Nadia backports available in Linux Mint 13


The most significant improvements in Nadia are being backported to Maya.

Among other things, this gives Linux Mint 13 LTS users access to the following packages:

  • MDM 1.0.7
  • Cinnamon 1.6.7 (with Nemo 1.1.2 and Muffin 1.1.2)
  • MATE 1.4

How to

To enable the backports in Linux Mint 13, follow the steps below:

1. Open the “Software Sources” tool from “Menu -> Preferences -> Software Sources”
2. Click on the “Backported packages (backports)” checkbox as illustrated in the picture below

3. Launch the “Update Manager” from “Menu->Administration->Update Manager”
4. Select all level 1 and level 2 updates
5. Click on “Install Updates”

Once you’re finished installing the updates, restart your computer.

Enjoy πŸ˜‰


– Why isn’t this happening automatically via the “main” components of the repositories?

It’s an opt-in. Some people are interested in getting the latest features (and they can follow the easy steps described above). Others prefer not to change what already works. By using the backports component of the repositories, which are disabled by default, people have the choice to upgrade these components or to keep them from being upgraded.

As with every upgrade and new version of software, there is a risk of regression. These upgrades have been thoroughly tested in Nadia and are known to work in Maya, but the decision to stick with the current versions or to upgrade to the newer ones is entirely yours. Note that both versions are available in the Linux Mint 13 repositories (via main and backports) and that although the process is a bit tedious, it is possible to downgrade all or some packages back to their original versions.

– Will these backports also find their way into LMDE?

Yes, they should do so in the coming days. Unlike Linux Mint 13 though, the upgrade in LMDE will be automatic since LMDE isn’t a frozen but a semi-rolling distribution.


  1. If I hadn’t already installed Nadia, I would enable the backports and say “Woohoo!” but seeing as I already have installed Nadia, and thoroughly enjoying the experience, I’ll just say “Woohoo!” anyway. πŸ™‚

  2. I had downloaded Maya MATE, but hadn’t installed yet since… well, Isadora still works fine! (And I had Elyssa before that- I’m an LTS type!) But I think I want the new version.
    Are the Maya 13 download ISO’s going to be changed, and if so, when?

    FWIW, I downloaded Nadia Cinnamon to see what all the talk was about and it runs fine from the disc… except the desktop icons disappeared once- no big deal when running from the live DVD. But I still want the LTS for the HDD installation.

    Edit by Clem: The Mint 13 ISOs are remaining the same.

  3. sorry but what about pc having non-pae kernel can they backport too

    Edit by Clem: Yes, Maya 32-bit is compatible with non-PAE CPUs, supported until 2017 and you can enable these backports on it, no matter what CPU and kernel you have.

  4. Looks like the repositories are a bit busy – trying to refresh repositories I’m getting error messages.

    I’ve been running Maya for a week, it installed faultlessly on my new Lenovo Thinkpad X230. Nadia run from the live CD gives me no audio from the inbuilt speakers, although the sound’s working fine through earphones. So I thought I could get the best benefits of Nadia by installing the backported updates.

    If anyone can help me with the lack of audio I’d be very grateful. Any help will have to be in newbie-speak cos I’m new to Linux Mint.

  5. Nice work to backport changes from Nadia to Maya LTS =), hope i can test it in another PC. Just a question, does that mean that if Nemo replace Nautilus as file manager, could I be able to uninstall Nautilus without having troubles with the mint-meta-package and other dependencies?

    Edit by Clem: Feel free to remove Nautilus and any meta package that gets in the way. We’ll see if we can backport some of the meta-packages as well (there’s a couple of things we’ll backport in the near future, mintinstall, possibly artwork and meta packages, imports such as Flash, Frostwire, Skype..etc etc..).

  6. I’m glad that Maya will get the improvements from Nadia. I’m especially glad that LMDE will be getting these improvements soon, because I am trying to switch over completely to LMDE, and I like having the latest Cinnamon release. I am looking forward to UP 6 and DDM entering LMDE, too, and I was happy to see Thunderbird and Firefox 17 being updated recently.

