Just a few more days before 17.1

The ISO images for the Cinnamon and MATE editions of Linux Mint 17.1 “Rebecca” just passed QA testing and were approved for a stable release. This release should go public in the coming days.

If you are running Linux Mint 17.1 RC, you do not need to wait for the stable release, and you do not need to reinstall. You can simply use the Update Manager to install any level 1 update you haven’t installed already.

If you are running Linux Mint 17, you do not need to reinstall. Please wait a little while. We’ll provide updates to Linux Mint 17 and information in an upcoming announcement. Upgrading will be easy, fully supported and it will be an opt-in (i.e. you will have the choice to upgrade to 17.1 but also to keep 17 as it is).

Many thanks to all the artists and developers who participated in this release.

Many thanks also to all the people who participated in testing the RC. Your feedback helped us identify many bugs and fix the ones below:

  • All editions
    • When resizing Software Sources window, its scale up and never scale down!
    • LibreOffice theme is missing some sidebar icons
    • Please bring back the “Mint-X-Dark” icon set. its important for dark themes..
    • Help menu item launches linuxmint.com/documentation.php instead of mintdoc
    • Artwork: tomboy systray icon is black
    • mdmsetup Under the Welcome Message the text input area for Custom should align on the left hand side with the ‘Welcome’ text above it. Either ‘Welcome’ should be moved to the right or the text input area increased to the left to get the correct alignment.
    • mdm https://github.com/linuxmint/mdm/pull/127
    • mdm greeter (in preview mode): no icon on window, no easy way to exit, title of the window is very techy…
    • search engines – extra n in dictionnary.com?
    • update mint-mirrors
  • Cinnamon Edition
    • Expo trash icon isn’t sized properly
    • cinnamon-themes to use noto fonts
    • nemo-emblems: hide ubuntuone, dropbox, rabbitvcs icons
    • settings/backgrounds Gradient and Picture Aspect text not aligned on the left side.
    • settings/preferred apps Consider little bit more spacing under the Terminal dropdown to balance the window elements a bit.
    • Account details: Cinnamon 17, by default link: http://s26.postimg.org/armd84n21/Screenshot_from_2014_11_17_10_04_05.png, 17.1 by default: http://s26.postimg.org/gyxr8ait5/Screenshot_from_2014_11_17_10_35_12.png
    • Accessibility settings, typing, turning on-screen keyboard on or off does not appear to do anything.
    • Usint mint-x aqua theme when you maximize windows they go behind panel. Default theme doesn’t do this. I haven’t tried others.
    • I disabled the recently used Files. After that the menu gets way to wide (it reach nearly to the 17.1 on the wallpaper. There is a text in the menu that says “recently used files are disabled…” (I don’t know the correct words, i use the german language)    ?
    • systray icons (reproducible with mintupdate) in bottom panel does not scale with the size of the panel. Increasing the size of the panel does not increase the Update Manager icon (even when all the other icons increase in size…yes I ticked that box 🙂 ).
    • cinnamon-settings-users should not let root modify user’s passwords when their home is crypted
    • Regression in Nemo: Misplaced rename text entry https://github.com/linuxmint/nemo/issues/757
    • Regression in Nemo: When switching the sidebar view to tree view and back, some entries in the “Devices” category are displaced/displayed incorrectly. On mouse-over they display correctly again.
    • In Nemo when I use the option “Open as Root” appears the ROOT icons of Computer and ROOT Home on the desktop and can browse the hole computer as root from there without any password even after I closed the original Nemo.
    • Nemo: Zoom level changes over time on its own
    • Regression: DND minifreezes..
    • rel-notes: add keybinding migration script
    • Not possible to setup mobile broadband? https://github.com/linuxmint/Cinnamon/issues/3640
    • startup animation
    • session properties changes not always being applied
  • MATE Edition
    • Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn’t do anything.
    • Caja still uses a 3 sec delay at launch. With partial fixes in systemd and caja on runtime dir issues we could probably remove this or reduce it to a single sec.
    • Can’t make CCSM changes stick
    • mintdesktop: mate-wm-recovery doesn’t always work….
    • apturl-gtk apt://pkname doesn’t show in the window list
    • There are less than half the previously available keyboard shortcuts
    • Ctrl-Alt-t shortcut by default for the terminal
    • Workspace Switcher preferences do not include the ability to change the number of workspaces or change the names of workspaces.


  1. Anyone have problems with Huawei 3G/UMTS broadbands? I just tested Mate 17.1 RC and Cinnamon RC, but I cannot connect to mobile broadband connection.

    I can create “New mobile broadband”, but it fail to connect.

    I have tried with Huawei E353 and Huawei E5220, not work! No network, so I cannot do anything.

  2. Great news! Can’t wait to get my hands on the new stable iso’s. The world’s finest Linux is about to become even better. 🙂

    Can you give us an estimate when the Xfce edition will be available? And will 17.1 Xfce contain version 0.5.2 of Xfburn?

    Edit by Clem: It usually comes out mid-December as an RC and the stable release around the end of the month.

  3. Will the bugs above be present or are already fixed for the final version? Kinda confused sorry. 🙂

    Edit by Clem: These are the bugs that were fixed since the RC release.

