Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC.

Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC

New features at a glance:

For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 12 LXDE“.

Release notes:

  • Power manager
  • User manager
  • Auto-login
  • Moonlight
  • Upstream issues

To get more information about these issues and their solution, read the “Release notes”.

System requirements:

  • x86 processor
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 3 GB of disk space
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
  • CD/DVD drive or USB port

Bug reports:

Please report any bug you may find here on this blog.


Md5 sum: 08667152840bdaa6bf43b1dc51a6d4b8


HTTP Mirrors:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!


  1. Great release, Congratulations!

    Is there any way to install Mint 12 LXDE on a disk with less than 4.2GB like in the 4GB SSD Asus Eee 701?

    Edit by Clem: Yes, it should work. It’s using about 2.7GB HDD. The main issue will be the screen resolution… you might need to move windows using the ALT key to move them with the mouse without using their title bar.

  2. @YRO – Update Pack 4 for LMDE is now in the “incoming” repos. It’s not all there yet and has quite a few bugs especially if anyone has done any previous modifications to their current LMDE install. For anyone that has left things alone and stayed with the previous update packs, things aren’t so bad. Personally, I’d recommended waiting for UP4 to reach the latest repos before updating if LMDE is their main OS.

  3. Good to hear Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC is out the door. LXDE may not be as popular as Gnome or KDE but it has a very loyal user base. Glad to see Mint is sticking with it and keeping Ubuntu as a base.

  4. Thanks very much Linux Mint team.I was looking eagerly forward to this LXDE release after the Gnome 3 debacle!I also like the responsiveness of LM LXDE on my old desktop.Keep up the good work Linux Mint team!I hope the final release comes soon.

  5. LXDE is a great & lightweight DE, which is very efficient for power saving and performance!
    I thought that Linux Mint LXDE has been discontinued. 😀 Nice to see that it is still on the track.

  6. How do I upgrade to LinuxMint 12 from Mint 11 without reinstalling?

    I went from Mint 10 to 11 and wiped the drive to install 11. I’ve been running 11 and adding apps and dev packages. Don’t see an upgrade path. Can anyone sell me a clue?

  7. Great work. I’m sure the final edition of Mint 12 LXDE will be just as good as ever. I’ve been enjoying the KDE edition nicely, though – I don’t think I’ll change away until LMDE gets Update Pack 4, at which point I will probably take a look at it.

  8. As usual the RC works great. I already upgraded it to Kernel 3.2 and the PPA took it to But the amazing thing for me is that it handled Shisen-Sho so much better than Lubuntu presently does. No drag and that made me happy. I was glad that I didn’t have to give K-Shisen up. Its the little things that make the real difference. 🙂

  9. @ Clem:

    I am not applying updates to the live session prior to the installation and the installer is not installing these updates on my behalf.

    I did the updates after install on a Vbox Virtual Machine with a disk bigger than 4.2GB to check if the install + updates would fit on the Asus Eee 701 4GB SSD. I found out that the install + updates doesn’t take more than 3GB so should fit on the 4GB SSD.

    If I try to install Mint 12 LXDE RC to a disk with less than 4.2GB the installer stops at the “For best results, please ensure that this computer:” screen. The “has at least 4.2GB option available drive space” has a red “X” and the continue button doesn’t work.

    In Vbox the Mint 12 LXDE RC installer will only work if you have a disk with 4.0GB or more, if you have a VM with a disk size of 3.9GB or less the installer will stop. The 4GB SSD from the Eee 701 is only 3.7GB as measured by Gparted and about 3.9-4.0GB as measured by the installer.

    I think the 4.2GB installer limit is set to high or the installer should allow the installation with manual partitioning. Mint 11 LXDE had a 3.8GB installer limit and that work fine for the 4GB SSD.

    Another thing that worked for Mint 11 LXDE but not with Mint 12 LXDE (or Mint 12) is the “xrandr –output LVDS1 –scale 1.28×1.25” command that allowed for 1024×600 compressed on to the 800×480 screen ( because the mouse gets trapped as reported here: and the bug is here:

    The two problems that affect the Asus Eee 701 (small disk and screen resolution) are not a problem for other Eee’s and the xrandr bug is not Mint specific. My Eee 1001P is running Mint 12 LXDE RC just fine and on the native 1024×600 screen I don’t need to use the “xrandr –output LVDS1 –scale 1.28×1.25” command but would be nice if it did work.

    Again, great work with this release!

    Edit by Clem: Ah, now I’ve got a better idea of where that could be. We’ll check the code for the installer to see if we can remove that limitation or change its value to a more realistic figure. Thanks.

  10. I tried Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC1.

    What I noticed:

    – The boot menu splash screen is cropped.
    – With the default boot parameters, I got stuck on a black screen.
    – With the boot parameters “quiet” and “splash” removed I got into X.
    – The LXDM theme could get some love.
    – All fonts now have the same font size.
    – All fonts now are a bit to small. -> Did you changed the DPI size?
    – If you use the Mint-Z theme, the font in the task bar is white, what makes them hard to read.
    – If you use the Mint-Z Mate theme, it’s okay.
    – Programs now start noticeable slower. I would say, two times slower. -> Has that to do with “zram”?
    – When I add a repo I’m now greeted with a prompt.
    – Midori is constantly crashing.

  11. Testing it out on my desktop now. I may replace Mint 11 (main edition) on my Eee 701 with this. I found Mint 11 LXDE to be missing a few features I was used to having. Mint 11 runs fine but at 630 MHz, the 701 could definitely stand a lighter DE.

    Just a few things I’ve noticed so far:

    Automatic login prompted for a user name and password.
    The Additional Drivers dialog references running Unity.

  12. I’m a big fan of LXDE and I like this. I probably won’t install this though since I already have LXDE installed on Mint 12 GNOME.

  13. When will Update Pack 4 reach the LMDE latest repositories? I would appreciate an estimated date.

    Although I like LMDE a lot, I was wandering if there could be a more suitable way to do a rolling release distro (since updates in LMDE are kind of random and delayed).

    What about, e.g., Debian Cut?
    It is not all stable yet but it tries to give monthly updates of a Debian repo that keeps it “constantly usable”.

    Maybe you could have a look into it and perhaps join efforts.

    I am really looking forward to the next LMDE update!

