Linux Mint 12 KDE RC released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 12 KDE RC.

Linux Mint 12 KDE RC

New features at a glance:

For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 12 KDE“.

Release notes:

  • Print to PDF
  • Apturl
  • Ctrl_Alt_Backspace
  • mintDesktop
  • Mint4Win
  • Moonlight
  • Upstream issues

To get more information about these issues and their solution, read the “Release notes”.

System requirements:

  • x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
  • 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 5 GB of disk space
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
  • DVD-ROM drive or USB port

Bug reports:

Please report any bug you may find here on this blog.


Md5 sum:

  • 32-bit: 46ffaf9283a027e9f57f721565511eba
  • 64-bit: a32b6a16883222cafe5051f186f5da7a


HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit ISO:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!


  1. Speed is good. When I enable desktop effects, after that notifications are not readable, same is with login/ shutdown menu, I know that its Kwin/kde problem. Nepomuk indexing problem, again KDE, should be switched off by default. Firefox is not saving any images as reported earlier. Otherwise, desktop is looking good.

  2. I haven’t tried a 64-bit version since Mint 9, so I decided to give it a go on this release. So far it is very fast and stable. The only issue I have come across was after initial updates, auto-login is lost and has to be reapplied through System Settings. Otherwise the best Mint yet.

  3. I had thought you guys said something about dropping KDE all together, glad to see that isn’t the case as I was getting ready to move to a different distro to keep up-to-date.

  4. It’s beautiful! Really nice job. Thanks Clem and team.


    We don’t always see eye to eye on all things Linux, but I’m going to be really disappointed in you if you can’t see this as a really viable option, and even better than Gnome 2 in some ways.

    LOL. Just kidding. I do really hope you like it. BTW, looks aren’t everything, just ask my wife. Incidentally, though, it’s really slick.

  5. If someone can find me a KDE app or widget that will allow me to zoom my desktop the way Compiz does, my upgrade path from Mint 10 is secured and I will worship at that individual’s feet.

  6. I haven’t used KDE much in years. This is great news though. I still say Mint main should move to KDE or XFCE and just leave the Gnome mess behind. Downloading now and looking forward to testing very soon. Thanks!

  7. I love the KDE LM logo very well thought out kudos to your art department.

    This looks interesting I might have to take it for a spin and and yet another partition to my current 10 that I have now.

    I’ll probably wait for the final release though prior to installing it.

  8. waited so long for KDE, whether mint12 with GNOME 3 is awesome but KDE is KDE… looking for stable release…

  9. Hi Zon Saja,

    If anyone waits for the final release, what’s the point of an RC release? 🙂

    Some “dirt” on our hands will help MINT KDE be the best KDE distro. 🙂

    Please, give it a try, although it will take a bit of extra work.


  10. I have partitioned my laptop so that it has Win 7 (primary) a data storage partition (primary) which leaves me with over 80 gig of unallocated space. Installing linuxmint gnome or ubuntu is easy but i really struggle with kde…..would someone please be kind enough to publish an installation guide for this kind of setup? there is a guide on the internet for dual booting win7 and linuxmint 10 kde but i’m not certain that linuxmint kde 12 rc is exactly the same; nor does the mint kde 10 guide take into account an extr data partition. Thanks in advance!….

  11. So far it looks great. For me though the Software Manager crashes immediately after loading. I thought the problem would go away after updates but the crash still happens. Still, there is Synaptic. I think this release of Mint 12 is definitely worth using though.

  12. I tried creating the USB with ImageWriter. It was possible to START on my little Aspire One (10,1″ Screen).But it looks very strange on that little screen. The panel comes to the top of the screen and no Application Launcher is visible at all.
    In other words totally UNUSABLE.

    Then I tried the stick on my old desktop but it couldn’t boot. I re-created the USB-stick using UNetbootin instead. Now it booted successfully and this time the screen was as it should be. The panel is on the bottom and the Application Launcher is in left-bottom corner as it should be.

    Conclusion is: This release is NOT possible to run on netbooks with small screens! It could perhaps be some wrong settings in screen behavior? I have run KDE4 desktops without problems on this netbook before.

  13. Have been running the RC for a few days. Similar to Netrunner but looks much better. Speed is about the same on my system.

    Issues so far:
    Software manager shutting down after a few seconds.
    Also had to reinstall due to hanging up at boot up right after “battery check…”.
    Will probably uninstall moonlight…not a fan of mono.
    Having some problems with my mouse e.g. Synaptic repositories window, left click will not function unless I middle click first ????

    Great start to the MINT/Netrunner partnership.

  14. Now I have run Mint 12 KDE live for a while on my desktop. I must say it performs very well. 🙂 This is really a good alternative to Gnome 3.

    I will substitute my old LM 8 KDE-installation to this one when the ordinary release comes.

    Then I will have 2 boot-able Mint installations on my desktop:
    LM 12 KDE and DebEx Mint 10 special-kernel (a remix of Mint 10)!

    These two must be the best Linux-releases in the world at the moment. 😀

  15. And here’s me been sitting waiting for KDE on LMDE! I have an un-Mintified KDE running very happily on LMDE and it’s been very stable for me. The last few Mainline Mint releases, and the corresponding [Ku|U]buntu releases, have been subject to unexplained and random freezes which are annoying. I think this must be something to do with the kernel as the kernel with LMDE works just fine.

    Meanwhile, I’m downloading this new Mint 12 KDE release just to see how it goes. But a proper KDE on LMDE would be wonderful for me
    – ­is it going to happen?

  16. El gestor de programas se cierra inesperadamente al tratar de instalar el paquete de idioma español para firefox.

    Hay ocasiones en las cuales, la conexión inalámbrica no logra finalizar, por lo que hay que eliminar los datos de la conexión y luego conectarse nuevamente.

  17. La conexión inalámbrica es muy lenta comparada con la conexión cableada, estoy usando una tarjeta broadcom BCM4312,

  18. Congratulations to Clem & team; I have been looking forward to Mint 12 KDE for a while.

    However, like tux-seven (#29 above), I tried running it on my Dell 9 Mini, with the same odd result: strange split screen, panel on top, application launcher missing. I created the USB both with UNetbootin and Ubuntu startup disk creator, getting the same result. Booting in the compatibility mode will only get me a text terminal.

    I’ll try it on my desktop next.

  19. Now I’m back to linuxmint kde again. been waiting for this for a long time. mint4win great. thanks Clem and to the whole linuxmint team. Mabuhay from Philippines….

  20. Re: my previous post about installing Linux Mint 12 KDE alongside Windows 7….I’ve done it and Mint sees my data partition but not my Windows 7 partition which is strange….also there’s a bug with software/package manager; it doesn’t work! I downloaded ubuntu software centre from synaptic but that doesn’t work either

  21. Never could get my head around KDE. It’s slick and my pc runs it just fine but I always manage to break something! Still hoping for XFCE. Xubuntu is running like a charm for me, even better than Julia did (don’t get me started on Katya!), so I’m really looking forward to an XFCE LTS from Mint(yeah, I’m getting ahead of myself I know)! In any case, I’ll definitely be playing with this RC because, well, it’s what I do! lol

  22. I’m going to try the suggestions on the desktop zooming but I neglected to mention that what I’m asfter if MOUSE zooming of the desktop, i.e. holding down a button (Alt, Ctrl or the Windows key) and using the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out.

  23. very nice distro.wasnt a kde fan until recently.only problems i am having is i cant find the window that i minimized and i dont know how to make the fonts bigger.other than that beautifully done.

  24. I am pleased for those who have been asking for a kde version.

    It also gives those of us who are concerned about g3 another potential avenue if the Mate/cinnamon/msge development does not ameliorate the g3 situation.

    I am also pleased that mint retains/increases its diversity as far as DEs- this is a strength for the LM ‘Brand’ and reputation. It would therefore be nice to see fluxbox, XFCE and perhaps even openbox versions of LM Lisa too.

    However, I also share the disappointment of those that believe debian should be the base of all versions, though I understand the reasons for using Ubuntu as the base. Especially the user friendly dimension- which is something that should not be abandoned.

    So this KDE version looks promising. Much nicer looking than LM 10 KDE. I have experienced the same issues with software manager- once so far. I will post more if i experience anything else. Though so far impressed- especially previously i have hated KDE.

    All in all the mint team has made very pleasing progress recently – and this positive news along with the release of cinnamon is welcome after the disappointments of the original LM 12 gnome version.

    Well done team


  25. It looks nice and polished. I wonder if basing the main version of Mint off of KDE might be better than Cinnamon or Mate. If I did it I’d use Chrome/Chromium as the default browser as I think it might integrate better. Plus, once it the Aura port of Chromium is done you can use it free of GTK.