  4. First I love Cinnamon it’s my favourite Window Manager! Than long time nothing than KDE 5 and Win7. But I have always the feeling compared to the other both it’s too buggy. So I love the decision to stay with LTS and focus on developing.
    I still have following Problems with Linux Mint17/17.1 under Cinnamon.

    1. In gimp you can change the behaviour of tools when you press the ctrl or alt key. But when I press the ‘alt’ key and I use the mouse, I move always the entire gimp window. When I press ‘alt’ and click with the left mouse button in the active window, doesn’t matter which one i can move it around. I can’t find any option to disable this global shortcut.
    2. In the settings for keyboard shortcuts there should be a search for shortcuts. So you are able to find very fast already used shortcuts and you can look for which the shortcut is used. Something similar like the shortcut settings in Matlab would be great.
    3. In MDM the html login screens never shows any .faces I tried .jpg and .png in Linux Mint 17 and 17.1. But I have to say, that my home directories are encrypted. And when I think logical there are encrypted until I type in my Password. So it should not be possible to read the .faces file. But is there an chance for an solution?
    4. I use a docking station with a wireless keyboard with usb transmitter, and sometimes when I plug it out and in Mint recognizing the keyboard but it’s not working. My mouse is working every time.
    5. In the settings for nemo there should be an option for show the folder path instead buttons constantly. (I know I can do this in dconf but I think this option should be in the nemo settings.
    6. Window tiling with shotwell, installed via ppa, are not working.
    7. When I have to type in my password for example in synaptic or the update tool it’s looking everytime different. No bug or a problem only I candy proposal. (I know somebody wrote this before)
    8. Randomly Cinnamon 2.2 freezing, and I have to use ctrl+alt+backspace and sometimes even this is not helping so I have to use SysRq+REISUB. Hope this happens less with 2.4

    Thanks very mutch for your great work

  5. 9. When I want to create a new user via settings ‘User + Groups’ it’s useless for me, because there is no option for decrypt the home directory.
    10. Also in the User + Groups settings there should maybe an option to chose the UID and GID. This would be helpful for using nfs.

    Since 3 weeks or something my cinnamon 2.2 is freezing everytime for seconds when I open or save a file. Couldn’t find the reason. Also reinstalled Linux Mint 17 but left my decrypted /home/USER directory on another partition as it is. Asked in the forum and one user told me to create a new user and delete the old one, he said it helped him. Now I’m so annoyed by this behavior that I can’t wait for the realease of the update to Mint 17.1. So the question is, what is more safe way to deal with my Problem and prevent futere bugs or incompatible settings like in my actual Problem.
    a) Install the Mint 17.1 RC now and create a new user
    b) Stay with Mint 17 and create only a new User.
    Thanks for help and the good work on Mint and Cinnamon

  6. 11. I would prefer to report bugs not in Blog instead redmine, github or something else would be much better in my opinion.

    Edit by Clem: We also use github and LP, but in the 2 weeks separating the RC from the stable release we go through all your blog comments, we certainly can’t go through the thousands of bug reports present in github/LP. Other than that, I agree with you, they’re certainly more adapted for bug reporting during the development cycle.

  7. @tomppa

    I can confirm that a directly plugged in Huawei E586 modem does not provide a network connection to me (when I disable wifi).

    Under Networking, the modem shows up as Mobile Broadband and shows the correct IMEI and provider, but when I select Add New Connection, nothing else happens.

    [I then turned on wifi to write this message]
    I then connected a plug in usb wifi adapter [TPLink TL-WN725N], turned off PCI-Wifi, and enabled USB-Wifi (the TPLink nanoUSB). This worked fine, and is what I am currently sending from.

    So a direct plug in of a Huawei does not work. Using a wifi link USBbutton is my workaround, if there is no wifi on your machine.

    Edit by Clem: “when I select Add New Connection, nothing else happens” –> This was fixed in the latest update for cinnamon-control-center.

  8. Looking forward eagerly to the details on how to upgrade from LM17 to LM17.1. Sounds well worth waiting for!

    Congratulations to your and your team for your hard work and many accomplishments.

    Edit by Clem: It’s actually quite trivial. Give us a week or so though, we want to make it graphical, fully tested etc..

  9. Rebecca’s looking great – always grateful and appreciative to test and play with the newest release before it’s made stable.

    Love Mint, just converted my sister – she won’t use anything else now, that’s the magic of Mint: it only takes a demo to convert someone 😀

    Thanks Mint team, looking forward to 17.1 more than Christmas ^_^b

  10. Thank you for the new editions Mint is the Best distro, also wondering how Mint Debian is doing?

    Again thanks you everyones time and help!

    “Happy Holidays”

    Edit by Clem: Betsy is doing alright, we’re at the point where we need to decide whether she’ll use systemd or sysvinit, and also whether she’ll stick with GTK 3.14 or use an earlier version. She’s bootable/installable, and she’s got most of what’s in Rebecca (Cinnamon 2.4, latest Mint tools etc..), but we’re not at the stage where we’re fixing small issues yet, we’re still encountering critical problems and choosing important components.