    Edit by Clem: Off-topic, but it’s hit incoming already:

  14. Tried it on my Mini311 netbook :
    Works better than LM MXDE11 , my wifi card works now.

    Still some problems :
    1) Ubuntu kernel is bypassing my touchpad recognition (attributing the ID to some Dell laptop…), the touchpad is not working.
    It’s an Ubuntu issue, and they gave all Mini311 “the finger” by stating “won’t fix it”.
    Workaround : install a vanilla kernel instead…
    2) The font size is modified after installation of Nvidia proprietary drivers…
    Where could i change that ?

  15. Oh, my! Great! I really would like to run Mint 12.
    Here: 2.2GHz Athlon, 1 core, ~890 GB RAM, nVidia 6100. Far too little RAM — hopeless — for current KDE’s.


    For anybody who has a recent machine, and who’s going to set up their own partitions, /please/ try to find out about 4k block sizes! Partition boundaries really ought to be on multiples of 4k, in modern machines. My recent Katya’s [/] partition was misaligned, and it was really sluggish*, probably because of the misalignment. Based on limited experience, misalignment might slow you down to half of what you could get; that’s why I’m typing this. Experts who know otherwise can set me straight, but I don’t want to clutter the blog unnecessarily. *20 seconds, maybe, to start GEdit, cpu quiet, lots of free RAM…

    There are some very-recent partitioner upgrades, although iirc GNU [parted] has not been fixed/upgraded, and is still rather a mess. Some things in it work very nicely, others are just goofy.

    These work for me:

    Use gparted to see a very nice graphic layout of your HD. Use it also for formatting, as well as naming/labeling partitions. It probably won’t give you aligned partitions, though.

    Use [GNU] parted to create partitions. However, it warns that it might not do the best if you use it to format partitions; use gparted to do that. (It seems harmless, when making a new partition, to format it even if that has already just been done. I guess what was there is overwritten, no problem.)

    [parted] — Will happily create misaligned boundaries without any warnings or advisory messages. After seeing some goofy messages in it, for now, I specify partitions in percentages of the whole disk space. (Use the [unit] command, and ask for %).

    Percentages give you aligned boundaries in [parted]. Other units probably will not.

    You can’t specify fractional percentages, such as “10.5%”; can spec. only integral, such as “10%”, etc. Error messages, if you try, are unhelpful.

    Don’t try to use every last byte; multi-100-GB and TB drives have enough of them.

    [parted] Any time you want to check alignment, use the align-check command (“al” and tab-completion will do it). Use the [print] command to see your current layout; the numbers at the left are the same as in the device “name” — For instance, “/dev/sda2” is simply “2” in that column.

    When you check alignment, I’d recommend [opt] (optimal).

    Once you have aligned boundaries, use gparted to format the partition.

    Regards, and good luck!
    who is about to download Lisa LXDE RC

  16. Sorry! Woops — “block sizes” should be /sector/ sizes. My bad.

    (Would be nice to have at least a preview, and maybe half an hour to
    edit after posting…)

    Best, nb

  17. Downloading as I type…

    I’d forgotten that this is a 32-bit compilation. Because I have a 64-bit CPU, I do want to use 64-bit software, but, this will be a good opportunity to see how 32-bit apps. run. Will keep my eyes open for a 64-bit version…

    Nice-to-know stuff:

    Automatic MD5 checking works in Nautilus! Sweeet!

    When you see the MD5 digest (that’s what it is, technically, pretty sure) somewhere near the download link, carefully highlight just the hex string itself and copy to the clipboard. If you haven’t done it already, set up a folder for this download, enter it, and in the blank space right-click [Create Document > Empty File]. Paste the clipboard content into the filename space. Put the .iso file here, too. Once the download is complete, right click on its icon, and select [MD5] (near the bottom). For shorter downloads, such as Parted Magic (love it!), you just might see [OK] in a little [Info….] window. The MD5 checker seems to really try to find its digest, and usually succeeds beautifully.

    For Lisa LXDE, calculating takes a short while, so I needed to wait.

    Regards from the dark side of the Earth (for now),

  18. Having a little trouble to make Unebootin to properly copy all the files, so the first installation ive got stuck with a prompt.

    Changed USB-stick and gave it another try, everything went just fine.

    Have a celeron 2.2 Ghz @ 4 Gb RAM with no problems to get a flow, no hangups or missbehaving apps. So far 😉

    A nice little package perfekt for my slow file-server, fits like a glove.

    Keep up the good work, its free and i find the OS very usefull for my needs.

    The only drawback so far is lack of apps and the white text on the panel, not the smartest move hehe…

  19. Hi,

    unfortunately the release suffers from the common problems of LXDE.

    1. In the log file [1] of Openbox one can find:

    Openbox-Message: Unable to find a valid menu file “/usr/share/mint-lxde/openbox/menu.xml”

    That’s why Mint’s menu does not get loaded.

    2. launches LXDE runner. However it’s not focused. For a possible fix see [2].

    Last but not least, it fails to boot with nvidia graphic card.


    [1] /home/mint/.cache/openbox/openbox.log

  20. I tried Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC1 in laptop Dell Studio 1558 (i5 M520, AMD HD 4570)

    -No sound in laptop (also volume shortcuts no work) 🙁
    -No available restricted driver to AMD HD 4570. In Mint 12 with Gnome, KDE driver is available.
    -VLC medial player no work
    -No by wallpapers
    Default LiveCD not by applications to settings like LXRandr, LXInput and no sound settings!

    I hope final Mint 12 LXDE will be better.


  21. Very good release. I really like it. Although, I would prefer a 64-bit version. Will it be released sometimes?
    And if application buttons would be movable on Task Bar (Window List) like in Gnome 2 to change the sequence of the buttons, it would be really awesome.
    And I found one bug. I created a new panel on the right, and after a reboot, the original panel disappeared from the bottom. I haven’t seen it since…

  22. Testing the live Cd now… everything looks fine — congratulations to the Mint team!

    Like Ikem (#24), default boot parameters take me to a black screen. It happens with the other Mint flavors I tried (Mint 12 Gnome, KDE, LMDE both Gnome and Xfce) but (strangely?) not with Ubuntu/Kubuntu 11.10. This is, however, just a small problem; booting in the compatibility mode, having replaced “xforcevesa” by “radeon”, does the trick. (Hardware here: Pentium 4, 3 Ghz, 1 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 6450).

    So let’s try installing it now!

