Linux Mint 19.3 “Tricia” Cinnamon – BETA Release

This is the BETA release for Linux Mint 19.3 “Tricia” Cinnamon Edition.

Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia Cinnamon Edition

 Linux Mint 19.3 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2023. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features:

This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.

For an overview of the new features please visit:

What’s new in Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon“.

Important info:

The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.

To read the release notes, please visit:

Release Notes for Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon

System requirements:

  • 1GB RAM (2GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 15GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
  • 1024×768 resolution (on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen).


  • The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
  • The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
  • The 64-bit ISO is recommended for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold since 2007 are equipped with 64-bit processors).

Upgrade instructions:

  • This BETA release might contain critical bugs, please only use it for testing purposes and to help the Linux Mint team fix issues prior to the stable release.
  • It will be possible to upgrade from this BETA to the stable release.
  • It will also be possible to upgrade from Linux Mint 19, 19.1 and 19.2.
  • Upgrade instructions will be published after the stable release of Linux Mint 19.3.

Bug reports:

  • Bugs in this release should be reported on Github at
  • Create one issue per bug.
  • As described in the Linux Mint Troubleshooting Guide, do not report or create issues for observations.
  • Be as accurate as possible and include any information that might help developers reproduce the issue or understand the cause of the issue:
    • Bugs we can reproduce, or which cause we understand are usually fixed very easily.
    • It is important to mention whether a bug happens “always”, or “sometimes”, and what triggers it.
    • If a bug happens but didn’t happen before, or doesn’t happen in another distribution, or doesn’t happen in a different environment, please mention it and try to pinpoint the differences at play.
    • If we can’t reproduce a particular bug and we don’t understand its cause, it’s unlikely we’ll be able to fix it.
  • The BETA phase is literally a bug squashing rush, where the team is extremely busy and developers try to fix as many bugs as fast as possible.
  • There usually are a huge number of reports and very little time to answer everyone or explain why a particular report is not considered a bug, or won’t get fixed. Don’t let this frustrate you, whether it’s acknowledged or not, we appreciate everyone’s help.
  • Please visit and to follow the progress of the development team between the BETA and the stable release.

Download links:

Here are the download links for the 64-bit ISO:

A 32-bit ISO image is also available at

Integrity and authenticity checks:

Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Many thanks in advance for testing the BETA!


  1. Hi, Clem and team,

    I have a little request, if it’s possible: could you add an option in the boot menu to directly install Linux Mint? You know, like being able to install it without having to boot it from the live medium, like Ubuntu does? Thanks in advance. Great work. Linux Mint just gets better with every release. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Leon,

      You mean to start Ubiquity on its own without a DE? You can do that in Mint too by appending “only-ubiquity” to the boot arguments. Out of curiosity, why do you want to do this? Is it to reduce RAM usage during the installation?

    2. Thanks for the tip, Clem, but I meant something more oriented to standard users, like without having to modify the boot arguments. I request this because many times I only want to install Mint without having to boot the entire OS first just to click on the “Install Linux Mint” icon. I find it wasteful in terms of time and computer resources, but perhaps it’s just me who thinks like this. Just think about the precious seconds of user time wasted and the wasted CPU and RAM this causes just for clicking an icon. Ubuntu does this by providing an option on the boot menu that directly invokes the installer once you select it. I don’t know, I think it would be a nice and elegant option to install Mint.

    3. I would also like to have this feature.
      It’s not something major or anything, it’s just for the convenience of not having to boot into the live DE…

    4. I hate to refuse things like that, especially when they’re easy to implement. Diluting menu choices isn’t great but it’s not a big deal either… this is a bit of a rabbit hole though and that’s why it was removed. In an installer-only session, if the resolution is wrong you can’t change it (you can often see this issue in virtual machines, and you then rely on the settings daemon and/or display settings to fix it). If the settings daemon aren’t running (you can see this issue in Xfce OEM mode) it looks ugly, and last but not least, this creates three additional lengthy tests every time we enter QA. I’d prefer to leave this out.

    5. Isn’t it possible to launch some EDID reader/parser code (and if it fails fall back to 800×600 or 1024×768) before launching the actual installer?

  2. Thanks.
    Is it possible, that videos (like .mp4, mkv, etc.) and Youtube (and other websites videos) use actually GPU like they should?
    The reason is, that videos should be decoded by GPU these days, especially if you’re going for 4K and 8K videos, but they don’t. Instead they max out the CPU and then tearing starts to show up.

    On Windows it uses GPU (and very little CPU), on Linux for some reason it uses CPU (and very little GPU), which makes it useless in terms of watching 4K and 8K videos.

    In my test, Windows runs 8K 60FPS video buttery smooth, on Linux Mint it’s unwatchable.

    1. Hi,

      Yes, that’s one of the reason we moved away from Xplayer. Because of its ClutterGST backend, it could only play movies using the CPU.

    2. Thanks Clem for quick reply.
      However, I tested movies both in MPV/VLC as well Youtube in web browser with such a poor results using mainly CPU.

      Can you please confirm, that starting from Mint 19.3 all above (Celluloid and Web Browsers) are using mainly GPU instead of CPU?

    3. MPV prefers quality over less cpu usage and cause most graphicscards decoders are blackboxes mpv in standard configuration do not use them. There are many bugreports on this topic. If you want to use the decoder of your gpu you have to tell mpv. mpv uses vo_gpu over vaapi or vdpaui.

    4. Lack of GPU accelerated video in Linux browsers is down to the developers of the browsers. Neither Mozilla not the Chromium developers have seen fit to enable it on Linux, I guess due to concerns over compatibility given the wide range and quality of graphics drivers in Linux.

      There is a Chromium build available via PPA that has been patched to enable GPU accelerated video – this article pretty much covers how to install it –

    5. Thanks SB and Steve M,

      I have already tried both this solutions in the past:
      1) running mpv with parameters like vaapi and vdpau did nothing, 8K video from youtube can max out CPU and uses only fraction of GPU, for example: “mpv –hwdec=vaapi
      I tried many different variations, vaapi, vdpau, –vo=vdpau or –vo=opengl, it changes nothing.
      I double checked it a moment ago to see if something changed, but sadly GPU is still not being used.
      2) Many months ago I tried that (chromium dev), and it seems to work only when a plugin (h264ify) is used for changing Youtube videos to .mp4 format. But it has limitations like no 4k and 8k 60fps supported.
      I just tested it again today with the same result – no GPU being used and CPU being maxed out.

      That’s why I was happily surprised, when Clem mentioned that videos will use GPU, but for now, I cannot see it working properly in Linux. Videos use mainly CPU instead of GPU.

    1. Ah thanks 🙂

      I’ll update the roadmap, I’m not sure we’ll use Trello for this during the BETA (I know we started QA on it..).

      Update: We are indeed using Trello this time around 🙂

  3. I wouldn’t mind a new app to handle grub2 configuration, or an update to Grub Customizer. Having several Linux installations on my main box, and a mix of Windows and Linux Mint versions on my laptop, such a tool would prove handy to decide what should be booted by default, what should be ignored, etc., and to fix the configuration if something goes wrong (it may well happen).

  4. Hi Clem,
    I do get weird login behavior, I have connected a beamer via HDMI, and two monitors via DisplayPorts (my NVidia has 2x HDMI and 2x DP).
    When boot my computer, I can see everything and grub on properly set one or two monitors (depending on what I set in Mint).
    However, I never see a login screen, as for this short period of time, it switches to my beamer for no reason. So I have to login blindly or use the auto-login, which I prefer not to. Power on the beamer only to login is also very unpractical.
    Is there anything that can be done about that, i.e. to see everything on a monitor/s that is set in Mint?

    1. Try changing the monitor used in settings (in the menu, Login Window) – it lets you prefer a specific monitor for the login manager.

    2. Thanks Michael Webster for your reply,

      I already checked that, and tried “Auto” option as well as choosing a specific monitor (set default at the moment for the last few months).
      Unfortunately, it doesn’t work, as for some reason during login time, monitor/beamer using HDMI is being used as default. After I login (via black screen as I cannot see anything) everything is back to normal.

      Not sure why, I tried to search google for an answer and the most helpful information was that “Using multiple ports in Linux is messed up”. But this doesn’t solve the problem.
      I may add that I have nVidia Card – 1060 3GB, 2x HDMI, 2x DP

    3. I found that this may have something to do with the /etc/X11/xorg.conf
      It mentions only my beamer (Benq) in the “Monitor” section, but not my main 2 monitors connected to DisplayPort:
      Section “Monitor”
      # HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
      Identifier “Monitor0”
      VendorName “Unknown”
      ModelName “BenQ W1000+”
      HorizSync 31.0 – 91.0
      VertRefresh 48.0 – 86.0
      Option “DPMS”

      Maybe that’s why LightDM see only beamer and uses it for login?

  5. How is this version on supporting and running 3rd party software or using wine to run windows based apps?? The previous version 19.1 or 19.2 wouldn’t work with 3rd party software.

  6. Bonsoir Clem,

    Je vais m’exprimer en français, étant donné que vous le comprenez. Il sera bien plus aisé pour moi de vous décrire mon test de la LM 19.3 Beta Cinnamon x64 bits sur mon Dell XPS 9570.

    Première chose, après avoir réalisé le download de l’image ISO, je n’ai trouvé nulle part la « somme sha256 officielle » correspondant à cette ISO via l’URL ci-dessous ?

    La mienne est de 7b53820340d62f43884d2fb9b1c376877ef0a0013d3cf8f0f0b25ea1f65ac9b3 je présume qu’elle est correcte…

    Je viens de booter sur ma clef usb et là dès la première seconde Grub avec son nouveau design m’a tapé à l’oeil, il est vraiment trop classe, c’est top 🙂 Durant le boot j’ai des messages ACPI error, rien de grave à prioris ça passe quand même, l’image live se monte sans soucis, un ‘uname -r’ m’apprend que nous sommes en kernel ce qui me ravis. J’installe cet OS sur une carte SD, ce n’est pas ce qu’il y a de mieux comme support d’install, mais pour faire des tests cela suffira amplement.

    L’UEFI est désactivé sur cette machine, mais elle possède une partition UEFI de boot de 100 Mb en FAT32. Si je choisi l’option UEFI, l’installation se passe à merveille, mais au démarrage il m’affiche en haut à gauche de l’écran ‘GRUB _’ j’attends encore et encore… ça n’a pas l’air de vouloir se faire. Dans le bios je ne trouve pas de trace de cette nouvelle install, j’ai juste Mint/Windows qui y sont référencés.

    Deuxième tentative install en mode standard, cette fois-ci, c’est passé, ça a booté => install du driver nvidia v. 435.21 => install des mises à jour => reboot => Tout va bien.

    Petite remarque de mon point de vue d’ingénieur systèmes, de mon avis, il serait souhaitable au niveau sécurité que le pare-feu soit non seulement installé, mais en plus de cela activé par défaut, cela tout comme les mises-à-jour automatiques du système.

    J’ai vu que le kernel 5.3 est disponible ce qui va ravir les détenteur de CPU AMD série 3900 à ce que j’ai lu en ont besoin. Comme d’habitude depuis un certain temps je constate que le compte root est désactivé par défaut, je pense que ça vient de l’image live de base que vous utilisez pour réaliser Mint un petit script maison ne pourrait-il pas résoudre ceci à l’install genre une option faculattive ??

