Linux Mint 10 KDE RC released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 10 KDE RC.

Linux Mint 10 KDE RC

New features at a glance:

For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 10 KDE“.

Known problems:

  • VLC slow to open files
  • Auto-login in the installer
  • Ctrl_Alt_Backspace
  • Expo-Blending dependencies
  • Upload Manager
  • Splash screen resolution
  • Moonlight
  • Upstream issues

To get more information about these problems and their solution, read the “Known problems” section of the release notes.

System requirements:

  • x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
  • 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 5 GB of disk space
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
  • DVD-ROM drive or USB port

Bug reports:

Please report any bug you may find in Launchpad.


Md5 sum:

  • 32-bit:  0624083237cd1aee44195667289113d0
  • 64-bit:  637771c7f1776014146a0008bb35a7fb


HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit ISO:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!


  1. Nice screenshot. I’m looking forward to trying this out after work.
    Have heard about Amarok issues with KDE 4.6 (losing stats) so curious about that as it isn’t mentioned.

  2. Looking forward to giving this a try. I switched from Ubuntu to Linux Mint 10 (GNOME) around six weeks ago, and I love it! Since I love the GNOME edition so much, I figured I’d give the new KDE spin a try and see how much I like it.

    1. krisidian: This is the RC. It’s better to wait a week or two for the stable release before using it on a production system.

  3. Pingback: Linux Difficile?
  4. Downloading … was on LM 10 n now trying the old LM 9 … KDE is something I’m gona try next….. 🙂 .. Grate job team …

  5. hey guys im downloading thid right ow XD i current run ubuntu but i think il give mint a go because mint looks awsome and i think il go for the KDE VERSION aswell :))))

  6. I’ve been trying it for about 24 hours. Install took arround 10 minutes. Updates arround 5 minutes. Setting it up the way i want (compiz+emerald+…) another 30-40 minutes. So it was an hour of total fun ^_^ (don’t judge me). I must say that, after I got my wireless drivers using aditional drivers from menu, all was and is fine for me ever since.

  7. I’m running the 64-bit now and I love it. Great job, well worth the wait to have KDE 4.6. The new menu is snazzy, much better than the default KDE launcher menu. Thanks a lot to the whole team, you rock!

  8. Having always been a “Gnome guy”, I recently became curious about KDE and decided to try it via numerous distros. None of them gave me a satisfactory experience. When the Mint 10 KDE rc came out I decided to download it and give it a try. It now resides in it’s permanent partition on my hard drive next to LMDE. Now I have the best of both worlds while keeping it in the Linux Mint Family.

  9. had a slight problem to begin with ( couldn’t mount or find my home, on a separate partition, same as LMDE ) so reinstalled without a separate home & discovered the fastest running KDE desktop of all the distro’s i’ve ever tried …. This is a keeper for sure, as is the LMDE,
    By the way, i can’t believe just how cool my computer is, always before this, i’ve struggled to maintain a working temp when running KDE . So many thanks guys for everything you have & are doing

  10. Wow.
    Writing this from KDE Live Session – 64Bit version…
    Its almost perfect.
    Has some rough edges that will surely be corrected by the time it launches, but overall is pretty amazing.

    Mint is Officially the best KDE distro out there!

    Very good work with Lancelot Menu!!!
    I would only add it the option of being able to open it with the windows key, and having opening in its default place, rather than in the middle of the screen…
    Other than that, very well thought and organised!

    Its obvious the amount of attention given to the little details.
    It seems as if you’ve read my mind. The only thing i had to change was removing the message icon from system tray.

    I always used to remove Mint KDE an install Mint Gnome after a while. This time, i don’t think i’ll go back, and that says it all…

  11. Basically, great work, fast and good OS.


    My greatest fear are reality now. What have you done with the old GREAT, USEFUL mixer? Or it comes with KDE4.6? What is this sh**? Unusable, idiotic. Where is the front and external mic? The master, wave, etc? What was the problem with the old stuff? So? Somebody tell me! What was the problem with that mixer in the LM KDE 9? Too good, like the GIMP at the Ubuntu? Or what? Really! Somebody write down an answer to me! OR how can I restore the old thing? Is this possible?