    @Nicholas Bodley (#30): I’ve been running Mint 12 KDE smoothly for about two weeks now. In an idle state, memory use is only about 340 MB, unlike other KDE distros… So I wonder. Of course, I turn off most desktop effects, having no need for them.

  23. It works, and works very nicely!

    Installation was pleasant and relatively fast, as well as trouble-free. (Mint installations always go well in this obsolescent machine, except for Cinnamon, a few weeks back; haven’t tried it, recently. (It crashed during installation.))

    I’m totally new to LXDE, and need to learn how it’s related to GNOME. No difficulties using it. This is a big relief, after witnessing pathetic, non-stop thrashing with Lisa KDE (and openSUSE 12.1, KDE-based).

    To say that the current KDE can run with 1 GB of RAM is, imho, absurd. Please be sure that you don’t imply that that is all the RAM you need. (In a few years, we’ll be handicapped by having single CPU cores — already true, maybe?)

    Mine has an Athlon single core @ 2.2 GHz (almost microwave oven frequency), 1 GB RAM, shared with a GeForce 6100 on the mo’bd.

    I installed the recommended nVidia driver, and rebooted. The brushed-metal-BG Welcome window content expanded downward beyond the defined boundaries, so the bottom line of text and the CLOSE button were clipped off. The default minimal-waste-space scroll [bar] isn’t blatantly obvious, and the hidden CLOSE button might seem lost or nonexistent. This also happened in Katya just after installation, but only now do I know why. Back then (autumn 2011), I don’t recall how I made it go away, the first few times. I do hope this can be fixed without lots of effort.

    Please fix the typo on the welcome screen: it’s now “lisa”; should be “Lisa”, of course, even if the trend seem to be toward small letters only (easier to read). (“Small” = Unicode terminology.)

    I let it make its own partitions. the one flagged “bios_grub” is aligned, but the main partition and /swap are not. Please look into this! You don’t want to create unnecessarily-degraded performance. My drives are new; one definitely has 4k sectors; not sure about the other. (I used GNU parted to check alignment.)

    Installed resapplet; default 1600 x 1200 has black borders, and type is tiny. I do /not/ want black borders!

    I ran in Live CD mode for several hours; things were working so well that I decided to install alongside Katya GNOME (with its dead keypad!). Curious that resapplet’s popup window had just a few good choices and radio buttons. After installing Lisa and resapplet, it put up a different interface with many more choices, but only slow refresh rates! I have been running 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz; I’m now restricted to 65 Hz.

    I’m just hitting highlights and the more-important bugs; hope to prepare a text attachment with more, RSN (^_^).


    Which twin-pane file manager is most compatible? I prefer Krusader, but some months ago, it didn’t work well in Katya; was not Minted. (Orange ball means Minted, seems.) Midn’t Cmdr. in an XTerm had a quite-small font size, but was readable. Nautilus?

    Think I’ll try my old favorite, IrfanView, using Wine. (Also like Gwenview.)

    I truly hope for a 64-bit version.

    Nice job, folks!

  24. Great Job. I just checked the RC version of Linux Mint LXDE 12, works great, fast and efficient. Congratulations Linux Mint Team !!!!!!!!

  25. First real bug: Connecting a digital camera. I have several (only the Kodak DC4800 was costly). Tried a Nikon Coolpix S3100 and a Fujifilm A600, as most non-technical people would do — simply connected the camera to the computer via an USB cable. Neither put up a desktop icon. Both put up the [notifier/application selector], which gave two options: Image Viewer, or File Manager. Both started when chosen.

    Image Viewer, selected directly, showed blank white. File Manager displayed generic icons (no thumbnail images, unfortunately; not a bug, afaik). Double-clicking an image icon, iirc, did not show it. Right-click menu, Image Viewer, iirc, did not show the image for the Nikon, but did, for the Fujifilm.

    Firefox started from the right-click menu (slow to start!); no luck.

    The GIMP started from the right-click menu, but put up an error message saying “Opening {URI} failed: operation not supported. This was with the Nikon; I don’t recall what happened with the Fujifilm.

    {URI} was, literally:


    When a camera is connected, that path “DCIM/102NIKON/DSCN[NUMBER] is entirely typical; it shows up just as expected in a file manager. That “header”, gphoto2: etc. is new to me.

    Still to be checked:

    @ Fujifilm with The GIMP

    @ A superb Kodak-branded memory card reader/writer (75 formats!) combined with removable storage media (flash)

    @ The Kodak DC4800 (has removable storage), both via USB connection and using the card reader-writer.

    Flip video camera (internal storage; not removable).

    Fwiw, all were refurbs. except the Kodak.

    Assume that I am quite willing to run custom-compiled
    debug-enabled versions of applications, get hex dumps, set software breakpoints and (maybe?) examine locations, but I am quite ignorant about the kernel and only dimly familiar with modern programming.
    (Are there any Open Source “in-circuit-emulators” around?)

    Fwiw, everything worked fine in Katya.


    Unrelated: any chance of installing something like (iirc) gucharmap, for Unicode? Although I don’t use it often, I really want a way to enter any Unicode character into text. (I’m a dilettante linguist and student of writing systems.)

    Here’s wishing you luck!

  26. LXDE is SO ugly. Looks like a miscarried child of Gnome 2 and XFCE.
    But it’s good we’re spoilt for choice… And there are performance advantages.
    Anyway, I’m sticking to my beautiful KDE 🙂
    Hoping 4.8 will be implemented soon.

  27. Why is it using so much RAM when idle? Lubuntu idles around 86 but i’m stuck at 164 roughly. LXDE itself should only idle at 86…..

  28. @Pawel,

    Have you tried various themes? (Can LXDE be skinned?)(You can’t make leather out of it, though! 🙂 ). You encourage me to try some graphic design. Simplicity has no need to be ugly. See, for instance, Bauhaus, or Flip video cameras — or Apple computers.

    Some time back, I was running with a theme/skin that I really liked; I do remember Gilouche as part of its specification. I recently had access to Gilouche, but something was missing, maybe a good-looking skin?

    I agree, LXDE (at least as a default) is, more or less, ugly. The upper-right-corner iconlets are too tiny in the themes I’ve seen, so far. This is partly a consequence of concentrating exclusively on on math and science. Leonardo da Vinci would not have committed such minor sin. Art and music feed the soul. Esthetics teaches them how to do it, seems to me. Ugly Linux is not only unnecessary, it doesn’t help promote it. Apple products wouldn’t sell if they were ugly.

