Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Xfce released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Xfce.

Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela Xfce Edition

Linux Mint 17.2 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features at a glance:

For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 17.2 Xfce“.

Important info:

To be aware of issues and read about explanations and possible solutions related to this release, visit: “Release Notes for Linux Mint 17.2 Xfce

System requirements:

  • 512MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 9GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
  • DVD drive or USB port.


  • The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
  • The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
  • The 64-bit ISO is recommend for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold in the last 10 years are equipped with 64-bit processors).

Upgrade instructions:

  • If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17.2 RC, simply launch the Update Manager and install any Level 1 update available.
  • If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17 or Linux Mint 17.1, please follow the instructions at


Md5 sum:


HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!


  1. thank you very much.

    please consider, to leave ubuntu behind. its time for a full migration to debian 8 jesie and full systemd, while keeping all your excellent work until now.

  2. Thank you for your hard work. I wish that LMDE will be the mainstream distro the next year, so we can access to the porwerfull of Debian without been dependant of Ubuntu and its politics.

  3. Linux Mint 17.2 Xfce
    Thank you… working great.

    Upload Manager (aka mintupload)

    I successfully used ‘Upload Manager’ to transfer a batch of files including some of ZERO length. Previously a zero length file would cause an error.

    Upload Manager worked well for:
    + FTP to a local Mac
    + SFTP to another local Mint Xfce after installing openssh-server
    + FTP to a remote site

    Is it possible to add the ability to upload directories?

  4. I was using Linux Mint for awhile, and due to some issues + new video card I was going to do a clean install and decided to try other distros. I spent much time trying out different distros. They all glitched in significant ways within a day or two. I was considering arch linux, but I am not that advanced, not even close. Then I realized you know, Linux Mint was running just fine. I didn’t really want Cinnamon though, not that it’s bad. It’s actually really nice. But for some reason, I just didn’t want it. The same way I just kind of don’t want KDE even though Plasma 5 is gorgeous. Welcome to Linux Mint XFCE. This one is it. It feels rock solid. I love the built in functionality of mouse wheel roll on the title bar rolls a window up or down. I’m excited to get this desktop completely configured as I like. I think I’ve found a new home. 🙂

  5. === known cryptswap issue ===

    Hi Clem,


    [Code]# Add crypttab entry
    echo “cryptswap$i UUID=$uuid /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256” >> /etc/crypttab[/Code]

    [Code]# Add crypttab entry
    echo “cryptswap$i UUID=$uuid /dev/urandom swap,offset=8,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256” >> /etc/crypttab[/Code]

    My assumption: The “offset=8” is the difference. Without it, a freshly installed Linuxmint finds the cryptswap and then destroys its UUID. When rebooted again, the UUID is gone and the swap partition cannot be found anymore. The offset in the installer script should fix that problem.

    Edit by Clem: Thanks, is there an ubiquity upstream bug report for this? Was this fix committed upstream?

  6. I am an 81 year old newbie; I want to check out linux mint; i have used unix years ago; however i haven’t the foggiest idea of how to load the latest copy of linuxmint and make it run. I am running a a 6 core, 64 bit acmi with an AMD processor. Can’t figure out how to make the copies of mint availble here to run – a little help?

  7. Hi Clem,

    No, this is my own fix and I didn’t commit that upstream.

    One thing is sure, the “offset=8” protects the UUID and the type indicator of the swap partition and does no harm. In worst case you waste a few kBytes at the beginning of your swap partition.

  8. Nice distro, but I think MATE is much better and much more customizable than the XFCE … also in most cases it uses less RAM. However, good job as always and congrats for both.

  9. brilliant work lads, love this operating system,
    really easy to install and really user friendly. thank you.

  10. I’ve been using Mint 17.2 Xfce as my main operating system since the release candidate came out and it looks like it’s the most stable system I ever used. Chapeau!

  11. Is there a special reason why mint 17.2 XFCE is released with kernel 3.16 instead of 3.19 like Xubuntu?

  12. Still 8 letters to go and we’re finally rid of this girly name stuff. Makes you think all developers are sixteen year olds with Playboy centerfolds on their bedroom wall. Mint really deserves better than that.

    Edit by Clem: That’s what girl names make you think about? That’s sad.

  13. Clem, I really like the way Codenames are selected, but John’s comment about codenames (#27, I think.) make me wonder one thing… What will happen after Linux Mint reaches the codename Z? (eg. Zelena, Zoey [N.B: Personally, I really like this one!] or whatever name you choose)? Will the girl name secuence restart from letter A?

    Suggestion: Why don’t you begin a boy-name codename secuence after this one? hahaha.

    Greetings from Venezuela. Keep doing what you do, you are a bunch of awesome people developing an awesome OS!

    *Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” – Cinnamon Version*

  14. i just love it!

    go on like that, really easy to install and really user friendly. thank you, brilliant work!

  15. Clement and some of the other key Mint developers are French, and the French name ROCKETS with women’s names, like the Ariane! And naming ships with women’s names is also a long-standing tradition. And storms like hurricanes have long been named after women, although now there are men’s names too.
    You have to remember that computers in general and Linux in particular are a very international pursuit. When that happens, you have different cultural attitudes and traditions coming into play. When you encounter something that seems puzzling, it’s best not to make quick assumptions based on your own background about WHY it’s done that way.

