Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Xfce RC released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” Xfce RC.

Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela Xfce Edition

Linux Mint 17.2 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features at a glance:

For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 17.2 Xfce“.

Important info:

To be aware of issues and read about explanations and possible solutions related to this release, visit: “Release Notes for Linux Mint 17.2 Xfce

System requirements:

  • 512MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 9GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
  • DVD drive or USB port.


  • The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
  • The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
  • The 64-bit ISO is recommend for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold in the last 10 years are equipped with 64-bit processors).

Bug reports:

  • Please report bugs below in the comment section of this blog.
  • Please visit to follow the progress of the development team between the RC and the stable release.


Md5 sum:


HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!


  1. very nice work. i am a fan of linux mint XFCE.
    i think Mint team can consider XFCE as true replacement of MAte desktop in long term.

  2. Thank you very, very much, Mint team!

    Please, one question, though–is AbiWord updated to 3.0.1 in this release?

    Thank you again!

    Edit by Clem: The Xfce edition shipps with LibreOffice by default. Abiword is available in the repositories but it’s version 3.0.0.

  3. I’ve been using it since yesterday and so far it seems to be more stable than Mint 17.1 with Xfce 4.12 added from PPA and Xubuntu 15.04. Thunar didn’t crash once yet.

  4. Thanks a lot! I love Xfce 4.12. 🙂

    One remark about the new Power Manager, though: its system tray icon doesn’t show the remaining battery power / remaining time of battery use anymore, when you hover the mouse pointer over it. Even clicking on it reveals no information about that….

    That’s a pity, and a usability regression compared with its predecessor in Xfce 4.11 and earlier. Can this be fixed by you, or is only an upstream fix possible?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Pjotr, I can’t reproduce this issue. The applet shows me all that upower provides here. I get the percentage and time remaining for the battery in the applet and systray tooltip, as well as percentage for the wireless mouse. Try to run “upower –dump” (there’s two – signs there.. careful, the blog seems to eat them) to see if that’s upower/hardware related.

  5. @Pjotr

    “its system tray icon doesn’t show the remaining battery power / remaining time of battery use anymore, when you hover the mouse pointer over it.”
    Ehm, the tray icon on my system still does that. I guess there is some incompatibility with your hardware but not with mine.

  6. Thank you for the new 17.2 RC releases 🙂

    Three minor Xfce issues to raise.

    Welcome Screen not centred, button almost hidden, netbook 1024 x 600 display.

    VLC seems to be using Redmond, rather than Mint theme?

    Power Manager: Setting ‘Switch off after’ to ‘Never’ also changes the other 2 settings to ‘Never’. Just discovered, this also happens in 17.1, is it possible to improve this default behaviour?

    Thank you

    Edit by Clem: Does the mintwelcome bug happens if you launch it manually? We’ll look into VLC (QT themeing more generally). Regarding the power manager, it looks like an upstream improvement, I’d recommend to ask this to the Xfce devs directly. I can see why changing the value of “Switch off” changes the values above it (they need to be inferior basically), but yeah, when you set that to Never, then there’s no need to modify them.. it’s a tiny usability issue I guess and it’s best to issue a request with the Xfce devs directly.

  7. A few very important details:

    Did 17.2 XFCE inherited Xubuntu bug, where QT apps do not follow GTK styles? (Clementine, Qbittorrent). Xubuntu devs applied controvesial solution: generated user config file “Trolltech.conf” which is bad solution (Icons still not GTK). In manjaro everything works out of the box.

    Have you applied community-wanted xfce4-settings-manager configuration?

    Latest (from 15.10) Xfwm4 compositor fixes tearing. Please build it from xfce git with libepoxy0 and libepoxy-dev

    Has Mint Liberoffice icon theme been updated for LO 4.4? There are a lot of missing icons, which could be ported from Sifr icon theme

    Edit by Clem: It’s not controversial, that’s how it’s done (we didn’t inherit that bug by the way, it’s always been an issue, in all GTK environment with all QT apps). In 17.2 Xfce we forgot to ship mint-artwork-gnome it seems, so we’ll do that (and that provides the Trolltech.conf the Cinnamon/MATE editions are already using). Regarding the settings manager, yes and no.. we looked at this thread and the suggested solution, we identified the issue but didn’t agree with the solution. We don’t really want all system apps to appear in there. With that said, we adapted many of them to appear in the settings manager (MDM, mintlocale, mintinstall, mintsources to name a few). The LO icons were updated for 4.4 yes. I’ll have to look into tearing/epoxy, I wasn’t aware of this… doesn’t indicate a dependency on libepoxy though..