    For what it’s worth (fwiw), some houses built in the past five years in my neighborhood have awful proportions — as if the architect had the sense of esthetics of a dull seven-year-old. They are hardly Palladian!

    If you want to see how bad things can get, look at some X Window System low-res bitmapped fonts, and use DDG* to search for images of the MIT Stata Center. Frank Gehry probably did not scale scribbles of a four-year-old with motor-neuron problems. Don’t visit the Center if you have recently eaten. If English is not your first language, look up the word “ghastly”. *Also: U.S. Navy code designation for a guided-missile destroyer.

    A while ago, I was impressed by photos of new architecture in Barcelona and somewhere in Germany; Poland surely has great architecture, and has had it, for many centuries. (I’m thinking of cathedrals.) This is not to put down the USA; the Stata Center is only (probably) the best-known of our architectural horrors. We do better.


    For now, I’m dual-booting Katya GNOME and Lisa LXDE. Two /homes and two /swaps? Seems so. Time to read up on Samba, I think.

    Interesting: Max. no. of desktops = 100! (anybody tried?)

    Does anyone have a Conky config. file with a transparent background? Its default file is Very Bad Manners; think hijacking/disabling part of the desktop with great ugliness. (Concentration exclusively on science and math., again?)

    Still expecting to type up a text file with Lisa LXDE details and attach it; there are more little bugs and such.

    Also will delete Lisa LXDE partitions and make my own, then reinstall. Just downloaded the latest Parted Magic, btw. It’s not bad as a mini-distribution!

    Untested, so far, chez moi: Printing, scanning, Skype (it seems to be hard to make it work), optical-disc burning, BitTorrent, various video formats (for instance, does the Flash plug-in crash routinely?)
    Also untested: Chrome and Opera browsers, Python, backup, et cetera.
    (“ect.” is the abbreviation for ectoplasm.)

    Can’t do what follows in LXDE, apparently; gucharmap not in the default repo.: (Wonder how well it would work in Lisa LXDE.)
    In Cyrillic, “Katya” is Катя, quite likely. (USA: Toys ‘Я’ Us)


    [nb] who is 76 today
    time to shop for food…

  29. Brief note about l10n and i18n: The default spelling-checker dictionary for English Mint is British; I don’t mind, but that disregards l10n. Imho, not a high priority to fix. The word “color” is flagged as misspelled, for instance. Having English maternal grandparents, I surely don’t mind.

    While on the topic, I’m delighted by the extent of both l10n and i18n in Linux. I keep seeing “new” names of languages, even the names of which I’ve never seen, and lingusitcs is a casual hobby.

    l10n: Localization, a 12-letter word.
    i18n: Internationalization, a 20-letter word. Both are commonly used in their respective fields.

    Con mis recuerdos,
    who just realized that, like Χian missions, making things available in local languages helps spread the word (and the distribution).
    (That Χ in “Χian” is a Greek chi. It’s a few pixels high.)

  30. You definitely need to replace Amarok with Banshee in your Linux Mint KDE 12 Lisa distro. Banshee allows users to manage audio and video music collections, not only audio, it is more stable and well structured, also it’s interface is more simple, intuitive and cleaner. At the moment Banshee does not work with Linux Mint KDE 12 Lisa, or work and crashes often.

  31. Just installed Linux Mint 12, less than 24 hours later I get a complete freeze, Mint 11 never did that; I shall re-install Linux Mint 11, or try the Debian project, if this happens again. My system; Asus Intel P8H61-M B3 Revision Mobo. With Pentuim i3, and Asus DVD-RW optical drive, and MSI R5450 Redeon HD 5000 series GPU. I built this exclusively for two or three Linux distros in a multiple boot system, but Linux Mint is the only one I’ve tries so for that likes the hardware.

  32. I installed Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC next to Win7 (Md5 sum ok), all worked like a charm and I set it up for automatic boot. Nevertheless it wanted a user and a password anyway, so I entered admin for both.

    At the first boot via GRUB it asked for a user and password. Nothing works! Of course I tried the admin combination, but also 2x return, mint and return and so on. I cannot get past this stage.


  33. Ive been using the new dist for two days, its so responsive and quick, and i love the simple layaout so much i consider to replace my current LMDE main OS – the simplicity and straight forward design really makes me like this edition in a short time.

    BUT: There is some bugs with panel that removes itself, panelicons that wont remove thogh you choose to remove them. Hopefully a update on minor bugs on its way. Also there is missing some objects in the sub-menus, but overall thumbs up from a very critical user 😉

  34. Great work guys. It’s really really fast, unbelievable. Alas it lacks of some detail like drag-and-drop of icons from the main menù or the possibility of go to root folder from any folder with a click of mouse.
    Anyway, fantastic!
    Thank you.

  35. IMHO Linux Mint 12 LXDE x86 is WAY better than Linux Mint 12 Gnome/KDE x64. 🙂
    I wonder what Linux Mint 12 x64 LXDE would be like… 😀

  36. Great release up to the point where I installed hardware drivers [Nvidia] and then fonts went really tiny. Tried to increase size of them them, change res of display to no effect….Will wait for official release and try again.

  37. hi,can someone help me?
    I tried to boot from livecd Mint 12 LXDE RC in an acer a0751h with gpu Intel GMA500 and i don’t have GUI,only terminal.

    sorry for bud English. 🙁

  38. Installed LM 12 LXDE RC. No issues except on reboot it asked for name & pw when I had selected none during install. Otherwise works wonderfully well. Not as up to date as Lubuntu 11.10 for upgrading applications like audacious, LibreOffice etc.

  39. A bit of background about me- On my main comp i have Katia-Gnome. After being disappointed with LM12- with the farce of Gnome 3 (mintified improvements aside) I have been searching for a DE that suits me- as a result I have been testing out XFCE (LMDE XFCE) and had been looking at LXDE LM11 also. I was pleased with LM11 LXDE- and have had it running on my mothers PC (quite an old machine) for quite a while now. She is quite a technophobe and does not seem to have had any issues with it.

    Bearing these facts in mind – I’m really pleased it (LXDE) has been updated to LM12. I am looking forward to testing it further- but on first impressions I think I will definitely put this on my mothers pc- And it is a potential alternative for me.

