Linux Mint 11 – Preview

Linux Mint 11 – coming up May 2011

I received many emails and questions about Linux Mint 11, whether it was coming with Unity or Gnome 3, when it was going to come out and what should be expected from it… so, here’s a bit of information about our upcoming release.

ETA (Estimated time of arrival)

We’re on schedule.

Linux Mint 11 should have two releases:

  1. an RC release in the middle of the month
  2. a stable release by the end of May.

As always, we release “when ready” and we can delay a release if we’re not happy with its quality.

The Desktop

Linux Mint 11 comes with Gnome 2.32, the traditional Linux Mint desktop layout, mintMenu and the same desktop elements featured in previous releases.

Compiz is installed by default and so is fusion-icon, which lets you switch easily between Compiz and Metacity.

Software Selection

  • LibreOffice replaces as the default office suite.
  • Banshee replaces Rhythmbox as the default music player.
  • gThumb replaces F-Spot as the default photo application.
  • Gwibber is no longer installed by default.
  • padevchooser, paman, paprefs, pavumeter and pavucontrol are no longer installed by default.


  • The update manager is faster than before and comes with numerous bug fixes. It also features multiple UI improvements.
  • The deskstop settings tool is now desktop-agnostic and serves both generic settings (such as the ability to enable/disable fortunes in the terminal) and desktop settings specific to Gnome, KDE, Xfce..etc. In Xfce it will eventually replace mintconfig-xfce and mintdesktop-xfce.
  • The software manager looks much more polished. It loads marginally faster and now features a splash screen. Its templates were refined to give the user a much nicer browsing experience. The installation and removal of applications are now simulated before the application screen is shown, allowing the software manager to show precisely how much data is to be downloaded, how much space is required on the hard drive and exactly which packages are to be installed and/or removed.
  • Mint-x-theme comes with numerous improvements, bug fixes for Gimp, Banshee, Synaptic, Deluge and round radio buttons.
  • A new “apt download” command was introduced which downloads a .deb package locally along with all its dependencies.
  • Flash Square runs in native 64-bit while 32-bit users can choose between the stable 10.2 and beta 10.3 plugins and have both installed at the same time, easily switching between them using “update-alternatives”.
  • Firefox 4, Chromium and Opera come with an improved mint-search-addon plugin.

With the upstream changes in Unity and Gnome 3, some of the big Linux Mint projects (netdiscovery, restoration snapshots) were postponed and more time was given to ensure this release would feature a functional yet traditional desktop. In many ways, Linux Mint 11 feels like a more modern and more polished version of Linux Mint 10. In contrast with the many distributions adopting new interfaces, Linux Mint 11 will feature the best Gnome “2” desktop you’ve ever got to see.

Well, that’s what we’re aiming for anyway 🙂

Wish us luck and stay tuned for the RC release.


  1. Gnome 2.32 ??! I thought Gnome 3 was to be implemented – only without the Shell. Now if only Gnome 2.3 comes again I wonder if I could update to Gnome3+Shell at all 🙁

  2. Great News Clem!Indeed, I had my eyes peeled for the update here on the blog. It’s a great decision to stick with Gnome 2; wait for the ecosystem to be ironed out and then perhaps offer it up.

    I am seriously waiting for it.

    I think, it’s overdue to introduce some kind of a method to update the distro without re-installation. It is a pain to upgrade every 6 months; although back up tool replace everything; but this could be worked out and emphasized in the future releases. Just a suggestion! Cheers!

  3. Great! A polished and functional Linux Mint with Gnome 2 desktop is exactly what I am looking for. I spent years to find out how to setup my desktop the way I like and don’t want to end up in “design studies and functionality experiments”.

    Thanks for your excellent work!

  4. Sounds excellent to me – I like the replacement of Open Office with Libre Office – much better.
    Mint is very polished as it is, so I cant wait to try it out.
    keeping to gnome 2 is a good move, lots of people me included don’t want any radical changes, I’d rather just see good, solid enhancements to an already superb desktop.
    I’ve just come over from Ubuntu and I’m sure many will, making Mint the most popular distro before the year is out.

