Linux Mint Debian 201108 RC (Gnome and Xfce) released!

LMDE 201108 Gnome

The team is proud to announce the release of LMDE 201108 RC with updated ISOs for Gnome and Xfce.


  • All Linux Mint 11 features
  • Installer improvements (keyboard variants, locale, bug fixes, UUID in fstab)
  • Update Packs, dedicated Update Manager and staged repositories
  • GTK2/GTK3 theme compatibility
  • Updated software and packages

If you’re new to LMDE, welcome to Linux Mint Debian!

Important links

LMDE in brief

  • Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) is a rolling distribution based on Debian Testing.
  • It’s available in both 32 and 64-bit as a live DVD with Gnome or Xfce.
  • The purpose of LMDE is to look identical to the main edition and to provide the same functionality while using Debian as a base.


1. Is LMDE compatible with Ubuntu-based Linux Mint editions?

No, it is not. LMDE is compatible with Debian, which isn’t compatible with Ubuntu.

2. Is LMDE fully compatible with Debian?

Yes, 100%. LMDE is compatible with repositories designed for Debian Testing or Debian Squeeze.

3. What is a rolling distribution?

LMDE constantly receives updates. Its ISO images are updated now and then but users do not require to re-install it on their systems.

4. How does LMDE compare to the Ubuntu-based editions?


  • You don’t need to ever re-install the system. New versions of software and updates are continuously brought to you.
  • It’s faster and more responsive than Ubuntu-based editions.


  • Although it’s using Romeo for unstable packages, LMDE continuously changes as it receives updates and new software. Compared to a frozen version of Linux Mint which changes very little once it’s publicly released, it’s not as stable. Things are likely to break more often but fixes can also come quicker. For this reason, LMDE requires a deeper knowledge and experience with Linux, dpkg and APT.
  • Debian is a less user-friendly/desktop-ready base than Ubuntu. Expect some rough edges.
5. Will it come with KDE or other desktops?

Yes. It will support KDE and Fluxbox in the near future.

Additional notes:

  • About the installer: The live installer is developed from scratch with Debian in mind. It’s configurable and it can be re-used by other Debian-based distributions. We noticed a lack in live technologies and in live Debian installers, so we’re happy to take the lead on this. If you’re a developer and you’re interested in using it, have a look at its source repository and don’t hesitate to contact us so we can help you fork it and merge upcoming changes between our two projects.
  • About bugs: Please use Launchpad for bug reports.
  • About the media: It comes as a liveDVD. Locales work differently in Debian and the package base requires more space. We made LMDE compatible with unetbootin though, so you can install it using a USB stick.
  • Dedicated chat room: #linuxmint-debian is open to LMDE users on

Download links:

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We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun testing the release candidate!


  1. Glad to see the new iso’s released. I believe more people will jump in and give it a try if new snapshots are released every 4 months or so. The huge backlog of updates for an older iso may put some people off. Great job Clem and the rest of the testing team.

  2. At last the one we have all been waiting for. Now finally we can all ditch Ubuntu based Mint

    Many thanks to Clem and the team

  3. Does this mean that Fluxbox LMDE is close to being released? I certainly hope so. I have been waiting months for that now.

  4. good work as always chaps and chapesses 🙂 I could have done with this last month when I switched to LMDE, I think you should re-spin it every 3-4 months to stop the volume of updates exceeding the original, also so the kernel keeps up with new hardware.

  5. Thank you for this LMDE update ISO release. I will give it a try. Hope we can see the KDE one soon.

    Linux Mint really rocks!

  6. @#8, Guy

    Not all of us are sharing your opinion Guy, so please speak for yourself.
    At least I prefer the Ubuntu based flavours of Linux Mint, and think the debians are less useful for -me-. My opinion, you are entitled to yours.

  7. Well done, team.

    Hope this release brings as much pleasure to its new users as LMDE release 1 has given me for nearly a year. It’ll soon be her first birthday, maybe someone can pen a birthday song 🙂

  8. Perfect timing! I just found out about these this morning, and had decided to install them instead of the older official release. Now that you have announced them, I can discuss them without quite so many disclaimers. I’m looking forward to the new “Debian” Mint experience!

  9. I’d like to add, that my experience so far with regular Ubuntu-based Linux Mint has been great, and I’m not “abandoning” it, NOR do I hope that Linux Mint becomes an exclusively Debian release.
    I think there is room in our Mint community for both the Ubuntu-based and the “Debian testing”-based versions, and I think that calls for Mint to go all-in for one are premature.
    Clem and team, you guys aren’t perfect but are honest, and communicate openly with us Mint users. Decisions about whether to keep maintaining certain versions of Mint shouldn’t be complicated by people bad-mouthing other distros.
    Please, let’s not start up anti-Ubuntu wars inside the community. I only speak for myself, but I use Mint because I really like it and enjoy it, NOT because I don’t like Ubuntu. I definitely will be using Mint 12 this fall, because I am very excited to see what the development team chooses to tweak in GNOME 3 and the Gnome Shell. Although I don’t use Fedora day to day, I found it not too difficult to work with. I trust the Mint team to bring out the best in Gnome.

  10. It’d sure be nice Linux Mint ever decided to more easily include isos less than 700MB in size. As in a CD-size Ubuntu-based, Debian-based, LXDE, XFCE, Gnome, …..whatever!

  11. NEW Linux Kernel 3.0.3 Stable / 3.1 RC2 Maby Put In NEW FINAL VERSIONS?
    I will return Lunuks The ability to install directly into a working Windows and opportunity from the Windows Control Panel add and remove programs can be uninstalled Linuks?

