The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 16 “Petra” MATE.

Linux Mint 16 Petra MATE Edition
Linux Mint 16 is the result of 6 months of incremental development on top of stable and reliable technologies. This new release comes with updated software and brings refinements and new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.
New features at a glance:
- Login Screen
- USB Stick support
- Performance improvements
- Software Manager
- System Improvements
- Artwork Improvements
- Main Components
For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 16 MATE“.
Important info:
- Recommended packages and 32-bit libraries
- DVD playback
- EFI Support
- PAE required for 32-bit ISOs
- mint4win
Make sure to read the “Release Notes” to be aware of important info or known issues related to this release.
System requirements:
- x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
- 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
- 5 GB of disk space
- Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
- CD/DVD drive or USB port
Upgrade instructions:
- To upgrade from a previous version of Linux Mint follow these instructions.
- To upgrade from the RC release follow these instructions.
Md5 sum:
- 32-bit: 678dc3975bb205137a67702f3552a894
- 64-bit: ea86b57728d047ec6e1614418890776b
HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:
- Argentina Cooperativa Telefonica de Villa Gobernador Galvez Ltda.
- Argentina Xfree
- Australia AARNet
- Australia Internode
- Australia uberglobal
- Australia Western Australian Internet Association
- Australia Yes Optus Mirror
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Bangladesh dhakaCom Limited
- Belarus ByFly
- Belgium Solutions
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
- Bulgaria Telepoint
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- China Qiming College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Czech Republic Ignum, s.r.o.
- France Gwendal Le Bihan
- France IRCAM
- France Ordimatic
- France RTS Informatique
- Germany Artfiles
- Germany Copahost
- Germany FH Aachen
- Germany GWDG
- Germany Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Germany
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
- Greece National Technical University of Athens
- Greece University of Crete
- Greenland Tele Greenland
- Iceland Siminn hf
- India Honesty Net Solutions
- Ireland HEAnet
- Israel Israel Internet Association
- Italy GARR
- Luxembourg root S.A.
- Netherlands NLUUG
- Netherlands Triple IT
- New Zealand University of Canterbury
- New Zealand Xnet
- Norway Communica
- Poland ICM – University of Warsaw
- Portugal CeSIUM – Universidade do Minho
- Portugal Universidade do Porto
- Romania ServerHost
- Russia Yandex Team
- Serbia University of Kragujevac
- Singapore
- Singapore NUS – School of Computing – SigLabs
- Slovakia Rainside
- South Africa University of Free State
- South Korea KAIST
- South Korea NeowizGames corp
- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
- Sri Lanka Lanka Education and Research Network
- Sweden DF – Computer Society at Lund University
- Sweden Portlane
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Taiwan NCHC
- Taiwan TamKang University
- Ukraine OSDN.Org.UA
- United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting
- United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service
- USA James Madison University
- USA MetroCast Cablevision
- USA Nexcess
- USA University of Maryland, College Park
- USA University of Oklahoma
HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:
- Argentina Cooperativa Telefonica de Villa Gobernador Galvez Ltda.
- Argentina Xfree
- Australia AARNet
- Australia Internode
- Australia uberglobal
- Australia Western Australian Internet Association
- Australia Yes Optus Mirror
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Bangladesh dhakaCom Limited
- Belarus ByFly
- Belgium Solutions
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
- Bulgaria Telepoint
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- China Qiming College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Czech Republic Ignum, s.r.o.
- France Gwendal Le Bihan
- France IRCAM
- France Ordimatic
- France RTS Informatique
- Germany Artfiles
- Germany Copahost
- Germany FH Aachen
- Germany GWDG
- Germany Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Germany
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
- Greece National Technical University of Athens
- Greece University of Crete
- Greenland Tele Greenland
- Iceland Siminn hf
- India Honesty Net Solutions
- Ireland HEAnet
- Israel Israel Internet Association
- Italy GARR
- Luxembourg root S.A.