    Si je branche mon casque stéréo à prise jack 3.5 mm à 3 pins TRS (impédance de 55 Ohms), j’entends de légers grésillements quand je bouge la souris juste avant le login puis quelques secondes après celui-ci ce qui est franchement désagréable. Dès que l’on ouvre un utilitaire système gérant le son ou qu’on lance la lecture le musique par exemple alors le problème disparaît puis il revient quand la lecture musicale est terminée ou que l’utilitaire système gérant le son est fermé…

    Si je branche un autre casque jack 3.5 mm 4 pins TRRS (impédance de 48 Ohms) avec micro intégré, j’ai toujours le même grésillement mais moins prononcé. La fonction micro ne fonctionne pas.

    Voilà, si non tout à l’air de fonctionner niquel, je referai un test sur ma station une autre fois…

    Pour changer un peu de sujet, j’ai vu que la dernière version de Ubuntu intègre les images SNAP, histoire de ne plus devoir gérer x versions de chaque paquets pour chacune des variantes de leur distribution je présume. Du coup ils s’éloignent de Debian en créant leur propre installateur installateur de paquets/softs-images multiplate-formes fait maison. Après ce qui devient compliqué à gérer c’est la multitude de dépendances de chaque image SNAP qui doit être maintenue à jour et sécurisée pour chacune d’entre elles dans chaque paquet-image SNAP… J’ai lu que des développeurs de Mint se plaignaient de cette nouvelle façon de faire. Il est vrai que ça semble consommer + 10 % de ressources CPU et plus de RAM aussi, ce qui n’est pas négligeable !! Après Spectre, Meltdown et autres failles de sécurité qui nous ont fait perdre en ressources CPU, voici maintenant SNAP à ce que j’ai cru comprendre… C’est une raison de plus pour faire battre plus fort dans tous les coeurs l’alternative LMDE dont la version 4 va je l’espère bientôt sortir elle aussi. Avec toutes les avancées de Mint 19.3 intégrées dans une LMDE 4 ça promet d’être super 🙂 J’ai testé dernièrement la MX 19 il y a certainement quelques concept / idées à méditer.

    Bien à vous.

    1. Ca me fait vraiment trop bizarre d’avoir rythme box comme player musical par défaut !! Celluloid quand à lui à l’air très cool. Pour remplacer VLC que vous avez disqualifié, pour la musique je conseillerai plutôt le lecteur de Debian par défaut.

    2. Activer le pare-feu par défaut risque de bloquer des applications (Apache, P2P…). Je pense qu’il vaut mieux ne pas l’activer par défaut et proposer à l’installation de l’activer ou bien de l’activer par défaut seulement s’il y a un mécanisme qui permet d’ouvrir facilement les ports quand on démarre une application qui en a besoin, comme avec Windows.

    3. Bonjour Philippe et merci pour ce test.

      Il y’a des regressions au niveau du son avec le noyau 5.0, et en l’occurence sur Intel. Personellement j’inhibe la mise en veille (“options snd_hda_intel power_save=0” dans /etc/modprobe.d/snd_hda_intel.conf ).

      Les somme de hachages pour les BETA sont dans BETA. Il n’y pas encore de section 19.3 dans verify.php.

      Le compte root c’est une longue histoire.. depuis 2006 on lui donne un mot de passe, et tres recemment on a decide de ne plus le faire. Pourquoi? Parce qu’il y’a du pour mais aussi du contre.. et que comme c’est le cas, on a decide de s’aligner sur Ubuntu (qui ne le fait pas) et dans cette toute nouvelle version d’attirer votre attention sur ce probleme et d’expliciter les pours et les contres (c’est fait via mintreport ca).

      Les mises a jours automatiques, c’est un clic dans les preferences du gestionnaire de mise a jour, ca doit etre facile mais c’est a l’utilisateur de decider cela, c’est normal.. toucher au systeme et telecharger dans votre dos sans meme vous le demander c’est pas possible. Pareil pour les snapshots timeshift.. on vous les recommande, mais c’est a vous que la decision revient. Pour le pare-feu non seulement c’est pareil, mais en plus de ca, tout le monde n’en a pas besoin. Donc la, notre role c’est que ce soit facile et tres visible (et c’est le cas je pense, ecran d’accueil -> premiers pas).

    4. Bonsoir Clem et merci pour ta réponse. J’ai relevé en faisant encore quelques tests des instabilités avec ma carte réseau (Intel Wireless-AC 9260) et le kernel 5.3. J’ai des pertes de réseau, puis ça reconnecte, etc… Ca ne s produit qu’avec la version 19.3, ça fonctionnait au poil en version 19.2, du coup je me satisfait du kernel 5.0 pour l’instant. Bon week-end, bien a toi et aux tiens.

  7. Clem, appreciate the hard work you and the LM Team have done.
    19.3 is looking to be shaping up very nicely.
    I would like to explicitly point out that all of the various speed-ups are among the top items I like to see you and the Team focusing on. Of course the HiDPI is is also up there, however it would be great to see LM finally slow down on all the eye-candy stuff and do more profiling and finding/fixing bottlenecks.
    Granted, this is sort of the opposite of what Apple and MS have been doing. But, if LM would think out of the box again, and keep focus on what is working vs what isn’t or isn’t as good as it should be vs adding more to the image, I think LM could start to set the Standard again for Linux Distos.
    Just my $0.02 worth of course.

    1. LinuxMint has already made huge progress with Cinnamon regarding speed during the 19.x release cicle.
      I would honestly be very surprise if there was any signifficant extra speed improvements to had…
      Maybe with their effort to make Cinnamon multithreaded, but time will tell…

    2. Thanks Fred,

      We make improvements everywhere we can. Sometimes it’s hard to troubleshoot performance, it’s not always up to us (I’m thinking of gvfs here..), it depends on hardware (GPU drivers in Cinnamon for instance), but we always keep an eye on it and try to make things faster. We do also get results… nemo and muffin are way faster than they used to be.

      Nomadewolf mentioned the single-threaded nature of cinnamon.. that’s a huge problem for us, and it’s not something we have a solution for. We’re just after developing xapp-status-icon though, and that gives us the possibility to turn some JS applet into out-of-process applets. I’m not saying we should do that, maybe it’s a bad idea.. what I’m trying to illustrate here is that we’re very much aware of bottlenecks, and the reason we don’t fix them isn’t because we’re fixing HiDPI or artwork issues, it’s because they’re tough problems we just don’t have solutions for yet.

  8. Je viens de refaire une install sur disque dur cette fois-ci en UEFI et c’est passé comme une lettre à la poste UEFI activé dans le bios secure-boot désactivé (comme avant).

    1. Le rapport système est très cool lui aussi, il redemande sans cesse de définir un mot de passe pour root même si on l’as déjà fait.

  9. Am new to Linux Mint, only been working with Linux for about a year, but I like it much better than Winnie the poo. Your updates have been very good and I am starting to learn a little about Mint. Keep up the good work.

  10. Hi,
    Option to ‘Group by file type’ should be provided n Nemo. It is available in Dolphin, though.

    1. I think you can. I asked earlier if an upgrade of 19.2 will be safe if you’re already running the HWE stack and the answer was yes, I’m running kernel-5.3.0 myself.

  11. When entering panel edit mode all the notification area logos show up as ‘super sized’ but they do not return to normal size on edit mode exit. Tried restart cinnamon and reboot but the logos remain super sized.

  12. Hi Clem!

    After fiddling aroud with the BETA for a bit, here’s my 2 cents:…
    -Default Icons: let us have the option have the original Firefox icon, please. I like it much better. The same for every app.
    -Default Wallpaper: consider changing the default wallpaper for something less ‘minty’ and more like other OSes. This is a good way to attract new users. Many probably disregard trying Mint over the default wallpaper alone…
    -Cinnamenu by default (low priority since i can easily change that)
    -Mint-Y Dark Window Borders (low priority since i can easily change that)
    -Manjaro Mouse Pointer: aspect wise, i think it’s better and fitts Cinnamon very well
    -System Monitor> Resources> Show disk usage (Like Windows 10. Also by process, in percentage)

    [Bug/By design?]
    Theme Window Border (Mint-Y Dark) not applied to
    Disk Usage Analyzer
    System Settings> Windows> Buttons Layout Mac Style: Cool/saves time!!!

    Congrats on another great release!

    1. Regarding your theme issue: Celluloid and others use something called headerbars which unlike traditional window titlebars aren’t themed by the window borders theme but by the controls theme. Set the controls theme to Mint-Y-Dark and that makes the headerbars of Celluloid and others use that theme.

    2. Thanks for the reply!
      But i don’t really want Mint-Y Dark on the controls on every other window.
      Maybe this could only be activated when there’s no title bar detected.
      Or even better, the devs should fix their apps, because it breaks the whole OS experience…

    3. mint comunity please open firefox menu -help-about and please update firefox icon as such..much better then plane orange…thanks.just hmmmm new firefox logo already.

    4. old icons aready available.. click menu button,, down to preference ,,then welcome screen,,next is first steps,, desktop layout…choose!! thats it…

  13. Hi Clem, there’s a possibility to have screensaver again like Mint 18 ? thank’s for the hard work on a my favourite distro

    1. Thanks Salvatore,

      No I’m sorry, they won’t be coming back. They relied on techniques which are dying, which were getting more and more buggy, and for an application this important we just didn’t want to support them anymore.

  14. I haven’t downloaded and tested any Beta version but it’s mentioned on main component on the Cinnamon edition that it has Linux Kernel 5.0? While both Mate and XFCE only have Linux kernel 4.15.

    Main Components:
    Linux Mint 19.3 features Cinnamon 4.4, a Linux kernel 5.0 and an Ubuntu 18.04 package base.

    1. My bad. The graphical links are still pointed to Mint 19.2 for Mate and XFCE. That’s why I’m seeing kernel 4.15.

  15. Hi,
    I have an enhancement request, would it be possible to add a transparency slider to the configurable panel zone. I realize it’s too late for 19.3 but could you consider it for 20

  16. Hi all
    Great upgrade beta as usual.
    Have checked etc/cron.weekly etc. but cannot find any TRIM set up.
    I understand TRIM is set up automatically on install in Ubuntu but this appears not to be the case with LimuxMint.
    Also not setup in 19, 19.1 or 19.2.
    Have been using manual trim (sudo fstrim -v /) but not sure if this is correct as cannot find clear instructions for LinuxMint.
    Instructions on how to set up a weekly trim would be appreciated.
    Thanks for your help.

    1. Yes, i cannot see it there either so you are not alone. I have not been doing the manual trims though, just hoping it was happening automatically somewhere else

    2. I have been digging round on google, using the command

      journalctl | grep fstrim

      I can see weekly trims have been taking place

    3. Trim is not run via cron on 19.x – it’s set up out of the box as a systemd timer service.

      Check the output of

      systemctl status fstrim.timer

    4. Thank you Nigel and Steve.
      systemctl status fstrim.timer shows TRIM is working but not clear if it is working on all SSDs. My operating systems SSD is in my PC and my data SSD is an external USB3 drive.
      How can I check to confirm TRIM is setup to work on all connected SSD drives?
      Thanks again for your help.

    5. Sorry SB I did not see you before.
      As Steve said “Trim is not run via cron on 19.x ” so maybe worth checking under etc/cron.weekly and/or upgrade to 19.3.