  12. I’m downloading it now, but I’ve been using Pardus 2011 and I’ve used almost every KDE distro that has been made and Mint is really going to have to raise their game, because Padus is (by far the best KDE distro on the free market.)
    Check it out:

    I Love Mint, but You guys have a lot of catching up to do. Maybe the Mint crew can take a look at Pardus 2011 and make some inprovements on what Pardus has already built.

    Please take a look at Pardus Mint builders, it is an almost perfect Distro.

  13. Yep, just as I thought, I downloaded Mint KDE 10 and Pardus 2011 is still ahead of the game by leaps and bounds. I still love Mint, she was my first love, but I have to move on… Pardus just has a better “out of the box” media experience than Mint has and comes with better bundles software.

    Thank you Mint Team, you make a great Distro, but it’s second to Pardus 2011, a very distant second… just being honest.

  14. @Verona007 welcome to the “pulseaudio” only world… Removing pulseaudio can help (didn’t try).

    I do also have a question: how can I install KDE 4.6 from a linux Mint 10 (Gnome) without doing a resinstallation?

  15. The problem here is this is KDE 4.6 but based in Ubuntu 10.10 which for me at least didn’t work well.
    Kde 4.5 in Kubuntu 10.10 is bad but also Ubuntu 10.10 (any WM) has a lot of problems not well polished…
    I will wait for April version of buntus or maybe MInt Gnome or Kde 11…
    April versions are most free of problems according my experience.

  16. The problem with mixer is a 10.10 Buntu problem I think.
    I remember to manage that using gnome-alsamixer for a while.

  17. Installed it on my MSI Wind u120. Ran very slow.. so slow as to be unusable. Would occasionally freeze. Uninstalled for now.

  18. @sylvainsjc: Your desktop screenshot looks awesome. Would you post the steps you needed to take to get it to look that way, please?

  19. The Linux is a world of alternatives, right? OK. How can I use alsa instead of pulse? Which packages must remove, and which ones to add?

    The Pardus are using pulse too?

  20. @Verona007 all the distribution are using it. It has advantage (bluetooth) for example but for most of people it’s more a pain in the a.. and totally overkill but it’s seems that we are stuck with it…
    To remove it use synaptic and remove pulseaudio packages and the library libpulse.

    And yes Pardus is using it also…

  21. I have never been able to get my sound card(s) working with Pulse. After every update I the first thing I do is to install ALSA and do the sound configuration from there.

  22. OK, remove pulsaudio. And? Intall some alsa-stuff? Or nothing needed? And I got back the old-loved channels? 🙂

  23. Can’t wait to use it! I love mint 9, and I have been waiting for this to be released! Mint 9 was kinda glitchy so I had to put Windows vista on my computer -_-… But now I have a reason to reformat my computer and get rid of it! :3

    ~Good-bye Windows!~
    ~*Hello Mint 10 KDE <3!*~

  24. I’m looking forward to downloading this one and throwing it on my VMware! Looks good team.


    The Netbook Plasma environment should be available in Synaptic. I’m running Mint 10 GNOME currently, and it is available for download through the Synaptic Package Manager on the GNOME version.

  25. @Verona007: ALSA is already installed, you just have to remove Pulse. However, if you want more controls, install Alsamixergui. It will appear in your Multimedia menu and you should have all of the controls you need. Just use that instead of KMix and you should be good to go.

  26. Alsamixergui? If I purge pulse, the Kmix will not be the same as in the LM KDE 9? I cannot use that? (I like to use Kmix.)

  27. @Joe Taylor

    I took a peak a Pardus, and maybe i didn’t look enough, but i don’t see where, exactly it it better than Mint…
    >It has a previous version of KDE
    >The custom icons are a good effort, but a bit cartoonish (remind me of Windows XP)
    >The wizards are a pain in the ass. Anyone who can’t even change the wallpaper, won’t be using a computer anyways…
    >Other than that what does it do, that Mint doesn’t?

    Did it solve the problem of the Lancelot Menu, that no one likes?
    Don’t get me wrong, it IS a good distro. But to be the best, it has to do better. It has to bring something new, while maintaining the quality.
    That what Mint does. Mint isn’t just about delivering a distro that works well out of the box. It changes the things that make Linux less good, like the new Mint KDE Menu, or it’s Gnome brother, or the updater that even allows you to ignore updates, or even the software center.