  11. The Mate Panel right side application indicator icons and clock, and when some other icons are pinned there scramble and get switched around and stay in the middle of the Panel sometimes – when changing Desktop resolution. This is a fairly old and unnecessary bug. Could you fix this?

    Thank you in advance,

    Edit by Clem: I added it to the roadmap, if we manage to fix it, it will come as an update.

  12. Thank you for new Editions, ready to update. Wondering will Mint Debian have new Editions soon?

    Thank everyone for there time and help with Mint.

    Happy Holidays!

    Edit by Clem: It’s planned for Spring 2015.

  13. Well done everyone. Currently on 17 so really looking forward to the new release of 17.1. My fav distro by far and have converted a number of newbies who love it also. Well done again and keep up the passion and hard work!

  14. Hi,
    Clem are there any plans for implementing Wacom tablet settings as they were presented in GS 3.10?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Michal, no there weren’t. It’s feasible for Cinnamon 2.6 though. I’d recommend creating an issue on github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon-control-center for this.

  15. About that 3s delay on Caja startup – what causes it? This seems to be a longstanding issue, dating back to the Gnome times.

    Edit by Clem: The 3s delay was a workaround we put in place to prevent a known bug from happening. There are/were three critical issues at play here. 1. When Caja failed to initialize it would spam the session with tens, hundreds or an unlimited number of x-caja-desktop windows (we’re pretty sure this is fixed now). 2. When the session is starting gsettings sends random “changed” signals even though no value was changed, triggering code to run in various applications which react to value changes (we’re pretty sure this is NOT fixed). 3. The most critical issue is libpam-systemd assigning the same runtime directory to processes run as user and processes run as root… resulting in random freezes or crashes potentially in any application using glib/dconf/gsettings/gtk..etc.. (we think this is fixed in most cases but some use cases using gksu/sudo could still make this happen). In brief, to work around all of that, libpam-systemd was patched and caja was given a 3s delay at startup. Now that caja no longer reacts to gsettings changes at startup like it did before, we think it’s ok to reduce that delay. It’s also worth noting that this bug is hard to reproduce because it’s the result of a race condition… we could probably have removed the delay altogether, to stay on the safe side we reduced it to 1s.

  16. found a solution for my Problem 1.
    In Settings -> Windows -> Moving and Resizing you can disable the ‘alt’ key for windows moving. 🙂 🙂

  17. Hope the KDE version 17.1 comes out soon. It’s my favourite.
    Any time-line on it?

    Edit by Clem: Mid-December for RC, end of December for the stable release.

  18. Great work team, as usual… Any news on the apparent memory leaks in the Cinnamon edition? Like other posters on the RC thread, I spotted some alarming memory use when browsing in 17.1 RC Cinnamon not apparent in the Mate edition nor in Cinnamon 2.2 running on Mint 17.

    Also I’ve been having some issues reconnecting Wifi after resume from standby on Mint 17 that weren’t there on Mint 16 (on Thinkpad T430, Intel iwlwifi). I was wondering if these had been addressed. I have a workaround, but sometimes it takes a little while for the Wifi to start working after resume.

    Keep up the good work!

  19. Please replace buggy file-roller 3.6.3 with file-roller/trusty (3.10.2). here was some discussion concerning this in 17.1 comments but nothing seems to have changed.

    Edit by Clem: The bug related to timestamps is in the roadmap, it’s likely to be fixed with an update on top of 3.6.3.

  20. I just installed 17.1 stable (Yeah, I couldn’t wait any longer) and I tried to use lowlatency kernel 3.16.0-25.33 but when I rebooted to use it, it caused my monitor to blink on and off. I had to roll back to 3.13.0-40-lowlatency #69-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT in order to run LM 17.1 smoothly. It is awesome!! I am really impressed.

  21. The background graphics system settings will be restored and two flash drives in question

    The background graphics system settings will be restored
    Under unexplained restored, especially after the crash most likely to restore

    Two flash drives in question

    system Log report

    Linux Mint 17.1 system down

    Nov 26 20:10:27 tiger-MS-7788 udisksd[2118]: Mounted /dev/sdb1 at /media/tiger/USB 隨身碟 on behalf of uid 1000
    Nov 26 20:10:34 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [ 4079.926200] [UFW BLOCK] IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=241 ID=54321 PROTO=TCP SPT=50403 DPT=9064 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    Nov 26 20:10:51 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [ 4096.624300] [UFW BLOCK] IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=105 ID=256 PROTO=TCP SPT=6000 DPT=9064 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    Nov 26 20:11:03 tiger-MS-7788 udisksd[2118]: Cleaning up mount point /media/tiger/USB 隨身碟 (device 8:17 is not mounted)
    Nov 26 20:11:13 tiger-MS-7788 udisksd[2118]: Unmounted /dev/sdb1 on behalf of uid 1000
    Nov 26 20:11:13 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [ 4118.110074] sdb: detected capacity change from 31750881280 to 0
    Nov 26 20:11:13 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [ 4118.702606] [UFW BLOCK] IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=114 ID=256 PROTO=TCP SPT=77 DPT=8088 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

