The ISO images for LMDE 2 “Betsy” are being updated. This is the stable release for these new images.

LMDE 2 Betsy Cinnamon Edition
LMDE 2 “Betsy” was released in 2015.
If you are not familiar with it, here is an extract from its original announcement:
LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) is a very exciting distribution, targeted at experienced users, which provides the same environment as Linux Mint but uses Debian as its package base, instead of Ubuntu.
LMDE is less mainstream than Linux Mint, it has a much smaller user base, it is not compatible with PPAs, and it lacks a few features. That makes it a bit harder to use and harder to find help for, so it is not recommended for novice users.
LMDE is however slightly faster than Linux Mint. Life on the LMDE side can be exciting. There are no point releases in LMDE 2, except for bug fixes and security fixes base packages stay the same, but Mint and desktop components are updated continuously. When ready, newly developed features get directly into LMDE 2, whereas they are staged for inclusion on the next upcoming Linux Mint point release. Consequently, Linux Mint users only run new features when a new point release comes out and they opt-in to upgrade to it. LMDE 2 users don’t have that choice, but they also don’t have to wait for new packages to mature and they usually get to run them first. It’s more risky, but more exciting.
LMDE 2 received many updates in the last 2 years, including many improvements which were ported from Linux Mint as well as all the new versions of MATE, Cinnamon and the Xapps.
This release provides a new set of installation images for LMDE 2 which includes all these updates.
System requirements:
- 512MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
- 9GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
- Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
- DVD drive or USB port.
- The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
- The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
- The 64-bit ISO is recommend for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold in the last 10 years are equipped with 64-bit processors).
Upgrade instructions:
- No upgrade is needed. If you are running LMDE 2, you already have access to all the updates included in this re-release.
- If you downloaded the BETA ISO images you do not need to download the images again. No critical bugs were found, the BETA images went gold and are now released as STABLE.
Download links:
Cinnamon 64-bit ISO:
- Torrent
- World EvoWise CDN
- Canada Manitoba Unix User Group
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- USA Clarkson University
- USA Go-Parts
- USA James Madison University
- USA Linux Freedom
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- France
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- France Ordimatic
- Germany Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Germany GWDG
- Germany Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Germany LWLcom
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- Netherlands Triple IT
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- Romania ServerHost
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- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
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- Turkey Linux Kullanicilari Dernegi
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- Australia Internode
- Australia Yes Optus Mirror
- New Zealand University of Canterbury
- Argentina Xfree
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
- Colombia Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Ecuador CEDIA
- Ecuador CEDIA Ecuador
- Ecuador Escuela Politecnica Natcional
- South Africa Internet Solutions
- South Africa University of Free State
- South Africa WIRUlink
MATE 64-bit ISO:
- Torrent
- World EvoWise CDN
- Canada Manitoba Unix User Group
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- USA Clarkson University
- USA Go-Parts
- USA James Madison University
- USA Linux Freedom
- USA MetroCast Cablevision
- USA Nexcess
- USA pair Networks
- USA TAP Open Source Mirror
- USA TDS Telecom
- USA Team Cymru
- USA University of Oklahoma
- USA West Virginia University
- USA XMission Internet
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Austria UPC Austria
- Belarus ByFly
- Bulgaria IPACCT
- Bulgaria Netix Ltd
- Bulgaria University of Ruse
- Czech Republic CZ.NIC
- Czech Republic Ignum, s.r.o.
- Czech Republic IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
- Czech Republic UPC Ceska republika
- Denmark
- Denmark KLID
- France
- France
- France Gwendal Le Bihan
- France IRCAM
- France Ordimatic
- Germany Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Germany GWDG
- Germany Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Germany LWLcom
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
- Greece National Technical University of Athens
- Greece University of Crete
- Greenland Tele Greenland
- Hungary Infotronik
- Iceland Siminn hf
- Ireland HEAnet
- Italy GARR
- Latvia University of Latvia
- Luxembourg root S.A.