    6. Hi Robert

      Running journalctl | grep fstrim on my machine shows it is trimming both my Linux Mint NVMe SSD and also my (legacy) windows 7 SATA SSD (different physical disc).

    7. Hi Nigel.
      Running journalctl | grep fstrim on my machine shows it is running TRIM on my PC but only shows one amount trimmed on each run i.e no breakdown between my two SSDs.
      I am sure you are correct but is there a way to show/confirm TRIM is applied to all attached SSDs?
      Appreciate your help.

    8. Hi Robert

      Running that command shows up my different drives. Sample below

      Nov 04 10:35:13 Trixie fstrim[28185]: /: 14.1 GiB (15092400128 bytes) trimmed
      Nov 11 09:29:54 Trixie fstrim[13951]: /mnt/948858FF8858E172: 167.3 GiB (179662139392 bytes) trimmed

      As you can see the top line is the root partition on my NVMe drive, the second line is the windows partition on my Windows 7 SSD. It used to show /TRIM my home partition too until I moved that onto a spinning drive

    9. Hi Nigel
      Running journalctl | grep fstrim on my PC shows
      Dec 10 11:23:01 win7pc fstrim[870]: /: 29.9 GiB (32129015808 bytes) trimmed
      Dec 17 10:56:23 win7pc fstrim[888]: /: 29.6 GiB (31781392384 bytes) trimmed
      Dec 24 11:23:07 win7pc fstrim[904]: /: 28.6 GiB (30713446400 bytes) trimmed
      Dec 31 09:06:55 win7pc fstrim[905]: /: 28.6 GiB (30653849600 bytes) trimmed
      Jan 07 10:22:35 win7pc fstrim[896]: /: 28.5 GiB (30619217920 bytes) trimmed
      Jan 14 11:00:17 win7pc fstrim[829]: /: 28.1 GiB (30218133504 bytes) trimmed
      Jan 21 12:54:25 win7pc fstrim[831]: /: 28.1 GiB (30131380224 bytes) trimmed
      Jan 28 10:08:04 win7pc fstrim[832]: /: 27.1 GiB (29089374208 bytes) trimmed
      Feb 04 11:34:34 win7pc fstrim[833]: /: 26.6 GiB (28497125376 bytes) trimmed
      Feb 11 12:10:21 win7pc fstrim[832]: /: 27.6 GiB (29601361920 bytes) trimmed
      Feb 18 10:54:36 win7pc fstrim[836]: /: 27.2 GiB (29208838144 bytes) trimmed
      Feb 25 11:28:05 win7pc fstrim[831]: /: 27.2 GiB (29177982976 bytes) trimmed
      What do you read is happening from the above?
      Do I need to change something?

    10. Hi Nigel
      Comparing your output with mine, it appears my external SSD is not auto mounted and therefore not trimed.
      My external SSD is mounted when I first boot but ‘auto sleeps’ when not used for a certain time. Any suggestions?

  17. Installed Tricia in a VM over LM19.2. Tricia looks nice!

    I haven’t tested much yet, because I can’t get access to a shared folder on the gost-OS (LM 18.3). This is normally easily solved by installing the guest-additions and adding the group vboxsf to your profile. I will look for a more recent version of the virtual-additions, maybe this will help.

    Logging off gives the same problem that occurred in LM19.2: “A stop job is running for running for session …” blocking the shutdown for 90 seconds. I will apply the known solution for that and I have to do that for all installed LM19.2 versions, so the question is, why the default setting DefaultTimeoutStopSec can’t be set to 4 seconds at installing the distro. It’s better to pinpoint the problem of course, but in due time it a solution to a common complaint.

    In the Accessibiliy-options the screen-reader needs a rework. It’s of no help at all for the moment. I was not aware of it, but recently I was asked if linux had an tools for visual impaired users. The standard software on MacOS and Win10 was doing already a good job; I had to admit that for the linux-desktop there was still some work to do.

    Anyhow, I’m still enjoying the great work of the LinuxMint-team. As soon as I get virtualbox-additions working I will start testing.

    1. Thanks,

      I agree on the default timeout value, that’s a very good point, it’s way too long.. (90s afaik). We’ll look into that.

      Out of curiosity, I’m interested in the solution to your particular problem though. What service is holding your reboots and how do you fix it?

      I’d love to improve accessibility, but it’s a bit like Asian and right-to-left languages, it’s something the developers don’t use, don’t really understand and don’t test until there’s a bug report for it. We’re not even at the stage where we’re fixing a bug, we’re not sure what it “should” do, and what it’s missing… we need feedback on this, and guidance. Our hands are tied to a certain extent when it comes to Orca. It’s upstream from us and I’m not sure we can improve it much (other than the occasional patch). If we can integrate it better in Cinnamon though, let us know, we’d be happy to do that.

  18. Thanks Clem for your amazing work on Linux Mint!
    I installed the beta today and it runs smooth!
    If something occurs, I’ll report it on Github! 🙂

  19. Please ! For HIDPI, give the possibility to scale as gnome display config. For example, 100 200 400 scale.
    Very fast on my Nuc Intel. If I can change scale for big TV, it would be perfect.

    1. Thanks,

      If the auto-detection doesn’t work you can turn on HiDPI in System Settings -> Display -> Settings. It should handle 2x and 4x.

  20. …I think it is time I switched to a KDE-based distro. Love a lot about Mint but some decisions just completely baffle me. Release after release, video players seem to be stripped further and further of anything, GIMP being replaced instead of supplemented with a lightweight similar, screensavers being removed, old kernels and libraries (biggest issue…) …Just too much anymore. Feels like a clone of Unity, vaguely reminding me of why Firefox has gone downhill trying to clone Chrome instead of working on security and speed.

    Not to say I haven’t loved Mint for years. It really has been great until the last two or three releases… I just need different things I suppose. Cheers.

    1. I’d like to add that Wayland and double/float DPI multiplier was also a factor. It has been made quite obvious that Cinnamon will /not/ be supporting Wayland /any/ time soon (maybe never?) but worse yet is the dire need to update the backend support for double/float DPI multipliers instead of scaling via integers.

    2. I hope great Mint won’t be going down the path of oversimplification like Gnome, with apps getting easier and easier at the expense of usability. True, VLC and GIMP disappear from the default software, but we can observe nice refinements in other places, like the Nemo context menu (configurable now) and improvements in Xapps. Please, Mint Team, don’t follow Gnome.

    3. These decisions haven’t just been taken, they’ve been explained and we’ve pushed arguments and rationales. They’re good for our project as a whole even if like any decision they’ll please some people more than others.

      Regarding the libs and frozen base, it’s one of the biggest challenges we’ve had and integrating Flatpak helped with that.

      I agree on the float DPI scale, it’s quickly becoming something we need to support and right now we’ve no solution for that.

    4. Hopefully this continues as a reply to #comment-152244:

      Flatpak has too many issues for me to consider it more than a temporary bandaid. Attempting to poke holes through the sandboxing barely works for many softwares. Snap is just terrible altogether, and I’ll admit Flatpak was a better attempt(?) than Snap at trying to address some frozen libs/bases but the world is changing far too fast to use frozen bases anymore (I think, along with many other developers I’ve worked with who are using Manjaro or Arch now).

      As I understand it, Gnome is supposedly the limiting factor (or is it X?) that prevents fixing the DPI issue and only Wayland will resolve it.

      I can easily accept software not being installed by default. Just feels like a “Windows 8 Metro” move is all. Much like “Traditional vs Grouped” Window List.

  21. Great work. I like Mint for easy to use. Is there an option or applet for mounting devices (with read only attribute)? I saw it in Parted Magic.

  22. Bonjour Clem,

    Petite question : qu’en est-il des drivers NVIDIA qui posent encore et toujours problème sur le laptop que j’utilise (GT710M – Driver 340) ?
    Pourquoi lorsque je veux choisir le driver NVIDIA plutôt que ‘nouveau’ dans l’appli Pilotes, je tombe indéniablement sur un écran noir au redémarrage ?


    1. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais NVidia recommande le pilote 390 pour votre carte graphique. Je suppose qu’il y a une incompatibilité avec les nouveaux pilotes…

      PS Navré j’avais le traducteur enclanché sur cette page du coup j’ai cru que votre message était en anglais…

  23. Great work again dev team! Install and boot times seem to be much faster than 19.1
    While I also add my voice to the desire to see an option to directly launch the installer from GRUB, what I would really like is:
    Change the apt repository to match the location selection so that updates are downloaded from a more local repository.

  24. This is my xmas present for sure, My heart is beating in my chest and await for the upgrade from 19.2 to 19.3..

  25. Hi
    I downloaded and reviewed the beta
    I have previous versions
    When I wanted to send a file to Flash, I right-clicked and moved to it, but it doesn’t exist. If it is in this version it would be great

  26. Many thanks to the Linux Mint Team, you have done a great job!
    But why don’t you leave both in the default software selection – Drawing for the novice and Gimp for the more advanced users? Then everyone has the choice, which application he uses.

    1. Default software is just that.
      Unlike Windows, you can install/uninstall to your hearts content.
      Just uninstall what you dislike and install what you need.
      Advanced users who need Gimp, shouldn’t have problems doing that. I think…
      Also, what if they want Krita instead of Gimp? Should Mint be bundled with everything by default to please everyone?
      Drawing makes perfect sense since it works for the basic and even an advanced user might use it for something less fancy…

    2. Jakob,
      When you buy a mobile phone, you don’t want it to come installed with lots of pre-installed apps.
      For some, minimising the size of the installation disk is important – as far as i know, that’s what Gentoo offers.
      It’s a fine line for the LM team to walk, but i think they are moving in the right direction.

      We know the trouble that Microsoft found itself in the EU for pre-installing it’s internet browser on Windows XP (maybe Windows 98 can’t remember) because by pre-installing the browser it discouraged users from installing another browser. So, Microsoft was made to offer a range of browsers upon installation.
      Google on Android fell foul of EU laws for similar reasons, it’s search engine was pre-installed so it discouraged users from installing an alternative.

      Linux Mint have (in my opinion) a minimum number of programs pre-installed, should I need others, I know there is the Software Centre, where the Linux Mint have curated the available programs into sub-categories of the main program types, and many of the programs have a user rating. It also helps users to understand what is part of Linux Mint and what is third party when it comes to logging issues.

      There is an issue though if users have no administration access to install additional software!

    3. I don’t want to start a debate on principles here, it was just a question. I know that I can replace the preinstalled software with other applications. But I’ve always liked the fact that there was a successful selection of preinstalled software and I did not have to install anything. In my experience, many people use Gimp and would be happy if they found it in the software preselection. Well, for me the topic is done now, everything is all right.

    4. Hi Jakob,

      One of the things I personally don’t like about Windows is the amount of clutter that comes with it and the fact that it doesn’t actually have some of the very basic things people need. A few releases ago we looked at some of the apps we shipped and wondered why they were there.. mintnanny? mintupload? Were they there because they were ours? Were they useful to a majority of our users? No, so we removed them.

      VLC and Gimp… have they been in Linux Mint because they were famous outside of the Linux community? Probably. Are they useful to a majority of users.. no, I don’t think they are. I know they’re excellent apps, and I know there’s no alternative to them if you need their features (I personally use Gimp a lot), but most people don’t. They provide much more than that, and it’s buried in the middle of a huge amount of features many people don’t use and user interfaces which have a very steep learning curve.

