Linux Mint 9 Fluxbox RC released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 9 Fluxbox RC.

Linux Mint 9 Fluxbox

New features at a glance:

For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 9 Fluxbox“.

Known problems:

  • Splash screen resolution
  • Moonlight
  • Animated flash
  • Windows installer
  • Theme issues
  • Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
  • Upstream issues

To get more information about these problems and their solution, read the “Known problems” section of the release notes.

Important information:

As an RC (Release Candidate) this release is targeted at developers and beta-testers who want to help Linux Mint find and correct bugs before the stable release. Please do not use this release as your main desktop.

System requirements:

  • x86 processor
  • 256 MB of system memory (RAM)
  • 4 GB of disk space for installation
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
  • CD-ROM drive or USB port

Bug reports:

Please report any bug you may find in Launchpad.


Linux Mint 9 Fluxbox RC is available in 32-bit as a liveCD, via Torrent and HTTP download:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!


  1. Great Stuff . I am downloading right now 🙂

    By the way any word on Mint Debian ? That’s the one I am really looking forward to 🙂

  2. Well, then in the matter of RAM usage is Flux more heavy then LXDE now?Anyways – Flux`s still my fav edition. Thanks alot, Kendall and Mint team!

  3. EXPRESSED RAM usage … diferent criteria by diferent persons.

    And to know HOW MANY people uses a distro… it should be proportional to the number of downloads, NOT the number of subscribers.

    Note: The multiplying factor is unckown, but including mirrors should be fairly similar to usage as some DLs are not instaled while many become a matrix for a lot of copies.

    YES!!! You have my vote to a Debian MINT !!!
    This is by no means a disrespect for Ubuntu. It was and still is the most valuable contribution to the knowledge of Gnu-Linux.
    But there is no reason to become “fixed” with Big-Brother as long as brothers are family.
    There are reasons to move along and keep distros light though functional. That seems to be the most relevant aspect of recent history, and a good one not to be overlooked under the temporary relations created. These were welcome but not mandatory.

  4. @Imhoteps:

    In my testing, Fluxbox was a little lighter in RAM usage than LXDE, but as these things go, your milage may vary.

  5. En fait, l’un des problèmes chez les systèmes linux est la mise à jours de Network Manager. J’ai un ordinateur avec Mint 9 avec Team Viewer et j’ai perdue récemment la connection réseau internet suite à une mise à jours et un redémarrage. Aussi, j’ai un ordie avec Debian LXDE et il est seulement disponible avec la version 6 dans les paquets synaptics du réseau Debian et d’après les informations relativent à l’installation de la version 8, ça me semble très très compliqué dans l’algorithme à faire au terminal pour l’installer. Malgrés les efforts que ça demande, il est d’intérêt que le programme Network Manager reste le plus à jours possible sur les serveur, afin que la reconnection automatique fonctionne correctement lors d’une panne de courant ou d’une mise à jours. D’autre part, j’ai un ordinateur testé sur Seatools qui incluant un 4.3 gig de disque et sur une douzaine de système linux et unix testé, seulement Debian, Metis, Knoppix, Kanotix ont une installations avec succès. Debian LXDE est le système que j’ai prévilégier. Ainsi, le traitement kernel que fait Ubuntu dans Mint 9 devrait normalement permettre la compatibilité à nos anciens disques dure qui sont toujours en bon état de fonctionner. La stabilité et la performance reste à prévilégié. Le combat entre Unix et Linux reste donc toujours d’actualité.

  6. I just noticed RAM requirements: 256 Mb for Flux and 192 for LXDE. What determines those differences? (just curiousity 🙂

  7. I’m not a computer programmer or any kind of expert, but just a slightly advanced user, so I’m not going to discuss any thechnical matter. Anyway I love your work and I’m very happy for there is a distribution which works on older and slower machines. I use my computer mostly for office, internet and media reproduction (as, I believe, most people do) and I’m not a fan of getting a new computer just for more glossiness and shininess on desktop.
    However, the idea of Mint Debian seems to be very interesting.
    Keep going with good work!
    Greetings from Croatia!

  8. installed mint 9 fluxbox but i have lost volume control keys 🙁 alt and up or alt and down no longer change the volume how can i fix this?

  9. New fluxbox = awesome! I will wait for the stable version before I install, but things are moving and I’m happy!

  10. You forgot to mention how awesome it is. I’ve been running stable for a week now. ‘sudo apt-chache search flux’ returns mint-fluxbox and fluxbox. aparently. ‘sudo apt-get install fluxbox’ should do it.

    fluxbox – Lightweight, configurable X11 window manager.

    mint-fluxbox-livecd – Package that provides automatic login in the live environment.


  11. There is no package names mint-fluxbox in my case. there are also no mint-setting if i install the package named fluxbox.

    i’m running isadora gnome but would like to install fluxbox parallel to my usual system.

  12. A keeper!
    I’ve been comparing distros for an antique laptop (P3) and LMFb wins over other solid distros like DSL, antiX, XUbuntu, etc. The default install runs in about 95MB (DSL ~50, antiX ~75).
    Mostly I’m using it for programming (Octave, Perl) and minor browsing. Great wireless support.
    The final release will definitely go on my next new machine.

    Did I mention it’s gorgeous to boot?

  13. LXDE, a complete desktop enviroment (DE) 192 MB of system memory (RAM)
    Fluxbox edition, a window manager (WM) 256 MB of system memory (RAM)

    Something is wrong, a WM is much more light than a DE

  14. I am enjoying your mint 7, but i down load the Isadora-flux-box and can not get to save to a DVD and then download to my computer.
    Is there another way to get the Isadora on my computer?

  15. What does “fluxbox” means.. a extrnal drive?
    Ive Only had and still have mint 5 long time suport, and it works fine on this 13 year old pc. With 1024 ram and 400 prosesor.I undestand hat suport goes to an end soon,: and ive burned and tested sveral other mints version, They work properly from live cd, and install looks ok, But when satrt, it always says, it less of something. and wont work.
    Im no expet m this is the only distro ive used, , ive noticed the files are ext 3 and the newer distro ext 4.. Is that something that i should pay atention to?- an is this mint 5 a debian everyone is waiting for a new version? it should work installed when it works from the live cd right?- Well im happy with this mint 5, and its no crisis yet.Works fine,, but when its getting to old and to vulnarble system, what sugest best distro fro me to install?

  16. Been using now since last night on an eeepc 701G. Prefer apps chosen to Helena version (e.g. Exaile,leafpad,tint2,…).
    Only problems I found are:
    – my volume control Fn buttons are not working. They did in Helena.
    – volume control: if I click on the volumeicon I can never get rid of the slider without logging out (icon is behind slider). I guess some pkill would also work.
    – had to install the normal dropbox+nautilus combo – could not get Thunar to work with mintdropbox…
    – the only thing I really do not like is the new SW manager. It is missing stuff like history or options to not cache that I had in synaptics. But it *is* pretty and I really do like the rating idea.
    Other problems not really yours:
    – had to take newer version of zim than those in repo (0.43 doesn’t work well with tasks – 0.48 seems better)

    BUT IT IS GREAT! And sooooooo fast (even on my little eeepc)

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