Donations & Sponsorships:
Many thanks to the following donors and sponsors for financially supporting Linux Mint:
$1000 (6th donation), Ian M. aka “bcc4foss“
$150, Bernard S.
$100 (2nd donation), Nicholas H.
$100, Yves L. aka “amadeus128”
$71.85, Marie M.
$59.87, Devaraj D. C.
$59.87, Josue M.
$50 (28th donation), Matthew M.
$50 (6th donation), Ralph Siegler aka “ziggy“
$50 (2nd donation), Roy B.
$50 (2nd donation), Philippe Desjardins-Proulx
$50, Edward M.
$50, Manz Web Designs, LLC
$40 (11th donation), Robert D B.
$40, Christian L.
$35.78 (29th donation), Olli K.
$35 (34th donation), Slavoljub aka “slw”
$35, aka “Lin_ux friend”
$35, Gastao V. C.
$30, Guillaume T.
$30, Anton M.
$29.94, Kees-Jan
$29.82, Michael Dewes
$29.82, Thomas K.
$25 (10th donation), Ronald W.
$25 (3rd donation), Vallin E.
$25 (3rd donation), Internet Beacon SEO Services aka “Internet Beacon“
$25 (2nd donation), Robert R. aka “Sandgroper”
$25 (2nd donation), Kevin B.
$25, Michael O.
$25, Andy C.
$25, Rich Lee aka “laughingblade”
$25, Brad S.
$25, Geoffrey T.
$25, Robert W.
$23.95 (9th donation), Orlando M. M.
$23.95, Paulo N. aka “uLusu”
$23.95, Vadim M.
$23.95, Tobias T.
$23.95, Thomas K.
$23.85 (3rd donation), Dittmar S.
$23.85 (2nd donation), Marcus L.
$22, Chris N.
$20 (3rd donation), Daniel A.
$20, wb
$20, Daniel M.
$20, Ostap M.
$20, Charles B.
$20, Maria S. F.
$20, Shane N.
$20, Jonas H.
$20, Gregg L.
$17.96 (2nd donation), Lars K.
$17.96, aka “Roullio_n3”
$17.9, Livio G.
$15 (4th donation), James Day
$15 (2nd donation), Angus B.
$15 (2nd donation), Marcelo Parrela aka “Marcelo Parrela”
$15, Andson de Lima Gomes aka “Mitraton“
$14.37, Keith W.
$11.97 (3rd donation), Kris G.
$11.97, Florian N.
$11.97, James P.
$11.97, Alrik S.
$11.97, Nicola G.
$11.97, Werner G.
$11.97, Sebastiano C.
$11.97, José J. A. A.
$11.93 (4th donation), Bo J.
$11.93, Robert C.
$10 (17th donation), Tsuguo S.
$10 (17th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca”
$10 (17th donation), John A.
$10 (3rd donation), Belak Adam
$10 (2nd donation), Fyodor Kupolov
$10 (2nd donation), John M.
$10, Liborio Y.
$10, Delmir F.
$10, Mislav E. L.
$10, Mathias B. aka “Sorglos”
$10, Vladimir P.
$10, Jim E.
$10, Wwg.loewenstark I. I. G.
$10, Larimar Media aka “Larimar Media“
$10, Chrull
$10, Tansel C.
$10, Mike C.
$10, Richard A.
$10, 3gv V. L.
$10, Romina R.
$10, John H.
$10, Dan L.
$10, Stephen W.
$10, Jon V.
$10, Richard J.
$8.38, Julius P.
$6 (2nd donation), Thomas M.
$6, M. D. aka “Karbono”
$5.99, Marcus K.
$5.99, Christoph M.
$5.99, Rod McCall
$5.96 (11th donation), Ronald Trip
$5.96 (4th donation), Marco aka “Dictionary-Maker“
$5 (12th donation), Antonina K. aka “Tonya”
$5 (10th donation), Michael Gstettenbauer
$5 (6th donation),
$5 (3rd donation), Philip J.
$5 (2nd donation), Happy Mint aka “😎“
$5 (2nd donation), Jerry Jones
$5, Sami A.
$5, Mulia R.
$5, Brian P.
$5, Richard G. aka “ForeverLube“
$5, Konstantin S.
$5, Kirill Shatalaev aka “ksh“
$4.79, Markus F.
$4.77 (4th donation), SilFox
$4, Jose A. D.
$3.58 (9th donation), Sylwia Bialczak
$3.5 (2nd donation), Jacopo C.
