Linux Mint 19 “Tara” Cinnamon – BETA Release

This is the BETA release for Linux Mint 19 “Tara” Cinnamon Edition.

Linux Mint 19 Tara Cinnamon Edition

Linux Mint 19 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2023. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features:

This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.

For an overview of the new features please visit:

What’s new in Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon“.

Important info:

The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.

To read the release notes, please visit:

Release Notes for Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon

System requirements:

  • 1GB RAM (2GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 15GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
  • 1024×768 resolution (on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen).


  • The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
  • The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
  • The 64-bit ISO is recommended for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold since 2007 are equipped with 64-bit processors).

Upgrade instructions:

  • This BETA release might contain critical bugs, please only use it for testing purposes and to help the Linux Mint team fix issues prior to the stable release.
  • It will be possible to upgrade from this BETA to the stable release.
  • It will also be possible to upgrade from Linux Mint 18.3. Upgrade instructions will be published after the stable release of Linux Mint 19.

Bug reports:

  • Please report bugs below in the comment section of this blog.
  • When reporting bugs, please be as accurate as possible and include any information that might help developers reproduce the issue or understand the cause of the issue:
    • Bugs we can reproduce, or which cause we understand are usually fixed very easily.
    • It is important to mention whether a bug happens “always”, or “sometimes”, and what triggers it.
    • If a bug happens but didn’t happen before, or doesn’t happen in another distribution, or doesn’t happen in a different environment, please mention it and try to pinpoint the differences at play.
    • If we can’t reproduce a particular bug and we don’t understand its cause, it’s unlikely we’ll be able to fix it.
  • Please visit to follow the progress of the development team between the BETA and the stable release.

Download links:

Here are the download links for the 64-bit ISO:

A 32-bit ISO image is also available at

Integrity and authenticity checks:

Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Many thanks in advance for testing the BETA!


  1. I have installed Linux Mint 19 beta in two laptops: Acer VN7-591G-7 and ASUS GL502VS-76A07PB1. I have detected the following bugs:

    1 – On my Asus laptop, I can’t control brightness in the normal way. When I press FN+F5/F6, the brightness icon appears, but brightness doesn’t change. As a workaround, I have installed nvidia proprietary drivers and xbacklight. Then, I associated CTRL+F5/F6 to the command “xbacklight -dec/-inc 20”. This works.

    2 – I can’t install .deb files in the graphical way. I open the package and when I select “install package”, the window closes e nothing happens. As a workaround, I use the command “sudo apt-get install -f ./package_name” to install these packages.

    3 – I turned it off the sleep option on my two laptops, even when I close the lid. This works well. But I have also disabled the option to block the screen in every case. This works when the screensaver is activated automatically by time. But when I close the lid, It blocks the screen and asks the password when I open.

    4 – The dropbox icon in the bottom right bar is too small. The other icons (including megasync icon) has the correct size. It’s not problematic, because the tooltip and the menus appears well, só I can check my dropbox status by appointing the mouse in the icon.

    Despite the bugs, I’m very pleased. This is very polished to a Beta version. In addition, the bugs I’ve detected so far are not serious since they can be resolved through workarounds. But it would be much better if these bugs were fixed. Keep up the good work 🙂

    Sorry for my bad English, I am Portuguese.

    1. Hello haxterwolf,

      I’m also Portuguese and am experiencing a bug that halts the boot process and says: “error: no symbol table found. Press any key to continue…”
      I thought it might have something to do with the PT translations…
      Didn’t you experience that bug on any of your installs?

    2. @nomadewolf

      No. Apart from the bugs I mentioned, everything works fine. And I’m using Linux Mint with the Portuguese of Portugal language.

    3. I can confirm #2 as well. I tried to install Google Chrome with GUI but the window disappeared after I click “Install Package”. I had to use the command line to install eventually.

    4. thank you for the fix in issue 2 was going BONKERS on it still NEW here on LINUX

    5. your issue no 2 is easily solved if you open the deb location as root. As your workaround does exactly the same, you start the deb installer with elevated rights.

    6. I can confirm issue #3
      Every time after I close the lid laptop asks me for password though sleep action on lid closing is disabled and laptop is just keep working with lid closed.

  2. Big thanks for your awesome work!
    Works great so far! (Downloaded and installed it yesterday already)
    Only issue I noticed yet is that the wallpaper is flickering (between the background image and solid black), when I attach a second screen on my notebook and minimize/maximize/move/open windows (Intel HD620 graphics). Don’t know if it’s a driver thing or related to Cinnamon. Sometimes a black square stays there, but the image is shown as I point on a application launcher in the panel (so that a tooltip is shown -> repaint triggered).

    1. I recorded a short video:

      cinnamon/tara,now 3.8.4+tara amd64 [installed]
      libegl-mesa0/bionic,now 18.0.0~rc5-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]
      linux-image-4.15.0-23-generic/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 4.15.0-23.25 amd64 [installed,automatic]
      xserver-xorg-core/bionic,now 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4 amd64 [installed]

      It’s instantly okay again, when I disconnect the second screen.

    2. I have the same problem with my HP laptop. I have an 8th generation i5 processor and Intel 920 UHD integrated graphics. When the slideshow changes, the background changes partially leaving black spaces on the screen and the previous wallpaper on the screen. You have to mouse click on the desktop to clear it up. It only happens when I connect a second display to the laptop and only if I use the secondary display only. Mirrored display does not do this nor does the laptop screen on it’s own, only when I output it to a secondary display. Tried a 1080p monitor and my 40in TV, both do the same. I can duplicate it on the live session and installed on the hard drive and it does not make a difference if you uninstall the i915 driver. Does not do this on LM 18.3 or Ubuntu 18.04 using the wallch app. I suspect it is a Cinnamon issue not an xserver issue since it won’t do it on Ubuntu 18.04

    3. Here is a video of the issue. When the wallpaper changes you can see what it does. All you do is mouse click anywhere on the desktop and it returns to normal until the next wallpaper change. This is running the live session. If you want more feedback I will have to install it back on the hard drive and apply all updates to see if it changes. Did it a week ago and uninstalled the i915 driver and saw no changes in behavior.

    4. (SOLVED) After trying the beta again and installing it to a hard drive, I applied all the latest updates. Rebooted and tried the secondary screen. Still exhibited the same behavior. Un-installed the i915 driver, rebooted, and tried the secondary screen again. Everything looks normal, don’t have that partial wallpaper change like it did before.
      It appears that the Cinnamon desktop with the i915 driver on the newest Intel integrated chipsets do not play well together. So if you have one of these Intel chipsets, do a hard drive install, apply all the latest updates, and un-install the i915 driver, it is not needed. Possibly the newest kernel update helped but cannot verify if it helped with the issue. This was done today on 6-21-2018 at 10:45 AM (EST)

    5. (NOT SOLVED) Sorry guys but I have to retract my last comment. After applying the latest Cinnamon update 3.8.5+ the second screen is doing it again. I thought it was fixed but it never really worked. After several reboots and log outs it would behave normally about 50 percent of the time prior to the update of Cinnamon. If you logged out or restarted the X-server it would work about half the time. After the update it does it all the time. This happens on extended and second screen modes only, mirrored works fine (lower resolution) and on the laptop screen is fine. The Cinnamon DE is the only one that has this issue, Mate, XFCE, and Ubuntu Gnome don’t seem to have this issue. I may try a fresh reinstall and start over again. Again my apologies for the confusion.

  3. Blown away by the number of improvements and attention to detail. A couple of minor issues/comments:
    -seems to use a bit more CPU at idle than Mint 18.x on my core i7 with Intel integrated gfx. Not a big issue, but enough to notice the fan firing up when previously it wouldn’t on a hot day.
    -Still get tearing using discrete nVidia card. I know (from trying it) that this issue was fixed on Manjaro done time ago and everyone attributed it to the 1.19 update. Any ideas? Frame rate in glxgears shows as free running, not vsynched.
    -suggestion – add firewall enablement to welcome app.
    -suggestion (for a future release) – have an option for update manager to initiate a timeshift backup prior to applying upgrades.
    Anyway, great work gang!

    1. I run Manjaro xfce latest with a Nvidia 650GT and screen tearing is not resolve (396.24 current). You have to set “composition pipelining” on to get rid of it. I also run Mint Cinnamon 18.3 and it is solved there.

  4. Beautiful release. I also was unable to install from .deb files with double clicks in Nemo. I completed two .deb installs using dpkg in a cli, no problem. Thanks for the Mint team’s great work.

  5. Hi, Thanks for all your work. I installed flatpak for VLC and then decided to uninstall it, however when i tried doing it from Mint Menu ( search VLC in the menu , right click and select ‘Uninstall’ ) nothing happens.It may not be possible to uninstall this way but atleast an error message must be shown. Also it was difficult to tell from the menu which VLC was flatpak and which one was pre-installed.

  6. Wi-Fi nor Bluetooth isn’t working OOTB on Lenovo Thinkpad L520, but fortunately USB Ethernet works with Huawei Mobile. System complains about hardware switch position, but default Fn+F5 doesn’t make any difference.

    1. Looks like it is damaged physical Wi-Fi switch is responsible on my computer’s network connection problems, so it wasn’t software/driver issue after all.

    2. Alt+F1 + random arrow key presses caused Cinnamon to transform some sort of CinnaMATE Desktop Environment.

  7. the bottom line of all the bugs is that my aw13r3 doesn’t boot any more and i don’t want to lose my data so until i find out exactly what i did wrong and can fix it can’t use it
    i installed lm19betax64cinnamon along side my lm183x64cinnamon the following are some of the bugs:
    1-gdebi does not install deb pkgs it appears with the little box to install click on install the box disappears and that is it nothing i try works
    2 ms ttf fonts says it is installed but when i go to fonts to use arial black there are no fonts i fixed this by uninstalling from software manager reboot and reinstalling them then reboot then it works i like my arial black and 1 of the few reasons i use lm verses all other distros
    3 the power management in system settings freezes the screen and nothing works this also true for the battery icon on taskbar at bottom of screen this is also true for system info and some others
    4- the driver manager doesn’t show the intel driver only nvidia and it also freezes
    5- cinnamon crashes to fallback mode constantly
    6- i used the irc chat and the response i got was if you don’t know linux then you shouldn’t be using the beta my response is i trusted the quality of lm and have never had a problem all the way back to lm17 the other point is i know the major mirror is heanet in ireland so when it was uploaded to the mirror i downloaded it just like i always have
    these are just a few of all the bugs
    that is all for now
    thank you

    1. Hi Mark,

      Try to find the cause of the freeze/crashes. Are there clues in dmesg, mintreport etc..? It looks like a GPU driver issue but it’s hard to know for sure.

    2. this is for lm below
      i can’t give you anymore info about above because the partition was deleted after my interaction with the irc chat and one thing they were right about is my linux interest vastly exceeds my ability and this has caused me to lose my access to lm18.3 completely with error message no such partition grub rescue. i am currently running in vm gebi still doesn’t work and some of the others are not applicable in vm to my knowledge thank you for responding

    3. I have the same issue as number 5 above. Cinnamon constantly crashes to fallback mode . Logs indicate cinnamon[1695]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fa724687b333 sp 00007ffe5b19b0a0 error 4. If I try to restart cinnamon the same errors occur each time. The same thing happens running from the live ISO and after installing to hard drive. Otherwise Linuxmint 19 looks and feels great. Running on older Acer Aspire 3100 laptop alongside Linuxmint 18.3 . ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 graphics.

  8. yes! Like it! But touchpads are quite troublesome for me and my ASUS X5DIJ. The result of speedadjustment changes from release to release. Now my touchpad is very slow again. Still on max. acceleration I have to strike three times to cross the whole display diagonal. At 18.1 or .2 it was bad also and became better with 18.3. Maybe a kernel thing. But with kernels I am little confused lately. / Testing on! 🙂

    1. For me touchpad scrolling on Mint 19 didn’t worked as well as on Mint 18.3.
      I guess it’s due to Mint 19 using libinput now. I installed synaptics and it works like a charm again.
      Maybe your issue is also due to libinput. You can try by installing the package:
      Then reboot your system.

    2. Oliver, I was having the exact problem using 18.x, literally as you described. Then I’d solved it simply adding a script to the start-up (with any name and description) with the command synclient. The original value is so small like 0.0076 and I wrote something like this:

      synclient accelfactor=0.75

      Yesterday I tried to do it in Terminal, (the difference is, in Terminal it takes effect instantly, the moment you hit the Enter key, but will be only for that session, won’t be saved) but then it resulted in ” you need to install synaptic using … command (as Heederman wrote), and when I did it, it was unable to install Synaptic..

      I don’t know why and if this is a bug or not…

  9. I just installed Tara on Lenovo Ideapad 320 and it works smoothly. On 18.x I had issues with the touchpad drivers, not anymore.

  10. Like what I’m seeing so far all except for one thing..
    Using a VM, if you enable the VM drivers using the installed method, the Update Manager gets uninstalled. If you try to reinstall it you are told that the VM drivers will be uninstalled.

    1. Replying to my own message!
      I went ahead and installed the Update manager anyway then installed the official Virtualbox Guest Additions, restarted the system and the Update Manager is still ok.

    2. Same thing happened to me, but i didn’t try to use VBoxGA once everything is working fine with VM drivers.

  11. When install in VirtualBox it runs in software rendering mode.
    No problem with “Mate” distribution.
    VirtualBox 5.2.12
    Intel integrated graphic.

    1. I am able to get this problem to be resolved by installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions under the Driver Manager, but then once I install the Linux Mint Update Manager it removes them ( The VirtualBox X11 Graphics Drivers) but for the few minutes they are installed before they stop working and it defaults to Rendering Mode which is slow. It was obviously not tested by anyone running in an VBOX Guest like we are so I am unsure how quickly this gets fixed. I installed in a VM because I wanted to test ahead of the final release which I will be running on a host on Cinnamon so not an issue. It is still happened in Mate and XFCE which I and I am sure other run in VM’s so it needs to be tested. The thinner GUI’s are much more common on VM’s so I am sure this will be a massive issue on MATE and XFCE once deployed. Good News is it worked in 18.3 so it should be a simple regression of the Linux Mint Update Manager. I HOPE !!

    2. @Elmer
      Are you using VirtualBox 5.2.12 downloaded from ? I’m using vbox guest additions without the issue you describe.

      Recommend using Timeshift to create a snapshot of the system before installing guest additions, then if notice any issues you should easily be able to restore the system.

  12. I just installed and I like it, chromium is stuck right now but who knows. Broadcom card did not work but the start screen driver search fixed it quickly, excellent. Dell E5520 Core i3 I had laying around.

    1. I have a similar issue with a Dell using an I3 and I am sure probably the same Broadcom Wireless adapter. It is probably an issue with the kernel as I have seem the same issue on my laptop on 18.3 after upgrading the kernel to 4.15 and had to roll back. So much for the poor lack of regression testing this last Kernel Release. I guess this is why Linus complained so much because they did a really bad job on several fronts. I will attempt to update the kernel on my laptop again while still on 18.3 and see if the issue has been resolved in the latest kernel. I suspect that since this isn’t the latest kernel released inside the Beta that maybe it has the issue I previously discovered and rolled back to 4.13 and it went away. Just a little bit of history I hope you didn’t mind , but I have seen this issue several times before be broken in the kernel only to be resolved by the next kernel update. It is as if one of the developers keeps including the broken code sometimes when a new kernel is released. So much for good version control or CMS as the call it in DevOps…LOL !!! I guess Linus needs to start popping the whip again.

  13. @ Clem and the Dev Team:
    First of all, thanks for a superb beta release. It looks great with the new icons, themes, and the newly added desktop wallpaper. Any chance of adding the version number to the default wallpapers though? Just a minor personal inquiry on my part.
    I’ve been using Mint 19 Cinnamon since finding it in the download mirrors on Friday. Installed it straight away on my spare desktop PC and on my secondary laptop, and have found a few minor bugs:
    1. gdebi crashes and won’t install .deb files unless you click on them in nemo while a window is opened up as root. It starts the process, but gdebi crashes as soon as you insert your password. Works fine if window is opened as root though.
    2. Can’t remove the Terminal icon from favourites in the mint menu. Right clicking on the app icon in categories doesn’t bring up an option to remove it; I only get add to desktop, add to panel, add to favourites, and uninstall. If I click “add to favourites” I get a second icon which I can remove, but the original one stays in place.
    3. After adding a color profile, gnome-color-manager won’t auto install when I click “view details.” I have to install it manually in the terminal, software manager or synaptic. Speaking of synaptic, is this a new version? if so, have they permanently removed the search bar at the top in preference for the small popup window? If not, it [the large search bar] isn’t showing up at all.
    4. As in 18.3, I still have to add myself to my own group whereas prior to 18.3 this was automatically done by the time installing the OS was completed. Is this a new policy adopted by Mint, or a recurring oversight?

    Apart from those, I’m loving the general experience. It’s faster and I haven’t had a single episode where the entire system crashes/locks up on the desktop PC or the laptop. Looking forward to the final release. In the meantime, keep up the excellent work. 🙂

    1. Oh I just remembered another thing:
      In previous versions of Nemo, I used to be able to create symbolic links by highlighting files and/or folders, holding down the wheel/middle mouse button and dragging and dropping to where I wanted the link to appear. This no longer happens in this version of Nemo. Hopefully it’s just an oversight rather than a bug.

    2. On #3, about Synaptic: If you mean the “Quick Search” search bar, every version of Mint I’ve clean installed Synaptic was initially missing the Quick Search bar at the top. There was a bug report on it years ago.

      The solution is easy though. What you have to do is to re-install the “apt-xapian-index” package right from Synaptic, close Synaptic after re-installation is complete, log out and log back in again. Open Synaptic and the Quick Search bar should be back and re-indexing database. Wait a minute or so for the re-indexing to finish and the “Quick Search” name above the bar will re-appear and it will function normally.

      Note: If logging out and back in doesn’t do it, then try re-booting.

    3. Lord Mozart- In addition to my previous reply, I found out that “apt-xapian-index” wasn’t even installed as it used to be in previous versions of Mint. I installed it, closed Synaptic, logged out and back in again, opened Synaptic and the ‘Quick Search bar was back.

    4. Just remembered another bug that I found. The CPU microcode doesn’t show up at all in the driver manager. I have to install it manually.

    5. Point 1 is known, we’ll get it fixed.
      Point 2: To remove a favorite, drag and drop it away, for instance into the app list.

  14. On Vivaldi when I full screen a youtube video, the dashboard always remains displayed. Same on Firefox.

    1. Are you by any changes using the plank dock? If so this is a known issue with the muffin window manager when using plank and will be fixed in the next muffin point release

  15. .deb Cannot Open GDebi with Suite Installer
    Like google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

    Thank you very much for your team’s efforts.
    Blessings from Taiwan.

  16. Cinnamon 3.8 still doesn’t support nested menus in the default launcher menu. I’ve heard more than one user request this feature. I’ve heard that this is an aesthetic choice on the part of the Cinnamon devs, but it’s terribly annoying.

  17. Bug report:
    This is a bug that has plagued Cinnamon since the beginning: Cinnamon does not accept any font-face changes. I know that Cinnamon themes use a font-face specified in the CSS file. This needs to be updated to not do that. I don’t like setting “Ubuntu Regular” for my entire desktop only to have Noto Sans stuck in the panel and menus of Cinnamon. I end up having to clone the Mint-Y Cinnamon theme and change my font manually in the CSS files. Please add an option in the Fonts setting screen for “Cinnamon Font” and update all of the official Cinnamon themes that ship with Mint to use that setting by default. Have the latest Cinnamon fall-back to CSS for legacy Cinnamon themes.

    1. Another bug I would like to report in the latest Cinnamon:
      No way to set brightness for battery VS AC power. This is a standard feature of major operating systems that should be present in the Cinnamon DE. Thank you.

    2. Another bug:
      It looks like the Mint-Y Icon theme has regressed. The mono symbolic icons in the panel seem to have regressed to an outdated and uglier appearance. Setting the icon theme to Mint-X ironically looks better.

    3. I fixed the above mentioned Mint-Y icon regression by cloning the Mint-Y icon theme and setting “Inherits=Mint-X,” at the beginning of the Inherits line.

  18. From the changelog: ‘Nemo no longer lags when moving files over USB devices.’ That is welcome.

    May I ask, though, about *stalls and even crashes on browsing non-available network shares*? That has been a problem on and before 18.3, and it is a serious problem, and it has made me use PcManFM as my main file manager.

  19. @Emin @ Heedermann / yes, I remember using this script in autostart years ago. worked very well then. But now in this case Heedermann was right! Installing synaptics and logoff/logon solved the problem. Touchpad runs like a charme. Thanks to you both for your suggestions!

  20. Excellent, no complaints, I liked the automatic printer configuration after the installation because the printer wasn’t turned on before install. Never had that done on previous versions. It looks like the software manager might need some re-sorting by categories. Overall it is running great on 10-year-old homebrew tower box, the same I use every day. Mint 19 seems faster than Mint 18!
    Thanks a lot, will send donation.

    1. Just found issue: The computer forgot my password. Thats good, now I can install MATE edition instead of Cinn. I’m having fun!

  21. Mint 19 Cinnamon: Of the 288 fonts in the Libreoffice Writer dropdown font menu in the formatting toolbar, the following are missing: Bitstream Charter, Century Schoolbook L, URW Bookman L, URW Chancery L, URW Gothic L, and URW Palladio L.

    These fonts were available in LO 5 under Mint 18.3 Cinnamon.

    In Mint 19 Cinnamon, the fonts unavailable to LO are actually in the system. They appear (and work) in the system settings | appearance | fonts choices.

    1. … the ‘missing’ fonts are very significant ones. Their style is not well represented in the remaining Latin fonts in LO, which are mostly various kinds of sans-serif and Times clones. These ‘missing’ fonts have traditionally been part of Linux distributions.

    2. This is a Libre Office issue as they dropped support for Postscript fonts. You will need to locate and install some True Type or Open Type equivalents.

    3. ttf-mscorefonts-installer (Microsoft fonts) is installed by default (confirmed in Synaptic Package Manager) but Times New Roman is not available as a font choice in LibreOffice Writer as I would have expected. It also doesn’t show up in system settings | appearance | fonts. Is this another “missing font” or am I missing sopmething?

    4. I fixed the problem of the “missing” fonts by reinstalling ttf-mscorefonts-installer. Once the installer had run (I don’t recall if I had to reboot or not), Times New Roman was available in LibreOffice Writer.

    5. indeed, to get Times New Roman I had to reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer.

  22. First of all, congratulations for this awesome work! I was looking forward to test the beta and it din’t disappoint me, it’s fantastic!!!
    Besides some other bugs that were already reported (gdebi and update-manager/VM Driver), i’ve noticed a minor bug: The text in “Authenticate” window that comes up when i click on Driver Manager is not fully translated. I’m using it with PT-BR language. The only thing that is translated is the bold text that appears above the explanation text. Buttons, window title, explanation text and “Password” are not.

  23. Installing in VirtualBox give error “Running in software rendering mode”
    Mate distro install just fine.
    WirtualBox 5.2.12
    Intel integrated graphic in CPU G3260

    1. Hi,

      This isn’t an error, it’s an information message to tell you performance won’t be great. Cinnamon uses video acceleration, when it’s not available it’s rendered via CPU. Cinnamon detects that, removes a few things to make itself lighter and shows this warning.

    2. @yossarian
      Using Timeshift make a restore point, then install vbox guest additions, (VM window) Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD image.. After install restart the VM.

      If guest machine is still running in software rendering mode, check that ‘Enable 3D Acceleration’ is activated (found in ‘Display’ section of main vbox settings for that VM).

  24. When installing to internal 16GB SSD and with option “Something else” using the whole SSD for mountpoint root, installation always hangs in both XFCE 64 and Cinnamon 64. Ubuntu 18.04 installer with same options has no problem.

  25. I’ll second the gdebi issue (replicated using google-chrome-unstable_current_amd64.deb) – I can use ubuntu-software to install a .deb, but I’d rather use gdebi if possible.

    I haven’t noticed anything else, but I’ve only just installed Tara, so if I find anything else I will return.

  26. I can’t install deb files. gdebi does not work. The multimedia player does not play videos. This had never happened in previous beta.

  27. I detected another bug. The first time I want to connect to the university’s wi-fi network, eduroam, nothing happens. It doesn’t connect and doesn’t ask the security settings neither the login data. As a workaround, I select “Connect to an hidden network”. Then, for network name, I put “eduroam”. Finally, I try to connect to eduroam and the menu appears. I put the data and the connection works 🙂

  28. Tried to install on Gigabyte AB350M motherboard with Ryzen 5 2400G processor. I get the same error message at start that I get with 18.3 but whilst that boots in software rendering mode 19 stops at a repeated vertically split screen with some folders at the top and a what looks like a stretched word running down the lower half. The folders don’t respond to clicks.

  29. Great update to LinuxMint. I am using the beta on a Dell XPS 2in1 touchscreen Laptop.
    For the main part, the touchscreen works well for selection, clicking and scrolling. The only big issue is the same as in Mint 18 with Cinnamon ; If the screen is rotated, then the touch screen digitiser and trackpad both move the cursor in a direction mirrored to what is expected ie move your finger to the left on the screen and the cursor moves to the right. This works properly in Gnome so I presume it is an issue with Cinnamon rather than LinuxMint itself.

  30. Bugs noticed in Mint 19 Cinnamon Beta:
    Release notes do not show up on the first page of the installer.
    Failure is sometimes reproducible on multiple computers with and with out dedicated GPUs.
    Wireless connection already activated:
    Inconsistent behavior with the installer detecting an existing wireless connection.
    Sometimes when you make a connection after the USB boots up, the installer wants to confirm the connection even after waiting a while to start the installer. Other times the connection confirmation window never appears like as if its a wired connection – expected behavior. Issue is sometimes reproducible.
    Update Manager:
    Cosmetic issue:
    On first time use, the preferences section “jumps” on the screen.
    Issue is always reproducible across mutilate computers.
    There was a word wrap issue. Failure never repeated.
    Volume on the laptop microphone input will set itself at 40% even though it was set at 32%.
    Issue occurs randomly.

  31. LM19 Cinnamon. The quick filter is missing in synaptic. I know there is a procedure to put it, but it was already there before.

    1. Do this
      sudo apt-get install apt-xapian-index
      sudo update-apt-xapian-index -vf
      Thanks to Ask Ubuntu!

    2. Thank you very much, my friend.
      However I hope it is already included in the final release, this to maintain the OOTB philosophy that very distinguishes this magnificent distro.

  32. Dear Linux Mint Team, aside from the touchpad/suspend issues with my ASUS Vivobook Max that I’m still experiencing in Mint 19 as I did in Mint 18.3, Linux Mint 19 Tara works great. If you’re reading this, I hope that you’re all able to patch this “touchpad doesn’t work after waking up from suspend” bug. Thank you.

    1. The bug happens every single time I suspend my computer. I can only press my keyboard keys to wake up from suspend, but not my touchpad.

    2. Esme, I don’t know if this is related or it will help, but nothing to lose:
      Do you know if Synaptics is installed ? Just open a Terminal and type (or copy & paste from here then hit Enter)

      synclient -l

      If it’s already installed, it will result a list, if not, it’s going to tell you to install it by giving the necessary command sudo apt … Maybe it works after installing Synaptics, no matter it does or not; in all cases you’ll have the ability to make your touchpad faster 🙂

      (Meanwhile, on my laptop, the same, toucpad doesn’t (now and before) wake up the laptop, only the keyboard…)

  33. I have minor issue with nemo. I have the following themes set
    Window border: Mint-Y-Dark, Icons: Mint-Y, Controls: Mint-Y-Darker, Desktop:Mint-Dark
    – Open Nemo in icon view and open an additional pane (F3).
    – Select a folder in the left page.
    – Click in the right pane.
    – The background of the left page becomes light grey. The folder name of the selected folder in the left pane is displayed in white. White on light grey is almost invisible 😐

  34. Great Release – a few issues:

    attempting to make a ssh connection to a remote host using well used and trusted (many distros) keys fails:
    “sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation”

    The work around (at your own risk) is :- chmod 0600 .ssh/id_rsa

    It appears that the permissions were too generous – tho I’ve never had this problem before.

    Now Python

    I can install python-pip and python3-pip without problems. But installing pygame with them fails. The solution seems to be to install ‘python3-all’ first ymmv.

    Alternatively, before any installs:-

    Menu=>Administration=>Synaptic Package Manager=>settings=>preferences=>consider recommended packages as dependencies. (tick the box)

    now install python-pip and python3-pip

    They both now seem to work as expected.

    Thanks for the beta release – I’ve had it for a couple of days and am impressed 😉

  35. Hello,
    I confirm on my Corei5 chipset Z77 machine.
    – Driver manager: displays an empty window
    – Synaptic toolbar: no more fast filter
    – Theme: window border only on “mint y”
    – .deb package installer: fail “disappears” by clicking “install”.
    – Nemo super user mode: does not save preferences
    Thanks a lot for this Beta 🙂

    1. In Synaptic, the “apt-xapian-index” package is not installed and the “Quick Search” bar depends on this package. Simply install “apt-xapian-index” from Synaptic (or command line if you wish, close Synaptic, log out and log back in again. Open Synaptic and the “Quick Search” should be there and indexing it’s database.

      Note: The “apt-xapian-index” package was always installed by default in previous versions of Mint but you still had to sometimes re-install the “apt-xapian-index” package and log out and in before the Quick Search bar actually appeared (after first boot that is).

    1. Writing this from Linux Mint 19 Beta usb live, control sound is ok, control brightness is ok, wifi seems to works fine, tried youtube in windows mode and fullscreen, seems fine too, spanish keyboard is not very well recognized but i guess it would if i install it.
      My computer to check this version of Linux Mint is a laptop, Lenovo B50 10 with spanish keyboard.
      I will continue test how it works but it seems nice 🙂

  36. Didn’t offer microcode update in Driver manager, warning flashed up on boot.

    dmesg | grep microcode
    [ 0.000000] [Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata; please update microcode to version: 0xb2 (or later)
    [ 0.754140] microcode: sig=0x506e3, pf=0x2, revision=0x33
    [ 0.754220] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.2.

    Fixed with

    sudo apt-get install intel-microcode

  37. Installing Pysolfc via Synaptic and also Software Manager. No Games directory added to the menu. Though game worked from within a terminal. Restarting the computer the Menu was properly populated.

  38. I found a little bug in the Desklet “Analog Chronometer”. I can not call the settings when I have downloaded and switched on the Chronometer.
    I have only tested the “Analog Chronometer”, I don’t know if the other desklets have the same problem.

  39. Looks some nice improvements. Seems to boot a bit faster, feels a little peppier. I have to say that I am not a fan of borderless windows. I had three different windows open, one on top of the other, each a little shorter than the last but at the same width (if that makes sense) and it was impossible to tell them apart. It looks slick without the borders (Win95 anyone?) but usability suffers. Hopefully this is customizable down the road.

    1. I also had no borders and multiple windows were just one area. You really couldn’t tell them apart. But this was only during installation. After the reboot, the windows look fine and they have their drop shadow. But I doubt they have an actual border. If I see it right, the shadow IS the border.

      I can only test in VirtualBox right now and the live session ran in software rendering mode. That’s probobly why the shadow was not painted and therefore there is no border.

  40. well.. gdebi works, it is pkexec that does not work. try sudo gdebi “package” in terminal and it works.. I installed Google Chrome that way.

  41. Works great on my slightly older i7 desktop, except a few minor issues with easy work-arounds.

    But on my Acer laptop using the 7gen i5 this is not even close to be working. Boots the live system fine, but cannot shutdown again. After installing, I can’t get past the login screen, it simply freezes the entire machine, which is also the case every 3-4 times loading the login screen or when I try to access a TTY shell. Tried updating the system from a chroot using the live system, this did not help.

    1. Might be a good idea to mention that I did manage to get it working. The problem is the nouveau driver in Mint 19. I booted with “nomodeset” and installed nVidias driver, which I have been avoiding for years because it’s crap, and the computer is working fine now. Just not sure why a newer nouveau version would fail when the older one worked great. However the nVidia driver is running perfectly with this GPU. Tried installing the driver on my desktop with an older nVidia card and it’s still crap. So for now it’s going to be nVidia driver on the laptop and nouveau on the desktop.

  42. I’m testing the beta in virtualbox.
    After install I open the driver manager, choose to install virtualbox-guest-x11 (why not ?), reboot, then the update manager is gone.
    Sure enough if I do “apt install mintupdate” it removes virtualbox-guest-x11. So both are incompatible. Now I remember some months ago there was some virtual box bug, and that must be linked to that.
    But a newbie would not understand this, so for me it’s a bug.
    Could the driver manager either not propose virtualbox-guest-x11, or warn that installing it will remove the update manager ?

    Also I tried the Mint-X icon theme, and it seems not to find an icon in the following cases :
    – when the update manager cannot connect to the server
    – in Online accounts > Information about Gnome online accounts
    no icon for Gnome Contacts, Gnome Documents, Gnome Maps and Gnome Photos

  43. Hi Thanks for the update. I installed VLC flatpak from software manager, however when trying to uninstall from mintmenu (i.e. search VLC, right click and select uninstall ) nothing happened. Neither app was uninstalled nor any exception shown.On checking system reports – following report could be found.
    “The file /var/crash/ could not be read.
    Please fix its permissions”.
    Also it is difficult to tell from menu items which one is flatpak and which one is normal deb app.

  44. What about Java software? It is not being installed by default during the installation (even if I selected to install additional 3-party software)? Anyway after manually installing the openjdk-8-jre or openjdk-11-jre, LibreOffice is not working properly (in the LO preferences Java is visible…) – mainly LibreOffice Base (creating database is not possible)… Could you please check this from your side?

  45. Looks like there’s a problem with Cpu. Fan is always working. Cpu temp is getting higher time by time. It was 45C at first then rises up continuously. I’m checking it with “acpi -t” and after i saw 75 C, i shut it down. There’s no suspicious activity in system monitor, so i don’t know why it is happening.

    1. What i have noticed, looking at system monitor at the beginning, it takes a little more RAM than my linux mint 18.3 at the beginning. Is that normal?

    2. Mehmet, I don’t know if this is directly related but nothing to lose (intel microcode was not installed by default, so) :
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install intel-microcode

    3. I checked with cpufreqd-info and saw that the cpu freq is allways at maximum for all 8 cpus :/

      “current policy: frequency should be within 3.10 GHz and 3.10 GHz”

      don’t want to break something, any hep to make this work as it should be ?

  46. If I install Linux Mint 19 over an existent /home/user or I delete the /home/user/.config directory after installation, the /etc/skel/.config isn’t copied to its target location. This brings problems with default font on some gtk applications like VLC. It works ok on fresh install.
    Thanks a lot.

  47. I see one problem, not a big deal, with xplayer :
    – i can read audio like mp3, it’s ok,
    – but i can not read video like mpeg or mp4 (with ubuntu mate 18.04 live or xubuntu 18.04 live, i can, now mp3 and mp4 codec is public domain, that’s why, no need to install extra codec to read those ones )

  48. On a fresh 64-bit build with AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor × 4, 120GB SSD, 4GB RAM, NVIDIA GF119 [GeForce GT 520] video card. No driver changes or installations/updates made yet:
    The syslog file has over 90,000 lines reading like this:
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:5:0:0:0: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:..: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:events/fs/open_exec/enable: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:..: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:..: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:devices: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:pci0000:00: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:0000:00:01.3: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:0000:03:00.1: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:ata6: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:d7/5d6d662fc331ec3c852e242e9d9540f8965126383df094d0a66dacf2a94da0.commit: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:.: Ignored relative path
    Jun 5 05:55:07 HELIOS ureadahead[479]: ureadahead:ff: Ignored relative path
    and so on.

    This is abnormal, but I haven’t any idea whether its a bug in LM19 or not.

  49. On a fresh 64-bit build.
    Network Manager applet on panel does not show wifi or 4G connections when clicked. But if select “Settings” from Network Manager the connections are shown in the Settings dialog. Tested with a TPLINK TL-WN321G wifi stick and a Huawei E5573 4G USB modem. The wifi and 4G connections do work, just not displaying in Network Manager applet dropdown.

    1. No errors that I can see in Looking Glass.
      There is an info entry in the Logs tool, as below (angle brackets removed):
      06:25:26 NetworkManager: info [1528230326.1752] device (wlx54e6fc89c83e): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason ‘supplicant-available’, sys-iface-state: ‘managed’)
      06:25:26 NetworkManager: info [1528230326.1752] device (wlx54e6fc89c83e): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason ‘supplicant-available’, sys-iface-state: ‘managed’)
      06:25:26 NetworkManager: info [1528230326.1752] device (wlx54e6fc89c83e): supplicant interface state: starting -> ready
      06:25:26 wpa_supplicant: dbus: fill_dict_with_properties dbus_interface=fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface dbus_property=Stations getter failed

  50. Well done team, it looks well.
    1. Downloading from HEAnet, burning the iso image (twice) on a DVD using Brasero resulting in 2 computers failing to run the installation. But, using the same ISO and a USB card reader, I used the USB Image writer in LM18.3 and then i could run the installation fine on both computers. So, maybe the latest version of the installation gives problems on DVDs – becuase 18.3 worked fine on DVDs.
    2. During the installation, i selected the “automatically login” option, but after numerous restarts, it is not working. It definitely worked at one stage with Linux Mint.

    1. Hi gerry. Maybe faulty DVDs?
      I downloaded from my nearest mirror in Australia and burned a DVD which installed just fine. Tried it twice and OK both times.
      Also tried with a USB stick burned from same ISO and it crashed the installer multiple times. Swapped to a different USB stick and that works perfectly. So some USB sticks are apparently a bit dodgy.

    2. re gerry’s issue with ‘automatically login’. I did not set this at install time, so can’t comment on that. But if I go into Admin, Login window, Users, and add my username to the Automatic Login field and reboot, it does work.

    3. Brasero’s likely the culprit; known to be extremely flaky. Prefer K3B or xfburn.

    4. Tony,
      You’re right about going into “Admin, Login window, Users, and add my username to the Automatic Login field and rebooting” that does work on one computer. It does not work on the second computer. But there are a number of differences between the computers in their set-up. The one where it does not work, is dual booting with Windows 10, it also has the LVM partition set-up, I think its called. Further, my home directory stored in a separate partition to the LM system image and the swap partition. Finally, I’m unsure if I ever encrypted the home directory, so that would have a bearing, So all in all, too many variables at play here 🙁

      Thanks Steven McIntosh, I must check that out with version i have, pretty sure it was DVD+RW.

    5. I downloaded my iso from using Buster, and burned a dvd iso with k3b. It was not bootable. I downloaded another iso from Burned another dvd iso with k3b. It was not bootable. So I went to another mirror using my (gasp!) Mac Book Pro to download then successfully burned the iso using my Mac. Not sure what went wrong, but now k3b on Mint 19 won’t burn iso’s either (plus I’m getting an error about missing mp3 codecs even though I told Mint to install them) so I’m using Brasero and it’s working perfectly. If it’s a k3b problem that could be unrelated to your issue though.

  51. Saw TOStoday’s review of the Beta on Saturday, so had to download this early! Very polished for a beta release, but there’s a longstanding bug (probably since at least 17.x, I think) where Cinnamon gives you NO warning it is going to suspend/hibernate the system due to a low-power state; KDE (on just about every distro I can think of) gives you a handy notification above the system tray that the system will be suspended or hibernated in 60 seconds unless you plug in power. To be honest, this one issue has put me off running Linux Mint permanently several times, but I intend to at least have a stab at running Linux Mint 19 throughout the whole lifetime of the release (until Linux Mint 20), so I would really like this fixed. Thanks.

    Oh, and whilst I’m at it, something about the display on my Lenovo ThinkPad E550 with Intel integrated HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2) makes it look terribly grainy on Linux Mint. Again, this is a longstanding issue. Thanks.

  52. Nice … really NICE! I installed on two machines here, an i7-4790K and an I5 NUC.
    1. Only thing I noticed is that following installation and asking if you want to reboot now .. it does NOT prompt you to remove the installation media! Yep, I rebooted the thumb drive in both cases! A very small thing!
    2. Networking .. have a storage drive on the big machine that I would like to share in a simple network, I’m having a difficult time. Can easily share a folder on /sda but permissions are killing me on sharing anything on /sdb. Spare drive formatted as ext4 drive.

  53. laptop: TOSHIBA A215-S4697 AMD TURION 64 X2 dual core:
    1. i have 4 ubuntu/mint related distros multi-booting on this machine
    2. as the distros evolve, they are gradually deteriorating => they won’t shutdown any more => even using the ‘CLI’ = > whereas they did before
    3. MINT CINNAMON 19 won’t even play with this machine!!
    nb.: MINT CINNAMON 19 took like a ‘duck take to water’ on a ‘COMPAQ 8000’ (dual core) machine => hence i made it a permanent installation

  54. Another work of art that raises the bar for Mint. The new stepped default wallpaper is amazing as are the new icons sets.
    One hiccup so far – Wine.. installs but nothing in the menus, then my app installers want to open with “Mono runtime” and no other option. Down to ONE windows app that I had paid for and still works to stitch panos (Hugin is Horrible Ugly Great Interface Not).

  55. Its not strictly a Mint issue … but installing wine is a mess. There are multiple wine entries in the Software Manager – wine1.6, wine64, wine-stable and so on. Pretty hard to know which is which. I installed wine64. Then in a terminal i executed ‘wine’ and was told I need to install wine-stable & wine-development. Did so, re-executed ‘wine’ in terminal and was told to install wine32-development. Did that, and was then able to execute ‘winecfg’ which sets up the wine configuration.

