Linux Mint 9 ETA

Looking at the remaining bugs and considering the amount of testing needed I would say we’re about 1 week away from releasing Linux Mint 9. I know most operating systems and distributions stick to release dates and announce them well in advance but I see no reason not to release something once it’s ready and many reasons not to do so until it is. The release could be out a little earlier or a little bit later than expected. 21 bugs were fixed since the RC and there’s 11 more to be fixed. In the meantime, I’ll take this opportunity to thank all the people who helped us test the RC and registered bug reports on Launchpad and all the people who are helping out with the translations. Thanks for your patience and for your help.


  1. Clem I think you should take your time. dont hurry. I have tested Ubuntu 10.04 personally not satisfied with where Ubuntu is going as I find it less buggy than 9.10 then too its not polished like 9.04 (Gorilla) which I using.

  2. Thank you and the team for the brilliant work on this distro, i’am really looking forward to LinuxMint9 🙂
    Cheers’ and keep up fixing 😉

  3. One of the main reasons I choose to use Linux Mint is the fact that its release is not dependent upon a date on a calendar, but rather when the product is completed.

    Like Clem said, “I see no reason not to release something once it’s ready and many reasons not to do so until it is.” Perfect!

    Keep up the GREAT work Linux Mint team!

  4. Can`t wait for 9 i started to use 8 when i got fed up with vista and have enjoyed it windows seven was too much effort to upgrade and too expensive. 8 worked from the start on my laptop which was amazing having always had an error on windows vista. So i am looking forward to 9

  5. All the very best products try to get it right first time and LinuxMint is no exception. Meanwhile I am enjoying the RC release which is already better than the Lucid Lynx formal release, in my opinion..
    Please keep up the great work LinuxMint team !

  6. I’m running to bed now to try and sleep away the next week!

    Not really (but I wish I could)!

    Can’t wait for this release!

    Great job Clem, the Mint team, the translators, and everyone else who does anything involving Mint, all the way down to the users.

    This is the BEST Linux distro out there and by far the most refined. Never had a problem with ANY of the final stable releases.

    Mint has the best community of any Linux distro I’ve tried. We’ve got something great here!

  7. > I see no reason not to release something once it’s ready and
    > many reasons not to do so until it is.

    Agree. No need to set fixed date and release OS even if it’s not ready yet.

  8. This is awesome news, can’t wait for the final release 😀

    Keep it up, and thanks for making mint my fav distro ever 🙂

  9. So pleased to see Mint 9 making it’s way to a mature operation system. I have been using Mint for the past 3 years and have been making small donations as I can. I would hope others will do the same to support this wonderful venture. I have a request and didn’t quite know where to put it. Could you please add Realtek driver 8192re to Mint 9. I have a new machine and for the first time in my life, I can not get a wireless connection. It works with the aforementioned driver. Please I want to use the new long term mint 9. Thanks Colin

  10. Clem & Team

    Greetings from Singapore.

    Good job!! It would help if we can track what bugs the team has managed to fix or is looking to fix so that users can determine whether the bugs (if any) affecting them have been fixed or otherwise.



  11. How is the Debian edition coming along? Is it likely to be released at the same time as Mint 9 or sometime after? Really looking forward to Linux Mint that’s not based off Ubuntu.

  12. … Huh? There were bugs in the RC?? 😉

    But this is all nice. Maybe I’ll try another fresh install then – and actually remember to test that backup-fancy-pants-thingy.

  13. Will I be able to update the RC to release version? The last 2 RC I installed a few weeks before I did the final version and ended up doing it all again. That isnt a problem, but it would be nice to just update it.

  14. That’s the right way to quality! First you proof it’s ready – then release it! 😀
    I very much agree with that.
    You are not in the situation that you need to release to get a cash flow, that’s a strength in Open Source.
    Keep on that way Clem.

  15. i can;t wait no more guys! :)i hope the final release will come about a week or soon :)it’s gonna be a real crazy OS!

  16. I am looking forward to the release of Linux Mint 9. I hope it will fix my video playback bug in Linux Mint 8 (won’t play mpg or wmv files). My Ubuntu has never had any video playback bugs, not sure why Linux Mint 8 is buggy. I love the new Ubuntu 10.04 works and looks great, just don’t like the use of OpenJDK instead of SUNJDK. One reason I like Linux Mint is the use of SUNJDK, since I am a JAVA programmer. Linux Mint is a great OS keep up the good work, THANKS!!!

  17. Can’t wait for this final release.

    I always liked Linux Mint, tried so many others, but always returning back to Mint. Why? It’s compatible with almost anything out-of-the-box even mp3 and xvid movies and if it’s not there you will find it very fast & install it without having complications. (Sometimes there are, but they are not very hard to beat).

    So people, keep up the good work and let Mint rock the Linux World!

  18. We have officially arrived. Please don’t release before 100% ready. Even my “anti” Linux contemporaries are wanting to move to Linux with the release of Mint 9.

    Clem and crew have accomplished more than I can put into words. Your efforts are apreciated. Thank you.

  19. I have little problem with my Logitech Z-5 Speakers (on USB) I mean volume control its not so sensitive like in Windows 7 I mean i put on 4% Volume and still nothing to hear. Only works when I put on half less more and it works good. I can hear something – On ubuntu 10.4 its horrible i have only something like „loud” almost on 100% Volume or quiet (no sound) 90% Volume. So i have hope when stable mint come out and i will have normal volume control 🙂

  20. Clem

    You are a star. As a new user of Linux I was lucky to find MINT pretty much from day one. I have installed on work machines and home machines. Apart from a few niggles the community helped with Its been a real pleasure.

    Presently using RC release but fired up waiting for final release.

    Thank you big time for all your work, the team and the community.

  21. Whatever you do, see if ipod and ipad are supported properly please! All solutions, that I know and tested under Linux are just ridiculous.

  22. Looking forward to it! Every person who has used one of my preconfigured Mint demo computers has come away very happy with the experience!

    I think this just might be the Windows-killer that computer users have been looking for – especially those who either cannot or will not pay for Micro$oft’s insecure, bug-riddled, overly bloated programs or Apple’s ridiculously overpriced (and in my opinion, inferior) offerings. Mint handles home computing like it’s nobody’s business, and helps make older machines more viable. (I’m using the latest Mint on a 10-year old Thinkpad with 512 MB RAM – let’s see Windows 7 do THAT!)

    Thanks for the work, Mint Team, and I’m looking forward to supporting this excellent distribution in the very near future. 🙂

  23. We will all remember the old joke against M$ “Windows Beta Testing program = Commercial Release”. – You never need to do that, so don’t. We the users of Mint appreciate quality, and happily wait for it. 🙂

  24. This linux is already a f*****g legend, this is the sh*t :D, Stay cool

    A big round of applause from a small town from Romania.

  25. thanks for this OS!!I think is the best Linux distro, but i have a problem with this version!!!Mint9 hate ati x1200….

  26. No he bajado la RC, pero espero ya que salga la final version linux mint 9

    Mint 8 esta perfecta, pero la version 9 debe estar mucho mejor.

    Cuando sale…? i can´t wait anymore, im sure will be the best.

  27. No reason to thank me
    I and my family (15, 18 and 43 all women) thank the team and you
    We are using mint last 2-4 years and still learning another way of thinking (that’s good especially for the young ones)
    Best wishes from athens

  28. Yes may I just add that though the work on the side of the Mint Team is to its usual High Standard it should not be forgotten Mint 9 is built upon the utterly dreadful Ubuntu 10.04

    Please in future releases at least consider Pure Debian as a base

  29. Thanks for this information !

    I think this is the right way : Release Mint 9 when it is ready, and not so do like Ubuntu and release the new version for a fix time- ready or not.
    There’s another +point for one of the best distros of the world.

    Greetz : Uwe

  30. There’s a bug with the cursor. When you move the cursor over the mint menu it turns into a dotted line.

  31. Actually I guess you wrote this because of all the impatioent people 😀
    Thanks for this info anyways 🙂

  32. Great work, working on the RC now and it’s working totally smooth, haven’t notice a single bug yet (oh well one, but that was in the software manager which I don’t use anyways :D)

    Keep up the good work!

  33. Just wanted to add my thanks. The RC has been excellent so far!

    I too want to echo the sentiment that there is NO rush and that I too believe that this LTS (both for Linux Mint AND Ubuntu :p) are the GNU/Linux releases that will pull over a ton “non-linux people” (especially once Valve’s Steam client hit’s GNU/Linux!).


  34. TNX!
    It looks like you create beter ubuntu than original ubuntu! 🙂
    I say everybody who wants to learn ubuntu: Start from Mint! 🙂
    The majority remains yours and do not move out from it… 🙂

    Waiting for 9 with great impatience!

  35. After setting the correct values of resolution in the Start-up Manager
    (the settings were: 800×600 at 8 bits),
    I reset them as suggested in “Known Issues”, and as a result, the splash screen looks good and Mint9 is quite stable.

    Congratulations and thanks to the Mint team.

  36. Tried a few linux and this is the first time I have everything working out of the box fine ! That’s great, now I really consider dropping Windows 😉
    Great work on the RC so far, no hurry for the final.


  37. Bugs? What bugs? The RC has been nothing but great for me. I have not encountered any “bugs”. To me the RC IS stable enough to go straight to main release.

    Maybe some others have encountered “bug” but I have not. RC is much faster and more stable then “Helena” was. I had to manually set some things and work out a few “kinks”. But not on Isadora.

    Am on the x64 edition and it is so bitching, not one issue! Great work on it guys. Knock the kinks out for the ones who need them worked out. RC is fine for me. I will just update it to the main release when it is finally here.


  38. Can’t wait. I’m new to Mint and it is by far the best distro out there.

    Tried the RC on my eee PC 901 and it worked bar the wireless.

  39. I am waiting for this release to finally install onto my box. Been running Ubuntu for the longest time, but after trying the Mint LiveCD, I am really enjoying it and cannot wait to try out the latest version!

  40. This is really nice release, I am using RC since it came out now, fast stable, beautiful, love it. Previous Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 had some really nasty bugs, which Mint inherited (first with wireless card drivers and 9.10 with random freezing) but this release works like a charm.
    Thank you for changing the GRUB background back to the old image, great choice, if something looks great why to change it?
    The only thing I have found is that the Software manager needs quiet long to start up, but this is nothing to really complain about.
    My Congratulations for this great release, I was looking forward to it.

