Monthly News – June 2021

Hello everyone!

We’ll be very brief with the news this month since the stable release of Linux Mint 20.2 is just around the corner.

We still have a few things to check and a few bug reports to go through before calling it stable but we’re getting very close.

Following the stable release we’ll open up the upgrade path from Linux Mint 20.1 and Linux Mint 20 and we’ll port all the new packages towards LMDE 4. Some of the improvements and fixes made in Linux Mint 20.2 will also be backported towards earlier 20.x releases.

I’d like to thank you for your feedback and for taking the time to participate in the BETA process and report these bugs to us. Many thanks also for your donations. Thanks to our sponsors and partners for their continued support.


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Donations in May:

A total of $9,267 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 385 donors:

$400 (2nd donation), Secret Adventures Kauai
$225, Michael G. aka “Mike”
$216, Gerhard S.
$133, Andrew W.
$108 (6th donation), Torsten P.
$107 (5th donation), Thomas Ö.
$100 (5th donation), Jean P. R.
$100 (5th donation), Быков А.
$100 (4th donation), Josef P.
$100 (3rd donation), Peter T.
$100 (3rd donation), Ross D.
$100 (3rd donation), TM
$100 (3rd donation), Malcolm G.
$100 (2nd donation), James M.
$100 (2nd donation), Richard S.
$100, John L.
$100, James O.
$100, Valerie L.
$100, Particle Man
$100, Michael T.
$100, Boris B.
$86, Andres D.
$60 (5th donation), Erich K.
$54 (14th donation), Claude M.
$54 (13th donation), Heiko P. aka “CyCroN
$54 (10th donation), Paul S. E. aka “Paul”
$54 (3rd donation), Christian D aka “zorbeck”
$54 (3rd donation), Joost S.
$54 (2nd donation), Philippe Robert
$54 (2nd donation), Renaud C.
$54 (2nd donation), Ingo P.
$54 (2nd donation), Marc
$54, Peter C.
$54, Marco V.
$54, Matthias H. aka “Matthias der Pfaelzer”
$54, Lukas S.
$54, Rastislav Š.
$54, Hans H.
$50 (49th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (13th donation), Alfred H. aka “Varmint Al
$50 (5th donation), Jon C. S. aka “Kronoberger”
$50 (4th donation), James M.
$50 (3rd donation), David F.
$50 (3rd donation), Ricardo M.
$50 (3rd donation), Derek S.
$50 (2nd donation), Richard H.
$50 (2nd donation), Nathaniel A.
$50, James C.
$50, Gregory P.
$50, George D.
$50, Christopher D.
$50, Billy-pp B.
$50, Jonathan D.
$50, Fabio L D.
$50, Jay V.
$50, Nico D.
$47 (30th donation), Michael R.
$43 (134th donation), Olli K.
$43, John T.
$40 (2nd donation), Jeff K.
$35 (13th donation), Ted S.
$35 (5th donation), Liz K.
$33 (2nd donation), Brock C.
$32, Nicolas D.
$32, Viktor W. aka “Vykynger”
$32, Peter A.
$32, Mark S.
$30 (10th donation), Murray C.
$30 (8th donation), Vladimir Litvinenko
$30 (2nd donation), Larry B.
$27 (5th donation), Adam K.
$27, Leo H.
$26 (13th donation), Tsatsorin E. aka “Eugene713
$25 (4th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (4th donation), Candelario E. aka “CE”
$25 (2nd donation), Richard C.
$25, Medha D.
$25, Steven S.
$22 (14th donation), Peter E.
$22 (14th donation), Per J.
$22 (13th donation), Alain P.
$22 (8th donation), Florent G.
$22 (6th donation), Gabriele B.
$22 (5th donation), aka “Mac7veN”
$22 (5th donation), Jose M. K. Z.
$22 (4th donation), Reidar S.