      HiDPI also comes into play.

      One of the first things I do now, personally, when I install Mint, is to add Gimp and mintupload (I’m using that one a lot too), but that’s just me. For most people this is a good move. They need a fast media player which is simple to use and a simple app to draw and resize pictures.

      Gimp and VLC become features and they’re still names we want to promote, but in our software manager, not in the default selection.

    5. Hi Clem,

      thank you for your detailed explanation. Many people in my circle of friends use Gimp, so I was probably surprised that it is no longer part of the standard software selection. But now I can understand your reasons better.

  27. I am sorry for posting here but this blog is currently unaccessible from Greece (tried various providers) resulting in 403 access forbidden error. I managed to visit blog from free proxy service. I thought I’d let you know.

  28. Congratulations to Clem and all the team on 19.3. Running the beta on a 6 year old Clevo laptop and no problems whatsoever. First installed Mint back in the days V7 Gloria last decade, and I have to say that the work on design and themes recently has really paid off – Tricia looks great OOTB.

  29. Hello Clem:

    For the New features in Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon page, where it says:
    “The boot menu was also redesigned:”
    The caption under the screen shot reads “System Reports”
    Noticed the same also for Mate and Xfce.

    Nice work on the boot menu by the way.

  30. Hey LM Team 🙂

    First of all, congratulations on yet another great release. It seems to be shaping up very nicely and that new logo does look sleek ^^

    Secondly, I really like what you did under the hood as well – it finally works on some tricky hardware like Lenovo Y530 (the cheap end gaming rigs marked Legion, one with intel optane mixed in and that pesky wi-fi issue and that hybrid graphics LOL) Yay! 19.3b Even offered to install alongside W10. As soon as stable is out I will be finally free from that slow dumb beast W10 has yet again turned into.

    After 25 years in tech I know 2 things:
    1. there is always one more bug 😀
    2. people with bi**h bi**h bi**h about things that don’t work and rarely say thank you for the things that do 😀

    so, Thank you for making this happen 🙂

    Can’t wait to see stable out! Good luck!


  31. The only inconvenience I encountered so far is an virtual machine that the shared folder with the guest os isn’t mounted automatically. The sharing of the peripherals works fine, even the sharing of an external usb-harddisk. One has to mount the folder manually with sudo mount -t vboxsf … On lm 19.2 the automatic mounting of the shared folder was working fine and was determined by a setting in the virtual machine. Where can I report this issue?

    1. I think this should be reported upstream directly (to Oracle I mean). Make sure you’re using their latest version of Virtualbox and their latest guest additions.

      No Ubuntu virtualbox packages should be installed, they’re not recommended. We actually removed them from the Driver Manager and System Reports yesterday.

  32. Lots of testing is done in virtual machines, with full installations but also with the live ISO mounted to a virtual machine. I would appreciate it very much if the open-vm-tools-desktop packages can be installed by default in the live ISO. Installing these normally is the first thing I do after booting the virtual machine and it would really save a lot of time and effort if the live Linux system can be enhanced by having these installed by default. Thanks!

  33. Hi Clem, you mentioned the integration of the SpicesUpdate applet for Cinnamon 4.4 a few weeks ago.
    Is there a special reason why it didn|t happen?

  34. Hi Clem and the Linux Mint team.

    Have you ever thought of adding “libinput-gestures” to linux Mint ? It allows you to use multitouch gestures with your laptop touchpad so you can e.g. change workspaces with a 3-finger swipe, which in my opinion is a really good feature 😉 (I use it on daily bases) And especially for new users and just out of a comfort aspect I think it would be pretty nice, if it would be installed by default. You could for example install it during the installation of the sytem automatically if a touchpad is detected 🙂

  35. Running BATA 19.3 Cinnamon on my Toshiba Portege R500 2gigs ram and duel 2.6 mhz like S**T on a cracker smooth… Did not run this well on 18.3, I’m so stoked……

  36. Having installed Mint Cinnamon 19.3 I have come across two (2) problems..
    1. In the screensaver settings if you set it for your own text, it will activate a blue screen with nothing on it.
    2. The root password setting keeps asking for the password even after it has been entered. The only way to stop it was removing it from the taskbar.
    Other that I was very impressed with the installation time..It was installed and up and running on my rig in 3mins.It looks nice so far. Keep up the good work guys.

  37. One translation bug in German: If I want to remove the mint menu icon with the right mouse button, the message appears “Möchten Sie Menu wirklich antfernen?”
    It would have been translated correctly: “Möchten Sie das Menü wirklich entfernen?”

    1. “Menu” is obviously the name of the applet that you are removing. That should be obvious. “das Menü” would be plausible if there would be several Menu types… but this is just one of many applets with just this name.

    2. Ok, thanks. But “menu” is otherwise translated in Cinnamon with “Menü” in German. I thought “das Menü” would be plausible.

  38. Clem, where did Cinnamenu disappear from Cinnamon Spices, and why doesn’t it work in the latest version of Cinnamon? Sorry, but Cinnamon Menu is primitive, non-ergonomic and very ugly. It looks like Startmenu from Windows XP, but now we are in 2020 (soon), not in 2000.
    It’s time for a change, don’t you think?

    1. Its author was banned after abusing the team and spamming github. The rest of the team didn’t want to support it so it was removed. We’ll add the ability to install spices manually in 4.6, so if this is maintained elsewhere it will continue to live.

      I don’t agree on the style.. but that’s very subjective.

    2. Cinnamon Menu primitive? Why? Because it doesn’t have flashy thumbnails like windows 10? Cinnamon menu is one of the reasons I use mint for several years now. It is perfect and ergonomic. What kind of menu would you like?

    3. I see no problem in the menu. I think it is one of the most efficient … I wish I could change the font. Excellent work with the beta. Thank you very much

    4. You may wanna try CinnVIIStarkMenu instead. Not sure if it offers the same options as Cinnamenu though.

  39. Clem:

    A bit off-topic here but Firefox is throwing up a “security risk” warning for this (Linux Mint) blog due to an expired SSL certificate.

    Just letting you know.

    1. Thanks Kirk, can you post details of the certificate issue? We had networking issues today, they’re resolved now though.

    2. Your connection is not private
      Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

      Issuer: Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority – G2

      Expires on: Jan 6, 2020

      Current date: Dec 8, 2019

      PEM encoded chain:

    3. Hi,

      SSL errors are over. I’m really sorry about this, it affected people in Central Europe mostly during the week-end and until Tuesday.

  40. I think there is an issue in Cinnamon that I have “disable compositing for full-screen windows” enabled, and it doesn’t seem to be working which causes a stuttery experience in games. I don’t know if it’s a bug, but are there any other methods to disable compositing in cinnamon?

  41. I’ve just run the 19.3 Beta, and am very disappointed to find the bug where the app icons in the panel do not refresh is still present ( This was a regression from Mint 19.1 to 19.2.

    I’ve been a Mint user for about 12 years. I’ve even donated money to the project occasionally. I reported this regression in plenty of time and even went to the trouble of creating and uploading a test application to demonstrate the bug. But still no fix. I think it’s time to move on to another distribution.

  42. Just like to say a big thanks my new ryzen 3700x x570 working great on the beta, will be staying with linux mint .

  43. Hi Clem, concerning slow shutdowns:
    I don’t know MenthaSuaveolens’ problem but in my case it was the cups-browsed.service who triggered the 90 seconds counter. It happened on approx. 5-10% of all shutdowns. After disabling it shutdown takes just a few seconds.

  44. Another fabulous release. At some stage would it be possible to provide a minimal installation option on the ISO please as is found on the Ubuntu installation ISO.

    1. Hi Guy,

      No, we’ve no plans for that. We could consider working on meta packages and making it easy to install a small Mint base ISO, with no DE, on top of which you’d install any of them maybe.

  45. no video thumbnails in nemi after you moved from xplayer to celluloid, anyway to fix it at your side?

    Users can fix it by installing xplayer again, then you will get working thumbnails in nemo.

  46. Hi all
    I have recently installed 19.3 Beta on my Dell XPS 9750. So pleased!! – looks great – like the drawing app
    Only issues were that this Dell has a Killer 1650x wireless module which was not recognised so I had to connect to my iPhone via bluetooth to get the 5.0 kernel update – then all was fine. Would you consider the later kernel as default for the install? Also my apple airpods are seen but wont configure on bluetooth. I have tried setting the mode to dual and un-pairing other devices. It is clearly a common problem – wouldnt connect with Ubuntu either but I seem to recall managing earlier in the year with KDE Plasma. I realise Apple products can be a pain due to Apple’s reluctance to support other systems. Any ideas anyone ?

    1. I went straight for 5.3.0 -24
      Not sure if any of the earlier releases would have sufficed – reading around forums it may have been supported from 5.2.2 onwards. Still, 5.3 appears to be working fine.
      Only Applet I have been having problems with is the Office launcher which causes a switch to fallback mode.

    2. Had a similar situation on brand new Dell Vostro 5590.
      Has a RealTek RTL8111/8168/8411 controller
      I also went straight to the same kernel as Paul by using my phone as wifi-connection.
      Worked right after reboot.
      Maybe an idea to incorporate 5.3 instead of 5.0 ?
      Have been using that on my desktop for as long as it’s available and don’t have any problems…

    3. I had a similar problem on a new Dell XPS 7390 with a Killer Wi-Fi 6 AX1650. It is working now (after I got online with an ethernet adapter). I’m on kernel v5.4.2. Everything else appears to be working and looks great.

  47. Thanks as always for all your hard work Clem and the entire team behind Linux Mint. Mint is still my favourite Linux Distro and the one I always come back to whenever I’m looking for a simple, sane Linux distro with sensible defaults that ‘just works’ out of the box.

    If I could make two requests, maybe for version 20, I’d humbly ask for the team to have another look at Nemo and see if there are any possible performance optimisations that could be made, especially when viewing the contents of large folders. Nemo still seems to absolutely chug whenever it encounters a folder with even more than a few thousand files in it and will eventually freeze on folders with more than around 5000 files. Additionally, if we could possibly get a ‘Refresh Rate’ option in the display settings window.

    1. Hi Grady,

      I think we need to start doing things ourselves in places where we don’t need gvfs.. when it lags we lag basically.

    2. The lagging and freezing altogether is especially true if you have the folder set to icon view. So glad you brought this up. I think I tried to before , but I don’t think my comments got posted.

  48. Well.
    This is not about Tricia, but maybe Iĺl have the same issue. I am running Tina, excellent, but I got problem when copy-paste one text doc from ssd (where Tina happily and freely runs) to another hard disk connected via Usb3.0 to sataIII adapter. It looked as if it was well pasted, but glue was not good, cause when I disconnected the usb adapter and inserted it again the text doc was missing. I repeated the operation three times more and the glue cotinued to be fresh water 🙁 Then I pasted it and changed the name of the text doc and it worked; the doc was was perfectly glued there.
    And another thing. When pasting in LinuxMInt and opening the disk in Windows I have to make a chkdsk /f and letter of unit to see what I pasted in LM. This must be normal, but the strange thing I see is that copy-paste in Linux sometimes does not work and I cant find out the reason. I thought it was because of corrupted ssdcards, but it is the same with usb to ssd.
    The rest of Tina works excellent here. Windows is rarely switched on now. But this issue is annoying sometimes. Good work, waiting for Tricia, and some new features and programms Ive seen coming.
    The commented idea of Timeshift option in Grub Menu, perfect. The BootDiskRepair tool perfect too. Great Job.