    While they can’t even make a Live CD and installation on a Single DVD.

    Pardus 2011 is way better than Mint KDE 9, but gets nowhere near Mint KDE 10.

  28. Anyone have a chance to toss this on a netbook? I’ve got an Asus 1000HA w/2GB of memory. I’ve got a slow download, so I thought I’d ask before going down that path.


  29. i found sound output poor on both lm9 kde and now lm10. sound quaility and output was far more superior in all of the gnome distro’s.

    Ikey, is it possible to resolve this with the alasa drivers opposed to pulse (or what ever its is in lm10) in the final lm10 release?

    another question, is it possible to have mint (gnome) menu on the lm10 kde as its far more easier to navigate and to find things then the current kick-off and lancelot menu

  30. @Verona007: It looks like KMix will revert back to how it was in Mint 9. I just rebooted, got a stupid message about an audio device being removed (presumably, it means Pulse Audio) and now KMix looks like it did in Mint 9. If it doesn’t happen right away, give it another reboot or two. I’ve rebooted a few times since I removed Pulse and this is the first time that’s happened.

  31. Install was easy, looks very nice, very nice features that come with it, but it runs sluggish on my system. Sorry to say, but I’ll have to get rid of it.

  32. @Joe Taylor and re: Pardus 2011

    I tried Pardus, don’t really care for it. I admit, I am a little biased against KDE, though I keep trying it and want to like it, for whatever reason. Pardus is nice, but nothing special, IMHO.

    The package manager works, but it seems outdated.
    The main menu still isn’t great, and the hand-holding wizards suck.
    Separate discs for live and installer? Really? You’ve got to be kididng me, is that some sort of a joke? Even if it isn’t intended to be funny, it made me laugh. Literally.

    Pardus is fine, certainly better than the last version of Kubuntu I tried, but that isn’t saying much. It is not on my hard drive now. Currently downloading the new Mint KDE to compare the two. I’ll also be trying Sabayon 5.5, as it has looked promising.

  33. Pardon me but weren’t we supposed to have a light theme and a dark background like the one in main edition?

    I am exhausted of the black oxygen theme or whatever, but that’s just me.

  34. Thanks, Chris! When the LM KDE 10 will be released, I will give it a try!

    To sean: If I know it right, the OpenSuse has got a separate image for live, and an other one for install, too. So, not the Pardus is the only one with this phylosophy. (And the boot screen is similar to OpenSuse’s! Coincidence?)

  35. Installed this under VBox on my Linux Mint Gnome base.

    I’ve always been a fan of Gnome, tried KDE but have had a hard time adjusting and haven’t been that impressed with the performance. So far, however, I must say I’m impressed with this release. I may just switch over to KDE this time!

  36. Thanks for your work, linux mint is actually amazing.

    I gave Linux Mint KDE a try yesterday. I can’t say much of it because I proved it only during ten minutes in a virtual machine, but I realize that if you use the scroll of your mouse over the desktop, it switches between the different virtual desktops. It’s not a problem for a Linux user, but those coming from windows could get lost. I suggest to remove the “switch-desktop” option from the mouse properties for the upcoming official release.

    Thanks again!!!

  37. Thanks to the Linux Mint folks for this.

    Running it now and it is amazing. KDE is IMHO the most advanced desktop environment on the planet!

    I used to use Debian testing on everything but I would have to spend hours configuring and adding repos to get the system just so. Mint does 99% of that out of the box and saves me time. While I still run Debian on the servers, the desktops and notebooks all get Mint KDE.

    Linux Mint KDE rocks!

    Donation coming soon…

  38. I like the x64 version of this release so much I wanted to install the x86 on my lap top, but the error missing kernel comes up. I don’t know if it’s my set up or not. I figured I would at least report it.

    I love the dark color scheme.

    The problem system is a dell 5150 lap top. Previous OS is win 7 ultimate. I wanted something lighter. All i do with it is browse the internet, LOL.

