This time last year, Ada was released: Linux Mint 1.0.

Most Mint users arrived after the release of Barbara, Bea, Bianca or even Cassandra. In fact, a lot of people never tried Ada at all. If you have some spare time and a free partition, why not try it out?

We guarantee you it won’t stay on your computer for long. But it might be an interesting experience and it will show you what the first ever released of our distro looked like 🙂

Note: The installer in Ada isn’t that stable and we strongly recommend you use a virtual machine 😉

Open Amarok and XChat-Gnome (or Konversation under KDE).

In Amarok, click on Magnatune in the left and then click the “Update” button. When the list of artist if finished downloading add “Human Response” to your playlist and enjoy the music.

In Xchat (or Konversation) type “/join #mintyquiz” and play the trivia with the other Mint users. If you missed the question type “!ask”, to see the score type “!rank”, to see the all stars table type “!allstars”.

Enjoy the music and the quiz 😉

EDIT: Some people turned this story into a troll and the content of the story and its comments were consequently deleted. This blog will not tolerate aggressive or insulting comments.

Note: MintUpdate was released and now replaces the update-manager in Linux Mint.