  12. Thanks for the long awaited respin. I’ve been using the 64bit since it first came out and loving it. I do have personal request, I know it’s pedantic, but could we have consistant names, as my iso directory is a mess and I have to hunt and search for the iso.

    example I have

    Other than that, I’m about to install the latest spin, ty 😀

  13. Ive been waiting for this for so long now i have been checking the blog and testing pages everyday for the past 2 weeks thank you so much great work

  14. Isn’t there any link for India or Linux is “out of bound ” here?
    when I shifted from windows, I just loved it.Totally clam,worry free OS. please consider India also.
    thank you

  15. Again, I congratulate the devs for this release. I installed the OS 64 bits and so far I’m very impressed, that thing is very fast, nothing compears with its speed. I have a couple problems to solve, one is the installation of the NVIDIA drivers, I’m sure I can manage that. The other problem is I can’t see my other disk partitions, I have a /home and /movies that I would like accessing them, can some one give me a hand on how to access them? As soon I solve those 2 problems I believe LMDE will be my OS of choice.

    Linux Mint really rocks!

  16. Ummmm….I installed the drivers following a guide posted on the forum and broke my LMDE OS. Will wait for the final relase hopping Jockey is installed with it. I really started loving it but….Back to Isadora for now.

  17. Cool, i’ve been waiting for this for so long 🙂 🙂

    just curious though, since its a rolling release, wont the rc be just like the final thing anyway?

  18. Fantastic news!

    I can’t wait for the final release. The only reason I am still running another (non-Mint) distro is because I was waiting to change to release version of LMDE with the update packs. I’m tired of all the distro hopping and hoping LMDE can fix that.

    Mmmmmm…Minty fresh linux Mint!

  19. I’m happy to see this. I haven’t tried it yet. But I imagine this would be simpler or faster than Mint Ubuntu since this takes out the Ubuntu layer on top of Debian. Looking forward to its release.

  20. I’m taking the plunge on my Netbook.
    (I’d installed the “old” lmde yesterday and managed to break it by simply updating…)
    Thanks to all the team for pushing forward and giving back a live installer for Debian !

  21. Ok my feedback : Xcfe edition installed fine on my netbook (Hp311).
    As expected i had to manually install the broadcom Wifi thingie.
    But the script in the forum worked fine (should i do it each time i upgrade the kernel ?).

    It mounted my partition ad only 9 updates are pending !
    Speed wise, it’s snappier than ubuntus but not breathtaking mind you (my hdd is 5200 rpm though so no gain on the booting sequence).

    I am experiencing a bizzare sound : Beep (not found yet how to get rid of it).
    still to do : Nvidia drivers… is there a script that automate the process somewhere ?

    All in all a nice release, but i’ll wait for Jockey to be available before upgrading from Mint 10 on my Desktop machine…

  22. Congratulations, you really deserve it.

    I’m one of the (few?) guys who intent to remain on the Ubuntu base. The main reason is the huge amount of “niche” or proprietary software” provided by the user ppa repositories which never would make it into the official repositories of Ubuntu or Debian. Knowing Archlinux I’m really confident to have found an alternative to the Archlinux User Repository in the Linux Mint world.

    But I’m curious to know if the Debian users get all the software they need and where they get it eventually from.


  23. I totally endorse the spirit and content from TomG above.

    Ultimately, I would like to see backup networking between 2 or more Mint PCs (no MS Windows) on a router based LAN network made easier to achieve. Giver is useful but too limited and fails for larger folders. I’d ultimately like to be able to use something similar to the Gnome commander in root mode too, to transfer files or folders between nominated PCs. Meanwhile I continue to experiment with the su ifconfig eth0 command procedure but alas so far without success. Host name conflicts and all that . .
    Thanks to Clem and his team for a brilliant effort nevertheless.

  24. The usb creator in Julia doesn’t recognize the ISO (64 bit) so I tried it in VirtualBox.

    The start menu craches most of the time, the install program crashes everytime …

    What happened after Isadora? I decided to skip Isadora but Katya was too bugy. When I got a new computer, I installed Isadora. It’s not as bad as Katya but it’s not good.

  25. Feedback 2 :
    Since the switch I lost the middle click (opening a new tab / pasting the clipboard) on my touchpad. (it was working perfectly on Lmde 201101).

  26. I’m curious too, since it’s a rolling release, won’t the rc be just like the final thing anyway?

  27. Hi, I just downloaded this release, and I quickly found out that my mouse doesn’t work, neither in Live nor as a true install.
    I have a Roccat Kone[+]
    Is there some quick fix for this, or what am I supposed to do? 🙁

  28. Feeback 3
    Nvidia drivers installed with the sgfxi.Ok but had to update them through synaptic immediatly to have Xconfig and Nvidia-settigs.
    After installation the fonts are big, and i mean BIG.

    Got rid of the Beep : xset b off (that simple).

    I still have to figure out why the third button is not emulated..
    It’s useful on a trackpad…

  29. @jediafr – No need for a script as installing the Nvidia 275 (current Debian driver) via Synaptic is easy and only needs to be done once.

    Go to Synaptic (or use a terminal) and install:


    After installation, run from a terminal:

    ‘sudo nvidia-xconfig’ (without quotes)

    Reboot and you’re done. This will survive all future kernel updates as well, ‘nvidia-kernel-dkms’ guarantees that.

    As far as pasting text using the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) it works for me (LMDE RC amd 64). Sorry, can’t help there.

  30. Running the gnome version on my vaio, i saw the windows bars disappear after a few seconds, and my camera (canon 7D) was not recognised. Hope the final version adresses those issues… On the xfce version, I did not have this bar problem.
    Hope this helps.

