Monthly News – January 2021

Many thanks for your support. Just like in previous years, whether it’s linked to our release schedule or the holiday season, we received many donations this December. Thank you for your help, it’s greatly appreciated!

Although it happened later than we anticipated, Linux Mint 20.1 had a great release. The upgrade from 20 was opened and all the new features and improvements which shipped in Linux Mint 20.1 were ported and sent to LMDE 4.

We worked on and fixed a few issues post-release that had gone unnoticed through the BETA phase and we’re still investigating a couple of them in relation to plymouth themes with LUKS, NVIDIA resolutions and a slight delay during the login sequence.

We also did a complete review of all the Cinnamon spices and we’ll be fixing, cleaning or even removing some of them in the days to come.

In parallel, the new release cycle is now open, pull requests are being merged and a roadmap is being prepared for Linux Mint 20.2.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Tibor Kaputa
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
Avery Tarasov / Chr0meiCe2 / @Abdomination1
BGASoft Inc
David Salvo
Look To The Right SEO
Michael Hathaway
Synapse Search
Uwe Schneider GmbH
Community Sponsors:


Donations in December:

A total of $23,829 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 882 donors:

$300 (2nd donation), Leanne L.
$200 (13th donation), Samson S. aka “Samtastic”
$200 (3rd donation), Chris K.
$200, Helmut S.
$162 (2nd donation), Thomas B.
$138 (2nd donation), H H.
$108 (3rd donation), Jens-peter U.
$108 (3rd donation), Stefan P.
$108 (2nd donation), Reiner S.
$108 (2nd donation), J D.
$108, Vincent
$108, Holger W.
$108, John J.
$100 (5th donation), Glen A.
$100 (4th donation), Walter K.
$100 (3rd donation), Sivaguru
$100 (2nd donation), Kenneth S.
$100 (2nd donation), Kris R.
$100, Florence B.
$100, Charles G.
$100, Peter Z.
$100, Timothy F.
$100, Tim R.
$100, Anthony G.
$100, Ron N.
$100, William H.
$100, David M.
$100, Gary R.
$100, Jeffrey L.
$86, Albert-jozef P.
$75 (2nd donation), TM
$75, Vincent F.
$70, Kristian F.
$66 (3rd donation), hala de inchiriat
$65, Dmitry M.
$60 (6th donation), James L.
$54 (17th donation), Joachim M.
$54 (7th donation), Tomas S.
$54 (5th donation), Chema Cortés
$54 (4th donation), Bernard H.
$54 (4th donation), Enzo P
$54 (4th donation), Roland H.
$54 (4th donation), Gildas M.
$54 (4th donation), David B.
$54 (3rd donation), Christian H.
$54 (3rd donation), Bernhard M.
$54 (3rd donation), Marcin G.
$54 (2nd donation), Balázs S.
$54 (2nd donation), Catherine G.
$54 (2nd donation), Daniel S.
$54 (2nd donation), Karl-günter N.
$54 (2nd donation), Gonzalo M. aka “Alvenn”
$54 (2nd donation), K. S. .
$54 (2nd donation), Rasmus A.
$54 (2nd donation), Gianni O.
$54 (2nd donation), Ian M.
$54, Christos P.
$54, Gunnar B.
$54, Jean Jacques W.
$54, Christian H.
$54, Daniel M.
$54, Eberhard M.
$54, Shahzil L.
$54, Robert M.
$54, Luc J.
$54, Rolandas R.
$54, Rafael E.
$54, Luis R.
$54, Oliver H.
$54, Ingo P.
$54, Holger S.
$54, Nigel B.
$54, Matthias B.
$54, Eric C.
$54, Francesco B.
$54, Lutz Bergner
$54, Thomas N.
$54, Matthias P.
$54, Peter S.
$50 (45th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (14th donation), Philip W.
$50 (10th donation), Douglas J.
$50 (10th donation), Stephen A.
$50 (9th donation), An L.
$50 (8th donation), stewy
$50 (7th donation), Joao Kodama
$50 (6th donation), Peter F.
$50 (6th donation), Bruce N.
$50 (4th donation), Michael L.
$50 (4th donation), Stacey F.
$50 (3rd donation), P. C. .
$50 (3rd donation), Frank R.
$50 (3rd donation), Terry F.
$50 (3rd donation), Data H. I.
$50 (3rd donation), Dan E.
$50 (3rd donation), Charles W.
$50 (3rd donation), Eugene Z.
$50 (3rd donation), Alain C. aka “Alecalin
$50 (3rd donation), Tony N.
$50 (2nd donation), Michael C.
$50 (2nd donation), Ken Y.
$50 (2nd donation), Anton R.
$50 (2nd donation), Dennis L.
$50 (2nd donation), Herman B.
$50 (2nd donation), Mark L.
$50 (2nd donation), Peter T.
$50 (2nd donation), Karl J.
$50 (2nd donation), Philip W.
$50 (2nd donation), Edward B.
$50 (2nd donation), Stephen M.
$50 (2nd donation), Pj Sylvia.
$50, Bryan B.
$50, Keith M.
$50, Jeffrey S.
$50, Cameron S.
$50, Robin D.
$50, Salomon G.
$50, Warren A.
$50, Stephen V.
$50, James B.
$50, Ryan D.
$50, Delton Q.
$50, Jamie Aylward
$50, David R.
$50, Nick K.
$50, Stephen R.
$50, Lexi Snep
$50, Jim W.
$50, Dale F.
$50, Jerome S.
$50, Norbert L.
$50, David S.
$44 (2nd donation), Dirk J.
$43 (129th donation), Olli K.
$43 (6th donation), Ian W.
$43 (6th donation), Devendra Rai.
$43, Luisa M
$40 (2nd donation), William L.
$39 (2nd donation), Christoph R.
$38, Helmut S.
$35 (11th donation), Andrew M.
$35 (3rd donation), John B.
$35, Richard M.
$32 (5th donation), Bobcam Computer Solutions aka “Rob
$32 (4th donation), Manfred S.
$32 (4th donation), Francesc M. C.
$32 (2nd donation), Gerardo A. M.
$32 (2nd donation), Peter D.
$32 (2nd donation), erwn16 aka “erwn”
$32 (2nd donation), Ibon E.
$32 (2nd donation), Brian E.
$32, Axel B.
$32, Etienne L.
$32, Pirmin B.
$32, Ian Sheppard
$30 (54th donation), Curt Vaughan aka “curtvaughan “
$30 (29th donation), Wolfgang P.
$30 (17th donation), Kevin S.
$30, Kevin C.
$30, Robert T.
$30, Jon B.
$28 (3rd donation), Adam K.
$27 (15th donation), John K.
$27 (3rd donation), Paulo Ribeiro
$27 (2nd donation), Wouter W.
$27 (2nd donation), Scrob B.
$27 (2nd donation), Matthias R.
$27, Leonel B.
$27, Robert L.
$27, Duncan H.
$27, Holger S.
$26, Klaus S.
$25 (7th donation), Andrew Currie
$25 (6th donation), Michael T.
$25 (4th donation), Derek B.
$25 (3rd donation), Stephen W.
$25 (2nd donation), Miguel G.
$25 (2nd donation), Greg M.
$25, John M.
$25, Terry B.
$25, Vlad G.
$25, Thomas R.
$25, Ron N. aka “TechNick”
$25, Stefan H.
$22 (12th donation), Michael S.
$22 (9th donation), Peter E.
$22 (9th donation), Brandon W.
$22 (7th donation), Gabriele Bandini aka “GiBi Gab
$22 (7th donation), Jens
$22 (7th donation), Robert D. aka “Wilbobob”
$22 (7th donation), Teobaldo D.