  8. @David Black (#8) :
    newrez – Increase Screen Rez For Netbook 1.1
    Newrez is a nautilus script that not only makes it easy to change screen resolution on the fly, it lets you specify a resolution higher than your display’s physical dimensions! This means that a netbook with a screen that’s 1024×600 can display a scaled 1280×800 or higher (limited only by your eyesight 🙂

  9. Booting the Live ISO from USB, but same graphics problem, like Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. :/ I can’t see anything, and i can’t installing. 🙁 I have a GTX 750 Ti (Maxwell), and here is the dmesg out: Please fix it, before the final 17.2 is out. Thank You!

    Edit by Clem: Hi Sean, please check the release notes for workarounds/explanations/solutions on GeForce issues.

  10. “One remark about the new Power Manager, though: its system tray icon doesn’t show the remaining battery power / remaining time of battery use anymore, when you hover the mouse pointer over it. Even clicking on it reveals no information about that…”
    I have the same problem in 17.2 Xfce. When I used 17.2 Cinnamon, MATE & 17.1 Xfce there wasn’t this problem.
    Please, improve it. Thank you!

  11. Hi everyone!!! I already have Rebecca running on my laptop, the question is:How can I update to Rafaela without having to reinstall the whole system?

    Edit by Clem: Hi Abel, we’ll make announcements when the upgrade is available.

  12. Hi

    I checked and tested all distributions and desktops, So, In my idea, We should simplified Linux the same as the other famous and useful operating systems.

    Mint group should create a desktop environment according Ubuntu Mate that be faster and beautiful and easy.

    The feature is for the Fastest, Beautiful, Easiest and … Operating System and Distribution.

    I advice Mint Group to Create an Ubuntu-Mate base Distribution and desktop environment for Mint Linux.

    Take a look at Windows 10 to get ideas from that.

    I`m waiting for these changes and improvements.

  13. What can I say after testing 17.2 XFCE:

    1)xfce4-settings-manager was improved a bit by adding Mint specific software but it’s a half way to good settings. My suggestion from forum will automatically add all settings options like adobe-flash, Pavucontrol etc. So I guess my solution is easier and better

    2) XFWM4 was not updated, tearing still exists. Please build latest with libepoxy support.

    3)LO icons updated, good!

    4) !!!!!The problem with QT apps has been finally found! (Look at VLC, it’s ugly in 17.2) The problem lies in specific debian build of xfce4-session. You may keep old 4.10 one or build new (I wasn not able to do it successfully) without key “–disable-legacy-sm”. And with keys ./configure –prefix=/usr –sysconfdir=/etc

    If 1,2,4 would be fixed LM 17.2 XFCE will be definately the best debian-based XFCE distro

    Edit by Clem: 1) I disagree. There was a need to support Xfce Settings and we did in many apps, but I don’t think these should list absolutely everything that might get installed. It’s arguable of course, maybe this discussion should happen upstream from us with the Xfce devs. As it is now though, I think we reached a nice solution. 2) I understand, but you mentioned this was fixed in Vivid? And I’m surprised because it doesn’t list libepoxy0 as a dependency (which is a sign it wasn’t built against it). 4) Confirmed, I just built xfce4-session with legacy support and QT looks good. We’ll push this fix in an update.

    Edit #2 by Clem: Xfwm4 using epoxy instead of drm to vsync using openGL starts with but that commit isn’t part of Xfce 4.12. In fact it’s not even labeled afaik. If you look at the master branch, the devs are still ironing out GL aspects as far as June 2015. I’m reticent to jump to master. I wouldn’t want distros to use my muffin master branch or to jump further than our 2.6 labels. A simple bug fix can be cherry picked of course, but here we’re talking about a significant improvement. It doesn’t look like a bug fix planned for Xfwm4 4.12.4, more like a feature of an upcoming Xfwm4 4.14.x. It’s also not commit to take in isolation, there’s a trickle-down effect at play, so we wouldn’t cherry pick here, we’d basically jump onto master. I’d rather leave that decision to the Xfce devs. Let them decide how to label this and then we can consider upgrading to an eventual newer version.