- Netherlands NLUUG
- Netherlands Triple IT
- New Zealand University of Canterbury
- New Zealand Xnet
- Norway Communica
- Poland ICM – University of Warsaw
- Portugal CeSIUM – Universidade do Minho
- Portugal Universidade do Porto
- Romania ServerHost
- Russia Yandex Team
- Serbia University of Kragujevac
- Singapore
- Singapore NUS – School of Computing – SigLabs
- Slovakia Rainside
- South Africa University of Free State
- South Korea KAIST
- South Korea NeowizGames corp
- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
- Sri Lanka Lanka Education and Research Network
- Sweden DF – Computer Society at Lund University
- Sweden Portlane
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Taiwan NCHC
- Taiwan TamKang University
- Ukraine OSDN.Org.UA
- United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting
- United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service
- USA James Madison University
- USA MetroCast Cablevision
- USA Nexcess
- USA University of Maryland, College Park
- USA University of Oklahoma
Alternative downloads:
No-codecs images:
Distributors and magazines in Japan, USA and countries where distributing media codecs is problematic can use the “No Codecs” ISO images. These images are available for both the MATE and Cinnamon editions, in 32-bit and 64-bit at the following address:
OEM images:
Manufacturers can pre-install Linux Mint on their computers using the OEM installation images. These images will be made available next week, for both the MATE and Cinnamon edition in 64-bit at the following address:
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!
=== Here is the German translation ===
Linux Mint 16 Petra MATE veröffentlicht:
Upgrade problem
Collision problem Mate Repository and Mint Petra Repository
libmatewnck0 and libmatewnck
libmatewnck0 : Står i konflikt med: libmatewnck men 1.6.0-1+raring
Följande NYA paket kommer att bli installerade:
Följande paket kommer att bli uppgraderade:
1 paket att uppgradera, 1 att nyinstallera. 0 att ta bort och 0 inte uppgraderade.
Behöver hämta 233 kB arkiv. Efter uppackning kommer 359 kB diskplats att användas.
Följande paket har otillfredsställda beroenden:
libmatewnck : Beroende av: libmatewnck-common (= 1.6.0-1+raring) men 1.6.1-1+petra är installerat.
libmatewnck0 : Står i konflikt med: libmatewnck men 1.6.0-1+raring kommer att installeras.
Gör sönder: libmatewnck men 1.6.0-1+raring kommer att installeras.
enjoy it!
download in progress ….
Its simple awesome…!
Downloaded and installed a day ago.
Works faster than any of existing distro.
However live version had some issues like firefox not starting or getting hanged.
Great work
Just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the awesome work. Thanks.
Congratulations to the entire Linux Mint Team, excellent version, now waiting for the KDE version. Too bad the little time support, but unfortunately this does not depend to you. Congratulations Linux Mint Team !!!!
Thanks to Clem and all team. Greetings.
Live DVD is English. We would prefer Live DVDs with the others languages for our keyboards – and this without instalations of language packeges because not all have internet connection here.
In the performance feature for fullscreen applications, I have tearing problems with VLC Player in fullscreen.
The rest is okay, congratulations.
libre office is without Arial. Not important for all but we need Arial.
the kids say files dont open in the archive, yes is true, only with right click one can come to the way to open. why this – this is to much for kids.
Simply phenomenal. thank you to all the developers. Excellent work again.
The link to “Upgrade from RC” instructions is easily missed, and there are no threads in the forum about it (only a few posts by xenopeek). I think it needs more highlighting, or else the users will be left with buggy Synaptic.
Tested on VirtualBox, pretty nice. But I don’t like that there is not fixed mintMenu solid color bug, which I was reported in RC release. mintMenu version is changed to 5.5.0 but no changes.
Is this so hard to fix this? With MATE 1.4 this problem not existed.
Also file manager again disappear when try to preview some mp3, also was reported in RC. LMDE this bug is fixed.
To bad this is supported for less than 9 months. Pity for those who want an operating system that they don’t have to to reinstall every 7 to 9 months. Will KDE edition have 5-6 months support?.
Downloaded and updated today. Just re-syncing dropbox etc. Good work!
ja says: download in progress …
…here as well
@Bob (#16), Mint is just inheriting Ubuntu’s support patterns. Its easy to upgrade and preserve all of one’s settings and files, they are all in /home, which is easy enough to backup. It’s also a tradeoff between cutting-edge features and stability. If people are interested in more lengthy releases that possibly have less features, they would run Mint 13 Long Term Stable (LTS) and Mint 17 (coming out in May) will be the next LTS. Those are supported for several years.
Mint team, congrats on the release! Enjoy my donation.
( Responses Harry Says: 2 ), “Upgrade problem”
The problem is solved. At a upgrade to Linux Mint 16 “Petra” have not Mate Repository active.
Thanks to Clem and all team.
Excellent work again.