$22 (6th donation), R. I. . aka “Birman”
$22 (6th donation), Andrew V.
$22 (5th donation), Dominik Ch.
$22 (5th donation), David Atherton aka “David A”
$22 (5th donation), Eduard L.
$22 (4th donation), Terry Phillips aka “Terryphi”
$22 (3rd donation), Jean-pierre P.
$22 (3rd donation), Stefan E.
$22 (3rd donation), Soren ONeill
$22 (3rd donation), Eric B.
$22 (3rd donation), daoud
$22 (3rd donation), Philipp S.
$22 (3rd donation), Alan M.
$22 (3rd donation), Florian G.
$22 (3rd donation), Tom S.
$22 (3rd donation), Alfons B.
$22 (2nd donation), Bernd H.
$22 (2nd donation), Nikolaos B.
$22 (2nd donation), Bernd W.
$22 (2nd donation), Daniel H.
$22 (2nd donation), Jens M.
$22 (2nd donation), Alexander F.
$22 (2nd donation), Jonathan P.
$22 (2nd donation), Ulrich J.
$22 (2nd donation), Harry B.
$22 (2nd donation), Robin D.
$22 (2nd donation), Robert H.
$22 (2nd donation), Dieter S.
$22 (2nd donation), Opik Oort
$22 (2nd donation), Thibaut V.
$22 (2nd donation), Wolfgang H.
$22 (2nd donation), akaIDIOT
$22 (2nd donation), Eugene G.
$22 (2nd donation), Wolfgang N.
$22 (2nd donation), Yann G.
$22 (2nd donation), Eugenio Montefusco
$22 (2nd donation), Marius M.
$22 (2nd donation), Joris S.
$22 (2nd donation), Hubert R.
$22 (2nd donation), Roel V. S.
$22, Pablo L.
$22, G.h. K.
$22, Manfred H.
$22, Tim S.
$22, Anonymus
$22, Loïc A.
$22, Frank R.
$22, Martin B.
$22, Martin W.
$22, Jürgen S.
$22, Karel H.
$22, Markus B.
$22, Nicolas B.
$22, Vladislav K.
$22, Peter H.
$22, Juan Antonio C.
$22, Hendrik G.
$22, Benoit G.
$22, Jose M.
$22, Popescu L.
$22, Victor G.
$22, Martin B.
$22, Daniel F. G.
$22, Stavros Joseph B.
$22, Forster C.
$22, Marko S.
$22, Henk V.
$22, John G.
$22, John J.
$22, Pavlos G.
$22, edu-consult
$22, Lars-erik M.
$22, Osvaldo F.
$22, Michel T.
$22, Robert T.
$22, Ciaran O.
$22, Frank Z.
$22, Per W.
$22, Mathias L.
$22, Ugo J.
$22, Marcel T.
$22, Karl-heinz H.
$22, Djc S.
$22, Tomas Aleksiejunas
$22, Aleksei T.
$22, Glaser M.
$20 (29th donation), Bryan F.
$20 (25th donation), Mike W aka “bajan52”
$20 (19th donation), Hemant Patel
$20 (16th donation), Ke C.
$20 (14th donation), François P.
$20 (14th donation), Antoine T.
$20 (13th donation), Peter J.
$20 (11th donation), Malte J.
$20 (9th donation), Anon
$20 (7th donation), Scott S.
$20 (7th donation), Kok E. B.
$20 (6th donation), Anthony Eales aka “ants000
$20 (6th donation), Kostas M. K.
$20 (6th donation), CA aka “Clauclau”
$20 (6th donation), Frederic R.
$20 (5th donation), Todd W.
$20 (4th donation), Victor W.
$20 (4th donation), Daniel O.
$20 (4th donation), Janne M.
$20 (4th donation), Lupe A.
$20 (4th donation), Robert P. aka “Rob
$20 (4th donation), Bezantnet, L.
$20 (3rd donation), Brian C.
$20 (3rd donation), Stacey B.
$20 (3rd donation), Clark V.
$20 (3rd donation), Gregg L.
$20 (3rd donation), Ilia D.
$20 (3rd donation), Thomas C.
$20 (3rd donation), Clueless Ruler Music
$20 (2nd donation), Travis B.
$20 (2nd donation), Kevin M.
$20 (2nd donation), Robert W.
$20 (2nd donation), Fort Wayne concrete
$20 (2nd donation), Christopher S.
$20 (2nd donation), Patrick C.
$20 (2nd donation), Martin G.
$20 (2nd donation), Divoto
$20 (2nd donation), Josh O.
$20 (2nd donation), Vladimir H.
$20 (2nd donation), John E.
$20 (2nd donation), Rafael L.
$20 (2nd donation), Bruce C.
$20 (2nd donation), John F.
$20, Gregory V.
$20, Steven M.
$20, Deyana I.
$20, William K.
$20, Charles B.
$20, Benzius
$20, Hector B.
$20, David W.
$20, Howard S.
$20, Jeff Kelpys D.
$20, David M.
$20, Eddy C.
$20, Gokhan K.
$20, Thomas F.
$20, Robert B.
$20, Jack T.
$20, John C.
$20, aka “a donor”
$20, Douglas G.
$20, Michael T.
$20, Karl B.
$20, Giovanny L.
$20, William M.
$20, Louis D.
$20, Peter M.
$20, Todd H.
$20, Arthur B.
$20, Connie M.
$20, Steven S. aka “acejavelin”
$20, Mitchel B.
$20, Joseph I.
$20, William R. C.
$20, Greg A.
$20, Morten D.
$20, Brad J.
$20, Michael A.
$20, Paul H.
$20, Christopher H.
$20, Willard M.
$20, Richard L.
$20, Sherwood A.
$20, Daniel W.
$20, Berenger E.
$20, Antoine B.
$20, Alvin A.
$17, Samuel B.
$16 (47th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (5th donation), Udo F.
$16 (3rd donation), Elias B.
$16 (2nd donation), Yann D.
$16, Artem V.
$16, Frederic J.
$16, Jan I.
$15 (52th donation), Johann J.
$15 (29th donation), ajgringo619
$15 (10th donation), Robert S. aka “Bob”
$15 (7th donation), Fred B.
$15 (6th donation), Daniel G.
$15 (2nd donation), aka “Lucky Luke”
$15 (2nd donation), Brent F.
$15 (2nd donation), Michael H.
$15 (2nd donation), International Directory
$15, Korbett A.
$15, David W.
$15, Anthony H.
$13 (2nd donation), Dennis H.
$12 (118th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca”
$12 (16th donation), Lance A.
$12 (6th donation), Vladimir Litvinenko
$11 (18th donation), Eskild T
$11 (14th donation), Kevin Safford
$11 (11th donation), Marc V. K.
$11 (10th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (9th donation), Jeff aka “Jambalak
$11 (9th donation), Alan B.
$11 (9th donation), Yves R.
$11 (9th donation), JCSenar –
$11 (9th donation), José G.
$11 (7th donation), Dirk M.
$11 (7th donation), Bernhard M.
$11 (6th donation), Jean C. A.
$11 (6th donation), Percy Winterburn aka “tenminutetechuk”
$11 (5th donation), John O.
$11 (5th donation), Michail I.
$11 (5th donation), Filip N.
$11 (5th donation), Vjeran B.
$11 (4th donation), Rupert B.
$11 (4th donation), Wohnungsreinigung
$11 (4th donation), Alain P.
$11 (3rd donation), Miguel G.
$11 (3rd donation), Paweł K.
$11 (3rd donation), Franck G.
$11 (3rd donation), Francesco B.
$11 (3rd donation), Herberth M.
$11 (3rd donation), Augusto B.
$11 (3rd donation), Ovidio A. H.
$11 (3rd donation), Ciaran M.
$11 (3rd donation), Fred P.
$11 (2nd donation), Dario F.
$11 (2nd donation), Daniele S.
$11 (2nd donation), Michal
$11 (2nd donation), Mircea V.
$11 (2nd donation), Darius O.
$11 (2nd donation), John Marakis
$11 (2nd donation), Stefan P.
$11 (2nd donation), Ondrej D.
$11 (2nd donation), Henrik E.
$11 (2nd donation), Steven J. L.
$11 (2nd donation), Jürgen K.