    The winehq developers don’t yet have a package for Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) so maybe that’s why things are a mess. By the way, winehq devs have stated that installing wine will no longer create entries in the menu. So you need to use terminal commands or create the entries in the cinnamon menu manually. The menu entry to browse C drive would be “nemo /home/yourusername/.wine/dosdevices/c:”
    To run a windows program, from terminal you execute “wine program-name”.
    To associate wine automatically with windows programs is something I have yet to work out, but it should be simple enough.

    I guess this is not something the Mint devs can sort out, but it may help others having problems with getting wine to work.

    1. Just purged wine and tried again – this time installed wine32 and win-stable, which added wine64. Ran winecfg from terminal ok. Was able to install an exe file ok.

    2. Wine is very much needed for my particular operation. Without it, I must dual boot to Windows several times a day. I have several Windows programs that have no equivalent in Linux. This is bad, as I only do email from Linux, which causes unnecessary delays. At this point, I may revert to 18.3. Easy, as I use cloned SSDs for testing and as backups.

    3. I am in trouble because of wine also. I couldnot install any exe software. I could configure the wine as you said, but when I clicked twice a windows software to install it says “An error occurred while loading the archive”. I need Anti-twin to find double files, and everything.exe to search drives. Do you know equivalent softwares in Linux or any solution to solve wine problem? I have not any issues other than wine (and insyalling by deb files also). Thanks for this excellent beta.

    4. Metin, you get the error “An error occurred while loading the archive” because Mint is tries to open the EXE file with Archive Manager. This happens even when you follow the installation instructions at

      To make EXE files use the wine program loader, do these steps:
      1. Install as per instructions at
      2. In your home folder, turn on display of hidden files (Control H)
      3. Open the folder “.local” in your home folder (notice the DOT in front of local)
      4. If there isn’t already a file in that folder called “mimeapps.list”, create it.
      5. Put the test below into file mimeapps.list and save the file

      [Default Applications]
      [Added Associations]
      application/x-ms-dos-executable=wine.desktop ;

      6. To make it easy to run the program, on your Desktop, right-click and choose “Create a new launcher here”
      7. Give the launcher a name, and choose a suitable icon.
      In the “command” field I used the text below (to run an old version of firefox.exe). You may need to browse your .wine folder (in home diretcory) to see what the chosen exe file is called )

      xdg-open “.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe”

      8. You will be asked whether or not to add the entry to the menu as well, I suggest yes.

      This launcher runs Firefox for Windows for me, so you should be able to get other EXEs to run OK.
      Remember to use the double quotes because there are spaces in the path.

    5. Metin, you get the error “An error occurred while loading the archive” because Mint tries to open the EXE file with Archive Manager. This happens even when you follow the installation instructions at
      To make EXE files use the wine program loader, do these steps:
      1. Install as per instructions at
      2. In your home folder, turn on display of hidden files (Control H)
      3. Open the folder “.local” in your home folder (notice the DOT in front of local)
      4. If there isn’t already a file in that folder called “mimeapps.list”, create it.
      5. Put the test below into file mimeapps.list and save the file

      [Default Applications]
      [Added Associations]
      application/x-ms-dos-executable=wine.desktop ;

      6. To make it easy to run the program, on your Desktop, right-click and choose “Create a new launcher here”
      7. Give the launcher a name, and choose a suitable icon.
      In the “command” field I used the text below (to run an old version of firefox.exe). You may need to browse your .wine folder (in home diretcory) to see what the chosen exe file is called )

      xdg-open “.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe”

      8. You will be asked whether or not to add the entry to the menu as well, I suggest yes.

      This launcher runs Firefox for Windows for me, so you should be able to get other EXEs to run OK.
      Remember to use the double quotes because there are spaces in the path.

    6. OOPS. A couple of errors in my note about setting up wine. Apologies. The correct process is as follows:
      This procedure should set up wine and make it the default for launching EXE files.

      1. Install wine as per instructions at
      2. In a terminal window, execute “winecfg” which will set up your wine directories and files.
      3. In your home folder, turn on display of hidden files (Control H)
      4 Open the folder “.local/share/applications” in your home folder (notice the DOT in front of local)
      5. If there isn’t already a file in that folder called “mimeapps.list”, create it.
      6. Put the text below into file mimeapps.list and save the file

      [Default Applications]
      [Added Associations]
      application/x-ms-dos-executable=wine.desktop ;

      That will make wine the default launcher whenever you double-click an EXE file.

      7. Double click on your windows program and it should launch. If its an installer, proceed with installation.

      8. Any windows installer may create a launcher icon on your desktop. If it doesn’t, you can add one yourself if desired. On your Desktop, right-click and choose “Create a new launcher here”
      Give the launcher a name, and choose a suitable icon. In the “command” field you specify the program to run – I used the text below to run an old version of firefox.exe.
      You may need to browse your .wine folder (in home directory) to see what the target EXE file is called.

      xdg-open “.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe”

      9. If you create a desktop launcher yourself as above, you will be asked whether or not to add the entry to the menu as well; I suggest yes.

    7. Thanks, I also did a purge and re-install, taking care of the initial steps afterwards and got it working. So far all smooth sailing with moving in on LM19. MSI i3 with 4GB RAM. This is the precursor install to all the other machines. Mint Team, super super job guys!!! Interesting mix of wallpapers (I have it on slide show) – some great, some strange – guess that makes it something for everyone.

  56. So far, so good. This is the first time I’m running a BETA in anger, and I decided to go for it and fix my own problems if there were any. So far, nothing at all (apart from selecting the wrong boot option in the USB and trying to install in ‘BIOS’ mode on an EFI system, doh!). All of the core stuff runs perfectly on a modern Core i5 desktop, and I haven’t noticed any glitches yet. And somehow, Mint 19b just feels better and slicker than the Ubuntu 18.04 + Cinnamon that I was running previously. Nice work, Clem! If anything weird happens, I will of course report it 🙂

  57. No Linux Mint e o Elementary OS no Libre office não funciona corretamente. O Libreoffice abre um arquivo, entretanto ao fechá – lo, ele entra em modo de recuperação. No KDE Neon e no Kubuntu isto não ocorre.

    1. Aqui o libre office está funcionando bem em um arquivo docx de 415 páginas como mostro na foto abaixo:

      E os reports de bugs tem que ser do sistema que você está usando no caso o linux mint e não reports do Elementary OS por exemplo.

  58. Is there an equivalent of mate-search-tool in Cinnamon? If not, how do you search for a file containing specific text?

    1. I use recoll for searching for text within files. You need to configure it (from its GUI) to set which directories you want it to index. Once indexing is complete, subsequent searches are fast.

      There is also catfish, which I had a quick look at – it can search by filename or text within files. But I haven’t any experience using it.

  59. I am very pleased with this version so far. There are a few bugs I have noticed.
    #1 Deb files not installing other than through terminal.
    #2 Recommended Nividia Driver 390.48-0ubuntu3 installed on next boot hangs at black screen.

    1. I have seen a video where linux lite was installed, and the reviewer had big problems with the Nvideo driver 390.48. It is a fault made by Nvidia. There should be a new driver out by now, or try another Nvidia driver. Normally you get a choice between different NVidia drivers.

  60. Congratulations LM Team! Big thanks for your awesome work!
    I`m testing Linux Mint 19 “Tara” Cinnamon – BETA Release in Live DVD mode yet. It works great up to now!
    Only issue I noticed yet is that the analogical sound device was not detected and not showed up in Output Sound Settings and I could not hear a song. The only devices detected were HDMI and S/PDIF. My motherboard is ASUS P5k-Deluxe and analogic output works fine in LM 17.2 and LM 18.2.

  61. Dear excellent Linux Mint developers
    I downloaded LM 19 beta for cinnamon and installed it in Virtualbox. It installed without a hitch. However, when I tried to install the latest version of smplayer 18.5 with a .deb file Gdebi (version exited without doing anything. I installed the repo version without a problem. But the gdebi will not install the deb file with all dependencies satisfied. This is my first time reporting a bug. I hope I have given you sufficient info. It is repeatable. Thank you for your excellent work on this amazing os

    1. David, Gdebi and .deb issue will be fixed in the final release, on the Roadmap.

  62. Software anki doesn’t run.
    eclipse platform gives start-error
    Desktop MSI
    it works in LM-18.

  63. It seems my comment did not appear. (Perhaps I posted it on the wrong page; I did not expect the page to contain the page/thread for one *particular*, or at least one particular non-Cinnamon, version of Mint 19. ) I wrote about how, on Mint < 19, missing network shares make Nemo stall and sometimes crash, and how I have had to use the file manager PcManFm instead of Nemo. I expressed the hope that such would cease to be the case on Mint 19.

  64. Hi all,

    Thanks for the always much awaited and great distro!

    1) One of the most annoying things (already present in LM18), only affecting Cinnamon Edition, is that only Mint-X and Mint-Y themes have window borders when tiled, which makes sometimes almost impossible to distinguish 2 windows if using other gtk themes. In Mate and all other DE I’ve tried there are borders, this problem is only on Cinnamon, including Arc, which Mint-Y is based on.

    2) qt apps look ugly OOTB (which huuuge text size on my desktop), while they look good OOTB on Ubuntu 18.04. I had to look up online and install the appropriate qt5 settings package (sorry, forgot the name). Maybe including this package in the iso would be a nice touch?

    3) Speaking of themes I really hope, like others already said before, that there will be color variants of Mint-Y themes like there are for Mint-X!

    Thanks again!

    1. For #1, that is really up to the theme. We can’t really control that currently. It looks different between Mate and Cinnamon because they use two different versions of the theme.

    2. Copy /etc/skel/.config/qt5ct to your /home/user/.config/ and see if its solves item #2 .

  65. Using Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon Beta on Asus K501U. I’m running it from the Live USB. First bug I’ve found is the laptop touchpad doesn’t want to work. I have a Logitech K400 plus attached that is working perfectly for everything that I’ve currently tried. Not sure if the touchpad will work with a full install.

  66. – In the installation slideshow (while the system is being installed) the image used for update manager belongs to 18.3.
    – When I edit an application in “Startup Applications”, and it has a delay, the seconds unit “s” disappears.

    1. Confirmed, you have sharp eyes!
      I also see that in “Startup Applications”, editing the delay period makes the seconds unit “s” disappear.

  67. LM18 Use Avidemux to copy avidemx_2.7.0.appImage to icon
    LM19 use software administrator avidemux_2.7.1 is unable to save the file,
    appear as follows Message (also cannot return to LM18 mode job)

    at line 0, file ??

    Thank you very much.

  68. Great work, folks! LM19/Cinnamon 3.8 looks great. Two issues I’ve noticed so far- I’m not seeing a amd64-microcode (I have a Phenom 9950). Should it still be there? And I am not getting any sound at all- motherboard is an ASUS M3A78.

  69. Thanks for all the hard work with the beta. Tara is looking like a really great release.

    Could someone with more experience please help with the exact command line instruction to install this file (epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.20-1lsb3.2_amd64.deb) which I down loaded into the Home directory. Have only used the graphical installer (which is broken in this beta) so I am not familiar with installs from the command line.

    Thank so much.

    1. Yes gdebi is faulty right now. As an alternative try opening a terminal in your Home folder and issuing sudo dpkg -i epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.20-1lsb3.2_amd64.deb

    1. Hi Elad,

      I was hoping this would be a theme issue, but it’s happening in Mint-X as well. It looks like it’s upstream from us, in Ubuntu, possibly GTK. Can you try to replicate the issue in Ubuntu 18.04?

    2. I just checked (in a VM) and I don’t see this in Ubuntu 18.04. But they don’t seem to have icons or checkboxes in the window header menu.

    3. Oh, they do have a check mark when you select “always on top” and it’s not on the text.

    4. Running “metacity –replace” pretty much borkes everything on cinnamon, but interestingly enough the right click menu on the window heading is the same (with icons going over the text).

  70. Dear Clem,
    I have downloaded and tested the Tara-Beta, very nice work. I have not faced any bugs so far.
    Why isn’t there any color option for the mint-y control/window border/desktop theme? Do you have a plan for the next release?
    Thank you for your good work and best.

  71. What about Java JRE? It is not being installed by default (during the OS installation like in Mint 18)? Anyway after manually installing openjdk-8-jre or openjdk-11-jre via apt-get LibreOffice is not working correctly (mainly LO Base – cannot create database). Do you have the same issue?

    1. I can confirm this, but I can help you. The same thing is happens to me. :). Sorry for English

  72. Can’t move files on a drive to drive basis ( middle click options not showing ) will only copy them, mv in terminal works fine.

  73. When I failed to add a printer I got this on terminal:
    meyer@meyer-HP-Stream-Laptop-14-ax0XX:~$ system-config-printer

    (system-config-printer:14545): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 11:11:22.771: gtk_tree_store_insert_after: assertion ‘G_NODE (sibling->user_data)->parent == G_NODE (parent->user_data)’ failed

    (system-config-printer:14545): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 11:11:22.771: gtk_tree_store_set_value: assertion ‘VALID_ITER (iter, tree_store)’ failed

    (system-config-printer:14545): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 11:11:22.771: gtk_tree_store_set_value: assertion ‘VALID_ITER (iter, tree_store)’ failed

  74. Something about Themes.
    Windows borders – Mint Y Dark
    Icons – Mint Y
    Controls Buton – Mint Y
    In thjis combination everything is very well: i have black border, green icons, green buttons, white windows, green download line and everything is green underline.
    If i want to have the same in blue instead of green is not possible.
    I can take Mint Y Dark Blue border, Mint Y Aqua icons and control buttons blue. The result is not the same like in green. Windows are black, download line is black and is nothing to see.
    With MInt X is possible, but not with Mint Y.

  75. hi all
    fresh lvm install i5 4440, nvidia 1050 (nvidia driver installed),
    machine will not hibernate, (either from the power button (the hibernate option is selected) or from the exit menu)
    the screen blanks for a couple of seconds then returns to the session)
    thanks for all the great work

  76. Hello,
    Even after authorize Samba in gufw, Nemo doesn’t show the local network and machine on it.
    I must manually type smb://user@ip to get in (after workgroup and password)
    In Mint 18 that was directly available.


    1. @Roger: the latest version of Samba has changed its protocol. There are 3 protocols – SMB1, SMB2 & SMB3. SMB3 is now used by default it seems, as it is apparently needed to talk to Windows 10 machines.But it breaks network workgroup browsing for other machines.

      If you open file /etc/samba/smb.conf as root, and under the existing heading [global] you add this line:
      client max protocol = NT1
      then save the file and restart, your system will revert to using the SMB1 protocol and you’ll be able to browse workgroups.

  77. Anyone else seeing the Welcome Screen after installing Linux Mint Update Manager from Software sources ??? It is gone on all three machines now Cinn, Mate, and XFCE.

  78. More bugs detected:

    1 – Some applications that I installed through additional ppa (like 4kvideodownloader), to open through the menu, I need to restart the computer. Basically, the menu is only created after restarting the PC. The same happens when I update the GIMP through additional ppa. In this case, the menu already exists (due to the version installed by default), but only works after reboot. Other applications that I installed through additional ppa (like qbittorrent and woeusb) work without having to restart. Through the terminal, I can open all the applications, without having to restart.

    2 – I installed SubDownloader through additional ppa, but I can not open the application. Neither after restarting, nor through the terminal, nothing works. When I run the terminal, I get the following error: “ImportError: No module named PyQt4”
    2 – The Telegram icon in the bottom right bar is too small, like Dropbox icon. But it works well.
    3 – The Skype icon in the bottom right bar is a little deformed, but also works well.

  79. Apparently the Linux Mint Welcome Screen also is incompatible with the drivers for VirtualBox as it removed them also upon install !!! This pretty much makes VirtualBox a NO GO for testing as well as make me wonder if this doesn’t get fixed in the next month if even the end of the June date is workable if you use VirtualBox as a source for you VM to run Linux Mint ???? I pretty much am at a impasse with running Cinnamon as the Software Render Mode is REALLY SLOW.

    1. Using vbox version 5.2.12 Welcome Screen is still working with guest additions installed, which vbox version are you using, noticed you seem to be having a few guest additions issues?

    2. I found it best to re-install the update manager and let it remove the guest additions. Don’t restart the computer, now install the official Virtual Box guest additions. Restart the computer. Update manager is still present and operational. I’m using VBox 5.2.12. The new Mint welcome isn’t in the software center. Running perfectly (not bothered about the Welcome screen!).

  80. i try to install to ryzen 5 2400g… it doesn’t work… i just install to another PC… working great…

  81. I installed mint 19 alongside mint 18.3. so far, everything is fine except that at startup the grub screen remains locked on the first boot entry and prevents scrolling. However, the start procedure is completed on the first menu item ……

  82. 1 Thing that has been reoccurring since a few versions ago that is driving me silly is when adding new Menu items to the Menu, The Icon’s won’t save.

    This one isn’t an issue with this beta per say but It would be nice if an option to move Menu Items Vertically up and down to organize in one’s own order rather than alphabetically. Also maybe nice to be able to add spacer/seperators to the menu categories.

  83. Bluetooth doesn’t remember being turned off:
    1. Turn off Bluetooth
    2. Restart Computer
    3. Bluetooth is turned on.

    1. Please check with rfkill in the terminal directly. If the issue happens there, it’s upstream from us, otherwise it’s an issue in blueberry.

  84. Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Backspace seems to crash the entire OS. My computer is an MSI GS63, I have the nvidia proprietary driver installed, it seems to happen every time. Completely freezes, and the cursor disappears. Ctrl +Alt +F2 doesn’t give me a terminal, Sysrq allows me to reboot.

    1. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace is the shortcut to kill Xorg.
      Ctrl+Alt+T is the shortcut to open a terminal.
      Ctrl+Alt+F2 is the shortcut to reach the tty2 console.

    2. for restart cinnamon, from tty console:
      @ 1 search pid of ‘cinnamon –replace’ or ‘cinnamon-session’
      # ps -efa |grep cinnamon

      @ SIGHUP cinnamon
      # kill -SIGHUP

      from tty7, cinnamon report that crashed, restart it.

      More, more and more cinnamon crashed for me.

    3. Sorry, it seems I didn’t explain myself properly. If I press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (trying to kill Xorg) instead of it killing Xorg and returning me to the login screen (as has happened in the past) it just completely freezes. If I try to hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 to try to get to tty2 to try and diagnose the issue, it doesn’t give me tty2 and just stays frozen. The only way to reboot is with Alt + SysRQ + b, or holding the power button in.

  85. I have an issue with Update manager GUI – it cannot refresh list the updates and shows a list of command plus a timeout for one of them, in command ‘[‘/usr/bin/mintinstall-update-pkgcache’]’ timed out after 60 seconds
    apt update works fine in terminal:

    sys_admin@Minty-19:~$ apt update
    [sudo] password for sys_admin:
    Ign:1 tara InRelease
    Hit:2 bionic InRelease
    Hit:3 tara Release
    Hit:4 bionic-updates InRelease
    Hit:5 bionic-backports InRelease
    Hit:7 bionic InRelease
    Hit:8 stable InRelease
    Hit:9 preview InRelease
    Get:10 bionic-security InRelease [83,2 kB]
    Fetched 83,2 kB in 1s (84,9 kB/s)
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    All packages are up to date.

    Does anyone know of this ?

    1. I am seeing this too on a clean install. It appears that mint-update-pkgcache runs to completion without error, but too slowly for the Update Manager timeout.

      Update Manager reports:
      Could not refresh the list of updates
      Command ‘[‘/usr/bin/mintinstall-update-pkgcache’]’ timed out after 60 seconds
      MintInstall: User pkgcache is most recent, using it.
      MintInstall: Generating new pkgcache
      MintInstall: flatpak – metadata for remote ‘flathub’ has been updated. Comparing appstream timestamps…
      MintInstall: flatpak – no new appstream data for remote ‘flathub’, skipping download
      MintInstall: Processing Flatpaks for cache took 120963.721 ms
      MintInstall: Processing APT packages for cache took 3435.910 ms

  86. Hello. I have used several Mint versions but both on Mint 18.3 and new 19 always have freeze problem on Chromium and Firefox especially while watching video on Youtube. I do not think that there is a hardware problem in my Asus laptop because Windows 8.1 was working without any problems. I read about same problems on Mint forums. Can that be a bug or a hardware problem? Apart from freeze problem Mint 19 looks great. I am also satisfied with 18.3.

  87. Oh gosh, I hope this one will have sweet themes… The older were kinda ugly, except mint-y but it did not come in dark mode (I still don’t understand why)

    1. Unless I’m missing something , there has always been a dark version of Mint-Y.

  88. I really appreciate your work – making easy to use and beautiful distribution, but I think Mint has some major issues:
    1. Software manager shows proprietary software among free(as in freedom) software, so users can’t distinguish it easily. Proprietary software is often malicious (, so it shouldn’t be advertised on the first site as something cool, and it should be visible marked. I even made post on forum about it
    2. For 4 years of using Linux Mint haven’t got an idea that “Linux” operating system is actually GNU + Linux, and not Linus Torvalds started an effort to create fully free(libre) operating system, but Richard Stallman in 1984. So we should call it GNU/Linux Mint, or at least say that Linux Mint is a GNU + Linux distro. If you don’t know why it is so important read this ->

    If we care more about convenience than users’ freedom we are nothing different from Google and it’s Android, which is partially open source and is a Linux distribution.

    Solution: Mark non-free (proprietary) software in software manager. Tell on your website more about free software and GNU project. Start calling Linux Mint not only Linux, but GNU+Linux distribution. You can read more at

  89. There is an introduced bug / regressive behaviour in “Printers” (the printing sub-system) that was not in the previous version of Mint. Both versions Tara and Sylvia are using the same version of the device specific printer driver, so problem is not with the driver software. Basically under Printer Options, selecting the default option of Automatic for Media source (previously referred to as Auto Select and Paper Source respectively in Mint 18) no longer picks up the paper from whichever tray has paper in it like it did in Mint 18. In my dual cassette tray printer, in Tara, the Automatic option seems to be stuck on trying to pickup paper from the second (called alternate) tray and gives four successive notification errors – “out of paper”, then “paper jam”, then “out of paper and finally “media-jam” even if the first tray is full of paper.

    This behaviour is now not only inconsistent with the previous version of Mint but also other OS’s like Mac OS and Windows.

    1. Further information for the previous post above: While the printer driver version is the same as in Mint 18 the driver is LSB based so problem could also be there if LSB versions have changed between Mint 18 and Tara.

    2. Driver used is the same for both Mint 18 and Tara and is “epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.17-1lsb3.2_amd64.deb”. Also tried the slightly newer version (1.6.20) with exactly the same available from results. Driver is available from here: “ ”

      Printer is an Epson WF-3640

      Hopes this helps.

  90. Having trouble with qt5 settings on linux mint 19 cinnamon beta…. I changed the settings gtk2 to bba.. something i can’t see… but it can’t be recovered… Only the half of the screen appears, so i can’t change the setting… And mostly for that reason i’m not able to use qbittorrent, vokoscreen and some applications… Anyway it’s a great release…

    1. That’s upstream from us in qt5ct. As a workaround you can use the Alt key (keep it pressed) and the left mouse button to drag the window up and access parts of it you can’t see. Alternatively remove your ~/.config/qt5ct directory.

  91. Touchpad is not disabled when I plug a mouse, should I install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics ?
    My computer: Dell Inspiron 14 3000

    1. I have created a “Alt-T” command to switch on and off the Touchpad which is anyway automatically reactivated if no mousse is plugged in.

  92. Is it just me? The start up time is kinda slow. It takes about 45 seconds for the logon screen to show up on my laptop. Here is my system information:
    Processor: Intel Core i7 4700MQ @2.4GHz x 4
    RAM: 16 GB
    Hard drive: 500GB SSD

    It takes about 10 seconds for Windows to display the logon screen, about 20 seconds for Ubuntu to display the logon screen.

    1. @Lumumba,

      Yes, it is the cause. I followed the link and changed RESUME=none, and now the total boot time is 16 seconds. Much better. Thanks.

      Here is the commands and message:

      jeffrey@Krypton:~$ systemd-analyze time
      Startup finished in 7.686s (firmware) + 3.535s (loader) + 35.007s (kernel) + 1.511s (userspace) = 47.740s reached after 1.507s in userspace
      jeffrey@Krypton:~$ sudo update-initramfs -u
      [sudo] password for jeffrey:
      update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-20-generic
      W: initramfs-tools configuration sets RESUME=UUID=55fb7298-9287-4136-92c3-e44770cb5b62
      W: but no matching swap device is available.
      jeffrey@Krypton:~$ sudo nano /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume
      jeffrey@Krypton:~$ sudo update-initramfs -u
      update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-20-generic
      jeffrey@Krypton:~$ @1.507s
      └─ @1.507s
      └─ @1.507s
      └─getty@tty1.service @1.507s
      └─system-getty.slice @1.506s
      └─setvtrgb.service @1.487s +18ms
      └─systemd-user-sessions.service @1.369s +2ms
      └─ @1.368s
      └─NetworkManager.service @1.135s +232ms
      └─dbus.service @1.118s
      └─ @1.098s
      └─ @1.098s
      └─dbus.socket @1.098s
      └─ @1.097s
      └─systemd-timesyncd.service @951ms +145ms
      └─systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service @606ms +340ms
      └─ @603ms
      └─boot-efi.mount @592ms +11ms
      └─systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-9C46\x2d5EC6.service @545ms +44ms
      └─dev-disk-by\x2duuid-9C46\x2d5EC6.device @538ms

    2. It could be worse…. this is mine…

      $ systemd-analyze time
      Startup finished in 9.766s (kernel) + 1min 39.165s (userspace) = 1min 48.932s reached after 32.437s in userspace

      $ systemd-analyze critical-chain
      The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the “@” character.
      The time the unit takes to start is printed after the “+” character. @32.437s
      └─udisks2.service @23.955s +8.481s
      └─ @23.837s
      └─ @23.837s
      └─uuidd.socket @23.836s
      └─ @23.780s
      └─systemd-timesyncd.service @23.299s +480ms
      └─systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service @22.740s +500ms
      └─systemd-journal-flush.service @7.251s +15.485s
      └─systemd-journald.service @6.477s +768ms
      └─systemd-journald.socket @6.385s
      └─system.slice @6.380s
      └─-.slice @6.351s

  93. I found a bug while trying to connect the gnome calendar to google.
    Steps to reproduce :
    1. Open calendar
    2. select calendar settings from the icon on the right of search
    3. Click on google account in the online accounts section
    4. Click on google in the online accounts window that opens up
    Expected behavior : it takes you to google’s login page
    Actual behavior : it opens a window with nothing in it (not even sure if it’s a browser window)

  94. LM 19beta, looking rather handsome, although LM18.2 (which I’m currentle still using) seems to have a more logical structure.
    Rather annoying: the Computer, Home and Network icons are still displaced when mounting a(nother) drive, regardless desktop settings and the Login background picture doesn’t “synchronize” with your desktop wallpaper, as in LM18.2.


  95. I would like to thank you for the excellent Beta version of Mint 19 Cinnamon.

    I have installed it on an old Dell Dimension 3100 (Pentium 4 processor, 2GB memory, Intel 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller, Intel 82562ET/EZ/GT/GZ – PRO/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet Controller, / on 80GB SAMSUNG HD080HJ ATA Disk, /home on 500GB Seagate ST3500630A ATA Disk) and it is generally working well. I have had some problems scrolling long pages in Firefox where the page background changes from white to green.

    1. I should have added that this page background change did not occur with the Google Chrome browser.

  96. Crashed in sleep mode while I was away for a few minutes. system did not respond to keyboard or trackpad. Had to repower system. Message… unable to launch “cinnamon-session-cinnamon X” session. Cinnamon-session cinnamon not found. falling back to default session. system became non-responsive again.

  97. Another bug:
    After a resume nm-applet doesn’t show the access point. To be clear, wi-fi is still connected, and you can see the APs in the network settings.

    This is how it looks after the resume:

    For comparison, this is how it looks after a restart:

    This bug isn’t a 100% reproducible, but it feels like a bug I’ve seen in the past in Xfce and MATE with nm-applet…

  98. As a positive feedback:

    Even on an old machine like this; a 13 years old Hp Pavilion laptop, with 2GB DDR2 Ram and 1.73 GHz Pentium M Celeron single core Cpu :

    (Including the System Monitor itself) When idling Cpu 8 – 13 % , Ram 598 MB
    With Firefox with 7 tabs open , cpu is almost the same, Ram 798

    My Goodness ! This is unbelievable :). Firefox adds no more than 200MB Ram and almost no increase in Cpu .. And no freezes etc.., From the first minute I began testing, I feel and see the machine works so smooth & silent..

    (just to give an idea: Another distro which is light with Xfce on the other partition, reaches to 700 MB from180 , the moment I start Firefox, and stays like that with 1 empty tab, and with a few tabs open, it reaches 1.1 GB, although the Cpu usage is not much, and the fan works like crazy…)..

    Even with a “Beta” version.. I always trusted Mint 🙂
    Thanks and Congratulations again !

  99. I really appreciate your work – making easy to use and beautiful distribution, but I think Mint has some major issues:
    1. Software manager shows proprietary software among free(as in freedom) software, so users can’t distinguish it easily. Proprietary software is often malicious (, so it shouldn’t be advertised on the first site as something cool, and it should be visible marked. I have even made a post on forum about it
    2. For 4 years of using Linux Mint haven’t got an idea that “Linux” operating system is actually GNU + Linux, and not Linus Torvalds started an effort to create fully free(libre) operating system, but Richard Stallman in 1984. So we should call it GNU/Linux Mint, or at least say that Linux Mint is a GNU + Linux distro. If you don’t know why it is so important read this ->

    If we care more about convenience than users’ freedom we are nothing different from Google and it’s Android, which is partially open source and is a Linux distribution.

    Solution: Mark non-free (proprietary) software in software manager. Tell on your website more about free software and GNU project. Start calling Linux Mint not only Linux, but GNU+Linux distribution. You can read more at

    1. Linux mint is a distribution name, not a place to advertise gnu software. Like it or not, linux is commonly known as, well… Linux, not gnu/Linux. No point adding confusion

  100. – Software Manager

    New white & green icon, due to white background it’s not as easy as Mint 18x Mint-Y brown parcel icon to quickly distinguish between Software Manager and System Settings. If someone’s colour blind could they see the green as grey making it more difficult? Not a bug, just observational feedback.

    Many programs are missing icons and instead have a brown place-holder icon, e.g.
    Games -> Simulation and racing. (Previously mentioned on IRC, added here to help correlate issues)

    – Nemo

    As couple of others have noted, middle mouse button (scroll wheel) click context menu ‘Move Here, Copy Here, Link Here, Cancel’ is missing in Mint 19, this is a great usability feature as not everyone has two hands, or the use of both hands to use Alt + drag.

    Ideally, it would be great to have this mapped to right mouse button same as in Xfce and Windows.

    – Timeshift

    Great Update Manager implementation! 🙂

    First time Timeshift was used the Warning and Disclaimer text sections appeared blank (image link), next use the fields were populated.

    While snapshots can be saved to other Linux formatted file systems, many might save them to the default /timeshift location, in which case would it help to increase the System Requirements recommended partition size mentioned in the release notes, or add a note about partition sizes while using Timeshift?

    Thank you Clem (et al.) for your hard work and such a wonderful distribution!


  101. Good evening

    When I install this version and update updates regularly. Do I ever have to install a final version? I am still quite a beginner. I’m still trying and it works better and better. Do not be angry. Ask for an answer.

  102. Is there a reason why when i change the system default fonts, the cinnamon menu and panel fonts don’t change too and remain tiny as before?

  103. Thanks guys! Mint 19 looks great. One issue that I noticed.

    Issue: Slow video playback with VLC and the media player
    Laptop: XPS 13 9370 (2018 model), Intel© Core™ i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz × 4, Intel Corporation UHD Graphics 620, 16GB RAM
    Video file is a 3GB 720p movie.
    Playback is fine on a i5 MBP Touch bar, so wondering is this might be a video driver issue?


  104. No permite instalar *.deb desde el ambiente gráfico, si lo logro hacer con dpkg -i y luego apt-get -f install, pero no instala el pinguybuilder en las versiones 4.3-8 ni la 5.0-0 ni la 15.10 Solamente permite instalar la versión 5.1-3, pero esta tiene problemas, porque no genera bien el archivo .iso

  105. Everything was working really well, but unfortunately no pressure sensitivity when I tried Krita in Cinnamon beta. Ugee’s graphics display pen not seen as mouse either. Both Krita and Ugee 2150 (and Huion) worked perfectly in Mint 18.1 and 18.3, Cinnamon/Mate versions. I’m not sure how to report back in more detail/code etc.

  106. Hello, I have installed Linux Mint 19 beta 64 cinnamon on my Alienware 17R4 laptop. It runs like a banshee! Graphics are excellent (Nvidea GTX1070), Steam games run great and the new themes/icons are awesome.

    1) Under ‘themes’ in system settings, I changed ‘desktop’ to Mint-Y-Dark. I like it better.

    2) I wish, wink wink, that I could use a different wallpaper on each workspace (I have four workspaces set).

    3) I installed Skype from the Software Manager and it works, but the icon in the tray is broken. It is blue and cut in half.

    I want to thank everyone at Linux Mint for such an Excellent distro! You rock!

  107. Hi. Works as advertised on a Zareason MSI1454 (it’s 6 years old now).
    –> Only thing I found so far that has not been mentioned: I have to reconnect my bluetooth mouse manually at every start. The same mouse connected on it’s own at every start on LM 18.x. It does connect on LM 19 but I have to force it to connect. Works without problem after connection.
    –> The only other thing is the GDEBI bug already reported. Packages install OK with dpkg.
    Regards… And good work…

  108. eclipse-error-message

    !SESSION Tue Jun 05 22:37:54 CEST 2018 —————————————–
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.launcher 4 0 2018-06-05 22:37:55.008
    !MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter
    at java.base/
    at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(

  109. Bug report for mintbackup or aptdaemon : (Mint 19 beta updated at 22:08 2018/06/05)
    Happens : always

    1) Open mintbackup to restore a previously saved package list from Lint Mint 18.3, with packages that are not available anymore : for example, gnome-subtitles or sqliteman

    2) Select any packages you want to restore and click “Apply”

    Expected : the selected packages are installed, any other (unchecked and/or unavailable) are ignored.
    Observed : an error is thrown and none of the selected packages get installed :
    Une erreur impossible à traiter est survenue
    Il semble qu’il y ait une erreur de programmation dans aptdaemon, le logiciel qui vous permet d’installer et supprimer des logiciels et tout autre tâche liée à la gestion des paquets.
    org.debian.apt: gnome-subtitles
    [open bracket]small[close bracket]Paquet non trouvé.[open bracket] isn’t a valid package name

    Cheers, thanks for your work !

  110. Another bug report for mintbackup (Mint 19 beta updated at 22:08 2018/06/05)
    Happens : always

    1) Restore a package list
    2) Uncheck some packages
    3) Apply

    Expected : only selected packages are installed
    Observed : all packages are installed, including unchecked ones

  111. Mint 19 Cinnamon:

    Good so far. But reordering panel icons in my top panel seems to sometimes be buggy. I have two panels, top and bottom. Sometimes they don’t stay put. Other times, all of them move in a group rather than just one that I’m trying to move. Other than that, Mint 19 Cinnamon seems okay.

    Will the beta version convert to the final release by upgrade path or update?


      The panels stay put. It’s the icons that sometimes do not.

    1. Maybe because gdebi is broken?
      I downloaded the deb file and used dpkg to install, not gdebi. stacer shows up in the mint menu under Accessories, and runs fine.

  112. HP Envy Smart touch laptop running windows 10. Linux install would not give me the option to dual boot. Seems like it doesn’t detect windows 10 OS. Tried UEFI and Legacy USB boot.

  113. eclipse-error-message in LM19 Cinemon

    !SESSION Tue Jun 05 22:37:54 CEST 2018 —————————————–
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.launcher 4 0 2018-06-05 22:37:55.008
    !MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter
    at java.base/
    at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(

  114. hey guys, first of all, amazing system, great work.
    there’s something weird when I try to mirror the laptop to tv using hdmi cable, usually I go on sound icon and change the sound device to tv, the problem is when I try to change the sound back to the laptop, it doesn’t work without the hdmi cable pluged anymore, and I have to reboot the system to work.

  115. Hi. 1st post has been deleted. So to repeat…
    No problems except 2 little things:
    –> My Bluetooth mouse does not connect on it’s own like in LM 18.3. I have to connect it by hand at every start or re-start/boot. Otherwise the thing works OK once it’s connected.
    –> Got the GDEBI bug also, as reported previouly. Used dpkg without problems.
    Good work every body, loos great

    1. Good evening
      The problem with the Bluetooth mouse was not really annoying until:
      1) I have to reconnect the mouse even after he computer was paused after leaving it unattended for 6-7 minutes.
      2) Mouse sometimes disconnects when I am not using it for a while, like when I type this reply with the keyboard. Now, that’s very annoying…
      Did not have this problem with the LM 18.x series.

    2. Hi
      Bluetooth problem getting better: bluetooth mouse stays connected even after quitting the session and relogging. Stays connected when unattended for a long time even after screen shutdown.
      But it is still not connecting after a shutdown or a reboot. It seems that the pairing is not remembered. The pairing is remembered after a relog.
      Apart from this little bug, the rest works as advertised.

  116. Pressing ctrl l alt f1 ,logging in and then running startx crashes the system with error “Could not acquire name on session bus”. Running pkill cinnamon-session restores the system.

  117. Version: Cinnamon
    Bug with the software manager. sometimes that you click in a app the red border continue active.

  118. When you delete a file, pressing alt+d does not respond.
    After changing the font size, the right-click menu will appear in an unexpected position, and it may cause the mouse to move (but it can be clicked).

  119. I am trying to install the “Synology Assistant” (synology-assistant_6.2-23733_amd64.deb). The Package Installer reports that “All dependencies are satisfied”, but when I click on the “Install Package: button the window just closes. This worked correctly in 18.3. When I try to extract the contents via Archive Manager I only get the file _gpgbuilder. Using dpkg-deb I was able to extract all the files and able to rebuild the package, but it still doesn’t install.

    1. That’s because Gdebi (the package installer) is currently broken. It’s already been reported and Mint is working on a fix.

  120. Congratulations on the new release! I just booted it for the first time and it looks nice.
    My Broadcom Corporation BCM4352 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (rev 03) is not working for wireless. I get modprobe errors when trying to install the driver:

    sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    The following additional packages will be installed:
    libc-dev-bin libc6-dev
    Suggested packages:
    The following NEW packages will be installed:
    bcmwl-kernel-source libc-dev-bin libc6-dev
    0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
    Need to get 0 B/3694 kB of archives.
    After this operation, 22.0 MB of additional disk space will be used.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
    Get:1 cdrom://Linux Mint 19 _Tara_ – Release amd64 20180531 xenial/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.23-0ubuntu9 [68.6 kB]
    Get:2 cdrom://Linux Mint 19 _Tara_ – Release amd64 20180531 xenial/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.23-0ubuntu9 [2082 kB]
    Get:3 cdrom://Linux Mint 19 _Tara_ – Release amd64 20180531 xenial/main amd64 bcmwl-kernel-source amd64 [1544 kB]
    Selecting previously unselected package libc-dev-bin.
    (Reading database … 197901 files and directories currently installed.)
    Preparing to unpack …/libc-dev-bin_2.23-0ubuntu9_amd64.deb …
    Unpacking libc-dev-bin (2.23-0ubuntu9) …
    Selecting previously unselected package libc6-dev:amd64.
    Preparing to unpack …/libc6-dev_2.23-0ubuntu9_amd64.deb …
    Unpacking libc6-dev:amd64 (2.23-0ubuntu9) …
    Selecting previously unselected package bcmwl-kernel-source.
    Preparing to unpack …/bcmwl-kernel-source_6.30.223.271+bdcom-0ubuntu1~1.1_amd64.deb …
    Unpacking bcmwl-kernel-source ( …
    Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) …
    Setting up libc-dev-bin (2.23-0ubuntu9) …
    Setting up libc6-dev:amd64 (2.23-0ubuntu9) …
    Setting up bcmwl-kernel-source ( …
    Loading new bcmwl- DKMS files…
    First Installation: checking all kernels…
    It is likely that 4.15.0-20-generic belongs to a chroot’s host
    Building for architecture x86_64
    Building initial module for 4.10.0-38-generic

    Running module version sanity check.
    – Original module
    – No original module exists within this kernel
    – Installation
    – Installing to /lib/modules/4.10.0-38-generic/updates/


    DKMS: install completed.
    modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:586 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file ‘/lib/modules/4.15.0-20-generic/modules.dep.bin’
    modprobe: FATAL: Module wl not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-20-generic
    update-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media

    1. Alright, in retrospect it seems that my live USB drive install was messed up. After an install onto a second USB, this problem disappeared, so disregard what I posted above.

  121. Drag and drop now defaults to copy, not move. Needs to be in release notes or better, an option to restore the original behavior. Shift modifier reverses behavior.

    Overlapping windows are very confusing without borders. Leads to improper closures of wrong programs or other non-undo-able miss-clicks.

    Mint-Y showing incorrect icons in check-boxes. This is a hold-over but as Mint-Y is now the default, should get better attention. Example: In Nemo Preferences, select “Show advanced permissions in the file property dialogue”. Now view the properties of a directory containing files. Initially, the file permissions will show [-] (correct). But clicking to change permissions results in [ ] -> [🗸] -> [🗸] (blank, check, check). The dash never shows up again leading one to think they enabled the permission, which they didn’t.

    Also in Nemo (since Sylvia) right-clicking very near a file icon (well within the text width) actually focuses on the parent directory. Permission changes, especially in bulk, can be hard to undo. I don’t think clicking so near the icon, or even the obvious background, should bring up properties on the parent directory.

  122. There might be some kind of problem with the ISO image to begin with. While others have had success (I have only seen one other mention of USB drive issues in these comments), I have run into issues on my system.