  5. You are right about your “release when ready”. Many problems today could be avoided if everyone do that.
    I also expected the amazing Gnome 3, but I understand that you need more time to implement it. So Gnome 2 i great also. And you do a great job in it.
    I’m looking forward to this release!
    Good luck.

  6. wow preview LM11, I think, LM11 use Gnome3,but for me, its no problem for LM11 use Gnome 2.3 . Its a simple to use for a newbie in linux world. Linux Mint : from freedom came elegance . Bravo Linux Mint Teams

  7. Is that the theme that will be used? The logo and the theme seems to be a step backward from LM10 (for me)…

    Great decision with sticking to GNOME 2!!! So happy! 😀

  8. Waiting with bated breath…..Stick with Gnome & hope LibreOffice will have more features than openoffice……Great stuff guys!!

  9. Many people were left with the distinct impression that Katya would have sported Gnome 3 with some sort of traditional desktop environment as stated in the past by Clement himself.

    Was it a misunderstanding or a last-minute change?

  10. “Gnome 2.32 ??! I thought Gnome 3 was to be implemented – only without the Shell. Now if only Gnome 2.3 comes again I wonder if I could update to Gnome3+Shell at all”

    I thought/heard this too. What happened to this plan Clem???

  11. I bet they will give up in the next version of Ubuntu (11.10).
    and I wanted a stable version of Debian 6 by you, guys.

  12. could you not just use apt-get -d to download packages without installing?
    looks good though.

  13. Sounds fine. I hope instantly you do not go with unity. Ubuntu do this with their latest version and it is a mess.


  14. In a way I was excited to have Gnome 3 on Mint 11, but I think Clem made the right decision. I hate both Unity and Gnome 3 panels, which would have made the Mint Menu difficult at best. The only way it could have worked is having AWN or similar dock with Mint Menu.

    Good decision. Not Unity, Not Gnome Shell, but pure Mint.

  15. >> padevchooser, paman, paprefs, pavumeter and pavucontrol are no longer installed by default.

    Can someone tell me why?

  16. Good luck! We’re fans of Ubuntu, but I’ve always admired the polished default look of Linux Mint. I think it is even better than Ubuntu’s default look. The MintMenu by far is a great menu app. Gotta love that! 🙂

  17. I’ve been running gnome 3 on OpenSUSE for a month and it’s not bad at all. I love change and an aesthetically pleasing gui. Gnome 3 is a like for me. Sad to see it not included.

  18. Great! Eventually I was attracted by Ubuntu decision to save Classic Desktop, but suddenly I found that they do not want to keep it in Ubuntu 11.10! I surely will try Mint 11 with hope they will go forward but carefully, not ignoring users who like stable Classic Desktop.

  19. Clem says: we release “when ready”

    Good! Take it from a long-time programmer, this is definitely the way to go
    (and a lesson that so many application and OS outfits still refuse to learn).
    The same goes for bug fixing and polishing: New features, new projects and
    new designs are great, but get your current base working well, then decide the best
    ways to change it.

    Thanks for doing things the smart way, Clem & Team. All the best in LM 11 and beyond.

  20. Looking forward to LM11 hoping to see the right mouse menu option to format USB Keys added back into LM11. Clem we are thankful to you and the rest of the LM11 team for improving on what is all ready a fine distro. Kindest regards.

  21. If you have Linux Mint 10, Install latest software, include the banshee, and the kernel 2.6.38 and change the wallpaper voilà you have Linux Mint 11.

  22. Wow. Sharp and clean GUI. I would also like to see a youtube video of this version in action. Can’t wait to upgrade.

  23. Great news, I hate Unity, I loved the pounding it got by The Linux Action Show on their review of the latest Ubuntu 🙂

  24. Great news!!
    But I’m right now happy with LM10 and not planning to update it.
    Not going for Unity and Gnome3 is a good decision. 😀

  25. Well, I’m really happy that Mint stays with the traditional look. I don’t like unity nor the Gnome 3 look. Thanks to the Mint developers that they really understood what people need more than canonical or gnome.