$11 (2nd donation), Giordano Alborghetti aka “giordi63”
$11 (2nd donation), Francisco P. D. L. G.
$11 (2nd donation), Sergej K.
$11 (2nd donation), Arvids Dane
$11 (2nd donation), Frank K.
$11 (2nd donation), Cor D.
$11, Johannes H.
$11, Josiane N.
$11, Gábor C.
$11, Bruno Z.
$11, Owen R.
$11, Jean-marie R.
$11, Stephane C.
$11, Daniela D.
$11, R. W.
$11, Waldemar Paul G.
$11, Gabriele P.
$11, Nicolas N.
$11, VPN en ligne français
$11, Rafal K.
$11, Markus W.
$11, John M D.
$11, Oleg Z.
$11, Sebastian K.
$11, Michal B.
$11, Andrzej K.
$11, Nigel P.
$11, Willy J.
$11, Peter H.
$11, Volodymyr K.
$11, Christoph L.
$11, Clemens T.
$11, Gunter D.
$11, Norbert F.
$11, Steuerberater
$11, Alfred E.
$11, Arianna R.
$11, Marco S.
$11, Petri C.
$11, Jean G.
$11, Petr Š.
$11, Jarmo M.
$11, Ds
$11, Friedrich O.
$11, Patrik
$11, John W.
$11, Reidar S.
$11, Paul D.
$11, Vitold S.
$11, Antoine V.
$11, Karl S.
$11, Fabio P.
$11, Andrea S.
$11, Wojciech Z.
$11, Fadi N.
$11, Massimo M.
$11, Zeljko H.
$11, Tomasz S.
$11, Rodolfo A.
$11, Simon D.
$11, Renè T.
$11, Luis Angel C.
$11, Davide Ferro aka “Fatex”
$11, Andreas B.
$11, Stefan E.
$11, Stefano P.
$11, Maximilian S.
$11, Martin F.
$11, Giovanni D.
$11, Michael O.
$10 (80th donation), Tree Service Kansas City
$10 (74th donation), Tree Removal Raleigh NC
$10 (58th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (53th donation), Frank K.
$10 (52th donation), Fence Baton Rouge
$10 (30th donation), LJNL aka “lauranl”
$10 (18th donation), Christopher R.
$10 (17th donation), Serhii B. aka “sinpavla
$10 (17th donation), Sami Mannila
$10 (14th donation), Mike M. aka “GrouchyM”
$10 (12th donation), Scaffolding in Kent
$10 (12th donation), Platypus Products
$10 (11th donation), aka “AsciiWolf”
$10 (10th donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (10th donation), Tree Service Windsor Ontario
$10 (10th donation), Interactiv Médias aka “ITActiv
$10 (9th donation), Hot Tub Repair Calgary
$10 (8th donation),
$10 (8th donation), SecureRandom – LBRY/Odysee
$10 (8th donation), Speech Therapist Edmonton
$10 (8th donation), Sergei K.
$10 (7th donation),
$10 (7th donation), Appliance Repair Regina
$10 (7th donation), Mr. Bee
$10 (6th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (6th donation), Dylan B.
$10 (6th donation), Neil B.
$10 (6th donation), Tow Truck Calgary Alberta
$10 (5th donation), Flamingo Merch
$10 (5th donation), Solar Panels Saskatoon
$10 (5th donation), Raul A.
$10 (5th donation), Fence Company Raleigh
$10 (4th donation), José Clóvis A.
$10 (4th donation), Owen D.
$10 (4th donation), Vladimir U.
$10 (4th donation), Erik S.
$10 (4th donation), Мельников А.
$10 (4th donation), Timeless Leaves
$10 (4th donation), Dragan D.
$10 (3rd donation), Ivan B.
$10 (3rd donation), Jorge R.
$10 (3rd donation), Ontstoppen Amsterdam
$10 (3rd donation), Michael K.
$10 (3rd donation), webdesign
$10 (3rd donation), Alik M.
$10 (3rd donation),
$10 (3rd donation), Lennart S.
$10 (3rd donation), Christopher U.
$10 (2nd donation), Ann Arbor Carpet and Floors
$10 (2nd donation), Marco Z.
$10 (2nd donation), Perry B.
$10 (2nd donation), Eb7#9
$10 (2nd donation), Careful Movers aka “Storage in Seattle
$10 (2nd donation), ANDRIY aka “WARKETOLOG”
$10 (2nd donation), Philip M.
$10 (2nd donation), Jose Luis Gonzalez Becerril aka “Mint Friend Forever”
$10 (2nd donation), Jorge D.
$10, zzzzzzzz .
$10, zzzzzz .
$10, World Wide Directory
$10, Livonia Plumbing Co
$10, zukasz K.
$10, Debra O.
$10, Janos V.
$10, Reinhard B.
$10, Harold R.
$10, Saverio N.
$10, J. K.
$10, Chia-chi J L.
$10, Dmytro K.
$10, Marcos Roberto Z.
$10, James G.
$10, Treasures Found
$10, Gene E.
$10, Ken P.
$10, Stephen S.
$10, John S.
$10, Lucas L.
$10, Jean H.
$10, Lexington Bathroom Pro
$10, Sayresy D.
$10, Grey Visual
$10, Dane M.
$10, Paul S.
$10, Dennis C.
$10, Novi Plumbing
$10, Yuancateotl N.
$10, foot massage westport ct
$10, John Wallace aka “Johnny
$10, Alexander S.
$10, Kaushal S.
$10, Ali S.
$10, David A.
$10, Vlad S.
$10, Rodrigo S.
$10, Onur A.
$10, SerTommeh
$10, Vladimir P.
$10, Johnny H.
$10, Benjamin H.
$10, Tristan T.
$10, Adam M.
$10, Veniamin S.
$10, Damian C.
$10, Poul K.
$10, Mohammed Omar
$10, G A MacDonald Associates
$10, James G.
$10, Martin H.
$10, Novi Furnace and Air Conditioning
$10, Kenneth H.
$10, Brian K.
$10, Minneapolis commercial cleaning
$10, Robert A.
$10, Kory M.
$10, Khin Z.
$10, Concrete Contractors Houston
$10, News, Știri Online
$9, Kyle H.
$6 (5th donation), Robert M. aka “Moho”
$6 (4th donation), Caio C. M.
$6 (2nd donation), Keith W.
$6, Petr E.
$6, Arturs N.
$6, Baer E.
$5 (56th donation), Eugene T.
$5 (20th donation), Hristo Gatsinski
$5 (20th donation), Blazej P. aka “bleyzer”
$5 (14th donation), Thomas R.
$5 (7th donation), Cls D.
$5 (5th donation), Robert W.
$5 (5th donation), Minnigaliev R.
$5 (5th donation), Jarmo J.
$5 (5th donation), Mathias aka “Sorglos”
$5 (5th donation), Adam P.
$5 (4th donation), P. S. aka “Mosqueteroweb”
$5 (3rd donation), Josef H. R. H.
$5 (3rd donation), Rowen W
$5 (3rd donation), Giovanni C.
$5 (3rd donation), CHAZMAN
$5 (2nd donation), Felipe Viana S.
$5 (2nd donation), Patryk H.
$5 (2nd donation), Andrii P.
$5 (2nd donation), Pete G.
$5 (2nd donation), Alexandre B.
$5 (2nd donation), Torben S.
$5 (2nd donation), Rahul T.
$5 (2nd donation), D. Williams
$5, Marco
$5, Javier C.
$5, Jayden R.
$5, David P.
$5, Dawid M.
$5, Florin C.
$5, Rafal
$5, Michael F.
$5, Marcos B.
$5, Radomír D.
$5, Guenter S.
$5, Christopher S.
$5, Zdeněk K.
$5, Wojciech S.
$5, Pedro L. aka “polh”
$5, Dayton Ohio Restoration
$5, Juan R.
$5, Louis M.
$5, aka “Owl Ratings”
$5, Marius @ Awesome AF Tech
$5, Camila B.
$5, Florian C.
$5, Yee F.
$5, B O.
$5, Koen Carlos W.
$5, Walid Y.
$3 (49th donation), Йошкар-Ола Восточный
$3 (6th donation), Artur F.
$3 (5th donation), Chrisentiae Saint-Piaf
$3 (4th donation), Szilard S.
$3 (3rd donation), Jacob Buhl M.
$3 (3rd donation), Manuel R.
$3 (2nd donation), Peter V.
$3, Luis M.
$3, Luca Romano
$3, Miroslav K.
$3, Sorin Marin S.
$3, zzzz .
$3, Dimitrios B.
$41 from 33 smaller donations