- Netherlands NLUUG
- Netherlands Triple IT
- Poland ICM – University of Warsaw
- Poland Onet
- Portugal Universidade do Porto
- Romania M247
- Romania ServerHost
- Romania Telekom Romania
- Russia Yandex Team
- Serbia Four Dots
- Serbia University of Kragujevac
- Slovakia Rainside
- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
- Sweden Academic Computer Club, Umea University
- Sweden
- Sweden Portlane
- Sweden Zetup
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Turkey Linux Kullanicilari Dernegi
- Ukraine IP-Connect LLC
- United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting
- United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service
- Bangladesh dhakaCom Limited
- China TUNA
- Indonesia Jaran.undip
- Iran Rasanegar
- Israel Israel Internet Association
- Kazakhstan Neolabs
- Philippines RISE
- South Korea KAIST
- Taiwan TamKang University
- Taiwan Yuan Ze University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Thailand
- Thailand Songkla University
- Vietnam FPT Telecom
- Vietnam Freedif
- Australia Internode
- Australia Yes Optus Mirror
- New Zealand University of Canterbury
- Argentina Xfree
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
- Colombia Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Ecuador CEDIA
- Ecuador CEDIA Ecuador
- Ecuador Escuela Politecnica Natcional
- South Africa Internet Solutions
- South Africa University of Free State
- South Africa WIRUlink
A set of 32-bit ISO images is also available at
Integrity and authenticity checks:
Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.
Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.
- Please read and follow the steps at
- Link to the sums: sha256sum.txt
- Link to the signed sums: sha256sum.txt.gpg
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!
Torrent is not working at this moment.
I tried it too soon?
Edit by Clem: Hi, the torrents are slow but functional already. They’ll get faster and faster as more and more seeders join in.
It’s good to see that LMDE is getting attention. Thank you for your effort!
Have you made any plans regarding LMDE in the light of the upcoming new stable release of Debian? Or is it too early for that? I believe many LMDE users would love to read a blog post about the plans, if I may suggest
Edit by Clem: Hi Dawid, not yet.
@Dawid that will likely me LMDE3, eh Clem?
Edit by Clem: Yes.
Link to the sums: sha256sum.txt
sha256sum? lmde-2-201701-cinnamon-64bit.iso
Edit by Clem: Ah sorry about that. It’s corrected now.
Eureka !
All the power of Debian
New iNSTALLER Calamares super simple.
No problems with codecs and drivers.
Super Mint store for applications.
and posible future snaps.
THis will be the best distro of the planet.
Edit by Clem: The installer is live-installer:
Many thanks!
LMDE2 was not connecting to wired Ethernet on my old dell laptop. On my HP desktop it would lose connection after reboot. I hope this was corrected in the new 2017 LMDE2.
Are these the same as the ones from the end of January?? I would have expected 201703 instead of 201701 if they were somehow new or different.
Edit by Clem: Yes.
There is no tab for touchpad in “mouse” from control center and two fingers scroll not work(for me).
If I already have a fully functioning instance of LMDE2 from the original release in 2015 is there any need to use these ISO’s?
Edit by Clem: No.
Ok I read the small print, I see now that I do not…sorry
Thanks Clem and the whole LM Team on a job well done.
Does this have a auto partitioner?
Thanks for this release, it is best distro for me
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@2 Dawid
I’m trying Debian 9 (Stretch) RC2 MATE at the moment. It looks very nice indeed. You need to install quite a few utilities and applications to make it almost equivalent to Linuxmint but I’d recommend you have a look at it.
With the LMDE 2 2017 betas and finals and using LM image writer to usb stick, boot is into “software rendering mode”, making installation impossible, at least with my level of knowledge. Any suggestions as how to install and try, both Cinnamon and MATE? Thanks from longtime LM and Linux user, in Colorado, age 78.
I guess the January ones were beta, this is the release!
No worries. Lets all just chill and relax. LMDE3 is on the horizon.
Does it have SysVinit?
The ISO file I have downloaded (64bit-Mate) have the same size and the same SHA256 like the BETA-ISO I downloaded 2 months ago.
Mistake ?
congrats clem,
i have 2 laptops, hp and dell. dell is 7 yrs old and hp is 1 week old. I am facing issue incase of Hp because of UEFI, its better if there would be an official tutorial to install LMDE on UEFI enabled machines. I shall be very thankful for this act of kindness.
with regards,
deepak bawa (india)
Operating System: Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon 64-bit
Cinnamon Version: 3.2.7
Cinnamon has been crashing into Fallback mode. Fallback mode has ‘Applications’ and ‘Places’ menus.
1. Would you please advise where the ‘Shut Down’ and ‘Restart’ menu items are placed in Fallback mode?
2. If ‘Shut Down’ and ‘Restart’ are not in the Fallback mode menu items, would you please add these menu items to the Fallback mode?
