Promotional materials

A call was made on the forums to all artists within the community. The goal is to produce promotional materials for Linux Mint:

Linux Mint is becoming an important project and so it’s time for it to get good promotional material and to give people the means to efficiently promote it. In comparison to other projects, we’ve made almost no efforts at marketing Linux Mint. I guess you’re all aware of the marketing campaigns lead by Microsoft and Apple, and we can also appreciate the quality of the material provided by projects such as Fedora and OpenSUSE. Our desktop is among the best available, we’re growing fast and it’s been done with people talking to people and our popularity slowly spreading from ear to ear […]

If you want to take part and help producing marketing/promotional materials, please visit this forum thread:


  1. Hey,
    If we could get some window stickers & bumper stickers etc, i would proudly display them.
    I first tested Linux Mint 6 only a few days ago, and now onto Mint 7 i’m addicted, MS hasn’t a chance…

  2. i promote it everyday. someone sees me using my new eeepc netbook with Mint on it and i tell ’em all about Linux and Mint. And how happy i am.

    Mint is doing very well. i just noticed that Mint is number ONE on distrowatch’s ‘page hit ranking’ in the past week. 😉 if i have time i plan to visit forum and put out some art.

    Mint rocks!

  3. Well, I’d start with promoting yourself on your own website 🙂

    I’m “distro-shopping” for an os for a new server and I’ve found the linuxmint homepage, but after 5 minutes I still can’t find anything describing what Linux Mint is, or what it’s goals are or why it exists, or screenshots, …etc.

    I’m sure this is all old news for many people, but this information should be on the homepage or not more than one click away.


  4. All right, of course immediately after I post that comment, I see the “About” tab on the homepage. So please disregard and I’ll finish up eating crow quietly.


  5. How about some good quality, slick-looking Linux mint T-shirts? I’d certainly order one.

    One way to do this – there are websites that produce shirts with whatever design you want on them – you just supply them an image of a high enough resolution, in the right format, and you’re in business… it would be nice to get a way to benefit LM with the sale of every item, though.

  6. By mental default, I secretly remove the Windows XP/Vista stickers from lappy’s and desktop’s when I can =D I’ve slowly replaced a lot fo them with Ubuntu ones. Minty (scratch’n’sniff!) stickers would be even tastier!

  7. I would buy a coffee mug and T-shirt. Something funny on them would be good. How about some Mint Wine? A special red or white sold by the box?

    Just some thoughts


  8. Cafe Press has a wide variety of Linux T-shirts already. Would be great if we could get one for Mint. They also do stickers, coasters, etc.

  9. The most important thing in my eyes is finding a new good slogan first.
    ‘From Freedome came elegance’ is nice too, but it is to specific, users who think about just switching from windows or Mac to linux don’t understand what that should mean, it’s also not that easy to understand for users who don’t speak english.

    Since the name ‘Linux Mint’ is long itself, maybe the slogan can be short, perhaps just one word (something like ‘Linux Mint – Freedome’).

    Let’s think about a new slogan, something about Freedome of choice, something that shows that we really care about the look of our OS and maybe to explain the whole Linux idea (Free for everyone).

    Contribute commerades!

  10. For the slogan I think about something that connects the main theme of linux mint, the color green to the word freedome, nature is green, maybe someone can do something out of that ideas.
    Someting like ‘Linux mint – naturally free’
    Or maybe something about the connection between mint and chewing gum,
    like ‘linux Mint – fresh breathe for your Computer’.

  11. I have just started a blog with which I hope to help steer people to using LINUX, specifically LINUX Mint. I will do what I can, and agree with the #3 and #4 comments. I was also wondering about the use of the Mint Logo on my blog. Can I get a blessing?

  12. I think it would be cool to see some of those “Windows” or “Super” buttons on my keyboard with the LM logo. I’ve seen Tux buttons but never anything else.

  13. Linux Format and other similar Magazines would promote stickers and t-shirts along with other promotional gear. A usb-stick with Mint on it would also be a good idea, but I suppose you already have all these ideas and are looking for artists to devise new ideas apart from the logo

  14. I couldnt agree more in relation to the Mint T-shirts, id gladly make that a second donation and proudly publicise the brand

  15. Dear Sir/Madam,
    Mint should be promoted, maybe in small ways.
    I am a volunteer for a charity that recycles and mends computers (the profits of which go to the mental health charity, Steps) but we have an issue with licences with Microsoft and if paid it would wipe out any benefits.It is linked to a larger operation that could provide a forum for further ads. Mint looks very similair to XP and presents less problems to those with learning difficulties.
    Perhaps, Mint could send us some installation disk and we could make our ‘network’ available for advertising.