  41. Now that I am thinking…maybe the GRUB background is not the same as in Mint 7, but it does look similar, anyway very nice.

  42. Well, its my birthday next week so, guess what is going to be my favourite present! Thanks Clem and the team.

  43. You´re exactly right. I became a Mint-User a few days ago and I like Mint a lot. It´s stable and everything is working as expected.

  44. I installed the RC version and it works like a charm . I have installed all the updates too . It is necessary to reinstall when the final ersion are ready ?

    Great Job Clem and all devs ..

  45. Hello !
    Thanks for the Linux Mint 8. I use it .

    My only request is as I work developing programs for single chip
    micro processors I have to use development software made for Windows.

    Wine does adapts same of them ok to Linux BUT not all and not without

    Could you make Linux to be able to use any development software on the market.

    Many thanks Regards.


  46. Well in fact i have found several glitches in RC 🙂
    Nothing major, thought, but there is one thing that bugs me for real.
    In older nautilus there is a button that toggles between text-based adress string and button interface, mostly i use buttons to jump back and forvard to the level of directory i need, but, but in new nautilus you don’t get a text-based location bar, and i miss it pretty much.
    I used to copy the path from it all the time, when i had to run something in terminal.

    Please, give us the text string toggle back.

    btw. another stange thing happend.
    When i run in tty(1-6) iptraf, and go to tty7 to use GUI (i know it’s not typical 🙂 the is no sound in gui. Nor in mp3 files nither in movies (or Youtube, for the matter) it’s like some on pressed “mute” without my knolege, to get sound back i need to log in tty, stop iptraf, and logof, then suddenly everything plays loud and clear.
    No idea why or how it happends, but it does, i made a series of tries.

    I’m running RC on Sony Waio laptop VGN-NR180E (pretty old, but i like it)
    Never seen this kind of behavior on Mint 7-8.

  47. Novotny,

    Linux isn’t Windows. You can’t just say, “Make Mint work with ANY software.” Until the companies that produce your development software port them to Linux, you shouldn’t expect Linux to make itself compatible with your software. That’s like someone giving you a free Japanese-made car and complaining that it doesn’t work with American-model engine parts. If your programs you’re working on are for running on Windows, then just use Windows with your current tools. If these single-chip processors can use Linux, then switch your software to Linux and use Linux tools. Use the tool that’s suited best for the job.

    Instead of telling Mint developers to make the OS work with your software, it might be a better solution to contact the companies that make your development tools and ask them to port them to Linux. Or (better yet) use cross-platform or Linux-based software.

    Mint developers don’t have control over most of the OS. They are just building on what Ubuntu has released, which is building on Debian, which is building on the sources that are out there, etc…

  48. I can’t wait to get my hands on it, sounds like it will be a milestone for sure.
    I had to laugh at the comment…
    “I see no reason not to release something once it’s ready and many reasons not to do so until it is.”
    Makes me think that Big Bill and his broken Windows might actually be a tolerable OS if he and his team could do the same thing… of course we’d probably all be awaiting the latest stable release of 3.11 for workgroups.. 🙂

    Cheers to all the developers and thank you for your hard work and efforts.

  49. i’m REALLY excited! i was thinking “ill never be able to wait for mint 9…” but thten i get this great news! wait a second… now i ahve to wait for mint 9 KDE NUUUUUUUU!

    great work though!

  50. I’ve been using Ubuntu 10 for the last few days. It’s not too bad. I kind of like it, actually. But once Mint 9 comes along, BANG! I’m back on Mint. No dual booting for me. All I want is Mint.

    Thank you so much, Mint Team. You do fantastic work there.

  51. My girlfriend and I both love Linux Mint, you’ve done some amazing work and created a beautiful system. We’re looking forward (her a bit more than I) to the new release, we will probably have our own little release party after we upgrade 🙂

    Thanks again for a great system and all your hard work!

  52. I’ve been using the RC since zero hour, and the only bug I have encountered is the boot screen resolution with proprietary video driver. With the kernal driver it looks perfect, and I don’t care about compiz, so I’ll stick with the stock driver. Other than that I have found it to be stable enough to be my main desktop, and am just applying updates as they come. GREAT JOB!

  53. I tried to use Linux Mint 8 and I could not find a solution to my wifi problem. Broadcom chips are not very nice and I was wondering if anything for Broadcom libraries or whatnot will be included in Linux Mint 9. Thnx. (Trying to use Linux Mint or Ubuntu instead of Windows)

  54. Hi there I’m from argentina and I wanna say that I have get into linux forced as a way to say it, then I see all the advantages that it has confronting windows.

    So a heard about this distro I try it and I really like it (Helena), and I download the RC of Isidora and tested on a hp old notebook 2003 and it runs very well, no crashes I see so far really good response and a very good job from all the team

    Keep going!!! have a nice day for all of you

  55. Thanks Clem and LM team for this amazing distro!!!. I have been distro-hopping for the past 6-7 months and tried Kubuntu, PCLinuxOS, OpenSuse, Mepis, and Even ArchLinux with (KDEMod), but none of them satified me like LM did and here I’ve got to say, its my end of hopping and It even got me converted from KDE.

    I feel the following reasons made me to stick with LM,

    1. The wonderful community and LM team who really listen to others.
    2. Most polished and beautiful distro I’ve ever seen.
    3. The ‘Mint tool’ family (Esp, Softare manager, and Mint menu)
    4. It just works. But still giving you plenty of room to tinker with if you need (‘d need to dig a bit)
    5. It’s really fast.

    And now, I’d like to contibute to LM in whaterver way I can.

    Thanks linux community, for making (better late than never) decision to make a permanent switch to Linux.

    A Good-bye to Uncle Bill from Singapore.

  56. YES! Finally, I’ve been ecstatically waiting for the new release, this is good news to me! I absolutely cannot wait to upgrade my netbook.

  57. Mint 8 was the version that *finally* converted my mother to linux after my many previous failed attempts. Looking forward to Mint 9 to knock her socks off!

  58. Love this distro so much, since i used it loved it…using the XFCE, i think is one of the best distro with XFCE that I found, I love using it never thought i would find one….SO I SAY THANK YOU ^__^ , i can’t wait for linux mint 9 I hope theres a XFCE version coming along the way of mint 9.

  59. I’ve been eagerly awaiting Mint 9 for about 6 months, if you can believe that! 😉 Anyways, thanks to all the hard-working people who make Mint possible. We have a successful community. I’ve been an avid Mint fan cince 3.1 Celena, and No other distro has even come close to filling my needs, and everyone I give Mint to falls in love with it.

    Catch you on the release!


  60. Clem, as long as you inform us about this, we will understand. I’m especially glad you’re doing it in a good tone, not like in Ubuntu, where still there seems to be a feudal relationship between the admin and the user. If anywhere in linux world there is a respect for the user, it’s Mint.

  61. I tried the live CD of the RC and loved it but I’m afraid to do the install of the finished product 🙁 Seems I get the same issue as with Ubuntu it won’t create the initrd.img file so it won’t boot. Does anyone know if that issue has been found and corrected?

  62. Just installed on my test computer 3 days ago. It works so well I’ve installed it on my laptop’s (Toshiba X205 series)2nd drive. So happy to see the inclusion of handbrake in the repositories.

    Still at Mint 7 on my main machines, but looks like I’ll be upgrading both of them soon.

    Thanks for what I feel is the BEST overall distribution!!!

  63. Yes I agree… with waiting for the fixes and with the x-cellence factor that you guys apply to this distro. All I can add is… well done guys!!

  64. Nice to hear that Linux Mint is prospering and becoming a favorite among many. I appreciate a lot all those knowledgeful individuals behind the magic. Keep at it!

  65. Can you bring back tool tips? Ubuntu dropped it in 10.04 and I found it really useful – where I can hover mouse over amarok icon to get artist and song title. Loss of functionality seems like a step back – maybe trying to look like a mac too much.

    10.04 has the most hard lockups I’ve ever had in any distro. I’ll give mint a try to see if it resolves these lockup issues. (same issues in kubuntu too). Be great if mint fixed these problems. Nothing in any logs, so I have no idea why. 9.10 doesn’t have these problems (which I still use)

  66. I love the new mint9 RC and cant wait for the full.will there be many differences between them?

  67. The only distro that I don’t need to tinker with to make things work as I like them to be. As an Archlinux user, that’s handy sometimes 🙂 I have two machines with Mint. Congrats for a great job, and thanks to the Ubuntu team for making the foundations of your distro.

  68. Yeah that’s true, if you give Mint to people they are happy and will have a good opinion of linux, however if you give them ubuntu they aren’t (mostly because of the missing codecs though).

  69. Eagerly waiting for Mint 9. Been using Mint since last two years and am happy to say that it is one of the best that I have come across. Earlier I was using Ubuntu. Although this may not be the appropriate forum I would like to know as to the support of Mint 9 to Intel i3 processors. Ubuntu 10.04 kept crashing.
    Keep up the good work.

  70. Tried Mint 9 RC. It is flawless. I installed it on my other computer. Can’t wait till this release comes out so I can install it on my computer.

  71. Quality takes time. As eager as we all are too get hold of LM9, we have to hold on until the excellent team say its clean and working to their high standard. Thanks guys!

  72. I haven’t tried Linux Mint yet, but I’m looking forward to trying it out on my laptop and if I like it switch my desktop over (both have 10.04 distros).
    I’d switch my laptop to the RC tomorrow if I knew I wasn’t going to have to reinstall in a week.
    BTW, I love the “When its ready” attitude. Keep doing exactly what you’re doing.

  73. Hello, the new version is absolute great, stable safe and works with all mine hardware except the all in one printer the scanner is this time not regonised the Epson BX 300 F printer works but the scanner can’t turn on the scanner this is an bug. But the rest works perfect.

  74. I must say I feel re-born to the computing when I stumbled upon Gloria…..I believe I’ve reached utopia with Linux Mint…Thank you Clem & the dev team!!!!

  75. Dear Sirs

    I have used Linux Mint 7 on my Dell Latitude X300 1.2 512mb perfectly. I have tried both Ubuntu 10.04 and Mint 9 and it crashes.

    Symptoms tries to install from iso screen pixilates for a fraction of a second,, then goes blank ie black screen and hangs. It looks like a video driver problem but I’m no expert. Please help

    Kindest Regards

    Keith R Murray

  76. Hello again

    I’ve been trying to put Linux any Linux on my 2 Toshiba Tecra 8000 for several years now, I’m cetain it’s a bios problem. I think I will ditch them, I’m getting to old for all the agro it gives they run XP Pro perfectly they shouldn’t but they do!