    I am especially pleased that the diversity of the Mint project is being maintained. To this end I agree with some of the comments above that it would be interesting to see LXDE in the LMDE project. I also note that a 64 bit was not forthcoming for the Katya LXDE version and this RC is also only a 32 bit. So like others please could Clem and the Team let us know if there are any plans for a 64 bit version? This would be an important factor for me- if i were to adopt this DE/distro.

    Also on the point of diversity – Not being a techie- my next question may be stupid as dont know if this is possible… but has anyone ever considered having 1 DVD/ISO that gives you the option to install the mintified ubuntu or debian base, and then gives you the option of cinnamon, mate LXDE, XFCE or KDE etc- or provide all the DEs akin to the DE options of the main LM12 edition? This would be a great marketing point. It would also reinforce the flexibility and the wealth of choice that Mint affords. May be this is overly complicated No? Just a thought.

    Finally, I will post any issues I encounter on this RC version- as and when- but let me finish by saying well done team- keep it up your hard work is appreciated.

  40. @george (64) Your English was OK! (You did mean “bad”, though. 😉 )
    “Ciușcă” (54) looks Romanian. 🙂 I like it.


    Silly me, I just remembered that there’s no place for attachments to these messages; Clem and “crew” are probably too busy to read minor details, so I’ll simply keep my detailed log notes.


    It would probably help if anybody who had a failure would post essential details of their machine. Does Mint prefer any particular application for doing that? inxi? hwinfo? dmesg, edited? Desired options for such apps. would be a good idea.

    I would be very glad to run a debug version of Lisa (and Cinnamon installer).

    I wonder whether the upgrade to Kernel 3.0… is causing some machines to fail on Lisa; hope not!

    Best regards,
    who spoke octal in 1960
    and Philco 2000 assembler

  41. i was going through the update list and its shows their are couple of update related to ubuntu unity… this is the LXDE version why we have a unity updates… anyways nice version i was waiting for this for a while. i replace my gnome with this and its my main
    thnks keep up the good work

  42. @clem (this has minor importance) and others:

    [[ How to distinguish among printed Chinese, Japanese, and Korean without knowing anything much about any of them. ]]

    [Chinese] has relatively-few simple characters; in general, most of them look rather complicated. It’s rather rare to see the roman alphabet (this one).

    Here’s what Google Translate gave me for
    “operating system” in Chinese:

    中文 means “Chinese” in a menu of language choices.

    Japanese has 3 + 1 character sets; it’s the most complicated writing system in the world. Many characters look (to us) identical to Chinese. Others, quite common, all of them simple, are unique to Japanese. The latter are phonetic, and there are two character sets of this variety. (That “+1” refers to the roman alphabet, which they consider part of their writing system.)

    From Google Translate:
    “The Fukushima Daini reactor shut down safely.”
    The 4th character, ni, is a 2. “シャットダウン” is “shut down”, phonetically.

    Korean has no significantly-complicated characters. What’s instantly distinctive is that it has lots of ellipses (ovals).
    G.T., again:
    “Korea has its own variety of dulcimer.”
    한국 덜시머 자체의 다양한 있습니다.

    “Linux” in Korean: 리눅스 (That’s phonetic; Korean is basically like an alphabet, but written differently. Spoken, that’s probably three Korean syllables.)

    Disclaimer: I don’t know any of the three languages at all well, so the quality of Google’s translations is unknown to me. The translator does offer different forms.


    @clem: Just discovered a headline that included “build #20120209-0[nnn]”; was looking at Google hits. I noticed a big set of specific (alpha? beta?) tests at that site. I might be willing to run such tests, if it would help; my machine is fussy about various OSes and distros. (It has an MSI motherboard from single-core Athlon days. A friend says that eMachines is often a “house brand” source (Wal-Mart? I don’t know.))


    Of some interest:

    Summary: It’s not just Windows 8 Metro, other new interfaces, like Linux’s GNOME 3.2, stink just as much.

    Reviewer is Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, imho somebody worth paying attention to. He doesn’t, afaik, use “stink” casually.

    Others of his:
    (Before Lisa LXDE, which, afaik, he hasn’t commented on, yet)
    Fairly-extensive quotes, and few surprises, imho.

    Not read, yet
    Summary: GNOME 2.x fans get ready to rejoice. Mint has just released the first stable version of Cinnamon, its GNOME 2.x look-alike Linux desktop interface. Not read, yet.

    Lots of Mint reviews on YouTube:

    See the right sidebar (sidebar?) (column) for thumbnails and links.

    About these reviews:

    Best regards,

  43. Woops, sorry! No previewing.

    Longer sentence for Chinese:
    “Linux is a very good operating system”


    (That’s Traditional Chinese; Simplified is almost the same.) That single stroke, a numeral 1, must be part of “very good”.

    It’s /really/ nice to see how well Linux handles other languages. Looking through the Unicode character charts, I do see that default fonts fail to render many characters, but that’s probably OK, because it seems that many important languages are well supported.



  44. I installed linux KDE 12 and now after start my screen just goes black and blank with a little mouse cursor and nothing else besides that. Starting up is really good with no problems.
    What could be the probable cause to this.

  45. Mr Green. I had the same font problem with both Lubuntu and Mint LXDE after installing the proprietary NVIDIA drivers. I fixed it by changing the font dpi to 72 from 96 using gconf and rebooting. All is well now.

    Mint LXDE 12 saved an old computer someone gave me from the rubbish bin. It works beautifully thus far.

  46. What about LMDE.
    I am under impression LMDE has lowest priority…..i am already considering PClinuxOS, beacuse it is only alternative stable rolling distro, just as LMDE, but it is more frequently refreshed than LMDE.
    It is a pity LMDE is put so much behind.

  47. @Dan:

    Dude, You really should spend some time following this blog and the LM forums instead of just stopping by to complain. If you had, you’d know that Update Pack 4 is being tested right now. Besides – If you really follow the development of LMDE you would know that one of it’s “versions” – the original one actually – following Debian Testing get’s updated constantly. All you have to do is to make sure that your sources.list points to Debian Testing.

    Another option would be to actually help the process of LMDE by setting your sources.list to incoming, and in that manner help the guys testing the UP4.

    Sorry if I come off as a bit grumpy here, but you are not only “off topic” in this blog post, but also one of many people I see on an almost daily basis being unhappy about how the small team of LM devs choose to do their work. This ain’t Canonical with it’s large hord of paid people. this is a small group of people (three at the moment if I’m not mistaken) plus whatever contribution the user base in the LM Forum can provide…

    And here I was thinking that one of the fundamental ideas with the OS community was “It’s ready when it’s ready – don’t ask for an ETA.”