    Interestingly, it seems that Cinnamon has an official package in Sid now – There doesn’t seem to be a Nemo package, but otherwise this seems to be in working order. I doubt it will get into testing until after the release of wheezy because of the freeze, but it will be very interesting if it did (or if it does after the release of wheezy).

    Edit by Clem: Cinnamon and Nemo are in Debian, and it’s only a matter of time before MATE and Nemo are in there too. However, we’ll likely continue to maintain these packages ourselves in Mint and LMDE. Regarding Firefox and Thunderbird we automated their packaging yesterday so unless things break due to changes upstream, we should be able to provide you with FF/TB 18 and future versions in a much more timely manner than before πŸ™‚

  7. Awesome news. I was just looking to see how I could update to Cinnamon 1.6.7. Just finished compiling my .deb in fact and was wondering if it would break my themes and if so how many. Guess I can wait a few days for the official update and not risk borking my system by doing it myself. πŸ™‚

  8. Excellent! Mint13 has been very good to me and I really wasnt feeling like going thru the bother of upgrading.
    Thanks for the back ports!

  9. Thanks for supporting the LTS with updates. I’m glad that you continue to think about the users who don’t want to upgrade.

    I myself am on Nadia, I was going to keep Maya but there was a partitioning accident when I installed Nadia.

    On the plus side Nadia is amazing, enjoying it thoroughly.

  10. Thanks for the backporting. It’s an excellent way to keep the Mint community coming back for more…and you’re doing so in a less contrived, headache-free way =) Maybe, some day, the rest of the world will see how robust Mint really is, and Windows will slip further down the slope of demise.

  11. Any instructions to enable the backports via the terminal? I’d like to include them in my remaster using mintconstructor.

    Edit by Clem: Yes, simply add “backport” to the end of “deb maya main upstream import” in /etc/apt/sources.list

  12. “Note that both versions are available in the Linux Mint 13 repositories (via main and backports) and that although the process is a bit tedious, it is possible to downgrade all or some packages back to their original versions”

    Does that mean that once I activate backports to retreive some components (let’s say MDM for instance) I should keep it checked forever not to risk a downgrade ? But if backports option is active, I am likely to receiving further updates I don’t want, right ?

    Also, do you plan to have an xfce flavour for Nadia that can backport the same way to Maya-xfce ? (I felt in love with Maya XFCE !)

  13. Gran trabajo Clem, siempre sorprendiendo a esta hermosa comunidad.

    Ahora mi LM 13 se verΓ‘ de perlas con las nuevas actualizaciones.

  14. I work very hard today trying to install Nadia but was not possible because my pc (dell laptop) did not understand it, the only way was wiht backports (thanks to good and yours!!!)

  15. Just did the backport, and everything looks great!

    A quick question about your instructions: will backports ever include updates of level 3 or below, even though you direct us to take levels 1 and 2 only (in other words is there a potential hazard here that we need to be careful about)? Should we uncheck backport activation after successfully completing the backport, and then decide again whether we want it when the next one is made available? I would imagine that you are only backporting features which you consider very low risk, and that the decision to take backports, or not, should be a pretty simple either/or, in other words I should be able to just leave it checked …

    Many thanks!

    Either way: It’s relatively safe to take backports and/or level 3 updates but being selective is always a good idea. Our suggestion is to take what you want or need and if everything else works the way you like, then don’t change it.

  16. Wow.. the new Cinnamon is amazing. I have 2 issues with it though.

    1 – I’m probably one of the few people who enjoy the mint-fortunes. I can’t find an easy way to turn it on. I opened the file and saw that it’s looking for mateconftool-2 (hint for the MINT TEAM).

    2 – I guess I’m also in the minority for liking the “Classic” (top & bottom) panels. The only way to add an applet to the panel is with a checkbox, so there’s no way for me to add a clock or menu to BOTH top and bottom panel. Cinnamon devs, please find a way for us to add the same applet MORE THAN ONCE to the panel(s).