    When I first installed the ISO to my flashdrive, I consistently ran into an error where after it had extracted 262 of 507 files (51%), it hung for several (maybe 10) minutes. I tried two different USB drives. I have discovered that if I manually extract and copy the casper folder (and files within) from the ISO to the USB drive prior to running UNetbootin, and then do not have UNetbootin overwrite the casper folder, it works much better. I was able complete the install to the live USB and boot successfully. I have also had issues copying the casper folder onto the bootable USB device (I tried the nemo file manager, cp and rsync), but when I individually copied each file in the casper folder, it worked fine.

    It appears that the filesystem.manifest, filesystem.manifest-remove, filesystem.size, and filesystem.squashfs files are installing properly. Whichever file is next (probably initrd.lz) is causing UNetbootin (as well as other file management utilities on my computer) serious problems for some reason.

    I have no idea what the issue is, or if it’s a bug that affects more people, but I wanted to post this here just in case.

  123. An issue I have encountered is that after using Software Manager to install System-Config-Samba, the Samba icon does not appear in the Administration menu (used to be listed just before Software Manager) or in any menu anywhere else. I have tried rebooting with no success. So I am at a loss as to how I can easily manage my samba shares and users now using a graphical interface as I am not a Linux command line user. Hopefully this can be resolved as before without users having to use the command line. Thanks.

    PS: I have also noticed that when you click Network in Nemo, the computer name now shows up twice with “(File Sharing)” showing after both names. I am fairly sure this didn’t occur before. I have just checked and it appears that the printer sub-system (Printers) seems to have auto discovered and installed another instance of my printer (which I think samba is now sharing, hence possibility the reason the computer name appears twice in Nemo). Hopefully it doesn’t do this everytime I turn the printer off and then back on after each day.

    1. Chris, I hadn’t heard of system-config-samba before. But just installed it on my 18.3 box and I can see that it launches with gksu (which is what asks you for a password, needed to run this app).
      I then tried installing on the LM19 test box, and like you I don’t get a menu item. I suspect that is because the system knows that gksu is an invalid command – it has been dropped from the underlying Ubuntu 18.04, and cannot be installed.
      In a terminal you can run sudo system-config-samba and enter your password – that works.
      I haven’t yet had time to look for a workaround but I suspect there will be other software applications that have a similar issue with the deprecated missing gksu

    2. Thank you Tony. I really hope that the Mint team can find a suitable solution to have it accessible from the up Administration as in previous versions before the final release. At least for now I can use the terminal to set up my samba users and shares and continue testing.

    3. sorry, previous reply above should read “…to have it accessible from the Administration menu as in previous versions…”

    4. Just a PS about any application that uses gksu or gksudo. I can confirm that the system will not show that application in the menu because it “knows” that gksu/gksudo is not a valid command. The application really needs to be upgraded to use pkexec, but I’d say that’s not the Mint team’s job.

    5. Thanks again Tony.

      Is pkexec then the standard replacement for all previous uses of gksu/gksudo and if so what the difference and and why the change?

    6. Quick search of web shows gksu is considered to be a risky mechanism and has not been maintained for years. Yes pkexec is the preferred way to go, have a look at the launcher for synaptic or gparted and you will see they use pkexec to prompt for elevated privileges. As Ubuntu are supposed to maintain it (and don’t), I don;t think the Mint devs will be messing with it.
      So I have researched it a bit and found how to use pkexec and am running system-config-samba on my LM19 test box quite nicely. Explanation plus a simple script to patch your system is in this PDF file:

    7. Thanks so much Tony. Will study it carefully and then give it a go when I feel confident.

      By the way is there an easy way to customise the menu options list (that pops up at the bottom left of screen) to allow you to add a link to any custom program so that it shows under a specific menu option. Effectively something like a menu launcher equivalent to the desktop launcher that allows you to add program links on your desktop.

    8. @Chris: re adding things to the Mint menu.Right-click the Menu icon, click Configure, click the Menu tab, then click the button Open Menu Editor. You can move (copy/paste) launchers around the menu, hide them, or create new launchers and also new menu categories.

    9. Thanks you, thank you so much again, Tony. Very much appreciated. I did previous try the right clicking but was right clicking on the popped up Menu window that shows all the applications and categories – didn’t think to just right click on the little Menu icon. Thanks again.

  124. Hi I installed Mint Cinnamon 19 onto my laptop replacing 18.3…. I am not OS savvy but thought what the heck as 18.3 was so stable to me, (I moved from windows 12 months ago) the only problems I am finding so far are trying to install Vivaldi browser through the gebi thing it just stops working and does nothing. And trying to install a eSword a windows program using the Playinlinux program instead of WINE that worked flawlessly on 18.3 I just cannot even get it started to install ….. unfortunately I do not know how to install onto Linux any other way like you gurus do….. but I really like Linux Mint Cinnamon it is a wonderful alternative to Windows, actually it is more than that, it is a fantastic replacement to windows

    1. @OldFart: gdebi’s graphical installer was broken. I think it has since been fixed, so if you have the latest updates hen try installing Vivaldi again.

    1. Yes, Ranajit Nath, I can confirm. I always used clonezilla version 2.4 and it worked well. This time, I had to use the latest version, 2.5. This works.

  125. First, I thank the Linux mint team for their great work and effort.
    I have two questions.
    Will LMDE 3 (Debian Edition) run simultaneously with a stable version of LM 19?
    Second, I have an old multifunctional Samsung SCX 4521MF printer that works great under the LM 18.3 that I currently have on my laptop.
    Will the drivers for this printer be available in the LM 19, I suppose it will, but I will still ask Mint team because I intend to switch to LM 19. Sorry for my bad English.

    1. Dejan, I’m not from the Mint Team (I apologize them for answering their question, they will correct if I’m wong)

      Yes, in two different partitions, they won’t affect each other, like two different distros, independent from each other.. (i.e. on sda1 LM 19 – no matter Beta or Stable – , on sda2 LMDE 3, and even you can go on keeping and using LM 18.3 on sda3, and if you like on sda4 something else or as an empty (preferably ext4 formatted) partition used for back-up especially using Timeshift) You’ll see them on Grub, and start which ever you like.. And the printer should go on working – even better – as the necessary drivers are already included in the Kernel, and LM19 has a newer one 4.15 .

      Meanwhile, I’m not a native English speaker, too , but I can say your English is quite good 🙂

    2. I remembered to say 2 things more: If you want to be sure about the printer, you don’t even have to install the distro, just use it as a live-usb and try to print or scan something.. You can try both LM19 or LMDE 3 and both should work well.. And in addition to above, you can even install other flavors of LM 19 at the same time, let’s say LM 19 Cinnamon on sda1, LM 19 Xfce on sda2, LMDE 3 on sda3 .. and so on..

    1. Installez le vin selon les instructions à
      Puis faites un clic droit sur le fichier windows exe et cliquez sur “Ouvrir avec”
      J’espère que vous aurez alors la possibilité de cliquer sur “Wine Windows Program Loader” qui lancera le programme.

    2. Désolé, j’ai manqué quelque chose qui pourrait ne pas être évident, ce qui est la nécessité de lancer “winecfg”. Alors:

      Installez le vin selon les instructions à

      Ensuite, dans un terminal, exécutez “winecfg” pour configurer les dossiers et les programmes de wine.

      Puis faites un clic droit sur le fichier windows exe et cliquez sur “Ouvrir avec”
      J’espère que vous aurez alors l’opportunité de cliquer sur “Wine Windows Program Loader” qui lancera le programme.

  126. Phenomenal! Great work Clem and team!

    Very light on RAM and CPU, perky and responsive (but still should be faster-see item #9). I was easily able to install the Nvidia driver, but as others have noticed there is no AMD microcode listed in driver manager.

    A few bugs or observations so far:

    1. gdebi is broken. Right clicking on the deb file and using the context menu doesn’t go anywhere. Buster with the 4.16 Kernel and Cinnamon 3.6 does this too, but with Buster you can use the start menu-admin-gdebi link to open a file explorer window then select the .deb file you want. Not an option with Cinnamon 3.8.

    2. Cups 2.2.7 web interface broken, can’t do anything requiring elevated privilege in Chrome, FF or Opera. Same problem with Mint 18.3 and Buster. Plus can’t set up print shares, even though publish printer shares was selected nobody on my home network can see it. I noticed Samba wasn’t installed by default, installed it but will have to wait until Friday to test (because I’m currently downloading the blockchain).

    3. Streamtuner2 2.2.0+dfsg-1 won’t open. Same as Buster. Solved by installing prior version.

    4. Bitcoind (aka Bitcoin Core) PPA installs to the default locations, yet Armory 96.4 compiled from source can’t launch bitcoind. Temporary solution – start bitcoind manually, then Armory.

    5. I have two SSD’s on a non-EFI system (Grub, Mint, and the other W10) plus a 2TB spinner for extra storage. The spinner is set to shutdown after 10 minutes of inactivity. Error message pops up that says it can’t be spun down. Same problem with Buster.

    6. Timeshift should be removed from the default install, or at least an option at user discretion. When I first opened update manager (without my glasses on) it appeared to be a mandatory step before I could get any updates so I pointed timeshift to my extra internal hard drive. This may be intentional rather than a bug, but instead of creating a few files on my hard drive Timeshift took root control of the entire drive, and I can’t use the drive for anything else as normal user. This might be related to item #5, but I got the can’t shut down the drive error on Buster too (without timeshift). Suggestion: make it clear to user exactly what enabling time shift will do to the drive of choice, and let the user opt out.

    7. A Synaptic search for Supertux brings up an item labelled Supertux – but it’s really not. It’s Supertux2.

    8. FSlint 2.44 in repos has multiple bugs going back several years (Mint 17 and 18) involving the “select by wildcard” command. Please replace with the current version 2.47.

    9. I have 16Gb of RAM and a Quad-Core AMD Athlon II. Mint 19 for the most part uses less than 4gb of RAM (and yes, I’ve got the 64 bit version) and when idle less than 1gb with CPU cores usages in the single digits. I haven’t changed any inode cache, swappiness, tmpfs to RAM or other speed tweaks that people have used with prior Mint releases and don’t know if these suggestions are even relevant but it would be nice to utilize more of my RAM to improve speeds. And why is System Monitor showing a swap of 2Gb? I know it’s a swap file as opposed to a swap partition, but I’m confused by the size…old school geek dinosaur here but I thought swap had to be at least as big as your RAM. Even if you never intend to use it. Or is this something that will expand dynamically as needed? Please explain.

    Overall, I’m very happy with what I’ve seen so far (though I’m not sure how those gdebi and cups problems slipped past), and I very much look forward to the final release. When it’s ready.

  127. I know it’s upstream (Ubuntu main) but does anyone know why Java JDK 10 is listed as openjdk-11 in the repository. There is an early access 11, so this is really confusing.

  128. Google Crome won’t install. Did fine on previous mint versions.
    Chromium is ok, but still missing a few functions from the genuine Chrome.

  129. Unable to login from lock screen and screen saver via LDAP with libpam-ldap and nscd packages installed pointing to an openldap server. The welcome login screen works fine with ldap user/passwd just not the lock screen.
    BTW – Loving this latest version. Very snappy and crisp! Great Job!

  130. Another perhaps bug or a malfeature:
    When flipping between windows in Cinnamon 3.6 (and most other DEs) you can flip one direction with Alt+Tab and flip the other direction with Alt+Shift+Tab. Now Alt+Shift+Tab doesn’t seem to work.

    1. Checking in the shortcuts menu, it seems assigning shortcuts with Alt+LShift is impossible. This feels like GNOME and I don’t like it one bit…

    2. Another related keyboard weirdness: When assigning a shortcut for “Cycle backwards through open windows of the same application” the assigned shortcut actually cycles backwards in all open windows.

    3. I can use Alt+Tab to go to the right and Alt+Shift+Tab to go to the left.

      I went to System Settings -> Widnows -> Alt-Tab, checked with each style, and it worked in all of them.

    4. I only use 1 keyboard layout… but enabled a second layout and Alt+Shift do not switch the layout, and didn’t find where can I assign this behavior… just let me know how to assign that shortcut and I’ll test it.

    5. It’s in Keyboard>Layouts>options>switching to another layout.

      Anyway, after I changed the “switching to another window” to Win+Space I could set Alt+Shift+Tab to cycle back between open windows. Then I could go back and set Alt+Shift to switch layout, but now when I cycle backwards through windows it switches layout every time. This does not happen in Mint Cinnamon 18.3 so this is a regression…

    6. Well… now I can confirm this. If I enable the option to switch keyboard layouts using Alt+Shift, I’m unable to reverse the direction of Alt+Tab using Alt+Shift+Tab.

    7. One of the differences I see in behavior of switching layout from 18.3 is that on 18.3 the layout switches only on release of the key combination and in 19 it switches the moment the keys are pressed. this doesn’t allow differentiation between Alt+Shift+Tab and Alt+Shift

  131. Thank you for a very nice looking distro.
    When trying to (samba) share a folder in nemo, i have an option to install samba, but it fails to install. After installing samba from paketmaneger it works.

  132. The Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon beta fails to start Cinnamon on this 2005 emachines W3400 PC with the AMD Athelon 64 chipset and Radeon Xpress 200 Series display controller. I had issues with Linux Mint 18.3 as well and had to hold back several Mesa (OpenGL on Linux Mint) packages to keep Cinnamon running. These updates were about the time Spectre and Meltdown updates were appearing. The message is Cinnamon crashed. You are running in Fallback Mode.

    I was able to install the Linux Mint 19 Xfce beta and not get these display problems.

  133. Installed LM in a VM. Installation went fine. Nice work! I noticed a lot of small improvements.

    Login_screen : Screenreader reads too fast. Where can we configure the screen-reader? Loudness, language, speed.

    UpdateManager : I don’t think that the Timeshift-warning on top of the menu is a good idea (as is the warning to specify a mirror). It is too complicated for a novice-user. It’s of course easy to get rid of this messages by enabling Timeshift and then disabling Timeshift.But again, the threshold to get started with LM is raised over the previous versions.

    It’s a pity that still GIMP 2.8.22 is being installed (version 2.10 works fine on LM 18.3).
    There is also a new shotwell-version available 28.3 (28.2 in being installed)

    In the file-manager the number of emblems has been reduced. It takes some effort to create extra ones. It would be great to have an application that automates this process (Else you have to use gimp and put the result with the right name in the proper folder).

  134. 19 cinnamon installed and working well.
    Can confirm that gdebi does not work when you press install it just goes away never asks for passsword.
    will work from the terminal if you open with sudo thus gaining root priviledge gksudo no loner works.
    same thing with xed if you need to modify a file as root can not open with gksudo any longer. I remember reading something about that but can not find it now.
    But in general everything else seems to be working fine. will continue to test.

    1. About xed: This isn’t a solution but when I’ve needed to edit a file with root privileges I’ve always opened Nemo first and then opened the folder the file resides in by right clicking that folder and selecting, “Open as Root”. From the “elevated privileges” Nemo window I navigate to the file I want to edit and open it. Xed comes up in “elevated privileges” mode and I can edit it and save it from there.

    2. kc1di – gksudo and gksu were deprecated then removed altogether from Ubuntu. So any program launcher that uses those commands will not work.

      Kirk M’s method works fine, its how I have always done root edits.

  135. Bugs:
    1) Software Manager does not stop after installation, e.g install Evolution. Same installation under the command line works as expected.
    2) Themes Mint-Y Controls the additional colors not available.
    3) Is there a reason why AMD microcode is not anymore available under Hardware Manager?

  136. Unable to install any manually downloaded deb package. When I press “install”, the package manager simply closes itself instead of proceeding to install the program.

  137. Dear Linux Mint Team,

    first of all congratulations to this great version. After testing Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon 64bit I only noticed a few bugs:

    1) Intel microcode is not displayed in the driver manager (i5-6600K Skylake CPU).

    2) Numlockx is not installed by default. Is that on purpose?

    3) German Translation: Font settings and font viewer are both called “Schriften”. Should the font viewer not be translated “Schriftartenbetrachter”?

    4) Download of Language packages and graphic driver: Warning “Download is not possible – check your internet connection”, although the internet was on. The second try it worked.

    5) A text document was not displayed on desktop, although it was in Nemo available. This worked after a new login.

    6) Gimp is still version 2.8. Will 2.10 be available in the future? By the way in the mint menu it is called “Gnu Image Manipulation Program”. I liked the short German translation “Gimp Bildbearbeitung” in Mint 18.3.

    Best wishes,

    1. I removed gimp 2.8 and installed gimp 2.10 via the Flatpak link on the official Gimp website. Works great in LM19.

  138. In the default theme, approximately one pixel of the taskbar near the edge of the screen cannot properly select and switch the task list.

  139. Pressing ctrl alt f1 ,logging in and then running startx crashes the system with error “Could not acquire name on session bus”. Running pkill cinnamon-session restores the system.

  140. More bugs:

    1 – My laptop ACER has two graphics cards, Intel + Nvidia. I can change from Nvidia to Intel through the “Nvidia X Server Settings” application. But when I’m using the Intel graphics card, the application does not open. So to switch back to the Nvidia graphics card, I use the “sudo prime-select nvidia” command.
    2 – The Discord icon in the bottom right bar is too small, like Dropbox and Telegram icons. But it works well.
    3 – Sometimes the Google Chrome icon on the bottom right bar is a bit deformed. This problem is different from what happens with the skype icon (this icon is always deformed). However, it works well.

    Despite all the bugs, I am very satisfied and I am using Linux Mint as my main operating system 🙂

  141. Congratulations for the excellent work of your entire team! Sorry for my English so bad !, I work with Cinnamon and I have dedected the following bugs; 1. The gdebi package installer does not install third-party .deb packages, for example, google chrome, popcorn-time etc. 2. The dropbox icon in the panel does not work correctly; 3. In the “Musescore” software, you can not export the .png format. Thanks for taking into account my comments! Greetings from Mexico !!

  142. Hi there !
    I wrote to comments yesterday night about bugs in mintbackup, they were waiting for moderation and I can’t find them now. Are they lost in the cyberspace ?

  143. In Linux 17 you stated this: “A few additional packages were selected and installed by default, such as ia32-libs, libgl1-mesa-dri/glx, …to get better support in 32-bit applications”

    And in 18.3 I also have these files installed. There are a few of us asking, please can someone reply, will these files be available to install in Linux Mint 19? Thank you.

  144. The first batch of fixes landed today including the one almost everybody mentioned: gdebi 🙂

    You can follow our progress on github:

    Some of the bugs are also fixed in Git but not delivered yet, or waiting for testing.

    We’re also trying to keep up with you. We’re delighted with the amount of feedback you’re sending us, it does take time to read all the comments and process/gather the info though 🙂

    Thank you for your help and for your patience.

    1. Clem and team, changing to the new Ubuntu base was bound to create a host of issues (losing gksu for example) but I think most people are hugely impressed with what you’re achieving.

    2. Yes, I second that. My postings got straight to the issues without wasting bandwidth on the initial complements. But I’m doing so now… Mint has always been terrific and it only gets better. I’ve abandoned Red Hat, openSUSE and Ubuntu along with GNOME and KDE after their notable series of “improvements” and revisions. But Mint always only gets better. Mint is the most responsive to the user community.

  145. Cinnamon edition main menu left shortcuts cannot be removed. It is possible to add but not to remove.
    In Cinnamon 3.6 after right click on the icon a menu with options was open.

  146. Thank you! Tara is great.

    (I cannot install scrivener:

    Ein unvorhergesehener Fehler ist aufgetreten

    Anscheinend gibt es einen Programmfehler in aptdaemon, der Anwendung, die Ihnen das Installieren/Entfernen von Anwendungen und das Ausführen weiterer Paketverwaltungsaufgaben ermöglicht.

    org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.)

    1. Hi,

      Please provide more information, we cannot reproduce this issue. Scrivener installs just fine here.

      – Make sure mint-common and gdebi are up to date, if there are updates for them, install them.
      – Does this bug happen consistently, even after a reboot?
      – Is the deb saved locally? or this is run straight from Firefox?
      – Please provide an exact link to the .deb file.
      – Describe exactly what happens, which screens you see, what buttons are pressed, when and where the error message is shown (provide screenshots if possible).
      – Does this happen when gdebi-gtk is run from terminal?
      – Is there any additional output in the terminal to give us a clue?
      – Any info in the logs or dmesg? a segfault somewhere?
      – Are you running 32-bit or 64-bit Linux?

  147. Ran Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon for a day as a virtual machine (Oracle VirtualBox), then installed it on my Apple MacBook Pro 2014 Retina – where it is working just fine. Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver (bcmwl-kernel-source, version, as specified via [System Settings, Driver Manager], is giving me good quality, stable wireless reception. Appreciate your hard work as always on this latest beautiful release.

    1. have you tried to install it on parallels?? i’m Having problem to install parallels tools

  148. LM 19 Cinnamon, NFS mount not visible in Nemo left menu.
    How to reproduce: install nfs-common, mount NFS folder.

  149. Most of various bugs found in Mint 19/Cinnamon have already been reported but here’s one I noticed just today with the update manager panel icon:

    After noticing that the Update Manager’s “shield” icon in the panel had turned blue indicating updates were available I opened the update manager and applied the update (there was only one). After the update manager refreshed the “shield Icon” did not return to the white background with the green check mark. It just stayed blue (no further updates were available). Hitting the refresh button in the update manager the icon turned white and stayed that way even after the update manager finished refreshing. Closing the update manager did nothing to change this. I logged out and back in just to test and the icon had returned to normal. I can’t test further since there’s no further updates available–yet.

    Question: I noticed when viewing kernels via the update manager, only the 4.15 series kernels are listed. Will the older kernels eventually be listed as well in the final version of 19? There can be problems with the latest kernels in older desktops and laptop computers and those older kernels often help. Just wondering.

    1. Hi Kirk M,

      Thanks, we’ll look into the systray issue.

      Regarding the kernel series, all available series (in the repositories) are listed. It’s unlikely Ubuntu will add past series to 18.04 though.

  150. Gnuplot (in all of its possible version 5.2 flavors), when installed with the Software Manager in Cinnamon, does not plot into a window you’ve specified the XID number for. For example, if I use xwininfo to find the hex ID number of a blank window created with a Xlib, XCB, GTK3+, or Qt, and then use the Gnuplot command : set term x11 window “some hex ID number” and then plot sin(x), the plot does not appear in the window designated to hold it. These two Gnuplot commands worked perfectly in Mint 18.3, with Gnuplot 5.2. I don’t think the problem is Gnuplot.

  151. The network manager applet is showing me 0% of wi-fi signal potency even when I’m close to my router. I think it’s a bug.

    1. Yes, in addition: The name of the device you’re connected to is displayed twice, one is 0% and the other just below it xx% (normal value) but it shows as if you are connected to the one with 0% (with no problem accessing the internet)..

      By the way, when pc is first started, the devices are listed according to Signal Strength with the one you’re connected on top no matter where it is in ranking, but later it becomes mixed – as far as I guess, as the signal values change or new devices are found or started, it doesn’t become updated according to values…

  152. Installed LM19 BETA today on one of my Test-Laptops. The whole day I ran the new version without any issues. Finally I tried to setup a simple note taking app which syncs my notes across all my devices via a Synology NAS. I use on any distro and even with any non Linux OS. I downloaded the appropriate DEB package from manufacturer site today as usual. So an official DEB package, nothing creepy nasty somewhat from a source wherever.

    After download had finished (meanwhile I did this 3times) I tried to install the package via Gdebi an ran into a really strange issue. Gdebi refused to install the package with the message:

    The package is of bad quality

    “The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn’t allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.”

    and then the details:

    ” Lintian check results for /home/andreas/Downloads/synology-note-station-2.1.2-241-linux-x64.deb:
    warning: –fail-on-warnings is deprecated
    E: synology-note-station: control-file-has-bad-owner md5sums root/wheel != root/root
    E: synology-note-station: control-file-has-bad-owner postinst root/wheel != root/root
    E: synology-note-station: control-file-has-bad-owner postrm root/wheel != root/root
    E: synology-note-station: control-file-has-bad-owner … use –no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)”

    So what happened? Is this a new QA feature in LM telling the user which packages are allowed and which not like Apple does?

    1. On the forums site, I had read that it was easy to remove Xfce and install KDE on its place, and an old member told he was going to tell there how to do it when they are released. So, if you like, when final releases are done – or even now-, you download the Xfce version, too and follow the forum page..

  153. Xed does not save when edited as root (but behaves as if it was saved normally).

    Details: I opened the folder /boot/grub as Root and opened grub.cfg , did a small change (Just shortened the name L. M. Cinnamon 19 to “Linux Mint”) and saved and closed. -With no warnings to save or not etc. – it closed normally as if it was saved. Later I noticed it was not .. Tried this a few times.. Then using another distro on an other partition I did it..

    1. Emin, I was able to save with xed running as root in a terminal – I added a comment to /etc/fstab as a test.
      But I noticed the “Saving file” message on the bottom status line took about 2-3 seconds to disappear, which seems odd for such a small file.
      I noticed this error in the terminal window afterwards:
      Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::xed-spell-language not supported

  154. Hi I have just updated my LM cinnamon 19 and notice a gedi component so thought I would retry to load Vivaldi browser again but this time I had the following and then the installer hung and would not close nor did the browser install.

    An unhandleable error occured

    There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.

    org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

    the package installer wouldnt close with the X in the corner

    1. Thanks. OK, so it’s not related to the .deb itself, it installs fine here.

      – Make sure mint-common and gdebi are up to date, if there are updates for them, install them.
      – Does this bug happen consistently, even after a reboot?
      – Is the deb saved locally? or this is run straight from Firefox?
      – Describe exactly what happens, which screens you see, what buttons are pressed, when and where the error message is shown (provide screenshots if possible).
      – Does this happen when gdebi-gtk is run from terminal?
      – Is there any additional output in the terminal to give us a clue?
      – Any info in the logs or dmesg? a segfault somewhere?
      – Are you running 32-bit or 64-bit Linux?

    2. Thanks for your attempts to help, but I re installed LM19-C and updated it before anything else and now vivaldi is installed as is eSword.

  155. So far this is a great release, especially for a beta! I’ve run into only two issues I haven’t noticed above.

    1.) Swapfile Requires Configuration Change
    This may be an upstream Ubuntu issue, but I had no swap using the default settings. (I selected the target drive when installing LM, but otherwise left the installation settings default). Upon startup, logs showed that there was a ‘dependency error’ but it turns out the default /etc/fstab reference was incorrect. This was fixed by removing ‘/target’ from /etc/fstab as described at

    2.) Error on APT Refresh
    Upon the removal of the installation media LM ‘fails to download repository information’ during an APT refresh: “The repository ‘cdrom://Linux Mint 19 _Tara_ – Release amd64 20180531 bionic Release’ does not have a Release file.” Resolving this problem is as simple as unchecking that additional repository, but it seems like that step might be automated.

  156. On opening Nemo the folders in Documents are listed first, then the files, which is the default unless you change it in Nemo’s Preferences.
    But in Libreoffice 6.0 writer or calc, File Open or File Save As will show the folders and files all in one list – i.e., folders are not listed before files.
    Just to be sure it wasn’t something I had caused inadvertently, I rebuilt the test machine and created several dummy files and folders in Documents, and I can verify that it is doing this on a fresh build.
    LibreOffice 6 on my LM18.3 machine does not behave in this odd way.

    1. @Tony: Did you tried checking the option “Sort folders before files”? Just open any of those dialogs (Firefox’s Open file for example), right click on the list of files and check the aforementioned option on the menu. You will have to select that option only once.

    2. @Odyseus – thank you, that did sort out the problem.
      I had never before noticed that particular option in the File Open and File Save dialogs , thanks for educating me!.
      I’m surprised that turning it on/off in one application has system-wide effect.
      Not sure how I managed to turn it off originally, maybe it was a ‘fat fingers’ occurrence.

    3. I tried to create a bug report about this (, but the response was that a gschema.override is distribution specific choice to make. So the Mint distribution might want to change this default for example. I would recommend it, especially in light of the number of people mentioning it in these comments.

  157. Trying out Cinnamon 19 Beta – Really hoping they change the Icon Size. I liked the scaling slide a lot better.

  158. Can I use the same disk I use for taking snapshots in my stable Mint 18.3 for also taking Tara snapshots without them affecting each other. I have a dual boot system which I am using for testing the beta and another separate partition which I use for my Mint 18 snapshot which I would like to also use for Tara snapshots, if it won’t interfere with the existing Mint 18 snapshots. Will this work? Thanks

    1. Timeshift automatically creates a folder in root as /timeshift and it says other places (to create a different folder) are not supported.

      Yet it seems they won’t be confused/interfered; cause when I tried to create a snapshot to the same place for two different distros (Mint 19 Beta on sda4 and another Debian based distro on sda2, both saved to sda1 /timeshift ) and when I look at /var/log/timeshift and open the log file for the existing snapshots, the UUID (of the source partition) and the matched device are indicated like this:

      [17:44:27] Distro: LinuxMint 19 (tara)
      [17:44:27] DIST_ID: LinuxMint

      [17:44:27] / matched for device: /dev/sda4, UUID=a9b213f7-f5a8-45b4-a774-2651f16e5240

      and for the other distro in my case:

      Distro name & Dist ID different,
      [20:29:01] / matched for device: /dev/sda2, UUID=f73a04f5-eb72-4a2c-8101-5f13791b787b

      So, your Mint 18.x and Mint 19.x are on different partitions and will be like this, like two different distros and they will know where they belong to..

  159. Hello Mint Team! Thx for all the Hard work!
    First impression of the beta .iso is quite good.

    Did not stumble across real game-breaker bugs, but came across a few polish nitpicks on my quick discovery tour. Some of it is actually a matter of opinion or feature requests, but some things might bug a new user as well.

    1. the new preference dialog in xed opens a bit to small to display the contend requiring manual resizing or scrolling to see every option – please adjust the size to make it fit.
    This new dialog box style generally has a tendency to not work very well when there is more options or categorys than fit the box (see Windows 10 for a bad example) so use it with caution please.

    2. Like the design of the new monochrome icons in nemo but the places sidebar looks a little depressing once the green selection bar is not displayed. Maybe ad a colour option of some sort for the icons.

    3. Mint-Y icons look better in general than in 18.3, but the desktop related light blue ones could use some rework they are not easily distinguishable on a quick glance.

    4. the applet-manager buttons could use a text instead/in addition to symbol option. even after using 18.3 for months I still need to wait for the tooltip to make sense of them.

    5. Gnome Calendar (nice theming btw.) does not seem to be able to play notification sounds nor display the notifications themselves. Integration into the time&calendar applet would also be nice.

    6. Flatpak management is a bit of a mess right now with it’s gui /cli mix. Would it be possible to integrate the updates into the mint updater gui (with a blacklist option for individual packages and maybe a purge option including dependencies for the software manager)?
    As long as integration is not fully possible for flatpaks maybe a clear warning about the update and deinstallation process could be displayed in the software manager when installing one so new user do not get confused?

    7. Is there a keyboard shortcut to access the left menu button on gnome applications that I have overlooked so far? If there is not, could we pls have one in the future?

    Looking forward to the final release! Keep up the good work!

  160. Hibernation is bust – just goes to the lock screen. It used to work in 18.x on the same system.
    Suspend still works.
    Possible result of moving from swap partition to swap file maybe?

    System specs:

    1. It doesn’t work either way, but the behaviour is slightly different. With a swap partition it behaves as if it’s hibernating to disk and then shuts down, but upon powering it on again it will just restart normally, ignoring the hibernation state. With a swap file it just goes to the lock screen as you said.

  161. Hi, and thanks a lot for your fantastic work!
    Yesterday I installed Tara in a fresh VM of Vmware. All works fine except the known bugs (gdebi…) But:
    Wine is a mess! as someone wrote already.
    After several tries before in other VM’s with Synaptic and Mintinstall I tried WineHQ stable via PPA. The installation seemed to work better then, but now I realize that there are no correct icons neither in Mintmenu nor on the desktop. All entries only have the same standard icon. Tried to change that in the desktop icons but there are no suitable icons to be found in my system, neither in /usr/share/icons nor in /pixmaps…
    Bug in Wine or Tara?
    Greetings and thanks again

  162. Going to fullscreen in Netflix, Youtube, VLC, Pix, etc. doesn’t cover the bottom panel. This problem is on my desktop, but my laptop goes fullscreen fine:
    Desktop Specs:
    CPU- AMD Phenom 9950
    Motherboard- ASUS M3A78 Motherboard
    Graphics Card- GeForce 9600GT
    8 Gb Ram

  163. Some details about my earlier bug report dated June 5, 2018 at 10:18 am
    It happens always but not with version 18.3
    What does not works is connection to a LAN window printer through SAMBA, direct connection through an USB cable still works.

  164. Hello dear Clem and friends!
    I am a happy user of mint and have been for several years.

    Can you please create a version of mint without systemd. It seems to cause instability issues.

    Also, I am suspecting it is being used as a potential attack vector against linux systems.

    I also think systemd is being used to embrace, extend and extinguish.

    Mint is the best in town and it is my home. Could you please offer an option for us systemd paranoid. You could do this with the groundwork the Devuan team has started.

  165. Mintupdate issue:
    1. Check “Hide the update manager after applying updates”
    2. Apply updates
    3. Mintupdate doesn’t hide after updates are applied

    1. Yes on my laptop too, after a manual update the window “your system is up to date” requires a manual closing, but is not it a normal behavior?

  166. Please add a suitable JRE into the software-repositories, such that we can install LanguageTool in LO. The default JRE yields an installation-error as well as JRE8 does. JRE9 seems to work in LM18 with LO6.0.4.2, but
    JRE9 isn’t available anylonger. De default JRE11 doesn’t work with LanguageTool

  167. On my single-boot PC with the bèta of Mint 19, I can’t call up the (normally hidden) Grub menu anymore. At least not without editing Grub’s configuration in /etc/default/grub first, which is too cumbersome for one-time use….

    It used to be possible by means of either pressing the Shift key directly after the BIOS screen disappeared, or by repeatedly hitting the Esc key. Now the Shift key doesn’t work anymore (neither the left one nor the right one), and the Esc key gives me a Grub prompt: grub >.

    Entering “normal” at the Grub prompt doesn’t give me the menu either: it simply boots silently into Mint 19 then.

    Is this a bug? Does anybody have an idea what to do? Or what to enter at the Grub prompt, in order to get to see the menu after all?

    1. OK, I’ve been able to solve it: *just one* short tap on the Esc key, directly after the BIOS screen disappears, calls up the Grub menu after all. Note that if you hit the Esc key *more than once*, you’ll land in the Grub prompt….

  168. One more bug:
    On two computers the wlan signal is very bad (60-80%), although the router is right next to it. Generally the my internet connection works great. I tried it with these two wlan adapters on kernel 4.15:
    AVM GmbH FRITZ WLAN N v2 [RT5572/rt2870.bin]
    Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377
    Is it the kernel driver or a problem with the network manager in Mint?

  169. Hi Linux Mint Team,

    Congratulation and thanks for your work. 🙂

    I noticed that you added new colors for the Mint-Y icon theme. It’s great. But you didn’t added new colors for the Mint-Y controls theme (for example : themes -> controls -> mint-y-aqua, mint-y-blue, …) like the Mint-X theme. Do you plan to do it before the release of the stable version ?


  170. Another bug:

    If I connect an external monitor through the HDMI port, after turning off, some icons in the bottom right bar will become small. Connect again and disconnect my external monitor, does not solve the problem. The only way to solve the problem is to restart the PC. However, on the external monitor, the icons are normal in size.

    Note: My laptop monitor is 4K and my external monitor is 1080p

  171. After installing an application via Software Manager, the “install” button changes to “Launch” and “Remove” but with the “Remove” button highlighted. Should it not be the “Launch” button highlighted?

    1. The “Install” button is green.
      The “Remove” button is red and the “Launch” button is gray.

      Keep the colors for “Install” and “Remove”, but make the “Launch” button green.

  172. When text-only tabs are loaded, firefox does not preserve the text characters or their original formatting

  173. I’ve tried to install Spotify but it does not work.
    It says it depends on libcurl3 but that it will not install it.
    If I try to manually install libcurl3, it tries to remove curl and libcurl4.
    Is it safe to do that? Would that break any other packages?

  174. Do u plan to put the last gimp version in Tara?
    It’a really a pity to have the old version,
    or to have to download it from external repisitories…!

  175. In some videos with subtitles, Xplayer does not show them, even if I select them in the menu. It happened to me in a .mkv file, but I do not know if it happens in other types of files. In these cases, I use VLC.

  176. Guys,
    I want to brake free completely from Windows so much, that I came to an idea:
    How about organising a big crowdfunding campaign to aquire official support for Linux from nVidia, AMD, Intel, Adobe and other big players? You know, to release their software or help develop new solutions for Linux (like some kickass display server).
    Do you think the Linux community all over the world could make it happen?
    If people could gather 170 million dollars for a single game (!!!), then why couldn’t we achieve something beneficial for Linux?
    Just thinking…

    1. Dany,

      As far as nVidia, AMD, and Intel, are you talking about drivers? Because they already release officially supported drivers for Linux. nVidia has a full driver available on their website. AMD used to have a full driver, but recently switched to a proprietary blob riding on top of the existing Open Source drivers, adding functionality. Intel officially backs the Open Source drivers that you see in the repos.

      As for Adobe, they do still have Flash for Linux, and used to have Adobe Reader (you can still download version 9.5.5 if you know where to look), but there wasn’t enough of a market and they dropped it.

      Renditions of this idea have been discussed many times over the last couple decades. I honestly think there’s still not enough of a market to make good business sense for most companies. It’s getting better, though. Perhaps one day we’ll have enough people using Linux to support this (assuming computers as we know them still exist at that point). In the meantime, I think our best bet is to pour all our support into Open Source projects that accomplish the same tasks as the proprietary ones from these companies. For example, there are Open Source pdf readers that are better than the one Adobe used to officially release. Put your money toward them. If enough money is seen going in that direction, perhaps the big companies will decide it’s a pie they want a piece of.

  177. A window with the error dialog appears after updating or refreshing, and the following code:
    W: El objetivo Packages (main/binary-amd64/Packages) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3
    W: El objetivo Packages (main/binary-all/Packages) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3
    W: El objetivo Translations (main/i18n/Translation-es_MX) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3
    W: El objetivo Translations (main/i18n/Translation-es) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3
    W: El objetivo Translations (main/i18n/Translation-en) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3
    W: El objetivo DEP-11 (main/dep11/Components-amd64.yml) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3
    W: El objetivo DEP-11 (main/dep11/Components-all.yml) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3
    W: El objetivo CNF (main/cnf/Commands-amd64) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3
    W: El objetivo CNF (main/cnf/Commands-all) está configurado varias veces en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome.list:1 y /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3


    I can’t get out of sleep mode :

    If my computer is in standby and I want to use it, my screen remains black. Typing in the keyboard, using the mouse and on/off button do nothing.
    I have to reboot my PC if I want to use it again.

  179. Hello,
    It seems that Nemo don’t record the folder sort out pref; that’s only one choose for all folder …

    1. Hi
      When we open Nemo, all is well the files and folders are OK. But when we want to transfer or save a file, Nemo opens the transfer or “save as” window with all the files and folders displayed in alphabetical order without regard for files or folders. Nothing I do in the settings changes that behavior. Very annoying!

    2. @Francois Proulx: Did you tried checking the option “Sort folders before files”? Just open any of those dialogs (Firefox’s Open file for example), right click on the list of files and check the aforementioned option on the menu. You will have to select that option only once.

    3. Dohh…
      That worked perfectly. Thank you very much. Did not know about that one.

    4. I had the same problem and fixed it as per Odyseus’ suggestion. But it is a bug. I had thought it was something I’d done wrong, but each time I rebuild a fresh copy of LM19 to test anew, this same issue arises. This needs to be fixed eventually.

    5. @Tony: It isn’t a bug, it is just a Gtk3 option. The following command will give you the current value (`gsettings get org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-directories-first`). In Ubuntu 16.04.x/Linux Mint 18.x with Gtk 3.18, that value was **true** by default. In Ubuntu 18.04.x/Linux Mint 19.x with Gtk 3.22, that value is **false** by default.

    6. @Odyseus: Thank you for explaining the changed default setting in Ubuntu 18.04. I find it a curious thing that the default was changed at all, but since you have given me the appropriate gsettings key, I can add that to the configuration script that I use to set up a new build the way I like it. Thank you for providing a specific and clear response to this issue.

  180. Connecting to Windows shares does not work from Nemo. Works fine with the same shares and 18.3 and also with the same version of Nemo on Manzaro/Cinnamon.

    Thanks for a great release,

  181. Do you plan to fix the missing NFS mounts in Nemo for the official LM 19 Cinnamon release?
    This functionality was available in LM 18.3 Cinnamon 3.6

    Is there any way to port applications like gnome-calculator in order to have a better Cinnamon desktop integration? For the Wellcome screen its a pity as well that beeing a LM pice of software cannot use the same themes. Just wondering.

    1. I use a script to mount and sync some data, manually: e.g sudo mount ~/nfs/pcbackup

  182. Wireless network not working on Dell Precision 5520

    Clicking on the Wireless option on the network adapters widget at the bottom toolbar has no effect — the slider moves to On and then immediately switches back to Off.

    Running as sudo “ip link set wlp2s0 up” has no effect. The command exits with status 0 but “ip link” shows the interface as DOWN.

    For hardware details see

    1. Update:
      – After upgrading all system packages, the behavior is the same.
      – Driver manager only shows an nvidia driver (which is active), there is no network driver.
      – Wireless is ON in the 2 Wireless BIOS configuration pages.
      – Network manager displays “Wi-Fi” as “Unavailable” although it allows me to click the slider to activate it; the slider becomes green but that has no effect (which is confusing, it should probably be disabled in this case).