3. When Cinnamon crashes, what information in the ‘System Log’ or otherwise would you like to be able to fix Cinnamon crashes?
Thank you
@Deepak Bawa #18
What HP model/specifications is your computer? There are many tutorials on how to install Linux Mint on HP computers on the Internet. These points may help:
* If your computer has Windows it helps to change the Windows settings
* Change BIOS settings to legacy boot support before installing
* Having an active internet connection when installing
* Change BIOS settings to UEFI after install
Tell me, please, what xxx xxx was making translation 18.1 to Ukrainian?! It was always ok in previous versions.
wow. that so cool.
thanx for ur quick reply
would u plz post a tutorial @ for same. It would be great help, as i have practiced some of the tutorials available on Internet but cant succeed yet. the configurations of HP are below:
HP 15-ba035au Notebook (AMD APU E2- 4GB RAM- 1TB HDD- 39.62 cm (15.6)- DOS) (Silver)
This is an wonderful news! I love Mint!
[ Smiles ] By the way, I installed LMDE with the Cinnamon desktop environment and I am loving it.
However, I have one issue: Chromium (my favourite web browser) is crashing the Cinnamon desktop, causing it to go into fallback mode.
All of the other web browsers work fine on LMDE.
I feel somewhat a bit out of my comfort zone without Chromium.
Ironically, Chromium works well on the Ubuntu-based versions of Linux Mint 18.1.
Clem, could you please look into this?
I would like to enjoy the experience of using the Chromium browser on LMDE as soon as possible.
For the record, I am a huge fan of Linux Mint!
Hi Clem and Linux Mint Team
1.Downloaded Cinnamon Edition 18.1 few days ago to test it on an old Acer Aspire 3023 WLMi (AMD Sempron 3000+, ATI Radeon X700 128Mb Vram, HDD 80 Gb and 512 DDR Ram). Sadly it froze on this forum webpage (i blame the old – failing – HDD)
2. Burned the Cinnamon Edition 18.1 to a 16 Gb Thumbdrive using USB Burning Tool from Linux Mint 14 (took 4 hours to complete, but it worked)
The Linux Mint 14 works like a charm
on that Acer Aspire, running from a 1 Gb USB Thumbdrive.
3. Now, as far as i can tell, using Cinnamon Edition 18.1 to write this message it works! I am using a Acer Aspire ONE D255E (Intel Atom N455- 1.66 Ghz, 1 Gb ddr3 ram, Intel integrated video cipset)
Please, do’nt delete my message. I am telling you this because i am gratefull to be able to use this great Linux Distro on an older hardware as a proof that IT WORKS!!!
P.S. I used the 32 bit version
Thank you Clem and team for hard work and final relise!
But every time used old kernel on this distro but this is Verry High Security Risk!!!
Latest Stable Kernel: 4.10.2
Changes Log is Here:
Mozilla Browser is Old Version Again!
Why and when you learn do it your jobs Perfect and Professional
Dear Clem??
Maby some time in Future 2020?;)
LMDE2 logs you in as administrator, this is not wise.
Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon also logs you in as administrator. Shows it that way in Users and Groups,it should be set to standard.
@Clem, MATE 1.18 (GTK3 only) was just released. Will we have to wait for LMDE 3 / Debian Stretch 9 or would it be need to be backported?
TIA, Mike
Edit by Clem: Hi Mike, you might have to wait a little (we’re planning to work on this for Mint 18.2 and there’s a WIP to port mintmenu to GTK3), but it should get into Betsy. i.e. you won’t have to wait for LMDE 3 to get MATE 1.18.
There is one problem with hp laptop that the mint is not compatible with the power settings of this computer,it shuts down on closing the lid.Else it is excellant.
The wifi list ok, but no possible to connect to any wifi station. Same PC with LinuxMint (Cinnamon) 18.1 works well.
Any suggestions?
Sorry! Forget to say, many thanks for your excellent work with Linux Mint!
Best regards!
God bless all of you.
On Linux Mint 18.1 Software Manager, i can’t see installed software’s unless i search that software’s name.
I want to see list of all installed software’s in Software Manager.
Installed tab feature like in Ubuntu Software Center would be nice.
