Linux Mint 6 “Felicia” released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 6 “Felicia”. Congratulations and thanks to all the people who contributed to this release, to all the translators, to the upstream developers and projects which made this possible and above all to the development team for their continuous support.

Quick steps:

  • Download the ISO.
  • While it’s downloading look at the new features in Linux Mint 6, read the User Guide and make sure to quickly go through the known issues.
  • After the ISO is downloaded verify the MD5 (as described in the user guide).
  • Burn the ISO at low speed and enjoy Linux Mint 6.

Introduction to Linux Mint 6 and new features:

Based on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, Linux 2.6.27, Gnome 2.24 and Xorg 7.4, Linux Mint 6 “Felicia” comes with a brand new “Software Manager”, FTP support in mintUpload, proxy support and history of updates in mintUpdate, mint4win (a Windows installer), tabbed browsing in Nautilus and a lot of other improvements. For a complete list of new features read: What’s new in Felicia?

Introduction to the Universal Edition:

The Universal Edition is a customized version of the Main Edition with the following differences:

  • It comes as a liveDVD instead of a liveCD
  • It comes with built-in support for English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Hindi, Urdu, Greek, Finnish, Danish, Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, Czech, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Thai, Turkish, Arabic, Korean, Hebrew, Catalan, Croatian, Esperanto, Farsi and Serbian.
  • It comes with no codecs, no support for restricted formats and no proprietary components.
  • It features an extra item in the Sound & Video menu which launches the installation of all missing codecs via a built-in .mint file

The purpose of the Universal Edition is to bring a localized live system to non-English speaking users of Linux Mint and to facilitate the distribution of Linux Mint in countries where software patents are enforceable. This edition replaces the previously called “Light Edition”.

System requirements and known issues:

A minimum of 512MB of RAM is recommended for the liveCD. Once installed the system works fine with as low as 256MB RAM. The installation process deals with 2.5GB of data compressed on a 700MB CD and it can hang or fail on systems with less than 512MB RAM. If you have between 256MB and 512MB RAM you may have to try to install several times.

To use mint4win, the Windows installer, we recommend a minimum of 256MB of RAM.

For a list of known issues read the Release Notes.

For upgrade instructions read this blog post.

Download Linux Mint 6:

You can download the Main Edition via torrent or via HTTP:

Size: 664MB LiveCD

MD5Sum: 484121e3f4ade5eb28b1358de05f2c1e

Torrent download:
HTTP download:

And for the Universal Edition:

Size: 1.2GB LiveDVD

MD5Sum: 0391350d55bab0dc89edc511f0df7a21

Torrent download:
HTTP download:


Northern America:

Rest of the World:

Order Linux Mint 6 on CD/DVD:

Our partner ships Linux Mint 6 Worldwide for as little as $10. They also contribute $5.41 to Linux Mint for each CD/DVD sold.

The Main Edition can be purchased as a liveCD from here.

The Universal Edition can be purchased as a liveDVD from here.


Have a lot of fun with “Felicia” and let us know what you think. Reviews will be answered and your feedback will be used to improve the distribution before the next release. We hope you enjoy this release as much as we enjoyed making it and we wish you a very nice experience with Linux Mint.


  1. FINALLY!!!! *tears of joy*

    Thanks a lot Clem, and the rest of the team. I’m sure this will be the best version yet!

  2. FIRST POST! Christmas came early with this release of Linux Mint 6 Felicia; thank you Clem & Company for another excellent distro. Compiling Felicia for i686 was a wise evolutionary choice, and I look forward to seeing the x86-64 version. Is the User Guide included on the ISO? If not, I humbly suggest you add it (with a desktop link) on the 6.1 LiveCD. Well, the download should be complete in a few hours, so I’m going over to DistroWatch.Com to vote for Linux Mint 6 Felicia. Happy Holidays!

  3. Great! News.

    Congrats once again to Clem and LinuxMint Team for yet another jewel in the crown.

