Monthly News – June 2023

Many thanks to all the people who are testing and finding bugs in the BETA. So far we gathered 60 bug reports. Many issues were fixed already thanks to your feedback.

Many thanks also to our sponsors and all the people who support us with donations.


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Donations in May:

A total of $10,282 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 312 donors:

$2000 (5th donation), Neil V.
$250 (2nd donation), Benjamin M.
$216, Günther E.
$200 (8th donation), George P. aka “taz840209”
$150 (4th donation), Neil K.
$129 (6th donation), Wolfgang S.
$108 (4th donation), Stefan P.
$108, Edgar S.
$100 (21st donation), Hans J.
$100 (9th donation), Mihail S.
$100 (4th donation), John B.
$100 (2nd donation), Bc B.
$100 (2nd donation), James B.
$100 (2nd donation), Patrick T.
$100, Stephen L.
$76 (6th donation), Bogusz Schubert aka “PIMPEX
$59, Sebastian K.
$54 (10th donation), Hermann W.
$54 (7th donation), Mikko I.
$54 (6th donation), Philipp S.
$54 (6th donation), Quim aka “slackjp”
$54 (4th donation), Giovanni D. S. aka “ChibiOS
$54 (4th donation), Ioannis P.
$54 (3rd donation), Christian H.
$54 (3rd donation), Christos P.
$54 (3rd donation), Vincent
$54 (2nd donation), Antonio F.
$54 (2nd donation), Hubert F.
$54, Adrian M.
$54, Derek H.
$54, Eike T.
$54, EnWeb Editor
$54, Holger H.
$54, Ines R.
$54, Klaus P.
$54, Mrs M W.
$54, Neil A.
$54, Philippe B.
$54, Roberto C.
$54, Zydrunas S.
$50 (72th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (8th donation), Michael T.
$50 (8th donation), Roy Q.
$50 (5th donation), Colin B.
$50 (4th donation), Brett W.
$50 (4th donation), Gerard S.
$50 (4th donation), Robert S.
$50 (3rd donation), Louis P. aka “BikeLouP”
$50 (3rd donation), Robert S.
$50 (2nd donation), Derek M.
$50 (2nd donation), Geoffrey N.
$50 (2nd donation), Guillermo A.
$50 (2nd donation), Joseph G.
$50 (2nd donation), Ray S.
$50 (2nd donation), Roger P.
$50, Gregory A.
$50, James P.
$50, John B.
$50, Joseph A.
$50, Nikaulus C.
$50, Philip S.
$50, Ron S. aka “ron”
$50, Thomas T.
$50, Wade S.
$49 (4th donation), Manuel F.
$43 (3rd donation), Jens T.
$40 (2nd donation), Helena K.
$35 (4th donation), David K.
$35 (2nd donation), Paul S.
$35, Kent Y.
$32 (3rd donation), Cyril Jouhanneau aka “sangorys”
$32 (3rd donation), Hans L.
$32 (2nd donation), Hermann G.
$32, Florent F.
$32, Jonatan L.
$32, zzzzzzzz .
$31 (83th donation), Johann J.
$30 (5th donation), Ken S. aka “knucklehead”
$30, Andrew R.
$30, James E.
$30, John B.
$30, Marcelo R.
$27 (3rd donation), Xabier A.
$27 (2nd donation), Sinan B.
$27, Dierk B.
$25 (27th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (13th donation), Carl K.
$25 (5th donation), M F M
$25 (5th donation), William P.
$25 (4th donation), Cheryl Meril, Notary Public
$25 (2nd donation), Norman H.
$25, Christopher W.
$25, Michal J.
$22 (36th donation), Peter E.
$22 (12th donation), Henrik H.
$22 (12th donation), Peter R.
$22 (11th donation), H ScottB
$22 (8th donation), Martin L.
$22 (7th donation), Liviu B.
$22 (5th donation), Cornelis V.
$22 (5th donation), Raphael G.
$22 (4th donation), Antoni Aloy Torrens
$22 (4th donation), Juha M.
$22 (4th donation), Lionel R.
$22 (4th donation), Mircea V.
$22 (4th donation), Nurettin G.
$22 (3rd donation), Benedikt L.
$22 (2nd donation), Anestis P.
$22 (2nd donation), Friedrich W. J.
$22 (2nd donation), Giovanni S.
$22 (2nd donation), Jörg B.
$22 (2nd donation), Robin G. aka “thorian93
$22, Adrian G.
$22, Alberto Simões aka “ambs
$22, Diego D.
$22, Eric H.
$22, Espen K.
$22, Fabio B.
$22, Francisco Javier D.
$22, Gedeon Stol
$22, Georgios A.
$22, Gerald G.
$22, Gines S.
$22, Gunnar Ole L.
$22, Harald K.
$22, James E.
$22, Javier A.
$22, Manuel Martin G.
$22, Marco C.