$22 (4th donation), Bjarne K.
$22 (4th donation), Michael M.
$22 (4th donation), Vytautas M.
$22 (3rd donation), Gerhard H.
$22 (3rd donation), Alberto A.
$22 (2nd donation), Silvio B.
$22 (2nd donation), Denis P.
$22 (2nd donation), Jaume T.
$22, Gerhard G.
$22, Balazs B.
$22, Onno G.
$22, Jan Z.
$22, Johannes B.
$22, Orazio L.
$22, Tobias B.
$22, Thomas H.
$22, Chavdar Y.
$22, Kevin M.
$22, Christopher D.
$22, Inge U.
$22, Eike H.
$22, Saqib R.
$22, Stefan B.
$22, Alan P.
$22, Kristoffer J.
$22, Christian David K.
$22, Michael F.
$22, Andrew Peter G.
$22, Hans-juergen L.
$22, Adam M.
$22, Michael D.
$20 (35th donation), Lance M.
$20 (35th donation), Jim A.
$20 (34th donation), Bryan F.
$20 (23rd donation), John D.
$20 (13th donation), SecureRandom – LBRY/Odysee
$20 (10th donation), Brent P.
$20 (8th donation), Kok E. B.
$20 (7th donation), Robert L.
$20 (5th donation), DaveW
$20 (3rd donation), Eric W.
$20 (3rd donation), Georgi C.
$20 (3rd donation), Donor
$20 (2nd donation), Jay R.
$20 (2nd donation), Rodrigo S.
$20 (2nd donation), Thomas S.
$20 (2nd donation), Vedran B.
$20 (2nd donation), Chip M.
$20 (2nd donation), Marc W.
$20 (2nd donation), Jennifer J.
$20 (2nd donation), Tamas H.
$20, John S.
$20, BransonWebHost
$20, Ryan T.
$20, Kerry I.
$20, John F.
$20, Eder C.
$20, Jerry N.
$20, Abraham B.
$20, Larry R.
$20, George A.
$20, John R.
$20, Christopher P.
$20, Ashley
$20, Jerry W.
$20, Miklos F.
$20, S. A. Welland
$20, Carla S.
$20, Phillip B.
$20, Oren S.
$20, Naser A.
$20, Benjamin C.
$20, Robert B R.
$17 (7th donation), Luk
$16 (52th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (3rd donation), Marco K.
$16 (2nd donation), James H.
$16, Gerhard K.
$16, Christoph D.
$16, Paulo Lapa
$15 (3rd donation), Douglas S.
$14 (57th donation), Johann J.
$13 (5th donation), Ciaran M.
$13 (4th donation), Alexey T.
$13, John F.
$13, Marko .
$12 (123th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca”
$12 (21st donation), Lance A.
$11 (17th donation), Piotr L aka “xpil
$11 (14th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (12th donation), Marc V. K.
$11 (11th donation), Dominique M.
$11 (7th donation), Frank H.
$11 (7th donation), Emanuele Proietti aka “Manuermejo”
$11 (6th donation), Paul D.
$11 (5th donation), Julien R.
$11 (4th donation), Alfred H.
$11 (4th donation), Krzysztof S.
$11 (4th donation), Günter W.
$11 (4th donation), Juergen M. B.
$11 (4th donation), Mladen P.
$11 (3rd donation), Irmantas R.
$11 (3rd donation), Michael K.
$11 (3rd donation), Lukas N.
$11 (3rd donation), Roland K.
$11 (3rd donation), Marko U.
$11 (2nd donation), Matthias W.
$11 (2nd donation), Mr J M P.
$11 (2nd donation), Janne M.
$11 (2nd donation), Alfonso M. O.
$11 (2nd donation), Manfred H.
$11 (2nd donation), Johan A. W.
$11 (2nd donation), Stephan W.
$11 (2nd donation), Balazs S.
$11, Robert S.
$11, Pino D.
$11, Gerd W.
$11, casca de copiat
$11, Julián Rafael C.
$11, Markus G.
$11, Barna K.
$11, Burkhard S.
$11, Patricia E.
$11, Antonio F.
$11, Ingo
$11, aka “Miro”
$11, Sergio F.
$11, Geoff Pears
$11, Stefano C.
$11, Johannes K.
$11, Cyril Jouhanneau aka “sangorys”
$11, Alessandro S.
$11, Martin L.
$11, Rainer G.
$11, Mark C.
$11, Lasse K.
$10 (85th donation), Tree Service Kansas City
$10 (79th donation), Tree Removal Raleigh NC
