Linux Mint 20.3 “Una” Xfce – BETA Release

This is the BETA release for Linux Mint 20.3 “Una” Xfce Edition.

Linux Mint 20.3 Una Xfce Edition

Linux Mint 20.3 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2025. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features:

This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.

For an overview of the new features please visit:

What’s new in Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce“.

Important info:

The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.

To read the release notes, please visit:

Release Notes for Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce

System requirements:

  • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 20GB of disk space (100GB recommended).
  • 1024×768 resolution (on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen).

Upgrade instructions:

  • This BETA release might contain critical bugs, please only use it for testing purposes and to help the Linux Mint team fix issues prior to the stable release.
  • It will be possible to upgrade from this BETA to the stable release.
  • It will also be possible to upgrade from Linux Mint 20, 20.1 and 20.2.
  • Upgrade instructions will be published after the stable release of Linux Mint 20.3.

Bug reports:

  • Bugs in this release should be reported on Github at
  • Create one issue per bug.
  • As described in the Linux Mint Troubleshooting Guide, do not report or create issues for observations.
  • Be as accurate as possible and include any information that might help developers reproduce the issue or understand the cause of the issue:
    • Bugs we can reproduce, or which cause we understand are usually fixed very easily.
    • It is important to mention whether a bug happens “always”, or “sometimes”, and what triggers it.
    • If a bug happens but didn’t happen before, or doesn’t happen in another distribution, or doesn’t happen in a different environment, please mention it and try to pinpoint the differences at play.
    • If we can’t reproduce a particular bug and we don’t understand its cause, it’s unlikely we’ll be able to fix it.
  • The BETA phase is literally a bug squashing rush, where the team is extremely busy and developers try to fix as many bugs as fast as possible.
  • There usually are a huge number of reports and very little time to answer everyone or explain why a particular report is not considered a bug, or won’t get fixed. Don’t let this frustrate you, whether it’s acknowledged or not, we appreciate everyone’s help.
  • Please visit and to follow the progress of the development team between the BETA and the stable release.

Download links:

Here are the download links:

Integrity and authenticity checks:

Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Many thanks in advance for testing the BETA!


  1. xfce on one partition and cinnamon on another. as usual, no problems to report.
    once again my hats off to the devs for an awesome job.

  2. I downloaded the ISo for UNA and installed it 2 days ago. I have not found a single issue with this Operating system, I have been using it for 2 days now and I love it. for Me, it is rock solid so far and if I have any issues I will contact the proper place. Thanks to the Team for a wonderful Operating System

  3. I have a question: How do I install “Edge” 20.2 over my existing Cinnamon OS and keep all of my files & settings? Thanks

    1. I usually keep my /home directory on a separate partition. That way I can erase the partition that has the OS and install a newer version and still keep all of my files and most of my settings.
      If your home directory is on the same partition as the rest of the system that makes it a little more complicated. The safest way is probably to make a full backup of your home directory on an external drive, wipe your system, install the “Edge” version and then restore the backup of your home directory to that new system.

      If I’m not mistaken, the major difference between the “Edge” version and the normal version is a newer kernel. Have you tried installing the kernel through the kernel updater? Or have you recently updated some hardware and are now unable to boot into your existing Cinnamon installation?

    2. Thanks, I have installed the 5.15.10-051510-generic kernel and things are working pretty good. The system will boot most of the time with 1-2 tries. What I have leaned is to stop installing the constant updates to the Mesa video drivers by “Oibaf”. I do not know why they are always being updated but if you find one that works for you then DO NOT UPDATE! This is what messes up your boot sequence…

    3. I’ve had the Oibaf drivers do some really bad things to my system, and not be able to undo the damage without reinstalling. I avoid those like the plague!

    4. Remember, the only difference between the regular version and the Edge version is the kernel, otherwise they are identical. You can install the latest kernel using Update Manager and look in View – Linux Kernels.

  4. I’m getting offered “boot-repair (4ppa134) impish; urgency=low” via Update Manager which is the 2nd Boot Repair update in the past few days. should I trust that and where is the website that list all the Linux Mint Latest packages with version numbers included?

    1. After B hiding(Temporarily) the boot repair 4ppa134 boot repair update i’m now getting now getting

      “boot-repair (4ppa135) impish; urgency=low” offered but I’ve checked the Linux Mint Package listing that only show 4ppa133 listed so more hiding there until I see that shows up in the Linux Mint Packages.

  5. Thanks Clem and company for all you do to keep this wonderful distribution rolling! Any chance of Plasma coming back to Mint?

  6. Hi friends, I have a request for Christmas. Can you include a language selection in the bootscreen? I wanted to test the beta 20.3 today and again I only have the English keyboard layout. I can’t write a mail with it, because I can’t find the @ on my German keyboard. I just wanted to use the iso as a “live system” and not install it yet. Everyone raves about 20.3 and I wanted to see it too. I like it. Only the switch to the German language / keyboard I do not succeed in live mode. perhaps this would also be helpful for the distribution of mint if the user could choose his language in live mode. Greetings

  7. Apart from uninstalling Thingy, is there any way to keep it from aggregating every document on an SSD or HDD? There are absolutely no options within the program that I have been able to find that allows any control over its behavior.

    1. Never mind. I spoke in haste. Thingy shows a couple of documents that I had forgotten to encrypt so I’ll be leaving it alone, mostly for its use as a means to remind me of such matters in the future.

      Keep up the great work, Clem and team.

    1. The upgrade mechanism is always for the same edition, i.e. 20.2 Cinnamon will be upgraded to 20.3 Cinnamon. Theoretically, you can upgrade your 20.2. Cinnamon to 20.3 Cinnamon and then manually replace the Cinnamon desktop environment with XFCE to turn the Cinnamon edition into the XFCE edition. Both editions use the same base system.

    2. you can switch to cinnamon enytime and remove xfce completely. Just be sure to get all the dependencies right.

    1. I’m not seeing or understanding what you’re referring to in that image, but in System Settings > Panels you can adjust the icon sizes for each panel section (left, right, and center) according to your own preferences. I haven’t personally seen any issues with panel icons in many years.

  8. has anybody seen a login screen, I get the one identical to the login screen when one logs out, but the difference is that you don’t have to type a password only press enter , I made my account as administrator, and auto login in user and groups and confirm it in Lightdm config ; I was also getting a real bad flickering screen I know that’s from my nvidia drivers so step down to 460 drivers and the flickering is not as bad, I look in Nvidia x server settings but there is noway to turn shader cache off which is what people use from the nvidia control panel settings to stop the flickering; but all those are small glitches so I will continue to donate when ever I can

  9. I like KDE and I installed on Mint XFCE 20.2, running without any issue.
    To install the desktop environment KDE is very easy with this two commands:
    #sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
    #sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop
    Waiting for final 20.3 to dist-upgrade my KDE.
    Thanks Clem!

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