  16. Stickers, of the size and durability of the evil little M$ one that came on my laptop would be cool. I’d also like to get a button to replace the Dell one on the back of the screen/lid. Mint ones would be so much sexier, me thinks. Also, you might consider running a contest on a site like, an established community of artists.

  17. I like Linux Mint a whole lot. I will do anything to help promote it. I talk about it all the time at work. If I ever do think about going back to school I am buying a used lap and going to put Linux Mint on it and use at school!

  18. Pingback:
  19. Gotta say that this is one area that Ubuntu has really done well. Searching through their store, there are lots of fun items which people can order which bear the Ubuntu logo. More than any other Linux distribution, to be sure. But I’m not sure how much they actually make off of the stuff, and surely it’s mostly fans of the distribution who are buying the stuff — it’s not spreading the word that much.

    I think that other distributions have some cool artwork that spreads the word online. That’s probably half the battle. But I think the real advantage is getting the logo and name out where people encounter it in the real world. Getting it pre-installed on some decent hardware would be a nice goal!

  20. I can make the t-shirts and give a portion back to linux mint. I love linux mint!!!!!!!! To make it worth my while I need to know what folks would be willing to pay for the shirts. I am thinking a white tee with green logo (one color) for like $12, two color (black tee and white/green logo) for $17 (plus shipping)

    Let me know at

  21. Marketing for Mint:

    1) Sticker idea is great, one to fit cases and/laptops to replace any MS stickers.

    2) T-Shirt is another good one as mentioned above.

    3) Flash Drive with Mint Logo (preferably green) and Mint installer (1gb would suffice).

    4) Coffee/Drinking cup.

    5) Mouse Pad with Mint logo.

    6) Key chain in the with the Mint logo and in the shape of it.

  22. My online store is having its grand opening July 1 and I want to offer LinuxMint pre-installed on my computers (as an option)…I can make the stickers for the front of the computer case, but I must have permission from someone at LinuxMint who can legally give me the permission to use the LinuxMint logo on the front of the computers I sell. I have a standing policy that if I sell a computer with Linux, I will donate $10 to the distribution team for the version of Linux that was installed on that computer…for example, if I sell 25 computers with LinuxMint 7 pre-installed, I will donate $250 to LinuxMint. If the distro that is installed cannot take donations (Fedora, for example), I will give the donation to an upstream project like the Gnome Foundation. I would also like some sort of a logo that I can put on each computer that lets the buyer know that LinuxMint acknowledges Stitz Computers in some way…either an affiliate program, preferred provider, etc.

    Ubuntu offers an affiliate program but the only way for me to qualify is if I sell a certain number of service contracts to my customers. If you could offer a program where dealers could get free stickers or the right to use a preferred provider logo on their websites and products, then I think that would promote LinuxMint further.

  23. I would enjoy wearing one when visiting computer swap meets.
    I need a pocket for my glasses.
    See “Reply Number 6 Steve Says”
    I think there is such a thing as “iron on” decals that we can make ourselves.

  24. yes, and what about opening the ‘release candidate’ designs for the community to choose the best? that ensures that the promotion will have maximum impact, and if not technically the best, at least that’s what people want!

    I’m already promoting you in my site from Argentina, South America.

    Bright idea: would you… somehow… make t-shirts saying something on the line of “I’m a PC” and “I’m a Mac” campaigns? It sounds like an easy way to place yourself next to them as a new player in the big leagues! “I’m…” That could be a contest!
    “Mint cool” “Mint something…” “(something) like Mint” i don’t know, i’m not english native, you’ll pull off better ones than that, but don’t make it nerdy, keep it casual for everyone!. It’s up to you!

  25. Hey… I’m a graphic artist and would be glad to give a try to any kind of graphic you need?
    -web banners?
    -images for print?
    -sticker design…
    -brochure (electronic or on paper) design.

    feel free to contact me about this, I have just moved from XP to Mint and I love It!!

    oh, and I love current slogan too.

  26. I like Damian’s (#20) idea about the bumpersticker with one alteration…it should read, “My ONLY OS is Linux Mint”. I have Ubuntu on my other computer but guess which one I prefer.

  27. on laptop/low profile keyboards there is a small indent on the win/super key it would be a perfect fit for round stickers 8mm diameter they would also fit on keyboards without the indent as an alternative to the win logo
    windows vista stickers are around 2cm tall x 1.5cm wide
    windows xp stickers are around 2.7cm tall x 1.8 wide
    linux mint stickers to cover these would be good

  28. Promotional material is a good idea! Linux Mint is a charismatic and unique distro. It’s a pity that or other domains are not available – just ‘Mint’ would have been also a good OS title…

  29. How about Zazzle? You can make tshirts coffee mugs and a bunch of other promotional gear. They will ship it and a preditimered percentage of the profits would go back to Linux Mint. They even have promotional “storefronts” for your site. I would like a Mint t’shirt Im sure other people would to and be happy some of the money is going back to the cause.

