2nd donation), Samuel C.
$22 (2nd donation), Zsolnay I.
$22, Ajay R.
$22, Albrecht S.
$22, Aleksander A.
$22, Alexander B.
$22, Andrea B.
$22, Andrea T.
$22, Andreas F.
$22, Andreas K.
$22, Andreas S.
$22, Angelo S.
$22, Anne-Pierre aka “A-PP”
$22, Anton S.
$22, Benjamin E.
$22, Benjamin L.
$22, Bernd M.
$22, Bradley F.
$22, Christoph H.
$22, Christopher H.
$22, Dirk S.
$22, Dusan K.
$22, Emilie H.
$22, Fabio A.
$22, Florian A.
$22, Franck M.
$22, Fred H.
$22, Friedhelm M.
$22, Georg T.
$22, Gerhard K.
$22, Guillaume V.
$22, Hans S.
$22, Hartmut G.
$22, Hermann C.
$22, Jacques C.
$22, Joachim K.
$22, Jochen R.
$22, Jochen S.
$22, Johan F.
$22, John B.
$22, Kai N.
$22, Kai S.
$22, Karl A.
$22, Klaus K.
$22, Klaus V.
$22, Lars O.
$22, Leif J.
$22, Lutz B.
$22, Magnus I.
$22, Mandon P.
$22, Michael D.
$22, Michael G.
$22, Mike S.
$22, Nicolas B.
$22, Oliver A.
$22, Oliver K.
$22, Paul G.
$22, Philipp H.
$22, Philippe C.
$22, Reiner L.
$22, Remy D.
$22, Renaud A.
$22, RMC
$22, Sascha B.
$22, Sebastian A.
$22, Sebastian B.
$22, Simeon E.
$22, Simon J.
$22, Soterios VOF
$22, Thaha J.
$22, Thomas H.
$22, Thomas I.
$22, Thomas M.
$22, Thomas V.
$22, Tillmann W.
$22, Tristan M.
$22, Tudor P.
$22, vcsfrl
$22, Volkmar G.
$22, Weinand S.
$22, Wilfried Z.
$20 (64th donation), Bryan F.
$20 (44th donation), John D.
$20 (31st donation), vagrantcow
$20 (13th donation), Terry B.
$20 (9th donation), Mark R.
$20 (8th donation), John T.
$20 (6th donation), Cuauhtemoc M.
$20 (6th donation), Frank F.
$20 (6th donation), youme
$20 (5th donation), Andrew D.
$20 (5th donation), Dimitrios G.
$20 (5th donation), Frederick S.
$20 (5th donation), Timothy S.
$20 (4th donation), Blake P.
$20 (4th donation), David Morris aka “DPMorris”
$20 (4th donation), Eric W.
$20 (4th donation), Jason T.
$20 (4th donation), Vincent A.
$20 (3rd donation), Bede W.
$20 (3rd donation), David P.
$20 (3rd donation), Ken B.
$20 (3rd donation), Rune J.
$20 (3rd donation), Stephen B.
$20 (3rd donation), William S.
$20 (2nd donation), Alejandro R.
$20 (2nd donation), Craig C.
$20 (2nd donation), Dion D.
$20 (2nd donation), Edgar Osvaldo R.
$20 (2nd donation), Ian M.
$20 (2nd donation), Leela A.
$20 (2nd donation), Michael M.
$20 (2nd donation), Patrick N.
$20 (2nd donation), Pavel P.
$20 (2nd donation), Peter S.
$20 (2nd donation), Pierre-luc Daoust aka “Monsieur P-L
$20 (2nd donation), Raymond J.
$20 (2nd donation), Raymond T.
$20 (2nd donation), Richard S.
$20 (2nd donation), Robert H.
$20 (2nd donation), Roger S.
$20 (2nd donation), Sara P.
$20, Alexander F.
$20, Alexander L.
$20, Andrew B.
$20, Arthur M.
$20, Brad S.
$20, Brandon M.
$20, Christopher N.
$20, Claudio Z.
$20, Dane P.
$20, Daniel B.
$20, David G.
$20, Dinilson P.
$20, Don M.
$20, Elvis A.
$20, Fredric F.
$20, Gary M.
$20, Gary S.
$20, Jason P.
$20, Jesus J H.
$20, Jill M.
$20, Johnnie Q.
$20, Jorge G.
$20, Keith C.
$20, Liran Nuna aka “LiraNuna”
$20, Martin P.
$20, Matt W.
$20, Mike,beth B.
$20, Neil K.
$20, Oliver P.
$20, Paul D.
$20, Paul S.
$20, Phillip B.
$20, Robert B.
$20, Robert S.
$20, Rose B. aka “lumina_
$20, Russell N.
$20, Sanborn M.
$20, Sean S.
$20, Stephen O.
$20, Tapio S.
$20, Timothy M.
$20, Urs W.
$20, Werner Streich
$20, William M.
$17, Terry R.
$16 (82th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (5th donation), Andreas Agoumis aka “IntCon”
$16 (5th donation), Gorazd B.
$16 (4th donation), E. V. S. .
$16 (4th donation), Philippe F.
$16 (3rd donation), Edoardo R.
$16 (2nd donation), Fabio R.
$16 (2nd donation), Ralph-michael M.
$16, Jonathan C.
$16, Tobias B.
$16, Yoann P.
$15 (7th donation), Marcin A.
$15 (3rd donation), Steven L.
$14 (2nd donation), Tony L.
$13 (3rd donation), Andreas R.
$13 (2nd donation), Roger R.
$13, Daniël P.
$13, Gj F.
$13, Ronald B.
$12 (4th donation), Henk-jan J.
$12 (2nd donation), Shane B.
$12, Alessandro S.
$12, Riccardo B.
$11 (56th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (32nd donation), Tugaleres.com
$11 (30th donation), Denys G.
$11 (21st donation), Jürgen K.
$11 (17th donation), Gerard C.
$11 (17th donation), Yves R. aka “Long_Time_User”
$11 (14th donation), Christian B.
$11 (12th donation), Emanuele Proietti aka “Manuermejo”
$11 (12th donation), Karlheinz R.
$11 (11th donation), Pierre G.
$11 (8th donation), Florian J.
$11 (8th donation), Guillaume O. aka “Gandalf81”
$11 (7th donation), Jacques V.
$11 (7th donation), Paolo C.
$11 (6th donation), Elias B.
$11 (6th donation), J M. H. C.