I currently runs Social network :
But I have di last month and still looking for an opportunity to make Windows completely redundant. Now I can ascertain , thanks Mint 16 Mate, yes again, I have finally reached the end goal. I’ve been using Linux for over 15 + years and now works finally everything I need for my computer. 1 Virtualbox works more than good to my Windows xp 32bit with all web applications , especially flash that I purchased from different suppliers , which I use in conjunction with website development. 2 Now works finally Netflix desktop satisfactory for the first time without mincing etc. Mint works much faster than earlier versions. I do not have anything else to say big thanks to the tremendous progress Linux Mint team has done this time . This version is going to leave marks behind. The only thing I now missing , and Mint is not their problem , but I am still searching for one usable html5 web builder without the necessary html coding, but with good support for swf files ( Flash ) as for example the many coffecups programs I have purchased. I’m willing to pay for such a great web solution . Whether it be someone who knows something!
But again, a big thank you and good luck with the world’s most stable Linux distribution.
Greetings from Norway
Downloaded, verified, and installed Mint 16 MATE, on an Intel Core Duo Quad, with 8 8 GB RAM, and Firefox is broken. Got all updates, did a complete uninstall of FF. Reinstalled it, and still is broken.
Call me thick (someone will anyway) but I don’t understand this –
Recommended packages are no longer automatically installed in Linux Mint. To install a package with its recommended packages, use the command “apt install packagename –install-recommends”.
Does this refer to the regular ‘security updates’? If so, sounds ominous.
Thank you :))
Suggestion: How about a nice christmessy Linux Mint wallpaper?
“But I don’t like that there is not fixed mintMenu solid color bug”
I second this. It didn’t exist in LM 14.
I’m running LM 15 MATE with dual monitors, sometimes applications will start on one monitor and somehow automatically moves to the other monitor. Is this bug fixed?
Also another minor bug was that when moving desktop icons, I could not move the icons to the bottom of the monitor, they were constricted by the height dimension of the other monitor, which had different dimensions. This bug didn’t exist in Gnome2 and possibly not in early MATE versions.
what an awesome distro, keeping my 2006 model yoshiba suxxor laptop running and well. I’m installing mint to every computer of relatives – family – friends. hoping to see linux taking over like a wildfire and destroying shit called ms some day, good job people, much respect from Turkey.
Any plans for some SSD/Hybrid install options for the next release?
An alternative installation selection with the option to prolong the life of an expensive SSD would surely vault us ahead of the pack.
I installed the MATE 64-bit version but I could not Suspend, and I could not Hibernate (or at least I could not Resume again from either state.) Mint 15 had the same problem. Debian 7 works OK. I’m using full disk encryption and the nouveau graphics driver and plymouth (in all three cases.)
Otherwise, the Mint 16 MATE seems to be excellent so far.
I’ll use Debian till this is fixed.
Great Job. Thanks. Only thing I noticed was a stoppage during Installation, when it’s done. Usually it kicks the DVD tray open and gives an option to Close the tray and hit “Enter” to restart. After 5 minutes, it never restarted, I had to hit the power button to stop it and restart. A Minor thing only. So far everything is great and I’m using an SSD with the System optimized for that. Thanks Again.
Petra 64 bit confusion. Uncontrolled screen appears on the gnomes.
Use Mint since Mint 14 and like it. The ‘upgrade to Mint 16 Cinnamon’, I always do clean installs, went smooth. It took around 4 minutes to install and all the hardware on my Dell Inspiron just works.
Mint 16 feels faster than Mint 15.
Mint team, congrats on the release! Enjoy my donation.
To Mr. Lefebvre and the development team:
I have been very happy with Mint Mate Maya 13 as it uses very little of my computer’s resources and I still get all the eye candy from compiz and emerald. But yesterday I downloaded and tried both Mint 16 Cinnamon and Mint 16 Mate, and both of these will not work well with my system. It seems the graphics card in this new iteration of Mint 16, now has the fan CONTINUOUSLY blowing and making a racket. Whereas, in Mint 13 all is quiet as a silent night.
This means I will no longer be able to enjoy Mint after the LTS is finished. I really got away from Windows because the nvidia software was also ruining my cards by running the fans.
Here are the specs: I run a Quad-Core w/3gigs of RAM.
I have a flat screen Samsung monitor 27 inches.
I have a Nvidia G86 Geforce 8500 GT graphics card.