  26. Looks gorgeous.

    Bug: Cannot launch or refresh MintUpdate from the panel

    Environment: amd64, virtualbox


    After a dist-upgrade through konsole, the mintUpdate panel icon doesn’t refresh (“Your system is up to date”) via right-click –> Refresh.

    I double-click to open the window, type password for kdesudo. 2 kdesudo instances visible in panel. Window opens empty (chrome, no content).

    I click to close the window, KWin throws a warning that it’s not responding, asks if I want to terminate the parent process (mintupdate). Selecting ‘yes’ has no effect.

    I see a gksudo process running, and kill it:

    When I re-lauch mintUpdate from the menu, gksu asks for my password. Now everything appears normal.

    After logging out, I cannot reproduce non-responsive process. Can reproduce seeing gksu/gksudo for permissions.

  27. Roj: The zoom feature is with the desktop effects settings. By default to zoom in is “Win-key AND =” and zoom out is “win-key AND -“. I tried to change the hot-key to the win key and scroll up or down, but it doesn’t seem to pick up the mouse scroll when setting hot-keys.

    I might try this out as my Kubuntu install has started doing strange things, and I end up using my 64bit Mint 12 (gnome) install more often now. I really do prefer KDE, and generally use Kubuntu, but I also like a lot of your utilities and the mintmenu. I’m glad you were able to hire a KDE guy, and I hope Mint-KDE just keeps getting better and better.

  28. After disabling Akondi and Nepomuk indexing no more irritating notifications. Its working great. Strange, since I am using Linux Mint, this is the first time I see that no firewall is included. Anyway installed it through synaptic.

  29. I have to try this one. I’m not happy with any other desktop I’ve been trying lately and KDE is my last hope. What could be better than trying it on my favourite distro and see how it goes.

  30. For me – Cinnamon is best way to working on computer! No other edition don’t create! Concentrate your mind on Cinnamon team!

    Sorry for my English 🙂 I’m from Ukraine 🙂

  31. @tarpan On every release of mint KDE, there is always an error and I am never able to install the B43 wireless driver.
    Anybody want to explain this. I can’t give KDE a good run because a laptop without wireless drivers is useless.

  32. Next desktop = fail
    Please use only one or two and “full” deveplop this. More desktop, distros = less developers for each.

  33. @ Imhoteps
    Sorry, I’m just talking about what I think. Let the team of developers read our feedback and build conclusions.

  34. I run the live-session for some time now. It’s nice, but I’m feeling no urge to install it.

    I’m just happy with Cinnamon.

  35. Hello.
    I have no sound HDMI with new release of LM KDE.
    It works with LM 12 64 bit.
    What can I do?
    Best regardss

  36. Kdenlive work from the start with this release. Only I have to install codecs and go to make movies.
    Fonts do no looks good.
    My video card Nvidia GT450 do not display fonts properly.

    Good job.

  37. As a long-time Gnome2 user, I’m not familiar with KDE, but am quickly learning, with the new 64bit KDE version installed as a persistent USBkey, prepared with Mint7’s unique Gparted and then created with Mint11’s StartUp Disk Creator.
    As I haven’t yet managed to create a persistent Cinnamon USBkey it’s already proved much easier than the new Hybrid ISO USB approach and is then responding well, although I will now have to sort out a new set of K-series apps !
    Meanwhile Mint10 is still working well, as a ‘real’ installation or as a persistent USBkey, complete with a great set of media apps.

  38. @Serg, Ok, let them read our feedback.
    Linux Mint Team: I don’t like Cinnamon nor Gnome3. Please,keep giving some loving to the Linux KDE edition. 😉

  39. It seems like Mint 12 KDE is going to be a success. It,s also funny to see that lot of persons in different forums write about Mint 10 Gnome as the best Mint-Gnome-release ever. 🙂

  40. I’ve the same problem as Mike with a crashing the Software Manager (post 33):
    When launching the Software Manager via the Kickoff Application Launcher only the splash window of Software Manager is shown followed by the actual application window for about a second. Then the window disappears without error message.

    Mint 12 KDE 64bit RC installed on my Dell Latitude 4300 laptop (18 months old). The installation is still essentially like the original except some 120 updates, that the update manager installed.

  41. Can not understand: what makes this release different from
    Kubuntu 11.10? Mint software manager? Yes the distro is good but there is no real differences such as i saw in Mint 12 gnome or Mint 11 lxde version((((

  42. A PostScript
    Having managed to sort out UK keyboard etc, Synaptic or Software Manager won’t stay active for long enough to add and customise installed apps !
    Having managed to add Kaffeine its audio doesn’t work and libxine1-ffmpeg may not be installed, whilst it’s not been added to the MultiMedia sub-menu, so I’ve given up !

  43. First of all, beaucoup kudoes to Clem “and”! I’d certainly call this “hot on the heels” of LM12 Main Edition — especially so, given the recent unveiling of Cinnamon.

    I ran it as a LiveCD (32-bit). There’s lots to like. But you know what? I left (LM) KDE behind, with the release of v4.0, and have never looked back… and LM12 KDE Edition doesn’t give me any reason to do so, now. I’m sticking with LM11, until LM12 and Cinnamon are more mature (read: LM13).

  44. Thanks so much for this. Mint 10 KDE was the only disco I could call “home” in 13 years of trying the various nixes. It’s fantasic news to hear that it’s still going.
    BTW I could never use Gnome. Even from 2 it was apparent that the devs were on another planet and something nasty was just around the corner.

  45. The RC is good, I love it, I’ve just changed the background with the green logo: blue is too much “heavy”. I would like something from Netrunner: MS TT Fonts and Wine preinstalled. 90% of Mint users are geeks and are able to remove them in five minutes, but newbies have many problems in installing and configuring these important add-ons.

    Another useful thing could be a link in the toolbar to directly open the Documents folder (in Netrunner opens the Home). Or an alias of this folder in the Desktop Folder. Thanks, merci!

  46. @ferri : Disabling akondi, alt+f2, start typing akonadi, akonadi configuration menu will appear, click it, go to akonadi server configuration – tab, then press stop at the bottom right also uncheck Use internal MYsQL server. In notification it will show that akonadi has been stopped.

    1. Disable Semantic Desktop
    a: System Settings -> Desktop Search -> Basic Settings, unticked Nepomuk and Strigi
    b: System Settings -> Desktop Search -> Desktop Query, unticked “Index files on removable media” and unticked every folder under “Customise index folders…”
    c: System Settings -> Desktop Search -> Backup, set “Backup frequency” to Disable

    2. Disable Notifications:
    a: System Settings -> Application and System Notifications -> Manage Notifications, unticked all the “Show me a message in a popup” under “Desktop Search” and Semantic Desktop”

    Thanks to google, I just copy and pasted it. These worked on my desktop. This should work for you also.

  47. @bobby
    Thanks a lot. I did it all.
    Before it I had 280MB in RAM after login.
    After it I have 190MB in RAM after login.
    I do not believe it.

  48. At first I was thrilled but after a few minutes problems became obvious.
    On desktop, 320 gb sata HDD, 4 gb ram, dual core 3.3 intel, Nvidia 6600 gt

    Finally decided to reboot, but it hung at battery check never would start again. Had to delete partition using windows install disc and re install mint 12 kde, same exact problems. Deleted again and went back to mint 11. Darn! My mint 11 worked perfect, should have stayed with it. Takes 4 hours to install on Toshiba A70, still waiting…
    Hangs after “battery check”
    Software manager crashes after 5 seconds
    Windows drag slowly behind cursor
    Several other windows crash but won’t close even after checking the crash error
    Won’t activate video drivers for NVidia no matter which version
    Update manager shows fail on 80% of updates
    Ran fine but slow from install dvd
    Looks really great, I wish it worked for me.

  49. Clem not a KDE user but this really looks good and the Hybrid ISO images I really like that runs fast on a usb stick you need to put all of the releases on the hybrid iso thats for all you do

  50. I ran it in live session…has some nice extras that kubuntu doesn’t clome with at default…just to show some here that i am not a gnome fan boy (lol)….I was more then willing to give it a try and see if it felt “comfortable”..

    However, i still find that i PREFER to use mint 12 gnome with Cinnamon desktop…it’s easier, smoother to run and i feel much more comfortable with it….KDE is ok….but i am just not in love with it like some are here…I think KDE does have some really cool programs (like k3b) so i simply use them on my gnome desktop…and they work fine…

  51. 64bit crashed for me during install. During the manual partition, as soon as i choose a second partition, for /home for instance, and hit ok, the installer would crash every time. 32bit installed fine. Intel Core i3-350m

  52. Thank you very much to the team and Clem for this beautiful realization KDE. Only problem for me is that does not work mintinstal program manager. Everything else is perfect.