  31. For the problem with middle mouse button and scroll wheel search for
    ‘middle mouse button emulation by default’

    or be patient like @#1 EDEN
    Sadly, Mint 10 works and looks best for me, than 8
    so in this case I would act like @#44 orschiro,
    but I am still waiting for my new number one.

  32. I tested this version RC and I had some problems:

    – I downloaded the GNOME version, but I do not understand if I am using GNOME 2.x or 3.x. .. or both.
    – My Windows NTFS partition was not mounted or recognized by the file manager.
    – FrostWire will not start, error messages appear at the beginning of the program.
    – The complement of video playback totem youtube does not work.
    – Minitube not play the videos on youtube …: S

    Ok, I think I will wait the final version …

  33. @Kirk M :
    Thanks for your help ! And i’ll mention for others that nouveau driver has to be blacklisted before reboot…

  34. Thanks Team, This will save me a lot of time with me constantly reinstalling LMDE because of trying things out and getting it wrong screwing up my whole system

  35. @Jeff

    you mean booting after the install or booting the live media itself?

    I had problems booting the install after installing from a flash drive and a usb dvd drive. after using the internal drive on my laptop and making sure the root partition has the boot flag (havent had to set this before), i was able to boot it. AND ITS GREAT 🙂 🙂

  36. @Jeff and others with booting problems:

    I installed from a Unetbootin-USB-stick. There was no problem booting live from this USB-live-stick.
    My testing-installation was then made on another USB-stick. An 8GB-stick formatted as ext4 and also keeping the MBR-starter!
    No problem to boot with this item either.
    Starts and works however a little bit slower than a regular HD-installation.

    There has been some problems making bootable sticks with “usb-creator”, at least in Mint10, perhaps also in Mint 11.
    Try Unetbootin if usb-creator is failing. 😉

  37. With the gnome version, the menu bars of each window disappear after a few seconds. My camera (7d) is also unavailable and unmountable…
    Hope this will be fixed for the final version 🙂

  38. Great to see this release. Unfortunately it doesn’t work ‘out of the box’ for me, because X config fails and I get an ‘out of scan range’ error on my monitor. It would be nice to have a text based installer as this would enable me to do the install, reboot and then configure Xorg from within the newly installed environment.

    I’ll put something on the forum if there is an area regarding this new release.

    Thanks to the developers and any others involved.


  39. I’m having troubles to install the gnome 64 bit edition in virtualbox.
    It hangs at “select where you want to install Linux Mint” – it keeps searching for something indefinitely.

    Anyone knows what’s the problem?

  40. After #49 Kirk M gave advice how to install the nvidia driver, I tried to install the x64 Gnome.

    Booting stops after /casper/~ are loaded….Ready,

    and then black screen of death.

    ok, waiting for the final

  41. Feedback 4 : For the problem with middle mouse button.
    I nailed the culprit : the touchpad’s driver for some reason doesnt support third button by clicking the Right and Left together (Emule3button true in xorg.conf).
    Everything worked with an external mouse.

  42. Thanks for the help everyone. I finally was able to boot the live image from USB but now need a root password to access drives and partitions. Any ideas?

  43. Tried using live usb, htop and system monitor detects only 1 core while my machine is a dual core system. Earlier version of LMDE that is still there detects both cores properly. Any idea what’s wrong and if there’s going to be a fix for this?

  44. #59, Jeff.

    That’s Debian for you.

    “A Debian user needs no root account”. The answer of a member of the Debian community years ago, when I asked the same question.

  45. @ Jeff,
    Debian uses “sudo”, that is to get root permissions for a while, using your usual password.
    In the file-manager just right-click at the file/directory you want to open as root. Select “open as administrator” give your own password once more – and you are in!

  46. @tux- sven,

    that’s just the Debian attitude.
    He asks for for the root password to access to drives and partitions, and you say he should use sudo for files/directories. fine.
    What if he can’t even see them, cause only root can have access to them? I had just that experience some years ago. And got the answer I cited above in #61.
    That’s Debian and the Debian fans, thank you so very much.

    And because of that I stick to other flavours.

  47. I solved most of the problems I had after installation. I’m very pleased about LMDE so far. I predict Linux Mint will be very soon on top of distrowatch list on its own merits.

  48. @ hamburn:
    If I open the icon on my desktop named “Dator” in Swedish (probably “Computer” in English?), I can se all the other partitions on my computer.
    If I try to open one of those partitions I will be asked for my sudo password. If I give the password I can open the partition and look in the files. What’s the problem with that?
    I of course need to have sudo/administrator privileges set in my user account
    I don’t know from where you got your bad experience, not from Linux Mint anyway.. 🙂

  49. You guys should blow your horn a bit more on Distrowatch. Came back after awhile away to update my LMDE testing system (Mint’s my Plan B since Unity’s been announced) and noticed you’re at the RCs for this year’s GNOME and XFCE respins. Starting from 2011.01 is too painful to give some potential newbie an amuse-bouche of Linux, so I hope you guys will respin LMDEs at least a couple times per year. Since you’re into DVD capacity already, it might be worth considering combining the GNOME and XFCE versions onto a single release with a “choose at install” option. I think that’s going to be the big decision point for Ubuntu users who are currently in the GNOME2 camp.

    It’ll be interesting to see how GNOME3 vs Unity plays out over time amongst new users. I don’t think the opinions of us old-timers is worth a fig on this topic.

    Thanks for all the great work, devs.

  50. Just installed this RC. Finished tweeking it to my liking and I’m impressed to say the least! No breakages, and everything works perfect on this laptop. Well done!

  51. Murali,

    I have that problem too. Does anyone know if it is an issue with running “live” or if also happens when installed?