Mint 13 uses the driver xserver-xorg-video-noveau-1:0.0016
But all of the Nvidia drivers (nvidia-304 to nvidia 319) all
of them overheat the cards or at least run the fan continuously.
But the Noveau driver is wonderful and completely quiet.
Now in Mint 16 – Cinnamon OR Mate, ALL of the drivers run the fan continuously, even the newer xserver-xorg-video-noveau-1:1.0.9-2
acts EXACTLY like the nvidia drivers and runs that fan non-stop.
I have updated both and they still both make a buzzing sound (like Ubuntu Unity does) when booting up, and then the fans just don’t quit.
I truly hope someone will look into this or give us back the xserver-xorg-video-noveau-1:0.0016 driver so we can also enjoy Mint 16.
In the past I have donated several times and there was no reason to stop. But if I have to move on to another distro after the LTS, I am afraid that others might move on as well.
Thanks for all the work you do, I hope you can give this some consideration.
Bill Skiles, MA
Congratulations, this is the first version where the LiveDVD ‘just runs’ — without crashing as the Desktop comes up, due to incompatibility with the RADEON/ASUS 5450 graphics cards.
I learned to fix this on earlier versions, with the radeon.modeset command, but some new users who don’t want to search for solutions could have been turned-off to Mint. Now, they won’t be!
I upgraded to Petra from Olivia by apt-get.
After reboot, it won’t connect to my Wifi router.
I also got mobile Wifi router which can be connected.
Difference is support of 802.1N.
When it’s not connected, asking me Wifi password again.
Does anybody have problem like this?
has anyone else experienced crashing while installing petra 16? Am not a Linux guru but am quite proficient with Linux, but tried installing it since they came out with the final release of 16, and I’m still crashing. but when I reinstalled Olivia 15, everything went well without a hitch. I thought perhaps it a hardware issue so I tried installing it on my desktop and still crashed. I sent a report to support but that’s gonna take while. Any feedback would be highly appreciated? Thanks.
Unable to install mint 16 mate always get get the message: x server failed to start, anyone know how to fix this the notebook I’m trying to install linux mint 16 currently runs mint 15 and it had also run previous versions of mint without any problems, if anyone know how to fix this I would really appreciate it.
Моё почтение! С радостью бы перешел с Убунту на Минт но не могу подстроить в Linux Mint 16 “Петра” звук в Скайпе!…промучился часа два и безрезультатно! Для меня Скайп крайне важная программа и только изза неполадок со звуком я нова вернулся на Убунту. Всем добра!
My compliments! We are pleased to be switched from Ubuntu to Mint but I can not tune in Linux Mint 16 “Peter” sound on Skype! … Suffered a couple of hours to no avail! For me, Skype is an extremely important program, and only because of problems with the sound, I returned to the new Ubuntu. All good!
Still things like transmission/pidgin have system tray icons that don’t jive with the rest of the stuff down there in the corner. WPA2 Enterprise still won’t connect when using PEAP without hand editing the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/$ConnectionName file to change system-ca-certs=true to system-ca-certs=false or comment it out.
Ah well, I guess I’ll continue to wait and stick it out with kubuntu (i really hate KDE but the rest of the ubuntu based distros are just not cutting it, was hoping the cinnamon 2.0 having release of mint would not have these problems.
MAN! You’ve come a long ways, baby!!!
Installed Mint MATE for the first time since the 1st version – what an improvement!! MATE gives me a couple of things that Cinnamon doesn’t – refresh rate setting and ability to have “non-standard” panels. I’ve run the RC since it was introduced and now the “final” version with no problems. In both cases a fresh install.
Thank you Linux Mint Team for all of your hard work. Linux Mint 16 64-bit is the first Live DVD that worked well enough with my graphics card ( Card: NVIDIA GK107GLM [Quadro K1000M] ). So I installed Linux Mint 16, the Nvidia 319 drivers and continue on with my other package installs.
When I was running Mint 15, Flash stopped working. Apparently Flash is not going to support Linux any longer. I can no longer go to my TV sight and watch shows I have missed. Is there something I can do? Is this a rumor that Flash is no longer working in Linux? I would hate to have to put that microslop OS on my computer after all this time just so I can watch things in Flash. Any help out there? Ideas?
@ sudros. You can test Flash here.
Flash is working fine for me.
Great version! Just revived an old Samsung NC110 netbook with this. Running well with no problems apart from a bit of fiddling to get Samsung tools installed and get the FN keys working.