    Kindest Regards

    Keith R Murray

  77. your linux mint is great. I like it very much. For the new version please take up the time you need for making a version which is every bit as good as the former one.

  78. God bless you! I have yet to try Linux Mint, but what have seen looks great! Currently I’m using Ubuntu 10.04, but it has been very buggy and the last “good” version of Ubuntu on my system was 9.04. Seriously, 9.04 worked fine… The cosmetic changes and “cloud” features could have been easily added, but Ubuntu 9.10 would not boot properly… then 10.04 keeps locking up. Please… take your time. Release the new Mint when it is ready. I used Windows XP for eight years… I don’t have to change my operating system every day. I just want it to work. Thank you, guys! =0)

  79. I’m just an average user here and I’ve been using Mint8 now for just about a month. My PC is on dualboot, but I can’t be bothered with windows already haha, I’m looking forward to Mint9 for my laptop. Congrats guys for such an excellent distro, good introduction to non-linux folks.

  80. I’m from Brazil and my name Frederico Ruegger and am trying to help in reporting a problem with Mint 9. My printer HP Deskjet D1660 was promptly recognized by the system but unable to print a test page.

  81. i’ve run more than a dozen linux distros.The fact that Mint works almost flawlessly out of the box makes it special.To me,Mint delivers on the promise made by Ubuntu(legitimate replacement for windows)Great work,guys…

  82. @Chan Lai: That would be great, but it’s still not worth the space because only few actually use it. People using virtualization software are knowledgeable enough to install their applications but beginners would be better off with Java. I wish Clem and the developers will revert their decision and to put Java back even on the CD.

  83. I want to Present Linux Mint as an Alternative to our County where I live instead of bleeding the Tax Payers Dry! The money they are spending on having to upgrade and Buy new computers and Upgrading hardware and Rip off add on programs. The County I live in is bleeding the people dry of there hard earned money. Linux Mint on all current computers as well as school computers (which would teach young people and perhaps create jobs). I have picked some select people that are in my age group and put Mint in there older computers. They are key people that will spread the word quickly and are very credible. I like Promoting Integrity Products! Mint is just that! Let them donate a quality product. I spend every day learning something new about Linux Mint. I hope I can help get this integrity product out there. You folks have worked hard and should be rewarded for your work!!!!

  84. Great you guys should join Flattr (a social micropayment platform), allows people to give money to creators

  85. Keith R Murray
    Ubuntu 10.04 is the culprit. I’ve had it lock up on me now more often than any OS other than ME (which essentially gave me a “BSoD has performed an illegal operation” error), both in 64 bit and NBE versions. IIRC it is video card related, and they did post a command line fix over there.

  86. Personally this distro is my favorite. Cannot wait until release of Mint 9. Keep up the great work.

  87. Hi Clem
    I’ve converted from Windows to Linux a view Month ago. Linux Mint was my first choice after I’ve tried Ubuntu and I only regret I haven’t done the change before.

    Next fall I’ll start teaching a class in programming. Mint will be our os. I hope I’ll be able to plant the spirit of a free and open community into these young brains.

    Thanks for your outstanding work. You realy change the world (at least you changed a part of mine 🙂

  88. when something is good and important for our life, we wait the necessary time that is needed…

    And when is a click away for downloading i will have a the happiness of downloading the very best and friendly linux that i have tried…

    Thank’s to the Mint Team

  89. Dear Clem !

    Thank you very much for such a wonderful piece of free and open software – LINUX MINT. Linux Mint is the best linux system for people who are stuck with MS Windows but wanThank you and all Linux Mint team (teams) for creativity and efforts in development of .t to minimize a risk of infestation by viruses, or just want to change something in their lives. I try to show and convince my colleagues and friends from Latvia, Italy and Russia another way of computing by using opensource software like Linux Mint.

    Best Wishes,
    Vyacheslav (Riga, Latvia)

  90. Hi thanks very much but please DON’T haste too much!

    I just managed to install RC1 64 on an USB stick, and that more or less worked (yippee, I am typing on it now) — but strangely enough I had to fix the screen in compatibility mode, from whatever it was wrongly set to, to “standard” (why??).

    Also gerat my Canon scanner works again while it failed under Mint 8. :))
    Anyway, probably more bug reports are going to come (see several here above), just give people a little bit more time! 🙂

  91. before i start i want to say thank u so much Linux mint for providing so stable, easy,fast,3d support,better video,better audio,putting all the plugin needed to do day to day surfing etc all in one package OS to the beginners like me so that we shift from windows to Linux.Windows is just about playing video games and nothing else.Microsoft has lost it beauty which it had kept till windows xp.just one request i will like to make is that half of the keyboard manufacturers sell there product with the windows key just make this windows key to some use so that all the keys of the keyboard will be utilized.Try to combine the windows key with the Linux mint ‘menu’ button.It will a good a good idea as most of the windows users are similar with it.Also try to put a better dictionary like a oxford one.Thank you guys so much to provide us the best linux distro.

    V peace

  92. Goddamit I need a Release Date ! 🙂

    And a Big Party with drinks and balloons with a Staged Show Off where the Buggy System Fails and they just loop a video sequence of the ‘system working’ LOL and tell everyone it’s a million times better than Mint 8 :p

    Viva La Mint

    f&*k Windows !

  93. “I’m especially glad you’re doing it in a good tone, not like in Ubuntu, where still there seems to be a feudal relationship between the admin and the user.”


    This is what makes me feel that if I really had a problem with Mint, something might actually be done to resolve it quickly. Rather than a process which makes you feel like bug reports are ‘harvested’.

    The community feeling around Mint is, in my opinion, just as much a part of the product as anything else. Looking forward to welcoming Isadora!

  94. Clem, you and everybody with you are doing a fantastic job! Looking forward to putting Mint 9 on my Acer Aspire One 8,9″ netbook. =)

    I guess there will come community versions not long after the main release? Curious about the LXDE, just to cram out the last drop from the machine. =)

  95. Another thing: Is tethering with iPhone working? I got it to work over Bluetooth in Mint 8 (had to download Blueman though), but no success with USB….

  96. Indeed do not panic, no deadline. It’s much better to have a very stable & user-friendly Linux Mint OS 🙂

    I don’t mind whether it takes longer than expected, if it has quality benefits…

  97. shhh don’t tell my wife she’s using an RC. hell nvm she still thinks shes using windows. works beautifully as it is. my 5year old 1gb 1ghz laptop works/boots 10 times faster than my new win7 4×2.4ghz phenom with 8gb ram. keep up the good work.

  98. Just a question (or suggestion):
    What about an additional opportunity to install a fully encrypted system, like it is offered on ubuntu alternate cds? I would really appreciate it, as I don’t know (yet) how to do it otherwise…

  99. First of all, my heartfelt thanks to Clem and all involved at Linux Mint for creating such a great distro! I’ve used it since LM4 and, having tried the other three bigger ones there’s no contest!
    One item I found, if indeed not only my fault, might help make it more accessible to new users.
    During installation of LM9, also Ubuntu 10.04, on a hard drive with W7 on it the partition manager only offers two options: the entire disk or manual. When installing on a hard drive with LM on it there is another option, side by side that helps with partitioning. If this is to be a distro for all then that item must be enabled for W7 side by side installation too, so n00bs can keep their previous OS without the headache of deciding how big the swap partition etc. has to be.
    If this item has already been mentioned – sorry, I couldn’t find it.

  100. Im not testing the RC, neither helping with the translations, Im just a ordinary user… However, I just wanna say THANK YOU to all the people that make possible I can use Linux Mint..

  101. Last week I used Linux Mint 8 for the first time and it couldn’t detect my cellphone through my bluetooth USB dongle so I switched back to Linux Mint 7.

  102. Mint Gurus,

    Please keep the Sun Java 6 Runtime or better in your
    new Mint version based off Lucid 10.4. The
    Open version Java with the IcedTea does not run a lot of
    Java programs. If there is a trick to making them
    work under it. I haven’t figured it out yet! That
    is the one change I can’t stand in the new version
    of Lucid 10.4.

    Take care, God Bless Your Efforts.


  103. On the one hand I am waiting for Mint 9 and check news daily.
    But I totally agree to the author to wait and release a fixed version.

  104. I am also waiting for the final release. Linuxmint is the best distribution for a new linux comer. I wish that mint team will further improve the parental control tool (mint nanny) also.

  105. After Vista came out, I said: enough, and switched to Ubuntu. After trying Ubuntu 10.04, I am tempted to say “enough” as well. Let’s try Mint 9…

  106. Hi, I would like to know what can I do to report a bug if I don’t even understand what is wrong LOL The thing is, I tried to boot my work PC from RC CD and it stopped at console output. I successfully installed Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04a3 on it before, and installed Helena just fine, too, so I believe this is Isadora issue.
    Should I copy the last couple of messages to the bug report or what? Sorry for being a noob like that 😀

  107. Linux Mint is my OS. I love your green colors, Mint best choise for users… Thanks… I waiting Isadora final relis, for using in my computer!!! You BEST!!!

  108. “Hello! My name’s Henry Swanson and I approve of this message. Since installing Linux Mint, my daily output as an alt.sci-fi w/riter has increased by a factor of three. Linux Mint is the sniznit. Word(s).”

  109. I look forward to see how you fixed the fail that was 10.04
    (my optical drive better mount…)

    Mint is th most end user friendly OS I have ever used and I eagerly await another excelled release by the Mint team.

  110. I am currently using Mint 9 RC and it’s awesome! Fast, stable, works great. Small suggestion/question: will there be a GUI option to change the themes of a login screen in the upcoming release?


  111. Hi,

    Ubuntu 10.04LTS does not run at all on my new laptop (I haven’t had this much trouble with a Linux distro for years). I’m really hoping that the new Mint does (and hassle free if at all possible). I have a Sony VAIO VPCCW27FX. I think the problems are video related and/or related to the odd resolution of 1600×900.

    Anyhow, I’ll feel very fortunate if the new Mint release does work… I am addicted to having the latest version of Linux.

    Thank you!