    One challenge with men’s names is that there are many more men’s names with negative historical associations, and some of those are regional, which makes them harder to spot.
    It’s fairly obvious why you wouldn’t want to use the name Adolph or Adolf, but Benito in Italy, Francisco in Spain, and Augusto in Chile are also going to stir memories of ruthless dictators in many people in those countries.
    That’s going to make the process more difficult and time consuming, and I’m sure Clem and the team have better things to do!!!

    Last names of composers and/or artists might be a safer bet, and probably not too hard to come up with.

  16. Thank you guys, i am more then happy with this edition. Xfce is flying on laptop!

    Keep up the good work 😉


  17. It’s funny to become creative and give some ideas for future codenames. In fact, I’ve made my Dream-codename list up:

    *I’ve done it because I was bored and kinda inspired. Don’t get it the wrong way. I’m just having some fun*

    * Sarah (LM 18)
    * Thalia (LM 19)
    * Unique (LM 20)
    * Veronica ** (LM 21)
    * Wendy (LM 22)
    * Xana (LM 23)
    * Yessica (LM 24) (I couldn’t think of something better for this letter, I’m sorry)
    * Zoey ** (LM 25) — I support Gabe in this one, haha.

  18. Thanks… I have been waiting for the XFCE4 version.
    I have a question.. is the linux mint team going to start making their own mint packages ( like PCLINUXOS ) in the future?

  19. Since it appears that Linux Mint 13 (Maya) is currently the version most Mint users have, and that it still goes until 2017, could you please implement a simple way to update directly Mint 13 to Mint xx (the next stable version available when Mint 13 is officially shut down) via the Terminal or Synaptic updater, as easily as you can go from 17.1 to 17.2, so that we won’t have to uninstall and re-install the whole distro via a LiveDVD as we need to now? Thanks!

  20. Regarding the names:

    S – Stephanie or Shanti or Selena
    T – Theresa or Tina
    U – Ursula or Ulla or Ulrika
    V – Venus or Victoria or Vanina
    W – Wallis or Winnie or Wilhelmina
    X – Xenia or Xaviera
    Y – Yelena or Yael or Yasmina
    Z – Zelda or Zahra

  21. I have not been able to resolve this issue, since installing LM = in effort to update and upgrade I get this error message

    E: The value ‘rebecca’ is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources
    E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

    Edit by Clem: In a terminal, type “search in /etc/apt for rebecca”. This will tell you what is still pointing to rebecca in your APT configuration.

  22. Zoey for (LM 25) or I will be seriously offended 🙂

    Thanks for the next version of Xfce!
    My 85 years old uncle is getting his XP (that he didn’t use any more) upgraded to Mint Xfce this week. 🙂

  23. Thank you so much. My HP mini 110-3135DX thanks you, as Windows 7 Starter crapped out out me and left me stranded

  24. @47 – yup. My test-bed laptop has LM 17.2 XFCE and Windows 10 (upgraded in-place from Windows 7).

    My mail laptop currently has LM 17.2 Cinnamon and Windows 8.1 – Windows 10 “upgrade” scheduled for the end of this month…

  25. Hello
    i was wondering why there isn’t an english version of the documentation?
    why it’s only in hungarian?

    i really, really need the documentation
    is it in the making or something? i hope it’s finished soon!

  26. Muchas gracias un excelente SO se agradece por la entrega de cada versión de Linux Mint, éxitos y bendiciones.


  28. el notebook es un compak presario v2000 bcm4318, modelo de tarjeta integrada. Tiene 512 mb de ram, 1600 ghz. Cualquier ayuda sera muy bienvenida. Gracias !!!!!

  29. Already years ago I started to try Linux, but for me – as Apple user for website design etc – it was not user-friendly enough. This version surprises me very pleasantly. My 8 years old HP ZX5000 laptop got a new life with this version of Linux, that I installed alongside a slow working Windows 7 that I sometimes need, unfortunately . Without all the troubles I had with installing Windows 7 Linux Mint recognized my screen, Broadcom wireless and sound and works like hell! Compliments for the good design, speed and battery consumption! A small minus is the installation of a printer, still to technical, but as 75 years old I also could manage. This Linux is a must for everyone who wants to be free of the business approach of MS & Apple!
    Sent with Thunderbird under Linux Mint.

  30. In addition to my earlier comment: I was so enthusiast about this Rafaela release that I made a mistake in the last line, of course my earlier comment was not sent via Thunderbird but via Firefox from my now Linux HP laptop.

  31. HI! I have a problem with my LM Rafaela (Portuguese edition): on the lower bar, the date displays properly (“Segunda” stands for “Segunda feira”, wich means monday. But on the calendar above it, it’s showing “Dom”, abbreviation of “Domingo”, wich means Sunday. Any idea how to correct this?
    Congratulations for the new LM edition, it’s great!!

  32. I installed this version of the distro this morning and soon after I went afk i came back to find my terminal opened and a few commands executed [..]

    Edit by Clem: Try to reproduce it again, it’s likely somebody around you typed these commands. If you think this is a bug, please take note of the commands next time and get in touch with us over the IRC so we can help you troubleshoot and analyze the situation.

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