I can’t install NET Framework on Wine in Linux Mint 16 MATE. I installed NET Framework 2.0 with Winetricks in LM15 without problems. Why can’t in LM16? This is a great problem for me.
wow, what a version. runs very smooth on my eee pc 1005.
only rearrange of the programms in the startmenue does’nt work, but rest ist great
Great distro – best i have ever used. I have a Samsung 900X which is a little problematic in linux – all is up and running: bluetooth, wireless, suspend, touch pad, sound, dropbox, citrix receiver, the list goes on and on. i’m so impressed. cheers, Duncan Oh – and 10 second boot!!! OMG
the best version of mint, this 16 is the only one beautiful and amazing distribution of linux.
Good job.
From Morroc, thank you very much for this “chance” of “freedom”
I suffered with Mint 15 mate and was forced to return to Mint 13. However, I thought I would give Mint Mate 16 a try – and glad I did. All but one application was available and it has been rock solid. The new log-in screen is fantastic. The additional USB features listed under accessories are much appreciated.
I use Intel exclusively for myself and my clients, as I want to minimize or eliminate any problems. I know AMD is fully functional, but for a few (very few) dollars more I stick with Intel exclusively.
I can’t thank you enough.
Jack H.
Huh. Could’ve SWORE I posted this bug along with 5 other people in the RC comment thread:
I still don’t understand the point of having an RC if we don’t fix what’s in the RC before final. Might as well just skip RC and go to final.
Install went really well in the final version, still had to enable my broadcom wifi driver from the additional hardware zone with an ethernet plugged in.
Looking for more bugs, will report when I find them.
@Jerry.. Thanks very much.
Aaah! Download time…
Installed LM 16 Mate . Great ! After installing updates my desktop icons and right mouse click ( on desktop ) DISAPPIRED ???? HELP ! HELP ! PLEASE !!!
Server X segmentation fault on laptop HP Pavilion AMD kabini…
I’m finded a bug: if you trying to install a 64-bit version from a 32-bit USB-drive, formatted in FAT32 filesystem, installation program allways aborting in time of copying files.
Designion: format a USB-drive to 64-bit filesystem, for example – ext4. After this, you can to make it a bootable with a 64-bit ISO of Linux Mint 16. Result – installation OK.
No thumbnail in list mode (Caja) Other FM work, and no mouse back button support in Caja out of the box? Back to Xfce…
Will there be a Petra xfce edition?
Please please consider for the OEM creation for 32 version as well.
Why? Microsoft will ends XP support in April 2014, we want to people encourage to use exiting older computers at every aspects, Some would refurbish old XP converting to elegant Linux Mint PC, so OEM installation would help a lot for mindful IT professional as well
I would appreciate if you would consider this (even you may not have high demand)
Kind Regards
I installed linux mint 16 mate. It´s good, but unfortunatelly google earth, skype and cairo dock did not run…so I went back to linux mint 15 mate. Aditionally, I´d like to give a suggestion: maybe next time caffeine and variety should be included by default. Cheers.
Hey, I wanna thank Clem and all the developers for this great OS. I couldn’t live without MATE!
It would be great to have a color manager for mate, just like there was gnome color manager. It would be very useful to have the same ICC color profile for the screen and the printer, so that you can make precise photo editing, and you can print a photo that has the same colors you see on the screen.
Can’t seem to do updates. Doing a “sudo apt-get update” gets me a bunch of “404 Not Found [IP: 80]”. Can’t install my favorite packages, e.g. vim .
My network connectivity is OK. Are the proper repositories not set up yet? Or temporarily out of service or something?
Unetbootin frugal install of Linux Mint 16 is not working… every time i try to boot mint i get this error:
BusyBox v1.20.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.20.0-8ubuntu1) built in shell (ash)
Enter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.
(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system
please fix it..
Upgraded from Olivia to Petra (Mate Edition 64bit) using apt. After the upgrade my MDM went nuts because there was not Clouds GL theme, edited mdm.conf to use another theme and everything worked nice. The only thing I miss is the login sound. I’ve tried everything, even creating a sound theme… but no sound. In Olivia it worked fine.
background setings:
URL is wrong
The desktop panel doesn’t show minimized windows; it did previous versions. Unless a window/app is active there is no trace of it on the panel. Only thing not “stock” is that I have a second panel on the left containing only links to my frequently used programs.