Very good news. LMDE is my favourite distro with Debian.
my first experience LMDE fine on lenovo x220 but do not remember brightnees settings on restar tanks
Happy Saint Paddy’s day to all and don’t drink and drive numb nuts !! Cheers mate. Merci
Edit by Clem: Cheers, happy paddy’s day
After a screenshot is taken with the “Screenshot” application in Linux Mint Cinnamon, it is possible to “Copy to Clipboard” and “Save” the screenshot.
1. Would you please add a button to take another Screenshot?
This would save time when taking multiple screenshots.
2. Should the behaviour for the “Save” button be similar to “Copy to Clipboard” button in that it should *not* close the window?
Currently the “Save” button saves the image and then closes the window.
3. Should another button be added called “Close” which closes the window?
Thank you
@2 & @16
LMDE-2 newly released isos still have the old 3.16 kernel. Consequently installation on UEFI hardware is not possible. So I downloaded Debian Stretch9-RC2 with MATE 1.16.1 and sporting Kernel 4.9. Very impressive and responsive on both UEFI Asus desktop and HP laptop. To have the ability to play video, I installed the Slimjet browser. I double-boot with the latest Siduction-MATE release and to any one of you interested, know that the Solus Brisk menu is available in the sid repository.
@karibou I am no expert but I have installed LMDE with 3.16 and it works fine with UEFI on HP devices. I wish someone could come up with some better install devices or instructions.
Two are HP 820 Elitebooks, the other is a 6300 SFF desktop.
@peter 45-46: Well lucky you, count your blessings. Most probably firmware/hardware related: my HP laptop is fairly new and sports the Skylake chipset so at least a 4.4 version of the kernel is mandatory. Same goes for the Asus mobo desktop. I run LMDE-2 on a not so new Acer Core-2 duo desktop and it runs flawlessly. Anyway thanks for chiming in.
@peter FYI Manjaro offers several comprehensive guides, UEFI installation is one of them … see here
@peter … Better still click the following link and download Manjaro-17.0-User-Guide.pdf for a graphical installation guide.
Then go to pages 61-83 : Assisted Installation on a UEFI system. Couldn’t have a better tutorial than this one.
Good luck!
yes my hardware is a few years old… I was not aware it would impact the install.
I will keep those resources handy.
Hello, today I installed LMDE2 on my second physical Disk.
On my first Disk I have Win7 and on my second Disk second partition I have an Backup of my Win7.
In Grub i had LMDE2 ….. then Win sda1 and Win sdb2, but both WINselections alway started my Backup Windows on my second Disk ???
After some time I solved the Problem with rescatux changing in GRUB the start-boot-order sdb first then sda.
Now sda1 starts my Win from first Disk and sdb2 my BackupWin from disk two.
Of course in future I will more and more start LMDE slowly moving from Windows away.
Bonjour Clément,
J’ai un problème: la carte réseau ne semble pas être prise en charge sur mon portable (dans le bios c’est NIC (Network Integrated Chip))… mais il me semble que l’avant dernière ISO Lmde 2 la faisait fonctionner normalement…
Est-ce qu’il y a eut des changements important dans le network manager? Une idée en suggestion?
Edit by Clem: Il y’a peut-etre eu des updates sur network-manager depuis, provenant de Debian Jessie. Verifie la connexion en ligne de commande et la detection de la carte (lspci, dmesg etc..) pour savoir s’il s’agit d’un probleme materiel, de drivers ou de network-manager.
Looks like gigolo and vsftpd might be a solution for Linux Mint 18.x to get samba working.
Youtube comment by KayWal1981:
i been looking all over to do this trying diff software and nothing would work i was trying to link up Linux Mint Cin 18 to Mint XFCE 18 and nothing would work till now.
Gave you a sub
Brother you saved me
Extraño VLC y los Multimedia Codecs. Mi PC está dañada y sólo puedo correr LMDE como LiveCD.
Found a bug in Linux Mint 18.1 with yelp.
To reproduce the bug.
Open Help from Start Menu.
Search “anything you want” and then click back arrow.
CPU usage will spike to 90-100% and wont go away until you kill the “yelp” process from System Monitor.
Hope this gets fixed in Linux Mint 18.2
^ The bug is on Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon, haven’t checked others.
Interesting. I am trying to use Compatibility Mode to install and configure BrucesWay on 16GB Lexar USB3keys for evaluation whilst noticing that MicroSoft, empowered by the EULA have managed to remove all non-MicroSoft software from THEIR hard drive, so in the mad rush to find US sponsors the days of Mint are probably numbered?