$10 (63th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (58th donation), Frank K.
$10 (57th donation), Fence Baton Rouge
$10 (24th donation), Francois-R L.
$10 (22nd donation), Serhii B. aka “sinpavla
$10 (20th donation), Sami Mannila
$10 (17th donation), Mike M. aka “GrouchyM”
$10 (14th donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (12th donation), Edward A.
$10 (10th donation), Fence Company Raleigh
$10 (10th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (10th donation), Dylan B.
$10 (9th donation), Solar Panels Saskatoon
$10 (8th donation), RexAlan
$10 (8th donation), Michel B.
$10 (8th donation), Troy T.
$10 (7th donation), Joshua O.
$10 (7th donation), Owen D.
$10 (7th donation), Concrete Contractors Raleigh
$10 (6th donation), S. Falcão aka “S. Falcao”
$10 (6th donation), Oil Tank Removal aka “Oil Tank Removal Massachusetts
$10 (6th donation), Jorge R.
$10 (6th donation), Richard L.
$10 (5th donation), Christian W.
$10 (5th donation), Stephen F.
$10 (4th donation), Minneapolis Commercial Cleaners
$10 (4th donation), Team Clean llc
$10 (4th donation), Filippo F.
$10 (4th donation), Minneapolis Towing
$10 (4th donation), Edward C. aka “Oldun”
$10 (3rd donation), Oleg Y. aka “oyerko
$10 (3rd donation), Ann Arbor Carpet and Floors
$10 (3rd donation), Johnny H.
$10 (3rd donation), Christopher S.
$10 (3rd donation), James W.
$10 (2nd donation), West Bloomfield Roofing
$10 (2nd donation), Ricardo N.
$10 (2nd donation), Minneapolis Commercial Painting
$10 (2nd donation), brooklyn park commercial cleaning
$10 (2nd donation), Israel Hanukoglu
$10 (2nd donation), Five Guys Plumbing Farmington Hills
$10 (2nd donation), Oleksandr Z.
$10 (2nd donation), Julio Abel M.
$10 (2nd donation), Shelby Township Roofing
$10 (2nd donation), Warren Carpet Cleaning
$10 (2nd donation), Five Guys Plumbing Warren
$10, Carlos G.
$10, OnoGraph
$10, Michael W.
$10, Luis F C.
$10, Dale Weber (@hybotics)
$10, Daniel E.
$10, Eden Prairie Roofing
$10, Murilo Carlos C.
$10, Gregory G.
$10, Percival B.
$10, Michael J.
$10, Mark S.
$10, Waleed A.
$10, David W.
$10, Minneapolis Roofing Pros
$10, Villanova Orgo
$10, Glenda S.
$10, Christian H.
$10, Bastian M.
$10, Dennis W.
$10, Plymouth Roofing
$10, Kevin D.
$10, Edwin V.
$10, Zsolt T.
$10, Leonardo A.
$10, Chris M.
$10, Samson C.
$10, Samer K.
$9 (13th donation), Simone G.
$9 (4th donation), Marius @ Awesome AF Tech
$9, Tomasz K.
$8, Henk-jan J.
$5 (60th donation), Eugene T.
$5 (37th donation), Dmitry P.
$5 (31st donation), William Menezes
$5 (19th donation), Thomas R.
$5 (14th donation), Kirill
$5 (12th donation), Milan H.
$5 (9th donation), Jürgen K.
$5 (7th donation), Timo K.
$5 (6th donation), JvdB
$5 (5th donation), Anderson M.
$5 (5th donation), Andrew P.
$5 (4th donation), Matthew M.
$5 (3rd donation), Sergei M.
$5 (3rd donation), A. H. .
$5 (2nd donation), Theo L.
$5 (2nd donation), Donald H.
$5, John H.
$5, Mateusz S.
$5, Massimo C.
$5, Pascal L.
$5, Gunnar C.
$5, Xiayu T.
$5, Jose M.
$5, Brent L.
$5, James H.
$5, Anita U.
$4, Cristian Paduraru
$4, zzzzzzzz .
$3 (10th donation), Jonas C.
$3 (9th donation), Szilard S.
$3 (5th donation), Cavatelli
$3, Estegic Web Solutions
$3, Claudio A.
$3, Jesse B.
$3, Twan K.
$3, Roberto Antonio D.
$3, Andrey Mozjuhin aka “Restavr”
$25 from 17 smaller donations