  49. Hey LM-Team,
    just a small suggestion on the topic “new logo”.

    If a company changes its logo it is important to change it everywhere. On the forms, the homepage, the company building, the cars, … That is called “corporate identity”.

    You are using the new logo on the boot-screen, on the menu, but using the old logo as standard desktop wallpaper. If i were you i would replace it with the new logo, already for the reason that it is huge on the desktop background. The best place to introduce a new logo to the users.

    Think about it. 😉

    I’m looking forward to the stable release.

    1. Be sure, LM-team knows about Corporate Identity as you can see at previous linux mint versions and “new logo finding process”… Betas usually are not “complete”, they want / need something in reserve for stable release…

  50. Very good beta, I already updated the menu-logo of my 19.2-productivity-system to the 19.3 menu-logo…
    There is still an older bug in cinnamon-panel, the MessagingMenuV3 irregularly resizes itself to bigger size. Sometimes after starting rhythmbox from the panel, sometimes after closing panel-editing-mode, etc. After restarting cinnamon it is accurately resized to the other icons.

    Great work kepp it up!

  51. Bonjour Clem,
    Linux mint est de plus en plus une distribution de référence, stable et bien pensée…Merci!
    1 – Une demande toutefois, serait il possible d’avoir des onglets dans le Document Viewer, afin de centraliser les différents fichiers ouverts, au lieu d’une multitudes de fenêtres?
    2 – Sur la 19.2 actuelle, les touches multimédia du mon clavier ne fonctionne pas pour Spotify, même en reconfigurant les raccourcis clavier, une idée?
    3 – D’après vous, Brave est il un navigateur meilleur que Firefox?
    4 – Dans PIX, y aurait il la possibilité que lorsque l’on clique sur l’année du catalogue, les images s’affichent triées avec les dates, au lieu de cliquez sur chaque jour, un peu à la manière de Digikam (KDE)?
    Bon finalement cela fait quand même 4 doléances…

  52. After a fresh install, new items are installed. Why are linux-headers for development 4.15.0-72.81 installed while on the same time kernel is downloaded. I would expect that the linux-headers for the later are being installed?

  53. I recently replaced my pc with a ryzen 3700x and x570 chipset.
    I did a fresh install of the LM19.3 beta and for some reason kernel 5.0.0 series it does not work with my nvidia card gtx1060. after many hours of trying different things I switched to kernel 4.15.0-72 witch seems to work just fine.
    My concern is that my hardware is not working at full potential wit this old kernel. What can I do to understand what is the problem? In System Reports I could not find anything unusual.

    1. I just want to add that: kernel 5.0.0 series does not work after installing nvidia driver 430, 435, 440

    2. I am using Kernel 5.3.0 -24 and as far as I can tell the NVIDA card is in use rather than the Intel

      Graphics: Device-1: Intel vendor: Dell driver: i915 v: kernel bus ID: 00:02.0 chip ID: 8086:3e9b
      Device-2: NVIDIA vendor: Dell driver: nvidia v: 435.21 bus ID: 01:00.0
      chip ID: 10de:1f91
      Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.4 driver: modesetting,nvidia
      unloaded: fbdev,nouveau,vesa tty: N/A
      OpenGL: renderer: GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2 v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 435.21 direct render: Yes

  54. I love it! Thanks Clem and our Minty team for Tricia, our newest sweetheart.
    One minor note – keyboard shortcuts for the Apps pinned to the panel don’t seem to be working. That is: windows+1 for the first app, windows+2 for the second, etc.

    1. This was removed Tim, along with some other features in this applet. GWL is very important but it’s full of bugs and it has an overly complicated design. We’re simplifying it more and more to make it more stable and easier to maintain.

  55. >Hi.
    I did something today that ended quite well.
    I had Windows and LMint in the same ssd disk. Grub ruling, with both entries for both OS. But it was MBR disk.
    I decided to turn it into GPT disk, so after trying some tools I did it with EaseUS without losing data (maybe there are some more tools to do the job). Then I lose grub booting and it was Windows the only one it was now starting from. So I recorded an BootDiskRepair iso compatible with UEFI and GPT and booted from it. And it was now different the process. BDR asked me to connect to internet. Maybe because it found out a GPT disk instead of the MBR. I did it and it started to run. It asked me for a pair of things more and at the end I switched it off. When PC started again there was windows again. Switch it off again and did what BDR said to me at the end; that is, go to BIOS and change order with the new entrance. But there was not linux references, so I decided to put first the “Samsung Boot…” that was there (it is samsung ssd). And then LMint appeared again. So i turned off pc again and run again BDR. This time it did not ask me to connect to internet, and it was the usual automatic process. At the end I switched on PC and only LMint appeared. So I turned PC off and on again and then appeared the boot menu pointing to both OS again. Cheers!!
    But now I am afraid that if I upgrade to Lmint Tricia something will happen with boot.
    I dont know if it will be better to install from zero and starting from Windows booting firstly or with ubuntu or if all this is irrelevant. Maybe upgrading without reinstalling from zero will be non agressive to the boot I have now working perfectly on my PC.

    1. I reinstalled from zero when I transitioned from MBR to GPT. Your SSD could me a mess now. Since it works, do a full image backup and then try to update to Lmint 19.3 when the team release it. In case update fails then start from scratch.

  56. Hi, george.
    >This seems to be the best thing to do. Reinstall from zero. got a backup of the full LMint partition in another disk and i backup and recover it from time to time with MinitoolPartition (I used Gparted too but sometimes it was not able to do the job) and it has been the perfect solution while running on MBR style 🙂 But now starting in GPT and things goes different. I can start both OS.s just scwitching them on BIOS menu (a little embarrasing methodology…) but it works. Yesterday I tried to recover the Boot menu but it is not appearing everytime I start PC. Sometimes appears, sometimes not. It says the following:
    Advanced options for Ubuntu
    Windows UEFI bootmgfw.efi
    Windows Boot UEFI loader
    Windows Boot UEFI fbx64.efi
    System setup
    Power off (in spanish Apagar)
    Restart (in spanish Reiniciar)
    Iĺl try to upgrade from Tina to see if something changes for better (I have full backup of LMint and I can do other things later if it fails) But as the boot menu is not constant, it should be better to do as you say: clean install from zero and wait. Thanks.

    1. Ok. Here again.
      I discovered something about the non-costantly appearing Grub Menu that I talked about in the last post.
      It appears when restarting the system by pressing down the power button to power off the PC just after LMint logo appears on screen and before the window to put password for login. It looks as if abruptly stopping the system there and restarting the boot process reads something in grub that do not read in normal boot situation. Strange.

    2. Well…
      About the Grub booting inconstantly, switching off after pressing down power button just when LMint logo appears on screen and turning it off before screen for password input, grub menu appears in the next boot. If i go to Windows and restart or power off system normally or abruptly from it, always Grub menu appears in next booting. But when I go to LMint and restart or power off, it dissapears, so I have to do the same operation to recover it, that is, pressing down power button to power off just between LMint logo appears firstly and password input screen. If someone finds out the reason, please, tell.

    3. Welll, SOLVED!!
      Hi, I did it!
      I just copy-paste the LMint backup partition I had in another disk with MinitoolPartitionUsbBootable and used the BootRepairDisk. It asked me for connecting to Internet cause if not my system would be unbootable. as I had another entry in BIOS for Windows I did not connect internet. BootRepairDisk did nothing, no grub menu; just no pop-up windows with new menu entries. Nothing. After restart Linux boot said that was looking for something… It did something and got stopped. Then I pressed power off and… there it was again the old Grub Boot that I had in the MBR disk. The Windows entries did not work. They were pointing at old disk partitions. So I went into LMint system and run sudo update-grub and now Grub Menu is simpler and well working with both OS.s. Now it appears always, always, always, consistent, and even neater than in MBR; it just says:

      *Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon
      Advanced options for Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon
      Windows Boot Manager (in /dev/sda2)
      System setup

      All works perfect now. Cheers! I lost no work from previous MBR Tinaś installation. Perfect! Well done Linux.
      Now the shinning clear Tina warrior waiting for Tricia to go on with the beautifull race.

  57. Hi Linux Mint team.
    I did a full install of Tricia Beta Cinnamon on my HP Stream laptop after backup of my personal data and software selections, plus a system snapshot on USB sticks.
    Everything run fine. Congratulation for your good work.
    Only one thing disturb me . It appends with LibreOffice Writer but also with many other software: When I want to open a file and click on “Other locations” I get five locations for my remote hard drive on LAN:
    – disque dur on freebox_server
    – disque dur on freebox-server.local
    – Freebox Server
    – Windows Network
    With Linux 19.2 I had only the 3 last locations. How can I hide most of them since they are equivalent?
    I will stay on this BETA version and upgrade to STABLE when available.

    1. These are in your sidebar as well right? Can you turn this into a nemo issue on github? We might need to check the path and not show duplicated items even if they have different names..

  58. “Simple Scan” does not work with Epson ET-2650 (with the drivers from Epson site).
    On 19.2 it was not ideal but worked installing in parallel “”image scan”.

    1. Hi magni,

      You can check the dkms status to make sure it compiles against 5.0. There’s also the possibility to downgrade to 4.15, by installing 4.15 from the Update Manager -> View -> Linux Kernels, then reboot with 4.15 and then remove 5.0. Note that 4.15 is LTS so it’ll be supported until the end of Mint 19.x.

    2. Hi Clem,

      Thank you for the feedback.
      I noticed the same behavior on both kernels 4.15 and 5.0
      With “imagescan” I can see a preview of the scanned page but in “simple-scan” does not work.
      In “simple-scan” properties I can see the scanner but when I press scan it does not scan and after the thinking circles the “Start again…” button appear.
      I installed the driver containing “imagescan” from here
      Maybe you can check in the *.deb file to understand what is installed and why simple-scan does not connect with the driver/libs or something…

    3. Some extra info, maybye the bug will be fixed.
      I installed Kubuntu 18.04 and my printer and scanner (ET-2650) is working just fine after installing the drivers from Epson. I tried with kernel 4.15 and 5.0 and I have no issues.
      The issues it is clear inside from Cinnamon 4.4 and simple-scan. On Cinnamon 4.2 it was working.
      Unfortunately for me this bug is a show stopper because I use the printer and the scanner quite often.

  59. Hello all good, i updated to version (19.2 – Cinnamon 4.2.4), but the touchpad has stopped working, does not click or move the cursor. How could it solve?
    I’m new to linux and found no answer to this question

    Thanks for the help

    1. Hi Pedro,

      Make sure it’s enabled in the mouse/touchpad settings. Check that it’s detected with “xinput –list”. Try a different kernel series (4.15 for instance), or try adding the synaptics driver (xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04).

    2. Clem – the release notes mention xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, they should be updated to xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04

  60. I installed the 19.3 BETA on my old testing laptop. Runs smooth as butter. Multifunktion Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax runs without problems using the HP drivers.

    BUT what drives my bonkers is the mix of old and new logos (being more on the OCD side of life). Also, therefore I would like to have a nice new wallpaper (with green new logo) as default 😉 .

