Three new commands made their way into Romeo last night: search, apt contains and apt content. All three of them are provided by mintSystem 5.5.
If you have Romeo set up as a repository simply type “apt update” and “apt install mintsystem”. Otherwise you can get the deb from here:
apt content package
“apt content” shows the content of package, it’s a shortcut for “dpkg -L”. For instance, if you type “apt content mintsystem” you should see the following:
clem@mars ~/Desktop $ apt content mintsystem
apt contains filename
“apt contains” tells you which package contains a particular file. It’s a shortcut for “dpkg -S”. For instance if you type “apt contains /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSystem/GPL.txt” you should see the following:
clem@mars ~/Desktop $ apt contains /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSystem/GPL.txt
mintsystem: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSystem/GPL.txt
search for keyword in directory
“search” lets you search for files containing a particular keyword. You can get a list of options by typing “search –help”:
clem@mars ~/Desktop $ search help
usage: search [arguments] [options]
for text
in directory
-c | –case-sensitive
-s | –show-filenames-only
“search” is easy to use. Let’s take an example and search for “workgroup” in /etc/samba. We type “search for workgroup in /etc/samba” and we see the following:
clem@mars ~/Desktop $ search for workgroup in /etc/samba
/etc/samba/smb.conf.ucf-old:26:# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
/etc/samba/smb.conf.ucf-old:27: workgroup = MSHOME
/etc/samba/smb.conf:26:# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
/etc/samba/smb.conf:27: workgroup = MSHOME
We can refine the search by adding “–case-sensitive” or only show filenames by adding “–show-filenames-only”. For instance:
clem@mars ~/Desktop $ search in /etc/samba for workgroup –case-sensitive –show-filenames-only
Let us know what you think and if you find any bugs. These will eventually be backported into Elyssa and will be featured as some of Mint 6’s improvements.
Mint’s Review on Distrowatch (Overviews)
Commands (3) – search – apt contains – apt content – has been added
Romeo enabled (sources.list) and – apt-get update
mintUpdate has installed mintUpload 2.0 – mintsystem 5.5
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $ apt content mintsystem
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $ apt contains /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSystem/GPL.txt
mintsystem: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSystem/GPL.txt
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $ search –help
usage: search [arguments] [options]
for text
in directory
-c | –case-sensitive
-s | –show-filenames-only
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $ search for workgroup in /etc/samba
/etc/samba/smb.conf:26:# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
/etc/samba/smb.conf:27: workgroup = MSHOME
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $ search in /etc/samba for workgroup –case-sensitive –show-filenames-only
usage: search [arguments] [options]
for text
in directory
-c | –case-sensitive
-s | –show-filenames-only
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $ search in /etc/samba for workgroup -s
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $ search in /etc/samba for workgroup -c
/etc/samba/smb.conf:26:# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
/etc/samba/smb.conf:27: workgroup = MSHOME
roberto@roberto-desktop ~ $
Please, take a look at my results.
Thanks Clem for this useful new features
but for “apt contains” I don’t need a path?
( Y )
tim@mint-felicia ~ $ apt contains GPL.txt
mintsystem: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSystem/GPL.txt
mintupdate: /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/GPL.txt
I like the “search” command, because I’m not a big fan of tracker!
its powerful to find text also in binaries
Now I can find my stuff 😉
Very good..
Thats features are realy util..
All distros maybe adopt this.. 😉
Nice marketing hype, but
apt content = dpkg -L
apt contains = dpkg -S
search for text in directory = find directory -type f -exec grep -iH text –color=auto -n {} \;
New commands? Hardly. “search” could be useful, but then, it could be better without “for” and “in”.
Sorry, I usually appreciate your work, but this thing looks really like a n00b bait.
P.S. Does “{}” work? Shouldn’t it be “\{\}”?
Angelo: We don’t do marketing hype, this has one purpose only: to simplify your usage or Mint and make it more comfortable. I personally use the search command A LOT, and that’s the reason it’s here.. because for simple things we shouldn’t have to google up complicated commands. Read the blog post and you’ll see, it’s no secret these commands are indeed just shortcuts but they make our life easier and yes, I do believe they add a lot to this particular release.
{} works. Curly braces are not special enough that you need to escape them.
Also, consider using + instead of \; when you want to operate on a bunch of files and don’t need to do one at a time (as in your example). It works like piping to xargs instead of using -exec, but you avoid the extra process. man find for details.
> {} works.
You’re right, in bash it works. In fish I need to escape them. Stupid me to not have tried in bash before asking…
Does anyone know what I have to change for showing the thumbnail and just the excerpt with it?? on my /etc/samba/smb.conf