mintMenu 3.3 – Mint 5

A lot of work has been put into mintMenu. In Elyssa this tool now comes in 16 different languages, with a configuration screen, improved drag & drop support in favorites, less delay and less memory usage. Each application also features a little context menu which can be used to automatically launch it at startup.

It’s also now possible to uninstall any application present in the menu by simply righ-clicking on it and selecting “uninstall”. A dialog box appears with the related packages and dependencies. This complements the easy installation of software provided by mintInstall and the software portal.

Finally, the “Other” and “System Tools” categories were merged into “Administration”. This makes the menu more compact and avoids the need for a scrollbar in the category pane.

Lars Peter Clausen, the main developer for mintMenu, is also porting this application from python to C. Although it was too late to include the C version in Elyssa, Lars’ latest version is very close to being stable and should hit the repositories some time after the release of Elyssa. The main advantage of porting mintMenu to C is a further reduction of the memory usage and extra speed gains both at startup and during the runtime.


  1. Clem: With this type of attention to detail, it’s only a matter of time before Mint takes over the world! πŸ™‚

    Sorry, I know that’s a bit hyperbolic, but I’m impressed nonetheless with the work being put into Elyssa. Can’t wait for it! DR

  2. For clarification, will “other” and “system tools” be seen as sub folders or will the contents be listed with the rest of “administration”?

    One of the great things about the current menus of Linux is the way programs are categorised. I ‘hate’ the way windows just lists them all on one screen. It is mind numbing to run down a long list to find what you are after.

    My point is that too many items in a folder/list can become a nuisance.


  3. Marco: Some time in May.. “when ready” πŸ™‚

    John: package base Ubuntu 8.04, code base Daryna.

    Kynan: Yes. I want to implement that feature but not by default. I want to add this as an option in the preferences and the reason I didn’t so far is because the GUI is frozen (this would require new translations..etc).

    JohnH: Fair point. The reason they were merged though is mostly because “Other” and “System Tools” only hosts very few applications. So although this consequently adds a few items to Administration I don’t think it clutters it as much as semi-empty categories cluttered the overall menu. Again, in the long run and for the next iteration of the GUI this will become an option so the decision to merge these will be the user’s.

    Note: In the next versions I’d like the “All” category to also be an option. The more we can configure the better.

  4. I would suggest considering making it easy to change the height of Mint menu by simply grabbing the corner with your mouse just like a window and dragging it. I know it’s possible to change the height already, which I have done, but it’s not something the average user would figure out without reading the forums. A simple click and drag would be a wonderful feature. Any chance of this in a future version?

  5. I found LinuxMint occasionally via Wikipedia. This is really the best Linux-distribution, I have seen up to now, Easy to use even for non-insiders with linux. I come from MacOS and i say: You are very, very close or even better than that, concerning handling such a complex operatingsystem. The desktopdesign is a class of its own. Congratulations to the LinuxMint-team

  6. I second the request for a mouse-resizable menu! But anyway: Wonderful to see work on Elyssa progressing. Can’t wait to give it a try!

  7. I would like to see an options dialog for mintMenu, where for each submenu (Accessories, Games, etc.) you can choose to display it, merge it or hide it.

  8. Clem,
    I stand in constant amazement at the vast difference between Mint and the rest of the Linux world. Graphically nobody is even close – nor in ease of operation. Now you’re cutting down on the timing!

    I chair a LUG here in the valley and we have 40 people waiting anxiously to see Elyssa – and I’m at the front of that lilne.

  9. I like Mint and I can’t wait till 5 comes out.

    Hopefully they make the mintUpdate be closer to Ubuntu’s updater because the mintUpdate is slow and doesn’t tell you a status or show a progress bar when it’s loading.

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