I’m happy to announce that Sucuri is now Linux Mint’s 3rd biggest sponsor.
Sucuri is a security company, specialized in incident response, monitoring and protection for web sites. With thousands of clients, their cloud-based firewall handles more than 16 billion page views every single month, while their incident response team can remediate hundreds of sites on a single day.
Working with Sucuri has been a great experience for us. Our project uses many servers spread across the world. Thanks to Sucuri’s expertise, their help and their products we were able to quickly recover from the attacks led on our distribution and set up malware monitoring and improved automated backups. Their firewall protects access to our servers and uses cache and compression techniques to speed up traffic on our web sites. Sucuri also helped us with the adoption of HTTPS and the hardening of our servers. We’re able to quickly get in touch and chat with them when needed. That proximity and relationship with our partners is very important to our project and their expertise in security is really appreciated.
We’re proud to welcome Sucuri as our new sponsor and very grateful for the help they’re giving us.
Congrats, Mint, and thanks for every bit of help to Sucuri and all the sponsors!
Congrats Clem! Is “Backend or gateway connection timeout” (HTTP 504) also a part of firewall protection?
Edit by Clem: Hi, which website was it? We can tune many aspects of the Sucuri firewall and ask them to look into this also.
I feel MUCH better about downloading the upcoming Mint 18 now. Nice work!
Velika podrška timu Linux Mint_a
Cool !!!
Congrats Mint, and thanks, Sucuri!
Great! Congratulations! DrWeb is no less famous in the security world. It might help also.
Congrats! Slowly but surely “private” donors will become obsolete, right? And what exactly says the contract – or is it all just “out of love” for you guys these companies sponsor???
Edit by Clem: Donations are actually on the rise and they’re very important to Linux Mint. This isn’t a contract, you’re looking at Sucuri offering free security services to Linux Mint and getting recognition/reputation/traffic/sales from it. We build great relationships with our partners and we’re obviously happy to help (I helped PIA recently, I hope I’ll be able to show you that soon enough, and if Daniel Cid from Sucuri needs our help on something we’ll be happy to see what we can do), but everybody here understands that funding is a mean, not a goal. Its role is to facilitate development. In other words, this isn’t a contract where we get money and we sell time or focus. We ALWAYS keep time and focus thanks to funding. You shouldn’t look at our sponsors as commercial entities who buy our resources, it’s quite the opposite, they’re making it easy for us to get more services, resources, funds and services which we can use to develop Linux Mint.
Nice development, useful contract.
Kudos for Sucuri stepping in to assist with attack issues and sponsor the Linux Mint project. Happy to see this sponsorship is being recognize in the community.
Congrats,and i am looking foward to Linux mint 18, Great!
Thanks for the support. As a LINUX MINT user I am gratified for the security in what will become the worlds most favourite operating system.
Clem, the issue with HTTP 504 occurs in sections like “Most popular ideas” on https://community.linuxmint.com/idea/welcome
Example: https://community.linuxmint.com/idea/view/16
I regularly use the free Sucuri site scanner to check if sites I use are hacked or vulnerable.
It helps to show the site admin a link with info about the exploits.
Will the forum finally get a security section ?
This kind of sponsorship is fantastic to see, not only is it great for the Linux Mint project as a whole but in particular to it’s users. Well done to Securi for stepping up to the plate & well done Clem for securing this sponsorship!
Congratulate to Sucuri, which have chosen the right partner/Mint! Security Professional say complexity is enemy of security. But I found Mint and Sucuri a well balance between security and simplicity
hey clem =)
I dont know how to contact you, but i know you read all comments =)
I have a little bug report for linuxmint 17.3 ( only 17.3 ) , if you have installed steam on it, and you chat with a friend and MINIMIZE the chat-window, the chat-window will not be show in the taskbar, that really weird if you minimize it and its gone than
Than you have to go to friendlist, search your friend and doublelick to restart chatting with him… I know its a little ” bug” but it is really annoying
… I really hope you guys will fix it… that bug is only on 17.3, 17.2 is fine with that…
thank you linuxmint-team so much!!! =)
Lovely To see!
Thanks Sucuri, Love the Support.
Great to see you maintaining the right spirit while finding good and creative ways to keep the on-going development supported. Well done!
When will coming the release candidate (RC) of Mint 18 ?
I wish me a contact in german. The part of grafic in this platform is very good. i cannot see good. Ein audio – signal is not came. It is come by windows 7 and ubuntu 16.04 .. With kind regards Walter
Awesome, Congrats !!!! Linux Mint Rules!!!!!
I am a big fan from Romania and I love all that work.
I think everyone made a super big deal about a pretty minor and pathetic hack. I mean, the torrent was always fine. Who’s gramma ISN’T torrenting?
Still, though, help is always welcome! Thanks new Securi friends!
Thanks for the support. LINUX MINT LMDE edition with Cinnamon is my favorite operating system. When would be the next LMDE release held or would I enjoy LM18 features in LMDE 2.