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  1. The Beta has been very stable … great job !!
    PS. Please consider upgrading from Mint 20.2 to Firefox 89.0.2, fixes a bug that causes the browser to hang, it happened to me 4-5 times in Cinnamon

    1. I have been tortured by random hang in Firefox 89.0 and 89.0.1 since update, yet not being able to reproduce stably prevented me from filing a bug report.. hope this update come soon!

  2. If it possible add option to select which additional packages will be install when setup system.

    Thanks ^_^

  3. The beta version is very stable. You are doing a great job, congratulations.
    do you think about adding the function to change nemo’s default boot directory? Example, I want NEMO to start directly on the secondary HD and not on my home, I know it’s possible to do this through the menu editor, but it would be interesting to see this native in nemo.

  4. It’d kind of silly, but when you guys had announced Nemo being able to search inside files, I actually went out of my way to set up a Linux Mint 20.1 VM and edited the source list to use 20.2’s repos (Anyone reading this, do NOT try something like this unless you 100% know what you’re doing; very risky) just to try everything out before the Beta ISO was a thing XD

    Everything’s absolutely awesome, and I can’t thank the people behind this distro enough for the wonderful experience and all the great new features that’d been added over the years. I’m happy to say I actively look forward to each new version of Mint with a smile, because every new version has always made my life better in someway. Thank you so, so much.

    PS… any chance we’ll get some sort of tiling feature in the same vein as PopOS’s Cosmic or Windows 11’s new context menu thingy someday? I’m not a tiling window manager sort of person, but if I could have the option of tiling when I wanted to, that’d be immensely useful.

    1. I am personally not a fan of tile feature. In my experience, they are very cluttered and not aesthetically pleasing. I really don’t like Microsoft’s design decisions. Cinnamon is great the way it is.

    2. @Krissy: What’s in the tiling feature that you find so useful? You use ‘immensely’ so it reads as very important. I’m curious to learn more.

      @Clem: I am a user experience professional with a long career, and your approach to Cinnamon is impressive. It’s elegant, usable, useful and super fast. In my view, you and the team have made better decisions than many well-funded corporate teams at Apple, Google and Microsoft. My sincere congratulations.

      Before spending precious resource in the tiling feature, it’s worth thinking twice. To follow the fashion of the minute is a dangerous approach. You will be at the mercy of big companies like Microsoft, and also Cinnamon will be perceived as a ‘windows knock-off’.
      I work in a big corporation, and know that most of the time design decisions are done to support business goals, which often conflict with what’s best for the user.

      The best way to make sound decisions like spending resource in creating a tiling feature is to use behavioural data like a time-on-task analysis, as opposed to attitudinal data like a survey. To use the famous Ford (car inventor) mis-quote: “If I asked people what they wanted, they would have told me faster horses” 🙂

  5. Hi Linux Mint team,

    I’m using Linux Mint 20.1 and I noticed a bug in Xviewer!

    When I view an image using Xviewer, the color saturation of the image is different compared to other programs such as Pix and GPicview. I don’t know if it’s a bug that only happens to me or other users!

    Here I took a screenshot of the screen with the three programs viewing the same image:

    Image ->

    Xviewer ->

    Pix ->

    GPicview ->

    1. Thank you so much Clem, the problem was really with the color profile!

      In the settings there was an added profile that was selected (I have no idea why this happened)! I removed the profile and restarted the computer, and it fixed the problem!

      Congratulations to everyone on the team for the great work done in Linux Mint!

    2. Hi Linux Mint teams! Fantastic work of all of you guys. I’d like to submit of of my opinion that might be great for our operating system.

      Perhaps, it’s best to remove the blank screen after we typed our password to login, because it’s kind of annoying to see a blank screen for a little while after typing the login password. Please make the system is fully ready to use before the login screen appears, without sacrificing the fast boot. That would be great.

      And also, please make the indicator when transferring files is a real-time progress, because it always freezes sometimes. And it’s really bad. Make it stable also so it wouldn’t freeze.


  6. Great work, Clem and team!
    I just acquired a 2in1 laptop/tablet and installed Mint MATE on it. I then discovered that auto-rotation doesn’t work. I’ve explored a couple of recommendations I found on the web, and although I did find a script that works, the touch-positions on-screen don’t align properly in portrait mode. Then when flipping back to landscape, the display rotates, but doesn’t fill the landscape.
    I was wondering if maybe you guys have looked into such touch-related issues, or plan to in the near-term. Having a functioning “Linux tablet” would be awesome.
    P.S. Touch response in landscape (without rotating) seems to work just fine.

    1. Please report the issue to MATE directly at

      I remember working on fixing this myself in Cinnamon a few years ago. If you test it there and find an issue please let me know.

    2. We have seen ASUS 2-in-1 laptop computers have this problem in Linux Mint Cinnamon. Unfortunately we never saw it fixed.