$11 (6th donation), Jan Z.
$11 (6th donation), Ulrich P.
$11 (5th donation), Aghiles C.
$11 (5th donation), Bernd R.
$11 (5th donation), Daniel A.
$11 (5th donation), Jaroslaw W.
$11 (5th donation), Jose J.
$11 (5th donation), Maurizio Giacobbe aka “maurizioweb
$11 (5th donation), Michael K.
$11 (4th donation), Benjamin L. aka “indivisual
$11 (4th donation), Elmar V.
$11 (4th donation), Fais T.
$11 (4th donation), Fergus T.
$11 (4th donation), Gerald H.
$11 (4th donation), Haris A.
$11 (4th donation), Iker L.
$11 (4th donation), Marco B. aka “Erouc
$11 (3rd donation), Andreas Z.
$11 (3rd donation), David P.
$11 (3rd donation), Florian A.
$11 (3rd donation), Linus K.
$11 (3rd donation), Marijn V.
$11 (3rd donation), Marko U.
$11 (3rd donation), Maysi2k aka “Maysi2k
$11 (3rd donation), Michele D.
$11 (3rd donation), RedFox
$11 (3rd donation), Stefan E.
$11 (3rd donation), Thomas K.
$11 (3rd donation), Ulrich B.
$11 (3rd donation), Volker S.
$11 (2nd donation), Ds
$11 (2nd donation), Hans A.
$11 (2nd donation), Iztok M.
$11 (2nd donation), Jorge G.
$11 (2nd donation), Mauro P.
$11 (2nd donation), Michael V.
$11 (2nd donation), Piermarcello P.
$11 (2nd donation), Sasa B.
$11 (2nd donation), Sebastian H.
$11 (2nd donation), Thomas F.
$11 (2nd donation), X F C.
$11, Alejandro D.
$11, Alexis C.
$11, Andreas M.
$11, Andrejas H.
$11, Antonios C.
$11, Ardawan R.
$11, Arne R.
$11, Artur H.
$11, Arvidas S.
$11, Beat L.
$11, Bernd S.
$11, Branislav M.
$11, Brendan K.
$11, Carlos V.
$11, Catherine B.
$11, Christian S.
$11, Claus E.
$11, Daniel B.
$11, Daniele B.
$11, Dietmar G.
$11, Dragan Erik L.
$11, Eugen K.
$11, Fabio S.
$11, Fast Copy
$11, Florian Q.
$11, Frank R.
$11, Fredy R.
$11, Gb K.
$11, Geir
$11, Giuseppe Francesco Aldo R.
$11, Iain R.
$11, Jacob S.
$11, Jan Frederik H.
$11, Jivko R.
$11, Jordi C.
$11, José F.
$11, Jose Manuel L.
$11, Josep C.
$11, Karel S.
$11, Klaas T.
$11, Klub patel historie
$11, Laszlo B.
$11, Laszlo B.
$11, Lubomir C.
$11, Marcio R.
$11, Marko K.
$11, Markus H.
$11, Maron V.
$11, Martin R.
$11, Martin S.
$11, Mathias Z.
$11, Mauro D.
$11, Maximilian M.
$11, Michael C.
$11, Michaël D.
$11, Michael K.
$11, Michael L.
$11, Nicolas S.
$11, Peter B.
$11, Peter F.
$11, Peter N.
$11, Reiner K.
$11, Rodney D.
$11, Rodrigo S.
$11, Romain V.
$11, Samar A.
$11, Santiago M.
$11, Sebastian T.
$11, Siegfried K.
$11, Stanislaw S.
$11, Stella S.
$11, Sune B.
$11, Sven F.
$11, Ulrich E.
$11, Wojciech W.
$10 (105th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (50th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (37th donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (27th donation), Wilson G.
$10 (25th donation), Bruce M.
$10 (15th donation), Michael V.
$10 (14th donation), platypus products
$10 (12th donation), Gustavo A. B.
$10 (11th donation), Michael K.
$10 (9th donation), TONY aka “STRUZZIN ELECTRONICS
$10 (8th donation), Eric L.
$10 (7th donation), Mario M.
$10 (6th donation), David W.
$10 (5th donation), Joseph J.
$10 (5th donation), Lloyd H.
$10 (4th donation), Attila C.
$10 (4th donation), Marco Z.
$10 (3rd donation), Blanford B.
$10 (3rd donation), Byron D.
$10 (3rd donation), Elvio Lampugnani aka “elviolmp”
$10 (3rd donation), Hugh R.
$10 (3rd donation), Jeffery S.
$10 (3rd donation), Michael H.
$10 (3rd donation), Michael W.
$10 (3rd donation), Stan aka “Dataful.Tech
$10 (2nd donation), Brian O.
$10 (2nd donation), Carlos V M.
$10 (2nd donation), Gehova L.
$10 (2nd donation), Gregory B.
$10 (2nd donation), H. Balázs aka “JegesMAC”
$10 (2nd donation), Jeff S.
$10 (2nd donation), Petr V.
$10 (2nd donation), Richard H B.
$10 (2nd donation), Robert P.
$10 (2nd donation), Stanton P.
$10 (2nd donation), The Original Nutshell SmokeCage Corporation
$10 (2nd donation), Vesa A.
$10 (2nd donation), Zebh
$10, Adhyan P.
$10, Alessandro B.
$10, Axel Z.
$10, Ben K.
$10, Brandon W.
$10, Chet Bourg
$10, Cory T.
$10, D L.
$10, Edward I.
$10, Ernest A.
$10, Evgenii K.
$10, Gene E.
$10, James P.
$10, Javier T.
$10, Jens U.
$10, Jim J.
$10, Jose H.
$10, Karl Kristen S.
$10, Lucien L.
$10, Mark M.
$10, Matt D.
$10, Michael W.
$10, Nicholas A.
$10, Pablo L.
$10, Pierre F.
$10, Ralph B.
$10, Ricardo B.
$10, Rusty Rooster Antiques
$10, Rylee W.
$10, Sergei V.
$10, Thomas M.
$10, Todd I.
$10, Wade H.
$10, Will Perez Ronderos aka “munecito”
$10, William G.
$9, Szymon S.
$226 from 52 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit https://www.linuxmint.com/donors.php