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  1. @Clem – Thank you for all you do. Right then, Ive been a pain in the neck i suppose, graphical glitches, FINALLY i got to the bottom of it. When Cinnamon effects are enabled I get disappearing or blocks of windows disappearing, when default effects, none and or the others the glitches go away, at last I am certain and so all i have to do is NOT use Cinnamon effects. This was driving me nuts whether Mint was installed on Intel, NVIDIA or AMD or even combinations of the above. Of course I have no idea how to fix it but at least now I can sleep better (very sad I know).

    Once again thank you for you and your teams efforts, 20.1 is a fantastic release (fantastic seems to be the norm) All my best wishes, happy belated New Year ALL

  2. “slight delay”

    It takes 8 minutes from lightdm to usable Cinnamon desktop for me, so I’m VERY excited to hear that’s being looked into. Thank you so much for all the hard work you do… I’ve been a Mint user since 2013 and I absolutely love what you’ve done.

    1. Hi Krissy,

      Use Alt+F2 and then type “lg” to open looking glass (the Cinnamon troubleshooter). From there you can see the logs and see how long it took Cinnamon to start. If it’s not Cinnamon which takes long, it could be something in your autostarts maybe?

      In any case we’re not talking about the same issue here. We’re talking about our sn-watcher which is adding a 1s delay at the moment.

  3. Hello Clem and Linux Mint team,

    A big Thank you for all your effort. Upgrade to 20.1 was without any issues whatsoever.

    Excited that you will look at Spices. Small remark – some spices may have not been updated since a long time, but still work (e.g. Cinnamon binary clock) so please be careful.

    Wishing all the best to the whole team.

  4. @Clem & Team, congrats on your work for the very stable Mint 20.1.
    One thing I’ve been noticing on Cinnamon that might need some love: searching for programs when typing in their name on the search bar.
    It should show first the programs that start with the text I’ve imputed.
    For example: I want to open Deluge. I press the Mint Menu button and type the characters ‘d’ and ‘e’.
    It should display programs that start with ‘de’ instead of showing programs whose name (and description, eventually) contain ‘de’. So instead of showing me Deluge and eventually a few other programs, I’m presented with 5 pages or so of a lot of programs and Deluge is buried somewhere in there. I would like it to be on top of the results.
    If I type ‘del’ it will show Deluge only, so I don’t know if a more exact search will be enabled after being imputed more than 3 characters.
    Bare in mind that I am using the Portuguese locale, I don’t know if and how this could affect it.
    Thanks for my daily OS, Clem & Team!

  5. @Clem
    I’m hoping that one of the spices you’re referring to fixing will be the Cinnamon Multi-Line Taskbar. It really could use some TLC (no right-click functionality, drag/drop reorder doesn’t work, etc.) and that sort multi-line capability is must-have for the way I work. It looks like it hasn’t been updated in 4 years. Even better would be to fold the multi-line functionality into the standard window list applet.

    1. I’m with you on that applet Stargazer, it would be of great help. The only major issue keeping me from using it is that in the eventuality of a Cinnamon restart all open window “buttons” on the panel are gone and open applications can only be switched to focus through Alt+Tab. If it weren’t for that I’d use it right now as it’s sorely needed – my middle section of the panel can barely hold three window “buttons” at default size.
      Oh and it also needs a Settings window with some checks on the size limits (icon vs row vs panel height and whatever) because manually modifying certain values can crash Cinnamon.

      In addition to this, the panel should really be redesigned in order to automatically rearrange its icons at both sides on multiple rows when enlarged. For example a panel enlarged at 40px while icons are all 16px should present two rows of icons on both left and right, freeing enough space in the middle section for the open window “buttons” which would ideally – through the use of this applet that may even get integrated into panel’s functionality – also display two rows of buttons. A much larger panel size could also be used in conjunction with its autohide function in order to retain a full-sized usable screen.

      Hopefully if/when this applet is fixed it will keep backward compatibility since for various reasons I decided to stick with Mint 19.2 (or at most 19.3 if I ever decide to bite the bullet and upgrade).

  6. Speaking of roadmaps, I don’t suppose better large thumbnail support in Nemo could be added to the roadmap for Mint 20.2 or 20.3? 🙂 It’d be nice if Nemo would immediately display thumbnails for all images in a cached folder (like it did in Mint 19.3). Also it’d be nice if Nemo took advantage of the plentiful CPU cores and RAM most modern systems have to make and store thumbnails.

    1. May I suppose that, should this feature be implemented in the upcoming releases, it can be switched on and off manually by the user? I personally prefer my CPU and RAM being available for the other programs I’m running plus I rather have my CPU consuming as little power as possible 😉

      Apart from that I’d like to thank Clem and the team for their fabulous work on Linux Mint. I really enjoy using it 😀 Keep up the good work!