  7. Looking forward to seeing any updates ported to LMDE 4. One of the most stable OS platforms I have ever used.
    Keep up the great work Clem and team.

  8. Absolutely amazing work with 20.2 and Linux Mint in general! I recently started using Linux along side windows and I wish I had done so sooner. Linux Mint is a very good OS I will be running for years to come! Keep up the good work, myself and many others really appreciate the work you do and how you keep the OS free in all aspects, while maintaining a highly customised feature rich OS which I prefer over the one it is based on. Great work can’t thank you enough for a great free OS that is very user friendly.

  9. LMDE 4
    Nemo -> context Menu -> Visible Entries
    -> Selection
    Chinese appeared [貼上](C) and [貼上](P)
    Correct is
    (C) Should be Copy, the Chinese is [複製].
    (P) Should be Paste, the Chinese is [貼上].
    Because I don’t know how to correct it.
    Please correct it. Thank you

    Thank you very much for your team’s efforts

  10. Clem
    Please, please have an option to not upgrade Firefox from 88.0.1 to 89!! Also I stopped upgrading Thunderbird at 68.10.0. Both UIs have become unacceptable to me and I’m not into storing any of my information into some data mining cloud. I have always made it a point to back up my .mozilla and .thunderbird files to a hard drive and it was simple to get Firefox and Thunderbird back up and running in case of a crash or major update to Mint. Now that is nearly impossible. Difficult at best. Thanks

    1. @Clem This doesn’t brings *the same* look and feel as old UI as in FX 88.01. That’s the problem, and another is that those options will disappear anyway, it is matter of time. Security issues are minor if user controlling java script and hosts. Just FYI. ^^

  11. I would be very happy about a better user interface scaling option in the display settings or Nvidia driver.
    Thank you very much for your work

  12. When I started using Mint a year ago it was very stable but gradually things became more buggy with each update. No idea what is the cause is but maybe if it ain’t broke don’t fix it is the case. This week it seemed better again so it could be me.

    1. “We’ll be very brief with the news this month since the stable release of Linux Mint 20.2 is just around the corner.” xD

  13. I’ve been using Linux Mint now for about 12 Months after leaving Windows10. I can’t wait for this update.
    Thank you Clem for all your hard work.

  14. 20.2 VG – thanks. Nice pics.
    Please: no tiling, big enough already. Indeed plenty of scope for a mini-Mint without vituals, nemos, & co., just a plain simple and ultra fast distro , preferably that’ll fit on a 650disc (yes, there are millions still using CD technology!).

  15. Hello,
    I just wondered if it would make sense to have a system notification informing the Cinnamon user in plain words that the system is using let’s say 90-95% (or any other threshold preconfigured) of RAM and that it is advisable not to launch any more apps or browser tabs as it may lead to a general freeze. IMO LM 20.2 definitely uses RAM more efficiently than 20.1 but why not make life even better?

    1. It would need to be smart enough to know you’ve been using a lot of RAM for a while and it would only be useful if it led to identification of the cause and easy solutions. We talked about something similar in the team, somebody mentioned the idea of notifying if a process uses too much battery. We came to the conclusion that monitoring and notifying is a bit overkill and would often lead to catching the user’s attention at inopportune times. Resources are used when the user does things and it’s at that precise moment that the user is usually already aware of what’s going on and and why the resources are used.

      A tool which monitors and presents data on request, such as the battery usage per app on Android phones for instance, is way more useful. You look at it to troubleshoot, in your own time, when that’s what you want to do.

  16. Hello ,since i upgraded to mint 20.1 a lot of times my laptop dont shutdown,with 20.2 will be fixed this?

  17. On Linux Mint Rosa (I think) it had a really cool screensaver. It was a train station with zeplins and old planes. Why didn’t they take it off?

    1. Hi Jorge,

      I remember that theme, it was pretty cool 🙂 The technology it relied on (MDM) was a dead end, very heavy, very old design and it wasn’t supported outside of Linux Mint. A display manager is a very central part of the OS, it really needs good support around it and many projects just didn’t care about MDM (plymouth, systemd, ubiquity, various DEs..). The greeter itself was developed on top of webkitgtk and that also is not supported well enough.

      Eventually we decided to move away from MDM and to adopt LightDM which is much more modern, used by many distributions and widely supported.