  183. Anydesk. Shortcut saved connection on desktop will not launch. Gives ‘ There was an error launching the application’. From within anydesk it starts normal.

  184. Hello, another bug or feature? In the login screen the password mask does’nt show a blinking cursor anymore. It did so in 18.3 and before.

    1. That’s right. The password field has the focus on it, but the cursor is not blinking. Sometimes the cursor is there (not blinking) and sometimes you can’t see the cursor.

    2. In my case, Juan, it doesn’t even have focus. I type my password and hit enter then nothing happens. I have to click in the password field then enter my password. I always have to enter it twice because I’m used to 18.3 in which the password entry field already has focus.

    3. (I take that back: it’s the password prompt to unlock the screen after the screensaver has activated that doesn’t have focus, not the initial login screen. Sorry.)

  185. Hello,
    I am testing Linux Mint 19 beta, and geolocation does not seem to work in Firefox (I downloaded Chrome, and it works in this browser).
    Thanks a lot for your work.
    E. D.

  186. /Home has acquired a few new files since the last update.

    ~$ ls ~
    bash bzdiff dash Downloads lesspipe openvt Public ‘VBox Share’ WindowsFiles
    btrfs bzgrep Desktop hostname Music Pictures shows Videos
    busybox bzmore Documents kmod nano ping Templates ‘VirtualBox VMs’

  187. Hi Linux Mint team and thank you for a great OS.

    I’m a long time user of Linux Mint and over the last couple of days I’ve tried the following distros that offer the Cinnamon desktop; Manjaro, Fedora and Mint of course. I also tried Fedora GNOME.

    All the Cinnamon installs exhibit the same symptom on my Asus laptop – the first CPU core is glued between 90% – 100%.
    Executing grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/ yields

    /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe61: 162375 STS enabled unmasked

    And executing echo “disable” > /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe61 “calms” the CPU core to a normal state

    I can only conclude that this is a Cinnamon related issue since the Fedora GNOME install did not exhibit the same behaviour.

    1. After installing Intel Microcode, I no longer see the high CPU values.
      $ sudo apt update
      $ sudo apt install intel-microcode

  188. Hi and thanks for Mint19,

    I’ve noticed that “pkexec xed” throws an error:

    “Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
    (xed:1231): Gtk-WARNING **: 18:59:00.261: cannot open display: ”

    “pkexec nemo” works as expected, haven’t tested any other apps.

    1. @greerd: As a workaround, you can use the command `pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xed`.

    1. ok, I managed pptp now. every time i disconnect pptp vpn I loose my wifi connection though. start/stop wifi solves this, but it”s kind of a pain handling it this way.

      openvpn no joy. i import my ovpn file, configute ca.crt, client.crt and client.key as i always did up until now, with mint cinnamon 19 beta theres no way to get the vpn up and running like this. i then tried checking the log in /var/log/openvpn, but this folder is empty. How to proceed now?

    2. I installed PIA Open VPN from the software manager easily and it worked well on my latop HP Stream, but the panel display is poor and change of server is awkward. It is why I finally use the version V80 from PIA official site.

    3. thx for the replys.

      my requirement is simpler than PIA. I’ve got a router with tomato firmware as a openvpn server up and running and need to jump into the LAN there from distance (managing network devices). This works fine with Cinnamon 18.3 and earlier versions, with cinnamon 19 I can get this up and running. Spontaneous error message “connection couldn’t be established” and no log is written. I’ve checked the config 100 times and compared with another computer, where I can successfully connect. I’ve tried to find a bugtracker but honestly, I can’t find it.

  189. Thinkpad T500, clean new install of the 19 beta

    1. Trackpoint (mouse pointer) has too high acceleration and sensitivity. Lowering the sliders to reduce these values doesn’t help. I can’t tell if it makes no difference at all, or just very little.

    2. Right click on the panel and try to “move” it to top or side of the screen, and the Panel doesn’t move.

    3. Right click on the Dropbox icon on the Panel doesn’t bring up the Dropbox menu, but just the Panel icon menu.

    4. Trying to set up keyboard shortcut “super+left” etc. to control window tiling doesn’t work. I may be wrong about this. I need to do some more testing.

    Thank you very much for a great release!

  190. I also had problem 1) reported by @Jakob:

    1) Intel microcode is not displayed in the driver manager

  191. Not a bug but rather an omission. The icon directory Mint-Y-Yellow does not exist. Easy to create the directory by user.

  192. In /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/, increasing the timeout on the of mintinstall-update-pkgcache from 60 to 180 (or more) solves (for me) the Update Manager refresh timeout problem reported first by Alex Grecu.

    1. Thanks Mark, for the info, changing the timeout to 180 solved the issue for me too.

    2. Have you found why it takes so much time to do the steps: Processing Flatpaks and Processing APT packages?

      MintInstall: Processing Flatpaks for cache took 120963.721 ms
      MintInstall: Processing APT packages for cache took 3435.910 ms

  193. My monitor config file is missing. I have a fresh installation of the LM19 beta and it’s missing. Is this a bug or am I not doing at something correctly? I have the hidden files showing, and was looking in my user’s home config file (/home/user/.config.) And I can’t find it. I believe the name of the file is supposed to be monitors. I know I edited this successfully in LM18.3. Any help is appreciated, and if it’s a bug, this is me reporting the bug.

  194. Monitor config file missing. Looking in /home/user/.config with hidden files visible. If this is a bug, I’m reporting it. If it’s not a bug, tell me where to adjust my monitor settings permanently. Thanks!

  195. I’m not sure where is the right place to report this…

    LM 19 64bit

    apt doesn’t autocomplete some specific commands such as “full-upgrade” and “list”.

  196. Hi Mint-Team,

    Mint 19 + Cinnamon:
    2 problems until now:

    Within my home folder there are at least 2 folder which are assigned to “root”. I think root should not put any data in my user folder!?
    find ~ ! -user $USER -ls
    655599 4 drwx—— 3 root root 4096 Jun 7 17:36 /home/peter/.dbus
    655593 4 drwx—— 2 root root 4096 Jun 7 17:36 /home/peter/.cache/dconf

    I’m using “Adwaita” Icons and miss few Icons in the start menu for:
    Settings/Seting Language
    Accessories/USB Format
    Accessories/USB Write Image

    Otherwise it looks great! 🙂

  197. Lovely edition ! I initially had some difficulty installing LM 19 beta on a Lenovo H530s on which 18.3 was installed from a flash drive ; a notice appeared saying that the files were damaged, which I found odd, as running 19 beta from the flash drive went fine. But after launching Firefox and the file manager and then clicking on the Install icon, everything went fine….

    Hitherto I’ve only discovered one bug – I can no longer insert Unicode characters into a text using «Ctrl + Shift + u», typing in the relevant hexadecimal code, and then depressing the space bar. On web sites, I can utilise the html code ; thus, while «Ctrl + Shift + u»», «1f609» and «Space» only produces 1f609, entering «&# 128521 ;» without the spaces produces 😉


  198. Cinnamon menu : fast scrolling the “all aplications” category by holding down arrow key or using the mousewheel leads to 100% cpu spikes and the scroll stutters to a halt. Same behaviour in 18.3 .

  199. can’t see the share remote desktop ….. i went to menu/preferences but then no desktop sharing was there

  200. The applying changes window of Update Manager closes without any action by the user and does not allow the user to review details of the changes after they have been applied.

  201. I’m having issues with my AMD Radeon HD 6870. In LM 18.3 Cinnamon, it works perfectly. I’ve gamed with it, i am able to watch a full screen youtube on one screen while surfing on the other screen. I installed 19 Beta Cinnamon and suddenly all of these tasks are not possible. When i try to watch any youtube video fullscreen it stutters and shows at 5fps or worse. If i leave it not in full screen but i scroll in a browser on my other monitor, the youtube video stutters.

    I still have 18.3 installed and confirm it’s setup at the same as how i set up 19 Beta. Is there anything that happened with the kernel or anything that would cause these issues?

  202. I’m not sure this is a bug or not!
    Following all tutorials, there are no ways to disable Bluetooth permanently. After every restart it should be dealt with manually by the system tray.

    1. Sam, did you try opening the Bluetooth dialog box (from Settings) and, under the “Devices” tab, switching off Bluetooth and, under the “Settings” tab, switching off “Show a tray icon”. That did it for me.

  203. Is here nobody who tries to install Mint 19 beta native? I’m unable to do so because I need to install in native DOS mode – but all possibilities I get in rthe installer stich to boot is UEFI and UEFI. So the installer whines because it sees UEFI only and no FOS-modde. So there is no possibility to boot the stick to native DOS mode – but 2 time boot to UEFI.

    I’d written the stich with USB image writer in Mint 18.3. W10 on the Disk is installed in DOS mode beside Mint 18.3. Both are installed and boz in CSM (DOS) mode. Mint 18.3 Live lists both UEFI and NON UEFI boot mode – Mint 19 lists 2 time UEFI and both boots to UEFI. So impossible to boot it to NON UEFI.

    1. Hi Herbert,

      We install it in both modes (EFI and BIOS) during QA. This is known to work. You’re not the only one though, somebody mentioned missing BIOS files, though we didn’t get enough info on this, we’re not sure what was meant.

    2. Did it work before? I’ve noticed some machines refuse to recognize the MBR boot options on the USB if the EFI options are there. Strangely, it seems to depend on both the machine and the ISO. My LM USB will not boot in MBR mode on some HP machines (yet a Clonezilla USB with both modes will work either way). In such cases I had to boot from a DVD of the ISO to get and MBR boot to work (even though it’s a USB DVD). Our office has MBR installs of Windows so you can’t dual boot with an EFI install of LM. When you attempt to boot the LM USB, the MBR options are simply missing from the choices (except for the DVD devices).

  204. Disappointed the minimal install option from Ubuntu 18.04 not available. Will stick with Debian Stretch with a Cinnamon-core install from the command line. Didn’t see enough new useful features to justify removing all the unwanted applications from a normal install.

  205. I upgrade Mint 18.3 Cinnamon to 19. I have Grub configured to save the last boot as the default, but it always selects the 2nd entry.

    1. How do you configured GRUB?
      I use GRUB Customizer for that and also use the option to remember the previous booted option. It works here.

      I remember though, that it once didn’t worked in the past. It was due to the fact, that I changed the name of my second OS in GRUB. Check if one of your entries is a custom entry.

      Means: What is displayed behind “script:” – custom or os-prober?
      If the first applies: You may have to add the command “savedefault” manually. Use the edit window of your “windows” entry and add this line to the top of the boot sequence.

    2. Thank you Heedermann !
      It turns out that one entry had the “savedefault” entry, but the other did not !hanks
      Once I added it to the missing entry everything works as expected.


  206. I can’t speak English, I translate it with Google, mint 18.3 Cinnamon, when the taskbar comes to flash, it will automatically pop up the message box. What is the reason!!!

  207. I want to report a bug, when I right click on the desktop the options menu does not appear, and I can not place icons on the desktop, another thing I have noticed is that some applications do not integrate well with the gtk theme.
    Greetings and thanks.

  208. Hello Clem. Thank you for the work on gdebi and ai32.libs. I am still getting an error.
    Adobe Air installs perfectly now, but when I try to install the Pandora ap I get this error:

    Adobe AIR application could not be installed. Debian tools for creating deb packages (such as dpkg-deb or ar) were not found on the system. Yet ppkg-deb and ar are already installed.

    Never got this error before with any Air apt installation.

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you for responding, dpkg-dev is already installed.
      This feels like maybe the adobe air which is very old now,
      is looking for dpkg-deb in the wrong place. It seems to me
      like a path problem in one of the scripts or something.
      I’m not sure where to begin with all that and may have to settle
      for pithos. A shame as the air ap for Pandora is so simple and nice.

    2. Welp, I checked and the paths for dpkg-deb and dev are exactly the same for 18.3 and 19
      so that is not it. I’m giving up for now and I’ll just get Pithos, also a nice app but takes up
      too much real estate on the desktop. Thanks so much for the ia32.libs I get avast and adobe
      reader and bitdefender working with those libs. Thank you!

    3. One last thing to try. When the update course from 18.3 to 19 is ready, I’ll use that and see if I can hang onto the Pandora app which is already installed. 😉 Ya never know.

  209. Another bug:
    When I turn off bluetooth it’s back on after reboot. It used to be that if I turned it off it stayed off.

  210. … The Bluetooth issue …
    Thanks for replying. I think the systray. after every reboot I have to manually disable the Bluetooth via Bluetooth icon in systray and I tried systemd to disable it permanently and it wasn’t have any effects on the icon, next boot again it would be blue and on (not gray and off).

  211. Iv’e got a Thinkpad X201 Tablet. When pressing the RotateWindows key on the screen, as the screen is rotated, the touch screen is behaving strangely and the cursor isn’t aligned with the touch. This makes the rotate screen quite unusable…

    Tried to add my hardware info (copying the output of inxi -Fz) but sucuri blocked me…

    1. Another problem: When in tablet mode (that is, the screen is rotated and covering the keyboard) the RotateWindows key doesn’t work anymore… It just does nothing…

    2. Just to make this clear: when the screen is rotated 90 degrees to the left, the mouse cursor still moves as if the screen is regular. If I move my finger down (which is left on the screen when it’s set straigt) the cursor moves left and so on…

  212. Hi,

    Minor visual glitch, when launching the Timeshift wizard, the tooltip incorrectly states “Create snapshots using RSYNC” when you hover over BTRFS?

    Can replicate every time, Mint 19 Cinnamon fresh BETA install.


  213. I’m having issues with my printer. It is a Samsung Xpress M2070W. I’m using the same drivers that have always used and the printer and the scanner worked fine in 18.3 and previous versions. But in LM 19 the scanner is not detected and the printer prints some weird characters instead of what it is supposed to be printing.

  214. Hi,

    Another minor discovery, when opening the main menu editor, third up from the bottom is an empty ‘wine-wine’ entry with no icon or applications within. Perhaps orphan/can be removed?


  215. SCILAB 6.0.1 does not work on LinuxMint 19

    i get the following message:

    OpenGL Warning: Failed to connect to host. Make sure 3D acceleration is enabled for this VM.
    /usr/bin/scilab-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Can someone help?

  216. GNU OCTAVE 4.2.2 does obviously not run under LinuxMint 19???

    Nothing happens when starting from shell or menue!?!??

  217. I installed LM19 Cinnamon Beta on my old Acer Aspire 5516 and it freezes at shutdown. Does the same thing with Mate. I’m fairly certain it’s a kernel issue because the same thing happened with LM 18.3. So far I have not found a kernel that will remedy the situation. Any suggestions as to which kernel might be compatible with my ancient laptop. Thanks.

  218. Newly introduced bug (I think).
    My Google account in Online Accounts have suddenly become inaccessible since the the Cinnamon update (Friday 8th June). It was working perfectly before that, but now is reporting that the wrong details are being provided and is unable to mount the drive, despite the fact that the details are correct. I won’t roll the system back with Timeshift just yet, as I also have an Insync account which allows me to access the Google Drive. Hopefully this can/will be fixed in the next update.

    1. UPDATE:
      Not sure what happened re: previous posting, but my Google account started working again, after booting up the computer this morning. Everything’s back to normal. It’s also working fine on my spare laptop too, so I guess it was just a fluke hiccup. 😀

  219. Just did a clean install of Mint19B, and did all updates. Attempting removal of Firefox via the terminal, causes apt to want to remove the gimp help files.

    sudo apt purge firefox
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:
    Use ‘sudo apt autoremove’ to remove it.
    The following packages will be REMOVED:
    firefox* gimp-help-en*
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
    After this operation, 209 MB disk space will be freed.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

  220. Sorry to be so verbose but….I found another one.
    When connecting my iPhone 6 running iOS 11.3 via USB to Mint 19 Cinnamon, the phone asks if I want to trust this computer and I select trust. Enter my PIN. Phone mounts but I can’t browse folders/view files. Mint 17 and 18 had this problem too. However, on the same hardware running Buster I can browse folders/view files on my iPhone without any issues (note: don’t remember which iOS version I was running when this first started happening with Mint 17 – but it’s still present today).

  221. I like this beta, no real problems found. As said before, I really like LM. I found a hardware-dependent problem (i.e. you can’t replicate when using different hardware) so I decided to mention it. I don’t know if I’m supposed to report it here however…?

    Linux mint reports my GPU as “NVIDIA Corporation: GT215 (GeForce GT 240)”. While installing Linux Mint 19 BETA (Cinnamon) small glitches are seen untiI after installation I choose to install use the recommended (non-open-source) driver after installation. Good to see the driver thing at the Welcome screen! Instead of having to look for it in Ubuntu 18.04 (or was it 17.10) where it is hidden in some tab. Linux Mint 18 had the same glitches, no problem. However now with 19 BETA while installing the proprietary driver, the screen goes blank and the monitor LED goes orange. I found it good to wait a few minutes and switch off my PC. After switching on again, everything was good and the driver was installed and the glitches were gone. So no problem, but the thing is somehow my GPU or monitor were switched off while instailling the proprietary driver so I couldn’t see the status nor reboot properly when it was done. That’s a thing to have a look at.

  222. I installed the 19 Beta Cinnamon today on a spare laptop (HP 8840P Intel i7,6GB ram, 500GB HDD ) with Windows 10 Dual Boot…. and everything is working great. Maybe a few little glitches but nothing to complain about.. Fantastic work by everyone……… Looking forward to the end of June Release……. Again congrats everyone

  223. Switch the BIOS to boot only native DOS mode – no stick is listed as bootable
    Switch the BIOS to boot noth native DOS and UEFI mode – the stick is listed 2 times as UEFI mode and both emties boot up to UEFI and the installer whines that the PC contains only DOS native systems and continueing install it will deactivate all installed systems. So no possibility is given to install Mint 19 to DOS native mode as the live system gives no chance to boot up in native mode.

    The first entry is UEFI – full stick
    The second UEFI partition 1
    no entry for DOS mode – both entries are ending in the installer warning about unwanted UEFI.
    One of the both entries should boot to native DOS mode – none of them does.

    1. Do you have an HP? You may not like this, but if you make a DVD rather than a USB you may be able to get the installer to boot in MBR mode.

  224. Operating System Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon 64-bit
    Cinnamon Version 3.8.3
    Linux Kernal 4.15.0-20-generic
    Processor Intel© Core TM i7-7700HQ CPU @2.80GHz x 4
    Memory 15.5GiB
    Hard Dirves 475.8 GB
    Graphics Card Intel Corporation Device 591b

    Hello, this is the configuration of my computer. After I installed linux mint 19, it won’t start.

    1. Originally, I wanted to edit the startup item by pressing e when the Linux mint boot menu appeared. However, this interface flashed and there was no way to edit it.

    2. [ 0.000000]ACPI Error:[\_SB_.PCIO.XHC_XHC_.RHUB.HS11]Namespace lookup failure,AE_NOT_FOUND(20170831/dswload-210)
      [ 0.000000]ACPI Exception:AE_NOT_FOUND,During name lookup (20170831/psobject-252)
      [ 0.000000]ACPI Exception:AE_NOT_FOUND,(SSDT:xh_rvp11)wile loading table (20170831/tbxfload-228)
      [ 0.000000]ACPI Error: 1 table load failures,12 successfual (20170831/tbxfload-246)
      [ 6.339948]Couldn’t get size: 0xB00000000000000e
      [ 6.339963]MODSIGN: Couldn’t get UEFI db list
      [ 6.341649]Couldn’t get size: 0xB00000000000000e

    3. [ 0.035323]ACPI Error:[\_SB_.PCIO.XHC_XHC_.RHUB.HS11]Namespace lookup failure,AE_NOT_FOUND(20170831/dswload-210)
      [ 0.035330]ACPI Exception:AE_NOT_FOUND,During name lookup/catalog (20160930/psobject-227)
      [ 0.035376]ACPI Exception:AE_NOT_FOUND,(SSDT:xh_rvp11)while loading table (20170831/tbxfload-228)
      [ 0.038558]ACPI Error: 1 table load failures,12 successfual (20160930/tbxfload-246)
      [ 5.240769]nouveau 0000:01:00.0: priv: HUBO:00d054 00000007 (1f408216)
      [ 5.240862]nouveau 0000:01:00.0: priv: HUBO:10ecc0 ffffffff (1e408227)
      [ 5.510243]nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRW: failed to create kernel channel,-22

    4. [ 0.000000]ACPI Error:[\_SB_.PCIO.XHC_XHC_.RHUB.HS11]Namespace lookup failure,AE_NOT_FOUND(20170831/dswload-210)
      [ 0.000000]ACPI Exception:AE_NOT_FOUND,During name lookup/catalog (20170831/psobject-252)
      [ 0.000000]ACPI Exception:AE_NOT_FOUND,(SSDT:xh_rvp11)while loading table (20170831/tbxfload-228)
      [ 0.000000]ACPI Error: 1 table load failures,12 successfual (20170831/tbxfload-246)
      [ 6.339948]Couldn’t get size: 0xB00000000000000e
      [ 6.339963]MODSIGN: Couldn’t get UEFI db list
      [ 6.341649]Couldn’t get size: 0xB00000000000000e

  225. Something goes wrong with USB image creator:

    perry@erde ~ $ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdg
    GNU Fdisk 1.3.0a
    Copyright (C) 1998 – 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    Warning: Der Treiberdeskriptor sagt, dass die physische Blockgröße 2048 Bytes ist. Linux sagt, dass es 512 Bytes sind.
    i Ignore
    c Cancel

    Disk /dev/sdg: 31 GB, 31815383040 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 967 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 2048 = 32901120 bytes

    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    Gleitkomma-Ausnahme (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
    perry@erde ~ $

    gparded lists:
    1 unknown partition of 4KB in size
    1unallocated are of 1,74 GB
    1fat32 partition of 2,28MB in size and 2,26MiB used
    1 unallocated area of 27,91 GB in size

    That does not conform to a good layout.
    This confuses the BIOS Asus ROG STRIX Z270 so it can*t soo the native boot entry.

    1. Maybe your USB stick is a bit corrupted.
      Suggest that in gparted you go to Device menu and click Create Partition table. This should get rid of rogue partitions.
      Then when that is done, try the USB Image Creator again.

    2. Herbert R, re above comment, make sure that in gparted you select the USB drive, not the hard disk!

  226. Not sure if this is the correct place to report this issue with Tara but after I installed the applet “Battery Applet with Monitoring and Shutdown (BAMS)”, a popup box is displayed after the install and also each time I first login after a restart that shows a red circle with a minus sign saying “Some Dependencies not Installed” and then ” You appear to be missing some of the programs required for this applet to have all it’s facilities including notifications and audible alerts.”

    The applet still seems to display the battery charge through both the charging and discharging cycle but I guess the charging / discharging alerts now won’t work in Tara.

  227. Never got a feedback or questions regarding the NFS bug in Nemo. I do not even know if it will be considered for the final release. In Cinnamon 3.8.4 & Nemo 3.8.3 the bug is still present.
    If the user mount the NFS folders after system startup with a script the mounts are not visible in Nemo left menu, where all drivers are shown.

    1. Is this is an example of listening the community and the bug reporting feedback?
      I wrote 3 times about the same issue and nothing for the developers side. I imagine you are very busy looking towards the release, but don’t you want to fix most of the reported bugs? This one is not even recorded.
      What I really loved by Mint was exactly this that you listen your user base. Please don’t change that.

    2. Hey Magni,

      Look at the number of comments. We cannot reply to every single one. There also are delays involved when gathering feedback. Testing and gathering as a completely different process than fixing issues. It’s hard to focus on both, so we usually have days dedicated to fixing what’s been already collected, and days where we collect more and have time to answer comments.

      Don’t be frustrated. We won’t fix all bugs and we certainly can’t reply to all queries, but thanks to your feedback some issues will get fixed and we’ll have raised the quality between BETA and STABLE.

  228. The progress indicator in the panel should be the same color as the chosen theme. Not just green.

  229. Not sure if this has been reported but Nemo fails to copy the file type attribute across when copy to another drive. I just used Nemo to copy some text files (ie listed as type “Text” by Nemo) but without any file extension to another drive (actually on a NAS box) and the copied files are shown as having a file type of binary even though the original files had a file type of Text. I am assuming that this would be considered a bug and not because of some obscure reason.

    1. @Chris
      That same thing happens with LM18.3.
      If I copy a file to a USB device on same machine, it is still shown as “Text” but if I copy it to my NAS then the attribute changes to Binary. Might be something to do with being on different machines?
      I suspect it is not a bug so much as a limitation of the operating system, but I really don’t know.

    2. @Chris. Just for information – I believe that the phenomenon you reported only happens when you copy to a separate system (eg your NAS) when connected via an smb share (eg by browsing your network workgroup in nemo).
      If you mount that separate system/NAS using the mount cifs command (or via fstab) then this issue does not arise.

  230. 19 – wine-stable (no right click menu entry for installing programs.)
    also wine crashes when trying to manually install program. Worked well in 18.3 so something has changed or is missing in 19. Installed playonlinux program install fine.

    1. The latest version of wine does not install menu items in any distribution. That’s not a Mint thing, its a deliberate decision by the devs at winehq.
      I don’t know whether the Mint devs will come up with a metapackage to improve on the current situation.
      In the meantime if anyone really needs to install wine in LM19 BETA, I have written a bash shell script that will do it and will also create some menu entries. See the PDF file below for instructions.

    2. A postscript to my previous post. If you browse to the file I have linked above, you’ll probably get a DropBox popup inviting you to get a DropBox account. That is not necessary, just dismiss the popup.

  231. I might add that when trying to install program via wine in terminal there are not error messages.

  232. I Installed Mint 19 Cinnamon. I have black areas instead of the background image (only if I use two screens). The areas change on mouse movement and clicks. Clicking on the background normally solves the problem till next mouse movement. I also saw that changing elements of a window (e.g. progressbar) creates the issue.

    Screenshot is available under:

    Using one screen (Laptop or Monitor) works fine.

    If I can support further Information, feel free to contact me.



  233. Hello,

    I’m still in the Cinnamon Mint 19 beta tests. And there … Catastrophe! I just discovered that the middle mouse button no longer unrolls the context menu when dragging drop with Nemo (and I did not find the option to reactivate it)! How to copy a file (not move it)??? It’s been years that I used the middle button. Don’t tell me I will have to use the keyboard? Fed up with this fashion where you can’t do everything with the mouse, you have to use a keyboard at hand for the slightest thing …
    I hope it’s an oversight, it’ll come back …
    Anyway, thanks for your work.


    1. I also noted and commented (above) about the same thing. The latest Cinnamon update has fixed that issue. You can now make links, move or copy files using the middle mouse button. 😀

    2. My apologies. I have dual-booted my main PC with Mint 18.3 and Mint 19 beta. I thought I was still booted into Mint 19 when I posted my previous response. I was wrong. The issue still hasn’t been fixed with the latest Cinnamon update (3.8.4). Hoping it will soon be fixed. My apologies again. :/

  234. 3° Bug??

    You can not take a picture of the screen or the folder options in the nemo. Following in the steps:

    Open the home folder
    anywhere right-click
    will appear options “create folder, create new document …. etc”
    it is not possible to take a picture of the screen or that part with the printscreen or the shift + printscreen command.

  235. the superkey plus left/right arrow use in VLC is not available. whereas the up/down arrow can be used to resize window display size.

  236. I spent a lot of time figuring out why I couldn’t install the LibreOffice-extension LanguageTool. After installing various JRE’s the problem remained. Finally I got the suggestion to install the package libreoffice-java-common. Installing this package solved my problem.

    It would be great to have this package into the repositories (or to bundle it with the jre’s)

  237. Dell Optiplex 790, i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GH.

    I second the empty Driver Manager window. It should be showing the Intel microcode driver as it did in Mint 18. Yesterday the bottom of the empty window showed 3 buttons: “Apply changes” and “revert” were grayed out, and “Restart” was active as though I had installed a driver, but I had installed nothing. I have not manually installed the microcode driver. Today the empty window shows 2 buttons: “Apply changes” and “revert”, grayed out, with a note saying “no proprietary drivers are in use”.

    I have 1 printer, a Brother MFC-J4620DW. Mint 19B installed 2 printers (or 2 versions of the same printer). The install procedure is the same as with Mint 18, the install script and the 4 deb packages are from the Brother support site. In Mint 18 and 19B, I selected the script default URI, “dnssd://Brother%20MFC-J4620DW._ipp._tcp.local/?uuid=e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055cc4e584”. The second printer URI is “ipp://BRN30055CC4E584.local:631/ipp/print”.

    By default, “Terminal” is in the main menu Favourites section. Under Administration, right-clicking on “terminal” shows “Add to favourites” instead of “Remove from favourites”. Selecting “Add” adds a second “terminal” to Favourites, and the context menu shows “Remove from Favourites” instead of “Add”. Selecting “Remove” takes out the second instance, leaves the original. I can’t get “terminal” out of Favourites.

  238. After the updates last night I am no longer able to drag maximized windows bu the title bar in Cinnamon.

  239. To clarify the drag of maximized windows, Firefox and Nemo will not drag when maximized, Thunderbird will drag when maximized

  240. There was a report on June 7th regarding simple networking and LM 19 Cinnamon. I have been looking at the same problem. On 18.3 (fresh load) networking disks with Samba was perfect (2 machines fresh 18.3). I switched drives and loaded 19. Again two fresh loads and added Samba on both. Really wierd with Nemo .. machine #1 had drive shared (sharing procedure went fine). Machine #2 nemo showed no shares available under Windows (ouch) icon but click back one screen and Nemo showed SMB share. I clicked on it and was able to mount it but nothing worked right. I would delete a file and it would reappear. I would copy a folder and it was locked. Permissions showed me as owner and had R/W permissions but there was a lock on the folder icon. Reloaded 18.3 on #1 and all looked OK but when I went to #2 with 19 loaded .. same problem. Reloaded 18.3 on #2 and everything was fine! I could see the Windows (eech) share and it mounted and everything worked perfect. I repeated this test again, a couple of times, even tried elevating priveleges with Nemo .. no difference. There’s something wrong with Nemo and or Samba in LM19. Machine #1 i7-4790K 16M 240G SSD. Machine #2 Inter NUC D54250wykh with 8G 240G SSD. Bug is solid, should be easy to reproduce. Thanks to the entire Linux Mint 19 team .. I love it!

    1. @Larry R I haven’t had quite the same experience, but certain cannot browse workgroups in Nemo.
      This is because the latest version of Samba has changed its protocol. There are 3 protocols – SMB1, SMB2 & SMB3. SMB3 is now used by default it seems, as it is apparently needed to talk to Windows 10 machines.
      If you open file /etc/samba/smb.conf as root, and under the existing heading [global] you add this line:
      client max protocol = NT1
      then save the file and restart, your system will revert to using the SMB1 protocol and you’ll be able to browse workgroups.
      I confess I find it all a bit over my head, but that is the fix I got from web searches and it works for me. Hopefully might help you.

    2. Tony … Thanks. Your fix works. The only problem I have with it, and I haven’t tested it yet, is what then happens if I introduce a Windows 10 machine into the network? With all of my fooling around this morning … I have found that it was not necessary to go to the Windows share. If I simply took the SMB share, it worked perfectly and it would not before. Clicking on the #1 machine and asking it to mount a drive, it complies and it work well. Before it would come back with errors saying that permissions could not be determined and it would refuse to mount it. This is over my head also but NETWORKING should not be this difficult! Thank you!

  241. Hello. In version 18.3 of Cinnamon there is a strange bug. at least at me on Lenovo G580 base complete set. When you scroll the menu with the touchpad, the menu starts to stop(lag)…. If you scroll to others, then there is no problem.
    Ps My English is terrible, sorry.
    В версии 18.3 Cinnamon есть странный баг. по крайней мере у меня на Ленове Г580 базовой комплектации. При скролле меню тачпадом, меню начинает тормазить…. Если скролить другим, то проблем не возникает.
    Пс Мой английский ужасный, извините.

  242. With some update yesterday, the sound applet disappeared from the panel. I tried removing it and adding it again (‘|Menu|Preferences|Applets|Manage’) by selecting the applet entry, clicking on the ‘-‘ button and then clicking on the ‘+’ button. Something clearly happens (things seem to rearrange briefly in the panel and something, maybe a window of some sort, flashes on lower region of the main monitor) but it’s too quick to see clearly and when it’s done I see no change.

    The other thing that has happened is that sound partially stopped working. By partially I mean that it works on some things and not on other things. Specifically, I do not appear to have any system sounds working and sound does not work within browsers (I only tested with the two I have installed, Firefox and Chrome) even though it works when using a media player (I have tried the default one and VLC).

    1. In case anyone reads this, please ignore. The issue with audio and the issue with the sound applet, etc. appears to have been caused by a pre-existing corrupted Pulse configuration file in my home user directory.

  243. The difference in performance between Cinnamon in 18.3 and 19 is significant and quite noticable. It’s a definite upgrade. So far, I’m seeing no issues on my 2011 MBP.

  244. 1)VLC
    The vlc menu font changes when the system default font size is changed but does not retain the change when vlc is exited/restarted.

    2)Tried logging out with an unsaved xed document.
    Box came up with options to lock screen,cancel,log out anyway
    but no indication of what was preventing the logout. In 18.3 it shows:- A program is still running, xed and there are unsaved documents.
    3)Annoying behaviour:
    In Nemo whenever I select an unmounted device to mount it or unmount a mounted device the sidebar menu autoscrolls to the top. Having 17 devices this mean a lot of scrolling whenever I want to mount or unmount more than one device. Is there a setting to stop the autoscrolling? 18.3 is fine.

    5)Why is the Mint-Y theme dominated by blue(awful blue)icons?
    Very first thing I did was switch to Mint-X where the icons are clearly defined (eg: the terminal icon) and the shades of blue in the icons do not assault my ageing eyes.

    6)I have not seen any improvement in the time taken to launch Firefox. Firefox still takes 10+ seconds on 1st use.

  245. Hibernation does not work.

    Set laptop lid close to hibernate and also tried hibernate button when logging out, the result is the same :
    Black screen with flashing cursor at top-left. Laptop remains on.
    Works well with Manjaro Linux..
    Old Toshiba Satellite A660 with nvidia GPU.

    1. I had the same problem, suspect it might be due to Mint 19 moving from swap partition to swap file, which requires some extra configuration.

  246. wifi did not work, but was able to fix with drivers on command line.
    cinnamon crashed and is in fallback mode and not able to fix.
    does that have anything to do with having amd64 ?

  247. It does not matter how times to try to write the mint 19 stick. It ends up in 2 times UEFI boot. The first entry is listeted as whole stick, the second entry in partition 1. Both entries gets the installer to whine abount booted in UEFI but there are NON UEFI systems alreday installed! DONT go ahead when you dont like to destrov them!

    So no possibility to install plain DOS mode!

    I don’t like reinstall Windows 10 in UEFI mode as it is installed already in plain DOS mode. So I not able to install the most used system Linix Mint 19 other than to destroy Windows.

    1. See my note to your original posting. You can probably boot off of a DVD in MBR mode if not the USB.

    1. That’s upstream from us. This button shows your favorites. It becomes sensitive only after you added one favorite (with the right-click button… what’s here, add to favorite).

  248. When trying out the new admin:/// function xed asks for the root password two times in a row? That’s a little annoying. One should be enough.
    xed admin:///etc/fstab

  249. Noticed something cosmetic in timeshift setting which is bit confusing. Under setting>users the options provided are exclude apps; include hidden apps; exclude apps. In 18.3 the options are clear include hidden items, include everything. Hope this is a easy fix. Thanks again.

    1. I found it also confusing. It does not explain why and when is it useful to include hidden items. I use a SD card of 32 Go for Timeshift. It is more than twice sufficient for 3 daily snap shots.

  250. When I download Molotov.Appimage and try to launch the file it fails.
    The same installation with Mint Cinnamon version 18.3 runs perfectly on my both laptops.

  251. Well done team,
    VLC (3.0.2 Vetinari) looks much better now that it can go full screen again and hide the control panel 🙂

    However, when i connect an Iomega 2TB external hard drive to either of 2 computers, Open the File Menu or “Media” Menu as its called within VLC, select Open File, I just see “Computer” and my “Home folder” listed on the left. No external hard drive is listed.

    While opening the Media Player application (Xplayer 1.8.1), choosing File, followed by Open, I see my “Home” folder and my external hard drive listed.

    I launched LMDE Cinnamon on another computer, opened up VLC (an older version 2.1 I think it was), again opening up the Media menu, but this time I could see my “home” folder and my external hard drive listed.

    Now, I could it must be said on LM 19, in VLC, navigate to my external hard drive by selecting /media/home/…. etc but it’s just a longer way to do it than before.

  252. Yakuake does not work.
    qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
    Couldn’t start kglobalaccel from org.kde.kglobalaccel.service: QDBusError(“org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed”, “Failed to execute program org.kde.kglobalaccel: No such file or directory”)
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/16/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/16@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/16/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/16@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/22/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/22@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/24/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/24@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/24/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/24@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/32/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/32@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/32/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/32@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/48/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/48@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/48/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/48@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/64/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/64@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/64/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/64@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/96/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/96@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/128/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/128@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/256/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/256@2x/”
    Invalid Context= “Apps” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/symbolic/”
    Invalid Context= “Mimetypes” line for icon theme: “/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/symbolic/”
    I hope it will be easy to repair.
    The system itself is great, thank you for a great job.

  253. I have 6 windows disk on a windows PC that are mounted (using cifs cmd) to directories in the user home directory. Two of the displayed data lists are incorrect as they are both missing the first entry. One of the entries should show;
    System Volume Information

    However it does not show the first two lines, what shows is;
    System Volume Information

    This happens consistently on two directories but not on the other four, and with Mint 18.3 there was no issue, every line displayed as it should.

    I am using 19 cinnamon beta and this problem happens after creating the directory in my home directory and using the following command to mount the windows directory.

    mount -t cifs // -o username=rod,password=roderick,uid=rod,gid=rod /home/rod/win7/rod

    If I can help in any way please email me.

    1. Only because you didn’t mention it in the above, but did you enable to show hidden files?

  254. Eager for the final release. This version is the best one yet.

    Some serious issues with Xplayer:

    In fullscreen mode, it starts misbehaving after a while. Video freezes/goes black, sound is still there. Keyboard is lost. Mouse pointer moves, but no action can be taken. Reset button on box only option.

    Also, ‘Fit Window to Movie’ does not work.

    Mint Cinnamon 64-bit. Clean install. AMD box, Nvidia card, Nouveau driver. On the same hardware, Mint 18.3 and Xplayer works fine. (Multiple HDDs, so I can alternate between systems.)

  255. This is not a bug, and a very little thing, but on another hp laptop (with 1366 x 768 screen), (just after installing the new Kernel via the update manager and the recommended Nvidia driver), the splash logo (during init) became wider..

    I compared the grub.cfg files before and after, but the first parts – till the kernel version etc..- are the same literally. I’d say it’s due to the driver, but it looks as Nvidia starts just after the init.. Am I wrong? Is it due to the new Kernel or should I stop using the driver?

    1. This is probably the Nvidia driver.Try to add your screen resolution to grub.
      Open the file `/etc/default/grub`. There’s a comment `#GRUB_GFXMODE=…`
      Uncomment it and add your resolution:
      The update grub with `sudo update-grub`.

    2. Heedermann, thank you, but it didn’t work. Then I restarted with the old kernel, didn’t work, either, then opened the driver manager and turned to open-source one – this made everything worse 🙂 and turned back to Nvidia..

      Not a big issue but just confusing.. It was nice with the original kernel and the open-source driver.. (If it was the stable release I’d take a snapshot, I didn’t use Timeshift just for it’s beta ..) (Meanwhile, I also opened the nvidia settings and turned the resolution from auto to 1366×768 – fixed, neither that worked).. Maybe I should add a line to grub.cfg directly?

    3. Emin,

      Use the driver, it’s just a cosmetic issue during boot and nothing more. Please see explanation below.

      This has always happened when the Nvidia driver is installed instead of using open source Nouveau driver (which I never use if I have an Nvidia GPU). It’s not a Mint problem and it doesn’t matter what kernel it is loaded. The problem started quite a few years ago when Ubuntu inserted “Plymouth” as part of it’s boot protocol and Plymouth is not compatible with Nividia drivers. It’s not a real problem per se, it just makes the Linux Mint boot screen wider and/or distorted as you say.

      There were more than several complaints and bug reports about this way back when but it’s basically a “No fix” situation.

    4. Kirk, thank you so much. Very good information. Although it’s not a big issue, people will read this in the future, when searching about it, and will know what’s happening 🙂 … Thank you again.

      (The only thing that confused me is when I selected the open-source driver again, everything became wider – resolution for everything changed 🙂 )

    5. My Goodness ! I did it ! 😀

      On Grub screen I pressed c to get to a command line, then typed the commands

      insmod vbe

      then, the max value in the output list was 1280x720x32 (afai understand, it’s the max resolution playmouth supports in my case, that’s why 1366×768 didn’t work)

      So I opened the file ( /etc/default/grub ) again and this time added the lines:


      and sudo update-grub …

      P.S. This is for a Bios pc but not Uefi. (for Uefi: GRUB_VIDEO_BACKEND=”efi_gop” ) .
      Additionally ,not only the splash logo but the grub screen appearance got better. Thanks again to Heedermann and Kirk M 🙂

  256. After the last updates wlan connection is very weak, only 2% and sometimes the signal get lost. I don’t have this problem with LM 18,3 and Kubuntu 18.04. I have desktop with AMD and Nvidia driver.

  257. Hello. I had issue with saving selected audiodevices (input, output). If a restart my PC, in Shell panel will be select default devices, not previous. Thanks.

  258. Hello,
    Using XED as root cannot record the modified pref of the program, after closing it, and open it again all change made are gone.