    One more thing, is there a way to “search for files”? I can’t seem to find that option in the menus.

    I’m really looking forward to the Xfce version.. especially the Xfce LMDE respin.

    Thanks Clem and Mint Team. Keep up the good work. Happy Holidays. =)

  17. I just to say thank you! I am devoting the whole Thanksgiving to my two endless papers, and I don’t have time to install a new OS and reconfigure it again. This idea of back-porting is great. This must be the best OS team on this planet!

    Thank you again!

  18. @Zorro — I too like top and bottom panels (“classic”), but I’m sure you’re right that you’re one of a small number who want individual applets to appear more than once… πŸ˜‰

    on a constructive note, you can probably just duplicate the applet and change the uuid in the metadata.json file, and then add it twice. something like that should work, I think, at least with all but the most complicated applets.

  19. Hello, I’ve noticed a problem with using the theme “Glass Mint”. When Cinnamon restarts, the right side of the panel messes up. Choosing a different theme and then restarting Cinnamon will correct the problem. πŸ™‚

    Thank you for this update! I’m enjoying the changes, although I do miss the old volume slider in the sound applet. My speakers are too quiet~


  20. This is good news.

    I didn’t realise that Maya was going to be an LTS version, and having seen the updates dry up for Julia (10), I was seriously looking at other distros to avoid the wipe and reinstall required for a version upgrade.

    Note: I have various instances of Linux Mint in virtual machines for development and test purposes, running Apache, MySQL and PostgreSQL, Ruby etc. Because the config and data files for these live in various places outside the home directory, the recommended Linux Mint save and restore required for an upgrade was still going to leave me with a lot of work.

    For the purists who say I should be running that sort of stuff on a server, it’s a matter of convenience and available resources. I only need to run these virtual machines when doing work on them, and can free up resources for other stuff when done.

  21. Thanks team !!! Will you people consider releasing a time point iso as maya is getting 400mb worth of updates after install ?

  22. LTS Maya Cinnamon with this backport updates makes me hypnotized πŸ™‚
    Thank you a lot. Finally I have the operating system based on my taste.

  23. then take solusos 1.2 πŸ™‚ is nice but using backports for LMDE is great , its allmost solusos thing πŸ™‚

    mint is great but could always better πŸ™‚

  24. Back port packages installed without a hitch; great job guys.

    My only disappointment is that the media-player-info package was not bumped up to version 17 with this up-issue.

    There are so many more mobile devices for the likes of Banshee to support since version 16 that it’s getting left behind.

    M-P-I Version 17 appears to be a low risk package, is there a reason that it has not been included ?


  25. I am happy to see the new wonders of the Cinnamon desktop version 1.6.7 in Mint Maya 13. Very nice work.

    Mate 1.4, by contrast, is looking in need of the same degree of attention you’ve just devoted towards Cinnamon. Eliminating the nuisance flickering after log-in would be one such item of several that I could list here.

    After all, Mate 1.4 was released last July 30th…..

    Hopefully we won’t have to wait very long (much longer?) for Mate 1.5 to be released and backported into Mint Maya 13.

  26. @ JT Says:
    November 25th, 2012 at 3:03 am

    “although I do miss the old volume slider in the sound applet. My speakers are too quiet~”

    It only means something is wrong with your speakers or sound card settings. In properly working system, speakers are ready to blown on 80%

  27. clem

    can i remove this things with no risk?




    Thanks for your hard work and congratulations.




  28. Hello,
    I activated the backport option, then ran the update manager. I could choose the new downloads/updates. I took some time to complete, and after that I restarted the computer. However, I could not notice any changes. But since they look-alike, I don’t notice it?

