Hardware database in the Community website

A new “Hardware module” was added to the Community website. This module allows you to register your hardware and to search for hardware devices based on multiple criteria.

Here are some typical use cases of this module:

  • You want to buy an nVidia 8600GT video card and you’d like to know if the 3D effects work well with it under Helena and what kind of FPS you can expect when playing your favorite games. You use the hardware module to search for Helena users who own a 8600GT and you check their notes.
  • You’re shopping for a new printer and you’re wondering which ones are well recognized under Elyssa. You use the hardware module to search for printers which work under Elyssa.

Using the Hardware module you can search for hardware using a combination of the following criteria:

  • Model names
  • Brands
  • Types (printers, monitors..etc)
  • Status (i.e. how well it works)
  • Release (i.e. under which Linux Mint release)

At the moment you can’t comment on a particular device, and so therefore you can’t have a conversation with the device owner that others would see but we’ll probably add that in very soon.

Note: Other modules are planned and the community website (http://community.linuxmint.com) is still in ALPHA (so expect things to break now and then).


  1. Great idea. Also I might add that any hardware not listed hopefully can be added by individuals who have newer hardware not yet listed and find out that particular printer, video card, etc. does work.

  2. Awesome! Love this! As I posted a suggestion in the ideas section, we should be able to add comments like we do on ideas so people can ask specific questions regarding certain hardware as the original poster might have been vague on how they got something working.

  3. Good stuff.

    Stylistic pet peeve: it’s “criteria”, which is already plural, “criterion” is the singular.

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Great. I was looking for this kind of thing when I bought a new laptop. And I’m planning on buying a Graphic Card, but don’t know which one is fully compatible with Helena.
    Thank you, another great innovation from the Mint Team!

  5. Adding Hardware Database is a step in right direction. It will greatly help people to resolve issues with the hardware.

  6. Good idea. Stuck to not all hardware is currently supported (several usb cameras etc) It would be nice to have it working. Plus one. Go ahead!

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