  53. In this release do not work:
    – sound (The audio playback device HDA NVidia Digital Stereo (HDMI) does not work)
    – software manager (after 2 sec…disapear)
    – video codecs
    – Nepomuk Indexing Agents Have Been Disabled
    The Nepomuk service is not available or fully operational and attempts to rectify this have failed. Therefore indexing of all data stored in the Akonadi PIM service has been disabled, which will severely limit the …
    – Gparted do not work
    – …..

  54. 64-bit: Nvidia driver installation failed for no good reason using the “additional drivers” tool (I refreshed my packages before installation.) I tried finishing manually, but Synaptic wouldn’t even start. I rebooted and it looked like the driver was there but not activated, so I ran “sudo nvidia-xconfig” and now the system won’t boot at all. I don’t know if this is a bug or if the Ubuntu repositories just stopped responding or what, but you guys might want to take a look at it and make sure it’s not a bug.

    Meanwhile, I’m going to reinstall Mint 12 KDE 64-bit and do manual driver installation.

  55. I tried to install the 64 bit version. The partitioner failed with an error message. I tried to restart but that did not work. I will try the 32 bit one to see if it is a 64 bit only issue!

  56. 64-bit: Lots more major issues, besides the Nvidia “additional drivers” thing:

    *Synaptic won’t open
    *Software Manager shuts down after a few seconds
    *Nepomuk issues reported by others
    *sgxfi won’t run

    I don’t know how many other people are having these issues, but I definitely am and they’re all major issues. And that’s just as far as I’ve been able to test. The Synaptic and Software Manager issues are particularly maddening. Aside from using the Terminal, I have no way to install packages (and I haven’t even confirmed that that will work.)

  57. @Clem: My only suggestion would be that if the Menu/Logout bug cannot be fixed, be sure to enable Ctl+Alt+Backspace by default when you spin the final iso. Once enabled it logs out perfectly.

  58. Agree with post 9 something is up with desktop effects all my boxes would not size properly and weird things happen graphically. Otherwise cant wait for this going to be awesome.

  59. I have been testing the 64bit version and there are some issues:

    1) mintinstall segfaults after a few seconds from opening. I have been trying to figure out why but had no luck so far

    2) X crashes when using 3D acceleration on my Lenovo X220 (something that never happened with Mint 12 with gnome-shell)

    3) Skype is missing a bunch of 32bit compat libraries in its dependencies. These have to be installed manually if you want it to work

  60. The segfault for point 1) for my previous comment (#71) is due to dbus, /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in particular when mintinstall calls dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block() from python’s dbus bindings.

  61. Hi guys!
    Thank you for your effort and dedication.
    I’ve always been a “Gnome 2” user, but I admit that it is time to upgrade from that environment. However, I do not like Gnome 3 (neither do Unit), and I think that “Mate” is more of the same. I have great expectations about “Cinnamon”, but I think it will take some time to develop. So I’m counting on Mint to bring us a great KDE distro, since it is these days, the desktop environment of choice.
    I can hardly wait to try it.

    MINT Rules

  62. Thanks but it’s too late. I love KDE and I waited a long time a new version of Mint, too long…

    Lastly I decided to install KDE on the basic version of Mint and I am satisfied so. I do not think I will return back, this version comes too late

  63. I using Linux Mint from about 2-3 years now and what can I say about it?????? Its fantastic. I like it much more then windows. Great job!!!! Waiting for final version….

  64. @tdockery97 – I think this is an upstream bug. I’ve noticed the same issue on Kubuntu 11.10. Very annoying!

  65. “If someone can find me a KDE app or widget that will allow me to zoom my desktop the way Compiz does, my upgrade path from Mint 10 is secured and I will worship at that individual’s feet.”


  66. zerozero, sergio & bobby:

    I’ve tried all the suggestions and sorry but no go. One zooms virtual desktops (not what I’m looking for) and the key remapping function doesn’t accept mouse scrollwheel functionality (a silly oversight since Compiz implemented this feature years ago in the Enhanced Desktop Zoom plugin).

    All I wanna do is press the Windows key and zoom the full screen in and out with the mouse like Mint 10 does. To have that happen, the configuration panel that zerozero pointed out has to support mouse scrollwheel events.

  67. @Roj : Since Mint-10 is working great for you, and it seems from your post that you are very much satisfied with it, then why are you so desperate to try to shift to KDE. If everything working fine with me, I would never think of switching to something, in which I don’nt find my comfort/ requirements. You might be reading the other users post also. Many users are still using Mint-9 Isadora. Uptill now you know very well that KDE is not meeting your requirement, why so much of fuss about it. In the end, I would say that I would stick to what works best for me, whether it is Linux Mint’s any version e.g. XFC/ KDE/LMDE/ whatever or some other destro. Anyway I don’nt mean to offend you, but you know, we are saying it after trying to help you, which now does not seems possible. Anyway its your choice.

  68. The network manager in KDE will not allow me to connect to hidden networks. I don’t know why the KDE network manager consistently is a problem for me. However, it is pretty important that something like this works. If a basic function like this doesn’t work it makes you question the quality overall.

  69. Azrael@127

    I’m not sure what the parameters are on the network that you want to connect to, and I haven’t tried connecting to a hidden network myself, so please excuse me if this information is totally unrelated. I also assume that by hidden you mean that the network is wireless and does not broadcast SSID. If this is the case, I guess you know that you need to manually enter the SSID and then the network security key. If your hidden network involves a domain, then you may need to put the domain name in the search domains field on IPV4 settings.

    I hope this is helpful. If it isn’t, I apologize. Hope you can get it resolved.

  70. PB@128

    Thanks PB. However, the problem is that I type in the name of hte hidden network and then press enter, it doesn’t respond to me pressing enter. I doubt it has anything to do with network settings. Sorry, I should have been more detailed.

  71. I’d also like to apologize if I was a bit overzealous in my earlier post. I would like to note this problem is present in Kubuntu as well, so it is not a Mint-KDE specific problem.

  72. Azrael@129

    I tried that on my work PC and I do see what you are saying. However, try going into the Manage Connections utility. Do this by right clicking on your Network Manager applet and select Network Management Settings. When the window pops up simply click on the wireless tab, and enter your information their, it seems like it will take. If you have a security key, you can set the security type up on the security tab. Let me know how it works and if I can give any more help.

  73. @bobby:

    The problem is that very shortly Mint 10 will no longer be supported which means no more security patches, etc. In addition, I’d much prefer a solution with updated applications and a nicer interface. Gnome 3 in its native state is such a disastrous mess that it will never be a viable interface for me and it’s to early to tell with Cinnamon although it shows promise. That leaves KDE as the best migration path for a future with this operating system.

    One thing I’ve noticed in software (in fact, anything) is that unless someone expresses dissatisfaction, progress does not happen. Windows XP’s magnification facilities were pathetic (a small window to the desktop that stays static? really? seriously?) and Vista remained the same. Windows 7 took a quantum leap forward and implemented a full-screen magnifier much like that included with the Compiz Enhanced Desktop Zoom – only better. In the case of Gnome 3, someone wrote an applet to provide a mouseable zoom functionality very similar to Compiz and Windows 7 (in fact Clem should look seriously at including it with Cinnamon). Ubuntu is looking to finally fix the broken Compiz zoom with the upcoming LTS release. The point is that people expressed dissatisfaction and something got done to change the situation. Progress happened.

    You haven’t offended me – I have an extremely thick skin. 🙂 I am however quite outspoken about changes I feel should occur. I was a normally sighted IT professional until five years ago and never understood how folks with visual issues were at best severely inconvenienced or at worst marginalized by the status quo. That’s why I do and will continue to sound off in forms – hopefully reasonably politely – urging that status quo to change.

    Just my 2 cents, seasonably adjusted for inflation.

  74. Any good site to learn to use KDE effectively? documentation not very helpful; Found youtube videos that zip by, and not even sure what they are trying to show. I know I can play around. Just would like to have some idea about how to get up to speed quickly.

    I do like it, it is definitely zippy compared to earlier versions of KDE.

  75. Óó boys. :-((

    Network Management Setting by Panel???
    New feature by Add.. DSL Error service :-))
    and by Install messages is Network Not connected?
    ppoeconf OK!

  76. To further update my wireless problems. I was thinking that maybe you couldn’t get any further than typing in the name of the network unless it was actually detected. This is not the case (with Opensuse 12.1 anyway). I’m also wondering if the Mint team might want to figure out exactly whey finding hidden networks works on Opensuse but not Kubuntu/Mint-KDE. I’ll be trying to figure this out myself, and will update if I come up with anything.

  77. Azrael@141

    Did you happen to read my post at 136? I had another suggestion there that might get you connected anyway.

  78. Had linux mint 12 x86_64 on a system. Started up KDE RC and loaded.
    Install resized old to 1/2 of 2.0TB and installed KDE RC on the
    other half.

    Problem. Reboot. No dual boot menu to select. System came up
    on KDE RC. Is there no dual boot mode any more?