$22, Markus M.
$22, Matthias V.
$22, Meiko V.
$22, Michael H.
$22, Niels G.
$22, Piet C.
$22, Plamen S.
$22, Rainer W.
$22, René W.
$22, Reza N.
$22, Robert G.
$22, Robert H.
$22, Sami K.
$22, Sergio B.
$22, Tobit S.
$22, Vincent F.
$20 (64th donation), Rick R.
$20 (56th donation), Bryan F.
$20 (36th donation), John D.
$20 (8th donation), CA aka “Clauclau”
$20 (6th donation), Greg Dawes
$20 (6th donation), Marek M.
$20 (4th donation), Clarence D.
$20 (4th donation), Earl P.
$20 (3rd donation), Jose R.
$20 (3rd donation), Stephen B.
$20 (2nd donation), Boone A.
$20 (2nd donation), Clark R.
$20 (2nd donation), George W.
$20 (2nd donation), Heather E.
$20 (2nd donation), Leonid A.
$20 (2nd donation), Maria S.
$20 (2nd donation), Mr N M.
$20, Che H.
$20, David B.
$20, Denis V.
$20, Dewey B.
$20, Graham L.
$20, James H.
$20, Jonathan F.
$20, Sam C.
$20, Simon H.
$20, William B.
$18 (3rd donation), ineuw
$17, Rex A.
$16 (8th donation), Karlheinz R.
$16, Sven Ž.
$15 (3rd donation), Normunds M.
$15, David B.
$14 (5th donation), Terry R.
$13, Carl S.
$11 (47th donation), Francois-R L.
$11 (37th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (20th donation), Raymond M. (retired)
$11 (14th donation),
$11 (13th donation), Thomas K.
$11 (12th donation), Denys G.
$11 (11th donation), SM
$11 (6th donation), Peter P.
$11 (6th donation), Robert W.
$11 (5th donation), Alexander P.
$11 (4th donation), Cornelius B.
$11 (4th donation), Došlo R.
$11 (4th donation), Juan Carlos aka “Ehuntabi”
$11 (4th donation), Ronald S.
$11 (3rd donation), Bernd E.
$11 (3rd donation), Dominik M.
$11 (3rd donation), Francisco F.
$11 (3rd donation), Marc
$11 (3rd donation), Miquel S. aka “msolde
$11 (3rd donation), Sergio G.
$11 (3rd donation), Stefan W.
$11 (2nd donation), Bertrand Q.
$11 (2nd donation), Douglas J.
$11 (2nd donation), Gc T.
$11 (2nd donation), Giovanni P.
$11 (2nd donation), Harold H.
$11 (2nd donation), Henry L. aka “Henry”
$11 (2nd donation), Hugo L.
$11 (2nd donation), Jure S.
$11 (2nd donation), Marianne L.
$11 (2nd donation), Nabil aka “Billy”
$11, Arne B. aka “ErnieBernie10”
$11, Axel M.
$11, Boleszaw E.
$11, Boletti P.
$11, Cyril B.
$11, Davide R.
$11, Elvis M.
$11, Gennadij D.
$11, J J D P.
$11, Jan P.
$11, Jerke Frederik G.
$11, Jerzy G.
$11, Juha V.
$11, Ludovic P.
$11, Matthias W.
$11, Michael W.
$11, Peter A.
$11, Proyectos y Sistemas de Seguridad, s.l.
$11, Rafaz T.
$11, Rogério Paulo Filipe R.
$11, Sergio D.
$11, Sergio S.
$11, Valentin P.
$11, Valerio L.
$11, Vítor Manuel G.
$11, Volker J.
$11, zzzzzzzzzz .
$10 (86th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (80th donation), Frank K.
$10 (33rd donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (29th donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (27th donation), Hemant Patel
$10 (20th donation), Solar Panels Saskatoon
$10 (18th donation), Aimee W.
$10 (15th donation), Bruce M.
$10 (15th donation), Harold R.
$10 (15th donation), Minneapolis Towing and Roadside Assistance
$10 (15th donation), Timo K.
$10 (13th donation), Kenton B.
$10 (12th donation), Minneapolis Commercial Painting
$10 (5th donation), platypus products
$10 (5th donation), Real Estate Monaco aka “Real Estate Monaco
$10 (3rd donation), Michael D.
$10 (3rd donation), Szymon R.
$10 (2nd donation), Dafydd F.
$10 (2nd donation), David G.
$10 (2nd donation), Juan Q.
$10 (2nd donation), Michael M.
$10 (2nd donation), William C.
$10, Anvelope de Iarnă aka “Anvelope de Iarnă
$10, Anvelope Off Road aka “Anvelope Off Road
$10, David E M.
$10, Gidgits-and-gadgets
$10, Go to aka “SEO
$10, John K.
$10, Luna Jernberg aka “bittin”
$10, Michael P.
$10, Mr Narendra C.
$10, Thevirtua
$10, Thomas G.
$10, Tim B.
$10, Vincent A.
$9 (3rd donation), Anthony G.
$8, Andrew G.
$125 from 33 smaller donations