    On my PC it works lightning fast. x64 mint 10 julia
    EP45 ud3p
    q8200@2.50 stock oc@3.0Ghz stable 3.53Ghz max.
    Thermaltake v-1 cpu cooler
    4 gigs corsair dominator 1066 PC-8500

    Hopefully I can get PC games to work on it.

    1. Chris: Yes, it’s an alternative desktop. The same way some people prefer one web browser to another, some people prefer KDE over Gnome. Underneath, it’s the same base operating system, but the desktop and user experience are quite different.

  39. Because the iso don’t have the mint4min?, i really need this because i and some friends like to use in the school.

    1. Luis: Hi. Mint4win has problems coping with large ISOs. Depending on the case, specs and circumstances, it can sometimes work and sometimes hang indefinitely. This feature wasn’t working well enough and so it was removed from the KDE edition.

  40. Just want to say after using the RC for a couple of days now, it is amazing! I think much of that is due to KDE 4.6 because it is super fast. I didn’t think KDE was that slow before, but wow it is fast now. The theming is perfect since I like a darker theme.

    I had one glitch where after install I had no taskbar, but I was able to get that to appear by adding a default panel. Unsure why it was gone. Also add to manually add lancelot menu as I had been using that before. (btw I kept my /home from Mint 9 if that helps).

    All in all though I am very pleased and glad to be using the best distro on the planet.

  41. I Just wanna know that can i use micromax 351g device as modem in this version of linux mint.

    Please Reply 🙁

  42. You’ve done a fine job on this release. I hate lancelot but it should be easy enough for me to replace it KDE’s default menu on my system.

  43. I want to know micromax 3g devices are working on this version of linux mint or not.

    If not then anyone can tell me how it will work on mint………..

  44. @Chris: (post 83 Chris, I’m obviously not talking to myself) The reason for multiple desktops is that different people like different things. That’s why most of the big Linux distros come at least with KDE and Gnome, many with LXDE and XFCE also, and some with Openbox, Enlightenment and anything else I forgot about. 🙂

  45. Oh.. and when I loaded the live CD in virtualbox, I got an error saying that I will have to run it in “low graphics mode”, and then when I say OK, it takes me to the home screen, no problem.

    But, the Desktop widget doesn’t work, it gives the error “The process for the desktop protocol died unexpectedly”. This definitely didn’t happen when I tried installing Kubuntu 10.10.

  46. Installed it, and it works pretty fine. No problems with graphics Dolphin loads up pretty quickly, which is great.

    One suggestion: can you put the Dolphin launcher on the desktop, like you do with the Gnome Nautilus, so that people who don’t know the file manager or how to search for it, can still launch it.

    Regd my previous post, if the desktop widget was problematic only because of virtualbox, then okay. Else, new users are not going to know how to install it.

  47. Does Mint KDE 10 has changes its audio to Phonon GStreamer backend like Kubuntu?
    I prefer Phonon so i can use pulseaudio-equalizer properly.

  48. I have played with the KDE edition of Mint before, but never changed my main partitions over from GNOME to KDE. I was curious if anyone has identified specific functionality provided by the KDE editions that didn’t come natively with the GNOME versions, or certain tasks that were far superior. I’m thinking in terms of networking, mounting devices, desktop widgets, and other elements that are usually considered to be integrated into the GUI. This RC looks real nice, but I’m not familiar with the actual differences that might matter.

  49. OK, Mint 10 KDE is not remembering my settings after a restart and when I install a new program, I need to restart, because the Lacelot Menu wont add the new programs to the menu unless you restart the system after you install it. In other words, I install a new program from the repositories, then look in the Lancelot menu for the new program and it’s not listed. It only gets listed after I restart my system…

    Please bring back the Kmixer from Mint 9 KDE, this new one sucks…and it sucks bad! (Can definitely tell this is an “RC”, Still a lot of work needs to be done.)

    It’s a heck of a start tho…

  50. @nomadewolf, I’m sorry, I actually dought you’ve even tried Pardus 2011.
    1. It is based off of KDE 4.5.5, You’re right, but it’s also stable where 4.6 is still new.
    2. It’s a lot faster.
    3. The Wizards are custom made and very easy to use, almost effortless.
    4. Pardus has done the samer thing Mint has done by modding different Pards of the OS and put their own twist on things. (Just like Mint)
    5. you can edit movies out of the box.
    6. you can edit audio out of the box.
    7. Has every type of Media plug in you’ll ever need out of the box.
    8. Starts up almost 2x faster and shuts down faster too…
    9. Remembers your settings after a restart unlike this “RC” version of Mint KDE and instantly adds your newly installed software to the Lancelot menu, without having to restart so the damn thing can recognize and add the new icons.