  14. Hey there Clem hows it hangin? I’m a real big distro hopper and it seems no matter how many distros I try I always come back to Mint 🙂 You guys make the best flavors of Linux by far. Your XFCE edition is my personal favorite though. I was just wondering something about 17.2 I know you have XFCE 4.12 now but I was wondering if you guys updated the whisker menu to its latest version. I think its 1.5.0 or something like that. I know theres a PPA to install it floating around online. I’d just like to personally see that version already in the system though. Of course thats totally up to you guys at the mint team. Anyway I guess this ended up a little longer then I expected sorry about that. You guys have a wonderful day or days I should say haha 🙂 Keep on rockin those new releases Clem and a big thanks to all the other mint devs. Go team Mint!

    Edit by Clem: Hi Cory, yes of course. Whisker is our favorite Xfce menu and in 4.12 it even got adopted by Xfce as an extra plugin. We always update it and 17.2 ships with 1.5.0. All Xfce components and extras were reviewed for this release by the way and the vast majority of them were upgraded to their latest versions.

  15. I am on xfe 17.2 and wen i try to open the other partition on the ssd (with Betsy lmde2) to copy some files to xfe, i get this error

    No object for D-Bus interface.

    Edit by Clem: Try to mount it manually to troubleshoot the issue.

  16. Both
    ‘Window Manager > Keyboard’
    ‘Keyboard > Application Shortcuts’

    After REMOVING a command then reopening the shortcuts are NOT removed.

    This happened in LM Xfce 17.1 and now LM 17.2 Xfce

    Edit by Clem: It seems to only be a cosmetic bug. First it only happens when the keybinding is used by another command (in this case, removing the new one makes the old one reappear, that seems to be done by design). Second, the new app is indeed removed but still there graphically. Closing/Reopening the settings confirms this.

  17. Forgot to say:

    Editing the shortcuts in Xubuntu and Point Linux Xfce work correctly.

    Edit by Clem: Which versions?

  18. Is there any chance to get xfce 4.12 into the LMDE Betsy branch?

    Would be great if yes.

    Edit by Clem: No, sorry.

  19. @ 14. newrez:

    Thank you for the information, very impressed! It’s how I imagined Samsung’s Windows version to be, except theirs only featured two non-standard aspect ratios, which I always thought that was a bit odd as everything appeared distorted.

    Actually been having a little play with the code too, will discus that further on the official website. 🙂

    Thanks again.

  20. @Clem


    Editing keyboard shortcuts in both work correctly both the above. I am able to ‘Remove’ a shortcut or change the shortcut, and later they still display correctly.

    In Linux Mint Xfce 17.1 and 17.2 when I click ‘Remove’ (try MailReader or WebBrowser) in the ‘Keyboard > Application Shortcuts’ nothing happens.

    Edit by Clem: Thanks, we’ll get that fixed.

  21. @Clem

    Some of my comments disappear, may be links marked as spam

    1)Xfwm4 may be built with libepox-devy, and may be not. If it is built with libepoxy-dev tearing disappears and distro should ship libepoxy0. Take a look at 10439 bug at xfce bugzilla

    2)About QT: the root of the bug is debian packages. 17.2 may be shipped with xfce4-session 4.10, or rebuilt 4.12.
    Debian 8 uses xfce4-session compiled with –disable-legacy-sm by default, so I got some uggly QT applications because of it. Examples: skype, qtconfig.
    Build keys: –prefix=/usr –sysconfdir=/etc \
    More at xfce bugzilla: 12012

    Edit by Clem: Thanks, it was filtered as spam. I brought it back and commented aboved.

  22. @Clem

    If you look at the xml file:


    it does not necessarily reflect the Settings panel

  23. Thanks for LinuxMint 17.2, i was waiting a lot!!!

    Well, at 17.1 i had a little bug. At open configuration-appereance the new windown with options was freeze and some seconds close. Was not possible configure the appereance. Yesterday i check this at usb-live 17.2 and works! At made installation and try to change appereance do the same, freeze windows and close.
    By the way, before installation i delete the folders .xfce to have a clean installation.
    Exist some solution?

