Linux Mint 21.2 “Victoria” Cinnamon released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 21.2 “Victoria” Cinnamon Edition.

Linux Mint 21.2 Victoria Cinnamon Edition

Linux Mint 21.2 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2027. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features:

This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.

For an overview of the new features please visit:

What’s new in Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon“.

Important info:

The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.

To read the release notes, please visit:

Release Notes for Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

System requirements:

  • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 20GB of disk space (100GB recommended).
  • 1024×768 resolution (on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen).

Upgrade instructions:

  • If you are running the BETA you don’t need to upgrade, use the Update Manager to apply available updates.
  • Upgrade instructions for Linux Mint 21 and 21.1 will be provided shortly.

Download links:

Here are the download links:

Integrity and authenticity checks:

Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!


  1. Congratulations to you and the whole development team on an excellent release. I quite liked the previous folder stripes, but the new folder icons and colours are very attractive. Best of all, the yellow tooltips are finally gone (I always used to copy & rename the Mint themes and then edit the tooltip section to other colours). Following the accent colour makes for a nice consistent appearance, and the colours also applying to tooltips in Qt apps was a welcome surprise. The Software Manager looks better after its refresh too. Cinnamon looks very modern and (dare I say it) professional now.

    But there’s one change that I personally see as a regression… Pix. I welcome the new features, but I have to say that I disagree with you that it’s “slightly less discoverable for newcomers but it looks very clean and remains quite intuitive”. Looking at it for the first time was like trying to interpret hieroglyphics. I’m not averse to some simple apps having headerbars and buttons. Celluloid has an option to disable CSD and revert to menus, but given its limited range of commands and options, it looks and works much better with CSD.

    But Pix is more complex. On opening the app there are huge blank spaces on the headerbar, where other apps add text next to at least some of the buttons to make their function clearer. I’m guessing that in Pix this is partly so that the filename can be displayed fully, but a titlebar would achieve this more effectively.

    Opening an image, and then clicking on the “Edit file” button, opens a wide menu with lots of buttons and lots of redundant space. This has the impact of shrinking the image that you’re trying to edit if it’s large and/or widescreen. While I acknowledge that there are headings for the groups of buttons, the old Edit side menu was much narrower, and with its list of functions (with icons) was much easier to use. Overall, I’m now avoiding using Pix and using other tools to view/edit images instead.

  2. Thank you very much for another great release. Looking forward to upgrade very soon – especially excited about touchpad gestures. I’m sure they’re great, but also if they are lacking, hopefully they can be improved iteratively. In line with usability features for laptops, would you consider looking at power profiles to be added to Mint in the future?

    Secondly, and I’m sure not everyone would prefer this, but I think it would be nice to have an applet that combines battery, brightness and network details in a single dashboard like view, so they can be toggled from there. Of course, users who do not like this could just stick to the ones that exist currently.

    Either way, thanks a ton to the Mint team for listening to user inputs and improving an already fantastic OS.

  3. First of all, thank you for the constant effort of the LM team to continue improving this great distro.
    I installed LM 21.2 it looks great! I thought that the accents in the tooltips would look worse but they are not a problem. I would like to suggest a few things for future releases. 1) Update the Adwaita theme, 2) improve the gestures to something more fluid (currently they only act as keyboard shortcuts). I mean 1:1 gestures like ElementaryOS/Gnome where the movements are more fluid and follow the movement of the fingers, 3) Add Power Profiles (like Gnome/Plasma/Budgie/Pantheon/Deepin have).

    Thanks for continuing to listen to the community!

    1. Linux Mint doesn’t develop or maintain the Adwaita theme. It comes from upstream.

    2. I think power profiles were added in the past already. It depends on your video card.

  4. Thank you for the new release of Linux Mint.
    A small comment.
    It is still not possible to establish a connection using a modem:
    Network – Mobile Broadband,
    Network Add newconnection,
    Click and crash.
    This applies to Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.1, 21.2.
    Similar description:
    For Live 21.2 xfce4, this problem does not occur – you can connect.
    Similarly on Debian:
    Bookworm (12.0) + Cinnamon – does not work.
    With xfc4 it works correctly.
    Therefore, I believe that Cinnamon is the cause of these failures.
    You could update the example: ‘/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list’.
    The ‘hirsute’ is still there.