  112. Thanks for your very good work from germany;)

    I started with daryna and hey Mint is the best Distro I ever use 😉

    So it’s alike if you need 1 or 2 or 3 weeks for this great distro I can wait (and use helena till isadora is finaly ready)

  113. Kudos to you, Clem. Looking forward to removing my Mint 8 partition and starting fresh with Mint 9… gave the RC a spin and it was great. Also, looking forward to beating you up in SF again. :]

  114. I’m not a linux person, I use Windows both at work and home, but there is one exception – my netbook. Build after build Linux Mint gets better and better. Latest version on my EEE 901 is working flawless, all devices, keyboard shortcuts, power managment. What can I say – I just love the out-of-the-box experience linux mint provide 🙂 Keep up good work!!!

  115. Experienced Ubuntu users have learned not to even bother downloading it for 4-6 weeks after it’s released, due to the rediculous numbers of update and fixes that come out during that time because they are more worried about schedules than getting it right.

    Take your time. We’ll wait.

  116. Thank-you mint team for producing yet another version of Mint linux,I really enjoyed Mint 8 and I really look forward to using Mint 9! 🙂
    I would also like to thank the mint community for helping with the testing!
    Good luck with solving the remaining 11 bugs 🙂 – I look forward to seeing the stable version

  117. hi, big man can say a few words – but all of them are great! little post and 144 comments! Clem! i`m happy that you are in our open world!

  118. I have bug issues with ubuntu 9.x and any of its derivatives, so I have not been using Mint of some time. Isadora does not show these bugs and appears to be “rock solid” after just a few days of heavy testing. This distro is a pleasure to use, good luck with Mint 9 guys and girls.

  119. I wanna say this is a great distro and want to say thanks to the team for all the hardwork. take your time guys i have alot of respect you becuase your OS’s are not date driven. on the other hand the only thing i have noticed is that the Icons take about 10 secs to load after the desktop has.

  120. I aggree with you. Mostly other operators release on time with tons of bugs. You r the best. I can wait until it s ready. thanks a lot.

  121. I have used Linux Mint 7 on my Dell inspiron 510m 1.7 512mb perfectly. I have tried both Ubuntu 10.04 and Mint 9 and it crashes.

    Symptoms tries to install from iso screen pixilates for a fraction of a second,, then goes blank in black screen and hangs. It looks like a video driver problem but I’m no expert. Please help i hope the final mint9 solve the problem

  122. I’ve been waiting GA for months…
    I have to thank all the people working on the project, you’re so great.
    Keep waiting…

  123. I’ve tried the Mint 9 RC and even for a pre-release it’s incredibly stable. I’ve had very few problems out of it, and absolutely no problems out of my Mint 8 installation that I use every day.

    The Mint dev team’s commitment to quality is abundantly apparent in 8 and I’m sure will continue through 9 and beyond.

  124. Linux Mint is the distro that I install for friends and families when they asked what I’m using.

    [quote]I know most operating systems and distributions stick to release dates and announce them well in advance but I see no reason not to release something once it’s ready and many reasons not to do so until it is.[/quote]

    That’s the same reason why I am using Debian. Nice to know that Mint is having the same approach, keep up the good work.

  125. Not sure exactly what these bugs are, but I’ve been running the Mint 9 RC 64 bit version on my Gateway M1634u Laptop and I have no complaints. it came pre-installed with Vista and I couldn’t begin to tell you how many problems I had with that joke of an OS. I feel like I just bought a new laptop, except my pockets weren’t any lighter. Thanks to everyone on the Linux Mint team.

  126. i can hardly wait. ive been meaning to do a fresh install anyway, but am more than willing to wait until this is finished.
    excellent job MINT team. i am also waiting with bells on for the day that mint is purely Debian based. with the way Ubuntu seems to be regressing in quality i wouldnt be surprised if that day comes sooner rather than later. count be in for enthusiastically contributing anyway i can when that time comes. hopefully by them my skills are a bit more polished and i will be a bigger help.



  128. I am a new comer to Linux tried Mint 8 loved it. My laptop sound card worked but earphone plug did not disconnect internal speakers. Sound card works by driver earphone jack does not have a switch. Looking forward to ETA fantastic work – 60 yr old amateur brought up on windows. Brisbane (Woodridge)Australia

  129. I agree with those who say Ubuntu have moved wrong way with Java and changed location of shrink enlarge and close buttons. Tried 10.4 went back to XP but reports indicate I will be moving to ETA 9. If I do I will be more than happy to support.

  130. I have been testing Ubuntu 10.04, and while it’s an excellent distro, I do like the extra “polish” which Clem et al, add with the Mint distro. With the foundations of Debian and the footings of Ubuntu, Mint is just about the most comfortable dwelling in which one could choose to reside – without rotting windows and a vista of volcanic ash!

  131. David Wilson, you do realize that Mint 9 isn’t codenamed ETA right? ETA means estimated time of arrival, Mint codenames always end with the letter A and start with the letter of the alphabet at which number Mint is, so Mint 9 will have a codename starting with the letter I.

  132. Please can people check the upgrade tool now, *before* the release of Mint9!
    You do not want to find after the release that there are problems with the upgrade (fresh install and restore of personal data, to avoid actual ‘upgrade’ issues) process.

    I am planning to upgrade several jaunty/eebuntu and Mint7 laptops to Mint9, and then replacing my XP based desktops with Mint9 KDE version. Maybe i’m being thick but the upgrade process (for the linux systems obviously) isn’t so easy. I think this is important as surely many existing linux users will need to keep their data and programs intact…

  133. Have not had a chance to look through all the postings here but I’m hoping LM9 will solve the remaining problems with DVD playback. I’ve upgraded my Revo to 3GB base memory and installed the NVIDEA driver – video playback and overall graphics performance are now MUCH better but I’m still having problems with unsmooth and jerky video and loss of audio at times. Having said that, LM is about the only distro I’ve found that has functioning video playback at all. I wish I could get Virtual Box for LM as I would then not have to run Ubuntu 8.10 alongside it. The Mint team has done an outstanding job with this distro and I hope the excellent work will continue…

  134. Guy’s I have to say say you’re getting me hooked on Mint. It worked first time on my old’ish laptop with a broken HD controller. I’m running Mint 9 RC from a flash stick and loving it. I’m going to throw myself at Gimp and see if it cant do all I need for photography so I can ditch windows.

    You guys must put in awesome amounts of work please keep it up. With this Mint you’re going to make Linux REALLY mainstream.

    Consider my hat doffed to you all.


  135. Davie, ETA mean Estimated Time of Arrival…got it???
    For Those About To Convert To Linux We Salute You:D

  136. I’ve been waiting for this! Don’t rush it, fix the bugs first so we can get a safe and stable linux distribution! 🙂

  137. hey used linux mint for a while. thought i would try ubuntu for a while. used 9.10. well long story short. i’m back to linux mint. not gonna complain about either one, but which one is now on my computer?? linux mint 8.0. take your time i got the rest of my life and i’m not in a hurry. 🙂

  138. I have left Mint to Kubuntu 10.04 and it’s beautiful!!! It was easier to use then it’s previous versions and I am finally enjoying it on my Acer Aspire One 8.5 netbook. I miss Linux Mint 8 GNOME and KDE, but I have officially made the switch to KDE.

    I enjoy KDE 4.4. It’s very beautiful and easy to use. Once Linux Mint 9 KDE comes out, I will be switching to the KDE version of Mint. Please provide a DVD release for the KDE also. I want to make sure that everything works in KDE so I may have an excellent Mint KDE experience.

    Once Mint KDE 9 DVD comes out, I will switch back to Mint. I miss the software manager and all the features that come with Mint.

  139. I primarily use Windows because most of my programs don’t work in Linux and there are no firewire audio drivers for my M-Audio Firewire 1814 and 410 but I tried and really like Mint 9. Wine seemed to work better for me in Mint than other versions. Hopefully FFADO will add support for those cards soon.

    I’m looking forward to the Mint 9 final release because the RC worked great.

  140. This is the right thinking. Release, when finished. The last version (8, KDE) was released with a long deal, but it was so awesome, that I’m using it ’til nowadays. You did a really great job, and this distro is the best for me. (By the way, the version 8 here has an other kernel, I installed the kernel, coz my laptop’s wifi not worked with the 2.6.31 series 🙁 ) Good job, I am at your side!

  141. this is a first time to commnet in this blog.
    i like linux mint the best in linux! n i really wanna say thank that linux mint released linux mint 9 for amd!! i tried it and it was so awesome!! thanks from japan(日本)!

  142. Great work .Congrats to all in the team .Just switched from ubuntu to mint 9 rc .It rocks and sure licensed oses will shiver.

  143. If I must to wait a bit more, then I’ll do it. More than anything, because this Mint version will be an LTS and for an LTS you must to develope thinking in a system that will stay consistent and with the fewer possible bugs… for 5 years.

    When I install Mint 9, if all goes well, I think I’ll stick to it.

  144. The quality of mint is the reason I left ubuntu for it. Please take your time and deal with all those bugs for us 😉

  145. i have problem with compiz and my intel gma 3000 in ubuntu and mint. i hope mint 9 with solve my problem 🙂

  146. @joe

    This is probably due to it being Flash video. Adobe’s support of Linux is simply awful. As a workaround, try to use the HTML5 version of Youtube if possible. This instantly solves the problems.

    I hope your servers and mirrors will be able to handle the traffic after you announce the release! We are all waiting with anticipation!

  147. Thanks to those who cleared up the ETA bit. I am learning.
    best wishes to all keep up the excellent work.

  148. I cannot wait to see the new Mint version.
    Keep up the good work, Linux Mint is my favorite!
    My personal thanks to the whole team .

  149. I want you to focus on two topics before the release:
    1. Device manager on Lucid mostly doesn’t work. Since Isadora will be based upon it, please check this once more
    2. I had menu freezes with Helena. When I opened its menu it happened quite frequently, that the desktop froze for a minute or two.
    Thanks for the beautiful job done up till now!

  150. Its getting closer.. tick tick tick. The anticipation is killing me (really should get out more). Though I do agree.. let it cook as long as it needs. It is an LTS so it needs to be rock and role ready to build the rest of the Mint world on.
    Just hope I can find a way to get that toggle button to switch between button and text location in Nautilus. Its not there in the Mint 9 RC.
    Keep smiling guys.. It shows in the product. 😉

  151. Will its default browser change google chrome? I look forward to changing chrome. No matter how its default bwowser isn’t chrome, I will upgrade my PC OS to 9.