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  1. It would be helpful if in the power settings one could set the low and critical levels of the battery and receive notifications also, for the rest, I’m really glad for using this great distribution. Congrats!

    1. I use this script.

      # This script is to monitor the battery status and runs from the Startup Applications in setup.
      # It runs forever sleeping at the tome interval set.
      # Two percentage settings are required for the battery at low charge and at the high charge you wish to set.
      # Two settings are required for the sound to play at low and high percentages reached

      # Set these variables
      sleeptime=300 # Sleeps for 5 minutes

      for (( ; ; ))
      result=`exec upower -i $(upower -e | grep ‘BAT’) | grep -E “state|percentage”` # Reports the battery status
      cut1=$(echo $result| cut -d’:’ -f 2) # Getting the part of the upower results we want for the state of the battery
      state=$(echo $cut1| cut -d’ ‘ -f 1) # Give us the current state charge/discharge
      pc=${result##*:} # retain the part after the last slash
      per=$(echo $pc| cut -d’%’ -f 1) # Gives us the current percentage of charge
      if [ $state == charging ] ; then
      if [ $per -gt $highpc ] ; then
      export DISPLAY=:0.0 `notify-send -u critical “Battery Alert” “BATTERY AT $per% REMOVE THE CHARGER!”` && paplay $highsound
      elif [ $state == discharging ] ; then
      if [ $per -lt $lowpc ] ; then
      export DISPLAY=:0.0 `notify-send -u critical “Battery Alert” “BATTERY AT $per% PLUG IN THE CHARGER”` && paplay $lowsound
      sleep $sleeptime

    2. @Charles_Le_Bougus:

      You won’t find a script to do that, because the component that controls the battery max charge is the battery’s firmware, not the OS itself. Linux Mint can’t tell the battery to charge only at 80% max because the battery has to offer that kind of support in the form of a driver which I suspect doesn’t exist on Linux for the most part.

      Current laptops offer that kind of functionality on Windows, but only through OEM software specifically designed for that that only runs on Windows.

    3. @leonsk29 If you have Lenovo laptop stopping the battery from charging at (say) 80% is possible using TLP

    4. @Bananabob:

      Good to know, I didn’t know that TLP implemented that functionality. Thanks. Does it work on every laptop brand or just Lenovo ones?