    PS: Last time I tried Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex(32 as well as 64 bit) on my ADM Turion 64X2, ATI Radeon x1250. it was damn slow. So sluggish that it was literally crawling. I treid fglrx as well as radeonhd drivers, but in vain. I read somewhere that Ibex has problems with ATI cards, therefore went back to Elyssa

    So any suggestion about Felica regarding ATI Radeon x1250.

  4. Very nice distro. It’s kept all the good stuff from before and only added things that are real improvements. Seems to be even faster and snappier than 5. I’m still amazed at how much of an improvement Linux Mint is over the basic Ubuntu distro.

    I did a fresh install after backing up important files to a USB pen.

  5. ¡¡¡Finally!!!
    i’m really excited about this, i’ve tried on Virtual computers, but now we are for the REAL thing. i’m a Kubuntu user, a bit tired of some ubuntu issues, hope they’re not here. Anyway i’d like to know ¿when can i expect the AMD64 version? also the KDE¿4?-one or if i can install KDE4 from repos once my system is up?
    Really Thanx Clem.

  6. Running the upgraded RC1 version of Linux Mint 6 and I am loving it. Very stable and running great overall. Thanks so much for the hard work you guys put into these releases!

  7. congratulations! can’t wait to check this out. is the upgrade tool (to upgrade from Mint 5) packaged with this release, separate or on its way? anyway, great news! many thanks.

  8. I just installed Felicia and love the new version of GNOME. Only now because of Ubuntu 8.10 troubles, I can’t use Fuppes and for some reason when running a “make install” of a program source, it doesn’t install it correctly. When I run the program it still runs the old version.

    Looks like its back to Elyssa for me 🙂

  9. Great work Clem & team!!
    Felicia downloaded last weekend and tried live on my pc, noe the upgrade has been running for some (long!) time and still 15 minutes to go…..
    I hope tomorrow I’ll be able to post my comments about a perfectly working upgrade process from Elyssa to Felicia, with all my programs still working. Otherwise… next Thursday my wife and sons are going to go to my in-laws for the Xmas vacation, and I will have a few free evenings at home to fix it up!

    Get in touch again tomorrow then!

    Thanks again for your exquisite work

  10. 2 questions:
    1) Will there be a KDE version, or are we to find a KDE 4.x package in the installer and go that route?
    2) If I used the ISO from last week, should I leave it and just go with updates, or should I re-install and hope the “grub install doesn’t happen/finish properly” is fixed?

    I’m fine with any answer to these questions. Mint is a very nice distro and lives alongside my Kubuntu install (for KMyMoney!).

  11. – Boo is working on the KDE edition, it will come with KDE4.
    – Merlwiz uploaded his first XFCE CE ISO to the team.
    – I’m starting to work on the x64 edition (should be fast since the changes are the same as for the Main Edition).
    – Each edition will be released when ready. At this stage it’s hard to give any more info.

    Steve: KMyMoney works in Gnome too. Kubuntu is a nice distro but KMyMoney shouldn’t make you dual-boot 🙂

  12. Sweet!!!! :):)

    Thanks again for a first rate distro.

    Still dissapointed by the same artwork after two releases:(


  13. There’s also a lot of administrative work I’ve left aside to get this release out as quick as I could, so soon or later I’ll have to take some time to take care of all these little things as well. I’m hoping to get an RC out for the x64 edition and to use the community testing time to do that.

  14. Great work and best wishes to all members of the team, Mint is my personal favorite under all the Distros!!!

    Now I updated my Mint 6 RC1 and it works great, thanks a lot!!!

    Keep on the good work!

    (Please excuse my english!)

  15. Of course I read this as I’m installing ver. 5. Do I run the same commands as the mint 6 rc1 people? or will i be able to update through update manager?

  16. Clem,

    I agree with you that it doesn’t have to change completely very release. I’m not that crazy and I’m not expecting you and the team to get that crazy. Also, taste is something very subjective.

    But, I think that refreshing the distro at least every two releases it’s important. As I said in previous posts, is not just the theme itself the problem, but some lack of polishing and to give a more coordinated theme to all the applications.

    Anyway I still love Mint!! It works perfectly and that it’s much better than a nice theme.