  7. Any plans of Cinnamon supporting Wayland? Did you see what Ubuntu have done for 21.04? Wayland as default. Same as Fedora.

    1. Yep, i saw what Ubuntu did for 21.04. I also saw what Ubuntu did for 17.10. Wayland as default. Let’s just wait if they keep it as default this time for an LTS release.

  8. My dream is to have the possibility to use global menu, blur or alternative menus on Cinnamon.
    Maybe someday…

  9. Some themes and applets available from Cinnamon Spices are just too old and broken on current Cinnamon. It is also missing modern themes, only Adapta is available.

    I think the fact Cinnamon is based on GNOME, but with a totally different approach, themes for GNOME doesn’t work anymore [in all parts] on Cinnamon. A problem of being a fork, maybe?

    1. GNOME themes never really worked for Cinnamon or vice-versa. They’re not too hard to port though, they use the same technology (CSS) but the two desktops define different style classes and object IDs.

  10. Clem,

    Is there a plan of adding a GUI driver manager to LMDE?

    The less dependent on Ubuntu, the better for the future of Mint.

  11. Dear Linux Mint developers,

    please hear this voice from one of your financial supporters. I would really like to see future releases of Linux Mint focused on stability and bug fixing. Personally, I do not care at all for Warpinators, TV players, etc. Instead, I would like to see many bugs sitting in the tracker for months and years getting fixed. Many bugs created over a year ago do not even have any person assigned. Please do not ask me to show you those bugs, that would mean that you cannot control your repository effectively.

    Besides bugs, Cinnamon has awful memory leaks. They are very easy to spot if you reach uptimes of 2-3 months. Yes, not everyone boots up from scratch every day. After one month and many (hundreds, thousands) windows open/closed in multiple virtual desktops, Cinnamon frequently crashes and together with they easily eat up over 10 gigs of RAM. My box has 64GB of RAM and I can see that. For this reason I have switched to Mate just recently, but there I’ve immediately spotted at least a dozen of visual bugs – some of them have been reported but instead of getting them fixed… we were given Warpinator! I am not encouraged to report new issues (which takes my time) when I see plenty of older bugs with ZERO comments, actions, etc. Adding a tag or a comment to EVERY SINGLE issue reported by users should be your obvious responsibility. And that should happen within a few days since reporting. Then you have a chance to ask for more info, no one will give you more feedback after one year, people will just move on and the bug will keep living forever.

    For me, any OS is just a tool, not the goal. Apps can be created by other teams, the OS team should really focus on the OS stability. I really recommend you to reach uptimes of 2-3 months (with real everyday use) and then you will see how many things needs fixing. For me this is a typical computer usage and I bet I am not the only one.

    Sure, I like Linux Mint a lot. But people do not become better by getting praised, but by getting criticized. And that’s my with for you: become even better as an OS team, thank you!

    1. You’re welcome to help us try and find the leaks. We’re always happy to fix them once they’re found, but finding them is a different kettle of fish. Bug reports usually just describe symptoms, it’s very rare for users to actually pinpoint a leak or even to pinpoint the cause of a leak. When they do we usually have it fixed really fast and the report then gets closed.

      We have something in the roadmap which can help in that scenario though. We’ve been wondering how to handle xrandr events (plugging new monitors etc..) and if instead of reacting to them programmatically we could actually seamlessly restart the WM with the new monitor configuration. This would simplify monitor handling greatly and eliminate many niche cases, thus preventing many bugs from actually happening. Similar to this we’re considering monitoring the memory usage and total CPU time consumed by Cinnamon to potentially have a mechanism which would restart the WM process in a seamless manner. This could be a configurable option or something that could be enabled/disabled. It could even be disabled by default and we could have mintreport detect it and let you know how to enable it. There are many ways to go about it, but it’s something we’re looking into and for which we’re weighing the pros and cons for Cinnamon 5.0.

      PS: You can’t oppose bug reports to development and assume that because we’re developing a new tool we’re not triaging bugs. If we didn’t develop you’d have no Cinnamon nor MATE option right now. You used Warpinator as an example of something you don’t need and that’s perfectly fine, but think of people who transfer files from computers to computers on the same network, requiring the cloud or a usb stick to do something as simple as that in 2021 could definitely be seen as a serious lack in functionality, just as important as any bugs out there. There’s a fine line between adding features and supporting existing ones. We can’t just do one and not the other, we have to do both.

  12. After my agonized complaints about the way that the xapp-status-applet in Mint 19.3 Mate and Mint 20 Mate appeared to completely bork my Mate panel, I’d like to say that I’m quite happy with the way the 20.1 xfce desktop handles the panel. I may consider switching to xfce for my main machine! If all of xfce works this well, I will be happy indeed.
    BTW, has the sudoedit bug been patched already?

  13. Dear and respected Clem!
    I welcome you and everyone who is somehow connected and contributes to the development of the Linux Mint project.
    I have 2 requests one of which will greatly please all the fans of your wonderful distribution and may return those who, due to lack of experience and knowledge of fine work in Linux, ran away hanging their hands in despair.
    1-Return MDM Display Manager instead of Light DM, or at the installation level, give the user a choice of what to install. After all, it’s no secret that MDM Display Manager is more attractive and flexible.
    I recall my first impressions of Linux Mint in the form of its MDM Display Manager with the steampunk Blimp City theme and its animation. It’s cool and cool!!!
    I really ask you to return the option to choose either at the installation stage or from under the system settings of the already installed MDM Display Manager system.
    If, for reasons of belief or otherwise, this is unfortunately not possible, then please at least show me how to install MDM Display Manager on Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.1
    2 – Please help with the problem of the Nvidia driver. I and I think millions of the same fans and fans of Linux Mint have the same problem with the Nvidia GeForce GT 630. I tried all the options.
    I put the drivers from the official Nvidia website, it did not help.
    I put the drivers through Synaptic, too, problems up to the fall of Cinnamon and the evasion of the LM logo at the loading stage on the floor of the screen and the drop in screen resolution.
    I put it through the driver manager, but it offers me a driver version that can’t actually exist for my video card model, since the latest driver version is 391.35, and the driver manager has versions from 400. Even in this case, it leads to the fact that the video driver version 4xx is not suitable.
    How should I and many other users deal with this driver?
    Maybe it makes sense to pay more due attention to the driver manager? Since I tried everything and nothing helps.

    1. This card is EOL (according to Nvidia) and no longer supported with the Nvidia driver releases after Release 375. Please try using the Nouveau driver. Mint cannot do anything about this.

  14. Xtream api doesnt work on hypnotix. Overall hypnotix still needs some fixing. But thanks to all you efforts linux mint team.

  15. Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon Disks (gnome-disk-utility) crashes

    Hi! this is my first post here but i have been reading the forum and using Mint for years, well I have a serious problem with Mint 20.1 Cinnamon and [b]Disks[/b] (Gnome Disks) if I turn on my laptop with an external hard drive connected Disks Application don’t start, and doing the same in terminal (gnome-disks) then this error shows up:

    (gnome-disks:7474): GNOME-Disks-ERROR **: 03:49:55.071: Error getting udisks client: Timeout was reached Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

    this is the link:

    I have to start my laptop without any external hard drives connected in order for Disks to start and reconnect the external hard drive for Disks to work fine, I hope somebody could help me, thanks!