    5. @leonsk29 I think there is a list somewhere. I know that my HP does not support it. I know the Lenovo does, and have proof because my wife’s Lenovo uses it on Linux Mint.

  2. It would be great if they would package newer kernels to install from the update manager, for example I need the latest lts 6.1.

    1. A Kernel manager like the one embedded in Manjaro distribution would be great!

    2. All they’d have to do is add support in the Update Manager for the OEM kernels. No packaging needed. For now, you could also just install the OEM kernel from apt or synaptic.

    3. Update Manager > View > Kernels allows you to install the kernels from the latest (non-LTS) Ubuntu release.

    4. Mika: Manjaro kernel manager gui work less than Mint (which is in the update manager)!

      MikeF: what is an “oem” kernel? lol

      To be fair, all yall, kernel maintenance aint no joke. We are blessed to have what we do on Mint. Most distros offer one inhouse lts if that, and nudge you toward liquorix for new hw support.

      Being said, I agree op. Mint is big enough to offer newest mainline, imo. But I do not see that happening as long as Mint stays lts ubuntu base.

      Try looking to ubuntus docs and forums regarding support installing newer kernels. Whether they are accessible with Mint kernel manager is doubtful however. Whatever you do, make sure your kernels are well maintained and receive timely security updates.

    5. charles, I’m not sure what’s funny about the OEM kernel. It’s there, and can be used if it fits your needs. You can install it with a simple apt command: apt install linux-oem-22.04c

      This will install the current OEM kernel version, which is at 6.1.

      Here is some light reading about the OEM kernel:

      I hope that helps answer your questions.

    6. @Mike F

      Thank you for that info. My bad for my ignorance. I thought, oem, what a weird name. Connotes proprietary. Also a major med journal. lol.

      Anywho, I concur. A well maintained kernel. Thanks for learning me.

    1. What are the advantages of using Wayland over X, if I may ask please??

  3. I think the downside of installing newer kernels is that NOT all newer kernels behave the same way. Some kernels are much better than others in reality. Further more its almost impossible to know in advance just how a specific kernel will behave once installed on your machine. For example kernel 6.2 behaves lovely but kernel 6.3 was awful so it can be hugely variable.

    1. What are the technical limitations now imposed by ubuntu that warrant a a total rebase (whether Deb or other)?

  4. Since the lack auf Bios password, I’m not be able to disable secure boot. Will the final version work with secure boot? Cannot test this beta cause I get security violation error 0x1A.

    1. To install this version, I used the option boot from file in the efi directory . On my HP laptop I found it from the F9 function key.

  5. Hey,

    why is the development not just focused on Linux Mint Debian (LMDE)?

    Like why are you ignoring that so many people love LMDE and want this as Mainliner? no front.

    1. I like LMDE5 a lot.
      I have both wifi card and usb wifi adapter without upgrading Kernel. Just searching for info to install them was enough at the end. Sistem goes fluently, productive and quick.

  6. Hopefully they can add the option to add favorite channels in Hypnotix or be able to create a list of favorite channels or something similar, many thanks to the entire team.

  7. A word of caution. Be very careful with the Mainline tool for downloading kernels. Note: These are specifically designed for Ubuntu and they don’t necessarily always work well with Linux MINT. I used this tool and it downloaded kernel version 3.6 but I encountered repeated problems after the new kernel was installed. My system repeatedly locked up or suddenly froze without warnings. So whilst it sounds like a great tool it does come at a cost, it may not be worth the convenience it offers on the surface?

    1. Caution should be taken with using mainline but not the reason you listed. A kernel is kernel and works fine with Ubuntu or Linux Mint. There is nothing in the mainline kernels that is specific Ubuntu other than build tools. The issue with mainline kernels is they are not HEAVILY tested. Linus’ stable kernel means it is ready for non -kernel developers/testers…. not for everyday use and definitely not production services.

      Now back to your issue, the 3.6 kernel is absolutely insane and clearly will not work with any recent Linux distribution. If that was a typo and you meant the 6.3 kernel, it had a couple of rocky release before Linus stable but have been stable now with last couple release ..the latest release being 6.3.11. I have been on 6.4.0 kernel with Linux Mint since it was released and have no issues.