  48. So far wonderful. I tried Debian LXDE on another computer, and it needed so much more work. Thankyou for making things simple.

  49. There are two firmware drivers in folder /lib/firmware for Atheros chipset. They are ar9170 and carl 9170. According to it is said “ar9170usb is a GPL driver for the Atheros 802.11n USB chipset (AR9170).This driver is deprecated and it was deleted on Linux 3.0, replaced by carl9170.”

    I guess the duplicated driver make my usb wireless TL-WN822N does not work. In Lubuntu 12.04 beta 1, there is only carl9170 and my usd wireless adapter works.

  50. Works ok with MSI gx700 laptop (nvidia m8600gt), but with Ace Aspire 1362 (nvidia fx go5200), startx says screens found, but 0 compatible.

  51. Love LM12 LXDE RC. Fast and easy to use. Finally, I can stop using my beloved LM11. Only run from USB. Did not like LM12 Gnome with 2 different desktops, and print to PDF did not work. Everything works on LXDE except clock-cannot change time or switch to 12 hr. format. Please fix clock on final release. Also, too many steps to switch from DuckDuckGo to DuckDuckGo (SSL). Please add DuckDuckGo (SSL) to dropdown menu.

  52. Installed on my desktop machine (Dell Dimension 5150, Pentium 4, 3Ghz, 1GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 6450).

    Installation was fast and without problems. After the installation, the usual first boot problem I’ve been having: all I got was a black screen with some white flickering on top. Happened with Mint 12 KDE, too, and Ubuntu and Mint 12 Gnome, all of which I tried. (The solution is to boot in recovery mode, start an internet connection (DSL via pppoe in my case) and install the fglrx driver.)

    Funny thing is, in Mint LMDE (whose live media I can only boot with compatibility mode and substituting “radeon” for “xforcevesa”), the systems boots after the installation without any problem at all, using the open source radeon driver. So the problem only happens with Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based Mints — I don’t know why, being no expert.

    After that, LM12 LXDE RC runs (mostly) fine. It is clean and fast, and I like it very much.

    A small problem I noticed is this: I have to set up anew mouse preferences (higher acceleration, for example) after each login. The changes don’t stick.

  53. I have one observation from running this RC in Virtualbox…

    Downloaded and installed lxrandr to be able to change screen resolution a bit easier. And it puzzled me to find that:

    – In both Linux Mint 9 and Lubuntu 11.10 that I installed at the same time (I’m looking for a “lighther” alternative for my Netbook) I can choose resolutions up to 1600×1200, while I am not able to get above 1024×768 in this RC. Why is that?

  54. Kindly develop all the DE for the upcoming LTS version.. We need xfce,lxde, mate,and cinnamon.. We dont need gnome shell or unity…

  55. @Dan
    I hope you have gone through @gosa reply. To add further since you said about PCLinux and I am the one who regularly use it, let me clarify to you some points about it. In PCLinux you might be getting latest software updates (e.g. firefox, thunderbird etc.), but the version of Kernel they are using is very old in lMDE it is 3.0 and higher (firefox etc. are also latest in lmde) which receives regular updates as regards to software etc. PCLinux KDE (I said KDE because it is their main distro) is still at version 4.6.5 as compared to LM KDE which is at 4.7 (you can install 4.8 from Kubuntu repo). So which is more advance, LMDE or PClinux. I would further go on to say that users who are using LMDE are very lucky, because the updates are passed on to the users by Clem only after testing it thoroughly. Perhaps to some extent this can’nt be said about the main edition and KDE, which are based on Ubuntu and Kubuntu as many updates are received directly from Ubuntu and Kubuntu i.e. 3* updates (Clem hope I am right). Gnome 3 even in its current form and even Cinnamon, which is being tested by Clem and some users, still can’nt be installed on production machines. If Clem is keeping lMDE at freeze, it is on whose interest? When Gnome-3 and Cinnamon will be made available to LMDE, just think how stable they would be. Who is gon’na benefit?

    Gosa has given you some answer. Instead of complaining, if you like PCLINUX just install it and use it, no one stopping you. Ah! at PCLinux you can’nt ask questions as you are asking here. Even the off topics are posted here. At PCLinux for asking any question (even relevant) you have to register with them and believe me it is not easy.

    Since you want latest LMDE, become little adventurous and helpful. What you would be getting in LMDE is gnome 3, mate and Cinnamon, which are available in main editions. Install it use it, and see yourself their worth, whether they are really at a stage to being ported to LMDE or not. If you like keep it (why to wait for LMDE) or otherwise help Clem reporting bugs etc. and making them stable, so that it may be ported to LMDE earlier.

  56. Perhaps I’m wrong, but as it looks now, it’s apparently quite important to make partitions that start on 4-kb sector boundaries. For the past few days, I’ve been running Katya Gnome, effectively a reinstallation, after running the same release for several months.
    This one is installed into properly-aligned partitions (/, swap, and /home). The earlier one had / in a misaligned partition; not sure about /swap or /home, but /home was probably properly aligned.

    The earlier Katya drove me crazy because it was so easy to fill up RAM and spill over into /swap. Even when a lot of RAM had apparently been freed, /swap contents did not return to RAM. (I waited, too.) All the while, the HD was continuously busy, and the machine was badly crippled. The easiest way to cause trouble was to open about 12 or 15 tabs in Firefox.

    Using the current Katya, installed into aligned partitions, I have had little thrashing, even when “loading” Firefox with many tabs. Nevertheless, this is hardly a controlled experiment; it’s a subjective judgement.

    It’s as if misalignment caused memory management to malfunction, although that might be a bogus idea. It did seem to slow down disk reading (and writing, I assume) quite a lot, more than I would have expected.

    I really do not know what’s going on, except that this installation of Katya handles memory management much better. I do hope I’m not posting a bad/misleading analysis, but it seems that essentially almost nothing is lost (possibly one MB at most?) by ensuring that partition starts (and ends?) are properly aligned.

    >>> Sorry to say, the default partitioner for Lisa LXDE, fairly sure, does /not/ necessarily create properly-aligned partitions. Please look into this! GNU parted does create aligned partitions if you specify [start] and [end] in integral percentages* of total disk space. It seems to me that studying parted’s source to find out how it’s done shouldn’t take a lot of time, and modifying the default partitioner would probably not take very long, BUT ensuring that the default partitioner is bug-free would not be casual. *E.g., 10% would be accepted, but 10.7% would not. Error messages are probably misleading.