  52. Guys, for god sake,

    “We made LMDE compatible with unetbootin though, so you can install it using a USB stick.”

    Write to usb with UNETBOOTIN, AND NOTHING ELSE!!!

    If you write to usb using what the ubuntu recommend, Universal USB Installer, you will be prompted to root password. And i even tried other installers. You should use what clem made compatible, the unetbootin.

  53. @jediafr, KirkM, hamburn (48, 49, 53, 57)

    I too have a nvidia card. It took me a few tries to get it right. @hamburn, I too got the black screen. A problem with xconfig. Here are the steps I took and things are working for my computer.

    Installed from terminal with ‘sudo apt-get install’ (so I can see what is going on)
    nvidia-glx (metapackage, includes most of what is listed in previous response)

    Then ran ‘sudo nvidia-xconfig’ (very important or you get black screen)
    Then reboot.

    This was with the 64bit xfce spin.

  54. Congrats on your fine work! Have tried XFCE with Oracle VM VirtualBox under Linux 11. Two difficulties:
    1. Hard drive would not setup under the LMDE installer – had to pre-set it up using GPARTED with the live cd run before installing
    2. “Login Screen” can’t be unlocked (clicking on the lock icon) so that I can make my logon automatic

    Neither are real problems, but the second should be fixed while the first may be a VBox problem, although it worked with the previous versions.


  55. The 32-bit version (live & installed) starts with 486 kernel (supporting 1 cpu core).

    Installed systems only (32bit & 64bit): Fuse mounting problem (failed to access mountpoint).

  56. Can we expect hybrid ISOs sometime in the future like Debian has? (bootable images that can be burned to CDs/DVDs and alo directly writen to hard drives/flash memories)

  57. Dear all,
    If you still have some problems as I have here is how I can solve them:

    1. Wirless not work by default, you must manual install Broadcom-sta wirless driver (this is for my HP 4525s laptop) – run in terminal “gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list” and add these lines at the end of the file “# Debian Testing (currently Wheezy)
    deb testing main contrib non-free”
    again terminal and “apt-get update
    apt-get install module-assistant wireless-tools” and “m-a a-i broadcom-sta” and “echo blacklist brcm80211 >> /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom-sta-common.conf” and “update-initramfs -u -k $(uname -r)” and “modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcm80211” and finaly “modprobe wl” now you can use wirless.

    2. Quick Search still doesn’t work in Package Manager by default – install apt-xapian-index through Package Manager
    3. For flash issues in Firefox – run in terminal “sudo update-alternatives –auto”
    4. For mounting partition (like ntfs partition) install disk-manager through Package Manager, than run in terminal “gksu disk-manager” and Select the desired partition (select ntfs driver read/write)
    5. For loud beep – install through Package Manager alsamixer (ALSA sound mixer for GNOME) and turn off beep in Alsa setings
    6. Autologin not work on LMDE – Edit /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf and add the next lines with your user name:

    AutomaticLogin=your user name

    7. For best environment install compiz -Change the gconf key with
    gconftool-2 –type string –set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager compiz

    and optional some good theme like – Minty Freshness

    Now I have just one hardware problem, in my HP ProBook 4525s touchpad right click not work 🙁

    Good luck and I hope that all of this problems Mint team will solved for final LMDE 😉

  58. I’m really excited about the new RC for the upcoming new ISOs of LMDE spins.
    Currently I’m downloading the Xfce spin and hoping it will work fine for me.
    I’d liked to use Debian Stable on my Laptop, but as some others I’m having a few hassles with using it (it refuses to boot correctly from time to time – seems to have something to do with pluggin in and out from power supply). And for the reason it’s my machine for daily work the system has to be working stable, especially when it’s named a stable release.
    Long story short, I’m hoping for LMDE to fit my needs now with the new update method, although it’s rolling and I’d preferred a stable release.
    No plans to have a Debian Stable based edition? 😉 Although I respect what Ubuntu has done for the Linux world, I simply can’t stand the way it’s heading since Unity etc., so the Linux Mint stable releases are no option for me anymore.
    Last but not least: I’ll give you some response how the RC workes for me on my IBM ThinkPad R60.

    Greetings from Germany

  59. Guys, please make a Debian stable version (currently squeeze) with Gnome 3 for those that prefer stability to bleeding edge.

  60. I believe Clem’s plan was to try to put gnome 3 into the ubuntu based mint edition but retain the usual bottom panel/mint menu that Linux Mint is “famous” for (lol) !

  61. I wouldn’t mind seeing a debian stable version offered but only if it could be as polished as ubuntu based mint and also have software updates from the mint repos so that you would also get newer applications as well…

    If that could not be done, it’s better to continue with ubuntu based edition with the gnome 3 without unity/shell…

  62. Installed 32bit Gnome.

    It installed with 486 kernel and is unable to use my multi core CPU properly.

    Also NTFS partition is not visible.

  63. Working well on Lenovo T410. Recognized my wireless on boot. So far it’s fast. I’m missing some of the amenities of the Ubuntu base, but that’s ok and expected. I’m willing to stick it out with LMDE and give it a real chance.

    The only real problem I got was a kernel panic twice when trying to safely remove my mobile hard disk.

  64. Installed xfce and gnome with no issues. Nvidia driver installs went smoothly using the smxi(sgfxi) install script. Performance is snappy.

    The only actual problem I’ve run into is the same as BenjieG’s, #97: when attempting to “safely remove” a USB external HD, I got a kernel panic (sorry, but I can’t recall if this happened on both RCs or one).

    Overall, these Mint Debian Editions are looking like excellent choices. I know I am very pleased.