I’m curious how long it will take for Cinnamon 3.0 to hit the LMDE 2 Betsy repos.
Edit by Clem: Hi, I read your comment a bit late.. but Cinnamon 3.0 is already in Betsy.
Everyone is talking about the new features coming up in LM 18 and if there going to upgrade to it and I’m over here wondering what I’ll do when the LMDE 3 release happens next year.
A propos talking about security:
It’s still not possible to spoof the MacAddress in Linux Mint.
I’ve tried both:
1. to set another MAC in the ‘Cloned MAC address’ field in the NetworkManager Connections settings. The result is that it is waiting for connection until it gives up. If I blank the ‘Cloned MAC address’ field again, the connection works again with default MAC.
2. by typing
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo ifconfig wlan0 hw ether
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
into the terminal. But the result is the same – it tries to connect but gives up after some time. Got the same result as I tried macchanger.
I can spoof my MAC without any problems in Archlinux on the same machine. It’s also no problem to do this on Windows or OSX machines but Linux Mint insistently refuses to take any other MAC than the default hard-coded one.
It feels really insecure to leave my hard-coded MAC in the logs of every Wifi Router I need to connect.
Wish there was a solution for this.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I’m pretty sure my 96 year old gramma isn’t torrenting. She just got an answering machine 2 weeks ago, and is shocked by the shear technology of it. The “no messages” voice makes her laugh hysterically every time.
I am grateful for your time and effort Clem. I have no knowledge of programming, I just recognise that MINT is the best that I have used. Rock solid and easy to install and use; even for me. Thanks.
Keep Suport ..
Linux Mint..
I feel kind of offended that some people would be questioning the motives of Clem and a given sponsor.
I’ve donated to the Mint project a number of times, and never had any expectation that it would get me special privileges or anything like that. I also trust Clem and the Mint team to safeguard my privacy and look out for security issues. If I didn’t trust them, I wouldn’t use Mint.
Do people really distrust Clem that much that they would think there could be some kind of sleazy back-office deal going on with Securi? Fat guys smoking cheap cigars with greasy hair and a leer on their faces. They have money stuffed in their pockets – all in small, untraceable bills. “Clem, let us put a back door into Mint, we will pay you lots of money. Forget your integrity and honesty, money is much better. Nobody will ever find out.”
@21 Walter Bechtel – Ein Linux Mint Forum auf der deutschen Sprache ist hier zu finden –
Hoffentlich das hilft etwas.
It’s a good news. It’s important to make sure that the Mint developers are always well “fed”, have all the tools they need and that they make a decent living (?) from their work, not being stolen by other companies. In the end, they work for us and I want them to keep going. Mint is still amazingly free for all. It’s a gem that hasn’t been discovered yet by the Microsoft hypnotized populace. In my book it’s superior to both windows and OSX. It’s getting stronger and better with every release.
Btw I am curious on how many people work for Mint ?
Nice news. Keep a good work!
Great. Good news.
But maybe you’ll finally solve in the next edition the annoying “Source Actor not defined” error that keeps popping out in the upper right side of the desktop. You can ask the guy who’s making Makulu Linux (the ‘Aero’ Edition) how to do it, he did solve it for some time now.
Thank you.
@Hot Chilli, if you use Configurable Menu, you can try to install github version to solve “Source Actor not defined” problem.
Im happy i finally switched back to linux, since my old 2006 laptop was crashing over and over due to memory leaks with svhost from windows vista(always svhost..) I have a much better and newer latop but its broken so im using this one now since i have no other option,plus i cant use my main desktop pc for a while.
i forgot how easy linux was and is (im learning more commands everyday) The tutorials i found online for installing linux helped me alot during my installation and made it alot easier than what i imagined it to be (cus i never installed it before only run it from usb stick in times of need (harddisk fails etc)
In other words, THANKS for keeping Linux alive and free to use
(makes me feel guilty for not donating :P)
@kelebek333: I don’t use Configurable Menu (not only because it is outdated and it has problems with the recent versions of Cinnamon). I hope that such bugs will be eliminated by the developers…
I want to make an unofficial remix of LMDE Mate version using Devuan. What advice have you got?
Edit by Clem: I would wish you luck and at the same time I would ask not to use Mint’s branding (to make it clear to users they’re using something else) and not to promote it within the Mint community (first because it’s not fair practice, second because LMDE’s audience is already quite small and it’s hard to justify continuing with 4 ISOs if it gets any smaller). From an upstream point of view, if you find compatibility issues in MATE or Cinnamon with systemd alternatives (consolekit2 etc..) please do let us know so we can consider adding support for these.
I am a new user to UNIX and Mint. I helped develop IBM OS/400 security since 1978. I am very pleased with UNIX I do not miss Windows (and license fees)
You have a 100% fan
Clem: Thanks for the response! I’ve been running the Devuan beta for a few days now, and it definitely looks like my path forward as a sysadmin. Still love mint!
Love Linux Mint !!!
Congrats to all sponsors !!!