@Bruce R, comment 56:
The 10th can destroy anything by chance, and with no any visible reason. Like its ‘own’ NTFS partition with my data structure was lost past summer, for example. Of course, it all can be restored in minutes with clones but… It’d better to keep the odious OS-s in the virtual machine, if not in the strict sandbox. I’ve installed the 10th into the virtual MBR drive of VirtualBox 5.1.18 on Mint18.1 KDE, kernel 4.9, recently. Testing Enterprise, 64-bit, N. Looks running good, natively, with 2016(and nonLibre)office, 2017(and nonFree)CAD, CloneBD, utorrent… But more time is needed to be sure.
I have been using Linux for almost a whole year now and I started with Ubuntu LTS 16.04. But I love Mint and Debian and this is a very nice looking OS. Please keep up the good work! I enjoy this very much.
@VEGalin, comment 57 – Thank you.
I think that MicroSoft’s internal chaos all goes back to their abandoning configuration control as being too difficult for Win95, since which each product team has to fend for itself whilst Bill wandered off.
Looking for scapegoats rather than solutions they seem to be targeting non-MicroSoft software whilst monitoring discussions like this for information, all ‘strictly for training purposes’ you understand.
In reality freeware is better written and controlled as are the Mint repositories. It also helps if ‘other software’ is less complex.
Good luck with Win10. I’m sticking with offline Win7 for just a few essential freeware Apps which I won’t reveal for fear of ‘sabotage’.
just downloaded lxde mate as torrent and writing this using betsy 2
is is possible 2 have an enlightment desktop like bodhilinux in addition 2 cinn, mate, xfce in lxde 3
gud luck 2 mint team
Please take a look at todays update cups!
E: /var/cache/apt/archives/cups-daemon_2.1.3-4ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Sorry to write it here, but on the last xfce page comments are not allowed.
My problem is that Calculator not follows the settings of the desktop. I have green titles on active windows and gray on inactive ones. But Calculator uses that modern look where every title is gray and one can not really distinguish active and inactive windows from each other. I do not really understand why is this the trend in the last years.
Anyway I use linuxmint for years with xfce and I really like it, and thanks for all of your work!
Why does a double name show in the mint login, such as stan stan or joe joe or mike mike. Only one name should show up.
Edit by Clem: It shows your username and your real name.
I have downloaded several copies of LMDE2 and checked they are identical. The integrity check is OK. But the authenticity check (using sha256sum.txt.gpg) and using your instructions is giving a bad signature! I have posted in the LMDE2 forum and not had any explanation for why this is. Given the recent history of download authenticity problems with this site, I would have expected that this would have been fixed by now. In the mean time I can’t install it. Any suggestions?
Edit by Clem: Well, first, don’t panic and please be more precise. Can you give the links for the forums post, the ISO you downloaded (direct link to the ISO itself) and the sha256sum file you’re using. What signature is your sum file signed with? Can you paste the output of your verification?
Thanks Clem for your reply. Please see forum link under LMDE forum “Authentication issue with LMDE2”:
Since it is a couple of weeks since the download, I believe I downloaded from the 2 UK sites on this page and initially did a diff:
I then clicked on the following verify link and cut and paste the contents to files on a LM17.2 desktop and followed instructions on folder in a terminal:
The output is posted on the forum (link above)
Why is System Info in System Settings is not as detailed as HardInfo?
Domain Blocker uses website in /etc/hosts, shouldn’t it be website? Isn’t better cuz it simply drops rather than connecting anywhere?
I have had no complains from Linux as kernel and distros from open linux-caldera my 1st distro in 2001 to date with Mint and Ubuntu on my mint new HP amd machine, having said so, would it not be fair if we limit distros to a few like Mint, fedora, susse, ubuntu, pepermint and a few and instead of new forks let OS be made with developer / package managment compiler who could well name the distro for private / in house use like distrowatch linux OS instead a new being made and hoisted daily. Android is on linux kernell and a hit because not many android versions or distros avilable
while loading Mate Betsy a sense of joy came on the fact that linux mint was no.3 . hope it is No.1 . OS that is simple, user friendly
my favaroite OS was pear7 still in use on old machine and have customised Mint GUI near pear. Thank you Mint team for LMDE 2 stable Cinnamon OS marked for my next new machine