  79. Azrael@141

    While there is a solution listed in that same thread, I understand your frustration, and I don’t have access to a hidden network to fully test that solution. But Opensuse, is known for one of the best KDE experiences out there. It’s up to each distro to determine how much time and resources they invest in tweaking the DE. Opensuse puts a bit more focus on doing that for KDE.

    I know that doesn’t help much, but it might explain why we have the same problems here as in Kubuntu which is of course, upstream. Kubuntu 10.10 was terrible with networking issues. Some have been resolved, while things like these still exist. I personally would like for the Mint and Blue Systems partnership to blossom in such a way that they are able to fix some of these issues for a more solid KDE experience.

    However, in all fairness, it must be said that this walks like an RC–despite the wonderful job that Clem and the team have done so far. We’ll hope for the best in the final.

  80. The RC seems pretty fast and usable already (KDE rules). The black boot screen doesn’t bother me, though it can take a while on slow computers (which may confuse users). This was running from VirtualBox. I also tried to run the 64 bit Hybrid iso (img) from my ntfs formatted usb stick, but my HP 6730b won’t boot (hangs at the bios screen after the battery check).

    Besides improving stability and crushing bugs (Software Manager, Synaptics won’t open), I would like to see in the final:

    1) Lancelot. It would like this as default or at least the option to change it in the right-click menu just like the classic menu (instead of removing it and replace it with the lancelot menu widget).
    2) Mint4Win. Though with the option to use the official NVidia driver (with the Nouveau driver it won’t start on my laptop using a GTS 360m
    graphic cards. If I use an USB stick with persistence I can install the drivers from another computer, but with Mint4Win this isn’t possible)
    3) Nepomuk tray messages turned off by default (irritating notifications)

  81. Thanks for an incredible new operating system. Everything works perfectly on an old T60 thinkpad, home built AMD system and 2 HP desktops.

  82. PB@141

    I have found some fixes myself. I have been trying to find something that won’t require people to use the terminal. I was hoping I might be a simple fix that could be added before release. If there is I haven’t found it. I know I can go into the terminal and fix it, but others I have introduced to linux will find this more difficult.

    Other than that the experience is pretty much as solid as Opensuse 12.1. Compositing works better for me in Opensuse, but that is really not important to getting anything done. Also, I can tweak it enough in Mint-KDE to get it working.

  83. I posted earlier about total lockup on “battery check…” and disappearing windows and update not working, but this version is just too sweet, so I decided to re install on a clean desktop dual booted HDD 100gb Linux space and this time it worked pretty good and I am now driving the Cadillac of Linux.
    It won’t install on my old toshiba A70 because it only has 768 mg ram and the dvd reads very slowly, (but Mint 7-10 does and works great).

    The software downloader is the only thing that wont work, shows only one icon and locks up totally, but I am happy with the software included! The windows still drag too strangely but still work. Other than that it is definitely worth fooling with to get it working right. The updater works good now too. I hope some updates will fix problems later.

    I was really pleased about having Minitube working great since I can’t install it myself on anything because I’m a noob.

    I installed Mint 12 KDE three times and the first was a fail. Weird. All I know is the 2nd test install on a test HDD and 3rd final install went good and all I did was start it and install it without doing any “testing” at all… just went straight to the”Install Linux”

    And BTW, Mint 12 installs great.

  84. How does one get a dual boot with the LinuxMint 12 already installed.
    I’d like KDE RC in a different partition. Please. Pretty Please….


  85. bug???

    The software manager starts up, but dies immediately. If it does get to show the initial windows with all the category selections, a single click anywhere in the window makes it close down.

    Very pleasant interface this MINT 12 KDE has. I would love to keep this once stable.

  86. For me, it is the first KDE distro running without problems (I tested on 2 machines).

    32bit-pae: excellent on desktop and notebook

    64-bit: almost perfect…. only one little bug, Skype from your repository does not launch.

  87. jeff@147

    I’m not sure exactly how old your A70 is. Maybe it’s more of an age issue than memory specifically. In my experience, 512MB of memory has been enough to getting a LM machine up and running, and evening running fairly decent. Linux Mint has recommended 1GB for some time now, and that certainly is a good recommendation, but I wouldn’t think that 768MB would cause a total failure–perhaps 384MB or less might cause that.

    I will also say that for some reason, depending on the specific generations of processors, I’ve had better luck in the memory department when running AMD processors. Specifically, I remember comparing two older computers–one was Intel, one was AMD. Both had 256MB of ram, and processor speeds were close to the same, and within a year or so of generations. I installed LM7 with no issues whatsoever on the AMD box, while it was brutally slow during the Intel install, and in the end, pretty much useless. While the AMD box was obviously at a memory disadvantage and a bit slow, it was fully functional. I installed another 256MB in the Intel machine, and away it went. I did the same for the AMD box, and it was better, but the difference was minimal. But in the end, both were operating about the same. That’s been some time ago, of course, but again, I don’t know how old your A70 is.

  88. This is a really nice version. Very crisp. I, too cannot open synaptic package manager. Like all of the last linux versions, my computer screen will not awaken after going into sleep mode, but I just change the setting so it won’t sleep after being idle. While I’m still a fan of Gnome 3, I really think you have all done a fantastic job keeping up with what people really want. Thank you.

  89. Lo estaba esperando, espero que ahora tenga lo mínimo de bugs. Que se mas estable. Linunx mint KDE es elegante

  90. Has anyone found a reliable way to install this via USB? The latest version of Universal USB Installer doesn’t support this distro. Should i try the “Try a unlisted Linux ISO”-option?

  91. Happy days for all of you KDE users in here! 🙂 It’s great that Mint 12 is going to be available in other varieties besides Gnome3 & MATE.

    It’s too bad that there will not be a true Mint Debian KDE anytime soon. But I’m speaking as a Mint Debian user of course! I’m also wish that one day there would be a Mint Debian LXDE & Mint Debian Enlightenment as well. But I understand that life without anything Ubuntu-based is not for everyone.

  92. Bug @ MintInstakk, it is not working good, when opened it closes itself (it crashes) and a suggerence If you want to make it more minty change the Mint-KDE app icons to the Mint icon style, and keep the other icons as usual on Mint KDE

    PD: I love your work with Cinnamon XD

  93. I’m liking Mint 12 KDE very much and would like to install it — if only I could connect to the internet!

    I have a DSL connection. It works fine in Mint 12 Gnome (I’m using the live DVD right now). However, it does not work with Mint KDE.

    1) I tried using the network manager to add a DSL connection. I can add the connection, but it doesn’t show at all when I click that small network icon on the bottom panel. This also happens with Kubuntu, BTW, and it seems to be an old KDE bug (from what I gather; I’m no experienced user. This particular problem has been solved in the latest Fedora 16 and Chakra, for instance).

    2) pppoeconf does not work either. Actually, I get the message that the connection should be up and running, but still no internet. (pppoeconf works fine in Kubuntu, BTW).

    Maybe I’m missing something.

  94. People really did want this version of Linux Mint, but unfortunately I found several errors in the RC some of them serious …. While sometimes I not recognize the keyboard, wrong wrong, when I open a program does not appear above the title bar or buttons to minimize, maximize and close. There are also errors in the main menu, sometimes responds to the mouse, and sometimes crazy and opens and closes without any reason, the graphics look very carefully, but very unstable ……. Actually, I hope these horrors ARE polished to the final version. Maybe it’s my Intel video card does work with this ugly, I also had these problems with version GNOMEde Mint 12. I’m sorry, but these errors are not Kubuntu 11.10. Kubuntu runs excellent. Sorry, but better luck for the final version, this does not convince …..

  95. Well for me KDE is working great. I just learnt how to use the activity, so just sharing. Here is the link (I also could not understand all the things in this article, so I would say just follow activity section and read my lines below)

    After applying different widgets for each desktop. Just drag and drop shortcut icons from Mint Menu to each desktop according to your preferences (and of course you can use mouse scroll for switching to different desktop). Enjoy.

  96. Bueno, como el comentario en ingles me lo borraron, ya que mi ingles es regular, voy a comentar en mi idioma…. Esta version RC de Linux Mint KDE tiene varios problemas heredados de su version GNOME, al menos en mi maquina y con mi tarjeta de video, las ventanas siempre se abren a la izquierda de la pantalla, no se ve el titulo del programa y no aparecen los botones de minimizar, maximizar y cerrar. Veo el menu de las aplicaciones, pero no veo la barra superior ni los botones, el entorno grafico esta muy lindo, pero por momentos pareciera que no respondiese bien al teclado. Espero que estos aportes les sirvan a todos, y espero que en la version final estas cosas no pasen !!!!!!!!!!

  97. @Roj : Ok, I understand. Last suggestion, why don’nt you try “magnify” in Kwin as no other option in KDE has left. I know it may not be worth your 2 cents, but perhaps 0.50 cent. Otherwise as I informed you earlier, your alt+mouse scroll has been implemented in Gnome-3 (you also know it), but thats a different distro. In Mint you have to wait, until Clem do something in Cinnamon. Its up to you now.