  24. I’ve been using Mint Xfce for several years. I consider the Mint implementation of Xfce to be the best DE ever, and I look forward to upgrading from 17.1 to 17.2 Xfce.

    There is one detail that I hope could eventually be improved in Xfce — management of multiple monitors when the primary monitor is on the far right. KDE has FolderView mode, which keeps desktop icons from moving to the far-left monitor, but Xfce is snappier and more modern looking (IMO) than KDE. I get around the multiple monitor issue in Xfce by using the FolderView widget in the add-on application, Screenlets.

    Thanks for keeping Xfce in the Linux Mint lineup!

  25. I added ‘Directory Menu’ to the Panel.

    Panel > Items > Directory Menu > Appearance > Base Directory
    + it has a drop down menu which seems to do nothing
    + selecting any directory has no effect
    + it always stays at $HOME

    The ‘Icon’ and ‘Filtering’ options work fine.

    Linux Mint Xfce 17.1 and 17.2rc

  26. More bugs:
    1) After installing KdenLive in 17.1 or 17.2 xfce and running it – there are no icons on the toolbar and no translations.

    2)mint-x-icons/issues/119 Stripe on Trash icon is Green in all Mint-X themes See github

    3) No hibernation in MDM

    4)mint-x-icons/issues/95 Thunar doesn’t recognize some icons (otp, ott See github

  27. Works well. For hardware reasons I had to install the 3.19 kernel and up to now everything seems OK. It’s also nice to have xfce 4.12. Many thanks for this great distro.

  28. It seems that “search” contextual menu item doesn’t show the search box when you right-clic on file or folder…

  29. Both Linux Mint Xfce 17.1 and 17.2

    If there is a zero length file in the mix of files being transferred by Upload Manager I get the error message:

    Upload Manager
    failed: float division by zero

    All other files seem to transfer fine.
    Using an ftp client has NO problem transferring zero length files.

  30. had installed the Cinammon edition 17.2 and added xfce by installing mint-meta-xfce. Unfortunately, the panel misses several functions, especially the menu. Deleted all xfce-related files from my home directory but nothing changes and logged in again.
    Is this intended or is the meta-package missing packages. E.g. the xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin is not installed through the meta-package.

    Best regards

  31. I just updated mint-artwork-xfce (2015.07.09) to 2015.07.20 and xfce4-session (4.12.1-1ubuntu1~14.04) to 4.12.1-2mint1+rafaela using mintupdate.
    After that, the keyboard shortcuts that I created via Window Manager for window tiling were all gone like on a fresh installation. I posted the bug on launchpad with #1476905.

    Edit by Clem: hi Sebastian, that’s because we fixed a bug in there during the RC and we had to reinitialize the keyboard configuration. It won’t happen again.

  32. Can you give us an idea of when the upgrade path from 17.1 to 17.2 will be available via system update?

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  33. Mint Xfce is probably my favourite Linux distro. Thanks for all the work!

    However one (not so small) bug. Any chance of a fix for the touchpad driver bug on some laptops?

    The touchpad driver is very unstable and losses complete control with the pointer going crazy and jumping all over the screen at a very high speed. Also clicking as it goes. It makes one laptop unuseable.

    This problem also occurred under Mint 17.1 as well

    Edit by Clem: Hi Kate, I’m sorry it looks like a hardware support issue rather than something related to Xfce. Use lspci to identify your touchpad model and try to seek help on the web, forums, IRC.

  34. Two possible bugs I’ve encountered so far:

    1. Thunar – right click > search doesn’t work. Clicked on it and nothing happens. I removed the [–fileman=Thunar] part of the command so now it just says [catfish –path=%f] and it now works perfectly.

    2. Tried installing 3.16-44 kernel and Grub went nuts. Still had the nice neat “Linux Mint XFCE 64-bit” line (love that touch BTW), but above it I also had the more verbose lines for the new kernel as well. When I tried to reorganise things in Grub Customiser I got a syntax error, and got more syntax errors when I removed the new kernel via update manager so I couldn’t so update-grub. Ended up manually restoring the backup settings for Grub and sticking with the default kernel.

  35. Anyway i can switch from cinnamon to xfce without reinstalling mint?

    Edit by Clem: You can install mint-meta-xfce, which will install many but not all components unfortunately. After that, do an “apt search xfce” and identify the packages missing you might want to install.