  5. Clem,
    Thank you for the new release, but go to Debian on the next LM 22!
    LMDE needs to be the new LM.

    1. Why not provide LMDE parallel with the original? Invest equal time and effort to each project. Offer them both in Cinnamon and Xfce and drop Mate. Let the user base decide Mint’s future, one will come out on top over time.

    2. Don’t drop XFCE. It’s a bit lighter weight, and there are definitely computers that need this version.

    3. LMDE is complete, you can call it “LM” as well. The new LMDE should come out within a month. That is soon enough to be considered as “equal time”. Honesty, people should just use LMDE and not trash LM ubuntu edition so much.

    1. “Upgrade instructions for Linux Mint 21 and 21.1 will be provided shortly.”

  6. Thank you so much! I will await the upgrade instructions. I’m particularly looking forward to portal support if it means more flatpaks able to use dark mode.

    1. How long iis a piece of string ..?
      (didn’t bother installing the beta so now waiting to discover how to upgrdae from 21.1 (other than doing a clean install – which is what I wanted to avoid) …

  7. Thank you for the hard work you put into making each version of Linux Mint the best to date. Sometimes, as users, we take things for granted and forget all the work that goes into making each release happen. Sometimes, as users, we make demands that we’re not willing to fulfill as developers. Sometimes it can be difficult for developers having to deal with every user’s request, which they often want to implement or fix but sometimes find impossible due to time constraints. Because sometimes, as users, we also forget that there are many of us and few of you. I hope this development cycle has been as fun for you as it has been for me to watch and contribute to. Thank you for being the voice of the community and creating software that considers the needs of the majority, not just a few. I eagerly look forward to seeing what the future holds.

  8. If you’re a colour freak then you are definitely going to be excited.
    Just one example is:-
    The Cinnamon notifications were redesigned to feature the accent color.

    I would be a lot happier if I could select the items I did not want to see Notifications for —
    example : Downloads

    Nevertheless, am looking forward to the new release. This has been my main OS for over 7 years, and while I’ve tried some of the others, nothing has come close to replacing it.

  9. Hi Mint team,

    Thanks to everyone on the team for the great work on this new release, I love Linux Mint so much 💯❤️💯

    A lot of anticipation to try the new features (^o^)//

  10. thanks I’ve been using the system for almost 3 years now and it’s getting better, congratulations on another release

  11. Clem and Mint Team, thank you so much for this elegant and comfortable release. Normally running LMDE 5, I tried out this live image for about an hour to see what would be coming in LMDE6. I couldn’t find any problems, or even anything I wish was different. Bravo! Thanks again.

  12. Congratulations on another successful release!

    How’s Cinnamon bug #11123 coming along (the one where the application menu applet content invisibly extends past the border of the menu, and if you click outside of the menu on order to close it, it will run a program you don’t want to run)? The bug was introduced in the first Mint 21 release, has been present in both 21 and 21.1, and I noticed the bug is still present in the newest 21.2 release, and it keeps tripping me up constantly. I’d really love to be rid of this frustrating bug, without having to revert back to 20.3.

  13. Congratulations Clem and team! All efforts respected and good job to everyone in the team who made this happen! I was facing keyboard issues with 21.1. After a long struggle, it looked like it’s due to kernal 5.15. I started seeing improvements after upgrading to 5.19. Yet some issues were observed. After upgrading to 21.2 beta, it was very rare.Somewhere down the line it might have fixed. Much awaited release. Hats off to everyone in the team.

  14. Hello Clem! I am Secret-chest from GitHub. I love Linux Mint, and as always, this release is great. Keep up the good work 😍.

    While I use custom themes, the new ones look great indeed. I only suggest changing the Nemo icon to a consistent app one instead of the folder icon.