  98. I searched the blog.
    My apologies for repeating others from earlier posts about the Software Manager not working (post 148).
    However, I have tried to Ubuntu Software Manager and it behaves the same way.
    The solution that worked for me is the Muon Software Center (which is used in Kubuntu). I will use this for now, until the mintInstall gets going again.
    for those who are interested having graphical installer:

    sudo apt-get install muon-installer


  99. Having trouble with Software Manager. You click on it, it load up, then it goes disappeared within second. Wouldn’t give chance to do anything.
    Like it on a timer or what. Just on this program so far I found.

  100. Gotta say I hate Mint 12 with that godawful ugly gnome 3 iniquity or ubiquity or whatever so I thought I’d try this.. installed it on a machine that has been working well running MINT 11 GNOME 64 bit.. 1st(when I boot) I get an error message that says it can’t start an X session and asks permission to use “default” (what is default if not an X session?) Then I clicked the update icon which caused the machine to freeze.. Had to push the power button to get it to reboot..
    Then I thought I’d look at the /home file so I clicked that and rather then opening the file, it opened vlc media player and started playing the music in my /home file.. At this point, everything was frozen (even though music was playing) so I had to do another reboot using the power button to get it to stop..
    After several more attempts to get things working, I reinstalled Mint 11 and the machine works fine..
    I have to wonder if Clem is pulling a cruel joke on me by providing a distro that just doesn’t work, BUT it seems to be working for some people so I will re-download (this time 32 bit), burn a new disk using a different computer, and try installing it on a different machine.. I have been using Mint since Mint3 and I am disappointed as hell with the current crop..

  101. Clem

    Will you be releasing the December stats so we can monitor whether Mint 12 has overtaken Mint 11 across the Mint userbase. It is always of great interest to me how previous releases are performing such as Mint 9 LTS and LMDE

  102. Thanks for the KDE edition. In addition to aforementioned problems, I can not start Skype after installation. Does anybody have the same problem?

  103. Liked it on live usb, very fast as 64bit, but it wouldn’t connect to wireless- it could see my connections, but would get stuck at ‘Configuring Interface’ and then fail. This is using a Lenovo x121e (3045CTO). Shame. I guess this is a bug. Seemed great other than this rather important issue.

  104. I’m glad to see a KDE edition. Right now I’m (still) running Mint 9 LTS even though I’ve just built a new computer. I tried Mint 12 Gnome but just couldn’t wrap my head around any of the desktop configurations included (Cinnamon wasn’t there yet). So, I think I’ll wait for the NEXT Mint release (13 LTS should be a luck number!). I hope you will have Cinnamon and KDE versions having proven ground with the current development under Mint 12. Keep up the good work!

  105. -Software manager doesn’t work
    -Can’t drag’n’drop from ark to folder view
    -Doesn’t remember my login although i told so at install
    -Doesn’t have the new Menu, promised in the last KMint version

  106. yes i was wondering why it never came. out in the distro watch as that,s the one i watch al the time for new and exiting stuff like this as i would like to download it as well i seem more at home with kde than gnome wes thanks

  107. yes i was wondering why it never came. out in the distro watch as that,s the one i watch al the time for new and exiting stuff like this as i would like to download it as well i seem more at home with kde than gnome wes thanks

  108. well thank you you for all the time and effort you,s guy,s and gal,s put in as well thank you and i can say from many friends as well

  109. I,m LMDE fan and waiting for the KDE release of LMDE. So far I,m highly satisfied with my LMDE amd64 GNOME experience. It’s a matter of great pleasure that the Team Linux Mint is doing very good job. I have personally loaded Linux Mint to many machines of my friends and also pursuaded them to enjoy the benefits of Mint. They are inspired by Linux Mint and are trying every bit to learn and take advantage of it. Now in my circle everybody knows Linux Mint and talks about it. I too am selflessly engaged in promoting Linux Mint and urge my other friends also for the same.

  110. LMDE ……….. LMDE …………. LMDE……… and I want various LMDE releases in different flavours and releasing a KDE version of LMDE will be a great help to us. May I ask Team Linux Mint about the time frame of the LMDE KDE release?

  111. I have been using Linux Mint 12 KDE RC for several days now. This is my experience: Not only does everything I tried work fine out of the box, Lisa KDE is also VERY beautiful. I love it and I intend to install it on every computer I can get my hands on. Thank you very much!

  112. Chuck Adams- It sounds like you may have installed LM 12 KDE on your whole hard drive rather than 1/2 of it. You’re description of how you installed it was a bit vague. If the installer was actually set to install LM 12 KDE RC side by side with another OS then the boot loader screen would definitely be showing at boot.

    You can do a quick check by opening Dolphin in LM 12 KDE RC and in the left-hand sidebar, see if there’s another partition listed. If you do not see one then you inadvertently installed LM 12 KDE RC on the entire disk I would have to guess.

  113. I’m not so used to KDE 4 yet. KDE 3.5 I used for many years. I had some problems before I found out how to show hidden files. Perhaps it should be in a right-klick menu?

  114. FAIL!
    Mint 12 KDE

    Boot hang at “Checking battery…. on a desktop???
    What a hassle.

    Thought I had it running “like a new Cadillac”, 1 day later on boot up, then out of nowhere, bam, blows up, right between the eyes. Checking battery on desktop? Need to remove that code and fix random login fail. Is this still in beta or what?
    Tried on several desktops and laptops. Battery check fail on desktops, sudden login and pw fail on laptops. No working Video card acceleration install either.

    Back to MAGEIA 1 (Mandriva distro) and Debian 6, let me know when this distro works! Sure looks and runs nice, if you can get to work.

  115. All those who want xfce, just install xubuntu, it would be great if we could have an xfce LM with ubuntu base, but it just isn’t meant to be.
    I don’t wanna deal with debian, arch or something even worse, I’ve used them, I just wanna relax and have things working, don’t have time for much tinkering, so it would be great if we could read an announcement about Linux Mint 13 xfce, do it, do it…..:D

  116. @zoran
    I agree 100% with you! Tried many debian based distros, including LMDE, aptosid, etc… Every other update/upgrade will cause instabilities.
    Those are fast, but if you want the latest software and stability Ubuntu (and others _ _buntus) is the way to go!
    I also would like to have XFCE mint based on xubuntu again!

  117. I didn’t see a translation of JoseMan’s message 166 (14 Jan.), so here it is, with Google Translate’s huge help:

    Well, as your comment in English wiped me because my English is {not} regular, I will discuss in my language …. This version of Linux Mint KDE RC has several problems inherited from the GNOME version, at least on my machine and my video card, windows always open to the left of the screen, is not the title {missing?} of the program and buttons do not appear to minimize, maximize and close. I see the applications menu, but I see the top bar or buttons, the graphical environment is very cute, but at times it seems that the keyboard does not respond well. I hope these contributions will serve everyone, and I hope the final version of these things do not go !!!!!!!!!!

    I didn’t edit much; { } enclose a couple of my additions. –nb

  118. I love Linux Mint, been awhile since ive used it though. this RC runs GREAT on my Aspire 5733z, no problems so far. Real quick though, if i keep it updated, will this RC “turn into” the final release? Would there be a difference between my updated RC install and the final release, like will i have to do a full install when the final is released? i just dont wanna go through and make a bunch of customizations only to have to reinstall. thanks =)

  119. Thanks @Nicholas Bodley (194) for translating that, It’s great to see someone paying attention to a Spanish-speaking person. I do speak Spanish and my English is fairly good, so I will translate it yet again in a more understandable way (i’m not putting the blame on you, but on google translate) if you don’t mind:

    “Well, since you’ve deleted my comment in English since my English is regular, I will comment in my language… This RC version of Linux Mint KDE has many problems inherited from the GNOME version, at least in my computer and with my graphics card, the windows always open on the left of the screen, you can’t see the title of the program, and the minimize, maximize buttons are missing. I see the applications menu {or maybe he meant “the applications’ menu” (notice the apostrophe). That is actually a bit ambiguous in Spanish} but i don’t see the top bar, nor the buttons, the graphic environment looks really nice, but at times it seems not to respond well to the keyboard. I hope these contributions are helpful for everybody, and I hope these things don’t happen in the final version!!!!!!!!!!”

    By the way… I tried it, and the default panel crashes immediately, I was, however, able to create another default panel and everything went great from there on. I am actually not much of a KDE fan myself, but I think it’s great to have a KDE Mint for all the K fans out there. Also… is there any plan to bring back Mint Fluxbox? I thought Mint 9 Fluxbox was absolutely awesome!