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,467 patrons, for a sum of $3,909 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit https://www.patreon.com/linux_mint

It is now possible to upgrade Linux Mint 22 to version 22.1.

If you’ve been waiting for this we’d like to thank you for your patience.

1. Create a system snapshot

You can use Timeshift to make a system snapshot before the upgrade.

If anything goes wrong, you can easily restore your operating system to its previous state.

Launch Timeshift from the application menu, follow the instructions on the screen to configure it and create a system snapshot.

2. Prepare for the upgrade

If you installed Cinnamon spices (applets, desklets, extensions, themes), upgrade them from the System Settings.

3. Upgrade the operating system

Upgrading to Linux Mint 22.1 is fast and easy.

In the Update Manager, click on the Refresh button to check for any new version of mintupdate or mint-upgrade-info. If there are updates for these packages, apply them.

Launch the System Upgrade by clicking on “Edit->Upgrade to Linux Mint 22.1 Xia”.

Follow the instructions on the screen.

If asked whether to keep or replace configuration files, choose to replace them.

4. Reboot the computer

Once the upgrade is finished, reboot your computer.

Commonly asked questions

  • If the upgrade is not available to you, check that you have the latest version of mint-upgrade-info (1.2.7 or higher) and restart the Update Manager by launching it again from the applications menu.
  • If the latest version of mint-upgrade-info is not yet available in your mirror, switch to the default repositories.
  • This happens rarely, but if you ever got locked and were unable to log back in, switch to console with CTRL+ALT+F2, log in, and type “killall cinnamon-screensaver” (or “killall mate-screensaver” in MATE). Use CTRL+ALT+F7 to get back to your session.