    Linux Mint 17.1 system halt 2 minutes
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.193474] usb 2-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 7 using ehci-pci
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.292225] usb 2-1.1: New USB device found, idVendor=13fe, idProduct=3600
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.292230] usb 2-1.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.292233] usb 2-1.1: Product: USB DISK 2.0
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.292236] usb 2-1.1: Manufacturer:
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.292238] usb 2-1.1: SerialNumber: 07A91B00B2CA0201
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.292496] usb-storage 2-1.1:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.293192] usb-storage 2-1.1:1.0: Quirks match for vid 13fe pid 3600: 4000
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10607.293219] scsi6 : usb-storage 2-1.1:1.0
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 mtp-probe: checking bus 2, device 7: “/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.1”
    Nov 27 08:10:01 tiger-MS-7788 mtp-probe: bus: 2, device: 7 was not an MTP device
    Nov 27 08:10:02 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10608.319953] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access USB DISK 2.0 PMAP PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
    Nov 27 08:10:02 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10608.320241] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.685739] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] 7831552 512-byte logical blocks: (4.00 GB/3.73 GiB)
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.688240] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.688246] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 03 41 00 00
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.690710] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.690715] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.698330] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.698335] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.720070] sdb: sdb1
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.729988] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.729992] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
    Nov 27 08:10:03 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10609.729996] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk
    Nov 27 08:10:04 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10610.210678] EXT4-fs (sdb1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
    Nov 27 08:10:04 tiger-MS-7788 udisksd[2178]: Mounted /dev/sdb1 at /media/tiger/USB 隨身碟 on behalf of uid 1000
    Nov 27 08:10:17 tiger-MS-7788 dbus[647]: [system] Activating service name=’org.freedesktop.Accounts’ (using servicehelper)
    Nov 27 08:10:17 tiger-MS-7788 accounts-daemon[6988]: started daemon version 0.6.35
    Nov 27 08:10:17 tiger-MS-7788 dbus[647]: [system] Successfully activated service ‘org.freedesktop.Accounts’
    Nov 27 08:10:25 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10631.955764] [UFW BLOCK] IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=114 ID=256 PROTO=TCP SPT=64316 DPT=9064 WINDOW=15500 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    Nov 27 08:10:45 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10651.706642] [UFW BLOCK] IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=114 ID=256 PROTO=TCP SPT=77 DPT=8088 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    Nov 27 08:11:23 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10689.523452] [UFW BLOCK] IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=241 ID=54321 PROTO=TCP SPT=37936 DPT=9064 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    Nov 27 08:12:04 tiger-MS-7788 kernel: [10730.611320] [UFW BLOCK] IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=241 ID=54321 PROTO=TCP SPT=56932 DPT=9064 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

    Thank you

  22. I really enjoyed testing out 17.1 and it was my pleasure helping out the community in getting this top-class distro out into the world. This was the first Linux distro that I have ever tested. This is also the first Linux distro that inspired me to totally ditch Windows forever. I hope to continue to contribute to the Mint community and I would like to make a donation for the holidays.

    Linux Mint is an incredibly polished and amazing Linux distro. I love it and it has reignited my passion for Linux and computing in general. I have been using Linux since 2002. My first distro was Mandrake 8.0 lol. It’s been a long time coming and Linux has made leaps and bounds beyond my wildest imagination.

    I look forward to seeing the 17.1 ISO released in the next few days and KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK EVERYONE! =)

  23. Did you guys also fix an issue in MATE where as if you enable window compositing for marco, on the welcome screen, the tool tip shadows are left on the welcome window, this doesn’t happen with other applications.

    It is a minor issue but I love having the welcome screen on start, it looks nice but that particular bug makes me want to turn it off.

    The issue does not happen with Compiz.

    Can it also be possible to stick to one dialog box that asks for the administrative password? It seems that every application codes their own version of it. For example, the synaptic package manager draws its own box with rounded corners and a shadow, an aRGB window with transparency while other applications use a simple dialog box…the issue is when you have compositing turned off, why is there a shadow for that one dialog box but not for others and then when you do turn compositing on, it just gets draw an weirdly with double-shadows.

    Other than that, I can’t wait for MATE 17.1 .. I was running RC and had a heck of a battle deciding which distro I wanted and my heart finally decided that it was MATE 17.1 that was in my best interest, I will wait for the 17.1 update to become available to me.

    Thank you guys so much for your hardware, it was a friend that opened me up to the Linux world, I hated it back then but I didn’t know what it was until one day I decided to try it. I battled installing almost 34 different distros and like I said before, Linux Mint made the cut, it just works and I’m in love with it.

    This is going to be a great adventure!


  24. I mean to say, “thank you so much for your hard work” not “hardware” oh man, I need to get out for a walk sometime, lol!!

  25. I think I’ll wait for a week or two when everything gets fully polished. No need to hurry, I am very happy with pure 17 🙂

    Still, it’s great to see all this work coming into reality.