  29. I have already tried some well known Gnome distros (Mint 14 /Mate – Fedora 16 – Ubuntu etc) and my conclusion is summarised in 4 words : “I can’t change KDE”.
    I think that Linux Mint 13 KDE x86_64 is the best OS today.
    I used to be a Fedora lover , perhaps I remain one but , Mint is my safe harbour.

  30. Can’t say enough about Linux Mint team – keep up the good work! Thanks for allowing us Maya users to benefit from the latest packages!

  31. Beware if you do this – you may lose a lot of themes. I had many custom themes set up and after doing this Mate upgrade, I lost some of them.

  32. What a marvelous “upgrade” to those of us who want to remain on a long term support release, but also love the latest cutting edge developments in Cinnamon!

    Thanks Clem and Mint team.

  33. Oyabun says:

    “It only means something is wrong with your speakers or sound card settings. In properly working system, speakers are ready to blown on 80%”

    While your statement may be partially true on the 30th of February, it doesn’t explain why sometimes sound is configured correctly right out of the box with no tweaking. I can install 5 completely different LM versions, and get different results right out of the box each time. Speakers bad? I think not. Sound card bad? I think not. To complicate things it often makes all the difference in the world between on board sounds and add on card. Improperly configured? Maybe so.

    I think the point that JT is getting at is sound configuration hasn’t been as completely “out of the box” as it once was. It’s simply become too complex to give straight away answers anymore. It’s puzzling, and somewhat frustrating admittedly.

    What I would like to ask JT is why he can’t find the volume slider? Perhaps there is a bigger issue, because I have a sound icon much like I’m used too, I simply click on the icon in the applet tray, a window pops up and I can adjust the volume right there. ????

  34. Also, adding back port sources causes my right-click on desktop–> “Change Desktop Background” to bring up system settings, and not background changer. ??????

  35. So, if I understood correctly…
    I can enable backports on my Linux Mint Maya MATE 32 bits, do an update, and then install MATE 1.4 without any stability related problem from now till the end of the shelf life of Maya?
    Is that so?

  36. Beware! I updated Mate in LM 13 Maya to Mate 1.4, and it killed Blueman bluetooth! Blueman will pair with my Motorola headphones, but no sound will come out. I have tried reinstalling the bluez packages, but still no sound. Will this problem be fixed?

  37. Oyabun, yes I’m sure the sound would work fine if I had good speakers. But I didn’t mention that I was using my built-in laptop speakers, which have always been quiet. This is of course worse when I am playing an audio file with low recorded volume.

    PB, the volume slider is still there, but it has changed in this update. It used to slide beyond 100%, which was very _convenient_ because of the volume issue mentioned in the above paragraph. I can still get the volume past 100%, but now it takes a couple extra clicks. It’s not a big deal, but the convenience factor has been lost. I read that this was changed because the ability to go past 100% confused some people.

    Thanks for reading.

  38. Tiked backports, am getting with or witout bakports the following error:
    Could not download all repository indexes
    [quote]Failed to fetch Unable to connect to
    Failed to fetch Unable to connect to
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    Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.[/quote]


  39. This is cool and had I not already installed 12.04, excavated Unity (I mean that mutha is GONE! and deborphaned to hell) and installed Cinnamon, I’d do this. MY one issue is that GIMP 2.6 is installed in Mint 13 and I want 2.8; I’m not confident that 2.6 and the old version of GEGL can be completely and reliably removed.

  40. ElQuia Says:
    November 25th, 2012 at 10:20 pm

    change the server. you can do that from update manager>edit>software sources>main server

    menu >preferences>software sources

  41. Are the Maya 13 download ISO’s going to be changed, and if so, when?

    Edit by Clem: The Mint 13 ISOs are remaining the same.

    how to make a new iso with integrated updates and this new cinnamon?

  42. I feel like Mint needs to focus down on one desktop environment. I’m having a REALLY hard time choosing cinnamon, mate, xfce or LMDE. It’s driving me insane. I have all these live CDs and I keep trying them all but I just can’t choose which one I like best.