  152. > I hope your servers and mirrors will be able to handle the
    > traffic after you announce the release! We are all waiting
    > with anticipation!

    I imagine that… Speed will be so low or there even will be no connection to the server. 😉

  153. @Clem
    looking forward to Linux Mint 9 Main Edition.

    I am currently running Mint 5 Elyssa KDE on a multi-purpose box (2nd workstation, network media server, printer server) and also running Mint 8 Helena Main Edition on my IBM thinkpad R51 laptop for work.

    However, I was wondering, will FlexRAID work in Linux Mint 9 Main Edition? Also, is it possible to implement FlexRAID in any prior (active) release of Linux Mint.

    Thanks for a great distro!! Switched over from vector linux SOHO 5.8 Gold.

  154. Great distribution! The best! 😀

    Testet Mint 9 I386 RC, but have problems with initramfs, could not update, failed.
    Downloaded linux-headers-xxx and i got the same error initramfs, and segmentation fault.
    Hope this is one of the bugs that will be taken care of.
    In the mean time ill install Mint 8 😉

    Dragoneye kisses the feet to you glories people who make our dreams come through.

  155. There’s a simple solution to that Alex. Upload it to rapidshare, megaupload, torrents, etc. I have a rapidshare pro account I’m willing to use for the cause.

  156. > I hope your servers and mirrors will be able to handle the
    > traffic after you announce the release! We are all waiting
    > with anticipation!

    Maybe we can set up torrents so that server and mirrors are spared from excessive load.

  157. I switched to Linux about two months ago. I started out with straight Ubuntu 9.10, then swapped around to a couple other variations on a theme. I must admit that I veered away from Mint because at first I didn’t think it was a serious system.

    Well, I switched to Mint 8 three weeks ago. I absolutely love this. Still new to Linux, I am continuously learning how the system works, but the Mint elegance makes this experience rather easy. I have learned much in Mint and will learn much more. I feel comfortable downloading and installing software. I “get” the apt-get commands. I rather enjoy using Terminal.

    At first everything seemed too complicated to do, like installing programs, moving files, etc. but I believe this is much easier than Windows. No rebooting, no windows popping open magically, no denied permissions.

    Anyway, enough rambling. I think I shall stick with Mint. I am patiently awaiting 9. I mean, come on, if it IS better than 8, that’s something worth waiting for.

  158. Hey @Linux Mint Team: 1 thing more: actually I have found out that the window buttons (close, minimize, maximize) are very nice to have on the left top like shown in ubuntu. Is there an option to enable this in Linux Mint as well?

  159. hey Grok ,,
    you can place the buttons on lift by using ubuntu tweak
    it’s run great on mint 🙂

  160. Grok, its just a settings option…Try google-ing it. Remember the forums are the place to ask your questions about such things, not the blog.

    I for one hope we avoid chrome like the plague as there is a better choice, chromium web browser.

    I have very high hopes for the mint team and look forward to an excellent release…and a working optical drive.

  161. Thanks, Trevor, I know, I was registered once on the forums, but I forgot email & passwords and I am too lazy to register again 😉
    Anyways if it is really just some options that can be changed easily it’s good enough.

  162. @the people who are offended by the questions being asked or bugs reported on the blog instead of the forum:

    Please, be patient with us. Remember, Linux Mint is more likely to be used by complete Linux newbies more than most distros, and we likely don’t know where to report such issues or ask such questions. Obviously, polite redirection for people who make a mistake in reporting is a good thing, as well as thanking them for actually taking the time to report such issues/concerns, but it could be pretty well argued that saying things like “Google is your friend” isn’t a productive area of conversation.

    I mean, shouldn’t Linux’s friendliest distribution have its friendliest users? 🙂

    No offense meant.

  163. Glad.

    As a unix/linux tester for the last 3 years – currently I use Ubuntu for at least 1 year – I decided to give Mint a chance some months ago, reading some good reviews published on the net.

    Surprise! Surprised!

    IMO, Mint is one of the *best* distros available. I always have the latest one installed on my flash drive. And I am glad that such a team is able to develop such a great distribution. CONGRATULATIONS for the whole team. Honestly!

    Well, since it’s Ubuntu-based, it’s unavoidable that I compare several things. Therefore, I would like to share the following experience with the latest Ubuntu 10.04 for the upcoming Isadora:

    1. The latest version of Ubuntu doesn´t come with GIMP – one of my preferred and most useful applications. If you are planning to keep this app, I gladly encourage you;

    2. The latest version of Ubuntu runs ok from a Live-CD, but once installed in my stick… I got no display (?).

    “Patience is the mother of all virtues” [including perfection]. Please take your time to track, study and solve any bugs.

    Mint’s LXDE edition, by the way, is *perfect* for my 5-year, 1.6GHz Intel M Processor, 915GM Video Chipset, 2GB memory laptop. Therefore, I will patiently wait for the same version of Isadora.

    Congratulations and keep up the GOOD work!


    Mauricio Camara
    Manaus, AM, Brazil.

  164. Linux Mint 8 is locking and freezing my Acer laptop.
    Someone suggested (on Ubuntu forum) that I get the RT version.
    Is there an RT version?
    Can you test by running Mint 9 on a ACER for a time? It seems to lock badly when transferring files to a USB device and having the file transfer fail for one file in the stream.

  165. I have been testing RC since it came out. Very stable, no problem at all. Best release of the last years, no doubt of it. Very recomended.

  166. I must say i am impressed – really… 🙂
    I downloaded linux mint 8 and gave it to my wife, she then installed it with a wery little help and she is so happy now.
    great work

  167. The RC is cool. Is it possible to make rhythmbox volume up/down by turning wheel on notification area – like in mint 8? Or the new version of rhythmbox does not support it?
    I have spotted some stability issues with minitube and video player. I hope they will get fixed.
    But in conclusion it is an excelent distro. The team has done great job dispite Ubuntus big “innovations”. Cheers !

  168. @Grok:
    Sorry I have only the German Version so I’m not sure for the english menu names but you have to look in → ~Settings → ~Desktop Settings:
    There you can set what you want, its called »Mac Style« in „Windows“[the middle one] Hope I can help you.

    RC is running very well, so much better then any other distro 😉
    Clem surprises me with every new edition 🙂
    thanks a lot Mint Team – will stay with you to »Zena« 😀

  169. @Grok:
    Press Alt+F2 to bring up the Run Application dialog box, enter “gconf-editor” in the text field, and click on Run.

    The key that you want to edit is in apps/metacity/general.

    Click on the + button next to the “apps” folder, then beside “metacity” in the list of folders expanded for apps, and then click on the “general” folder.

    Then place the : at the end of it, place the buttons as you wish. close,maximize,minimize:

    Have it look like above^. Then your done.

  170. i’m currently running debian lenny (built from scratch — started with just a shell and a network connection and hand-picked my packages over two days) and have been a debian die-hard for about 5 years now. i first tried linux mint with the “cassandra” release — it looked good but was functionally useless to me.

    tried “daryna” and it was a little better, a bit more polished, but nowhere near what i needed.

    with the “felicia” release i could *almost* use mint on a regular basis, but i’m a very finicky user and there were just a few shortcomings too many. in the meantime i steadfastly refused to move to KDE4 because it just couldn’t do what my heavily-customized KDE3.5 install could do.

    i’m typing this using “helena” KDE in virtualbox … and i have never been more completely in love with a linux desktop! even virtualized everything is snappy, easy to use, literally *every* package i need is an “aptitude install” away, i can customize it just like my current host KDE3.5 install … and it’s SO VERY PRETTY.

    i cannot wait for the “isadora” KDE release and if it’s even half as good as “helena” i will be replacing my tried-and-true debian install by the end of june. great work, mint team, you did the impossible — i’m converted 🙂

  171. Thanks you both 🙂 Now I can see there was also a News-Message (21st april) showing that one could choose between different windows styles. Cewl

  172. Can’t wait for the new Mint 9 but,I will. All good things are worth waiting for and Mint is the Best distro out there. I had to use “compatibility mode” to install Helena, after that I had no problems at all. The Mint team has so much to be proud of, so I am sure that Mint 9 will not disappoint.

  173. i’m waiting for this release so i can install it on my laptop. recently, i’ve installed ubuntu 10.04 but i got some troble while installing it. GUI doesn’t appear even i’ve install it with text mode. currently, i’m using slackware.

  174. Hello to all the Mint team!

    I heard Clem talking about bugs and fixing them.
    CLEM i have been SHOUTING this for MONTHS. THERE is a BIGGGGG BUUUUGGGGG that is preventing me and a lot of my friends to switch definitely to MINT. WE are a group of gamers and we play a lot on line especially ZYNGA POKER on FACEBOOK. PLEASE try to play ZYNGA POKER (our favorite) while you are running MINT or even UBUNTU on your pc.
    IS that so hard to fix it?
    I am looking forward to see this da… thing definitely resolved at last so that i can get rid of windows once and for all.
    CLEM these little tiny thinks make the difference between a Great or a Cra..y OS!!! IT shows how detail-oriented you are and this makes the difference in my humble opinion.
    I am rooting for you MINT guys.

  175. Dear edi!

    WTF man reporting bugs is one thing but bit*hing like a little school girl cos you can play your online games yet! on an effectively FREE OS! have a word with yourself!

    online games like the facebook apps tend to run through the browser anyway have you tried using a different one o those before your teddy went flying toward the corner!

    I agree that it is the little things that make the difference and as you compare with windows try and report a bug to them and see how far that gets you! little things!

    may i suggest if you really are “rooting for you MINT guys” grow up a bit and you and ya group o gamers make a nice donation to the team so they can sort ya bug and carry on with the awesome job that they do!

  176. I switched completely to linux two months ago(accidentally because I erased windows… oops $300 down the drain[windows is that expensive]) Started with Fedora stayed for a week, moved to ubuntu… stayed a day(I really didn’t like it… number 1: It is orange! number 2: It is slow number 3: No Advanced Menu). After I went to suse and stayed for about 2 weeks. Ever since I’ve been using mint, can’t wait for the final release of mint 9 “Isadora”. I haven’t tried the RC yet, I know it is going to be great! I like it being upgraded, I can clean my computer from things like: phpBB3 on Apache and Plone(my favourite CMS) which is on port 8080. Great work I am staying with mint(although I have another computer with wubi, yet never use it because of the brown of ubuntu… I’ve heard of something called “Mint4Win” can you add it to the final release. Otherwise the computer I am typing on has absolutely NO bugs (I have “Helena”) and I love it! Great work!