  65. @tux-sven…took a look at the link…sounds like a lot of work to make the switch…would be much easier if a version was offered as an iso already set up…but i think most debian stable users would want the access added to get newer programs…who wants a totally frozen system for 2 years straight?

    Also such a version (and really even the standard LMDE version) could use a friendlier installer which includes auto-install options like the ubuntu type installer used in main edition Linux MInt…

  66. @ Craig:
    Have in mind, there are only very few persons working with Linux Mint. You can’t expect them to do the same amount of work as Ubuntus staff of employed people.
    You should not need the installer more than once, because this is a rolling release, very different from Ubuntus new installations every 6-month.
    Clem also have said: “LMDE is not a distro for everyone.” (Meant it’s a little more demanding.)
    Myself I installed when the ISO 201101 was released. Since that my LMDE has been up and running.. And with the new updater it seems to be very stable too. 🙂

  67. Looks ok generally thanks BUT unlike other distros and MS, “computer” does not show my second sata HDD and its partitions. However, it is visible and accessible in partition manager.
    Will continue to review the rest of the package.

  68. @Juvené Aniceto Junior

    Quando você instalar, estará em português, o único problema é que o Firefox não está em pt-br, mas em português europeu.


    I installed Linux Mint Debian in BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE, but Firefox is EUROPEAN PORTUGUESE. :/

  69. @Carlos Felipe:
    Open Synaptic and write “firefox” in the quick-filter.
    Check if there is any language-packet that is matching. If there is such packet available you can change yourself and send a bug-report to the Mint-team. If not, you can’t blame the Mint-team at all. 😉
    Perhaps nobody has translated it yet? Could it be a mission for you? 😉

  70. @tux-sven: yes i was wondering about the new mint updating system with the monthly packages…i wonder if using the new default (“latest”) would create a pretty stable system that wouldn’t need a lot of “fussing” with….If it does, that i might be tempted to try LMDE again…

    And yeah, i understand what you are saying about only needing to use the installer 1x…I was able to do it…although i recall everytime i installed the “Swap” partition was not set up right and i had to get assistance on the forum to get it working..I wonder if that was improved in the installer for this iso…
    Anyone know?

    One last question: I had burned an early version of the re-spin before Clem made the announcement…on 64 bit there was a flash problem with the sound…i was wondering if it had been fixed?

    Thanks guys…

  71. Feeback5 : I waited a bit to be sure but i feel that LDME Xfce is tad slow (on my netbook underpowered by a N570)
    There’s some cpu hikes and movies are not always playing smooth despite Vdpau activated. I’m not sure if it is due to this 486 kernel.
    I tried Liquorix kernel but end up with a kernel panic… (v3.0.6).

    I switched to LDXE packages and it more responsive…
    I’m surprised that Xfce is not performing well on low end CPU…

  72. @mike4ca – Thanks for reminding folks to run ‘sudo nvidia-xconfig’ from a terminal before rebooting (comment# 87). That was the last step in my small tutorial actually (comment# 53). Not too sure why people keep missing it.

  73. so I installed the nvidia-drivers – did “nvidia-xconfig”, but I still got the black screen ….

    so …… ?

  74. The issue with using VirtualBox stems from the disk image not having any partition table. If the disk image already exists and has been used before you should have no problems.

    For those who don’t know or simply want to work as root temporarily you can issue the command:

    sudo su

    I’m sure there are those who will say you shouldn’t for various reasons but the functionality is there and it can be very useful at times.

    I’m not sure I understand the mount problem. Is your system not able to see the disk partitions or do you not know how to make them available? The two are not the same thing.

  75. FYI: Thunar file manager (Xfce) was consistently freezing when I tried to open it with my mouse. Researching this issue led me to discover that the Mint-X icon theme was apparently the cause. Once I changed themes, Thunar started working normally.

  76. Tried to download the 32-bit Gnome version of LMDE from he given UK mirror site.
    Used two different download managers.
    Both failed at 12%, 153495 kB.
    Presume that the UK mirror is broken.

  77. @ #21 hamburn
    “Not all of us are sharing your opinion Guy, so please speak for yourself.
    At least I prefer the Ubuntu based flavours of Linux Mint, and think the debians are less useful for -me-. My opinion, you are entitled to yours.”

    explain to me why????

  78. To Jerry : what is the point of going back to Debian stable since the Mint team has decided to freeze the testing base and only releasing when it is deemed stable ?
    Besides you’ll loose the rolling distro feature… it would make more sense to installe a debian stable from the start and install the mint additions…

  79. @jediafr:
    I can’t see the point where LMDE is loosing it’s rolling feature. Rolling just means, that a release is constantly updated and does not run out of support. And that’s given with LMDE’s new updating method, isn’t it?
    So going back to Debian stable where software versions keep the same for it’s lifetime your argument simply doesn’t make sense at all.
    I’m enjoying the fact, that with LMDE I have a distro that keeps up with new software versions without missing to keep an eye on stability.

    Loving it!
    Keep up the excellent work, Mint Team!


  80. I retract my statement about Thunar file manager freezing due to using the Mint-x icon theme. From what I can tell, it freezes randomly with any icon theme but I’m not sure why. I’m looking into it.

  81. Why the staff of linux mint creating new distros while their flag system Katya is full of bugs! Errors whit applets each bootup, broken compiz maximizing window wrongly, pissing off, Julia was decent but have old kernel and drivers that’s why i don’t use it, Katya is newer but have lots of bugs that over few months wasn’t fixed. Clem and team, why? why? ooo why?

  82. @xeekei, regarding the Roccat Kone[+] problem:
    The Mintpeople forgot to compile the newer Roccat modules for Arvo, Kone[+] and Kovaplus[+].
    Although the devices would work with the generic hid driver, these devices are in its blacklist.
    The easiest way to work around this is to externally compile my modules from
    These are also always the newest versions.