$3 (2nd donation), Keith K.
$3 (2nd donation), Web Design Company
$3, Hamidreza S.
$3, Артем Т.
$3, Patricia L. Q.
$2.39, Alessio P.
$2 (14th donation), coaching for health
$2 (9th donation), Y.K. aka “Market Analysis“
$2 (5th donation), Tiaan Steynberg aka “Jesica“
$2 (4th donation), Vaclav Pavek
$1.35, George F. I.
$1.2, Patrick
$1 (9th donation), Namestaj
$1 (8th donation), Pharmacie en ligne
$1 (7th donation),
$1 (6th donation),
$1, Andrew R. L.
$1, Carolyn J. W.
$0.5 (9th donation), Javier Bassi
$6375, Blue Systems – Netrunner
$500, Milton Security Group
$260, AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
$40, Kinescope Inc.
$30, Coupon Hubs
$30, Kyle Jones aka Mutiny32
$26, Windows VPS Hosting
$25, Kamal G
$25, Mark Cohen
$20, CEPTOR Datentechnik oHG
$20, D M Hamilton
$20, David Reisner
$20, David S.
$20, Helmut Kleinhans
$20, Kristian S.
$20, Sascha Reinsch
$15, David Liebert
$15, Mage Mojo, LLC
$15, Mark Pauls
$13, Scott S.
$13, Unixmen- Linux Howtos & Tutorials
$12, Promotional Products
$12, Thomas S.
$11, J.S. Johnson
$11, Promotional Mouse Mats
$10, Andre H.
$10, Aurelien “Nabnut” P.
$10, Barry’s Tickets
$10, Fromax
$10, JimQ
$10, Jonathan K.
$10, Libre-assistance
$10, Marcus Seidler
$10, Mattias S. (DynamicMan)
$10, newW2
$10, Raees Miyan
$10, Ronald B.
$10, Shaun Hills
$10, Tara Norris
$10, ThinkPenguin
$10, Turin
$10, Weihnachtskarten Firmen
$7, David Vonka
$7, Jesse Burroughs aka “JpBя”
$6, deep64blue
$6, deep64blue
$6, Jerry Jones
$5, Alexander Bremnes
$5, Chicago Trivia Guys
$5, Craig
$5, David Stow
$5, forthnutter
$5, Jeffrey S.
$5, Joe H. aka “JoeFootball”
$5, Kelley J.
$5, Kelly OShea
$5, Laurent P.
$5, Ludovic G.
$5, Manz Web Designs, LLC
$5, Matthew Y.
$5, Neb Radojkovic
$5, Paul Griffiths
$5, Peter K.
$5, Sayeed Baksh
$5, Steve Burdine aka “Highfructose327“
$5, Thomas Nehrlich
$5, Torstein Sornes aka “todda7”
$5, YAMPE GmbH
$4, Baby Shower Favors
$4, Chile travel
$4, Hector Richart Pedraza
$4, Josef Kulhanek
$3.14, Kindi
$3.1, Laptop Driver
$3, CreationsByRichie – $9.00 Static jpg Web Banner Designs
$3, Elliot Padgett
$3, n[oO]ne
$3, Simon R.
$3, Stephen Aghaulor
$2.5, Vince Marsters
$2.1, Product Reviews Community
$2, Douglas T.
$2, Greg Flynn
$2, Joerg Dreckmann
$2, Tangled Frog Web Design
$2, testing home for mold
$2, VeganQuebec
$1.5, Daniel A.
$1.5, Farbyte
$1.25, Justin Peterson
$1.11, Get Free Domain Name
$1.05, Wezley
$1, Недвижимость на Кипре
$1, недвижимость в греции
$1, Alamsyah R.
$1, Albert J. P.
$1, Alcohol Treatment
$1, Bespoke Engagement Rings
$1, Best Of Youtube
$1, Can Stock Photo
$1, Cheap SEO service
$1, Cialis
$1, Cyprus Resale
$1, Cyprus Weather
$1, DJ Conde
$1, Foto Search Stock Photography
$1, Frank S.
$1, Giochi gratis online
$1, Go Graph Stock Photography
$1, GTB-Metaldesign
$1, iPad News
$1, Javier Ruiz
$1, John Michael L.
$1, Josh Klomp
$1, Lechenie v Izraile
$1, levitra
$1, Matthew from Magicians in Los Angeles
$1, Poker Fieber
$1, Pokerschule
$1, Press Release Monkey
$1, Property In Greece
$1, Radu-Liviu C.