  120. I have an old Dell Inspiron 8600 I have run Ubuntu 11.10 for a long time with no problems. The version that you have released is no where a RC. At best a later beta. Many problems with the others here. With the Dell it took over one hour and a half to try to install. I downloaded three times thinking that was the problem. When it did come up the font size was about a five if even that. I can’t see what it says. Every other character is the same color of the background and very small vertical lines where the font character is to be. Plus it was really heating the laptop from a very warm to a hot feeling. I really like the looks of what’s coming out, but will wait.

  121. have been a Gnome fanboy for few years now but have found 12 gnome 3 to be buggy for some reason. sluggish and unresponsive at times. to the point that it locks up and forces a reboot.
    mint 12kde on the other hand has been running flawlessly in live mode for a week now and I am liking it much better than the gnome version.
    I may switch as soon as the final release comes out!!’

    great work as always Clem and gang!! you rock team!!

  122. Tried this Linux Mint 12 KDE RC a few days ago on my spare pc.
    As previously noted I also had login problems and the Software manager kept crashing after 5 seconds, I eventually gave up after several hours.
    I then installed Kubuntu 11.10 on the PC which is good but, I’m still drawn to Linux Mint KDE as I prefer the overall ‘Cleaner’ look and ‘slicker’ feel to it over Kubuntu 11.10
    Will install when Final release is available.
    Keep improving our experience..well done! (old newbie to KDE)

  123. I am having trouble installing restricted drivers for Nvidia and ATI. The ATI drivers install but they are very unstable.

  124. @Guy: we know you are madly in love with kde but if you really think that the kde version will overtake the gnome version…the answer is very simple…no way in heck…not going to happen…kde has been and will always be in the minority as far as mint users are concerned…

    Obviously you haven’t worked with Cinnamon which will ASSURE that gnome will always be on top when it comes to mint users…

    Sorry to disappoint you but that is the reality of the situation….

  125. I have always loved using Mint from way back in the 3.0 days. It seem like I remember there were early versions that were not numbered.

    I have always installed the Gnome version as my base and then added KDE using APT. I like having the Gnome apps and tools available, but I have always preferred using KDE as my desktop interface. I even install the KDM display manager to takeover from GDM because I like the login and logout interface better. I guess you can say I always end up with hybrid system tweaked to my liking every time.

    That is the beauty of Mint.

    As far as speed I couldn’t tell if one was two nano-seconds faster or slower than the other. It really doesn’t matter to me. I just want things to work and with Mint, no matter how I tweak it, it always seems to come out basically stable (usable as in daily use for my needs). Love it!

    Thanks Mint. I look forward to trying the KDE version 12, but the truth of it is, I will probably stick to installing the Gnome 12 version and then add KDE just for the pleasure of tweaking everything my own way to suite me.

    One more thought. Why not just try and coordinate the release of each version and include Gnome, KDE, Xfce, LM and a few others all on one ISO. Just install and pick the desktop environment you like best when you boot. I always seem to add all these anyway just because there are different tool & apps with each that I like to use. I have to use a DVD anyway so I might as well use it to its full capacity.

    Thanks Mint. I’ll keep tweaking. Its just a lot of fun anyway you do it.

  126. I am writing this from the new Mint 12 itself. I feel like I am back home. A million zillion Thanks to you great people. Now I understand that Mint is peoples Distro.

  127. @JoseMan and @Sudoku: I’m happy to help! My Spanish (reading) is definitely nothing great; sometimes, I can figure out what is being said. (I do better with tabloid newspapers! 🙂 ) It’s easy to use Google Translate, of course.

    Sudoku, thank you for your courtesy; that makes the “atmosphere” of the forum so much better. I don’t mind your help; please feel free to improve a translation without needing to ask.

    I have long felt friendly toward Spanish-speaking people (I lived in NYC for 23 years), and like to help them make their way in the USA. As well, I like Spanish; es una buena lengua. (It’s a good language.)

  128. Craig@205

    If your comment was referring to the possibilities of KDE taking over the Gnome base as far as the Mint user base, then you must know that anything is possible. None of us can say where Mint will be in the next 5 or 10 years. In other words, we can’t predict the future simply based on the current status of Mint’s user base. Possibility and probability are two different things. I know you are aware of that, but I felt it needed to be put out there in light of your comment. Besides, you are assuming that Guy feels the same as you do about the Cinnamon project. Don’t get me wrong. I’m keeping a close eye on the Cinnamon project, and it looks very promising. But alas, that’s simply not definitive enough.

    Also, I’ve been looking for Guy to provide us with some thoughts on the KDE experience–whether he likes it or not. You mentioned that Guy is “madly in love with KDE”, yet I haven’t seen a comment for or against it from him.

    Maybe your comment was just friendly jabbing. If that’s the case, then please forgive my ignorance. Otherwise, I really would like to hear from Guy on how he likes KDE so far. And if I’ve somehow missed it, then please point it out.

  129. 64bit version installed perfectly first time, looking damn good so far 🙂

    I did run into several problems though, some of which have been mentioned by others:

    Jockey wasn’t able to install my Nvidia drivers, tried a few manual installs myself all of which seemed to result in a black screen of death. I managed to get back to the Nouveau driver and just left it for now.

    I tried backing up my software choices from Mint KDE 10 and then attempted to install them in Mint 12. I got an error telling me to fix broken packages. Tried fixing packages both in terminal and Synaptic (nothing seemed to be broken) but I couldn’t get past the broken package error. I had this occur even when I tried it before anything else after installing Mint 12.

    Installing packages through Synaptic/terminal seemed to work fine, the package manager closes immediately after you open it.

    Nepomuk pop up problems too, as reported by others.

    Can’t wait till the bugs are ironed out with KDE 12, the last Mint KDE is an absolute gem.

  130. Been using this for a day now and I gotta say, it’s beautiful! I’m new to the KDE experience and my first try at it was disastrous (Kubuntu 11.10- major bugs!) so this Mint release has been quite pleasant!

  131. Tried it first on a VMware virtual machine, everything worked. Installed on a new MSi GE620 i7 laptop with Nvidia Hybrid graphics card, everything works great, including the wireless card without any installation.

    Installed the Ironhide hybrid graphics driver, and working great.

    Even brand new, there are times when the laptop wasn’t responsivie with the Win7 Home premium that the laptop came with, seems like the harddisk is doing something that held up the rest of the system. Factory created 4 partitions, splitting the harddisk into two large partitions C: & D:. I changed the D: partition into a logical partition, and put LM12 KDE there. Very happy with the results.

  132. @PB….yep…it was “friendly jabbing”…because the way guy said it, it sounded like he was soooo hoping that this would put kde in the front as far as user base for mint…so i got the impression that was his sincere “hope” and i guess i was just trying to bring him back to “reality” a bit…lol

    Mint 12 KDE is a very nice release (once they get the bugs out of the RC which i have no doubt they will of course)…

    But as we know, gnome IS Clem’s specialty and his really excellent idea of creating the Cinnamon project has certainly made gnome 3 shell a lot more appealing for many who prefer to have the more conventional style desktop that is actually quite similar to classic mint and yet at the same time, get the technological advances of having gnome 3 underneath it all…

    And my main point is that although i can’t speak for the distant future of course, i do think that Cinnamon will keep gnome as the largest user base as far as mint is concerned…

  133. Craig@220

    I assume you are referring to post 175. To me, that post simply meant that Guy was interested in finding out the overall stats when comparing past releases with current releases, including LMDE. It appeared to be referencing Mint in general, and not specific to KDE.

    If you are referring to a different post that I don’t see, please point it out. As I mentioned, I would like to hear some input from Guy about his like or dislike of KDE.

    Anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding.

  134. Very nice design with the transparency ! VLC doesn’t work under Mint 12 KDE RC, the password of mail-notifier is not saved in the keyring, but my ATI HD 4200 works perfectly while with GNOME 3 and Cinnamon it doesn’t works perfectly.

  135. PB @221….yes that was the post i was referring to…and no problem…it’s all good…I was also curious as to whether guy had tried cinnamon at all…i think you did, didn’t you?

    Of course, it isn’t complete as of yet in terms of flexibility and features which are being added in gradually with each new version…but i am using it as my main session on mint 12 gnome and like it very much already…It gives me back the classic mint feel that i was missing a bit with gnome 3 shell…

    I have the mint 12 kde rc iso and i might take another look at it today…explore it a bit, as it were…(lol)

  136. Craig@223

    Clem has done a great job with Cinnamon, but I’m still waiting to see some changes made to configuration options like printers, and users, etc. I think Clem mentioned that at some point, a control panel much like we had before was being worked on. I fail to see how excluding a complete control center from the DE is supposed to be helpful in any way, especially since installing a printer isn’t always plug and play, and it’s conceivable that we may have multiple users, any of which might belong to specific groups and such. I can’t enable USB service in VirtualBox until I put myself in that group. Guess what? I can’t find out how to do that in the user account settings.