    No, honestly, great great job! Can’t wait to upgrade to 19.3 on my productive system.

  61. Hi magni
    “Simple Scan” works with My EPSON Perfection 1660 without extra driver from Epson site as it did with 19.2.

    1. I installed the “imagescan-bundle-linuxmint-19-3.61.0.x64” driver from Epson site.
      In my case it does not perform the scanning. I tried in cmd: simple-scan but I get no debug information.
      The thing is that in preferences the scanner it is identified and the status is “ready to scan” but when I press the green “scan” button I see for a short period of time the 7 circular circles and after that a new button “start again” in the bottom-left. I hear no sound of the scanner.

  62. hello All
    I have two batteries in laptop. in “power management” I can see only one. Will this be fix some day ?

    1. Hi Andrej,

      Please report this in github against cinnamon. We’ll need the output of “upower -d” in the issue and a screenshot of the power applet and power settings window.

  63. correct display resolution not detected
    1280×720 instead of 1360×768
    Disliked the round mint menu logo but was pleased with the ease of changing to a logo I did like. Please keep the option of changing to mint-x theme as I find the mint-y theme colours awful and some of the panel icons, especially the terminal icon, are hard to distinguish from the dark panel (70 year old eyes. 30 years ago it would not have been a problem)
    Tried mounting partitions from nemo sidebar menu:
    1st partition mount- sidebar menu jumped to the home position and stayed there. Had to scroll down to see the highlighted sidebar item
    2nd partition mount- sidebar menu jumped up to the home position and then back down to show the highlighted partition in the mid position of the sidebar
    3rd partition mount- same as 2nd
    4th partition mount- same as 2nd
    5th partition mount- same as 2nd
    6th partition mount- same as 2nd
    7th partition mount- sidebar menu jumped to the home position and stayed there. Had to scroll down to see the highlighted sidebar item
    8th partition mount- sidebar menu jumped to the home position and stayed there. Had to scroll down to see the highlighted sidebar item

    unmounted all partitions and tried several more times and there was at least 1 partition where the sidebar menu stayed in the home position with the highlighted item off the bottom of the sidebar window
    also if any partition is unmounted from the sidebar menu then remounted the sidebar menu always goes to the home position with the highlighted item off the bottom of the sidebar window
    (once the paritions are mounted when they are selected there is no irritating jumping up to the home position and back down)
    Tested on 18.3:
    whichever partition is selected to be mounted it is highlighted in the sidebar (no movement to the home position and back down)
    Is there a way to set the nemo icons to the same as 18.3 defaults with 4 columns wide spaced? The only way I could get those settings on 19.1 was to install 18.3 then upgrade to 19.1 which retained the 18.3 settings.

  64. shut down fails every time (6 times in a row so far)
    started shut down the “live” preinstalled system cleanly…
    reached target Final step
    starting power off…
    reboot : Power down

    Then it hangs

  65. Hi Clem.
    Is there a chance to include on the roadmap for 20 that all spices get updated automatically without the user intervention? I configured some Mint pcs for my family/friends and the spices are always left forgotten.
    Thank you team for all the great work; I’ve been a Mint user since Ubuntu Unity adventure and absolutely love it.

    1. Yes there is Spices Update and I use it in my pcs but you have to go manually updating each one once you get notified of an update, it doesn’t do it all an once automatically (than was the intention of my comment, sorry for not been that specific).

  66. Hi. Tried to extract an appimage of an application called Odio Radioplayer but was not not able to extract it because i could not find an application to extract it with. Link here:
    The way i tried to extract was by rightclicking the downloaded appimage, also went in to settings in Nemo to check so that all options was checked but did not find any extract option there either. I liked it better when the rightclick options with Nemo had the “+” option to enable advanced options.

    Other than that this beta runs great and snappy, nice looking too. Another question i have is if its considered safe to install and use snap on mint or will it start messing up the system?

    Thanks for what seems to be another stellar release! Linux Mint with Cinnamon is the best os there is!

    1. I downloaded odio-1.4.0-x86_64.AppImage and it works fine. Don’t try to decompress an appimage, if you intend to use it as an application. Just make it executable instead, by right-clicking on it; then select properties -> permissions -> Allow executing file as program (check it). Then press close and double-click it (the file odio-1.4.0-x86_64.AppImage). Enjoy LM and your application!

  67. I did more checks and I would try to summarize all here:
    1) I have an issue with my scanner ET-2650 only on LM19.3, on LM19.2 it is working just fine after installing the drivers from Epson site. On Kubuntu 19.10 it is working out of the box without any additional drivers.
    Under LM19.3 the scanner in recognized but it does not scan. The /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane seems to be right.
    2) For some reason my video card GTX1060 it works only with kernel 4.15 and Nvidia driver 430, with kernel 5.0 and 5.3 it does not. I tried all Nvidia drivers 430, 435, 440 with the same result. Under Cinnamon got a small resolution without 3d acceleration. On LM19.2 it is working with kernel 5.0 and Nvidia driver 430.
    3) I there any reason for displaying end of life kernels?

    For me personally this beta has some major issues which I hope will be solved before the release. I am open to provide additional info’s on demand.

    1. When I start Dota 2 in LM19.2 Cinnamon I see a vertical line (the last pixels on the right) and a horizontal line at the bottom (the last pixel on the right) and in these lines I see the desktop background. After alt+tab the image is fine (refreshed)
      In LM19.3 Cinnamon has same behavior but only the vertical line (the last pixels on the right) is present.

    2. Tt is like on a resolution of 2560 x 1440 the refreshed image is 2559 x 1439
      But after the alt + tab the game image is back to normal.

    3. Hi Clem,

      I compiled and installed Muffin from git (commit 58def6a88b16f82455f46ffdb7778d6c5d552639) and I confirm that the full screen Dota 2 issue is fixed.

  68. Hi Clem and LM Team

    If you use the Nemo two panel mode, and you copy/move a file/folder in any direction using drag and drop, the Nemo behaviour is unpredictable (for example: I want to copy but move).
    Nemo includes a feature that prevents unexpected behavior, but does not use it unless you press the ALT key before moving / copying (popup menu before the execution of operation).
    Please let this be the default behavior: popup menu before the execution of operation.
    This prevents unexpected behavior.

    1. Nemo behaviour is unpredictable (for example: I want to copy but move).
      Nemo behaviour is unpredictable (for example: I want to copy but Nemo moves the file).

    2. The cursor should show either a plus sign or an arrow as overlay according to the operation. In certain situations Nemo can choose the unwanted operation but the user should look at the cursor overlay and press Ctrl or Shift as appropriate to change the operation on-the-fly.
      I wish it would implement the same behavior as in Total Commander: left-click+drag => copy, left-click+right-click+drag => move.
      Nemo still has a long way to go…

    3. “Nemo can choose the unwanted operation but the user should look at the cursor overlay and press Ctrl or Shift as appropriate to change the operation on-the-fly.”

      If I need to touch the keyboard, in case CTRL+C or X, and CTRL+V. It’s much safer than watching the cursor.
      Nemo include the solution, only not use. Why? It’s much better (and safer) than watching the cursor.

    4. Maybe the menu feature you want has been disabled in Nemo’s options. Can’t remember clearly but I do recall such option in some file manager and it pi$$eed me off big time because I was used to simple, direct operations.
      From what I gathered, dragging to same panel performs a move operation while dragging to the other panel performs a copy, but I’m not 100% sure that is always the case.
      Still, from my point of view holding Ctrl or Shift while dragging shouldn’t be such a big problem, although in certain situation such as physical disabilities it may be a show stopper. Hopefully a Nemo developer would shed some light on this issue.

    5. If I need to touch the keyboard, then CTRL+C or X, and CTRL+V. It’s much safer than watching the cursor.

      Uhh. English. Doesn’t work for me…

  69. Bei mir wird immer der Kernel als Update angeboten. Ich mache das Update, aber danach erscheint er wieder als Update.

  70. When I drag and drop in NEMO any file or folder on HOME folder it does not move but copy the file or the folder into HOME folder.

  71. The RESTART option does not work after running manually the UPDATE MANAGER , I have to do hard reboot When it does I have to type twice the KEYRING password to open CINNAMON.

  72. I canceled my USER name in the AUTOMATIC login in the LOGIN WINDOW and
    then all options: SUSPEND, RESTART, SHUT DOWN worked normally.
    Automatic login does not work properly with passwords and keys.

  73. I further investigated my scanner issue and I found that it can be run in debug mode.
    There are two critical errors, but I do not know what they mean.
    Do you have any ideas?

    simple-scan -d
    [+0,00s] DEBUG: simple-scan.vala:637: Starting Simple Scan 3.28.0, PID=3360
    [+0,02s] CRITICAL: g_action_print_detailed_name: assertion ‘g_action_name_is_valid (action_name)’ failed
    [+0,02s] CRITICAL: gtk_application_set_accels_for_action: assertion ‘detailed_action_name != NULL’ failed
    [+0,03s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:1714: Loading state from /home/magni/.cache/simple-scan/state
    [+0,03s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:1671: Restoring window to 1451×812 pixels
    [+0,03s] DEBUG: autosave-manager.vala:64: Loading autosave information
    [+0,03s] DEBUG: autosave-manager.vala:259: Waiting to autosave…
    [+0,06s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1454: sane_init () -> SANE_STATUS_GOOD
    [+0,06s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1460: SANE version 1.0.27
    [+0,06s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1521: Requesting redetection of scan devices
    [+0,06s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:806: Processing request
    [+0,14s] DEBUG: autosave-manager.vala:281: Autosaving book information
    [+0,19s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:1775: Saving state to /home/magni/.cache/simple-scan/state
    [+6,25s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:341: sane_get_devices () -> SANE_STATUS_GOOD
    [+6,25s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:353: Device: name=”imagescan:esci:usb:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0a:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4:1.0″ vendor=”EPSON” model=”ET-2650_Series” type=””
    [+6,35s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:1775: Saving state to /home/magni/.cache/simple-scan/state
    [+19,36s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:1775: Saving state to /home/magni/.cache/simple-scan/state
    [+21,85s] DEBUG: autosave-manager.vala:195: Deleting autosave records
    [+21,85s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1597: Stopping scan thread
    [+21,85s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:806: Processing request
    [+21,86s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1608: sane_exit ()

  74. A feature I consider would be useful, would be to have provision of Copy 1 – paste 1 ,and a new feature Copy 2 -paste 2 available with a right mouse click. Any chance of that ?

    1. Hi Chris,

      There are buffer managers you can use to copy and paste multiple items at different times. Linux supports two buffers by default also.

  75. I wish Linux Mint team will ship the Latest stable version of Libre Office, GIMP with this 19.3 release. shipping 2.8 GIMP a bit old for this time. thanks! best wishes.

  76. I’ve been using 19.3 beta for some days in my personal notebook (real installation with Intel+Nvidia) and it’s working perfectly well!
    I think that the only bug that i’ve noticed (since 19.2) is:
    Clicking on “Show file” after extracting a single file which is inside a folder from a compressed file return an error. It tries to find the extracted file inside the same folder of the compressed file.

    I don’t know if this bug is related to the file-roller app itself or some configuration in the side of LM, that’s why i didn’t open an issue on git for that.

    Also, it would be really nice if the update notification icon is also monocolor. Just a minor detail, but for perfectionists like me it matters. Besides that, it is perfect!!
    Congrats for the amazing job!