      Note: MDM is still available on github at

  18. correction
    On Linux Mint Rosa (I think) it had a really cool screensaver. It was a train station with zeplins and old planes. Why did they take it off?

  19. The Cinnamon beta page mentions installing Nvidia drivers. A clean install of 20.1 recommended Nvidia driver 460 but 460 only worked with a kernel upgrade to 5.8. 460 produced a black screen before the login. Will 20.2 use a different Nvidia driver or kernel?

    1. I use Nvidia Driver 460 with Kernel 5.4, and have done for some time. There is no problem whatsoever.

  20. Hello, I’m from Brazil, and I love Linux Mint, with each version it gets better, a suggestion that I find interesting and I haven’t seen this by default in any distro, would be to have a tool in the system that freezes system changes, returning to your original state after machine reboot, like Deep Freeze for Windows, it is interesting to use this feature in lab rooms, where students could make any changes without breaking the system, there is a tool called Deep Lock, follow the link below: https ://

    It would be a great option to come integrated with the linux mint version, or even the Linux Mint team to create their own software for this purpose, I’m just giving a suggestion to improve even more this incredible system that is linux mint with new features.


    1. Hi Carlos,

      Although it doesn’t technically freeze, Timeshift does let you snapshot and later restore, thus cancelling any changes in between.

    2. Collective use PC usecases are probably covered if you use liveboot (maybe even customize it first), set the OS to boot entirely from network image into RAM disk, allow guest sessions, mount the home folder to RAM, or even just let people have their users but without sudo.

      Some are more trivial and some are more involved to setup. IIRC guest sessions were available by default on LM a couple versions ago, but were since hidden due to security limitations to the approach, but the rest should be OK.

  21. Hello! I would like to draw your attention to the Ubiquity installer, which cannot specify a partition (/ boot / efi) without formatting, this is necessary if you have many OS installed, or two disks and two EFI partitions.
    Sincerely, Alexander

  22. debian-system-adjustments (2021.07.02) debbie; urgency=medium

    * Remove /etc/xdg/autostart/lmde-ctrl-alt-backspace.desktop

    — Clement Lefebvre Fri, 02 Jul 2021 15:02:40 +0100

    Why would you remove this feature?

  23. Please explain more about Ubuntu esm for xenial and bionic. For whose that can not upgrade to newest lm releases. How to attached the token on terminal and follow steps.

  24. 20.2 sounds like it will land around my 1 year mint anniversary. Looking forward to trying it.

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing distribution. There really isn’t another option out there as intuitive, reliable, and just plain awesome.

  25. Like Mint very much. Just had first problem. Broadcom BCM43142 WiFi card not working on Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E545 because no driver.
    Works on Windows 7 And so hardware is OK.
    Suggestions welcomed.

    1. It should work fine with bcmwl-kernel-source.

      – Make sure to disable SecureBoot (it doesn’t play nice with proprietary drivers)
      – Launch the Driver Manager, if you’re offline it will ask you to put in the installation USB stick
      – Select the recommended bcmwl-kernel-source option

      That should work with the 5.4 kernel which comes with 20.2.

      We upgraded the driver just a few days ago to also work with the 5.11 kernel available in the repositories.

    2. And what if he canNOT disable secure boot? There are already laptops withOUT that option …

  26. Thanks Clem – that worked.
    I had installed kernel 5.11.
    Probably not needed but will it do any harm?

  27. Hi Clem and team.
    Will 20.2 include a functioning screensaver that does not leave a static image (dimmed doesn’t help much) onscreen? I run Linux Mint Cinnamon thru a brand new LG C1 TV – an OLED. The assertions I’ve seen elsewhere about screensavers no longer being relevant “in the age of LCD monitors” ignore these new OLED displays, which *can* suffer burn-in effects.
    Suggestions I’ve seen such as “just set the screen to go blank” don’t cut it either, as TVs, my amp and many other devices which slavishly enforce the HDMI standards will assume a blank video source has actually turned off and disable that connection, so when the screensaver resumes the TV ignores that HDMI line, leaving no fix but to manually shut down and restart the Linux PC! Arrgh!
    So… can we please have a nice, simple, point-me-at-a-directory slideshow option for a screensaver?
    Many thanks!