    The styles are very interesting and a great way to easily present _your_ themes to users. I was afraid it would turn out like Ubuntu, where it only works for Yaru – you nailed it.

    The Software Manager is very nice and modern. It looks somewhat like an app store, and that is good since users will know how it works. I would like a carousel with banners at the top (instead of a single one).

    I hate the Pix redesign. For small apps with ~10 options headerbars work well. But Pix used to have ~10 menus with ~20 options each, you can’t just do it with headerbars.

  15. I really like Victoria! Thank you, Clem and the other developers. It’s my sincere hope you will always stay in charge of the Mint project 🙂
    Here are my impressions when we talk about Victoria. IMHO the improved Cinnamon desktop feels great. The speed of creating thumbnails in Nemo is fantastic. It felt sluggish before and I was envious of Thunar, now no regrets! The menu applet resizes well. As for visual changes, personally I like all of them.The new folder icons are definitely better. The Y-theme feels fresh and neutral, new tooltips and revamped notifications look neat. There are many themes available online for the desktop, but honestly, I prefer the default theme of Mint Cinnamon. Lack of mono icons doesn’t bother me at all… There are some improvements that haven’t been mentioned anywhere. The themes are now well sorted in the advanced theme settings. The software manager offers a more granular control over the software on display, I mean certain categories of software have received ‘subcategories’. Excellent, I really like all the staff mentioned above. I’m less certain about Pix. Well, new Pix probably shouldn’t be called an x-app, since it lacks traditional menus. Navigating it is harder. Besides, it takes 4-5 seconds to launch, I mean each launch, not just the first one. Some pictures in Pix browser don’t have frames and look different than others – slight inconvenience and not Linux Mint’s fault, I know, but still. That’s an isolated complaint. On the whole, Mint 21.2 works great for me and I enjoy it a lot, thanks again!

  16. What’s wrong with your HP printer? Did you install both CUPS and LPR drivers? Some HP drivers are 32-bit. So, you need to install lib32stdc++6.

    1. They weren’t my favorite, because the stripe wasn’t easy to distinguish between similar colors, especially for people with eyesight problems. One thing you could do, though: Download Mint 21.1’s Mint-Y icon theme, install it, then copy all of the Mint-Y-{color} folders from /usr/share/icons to either ~/.themes or ~/.local/share/icons. This will override the Mint 21.2 version for your current user account, even if it gets updated. Or if you’d like to have both, you can then reinstall the Mint 21.2 Mint-Y icon theme package and rename the folders you moved to your user account to whatever you’d like to call them (Mint-Y-Corner-Stripe-{color} or whatever), and both will show up in your Themes settings.

  17. Thank you very much Clem and team for your wonderful work, I just released Linux Mint Victoria on my Honor X15 laptop that I bought a week ago, and it works fantastic. Let me dare to suggest a native clipboard for linux Mint, as well as plasma has it would be a very useful functionality. I don’t speak English use the translator to write to them.

  18. Thanks again for a wonderful distro overall Linux Mint team. Running this happily on my Lenovo ThinkPad P51S. Looking forward to whenever the upgrade instructions from 21.1 to 21.2 comes out. Best wishes and have a good day.

  19. Hi Clem, The upgrade to 21.2 went successful; however, I noticed that in the Systems Settings, under Display, the User Interface scale option of 125% is now missing. It was present in 21.2. Can that be added back, please?

    1. Hi Jim,

      In Display -> Settings -> Enable Fractional Scaling Controls. This was enabled by default during the mutter rebase, it shouldn’t have been since it’s an experimental feature. The feature is still there but simply disabled by default.

    2. Clem, please have this info added to Release Notes, I did not see .Would be good to put there how to enable it again.

  20. Clem, first of all, congratulations on another great release! As a long time user of Linux Mint, it is awesome to see all the progress that was made over the years.