  16. Hi Clem,

    Thank you so much for all the hard work all of you do.
    Would it be possible to add some adjustment tool in regards to Themes?
    So that we could adjust color, borders, etc. to our liking?

    Best regards,

    1. Hi,

      It was considered a few releases ago but we decided against it. The theme we’re using doesn’t just define the colors it also uses colored resources (some of them bitmap pictures) which you’d actually need to go and modify manually if you wanted to recolor them.

      Assuming we could make a tool like this it would also probably only work with Mint-Y.

      We’re more interested in spending the time in getting the colors right for everybody. If you have ideas on how to improve these do let us know.

  17. I agree with one user here that bugs with systems should be the priority (I think they actually are prioritized). IMO many problems are with the core/base so if these were somehow patched by Mint, whose to say an update of said buggy component upstream wouldn’t break the patched version, or a dependent of it even, Its then we might end up trying to rewrite a whole core base (exaggeration of course, but see how it could get unwieldy). MS/APPLE program and app makers face this issue daily I’m sure to some degree, so until everything comes in little boxes we are stuck with fixing things only for more breaks to happen down the line. Am i plain wrong, maybe – but it feels like the reality sadly.

    On the whole i find Linux Mint to be clean and sharp without anything to concern me too much, Ubuntu as a whole is very reliable in my daily usage as is Linux Mint and its take on Ubuntu, I’m not sure keeping a standard desktop powered on for months is typical usage for most users of Linux Mint and i certainly don’t leave Windows 10 powered up for more than 24 hours either on my works PC. Thank you to Clem and team.

    1. Just for feedback purposes: I myself keep this Mint 19.2 notebook on 24/7. Previously used to do that with the XP desktop and before that with the Win98SE desktop (yep, it could run up to a month before various issues forced a reboot). Years ago I fould that transient currents or whatever, upon cold boot, would damage the hard drives in a relatively short time, especially the boot sector. Sure, that can be a problem with rotating drives only but there still are a lot of them in use today, if only as additional storage if not for OS/boot.

      So, for whatever purposes there may be many other users that want to keep their machines running for more than a few hours (at work or at home). And in that case issues such as those mentioned by Victor above may arise and can disrupt the activity.

  18. Dear Clem and the Linux Mint Team,
    Just wanted to say THANK YOU as the upgrade from 20 > 20.1 was smooth and 100% glitch free. Mint continues to be a lovely OS. In my view it knocks the socks off Windows10. I was delighted to find an improved CUPS and HPLIP has finally fixed my HP Laserjet 1100 problem. The printer now works as desired which is both a relief and a delight so once again THANK YOU so much.

  19. WooHoo! Another awesome year for Linux Mint and here’s to many more down the road!

    Congrats to everyone working on Linux Mint! Devs, doc writers, manual maintainers, infrastructure maintainers, forum community, etc!

    You guys ROCK!!!! <3

  20. May I suggest something new for Cinnamon ?
    Sometimes, you can’t copy-paste a image to another application, you need to save somewhere, then retrieve the saved image in the other app (don’t ask me how, right now but it happened to me several times). Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to save to a temporary location (virtual drive) and directly get the image from the other app ?
    It would save quite a bit of time, especially if there are several images to “transfer”.
    Anyway, thanks for a great Desktop, enjoying it everyday, and installed on several PCs around me (GF, son, etc …)

    1. Hi Jerome,

      I think that mostly depends on the app. The place you’re talking about already exists, it’s your buffer… whether that works or not really solely depends on two things:

      – Whether the source app lets you actually copy it to buffer
      – Whether the destination app lets you actually paste it from buffer

      It’s not something we’d fix at DE or OS level, it’s down to apps.

  21. Hallo CLEM und das Linux Team
    Bin am 1.1.2021 zu Linux Mint zu 100% umgestiegen
    Bei mir hat das Upgrade gut funktioniert (Mein Notebook Lenovo ideapad Y580) ca 7 Jahre alt
    Habe auch keine probleme mit meinen nvidia Geforce GTX 660M Grafik chip
    Ihr macht gute arbeit, ein Betriebssystem zu entwickeln was ohne viel schnick schnack ist wie bei Microsoft.

    Danke an euch alle

  22. Hi Clem:
    I suggest that Linux Mint Cinnamon’s interface be frozen except for bug fixes and minor tweaks. As I have suggested previously, I do not want Mint to become as bloated as Windoze.

    The only new feature I recommend is a very simple photo editor as close as possible to Picasa. As a 75 year old geezer I find GIMP is just too complex for me.

    Best Regards to you and the whole team.

    1. Have you tried PIX ? It’s very simple interface with a separate tools window makes it quick and easy for cropping and other common image adjustments. I’m a Gimp user but right click – open with Pix quite often for quick fixes 🙂

  23. Hi Clem,
    LM 20.1 is almost perfect!
    One issue I found: the screen brightness cannot be adjusted on an ASUS PN50 (AMD Ryzen 4000 series). The screen is on full brightness regardless of what I set with the slider.
    Thanks for your work!

    1. Hey Joe, same here on Samsung R-580 since Mint 19.1 or so. No idea if it’s related to the video driver or the kernel or whatever. But instead of wasting time with installing/uninstalling drivers and kernels and whatnot I just let it be until recently found an applet that makes things a breeze. And because it seemed to be lacking I took upon myself to improve it a little bit. Far from being finished but for now it’ll do. It only works with Cinnamon, unfortunately.
      If you or anyone wants to try it, here it is:

  24. The upgrade to Mint 20.1 was simply easy, many thanks to the LM team!!.
    Please consider not relying on the Ubuntu Flatpak package as it is way behind the new ones [which bring a lot of improvements]. Otherwise I don’t see any interest in updating it since they give priority to Snap.

    PS: Is there any way that xviewer can display webp images?

  25. Hello:
    First of all my congratulations to the Linux Mint team for giving us this wonderful operating system.
    Linux Mint has been my great love in Gnu Linux. If I have persisted it has been, mainly, thanks to you.
    That said I have to say that with Linux Mint 20.1 cinnamon I have had several problems related to the driver of my Nvidia graphics card and even damaged the grub, so I have been forced to return to version 19.3.
    Hopefully all these problems will be solved in the next version.
    I reiterate my greetings, congratulations and thanks.

    1. Hi Melisa: There are virtually no viruses written for Linux or its applications. Presumably what clamav found were cookies and other forms of spyware. My recommendation is to delete clamav and replace it with BleachBit with administrative privileges.

      Due to the risks of spyware I strongly suggest you use two factor authentication on all your financial accounts.

      Good luck!

  26. Dear Clem and all Mint Team! Thanks a lot for your great work! Most people would agree with me that Cinnamon has best UI amoung all *nix DE’s.
    I’ve got only one request. Is it possible to get option “minimal installation” without all stuff like office suites, e-mail clients and huge amount of national fonts (arabic, asian etc)? Just clean OS with firefox, system utils and nothing more. Please, think about such possibility. I’m sure many users will appreciate such feature…
    Best regards!