  36. @Adrian

    Yes, I had problems with ubuntu’s grub with mint configuration, Syntax errors after putting all extra entries to folder. I have purged it ad reinstalled it s oknow it works fine as in Ubuntu, but OS named as Ubuntu, not Linux Mint 🙂

  37. Hi, I’m currently using Linux Mint 17 xfce and just now the update manager shows an option for upgrading to Linux Mint 17.2. Will it upgrade mine to 17.2 xfce RC, stable 17.2 xfce or to other mint edition (Mate & Cinnamon)?

    Edit by Clem: to 17.2 Xfce (stable), if any additional bug fixes are brought to the RC you’ll get them via updates in the update manager.

  38. I’m not sure whether it is MDM problem or Pulseaudio (seems to me that mdm), but after relogging via MDM pulseaudio doesn’t detect new connected devices (for example usb headset).
    I’ve tried to logout from session, switching to tty1 and running top: from what I see MDM launches pulseaudio, which is weird, MDM do not need pulseaudio (or it remains unkilled after logging out), because of this the only option to do is to kill pulseaudio from tty1 and restart mdm service.
    How to repro: Login to your session, plug in USB device, check whether it was detected. If detected plug it out, log out, log in and plug it again – it won’t be detected

  39. Updated 17.1 Xfce to 17.2 beautiful!

    There are still problems with:
    Settings > Window Manager > Keyboard

    To remove some of the shortcuts, it takes 2 clicks of ‘Clear’.
    When I look at: xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
    I see duplicates, most prefaced by ‘Primary’ and fewer with ‘Control’.
    I suspect the ‘Control’ versions are the ones causing trouble.

    For example, after selecting ‘Clear’ (twice for most of the shortcuts) these still remain:

    <property name=”<Control><Shift><Alt>Left” type=”string” value=”move_window_left_key”/>
    <property name=”<Primary><Shift><Alt>Left” type=”string” value=”move_window_left_key”/>

    <property name=”<Control><Shift><Alt>Right” type=”string” value=”move_window_right_key”/>
    <property name=”<Primary><Shift><Alt>Right” type=”string” value=”move_window_right_key”/>

    <property name=”<Control><Shift><Alt>Up” type=”string” value=”move_window_up_key”/>
    <property name=”<Primary><Shift><Alt>Up” type=”string” value=”move_window_up_key”/>

  40. Hi all,

    Thank you very much for the update, my old laptop runs quicker than ever on Mint.

    One issue with the update though – the battery icon will not display the percentage or time left on battery. On Cinnamon I can fix it by going into the Applet but on XFCE this doesn’t seem possible. When I click on the icon it simply gives a menu asking if I want to change display brightness, go into presentation mode or go to power management settings.

    That’s the only bug and I know many others have the same thing. If that is fixed in an update I would be very happy.

    Edit by Clem: I didn’t talk to the Xfce devs but I implemented the Cinnamon applet and I guess something similar is happening. In Cinnamon we got closer to accurately report what upower tells us, I think the Xfce developers did something similar (I’m actually planning to learn a bit from them.. they report the hardware vendor/model info better than we do). Anyway, you can see what upower says about your hardware by running “upower –dump” (with two – signs.. the blog doesn’t show double – signs correctly).

  41. @nevin

    There is xfce4-battery-plugin as far as i remember, it’s customizable, you may cconfigure it to show only percentage

  42. I have recently switched over to LINUX after XP became unsupported and have to say, that I am thoroughly loving MINT XFCE. It’s a breathe of fresh air, I am enjoying computing and learning again! I have actually started going wild, built a nice new desktop to remote to work, threw MINT XFCE on it. Bought a new laptop specifically for Linux didn’t bother dual booting wiped over it with a MINT XFCE install. I want to say thanks to everyone involved in the project and I will be donating.

  43. Hi Mint team,
    I did a flawless upgrade to Mint 17.2 Xfce on both my old Sony Vaio laptop and my recent Acer desktop. I have been using Linux Mint (from rel. 15) since MS stopped supporting XP. No Microsoft PCs left in the house. I love Mint Xfce so much. It is very efficient with a beautiful elegant lean and mean interface. On my laptop it runs 10 degrees Celcius cooler compared to Vista!
    And Audacious is a great FLAC audio player for me.
    Also for my wife it was no problem at all to get used to Mint Xfce. This for the people who doubt to migrate from MS to Mint.