    1. Thanks, we’re considering symbolic icons for mintupdate but it was a bit late to push it in this release.

      For the show-file issue, can you report it against nemo-extensions?

  77. it would be nice with a LM version that does not contain all the extra stuff such as libre office, gimp and the video player. just a clean version of LM would be awesome.

  78. two issues, probably not “bugs”. Features that are different from older versions of Cinnamon: 1. with 4k monitor icons small, therefore change to 1080. Works fine AFTER installation, but if invoked upon booting the installation flash drive, the program crashes, requires reboot, subsequently, the install works fine, but only at 4k. Upon completing installation, the resolution can be reduced to 1080 and works fine. 2. New for me, at least: upon rebooting, after updating, prompt demands password to complete bootup, even though I have disabled the wretched omnipresent screensaver. Kudos for eliminating that despised “timeshifter” or whatever it was. At least I don’t see it. Welcome change. Sad that default remains TWO clicks for file manager. Why must I change it to ONE click? Is this 1984, with mice having only ONE button? Does any human using MINT 19.3, NOT employ a mouse with at least TWO buttons? Then, why the anachronism? If morons insist on clicking TWICE, when a single click would suffice, let them change the default from one to two.

    1. @CAI ENG, Do you really think using two clicks or the habit of double clicking is moronic. Change from one click to two or from two clicks to one, I never gave it much thought, I use two clicks by the way but sometimes I accidentally click only once (Which does cause me panic when nothing seems to happen). I am very sad that us two clickers are considered to be morons, but at least we can be less moronic by clicking once, sadly though accidents happen. Thanks for the tip CAI ENG , but isn’t it about choice and is it possible to please every one ?.

      I gave this way too much thought, sorry

    2. Forgot to say, I’m not a sensitive type by any stretch and I take no offense, but saying anyone who does things in a particular way (or accidentally does something they shouldn’t have) is a moron is very unfair I would say.

      Sorry for my grammar, Ill correct it when i have mastered clicking once only.

    3. Calling people “morons” for no good reason, isn’t that moronic?

      You’re close to being moderated. You can express your ideas without insulting anyone.

  79. Clem and LM Team, many thanks for releasing yet again, a fantastic version of Mint. I see you are all busy, judging from the number of update notifications I am receiving during the day. After 5 years, it was time for a fresh install. It has taken two days, but all I can say is thank you all and and best wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year.

  80. Can all partitions not be mounted by default in nemo?
    In LM19.2 and previous the partitions were visible in nemo but got mounted after click.

    Can this behaviour be changed? If yes, how?

  81. HI.
    Downloaded Tricia ISO and burned into a SandiskUltraUSB she runs fine, fluently and powerfull. I see Nemo quicker indexing docs. Very very fast showing the full list in compact view. Audio, video and images are supported and quickly shown on screen. Drawing is sometimes difficult to handle, for example, when resizing, cause there are no marks in the limits of selection, at least in my screen. For me Kolourpaint is top high tool, even better than MsPaint. It seems to be a secondary tools but it can make great works very fast for productivity.
    Even running from USB she could be a very good OS for urgent works plenty of tools. All seems to work for me here. Great job!

    1. I fully agree on KolourPaint being a great tool for MS Paint-like operations on images. I’ve been searching high and low until finding it, and now I’ll make sure it will stay on my system. Hopefully the Mint team would consider making it the default low-end tool for graphics.

      I’m sad to say I couldn’t find in the Linux world an easier to use image viewer/editor than the Windows-only FastStone Image Viewer, so for certain tasks I’ll keep using that one too under Wine.

    2. Yes, I hope it will be default low-end tool for graphics too in LMint someday. And a little improvement in the capacity of transparency in selections would be a great step forward. Another thing is the posibility of formating text independently in the same text corpus, that is, writting text and change colour, size… to every word, letters… on the fly, like MsPaint does. I dont know if it is possible buy i cant find out how to do this.
      Kolourpaint is versatile and productive a lot. The capacity of undo and being able to continuing working with the selection is perfect. It is a great tool for practical works.

    3. Well, we should not forget that KolourPaint is a KDE tool and as such has quite a lot of KDE dependencies that may not be present – or justifiable – in a Cinnamon release. So it may never be selected by the team as default. Unfortunately.
      The other suggestions you have I believe should be presented to the KolourPaint development team.

    1. “cai eng” say hello to one of your ‘morons’. I happen to prefer to double click. Possibly this is for a number of reasons. Now and then I unintentionally click the mouse button, which I find rather annoying. This could be because of: my mouse sensititvity; my advanced age; using my right hand when I am left handed (as a result of using shared workplace computers in early days). Whatever my reasons, I don’t appreciate being classified as a moron because of them. You do not know me or whether my or other people’s reasons may be vailid, do you? Please be a little more accommodating of the preferences of others – not that I am expecting this setting just to suit me. I do not think I am stuck in the past (despite my age), this is just how I prefer this setting. And as has been stated, I would be happy to change this setting to my preference if it should be defaulted to one click in future – no big deal!

  82. 1) I’d like [Ctr+Alt+Backspace] to do its work more effectively. And do not highlight them like a hint for hackers…
    Are there limits of times using that wonderful hotkeys for USB-Live???
    2) Sometimes I fail to hook the scrolling button, maybe to make it a bit wider?
    3) Is it possible to include Mint KB (Knowledge Base) into USB-Live?

    Edit by Clem: Political bit removed (sorry I know it’s concerning, but we can’t talk about politics here).

    1. If at #2 you’re referring to scrollbars then you may go to Start Menu > Themes > Settings tab and modify Scrollbar Width to your liking.

  83. Hi, I have only one wish!
    Please give us the option to change the screen refreshrate in the Display Settings of Linux Mint Cinnamon.
    I have a 144Hz Display and it is only running in 60Hz, because I can’t change it.

    Thank you Mint Team

    1. Can you give us a choice that say this is an experimental function. We will be responsible for any harm to our computer.

  84. Hi all 🙂
    I report this error that is in all versions of Cinnamon 19.x.
    When you start the Desktop with the zoom on, everything seems fine but when you modify the zoom of the desktop, the zoom restarts to 0 and you have to zoom in again.
    Greetings and have a great day.

  85. Hi Mint Team
    Celluloid would be OK for me if it could read my TV list as VLC and Xplayer do,
    but when I drop my file freebox tv.xspf on it I get the message “not supported”

  86. Thank you Clem, I never ever heard anything like that before and was surprised that anyone could use the word “morons” for such a trivial thing as two clicks, we have our own computers and thanks to the various OS creators we have choices. Thanks again Clem for yours and your teams efforts, my family appreciate that and enjoy Linux Mint very much.

  87. Hi Clem,
    Celluloid is still very unstable when opening a video. Both the lower part of the window and the video itself have a jolt. This does not happen with mpv. So I decided to install mpv only and use the options keyboard. This, however, is the best version of the entire 19 series. In fact, in Distrowatch, I see that the mint position is improving day by day. Congratulations to you and to all your team.

  88. “Lack of GPU accelerated video in Linux browsers is down to the developers of the browsers.”
    With respect but this is not the whole truth.
    I really like Linux Mint and I will keep use it on my desktop, but on poor/old hatdware its is some issue.
    Let see:
    I use the following youtube video to test a distro and see if it can play 2160p60 video smooth or just not capable to play it:

    My desktop i5 2500k @4.3Ghz, 16 GB ram, 256GB ssd so it is not an issue in Windows 10.
    The most of the distro’s and sadly also LM is very bad to play the video above, 1080p60 is possible but higher 2160p60 is choppy or even do not play.
    BUT not all distro’s are the same!!!
    Just try ZorinOS 15.1 Core and this is also a Gnome based distro and you will be surprised how smooth it works with above video even with 2160p60.
    What I really like to see is Linux Mint devs take a look at what ZorinOS 15.1 did change to make this possible and make it work in LM. That will make LM more awsome and more a Windows competitor.
    I also tryed Bunsenlabs Helium and that is also even smooth playing video als ZorinOS but that can be said it is because of the DE which is Openbox. Strangely Manjaro Openbox is not that smooth.
    So ZorinOs with Gnome base can be worth a look for LM devs so they can make LM get on same level als Zorin OS is in video play.
    This is just a hint, I am very pleased by LM and I use it as daily driver. Many thanks for LM Team for that!!!

  89. Thanks a lot for Celluloid … Even VLC used to stutter, so I had to use Mpv anyways. This change looks promising.

  90. Unable To Scan From HP Printer Contact HP Printer Support

    The scanning feature of your printer is not working and you have to do some urgent scanning, do not worry, contact HP Printer Support for immediate resolution. You will get information related to how to scan in the form of write-ups, articles, and blogs on the Internet but you still need further assistance than can contact us. We are always there for our valuable customers. You can reach out to us at any moment we are available round the clock. We have a dedicated team of professionals to solve your issue related to scanning.

  91. Resolve All Glitches Of Scan In Printer With HP Support Assistant

    HP Support Assistant is a free utility that helps the printer to operate swiftly and easily. If you face any issue in scanning, check you have an HP Support assistant or not. If it is not available then please download from HP official website. If you face any issue in downloading or not clear with the instructions provided on the website, do not hesitate to contact the customer support of HP printer.

  92. Clem, I see above a comment about Cinnamon Menu versus Cinnamenu.
    Do you think that the Favorite Apps section in Cinnamenu
    is the same as the Cinnamon Menu,
    where the icons are so small that they cannot be seen and, if there are more, it is very difficult to scroll them?
    I prefer a clean desktop with no shortcut at all and I don’t understand why I should install a dock just to be able to access the applications I use normally, just because the Favorite Apps section of the Cinnamon Menu is useless/unusable.

  93. First I would like to thank the Mint Team and users for working the bugs in the Mint 19.3 Beta.
    Mint 20 is going to present its own unique set of challenges. So before that effort starts, it would be good for the distro to see a few bugs left behind cleaned up, if possible, — some of which pre-dated the Mint 19.3 Beta.
    This is a common problem with other distros, more features are added without long time bugs being fixed.
    I’d rather see a cleaner Mint 20 on the new LTS stack than new features. Maybe postpone a few new features for the next dot release to make this happen.

    Remote desktop sharing. Are the any plans in the future to implement a “home grown” solution?
    I am using x11vnc (x11vnc_0.9.16-1_amd64.deb — the one with the fixes) with a custom install script on the server side and Remmina on the client side.

  94. “Clem: Calling people “morons” for no good reason, isn’t that moronic?
    You’re close to being moderated. You can express your ideas without insulting anyone.”

    thanks for this comment. 1. did not refer to anyone as a moron. 2. Did not insult anyone. 3. Moderation is exercised on all submissions–those which appear off topic, or otherwise offensive are redacted, else censored, i.e. stricken from the public record, not “moderated”. 4. What you should have written, in my opinion, is defense of the notion (a concept which I have labeled “moronic”, a word you apparently find offensive) that it is more reasonable to require folks installing Mint to change the default from two clicks to a single click, AS IF EVERYONE INSTALLING MINT had but a single button on their mouse, as was the case when I first made their acquaintance, at the time Steve and Woz visited Xerox parc and discovered the mouse with, as you know, only one button. Why does Cinnamon install with the default set to the conditions of 30 years ago, AS IF THAT WERE THE SUPERIOR method of using a mouse?