    1. Fully agree!

      This would be useful when I create a new VM purely for development purposes. I will never run LibreOffice or video player or image software in my programming oriented VM, yet it all takes precious SSD space when I create a new VM.

      Minimal installation would be very nice!

    2. I second Anton’s request. I think it would be a good idea. It would be nice to have an option for a minimal install, and the standard one (as it is now). There are so many packages and language files that many users probably do not need. I always use a lot of time to clean it up. Call it an OCD, but I like my Mint somewhat clean. 🙂
      Otherwise, keep up the great work!

    3. Mint was created focusing on offering everything a newcomer needs, so this is why it’s full-featured with a set of apps pre-installed that from a point of view of an expert (or anything not newbie-user), it will be shown as bloated.

    4. I’ve never understand why a ton of languages is chosen (same happens on Ubuntu), chinese, spanish, french, german and so much. It takes a long time just installing these useless language packs, this I agree with you. No need of doing that.

    5. Ubuntu does it too @Flyske, so Mint does the same
      Ubuntu = Mint.
      In the end, they’re the same under a different set of applications and DE.

  27. Dear Clem and all Mint Team,
    thank you so much for your great work! Just a little idea concerning the Chromium browser: Wouldn’t it be easier for you to package a more advanced version of flatpak (> v1.8, there already is a ppa) and let all the users install Chromium as a flatpak instead of packaging Chromium itself?
    Best regards, Marcus

  28. Have a great year, mint team, thanks for this OS and your ongoing support in upgrading, updating, documenting and helping.

  29. hello mint want to know if you know this news that affects all linux


    SUDO CVE-2021-3156
    SUDO CVE-2021-3156

    Qualys security researchers have revealed a flaw in sudo, a standard Linux and Unix utility for managing administrative rights. Sudo is included in most, if not all, Unix- and Linux-based operating systems, and this vulnerability has been around for almost 10 years. The bug was introduced in a change made in July 2011, so it is present in legacy versions of sudo (1.8.2 to 1.8.31p2) and in all stable versions (1.9.0 to 1.9.5p1) in your default configuration

    1. The flaw exists in the way sudo handles the backslash character (\). Traditionally, Unix has allowed users to use the backslash to escape reserved characters to change their behavior. A bug in this code allows an attacker to partially bypass this behavior in a way that allows a heap overflow. By passing a carefully crafted set of arguments to sudo in combination with the -s or -i command-line option, an attacker can use this flaw to gain privilege escalation.

  30. I just Downloaded FF 85 for my Linux Mint 20/HWE Kernel(5.8.0-41) laptop and hardware acceleration was working fine on my Laptop, ASUS FX505DY(Ryzen 5 3550H/RX 560X) laptop,  and now after installing this update ubuntu-drivers-common 1: the hardware acceleraation is broken again and YouTube/other videos do not work again in FF 85! And this is the 2nd ubuntu-drivers-update in the past 2 days and FF 85’s hardware acceleration is broken again. So I have to disable that once again in FF just like I had to do for FF 84.2.

  31. In my daily work i use two standard desktops, one HP and one Asus and in both of them there is a slight delay in video vs audio in Firefox Standard or Nightly. Then if i start PulseEffects it takes i few seconds and after that it sync perfect. If i close PulseEffects after that, it continues to sync perfect.
    This phenomenon is there after every boot and don’t change after uninstalling or reinstalling PulseEffects or PulseVolym. Just to let the team now. (The issue don’t appear under Windows 10 on the same machines.)
    Linux Mint are my favorite OS and the upgrade from 20 to 20.1 where fast and issue free. Thank’s so verify much!

  32. Hi Clem,
    I suggest paying attention to xviewer, which since version 18, opens the images with a little jump first to the left and then to the center, when viewed in full screen. Never directly in the center, as I think it should be.
    The distribution is, however, a great job.
    Gian Piero

  33. Please fix that issue with Firefox – Broken window title bar.
    This has been annoying me for weeks.

    When I start Firefox:

    – Firefox title bar is maximised (as expected it should be)
    – the most area of Firefox window is taken from the desktop background (or the other application window behind Firefox).
    – it happens always, after a new boot.
    – it affects apparently only Firefox.

  34. Hey Guys!

    Overall Mint 20.1 has been pretty great. I’ll be posting a full YouTube review eventually. Just been busy.

    I would like to suggest that during the beta period we get more feedback and testing from the community. It was better this time around than any previous time, but still could use a lot of improvement (process wise).

    Other than that, great job this whole year, and kudos to the whole team.


    PS If you’re going to make another app, how about a crypto wallet with atomic swaps and zero fees? This whole market is absolutely ripe for disruption.

  35. Hi Clem,

    Thank you for the new release.

    1] It would be better if we can have the Reminder, Tasks, Events and To Do functions integrated with cinnamon calender OOTB. Since i have tried many apps but all doesnt integrate well with the desktop environment.

    2] Also appreciate the update process to the new LTS major release could be entirely GUI based since it works for newbies like me. It is difficult for a user like me to understand every piece of info of the command during the major update.

  36. Hi Clem,

    I have been experiencing slow loading of the icons in a folder which has over 1000 docx files in Nemo from last 3 years. Though the folder is in a SSD so i can imgaing the time it will take if it was on HDD. The folder has office files only and nothing else.
    This issue is not fixed yet. please look into it.

    1. Thumbnail generation can take a long time. Which is especially frustrating if the thumbnails are not wanted and/or unnecessary. There’s a feature request to disable thumbnails in list view mode which, it seems to me at least, is pretty much the best way to deal with this kind of issue. You might add a thumbs-up here if you agree:

    2. Already I have disabled the thumbnails in the list view mode but the problem of slow loading of the icons still crops up on opening the folder after boot. when the loading is complete and stored in RAM the process is smooth second time onwards. I hope it will be solved some day and the file manager Nemo becomes intelligent enough to determine when to show thumbnails and when not to.

  37. Is there any plans of doing the KDE Plasma version again? It really would be amazing to have all Mint apps in the Plasma environment. I currently use Linux Mint Mate, but when I try to use Compiz, it only messes up the entire interface, causing some weird glitches and making the headbar completely dissappear.

  38. Hi,

    Can you prapere file inside the chromium package as a separate package? Thus, video playback issues on other chromium based browsers can be easily solved by installing it.

    Best ragards

  39. I just wish, you all would come up with an upgrade that would make it EASY for a layman to connect
    to his home network…without all the samba hassles…i can’t EVER connect to my second computer that
    has Windows on it or my laptop. don’t have these hassles with ANY windows os. just linux.

  40. Hey i am completely using Mint now for a pretty long time, it saves me a lot of trouble and give me a sooo cool view behind the scenes.I am not the richest and then each Euro get in the most times, for me a higher value than for others. Open source, security, efficient, most times simple to use(i=Young Programmer) snd somebody that stay at the Front, against the Windows Army(Word(Libre office writer), Exel(Libre office calc), Windows 10(Linux Mint/Ubuntu), Adobe(Pdf Reader/Gimp) and also others like Whatsapp(Signal(i know a difficult subject)/Wire))
    Short: i wanna say thank u guys, for beeing are u are : ). (Sorry for my Englisch, iam German)

  41. Hallo, funktioniert alles sehr gut. Aber nach Benutzerwechsel friert der Cinemon Desktop immer ein!

    Hello, everything works very well. But the Cinemon Desktop always freezes after switching users!