  17. Mint is the only Linux distro that leaves me with that “kid in a candy store” sensation. to all who slamming clem with questions about this or that, be patient and give him a chance to catch his breath.

  18. How about a community wallpaper compilation that the user can set on first login to randomly pick a different one at each login or just use the default background every time; regardless of which is chosen, the first wallpaper the user sees at first login is default. But, while we’re talking about backgrounds, how about a dark picture of mint leaves growing in the dim forest, beaded with mist, glistening in the darkness of the wallpaper, something better than this:

  19. Absolutely congratulations! I’m a rookie, but this is the first Linux-distribution where I could make a working ADSL-connection. The layout is beautiful, everything is in in it’s right place. Thanks for the masters…

  20. Well, looks like LM6 is a “no-go” for me. Don’t know why, but something changed from LM5 to LM6 (and from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10) as it concerns ndiswrapper. I can get connected using ndiswrapper just fine with LM5 but with LM6, if I do get connected, it is slow as a snail. I’m all ears for any suggestions because I’d really like to use LM6, but right now I don’t have any other options.

    Help appreciated!

  21. Just installed; took about a quarter-hour, plus three-quarters of an hour to download and update all updates including video driver. Works well, looks clean and runs smoothly as expected from Linux Mint. In some ways, it seems snappier than LM5. However, it froze during a simultaneous running of mintupdate and other applications while web browsing during restricted hardware driver management while compositing. No sound or other problems, however, and I am largely pleased running LM6 on my 2.5 GHz AMD Opteron 1210 HE dual-core with 8 GB DDR2 and X1900. On slower computer (circa 1999 Gateway E1400 PIII 566 MHz with 512 MB PC100 RAM and i810 IGP) it appears to run well enough from LiveCD (but no support for SERIAL MOUSE).

  22. ….(accidentally hit submit before adding that I’ve installed LM6 to a 4GB EXT2 partition mounted as / with 2+GB SWAP — maybe that freeze was the result of running out of root space)….

  23. Beautiful. I even got my dad to install it on his laptop (and he likes it just as much as I do!)
    Clem and Co. – awesome job! Mint is totally the best out there.


  24. Looks really nice!!! Almost everything works out of the box. My Sumplus Flexcam 100 works but the light is on all the time. The new scanner program (flegita) coredumps. Screenres is perfect at startup, and installing the Nvidia driver is a snap. I agree: it seems snappier than 5. Without a doubt, the best distro!

  25. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness” —— John Keats 1795-1821

    High praise and many thanks to Clem and his team.

  26. Wonderful! Thank you Clem for all the hard work. I used to be a PCLOS fan, until development slowed down there. I have been using Mint full-time since Elyssa and haven’t regretted a moment. I try a bit of Mandriva and Ubuntu now and then, but keep coming back to Mint.

    Great work!

  27. Nay, no good news about the upgrade. It finished declaring 14 broken packages, then asked to reboot and here the nightmare began.
    First I was not able to boot into X, then I tried the recovery mode and managed to enter X, but it was all white with only the mouse cursor. Tried again in Gnome safe mode (or whatever is called) and managed to enter X correctly, but with many error messages and broken things (no Ctrl-Alt-Canc menu, no shutdown menu, no mint installer…) that remained even after the update-whatever-is-updatable command in Synaptic.

    OK, I tried since I had nothing very valuable in my install (except the time spent in fine tuning Gnome to my taste and needs), but actually such an upgrade IS dangerous: Clem, you were right not suggesting it!

    As soon as I have a spare evening I shall reinstall Felicia from scratch.


  28. Awesome. As for the KDE version, KDE 4.2 beta 2 is due today (Dec 16). The current ppa has KDE 4.2b1 which is way, way better than the 4.1 that’s in the normal repos.

  29. Works like a charm.
    I already added Open Office 3 and Amarok 2. Now it has all I need 🙂
    In my opinion Mint is the best Linux distro. 2nd place goes to Pardus, but it has significantly less packets to download.

  30. Up and running on MSI Wind 100. Installed from USB thumb drive after burning to USB using Unetbootin. Other than wireless, everything worked out of the box. Installing the “coffee” wireless driver took less than a minute. System is stable, easy to use and all of the video and audio support works great. Really a great distro for netbooks!