    I could not find this being mentioned anywhere so hence the question: What happened to the panel layout option on the welcome screen? Until LM 21.1 it was possible to choose between the modern and traditional layouts. In LM 21.2 I did not find that option. Was the traditional panel layout deprecated?

    1. I also like the traditional layout. I just added the “window list”. Try it, works perfectly.

  21. I’ve upgraded to 21.2. Is there a way to edit the Theme Style presets? If I select Mint-X, it’s almost perfect, except for that weird rounded mouse cursor theme. It’s completely useless when doing anything that needs any level of precision. Is there a way to adjust the Mint-X preset to include a nicer mouse pointer, without going into the “Advanced mode” and selecting each thing individually?

    1. In Themes, select the base config you want, and then go to “Advanced Configs” and there you can change only the cursor.

    2. Bruno – Yeah, I know that. I’m just wondering if there’s a way to edit or set your own theme style presets, so you when playing with themes, you can just jump straight to the exact theme you usually want with just a single selection, and get exactly the theme you want without having to go back and tweak things.

  22. Nice one overall!

    However, the menu is pretty broken if you scroll up and down in the left column. The icons and most of the application labels scroll just fine, but the rightmost letters of the application names jump around wildly. Looks like some CSS bug.

  23. Great Job Clem and Team! I’ve used LM since release 17 and 21.2 is the best yet! I love the look and feel of the new Dark Style but noticed a bug. When selecting a style and you switch between the 3 styles, the sentence below which describes the style does not change and continues to show the description for ‘mixed mode”.

    Also 1 request…Please consider adding compression to Timeshift so that backups don’t take up so much space.

  24. We need integrated night mode (e.g. Gnome Night Light) and screen dimmer in one of the future releases. I am aware of Redshift and Brightness applets but I do belive that does should be integral part of Cinnamon as a modern flavour of Linux Mint.

  25. I just upgraded and noticed 21.2 is running both the cpu and gpu 2 to 3 degrees C higher than 21.1 did at idle, using Psensor to monitor temps. Is this an expected difference with the upgrade?

  26. Upgrade smoothly done from 21.1 in 5 minutes! Thanks a lot.

    I am, however, having trouble finding an option under Themes to make the LibreOffice (Write and Calc) buttons in the ribbon contrastive enough in the light themes. The buttons are very hard to distinguish in the light themes. Any help?

    1. Update: My issue got resolved after a couple of updates next morning! Thanks.

  27. When you select a video file and press space bar previews for some video files are working and for some are not. They used to work for all video files.

    1. +1 I have this problem too!

      Another problem is that it doesn’t appear the album image of the song in the notification when Rhythmbox switches to the next song to be played!

    1. I rolled back to 21.1 via timeshift and the temps went back down. Not sure what this upgrade added that bumps temps up like that, even if it is only 2-3 degrees C.

  28. From the “New Features” page: “The main menu is now resizable, just drag the edge with the mouse to resize it to your liking”

    Just upgraded from LM21.1 to 21.2
    I have not yet been able to do this edge-drag at all.

  29. Hello Chem & the MINT Dev Team,
    A very smooth & painless upgrade from 21.1 to 21.2 Victoria. Thank you for ALL your hard work and the end result is superb. Much Appreciation.

  30. Upgraded from LM21.1 to 21.2. Before that, I have tested the beta system in wm and there were many others folders like Papirus and Breeze but in the updated system are not. Is that normal?

  31. Thank you for an excellent release this time. I am very happy how easily the new default theming (which I am still extremely unhappy about) can now be changed to the familiar old looks. By selecting “Mint-L” from the Themes most of the things are back the way they should be (no horrible bright cyan accents everywhere), with the exception that the mouse pointer theme did not change away from the huge blob. You need to go to the Advanced settings and select the old mouse pointer theme manually. Maybe this can be fixed in the future to change the mouse pointer theme automatically to old defaults too?

  32. Clem, very happy with some of the menu color changes, libreoffice and gramps no longer have invisible buttons in the default theme for me.