  42. Thanks to all the developers.
    It’s a wonderful distro. I’m using it for years now and am completely content with it.
    Cinnamon is for me the most intuitive and sophisticated desktop to use.
    Keep on going. You’re doing brilliant work.

  43. Hi everyone .been using Mint for some years now as daily driver,I am impressed by 20.1 just keeps getting better. I thought it odd VLC was dropped, I installed it but it comes out blocky and pixillated,especially on Kaffeine which depends on VLC.Went back to 19.3 works perfectly.Tried 20.1 on another machine same result.Seems to be associated with the new release.Any ideas?I like VLC so it’s back to 19.3 for the time being.

    1. VLC works for me on Mint 20.1 Mate. Using Ryzen 7-3700 processor, 16GB RAM, and GeForce GTX 1650 video board.

  44. Hi Clem,

    I really liked the improved way cinnamon handles hidpi in lm 20 and 20.1 especially fractional scaling. Am still irritated daily by the bug that causes a second dead mouse pointer appearing once we log on.
    Any plan to fix this in 20.2?

  45. Help please. Could anyone tell me why I just got an update notice direct from Udisk instead of through the normal Linux update?

  46. Hi Jerry thanks for reply I have had a little success since I went back to Mint 20 and Kaffeine (VLC) worked perfectly.I applied all the updates and VLC failed.Back on timeshift to original 20 and it worked again.There are umpteen updates (over 400meg). I have no idea which one is causing the problem,but at least the mystery is partially solved.

  47. Why linux 20.1 don’t use kde desktop??? Where in 18 version kde was available . It would better good for me if kde was available.

  48. Mystery now solved it was a mesa update, if you struggle with this problem roll back to Mint 20 ,when updates come up ,untick mesa and all will be well.

  49. Hey Team Mint. To my horror I noticed that even if I lock permissions on a folder I can still remove it. I can remove it by pressing del and then Mint propts if I really, really want to delete the locked folder. Then when i press yes, the whole folder gets permanently destroyded.

    In previous versions of Mint this was not possible.

    I used this as a precaution so as not let my kids destroy the system when they watch movies, but seems the now have the ability to feeck the whole system and perma-destroy locked folders.

    is this intentional?

    1. How do you “lock” permissions on a folder? If you want to protect your files and folders it is recommended to create a new account for your kids.

    2. Hey mentha, If I create an account for my kids, and set the permissions to read only, they still can delete the folder without changing permissions. So your fancy suggestion does not change anything. They can still delete all their files.

  50. Upgraded from Mint 20 Cinammon to 20.1, and almost everything is AWESOME!
    Unfortunately, the upgrade didn’t fix the Pulse bug (I think it’s Pulse) that causes sounds to be garbled and unusable. When Mint boots up, the “ding” sound is a constant “ding ding ding ding ding” that doesn’t stop until I pulseaudio -k. It’s an intermittent problem with All Browsers, Wine Programs and Rhythym box pretty much everything that generates sound/music but ONLY using the speaker output. HDMI audio is perfect. Disabled HDMI but that didn’t fix it. Upgrading to kernel 5.8.0-43 didn’t fix it. It’s a Realtek ALC671/ALC3601 integrated card, nothing obscure or obsolete yet driver manager doesn’t list it (so presumably it’s supported by the kernel?). Can’t find anything useful in the forums or via google. I have not tested it yet with a live boot, but that won’t fix it if it’s a driver issue or Pulse bug. Any ideas?

  51. Great release – really enjoying 20.1.
    Thanks Clem et al. for all your work.

    Would the LM team consider packaging ungoogled-chromium in the Mint repos?
    It would be really useful for Mint users who want more privacy from big tech.

    The latest chromium in the Mint repositories is v88, but the latest version of ungoogled-chromium in the openSUSE/OBS project is v84 and hasn’t been updated since August 2020!


  52. I love Mint 19.3 and will upgrade to 20.3 when it is available. My suggestion is that Mint come with simple built in software for opening and installing Tar.gz files such as Convertall.

    Even better would be to include Convertall in future releases. Thanks.

  53. Ok. I was just going to check my download and I noticed that there is a Cinnamon Edge (I run XFCE) download. Is it me or is the call coming from inside the house?

  54. Hi Clem

    The problem with a delay before system is booting up in relation to “plymouth themes with LUKS, NVIDIA resolutions and a slight delay during the login sequence” also applies to LMDE.

    The delay is exactly 1 minute and 30 seconds, as you can see if you click the Esc button.

    It seems to happen more or less every second time. They only “solution” I have found so far is to press and hold the power button down for 4 seconds on those 50 % of boot-ups when it happen to power of fthe system. Then click the Power button again to boot up the second time. Then it always boots up fine without delay.

    Hope you would be able to get it fixed.

    I read on a forum that a solution could be to add “no resume” behind “quiet splash” in the grub config file. But it did not solve the problem at all. So later I removed that. I have just accepted that I have to live with this bug until I read your blog and saw that you have also encountered this problem.

    Anyway it would be great if you were able to resolve the problem and send a fix.

  55. Dear Linux Mint Team,
    first hours with a brand new ThinkPad T14 Gen1 (AMD-version!) + LM 20.1 Cinnamon Edge and I can report: Everything works well so far, also sound/video (phew!). I’m really, really thankful and glad you released the Edge version, otherwise it would have forced me to switch to another linux distro after many, many faithful years with LM. Thank you very much to make this happen.
    I really welcome the better integration of non-Latin input methods, from 6 hours of fiddling with fcitx 10 years ago I’m now down to 8 mins setting everything up. What a change! And just… no issues anymore!
    I also appreciate the Web Apps functionality a lot – things you might not know you need dearly until you have it.
    As always and again: thanks for being out there and doing all the hard work.

    1. We didn’t really understand input-methods. There are aspects of the OS (accessibility, input methods, RTL, touch screen gestures, drawing tablets..) that developers do not use and are not familiar with. They have a fuzzy appreciation of what it should be like but they don’t really know.

      Two of us in the team purchased a wacom tablet and played with it for instance, just to improve its support in Cinnamon. I’m sure we still don’t really understand half of what’s needed, but it did highlight some shortcomings for us.

      On the topic of IM, we got really good feedback a couple of years ago from one of our users. This helped us a lot. And more recently I myself started to learn Japanese so I now have a good idea of what’s needed (for this particular language at least).

  56. Hi Clem,

    thank you for Web Apps application. The create of new applications and pin it on the desktop is easy and very useful. Thank you for this idea.

  57. Hi Clem

    Many thanks to you and your development team for making a great operating system! After trying Linux Mint, I quickly forgot about Windows.

    But I found the problem in cinnamon:
    In Linux Mint 20.1, I found that in Cinnamon it is not possible to adjust brightness normally and sometimes volume as well. The fact is that the sliders “jump” left and right, and their level rises to the desired value only after a couple of seconds. This happens both when adjusting the mouse wheel on applets and when using the Fn + F5 / F6 / F11 / F12 key combinations. This was not the case in Linux Mint 20.0.

    I also found a bug when, when you right-click, the context menu appears and disappears immediately, but it works normally only the third time …

    Tested on multiple laptops – problem everywhere

    Are you aware of this issue and will it be fixed in the future if it becomes known?

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