  26. Yeah, Gnome 2 is the right decision- I second that. I’m totally excited to see mint 11. However, I hope this time Mint will come with Gparted. It’s an obvious tool for formatting drives and it really should be packed with the distro.

  27. Ah, not going to lie I’m a bit disappointed by what sounds like an very incremental update as compared from prior versions since I started using Mint 7; more like 10.3.

    I was really hoping to try out some Gnome3, but I understand, and support, the decision to stay with Gnome2. It’ll totes bring more users to Mint, and it’s a more mature platform.

    But spending a couple hours migrating to Mint 11 doesn’t seem worth it given such a marginal update (and for whatever reason Mint 10 has given me a host of broadcom issues), and I’ve been using Win7 a lot for gaming recently so I think it’s time to drop some Fedora (to muck around with Gnome 3) down in place of Mint and make my Win7 partition bigger.

    Don’t get me wrong, Mint is great and I will totes be back, but here’s to Mint 12.

  28. Mint 10 was the first time I adopted Mint, and I haven’t looked back. Mint 10 was THE Linux distro that ultimately made my turn my dekstop into a full Linux desktop.
    I fully agree with sticking with Gnome 2.32 as it seems Gnome 3 is not yet ready.
    However, I wish you would give more prominence to Evolution (instead of Thunderbird) and Epiphany (instead of FF) as the defaults. TBird may be popular but its regressing in server side handling, and the memory footprint and speed of epiphany leaves FF in the dust. You can also try Zimbra as an optional mail handler. Its the only one that can access IMAP in Yahoo.
    Software like Evolution & Co need you to adopt them with enthusiasm, and being Gnome defaults, they have to be preferred.

  29. Thanks Clem! Looking forward to it. For those wanting Gnome 3, just install it after the fresh install.

  30. You got my vote! I tried Unity on Ubuntu 11.04, and hated it! I’m switching to Mint as soon as 11 is out!

  31. Using mint 10 now. Have tried other distros with the 2.6.38 kernel (including partedmagic 6.0) and my system does not like the new kernel. Some sort of regression with my intel graphics.

    So I’ll skip this release and hope that by the next release this regression will be fixed.

    Am having a ball with mint 10.

    Keep up the good work.

  32. New developments are always interesting and gThumb is a good choice. It’s my preferred photo application on Linux Mint Debian though I make use of Gimp and Shotwell too. I have been intending to try Libre Office for some time, intrigued by the dual nationality name 🙂

    I am really satisfied with Linux Mint Debian aut will give Mint 11 a
    whirl if the opportunity occurs.

    Keep up the great work, Team. That attention to detail is much appreciated.

  33. This announcement has brought my panicked distro shopping to an end. Great work and all the best!

  34. I know this may seem a bit radical, with the current trend of branching UI, would it be within the constraint of the Linux Mint team to improve Gnome 2? I mean why not make that faster instead of migrating to Gnome 3?

  35. What I want to see: 1) Stability above all else! Bugs are not a feature. 2) Compatibility with the widest range of desktops, laptops, video cards and wireless cards. 3) Installed codecs for all the latest video standards. 4) A continuity of UI design from one version to the next. I abandoned Windows for Linux after the stupid, radical UI change from XP to Vista. The auto companies make incremental stylistic and mechanical changes, but they don’t put the steering wheel in the trunk! 5) Everything else is secondary in importance. Focus on the basics, not the glitz.

  36. Good news. So pleased you’re sticking with Gnome. I’ve looked at Unity and don’t like it at all.

  37. Oh no, Banshee replacing Rhtyhmbox, yet another Mono application ! :’-(
    One of the first things I do after installing Mint (and most Gnome based distributions) is to remove Mono and its bunch of applications; if Linux Mint turns to be a Mono based distribution, I’ll have to remove almost the whole system to reinstall my favorite alternatives :-\ Too much work, I may switch to a KDE based distribution even if they don’t have a good music manager (and don’t mention Amarok or Clementine !)