  259. Hi

    i successfully installed as VMware 14.1.1 Guest (over Linuxmint18.3 Host) with Latest VMware Tool.. every thing went fine ..except a observation that ““Cinnamon is Running without H/W acceleration” .. i enabled the 3D-Accelration in the VM .. but that also did not solved the issue .. as there was Vmware error that 3D acceleration not supported ..

    i am using the Display in HDMI mode …but i noticed that it shows Graphic card as

    Graphics: Card: VMware SVGA II Adapter
    i am not sure whether this is issue or normal …

    but Let me try to install this Beta software over the Mac 10.13.4 or Win10 Host (by using Vmware) .. and see if Video H/W acceleration problem still exit ..

    1. let me Share that my Actual H/W is
      Intel® Core™ i5-7400 Processor -Intel® Core™ i5-7400 Processor
      Intel® HD Graphics 630

  260. Using Vivaldi (1.15.1147.42 (Stable channel) (64-bit)) I downloaded a picture (jpg) from Facebook to my desktop. The download created a file (filename).jpg.crdownload. Once the picture was downloaded completely this file remained on my desktop. I can select it and check its properties, but I cannot delete it. I get an error message saying that the object does not exist.

  261. 5 more bugs:

    1 – In the login screen, the text cursor does not appear.
    2 – Also, in the login screen, it does not notify when caps lock is active.
    3 – The telegram application installed through additional ppa, the icon is only created after restarting the PC.
    4 – When I tried to install Feral Gamemode, after executing the ./ command, I got compilation error. To solve this problem, we needed to install the “libsdl2-dev” package.
    5 – After installing Feral Gamemode, it should boot at startup without additional steps. However, to boot at startup, I had to set in the system options, in startup applications.

    1. re haxterwolf’s bug #2 – this bug happens to me also.
      I notice that when I press CapsLock a very faint exclamation mark appears in the password field, but there is no proper warning message.

    2. @Tony

      Exactly. The best solution would be to appear a text with something like “caps lock is active”.

  262. I love Cinnamon but why does my laptop run super hot and it drains the battery faster than others? with a single Firefox/Chrome tab playing youtube low res video, my CPU and/or GPU runs hot. This issue only happen with cinnamon (since LM 17.0), I cannot find a way to fix it.
    CPU: i7-4702MQ
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 760M
    RAM: 16Gb


  263. Hello, I installed Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon version, and am having the following problem.

    During system startup after installation it gets stuck in a looping screen, which does not end up having to force shutdown on the notebook.

    The same problem happens at the start of LiveUSB, but with insistence the system goes up LiveUSB.

    # Syslog of the error below:

    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233645] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: AER: Corrected error received: id = 00e5
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pseudo-ASUS kernel: [33.233653] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: PCIe Bus Error: severity = Corrected, type = Physical Layer, id = 00e5 (Receiver ID)
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233654] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: device [8086: 9d15] error status / mask = 00000001/00002000
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233656] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: [0] Receiver Error (First)
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233659] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: AER: Corrected error received: id = 00e5
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pseudo-ASUS kernel: [33.233668] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: PCIe Bus Error: severity = Corrected, type = Physical Layer, id = 00e5 (Receiver ID)
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233670] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: device [8086: 9d15] error status / mask = 00000001/00002000
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233675] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: [0] Receiver Error (First)
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233678] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: AER: Corrected error received: id = 00e5
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pseudo-ASUS kernel: [33.233685] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: PCIe Bus Error: severity = Corrected, type = Physical Layer, id = 00e5 (Receiver ID)
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233687] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: device [8086: 9d15] error status / mask = 00000001/00002000
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233692] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: [0] Receiver Error (First)
    Jun 10 10:11:37 pedro-ASUS kernel: [33.233695] pcieport 0000: 00: 1c.5: AER: Corrected error received: id = 00e5

    # Data from my notebook:

    System Manufacturer ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.
    System model X555UB
    ASUS-NotebookSKU system SKU
    Processor Intel (R) Core i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2592 Mhz, 2 Core (s), 4 Processor (s)
    BIOS Version / Date American Megatrends Inc. X555UB.206, 1/23/2016
    Version of SMBIOS 3.0
    Built-in Controller Version 255.255
    UEFI BIOS Mode
    Manufacturer ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.
    Baseboard model Not available
    Motherboard name Motherboard
    Role of the Mobile Platform
    Safe Boot State Disabled
    Location United States
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
    Total Physical Memory 7.90 GB
    Hyper-V – VM Monitor Mode Extensions Yes
    Hyper-V – Second-Level Address Translation Extensions Yes
    Hyper-V – Virtualization Enabled in Firmware Yes
    Hyper-V – Data Execution Protection Yes

    # Video data:

    Intel (R) HD Graphics 520
    Device ID PNP PCI \ VEN_8086 & DEV_1916 & SUBSYS_1CCD1043 & REV_07 \ 3 & 11583659 & 0 & 10
    Intel (R) HD Graphics Family adapter type, compatible with Intel Corporation
    Description of the Intel (R) HD Graphics 520 adapter
    Adapter RAM Memory 1.00 GB (1,073,741,824 bytes)
    Driver version
    INF file oem12.inf (iSKLD_w10_DS section)
    Color planes Not available
    Color Table Entries 4294967296
    Bits / Pixel 32
    Memory address 0xDD000000-0xDDFFFFFF
    Memory address 0xB0000000-0xBFFFFFFF
    I / O port 0x0000F000-0x0000F03F
    IRQ IRQ Channel 4294967287

    NVIDIA GeForce 940M
    Device ID PNP PCI \ VEN_10DE & DEV_1347 & SUBSYS_246A1043 & REV_A2 \ 4 & 88F286E & 0 & 00E0
    Adapter Type GeForce 940M, NVIDIA compatible
    Description of the NVIDIA GeForce 940M adapter
    Adapter RAM memory (2,147,483,648) bytes
    INF file oem18.inf (Section128 section)
    Color planes Not available
    Color Table Entries Not Available
    Resolution Not available
    Bits / Pixel Not available
    Memory address 0xDE000000-0xDF0FFFFF
    Memory address 0xC0000000-0xD1FFFFFF
    Memory address 0xD0000000-0xD1FFFFFF
    IRQ IRQ Channel 4294967288

    Thanks for being able to collaborate.

  264. I updated Mint Cinnamon 18.3 to 19. My grub config uses GRUB_DEFAULT=”saved”. It stopped saving the ‘last used’ after the upgrade. I run the ‘boot-repair’ utility to reinstall Grub2. I have ‘Linux Mint 19’ as my first entry, ‘Windows 7 (on /dev/sdc2)’ as the second, ‘Advanced options for Ubuntu’ submenu as the third and ‘Windows 7 (on /dev/sdc3)’ as the last. Grub remembers the windows entries when I select them, but does not remember the ‘Linux Mint 19’ entry.

    1. Somehow the saveddefault was inserted into one of the entries, and would not change. I removed it and grub is working as expected now.

    1. After installing intel microcode, problem has been solved.

      sudo apt-get install intel-microcode

  265. Using the GUI, the changing the mouse sensitivity doesn’t actually change the sensitivity of my mouse. Is there a terminal command that will allow me to adjust the sensitivity of my mouse?

  266. Tara Cinnamon from Live USB:
    Software Manager-Games-All only shows 0Ad-Edgar i.e. it does not show the games beginning with later letters E-Z that can be found through the more detailed searches, e.g. Software Manager-Games-Simulation and Racing-Torcs

  267. I used Timeshift to revert to yesterday’s (June 9) snapshot. Now I am getting the following message: “Could not update ICEauthority file /home/myusername/.ICEauthority”, with just an option to log out.

    My home directory is encrypted, if that makes a difference, and as far as I know, I kept the Timeshift settings default (except changed the frequency).

    1. root@username:/home# ls -la
      total 24
      drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 6 17:48 .
      drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Jun 6 19:38 ..
      dr-x—— 35 username username 12288 Jun 6 17:50 username
      drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 6 17:48 .ecryptfs

  268. Thanks for all the good work on mint 19. my report on beta 19
    I came across a few errors that resulted in (after applying updates) then
    dropping back to a shell ( initramfs)

    The first was after grub, a error message IRQ No 1.55 handler for Vector
    I attained a fallback resolution desktop with cautions of increased CPU usage.
    I applied updates and prompts for timeshift however making that apply, were not possible.

    Upon reboot after updating I dropped back to a shell, initramfs command exit showed
    sda6 ( mint 19) root file system requiring manual fsck Computer is a mintbox 1 with 8gb ram

    Hope that helps

  269. Been using this from day 1 of beta – aside from the issues mentioned, I think I have run into one that has become a major one for me.

    Writing USB disk images rarely works, this applies to USB Thumb drives and MicroSD cards. I can sometimes get a good write, other times, it will not write and show an “empty” disk in the disk manager. To confirm if it was a bad image or not, I tried writing the same image i was having problems with on a Windows computer. There were no problems writing the image and I got a good boot for the device I was targeting.

  270. Any guides on how to clean up/delete stuff in memory when it gets full on a Linux live USB instead of making a new Linux live USB?

    1. @Mike Johnson : I’m unsure what you mean, without further explanation of what is happening.
      But I would have thought that a Live USB (like a Live DVD) shouldn’t have anything written to it, so if you are getting a message that “memory” is full maybe that’s referring to the RAM not the USB?

    2. He has probably tried to install packages from the repositories until he runs out of RAM – my guess.

  271. I am enjoying LM 19 as to this point. The only issue I have been facing is not being able to do much of anything in the menu. I mean the customization is a no go. Wanting to add a new custom Menu category to adding ones own Items to a category is like pulling teeth. Icon’s don’t save, Can’t arrange Items and etc. No way to add desktop Files to the menu after they have already been created. The menu needs some serious work, It’s far outdated.

    1. Agree with that!
      Let’s see what’s next. Unfortunately it’s never a priority. KDE did a very nice job with the menu, so maybe Cinnamon can get some inspiration from there. Same with the desktop/window effects.

    2. I agree with you both. It definitely needs fixing. Have also just been trying to configure the Menu (bottom left) using the menu editor and have not had a lot of success. Can’t organise the menu list or add custom icons, etc

  272. No sound in a 5 year old Dell Inspiron 15z, Intel i3, Intel 7 Series/C210 Audio High Definition Audio Controller.
    I failed with each of these 3 changes: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
    options snd-hda-intel-model index=0
    options snd-hda-intel model=generic
    options snd-hda-intel model=laptop

    They have worked in different installs of 17.3 on the same computer, but have no affect in Mint 19.
    I also tried dropping back to the other kernel, ending in .20, to no avail.

    1. UpDate: I had also installed pavucontrol, which had no effect. Same with alsamixer.

  273. Installed the Beta (Cinnamon 64bit) yesterday on my laptop (Thinkpad E330, i3 3110M).
    Overall it works well, but I encountered a few issues:
    * Boot up time is much worse than 18.3
    * PlayOnLinux seems not to have installed all Wine dependencies correctly, I couldn’t get any sound (would not find a sound device). After manually installing wine32 it pulled a lot of 32bit dependencies and since then sound works fine.
    * The Track Point (the little red knob on Thinkpad keyboard) has a somewhat weird acceleration, making precise movements more difficult. Have fiddled around with settings (mouse/touchpad), but they don’t seem to do anything? Will see if I get used to it eventually…
    * Some issues with Anaconda (newest version from their page). Spyder would segfault and crash on start. Fixed it by downgrading some packages in Conda, but that might actually be on their side, although it seems to have worked in 18.3.

    Otherwise it seems solid, if somewhat evolutionary rather than revolutionary…

  274. I have a question regarding resorces optimisation in Cinnamon.
    KDE Plasma is considered a heavy desktop but if I compare it with Cinnamon after a fresh boot it uses ~440Mb compared with Cinnamon 3.8 witch uses ~1Gb RAM.
    Why Cinnamon use so much RAM ?

  275. Live mode. Opening “System Settings” => “Display” is hanging my system completely (no reaction even on ctrl+alt+F6)

    1. They have LMDE, but you will encounter a different set of problems with a rolling release, that is why they keep LM as point release (as has been noted elsewhere on their official forums).

  276. Hello,

    I noticed that when the panel is set to smart hide, the Mint-update tray indicator does not change when updates are available

    Let’s describe more precisely: So my panel is set to “smart hide”.

    –if the Cinnamon panel was never hidden since the beginning of the session, the status of the mint-update tray icon is working as expected, changing whenever there are updates available.

    –But, if the panel has been hidden at least once (by maximizing a window) then the mint-update tray icon will remain static for the rest of the session, even if there are new updates available. This issue is probably not specifically related to mint-update, because I have a similar problem in Manjaro (pamac tray icon not changing). More likely a Cinnamon issue.

    1. Confirmed. Same thing happens on a Thinkpad T430 (Intel i5, 8 GB DDR3, Intel HD 4000 GPU and all Intel chipsets).

    2. Works fine for me ordinarily, but I noticed something similar if support for indicators is enabled.

    3. Did a bit of basic troubleshooting on the Update Manager “shield” icon not changing as it should.

      >If panel is set to “Always show”, the shield icon changes appropriately.

      >Changing the panel setting to “Intelligently Hide” or “Auto Hide” stops the Shield icon from changing from whatever it’s showing at the time meaning, check mark, white background, Gear, Blue background with exclamation mark, or Red background with X.

      >Once this happens, changing the panel back to “Always show” does not solve the problem however, changing the panel back to “Always show” and then turning on “Panel Edit” mode and moving any icon around in sys-tray (like “Volume” or “Removable Drives”) and then turning “Panel Edit” mode to off, returns the Shield icon back to normal and it will change appropriately.

      Note: A sys-tray icon has to be moved before the Shield icon returns to normal function. Simply turning on “Panel Edit” mode on and off will not fix the problem.

      >Doing the above if the panel setting is *not* in “Always Show” has no effect.

      >The panel “theme” has no effect on the problem that I can see.

  277. Hello I have noticed problem with shorcuts when there’s 3 special keys set.
    For example ‘Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L’ (reformat dialog in IDEA) is not working. Shortcut recognition in IDEA as well as in Keyboard>Shortcuts could not catch 3 specials key, only first two ‘Ctrl+Alt’/’Ctrl+Shift’ are caught. This has worker in 18.x.

    1. Yeah, I’ve noticed it too. When I set Alt+Shift for keyboard layout switching then I can’t use other shortcuts that uses third button, e.g. Alt+Shift+F for formatting code in Netbeans 🙁

    2. I have the same problem. I change my keyboard layout with CTRL+SHIFT it’s work fine, but chrome don’t understand CTRL+SHIFT+T (this combination restore closed tab). System only change layout. In Mint 18.3 all work fine.

    3. I also reported this problem. It seems that changing layout happens the moment you press the key combination while in Mint 18.3 it happens after you release the key combination, which gives the system “time” to differentiate between (for example) alt+shift (for changing layout) and alt+shift+tab (for flipping back through open windows). This is a pretty bad usability bug for anyone using more than one keyboard layouts…

  278. Dear Linux Mint team. This release is great and your work is outstanding.
    Regarding to the bugs, there are two I want to report:
    1) I cannot choose any desktop background except for the default one. I installed several mint-background packages and I can see them in the background manager, but there are no images.
    2) There is an issue with Clementine interface using mint-y-blue icon theme. Some of the interface icons are unproportionally big.
    Other than those bugs, system looks and feels very polished and well made. Additional appreciation for the disk encryption ability during install. Keep all your great work! Thank you!

    1. Hi Turin,

      Can you run “cinnamon-settings backgrounds” from the terminal and see if you get an error message when browsing wallpapers?

    2. The mint-y icons not working with clementine relates to this:

      “This will be because of the icon theme you’re using – it has icons in the wrong folders for their size and Qt gets confused when it loads them. Try using a different icon theme or asking the author of that theme to fix their directory layout.” taken from the above URL

      Adwaita or Mint-X work well. I guess the Mint-Y icons need another look and some kind of fixes.

    3. Dear Linux Mint,
      I ran cinnamon-settings backgrounds from Terminal as you suggested and found out that there is a problem with my locale (en_IL). I tried to do dpkg-reconfigure locales, but it didn’t help (even after logoff). Then I manually replaced “LANG=en_IL” with “LANG=en_IL.UTF-8” in /etc/default/locales and after logoff the issue disappeared.
      Thank you for the quick suggestion!

  279. I haven’t tested the beta but on Mint 18.3 I noticed that Hybrid Sleep is toggled off by default. Can we get this enabled out the box in the upcoming release?

    1. I sure hope not. Windows does that, and if there’s ever a problem with windows and you take out the drive to mount internally or externally via USB on another computer, or even boot from a Linux live USB stick in order to retrieve/gain access to files, the file system is unmountable. You have to somehow get Windows working first and shut the OS down properly before you can access the drive in another OS. Causes one hell of a lot of problems, so no, leave hybrid sleep toggled off by default and have each user enable it if they choose to do so. After all, it only takes a few seconds to do so. Surely we haven’t become THAT lazy in the pursuit of “saving time” as to be in favour of adding potential unnecessary problems in the future.

  280. Small cosmetic issue.
    Gnome calendar does not have an icon on the top left in the new Gnome decorations, only a cog icon is shown.

  281. Hey, thank you for your work. Installation went without issues.

    The preview function for pictures with the default filemanager could behave more intelligent. When using the slider to change the size for the preview, the largest option only displays one picture per line. It could be 3 (like in “Pix”) or maybe even 4 – (Most used Laptop environment 16:9 1366x 768 )

    Big thank you and blessings for all involved

  282. GitHub announced they were being purchased by Microsoft. Yikes! How will this affect Mint and other open source projects?

    1. Github’s acquisition by Microsoft will have little to no effect on existing open source projects such as LM’s repos — as by definition they are open and Microsoft can “peek” at the code just as all of us can.
      However, if you have private repos (particularly those that contain software that compete with Microsoft products) there is cause for concern, and if I were to be the owner of these repos I’d be migrating to a different git host post haste.

  283. Only one problem so far. Pulseaudio-Equalizer will not launch. I installed it with Synaptic Package Manager and it downloaded OK and shows as installed, but did not turn up in Menu. Trying to run it in Terminal returns:

    clough@computer:~$ pulseaudio-equalizer: command not found

    Tried all kinds of things like installing and running from command line, but it will not launch. It has worked fine on Mint 17 and 18, all versions, but not on Mint 19 Cinnamon. It is very important for me as I have a hearing impairment and need to enhance higher frequencies. I hope it can be fixed.

    1. Having the same problem. I don’t even get an menu icon for it although it goes through the motions of installing properly. On rebooting, my sounds are all completely non-existent but return after reinstalling and rebooting again. It also doesn’t launch by holding down Alt+F2. Also tried the much better pulseaudio system-wide equalizer (, and that no longer works either although it worked fine in the previous versions of Mint. I hope it all gets fixed soon, and would dearly love to see it installed by default, as I’m sure many others would appreciate it.

  284. The list of topics does not display new installed themes, metacity is also not displayed for the change. This is very frustrating.

    I throw into the theme folder / usr / share / themes as it did on Linux 18.3 and in the end they do not appear in the list of topics either. Please correct. 21 century in the yard and I would like to see the closure buttons more modern, like on windows 8.1 or 10.

    Gdebi knocks an error and sets nothing.

    I hope my English will be clear to you, I myself am Russian and had to use a Google translator.

    Thank you so much for your work! I really appreciate your work!

  285. I installed Goldendict with the Software Manager but it does not show in the Menu. Can be runed with the Terminal. Manual insert with the menu editor is possible without the specific icon.

  286. Great version so far! These bugs are all on the newest Kernel (, everything updated.

    – Very slow boot time compared with 18.3 (SSD)
    – Monitor position flips at login screen after bootup. Reverts to correct setup once logged in.
    – When VLC is fullscreened, the screen flickers (fullscreen video only) when changing volume with keyboard controls
    – Plex hammers CPU when “automatically scan library when changes are detected” is enabled.

    Nothing major!! Keep up the good work!

    1. I can confirm the bug with VLC flickering. You can fix it by changing the video output to X11, but it is just a workaround.
      Also, in my case, when I put another window above VLC (not fullscreened) and hover VLC’s time slider with mouse cursor, VLC puts itself above all other windows, although another window is selected.
      Neither of these problems occur in the flatpak version of VLC.

  287. Why Mint does not offer a personalized GRUB for the installed OS? Just and idea, maybe an additional tool to customize it in the System Settings

    1. Thank you, but this was not the intention of my post.
      The idea it was deliver an integrated system.

  288. Enjoying 19!
    Here are bugs/differences I’ve encountered:
    – Playonlinux/Wine behaves entirely different than previously.
    1. No “open with window’s program loader” on right click menu.
    2. No “Wine” category in main menu

    – “Other Software” in Software Sources GUI is blank. Cannot add PPAs in GUI. Terminal commands work fine.

    – Effects “Unmaximize Window” behavior does not change with change in settings regardless of effect type or time setting.

    1. Not having easy access to Wine is a killer for me. However, I have been given to understand this may be beyond the control of the Mint gurus – as in something going on at Wine HQ.

  289. If you select Start menu, followed by Office and then Calendar( you open Calendar 3.28.1). There are a few things i think that could be improved.

    Calendar Application!

    1) In the top-left hand corner, there is a greyed out diamond shaped icon (no idea what it’s supposed to be), but select it. Then select “About” and an “About Calendar” dialogue box opens. Now try and close the “About Calendar” dialogue box using the “Close Button”. It is non-responsive.

    2)If i select the hot-dog menu (3 horizontal lines) in the top right, followed by “Add Event”, the “location” field does not seem to respond to any entry – do i have to link up Google Maps or some other maps service, there is no indication.
    Incidentally, if i select the greyed out diamond shaped icon in the top left, there is also an Add event option there too! That also has the same issue.(It is weird, because the weather icons seem correct for the weather here so my location is being pulled in somewhere.)

    3) If i select the greyed out diamond shaped icon in the top left, there is an option for Calendars, this is moreorless the very same option if you select the Calendar icon in the far right, followed by calendar settings.

    4) Should the left and right arrows not be either side of “Week, Month,Year”? Because when i have say week selected, and i then select left and right, it naturally moves one week back and forward. So, it’s intuitive to have the arrows connected with Week, Month, and Year.

    5) It would be nice to be able to “share a calendar entry” with someone else via email. But, that’s an enhancement, so not relevant here right now.

  290. @ Clem and the Mint Dev Team: puleaudio-equalizer won’t install. It goes through the motions, but there’s no icon for it in the menu, and even trying to launch it with Alt+F2 doesn’t work. In fact, after rebooting the computer, all sounds stops working completely. If/when we get that fixed, is there any chance of having pulseaudio-equalizer or better still, the pulseaudio systemwide equalizer ( installed in mint by default? The latter worked fine in Mint 18.3, but doesn’t work at all in Mint 19. It’s also the better of the two. Just a personal request of mine that I’m sure many others would also appreciate.

    1. I have the same problem. pulseaudio-equalizer goes through all the motions of installing but will not launch. It works fine with earlier versions of Mint. I have a hearing impairment and I have to enhance higher frequences or everything sounds muffled like listening through cotton wool, so I really need an audio equalizer. I looked around and I found this equalizer, PulseEffects, which installs and runs just fine. Now everything sounds as clear as a bell again:

      It would be great if an audio equalizer were included in Mint by default, lots of hearing impaired people would be grateful.

  291. Hello!
    I would like to change operating system to LM it is advisable to install it next to Windows erase the entire disk and install only.


    1. Not sure what your question is; however, if you don’t want Windows anymore, and you’ve backed up your important data to another drive, you can erase the entire disk (you will only have LM and all the Windows data will be gone). If you need to dual boot, you can install along side. Now I always recommend a custom install because most people want at least a separate partition for /home (your personal data) so you can reinstall the OS (to / = “root”) at any time without affecting your personal files. In custom, to erase windows, select all the other partitions and delete them, then create at least /home (for your data) and / for everything else (at least 30GB for / or whatever LM19 recommends and the rest for /home). If you use custom to dual boot, you will probably need to make room by resizing the Windows partition to make room, then add the above). Be careful if you are trying to dual-boot, or get help, because you won’t want to destroy your Windows system (unless you do).

  292. When listening to music in Spotify (from the Spotify official repositories), if the album icon preview is enabled in the Cinnamon taskbar, sometimes the icon does not refresh and the album icon is wrong.


  293. This is an awesome Linux desktop. There are problems as noted here, but overall, it’s a great OS.

    I’m not sure if anyone is having this problem, but I can’t seem to get purchased DVD’s to work with this OS; more specifically, Big Bang Theory. I’ve downloaded ubuntu-restricted-extra and other files recommended elsewhere. For a short period of time, I was able to view purchased DVD’s. Today, I’m not able to do so.
    I use VLC. I downloaded SM Player with no success.

    I love Linux Mint, but I want to watch my Big Bang Theory. 🙂

  294. Noticed today with the new Mint-Y-Icons that MyPaint and Pinta have the same icon. Checked in Mint -X-Icons and they are different.
    Also noticed when you change the category of a .desktop file: from Categories=Web; to Categories=Development; and save it, the Mint Menu does not refresh it as in the past and you have to restart Cinnamon or reboot to get the menu item to move to the new category. It seems in the past, Mint 18.3, the Mint Menu would periodically refresh and pick up the change.

  295. With NVIDIA driver, everything is slow for me. (Menus, Firefox and games on Steam)
    If I open glxgears and click on menu, glxgears freezes.

    inxi -G
    Graphics: Card-1: Intel HD Graphics 620
    Card-2: NVIDIA Device 179c
    Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.6 ) drivers: modesetting,nouveau (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
    Resolution: 1366×768@60.00hz
    OpenGL: renderer: Mesa DRI Intel HD Graphics 620 (Kaby Lake GT2) version: 4.5 Mesa 18.0.0-rc5

    I try to install the last nvidia driver (390 67) and disable all effects on cinnamon-settings, but it’s not solve my problem.

    1. I can confirm this behavior (I had the same in 18.x series) with Firefox. I installed the proprietary dirvers. When clicking first time on the menus I have to wait ~3 sec until opens, after that it is responding quick. Chromium browser does not have this isser and overall seems to be quicker. I really like Firefox layout but I replace it due to this issue.
      I am open to provide more feedback on this if you will tell me what you need.

      AMD 8350FX (8 cores), 16Gb RAM
      NVIDIA GTX650Ti

  296. 1 new issue I have come to find is no sound if playing a video or audio file directly by right clicking and “open with” with. The only way the sound works is if you open the media player first and then open file through the media player.

    1. My mistake it’s not due to LM19 Cinnamon or any LM issue. I had done something on my own that created this issue. Rolling back with Timeshift fixed it.

  297. The last few updates have made a very stable beta into a mess.
    Gkrellm now has a border around it when its set to transparent and the window type set to a dock.
    Some of the preferences like Themes are not startable by the menu, they open very slow in the Control center.
    Mouse movements are erratic and sometimes cause windows to close or minimize a window when not clicking on the window controls.
    Hybrid sleep is hit or miss, sometimes showing a sleep mode not available error.
    Some items are single click some are double click with no rhyme or reason to which is which.

  298. Welcome to LMC 19, a champion indeed! Tara means Star in Telugu. Timeshift is an excellent feature, reviving system from coma!
    Thanks and hats off to the LMC team.
    When I uninstall online accounts, system fails to boot with message “unable to launch cinnamon-session-cinnamon……..” The same happened in LMC 18.3 also.
    1. Why offer such system critical applications for uninstall? They should be inaccessible/Grayed out/Red marked/Forewarned?
    2. The default session could be the Timeshift latest snapshot?
    Thank you for your efforts and team work.

  299. Unwanted behaviour while using VLC 3.0.2 Vetinari
    1.Play music/video with vlc.
    2.Open any other window i.e terminal,nemo,xed
    3.Pass the mouse pointer over the vlc progress bar and the vlc window active, covering any other open window.
    This behaviour does not happen in mint 18.3,ubuntu 18.04-cinnamon,opensuse 15-cinnamon or Manjaro.

  300. USB live is created (No problems).
    Cannot then install OS on USB stick either with or without encryption.
    Encryption fails immediately.
    Non encrypted fails during installation process.
    No explanation given.

  301. Steam it seems to run in the systray after exit.
    open steam, go on top menu and select exit.
    wait 5-10 sec.
    the systray icon is still there.
    to compleately close it, click on it and select again Exit.

    I do no know if this si related to steam or LM19, but in LM 18.x series I did not have this issue.

  302. 1) In the “open file / save file” window the files cannot be sorted by type like in Nemo. The option show Folders before Files help a bit but not sufficient. Why not using the same view like in Nemo?
    2) NFS NAS mounts are not shown in Nemo Left menu. The share mount in the specified folder and works, the only issue is that Nemo does not show it as a mounted driver in the left menu.

    1. 1) That option will be changed. We don’t have control over these dialogs though, they’re part of GTK.
      2) We’ll look into this. We noticed the feedback on this, we’re catching up but this hasn’t been looked into just yet.

  303. Issues occurring with Cinnamon requiring lower video resolution and warning of increased CPU usage,
    and falling back to initramfs reported on June 10th , are entirely absent in Mint 19 xfce, edition,
    which I am glad to report is running well with no problems .

  304. Not really a bug, but more a new feature is a change in Themes. The number of alternatives in Window Borders has been drastically reduced and my favourite, Aging Gorilla, is no longer available. This is unfortuante and I hope it comes back.

    1. None of window borders works in 19.0. Only mint-y and mint-x and mint-y-dark works. Why the others not updated or delete out?

    2. With only window borders mint-x, mint-y and mint-y-dark i will run into serious problems, because my eyes can not fetch the little-contrast-signs.

  305. On my laptop HP 250 G2, since the kernel 4.13.0-43, xplayer runs videos no longer smoothly. So I have to continue using the 4.13.0-41. And this also happens in mint 19. What can be done to solve the problem? Thanks for the reply.

  306. Hibernate not working.
    Software manager shows only installed flatpaks and not all available ones(it was working some times back).
    No other problems so far.

  307. Hi, I liked the idea about having timeshift integrated with update manager and the safety net to go back to previous state in case any regression due to system updates. After initial set up of timeshift and using it for a week, I deleted all the snapshots and also disabled the schedule. However update manager does not warn about system snapshot not being set up when I logged in again to check for the updates. So user will be in a situation where he has no snapshots available to go back to if there is regression introduced by the new updates. I think it will be good to have a warning on update manager that no snapshots available. Thanks.

    1. I’m looking at this from the other end of the horse. I have two computers which will never need to go back to a previous state. I need a timeshift option ‘not now, not ever.’

  308. Hello, VaGNaroK… in fact, I’m testing mint19 beta version with kernel 4.15 ….. and I’m still finding this problem in xplayer. Thanks for the reply.

    1. Gian Piero, it seems your video card is Nvidia GeForce 820M . Do you have the recommended Nvidia driver installed? ( Menu => Driver Manager ).

      And also there was an option in the Menu to install extra codecs & drivers .. Installing these may help …

  309. In LM 18.3, when connecting my monitor through HDMI or DisplayPort, I do not get full range, but limited.
    In version 19 beta, I get full range through HDMI, and limited with DisplayPort.

    1. I have Intel chip and I get limited range on HDMI by default (both 19 and 18.3). I had to add

      xrandr –output HDMI-1 –set “Broadcast RGB” “Full”

      to my .profile in the home directory to get full range.

  310. Having issues with the Nvidia-driver-390. I have 3 monitors and everything works fine with the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau driver but when I install the Nvidia driver I lose the monitor on the right no picture at all, and the one on the left goes to a lower resolution 1920×1080 while the center monitor maintains its 2K resolution of 2560×1440. I’m good with the Nouveau but I thought I should post this issue. specs AMD Ryzen 7 1700, 32GB ram, Nvidia GTX 1060

  311. In Linux Mint 18.3 when I scan with my scanner CanoScan LiDE 100 with simple-scan 3.20 it scans well.

    In Linux Mint 19 Beta when I scan with my CanoScan LiDE 100 scanner with simple-scan 3.28 it does not scan well, a line of approximately 1/4 inch appears vertically throughout the document I scan.

    1. Same, but I remember that it was the same in *buntu family when I tried them (18.04) last months ..

  312. Congrats.
    On my installation anything entered under crontab -e does not get executed. Even something as simple as follows is not working:

    */1 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0.0 && gnome-terminal.

    Any comments or ideas?

    1. A very basic echo > file.txt command works but I’m having problems getting bashrc PATH=”$PATH:$HOME/Bin” scripts to execute at the allocated time, no start up.

  313. Re: My issue with the longer boot times on Mint 19:

    I checked out the link provided by Mattyboy further up. The solution there (removing the resume device) seems to have solved it.
    Did not (yet) notice any downsides from it.

  314. The font Noto Color Emoji is installed by default ( View Fonts on your System). However if you try to select that font in LO, it doesn’t pop up as available (The first Noto-font listed up is Noto Kufic Arabic). One can however easily enter an emoji in Xed by using this font. Why doen’t the font pop up in LO?

  315. hi
    can anyone tell me how can i upgrade to linuxmint 19? I am using 18.3 cinnamon and do not seem to find the option for linuxmint19 upgrade in update manager. i am new to linux 😀

    1. Linux Mint 19 is still in beta and there is no in-place upgrade available as yet, i.e. the beta has to be freshly installed. Once Mint 19 has passed beta and been officially released, details of in-place upgrading from earlier versions of Mint will be published.

  316. I just loaded Tara Cinnamon on my computer and I cannot get the software manager to run at all. Also I would like to know it it will eventually be possible to run wine on Tara and will there be a program like Brasero available?

    1. I also could not get Software Manager to run, and it did not appear in the menu (when I click on the LinuxMint icon in the taskbar/panel).
      apt list min* showed “mintinstall/tara,tara,now 7.9.3 all [residual-config]”

      I used apt install mintinstall, and now I have the Software Manager again, and it appears in the menu.

    2. @Rob Candee Are you running in a VM under virtual box? Many people have reported problems installing VBox guest additions under M19B. It was reported that trying to do it in the terminal with apt, shows that installing guest additions results in the removal of Mintinstall, mintwelcome, and a few other packages. Possibly that’s why yours was missing. Testing on my own VM showed the same results. I’ve yet to be able to get M19B running under VBox with acceleration without causing problems with other packages, or making my desktop display go VERY bright – so bright that the LM logo on the default wallpaper becomes a completely washed out flare (always works fine in M18 though, on the same system). Others however have said they installed VBox extensions without a problem, so it seems it possibly may only be certain hardware that’s affected.

  317. I tried to install LM 19 on an extended partition but grub fails. This is not the case with LM18.3. which is working very well. I don’t know why. I hope that will be solved.

    1. I did the same flawlessly. There must be something else. Have you examined the grub.cfg file?

  318. Problems using Wine

    Mint 18.x had 2 packages for use with wine. Wine-gecko , & wine-mono These are missing in Mint 19, & there appear to be no packages in the repository containing gecko or mono.

    On trying to install MemoryMap under Wine it reports that it can not find gecko or mono & the program only partially works.
    The version of wine in the repository is 3.0.1

    In mint 18.3 I was also using wine 3.0.1 but from the winehq-stable package.

    This was installed as shown below.

    # Install wine from
    sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386
    wget -nc
    sudo apt-key add Release.key

    sudo apt-add-repository ‘deb xenial main’

    # Update packages:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install –install-recommends winehq-stable
    # wine-gecko comes from distro repositories
    sudo aptitude install –assume-yes –with-recommends wine-gecko

    In mint 19 I used the above commands . Everything works except for
    sudo aptitude install –assume-yes –with-recommends wine-gecko
    As the wine-gecko package does not exist.

    On using the command
    wine ‘/home/michael/WinSetup/memorymap/mmv5-1-3_os.exe’
    Wine reported that it could not find mono or gecko & asked if I wanted to down load them from WineHQ.
    Although the repository was for the wrong version of Ubuntu /ubuntu/ xenial main, The program now worked correctly.

    Is it intended to include the wine-gecko & wine-mono packages in the final version of Mint 19, or will one need to use WineHQ & not the Mint repository for Wine?

  319. I like Linux Mint (especially Cinnamon) very much. Thanks for you efforts!

    I have found the following:

    When trying to shut down the computer while a file is opened in xed: The warning contains no text.

    Accessibility: Typing assistance: “Alert when a key is rejected” is greyed-out.

    System Settings –> Display: When the monitor-label-pop-up is placed over the still visible back-button, there is no way to go back without resizing the window.

    Gparted isn’t installed by default, although it’s available in the Live-System.
    Themes: Most of the alternative window borders are missing. I miss “Atlanta” 🙁

    Mistake in the German translation:
    Preferences –> Applets: Mouse-over-pop-up over the lock: “Applett” instead of “Applet”

    Optical mistake in the German version:
    Update Manager (“Aktualisierungsverwaltung”) –> “Preferences”: Window is too small in height to show all.

    Show the amount of data to be downloaded within the mouse-over-pop-up over the Update Manager’s panel symbol.
    System Settings –> Startup Applications: Delay of 15s for mintUpdate to not interfere with Flatpak.
    Software Manager: Show the licence and the source, so proprietary software can be recognized immediately.


    PS: Great idea to include Timeshift in your distribution. But I think I have found a few problems:

    Timeshift doesn’t find its own snapshots under certain circumstances and therefore isn’t able to store any more ones.

    Encrypted OS Installation based on device with btrfs. Second LUKS-Device connected, but not encrypted.

    How to reproduce the 1. case:
    Start Timeshift: Create a btrfs-snapshot to see if snapshots are shown.
    Go to “Settings” –> “Type” and choose “BTRFS” and go to “Location”, click on the luks-partition, close the passphrase-prompt and close the Settings.
    Now the snapshots aren’t visible any more and timeshift isn’t able to create new ones.
    To get the Snapshots visible again:
    1. Go to “Settings” –> Mark “BTRFS”
    2. Go to “Settings” –> “Location”, mark nothing and close the settings

    How to reproduce the 2. case:
    Simply mount something to /mnt.
    Since Timeshift-backups are stored in /mnt, the backup-files aren’t visible to the user and timeshift any more. Therefore timeshift isn’t able to store them.
    Please create an extra directory to mount the timeshift-snapshots there.

    In btrfs-mode, there is another problem, when you are in “Settings” –> “Location”:
    When the device with the OS installed is marked, Timeshift says “Selected device does not have BTRFS partition” although it’s formatted in btrfs.
    A simple solution could be to grey-out the location bar saying that only the device with the OS installed can store snapshots.

    Suggestion to make Timeshift even better:
    Instead of saying “Timeshift is active” at the bottom of the main window, say “BTRFS-Timeshift is active” or “rsync-Timeshift is active” to make it clearer, which version of Timeshift is active (rsync oder btrfs),
    Additionally the user should be informed that only one version of Timeshift can run at a time.

    Thanks for your work!

  320. Is anyone having trouble getting Blue Tooth devices to re-connect after a wake-up from suspend?
    Blue Tooth device is Bose Mini II SoundLink with a HP-Pavilion-x360-Convertible laptop. BT control panel says it is paired. It keeps connecting and disconnecting after you hit the button on the speaker to connect. It says ready to pair but it shows on the BT control panel as connected and paired. Only two solutions are to remove the device and reinstall or reboot to restore BT functionality.

    1. Hello
      Yes. I have a blue tooth mouse that I have to reconnect manually each time I power up my laptop. It even disconnect if I leave the laptop unattended and the computer screen goes dark and disconnected a couple times when I was typing on the keyboard for a while. Re-booting is of no help, I have to re-pair the mouse each time. I did try to remove and re-install: not helping, I have to re-pair. I mentioned it a couple of times here, but my guess is that there are more vital things to look into right now.

    2. [31984.276716] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [31999.280732] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32015.280867] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32037.277756] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32061.280801] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32087.279840] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32098.281692] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32117.284721] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32129.279726] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32138.283719] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32154.285849] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      [32170.286741] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)
      Found all the messages in dmesg regarding Bluetooth if it helps any.

    3. Regarding this issue:
      Went back and installed Mint 18.3 Cinnamon and verified the issue did not exist. Then updated the kernel to 4.15.0-23 to see if it was a kernel regression and checked again. It was okay. So it is definitely a regression related to Mint 19. If someone would please contact me, I would be more than happy to try some things or send whatever additional information on my hardware to assist in snuffing out this bug.

    4. How I fixed the issue. Forced an update to bluez/bionic,now 5.50 by adding a PPA (which I never do, but this is a beta)
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bluetooth/bluez
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install bluez
      Confirms that is an application issue, not a kernel.

    5. Nice to know, I have never gotten blue tooth to reconnect on LM in the past, switched to wireless everything. If this will work in the future, that’s nice.

    6. Hi
      Nope! I still have to reconnect the mouse manually. In all the LM 17.x and 18.x, my bluetooth mouse was always reconnecting on it’s after a few seconds of moving it. Now all I get is a minor blip (1/4 sec.) from the bluetooth icon as it tries to connect but cannot. Not a deal breaker but annoying.

  321. Nemo as Root:

    Preferences => Toolbars . When other buttons are checked (“show refresh button” etc.) they are not shown at the same time, rather they take each other’s place and only the last checked one is shown ..

    Meanwhile, as a mini request: In Nemo, user mode, It would be very handy in the right-click menu “Edit as Root” , at least for text files (like in Thunar), without having to open the whole folder as root ..

    1. @Emin: re the suggestion for nemo “edit as root”. As its not a bug but an enhancement I guess it won’t get priority, and arguably it may be something that the average users shouldn’t have on their system anyway.

      But if you want to add this feature to your system, the little script in the PDF file linked below should do the job for you. Its what I use on my machines.

      (NB If you get a popup window from Dropbox inviting you to create an account, ignore it; you don’t need one to open the file)

    2. Feedback: Nemo as Root : It’s OK now just after the update (Mint Team is working “Lightening Fast” ) 🙂

      And, Thank you Tony, I tried but at the end it results in “command not found” ( first for ./ and then pkexec-xed) ..