      It is very easy to pick one of the officially supported kernels to boot if you have issues with a new mainline kernel.

      I have been using the mainline Linus stable releases (not rc kernels) in Linux Mint for many years on my test machines and only had minor issues every so often.

    2. It’s not that it was designed for Ubuntu… it’s that kernel 3.6 is ANCIENT! Mint’s own Kernel Updates utility (part of its Updates Manager) is fetching kernels from, so they are rigorously all Ubuntu kernels… but only the ones that are being distributed for a particular version of Ubuntu (the one that is used as a baseline for your current version of Linux Mint, eg: Mint 21.x is based on Ubuntu 22.04)

  8. Clem, as others have stated, LDME needs to be the ‘regular’ featured version of Mint. PeppermintOS has already made the switch and shown what it is capable of doing. Just this week, Canonical announced that with Ubuntu 23.10 it is going to prioritize snaps and degrade DEB packages in its software store, and is now creating an immutable desktop with only snaps. Canonical is dedicated to imposing its closed-source, telemetry-gathering software package and making it the default and only architecture on its distribution. Every year you stay on Ubuntu, it is another year of struggle to keep your distribution clean of your association with this spyware monster. Just make the switch to Debian and offer a MATE and xfce version of LMDE (with a newer kernel and version of Debian to encourage adoption). Trust me, many people will gladly endorse this and you will likely gain new users as people become increasingly frustrated with Canonical’s decisions. I should know, I’m one of them.

    1. Agreed entirely. Please consider making LMDE the primary LM! As we already have a good sense of Canonical’s pattern and trajectory, I sincerely hope the LM team will elevate LMDE to the forefront. Cheers and best wishes to the whole team for their hard work.

    2. peppermintos themselves endorse snaps. which is hilarious, given your account of the matter with ub.


      “Debian our flagship release and Devuan both come with extensive software repositories that cover the majority of everyone’s needs, should you require something not in the repositories, you may enable it from the flatpak, snaps and appimages repositories. These are third party software.”

    3. Currently the Ubuntu Snap only version is an option – but who knows what the next step will be by the Ubuntu Monolith?
      Should it be named “Big Brown” instead of “Big Blue”?
      A long time ago, I used Ubuntu until they revealed their true colours…
      So its LMDE for me (no flatpacks, snaps or assorted rubbish)

    4. Don’t speak for everyone. I don’t support the move from Ubuntu to Debian. If Peppermint throws itself off a cliff would you want Linux Mint to do so too? Stop mentioning what others are doing as if that were arguments, because they aren’t.

    5. As source.list is pointing to the stable Debian repository and as debian include all desktop packages in its repository, adding MATE or something else is easy : sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-extras. It works, I tested it on my laptop two years ago

  9. Congratulations. I installed the Victoria Cinnamon version and it is running perfect on my old PC, 3GB, 8Ram, on EFI. thank you

  10. hello
    like this I would like the development of linuxmint to go to debian as a priority but it will seem that if the team stays on ubuntu c is that there seems to be problems under debain with the new hardware.I am under lmde and for nothing in the world I will change because it is a solid distribution that works very well for me.

    1. How are you trying to install it?
      I have Bleachbit installed & working without any issues on MINT 21.1. I installed it via a .DEB file.

    2. I made a TimeShift restore to J-2 and I could install and use Bleachbit again.

  11. Yes, people, just keep spamming the comments section to tell the Linux Mint team to switch to Debian, that’s super mature and democratic. If no one cares about what I say, I’ll just keep repeating it until they do it just to shut me up, uh? Great mantra.

    Amazing how some people think they’re the center of the world. You just assume everyone wants LMDE and that’s it. Have you made a poll to gather opinnions? Have you asked EVERY Linux Mint user about what they want? Or you just assumed everyone should want what YOU want?

    1. Well said!
      These Ubuntu haters are very loud. I am seeing comments like this on Youtube and other sites too. The bad thing is, false rumors spread and innocent bystanders end up believing them, thinking Mint is abandoning Ubuntu.