    For now, I humbly recommend creating partitions ([Other] option in the installation) with GNU parted; unfortunately, not everybody knows how, and one can destroy lots of data by mistakes in partitioning.
    The latest Parted Magic is a very good bet; it fits nicely onto a small (8 cm) CD. It’s almost a small distro. in its own right. There are now three versions.

    Perhaps I’m drawing wrong conclusions, but I do care, and these are the best thoughts I can offer at the moment. If what I think to be happening is true, I’m surprised to see what a major difference it makes. Again, I could be wrong.


    Does Ubuntu do stress testing? Does Mint? Is stress testing practical only for large organizations? It does seem to be important and desirable.

    Best regards,

  57. I’ve had a couple of short sessions with this, one in a virtual machine on my old laptop and one in a live CD session on my new one. I found a few glitches that I’ve never had before with Mint:

    In the VM I set it to automatic login when installing but after installation it asked me for my password anyway.

    In the live CD session I typed a short file in Abiword and tried to save it into my separate Data partition, which I’d forgotten to mount first, and Abiword just closed – no error message or anything. I only worked out what was wrong because I’m used to Mint now.

    In the live session I also noticed that the keyboard selection is wrong – Mint usually picks the right one automatically. It did pick up my UK location, though, and it set the clock to the correct time (which Windows didn’t do!).

    The worst problem I’ve had is getting it to boot at all because of the graphics problems a lot of people seem to be having with newer Linux releases and newer HD graphics cards. I posted about that in a thread in the “Installation & Boot” section of the forum.

    I was looking forward to Mint 12 LXDE as I don’t think I’ll ever get to like Gnome 3 in any of its incarnations, but I hope the few things I mentioned can be put right before the final release.

  58. I do hope that Software Manager functions better in this release than it does in Linux Mint 11 Lxde “Katya”.

    Software Manager tends to “freeze” (cease functioning) frequently.

    Otherwise, a GREAT distro! Thank you!

  59. One other concern I want to mention is regarding Adobe dropping support of Adobe Flash Player (and Adobe Flash Player browser plug-in(s)) for Linux.

    This may well be something to keep in mind. Again, thank you very much.

  60. I’m also waiting for a new LMDE, hopefully one that sees printers. 🙂 I may try this out though on an old netbook, once the x64 version is out.

    Keep rocking Mint!

  61. @UUUnicorn (80) Indeed, Katya’s Software Manager has pretty icons, aond does work (for me), but I really prefer Package Manager, partly because it has much-better tools for selecting categories and such.

    Some days ago, I said I’d back up Katya and try reinstalling. Sorry, not ambitious; yet to be done. Keypad is still dead*, and the experimental nVidia graphics driver has a minor bug or two.

    *Wrong! Regardless of NumLock status, it moves the mouse cursor, 8 directions, quick taps for fine, press and hold for coarse. (Again, Katya Gnome.)

    I’m also hoping for a 64-bit LXDE.

    Best regards,

  62. Again, thanks to Clement and the team for producing highly useful software…I use it every day.

    To Mr. Bodley – regarding swap use in Mint 11…
    I use Mint11 gnome as my daily use machine. I too have been frustrated with swap usage (see system monitor) when RAM was not nearly full. There is a thing called ‘zram’ which as I understand is part of the kernel, and can be enabled using a ‘deb’ package download. zram is the new name for compcache. zram is working well for me, i no longer swap to disk.

    Also, from the shell, there is a command called ‘swapoff’ which turns off swap to disk (see also swapon).

    I hope it helps…and thanks for the info on disk sector alignment/usage.

    Dale F.

  63. Oh thank God Mint LXDE is still Ubuntu based, and not switched to LMDE.
    I was already worried that the only for me usable flavor of Mint would also be lost.

  64. I have installed it on a netbook and many windows are too high, it is impossible to reach the bottom of the dialogs of some applications

  65. I was trying out Linux Mint LXDE RC. While it mostly works great, there were several things I did not like about it:

    * No resolution changer included by default.
    * Keyboard shortcuts are inconsistent, and often don’t work. For example:
    – The “Run” dialog does not respond to ESCAPE to trigger the Cancel button.
    – Answering the “Save this file before exiting” prompt in LeafPad does not respond to the ‘N’ key to answer “No”.
    * The package “cifs-utils” is not included by default. This includes the “mount.cifs” command. Sometimes you want to boot a Live CD, and need to browse shared files on another computer, but the Internet is down, and you can’t install “cifs-utils” from the Internet.

    * File manager is a very nice program! It’s really good. But it’s just missing a couple of features:
    – No integrated File Search feature. Windows 2000, XP, 7, and Nautilus from Gnome 2 have this feature.
    – No server browser for Windows-style (SMB/CIFS) file sharing. SMB support works great as long as you know the name of the computer you are trying to connect to, but it would be nice if you could see and browse for other computers.

    * Leafpad has a slow Replace All function. Don’t feel too bad, most text editors can’t get this right either.

    * Gnumeric has a bad combination of default font and default cell height. When you enter anything into a cell, the cell height increases by one pixel. This kind of thing shouldn’t happen.

    Other than these flaws, it works very well. Except Firefox 7 is ridiculously out of date. The Firefox team got the Memshrink project fired up and going, and Firefox 8 was the first version to see memory optimizations. Now they’re at version 11.

  66. Dale,

    Thank you for your help. Some months ago, I did try an application* that does something similar to zram, but it was very likely that my / partition was misaligned, and perhaps it didn’t work as well as I had hoped. I’ve forgotten why I didn’t continue to use it, but I surely should try zram. *Perhaps from a Katya default repository

    Very recently, I had Firefox loaded with many more tabs than I had thought, yet there was no significant (if any) thrashing. Although this Katya is a fresh install, it seems possible to me that partition misalignment can have an even worse effect than I had thought. At the same time, I’m prepared to be like the dog that barks up the wrong tree.

    In general, Katya is working extremely well; it’s extremely stable.