    I’m sorry, you just sound like a Mint Fanboy and for you to say this version of Mint is better than Pardus 2011 is a little ignorant in my opinion. This version still needs a lot of work and is nowhere close to being finished.

    I’m calling out the Mint Team to make a Distro that puts Pardus to shame. When and if they can, I’ll come back to Mint and sing their praises too…

  51. I really love my Julia.gnome but some thing in that screen shot of Julia.KDE seems asking me to try it out! so I’m downloading it right now and will try it out with VBox and lets see if it will force me to wipe my four month old baby (Julia.gnome) from my machine!

  52. Lo instalaré en la proxima maquina nueva que voy a comprar. El escritorio KDE es muy fino y tiene muy buena presentacion. He instalado sistemas operativos linux mentolados en 5 maquinas de 250 mb de memoria RAM que tenian windows y ahora funcionan de maravilla.
    !!Gracias Linux!!!

  53. Is it possible to creat a bootable USB pendrive? I have tried on Win XP with the last LiLi USB Creator and failed because its not compatible with this version, any clue?

  54. Congrats on Mint KDE 10RC release. I intend on trying the 64bit version. A positive suggestion-drop Amarok for now and add Clementine-much better. Keep up the great work! 🙂 One other note- I noticed since Mint 7 thru Mint 10 (GNOME mostly) there has been a constant of 1 zombie process running (and it changes-not always the same process, but still 1 zombie- In Ubuntu: none, never-so far?) Cheers.

  55. Great work! I installed it, I love it! In contrast to Mint 9 KDE, there was no problem to establish a mobile broadband connection with NetworkManager.

    The menu is really stylish. All features I need are working out-of-the-box.

    I will make a donation for this great work!

  56. I am trying right now in VMWare, and the mouse is not working correctly. I can move but that’s the only thing I can do. No click, no “mouse over” action. I haven’t try in Virtuabox, will do that tomorrow.

  57. Just an update: on “compatibility mode” the mouse stops working after the “desktop folder” shows up…and after a few second, the system returns to the login screen

  58. Love Gnome but thought I would give KDE a try. Found it to be bloated. Gnome is much more snappier in response,
    The screen effects and style are nice and I am sure many will like KDE.
    Had to configure sound and mp3 plugins and that is a first for me with mint.
    For the first time also Dropbox was a pain to setup.
    Switch desktop as a mouse property ! Come on are you kidding ?

    Sorry guys not for me. The whole reason I moved away from windows was so that I could have a system that worked without messing about.

  59. I just tried this 64 bits version, and like it very much. But on my HP2200 laptop, it seems that temperature gets very high, i don’t know why. With Gnome everything is OK. Maybe the plasma desktop which makes the graphic card working more than usual ? Does anybody have the same problem ???

  60. Thanks Clem I’m not a KDE fan never have been but could not resist down loading it to take it for a spin just to let you know ever thing works great on my Dell Inspiron-1525 Laptop wireless,video no problems at all. But like I said not a KDE fan so still running LMDE 64bit The same with it every thing works great out of the box many thanks for both of them.

  61. At the distrowatch website is possible right now to download the Linux mint 10 lxde rc.
    how is that possible?
    is it the real one cause i have been waiting so long for that?