    But after many years, the main issue I have with Cinnamon Mint is that it has poor multi monitor support. MAME, as well as several games on steam/proton will attempt to launch on the non primary monitor unless you add a panel on the non primary monitor taller than the one on the primary monitor (my workaround, but I understand it doesnt work for some people).

    Also, it would be nice to have the ability to have different wallpapers on each monitor similar to how KDE has been able to for a long time.

    I also share the sentiment of some other users that it would be nice to eventually divorce from Ubuntu. But at least for me, things like HiDPI are worse on LMDE, so its not usable for at the moment. It just seems like many of Mint’s problems are upstream Ubuntu ones.

  33. Hello, is there an LXQT version of LinuxMint? Because LXQT is my favorite DE and it is very light.

    1. 🙂 Rovano 🙂 So if you install some distro with LXDE and go through the credits for all the utilities – file manager, image viewer, etc – you will find that LXDE is pretty much one lone developer. Pretty impressive, but its essentially ONE guy holding the whole fort.

      After years with Cinnamon I am figuring out that Xfce4 is growing up and works better on my laptops. The laptops have not changed, but the demands of Cinnamon have. So these now older machines need to be re-evaluated and get Cfce4 instead. Fortunately Mint has a very polished Xfce edition.

  34. Upgrade went very smoothly but still have an ongoing bug (since LM21)which means I cannot use LM21 cinnamon with an external screen plugged into a laptop.

    System is HP 6530b laptop, core 2 duo P8400 Intel GE45 Express Chipset, 4GB RAM AOC monitor. According to “hardinfo” the graphics are Mobile Intel GM45 express chipset. I have 2 hard drives installed, one with LM20.3 and one with LM21.2 The machine normally lives on a docking station in a cupboard

    If, AFTER booting LM21 I plug in a monitor to the VGA port, the laptop screen goes black, the cursor flashes erratically and the monitor keeps rapidly reconnecting and disconnecting but stays black.
    If I plug the monitor in BEFORE booting, I see the round LM logo on both screens, then it drops to the flashing cursor and external monitor disconnecting as above.
    When I then unplug the monitor,the laptop continues to boot with the LM startup sound and the desktop appears. It does not seem to finish booting until the external monitor is unplugged.

    This machine has worked perfectly on every version of LM cinnamon since LM17.3 onwards and is still fine on LM20.3, something happened between 20.3 and 21 to break it. LM21 Mate and XFCE work fine

    As others have said, the old version of “pix” with the menus is easier to use (for me anyway) and when I open pix my cursor changed from DMZ-white to the Bibata black one but the update-alternatives workaround in the release noted sorted it.If possible, maybe the update process could check what cursor was already chosen and automatically run the workaround?

    When I go to “shut down”, the box does not have focus so I have to use the mouse to shut down else click the box to gain focus before I can tab to the chosen option (this used to be an issue in LM20 but was fixed)

    The software manager – after initially generating the cache I could not locate software I know exists, no flatpaks are appearing!!! I selected flatpaks from the font page and it asked me to refresh the cache and it said “generating cache, one moment” and then went to “No packages to show. This may indicate a problem, try refreshing the cache”. I rebooted but made no difference, cannot see any flatpaks

    Having said all that, overall a great release, , the XDG desktop portal makes customising easier and the menu resizing is great!! I will have a play with the different themes, but will have to go back to 20.3 for daily use until the external monitor issue is resolved. Many thanks to the team though for all their hard work.

    1. That is old lapotp that only had drivers for Windows 7 and not Linux. Maybe you may stay at 20.3.

  35. I love Linux intr I have been using it as my main OS since 2007….the Cinnamoin menu would be more usable if it was more organized, say like the Mate app menu…other then that keep up the good work

  36. Using Mint-L for ICONS. The yellow icon has disappeared with the default green icon in its place. Hoping this can be fixed.

  37. Good job! Congratulations!

    This is just a suggestion.

    Maybe it would be good to do a poll for users and ask what they think about abandoning Mate and XFCE versions and why they use them?