$1, redfoa
$1, redfoa
$1, Sergey Dovidov
$1, Squishy
$1, Stefan Heijnen
$1, Steffen Lange
$1, Vaclav Pavek
$1, Zenworks Servizi Web
$0.95, Annual Percentage Rate Finder
$0.5, Awesome Link Directory
$0.5, Ethoseo Internet Marketing
$0.5, Foobnix – Music Player for Linux, Android, Windows
$0.5, Irina D.
$0.5, Kasper Souren
$0.5, Kuhinje po meri
Money raised in July:
* Donations: $3535 (141 donors)
* Sponsors: $8459 (149 sponsors)
- Distrowatch (popularity ranking): 3794 (1st)
- Alexa (website ranking): 7,123rd
- mintCast released 3 podcast episodes:
- Linux Mint 13 KDE RC was released
- Linux Mint 13 Xfce was released
- Linux Mint 13 KDE was released
- LMDE’s gnome2-frozen repository was discontinued
News and summary:
- The Summer months are traditionally quiet but things are going very well for Linux Mint. Version 13 was a huge success and all planned editions (Cinnamon, MATE, KDE and Xfce) were successfully released. The quality of these 4 desktops allowed us to provide users with solid experiences and we can now focus on developing solutions and improving the desktop again.
- In LMDE, Update Pack 5 reached “incoming” and should hit “latest” by the end of August. The mirror strategy was changed to face the upcoming demand in bandwidth and new servers will be purchased or rented by our project to make sure the release goes as smooth as possible.
- MATE 1.4 was released and Cinnamon is getting close to a 1.6 release.
- Development started on Linux Mint 14. The development team is looking into bringing improved “face” support to MDM, as well as a new “driver manager” (in replacement to Jockey which will be discontinued upstream) and improvements in the Software Manager.
- Within the Cinnamon project, the team’s been working hard on bringing all the features people asked for in 1.4, including configurable panel heights, Cinnamon 2D, Alt-tab preview and outline modes, workspace names and OSD, improved keyboard navigation, Expo grid view, improved configuration tool and menu editor, improved logging, new Scale, Expo, Notifications and Brightness applets and a huge number of bug fixes. Versions from the current unstable 1.5 branch should hit the romeo part of the Linux Mint 13 and LMDE repositories shortly.
- Announcing the mintBox was a fantastic experience. We were thrilled with the quality of the product and the sales were good. In association with CompuLab, we’ll soon extend the range to include new models, a low-cost unit featuring an SSD drive and a high-end unit based on the Intel i7 processor.
- Finally, I’d like to thank all the donors and sponsors who help fund Linux Mint. Your contributions and financial help are empowering us and thanks to you we can achieve our goals without worrying about commercial aspects. Many thanks to all of you.
Wow, that’s much work that has been done for the summer months!
Alas, no good news for Linux Mint LXDE !
Eagerly waiting for a new version of it !!!
Clem, faites un petit effort pour les possesseurs de vieux netbooks, svp !
Merci d’avance.
It seems that we are a minority who want Linux Mint LXDE
Great, can’t wait for Cinnamon 1.6 in Maya. Will the new MDM also hit the Maya repos?
For everyone looking for an LXDE version of Linux Mint 13, please note that the LXDE desktop is available for download and installation using the Meta Package LXDE inside Software Manager.
To get there, you can boot up something like Mint 13 XFCE and then installing the LXDE package.
Good Luck.
With over 38000 packages in Software Manager, surely there is a desktop environment and other software goodies that MOST people can get happy about.
On a Lenovo laptop i5,4ram,nvidia
LMDE xfce begins using swap with only 1,5 physical ram used
It’s to early and slow
LMDE gnome 2 is OK, begins using swap at around 3g of physical ram
Both versions 64 and same programs
Analyzing swap, there are no constants programs using it, usually there are a dozen of them, sometimes xorg is in them sometimes not
Any ideas?
Thanks for the work you are doing every day but I hope that in the near future we will also see the LXDE version of Maya!
Xfce is a lightweight desktop, full of resources and effects, so Lxde has no chance at the moment (just my opinion).
Even though, I also consider lxde a nice desktop manager.
Regarding memory swapping, it is controlled by a kernel parameter called vm.swappiness. It ranges from 0 to 100 with default value of 60. A higher number means that swapping is more likely to happen. A config file called /etc/sysctl.conf can be edited to control the value.
Do a few web searches for the details.
Good Luck.
Bonne courage et bonne continuation
We love Linux mint