Mint MATE (1.6.1) 16 64 bit – Gateway SX2800 – Intel Core 2 quad – Intel graphics – ‘/’ on 9 GB partition ‘/home’ on 200 GB partition both at 50% (cheap “old” but it works great!)
I tried to do an upgrade to Petra, but the xserver would not start, and all I had was lo no eth0, so I could not download anything. So I installed petra amd-64 from CD and now there is no lightning for Thunderbird. It says lightning 2.6.3 is not compatible with Thunderbird 24.0. That is a SHOW-STOPPER!!
@Paul Cartwright: you have to install Lightning 2.6 for TB 24.0
Much prefer MATE over Cinnamon on my old HP dc7600 (Pentium D 3.4 / 4Gb Ram / GeForce GT-610) – but why is there a lag the first time, after a cold boot, when you open the Menu? Once it’s been opened it’s fine after that, it’s just the first time after a cold boot or reboot.
@Hugo Gonçalves:
Yes, I miss the login sounds too.
bluetooth work? in linux mint 15 olivia dont work
wow thats a great thing I must Install it
Well, this is of course an excellent piece of work. However compared to Olivia it has so far fallen short. Booting takes three times longer and Skype is practically useless. The sound problems has so far withstood all attempts of solving.
Sorry to say I haven’t so far found any definite improvement either.
Hope that some bugfixes soon will make Petra nearly as good as Olivia.
Wonderful. Absolutely the best Mint MATE Ever. Only one very minor problem with a particular printer driver (Epson 845) and everything else was flawless. Absolutely the Premiere distribution of all to date. Kudo’s to Clem and the team. You’ve outdone yourselves.
Thanks to the team of developers behind the LInuxMint! But there is one very important observation from Russian users: shell Cinnamon very poorly translated into Russian, so start the Russian users who are switching from Windows to Linux, work in it difficult. Hopefully, this drawback will be eliminated to the output of the next version of LinuxMint17!!!
Hi Team,
Really great work and congratulations! Just request to include ‘wvdial’ package in subsequent releases. It will be of great help for people like me who use mobile broadband.
I’ve gone back to linux mint 15, to many things to list that have become nonfunctional in mint 16. I tried Cairo on a laptop with cinnamon then Mate 16, over half of my apps,programs,utilities were gone as well as any desktop functionality such as trying to simply change wallpaper or screen-saver settings. I tried to load Compiz hoping maybe I could get things to work that way and found that Compiz is basically nonfunctional. I tried to load apps and programs and half of them either would not load when using the software manager and when I tried using synaptic it would say there is an issue or conflict or error and would try to fix it, I usually had to hit the “fix broken packages” button to get things right again. The apps and programs primarily dealt with wallpaper and desktop functions. I also noticed before and after loading Cairo I was unable to open any shared network drives. I can get to the folders but when I open any of them the folder simply disappears were on 15 I had no problem…I have 6 home computers that run either Mint or Ubuntu. I upgraded 1 Ubuntu computer from 13.04 to 13.10 and nautilus now crashes on that computer as well. Maybe the next distro 17 will be better until then I’m sticking with 15.
I downloaded both the Cinnamon and the Mate RC and then the Final Cinnamon and Mate last week. I am having the same problem with all of them. I am running a Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum 5.1 Sound card. When I configure the speakers for 5.1 and do the test, the volume on the front left and the front right speakers is about 25% of what they are on the rear left and the rear front and the sub woofer. I have had this happen a time or two in the past with other distros as well. It is not my hardware… Windows 7 and other Linux Mint 13, 14, and 15 work just fine. Any suggestions? Thanks for the BEST Linux Flavor ever!
To Development Team,
I love Linux Mint, especially MATE. I think MATE is the best user friendly desktop.
But there is a problem with VMware Tools. The problem happens when using copy & paste and drag & drop between host and guests on VMware Player. Some of these functions don’t work.
Host: Linux Mint 16 MATE
Guests: Debian 6.07 Gnome, CentOS 6.2 Gnome, Kubuntu 12.04, Windows 8.1
Copy & Paste Host to Guests OK
Copy & Paste Guests to Host NG
Drag & Drop Host to Guests OK
Drag & Drop Guests to Host fails frequently
Host: Kubuntu 12.04
Guest: Linux Mint 16 MATE
Copy & Paste Host to Guest NG
Copy & Paste Guest to Host OK
Drag & Drop Host to Guest fails frequently
Drag & Drop Guest to Host OK
These phenomena have been reported since previous versions.