    This is not Clem’s fault, as it is another Gnome 3 massive blunder. But it is what it is, and I simply can’t be comfortable with any flavor of Gnome 3 as my primary DE until these things are addressed. Even after installing gnome-system-tools from package manager, I don’t have the options I need. This may be due to compatibility issues with Gnome 3 and the version of gnome-system-tools that’s in the repos. I simply don’t have the time to investigate that at the moment.

    All the griping aide, I feel confident that the Cinnamon project is the best thing that Clem could possible do to make the needed changes, and I look forward to seeing it develop. But it’s not ready for my desktop yet, as much as I appreciate all of Clem’s hard work. If I were to install the latest version of Mint right now, I would have to go with KDE. Even with the bugs of the RC, it’s a more complete package overall from my point of view.

    At the end of the day, Mint 9 has all the options I need, so here I sit, with no real reason to complain.

  137. @Craig – Have you happened to look into Cinnamons’ Github pages lately? There’s all sorts of things afoot for the next version of Cinnamon (1.1.4) and it looks like Clem is actually forking mutter as well. Meanwhile, I’ve loaded LM 12 KDE RC into one of my test partitions and I’ve not seen many of the problems some people have seen here. Synaptic does not crash for me although the Software Manager does and the Nvidia driver for my GT430 installed without a problem. I also added the Kubuntu beta PPA in order to upgrade KDE to 4.8 RC2. Worked great and even kept all the Minty bits. And not having all the KDE PIM applications installed by default is fine by me.

    I’m more of Gnome person myself and my main OS is LM12 w/Cinnamon but those who prefer KDE should be more than happy with LM 12 KDE when it’s finally released.

  138. Kirk M@225

    I added the kubuntu beta ppa also, and updated to the latest KDE. It seems to have fix a logout issue but another issue popped up. Home folder shortcuts don’t work anymore for some reason. I have to go to the main menu to start dolphin for those directories.

  139. I have the same problems related in the release version:

    Nepomuk pop up problems

    Synaptic package manager not load.

    and the actualization not work ok (apt-get sudo?)

  140. @PB: i played with Mint 12 KDE again today on the live iso…actually, i am typing from it right now…it is quite nice i must say…though i think i will likely stay with my mint 12 gnome using cinnamon…I do appreciate the extra configuration options with the kde but i feel confident that Clem will be adding a lot to Cinnamon anyway…

    Actually, i believe a Cinnamon panel is coming in the next version, where such adjustments will be available from with added in as it goes along…

    @Kirk M: I agree 100%…those who prefer KDE should be VERY happy with the final release of it….I have use Kubuntu and this is like a much more complete and smoothed out version of that…and Kubuntu was always my favorite KDE…it’s just been “topped” by this (lol)….

    I will take a look at he Github page…Clem must be busy added in all kind of great stuff for Cinnamon…i think there is going to be a bunch of optional “Appearance Themes” added too…should be excellent…can’t wait for 1.1.4…

    I’d say if Mint 12 still had just MGSE, then i probably would have installed this KDE edition instead, but for me Cinnamon kind of saved the situation and i think it’s going to allow me to stay with Mint 12 gnome and be very happy with it…

  141. The software manager is unstable, consistently crashes upon activation. I have read that complaint other places so maybe you guys are on it. I look forward to the final release.

  142. IT’S ABOUT FREAKIN’ TIME!! Kidding of course but I’ve been running 10 for quite a while. Great work guys and gals! Looking forward to more KDE releases in the future!

  143. Stunning looking and really nice to use, but anything that involves downloading an update refuses to work including installing restricted drivers. Also after looking at it last night it now refuses to boot getting stuck just after it says…

    Checking Battery state [OK]

    would be great to see this fixed, if not I always have Cinnamon 🙂

  144. Running Mint 12 KDE from LiveDVD I found to be a pleasurable experience. Having said this I have never been an avid KDE fan although I mostly put this down to too many disasters with openSUSE since the first release of v.11 and the much hyped original KDE 4 which was truly awful which is where GNOME 3 is now, no matter how it is dressed up it is still the same rubbish underneath. Sorry Clem.

    Having said this Cinnamon does look encouraging and certainly a much better option to MATE which I maintain a waste of development resources. Its unlikely I would install Mint 12 KDE as I have never really taken to the Desktop Environment.

    But for the KDE fans its simply awesome.

  145. I have downloaded Linux Mint KDE last night, it’s amazing and love it,..Many Thanks to all crew members. Software Manager sucks and shut off instantly, may someone out there to fix the bug.Merci infiniment@fr

  146. I have got all last updates:
    gparted 0.11 sucesfull install and not work
    wine 1.3 not installed (stoped process install packets)
    if running synaptic, then not work button “Update” in Software center
    In Software center not visible icons, except icon “Favorites”

  147. @Guy…read your feedback…and i agree, for the kde fans this is really good…i have been running the live dvd for 2 days and it’s a really smoothed out version of kubuntu with lots of nice extras added in by default (of course the RC does have some bugs for sure)…but overall, a very nice experience..

    Still, like you i am more of a gnome person then kde…and i will stay with my mint 12 with Cinnamon as my primary session…

    Clem’s approach with this is very much “right on” and is giving so much more of the old gnome 2 feel to the new gnome 3 environment…

    It’s not really Gnome 3 that is the problem…that is a very nice improvement of Gnome 2…it’s the execution of the INTERFACE that runs on top of it (Gnome 3 shell and in ubuntu’s case: Unity)….

    But as we are seeing, the Shell can be modified and customized as Clem is doing with Cinnamon, and i love using it even now in it’s early development…

    I will wager that by the time Mint 13 comes out, Cinnamon will make gnome fantastic again…for those who prefer a more “conventional desk top experience”….

    I look forward to each new release update of Cinnamon…
    And for the KDE fans, enjoy your Mint 12 KDE release….

  148. Guy@231

    Finally! I’ve been patiently waiting to hear from you about your experience so far with LM12-KDE. I’m glad you see it for what it is, and if I understand correctly, it would be usable for you, although still not your first choice.

    While I would be mildly more inclined than you to use it for my primary PC, I’m still not comfortable enough to commit to it. I’m hoping that the final release will have addressed a couple of bugs that I have experienced. The core is good though, and it looks really nice.

    I will slightly disagree with you on one point, however, and that is in reference to the Gnome 3 rubbish comment. I don’t blame you for saying that, because it is a common view point, and not completely without its basis. However, the problems are not at the core. Rather, they are mainly on the surface, and thank goodness for that.

    Please let me explain: It’s a well know fact that presentation is a large part of selling anything. Even if your restaurant has the best Eggs Benedict in town, you will turn a percentage of people off if you just slop it on the plate. However, there are a few that will stick around and sink their teeth in and only they will see what all the fuss is about.

    Gnome 3 is just that. On the surface it stinks, and it’s turning people away left and right. It just doesn’t look good at all. But recognizing that looks can be deceiving, Clem is like the guy in the restaurant that says let’s give this a try. So he is sinking his teeth in to see what the fuss is all about, and in reality, at it’s core, Gnome 3 has some really good technology and it’s very promising. It just needs to be served up properly–as in not slopping it down on our plate as the Gnome developers have done with the default DE.

    Enter Clem with the Cinnamon project!

  149. Craig@233

    Well said! I should have reloaded the page before I posted. I’ve been working on this post for awhile, and just now got it finished. Again, your explanation is right on target.

  150. I can confirm reply 151 regarding Software manager not allowing selection of apps to be added. Window appears then closes within seconds.

    Installed (32 bit) version on two machines with same result. Cannot continue testing without being able to install more applications.

  151. @PB Thank you for the compliment! And to Kira (at the post before yours)…you know something, the way the direction of Cinnamon is going and with it’s popularity by users of other distros as well, i’d say that has a pretty fair chance of happening…maybe the gnome3 developers will sit up and take notice now (lol)…

  152. Impressive! Looks like we’ll have a usable Kernel 3 + KDE combo very soon after all. Just as I was giving up after the disappointing experience with Kubu 11.10 and even the “almighty” OpenSuse 12.1 (both buggy as hell). HUGE congrats to the Mint team! Writing this from Mint 12 KDE RC running flawlessly (and quite quickly I must say) from a cheap Chinese make usb.

  153. Hello!
    If somebody knows how to instal Kdenlive on this distro because for me not working.
    A tutorial if it is posible!
    Best regards.

    – Software manager stil doesn’t work
    – Gparted still do not work
    – ……
    In the rest look good.

  154. Os problemas encontrados por mim foram quase os mesmos que já mencionados anteriormente pelos demais usuários, porém com um acréssimo o “Gerenciador de Atualizações” dá erro, tem que serem feitas as atualizações pelo terminal console.