  31. A big thank you to the Mint Team. I have been on a mission to introduce Linux to as many family members, friends and anyone else who would listen. I have been using Mint since release 4. Installed Felicia yesterday, and found that everything works “out of the box” – including playback of CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and BBC content. The average user will not have to tweak or install anything additional.

    Well done.


  32. Ubuntu is a great distibution, its works fine for me no troubles at all. I use linux mint in my desktop where there is no internet connection, the only reason why its on the desktop is i need to play my music and videos on my destop as well.

    Let me tell you something folks, Stop bulling ubuntu in these forums. Its the reason why Linux Mint is alive. If you dont like it then dont use it. Switch to something else. We all know that linux is not windows or mac OS, in the linux word there are hundreds of distros available. Each is different from one other.!

  33. Yes !!! it’s so cool !!! the new features on felicia are looking good.
    Great…Great…Great.. JOB for Linux MINT Team…..

    Note :just only for suggestion to replaced the network manager with WICD application.

    Keep up the Great work!

    Batam Island, INDONESIA

  34. Mint 6 is great, but there is the same problem with the hotkey of brightness in ubuntu 8.10. If you touch it gnome get crazy…

  35. Hi Clem,

    I love this Mint forever since I found it. There’s simple installation and quite user friendly. Thanks for the all effort to made this happen.

  36. Thanks for yet another release of this great distro! I use it with my Asus EeePC 901 and now all that’s left to do is to figure out my preferred way of updating:)

  37. Being new to Linux and after trying more distribution than I care to list (I think I have a copy of every free Linux distribution that came out in the past 6 months) I found Mint to be the easiest to use with simple access to additional software. I really appreciate all of your work!

  38. I do not think, it is a complete new version at all! According to me, just now using elyssa IS already the good one since 1997 (I have used linux an *x derivatives since then). I mean I like steadiness, dislike developing ones just like 8.10 version. In deep and also in general, there IS NO bloody difference between 8.04 and 8.10 .

  39. I installed this on my Acer Aspire One yesterday – it is by far the best distro of the 7 I have tried. Keep up the good work! (I’d just like to see netbooks better supported out of the box in the future)

  40. To the volunteers of Linux Mint:

    This is a great release…can I say this was easier to install than Elyssa? Yes! Everything is working flawlessly!

    Great job, and many thanks to Clem and company!

  41. Pingback:
  42. Thank you, “Linuxmint team” for making Linux Mint,
    OoH and it is Mint,

    why not look at “Man driva linux 2009” and “Fedora 10 Linux”
    they look just as good as you!
    I’d recommend you to have a look or talk to them….

    Signed Adam “Wow, mint driva fedora linux sonud’s good”

  43. Linux Mint is great!
    But when installed “Felicia” does not recognize my Floppy drive.
    no “Floppy0” in the fstab file.
    Returned to “Elyssa”


  44. Finally, my ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 works smoothly! Thank you for your work and patience and to keep it simple. This is indeed a gr8 distro and the only one I use and recommend!

  45. Superb operating system. I had elyssa earlier. I upgraded it using the upgrade tools. It worked fine with a small problem with nvidia card(sorted). But for some reason i reinstalled Felicia main edition using livecd. It turned out to be much better then my expectations. It was a lot different then the upgrade tool had given me. I feel the upgrade tool does not totally bring Felicia into Elyssa. It tries to get most functionality but still the spark is missing. My RECOMMENDATION Anyone out there going for mint 6, go for complete installing of mint 6 using livecd, instead of the upgrade tool. Great work Clem and mint team.

  46. apa jar ku jua, linux mint kada da hanta-hantanya. (ancient word from kandangan, south kalimantan, indonesia, 250 km from civilization). That means “that I told you, linux mint is always make improvement, no more boring.

  47. I know that a fresh install is preferable, but I wanted to try the upgrade tool on my Dell Inspiron 1200 with a Linksys wireless card. The install took a long time over a wireless connection but it worked and nothing appears to be broken. I love the new mintinstall. I had to change the edition name in the start button manually but all my prior settings are just the way I set them. GOOD JOB EVERYONE!!!!