    Thanks and keep up the good work!

  44. Re: Battery Icon

    De-select system tray icon in Power Manager, then in Panel Preferences, Items – Add “Power Manager Plugin”

    re-position to suit and hovering shows info more or less as previously

    Edit by Clem: Oh yes, I assumed you were using the power manager plugin…

  45. Clean install LM 17.2rc Xfce with updates

    Settings > Panel > Indicator Plugin > Edit > Clear known indicators

    The [Clear] button has no text as it does in the ‘Notification Area’ panel. The [Cancel] button has text.

  46. We have conducted talks about Xfce settings Menu, but it misses really important entries: Date&Time settings, Mugshot (Profile pic, name, surname, not sure whether is ships with 17.2), Pavucontrol, Menu editor (menulibre), Users and Groups (!!!!), Networks (nmapplet)

    And less important: Gnome disks, Printers, Blueman (It seems to me that it was finally included to distro. Great, I can connnect my mouth without installing smth), , input methods.
    Cinnamon settings center include most of these, I don’t know why these entries were not included manually, it will make Mint more “cross-DE”

    Thanks again

  47. Hey guys, I have found an issue with Linux Mint 17.2. I can’t access the stock Software Manager or the Synaptic Manager. It finds an error:

    “E: Encountered a section with no Package: header
    E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repo.steampowered.com_steam_dists_precise_steam_i18n_Translation-en
    E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
    E:_cache->open() failed, please report.”

    If this has not been discovered yet, or if this is not an issue with Linux Mint 17.2, please e-mail any solution that you may come with. Your efforts will be extremely appreciated. My e-mail address is: Thanks.

  48. Another bugs
    MDM doesn’t support big size images (336kb for example)
    MDM reshape images to square, even if they are rectangular

  49. I’ve submitted them to github, there are also bug with ascii passwords. No one took a look at bugs at github… Is there reason to open tickets in mint’s github?

  50. I havent tried xfce before. After watching the youtube video of linux mint xfce, I was impressed and would want to try it. It seems like its highly customizable.

    Ive read on forums and they said its way faster than cinnamon.
    I cant wait to try lm xfce.

    Should I install 17.2 rc or 17.1 stable?

  51. As reported on Forum, unable to get 32bit to complete installation??? Plenty of space, memory, etc. LiveDVD runs very nicely. Anyone else? Need to get it running on some older kit for some local pensioners, too!

  52. Good, but I manage to remove my Sound Icon from the Panel.
    And there’s no way to get it back?
    I could add the big nasty Volume Control, but I want to control it with the sleek “arrow”…
    Right-clicking the panel and adding – nothing there…

    It seems like I have to install the whole Mint agagin.

    Why not have a basket into which removed icons are put, then we could retrieve them from there if we want or by mistake remove…

    Well, I better resinstall..or buy Windows…

    How do I get it back???????

  53. Do anyone except of me face problem of rearranging desktop icons? Very annoying. To test it palce randomly 2-3 icons od desktop, logout, login – voila icons a re in row in the top left corner. If they stayed on their place, try once more
    XFCE bug 11266

  54. Great! I’ve just upgraded to 17.2 Xfce and all seems to work flawlessly in my laptop (Acer E-112M). No bugs, 0 problems. Thanks to Clem and all the Mint staff.

  55. @62
    Try right click on taskbar/bottom panel>Panel>Add New Items
    Locate Indicator Plugin, Add, Close
    You should see the volume and network icons at the end of the panel – you can right click on the item and then click move – or right click taskbar/bottom panel>Panel>Panel Preferences>Items and the move items around by selecting and using the up/down arrows