  83. @jediafr – The new LMDE is still a rolling release but instead of a “classic” rolling release which is always prone to breakages no matter what the distro is based on, The Mint devs have created what you might call a “bouncing” rolling release. The devs do not freeze the testing base at all. What actually happens is the updates from Debian Testing are “rolled up” into an over a period of one month and after going through a vetting process to make sure there won’t be any breakages (ideally of course, there’s always a chance of some breakage) then they are released as an Update Pack. Each Update Pack will have a number assigned to it which will make reporting bugs related to updates that much easier.

    This is a whole new way of doing things and it’s still in it’s early stages yet but if it works and the Mint devs can keep up with the building and QA process of the monthly Update Packs as well as updating the .iso(s) every few months (for those doing fresh installs) it will bring the idea of an “install it once and once only” rolling release to a whole new level especially in the area of reliability and stability during the update process.

  84. LMDE is based on Debian Unstable.
    I don’t understand why is that.
    Why on earth would anyone choose to install an unstable system?
    Just to have all the latest and newest bells and whistles?
    I don’t get it.
    I read here in the comments so much criticism on Ubuntu, and so much praise of Debian, but I’ve been using Ubuntu-Mint for many years, and it has always been very stable.
    I think in the future, Linux Mint will be remembered as a linux distro that, at it’s peak, was generally considered as one of the best, but then it destroyed itself, by abandoning it’s core qualities: user friendliness, and stability.

  85. @119. bruno

    Please, before saying anything you should inform yourself about the topics you want to discuss. (also, lets avoid trolling and flame wars, don’t you think?)

    Here something you might want to read: hope it clears some things out for you.

    @Clem & Mint Team

    I think it’s great you keep actively working on Debian-based Mint, but I think Xfce Edition is missing the point. Please read, taken from :
    “Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly.”

    Considering that, I think that this programs could be replaced: banshee, gedit, brasero, totem, gdm, file-roller, etc. There is a “suggested applications” list here:

    I get that you need to make it user friendly, but I don’t think Xfce Edition should be just Gnome Edition without gnome-desktop.

    Also, I see there are 5 media players preinstalled (why?): Banshee (it can also play videos), Totem, GNOME Mplayer, Mplayer (GUI) and VLC. I think it’s overkill.

  86. Well, I couldn’t resist. Even though I was already running LMDE 201012 64-bit using the straight Debian Testing repos, I had to try this new respin. I figured it was better to start with a fresh install using the new Debian Mint Update rather than try to convert over on the older install. As usual, this respin is excellent and rock-solid stable. I couldn’t break it with a hammer. Just a few tweaks provided by our great community on the Mint Forums and the 64-bit just hums right along. Great job!

  87. Not sure how many people have tested this, but I think there’s a fairly show-stopping bug: user profiles aren’t created during installation. At first login, you can log into the system but then encounter the ICEauthority missing problem, and sanity checks and some other stuff.

    I CTRL-ALT-1 and logged in, ls /home/fraserdk reveals — nothing.

    Might this be because my /home partition is XFS? or is this a problem regardless of filesystem?

  88. @BRUNO, I installed the RC and I can tell you, it is the most stable Linux OS I ever had, try it or wait till the final release, just see for yourself how awsome it is. On the RC I had to tweek a couple of things, not big deal. Debian unstable doesn’t mean it is an unstable OS. LMDE is in my opinion, the way to go.

  89. Actually, Bruno (and Manny) LMDE runs off Debian Testing…not Debian Unstable (also known as “sid”)….

    Though interestingly enough, some debian users who now use LMDE as well have mentioned that debian unstable is generally MORE RELIABLE then Debian Testing is because breakages get fixed pretty quickly where a sin Testing they can take quite some time in certain cases….

    So, some have made the case the Debian Unstable would be the more stable way to go…

  90. A month ago i download linux mint 201104. It runs super fast on my machine. But i did not able to install that because that require manual disk partitioning, and as a long time windows user i don’t know how to do manual disk partitioning in Linux.
    So does this version still require manual disk partitioning or quite simple to install like gnome version of Linux mint(make partition by self).
    If it is simpler then i will download and install it.
    If you know the answer then please reply with a post I will thankful to you.

  91. After much tinkering i’ve found my ideal config : an LXDE based on the Debian Xfce…(with a slew of Gnome goodie like Network manager & power manager).
    A few things are missings : wine packages, a kernel i686…and Jockey of course.

  92. Clem,

    there has been much talk about LMDE KDE.
    When can we expect this version to arrive?
    I have downloaded the XFCE edition, like it, but really need the KDE version to make the switch to Mint.

    Can you give us a hint about this? There was talk about a release in August, but it is almost september now. Will it come withing a few days/weeks?

  93. The 64 bit Debian just worked out of the box on my VGC-RC71PS! Fantastic work here Clem & team and setup was easy, unusual for Debian. nVidia drivers are also better, MTS videos play smoothly. LAN faster. It seems the whole release is cleaner in many respects that my usual LM11. Congratulations, I’m converting to Debian.

  94. @jediafr: Thanks mate, yes sorry I missed that the updates would be rolled up & tested b4 rolling out. Can’t see that in the specific release notes for this distro.. However I’d like to see it work in practice first, sounds like a whole lot of work to me…

  95. @ Jerry

    The packet testing is made by Mint voluntaries, and they really do a great job. If you are interested I’m sure you can ask to join them. 😉 This is the way great things are done in the open source world,

  96. Disappointing release.
    Tried all the tutorials and howto’s to install nvidia-drivers – they all gave me a black screen.