  62. Linux Mint 10 KDE RC Live DVD

    Sorry to say that but this LM KDE 10 RC release isn’t a user-friendly one
    I didn’t know Lancelot Menu –Intolerable–and i must say i spent half an
    our to know where Dolphin was and lot of things more. Can’t replace it to
    the classic menu –properties — because nothing happens. Try to find
    Kickoff menu, no way to find it. – Remove Lancelot Menu — Intolerable
    Multimidia support out of the box is pooly and little choice. VLC is Broken
    Kde v 4.6.0 — it was a bad choice — is unstable and sometimes fails
    It would be good to wait and update it to KDE v 4.6.1.
    Perhaps more wrong things i would find if i had installed it on hard drive
    Kde patitioner scares me and it walks like a turtle but it works

    When the actual times ask for simplicity, the Kde devs insist in delivering
    in users’hands more complications. Kde devs should take a look at LMDE and
    Gnome Main Edition (best Mint edition) organization to see how things
    come easy to achieve a lot of users. I hope for the stable release all the
    bugs can be fixed because KDE deserves a better luck

    Make KDE simple and functional. It does not matter if it is Gnome or KDE —
    both are good — In the end, what really matter is getting thankful and very
    glad because i got a good product installed and free of problems

    Very optimistic for the stable KDE 10 release and these are my prayers and
    hopes and i wish you the best.

    Sorry for the bad English

    PS: Lancelot munu is for mad ones

  63. @Joe Taylor
    First of all thankyou for pointing out such a nice KDE distro (PARDUS 2011).
    I tried it, but apart from the very nice icon theme, Kaptan and desktop effects which are very helpful i felt it will need some more releases to be popular. I am unable to do certain things that i can do in Mint KDE very easily. I will still go for Mint KDE. I will keep an eye on Future Pardus releases !!!
    Pardus surely rocks!!!
    Lancelot Menu is the best.

  64. Hi I tested it (32bit) it work perfectly
    i want add ( banshee, emesene 1.3, pidgin, brasero,openshot, libreoffice, pinta,filezilla,chromium, gedit , and little games : warmux latest version and atomic tanks,dreamchess, and guvcviewer (for webcam: the best), and compiz latest version, and axel and apt-fast command and (green and blue) theme at vista, and very important : can install without enter in live mode (for fast install), and remove : k3b, gnome player, kopete, konqueror, kate , amarok, pitivi if installed.
    ok please please, the size is not important because all install with usb flash disk. excuse me for a pooor english.

  65. Hi, I wanted to know if the bug listed in Kubuntu 10.10 regarding poor performance with the Intel wireless chipset has been addressed in this release. Really looking forward to Mint 10 KDE but since I have an intel vireless chip in my laptop was a bit concerned about the same.

  66. Lancelot menu isn’t adding the new software I install, until after I do a restart! I don’t like having to restart every time I install something new, just so the Lancelot menu will add the new software.

    Can you also add the Kmixer like Mint 9 KDE had please? I don’t like the new mixer you guys have on this one.

    Thank you Mint-o-maniacs! =)

  67. De momento me va perfecto ,reconoce todos los periféricos lo he instalado en un asus 1005pe …de maravilla y rápido. Gracias y ánimo seguir así.Un saludo

  68. OMG wow this looks really could be just me but i was used to gnome..but kde blows gnome and windows 7 out of the water 😀

  69. I agree with the problem with Lancelot not adding new software to the menu until after re-start. I used Lancelot before and it didn’t have that problem.
    I also wonder why there are apps like Google Gadgets and Gnome Player included in a KDE distro.
    Overall though this is a very awesome release.

  70. Please remove OpenOffice and replace it with LibreOffice, Openoffice is out of date and LibreOffice if far superior!

    Pardus 2011 did…!

  71. Muito bom!
    Depois que conheci o mint me apaixonei. Amo usar o Linux mint.
    Não vejo a hora de instalar essa nova versão.

  72. gotta say I do appreciate Boo’s work. I’ll be drafting shortly a new French (sorry non-French guys!) Mint KDE Guide, with all of our dearest leader/Guru’s requirements in mind.

    However, I was surprised not to experience any trouble whatsoever with VLC, contrary to what the release notes’ warning.

    anyway, all great! keep up the good work.

  73. Mint 10 and KDE: a perfect combination
    Excellent defaults and well polished
    Easy to use and nice looks

    I’m looking forward to the final

    p.s I really like Lancelot (finally an usable default Menu in KDE)

  74. Sounds like a lot of people trying it out have silly problems like not being able to find dolphin. Others are bashing the latest technology for stability. If you like pardus 2011 go use it. Leave us mint users alone to enjoy our software. I have been using Mint for quite some time. I have been on gnome for quite a while because kde has not been playing nicely with me (no matter what version). This newest version however seems to run quite well. RC does seem a bit buggy, but that is expected. Keep up the good work Mint team!