  26. My only internet connection is by means of mobile broadband USB dongles. (Usually Huawei E169G or E3231 and sometimes ZTE MF622.) After reading that some Linux Mint 17.1 users have had trouble achieving internet access via mobile broadband connections can anybody tell me whether or not mobile broadband does work reliably for them with Linux Mint 17.1? I’m nervous about upgrading from Qiana to Rebecca because I have internet access other than through a mobile broadband USB dongle and will be forced to reinstall Linux Mint 17 (and all of my software) from DVD if upgrading to Linux Mint 17.1 prevents me from using mobile broadband.


  27. If I choose to skip the Linux Mint 17 to Linux Mint 17.1 upgrade next month will I later be able to upgrade from Mint 17 to Mint 17.2? Are the Linux Mint 17.x series of upgrades cumulative (and have to be carried out in sequence) or can any 17.x upgrade be carried out at any time as a one-off? In other words will I be able to upgrade from Mint 17 to Mint 17.2 (or 17.x) after passing on the 17.1 upgrade?

    Edit by Clem: Yes.

  28. after the installation of xorg edgers with this command

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa

    the desktop menu gets lost in mint cinnamon 17.1. is not possible to add, create something on the desktop or to change the background.

    only after that the driver manager is working and i can chose nvidia driver in my case 340.

    this never happened in mint cinnamon 17. mint 17 kde can recognize at least the gpu ram and frequency but mint 17 or 17.1 cinnamon nothing.
    maybe could be something changed so that i can use mint 17.1 cinnamon. i’ll make the update to see if it works.

  29. at tomppa: Im running 17.1RC Mate 64 on Lenovo G700 …3 sticks used (Hua3131,E367u,E303) seem to work. You not using USB 3.0? That can be a problem…

    Boys: Remember to install Blueman, if needed and well
    if Bluetooth works at all 🙁

    kernel 3.16.0-25.33 doesnt even find my wifi, lets not talk about BT .. useless on this box

  30. at Tony: Nice you are thrilled, but i find tons of bugs … polished is different 😉 Examples: BT, Compiz, caja delay, possible USB Modem problems, Update Mgr nuisance with ignored updates, etc…

  31. hi together,

    what referrs to mobile broadband, I also have a Stick with Huawei-Technologies (Web’n’Walk basic IV) and for me it works like a charm.

    But what is my problem: the kernel 3.13.0-39 and 3.13.0-40 are really not working at all!! Booting ends up in kernel-panic. The machine would not boot at all (black screen and an output visible with a kernel-panic) and I had to revert back to 3.13.0-37.

    So I would greet it, if these kernels would work one day.

  32. I upgraded Mint 17 Cinnamon 64 bit to 17.1, using apt to update my software sources.

    The only backgrounds available to me after the upgrade were qiana and rebecca.

    Maya, Olivia, Nadia, Petra and mint-backgrounds-retro, all had to be installed manually, and separate from the upgrade.

  33. Such an amazing release!!! unlike Ubuntu, Linux Mint keeps getting better and better! Ubuntu, in my opinion, is no longer the friendliest linux distribution, Linux mint is! everything just works, user interface is minimalistic but still looks awesome and modern, update procedure is also very simple, no need for reinstalling!! GREAT WORK! Thank you Linux mint team!

  34. Clem and Team, Thanks again for the fine work you do on
    Linux Mint. I am a daily user of LM for my production computing environment and it serves me well.

    Thanks for making the 17.1 release an opt-in.
    Be Well.

  35. I upgraded Mint 17 Cinnamon 64 bit to 17.1, using apt to update my software sources.
    Thank you Linux mint team!
    Hi community &
    free test developer.
    Best regards! enjoy

  36. I noticed that the 17.1 ISO images are already present on most download mirrors.

    Are these the ones that have already passed QA testing? Can people suffering from acute Linux install craving twitches pick them up?

    And before you say that no reinstall is needed, that I can just upgrade… I’ve repartitioned my entire hard drive a week ago, so that’s not really an option for me.

  37. @tomppa: On 17 I had a similar problem with a Huawei; however it was easily solved using usbmodeswitch. You can probably find a configuration file for usbmodeswitch for your Huaei around, maybe that also does the trick.

  38. @Steven(23) and Simon(28) – The KDE edition as well as the XFCE edition of Linux Mint are usually released around 1 month after it’s flagship edition(s), in this case, Cinnamon and MATE. It’s been this way for quite awhile now, just so you know. 😉

  39. To Clem and team – An excellent job all around. Cinnamon defintely cam into it’s own with version 2.2.* and now it’s that much better. Even the RC has been getting good to glowing reviews. Even by sites such as “The Register” which has a habit of not suffering buggy distros lightly.


    To have them write such a positive review about a pre-release version of anything is nothing to sneeze at.

    Edit by Clem: I look forward to reading the reviews, I will read them post-release though (it’s a pity they couldn’t wait as well and review the finished product).

  40. i was already using mint 17 mate.i tried 17.1 rc.it did not work at all.i install with usb stick it took 1 hour to install but did not finished till end in first attemp.second time was better because i wrote on dvd disc.finaly desktop was ok but mouse did not seen or moved so slowly and freezed asked me the user and password but did not accepted .i am ordinary user.thank for your hard work

  41. I want to take a moment to say that Linux Mint 17 is awesome! Since discovering Linux Mint, Windows is dead to me and it does everything I want it to do and it does it well. It’s very user friendly and comes pretty much already set up once installed on your computer. Thanks to everyone who has made this distro possible — developers, contributors, artists, testers, designers, etc. As the naive public slowly catches on that Linux Mint exists and gives it a try, I think one day this will be the most common OS in the world in use.