  48. Ok, Ubuntu fixed the kernel issues that affected my hardware so I ran the Upgrade to Mint 6 tool. Everything went fine and I like the new toys (especially the VPN configuration tool for NetworkManager). Just one question: everyone keeps talking about tabbed browsing in Gnome. I’m assuming it is Nautilus that has this feature. I’m wondering how you activate it since I have no tabbed browsing feature that I can see. Everything just opens into a new window or a current window with no tabs being created.

  49. @ 4r31:

    Just took a look at that WICD application you mentioned. Compared to the features in the version of NetworkManager in Mint 6, it doesn’t hold a stick to it.

  50. I have a AMD Athlon 64 + Via Motherboard. It has a onchip KM890 chipset display card.

    The live CD freezes when X starts. I have to do a hard reset to get it back.

    By passing ‘xforcevesa’ to the kernel options – it does not freeze the X server, but the display was flickering and totally unreadable due to wrong resolution. I had to change the resolution to 800×600 – that was the max supported. The refresh rate was also not available (The combobox was empty).

  51. Great great great job Clem!!! I’ve upgraded my Elyssa this morning.
    All works, only thing I need to re-install ENVY… But, nice, also minInstall.


  52. LinuxMint6 has some great features but unfortunately for me it doesn’t work – it took several months to learn how to get LinuxMint4 to work with my sound card, but though LinuxMint6 sees my sound card, it will not give it precedence so I have no sound. It looks like I am stuck with the great Daryna, LM4.

  53. You guys are amazing. I have been trying to use linux on and off for about 10 years now. Finding linux mint has allowed me to use linux as my main OS. I’m not comfortable using the command line, so getting most distros to do everything I want is a pain or impossible (for me). Linux mint works for me as is. I have FUN using it. Thank you!!! My 3 year old and 1 year old are growing up on linux.

  54. I just tried to install Felicia. I retained my old installation of “Elyssa” on one partition as it’s better to be safe than sure. The installation went smoothly and the system booted up just fine.

    After this it was just downhill. As usual as the first thing I tried to update my graphics card drivers. I am a happy owner of ATI Mobility Radeon 9700. It has served me well so far. The unthinkable happened, after I installed fglrx drivers using envyng, though.

    After reboot I was saluted by good old text based login screen. ~:( The driver just did not work.

    As I have fiddled with xorg.conf before I first tried to restore the old configuration by making a backup of the current one and then by replacing it old ones stored to no avail.

    I also tried to access my old version of Mint that I kept as a fallback. It just kept on loading as the bar just moved from left to right and back ad infinitum…

    I booted Elyssa using the installation CD and found out after a while of surfing that apparently this is a known issue with ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 and the currently available version of fglrx driver. I hope this gets fixed soon enough…

    After this I got frustrated, kicked out Felicia and replaced it with a fresh installation of Elyssa which has proven to work well.

    So if you have this specific ATI card (Mobility Radeon 9700), DON’T try to install the fglrx driver. Yet, anyway. It is a guaranteed gateway to the world of pain. 🙂

  55. I will have to wait patiently, until the KDE version of LinuxMint/6 is released. But I admit to being worried: will there be a choice of KDE/3.x or KDE/4.x, or will we be limited to KDE/4.x (as with Kubuntu, which I recently left, in order to move to LinuxMint)?

    I hope there will be a choice; I’ve been using KDE for the past five years, and really don’t want to move over to Gnome… or yet-another Linux distro.

  56. downloaded linux mint main, and was very impressed that the movie player and the cd player actually worked!!! i am running live cd
    now but plan on dual booting with xp pro, maybe their is a windows
    alternative afterall

  57. Thank you so much for the New Linux Mint. It is amazing as always. Linux Mint is the only distribution that I’ve tried so far that doesn’t need a lot of adjustment on my Dell laptop. Felicia feels very smooth and I haven’t found any real flaws yet. So thanks again!