    1. Quoting CAI ENG “Why does Cinnamon install with the default set to the conditions of 30 years ago, AS IF THAT WERE THE SUPERIOR method of using a mouse?” Why is this even a concern, one click, two click, who really cares, just change it to what suits you, build your own system/distro/spin, modify the one you use now, I do and changing the way my mouse does its thing is one of the easiest of all things I change. A lot of the time I get around without the mouse, is that a bad thing ? There is so much that is really upsetting in life, this is not one of them . I will say no more on this matter, but I do wish you a happy and healthy 2020 (Genuinely)

    2. Further to my comments above, how can you possibly say you did not refer to anyone as a moron? Or that you did not insult anyone? The way you used the word is offensive – it is to suggest that people who choose to double click are subnormal. By definition a moron is “a person of subnormal intelligence”. You seem to be unaware that such a statement IS an insult. Personally, I do not see why you felt the need to use any kind of descriptive word to categorise people who choose to double click (we obviously do not measure up to your standard). And I do not think it has anything to do with the number of mouse buttons today. Thanks Clem and Wayne O for your comments.

  95. Thank you for another fine beta release of Mint Cinnamon. Each one is a little nicer than the last and seems to be a little faster. Very polished. I can’t find any problems with it. The new Mint logos are nice, as is the option for the traditional one.

    Here are a few things on my wish list for a future release of Mint. The less switching between keyboard and mouse, the better.

    1. Allow use of the ‘enter’ key to select / submit an item when defining a keyboard shortcut. Since ‘enter’ itself is not one of the possible inputs to a one of these fields, it might as well have its usual function of … enter.

    2. If a keyboard entry to the desktop is unsolicited, pass it to the menu. This is done by one DE I can think of. I would have expected it to be confusing, but it’s actually quite nice. Perhaps make it user-optional.

    3. Make it easy to define launchers for websites (urls) in the Cinnamon menu. This could be done similarly to (or as part of) the desktop right-click ‘create new launcher here.’ Here’s what it takes now to make a new menu entry to launch a url..

    1. Right-click copy the url
    2. Right-click the menu button in the panel
    3. Select configure
    4. Click the menu button in the settings window
    5. Click on ‘open the menu editor’
    6. Click on the category name (I created one called ‘.user’ for my user-defined entries.)
    7. Click the ‘new’ button
    8. Click in the Name box of Launcher properties
    10. Type the name you want
    11. Select the command box
    12. Type ‘firefox ‘
    13. Right click mouse
    14 Select ‘paste’
    15. Click OK
    16. Close the Menu editor
    17. Close the menu-settings window

    When you do this a few times, you get faster at it, but you also increasinigly wish it were automated.

    Again, thanks and best holiday wishes to Clem and the team.

  96. I installed successfully on an old Lenovo X200 that I keep for testing. This machine needs tlp and thinkfan to work well. Both are supposedly installable from the software packages. No issue with tlp but thinkfan seems to be missing, though the Software Manager shows it as installed (and `dpkg -i` says otherwise).

    Machine is noisy without it (it’s already on its 3rd fan, that’s because of its age nothing else), so I need this to work. I’ve previously only used a text interface and followed instructions here: Hadn’t noticed this in the repo with a GUI, supposedly.

    I’ve just found this is the case with Mint 18.3 which I’m running on my Thinkpad T440s, so it’s not a bug squash issue but it would be nice see it fixed at some point.

    1. Oops, my mistake. I should have used ‘dpkg -s’.

      However, that indicates that version 0.9.3-2 is installed but ‘sudo systemctl status thinkfan’ reports ‘thinkfan 0.9.1 starting…’

      It works ok.

  97. HI. I am unable to boot into the live disk (USB). The USB is read and I get to the first menu: Boot, Boot with compatibility, OEM, check etc. I can do the integrity check, I can go into OEm mode to start installing.
    If I go option 1, I get the LM logo and it just hangs. If I go option 2 I see the system checking compatibiliyt but then I get the logo and it hangs.
    I have an i5 system, 256SSD, 8GB ram and I often run live disks – Ultimate, mint etc.

  98. 19.3 x86_64 MATE : The desktop is missing.
    But the 32 Bits version seems to work

    So I shall install 19.2 86_64 MATE hoping that the update will bring me to the LTS (19.3) when released.
    BTW: How to add Cinnamon Desktop, same as for Ubuntu ?

  99. Hi Clem,

    Regarding my issue with simple-scan (Epson printer ET-2650).
    It seems it is conflicting with different language (en_us), region (german), time format (german) settings.
    If I set all of them to en_us UTF-8, apply, restart pc, start simple-scan, preferences, scanning tab, scan sides = Front and SCAN it is WORKING.

    I do not know if you can do something about it.

  100. I tested live boot on another laptop, a Lenovo Ideapad 120S, hoping that the function keys might work with a later kernel. Alas, no. 🙁

  101. Hi Clem, I know your past beta and into ISO QA but just a quick thought after reading about the ‘New features in Linux Mint’ (it’s non-technical and more about language)…

    In System Reports where you’ve added ‘Detected problems’, would it be worth re-titling this ‘System notifications’ or something similar? The reason behind my thinking is that not everything you might notify the user about is necessarily a problem. E.g, someone might intentionally want to stay on an earlier release.

    Same goes for the ‘Ignore this problem’ button. Maybe ‘Ignore this notification’ or ‘Not Now’, or similar.

    Anyway just a thought, even if a little late in the day 🙂

  102. Issue:
    Install Spotify, refresh Mintupdate and is showing the following error:
    GPG error: stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4773BD5E130D1D45The repository ‘ stable InRelease’ is not signed.

    1. instead of my previous comment, sorry…
      Did you try
      gpg –keyserver –recv-keys 4773BD5E130D1D45

    2. @magni …continued
      and of course (as the previous command is only an optional check that the key is OK):
      sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 4773BD5E130D1D45

    3. Hi Morton,

      Thank you to pointing me on the right direction. For some reason your CMD did not worker for me, but I opened Software Center and in the Authentication Keys, I selected Spotify Public Rep… and pressed download.
      In the opened window I entered the key: 4773BD5E130D1D45 and pressed OK.
      Mintupdate now refreshed normally and even showing a new Spotify version.

  103. Hello everyone, i’m not sure if it’s possible but i believe it would be really positive thing if Linux Mint’s Staff improved and made more responsive the mouse loading icon, because its kinda frustrating when the loading icon desapears for no reason while the program is still been processing, another thing is the default extractor which some compressed files it just doesn’t show the whole decompressing progress, it’s kinda freeze the loading bar and you just can’t see if it’s stuck or if is decompressing. But anyway, Linux Mint is for sure one of the most friendly distro to use, it’s really really hard to break and it encourages newbies to use Linux. I just love this distro and i appreciate very much all the hard work so far for this wonderful distro. Best regards guys.

  104. Hi Clam,
    I am a long-time user of your distro. Is super. My English is not the best (I use google translator), so I apologize in advance. I will share my experience using Linux Mint:
    I ask, I install inexperienced people who end up supporting Windows 7 on an older PC of your distribution. People don’t even know that there is an alternative to Windows 10.
     But the problem is that you don’t support automatic updates. Somehow, people can’t use your update management. They are still unwilling or unable to enter the admin password. Can it be done quite automatically as in Ubuntu? Instructions on how to do this would be useful.
    Then I have a problem with Nvidia drivers. blinks windows in the background or the whole background (eg Terminal with transparency) also on other PCs.
    It happens to me that when running linux mint 19.2 cinnamon, the system starts up in the wrong resolution. Restarting only helps. And there is nothing in the fall report.
    I know linux is not to blame, but do some hack to write ntfs.

    Make some basic instructions on your site (in English only) for using and solving basic problems.
    I look forward to coming out 19.3.
    Thank you Peter for your answers

    I wish you a Merry Christmas. Greetings from the Czech Republic, Usti nad Labem.

  105. Hi Clam,
    I am a long-time user of your distro. Is super. My English is not the best (I use google translator), so I apologize in advance. I will share my experience using Linux Mint:
    I ask, I install inexperienced people who end up supporting Windows 7 on an older PC of your distribution. People don’t even know that there is an alternative to Windows 10.
     But the problem is that you don’t support automatic updates. Somehow, people can’t use your update management. They are still unwilling or unable to enter the admin password. Instructions on how to do this would be useful.
    Then I have a problem with Nvidia drivers. blinks windows in the background or the whole background (eg Terminal with transparency) on other PCs.
    When viewing text on web pages, the text on the middle of the browser appears to be halved and choppy.
    It happens to me that when running linux mint 19.2 cinnamon, the system starts up in the wrong resolution. Restarting only helps. And there is nothing in the fall report.
    I know linux is not to blame, but do some hack to write NTFS.
    Sleeping the HP notebook does not work.

    Make some basic instructions on your site (in English only) for using and solving basic problems.
    I look forward to coming out 19.3
    Thank you Peter for your answers

    I wish you a Merry Christmas. Greetings from the Czech Republic, Usti nad Labem.

    1. I can answer part of this: Automatic Updates.
      The “Update Manager” application has a setting for it. Under the “Edit” menu, click “Preferences.” The “Preferences” dialog has a tab for “Automation”. There are two options: one applies updates automatically, every day. The other option will do the autoremove of old kernels and dependencies.

  106. Bonjour,

    Mon Dell XPS 9570 sous Mint 19.3 Beta vient de se mettre en mode “économiseur d’écran enclenché”, suite de quoi il m’a été impossible de l’en faire sortir (les actions sur la souris, le touchpad ou du clavier sont sans effets) => J’ai du le redémarrer avec le bouton off/on.

  107. Hi Clem

    i read that this will be the last iso of Mint or i don’t understand that you write on the web site ? i can’t wait to use the new iso thank’s for the hard work … anyway if it possibile the meteo widget like the widget of xfce on cinnamon ?

    1. Hello,

      For Linux Mint 19.3 a 32 Bits ISO is available. Future versions of Mint (Mint 20.x) are expected to discontinue 32-bit CPU support (CPU in 32 bits is obsolete date from before 2005). The current 32 bit softwares keep running.

      The decision comes from Ubuntu which ceases support for the 32-bit CPU olders version (it’s not too early).

      You are invited to test your CPU to find out if it is 64-bit compatible with the command line :


      It is advisable to migrate as soon as possible to 64-bit version (better hardware support for the system and more software available).


  108. Hi,
    I’ve bought an Asus Zenbook UX433 and I was expecting 19.3 to be delivered in order to install it.
    Well… I was really happy to see that everything works like camera, keyboard, everything… apart from the SSD.
    This SSD is a Samsung EVO 970 Plus (1TB).
    Any ideas?

  109. Hi there,
    After installing Linux Mint 19.3 on my ASUS Pro I managed to use it for a week, enjoying it. Then I did something wrong and on the desktop only the Computer, Home and Trash icons remained, all the rest disappeared. Can somebody please tell me how to restore the Cinnamon environment: menu, and accessories, etc. Thank you so much. I am new to Linux and I love to be able to continue with it.

  110. Hello
    Linux mint 20.
    Error in the file manager.
    I cannot open the internal HDD!
    It can only be seen shortly after Linux Mint launched.
    If I need data from there 20 minutes later, can it neither be found nor opened?
    I am a user, not a programmer.

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