    The open driver is no good.

    So I can’t do anything with this.

  97. I’m having the same problem as #76:

    dual core atom n570 but LMDE only detects single core. Will there be a fix for this or should I go back to Mint 11?

  98. ^nevermind fixed it…

    had to install 686-pae kernel

    I’m starting to get the hang of this debian thing.

    kudos on a great distro!!!

    1. About the kernel: We’re using a 486 kernel to ensure compatibility with a maximum of CPUs. As you probably know Debian stopped supporting the non-pae 686… by moving to 486 we’re loosing support for SMP but we’re guaranteeing support for non-PAE CPUs. Multi-core CPU owners can either opt for the 64-bit edition, or install the 686-pae kernel.

  99. @ dogbert

    I should rather say, you have a disappointing video-card.. 😉
    Intel (and ATI?) graphics works fine.

  100. Hi, I was a debian fan some ten-twenty years ago; time goes fast 🙂 But in recent years I have tried Toorox, Sabayon, Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Mint, OpenSuse Gnome or KDE, etc. on an older desktop and a new notebook, but was never satisfied with any one of these, so I would like to give this one a try (xfce spin). Some month ago I installed the then latest debian mint xfce version, but got completely stuck on a weird windows control issue. Anyway, a complete re-install is not a problem. Question: does this new release already contain the repository and other changes you announced earlier in July, see this post:

    I also hope the nvidia driver issue can be solved quickly (my 2 video cards: Geforce XT 6800 + a notebook one I forgot the type). In the meantime I would be happy with the usual semi-manual kernel compile. Can someone point me to this procedure ?

  101. dogbert: please, what do you mean by the open driver is no good ? ; what video card do you have and what kind of problems did you face with the open driver ? What kind of tutorials did you follow to install nvidia driver ?

  102. LibreOffice AND OpenOffice?? I noticed both in synaptic, any reason for this?
    Also during login screen if you hit enter (to confirm user) and type in the password too fast + enter, X crashes…

  103. @ Jolato:

    Card is Gforce 8400GS
    Tried the tutorial in post #53 and this one:

    Tried both times in virtualbox – so no drama there …
    After “sudo nvidia-xconfig” and rebooting, it gives a black screen.

    I’d love to try LMDE on my main system, but this problem has to be solved first.
    I’ll stay with Mint 10 gnome for the moment.

  104. Xfce update: Thunar is working fine – the issue was with the entity between the keyboard and the chair 😉

    Installation of Proprietary Video Drivers: Check out and choose 2) install-scripts. This popular and reputable site essentially automates the installation process. (No guarantees, use at your own risk).

    Clem: Thanks for the info on the kernel. Looks like I’ll be installing the 64 bit version.

  105. Any idea when we may see the KDE version? I’m currently using the Gnome desktop, however KDE desktop is my preferred choice. Unfortunately not to many good distro with KDE out there, at least for my taste.

  106. To begin with a huge thankyou, the RC respin of LMDE is stunning. I do have a few issues though.

    1) No startup sound.

    2) No Fortunes Husse

    3) I prefer the old Felicia theme, which looks as good as on the standard edition however the Terminal and gdebi installer are Grey. Can this be corrected please or does anyone have any solutions.

    4) Can we have Compiz 0.9.4 please as is on the standard edition

    Apart from these issues LMDE ius nothing short of superb


  107. During the install of the 64bit Xfce version I defined a ntfs partition to be mounted as /files (partition existed and I did not reformat it). I was having permission issues and checked the fstab file. For the line to mount that partition it had “rw,error=remount-ro” for the options. This would be appropriate for ext? file system but is not appropriate for ntfs. There appears to be an issue with the installer.

  108. I am not happy with debian, problem with sounds almost brake my speakers. Beside why MINT going in many distros and Katya have lots of unresolved bugs??? Like factory error load panel addons or compiz issue which dosen’t maximize windows properly, leaving little space around the window? Katya is my firs so much buggy version of MINT since 8. Seems staff getting too much distros and all of them are become buggy and unpolished 🙁

  109. I had my first freeze (nothing todo but hard reset) ! on LMDE/XFCE RC but with LXDE desktop :”kernel: [ 3700.438137] lxpanel[1724]: segfault at 44 ip 080658b3 sp bffc65b0 error 4 in lxpanel”
    Things that led to that situation : activation of xscreensaver (could be coincidental but…).

  110. On my HP 2540p laptop this RC doesn’t work. I tried both Gnome versions (32/64). The problem is probably in the Linux kernel version, because updated april LMDE version (with new kernel) also does not work. Last information from display while booting from DVD is:

    “Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd.”


  111. Initial observations with Mint 10 x64 XFCE 201104 after two days having very happily used Ubuntu and Mint for a few of years . . . . as today August 26th 2011

    Cannot update despite various forum tips and links.
    I am stumped with the following annoying pop-up.
    Could not apply changes!
    Fix broken packages first
    Using root terminal to enter:
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    Results in lots of impressive activity and analysis but NO solution.
    I conclude therefore despite the many cat 1 , 2 and 3 potential updates, that updating is at the moment broken.

    There is no obvious alternative to the “places” folder in Gnome to access other partitions on the computer. My tedious method so far is to . .
    Right click on the desktop.
    Create Launcher
    Click on symbol at end of command line.
    Observe all partitions in the LH places column.

    On installation of XFCE despite specifying UK London and BST, the BST setting is in error as GMT and apparently not correctable.
    This multi boot dual Pentium machine successfully uses various Win and Linux 64 bit OSs all with Opera as my first choice browser and all of them giving other disk partition access and displaying the correct time setting from the WWW or the BIOS off line.