  58. Howdy. I loooooove LinuxMint. A question or two:

    * From 6-RC1 to 6 Final, what about the kernel, xorg, and other “unsafe” (as determined by mintupdate) packages? Should I update those to bring FC1 in-line with 6 Final?

    * (related to first question) Can I just do “apt-get dist-upgrade” to update from RC1 to Final? That installs kernel and other unsafe updates, though.

    * Can anyone tell me why this computer is suddenly giving me “Write error” erros when saving in OpenOffice!?? Argh. I know, totally unrelated, but I thought I’d throw it out there.

    Thank you, Mint team, for the best distro around. Now as soon as I get some actual money, I’ll give you some.

  59. Mint is great, as ppl saying here.
    Someone suggesting mandriva, fedora etc?… No offence, but there IS difference betn mint and them. Mint is simply faster, less memory footprint, better feature …. so, yes anyone could use anything, but Mint is the best for me.
    Just this issue of openoffice 3 not being included coz its ubuntu 8.1 … costing a few minutes time thats all. Fresh install of openoffice ummm not so good as Bibus (bibliography software) can’t handle that. So upgrade ooo3 from ppa.

    I would like to see mint developing applications for connecting to handheld devices!!

  60. Thanks Clem & Mint-Team,

    your work changed my world.
    Linux Mint 5 convinced me utterly to leave Windows.
    With the release of “Felicia” i gave my word to never leave linux again.


  61. I have install Linux Mint 6 “Felicia on a 1 GB USB Drive with Unetbootin an it is working like a charm, only because the live CD iso does not boot up on this asus laptop of mines that why i have made the live USB stick. if any one have problem bootin form live CD can uses this method. give thanks to freedom

  62. Everything is GREAT!!! but I lost my sound between Mint 5 and Mint 6. Old IMB unit with their sound card. Mint 5 worked fine. Any ideas?

  63. Great job as always Clem and Mint team! We have the best DEV team and distro as well thanks to their very hard work. Y’all are the best!!!

    For users having wifi problems always remember to read the Mint Wiki for known issues and Wifi cards that work well out of the box with Mint. If your internal card does not seem to work please be advised that there are USB cards that work very well and they can be used as a backup system to get you online if for nothing else. Mine works very well…

  64. Is there a significant lag from the wallpaper loading and the gnome-panels appearing for anyone else (10 sec or so)? This is my first install of Mint so I am unsure if this is common for the distro. I’ve never experienced as slow of a process in any other distro.

    That said, Mint is excellent. I will be staying.

  65. Огромное спасибо за сделанную работу.
    Желаю успехов 🙂

    Спасибо Русским Переводчикам!!!

  66. Do you think it would be faster on the other versions (i.e., KDE, XFCE, etc.) if you released them to the public so we can break them and find, correct issues and submit back to you?

  67. So far all the distros i have used, Linux Mint is the best, I liked the taskbar, start menu style is tight and simple, support for all audio and video formats so far and compiz manager. Finally after months of switching to and from linux i get to stop using Windows.
    Great work guys, Great work!
    I’m planning on informing as many people as possible about this distro.

  68. Great job, and the upgrade script is sophisticated and elegant. I love the new networking functionality. However, I have two problems with Felicia that caused me to go back to Elyssa.
    – Felicia failed to recognize my external 1600×1200 monitor resolution–the max available is 1024×768. Elyssa automagically did this and smoothly transitioned between the two (docked, undocked, both used, etc.). I have Ubuntu 8.10 on a USB stick and it has no problem.
    – Sound in flash (browser plug-in) does not work in Felicia. Again, Elyssa and Ubuntu 8.10 both work fine, so it’s not a driver issue.
    More details in this post:

    Thanks for all the hard work, and Merry Christmas to you, Clem, and the entire Mint team!

  69. When will the x64 edition come out I’m getting a new laptop come this christmas and I want to be able to run the x64 edition of Mint 6 I’m soo stoked for this release and the x64 edition will just make my life right about now!!!