    I think I’m going to go with Cinnamon since it seems the most forward looking and have the most potential… I’m just going with Nadia since now seems like a poor time to invest in a LTS while all this tumult is afoot. If Ubuntu ever adopts cinnamon I’ll just use that. I love mint and all but it just feels unfocused lately since gnome 2 was abandoned.

    I don’t like all the new names like caja, and nemo.

    I think Mint should really just pick one desktop environment and make it the standard and go with it. This confusion isn’t good for new users.

  43. JT,


    I will make a suggestion about audio sound levels. Have you ever tried Gnormalize? That and Soundconverter are about the only two things that I insist on adding for my personal taste. I like Soundconverter for ease of use, and it’s pretty quick, and good results. You can use Gnormalize to take .wav files (maybe other files too) and make adjustments to volume so that all your files come out with the same levels. There is a much more technical explanation for that, but for our purposes, I think you get the idea.

    I would use Gnormalize first, and get the .wav file corrected before I do any kind of compression or conversion with Soundconverter. I could be wrong, as I haven’t tested it in lossless compression formats, but I would think compressing afterwards into .flac files should retain the desired normalization of things like volume. But again, I don’t know. I’ve just been using .wav files for now. Once I start storing more music on the PC, I will probably go the .flac route. I’ve listened to .flac files before and they sound great, and do save a lot of space, although not as much as .mp3. Of course, they are lossless, which explains the larger file.

    Gnormalize will convert to other output files, but I just like Soundconverter for that. It’s just really nice and simple. Hope that helps.

  44. Thank you so much for back ports!

    I was thinking that when a new release is out, an option in the Update Manager gives you the option to install the next Linux Mint. I am thinking this would get an installation ISO, backup all home directories, use APT on CD to save the user installed packages, burn the installation ISO, APT on CD ISO, and the home directory backups onto a CD or DVD, reboot, install Linux Mint, eject disk, reboot, have the person put the CD/DVD back in the drive, then run APT on CD and Backup Restore to get the files back.

  45. Thank you for the updates.

    Everythings works perfectly here – lots of improvements in the new cinnamon version.

    1 (very) small problem: my conky disappears when you click on the “show desktop” icon.

    Thank you so much for having this wonderfull OS.


  47. Thank you for backporting these to Maya (even though I’ve previously installed Cinnamon 1.6 from romeo :P). There was a bit of issue with Nemo though, the “toggle location bar/path bar” does nothing and always shows the path. I got it working by unchecking show-location-entry in dconf.

  48. Is there a way to selectively install upgrades? Like for example I want to upgrade Mate to 1.4 but do not want to upgrade application files not part of the Mate DE.

  49. Cinnamon and Nemo are nice. However, update created some problems, including problem in places menu, lost some shortcuts etc. Fortunately I somehow fixed or workaround most of them. But, I am not able to fix this problem: Nemo doesn’t open default applications for for text files (.srt, .log etc). I am able to open them using “open with” but not in gedit. While clicking .srt files, a number of files automatically creates (using time specifications inside .srt files as their file names).

  50. wow,linuxmint! is a real,flexible and advance OS,clem and team are doing something good here.i installed Nadia backports on’s wow…!!!i have linuxmint internet cyber in butwal, problem at all,working best!!! it is very satisfactory.i am using linuxmint when i was in Israel and now i am in nepal,os is growing best…

    i wish,one day,i could send donation to linux mint project!!!
    best of future!!!

  51. These are so important to me. I don’t like switching operating systems every six months. This is why Mint is #1!

  52. Might I make a suggestion to make all issues of Mint LTS by simply taking whatever edition you have and have the option of upgrading to latest edition? The advantage of that would be that would be that support for the older version could possibly dumped at a much earlier date due to the fact that any ISO could then be upgraded through backports. Example: Mint 11 (obsolete), when installed would automatically be backported to the latest edition of Mint.

    I may be a computer dummy, but if a newby can be enticed into Linux, the changing of OS and updates every six months or so could be a real turn off, but if the updates automatically also update the software OS, that could be a real plus to encourage others to get involved with Linux.