  28. Hello! I would like to draw your attention to the Ubiquity installer, which cannot specify a partition (/ boot / efi) without formatting, this is necessary if you have many OS installed, or two disks and two EFI partitions.
    Sincerely, Alexander

  29. Hello Linux Mint team,

    My name is Anaximeno and I’m here to thank you for the amazing work you do with Linux Mint and also to request an upgrade of flatpak to version >= 1.7.1 if possible, because I’m not able to install Eclipse IDE for Java with the current version of flatpak (1.6.5).
    I’m currently using Linux Mint 20.2 beta and I haven’t had any problems so far, but I’ve noticed (from previous versions) that when installing the OS you only create about 1GB of swap, which seems like little to me now. since I only have 4GB of RAM, I think something close to 4GB of swap would be better by default. Anyway, this isn’t a big problem as I know I can partition my disk manually.

    Once again, thanks for the good work!

  30. In the 20.2 Beta: no default python…

    $ python –version
    Command ‘python’ not found, did you mean:
    command ‘python3’ from deb python3
    command ‘python’ from deb python-is-python3

  31. Will we see the ability to assign individual workspaces to separate displays in this or the next release? I feel this is an important functionality issue for myself and possibly others. Stretching a single workspace across multiple displays causes my HP Pen (detected as a mouse) to not function as intended on the touch display I’m editing photos on.

  32. Mein “Packard Bell Notebook – EasyNote LV ” ist schon sehr betagt , aber seit ich Mint als Betriebssystem nutze macht es wieder Freude damit zu arbeiten. Kann ich mit dem kommenden Upgrade au 20.2 weiterhin NVIDIA – G-FORCE 630M / 390 Treiber installieren?
    @ Clem : Vielen aufrichtigen Dank für Deine – und des ganzen Teams Arbeit – leider kann ich nichts spenden – ‘bin ein sehr bescheiden lebender ( armer ) Rentner…

  33. I tried the Pop! OS and Fedora with Gnome 40, but switched back to Linux Mint Xfce. It just works better.

  34. I am running 64 bit Mint Cinnamon 19.3 and have been unwilling to upgrade until I finished projects I had going. I have now finished and am willing to do the upgrade but need some help. I would prefer not to blow it away and start fresh, but can if necessary. Is there a way to upgrade to the current 20.1 or should I wait for 20.2 or does that just dig me in deeper? I find Mint Cinnamon very user friendly and appreciate all the work that has been put into it. I have a 240g solid state with the OS and 1tb for data on a Dell XPS 8700 core i7 & Nvidia gt720 driving dual Dell monitors. It runs nice. I see the upgrade instructions but also lots of problems reported. I am not up on the Linux file system and wonder if a fresh install will leave the data drive accessable. I would have everything backed up. Thanks for the help.

  35. What Mint needs (or maybe it’s Nemo) is cascading windows. A new window should be opened slightly offset to the right and down. The way it is now newly opened windows open directly on top of other windows, hiding them.

    1. I’m waiting for it too :(… can’t wait to see it… i wish there was an option to upgrade from 20.01 to 20.02 beta

  36. I find the saving dialog of the screenshot tool of Mint MATE very annoying.
    So far, you have to click the “Save ” button for each screenshot you just made. that dialog is useless after you made your adjustments and you selected your target folder for your screenshots. So why losing time for that dialog for every single screenshot? It just doesn’t make sense, once the settings for a series of screenshots are done.
    And no, pressing PRINT and then ENTER, to get rid of that dialog, is no comfortable way of doing screenshots, sorry.
    Please, add a different screenshot tool, one you can tell to save each screenshot automatically(!) into a previously specified folder and without any dialog, but with an option to select Print or whatever shortcut for the entire desktop and another user defined shortcut for the active screen on a dual- or multi-screen system.

  37. I am excited about this new version, version 20.1 I have on my laptop and on my desktop pc and the truth is the distro that I like the most, although there is something that I dislike a lot, and that is that when I install the proprietary drivers for Nvidia the splash screen disappears, I do not know if the possibility of fixing this is in their hands to fix this, but it would be great if they could do it, it is very annoying for me not to see the Splash Screen when I turn on the computer.
    Ando sorry for my bad speaking in English, i do not speak this lenguaje.