    I would also like to have my favourite Opera browser icon in the tool panel along the bottom of the screen in XFCE. For now, access to Opera is: menu, network and then click on an Opera.

    Am I missing something very obvious and major or should this XFCE version of Mint be overtly shown as remaining RC and in need of considerable extra surgery?

  112. Beginning to fall into place but what a mammoth and prolonged update procedure. Fully respecting the complexity of the configuration, I have to say that it really needs to be streamlined.
    Sadly I can’t remember now how I got round the locked up broken package command in the root terminal.
    However the increased speed is showing now.
    Next to crack the no sound problem.

    shut down . .
    It’s alt-4 only for me. Keyboard power button is ignored as well as mute and volume control buttons. T’d be nice if there was a shutdown or restart button.
    All very interesting though.

    Forgot to say btw that the old Flux box is incredibly good especially on an an early resource restricted early AMD 32 bit AGP4x system too.

  113. I am currently formatting my computer in preparation for next semester. Next semester I will need both linux and windows on my laptop. This version didn’t seem willing to cooperate with windows, so think I will wait for fluxbox final version instead (and install windows all over again sigh)

  114. I am a Linux user for almost ten years.
    All this time I used to stick with Red Hat and Fedora.
    Started with RH 7.1 and been with Fedora since 1 to 14.
    Fedora 14 I consider to be a very good general purpose desktop.
    Fedora 15 is a disaster.
    I mean Gnome 3.
    Nothing works as it used to do before.
    Turned to Mint.
    What a great surprize!!!
    Installed Debian Edition 64bit.
    Beyond any expectations!!!
    Really good job, people!
    Everything easily customizable.
    Noticed some minor imperfections, but as far as I could handle them, they did not bother me much.
    Keep going! My best regards! Wish you success in all your endeavours!

  115. Well after that HUGE and very complicated update ordeal, I’ve been able to fix the sound; achieve access to other partitions; place one touch icons in the bottom tool-bar; fix and correct the date display.

    There is at last definitely a real “turbo-charge” feel now.
    Now to attack the networking capabilities, first with giver and then by using the complicated (to most) – sudo ifconfig ethx procedures.

    FYI this is an intel-x64 ddr2 4GB multiboot setup and is one of four connected similar PCs all with Linux only distros via a wired router based network.
    As a retired (geek!!) – engineer my interest is to watch the progress and development of the various Linux OSs and hopefully to come up with a fool-proof procedure, to enable other less skilled users to perform a straight forward installation (and update), without needing an advanced qualification in obstetrics or similar.

    All this is to thank, praise and encourage the amazing effort the dedicated men and women in continuing to develop what I hope will ultimately be the complete user friendly operating system that unselfishly benefits ALL mankind.

    R dismounts utopia soap-box!!

  116. @ Serguei_V
    Yes Gnome 3 is a disaster, but you can use the Xfce or LXDE respin of Fedora 15, those work great!
    They can fit on a CD, no need for a DVD drive.
    And with the “autoplus” app, you can install flash, skype, multimediacodecs, etc.. with a single click of the mouse.

  117. Don’t like Unity, and was all ready to go to Mint 11 (Katya). After loading found that while it supported my HP J6480 wireless printer, it would not load the fax support for the printer. Tried to load drivers from the HPLIP source, only to find they don’t support anything past Mint 8. Mint 11 looks good, but until it suipports my printer & fax, it’s A NO GO.

  118. I managed to install Linux Mint Debian 201108 RC (Gnome). After the install, I did an update, installed Chromium and Postgresql 8.4. I then rebooted the system. During the bootup, i saw some message about not being able to mount filesystem or something like that. But it still managed to boot up to the GDM login screen. However, I can’t use the mouse or keyboard at all. Which means i can’t even log in. Has anybody else experienced this?

  119. Good job guys! Congratulations LMDE team and community!

    Complete accord with tdockery97 and ginjabunny (comments #2 and #16).
    I think a netinstall version will make the life easier (see the huge number of the updates between two successive releases).

  120. This Release Candidate does not run on a ThinPad R51. It either crashes after booting from DVD or when I try to install it. The hardware works fine (currently with Xubuntu) and is neither defective nor too old.

  121. Many Many thanks once again to Clem and the team

    Surely now the question needs to be asked. Does Linux Mint really need Ubuntu as its bedfellow anymore ?

  122. I’m trying to put VLC as default video player, but as I cannot make a graphical root login and the menu “open always this extension with this program” or at control center changing favorite programs do not work What can I do? Is it a bug? What is the command to open as root Control center?

    Wine – installed from PPA and with playonlinux – has no sound now, but it had at first install, I proved Spotify. I suposse is a wine bug.

  123. Installed Mint Debian Gnome 201108 64 bit with no issues. Newer Linux users would probably prefer not to have to manually partition.

    The installation finished in about 15 minutes recognizing all of my hardware including wireless. I installed the Nvidia proprietary drivers using the sgfxi script (a good number of Mint users will most likely appreciate the automated video driver install coming in the future).

    Because of garbled audio when playing some Flash content, I installed Flash 11 from the repositories and all is fine.

    Overall, I think this is a magnificent release. It is naturally intuitive, polished, and runs smoothly and fast. Thanks to Clem and the Mint team for an excellent job.

  124. I had managed to download XFCE 11.04 today but today’s good news had told me to wait. I’m glad that this project is upgrading and I hope that final version will be something what I expect.
    I’m tired of GNOME, it eats lot of RAM, especially Compiz.

  125. Today is a great day to have 100% pure Linux Mint without Ubuntu as the “middle man”. LMDE gives most of us plenty of hope now.

    Thanks Clem & Team Mint!

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