  30. I promote Mint on our regional forums with high mIntal 🙂 Energy!

    Mint RulezZZZ Forever!

  31. Folks –

    The good shop already carries Linux Mint t-shirts, mugs, laptop stickers, mousepads and I forget what else. A percentage of the price goes to support Linux Mint. I bought a laptop sticker & a couple of t-shirts from them last summer: they provided friendly and efficient service. And a free pen, IIRC.

  32. I love Mint! Greatest OS ever! My girlfriend even wants me to install it on her computer (and she knows very little about computers).

  33. How about:

    1.When You are looking past Windows, enjoy the fresh taste of LinuxMint.

    2.Go GREEN Go LinuxMint.

  34. I promote Mint a lot myself. I have an Asus Eee PC netbook with Mint on it and I’m always showing people that are interested in my computer. A cool way to propmote Mint further would be to make a Linux Mint video.

  35. I think the promotion idea is great.
    I would be up for a ball cap, “powered by” sticker, and mug.
    Sign me up.

    Oh, I know how about Mint Mojitos!!!

  36. Clem,

    T-Shirts, with something catchy about M$ (like the ads)

    “I’m a Minty – You must me Winblows”
    “I do the Mint, forget the Dew”

    ..You get the idea.

  37. I really like Linux Mint, mostly because of its compatibility with Ubuntu software packages. I started off on Ubuntu and really liked it. Then I found Linux Mint and liked the GUI a lot better than the default Ubuntu desktop. I would happily buy Linux Mint bumper stickers, stickers, shirts, and mugs. I need one to replace the Ubuntu sticker on my monitor 🙂

  38. The stamp is a nice idea. Can you put some space between the border and the content, and drop a shadow around the stamp so the edges are more delimited?

  39. Slogan: Linux Mint- Refreshingly Different.

    As far as promo, first we need the artwork. Once you have that, the actual products are easy.

  40. @Clem: Sure, I’ll edit it today. Me and a friend of mine, ArcherSeven, are working on my laptop today. After that, I’ll edit it and post here when it’s finished.

    I’ll also post on the forum post linked up top.

  41. Fancy words and art isn’t what got me using Linux Mint. I was sick of always installing programs and add-ons to run a certain file type. Mint comes with all the encoders and decoders that everyone eventually downloads and installs individually on other OSes. I suggest using numbers to get people to use Linux Mint. Now the following doesn’t sound exiting or fun, but changing OSes is a hard experience for most, and it is comforting to know that you wont have to do everything over again to reach compatibility.

    “Install Linux Mint.
    Process ________ different document file types.
    View and edit ________ different picture file types.
    Playback ________ different audio file types.
    No fooling around.”

  42. I have already shared Linux Mint 7 Gloria with 3 of my friends… All of them liked it…. I will do my best to promote this with more people !

  43. The feature page for the newly released Mint 7 is a great way to let people see how Mint works in action, but a longer promo video as the one found on Apple home page would be a very nice way to show of a lot of features and how Mint (and Linux) is used.

    Why not open a Mint store, like Ubuntus store? And last but not least, is it possible to bye CD in bulk like at Ubuntu store from Mint? It would be great to bye a bulk of maybe 25 or 50 CD to give out. It also looks a little more proffesional than a CD with some rable (if thats what it is called).

    A little OT:
    One thing Linux Mint should do, making the live-CD experience be easier for new testers, is open some sort of keyboard layout after you get to the desktop. As with most distros, they assume that you are living in an Englsih speaking country. Although distros like PCLinuxOS and Mandriva sort this out in a somewhat overwhelming and timeconsuming way, and Ubuntu and Fedora in a rather invisible way for new users. Some sort of focus on where the network connections is located would probably also be nice for new users.

  44. All the promotional materials ideas are great for increasing general awareness, whilst at the other extreme Mint appears to be the first distro to make its comprehensive User Guide more ‘up front’ but I think that an ‘up front’ Keep It Simple ‘Welcome to LinuxMint’ presentation is needed, with all the tools already on the LiveCD.
    Accessed via the newly ‘up front’ web browser, there could easily be a whole new ‘up front’ area on the web-site devoted to this, including a link to the ‘About’ team page, but I was thinking more of a set of Impress presentations about basics, like ‘this is what you should be seeing and what it does’, things that get taken for granted by LinuMint fans, plus a few motion video clips, which could all be edited and updated from feedback, without waiting for a new release.

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