    My best to all,

  67. All these approving comments about Mint LXDE 12 make my blood boil, I want some of these improvements too, but when I try to install Mint LXDE 12 using the current live CD, like I did installing Linux Mint LXDE 11, which I’m using right now to write this,I just get a K&M style terminal session for someone called mint@mint, and no desktop environment to use to connect Wi-Fi and do the install.
    Dead handy for running ‘sudo shutdown -q -H now “Shutting Down”‘, but I’m not expert enough to know where to start looking for the wherewithall to set up the desktop properly for my hardware, or even to know the the location and name of the command to run to start it up.
    Am I actually seeing the environment these 85 people are talking about?

  68. @johnyate (103): sorry to hear you’re having these problems; Mint 12 LXDE really is a good (RC) release. A few glitches, but they certainly are going to be fixed in the final version.

    If I understand correctly, you are having troubles running the live CD (doesn’t make it to the graphic desktop). Now I’m no expert, but I suspect it has to do with the graphic card. I had similar issues (see my #86 post above). Have you tried booting with the compatibility mode? Worked for me.

    If I may make a suggestion, you could post your problem in the Mint LXDE forum — specifying your architecture — and I’m sure someone there will be able to help you.



  69. I installed LM12-LXDE RC on a 13+ year old Compaq Deskpro: 512 meg ram, 700 Mhz cpu… used 4.9 gig HD space on the partition–suggested by the installer…installed next to another OS…not much to report at this point.

    Initially had firefox and the mint welcome running and clicked the show desktop button. firefox minimized but the mint welcome just turned into a light gray box. Now it works ok: firefox minimizes and mint welcome remains unchanged. Clicking the show desktop button again does not restore the desktop. Is that particular to LXDE?

    An interesting note: I installed via UNetbootin and USB via a Plop Boot Manager CD (bios doesn’t support USB boot). At first it didn’t work. I noticed that there were some 64-bit related files on the USB. I had overwritten the usb drive previously with the last OS (64-bit) with no problem. Apparently since this is a 32-bit OS, overwriting via UNetbootin was not enough. I deleted several files and directories (including a hidden dir) on the usb drive, used UNetbootin again, and it worked fine.

    Thanks Clem & Team. You make computers from the late 90s functional!

  70. ERRORS!

    I downloaded from Sweden server and tested with two PC (HP Pavilion, Amd Athlon 64 3200+, MB MS-7184 VER: 1.0 (MS-7093), Graphic card nVidia GeForce 6600 A4 256 MB, RAM 2 GB, ROM 200 GB and other Amd Athlon XP 1800+, Msi K7T Turbo VER: 3 (MS-6330), Graphic card nVidia GeForce 2 GTS 64 MB, RAM 768 MB, ROM 40 GB) Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC release 27 Feb 2012 and there were some driver ERRORS.

    After blinking few screen and showing unknown text I got a message:
    “Kernel panic – not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

    Panic occured, switching back to the text console”

    and HP PC jammed totally.

    Your previous LM 11 LXDE release worked correctly without any errors, thanks.

    Please, FIX this LM 12 LXDE release immediately!

  71. Hi
    I have a new laptop.Toshiba Qosmio F750. I had a few problems with it while installing linux. I first tried to install linux mint 12 and while installing it I got errors and I couldn’t get further in my installation of linux mint 12. I installled linux mint 9 but it doesn’t recognize my wireless card and display card. Finally I found linux mint debian version. It works ok, but I would like to try Linux Mint 12 LXDE RC. My question is : when I install the new version of mint, will my drivers be able to work under the new version of ;%BMg;:bdfb;fdmllinux mint?
    Kind regards.

  72. Congratulations !
    I was afraid you dumped the project.
    LXDE is essential when you do not need lots of GUI resources working in a space between neither client nor server mode (say: development) or between gui and command line (expert mode).

    I used to like gnome 2.x, 3.x is too posh

    Please keep going

  73. Many Thanks to the developers and all who made LXDE Mint happen!
    Great Job.

    Fast, Efficient, Stable, Clean and Uncluttered Desktop.

    LXDE RC fixed several window size issues with some applications on my older laptop. Thank You.

    Not having power management makes portable ops a little problematic
    but that will come in the final release.

    Having access to Mint and Ubuntu software repositories is such a gift.
    Thanks to all who make it all work!

    All the Best,

  74. Works well. The only problem I have is that it doesn’t pick up my USB lexmark s301 printer. This seems to be an issue with Ubuntu as well since 11.10 with the v3 kernels and cups v1.5

  75. This blog is the first thing I do after booting. The “magic” is that “?p=1930” in the URL. I was quite surprised to see that Jesse5567 (#106) had success with a machine which is /that/ old. Every time I read about exeperiences such as those by VeliS (#107), I truly wish that Clem and the team had the resources to find the root causes of such problems.

    I had been thinking that my present machine (eMachines T6532) was not typical, until a friend told me that eMachines typically makes “house brand” machines for businesses that are big enough to afford such. So, perhaps, making Mint distros. work on this machine can help mare than I thought.

    It would be good if everybody who has problems (and successes!) to add to Mint’s Hardware Database. The Database would benefit from “fill in the blanks” (lots of them; detailed) to help get essential information; as well, recommendations for commands to run (and apps. to install) to get system info. would help significantly.

    I just went to , a rather-interesting place to visit, and saw

    “3 Days ago || Lisa LXDE Edition i386 (build #20120302-1449) Approved for Stable release.” That’s encouraging! Googling on the build number (above string between () )took me to a page where test results were reported. Considering that I have no special privileges whatsoever, I do note that some details of development and testing are open to access. I do hope that civilized behavior continues!

    No promises, but I’ll try to download and burn a CD to try this build (if it’s accessible; Heanet?), and report (here, correct?) what I find when I try to run it. I just might let it create its own partitions, and I’ll pester the developers here politely if it creates misaligned partitions! (Apologies for being a pest…) I might also try it with partitions I create.

    Again, visiting , where one can see a long list of tests to run, it looks as though Mint releases are not stress-tested; even when automated, do they simply take too much “people-power” (was: manpower”)? Of course, Ubuntu does have the resources for stress testing, so Mint would need (if practical) to test only the changes/additions it makes.

    Best of luck to all!

  76. OK: Apparently, Lisa LXDE Edition i386 (build #20120302-1449) is not publicly available; that situation seems quite sensible. I went to Heanet/Testing, and the latest seems to be 23 February.

    How does one find the build number of a Mint that one is using?

    [nb] in eastern Massachusetts, USA
    who has been sleeping for many hours…

  77. Woops, sorry! Wrong subdirectory. Mint 12 LXDE Stable is dated 02 March.

    who isn’t quite awake

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