  177. @edi

    I don’t understand. So you say that there is an extremely big bug which stands as the only barrier between you and linux, preventing you and a lot of your friends from switching to mint and dooms you in a lifetime with windows, making you shouting for months until you decided to post it to the most inconvenient place, and this bug is that you can’t play zynga poker on facebook? And this bug is what separates great OSs from crappy OSs (like mint)?
    Humble indeed..

  178. no worries clem! this community supports the distro one more week 🙂

    we prefer to wait until it’s finished than apply patches!!!

    Cheers team!


  179. i already install Linux Mint 9 RC, but still have bug when my wireless device (Intel Wireless 5100) is once disconnected will never connected again with nm-applet. it always searching and never connected again.. i have try Ubuntu 10.04 and as Linux Mint 9 will be in same base, i hope this bug will be fixed..

    Thanks Linux Mint Team..

  180. @edi

    Zynga Poker probably doesn’t work on Mint BECAUSE it doesn’t work on Ubuntu. Mint IS Ubuntu with some tweaks to make it work better “out-of-the-box” and on more systems. Does it work on any other Linux distribution (I’d guess not)? I’ve never played it, and don’t know anyone who does, but personally, I would not consider this a “big bug” by any means – it’s just a game, not an OS show stopper.

    Is it Flash based? Most Facebook games are. If so, it may be a problem with Flash, not Mint/Ubuntu. Clem has no control over Flash, being proprietary software locked up at Adobe. Try the Flash 10.1 beta (search Adobe’s site or Google for it). While it fixes some Facebook games (such as Farm Town), it causes some others to have problems (they basically complain that they don’t yet support the 10.1 version). If that doesn’t work, file a bug report on Adobe’s site (and don’t hold your breath for a fix anytime soon).

  181. I play zynga games with firefox and flock on mint, there is no problem.
    Only problem can be an old flashplayer.
    You can have this problem in all OS.
    Try a better browser version,new flash player and so there is no problem

    Ok I test it :
    Linux Mint 8, Firefox 3.5.9 it works
    Linux Mint 9 RC Firefox 3.6.3 it works (zynga Poker too)and the installation is fresh out of the box.

    em hotep


  182. I hate to say it .. as much as I love Linux Mint, and truly believe it is the #1 Linux Distribution Available. The Mint 9 RC is just horrid. It is soooooooo slow. The Software Manager takes up to 20 minutes to load a category. Backup Tool locks up and wont open at all. I used to have to install either Arora or Midori to play Facebooks flashgames, since neither Firefox, Opera, nor Chromium have ever worked. Now Arora and Midori dont work either.

  183. @218 … You call yourselves gamers, playing Zynga Poker?? Well, to each their own. I have some input on this, though: 64-bit Flash isn’t reliable. Try running Zynga Poker on an Ubuntu Lucid LiveCD – I suspect it’s using 32-bit Flash, giving at least considerably improved results.

    Otherwise, it seems Opera or Chrome/Chromium could do the trick.

  184. cant wait!
    already using RC 9 as my full production environment and no problems so far.

    thanks for this great distro, the best one there is IMO!

  185. @222….My experience with Mint 9 is exactly opposite. It absolutely rocks! It is fast, stable, and very user friendly. There is no complaint here about anything with Mint 9. Awesome!! Thanks Mint team

  186. I suspect that most of the minor, Flash-related ‘niggles’ in this ‘Comments’ thread would be fixed by using the Package Manager to add ubuntu-restricted-extras, which simply works better than for ‘definitive’ Ubuntu 10.04. With the Mint team’s greater attention to detail, the 64-bit Mint-9RC version of flash is better customised, so that even the rather temperamental itv-player works after applying restricted extras.
    More great work by the Mint team, it really is the best, even before the formal release, which I am patiently awaiting !

  187. I have an ati video card. There were many video artifacts on the screen, black and white stripes after the install of LinuxMint. I’ve installed fglrx package and everything is OK now. Could you add this package and dependences to Linux Mint by default (to DVD maybe) because there are many users, newbies to linux who have ati video problems and are not able to solve it at once without wasting much time googling or something…

  188. самая лучшая система, особенно для новичков, очень дружественная и удобная, украина за вас переживает ребятки.

    the best system, especially for beginners, very friendly and comfortable, Ukraine is going through for you guys.

  189. I wouldn’t be very good as a tester for your rc 9. Ive had it running since it came out on my laptop and can’t find a thing wrong yet. Great work!

  190. I’m very happy with the features of LM 9 but have experienced some slowdown with the new version. For example, I did an experiment with boot-up time (time required for the system to go from the GRUB menu to Username and password prompt). What I have discovered is that Ubuntu and Kubuntu 10.04 have improved bootup time dramatically so that it takes them only 20 seconds. LM 9 takes about 30 seconds. Hopefully this observation is only limited to bootup


  191. I am a linux newbie. Have tryed a LOT of linux os versions, including:

    Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop i386
    Linux Mint 8
    YlmF OS V1.0
    Ultimate Boot CD V4.11
    Gentoo 10.1
    xPUD 0.9.2
    RIP Linux 9.3
    DSL (Damn Small Linux) 4.4.9
    EasyPeasy 1.5 (NetBook Distro)
    Puppy Linux 4.3.1
    Puppy Arcade 7 (Console Game Emulator)
    SLAX 6.1.2
    SliTaZ Cooking

    (yes i got the list from

    Among them, i loved puppy linux. Its small and really fast. Moreover it does not have any problems. However puppy linux is only for keeping on my pendrive as a fallback if my windows XP crashes. So i was looking for a windows replacement. Used ubuntu. HATED IT! Not friendly to newbies. Could not find a damn thing in there!

    Then tryed YLFM OS. Looks just like windows XP. Comes with wine preinstalled. Thats all the good points. Other then that, IT SUCKS!

    Finally tryed linux mint 8. Simply WOW! I have never seen a easier linux OS in my whole life! Its just so easy to use! It looks great and works great! What else do i need! 😀

    Thanks linux mint team. Cant wait for linux mint 9! Just 1 more day 😀

  192. Yes, I definitely agree! Releasing when its stable and bugfree is the best way to go! Thats what separates Linux from M$, Sure you might have to look harder for programs BUT you know the programs AND OS will operate properly! I’m trying to learn game programming and see little problem moving to l
    Linux since it compiles Lite C too. I won’t have my game engine tho unless I port my dev software over or somehow copied the engine script

  193. Linux Mint 9 RC – cowsay depends on mintsystem. What in linux is that thing? Why do u force ur stuff on people?

  194. I have an ati video card. There were many video artifacts on the screen, black and white stripes after the install of LinuxMint. I’ve installed fglrx package and everything is OK now. Could you add this package and dependences to Linux Mint by default (to DVD maybe) because there are many users, newbies to linux who have ati video problems and are not able to solve it at once without wasting much time googling or something…

    2) I have a problem, I cannot watch windows media video stream from here Please help!

    3) Another problem when I try to watch movies from here everything is Ok but Full Screen mode causes Firefox/Opera/Chronium browsers crash!

  195. I had problems getting Skype to work with Mint 9 RC. How about adding a working Skype version to the repository? No problems other than that.

  196. I was using 9 last night. It didn’t seem to want to free up memory after I closed some programs and began to run VERY SLOWLY. I had been downloading some digital photos from a camera, cut and pasting, etc.

    Turned machine off, and it is running just fine this morning.

    I am using an older Dell GX520, dual 3 GHZ processors, 512 MB ram, 40 GB hard drive. Typically, it shows less than 200 MB or memory usage, right now we are 281 MB with just the browser and the OS.


  197. Also, I have noticed slowdown with the software manager. When I install new programs under this program, sometimes they don’t show up (a new game, for instance), and I have to hunt for them on the harddrive.

  198. I can’t imagine such an outpouring of positivity and joy about a MS os release. The future is bright and minty.

  199. I know that “it’s ready when it’s ready”

    …but I have time this afternoon to nuke U10.04 and would love to give Mint 9 a go. 🙂

  200. Can’t wait for LM9 using RC now and works great. Work in a Novell environment at work and if this had Zen it would be perfect.

  201. Thanks for the good job, testing the RC release… Just a question, The backup tool is available for earlier versions? to switch easily to new Mint 9.

  202. I can’t wait for Mint 9! One question I have is, JACK on Ubuntu 10.04 had a lot of issues, will/have these issues been reported/resolved/looked at on Linux Mint 9? I had reported them to Launchpad for the Ubuntu 10.04 RC but have not had a chance to test Mint 9 (Mint being my main OS I should have just test it), just curious about this issue since I use LiVES and Ardour regularly. Thanks!

  203. I switched to Ubuntu 10.04 when it released, but when Linux Mint 9 is released I am switching to that! It is the most aesthetically pleasing Linux that I have seen! I really love the “Mint Menu” and think that it is pure genius! Also the color scheme is great! I really feel that the Linux Mint team is taking a better direction as opposed to Ubuntu, where it seems that they are afraid to try something new and innovative. Ever since I first saw Linux Mint(about a week ago) I cannot stop looking at screenshots and such! I hope it releases soon! I am very excited to start developing on this operating system!(:

  204. …especially since a friend has convinced me to start on WoW, and I really want to get my OS setup first 😀

  205. Hoping the release comes out at midnight “crosses fingers” I wanna start the download then and wake up the fresh smell of a new ISO…

  206. The wait is killing me. I am DYING to download and install Mint over my Mint 8 install.

    Nothing like redoing it all … so much fun!

  207. Downloading the 763.2mb “dvd” version now – usb install going on netbook tonight.
    Much thanks to Clem and the team!

  208. I’ll stick with the under 700MB CD and install java manually.
    Can’t wait for the LXDE version. Nice job Clem and gang.

  209. Pingback: LinuxNov
  210. Awesome! only 2 weeks AFTER 10.4 comes and its the x64 version too!..Great job Clem and team, will be installing tomorrow…..

  211. YES! 7:48PM AKDT, and I’ve downloaded the Linux Mint 9 DVD iso and installed it!!

    No problems during the installation, and I’m now in the middle of an “apt-get dist-upgrade”.

    Next is installing AWN and its associated packages, so that my Mac4Lin desktop is back; but first, a donation!