    3. @Tony : This time I did it. Works so fine, thank you. 🙂

      Today I noticed that there was a space in the command on pdf at p.2 #6: .. execute sudo ./ yourusername , and removed the space after ./ then it worked ok..

      (What confused me was, that I opened the terminal as root, already within that directory and after the “command not found ./ ” error I tried directly as sudo xed-pk.. that neither worked) and I said to myself: “maybe for it’s the Beta version” …

      And as a suggestion to those who might interest with “Edit as Root” : I added to line 26 some more extensions as (Extensions=txt;py;log;sh;conf;list;) didn’t work for .cfg files first, so added ;cfg;lst; etc.

    4. @Emin: Apologies for the typo, I have corrected that document. Glad you figured it out.

  322. After the updates, the skype icon in the bottom right bar, got worse than before. Before, it was a bit deformed, but it was the right size. Now, it is small and shaped like a square.

    1. Can confirm the same behaviour with skype on LM19beta, also the icon for Nextcloud-Client does not show up – but only on one of my PC’s


  323. 1) I can’t log into Google and nor Microsoft using Online Accounts, because the page don’t show up. In both cases the page seems to be fully loaded but everything is blank. Hovering the mouse over the page i can find the text area, the buttons, and so on by the mouse icon.
    I believe it’s a Driver issue, because it works when 3D acceleration is deactivated in Virtualbox. I’ve tried with Kernel Drivers (HWE) and VBox Guest Additions.

    I’m using a fully updated LM18.3 as host (no PPAs), with a I5-8250U and Nvidia MX150.

    2) The cursor don’t show up in Login window. I can enter my password without problem but it’s kinda weird. It happens with and without 3D acceleration in Virtualbox.

    1. @Bruno: Re (2) – Even with a physical-machine build of LM19, the cursor doesn’t show in the password field, and also if you have Caps Lock on there is no warning message. This has been noted by others so I feel sure the Mint devs will have it on the list of things to fix.

  324. When running two monitors with smplayer on one clicking a terminal on two the video goes to black, need to click back on video to see it again.

    Kernel: 4.15.0-23-generic x86_64
    bits: 64 gcc: 7.3.0
    Desktop: Cinnamon 3.8.4 (Gtk 3.22.30-1ubuntu1)
    Distro: Linux Mint 19 Tara

    Graphics: Card: NVIDIA GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB] bus-ID: 01:00.0
    Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.6 )
    drivers: nvidia (unloaded: modesetting,fbdev,vesa,nouveau)
    Resolution: 1920×1080@60.00hz, 1920×1080@60.00hz
    OpenGL: renderer: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
    version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.48 Direct Render: Yes

  325. Difficulties with vino-server
    a) Can’t find the program vino-preferences that is to be found on Mint 18.3 and previous versions
    b) Can access Mint 19 using ssh and sftp (remmina as client), but not vnc
    c) That is, vnc works against the machine itself as target (remmina client connects to the vino-server in the same machine)
    d) ufw completely relaxed ou even disabled. Does not work either
    e) relaxing vino-server options (password request, diable cryptography, etc.) did not help

    1. SORRY! After three days trying to solve the problem, and 5 minutes after posting the above message I tried accessing the vino server one more time and… it worked! I can’ t understand or even believe that it now worked when I had already given up trying to find and solve the problem by myself…
      So, please disregard above message — except for the vino-preferemces part, because it does not exist on my machine.

  326. Java 10 – document signers not working with JSignerPDF and other signers.
    Configuration is the same I am using on Mint 18.3 where the signers work very well.

    Any hints on how to overcome this?

    Best regards

    – fernando

  327. Xed doesn’t tile to half screen on my 1280×800 display. I know this is supposed to be a feature, but this hampers usability on a pretty standard resolution.

    1. So even on 1366… I work with a text editor on half screen usually. I really like Xed, but if it can’t half screen I’d have to use something else…

    2. Drag the window to the CENTER of either the right or left of the screen (I don’t know, you didn’t say) and you should see the shadow highlight where the window will be positioned. If you drag to a higher position on the right or left, you will see the quarter screen highlight. Is that what’s happening?

    3. Dean, thanks. I know how tiling works in Cinnamon. This is a problem with the Cinnamon configuration, that is defined not to tile under certain screen size, if it thinks it will cramp the window too much. What I think the current definitions are a mistake if you can’t tile xed on pretty normal resolutions.

  328. The icon for a custom menu, setup using the configure Menu option does not display (only the menu text is displayed) in the popup Menu (bottom left of screen), even though the icon shows up properly next to the menu text when you go into menu editor. Note: there is no problems with icons configured for a custom “menu item” being displayed, just the ones for a custom “menu”.

    1. @Chris: Well spotted. I can confirm this behaviour on my LM19 test box. Menu Editor has a bug; the alacarte .directory file written to ./local/share/desktop-directories by Menu Editor does not have an “Icon=” line in it. If added to the file manually, it does display.

  329. Great Work! I have seen this issues on my “real” computer (not vm)
    – When I am using two different Monitors, you can see some pixels of the wallpaper on the bigger monitor. (The “Zoom” is’nt individual on different Monitors
    – When trying to install Spotify (not flathub) mintinstall says, that it isn’t available
    – In my opinion you wont need Onboard, because, there is an Cinnamon keyboard too?!
    – the whatsapp app in the repositories is abadoned from the developer
    – On the mint-y design (theme) the different colors are missing 😉

    When using an vm:
    maybe an automatic timeout on the software-rendering message would be nice

    Great Work, and have fun with bugfixing :/

  330. You can get VirtualBox Guest working to avoid that Software Rendering Mod warning by first installing Tara then shutting down the Live CD session rather than restarting when prompted after installation. Right-click on your Tara virtual machine in VBox Manager, click Display and enable 3D Acceleration. Then fire up Tara again, set up Timeshift then install your updates (because you won’t be able to later. Last, go into Driver Manager and install your Guest x11 driver and reboot again.

    The big bug is that installing VB Guest drivers causes both Update Manager and Mint Welcome to uninstall, and reinstalling either or both of those uninstalls VBox Guest. Someone needs to address the (in)compatability problem between core Tara apps and the VirtualBox Guest that’s in the repositories. That’s a huge show-stopper for anyone wanting to run Mint inside Virtual Box: you can either have proper video acceleration or be notified about updates, but not both.

    I like the new QT5 Settings tool! Between in, Gnome Tweak Tool for GTK apps and Cinnamon’s own scaling 90%-plus of my scaling issues on my hidpi system are fixed. Bravo! Of course I’m unable to run Tara at my native 3200×1800 resolution in VirtualBox but I set it as high as I could, and apps that were tiny in Sylvia now look OK in Tara. Better, anyway, and probably usable.

  331. I installed mint 19 beta a couple days ago and have one or two crashes daily cause of memory running out.
    When i look at system monitor, on a fresh boot, not a single application opened except for system monitor, goa-daemon has 96,7GB virtual memory assigned.
    Here are 3 screenshots that show the issue:

  332. Hi very nice work with this new Mint Cinnamon.
    I cannot find anymore the desktop share utility that allow me to remotely connect to Linux Mint 18.3 in this new release. Is it a removed feature or will it be present in the final release. Thanks!

  333. Hi,

    Great work on this new release. Looks better, feels better, seems even more user friendly and customizable enough. Google integration into Cinnamon is wonderful as well!

    2 small things I noticed so far (but probably spotted already). When entering username and password for online accounts you can’t copy/paste. And when installing certain packages I get dependency errors when libcurl3 is needed while there is already a newer libcurl4 version present.

    Kind regards,


  334. First thoughts: Installer looks bleak due to low contrast between fonts and background, installer hangs for tens of seconds when selecting timezone, Mint Menu logo looks dated and flashy and needs rework to fit with new icon theme. This is what i got in 15 minutes of using it. Keep up the good work!

  335. When installing having taken the “Something Other” option, the menu displays the first drive (sda) as the drive where the boot record should be written. Unfortunately, my sda does not contain a boot partition.
    The installation continues for some time, until it displays a less than helpful message that gives no indication which disks contain a boot partition. There is the option to change the boot disk, but it failed when tested.

    Surely the initial display of disk where the boot record will be written, should only include disks with a boot partition.

    Very pleased with this release (apart for Wine), so many thanks for your hard work.

  336. 1) Sincere thanks to everyone who works on Mint. You guys are lifesavers.

    2) Not sure if this is a beta/bug issue or not, but I installed 19 yesterday and while everything went fine, I did notice something in Nemo 3.8.3. When you drag and drop a folder to the Nemo Sidebar, the customized icon is no longer displayed. So all folders now display the same generic folder icon instead of the one I have set to display for a specific folder. (This only affects the sidebar, customized folders are still displaying fine in the main window.)

    Obviously this is not a major issue, but for people like me who are in and out of a half-dozen folders very often, having the customized icons in the sidebar makes things much easier to pick out, especially when I’m in a hurry. Again, not sure if this is a beta issue or just the way things are in Nemo 3.8, but getting the sidebar to display the custom folder icons again would be awesome.

    3) I often install Mint on older PCs for older people, but the snag was always the updates. I haven’t had a chance to play with the new updater much yet, but it looks very promising in that regard. Mint 19 may finally be the fire-and-forget OS for non-techies I’ve long dreamed of.

    4) Seriously: THANK YOU ALL

  337. installed this beta a couple of days ago on a dell xps 13 (dual boot with win10… yaeh, still need that sh** in school). works fine for me so far, but there is still the old bug which arranges the desktop icons and the menu point to deactivate this only appears, when you enable to show icons on all screens (all the one I use ;). For the future i would wish better (or more advanced) scaling options, as screen resolutions increase (did I mention 4K on my 13”?) and the increasing difference between HR and LR asks for it.
    Thanks for the good work!!

  338. Bug in add user. Add user x, then add user x again. This fails of course, but if then the name is changed to another name, say y, the user y ain’t added. It looks like the error-condition isn’t reset by applying the changes.

  339. Security-bug in OnlineAccounts. When an account is removed, the credentials are still available in the keyring (See Passwords and Keys)

  340. Hi, I tried going to Grub submenu ‘Advanced options for Linux Mint 19 Tara (19) (on /dev/sda7)’ to revert to old kernel, however there are 10 entries under it (And I have 3 kernels installed) and all the entries read – ”Linux Mint 19 Tara (19) (on /dev/sda7)’ not telling me which entry is for which kernel. I am dual booting with Ubuntu 18.04 and when installing Linux Mint 19 I did ‘ubiquity -b’ and kept Ubuntu’s grub. I was expecting normal entries under the menu. Thanks again.

  341. Hi,

    I’ve installed the beta to see if a long time problem of mine with Optimus Cards has been solved, as published in Release Notes.

    I’ve a Vostro 3550 with a Geforce 310M, and after installing the proprietary drivers with the driver manager the login screen becames blank. But even with the login screen not working, I put the password and then Cinnamon loads correctly.

    The driver is loaded also, but no tray icon appears to select the right graphic card. So there’s still some kind of problem with optimus 🙁

    ICO files are not displayed properly (part of the icon is empty and lower part is like multicolored snow).
    They displayed properly on 18.3 and previously (and windows of course). They open fine in GIMP as layers.

    I think I isolated the problem that when the largest embedded PNG is compressed, it does not display properly.

    Find an ICO file with many embedded sizes, open it in GIMP and export it as ICO again, with the largest PNG compressed and again without compression.

    Thanks for this new release 🙂

  343. on the login screen their is no cursor where you type your password, not sure if this is intentional or not. but mint 18 has a curor

  344. I am having problems with crashes, on many sites, when using firefox-esr 52.8.1 (64-bit) on Linux mint 19 cinnamon and ubuntu 18.04 cinnamon.
    Is firefox-esr 52.8.1 (64-bit) incompatible with 18.04 base?
    I have installed Waterfox 56.2.0 (64-bit), for testing, and no crashes.

  345. Hi,
    fantastic great work!!
    I noticed that the online accounts configuration is not yet fully working. The Exchange account works, but the Microsoft Online and Google and maybe some of the others as well are not working yet.
    Would it be possible to add the iCloud account also? That would be sooooooooo cool.
    I really love Linux Mint and I would never work with anything else.
    Have a great day and keep up the great work!!! It is more important than you can imagine!!

  346. I tried installing Mint 18.3 on an ASUS ROG Zephyrus M, the new 8th gen Intel Core i7 – didn’t work. Using the Mint 19 Cinnamon edition, it does – I’m writing this on that machine right now. Brightness control doesn’t work, but the rest is fine. Great job guys!

  347. I found a way to get the Mint 19 Beta listed as classic DOS style stick:
    1. Set the BIOS as only classic BIOS MODE – disavle UEFI. Only then you’ll see the stick in classic mode
    2. boot it
    3. select the lnaguage you would use after install
    4. wait till the installer crashes
    5. restart the installer classic mode, continue like above
    6. now the installer sleeps long, long, long, very, very long time. When it has sleeped ount (that is longer than W10 needs to install completely – you get a chance to install.

    You must switch the BIOS to “NO UEFI”, restart the installer after its crash and then wait endless to get the installer continue after the endless wait.

    QU failed miserably on install in plain DOS mode without notice of the persion mafr that test,

    I write this text using Mint 19 Alpha (with that behavior it can’t be named Beta) in plain compatibility (DOS) mode.

    You MUST update-grub after install to get W10 (compatibily mode) in grub listed again.
    The desklet simle-system-monitor does not work anymore.

  348. I’ve been using Cinnamon 19 beta for a few days now, all updates have been applied.
    The problem I have is with the panel indicator for the Update Manager, it doe’s not indicate the correct status, it mostly shows the green tick, even when updates are available, but it can show the blue updates are available when it is up to date.
    The tool tip indicator always shows the correct status.
    Thanks for the chance to contribute Linux Mint.

  349. There seems to be a problem with video hardware acceleration, in a Oracle VB under Windows 10. The message on loading reads “Running in software rendering mode… could be a problem with your drivers or some other issue. ”
    My question is whether I can choose software rendering mode in this beta version. Maybe a silly oversight on my part, but I hope this post is of use to the community. Thanks for the great work. I do admire you guys!!!

    1. If your Windows 10 is running in a virtual machine in VirtualBox make sure you have the Windows guest addition installed, using the version that’s appropriate for your version of VirtualBox.

  350. Playing around with Timeshift a little bit, and there’s a slight issue with the Timeshift Wizard. Once you already set up a schedule with it, if you click the “Wizard” icon again, it resets your preferences even if you don’t complete the wizard. There’s no warming message or anything that you’ve effectively just disabled it, just the yellow “!” icon at the bottom that reads “Scheduled snapshots are disabled”. It should probably preserve the previous schedule until the new one is completed.

  351. I actually do have a file navigation (Nemo?) related question… it’s not a bug because this is not new behavior, but I’m wondering and thought someone might address it (either through answering this, or changing code, or whatever)…

    When you’re looking at the list view of a directory, there is a provision to expand the tree through triangles immediately next to a subdirectory. That triangle is not present unless the folder in question has actual content. Fair enough. However, when you add content to the folder, even though you will see it now contains X items, you will still not get a triangle to expand it. You have to essentially reload that directory listing by some manual means to get the arrow.

    Also, if you have expanded the tree to reveal further subdirectory folders, the state of the listing reverts back to them being shrunk down if you happen to collapse the enclosing folder. That is, if you left subfolders open, they’re no longer open if you close the parent folder and then re-expand it.

    In every single way other than the above two, the way the file manager works is essentially identical to how Classic Mac OS’s Finder and Mac OS X’s Finder work. Is there any particular reason for this variance, and can anything be done to change the behavior?

  352. Ok, so I found what I think is a glitch of some kind… I don’t know what’s causing it, but I’ll describe it and if you folks need me to run it down further, just let me know.

    In playing videos, when I change the system audio volume…

    If I use Xplayer, everything is fine, and nothing happens.

    But if I’m playing that exact same video using VLC, with each press of the volume up or down key and each on-screen indication of the volume going up or down, there’s a blacking-out of video playback glitchiness within the VLC window (the rest of the desktop is fine). It’s like the video playback gets interrupted while the screen overlay for the volume indicator is being drawn (and re-drawn with increasing or decreasing volume indications).

    1. I do not have this bug but another : No close or reduce buttons on top of VCL window only Quit command in VLC menu.
      Xplayer is all right too on my HP laptop.

  353. Great work!
    I just have one serious problem if anyone could help. I‘m using ThinkPad T430u notebook with double video cards, one intel integrated and the other named NVIDIA GT 620m.
    The login screen was black after the driver of NVIDIA card being changed from nouveau to nvidia-340 and rebooting through the Driver Manager.I thought it may be caused by the nvidia driver, so I pressed CTRL+ALT+Fx(forgot which one) and switched to text console, then I used apt command to delete nvidia driver, after that I can login again with login UI.
    Could this problem be fixed, or it’s my notebook reason somewhere I missed.

  354. I’ve been trying set up an NFS share at boot with no luck. I have a working *.mount I can manually start and get a working share. I also have a working *.automount that will start the share when the mount directory is accessed. After boot systemctl status .automount shows Active (waiting), and *.mount is inactive. So far so good. However, when I access the mount directory, nothing mounts, status is still active(waiting). If I restart *.automount, the share is available as expected.

    I initially tried to do this via fstab with similar results, things would work if I manually mount -a, but nothing works after boot. In the case with fstab, after boot, mount thinks it is mounted, but umount says it isn’t and the whole thing is locked until I disable it in fstab and restart.

  355. After intallation of Hplip-gui the application manager stops responding
    I can only wait of force exit.
    After force exit, the programm was non able to start.
    I had to restart SO.

  356. I installed this beta a couple of day ago and until now it works fine for me, but it has still the old bug that the desktop-menu to disable automatic arranging of desktop items remains invisible until you enable to show desktop icon on all screens (all my one screens :P)
    For the future I’d love to see some better (or more advanced) scaling options. Having a dell xps 13 with 4k screen, some items remain too tiny and the mouse/touch pad speed is far too slow.
    Keep up the good work and thank you.

    1. The issue with scaling is that developers of Linux apps have many development platforms available to build user interfaces. There’s QT, GTK and JavaFX to name a few, and depending on which version of those tools were used they may or may not handle scaling very well, if at all. It also depends on whether the app’s developer included scaling support, or ever will: many don’t even have a hidpi system available to test with as they’re still fairly new. Tara does include a QT5 tweak tool, and the Gnome tweak took for GTK is available in the repository, so there are several places where scaling needs to be configured.

      Individual browsers will need to have their scaling set individually(for example in Mozila-based browsers you go into about:config, search for layout.css.devPixelsPerPx and set it there), and for Wine apps you have to edit the Wine registry (HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG/Software/Fonts/LogPixels). I’ve yet to find a solution for JavaFX apps other than setting -fx-font-size larger inside of a .css file, *if* the app supports skinning via css. I’m still playing with actual scaling in JFX rather than just enlarging fonts but haven’t figured out how to get it to work yet.

      Linux is a lot more versatile than Windows (in which everything has to use the Windows APIs) and it’s this versatility that causes problems with scaling for us end-users. In Windows you configure scaling in one place then everything gets scaled accordingly, but it’s more complicated in Linux.

      (I have an Asus Zenbook with a default resolution of 3200×1800 but due to the scaling problems I have to run it at 1920×1080, and even then have had to do all the things I mentioned above to make all of the apps that I can visible and readable to my old, impaired eyes.)

  357. I miss the option as in 18.3 to check the box “use always dark theme in GTK application if applicable”.

  358. virtual machine downloaded from repository and caused all usb ports to stop functioning after adding extention pack.
    my computer is a hp intel pentium cpu n3710 1.60ghz x 4 . i did a restore using timeshift thus removing virtual machine and restoring functionability to usb

    1. lm cin 19 virtualbox integration is found to be better than gnomeboxes / virtual machine manager. i also got trouble with vmm and gboxes

  359. Seems like an installation in the UEFI mode requires an internet connection. Without it the grub-efi bootloader (can’t remember exact name of it) installation fails. But that’s only if there are no other ubuntu-like efi/grub configs in the EFI partition.

    For example, I first installed Ubuntu. It created the /EFI/ubuntu dir on the EFI partition. When I installed Mint after that, without an internet, it installed without errors. Then I moved the /EFI/ubuntu dir. A new Mint installation without an internet threw an error that it cannot install grub/efi.

    Cannot say anything regarding installation in the legacy BIOS mode.

  360. Will the scanner installation be improved in the new release of Mint? There are several drivers and software available around the world for Linux (Ubuntu) but often there is too much choice, too many options. The manufacturers have deleted the older models from their site but they are still in use around the world. Could someone gather the most popular brands and models drivers for printers / scanners (local – usb, or network through a router) put into one website for Linux Mint / Ubuntu and create a sort of installer which would check the actual configuration of a particular PC and connect with the site and select the proper driver or software? I recently had a lot of troubles to install and configure a driver for Konica Minolta Bizhub in a local network. It was much easier with HP ink printer but I don’t have trust to this producer anymore after my 2 older printers which broke down after a short time of use. I’m not a sort of expert and I think a computer should be the same easy to use as a television set. It should be user friendly, a natural tool for doing something particular. We don’t need to have electronic skills to watch a film on TV and we don’t need to study IT to use a laptop to most everyday purposes. Most settings in Mint should be default with 2 or 3 additional options available directly, but all others should be hidden in ‘advanced’ section.

    1. Hi Leon, I gave up on trying to get my network scanner to work way back with Mint 17.x after many, many hours of work. Eventually I discovered a rock solid multi-platform scanner utility called VueScan, that’s really user friendly and has worked flawlessly and has never failed me across all three platforms that I use (Linux, Windows and Mac) and through repeated upgrades of these operating systems. You might want to check it out to resolve your scanner issue. Just google VueScan. I also found the developer very responsive to any queries. Hope this helps.

  361. Hi thanks to all the team, LM 19 is really a great work.

    The are some minor bugs, loosing the network-printers, when they are inactive, the window for the password
    hangs sometimes, special when one is on the paket managment.
    But one big bug, it will not activate the qemu-kvm, when using gnome-boxes or virtmanager, Qemu is installed,
    one can see in synaptics, but it will not run. So may be some dependencies are missing.
    Here my hardware, if important: i7-8700k, MB Gigabyte Z370 Chipset, 16 GB memory, SSD WD 500 GB
    Otherwise everything runs fine and smoothe and quick.
    Here the text after the crash of qemu: Broker URL: qemu+unix:///session
    Domain: boxes-unknown
    UUID: e421d862-0409-4435-aba2-440bdb2b18b3
    Persistent: yes
    Cpu time: 0
    Memory: 4169200 KiB
    Max memory: 15844896 KiB
    CPUs: 12

  362. Thanks to Linux Mint team for the hard work. I enjoy using LM with Cinnamon since years and looking very much forward to LM 19!
    A small bug keeps in since several releases:
    Especially on smaller screens, when so many windows are open in the window list, that the text labels in window list entries are squeezed down to minimum, then, if you add more windows, the entries in the window list are starting to float over the system tray icons which looks weird and wrong. There is obviously no concept for this overflow of entries foreseen.
    I have not tested it with LM 19 beta, however it was there in 18.1, 18.2 and 18.3.
    Other than that, I would love to see the option to “hide the text labels in window list” and the possibility to “pin” applications to the window list.

  363. I have gnome-schedule 2.3.0 installed. When I select it I get the “loading” cursor for a bit and then it just goes away. This worked in 18.3

    1. Yes! That’s one of the things I was looking for in Tara, but I suppose it’s actually a feature of Cinnamon (or in this case *isn’t* a feature of Cinnamon) as the Sylvia KDE5 version does have that option as do all other Plasma-based distros, disable touchpad when mouse is connected, vs. Cinnamon’s disabling it altogether. IIRC KDE4 had it too. But I was hoping it would have been added to the latest version of Cinnamon, which I assume Tara is running.

      In Cinnamon, if your mouse should die you’re kind of screwed unless you have keyboard shortcuts for accessing and changing your mouse and touchpad preferences. If we had this option we could just unplug the misbehaving rodent and carry on, using the touchpad until we can get a replacement mouse.

  364. i lost my sources.list file and i cant add it back into my linux mint 19, can you give me the contents of
    sources.list for tara 32 bit.

    1. try menu-software sources-official repositories-restore default settings
      or menu-software sources-maintenance

    2. If you run Software Sources, on the Official Repositories tab you should be able to click on “Restore the default settings” to restore /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list.

      The contents of that file should be something along the lines of (if you don’t have source repos enabled):

      deb tara main upstream import backport

      deb bionic main restricted universe multiverse
      deb bionic-updates main restricted universe multiverse
      deb bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
      deb bionic-security main restricted universe multiverse

  365. Splendid release! So far, I’ve noticed that LibreOffice now has the very ugly Tango icons as default. I think it should be changed to Sifr or Breeze. It really sticks out in the otherwise impeccable themes (both on Mint-X and Y).

  366. ASUS X55C, tray icon for power not updating – shows 98%, Power Settings show true charge level, tray icon stays at 98%. Otherwise I’ve hit no other issues, excellent work

    I was going to paste inxi -Fx info in but its full of junk characters, how can I get an inxi output without the formatting?

  367. Tried to install Mint Cinnamon 19 beta on a Lenovo Thinkpad W520 from a bootable USB stick, without success. System starts, I hear the opening-tune, but the screen remains ‘almost’ black. I can see some icons but very dim, and I cannot locate the mouse pointer. Normally the brightness of the LCD screen can be adjusted with the Fn+Home / Fn+End keys, but these don’t function in this case. Even the Fn+PgUp (to light up the LED above the keyboard) doesn’t work. Install of Mint Cinnamon 17.3 to 18.3 did not suffer from this problem.
    Tried several suggestions I found here and there, like the setting of security chip, but nothing helped.

    1. VLC -> Tools -> Video -> Show settings (x) All [Advanced Preferences] -> Input / Codecs -> File caching (ms) set to 1000; Disc caching (ms) set to 1000 (Save), close and restart VLC. That should fix it.

  368. Note, this is not a regression, just tested it on LMDE and it’s the same!!

    The reuse of the same icon for two separate things.
    – The desktop icon in the task bar is really for “Show Desktop” although rolling the mouse over it does not display the tool tip name like it does for Firefox, Terminal or Files.
    – The desktop icon in the Mint Menu under the Preferences section is really for “Desktop Settings”.

    So, perhaps the desktop icon in the task bar should be something like this
    While in the Mint menu item “Desktop” should be renamed “Desktop Settings” and have an icon with this shape

  369. when i tried to connect to a printer, i got the message, “CUPS server error: there was a error during the CUPS operation: ‘server-error-internal-error”

    1. I can connect my printer fine with a USB connection, but if I try a wi=fi connection by selecting Network Printer,
      my printer make, model and IP address is shown. I select it and leave connection as default and click forward, the system searchers for drivers and returns the correct description of the printer, clck apply, I get the same error as Jeff above.

  370. I am disappointed in the Cinnamon edition. Specifically, the configuration options in the Workspace Switcher. Actually the word “options” is incorrect, because there is only ONE option, choosing between “Simple Buttons” and “Visual Representation of Workspaces.” I’d have thought that with all the work that supposedly went into Cinnamon, this would have been enhanced.

    In MATE, there are the following options:
    Number of Workspaces
    Number of Rows
    Set the Workspace names
    Show the names in the switcher
    Allow Workspaces to wrap around in the switcher

    In Cinnamon, the only option is to show the Workspaces in one long row. I can’t even put them into two rows! The way I work, I have six Workspaces, in two rows, in MATE. Workspace 1 is related to 4, which is below it. 2 is related to 5 (also below it), and 3 is related to 6 (also below it), so it is easy to switch between the related workspaces. But nothing like this exists in Cinnamon.

    Don’t understand why.

  371. Getting better with every update, thanks a lot.
    Missing the correct slideshow icon (applet shows a grey symbolic clock), doesn’t change on click (tooltip works as expected).

  372. Keyboard panel applet (and hotkey assignment) only appear to support the first two keyboards in the list. To reproduce: Establish (for example) English (US), Spanish (Latin American, no dead keys), and English (UK) as available layouts, in that order. Left-clicking the applet will show all three layouts, and English (US) or Spanish (Latin American, no dead keys) can be chosen as expected. However, selecting English (UK) switches to English (US). The same behavior is observed with the hot key; it only toggles between the first two entries in the list. Previous releases would step through the entire list and then wrap, and any loaded layout could be directly activated from the applet pick list.

  373. hi i’m not really sure if this is an issue with the O.S but maybe some one else may have seen this issue before. i accidentally added a second terminal shortcut to the favorites panel when i was actually trying to remove the original one, and then i managed to remove the second terminal shortcut by right clicking on the icon in the menu panel and “remove from favorites”. the issue is now i can’t remove the original one in the favorites panel at all. so i’m hoping the can be a fix made or maybe someone knows of a way to fix this.

    1. TBone the only suggestion i have is click menu search terminal right click on terminal and click remove from favorites, see if that does the trick

  374. Hi!
    I downloaded Live CD iso on flash drive .
    When I want to enter Live CD session it asks me •login• and •password• ??!!

    1. Same with me. The live cd asks for login and password!
      I’ve tried every combination admin root linux tara mint

  375. This is some kick-butt beta release! Everything seems to be great. There is one little itsy-bitsy problem – although it may not be a problem. I’m using a VPN service and the wireless icon in the panel doesn’t show the little lock. I know I’m protected though, as I google “What is my VPN” and it shows me my iPv4 and iPv6 (VPN provider has support for iPv6) and I’m clearly being protected. It’s just weird that it’s not showing the lock. Don’t know if this is due to the particular provider, or if it is a bug.

    1. With PIA VPN provider beside the wireless icon there is a specific PIA icon which turns from red to green when I am protected. But the wireless icon does not show a little lock.

    1. I can confirm this as well. xplayer shows a lot of screen tearing and bouncing/choppy videos

    2. Hi borbon.. I noticed this bag already several days ago. On my laptop HP 250 G2, xplayer started malfunctioning even in LM 18.3 after updating to kernel 4.13 0-43 and it seems that it has not yet resolved. In this beta, the settings do not work.

  376. Are we going to get a beta 2?
    There seems to be a lot of work to be done still.
    Bluetooth is still the biggest bugbare of all O.S’s. This relese was upposed to fix all of them. Sadly It seems their still working out this problem. It’s been nearly 15 years on that subject and still it does not work properly. Can we all accept now it does not work and so give up on Bluetooth altogether.
    Let’s move on and get someone who can really connect devices properly. Bluetooth is dead as far as I’m concerned. I won’t be buying anything bluetooth again. It’s a joke!

  377. I have test the Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon. I have several issues.
    1. The new icons looks great, nice polished and looks more modern. However some icons looks like a paper with a little something inside of it, the edges are sharp and not looks good. I think at least we will have a file shape as a outline, or put some rounding edges (where is the source, I want to look at it).
    2. Gdebi not work (many people said that).
    3. The terminal when it is in root, there is no color inside of it; just white text. (previously we have red letters shown my computer name and account name).

  378. If I change my resolution to a smaller (lower) one in Preferences/Display my wallpaper is no longer visible, nor are any others if I select a different one. However, if I go to the desktop background settings tab and change the picture aspect from Zoom to anything else the wallpaper is visible again, and also when I change the setting back to Zoom. This is when running Tara inside of a VirtualBox VM on my PC which runs Sylvia. It doesn’t happen when changing to a larger/higher resolution nor does it happen every single time, but it happens very frequently, like three times out of four.

    1. This is using VurtualBox 5.1.34-dfsg-0ubuntu1.16.04.2 in Sylvia and virtualbox-guest-utils and virtualbox-guest-x11 versions 5.2.10-dfsg-6ubuntu-18.04.1 in the guest OS (which is Tara).

  379. In “pix” the new options and features are cool. One small niggle – in thumb view the tree on the left cannot expand over 40% even with Histogram and Information “minimized”. This application had become my #1 image viewer choice, nice to see it growing.

  380. Finally got forced to install a new Mint after my SSD went t….up. Decided to use the 19 Beta. Seems totally fine to me. Only issue I have had is with 3rd party applets that have warnings causing massive CPU overuse.
    Thanks to the team for another great release.

  381. Just installed on my old legacy BIOS desktop PC. If I select “install 3rd party software” in the installation wizard the computer locks up during installation every time, though never at the same point: once when it said “almost finished”, once around 4/5th of the way through copying files, once when it was configuring hardware. Installing without 3rd party software was successful.

    Hardware info:
    ASRock A780GM-LE motherbord
    AMI BIOS version P1.30 dated 08/04/2009 (newest available)
    AMD Athlon 64 x2 5000+ dual-core CPU @ 2.6GHz
    8GB 400MHz DDR2 RAM
    RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Realtek onboard NIC)
    SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) onboard sound card (Hynix Semiconductor/Hyundai Electronics)
    Seagate ST3160815AS 1TB HD, about a year old
    RS780 [Radeon HD 3200] onboard GPU, also from Hynix

  382. Setting my MSI Motherboard’s Pre-Configured OC Genie set to “ON” causes Linux mint 19 Unbootable completely to a frozen black screen. The only way to get out of this is by resetting the BIOS by either removing the CMOS battery or by jumper and etc. I never had this problem prior in LM Cinnamon 18.3 so I decided to give it a try by installing a fresh copy of LM Cinnamon 18.3 and sure enough it works fine without issues. Set the OC Genie “ON” restarted LM 18.3 and works. Set it back to OC Genie “Off and all works. Repeated with a fresh install of LM Cinnamon 19 and failed every time to a frozen black screen without posting. I am going to Manually OC in the Bios and see how that pans out. If anyone has any information on this please let me know what maybe the cause. Thanks

  383. On the same old legacy BIOS desktop: While going through the First Steps in the Welcome screen, when installing the additional multimedia codecs, I get “an error occurred. W: failed to fetch Redirection loop encountered” during the installation, when using the default repositories. After I closed these messages the computer locked up again. I hit reset, changed sofftware sources to two in Taiwan (I’m in the Philippines so they’re closest, and Taiwan has awesome Internet bandwidth.) Reran the multimedia codecs installation: success. I recall having the same redirection loop issue before when using the default software sources, when installing Tara in VirtualBox on my new laptop. I suggest adding a new First Step up near the top to change Software Sources to those that are geographically near the user’s location to avoid problems in the steps further down, installing codecs and running the update tool.

  384. I had three more lock-ups when trying to run the initial updates. FYI I’d been running Sylvia Cinnamon on this machine with no problems.

    I tried to post the results of inxi -Fxz but I get this:
    Block details:
    Your IP:
    Your Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0
    Block ID: BLKUNF1
    Block reason: Your request was not authorized due to its content (HTML code not allowed).
    Time: Sun Jun 17 05:10:34 2018
    Server ID: 16008

    Can we PLEASE get a space in the Mint forum to post bugs instead of doing so in blog comments? This is dumb.

  385. All home directories disappeared after rebooting…
    I have been using Mint 19 Beta since the day it was made available. Except for a little glitch with vino-server, it has been working great. Yesterday I decided to reboot the system. to my great, great surprise, all standard and not standard /home/user/DIRECTORIES were gone, EXCEPT those whose name started with a . (“dot”), like .configure, .ssh, .local ….

    Gone for good: Music, Documents, Downloads… Besides these directories created automatically by the installation process, the ones I had created myself have also vanished. I could not get them back even with timeshift.

    This may be a completely useless information, but the last thing I did before rebooting was to install and configure LXC. I had also done some manipulation with the virt-manager and KVM packages. After trying virt-manager I had a full black screen saying “boot not found”. I had no way to get rid of that screen. It froze before me. So I had to go to a second machine and, using ssh, login and kill the virt-manager processes. The black screen disappeared and I continued to work till I decided to boot again, after wich, the directories had disappeared.).

  386. This is a request, not a bug report:

    The default font used by Mint 19 is slender, thin, elegant, clean, but a bit too small. But, mainly, it lacks contrast. I have some difficulty reading them. I tried to make them a little bigger using the standard way. It got a lot better for reading because of the size, but some screens became too large to fit.

    I think a little more contrast could compensate for the small size.

    (I am 67yo but still have a 20/20 acuity. But it seems I have problem with low contrast.)

  387. Hi,

    My request is about L2TP VPN, I follow some tutorials about this but fort Linux mint 18.3 an it doesn’t work on linux mint 19. Can you help me ?

    Best Regards,

  388. Fairly new Linux Mint user so dont know anything. Tried 18.3 and liked it. Last week installed 19 cinnamon beta. It had some quirks that worried me and wouldnt install but 4 of the 41 updates available. Then this weekend a single update of Update Manager came. It did that update just fine and then allowed me to update the balance of 37 other updates. Everything magically works perfectly now. I may not understand Linux (yet) but I like it a lot and am somewhat happy that MS Windows10 updates crashed my Toshiba laptop such that it could not be fixed and that they wouldn’t allow me to download Windows 7 because “it came on the laptop”.

  389. Congratulations to the team on LM19. Installed with few problems on a new PC. Only hardware that doesn’t work is the trackpad, can’t get it to work even though synaptics is installed, but those drivers are not being used. Works fine with an external mouse.
    Icons are not changing as reported above, eg if Update Manager fails because of no Internet connection the red cross remains even after a successful update once the network is connected.
    Folder icons can’t be recoloured, the dialog is there but nothing happens.

  390. My Bugs:
    – I Can not change wallpaper. The locale en_IL is not true. I didn’t defined it and it’s a bug. It suppose to be en_US.UTF8
    – shift+printscreen to capture area is not working. I managed to define a new custom shortcut to gnome-screenshot -a

    1. My laptop: HP 6450b, and the new mint 19 detects all my hardware perfectly (include thar build-in wifi card). Even my network printer (brother MFC J625DW) detects automatically and works perfect!

  391. I find that i get kicked out of my online account in the system settings for gnome online accounts a couple of times now. Never happened in 18.3.

  392. has worked flawlessly and thanks for including Redshift. Just one grip about the lack of a headset microphone in bluetooth telephony. used to work flawlessly in 17x. BT is still the weakest link.

    1. also link to intel microcode update wasn’t included in the menu> administration>driver manager given the latest spectre-meltdown…??!!!

  393. also link to intel microcode update wasn’t included in the menu> administration>driver manager given the latest spectre-meltdown…??

    1. errr just found out Linus T thinks microcode patches are s**t and found kernel has retpoline installed.
      Bow to Sir Linus

  394. Blueberry will only run either my bluetooth mouse or my headset but not both at the same time. One will connect then disconnect if the other one connected first. also Banshee crashes every time I try to import media.

  395. Everything seems to be working well but Google Chrome wont install. I tried to install Google Chrome with GUI but the window disappeared after I click “Install Package”. It just disappeared and never came back.

    1. To install any package in GUI you have to open the file where the package was downloaded “as root”, then run it, it should work (open the downloads folder, right-click, open as root, execute package)

    2. Tony – I use Chromium instead of Chrome (less spying from Google perhaps?), Chromium installed just fine for me from Synaptic, give it a try.

    3. I will give it a try, my only question is last time I tried to use Chromium with Netflix it would not work. That’s really the only reason I am using Google Chrome is for Netflix. I’ve just never been able to get it working in another browser not sure why.

    4. Have you applied all updates? Gdebi was supposed to be fixed (Gdebi is the app that installs downloaded .deb files was initially broken which is why you couldn’t install Chrome.) I installed Google Chrome yesterday without a problem.

    5. Due to DRM Chrome is supported Chromium isn’t for Netflix – I have the same issue Chromium for internet Chrome for Netflix

  396. It’s not a but but a wish: why there isn’t any clipboard manager in the distribution? (I mean installed by default, like clipit or something else)

  397. When i log into my google account through the system settings menu for gnome online accounts it will stay logged in for awhile and then disconnect sometime later on. I can only log back in through rebooting.

  398. After installing the Sublime Text 3 editor from flatpak, the mouse in the application does not work. You can write in the editor, but you can not select text and move the cursor with the mouse. This is not a Sublime Text application problem, because the same version works in Kubuntu 18.04.

  399. i am glad that my seagate 1 tb usb external hdd is up and running in lmc 19. it is detected readily even though only macOS and windows are mentioned on the box.

  400. Today 18 June, at 12 noon GMT all the software services are failing ‘Not Signed’, except the US master site.

  401. Report bug:
    1. Archive Manager, I cannot use mouse to select multiple items, this function is gone.
    2. When I install wine apps, the icon is still the default icons (gears icon). Previous version of Linux Mint are shown correctly.
    3. When goes to login screen, it flash the default Linux mint wallpaper, then change to my wallpaper.

  402. The repository ‘ tara Release’ is not signed.
    The repository ‘ tara Release’ is not signed.
    The repository ‘ tara Release’ is not signed.
    The repository ‘ tara Release’ is not signed.

    What happened to those main repositories? i now dont have good download speeds. 🙁

  403. hello community ans Thanks ! My test and return Cinnamon64 version ..(two computer)
    Long delay for start (black screen) i read journal of systemctl …………….lot of error with ureadahead (is for older disk and pc ! suggest : erase for official 19 ) sudo apt-get remove ureadahead (=better speed start here !)
    Testing with new kernel beta (4-18 RC1 and 4.17 final) ,,,black screen(30second) long delay for cinnamon open (not find a problem or evidence for the moment)
    Good Job ! Thanks Friends !