  53. Thank you Clem! I stopped over my parents house tonight, and installed all the backported packages on their Mint 13 box. I didn’t want to go through the hassle of upgrading them to Mint 14, so this was perfect.

  54. #71: Why do you feel that there is a need — compelling, or otherwise — to change/update the OS “every six months or so”? For example, Linux Mint 11 is far from “obsolete” — it might no longer be supported, but it remains fully-functional. Moreover, if (like me) a user does not want to leave Gnome2 for Gnome3, then Linux Mint 11 is the only game in town (at least, in Linuxmintville). No, I’m happy as the proverbial clam at high tide, with my Linux Mint 11 (Main Edition) installation, and have no plans to “upgrade”. But you can.

    WRT “automatic updates”, I believe you really meant to write “upgrades” — Linux Mint already has a mechanism in place for automatic updates, and I agree that most users are pleased with it. But automatic upgrades are a totally different matter, and I believe you’d be hard-pressed to find any Linux user — Mint, or otherwise — who would agree to them. This “savvy user” wouldn’t do that on a production system, nor on his home workstation or netbook.

  55. Thank you very much, all developers!

    One problem with Cinnamon 1.6.7: some (not all) of my keyboard shortcuts do not work any more. In the preferences keybinding configuration GUI they are still defined, but they do not work any more.
    These do not work any more (I use a German localisation, thus the command names might be called differently in the GUI):
    super+tab = change application (but alt+tab does it ignoring my configuration, argh)
    super+comma = minimize window
    super+space = toggle maximizing state
    super+backspace = close window
    super+1 (or 2, 3, 4) = go to workspace 1 (or 2, 3, 4)
    also, alt+space in emacs does not work becaue cinnamon shows the windows menu rather than handing it over to emacs.

    All that was no problem in Cinnamon 1.4.x!

    Other key bindings using super still work in 1.6.7, e.g. super+# for locking screen or super+[character] for user defined commands.

    Any chances to fix this?

    Apart from that, I am very happy with Mint and Cinnamon!


  56. I have the intel card problem.

    “On some computers with Intel graphics, the wrong driver is sometimes used. Instead of using the Intel driver and using the GPU to render the desktop, the system reverts to another driver and uses a sofware renderer: llvmpipe.”

    When I use the live CD I have this problem with Cinnamon and Mate. I wanted to wait for the fix, but cannot find anything about the problem or the fix when I search.

    My questions are:
    1.if I add the backport packages from Nadia, will have still have the use of the llvmpipe rendering? (I want to move to Cinnamon, did not use it with Mint 13 due to some issue I forgot about not – just not working). Loved it in Mint 12

    2. Has the issue with the intel drivers not being used and having to use software rendering for Nadia been fixed?

    Linux mint is a great distro. Love it.

    Edit by Clem: Yes, it’s fixed in mdm 1.0.8.

  57. can somebody tell me if i can remove this things with no risk?







  58. The Software Manager received a lot of “under the hood” improvements.

    is this also in mint 13? if not how to install this?

  59. Thanks for the backport but i ran into something strange : i upgraded Caja from 1.2 to 1.4 and it’s seems that Caja is still in 1.2 (About) but Synaptic confirms the upgrade…

  60. thanks clem for replay my last question is there any re-spin of linux mint 13 as its too old by now also if there any backported one would be more welcome or atleast fresh respin where we only need to do is backport rather than long list of updates

    it save lot of time and tweaks for newbies

    thanks again in advance for replay

  61. Once backports to Maya are enabled do they have to remain enabled to be properly updated? So all future backports must also be taken? Thanks.

    Edit by Clem: If you want future backports, yes, otherwise just disable them again.

  62. I read: “Enable levels 1 and 2 updates”, but I clicked on Install Updates without disabling level 3 updates. Should I now undo that?