  70. My journey on the road to Damascus
    I have been trying to ‘enter the world of linux’ but have failed to progress with networking on at least 3 distro attempts. Contention between dchp and manual configurations caused so much angst and failure that I almost gave in and stayed with Micro$oft – until that is I had one last try with Felicia – wow! the networking “issues” I had on previous attempts simply worked with mint-6.0 and I am now well on my way to converting from WinXP!. What a pleasant experience using int 6.0 is – well done to the development team & thanks
    Mick Crammer – a convert to linux

  71. Thank U very much, Clem and all Mint team! Felicia is the very best linux distro I’ve ever used, it’s simple and beautiful, it’s perfect! Mint – forever)

  72. Quite frankly the best distro out there by leaps and bounds and tne the only thing worthy for any of my systems…great job AGAIN Clem!!!

  73. I’m using Mint 6 in a VM at work and on Mint4Win on my laptop. I have recetly acquired (for £1) an old old P2-300 laptop with 128Mb RAM and want a lite Mint to install on it.

    TinyME works but can I get my wireless card to work??? Can I heck. It finds the networks but will not pick up a DHCP assigned IP unless I turn off all encryption!!!

    Please give us a LXDE mint!! 😀

  74. Clem et al., another great distro! In the last few weeks I have continued on my “Linux mission” and I have helped another 5 people make the change over to Linux from that other well known, less friendly system! I think that my total of converts to Linux (mainly Mint) now stands at 27! Mint has enabled users to “see the light” with the minimum of difficulty. One recent convert purchased a new lap-top with Vista pre-installed – Vista lasted 9 days! The purchaser was a very experienced user, but Vista was the final straw! The machine is now running Linux Mint!! Anyone interested in setting up a Linux Users Group in Guernsey? Contact

  75. but where is the formatting tool??????? Clem and the team what a nice distro. Any one please help me with formatting my Usb memory stick. PLEAAAAAAASE ASSEBLIEF TOG. (WORRIED FRENCHMAN)

  76. this is faboulous distro how do i delete a partion i created on using some software on windows. now i use LM 6 felicia so how can i format my Stick. Please help me. Merry christmass everyone. God is great. Praised be His name in the name of our holy Lord Jesus Christ – Amen

  77. Once again a super effort, a step better than 5.1. This is what a distro is suppose to be. Easy, effortless, and better than Vista.
    I appreciate the GPL and it’s regulations, but to be quite honest after hacking Linux since 1997, I find Linux Mint refreshing, and it gives me hope that core programmers and distro distribution companies can see that Linux is better than the other guy, and it is possible that by working together, Linux can be the desktop of choice.

  78. linux mint rocks. i’ve downloaded Elyssa FCE and more recently Felicia. now i’m torn between the two. i’ve used many other distros and linux mint definitely stands out.

    greatest features:

    +the windows installer
    +ntfs filesystem fixing
    +windows partition (FAT/NTFS) resizing
    +gnome integration with compiz
    +loads and loads of drivers and codecs

    debian forever!!!

  79. To format a usb drive/stick in MINT.

    1. Go to the GNOME Do button on the task bar.
    2. Click it and type in “PART” until the “Partition Editor” comes up in the box and select it. (enter your password if needed)
    3. Once the Patition Editor program comes up select the drive you are trying to format from the drop down menu on the right hand side.
    4. Unmount the drive.
    5. Select the file system you wish to format to and select apply.
    6. Sometimes for some reason I have to go through the format operation twice.

    Hope this helps
    God Bless and Have a very merry CHRISTmas.


  80. I recently installed Felicia on a client’s IBM Thinkpad and he was truely impressed. Just one thing: the German installation routine is not 100% translated. It’s not a problem, meanwhile Germans speak, read and understand English quite well, but nonetheless this is a disfigurement 😉

    Anyway: Great work!

  81. I downloaded version 6 burned to cd. The checksum is correct but when I try to boot I get a command line not the boot sequence that leads into the live CD. Anyone else had this problem. I used an earlier version with success and found it probed my system better than the Ubuntu is was based on.

  82. Heya, Clem? I’m loving Felicia (the nautilus tabs are SO nice), but I think I might have a quick bug report, though I’m not sure if this is the place to put it.