    Clem, כל הכבוד לך! (“atta boy”, in Hebrew)

  212. Ubuntu is great, but their policies forbid them from including a lot of the drivers I want. With Mint everything works out of the box, browser java, flash, etc.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think Ubuntu’s policies are great being the “Base OS” from which other Distros fork off and the should probably stay that way.

    After some testing, I have decided to move to Linux Mint, which I consider to be Ubuntu at it’s best! (you can use that…)

    I have also signed up as a sponsor. It is the least I can do.

    Thanks to the Linux Mint Community!

  213. It’s 12:17 AM for me…I don’t seen an update on the site yet…Go Clem, you can do it, put it up before I go to sleep!!!

  214. AWESOME! I’m going for the download now!

    So, does anyone have any reports on how well the 64-bit version of Mint 9 works compared to the 32-bit version? I’ve been avoiding the 64-bit version because when I was on Debian, it was still not nearly as complete as the 32-bit version. Is it there yet? Particularly in the areas of Flash and drivers? Or would I still have to run additional 32-bit libraries to force things to work? Thanks!

  215. awesome update! it did crash on me when i had firefox on, deb installer, and synaptic package manager open though… had to force shutdown during chrome installation…
    i see great changes in the taskbar, but the resolution for the boot screen carried on from ubuntu. not a big problem but i don’t like it XO

  216. Sorry if our whining about the wait can be aggravating..just take it as a compliment that we can’t wait for the awesomeness of Mint! Take whatever time you need for everything to be just right and we’ll try to be patient 🙂

  217. Of course it is the final, because it is listed under /stable/9/
    They just haven’t had time to update the site yet with the news.

    I had to use the compatibility mode of the liveCD to be able to see the desktop with my Radeon 5850. I installed the 64-bit DVD and it works beautifully.

  218. Need the java, so downloading the 32-bit DVD version right now.
    I don’t even have to install it first before I can say THANK YOU to Clem and the team, I can simply feel it will be perfect. 🙂

    There’s only one thing I’m missing now and that is Husse, but I … and you … will just have to live with that. He was allways the first who told us when and where the new versions could be picked up. 🙂

    I will send him him a quiet thanks while i’m installing this version.

  219. I’m running Mint 9 RC on my Laptop. Works pretty fine so far.

    Great Work as always. 🙂

    Will it be possible to upgrade from RC to Stable Release, without re-install the whole OS?

    Greetings from Germany.

  220. oh edit: i see… lol the dvd is 760mb and the cd is 670mb… so you need a DVD, because of 30mb, lols 🙁

  221. Mint 8 has been great but has slowed up a good bit..should I update or do a new clean load when mint 9 comes?

  222. @John Greenwood:
    Personally I recommend people to make backups and go forward with a clean install on a new HDD (ideally). Although it might seem like unnecessary work, I think the benefit will most likely outweigh its cost because you’ll get a system that is guaranteed to run as fast as it is intended (with no leftovers from the previous system and a HDD in good condition), and you won’t have to solve tricky problems that *might* happen during an upgrade process (they can really be a pain in the ass). I always follow this philosophy on all Operative Systems, btw. Its just better. However everybody has their own methodology, you just need to choose your own.

  223. > Mint 8 has been great but has slowed up a good bit

    I think it can’t slow down without a reason… What did you do? 🙂

    > lol the dvd is 760mb and the cd is 670mb… so you need a DVD,
    > because of 30mb, lols

    It’s OK. You can use midiDVD+R to burn it. It’s great that Clem uses DVD if Mint needs a DVD. No need to try to pack everything to CD because of those 30 MB. CD or DVD – whatever. Mint is still cool! 🙂

  224. 1 Week is over! 😀
    I’m sure clem is already writing the Blog update.
    But is it possible update the RC trough an .iso file ?

  225. @Grok
    > oh edit: i see… lol the dvd is 760mb and the cd is 670mb…
    > so you need a DVD, because of 30mb, lols
    I want the DVD version because it has JAVA on it…
    How do you figure out that there is a difference of 30 mb?
    760mb minus 670mb is 90mb … at least here in Denmark. 🙂

  226. Ya.. Its a Husse moment isn’t it.. Long live Husse in the heart of Mint.

    Thanks Clem and everyone for another version of our favorite flavor.
    I have been distro hopping to see whats around and though there are nice bits here and there, Mint seems to be the right mix of solid, simple, uncluttered and easily adapted. Just cant beat that.
    Keep smiling.

  227. I’ve been waiting for a long time to install it on my laptop.
    Finally when I’m looking to my local linux site i’ve found final release. Now I’m downloading.

    For users connecting from Turkey or nearby countries here is the link
    a day ago it was RC version there. So, it should be final.

  228. I have found 2 Bugs:

    1.) the brightness applet for display brightness does not work… at least I can’t change it, this is quite annoying, since my LED backlight brightness is too much
    2.) _after_ installing ati video drivers the boot logo is ugly and pixelated. There is not even a Mint logo while booting, only the 5 dots. 3d works though, at least I tried fgl_glxgears without problem…

  229. Maybe the applet did also work correctly before installing the latest ATI drivers… I don’t know, I would have to reinstall it. At least the brightness applet worked in Linux Mint 7.

    Furthermore a friend told me his 10.04 Kubuntu also messed up the Boot logo _after_ installing nvidia drivers… must be a Linux issue…I guess?

  230. The Linux mint installation is acting wierd, the alphabets P and A are missing in the welcome screen, the mouse stops to work sometimes, I should have waited for the official announcement.

  231. Surely the best there is out there…Kicked Win7 on my dell came LM8 Helena…my wife loves it…no complaint whatsoeva!

    You guys rock hard…Looking to use LM9 as soon as its done!!

    Double thumbs up from Mauritius!! U guys rock!

  232. Surely the best there is out there…Kicked Win7 on my dell lappy came LM8 Helena…my wife loves it…no complaint whatsoeva!

    You guys rock hard…Looking to use LM9 as soon as its done!!

    Double thumbs up from Mauritius!! U guys rock!

  233. # Trevor Says:
    May 17th, 2010 at 7:05 am

    and the 64 bit is better than 32 IMHO


    need more reviews about the 64 bit version here 🙂

    is it really that better and stable?

    sorry, i have a very very limited speed on internet connection so yes i need more reviews before downloading


  234. @bjasto: lol you are right, it’s 90mb difference, not 60 :s omg… next time I use a calculator for it 😀

    @boris: look some posts above, there is the path to the final stable version

  235. Probably they’re waiting for the KDE, XFCE and any other version before making the official announcement. If I’m correct, LM Team wanted to stop with the “Community Edition” thing and releasing all of them together.

  236. > next time I use a calculator for it 😀

    Don’t worry! You’re not the only one who is not friends with math. 🙂

    > look some posts above, there is the path to the final stable version

    I’m already downloading it. The only thing left for confidence is to wait until md5 come out and check it. Just to be sure.

  237. Bug I think.!
    Duel screen has an issue I think. Using an ATI card.
    If I reboot the second monitor screen data gets sort of saved in a garbled up way!! so when its starts again it has bits of the old display data on the second screen!!
    Have to refresh it by turning it upside down or something with the configure display settings tool. Its Ok but a little annoying !!

  238. is overheating issue still exist on isadora? i have this issue on 10.04 with the stock graphic driver which performs best. i have to install the propietary driver for radeon 3200 HD to deal with the temperature, it works but the propietary driver is less better on performance if compared to the stock driver.

  239. Installed yesterday’s “stable” Mint 9 DVD. I’m also having trouble with the ATI proprietary drivers messing up the splash. It first only displayed VERY low-resolution dots without the logo. After that, all I can get is VERY low-resolution text saying “Linux Mint 9” with 4 square periods underneath instead of round dots (like . . . .). And there’s not even that for a splash when shutting down. Doesn’t impact the OS’s functionality (which is very nice), but isn’t as cool when showing Mint off to my friends! 🙂

  240. Are the versions available at mirror sites are stable final release?
    Why is it not updated in the main LM page?

  241. I posted this in the fora as well but for all of you having graphics problems I thought I would give you heads up as well.

    Mint 9 both the RC and final release have the same problem as Ubuntu 10.04. Some Intel Graphics cards in the 8xx series (mine is an 855GM) fail to work. Intel mobile 4 and 910 graphics work a treat but if you load on a machine with 855 it fails to start the GUI and then turns the fan on full because it overheats (cpu I presume).

    Machine that fails is Dell Inspiron 1150 32 bit 1.5gb and a round whirly thing.
    Working are Lenovo 3000 c100 with 910 intel graphics and Acer 5332 with Mobile 4 graphics.

    It would be nice to get a fix for this as I am sure there are a lot of Intel 8xx powered Dell notebooks out there that would love to run Mint (I have 3 friends who I told to wait until Mint 9 came out as it was going to be the dogs dodas).

    Any response or fixes greatly appreciated and they need to be simple (no patching as this will totally destroy the build up I have given Mint to the people around here) Or do I just revert to Mint 7/8 until Ubuntu fix the problem?


  242. The thing with the display brightness (battery life on notebooks)!) and the boot action with no logo appearing are total dealbrakers. I have found that people have the same issue in Ubuntu 10.04 and it was also caused after installing the video drivers.

    These things need to work out of the box. For me, Mint is not only “Linux”, but also an alternative operating system to windows, a system rescue CD (I have even repaired windows installations with it), and an OS I can show to others how great the work of Linux Mint is. There is not much competition to the great Linux Mint Team.

    However I don’t like the fact that I need to frickle around just to get the basics working. Especially if they worked flawlessly in Linux Mint 7, that’s a year ago…
    The problem is: Mint 9 though has more hardware support e.g. my scanner works now – which didn’t on Mint 7. Now I am in a dilemma… I want to have Mint 9 for all my mentioned purposes but the ugly bugs are really disturbing for my mentioned purposes.

  243. This confusion has left me confused… Mayhap Clem cannot post the announcement until all of the mirrors are populated.

  244. This confusion has left me confused… Mayhap Clem cannot post the announcement until all of the mirrors are populated.

    Luckily, I have nvidia, so I don’t have to worry about the pesky ATI boot screen workaround. How ya like me now!?

