Wallpaper of the Month, August Issue: Winner

The votes were cast, and they are all in. The winner is clear.

Congratulations go out to akaNed for winning the 1st issue of Wallpaper Of The Month, his great work on this wallpaper got him a very well deserved win.

fullscreen, click for full size
widescreen, click for full size
(see the full posting on the forums)

This wallpaper has been submited to the linuxmint-art.org site, and cen be found HERE.

The submissions section for the September issue has been started, and is currently ongoing, so get your artwork ready, and post it HERE, and you could be the next winner.


  1. At times I have been very critical of some of the graphics I’ve seen, but not this time. I think this wallpaper is FANTASTIC! Yes, it really floats my boat.

  2. Thanks for the support.
    Mint has some wonderful artists, and this type of contest will only bring forth more wonderful artwork.

  3. i like this idea… wallpaper of the month

    super idea

    great wallpaper .. i know you guys can do better and better

    congrats πŸ™‚

  4. Congratulations akaNed! That is a very attractive and professional looking wallpaper.I look forward to your next wallpaper!

  5. While I like this one (and already downloaded it), I really liked (and sort of miss) a lot of the wallpapers that came with Celena, particularly the one with the rotoscoped (?) Asian woman in it. Is there somewhere I can download those?

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