  38. Hey Clem, I have just one requirement for Cinnamon DE, to have a tiling feature like Pop Os. U see when we are doing some programming its easy to use half screen for video tutorial and other half for IDE of course I can just drag the mouse to just adjust it according to screen or I could just switch between workspaces but its not feasible to go foward and backward when we are learning. And having a tiling feature is also a better idea for people who have only one monitor(like me) to get the most out of the screen. Please consider this feature in the next cinnamon release Clem.
    And and btw do u guys have any plans on wayland support cuz I didnt hear any news regarding this in any forums.
    Thanks for the LM team’s continued hard work

    1. Wait, you don’t need to resize.. you just move one window to the lest edge and it will tile into place to use the left half of the screen, same on the right or any corner. You can also use Super+Left to quickly tile things into place.

  39. Clem I have a question regarding the “snapd-glib1” package, how necessary is it? Is it possible to remove it without major consequences?. Regards

  40. Not super important, but it would be nice if Mint X theme gave visual button confirmation when navigating the Xfce Log Out dialog with a keyboard. There is no indication what button will be pressed when pressing Enter.

    I didn’t really appreciate the Mint X theme 5 -10 years ago, but now I do. It’s better defined than anything Apple has created.

  41. Thanks for all the tremendous work with Mint!
    Really hope, though, that 20.2 will take care of the one fundamental issue that currently has cooled my enthusiasm for Mint: The lack of focus on enabling maintenance of the basic security issue of firmware updates.

    Mint 20.1 include only the oldest usable version (1.3.11) of the fwupd deamon which has several bugs and which makes updates from the LVFS base not work. This creates lots of troubles and the last three years’ updates of firmware for my PC hasn’t really been updated by fwupd in spite of it aparantly performing the updates. Hopefully the newest version 1.5.11 (1.6.1) could be included in 20.2.

    Would also suggest that the Mint install checked if the PC to be installed to is included in the LVFS base (and hence can have automatic firmware updates from the LVFS base via fwupd deamon) , and automatically (or at least asked for a choice to be made by user) set fwupd to .regularly check for available FW updates.

    Thanks again — and sorry that my knowledge is too low to contribute to the issue by myself

  42. Hi great guys

    It’s hard to add anything after all the glowing comments.
    But I would also like to congratulate the whole team for the excellent job you have done.

    I’ve been an Ubuntu fan since 2004, loved it BUT they took a weird direction with Gnome and the way they don’t want people to use the desktop. The developers refuse to hear any argument about it .

    So I tried something else and by chance discoved this wonderful Mint. I like the menu, a very easy way to find what I want, much better than Unity.

    On top of that, I have students that I have converted to switch to Mint and they are fans of it too.

    I was a bit long, but I just wanted to tell you that you have the full support of a Frenchman and all his students !! We lost the Euro but thank God we have Mint to console us !!!

    Very good job for sure
    Have a nice day

  43. Hi
    It’s about Timeshift
    I created a partition of 50 GB
    planning: weekly, keep 10
    started: 2020-11-01
    stopped: 2021-03-08
    and we are 2021-07-07, nothing in between??
    space left: 1.4 GB

    I thought that when the space is almost full it worked as a FIFO, but when the space is full, everything is stopped, no more updates.

    The only workaround I found is to
    erase everything
    start again for a new period

    Another way of doing it?

    1. Move the discussion to the forums. Experienced users will ask you about the output partition, it has to be Ext4 for efficiency, and why you are keeping 10 when you really only need 5 or 3.

  44. Hi Clem
    Having problems with a Canon LBP3500 printer. The program I am using is Mint 20.1. The program recognises the printer and shows up as the default printer. When testing to see if it prints a test page nothing happens, but shows that the test print was done. Have searched Canon Webb site
    nothing showing. Printer works on Windows 7.


  45. Looking forward to the new release, but take your time since 20.1 has been rock solid and a great experience. Still my favourite OS by a long shot, you folks are doing an amazing job!

  46. How do i install Mint using F2FS ? It makes a big difference whether almost 26gb are gone or just 4,2 on a 500gb SSD..Please adive to best pratice – ty!

  47. Just did the upgrade to MATE 20.2. No isues at all. Everything in place.
    Thank you for this update

  48. Now that the Ubuntu-based versions have been released, is there any possibility the next version of LMDE will be based on Bullseye instead of Buster? As of now, I believe the release date for Bullseye is still scheduled for July 31st, which is just around the corner…

    I currently use Debian Buster for my daily driver, but have gotten a bit frustrated with how old some of the packages are. For example, the kernel and corresponding nvidia drivers are so old, that I’m still running into problems with my nvidia card that have already been fixed in other distros simply because they’re using a newer kernel. Switching to Bullseye would certainly keep LMDE “minty fresh”…

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