  56. Intel Sound Card kernel bug. Oh I am so fed up with this!!!

    DMESG output.
    [ 26.466457] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x30010d:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 26.466487] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x30010d:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 26.466497] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x30010d:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 26.466514] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x30010d:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 26.466522] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x30010d:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 26.466558] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x92174110:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 26.466566] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x40:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 26.466583] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x421201f:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 26.466600] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: spurious response 0x40:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
    [ 27.516047] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: azx_get_response timeout, switching to single_cmd mode: last cmd=0x100f0500
    [ 27.526506] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: no AFG or MFG node found
    [ 27.557992] sound hdaudioC0D0: autoconfig: line_outs=1 (0x5/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) type:speaker
    [ 27.558001] sound hdaudioC0D0: speaker_outs=0 (0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
    [ 27.558005] sound hdaudioC0D0: hp_outs=1 (0x6/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
    [ 27.558008] sound hdaudioC0D0: mono: mono_out=0x0
    [ 27.558011] sound hdaudioC0D0: dig-out=0x16/0x0
    [ 27.558014] sound hdaudioC0D0: inputs:
    [ 27.558018] sound hdaudioC0D0: Mic=0x8
    [ 27.558022] sound hdaudioC0D0: Internal Mic=0x18
    [ 27.558025] sound hdaudioC0D0: Line=0x9
    [ 27.559114] sound hdaudioC0D0: rates == 0 (nid=0x4, val=0x0, ovrd=1)
    [ 27.559119] sound hdaudioC0D0: cannot attach PCM stream 0 for codec #0
    [ 27.561172] sound hdaudioC0D0: cannot build controls for #0 (error -5)

    The end result is that with kernel 3.16 sound does not work on my HP laptop. It’s not just Mint, affects Debian as well. The volume control shows ‘dummy output’ and you can see the meters going up and down according to sound but nothing from the speakers – internal or external.

    On Debian I can install the liquorix kernel which fixes this – I guess with ‘buntu/Mint I’ll be able to go back to 3.13 which works fine with Mint XFCE 17.1 on the same hardware. Dull!!!!

  57. Anyway I am happy that Mint team has finally payed attention to XFCE flavor. Thanks for all work that was done, it’s great choise that is absolutely ready out of the box, very fluent, very flexible and easy to use. It’s share is the smallest comparing to other Mint flavors and I hope that it won’t be deprecated, I don’t want to get back to Xubuntu 🙂
    Thanks Clem, I haven’t seen before the distro that is so close to community!

  58. Surprisingly that all my favoutite DEs and distros are all from France: Elementary, Pantheon-DE, Xfce and Mint!

  59. About power manager again: Clem, the power-manager-plugin shows the remaining percentage, while xfce4-power-manager does not. Running them both means two icons – one “external” from the plugin, and one “internal” in indicator area. When I close xfce4-manager-plugin, it seems OK, but when I try to open the settings, it says Power Manager is not running. Then again there are two icons. I believe this is the issue others had reported. Something is wrong.

  60. I just upgraded from 17.1 to 17.2 through the GUI package manager with no issues. The major improvement, for me, is definitely the ability to move a window across multiple monitors with the keyboard (WIN+SHIFT+Arrow). It works flawlessly and has officially removed my only reason to touch the mouse. Well done, and thanks a million!!!

  61. Yes, power-manager tray icon doesn’t show percentage level, it’s just shows “Show power level of connected devices” (smth like this, my mint isn’t englsih). It seems to me that it was buil on system with obselete libs. Cause in Xubuntu you may adjsut brightness via scrolling over this icon.

  62. Finally configured xfce4-powermanager. Tray icon is extra, I’m using panel plugin and everything is fine

  63. Since I updated from 17.1 to 17.2 I can not switch from Compiz to xfwm… The menu let me change but nothing happens even after relogging in or restart.

  64. Downgrade mousepad please, it was built upon obselete libraries, so it crashes sometimes and has two bugs:
    1) right click menu text is mono
    2) When two or more tabs opened – background is grey

    And of course very unstable

  65. your linux mint just took every means of ever going back to windows away it doesn’t even have dvd drive in boot section of system settings …like it was never there…i will be filing law suit as soon as i can for ruining my system.

  66. It’s my 2nd install on this machine I had a problem with grub2 I think I created it on my own. I just received an “error error 32 can not create new note broken pipe. Haven’t seen this one yet..

  67. Hello! I have a simple question, I don’t understand something. When will be posted the official announcement for 17.2 Xfce? Becase it has been 3 weeks since the RC. Has it been skipped, because the RC was very stable already, or why does it take so long? Mint Xfce is just wonderful, I recently dumped MS Windows 7 in favor of 17.2 for a photography editing system and it runs great. Many thanks for such a wonderful OS!

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