    Then, after analysis, abandon Mate and Xfce just like KDE and focus all power on cinnamon!

    This would give more time to refine one environment.

    Things that are missing in cinnamon and are in Mate and XFCE can be moved from the abandoned environments.

    1. One of the most used environments is XFCE. Across distributions. MATE may wither after others switch to Wayland. I’ve heard opinions that maybe it would be better if LM conserves power and doesn’t do its own DE. Wouldn’t it be more useful to have two ready-made GTKs and one, two QT DEs? In the future, perhaps LXQT will develop into an adult. Just a reflection from my social bubble.

  38. I love the Mint-Y + Dark Orange theme (and the accent colors)! Really like it. Unfortunately the background Sydney/Shifting Colors by Paul Carmona was deleted. Had to buy it, this was my first new wallpaper after years 😀

  39. Great job as usual by Clem and the team.
    I would however like to echo an earlier poster’s sentiments on multi monitor support and hidpi.
    Its been rubbish for years and continues to be rubbish.
    Maybe its time to think about life after Ubuntu?

    1. Not a useful comment, “rubbish”. That above is very old laptop.
      I have newer laptop working good with external 4K monitor in Mint 21.1.

  40. Congratulations guys on the new release! Thanks to Clem and the team for the efforts you’ve put into this project. I’ll give it a try next weekend.

    I feel a little disappointed that this set of bugs I reported has not been addressed, nor even assigned, after 6 months even though it includes a segmentation fault (core dumped) in Nemo, which I don’t consider minor.

    Linux Mint is a great distro, and I use it every day. However, recently, I had to use another live distro to tidy up and merge some directories containing a massive amount of files and photos (some of them with the same name) because Nemo failed to handle them properly. Pix didn’t do any better, and Bulky crashed when I tried to rename a couple of thousand files. I didn’t want to install a lot of file explorers and photo managers to test them all, so I preferred to keep my LM clean and boot into another distro just for that purpose.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m sticking with LM for daily use because I love it and I’ve been using it since 2012, v13 Maya.

  41. Personally 21.1 was already great with many nice features… I have just a few thorns..

    1. WiFi hotspot that has no good GUI in Metwork Manager, not at all in the main applet menu.
    Hotspot can be started but for temp.use, for permanent use with the same password I have to use nmcli commands.
    This should be as in Win10, directly seen in menu for Hotspot to be turned on/off, in addition to WiFi.

    2. VPN, WirGuard also is not GUI in Network manager so one just forgets that it is up/down.

    3. In Mint is xed which would benefit from distro added plugins to keep session and tabs (instead of looking for that) and especially from bettter search like ‘search in open files’ and ‘serch/replace in selection’ for use of many files/tabs.

  42. Hi Mint team,

    On closer inspection I noticed a problem displaying the song’s album art in the cinnamon menu!

    Using Rhythmbox, for some songs the album art of the played song does not appear in the notification (in version 20.3 this problem was not present)!

    And when a first song is playing, and it goes to a second song that has no album art, cinnamon’s menu leaves the album art of the first song appearing while the second song is playing, the right thing to do is to show that CD image, when a song has no cover image!

    Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I’m using a translator!


    I suggest conducting an experiment with desktop wallpapers:

    1) Fill the entire desktop with icons.
    2) Start changing all the available wallpapers in the system.
    3) Draw the conclusion that default wallpapers provided by the system make the icons on the desktop unreadable.
    Everyone can install their own wallpapers, as there are millions of them available on the internet. There is no need to clutter the system. The system can be delivered with one well-designed dark wallpaper that ensures the icons on it will be readable!

    The same applies to programs. It is worth considering the idea of providing as few of them as possible during the system installation. The absolute minimum.

  44. Dear Developers,
    Please prepare “fcitx-mozc” in place of “ibus-mozc” for the defaut of Japanese input method when installing the choice of “Japanese” in the languages at the next release of Linux Mint certainly.
    Because “ibus-mozc” isn’t enough and “fcitx-mozc” is more convenient than “ibus-mozc” and installing “fcitx-mozc” takes some steps. It’s annoying.
    Please, Please promise it to Japanese users.