    2. I’ve been around Mint since Felicia, and computers (*nix) far far longer. I find it interesting how the “wellspring” distros like Arch or Debian STILL require a PhD in CS just to decode their download page and a double-PhD to install an actual working system. Take one single step from them to Ubuntu, LMDE or Manjaro – and you have GUI installers, bells, whistles, user-friendly everything. And a whole heap of usability bugs magically erased. Its 2023 – the base distros have had the same time and seen the same market now for 20 years.
      Now what regular Mint does, via the extra Ubuntu step, has always been excellent. Canonical make some silly decisions, much like the Debian or GNU devs. Mint does not take nonsense and quality, stability and reliability come first. You can confidently install this for your kids, Auntie May or your granny because there will be no surprises and minimal support issues.
      LMDE has always been an “insurance policy” in case Ubuntu completely lose their mind – or imagine, they get bought up by a large unwelcome entity – plenty of those around today, no need to name any. Unless that point is reached, LMDE will and should remain a side project, not the main show.

    3. This is a comments board. I have a right as someone who has been a longtime user of both Mint and LMDE to express my view. And this is a community where Clem likes to hear from users, yes, even at the individual level. By the way, do you have a poll to see if your view is correct? I’m fine if you do not, I don’t expect you to, but since you’ve demanded one from me, or inferred it, the closest I have are the observations I have been gathering from six of my colleagues and family who use Mint/LMDE on a regular basis (3 to 3 split on version preference but 4 out of 6 use both in some way). There is a 4 to 2 preference for LMDE over Ubuntu-based Mint, with the LMDE supporters preferring the lower resource usage, but airing critiques centering around the agedness of the kernel (even though this is easily resolvable, it is a perfectly understandable criticism). The supporters of Ubuntu-based Mint (one of whom also likes LMDE) centered most of their worries around PPAs or fearing the loss of xfce as an option–again, even with workarounds, these are reasonable.

      With that out of the way, I am not here to talk/write about any poll, since mine is not even scientific with its sample size, but the very questionable behavior of three corporate-owned and/or backed distributions in the Linux work these past few weeks. One, Fedora, which is going to start doing opt-in telemetry gathering by version 40, and recently dropped distro maintenance of LibreOffice. Two, RedHat, who decided to replicate the worst behavior of Reddit by going closed source, threatening to expunge anyone who publicly shares its (now restricted) code from its (for now-)free account, and having its VP go so far as to compare its contributors (who’ve helped build RedHat) to ‘hackers.’ And three, Canonical. Recently, Canonical has announced the creation of an all-snaps (non-regular)version of Ubuntu this next year, which will be a separate version the current all-snaps core. In addition, Canonical announced just this week that when it ships Ubuntu 23.10 (the regular version), its software store will degrade .Deb packages and prioritize snaps. I think we know where Canonical is going with this (especially with its creation of an all-snaps version of the distribution).

      Thus, my motivation to write this post. I know that Clem has taken (IMO, good) steps in restricting snaps on Mint that’s becoming increasingly prevalent and embedded in the Ubuntu distribution. And seeing how Ubuntu has created an immutable and soon an all-snaps version of its distribution, and knowing how Canonical has a history of forcing telemetry on users, it is not unreasonable to view these moves as the future of Ubuntu (which is diametrically opposed to what the Linux Mint team supports). I understand fully if they do not want to do this (I presume the team is concentrating on other endeavors deemed more important for future versions) or at least not yet. But it is a view held by many Mint users, myself included.

      By the way, it’s OK if you disagree. Not everyone is you or me.

    4. I like both versions – but Mint seems a bit more exposed to the whims of Ubuntu.

  12. In my opinion, Clem made a very good decision to develop LMDE as a backstop in case Canonical/Ubuntu went in a direction that was inconsistent with his views on how Linux Mint should behave. The insurance is there. It will be his decision to promote LMDE, and a lot of work would need to be done to get to that point. Shouting for it does not help: the best thing one can do is volunteer time, resources, and money, and trust Clem to make the right decisions when it becomes necessary,
    Not least, migrating from the current standard Mint set-ups to LMDE is non-trivial, and will require a great deal of testing,
    Please don’t pester Clem. He works hard to make Mint the excellent distribution that it is.
    Thank you, Clem, for all your hard work. I appreciate it greatly.