  63. @onadd, you are fine.
    Applying level 1, 2 and 3 updates, which is the default for Linux Mint, is the conservative approach.
    Applying level 1 and 2 updates is the very conservative approach; they are the minimum needed for this type of update.

  64. Clem,
    I know it must involve a bit of work (which you really don’t need more of, I’m sure), but I do think it’s a mistake not to do a respin of Maya.

    I used to be something of a computer guru for computer phobic family and friends. I’d get them going with a cheap computer and e-mail.
    I’ve kind of stepped out of that role (because it’s a lot of headaches for usually unpaid work), but I see that many Linux users have that role for their family and friends. And sometimes I think about getting back into that role with Linux, since there are a lot of aging XP installations out there, and a lot of out-of-work or underemployed people that can’t afford to upgrade. But I can’t see myself doing that with anything but an LTS. And I’d want the live CD to work as smoothly as possible, and then the installation to be as smooth and as SHORT as possible, which is why the disc would need to have all the GOOD STUFF on it.
    One of the reasons why the LTS is really the only sensible option for this kind of thing is that the “guru” needs to be as familiar as possible with all the ins and outs of the features and foibles of that version so he can either talk them through the problem or do it in a minute on their computer. But in 6 months, you’ve only just gotten familiar with a version… and then on to the next, And I don’t really want to use another version while I’m trying to play “computer guru” with an older version- it’s too confusing.

    Maya is an even more attractive candidate for this kind of thing because of the length of the long term support.
    Because of this, I think Maya needs some extra polishing and some extra focus. I know that’s been hard given all the headaches you’ve been having with what the upstream sources have been giving you.

    One of the things I think hardcore Linux users underestimate is just how inept the average computer user is. Compared to the average Windows user, I’m very knowledgeable “power user”, but compared to a lot of Linux users, I’m kind of retarded! But I think I’m closer to the norm for the kind of Windows refugees that are willing to wade through the confusion of all the different distros, and then all the different versions of the Ubuntu based distros.
    And while I don’t have a problem with backports for my personal use, I can see that for something to give to a REAL newb, it’s too much.

    In the end, there are only 24 hours in a day, only so many people working on Mint, and you need sleep and time for your families.
    I appreciate all your hard work- THANKS!!!

  65. I too would like an updated respin of Maya but I wonder if there might not be a way to do this myself. Is there any way to do a clean install. Update everything. Install any additional apps that I want. Then burn a DVD that will install an identical system. Is there any way for the average user to do this?

  66. I have the same sentiment as frodopogo. I have reimaged quite a few low end or older pcs with Linux (usually Mint) because its free and it works better than Windows for my clients that just surf the internet and occasionally load photos from their camera. I can think of a couple reasons for not doing an official re-spin, but surely someone out there has the skills to do an unofficial version with the backports already in place, non? I think it would be a very useful disk if someone, perhaps some guru somewhere, could do this πŸ˜‰

  67. Just did the backport, all went nice and smoothly. Not sure if it’s just my imagination, but Mint seems to take longer to boot now?
    Thanks Clem and the Team, great idea to provide backporting to Mint13 πŸ™‚

  68. This is great! I recently got a new motherboard, CPU and memory to get updated from using refurbished machines using hardware that’s typically five or more years old. It’s working fine except for one thing: I simply could not install the 64-bit version of Nadia. I’d get the initial screen with the countdown from the installation disc, then the screen would go black. There’d be some more disc activity, then everything just stopped. I never got to the installation disk’s desktop screen.

    I tried more than one download, I tried Mate (my preference), I tried Cinnamon, I tried both 64-bit and 32-bit, but Nadia simply quit as described. But at least I had Maya installed as a 64-bit OS, an improvement over 32-bit, so I resolved to live with it.

    Then someone pointed out the idea of backporting. I found this page, followed the instructions – except I did not uncheck the Level 3 updates. When I rebooted, everything appeared normal except Cheese for my webcam had disappeared.

    So far, so good. Thanks for the instructions!

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