    Basically, /usr/sbin/update-grub has the wrong permissions. At present, it’s chmod-ed 644. It should be 755, to facilitate kernel updates and changes to /boot/grub/menu.lst

    Of all things, THIS should be easy to patch. Happy Minting!

  83. Congratulations to Clem and the team for such a beautiful distro. The theme is so classy. I just love looking at it:-) I have tried a few and Linux Mint could be about the best distro out there, it is so well organized that it makes LM easy to use. Once I saw a video about it I just had to have it and since downloading it, I have not been disapointed but pleasantly surprised. Keep up the fantastic work! Granny:-)

  84. Congratulations to all the team that put in such wonderful work,and all the skill to create such a distro. As a newbie to Linux, i fully expected an OS full of bugs and lots of missing applications….but you have covered all the things i wanted for Xmas. Please give many special thanks to the wonderful graphics team. I look forward to the 64 bit distro with bated breath.

  85. I wrote a review of Mint 6 yesterday. I put it on my Q6600 Quad Core system and it worked like a charm. It looks really sharp with the carbon theme and swoosh background. I think having Flash, MP3, and DVD playback working out of the box will move more Windows folks over to the Linux OS. Programs like mintInstall, mintUpdate, mintUpload and Giver are also pretty cool in my book. The only downside I have with the distribution is that I have to wait for the 64 bit version.

    My humble review:

  86. Pingback: LinuxMalaya
  87. I have an old HP Compaq nx9000 with a Broadcom BCM4306 wireless card inside. I had problems with this card on Elyssa with it not working.

    Does anybody know if this works ok with Felicia?


  88. In reply to my own question no it doesn’t!

    I have got it to work though and everything is working perfectly…..i think!!

    Thanks anyhow!

  89. Quality release I love this version of Mint many thanks Mint team my only issue is I’d really like open office 3 as part of it or in the install options thanks!

  90. Linux Mint Felicia has outdone itself in including the best from Ubuntu and Debian in an original, yet familiarly made, distribution. Its cutting-edge technology refinement and spectacular layout has certainly attained the goal of being a powerful alternative to Windows, achieving a cornerstone of innovation, design and creativity in the history of free and open-source programs. Having been a continuous Mac OS-and-Windows user for nearly a decade, it is a douse of refreshment to see an operating system so sturdy and stylish, and that also seamlessly integrates the powerful adaptive guideline set by Debian and Ubuntu´s development. The parameters set in this Linux OS help users to acquiesce and enjoy the fullness of open-source freedom, all the while without hindering support and stability to the ones in need of helping ´eyes´. Count me in as another convert from proprietary bile thanks to a soothing taste of Mint; I am certain it is a historic landmark in the whole of operating system development.

  91. I downloaded this as it came recommended via a forum posting when I ran into some multimedia ‘issues’ with another distro. From what I’ve read this may be the first ever Linux that goes in and actually is usable by humans. I’ve tried many over the past 10 years, wasted a lot of money and time, and gave in frustration. I’ll get the XFCE version for my older (test) hardware as soon as its available.
    My main computer runs XP. Never went to Vista, and can already see Win7 is just more of the same problem. Its time to change, and Mint may be the silver bullet.
    Tonight at 8 – video coverage of install. 🙂

  92. Congrats to Clem and the team for another wonderful release.

    Any chance that we could get a one-click install to USB Flash drives in future releases? Easypeasy, which is Ububtu based, makes this a real snap.I’d love to be able to do that with Mint without it being a hassle.

    Thanks in advance for your consideration

  93. Hi@all,

    I installed Mint Felicia yesterday via “unetbootin”/USB Stick on a Toshiba Satellite (1,6 Ghz/1 GB RAM/80 GB HD/WIFI/Intel Chip)…

    EVERYTHING works from the first Start…WIFI too.I was total Surprised!Best Linux since Ian Murdock establ. Debian 😉
    I think Ubuntu is more for the Merchandising and Stuff 😉
    Linux Mint will have a great Future!

    Thank You for this great Linux!

    MacAndreaZ (Linux User since 1997)

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