    O Synaptic por aqui está funcionando sem problemas apesar de que sou mais adepto ao uso do terminal, instalado pelo Synaptic: Inkscape, G’MIC=plugin para o Gimp, enfim aqui o Synaptic abre corretamente.

    Faltando a configuração de screensavers também que deveria vir por padrão em minha opinião em ambas as versões do Mint, mesmo que no Gnome 3 tenha certas restrições poderia ser estudado um jeito de inserir screensavers.

    Muito bom o Kde do Linux Mint parabéns a equipe do Linux Mint.

    Até mais.

  155. @Stephen McIntosh

    Unfortuantely it doesn’t rcognize mouse functions, including the scrollwheel – a major deficiency.

  156. After a good amount of time with Kubuntu and really enjoying it, I’m looking forward to the stable release of Mint 12 KDE (Linux Mint has always been “Ubuntu done right”). I just don’t feel comfortable with release candidates yet.

    Keeping my eyes peeled.

  157. Well, I’ve been using the RC since its release, and have still not experienced any of the bugs many are talking about. Synaptic and Software Center have never crashed for me, and I was able to install the ATI proprietary driver (direct from their site) without incident or errors. Wine 1.3 installed and works perfectly for me. I guess I just have to make sure if I ever have to replace this computer I get one with the same specs.

  158. hi this is very good disco it run a lot better than kubuntu but it dose take a lot of ram it can go up to 1gb which is very normal to windows user if you cant run windows there a chance this want work

  159. For some reason the GTK+ Appearance is not working in Firefox. It looks more like raleigh instead of oxygen even though I have it set to oxygen in system settings.

  160. All these questions about and in regards to XFCE … do you guys really not know there is an LMD XFCE version? I am using it right now. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is the direction of the XFCE LM flavor.

    Linux Mind Debian Edition is GREAT on older hardware. If you are comfortable with Debian (you should be) than I would suggest it.

  161. Any idea if this is going to work with Lenovo x121e wireless hardware when stable?

    I hate the idea of future of incompatibility with my favourite Thinkpad machines.

    Mint is exciting at the mo

  162. “Creto” (Comment no. 250) posted in Portuguese. Google Translate helps, but a few parts/words don’t make sense in the raw translation. I’m not going to try to edit it much, only post the almost-raw translation:

    The problems encountered by me were almost the same as previously mentioned by other users, but with a acréssimo the “Update Manager” gives error has to be made by the terminal console updates.

    Synaptic here is running smoothly{. W}hile I’m more adept at using the terminal, installed by Synaptic: Inkscape, G’MIC = plugin for Gimp finally here Synaptic open properly. {nb’s edits, above}

    Missing configuration also that screensavers should come by default in my opinion in both versions of the Mint, even in Gnome 3 has certain restrictions could be worked out a way to insert screensavers.

    Very good congratulations Kde Linux Mint Linux Mint team.

    Even more. (<– That must be a bad translation –nb)

    amateur internationalist (sometimes)

  163. Loved PB’s comments (241) (eggs Benedict)!

    As well, I have finally learned that GNOME 3 has a good core; that’s something worth remembering.

    My compliments to Clem; he surely seems to have excellent judgment as well as a lot of ability.

    I’m still using Katya, which has some bugs I ought to report, but none that happen routinely are serious. Katya seem immune to “corroding”, my term for progressive deterioration of peripheral functions, while the core still works. I foolishly suffered with a badly “corroded” oSUSE 11.1 (for instance, keypad was dead), but that’s going off-topic.

    I’m (probably) about to burn a DVD for Lisa KDE RC and try it; will probably install, dual-boot (for now).

    I tried to run Lisa KDE from a USB stick, first without using Unetbootin, and then with it; no luck. BIOS might be out of date, and maybe slightly-oddball mo. bo.

    Really nice that this forum (blog?) surely seems “safe” enough that I feel comfortable using my real name. There just might be no evildoers here. (ESOL: evildoers: People who do evil things)
    (ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages)


  164. @Ryhel Lim

    The keyboard commands are arcane at best. It doesn’t even use the WinKey and plus and minus keys on the numeric keypad which make so much logical sense for ease of use. Those keys are mapped elsewhere to pretty useless stuff. Instead, you’re confined to using the equals and minus keys on the main keyboard which are inconvenient at best.

    Heck, even the Ctrl key and the plus and minus keys on the numeric keypad would be an improvement.

    However, no manual keystrokes can match up to the WinKey and mouse scrollwheel combination. The guys building Kwin need to get out of the Dark Ages like the Compiz devs did and seriously wrap their heads around what’s easy for someone to use rather than what’s convenient to program.

  165. @nb (post 270): I took the liberty (being a speaker of Portuguese) of editing your raw translation of Creto’s post (#250); see below. (On the other hand, my English is not that good; so apologies in advance for the bad grammar.)

    BTW, in that context “Até mais” means “so long”, “good bye”, “see ya”…



    The problems encountered by me were almost the same ones previously mentioned by other users, but with an addition: the “Update Manager” doesn’t work; updates have to be made using the terminal [meaning the command line].

    Synaptic here is running smoothly, although I’m more adept at using the terminal. Installed by Synaptic: Inkscape, G’MIC = plugin for Gimp; in any case, here Synaptic opens properly.

    The screensavers configuration is also missing; it should come by default, in my opinion, in both versions of Mint. Even if Gnome 3 has certain restrictions, a way could be worked out how to insert screensavers.

    Linux Mint’s KDE is very good; congratulations to the Linux Mint team.

    So long.

  166. @cmrt (273) Muito obrigado! (Literally, “much obliged”?) Your help is much appreciated. Your translation is excellent. In the next-to-last paragraph, you don’t need “how”; otherwise, it’s just fine. It could also be “a way could be worked out for inserting screensavers.” The grammar of “for inserting”, as used here, seems unusual among languages. Someday, I’ll understand the Portuguese conjugated infinitive (if I recall correctly!).

    Just wondering: Maybe we could set up an informal translation arrangement. Volunteers could use Google Translate to get rough translations, and native speakers could convert them into clean English. I can only imagine what it is like to be a professional translator, but would be surprised if machine translation is not helpful.

    On the whole, the civility and kindness in this forum remind me of the Linspire community, an unusual group of people.

    Best regards,

  167. Everytime i bitch against the lack of updates in LMDE, i think about Mint Kde users and the long wait they had for an overhaul…
    Good for you guys.

  168. KDE was my preferred desktop back in version 3… they lost me in early version 4, but here I am back again…
    KDE4 with Mint12 is the chocolate icing for the mint flavored cake.. really stable and works a treat… love the independently configurable workspaces and desktops… I have a netbook feel for workspace 1, and various combinations of traditional options for the remainder… the way my mind works is at last catered for, no more gnomes and trolls.

    Well done Mint and KDE.

  169. Very impressed, I’ve been watching mint for a while now. Mint 12 is great. Originally installed in a VM to check it out, It has now my main distro.

    Also I think promoting duckduckgo seems like a good idea.

  170. @nb (274): Thank you for your kind reply, and the grammatical help regarding “inserting”. English only appears to be an easy language to master; figuring which prepositions to use, and where they go, that’s the hard part. Or so it seems to me.

    “Muito obrigado” literally means “much obliged”; you’re right. As for the conjugated infinitive, yes, we do have that. 🙂 Not always an easy thing! I wonder whether other languages have it, too.

    Best regards,

  171. When will the KDE and the Gnome release be synchronized? I would like to use Mint, but I don’t want to wait until all the tech is old hat. I mean, its been how long since Mint 12 was released with Gnome?

  172. Having some problems with partitionmanager not allowing me to create, delete or change partitions so I installed gparted which will begin to load then closes, also if I go to the start menu, computer, system settings won’t load, I have to go to applications, system to get that to work. Also having some problems with ibus input not allowing me to use Chinese pinyin in any programs. This is on the x64 version. Look forward to the final version.

  173. @cmrt: I’ll try to keep this short; I think we’d have fun if this were a language forum! As far as I know (“afaik¨), the conjugated infinitive is rare, perhaps unique to Portuguese.

    Your English is really excellent!

    Regarding French: Apparently, “sans fil” means “wireless” and “cordless”; that’s a new discovery. However, I /must/ stop. (^_^)

    Or, maybe not: A general question: It seems that a typical Linux installation includes worldwide locale data. Does that take up so much space (by modern standards) that it’s worth deleting the locale data (and translations) that you won’t use? I think that in these days of terabyte storage and multi-GB RAM, it’s probably not important.

    Best regards,

  174. My live dvd was loaded with issues so I’ll definitely be waiting for the full release to revisit this one. I can’t help but notice all of the ‘fail’ comments about Lisa KDE…it’s an RC! Still squeamish about LMDE so I’m on xubuntu for now with regular visits to Isadora. Wine 1.3.7 seems to agree more with 11.10. Sorry Clem. But it’s just temporary I promise! lol!

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