  13. I would also be strongly in favour of Linux Mint focusing on LMDE. Opinion from a 20-year Linux user and Linux veteran.

    The Debian team does a great job and Linux Mint runs on it like my Trabi at its best.

  14. I have 21.1 cinnamon on a 2007 Dell Inspiron 1501 with only 2GB DDR2 RAM, which is the most it can have.
    It runs perfectly installed on SSD.
    It won’t recover from suspend – so has to be shut down – but that’s OK because the boot is very fast.
    So this is an astonishing achievement by Clem and team.
    Running the heaviest version of the best OS on a machine that old and weak!

    1. Go Linux Mint Menu and type screen saver and set to never ! this should solve this problem.

    2. If your system only has x2 GB of physical memory i.e. chips. You might want to check how much virtual memory the system has. Mint normally installs a swap file. You can edit or modify the swap file size. You should have at least 2GB of swap installed as well. Some systems used to create a swap space i.e. space on the hard disk or SSD. But I think the norm now is just a swap file. Having the right size swap file might make a big difference.

    3. @Cyteck:

      Swap space has nothing to do with the issue he’s having. Suspension has nothing to do with virtual memory, it just puts your computer in a very low power state while keeping the RAM powered, that’s it. I don’t know why increasing or adjusting the swap file size would fix this.

      Computers that won’t wake up from suspension usually have driver issues or some kind of incorrect BIOS ACPI settings.

    4. @NUM NUTT:

      Why would disabling the screensaver would fix his problem??? The PC won’t enter suspension if the screensaver is running. It’s just that, a screensaver, not a low power state.

  15. Goldendict (system version) shows very small icons in its dictionary menu bar. Flatpak version works normally.

  16. Clem,
    SUCURI is still completely blocking my access to all Linux Mint sites. Is it because I choose to use a VPN service?

  17. What’s replacing kernel 5.19 this August? One of the 6 series would be welcomed for newer hardware support.

  18. I had to change the scale settings of my display to see all of the screen of a web TV (OQEE by Free on a Firefox navigator) and only with this application. Strange ???

  19. But if I install Linux Mint 21.2 Beta, is it necessary to reinstall the final version when the Beta phase ends?

  20. I used to use Arch Linux, but due to lack of time I installed Mint Cinnamon on a new laptop computer 4 years ago. No problem in all this time. Please, Clem, don’t change a thing. Keep improving your product which is excellent.

  21. Bug reports:

    Bugs in this release should be reported on Github at
    Create one issue per bug.
    As described in the Linux Mint Troubleshooting Guide, do not report or create issues for observations.
    Be as accurate as possible and include any information that might help developers reproduce the issue or understand the cause of the issue:
    Bugs we can reproduce, or which cause we understand are usually fixed very easily.
    It is important to mention whether a bug happens “always”, or “sometimes”, and what triggers it.
    If a bug happens but didn’t happen before, or doesn’t happen in another distribution, or doesn’t happen in a different environment, please mention it and try to pinpoint the differences at play.
    If we can’t reproduce a particular bug and we don’t understand its cause, it’s unlikely we’ll be able to fix it.
    The BETA phase is literally a bug squashing rush, where the team is extremely busy and developers try to fix as many bugs as fast as possible.
    There usually are a huge number of reports and very little time to answer everyone or explain why a particular report is not considered a bug, or won’t get fixed. Don’t let this frustrate you, whether it’s acknowledged or not, we appreciate everyone’s help.

  22. I disagree with those who propose switching exclusively to LMDE.
    As a novice Linux user I found in Linux Mint a valid help that made it very easy for me to switch from Windows to Linux.
    The original aims of this project are still valid, offering an easy distro for those who want to try to switch to Windows to Linux.
    There are still many who could take advantage of these advantages. Therefore I would like to thank Clem and all the staff for their commitment to spreading Linux to all users.