  245. Hi. I migrated to Mint just a coupla weeks ago. With the default drivers, my notebook rebooted every time I tried to shut it down, under Helena (except Helena Universal Edition – where it was impossible to toggle Visual Effects in Appearance Preference) and Isadora alike, Ubuntu Lucid Lynx too. Installing the proprietary Catalyst driver solved that issue but raised the other one instead which the guys here mentioned – I mean the low-resolution splash screen.
    The tutorial helped a lot, thanks. The optimum settings in the Start-Up Manager for my machine seem to be Display “Resolution” 1024×768, “Color depth” 16 bits, and “Show boot splash” checked.
    The brightness applet did stop reacting though.

    (The PC in question is Acer Aspire 5542G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 on it. By the way, I’ve encountered no such problem on my old Toshiba Satellite M70 with ATI x700.)

  246. Hi all from Albania! I’m refreshing linuxmint homepage every 5 minutes 🙂 nothing new on the site yet. Hope someone from the team is reading our questions here. Where is LM9? How much more should we wait?

  247. Alex: like I said, it also happened on my friends computer who has NVIDIA and it is an official bug in ubuntu. So ATI && Nvidia have the same problem. It was even a bug before the release of ubuntu…

  248. I just noticed something in the stable edition. there are korean characters when i look at japanese. i’ve looked through all of the songs and korean characters pop-up in some of it…

  249. looking forward to the new release… just migrated from osx and windows, and let me tell you all – great work! fumbled around with a few other distributions and the install for mint was smooth (unlike the others). No fumbling for codecs or patches, everything was ready to go within an hour! can use a cli or gui depending on the mood i’m in! lots of handy tools and bundled apps which pretty much covered my needs.

    this linux distro has turned me into a linux convert! thanks for the hard work and keep it up!

  250. So far all I see is people doing fresh installs. Has anyone done an update via the apt repositories instead? I stupidly put my home on the same partition as the os and I really can’t move it at this time. Plus I have added some alternate repositories that I don’t want to get rid off. Plus has anyone done the upgrade and then had problems with Cairo-dock?

    @Grokk from what I can read you are complaining about a bug in Ubuntu not in Linux Mint. Since LM is based on Ubuntu I would expect any bugs there to be transferred to LM until a fixed file is released on the Ubuntu side.

  251. Obviously it has been carefully thought about, but since a few handful of Megabytes has been necessary, perhaps it could be made use of the rest of the DVD free space to add a more liberal amount of stuff.

    As for my patience (which is being very exercised), I’d rather wait for the necessary time for the definitive stable version to come out.

    Great work on RC1, using it flawlessly on notebook since it was released.

  252. heltonbiker, the final version is already packed and currently distributed on the mirrors. I am already sharing the i386 DVD via torrent, as you can see in my previous post. You can give it a try if you want it. 🙂

  253. Runs good, I have an ATI so I installed via compatibility and it boots up without a hitch. Only problem I have is getting wireless working outside of gnome, which works in just about every other distro.

  254. @kneekoo

    Well, that’s not exactly my problem. It started out as my problem (had just the five round dots in low-res), but at the next bootup, something changed.

    Following that blog’s instructions, I get the higher resolution, but I don’t get the nice Linux Mint logo and round dots back. I have small white text saying “Linux Mint 9” in an old-school PC font, like the one you’d see during bootup without a splash screen or in your computer’s BIOS. Below that are four small, square periods (like . . . .) instead of the five nice round dots. Sounds like something is wrong with my boot splash itself, not just the startup settings. How can I get the nice logo back? Any ideas? Anyone else experiencing this, or is it just me? Not sure where else to ask this, as there are no Mint 9 support areas that I’ve found. Thanks!

  255. woohoo just downloaded and installed isadora few hours ago, and found no overheating issue on lucid lynx 😀

    i don’t have to install the ATI radeon 3200 HD propietary driver as all the effects just worked.

    one thing that annoys me is that the fan is spinning constantly and thats noisy. how do i deal with this?

  256. @Mike Freeman: Try to handle it with the StartUp-Manager.
    (sudp apt-get install startupmanager)

    Normaly it’s pre installed and you can set the resolution and splash screen etc.

  257. @Mike Freeman: I think I had the same problem. But I also clicked the “Show boot splash” checkbox and it looks OK now. I also chose 1280×1024 and 24 bits. Give it a try with that checkbox.

    To everyone using the torrent above, please help seeding. I don’t have traffic limits but I do have a speed limit (2 Mbps) so I cannot sustain the torrent all by myself at a satisfactory speed for everyone. Thanks for understanding. 😉

  258. Hi
    Very new to Linux and to Mint, itś like going back to the early Dos days with learning new command line commands. Iḿ changing customers over and have a few running back to a Terminal Serve Session on a Win 2003 Server, the only problem i had was the Caps lock did not work and the arrow keys and Home and end keys did not work either.
    But we found a way around that by looking on the various blogs and help sites.
    The problem still exists in V9, I was hoping it would be fixed.
    Apart from that it is looking good. All the best.

  259. Aku wis ra sabar ngenteni linuxmint 9, distro iki cukup komplit kanggo nangani gawean, ngrungoake musik, ngetik2, kanggo muter file pilm. aku kenal linux mint wiwit versi 6 nganti saiki melu nyicip terus… nganggo suwe wiwit versi helena alias linuxmint 8. yo wis sukses kanggo tim linux mint.. maturnuwun nggih (jowo, indonesia)

  260. I think that the six CDs and two ‘just DVDs’ collection is absolutely brilliant ! Forget grandiose Ubuntu plans, this could be the way to start solving Ubuntu’s Bug#1, offering a very real alternative approach to MS for the Home User or for OEMs.
    I have already replaced my 64-bit RC installation with the 64-bit ‘just DVD’ installation, complete with Ubuntu’s F-Spot as well as the GIMP and also complete with VLC Player 1.06 as well as Totem Movie Player 2.30.1, whilst the rather civilized inclusion of libdvdcss2 means that I can enjoy my video DVDs straight away.
    I still can’t get googleearth to work but other added favourites are performing very well, including x264 mencoding. Of course MTINK won’t display my Claria inkjet cartridge levels, but that’s down to libinklevel limitations that are outside Ubuntu, let alone LinuxMint control.
    My heartiest congratulations to the team, you have really made my day and you must be exhausted !

  261. I have linux mint 9 x64 (installed from DVD Irish mirror) up and running right now.

    Everything so far has work flawlessly out of the box, I am getting a 30 second boot time (from grub to everything on the desktop being loaded). Which is much faster than ubuntu 10.04 was for me.

    I am extremely happy with this release, great job Clem, and I look forward to giving the other mint releases a go.

    (skype works great, video and audio)

  262. i just cant stand this…
    ma first time with linux mint (allready have ubuntu on my other pc) but i want to try new version of linux mint.. this waiting is killing me xD

  263. Thanks a lot. I’m glad you don’t lock yourself into a release date. Just release it when it is done. I think we are all happy with the current releases until that time:-)

  264. RC is on my system Gateway NV53 working great, would like to have emulators for ps2 and others incorporated in to it.Having trouble getting Vuze ported successfully.Keep up the great work!How ever long it takes to keep LM9 Better than w7 on my NV53.FAST AND FUNCTIONAL 64BIT…..THANKS

  265. Just to let everyone know, Linux Mint 9 really is out (even though the site hasn’t been updated to reflect that–The main edition (gnome) came out at a few hours before midnight on the 16th of May (U.S. time). I’m not a fan of the DVD version myself (it’s only 100MB more– waste of a perfectly good DVD). The mirror that came up automatically for me is:

    It’s official!

  266. Thank you for new version of linuxmint, I am using it succesfuly for public in our library and free access area. Will see if new version is also so good as was version 8.

  267. Had problems with Ubuntu 10.04 on my acer, with the acer-wmi. After this problem i went over to Mint 8. I hope Mint 9 doesn’t have the same acer-wmi problem.

  268. [QUOTE]Reminder: Linux Mint 9 – Main Edition DVD i386 (763.2 MB)[/QUOTE]

    guys but this DVD isn’t the final release,right?

  269. I discovered this distro recently but suddenly I used it for all my stuffs because I think is one of the best in term of maturity and elegance.
    So for this thanks a lot to made me discover something much better than the dos derived unsafe platforms.

    The only items I can say are not well managed yet into Helena (wich I love even this naming policy) is all about Suspend and Hibernate, wich apparently works but after a while make the sistem crash at all.
    Thanks again and good job to everyone.

  270. It is. It’s just not yet transferred on all traditional mirrors so people can get them from all over the world. So to offer the current mirrors some slack, I setup that torrent. I’ll create a new torrent in a few minutes, with the amd64 DVD final release.

  271. You’re welcome. 🙂 I just created the torrent for the amd64 version of the Main Edition DVD.

    1. Both torrents include the final version of Linux Mint Isadora.
    2. I created these torrents because it will take a while until the mirrors are completely synchronized and it helps if we use torrents.

    Available torrents:
    Linux Mint 9 – Main Edition DVD i386
    Linux Mint 9 – Main Edition DVD amd64

  272. Got the torrent downloaded in barely over an hour. I’ll likely keep seeding until I’ve uploaded roughly 2x the size (0.75 just now). Hopefully I’ll get time to give Isadora a test of her paces later this evening.

  273. Hi,
    Downloaded & installed Mint 9 & it works very nice,Mint 8 always had a wireless Internet connection problem with frequent dropouts.
    I have had Mint 9 booted now for over 12 hours with not a single dropout…very welcomed.
    Works great on my new Acer 5740G with 1gig ATI 5650 video laptop.

    BTW i am using the 64 bit version.

    Thanks for a great release.

  274. I have installed linux mint on all my friends pcs as the 2nd operating system. Most of us had no MS Office so this came as a bonus for us. We still new in linux, we have a problem now installing certain software and running certain applications. I read somewhere that i have to instal wine, which i did but still cant run exe files or nugget video or connect to internet with a modem.

  275. Shutdown didn’t work. I’ve seen this on the recent KahelOS as well. Two lights flash on the keyboard, and the monitor is blank, but still powered up (gray, and sucking electricity). Ctrl-Alt-Del does NOT respond. A single click of the power button does NOT work. I have to resort to holding the power button for seconds to ultimately power things down. This is on a Dell GX100 Small Form Factor with 565MHz “coppermine” / 512MB RAM – Thanks, Kurt

  276. Linux Mint is my favorite OS. I love green colors, Mint is the best choise for users… Thanks… I waiting Isadora final relis, for using in my computer!!! You BEST!!!EXCELLENT JOB , GREAT GUYS

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