  404. Thanks to everyone for a great release. It pretty much just works great right out of the box! A couple of minor nitpicks though (maybe these are Cinnamon issues and not Mint issues):
    – Setting the default zoom level in the file manager works correctly to display the existing files (I use 66% list view as default), but new text typed in, e.g. to rename a file, defaults to the old (tiny) zoom level. As soon as I press enter to confirm the new filename, the new text zooms to the proper level.
    – When using the file manager as root, view preferences don’t seem to be saved. I’d like it to default to list mode at 66% zoom, but that preference just doesn’t seem to stay set between sessions and it always goes back to the icon view. (Actually what I’d really like is for it to just use the same settings I established for regular user mode and not have to set this again.)
    – These boot messages, which don’t seem to really affect anything, but are somewhat worrisome:
    [ 4.909269] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.909275] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.909276] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.909277] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT1._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.909283] ata4.00: ATAPI: ASUS DRW-24B3LT, 1.00, max UDMA/100
    [ 4.909650] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.909654] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.909655] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.909656] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT4._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.910099] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.910103] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.910104] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.910105] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT1._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.910111] ata4.00: configured for UDMA/100
    [ 4.910145] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.910150] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.910150] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.910151] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT2._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.910157] ata5.00: ATAPI: DRW-24F1ST d, 1.00, max UDMA/133
    [ 4.910809] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.910813] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.910814] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.910815] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT0._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.910892] ata3.00: supports DRM functions and may not be fully accessible
    [ 4.911645] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.911649] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.911649] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.911650] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT2._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.911655] ata5.00: configured for UDMA/133
    [ 4.911931] ata3.00: ATA-11: Samsung SSD 860 EVO M.2 500GB, RVT21B6Q, max UDMA/133
    [ 4.911932] ata3.00: 976773168 sectors, multi 1: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
    [ 4.912160] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.912163] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.912164] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.912165] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT3._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.912168] ata6.00: ATAPI: PIONEER BD-RW BDR-209M, 1.34, max UDMA/100
    [ 4.914445] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.914449] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.914450] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.914451] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT0._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.914523] ata3.00: supports DRM functions and may not be fully accessible
    [ 4.916062] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 4.916067] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 4.916068] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 4.916069] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT3._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 4.916074] ata6.00: configured for UDMA/100
    [ 4.917663] ata3.00: configured for UDMA/133
    [ 4.945839] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk
    [ 4.947945] scsi 0:0:1:0: Direct-Access IOMEGA ZIP 250 41.S PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
    [ 4.977857] sd 0:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
    [ 5.020290] usb 1-3: new high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd
    [ 5.024974] ata7.00: ATA-8: TOSHIBA HDWQ140, FJ1M, max UDMA/100
    [ 5.024976] ata7.00: 7814037168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
    [ 5.026362] ACPI Error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psargs-364)
    [ 5.026368] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_GTF]
    [ 5.026369] No Arguments are initialized for method [_GTF]
    [ 5.026370] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT4._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170831/psparse-550)
    [ 5.027985] ata7.00: configured for UDMA/100


  405. The wording for the description of “Software Updates” in the Timeshift setup window is a little weird (at least in English). It says software updates “fix bugs in your computer.” A more apt description would be that they “install new versions of apps and packages to fix bugs and add new features.” (Plus equivalent translations in other languages)

  406. Found a bug with NVidia using dual monitors. While playing VLC fullscreen on one monitor and running Update Manager on the other caused both monitors to display black screens. System still running but unable to use display.

  407. I’ve started geting the following error when trying to update.
    “The repository ‘ tara Release’ is no longer signed.”
    I don’t get this message when using apt update on the command line.

  408. This beta release is more stable and functional than some of the final and even .1+ releases of other distros I’ve tried. Really well done. I’m tempted to use it for my daily driver, but I’ll wait for the final release. Thanks for all the hard work!

  409. Hi, Did install and update on B350 mobo with amd 2400g plus graphics card, going well. But cups printer appears to have an installation setup problem with setting up filters. My printer setup stalls with the directory link to filter doubled up. From troubleshoot – cups printer ppd valid : True,
    Page 6 troubleshoot.LocalOrRemote.LocalOrRemote object at 0x7fc701a91fd0
    This printer has been working with Mint for years. Is it a Mint setup thing or should I report it to the Cups guys?

  410. Suddenly the last few days I have noticed that the Source Mirrors are not working properly, I select the fastest Mirrors, I then got an error saying the Mirror wasn’t signed, I switched Mirrors to try another fast Mirror with the same repeating message no matter what Mirror I had chosen. I then proceeded to restart my system. Now the Update Manager will not even refresh at all. I have restarted my system 3 times and same thing repeats without the Update Manager refreshing. I have even tried to open the Update Manager from within the panel and it will not do anything (No Popup or anything) so I tried to open the Update Manager from within the Mint Menu and it opens but is frozen completely.

    1. For me, at least today, no source is working. No matter which one I choose, I get the following message:

      W:An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: stable InRelease: Couldn’t create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.Siu43h for passing config to apt-key, W:An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: stable InRelease: Couldn’t create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.y8BLjt for passing config to apt-key, W:An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error:

    2. No, the following message makes me suspect of the permission issue:

      Couldn’t create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.jWQfsj for passing config to apt-key
      Permission is drwxrwxr-x. Perhaps it should be drwxrwxrwt ?

  411. see log in systemctl …………….lot of error with packet unreadahead (is for old computer ! suggest erase in new mint 19 ) erased = better speed for start cinnamon !

    testing new kernel 4.18rc1 ….. 30 second black screen at open cinnamon …same with 4.17 final kernel

  412. Congratulations, another excellent release. Booting is much faster and many useful refinements. TimeShift is very valuable when doing development and I have used it a lot sorting out the issue which follows and now have considerable confidence it it – almost as useful as Git Branching!
    I do have some problems with the new nvidia-390 driver on my Optimus based computer. Initial tests using nvidia-prime showed it to be very much slower to switch (over a minute) than previously and required a full restart rather than a logout/in. The power consumption in nvidia mode was still very high and the nvidia driver did not seem to be switched off. I have a triple booted system with 17.3, 18.3 and now 19 sharing the same /home partition so comparisons are easy and I find the power consumption is some 10 watts higher in 19 using nvidia-prime than the 17.3 and 18.3 systems which have bumblebee (from simple measurements using the Power Statistics utility).
    Bumblebee however does not play well with the new nvidia-390 driver which now goes part way to implementing GLVND and it has taken several days to get it working enough to make some power measurements and confirm that 9 watts can be saved which extends my battery life by 50% but the results still seem several watts worse than 18.3.
    For those using Bumblebee see launchpad bug 1758243 which is a good start! I will eventually write some notes and probably add them as ‘help’ file on the git entry for the bumblebee applet.
    The driver manager failed to load nvidia-340 on my system.
    In view of the step change to nvidia-390 I wonder if nvidia-382 should be an option in the driver manager or be retained on an upgrade.

  413. dropbox: uninstalled but system failed to reboot (x-session failure). it became too system critical and integrated to the point of no return! i had to timeshift and it is back again.

  414. Hi, I tested Linux Mint 19 Beta and everything runs smoothly. I am very happy with it. Only one small thing: i like to use the desklet ‘simple systemmonitor’ – and this desklet not run in Mint 19 Beta

  415. Installed in the Gigabyte Aero 15 FHD. Experienced some problems
    1 – right at the end of install, when it asks to reboot or continue to test , rebooting does nothing and freezes.
    2 – after install, I can reach the login page, but after login, blank screen with a cursor and freezes completely. I search for this bug, seems to be a very reported one in ubuntu and other versions of mint, but none of the solutions helped. By applying nomodeset in grub time, and using the drivemanager to adopt the nvidia driver, thinks get normal again.
    3 – I confirm the brightness keys not working too. I can adjust brightness only by the settings of power controls.
    4 – in windows (case it is a dual boot), battery is lasting for around 8 hours in idle. In mint, less than 3 hours. The difference is too big so there might be something wrong with the measureent of some resource hogger somewhere.

  416. Issue
    System hibernation does not work. After hibernation is selected, the system behaves as if it was hibernating, but after starting the computer, there are no applications that were open before hibernation, there is also no message that the system is recovering from hibernate.

    Steps to reproduce

    Installing Linux Mint
    Create 10 GB swap partition
    Hibernate computer
    Run computer
    Expected behaviour
    The system should be hibernated and after running the hibernate applications should run.

    Other information
    Hibernation has been tested on Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu and Ubuntu Mate systems – it always worked. Kernel was not changed, the system worked with the kernel delivered from the repo, there were no problems with hibernation. The problem is under Linux Mint, which is based on Ubuntu. I have 4 GB RAM, the swap partition has 10 GB capacity. Under the Linux Mint 18.3 system there were no problems with hibernation

    1. Hibernation isn’t working for me either but in a different way. It’s behaving like a reboot of the computer, but without the POSTs and Grub menu being displayed. It just goes straight to the login screen as normal, and waits there until I pop in my password. After that it logs into my account with all apps that were open prior to the attempted hibernation, still open. Suspend works fine.

    2. I think that is the way it was always supposed to work (but never actually did until maybe now). On other distros you could only boot back into your hybernated desktop. That made sense because if you booted to any other system (from a multi-boot menu) you would destroy the hybernated state on the swap partition. I was always suspect of LM returning to the grub menu from hybernation, effectively allowing you to make that mistake, but otherwise working. I have not used hybernation in a long time because the boot process doesn’t seem to be any faster than from a cold boot. The only use in that case would be to save an application’s state if I wasn’t in a position to shut it down – which is rare.

    1. @just4t Thank you for the additional information, I noticed it has even been an issue with other mirrors such as and etc. I have tried many different mirrors which have pretty much all sustained the same results. The only one that has been working great for me is the direct Linux Mint mirror. All others fail at one point in time.

  417. Testing 64bit and 32bit on persistent live USB, I’ve been unable to install XnView, Master PDF reader, and the PulseAudio Equalizer with either GDeb or adding PPAs, which have been fine on earlier versions – maybe liked to other installer issues and ongoing work.

    I’m hoping for some guidance about future plans for 32bit when the final is released. On two 32bit Windows 7 dual boots, I am planning to run 32bit M17.3 to the end of life that will coincide with the end of life for Windows 7. If I keep the machines in 2020 I’d go all Mint, wishing again to run that for the full five year term – the experience with M17.x has been that good.

    My question is whether 32bit Mint 19.x through end of life will get the same point releases and third-party software repository updates that 64bit will. (I’m guessing it’s too soon to know if Mint 20 will support 32bit at all.) It would help me and probably others if intentions for the future of 32bit Mint 19.x are made clear when it is finally released.

    1. Hi I2k4,
      With you mentioning testing 64 and 32-bit on USB.

      Unless testing was on a range of different systems, some older 64-bit capable systems were supplied with 32-bit versions of Windows 7. If the 64-bit Mint live session boots on that system you should be able to install it, allowing a more future-proof Mint 64-bit / Windows 7 32-bit dual boot.

  418. Guys, I wanted to test this on my Asus Zenbook, but after I installed I got caught in work stuff. The nice thing is, from what I see most of the little problems I had with 18.3 are now gone: good job!!! Hope this will be a great release 🙂

  419. Hey guys, I notice that Firefox 60.0.2 does not correctly show the layout of text-only pages. For example, it does not maintain the text columns and justifies all the text in the middle. This does not happen with LM 18.2 and LM 18.3. Xplayer always shows mp4 videos jerky.

  420. using PIA (vpn) i add this to the end of the ovpn file to stop dns leaks.

    script-security 2
    up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
    down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

    works in 18.3 not 19.

    for a kill switch i use a file called ./ that contains:


    sudo ufw reset
    sudo ufw default deny incoming
    sudo ufw default deny outgoing
    sudo ufw allow out on wlan0 from any to
    sudo ufw allow out on tun0 from any to any
    sudo ufw enable

    again works in 18.3 but not 19.

    is this a problem with ufw in linux mint 19? overall linux mint 19 is looking great!

  421. Saw some updates today that mentionned changes about hibernation.
    Did the update, still no go (black screen only and fan of my laptop speedup, have to force power down).

    Tried with nouveau driver instead of nVidia 340, worst : screen resolution is VGA (640 pixels), never saw this resolution on my laptop, yuk! even then, hibernation still no go. Reverted back to nVidia driver.

  422. Update manager doesn’t work. Could not be started from the panel but from the menu and is looking endless for updates . To stop that is possible only with force quit.

    1. I had something similar to this at one point. To solve it, I killed Update Manager, went to the command line, issued an apt update followed by an apt upgrade then, when that had finished, I started Update Manager again. I haven’t experienced the problem since then.

    2. Here, same as Pete. This problem happened once but was gone after rebooting and never returned.

  423. Just re-tested the regression I reported very early on when the beta was first released and I can confirm that after all of the latest updates the regression still exist. Basically, the issue is that Tara has broken the “Auto-Select” option (now called “Automatic”) for the “Paper Source” (now called “Media source”) in the Printers/Printer Properties/Options for printers with multiple input trays/sources. This option, when selected now always tries to get paper from “Alternate” (previously called “cassette 2”). You can no longer leave the settings to “Automatic” (previously “Auto-Select”) and have it automatically pick up paper from the correct cassette or the “rear paper feed slot”

    I am not sure if this is of significance or at all relevant but I also noticed that the drop down box for the Paper source option in the File/Print/Page Setup menu in most programs like Xed, Xviewer, Firefox etc show the correct changed names for most of the options eg “Main” (previously called “Cassette 1” in LM18.3) or “Alternate” (previously “Cassette 2” in LM18.3) EXCEPT for the first entry in the drop down list which still uses the old LM18.3 name “Auto-Select” instead of “Automatic” (as it is now called in Tara).

    Would really appreciate if this introduced regression from LM18.3 printing behaviour can be fixed before the final release.

    Thanks, Chris

  424. I have an AMD pro duo 32 Gb video card when installing linux mint 19 the video continuously flickers very annoying,
    Will Linux mint have drivers that will support this card as I bought it because I was told it was good card for Linux
    I hope I haven’t made a mistake on this one as it cost a bundle.

  425. Thanks guys, but even after the new update, xplayer does not adapt the window to the new video and playback is not yet smooth. If it could be useful, this second issue was already happening in LM 18.3 after upgrading to the kernel 4.13.0-43

  426. Update Manager strange behaviour (this is a fresh test install which I put on a couple of weeks ago, but not touched much since). No additional apps/data present.

    1. system automatically checks for updates post login (machine has been off for a week or two)
    2. double clicked the tray icon whilst it was checking for updates to see more details
    3. update manager eventually comes back with “system up to date” – I wasn’t convinced after reading the github roadmap
    4. manually click refresh and then ‘mintupdate’ suddenly appears
    5. install this update
    6. update manager reloads and comes back with 35 updates

    Outcome – point “3” should not have happened? I should not have had to recheck manually to get ‘mintupdate’ to appear? This should have appeared upon the 1st automatic check, as it’s the update manager it should perhaps be installed silently and then reloaded, and then another update automatically ran to pick up the new updates?

    Just happened today. Minor bug, don’t know at this stage if at next automatic refresh it would have found and installed the update or not. The experience wasn’t quite right.


    1. If I recall correctly this is the way the Update Manager was designed to work. The first auto-check for updates immediately after login checks for security updates only. It’s the second auto-check (or if you do a manual refresh after the first auto-check as you did) that looks for all available updates. It’s worked like this for quite awhile now.

      I forget exactly why the Update Manager was designed to work like this but I pretty sure it was Clem himself that explained it though I could be wrong about that.

    2. Hi,

      It first checks for updates against the current cache. Then after the first timeout (or if you click refresh), it refreshes the cache and that’s when it detects the additional updates. This is designed so that you don’t start with a locked cache immediately after logging in.

      The reason you see mintupdate before the updates is because mintupdate always updates itself first. This is also by design. It gives us the ability to react to updates by sending you updates to the update manager which always apply first.

    3. @Linux Mint – Thank you for clarifying what my old memory couldn’t quite recall. This old tech-head is getting old.

    4. Hi both,

      Thanks a lot for clarifying this. I thought that was the case with mintupdate appearing separately first (makes sense and what I already figured) but I didn’t realise the first update pass was against the current cache which is why not updates were found on the first run. That completely explains it.

      Appreciate the explanation!


  427. Hi Emin. I have read your previous advice. But my laptop HP 250 G2 does not have a nvidia video card. Thank you.

    1. OK, sorry, I was misinformed by Google :). What about VLC player, have you tried it?

  428. Regarding swap file/swap partitions. When you do an installation to hard disk, does the installer use an existing swap partition or uses a swap file? I have a laptop with a 500GB SATA SSD and a 1 TB traditional HDD where the swap partition is located on the HDD along with an extra ext4 partition. That’s how I have it set up on 18.3, root and home on the SSD and /mnt/sda1 and swap on the HDD. I’d rather not have a swap file on the SSD. Does the installer offer a choice or does it detect it automatically? Just want to prevent excessive writes to the SSD if I want to put the laptop in hibernation.

    1. As far as I know and saw; beginning with Ubuntu 18.04 (base) and therefore Mint 19, the installer uses a swap file rather than a partition and it doesn’t offer a choice..

    2. I can’t speak to what it does in full auto mode but when I did a custom installation it identified my existing swap partition just fine. No addition swap file was created.

      Hibernation is currently broken by the way, no matter the type of swap used. But buying an SDD for faster boots and then wanting to hibernate to HDD instead seems a contradictory choice to me but you do what you think best, of course.

    3. If you have a swap partition prior to installing, and you do not delete it, the installer will use it rather than creating a swapfile. At least, that was my experience the first time I installed Mint 19 Cinnamon. I had to create a swapfile manually and then delete the swap partition. The second time I installed Mint 19, obviously there wasn’t a swap partition, so the installer created a swapfile.

    4. Thank you Lord Mozart, I played a little more with the beta and yes the installer does detect an existing swap partition. If you use the something else option you can tell the installer not to use the swap partition. I installed the beta to a 128GB USB 3.0 thumbdrive for testing (and yes it works great) so I wouldn’t have to touch my existing system. The installer created a swap file when I told the installer not to use the existing swap. As far as hibernation, I rarely use it since I basically shut it down instead because it has an SSD. With 16GB of memory and swappiness set to 10 I have never ran into a situation where the swap was ever needed or used. It’s just there just in case. Why waste the space on an SSD if you have a sencond drive. The HDD has the swap at the end of the drive (20GB) the rest of the drive is used for storage, timeshift and recorded TV shows.

  429. Yes Emin, I tried VLC and it works excellently. I was just wondering why xplayer started not playing correctly videos after installing the kernel 4.13.0-43 on LM 18.3 … Anyway, I thank you for your interest.

    1. Oh my god ! I remember now that particularly 4.13 was troublesome with especially Intel graphics cards (yours seem to be intel – integrated 4000 – 4400)

      Yes, but this is obviously due to Kernel 4.13 .. So that, I had used Mint Cinnamon 18.x with the latest Kernels always (thanks to Ukuu) with no problems, but only 4.13 caused problems (freezings in screen etc.) (meanwhile, mine is also Hp and intel graphics..).. Also there were lots of complaints on Ubuntu forums about 4.13 . In addition, I had tried Xubuntu, Kubuntu and Lubuntu 17.10 (4.13 Kernel originally) and all had done the same freezing screen (and also Mint for the first and last time only when using 4.13).. Consequently; 4.13 is absolutely problematic (with intel cards at least).. (Question: Then why no issues with Vlc ? Answer: I don’t know 🙂 )

  430. Mint 19 works fine on my HP Stream laptop, except I can’t connect to my Brother laser printer when it is windows shared on my local network as I could with Mint 18.3

  431. I don’t think this has been posted in any of the beta blogs but my cpu freq is running higher, or at least its displayed as higher, than is physically possible. Might be related to Mehmet’s entry posted June 7 10:04 pm. Here’s the output from my first core running cpufreq-info:

    “$ cpufreq-info
    cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
    Report errors and bugs to, please.
    analyzing CPU 0:
    driver: acpi-cpufreq
    CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0
    CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0
    maximum transition latency: 10.0 us.
    hardware limits: 1.60 GHz – 2.67 GHz
    available frequency steps: 2.67 GHz, 2.67 GHz, 2.53 GHz, 2.40 GHz, 2.27 GHz, 2.13 GHz, 2.00 GHz, 1.87 GHz, 1.73 GHz, 1.60 GHz
    available cpufreq governors: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, performance, schedutil
    current policy: frequency should be within 1.60 GHz and 2.67 GHz.
    The governor “ondemand” may decide which speed to use
    within this range.
    current CPU frequency is 2.79 GHz.
    cpufreq stats: 2.67 GHz:6.70%, 2.67 GHz:0.09%, 2.53 GHz:0.35%, 2.40 GHz:0.38%, 2.27 GHz:0.50%, 2.13 GHz:0.89%, 2.00 GHz:1.44%, 1.87 GHz:2.69%, 1.73 GHz:7.25%, 1.60 GHz:79.70% (5102)

    All 8 threads are ‘idling’ at 2.79 GHz when they normally on previous Mint distros they would idle at 1.6 GHZ. When a core is maxed out it runs at 2.9 MHZ.
    The last line in the quoted output says that 79.7% of the time cpu0 is running at 1.6 GHz but conky shows different.

  432. Mint Update Window is too big/cannot resize..
    I have laptop with 1366×768 resolution and the bottom of the update window is hidden under the bottom pannel…

    Luck me, i know about the ALT + LEFT-CLICK to drag a window under Xorg..

    Would be good to allow smaller Mint Update window…

    1. I am having the same problem – I can make the window narrower and wider, but I cannot make it shorter (it is already higher than my screen’s height, so can’t try to make it taller!). I can’t tell how many items are in the list, as the status bar at the bottom is not visible.

    2. Just left a comment that I was having the same problem – then clicked the button asking me to create snapshots – and the window suddenly allowed me to change the height!

  433. When I installed this BETA on my new Dell 7577-92774 (i7 Kaby Lake), it works flawlessly. I installed updates right away, but when installing updates, I intentionally unchecked the newer kernel version, in order to have more control over it.

    When updates were done and I was up to installing newer kernel version, it wanted to install along with it intel-microcode + amd64-microcode, which is obviously wrong.

    I, of course, wanted to uninstall it later on:

    vlastimil@dell-7577: / $ sudo apt-get purge amd64-microcode
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
    intel-microcode iucode-tool
    Use ‘sudo apt autoremove’ to remove them.
    The following packages will be REMOVED:
    amd64-microcode* linux-generic* linux-image-generic*
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
    After this operation, 102 kB disk space will be freed.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

    But I get confused, whether or not these are linux-generic linux-image-generic necessary. Please assist. Thank you.

  434. I have now had several times when instead of resuming normally from a suspend I have been returned to a login screen. I can login to a consul session but cinnamon –replace fails. This has only occurred after long suspends, usually overnight. As far as I can see the relevant part of dmesg follows:

    [24066.590753] Restarting tasks … done.
    [24066.599529] bbswitch: disabling discrete graphics
    [24066.658403] nvidia-nvlink: Nvlink Core is being initialized, major device number 241
    [24066.676042] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 390.48 Thu Mar 22 00:42:57 PDT 2018 (using threaded interrupts)
    [24066.765423] nvidia-uvm: Loaded the UVM driver in 8 mode, major device number 240
    [24066.774553] NVRM: RmInitAdapter failed! (0x23:0x56:470)
    [24066.774584] NVRM: rm_init_adapter failed for device bearing minor number 0
    [24067.156537] psmouse serio2: synaptics: queried max coordinates: x [..5692], y [..4680]
    [24069.602872] PM: suspend exit

    The same dmesg has a number of normal resumes without the NVRM: RmInitAdapter failed! ….. sequence starting.
    This is an Optimus based machine and running bumblebee.
    I can run any further tests suggested next time it occurs.
    Is there any way to get back from the terminal session to avoid loss of work?

    1. I am answering my own question for others in the same state! I found the GUI was still running in Consul 7 so Ctrl Alt F7 took me back straight back with no problems.
      The suspend problems are documented with recent nvidia drivers, in particular with dual graphics processor systems and kernels greater than 4.8. A temporary solution which works for me is to use a kernel parameter of pcie_port_pm=off disabling some power management (This changed default at kernel 4.8) and I have been running continuously for nearly 5 days without reboot, using it as my only machine, and suspending and resuming every time I pass it.
      Congratulations on another excellent release.

  435. Received an update to xplayer today but sadly the jerky, choppy video is still not fixed! I also noticed that VLC is not quite as smooth as I originally thought. It also is a bit choppy but not nearly as bad as xplayer. Smplayer is the best but it has other bugs (not caused by LM 19.0 I believe).

  436. Calendar (gnome). If notifications are enabled for recurring events, then they don’t pop up (or aren’t generated?) in the notifications-area

  437. I’m having a strange issue with the iso. I’ve verified it’s a good copy and intact. I cannot get it to run for long without crashing under virtualbox 5.2.12 using Mint 17.3. I’ve tested the virtualbox software by installing other software such as mint 18.3 (runs fine) as well as Windows 7, 8, etc. No issues.

    If I try to install Mint19beta 32bit (any DE version) I can only as far as the menu that gives you start mint, start in compatability mode, force pae, integrity check, etc. No matter which selection I make, Virtualbox crashes with a Guru Meditation error message. I can close it or ignore it. Closing it just puts me back to square one. Ignoring it doesn’t do much more, the vm never seems to pick back up and continue with the startup.

    For those of you who’ve been able to try mint19 in a vm, which vm package are you using and what are the settings you’ve found to work?

    I really like what I see in 18.3 Cinnamon. So I’d really like to see what 19 looks like without actually having to take a machine down to restart it from a usb stick or dvd disc. Still a shame that KDE has been dropped. I really enjoy the polished look and feel of 17.3 KDE. It’s a sharp DE, it’s spoiled me rotten.

    1. @Dustin,
      It may not help you very much, but FYI: Since I couldn’t install 19beta on my Thinkpad (see above my entry of 16 June) I tried it in VBox, and without problems. Host: 18.3 64-bits – VirtualBox 5.1.12 – Guest: Mint 19beta 64-bits.

    2. i installed lmc 19b (guest) in fedora 28 (host) vbox 5.2.12. it installed and integrated nicely and working fine.

  438. i have installed this great lm19 onto 2 ssd’s (a 120gb has / and a 240gb only has /home ) everything is working great , expect while installing I chose something else and either didn’t choose encryption or the option wasn’t there. do i have to reinstall it all again or can I just some how set it up now post install? also if you cant tell I’m new to linux and still learning but already have converted 3 other people from winblows to full linux and this mint is realy good , easy to transfer over too. also the auto update linked with the timeshift in this LM19 is a life saver and i cant wait to get it set up on the other peoples computers since I’m the fix it guy in the family. being new to linux and I have tried other linux os before mint , this one by far has the easiest learning curve I’ve thanks , great job and I’m glad to be free of winblows..

    1. @Bill – I don’t think you can encrypt after installation except by using a series od terminal commands for the LUKS encryption facility. Haven’t done that for years so can’t be specific.

      If you choose “something else” for the partitioning when installing Mint you won’t get an automatic option to encrypt anything. But you can choose to create a ?home partition encrypted. Choose the partition type as “Physical volume for encryption”, and a new virtual hard drive will appear, where you select “Use as: ext4 journaling file system”, then setting the mount point to “/home”) .

      Whichever way you go, its best to do a web search on the subject first, my memory of these things is pretty sketchy, sorry.

  439. This is very good of Linux. I’m not sure about the battery consumption of the new Tara. I’m eagerly waiting for the final release

  440. Looks very promising so far.
    Unfortunately, titlebar themes are now restricted to metacity-3.
    But there is almost no one available. Actually, there are Mint-X and Mint-Y only.
    All the title bar themes which used to be available for former releases of Linux Mint are defined for Metacity-1.
    Hence, they do not work any more. This is very sad. There should be some effort or help to the users to convert the existing title bar themes.

  441. I’m not sure if anyone else has reported this (too many posts to read through), but the Update Manager’s icon in the panel, isn’t automatically changing consistently to show what state the system is in. Sometimes, and depending on which computer I’m on, it may indicate updates are available, or it might not. After updating the system, It may or not change to show that the system is up to date. This does correct itself if I manually restart Cinnamon, but will display whatever it was displaying prior to updating the system if I don’t.

    1. Lord Mozart – Yup, it’s been reported and is listed on the roadmap for 19/Cinnamon at Bugzilla. The problem occurs when the panel is set to “Auto-Hide” or “Intelligently Hide”. On that note, the problem will not occur when the panel is set to “Intelligently Hide” until it’s hidden for the first time. After that, the problem shows up. If it’s set to “Always Show” the problem does not occur at all.

  442. System Settings > Keyboard > Layouts > Options > Switching to another layout:
    – there are two ‘Left Win (while pressed)’ checkboxes;
    – if the ‘Ctrl+Shift’ is the only checked option then it’s impossible to open new terminal tab with Ctrl+Shift+T;
    – if the ‘Alt+Shift’ is the only checked option then the right Alt+Shift combination switches layouts one-by-one, but only until the end of list of configured layouts, – it doesn’t “cycle” through the layouts list. The left Alt+Shift combination is OK.

    My configured layouts list in order: English (US), Russian, Ukrainian.
    My layout configs:
    – don’t incl. less-common layouts in selection;
    – allow diff. layouts for windows;
    – new ones use default;
    – don’t use country flags;
    – show layout name instead of group name;
    – prefer upper-case.
    My laptop is Dell XPS 9560.

    P.S.: I didn’t check any other config combination.

  443. I’m new to reporting these things. Please forgive me if I’m doing this wrong.

    Update manager: it wants me to install Punjabi Fonts. There doesn’t seem to be a way to NOT install the package. Thus, the tray icon will always tell me there are updates available. If I don’t install that package I have to continuously check to see if other updates are available.

    Banshee hangs when I try to import my music from my music folder.

    Gnome Games description includes Blackjack but Blackjack is not included in the package.

    1. @Steven. No idea why you are getting the punjabi-fonts in the list. But you can right-click on an item in update-manager and select to not show that item in future

  444. I am unable to make open windows show up only on second panel (top position).. In 18.x, when in panel edit mode, you could simply grab any open window icon in the 1st panel (bottom) and move it to the top panel. After that, all newly opened windows would show up on the 2nd panel only, freeing up space on the 1st panel and making it a less cluttered panel containing program/app icons only, not open windows.

    Really need this capability again! 🙂

  445. BUG REPORT:

    When opening a text file from terminal with xed I get some warnings:

    $ xed

    (xed:19492): libpeas-WARNING **: 16:07:30.907: Error initializing Python Plugin Loader: PyGObject initialization failed
    ImportError: could not import gobject (error was: ModuleNotFoundError(“No module named ‘gi'”,))

    (xed:19492): libpeas-WARNING **: 16:07:30.907: Please check the installation of all the Python related packages required by libpeas and try again

    (xed:19492): libpeas-WARNING **: 16:07:30.907: Loader ‘python3’ is not a valid PeasPluginLoader instance

    ** (xed:19492): WARNING **: 16:07:30.912: Failed to load builtin plugin: Tamanho do Texto

    1. While on the subject of xed, this isn’t new to 19 but if you open a file and save as to a new name, sometimes you get the “file has changed on disk” warning – which doesn’t make any sense in this context. Probably a very minor issue compared to some of the others.

    1. Can confirm this kills DNS resolution across all browsers. Update manager/torrent clients etc remain connected.

  446. I have a problem with the driver manager the Nvidia and open source are grayed out and the only one that is checked says “continue using a manually installed drive” can’t change from this to open source or Nvidia don’t know what is wrong one more point when there was a problem manually installed Intel microcode could this be the problem?

    1. UPDATE:
      using lm forum post found out that nvidia 390.48 was installed twice removed extra but now can’t find it again
      but now lost the complete nvidia settings long version and still have no microcode settings in driver manager
      at least have the nvidia and open source options back
      what is the problem

  447. Here is a report from using the liveCD (on an average-speed USB 3 stick). I do not think I am duplicating anything said in existing reports; I apologise if I do.

    1) The ‘auto’ DPI setting, which is enabled by default, does not change the DPI for my 14.0″ WQHD (2560×1440) IPS screen – even though, anecdotally, nearly everyone who uses such a screen tries to adjust the DPI. Also, changing the DPI leaves the default theme’s window icon – close, maximise, minimize – the same size. Is that by design? Also: searching ‘dpi’ in the settings search finds nothing. Why not? This would be easy to implement and a boon, for it would add to the ‘just works’ feeling. Lastly here: I’d hope for more DPI options than ‘auto’ (which as I say doesn’t work for me), 100% and 200%. I had thought some fine-grained control was on its way . .

    2) Upon running the Driver Manager, I got an error about a missing release file. I imagine this has been reported before.

    3) The terminal gives a message about how ‘sudo’ works. That’s not going to happen every time I open a terminal, right?

    4) It is perhaps throwing that there is a Mint-Y border theme and Control theme but not icon theme.

    5) Mint Menu, when themes set to Mint-Y Dark and DPI set to 200%: the second column, show app icons and names, is severely – too severely – truncated. Libre Office writer appears as ‘LibreOffice…’ (sic). Also, the menu window is not resizable and text at the bottom of it (the info on what one has selected) is truncated by my taskbar (even though the bar is set to auto-hide). This seems bad UI / bad UX.

    6) I have bad point ghosting when using 19’s default wallpaper, but perhaps my hardware is at fault. (On 18 I use a fairly dark background and do not have ghosting.)

    7) Settings -> Pointer size seems to have no effect. I haven’t changed the default mouse theme.

    8) Touchpad: setting the acceleration to maximum, and irrespective of ‘sensitivity’ level, leaves my mouse (on an X1 Carbon 6th Generation) feeling slightly sluggish. This is fairly serious for me.

    9) Responsiveness, except on the Mint Menu, is good. That said, shutdown took some ten seconds, even though my laptop is very fast and I did not have that much open.

    10) I feel that when the desktop is locked – as it is by default – the user should get some explanation of why icon dragging fails.

    11) Using the panel to launch new instances of Nemo, when the Nemo preferences window is open: doing that launches new instances one cannot switch to (until one closes the preferences window). Should it?

    12) If I drag the Documents or Downloads folder from Nemo to the desktop, Nemo moves them without further ado. Is this a good idea?

    13) The first time I hit the big red button on the Menu, I got a titlebar-less window that had various options including ‘shutdown anyway’. Anyway given *what*? The second time I pressed the button, the window that appeared had a title bar and was what I expected (and mentioned no ‘anyway’). But – ah – when, *in* that window, I then hit ‘shutdown’, I got the same titlebar-less window – comprising, only, buttons saying ‘Lock screen’, ‘Cancel’, and ‘Shut Down Anyway’.

  448. Here is a report from using the liveCD (on an average-speed USB 3 stick). I do not think I am duplicating anything said in existing reports; I apologise if I do.

    1) The ‘auto’ DPI setting, which is enabled by default, does not change the DPI for my 14.0″ WQHD (2560×1440) IPS screen – even though, anecdotally, nearly everyone who uses such a screen tries to adjust the DPI. Also, changing the DPI leaves the default theme’s window icon – close, maximise, minimize – the same size. Is that by design? Also: searching ‘dpi’ in the settings search finds nothing. Why not? This would be easy to implement and a boon, for it would add to the ‘just works’ feeling. Lastly here: I’d hope for more DPI options than ‘auto’ (which as I say doesn’t work for me), 100% and 200%. I had thought some fine-grained control was on its way . .

    2) Upon running the Driver Manager, I got an error about a missing release file. I imagine this has been reported before.

    3) The terminal gives a message about how ‘sudo’ works. That’s not going to happen every time I open a terminal, right?

    4) It is perhaps throwing that there is a Mint-Y border theme and Control theme but not icon theme.

    5) Mint Menu, when themes set to Mint-Y Dark and DPI set to 200%: the second column, show app icons and names, is severely – too severely – truncated. Libre Office writer appears as ‘LibreOffice…’ (sic). Also, the menu window is not resizable and text at the bottom of it (the info on what one has selected) is truncated by my taskbar (even though the bar is set to auto-hide). This seems bad UI / bad UX.

    6) I have bad point ghosting when using 19’s default wallpaper, but perhaps my hardware is at fault. (On 18 I use a fairly dark background and do not have ghosting.)

    7) Settings -> Pointer size seems to have no effect. I haven’t changed the default mouse theme.

    8) Touchpad: setting the acceleration to maximum, and irrespective of ‘sensitivity’ level, leaves my mouse (on an X1 Carbon 6th Generation) feeling slightly sluggish. This is fairly serious for me.

    9) Responsiveness, except on the Mint Menu, is good. That said, shutdown took some ten seconds, even though my laptop is very fast and I did not have that much open.

    10) I feel that when the desktop is locked – as it is by default – the user should get some explanation of why icon dragging fails.

    11) Using the panel to launch new instances of Nemo, when the Nemo preferences window is open: doing that launches new instances one cannot switch to (until one closes the preferences window). Should it?

    12) If I drag the Documents or Downloads folder from Nemo to the desktop, Nemo moves them without further ado. Is this a good idea?

    13) The first time I hit the big red button on the Menu, I got a titlebar-less window that had various options including ‘shutdown anyway’. Anyway given *what*? The second time I pressed the button, the window that appeared had a title bar and was what I expected (and mentioned no ‘anyway’). But – ah – when, *in* that window, I then hit ‘shutdown’, I got the same titlebar-less window – comprising, only, buttons saying ‘Lock screen’, ‘Cancel’, and ‘Shut Down Anyway’.

  449. System Settings -> Display does not show a resolution higher than 1920×1080. Using 4k external monitor, laptop display disabled. Dell 7773 laptop has Intel HD 620 and NVIDIA GeForce MX150, both of which support 3840×2160 in Windows. Using nvidia-driver-390. In NVIDIA Settings, click on X Server Display Configuration, no Display tabs or other options show. Selection shows PRIME Display and X Screen 0.

    Today was the day I would switch back to using Linux Mint, but without 4k, I have to stick with Win10.

  450. Another bug:
    In nemo, when renaming the file, if I press “ctrl” key, it exit the renaming mode. Therefore, I cannot copy/cut the file name from here.

    1. One more:
      On the desktop for dark mode.
      If I rename the item on desktop, the “|” is not clear, I cannot even see it.

  451. No drivers in driver manager and no Intel microcode. Maybe it does not work? The update manager provided me with the AMD microcode, but I do not think it’s right for my cpu.

  452. MS Exchange in on-line accounts doesn’t work. If I enter the account info, it verifies the account. I get the toggles for Mail, Calendar, and contacts, but then nothing works. The same problem occurs on Ubuntu Budgie. However if I add online accounts to Ubuntu Mate, It works fine, also works, out of the box on Solus. I use Cinnamon Mint as my daily driver, because of work, the Exchange connection is important for my workflow.

  453. Update Manager. If you click to see more info as software is installed the window disappears as soon as installation completes. In previous Mint versions the window remains until you close it, thus you can inspect the contents at will, which you should be able to do.

  454. Hardware info
    System Type: x64-based PC
    Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed.
    [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2400 Mhz
    BIOS Version: American Megatrends Inc. NX300KSZ.03,
    64-bit ISO doesn’t work touchpad also some functions.

  455. Hello Mint Team. Appreciate your hard work.
    I have a Nvidia GT 630. The original driver from Nvidia 390 does not work properly, it is lagging and mouse cursor is freezing. Changed to xserver-xorg-nuoveau and this issue disappeared.
    Anther issue I have with thinkorswim can’t install it.
    ” /Downloads $ sh

    gzip: sfx_archive.tar.gz: not in gzip format

    I am sorry, but the installer file seems to be corrupted.
    If you downloaded that file please try it again. If you
    transfer that file with ftp please make sure that you are
    using binary mode.”
    In Cinnamon 18.3 works fine installation.

    1. I can confirm the Nvidia Driver installs aren’t working on any of the systems I have tried installing on. System restart just hangs at black screen on most systems on other systems I have noticed a drastic jump in slow and laggy.

  456. Thank you thank you thank you! I just installed on my kid’s Lenovo Edge 15 laptop (Intel i5, 8GB RAM) on a new Samsung EVO 860 256GB SSD. The laptop works perfectly, all drivers are working (ie. network, sound, wifi, touchpad, touch screen, etc.) Performance is great! Love the Cinnamon environment! The laptop works SO MUCH BETTER than it did running with Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10. Mint Cinnamon 19 Beta makes this laptop a dream!

    1. Looks good. Two things. First, we’re not aware of this issue. Second, this is upstream from us, so any optimization to glib will affect all distros, all DEs, and it will be at Ubuntu’s discretion whether to update it in bionic (and thus whether it will get into Mint 19x). If we get feedback on this, we also have the possibility to patch it into Mint 19.x ourselves.

  457. I have another netbook, eeepc 1215n with Nvidia ion2 graphics (GT218). On nouveau Cinnamon run excruciatingly slow (well passed unusable). When installing Nvidia 340 from the Driver Manager I get black screen instead of lightdm.

    1. The problem seems to be with lightdm, because its possible to start the system can be started manually by running:

      sudo nvidia-xconfig

      After that the system seems to work after reboot. Please fix this…

    2. Ok, the above doesn’t work. I mean, it gets you into a session in MATE, but every time you start it againg you need to do it again…

  458. I was attempting to copy some files from my windows 7 install to my home directory.

    Really love Linux mint 19

    First problem
    When I click on the computer icon I can’t open the drive.
    If I install mountfs and reopen the computer I can open the drive.
    If I reboot the computer I have to uninstall and reinstall autofs
    to be able to open the drive again.

    Second problem already reported above
    When I install the prop. Nvidia drivers I get a black screen on boot

    1. I can confirm the Nvidia driver issue is still occurring. I have been unable to install any Nvidia drivers without issues.