    I’m looking forward to Linux Mint 17.1, but I’m in no rush for you to get it out the door. Please take your time, test it and release a fine and stable update that is polished. Good things come to those who wait! Thanks!!

  42. Someone do something with Huawei Wifi modems. i have huawei usb wifi.. I need to (using old stupid ZTE MF622) update kernel, then install wicd and connect using wwan0. Cant put pc to sleep, internet wont work after sleep, sometimes after hibernation also.

  43. I would be very very happy if you included in the stable release drivers for multipurpose scanner/copier/printer 64-bit driver for Brother DCP J-315w. Lack of such driver disables me of usage your distro. It is not only the linux mint’s disadvantage, unfortunately :-((

  44. Awesome, very good news. Also I would like to let you guys know about a bug that I am having on my Toshiba L730 laptop. Whenever I unplug the power chord the laptop, message pops up “your battery is critically low” even though battery is 99% and it goes into hibernation mode. I hope this has been fixed in this new version. Please let me know if you require anything else.


  45. hi people,

    I have a terrible problem with my preferred foto-editor Digikam. It crashes for me with this Terminal-output:

    andrea@andrea-SATELLITE-C850-1LQ ~ $ digikam
    digikam(3319)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Error: standard icon theme “oxygen” not found!

    Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceAdded(QDBusObjectPath)
    Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceRemoved(QDBusObjectPath)
    QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection ‘ConnectionTest’ is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
    digikam(3319)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Error: standard icon theme “oxygen” not found!

    digikam(3319): No ksycoca4 database available!

    digikam(3319)/kdecore (trader) KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType “QImageIOPlugins” not found
    digikam(3319) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file “khtml.rc” for component “khtml”
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): KSystemTimeZones: ktimezoned initialize() D-Bus call failed: “The name org.kde.kded was not provided by any .service files”

    digikam(3319)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): No time zone information obtained from ktimezoned
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KPixmapSequence::Private::loadSequence: Invalid pixmap specified.
    digikam(3319) KXMLGUIClient::loadStandardsXmlFile: ui/ui_standards.rc not found in (“/home/andrea/.kde/share/config/”, “/etc/kde4/”, “/usr/share/kde4/config/”)
    QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
    !!!!!!! ERROR !!!!!!! – KHTML default stylesheet version mismatch. Aborting. Check your installation. File used was: /home/andrea. Expected STYLE_VERSION 1

    KCrash: Application ‘digikam’ crashing…
    KCrash: Attempting to start from kdeinit
    KCrash: Connect sock_file=/home/andrea/.kde/socket-andrea-SATELLITE-C850-1LQ/kdeinit4__0
    Warning: connect() failed: : Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    KCrash: Attempting to start directly
    KCrash failed to exec(), errno = 2
    Unable to start Dr. Konqi
    Not forwarding the crash to Apport.

    Can anoybody help me with this?? I would like to work with this program.

    Edit by Clem: It looks like all 4.14 KDE apps are broken outside of KDE 🙂 The info is in the release notes already (apt install kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins).

  46. For adding some more information:

    my system-architecture: x86_64
    Desktop used: Mate-Desktop
    LinuxMint-Version: LinuxMInt 17.1 RC


  47. After reading post #47 (Snowfall sez), I decided to be precocious, and downloaded the LM 17.1 ISO image for the x86 (32-bit) MATE version; yes, the md5sum values matched. I then burned the image to a fresh DVD, and rebooted my dual-core Intel Pentium4 workstation (4GB RAM) in LiveCD mode. So far, so good.

    Auto-booted as the default Mate user, then made my single-most-important test: mouse click-R, open a terminal, cursor at prompt, then press a(ny) key on the keyboard. BOOM! Session restart to login window.

    The keyboard is a genuine IBM PS/2 keyboard — model number KB-9910 — and this session-restart behavior has been a constantly recurring problem with every version since (but not including) Linux Mint 13.

    It doesn’t happen with the Ubuntu base distribution, nor with any other Linux distribution based on the Ubuntu base distribution.

    What’s up with this?

  48. I installed the oxygen-icon-theme as said in this output, but this did not change anything. Digikam still keeps crashing with the following output in Terminal:

    andrea@andrea-SATELLITE-C850-1LQ ~ $ digikam
    Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceAdded(QDBusObjectPath)
    Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceRemoved(QDBusObjectPath)
    QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection ‘ConnectionTest’ is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
    digikam(3135): No ksycoca4 database available!

    digikam(3135)/kdecore (trader) KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType “QImageIOPlugins” not found
    digikam(3135) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file “khtml.rc” for component “khtml”
    digikam(3135)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): KSystemTimeZones: ktimezoned initialize() D-Bus call failed: “The name org.kde.kded was not provided by any .service files”

    digikam(3135)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): No time zone information obtained from ktimezoned
    digikam(3135) KXMLGUIClient::loadStandardsXmlFile: ui/ui_standards.rc not found in (“/home/andrea/.kde/share/config/”, “/etc/kde4/”, “/usr/share/kde4/config/”)
    QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
    !!!!!!! ERROR !!!!!!! – KHTML default stylesheet version mismatch. Aborting. Check your installation. File used was: /home/andrea. Expected STYLE_VERSION 1