  23. A few minutes ago on Mint 21.1 with Cinnamon there was 2 or 3 updates. I do not remember which, and I did the update as usually.. I was using Chromium browser. After closing Chromium I started Brave and discovered that it does not load WEB pages, they seem corrupted; also the menu (3 lines) in which I can select Settings etc is corrupted, almost all grayed; trying CTRL-SHIFT-DEL to clean chronology shows just the contour of the dialog window.. So I close Chromium and started Brave, which I did not started up to that moment, THE SAM happens. It seems that the updates have broken the browser. I tried some other app (Emacs, Terminal..) and they seem to work. Someone know what happened? I have another machine with Mint and do not want upgrade if this is the result

    1. I have fixed removing the configuration files and directories of these browsers and reconfiguring them from scratch. However, it is not clear how using browser Chromium also corrupted browser Brave..

  24. I second dropping Ubuntu altogether real soon and making LMDE the main focus. Corporate distros are increasingly unreliable and I can’t stand the direction that Canonical wants to take Ubuntu towards.

  25. Hello Clem, I don’t know from what source I read that the release of the version would be scheduled for the end of June, however, we are already in the second half of July and the final version is not yet available.

    I would like to give constructive criticism towards the Linux Mint team to fine-tune version release predictions, as this is fundamental and indispensable for one of the most popular Linux distributions. We know that the Linux Mint team is small, however, having a punctual calendar is really essential.

  26. Hello everyone! The NVME AND SATA disk status SMART function does not work with “gnome disk” or with GSmartControl. Indicates unknown model. Problem on ACER laptop as on desktop PC (tower). Greeting

  27. serious question to clem: why exactly do they always work on the ubuntu versions first and not on the debian version first? it really incites me and i don’t want to start a discussion here. just from the comments here and also under the youtube comments about linux mint i read so much from linux mint debian users that it seems to me that a lot if not 30-60% use linux mint debian.

  28. Linux Mint 20.0(Cinnamon) and after a Gnome update(42.5-0 to 42.9.0) and for a laptop that’s in a 2 monitor setup with that laptop’s internal display and one external display: When going from full screen mode on a video streaming service/player(HTML Based) back to non full screen mode the entire browser window jumps from the external monitor(HDMI connected) back to the laptop’s internal display and that’s not the behavior that’s expected. And restoring down by clicking on the upper right “window on smaller window” Icon exhibits the same unexpected behavior and the browser window jumping from the external monitor to the laptop’s internal monitor. If I open a Window in the browser and drag that over to the external display I expect that the window will remain on that external display even though the Task Panel is only set up to appear on the laptops internal display but that behavior mentioned above has changed.

  29. I had a sneak peak at the release announcement for 21.2, and I notice the following wording. ‘It comes with updated software’. That wording is ambiguous: are the repositories updated – such that there are new versions of all sorts of things (LibreOffice, GIMP, fwupd, Calibre, etc. etc.) – or not? Surely that wording is something to fix – in the current release announcement and subsequent such announcements.

  30. I left a comment on Tuesday July 11, 2023! it’s Saturday July 15, 2023 and still nothing! What do moderators do????

  31. I love Cinnamon and use it with one of the major Arches. Those cowboys of course being bleeding edge, cause bleeding by including upcoming versions of Nemo (5.8.3 vs Mint 21.1’s 5.6.4) and Pix (3.0.2 vs Mint 21.1’s 2.8.9). Several KEY controls are broken, many regressions. For example in Pix the old zoom +/- is not working at all (besides the upstream horrible UI changes) and many of the finer controls over behaviour seem to be missing. Nemo is also showing some quirks, moving files instead of copy between drives (main to USB). Put it this way – thankfully photorec exists, or I would have lost almost 100 fresh photos.

    So I hope the beta bugs for 21.2 can be reduced and this all steeles down. I use Mint several other machines, all eagerly awaiting 21.2. I am again considering switching my “main” rig back to Mint (but mumble mumble Debian delays and font clutter, mumble mumble, yeah.)

  32. It’s still pitiful. It recognizes the HP printer but does not work. As usual. It doesn’t matter how many versions they release, everything continues to be just as catastrophic.

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