    1. I am going to assume you mean the “Update Manager” There have been a few issues with the “Update Manager”

      I have found creating a text file (Empty Document file) with these commands inside the text file makes for a quick safe updater without risks of updating/upgrading Sensitive updates. You can save this in your text file (Empty Document file) also can add it to your Menu with an icon and add it to your panel. The only option you don’t have is the update manager notifications to let you know there are updates ready.
      sudo apt-fast update -y
      sudo mintupdate-cli upgrade -r -l123 -y

  459. Once again my Canon MF8350cdn cannot be installed in a new Mint version. In Mint 18.03 I had dependencies to install to make it work. Mint 19 needs dependencies that I do not find (yet) to install, looking under Mint 19 or Ubuntu 18.04. I also have a Canon Pixma MG5420 that does not install properly in Mint 19, but did in 18.3.
    Why does a Mint/Ubuntu update have to break printers? I really want to move entirely to Mint from Windows, and the first thing I do after installing a new Mint is to see if my printers work. If they don’t, the operating system is useless to me.

    1. Hi
      My printer Canon Pixma MG5620 installed without any problems on 1st try. Since LM 18.0 or 18.1 the printers (Canon, in my case) are installing without the need to manually install the drivers. I think that you have to be connected to the internet for the installation to go without problems. Not sure.

    1. In my “Startup Applications” Settings it shows “flatpak” with the command “mintinstall-update-flatpak”. I didn’t put this there the system did when installing flatpak app’s onto my system. If I recall the flatpak installs give you the option to update with LM updates also. Although I am not sure if it’s working properly because I haven’t payed much attention.

  460. Hi all, I made a fresh install of Linux Mint Cinnamon 19 beta on a Lenovo T400, and the left-handed function for the track-point center button (the red one in the middle of the keyboard, to be clear) doesn’t work, both with the new kernel ( and with the default one ( Instead with an external mouse, or the track-pad, is all okay.

  461. Using 19 Beta (kudos for the awesome work btw) I just have a minor but annoying little problem when adding new launchers to panel from the menu: when I try to add a new panel-launcher it insert a new “taskbar” applet instead of add just the launcher. Made a quick gif to illustrate:

    Again, great work guys!

    1. I forgot, just a side commentary: maybe will be nice if the “Menu Editor” can be accessed from the Menu or the “System Configuration” besides the settings of the cinnamon menu (for long time I believe that was nonexistent cuz I could not find it)

  462. In LM 19 Cinnamon, the display is set to 1920 x 1080, but Videolan VLC displays in 1024 x 968 resolution.

  463. Hi
    Ran into something. I am an amateur astronomer and run some astro programs. One, Stellarium just refused to start: complains about the version of GL shading language that is too low. Also said that the Mesa version is fine and should not lead to problems. But it does not start. This version of Stellarium ran fine in LM 18.3. Is this what is called a regression?
    This is a deal breaker for me. I am now looking at other options.

    1. (not a dev, just a curious) What version are you using? You try using the version available in the official repos? Stellarium seems to depend of QT packages that for sure they were updated in the newer Ubuntu LTS release (on whom Linux Mint 19 is based)

    2. Hi
      Stellarium version 0.18.0, just like LM 18.3. I looked around a bit and it’s something to do with Mesa but there is no update. So I think that I have the latest. GL shading language seems to be part of Mesa. I repeat that there was no problem with Stellarium 0.18.0 on LM 18.3. Like I said, this is a deal breaker.
      Tried Ubuntu 18.04 in Virtual Box and stellarium worked without problem. So this is a problem with Linux Mint 19.

    3. I’m running Stellarium in a VM using LM 19. It runs a little slow (which is normal I think), but I don’t have any problems. I’m aslo running it natively under LM18.3. It would be helpful if you posted the warnings of the GL.

    4. Do you try the “appimage” version of Stellarium? (can be downloaded from the official site)

    5. No problems here, in fact I used it just a couple of days ago while doing a bit of star-gazing.
      Maybe an issue with your graphics driver? Might be worth looking into installing proprietary drivers when using an nVidia GPU or making sure the correct driver is loaded when on AMD (e.g. amdgpu or radeonSI, depending on chip).

    6. Hi
      I am beginning to beleive that this due to my old (6/7 years old) computer. Probably my Intel graphic card is no longer supported by Mesa. “Sighh”… I am doing some tests with another astro program (Hnsky), on my astro mount and telescope, and it is encouraging. I am thinking of buying a new laptop (younger graphic card).

  464. Bug report: Gnome internet accounts + google not working anymore. I get constant error message “your credentials have expired”. Removing and setting p the connection again doesn’t resolve, even if authentication passes with success. Can any else try this as well please.

    1. Please check if the credentials have been removed from Passwords and Keys. If you remove an account, the credentials aren’t removed from Passwords and Keys.

  465. Possible bug report (I am not an expert in any way). I am running zfs on linux, and destroyed a 2 disk mirrored pool. I formatted the disks to ext4 in disks. Then recreated the pool. However Nemo is reporting the free space incorrectly. 2x 8tb drives, and there was only 2tb of data on the drives. Previously the reported free space was the correct 6tb. Now it reports 1.6tb free. the command “zfs get all” reports the correct amount of free space.

  466. Hi, I have installer Mint 19 Tara beta on VirtualBox.
    I see that is lack of btrfs-convert although is installed btrfs-tools and btrfs-progs.
    In Mint 18.3 is btrfs-convert.

    1. I know. btrfs-convert was dropped btrfs-tools renamed to btrfs-progs, because was dangerous.
      Is possible in version 19.1 enhanced installer which let choose filesystem format? I want format to btrfs.

    2. Enhanced installation already works and I format disk to btrfs before installation,

  467. brightness control with keyboard does not work on lenovo laptop.

    Fn + F11/F12 ; I have same probleme with Mint 18.3 now. Once the keys are clicked the screen goes to the low brightnes level and I cannot get the brightness back without rebooting the system :'( . So I disabled those keys to prevent the probleme… I reported this bug long time ago but till now, it is not fixed…

    Thank you to fix please in this version and thank you for the great effort.

  468. The Cinnamon theme is still on Mint-X. Why can’t you change the Cinnamon theme to Mint-Y-Dark by default?

  469. I have installed the Linux Mint 19 “Tara” Cinnamon on a Dell Inspiron 1545: N-Series Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 (2.1 GHz, 800 MHz, 2MB), 512 MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4330, 2+1 GB 800MHz DDR2 RAM.
    It works smoothly, but the CPU’s are <90% busy without running any task and the house is warming up in 15 minutes.

  470. On my old Alienware M17X LM 19 systemd-udev produce a rising high cpu usage. Propably it triggers a loop.

    As newbie I hope that I provide you with the right information.

    392 root 20 0 163472 121004 3176 R 100,0 2,1 6:11.08 systemd-udevd
    8090 M17x 20 0 2119744 434536 165872 R 65,9 7,4 3:41.27 Web Content
    442 root 20 0 45888 5848 4828 R 26,2 0,1 2:03.12 systemd-udevd
    364 root 19 -1 315284 172300 171504 S 6,0 2,9 0:24.00 systemd-journal
    1496 root 20 0 461412 106724 79172 S 5,0 1,8 0:28.69 Xorg
    5409 M17x 20 0 3448712 208436 90024 S 4,0 3,6 0:24.04 cinnamon
    7377 M17x 20 0 2465160 340680 184528 S 3,3 5,8 0:46.97 firefox
    1405 colord 20 0 333140 15764 10804 S 2,6 0,3 0:12.51 colord
    1329 syslog 20 0 263036 4888 3560 S 1,7 0,1 0:07.71 rsyslogd
    5392 M17x 20 0 282196 6788 6020 S 1,7 0,1 0:05.83 gvfs-gphoto2-vo
    12797 M17x 20 0 714828 83952 36108 S 1,7 1,4 0:02.57 xed
    1310 root 20 0 427256 8988 7580 S 1,3 0,2 0:04.74 ModemManager
    2486 root 20 0 315964 9180 7904 S 1,3 0,2 0:07.21 upowerd
    5032 M17x 20 0 790760 25272 19048 S 1,3 0,4 0:05.84 csd-media-keys
    5382 M17x 20 0 269276 6024 5376 S 1,0 0,1 0:05.33 gvfs-mtp-volume
    26302 M17x 20 0 594800 39544 27132 S 1,0 0,7 0:03.96 gnome-terminal-
    7 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0,3 0,0 0:00.27 ksoftirqd/0
    8 root 20 0 0 0 0 I 0,3 0,0 0:00.71 rcu_sched
    144 root 20 0 0 0 0 R 0,3 0,0 0:00.58 kworker/0:2

    strace: Process 392 attached
    strace: [ Process PID=392 runs in x32 mode. ]
    strace: [ Process PID=392 runs in 64 bit mode. ]
    epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515200, u64=94521146798272}}], 11, 0) = 1
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1529493093, tv_nsec=412255487}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=354617080}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=354685433}) = 0
    recvmsg(3, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_NETLINK, nl_pid=0, nl_groups=0x000001}, msg_namelen=128->12, msg_iov=[{iov_base=”unbind@/devices/pci0000:00/0000:”…, iov_len=8192}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=28, cmsg_level=SOL_SOCKET, cmsg_type=SCM_CREDENTIALS, cmsg_data={pid=0, uid=0, gid=0}}], msg_controllen=32, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 243
    getrandom(“\xe1\x97\x92\x65\x59\xd7\x2e\x8f\x35\xd5\x93\x11\x40\xe3\xf8\x8f”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=359814109}) = 0
    getrandom(“\x8b\x3e\x26\xa1\x7e\x6f\xd9\x39\x60\x0d\x8b\xa4\x98\x34\x67\x7d”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    getrandom(“\x2a\x45\xf2\x2f\x06\xb1\x1e\x74\x28\xf3\x64\x19\x7f\x9d\x27\xf0”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    getrandom(“\xef\x86\x7f\x3e\x46\x17\xf7\x9c\x1c\xe7\xbd\x5d\xbd\x96\x0c\x66”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    getrandom(“\x11\x9c\x57\x48\x14\xdf\x29\x04\xcc\x11\x84\xf7\x71\xeb\x6d\x77”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    getrandom(“\x47\xf1\x3e\x96\x97\xe6\xb2\xb5\xbc\x27\xae\x6a\x11\xde\xed\xa6″, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515200, u64=94521146798272}}, {EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515456, u64=94521146798528}}], 11, 0) = 2
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1529493093, tv_nsec=421685204}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=364064995}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=364124469}) = 0
    epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515200, u64=94521146798272}}, {EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515456, u64=94521146798528}}], 11, 0) = 2
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1529493093, tv_nsec=421940018}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=364286413}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=364336768}) = 0
    recvmsg(7, {msg_name=NULL, msg_namelen=0, msg_iov=[{iov_base=””, iov_len=0}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=28, cmsg_level=SOL_SOCKET, cmsg_type=SCM_CREDENTIALS, cmsg_data={pid=442, uid=0, gid=0}}], msg_controllen=32, msg_flags=0}, MSG_DONTWAIT) = 0
    recvmsg(7, {msg_namelen=0}, MSG_DONTWAIT) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
    sendmsg(3, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_NETLINK, nl_pid=-1299959681, nl_groups=00000000}, msg_namelen=12, msg_iov=[{iov_base=”libudev\0\376\355\312\376(\0\0\0(\0\0\0\315\0\0\0\5w\305\345\261\2Ge”…, iov_len=40}, {iov_base=”ACTION=unbind\0DEVPATH=/devices/p”…, iov_len=205}], msg_iovlen=2, msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 245
    epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515200, u64=94521146798272}}], 11, 0) = 1
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1529493093, tv_nsec=427349826}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=369695300}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=369745655}) = 0
    recvmsg(3, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_NETLINK, nl_pid=0, nl_groups=0x000001}, msg_namelen=128->12, msg_iov=[{iov_base=”bind@/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00″…, iov_len=8192}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=28, cmsg_level=SOL_SOCKET, cmsg_type=SCM_CREDENTIALS, cmsg_data={pid=0, uid=0, gid=0}}], msg_controllen=32, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 311
    getrandom(“\x34\x72\x90\xac\x74\x36\x62\x3c\xad\xb7\xf3\xf8\xde\xbc\x06\xc2”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    getrandom(“\x61\x96\xcd\x8d\xf3\xfd\xb1\x8e\xa4\x10\x2e\xa1\x3d\xfd\x0d\x07”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=370236045}) = 0
    getrandom(“\x04\xf8\xef\xc5\xbc\x12\x52\x37\xc2\x97\x7f\xe0\xee\x3a\xef\xe4”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    getrandom(“\x6b\xb0\x67\xbe\xf2\x40\x80\x50\x48\xa6\xd6\x4e\x2e\x3f\xe5\xbf”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    getrandom(“\x37\x44\x3d\x49\x43\xf2\xb6\x30\x09\x08\x05\x32\x79\xff\x39\x56”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    getrandom(“\x3f\xb6\xf6\x6d\x44\x1f\x9f\x5c\x63\x5d\x6e\x5e\xf4\xce\x0e\x61″, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16
    epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515200, u64=94521146798272}}, {EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515456, u64=94521146798528}}], 11, 0) = 2
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1529493093, tv_nsec=431216671}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=373566065}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=373618620}) = 0
    epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515200, u64=94521146798272}}, {EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515456, u64=94521146798528}}], 11, 0) = 2
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1529493093, tv_nsec=431433569}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=373778364}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=373828878}) = 0
    recvmsg(7, {msg_name=NULL, msg_namelen=0, msg_iov=[{iov_base=””, iov_len=0}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=28, cmsg_level=SOL_SOCKET, cmsg_type=SCM_CREDENTIALS, cmsg_data={pid=442, uid=0, gid=0}}], msg_controllen=32, msg_flags=0}, MSG_DONTWAIT) = 0
    recvmsg(7, {msg_namelen=0}, MSG_DONTWAIT) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
    sendmsg(3, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_NETLINK, nl_pid=-1299959681, nl_groups=00000000}, msg_namelen=12, msg_iov=[{iov_base=”libudev\0\376\355\312\376(\0\0\0(\0\0\0\23\1\0\0\5w\305\345\261\2Ge”…, iov_len=40}, {iov_base=”ACTION=bind\0DEVPATH=/devices/pci”…, iov_len=275}], msg_iovlen=2, msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 315
    epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=1801515200, u64=94521146798272}}], 11, 0) = 1
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1529493093, tv_nsec=437418598}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=379764312}) = 0
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, {tv_sec=285, tv_nsec=379815347}) = 0
    recvmsg(3, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_NETLINK, nl_pid=0, nl_groups=0x000001}, msg_namelen=128->12, msg_iov=[{iov_base=”unbind@/devices/pci0000:00/0000:”…, iov_len=8192}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=28, cmsg_level=SOL_SOCKET, cmsg_type=SCM_CREDENTIALS, cmsg_data={pid=0, uid=0, gid=0}}], msg_controllen=32, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 243
    getrandom(“\x85\xd1\x59\xab\xfa\x9b\xdc\xcc\xca\x5c\xf4\x9c\xd6\x26\xbb\x94”, 16, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 16

    THX for your great work
    Peter from Austria

  471. Nice.
    Good progress.

    I like to know if PDF reader program is changed ?
    Last version had a setting for “Preset size” (CTRL-T), but that do not work at all.
    When opening PDF documents, it is random if it is big or small or wide or narrow .

  472. Running the 64-bit Cinnamon version on a Thinkpad P50s with a dual-battery setup. The “Power Manager” applet on the taskbar doesn’t show the battery percent nor the time remaining, even when configured to do so. I’m wondering if this applet is able to account for a dual battery setup.

  473. Running the 64-bit Cinnamon edition (live USB) on a Thinkpad P50s with a dual battery system. The power manager applet cannot be configured to show time/percent remaining beside the battery charge icon. However, when clicking on it, the percent remaining can be seen on both batteries, and the time remaining can be seen on the battery that is actively discharging. It is clear that Mint Power Manager Applet can see and know every relevant detail about my batteries (even the make and model numbers and remaining capacity), but it can’t display the aggregate time remaining.

  474. I’ve now had the opportunity to test Mint 19 for some time and with some exceptions everything runs smoothly.
    My issues with Playonlinux and the slow boot I could resolve (see my previous posts about that).

    One annoyance remains, however, namely the sensitivity of the Trackpoint of my Thinkpad E330.
    Neither the settings for mouse nor touchpad seem to do anything for me – the Trackpoint always remains a bit too sensitive, making movement jerky and error-prone.

    Glad for any ideas on how to resolve that!

  475. Love the Mint ! Two things I’ve noticed running on a Dell Latitude laptop, been running Mint for years.

    – SWAP not being activated. File exists in /swapfile, not mounting. It seems to be an issue during installation of assuming the user is going to encrypt the entire installation – I did not – I just encrypt a few data directories manually on my own. The installer created the fstab, crypttab and resume files assuming the user will encrypt and has the wrong UUID. Had to get those sorted manually to get /swapfile auto mounting on boot.

    – I am seeing a pause on boot right before the ligin screen displays, 18.3 flies right up. Haven’t traced the cause yet on that one.

    Awesome work as usual – look forward to 19 !

    1. Was able to resolve the boot delay due to the deprecated resume file bug:

      In summary, /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume is obsolete.

      The resume process is supposed to be driven by kernel command-line parameters resume and (optionally) resume_offset (which can be set by a script during update-grub) and the script /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount/resume.

  476. (priority:low to medium) If I add for example DoubleCommander from Software Manager, it has not icon in menu, I must call cinnamon-menu-editor, uncheck and check.
    In Mint 18.3 this works and I must not call cinnamon-menu-editor

  477. Installed Dropbox today via the Software Manager in LM19 Cinnamon. Despite the fact that it is basically working like a charm I do not have a Dropbox icon in my panel which makes Dropbox useless as moving the dropbox folder e.g. does not work without the icon and dropbox is filling up my startup drive constantly. So does anybody have a workaround or is this a common issue?

    1. I am not sure I have understood your problem, but here are my two cents. I’ve been using Dropbox with Mint for several generations. This includes 19, Tara. The Dropbox icon is there all right. Nevertheless, in the past I have seen it vanish from time to time. What I’ve found out is that even thou the icon is comforting to see and comfortable to use, it is not necessary: Dropbox will work even when the icon is not there, as long as the daemon has been started (either automatically or manually). You can do your things using the CLI dropbox SOMEOPERATION.
      This has allways worked for me, even when the dropbox does not show up.

  478. I sincerely hope that Mint 19 will be compatible with Picasa, as was Mint 17 but unfortunately Mint 18 was not.

    In my view Picasa is the best lightweight artwork and photo editing program. It is still available on the Internet.

    What could Linux Mint possibly gain by deciding to ditch Picasa? I am currently sticking with Mint 17.3 on my main computer precisely because I want Picasa.

    Thanks very much for your consideration of this matter.

    1. Blame that one on Google, not Linux Mint. Picasa was one of the many apps/programs/sites that Google developed, then killed off just as its popularity was starting to climb. Since the official “Linux version” was just the Windows version running in a WINE wrapper anyway, one thing you can do is install the last Windows version in WINE. It should run just fine that way, if that’s what you need.

  479. Banshee crashes when I try to import my music.
    Software manager hangs when you have more than one process running.
    I cannot wait for the final version to come out– it looks awesome!

  480. Bug issue, possibly:

    Trying to run Virtual Box available in software manager and trying to install DKMS process asks for Secure Boot Password. I installed 19.0 accepting new option to allow Secure Boot and then enabled Secure Boot in my EFI, after which ran into the problem with Virtual Box not allowing the DKMS to install properly and had to go through several steps to remove. IT wasn’t until I disabled Secure Boot in my EFI that install went properly and I was able to run a VM of Windows 10 Pro. Computer is a Lenovo G580 Laptop with Intel 3210 Processor and 8 GB RAM.

  481. Problem with curl3/curl4-library-depencies. I tried to install the Belgian Identity Card Viewer. This fails due to the fact that library curl3 isn’t available (curl4 is installed). After sudo apt-get install curl3, the viewer could be installed, but curl4 is removed of course. I tried to install the viewer on Ubuntu 18.04 and there the viewer installs using the library curl4. Can anyone explain me why the curl4 on LM19 can’t be used?

    1. The problem is due to the eid-installer. In Ubuntu18.4 the version 4.4.2v4.4.2_0u1804, while in LM the version 4.4.2v4.4.2_0u1604 is installed. I reported the issue to the BEID-developers.

  482. Hallo Mint-Team: Unlike Ubuntu, the Ubiquity-installer in Mint 19 continues to provide home encryption with ecryptfs. It is an essential question for me, if this feature is offered beyond the beta version also in the final?

    1. Does that mean its days away?

      I thought it went into testing 3 weeks ago and thats what we are doing now with the beta?

  483. I was about to complain that my internal partition keeps mounting despite saying no, but I found the problem. Not sure if it needs addressing or not.

    My linux 18.3 partition keeps mounting itself randomly despite me having unchecked on the Disks program the option to mount at start up. To unmount it I need root privileges.

    I found out that I had set timeshift to use that partition for now (and forgot about it), and hence it mounts the drive by itself and keeps it mounted.

    1. I am going to assume it maybe set in your BIOS to mount as default for that partition/drive. If you haven’t yet try checking inside your BIOS. As I know mine I have to choose which partition/drive is the main default and many other systems work the same.

  484. I do not know if this is a bug or not.
    If i disable bluetooth via the tray icon, bluetooth is turned on after restart. Should it not stay turned off/disabled after restart?

    1. You need to go into “System Settings” and click on the Bluetooth icon. From the bluetooth window, you need to disable (turn off) bluetooth under the “Devices” tab and then under the “Settings” tab, turn off, “Show a tray icon”. That’s it. Bluetooth is now disabled and will not show a tray icon.

  485. * pdftk is missing
    * k3b w/o the icons
    * Intel microcode installed, but not available in mintdrivers – not active?
    * “Nvidia Prime is not set up correctly – are the nvidia drivers and nvidia-prime installed?” (GTX 950M)

  486. Hi,
    I removed/ deleted my user from sudo-group and set a SU-password for root (different from old sudo-password). When I start e.g. synaptic -> LM-Ci asks me for root-psswd, but when I start “source-pakages”
    -> LM-Ci asks me for sudo-psswd and only sudo-psswd works for starting the app. I don’t know, if this is
    could be an important issue…
    I like TARA very much, great work and keep it up!


  487. I set up Timeshift incorrectly, pointing it to a partition that was too small (I mis-read the choices as meaning Timeshift would only store a copy of /boot files, rather than Timeshift would store ALL files inthe /boot partition!) There appears to be no way to change the settings now – Timeshift in unresponsive, unable to complete the first back-up due to lack of space (I get a message that a back-up is in progress…).

    Is there a way to stop Timeshift and change the parameters before starting again?

    1. It sounds as if your previously chosen partition for Timeshift maybe full. You can go into Nemo and open that chosen partition/location and delete/move anything in there created by Timeshift. Then load Timeshift again. Hope that works for you. Change the partition in Timeshift>Settings>Location.

  488. Hello,

    I’m doing some testing of Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon Beta 64-bits LTS on my 9 years old HP laptop [BIOS]:
    – Cinnamon 3.8.3
    – Linux kernel 4.15.0-20-generic, but is it an LTS? I know it’s Ubuntu 18.04, but…
    – CPU Intel Core i7-720Q @ 1.60GHz × 4 [8 Th]
    – RAM 8 GiB
    – GPU NVIDIA GeForce GT230M [GT216M]
    – Wireless mini-PCIe Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200 [a, b, g, n] dual-band

    It’s working pretty well and very nice new look and set of icons. Yeah! Congratulations to the Team!

    But, same bugs and/or missing than with Mint 18.3
    – 802.11n still not working properly with the Linux/Intel duo. Obliged to disable N within iwlwifi to force only G to work well; i.e. still no N speeds after 9 years! [with Windows no problem]
    – Software Manager: Flatpak still no version information at all, so we cannot judge the interest vs traditional repos, in add considering the very HUGH size of each individual Flatpak!
    – Software Manager: No filter for Libre vs No-libre S/Ws and Proprietary & Spying S/Ws are pushed ahead in Editors’ Picks!!!
    – Firefox: tailored by Linux Mint I understand but not the choice of pushing ahead by default Big Brother Google Search even for getting revenues. It’s not how Linux Mint will educate its users about Freedom!
    – Firefox: still obliged to change-increase the value of mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount=5 for avoiding to have a scrolling turtle!
    – TimeShift [System snapshots] decides alone where to save not asking user’s confirmation before!

    It was a 1st quick view…

  489. Is there a specific reason for why Mint 19 per default apparently installs fonts for about every language on the Indian subcontinent?

    1. Something similar happens on LM 18.3 too.

      I use a bash script to purge most of the fonts. Painful to type up initially, but I can re-use the script on each of several machines thereafter.

      Alternatively, if you launch Font Manager (not font-viewer), you can mark various font families as “disabled” (select font family then click little red X on right-side of dialog). That way they are still installed but invisible. I have to do it that way for MathJax fonts, as deleting them will uninstall xreader (the PDF viewer).

  490. Nemo seems to have changed the way it mounts my Windows partition. I dual-boot between Linux Mint and Windows 10.

    In the past, when I clicked on the entry for the Windows partition (in the Places pane on the left, under “Devices”), the Windows partition was mounted as read/write. Now, when I click on the entry, it mounts the partition as read only.

    Other devices (USB thumbdrives, SD cards) get mounted as read/write.

    1. Costas, I did go back to Windows and turn the Fast Start off. Windows continues to create a hibernation file – even when I specify “shut down” or “restart” rather than “hibernate” – but since I turned Fast Start back off, it doesn’t seem to be preventing me from mounting the Windows partition as read/write.

      I (intentionally) use the hibernate function in Windows from time to time, so I’m glad it doesn’t look like I need to turn it off to avoid problems working with my Windows disk from Linux!

    2. Costas, apologies – I forgot one detail. I did have to mount the Windows partition with the “remove_hiberfile” option. Once I did that, even though Windows continues to create the file, I am able to mount the Windows partition as read/write (without using the “remove_hiberfile” option again).

    1. Have you tried to move it up pressing Alt key + while dragging the mouse with left button down?
      This works for me.

  491. When I try to refresh the update manager en error window pops-up but it is so tall than I do not see the top or the bottom, Can’t close it. Need to reboot. Such thing happens after an update is installed and when I try to refresh the manager. Toshiba Satellite L655-S5060. Single boot LM 19 fresh install.Thank you

  492. Both of Google Earth Pro’s updates from today are crashing as soon as I zoom in close to the ground. The window closes, nothing locks up, no error message. AMD Phenom 9950 Quad Core, 8 Gb Ram, ASUS M3A78 Motherboard, GeForce 9600GT. All updates as of today.

  493. Xed is not displaying recent files in the File menu. Used to show 5 most recent files under the Print menu item. According to help, it should still do so.

    1. Thanks. Out of curiosity, was this always the case for Xed? It seems other applications (LibreOffice) do *not* take this from system privacy settings.

  494. – Multiple displays

    Compositing regression (see image link), appears compositing is disabled for displays placed right of, or below the main display? Tested bare metal with NVIDIA GPU, also with vbox using 2 virtual screens. Doesn’t happen with 18.3.

    Accessibility > Desktop Zoom, unexpected behaviour, main display always zooms rather than display where cursor is. Only parts of the second display zoom on main display due to new Cinnamon painting/refresh method?

    – Kodi

    With Mint 19, Bionic repo version of Kodi, the clock appears with a wrong font. Larger bold font slightly overlaps other on-screen info.
    Screen compare shows, Kubuntu 18.04 & Mint 19 with Bionic repo version, Mint with git version, and Windows.

    – Xplayer

    Wrong aspect ratio, Comparing SD or HD video with VLC. Previously reported for Mint 18.x

    – System Monitor

    Due to GTK changes? System Monitor window size needs enlarging slightly, Network History is partially hidden for systems with multiple CPU cores.

    – Timeshift

    ‘Snapshot device not selected’ notification seems to show even when snapshot device is selected.

    If snapshot creation fails due to lack of space, incomplete snapshot isn’t automatically removed leaving a partition with few MB free space, there’s seemingly no easy way to clean-up the incomplete snapshot except by terminal commands or accessing /timeshift as root.

    Compression, future plans to use compression by default?
    Basic test, first snapshot 19.3GB, compressing those files 6.6GB (performed before recent change to omit swapfile, test had 2GB swapfile). Clonezilla has even greater compression, creating an image of 4.7GB.
    Apart from space saving, using compression for will help make Timeshift more SSD friendly.

    Snapshot delete confirmation (sanity check). Currently its a bit to easy to accidentally delete a snapshot. If one boots Mint live session to perform a recovery, and by mistake clicks Delete rather than Restore, snapshot is gone along with the chance to recover the system.

    ‘Restore Completed With Errors’ warning
    “If the restored system fails to boot, then boot from the live CD/USB, install Timeshift…”

    Since integrated with Mint, maybe could read…
    “If the restored system fails to boot, then boot from live DVD/USB, and try restoring another snapshot using Timeshift”

    – Update Manager

    After choosing local mirror, cache update infobar should possibly be amber? Currently green, which based on other UI elements seems to visually indicate ‘hi-lighted (no change needed)’.

    Broken packages warning, “…Use the “Broken” filter to locate them.”, users may spend time searching mintupdate for a ‘”Broken” filter’, rather than using other methods to fix the issue.

    Window location changes/jumps from screen centre after mintupdate update, possibly started around Mint 18.2

    – Gdebi

    ‘Package operation failed’ warning, only 3 lines of text visible (see screen capture).

    – Inkscape

    Missing icons, only shows icons while using Mint-Y (also happens with flatpak version)

    – Flatpak

    LibreOffice doesn’t appear to be listed, although shows if search bar is used

    – NVIDIA Prime

    Switching takes approximately 45s, compared with around 1s with Mint 18.3

    – Sound

    Sound > Sounds > Sounds Volume, default shows 0% even though system sounds are heard, seems to be a long standing tiny issue.

    – Nemo

    USB formatting, doesn’t seem to work if using a laptops built-in card reader, while Gnome Disks formats without issue (requires further testing by me on other systems).

    ‘Click on a file‘s name twice to rename it’, are there future plans for this great usability feature to be enabled by default, easily disabled for those who don’t find it useful?

    Tried to make sure no duplicate issues reported, difficult to check due to the impressive amount of beta test reports. Be great to have a triaged bug tracker like Blenders.

    Many thanks.

    1. Correction, and update

      “– Gdebi
      ‘Package operation failed’ warning…”

      Should read…

      – Software Manager

      ‘Package operation failed’ warning, only 3 lines of text visible (see screen capture).

      – Nemo

      USB formatting, doesn’t seem to work if using a laptops built-in card reader, while Gnome Disks formats without issue (requires further testing by me on other systems).

      Further testing update:
      Checked an old Netbook, internal card reader was able to format the USB without issue using Nemo. So far, seems only the previously tested laptop fails. Should be able to test other laptops in few days.

      Extremely impressed with Linux Mint Cinnamon 19, thank you for an incredible OS!. 🙂

  495. Linux Mint 19 Beta 64 bit Cinnamon

    The whole OS seems much snappier than the current 18.3 version I’m running. Also the use of colored menu icons is useful for easier recognition of the relative functions. There are maybe a few kinks to iron out I could not identify other than this one which I detail here:

    In System Settings/Preferences: multiple clicks on the Input Method &/or Languages icons result in multiple external windows – one should suffice, i.e fixed on top of the System Settings window as with other functions.

    The same is actually true for LM18.3 64 bit Cinnamon, although the windows for the two functions dock onto the System Settings window they can be mode and can also be opened multiple times.

    In both LM18 & 19 Preferences, Languages should be the main icon and that window should also include Input Method options just as Input Method already does. Input Method as an extra icon is not required. So there’s duplication there.

    macOS uses “Language & Region” to define and modify these functions and the Mac must be rebooted to get use of changes.

    Of course, all that IMHO and I may be totally off base here as there could be dependencies I don’t see.

    Great looking distro even at this Beta stage. I’m looking forward to installing it. Many thanks for all the work from all concerned.

  496. Running smoothly on two laptops – MSI i3 4Gb RAM and Asus S200e 2GB RAM. Fantastic release, Mint always raise the bar.

  497. Running from a live environment there was a perfectly ok wired connection but no internet connection… After my checks, turns out that DNS wasn’t working for reasons unknown (using auto DHCP, which sets my routers IP as DNS). I had to manual set open DNS and IP addresses in order to work.

    1. PS: auto DHCP works perfectly with my installed mint 18.3 and also my windows installation (dual booting)

  498. Hi,

    I have noticed in my dns that “” is being queried every 5-10-15 minutes depending from previous network status.

    In ubuntu this can be disabled, could you set it off by default in mint?


  499. Hi
    Firstly thanks for the sleek and polished 19 version. I am newbie but moved to this as touchpad freezes on earlier version and probably due to better driver , it works fine. But it does Freeze again on suspend or hibernate. Need to reboot to get it moving- Asus VivoBook Max X541NA.

    Donation should happen soon….

  500. Since updating Timeshift to 18.06, i have not seen any new snapshots created,I have scheduled it to back up everyday. I can see _crash report _usr_bin_timeshift.0.crash under /var/crash, however in system reports under Stack Trace below message is displayed ‘The file /var/crash/_usr_bin_timeshift.0.crash could not be read.Please fix its permissions.
    Anyone else is having this issue, appreciate your help. Thanks.

  501. Another thing that came up for me, but is potentially not directly related to the Beta:
    xreader does not have support for comments/annotations in pdf documents.
    Is that a potential/planned feature for the future? Since I need that from time to time I had to replace xreader by some other solution for the time being.

  502. I’ve been following LM 19 Cinnamon development closely. All indications are pointing to it being a stellar release that will be super stable and continue the traditional high standard of familiarity and discoverablility we’ve all come to expect from the Linux Mint user experience. There’s just one thing that is bugging me and it’s a pet peeve of mine: Qt integration. Now, this all depends on the version of Qt the app is running. Some apps follow the theme but you have to set the fonts manually. Some don’t follow anything at all.The Qt5 configuration tool doesn’t do a thing… Ubuntu 18.04’s stock GNOME desktop won’t follow a theme either but it does scale the fonts to make them match size-wise no matter what Qt version is being called on. Not perfect but better than what is going in Mint 19.

    Most people who use Linux everyday will end up with a mix of Qt and GTK applications running on their system. I’m sure that there are those who don’t care what they look like as long as they work but the simple fact is that it makes Linux look stupid if we can;’t get everything to render properly on the same desktop. The divergence of Qt and GTK3 plus the fact that older versions of each toolkit must be supported as well is becoming a big pain in the ass for Desktop Developers. It also plays havoc with my OCD tendencies… It just don’t look right! The font sizing issue is particularly vexing, especially for those of us with lees-than-perfect eyesight who need to bumb it up a bit.

    I do hope it will be better when the final version is released.

  503. with LM19beta i have problem with remmina
    If I minimize more than one RDP session to tray – i only can see the last minimized session – so not able to switch to the sessions minimized befor – with LM18 there was an try entry for every minimized session


    1. Ok – found
      it was a setting in remmina – not using tabs – it is working as befor


  504. Large number of updates this morning including xplayer. Unfortunately it’s still broken (jerky and choppy playback) on my machine with AMD graphics.

    1. There is not much the Linux Mint team can do about 3rd party software if it’s on their end. We can only wait for the developers of that software to fix the issues they have on their end.

    2. Cloned the hard drive to a PC with these graphics:
      Resolution 1920×1080 pixels
      OpenGL Renderer Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Desktop
      X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
      and xplayer works perfectly.
      So it seems the X.Org Foundation driver for AMD graphics will be the problem? Is that correct?

  505. Could not reply directly to Brad’s question (on June 26, 2018 at 4:10 am) in response to my post about Software Manager being missing. I am not running in a VM, I am dual-booting Linux Mint and Windows 10.

  506. Hi!
    Is this exist way to force work this audio under Linux 19?
    Audio: Card-1 Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio driver: HdmiLpeAudio
    Card-2 bytcr-rt5651 driver: bytcr-rt5651
    Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.15.0-23-generic

  507. Also could not reply to Costas, who responded on June 25, 2018 at 10:13 pm, about my problem with my Windows partition now being read-only.

    I disabled fast startup on Windows 10 again, but that did not resolve the problem. That “device” is still seen as being read-only. Thank you for the response, though!

    1. Hi Rob,

      In case helpful, in connection with replying. Seems bit confusing at first, but after several people have replied you still need to scroll back to the first message above the replies to find the ‘Reply’ feature.

  508. When Mint19 beta is installed into VirtualBox in EFI mode, the EFI version of GRUB is not installed – only the BIOS version.
    I fixed this up by booting Mint with a Supergrub rescue disk and manually installing grub-efi-amd64, then running : “sudo grub-install –target=x86_64-efi /dev/sda1” and “sudo update-update”.
    Boots fine after that.

    1. Hi AllanC,
      Just performed couple of tests for you, Mint 19 (final build), vbox 5.2.12

      1. Created virtual EFI machine. Booted Mint live session. Using GParted, created gpt partition table, 500MiB fat32 partition (‘boot’, ‘eps’ flags), ext4 system partition… Installed Mint using ‘Something else’ option, boot loader location sda (default). Once installation completed, rebooted and no issues encountered.

      2. Created another virtual EFI machine, this time went straight to Mint installer, accepted default Install Linux Mint… After installation rebooted, no issues encountered.

      Hope tests were helpful,

  509. Hello,

    I have not tested this new version of mint yet, but I am surprised that a 32-bit version is proposed while Ubuntu has decided to stop the development of 32-bit versions !?

    It’s something like 14 years now that 64-bit CPUs are being sold and replacing 32-bit CPUs in all configurations sold.

    I’m afraid you’ve chosen the path of complication by trying to implement Mint in 32-bit version …

    Personally, I expected primarily the release of a version of LMDE3 (based on Debian) taking into automatic charging installation of proprietary graphics drivers (Nvidia / AMD) and Intel frimwares fixes, as versions of Mint 1x.x (based on Ubuntu) offer to do it.

  510. Hello!
    In Libre Office coming with Tara Beta, there is a little default in Writer Office and in Calc Office the name of the police in french does not fit in the window. This has bin corrected in version as I could see from a portable Libreoffice.appimage.

  511. For those who reported problems importing music into Banshee, there is a workaround which worked for me at least.

    Go through the import process, selecting the folder option. When Banshee freezes, force it to close. Start Banshee again, go to the Extensions section of the Preferences, down to the Utilities section, and tick the option Library Watcher. As soon as you tick it you should see Banshee importing your music in the background, then you should be able to play it as normal.

  512. – When I use applications like : Smplayer, VLC, and Firefox, then I play any video in fullscreen mode, after 5 minutes the screen turns off, even when I play a game in fullscreen.

    So I have to use Inhibit Applet to keep the screen on all the time when I play some video or play a game on my laptop.

    – When I use Rythmbox, I can see in Inhibit Applet “Power management: inhibited by another program, but after 5 minutes the screen turns off like usual!

    – When I play a video on youtube, Firefox inhibit power manager (the only exception).

  513. Nemo as Root:

    The folder colour cannot be changed, and also no yellow among colour options (12 colours in user mode and 10 for root) (using Mint-X aqua, meanwhile…)

    And this is not a bug, but seems somewhat odd: In user mode, when I click on an other partition (on which another Debian based distro is installed) no authentication is asked for neither mounting the device nor any jobs – cut-copy-paste-delete-rename etc..) . But when I want to open another partition on which Mint 18.3 was installed once and which I deleted everything manually (other than home folder), it asks root password for all kinds of jobs beginning from mounting the partition… (both partitions are ext4) ..

  514. I don’t know about this one it may be fault on Linux Mint or it May be fault with Intel NUC.
    The problem occurs when boot screen has passed it moves to the reboot screen then disappears completely, no matter what I do with keyboard nothing comes up. But, if I unplug the HDMI lead then put it back in it’s slot, the password screen then displays.
    It’s a funny thing but I think it has something to do with the spdif plug. It seems to boot that first instead of HDMI so it cannot put anything on the screen as it sees spdif as default. It’s more than likely Intel problem but it was the same with LM18.3. For now I am just pulling out the lead every-time I’m booting up.

  515. Hello,
    “The end of June is nigh!”. Please guys, throw us a bone here… When can we expect the LM 19?

  516. For what it’s worth, Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon beta started giving me sporadic crashes 2 or 3 days ago. The user interface is totally unresponsive but the mouse cursor still moves. Ctrl-Alt-anything does nothing (that is, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace] does not restart the xserver, Ctrl-Alt-Del does not give me a session dialogue and Ctrl-Alt-Fnx does not give me different ttys). I still see flashes of activity on the drive LED activity light so it may not be a complete crash but I still have to reboot with the power button (it’s an install on an SSD).

  517. Hi,

    First of all, a big congratulation for this awesome work !

    I have an issue with search clause in /etc/resolv.conf : only first domain name is working, the following are ignored

    Example 1: “search” in /etc/resolv.conf

    ping => OK
    ping drive => OK
    ping => OK
    ping server => NOK (ping: server: Temporary failure in name resolution)

    Example 2: “search” in /etc/resolv.conf

    ping => OK
    ping drive => NOK (ping: drive: Temporary failure in name resolution)
    ping => OK
    ping server => OK

  518. I tried to install Mint 19 alongside Mint 18.3 on my desktop. Installation failed upon installing grub, first on sdb, then on sda. Installation promised to generate a bug report, but this did not appear. Booting of Mint 18.3 was not damaged.
    You probably need more information from me. Please let me know what, and I will publish it.

  519. upgraded to final version without any issues real great !
    Many thanks
    Installed on Lenovo thinkpad t410 with intel i5 M440

  520. I am 78 years old and this is giving me a problem I have no idea of how to fix…I installed my updates as usual and all of a sudden a box popped up telling me that cinnamon was gone ever since then every things been crazy it’s also saying there is no cash drawer am I going to have to take this in to service to get it running right again I never do anything on my own I just do the automatic updates when the little box comes down and tells me it’s time to update, what do I do is there any way I can get help remotely? I can’t afford to have it serviced 🙁

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