    KCrash: Application ‘digikam’ crashing…
    KCrash: Attempting to start from kdeinit
    KCrash: Connect sock_file=/home/andrea/.kde/socket-andrea-SATELLITE-C850-1LQ/kdeinit4__0
    Warning: connect() failed: : Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    KCrash: Attempting to start directly
    KCrash failed to exec(), errno = 2
    Unable to start Dr. Konqi
    Not forwarding the crash to Apport.
    andrea@andrea-SATELLITE-C850-1LQ ~ $

    So what can I do, to get my preferred application running, which ran so smooth for me in all previous versions??

    And what I also discovered in Synaptic:

    why is this program named with ~ppa1?? in the end of the version-number??

  49. hi 53 Jonathan,

    you seem to have used the woring architecture for your system. You said, you took the 32bit-one. But: x86 is the 64bit-one!!

    Then for you the right architecture would be i386 for 32 bit-architecture. Try again with this right architecture. Otherwise, you might damage your machine.


    P.s. but I still need help with getting Digikam running.

  50. Re: #55 (Mintkatze sez)

    Nope. I downloaded the 32-bit (you wanna get picky? I should’ve written i386) — 64-bit wouldn’t have booted on my 32-bit CPU. If I’d had a 64-bit-capable CPU, I could’ve booted either version, as I do on my ASUS netbook.

    Thanks, though.

  51. Just found it on a dutch ftp. It really looks great but didn’t want to boot from a eufi HP laptop (I’m sure it’s a HP problem). Clem & team, terrific job!

  52. @ 56 Jonathan,

    This seems strange then. I did what you wrote, opening Terminal and press any key.

    But for me, this does not happen. If I am at my desktop (MATE-Desktop) and open the Terminal and press any key, the session does not restart to login-windows…

    I can only hope, that the image that you downloaded is not corrupted, although you say, that the md5-Hashsum hat matched.

    And I never had that strange appearance in no LinuxMint-Version…very strange…


  53. @37 dd,

    I have the exact same ppa-repository working fine with MATE-Dekstop. But I do not use Compiz. For me, changeing Background and Theme as well as Icons work fine.

    The only very hard error is digikam for me, as I stated above. Is there anybody out there, who could tell me or give me instructions, how to fix this up, so that digikam comes back to work??

    And to add: I do NOT have a ppa-repository installed for Digikam!!

  54. That’s why it is so strange to me, that the version 4.4 in Synaptic has this ending with ~ppa1.

    I have still the standard-Version from the fresh installation. My ppa-repositories are only these ones:

    dirk-computer42/c42-edge (for IceWeasel and IceDove)




    noobslab/indicators (my Wheather-indicator; I love this for wheather-report; works like a charm)


    xorg-edgers (intel-graphics)

    These are all repositories, that I have installed. I do not need more ppa-repositories and for Digikam, I normally do NEVER install a ppa-repository.

    So it seems really strange for me, why digikam has this ending with ~ppa1 behind the version-number.

    And I would love to know, how I can fix these errors up, whicht are stated in the Terminal as shown above.

  55. And to give another bug-report:

    the kernels 3.13.0-39 and 3.13.0-40 as well as this 3.16.0-25 still do not work. And in Mint-update, they are also not marked as recommended. But the kernel 3.13.0-37 is and this is the kernel, I am currently useing.

  56. Clem, it’s very very painful to copy files to a pendrive. The entire OS gets very slow, and starts to freeze. It’s a terrible thing. We already discussed that, but i want to know if you can reproduce that bug. This week i’ll install the latest ubuntu version to see if this problem exist too.

  57. I wanted to point that the change desktop background dialog takes a very long time to load initially.

    Edit by Clem: In MATE yes, it’s not multi-threaded. Backgrounds come in various collections, you can remove the ones you don’t use (packages starting with mint-backgrounds-*).

  58. Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca is like a Berliner (doughnut) with the addition of whipped cream on the top. Fantastic release.

    Thank you Clem.

  59. Jonathan wrote:
    “Auto-booted as the default Mate user, then made my single-most-important test: mouse click-R, open a terminal, cursor at prompt, then press a(ny) key on the keyboard. BOOM! Session restart to login window”

    I can’t reproduce this bug on LM 17 64-bit

  60. Since Digikam stopped working for me, I changed over to f-spot for the moment, which has improved. But Digikam still is the better one. But: f-spot does what it shall do. I hope, that one day, Digikam will come back to live for me and that these other kernels will become available for me AND installable AND working for me, what they do not.

    So there is still improvement needed for LinuxMint 17.1 Rebecca.

    Edit by Clem: READ THE RELEASE NOTES!! 🙂 apt install kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins

  61. As a happy Linux Mint 17 (Mate) user before I upgrade to Mint 17.1 (Mate) via the Update Manager I need to know:

    (1) Will all of my current installed software still be present after the upgrade and still work?