  75. Ok, i tried the Linux Mint KDE 10 RC (AMD64) in live mode. 🙂 The wireless does not work out of the box for me!? My wireless type is Ralink RT3090PCIe. I thank you for your efforts.

  76. had to pull a “sudo apt upgrade” to get rid of a multisession bug (couldn’t switch users without crashing).

    faced with an upstream Dolphin bug which prevents drag-and-drop action on “folder views” if double-click is selected as the default file/folder opening action.

    another upstream bug : Amarok does not open. crashes after the splash sreen display, sometimes taking down Plasma with it. This is a knowm issue since KDE 4.3.+

    also, the 32 bits version seems much more stable than its 64 bits counterpart.

    All this is upstream stuff, so I don’t feel any urge to go a-postin’ on launchpad. I will elaborate if need be.

    But great work none the less. Cheers.

  77. You guys rock! Love everything about this release. Great default packages, looks tremendous. I haven’t found anything that doesn’t work on the RC to my satisfaction so far.

  78. Is anything needed to mount the ISO onto a USB Drive? Can I just extract all the files and directly to it? (4 Gig USB 2.0)
    Also, How easy is it to dual boot with LM10 Main, on the same partition? Or if a new partition is required will it be easy to recover files from the other one?

    Thanks, sorry for not posting this in the Tech Support Forums. I can do that too if it would be much better.

  79. Thank you so much for *not* removing Google Gadgets support.

    For all you nay-sayers, Mint doesn’t add Google Gadgets, Kubuntu explicitly disables it from the generic KDE code.

    It’s a fantastic possibility to have, and I’ve been quite pissed about Kubuntu taking political decisions like this on my behalf.

    If you don’t like it, don’t use it.

    Again, thank you, I’ll try this out first thing 🙂

  80. Anyone else having problems with this and SSDs? I wanted to install onto my OCZ Vertex 2, but the drive isn’t recognized. Which is weird… Any other installer has recognized it. Unplugging and pluggin back in, I get from following /var/log/messages:

    Feb 22 01:08:39 mintkde kernel: [ 517.926178] ata11: hard resetting link
    Feb 22 01:08:39 mintkde kernel: [ 518.670044] ata11: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
    Feb 22 01:08:39 mintkde kernel: [ 518.670057] ata11: EH complete
    Feb 22 01:08:49 mintkde kernel: [ 528.325665] ata11: hard resetting link
    Feb 22 01:08:50 mintkde kernel: [ 529.070048] ata11: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
    Feb 22 01:08:55 mintkde kernel: [ 534.070050] ata11.00: qc timeout (cmd 0xec)
    Feb 22 01:08:55 mintkde kernel: [ 534.070064] ata11.00: failed to IDENTIFY (I/O error, err_mask=0x4)
    Feb 22 01:08:55 mintkde kernel: [ 534.070071] ata11: hard resetting link
    Feb 22 01:08:55 mintkde kernel: [ 534.420058] ata11: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
    Feb 22 01:09:05 mintkde kernel: [ 544.420032] ata11.00: qc timeout (cmd 0xec)
    Feb 22 01:09:05 mintkde kernel: [ 544.420041] ata11.00: failed to IDENTIFY (I/O error, err_mask=0x4)
    Feb 22 01:09:05 mintkde kernel: [ 544.420045] ata11: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps
    Feb 22 01:09:05 mintkde kernel: [ 544.420049] ata11: hard resetting link
    Feb 22 01:09:05 mintkde kernel: [ 544.770081] ata11: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 310)
    Feb 22 01:09:35 mintkde kernel: [ 574.770069] ata11.00: qc timeout (cmd 0xec)
    Feb 22 01:09:35 mintkde kernel: [ 574.770079] ata11.00: failed to IDENTIFY (I/O error, err_mask=0x4)
    Feb 22 01:09:35 mintkde kernel: [ 574.770086] ata11: hard resetting link
    Feb 22 01:09:36 mintkde kernel: [ 575.121299] ata11: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 310)
    Feb 22 01:09:36 mintkde kernel: [ 575.121311] ata11: EH complete

    Can’t install this at all 🙁

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