  45. Thank you very much for the excellent work done.
    For some time now I have been removing the “packaged” versions of some already installed apps by replacing them with the Flatpak version (LibreOffice, Gimp, VLC, Audacity, Shotcut, Geogebra, etc.)
    I wanted to ask if a future version is expected to be born with a different setting (Ubuntu is pushing Snap).
    Thank you

  46. I don’t know why there was a need to change the colors and screw up the user experience in the process.

  47. Dear Developers,

    Thank you for your continuous effort to keep making Linux Mint the most preferred OS and for all the great features you bring to the end users.
    I do however have a request or question: When will 12th Gen CPU’s be supported? Since I’m running on Processor: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H (20 CPUs), ~2.7GHz, I ran into many CPU related bugs with the linuxmint-21.1-xfce-64bit edition. The best way I can run it is via VirtualBox, and even that is still not that great as video streaming has too much lag and gaming not even worth trying out. I would love it to run directly from the Laptop. All the previous editions ran perfectly on my Socket 775 CPU dated year 2009.
    Secondly I would like to get advice on how to install Linux Mint 21.2 to support my 12th Gen CPU for smooth operation so that I can stop regretting purchasing this new laptop and use Linux Mint to its full capacity again.

  48. I noticed two changes which aren’t mentioned.
    1: The save icon in Text Editor has become a download icon, which is confusing. (It is now a down arrow and line, same as Google Drive’s download icon and elsewhere). Is that a bug?
    2: Double clicking a title bar no longer maximises and resets it. Instead it leaves it there as just a title bar. I can’t see what the point of that is, and it screws up muscle memory from years of using Mint! I wish things like that were left alone and not changed. 🙁

  49. Overall the new themes are nice, but there is a lack of contrast in some details. One color works well in some detail but in another.

    For example, if you just look at the dark Desktop (panel) themes: either the color accent is too bright for white text to be readable in tooltips, or the color accent is too dark for focused window button to be noticeable.

    One solution would be to use different brightness of one color in different details (brighter against darker backgrounds/elements and vice-versa) instead of using the same exact color hexcode across all elements.

  50. Hello, I’m physically disabled, the onboard on-screen keyboard is constantly up-to-date and this is my only request to get the best optimization. I wish you all the best, I wish you all the best…

  51. Turning ALL effects off is the best thing happened to linux Mint ever!!
    Finally, eye destructing free workflow!

  52. Hellooo Mint,

    I am Microsoft user for as long as I remember, Well from DOS 6.22 area 🙂
    Recently I decided to improve my career and learn Linux as expert not regular user, so I searched for Best Linux Distro… I came to CentOS but soon IBM destroyed it and my next golden distro was Ubuntu but there are many Ubuntu branch. I tried Kubuntu, Kde neon, xubuntu, lubuntu, zorin os, elementary…

    NONE of above satisfied me!! NONE of them 🙁

    Now, I came to Mint, Simply I must say “Linux Mint Cinnamon” is what an OS must be!! LOVE IT SO MUCH EVEN MORE THAN MY GF 😀

    <3 10 Damn Golden Stars out of 10 to Linux Mint Cinnamon <3

  53. Gestures are working really well. I can back/forward in firefox with 2 finger swipe on my trackpad.
    Thanks for the work!

  54. After taking time to get used to the new themes, I should say that the new “vibrant” colors of Mint-Y hurt my eyes. Only some of the combinations, like pure grey, or grey with orange, do not cause visual discomfort.

    When I am working with items on a screen, I do not want their colors “vibrate” in my eyes, I want them to stand out without excessive contrast. I would have much preferred colors like ink on paper.

    1. Thanks Alexey,

      It’s not for everybody. When it comes to theming I don’t think we can please everyone other than by offering alternatives. Don’t hesitate to switch to Mint-L, it comes with the legacy colors.

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