I hoped this problem would be fixed on Petra, but not.
I would like the team to fix this by Romeo.
Thank you for your understanding.
A preliminary solution to the bug with Skype sound was found at:
Some Bugs To report Computer specs Gateway 831GM Computer Purchased in 2005 Sound Card Realtek High Definition Audio Model ALC880
I Have fully tested Linux Mint 16 Petra Mate 64 bit edition
bug number one winetricks fails to install correctly but i found a fix
here is how i fixed the problem and got it to work go here
if you are running 32 bit then choose the 32bit deb package otherwise 64 bit package install and it is fixed the issue is this winetricks fails to install correctly and can not be run any way possible the icon for it is not present in the menu but with this package the problem is 100% FIXED Bug Number 2 i Can not fix this one i have no sound and there does not seem like there is anything i can do to fix it the old fix that used to work on Linux mint versions 13 through 15 does not work here is the URL for the old fix that no longer works with version 16
those are the only bugs i can find so far i decided to go back to Linux Mint 13 Maya 64 bit Mate Edition for a while
other than those 2 bugs Linux Mint 16 is very good and I,m Very pleased to see that Version 16 is way less buggy and much more improved than version 15 other than those 2 bugs i have nothing bad to say about mint 16 great job mint team I,m very proud of you and I,m very pleased with the new Mint 16 if i could just get sound it would be awesome and i would love to use it and test it further
one gripe i have about Ubuntu why did they drop support for realtek hd audio cards with model number ALC880 those cards are not supported to me it does not make any sense because in MN where i live Realtek cards
are very widely used in 2009 all new Toshiba laptops have them
they use newer models than mine not alc880 but i,m thinking the newer ones are not supported either if Ubuntu wants a bigger user base then they should have support for as much hardware as possible
the main thing Linux And Linux Mint need to get right is hardware support hardware support needs to be improved the sad thing though there are vendors out there like nvidia that do not want to play nice with Linux and thats a shame hopefully for those vendors that want to not play nice there will be a workaround of some sort what i would like to see is improved hardware support with rock solid drivers for as much hardware as possible drivers with little to no bugs a complete set of hardware diagnostics for mint would be very helpful called mint diagnostics and a display calibration tool would also be helpful and a set of repair tools to fix all kinds of problems would be a blessing
Thank You Mint Team for all your time and hard work
may good luck shine all over you always
I installed LM 16 MATE via 2.0 USB drive and was astounded at how quickly it installed the OS.
Post-install, it is very smooth and fast.
Kudos to Clem and the team.
What I did was to add a startup appplication. Go to System/Preferences/Startup Applications (or something like that as my system is in portuguese) then click Add. In name put something like Login Sound, in command play /usr/share/sounds/LinuxMint/stereo/desktop-login.ogg and click “Save”.
i still encounter kernel panic when installing this on acer aspire 4755g
I tried downloading from UK Mirror Service last night. The md5 was wrong. Trying the torrent today instead in the hope it matches and works properly this time.
Does MATE 16 display “dirty spot” on the screen?
I installed CINNAMON 16 the first day when it was released. But I found a couple of problems, which didn’t occurred in the old versions. One of the problem is not acceptable, i.e. display characters as “dirty spots” randomly (inside xterm, on browser, etc.).
I downloaded that .iso from torrent because the http download was too slow. Is this the reason?
If MATE 16 doesn’t have this problem, I’ll consider to replace cinnamon 16 with it. Please share your experience.
How to increase the Screen Resolution in Linux Petra (MATE) edition?
One more bug and a serious one. Nexus Personal or BankID doesn’t work any more with Linux Mint 16 MATE 64 bit.
Think that makes it. I go back to Mint 15.
Mint 16 cannot install Epson workforce drivers, install freezes about 2/3rds of install. Worked fine in 15 not sure what the differences are with printing.
GTK+ 3 not yet supported
@Bill – I don’t see any ‘dirty spots’ with MATE. However, it may depend on the driver powering your system’s GPU. I am using the opensource driver supplied with Mint for my Radeon 3450.
@Clem and the LM Developers, Testers – Thank you for a great release. It has indeed increased the performance of my PC over Maya and seems very stable.
I was a little frustrated at first since I couldn’t get a couple of programs running properly such as avast! Antivirus. Once I’d established what was missing (ia32-libs) from the 64-bit ISO everything went smoothly.