    (2) Will all of my settings be preserved, e.g., mobile broadband and network settings?

    (3) Can the upgrade be deferred and carried out at a later date?

    Many of us would like these questions answered before we take the leap. Personally I would rather stick with Mint 17, which works peerlessly on my machine, than take a chance and end up with a compromised PC.

    Edit by Clem: Hi, Yes to all 3 questions.

  62. Mintkatze

    Digicam is working very well on ubuntu mate. just in case i have 4 other linux systems installed. you can do the same using an external hdd.

  63. @clap :

    the answer to the 3 questions is yes.

    it wont touch the softwares you installed, at worst it will upgrade them.

    your networks settings will stay untouched.

    you can update whenever you want. now, in a week in a month , in a year… whenever you want.

  64. Hello Clem, thanks for your GREAT job.
    These is a list of bugs from me:

    1) Software center in HDPI opens in a too small window:


    In my opinion it should look like that:

    +sometimes (after some operations in Software Center) i close it, and in 1-2 seconds it opens again itself.

    2) very annoying bug in a login window (I saw it in all versions of Cinnamon).
    Link: http://s11.postimg.org/b6o8bn737/IMAG0006.jpg
    I suposse it`s tied with translations – signs are too long in Polish, longer than in English so that`s why the mess with windows happens. This is how it looks:

    Cheers, Adrian

  65. Me too, Are we there yet??? User since Mint 5. Would like to confer with someone regarding Mint 17 on an new UEFI machine, more specifically a HP laptop. I proceeded one one machine (PC) and now it will only boot to Mint 17. Now working on the HP laptop (15-f100dx) and I get to the Installation Type screen and see the “THIS COMPUTER HAS NO DETECTED OPERATING SYSTEM” message. Found this blog, hopefully v2 will help us all out. Any thoughts? TIA

  66. @Mintkatz – About Digikam:

    Did you do what Clem said? Install the “kdelibs-bin” “kdelibs5-data” “kdelibs5-plugins” packages as he suggested (according to the release notes and then install Digikam? I only ask since you haven’t yet mentioned that you did so.

  67. hi Clem, hi Kirk M,

    I did what you said, because I had checked the dependencies. But is still does not work properly for me. So I changed over to f-spot, what had really improved and gives even pretty good results for me. 🙂

    And I wanted to add: thanks Clem for getting us the Emerald-Theme-Manager working!! I just enabled it and it works like a charm for me! Thanks so much for this nice Christmas-Present, Clem!! Thanks, thanks, thanks!!

  68. I too await the kde release. I think the kde version is your best version! I switched from Gnome years ago and haven’t regretted it a bit.

    User sebt mentioned …”having some issues reconnecting Wifi after resume” and I have this problem with my desktop, especially if the system has been on for many weeks without a reboot. The reboot fixes the wifi connection in my instance. I could not figure out why this occurs and like sebt, this has only been a problem since installing Qiana.

  69. @ Clem & tower41000

    Thanks for the replies. Based on what I’ve read I probably will try the upgrade from Mint 17 to Mint 17.1, but not immediately. I’ll let others trial the upgrade first and, as I now know you can defer it, will follow in suit a few weeks or a month later once I know that all is well and the upgrade has been successful for others. Mint 17 has turned out to be so good, fast and stable it’s a bit of a wrench to let it go!

    I never imagined I’d ever prefer any Linux desktop to Windows.

  70. One,two years ago, I was scoffing at linux. Then I read a magazine article about it, and discovered there was more to it than just terminals and green text on black screens. Now, I run linux on every computer I can.

  71. THIS is just what i was looking for. I am new to Linux but since Microsoft dropped support for windows XP i needed something more secure. I have found Linux Mint distributions to be fore than a replacement it actually exceeds Even windows 10 capabilities and i look forward to future updated packages and versions. Thank you so much everyone. I am not a programmer or a computer expert i just see what i can do and it is phenomenal .

  72. I just upgraded through the Update Manager from 7.0 Cinnamon x64 to Rebecca.

    Many thanks to the developers.
    Another superbly managed release of smooth professional software.

  73. @HiddenName (90)
    Don’t knock the green text on black 🙂

    I spent many a happy night programming to that theme on mainframes and found it a lot easier on the eyes than the white backdrop of modern screens.

    Of course, in hindsight (pun intended), I also had a ‘glare protector’ screen fastened across the VDU…

  74. Okay. So I’ve got the new Update Manager with the “Upgrade to Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca” option on the Edit Menu. What now? I’m a bit shy of just “going for it” without knowing what to expect. For example: How big a download is the upgrade? What can I expect to happen if I go for the upgrade via the Update Manager? Any chance of a short article to lead non-expert users through the upgrade process so we can know where we’ll be going before we set off?

  75. Help doesn’t work – “The URI ‘help:linuxmint/software-updates’ does not point to a valid page” – on the new update manager.

  76. Practically I lost my wifi network after installing new kernel I follow the advice from above (jack #120) and reinstall previous kernel: 3.13.11 ( from Update Manager menu, and it helped. Thanks Jack.

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