  38. I wandered the Gnome3 to be implemented!!why another Gnome2?…It seems like another “update”,but not a upgrade. I’ve no idea what reason should I reinstall the 11’s edition instead of continuses using the 10’s edition.

  39. Canonical wants to dominate tablets, smartphones, not only that slice of pizza of %1, but I prefer Android for smartphones and tablets, but Mark Shuttleworth said in OMG! Ubuntu! prefers Iphone (mac fanboy).

    Ubuntu does not listen their users, Mint is available and listen to us sometimes and please don’t install fortunes, damn cow in terminal.


  41. Any chance of having a Unity/Gnome 3 based Mint in the future? I am currently using LMDE. Loving it except for the Network Manager issue.

  42. А что – gnome3 было слабо сделать? Как-то даже разочаровывает…

  43. I’ve been using Gnome 3 on my Arch box, and I’m really loving it! It does take some time to understand how to do some stuff, and I must say it quite bothered me at first… but once you get the hang of how things are handled, it can be a really comfortable desktop environment! I really like it, and I wouldn’t go back to Gnome 2.

    Anyways, I think it’s good that you keep Gnome 2 for now, as IMO Gnome 3 still needs some polishing for beginners. But maybe for the next mint release we could see Gnome 3 as the DE of choice, considering that fallback mode is almost exactly the same as Gnome 2 (but still not as customizable).

    Good luck with Mint 11! =D

  44. It’s a little sad to do not see Gnome 3 in Mint 11, but as everybody have said… If Gnome 2 perfectly works, at least it works for me, why should I change to a brand new software… I think I can wait to test Gnome 3 in the future. By the moment it’s ok.

    I totally agree about switching from OpenOffice to LibreOffice. But I love Rhythmbox… I’ll give a chance to Banshee, but probably I will be installing Rhythmbox again.

  45. At first, I questioned the lack of Gnome 3. After watching, viewing, and reading more about said garden decoration… I’m glad personally, and for the Mint dev team about the decision. In terms of functionality, it seems more like a tablet desktop… foreign. In terms of the new look, it’s not worth it. Win 7 is always going to have more of an eloquent feel. And besides comparing Gnome to KDE, there’s nothing for Gnome 3 to really be shooting for UI-wise, besides competing with 2.32… but that’s rather pointless. Time is there to perfect that.
    Poor Julia, I just installed it a week ago. Looks like it’s got a 30-day eviction notice.

  46. Perfect! I was waiting for Gnome3, now it is Gnome 2.3. So i was not so happy, in the first minutes, i read this. But when i look at unity on my Girlfriends Notebook, its not the Best, this unity thing. And she still uses Gnome. She can not use Mint, because there is no Sound. Hope, that she will do another turn, wenn Katya is out!

    Please give us fast the RC!!!! I can’t wait longer…. 😀

  47. Hi Guys

    I would like to see, Shotwell, Firefox-4, Googleearth, gnome-3, and LibreOffice.

    I have tried Ubuntu 11 04 its no good

  48. Will it use a new logo on Linux Mint 11? and I see the picture above its seem no green anymore.

    Hope you all the best and thanks for a great job Linux Mint team.

    Please send me a CD, cos I have a bad connection.

  49. Although it was originally stated that LM 11 would use Gnome 3 with a traditional Gnome desktop (oops, that one really got around the web) I also agree that this was the correct decision for the new release. I’ve been running Gnome 3 on Natty (The UGR installation) and it definitely was not ready to be released. Even in Fedora beta (RC2) it’s sadly lacking in features and stability that Gnome users have been used to over the years.

    Looking forward to testing the RC. Got a test partition all ready for it.

    On a side note, I really hope that the flagship edition of Linux Mint stays with the Ubuntu base even if it ends up using just the base binaries (like Puppy Linux) in the future. The Ubuntu based .deb packages may not be as common as cow pats like the Windows equivalent .exe’s but as far as ‘Linux For The Average User’ is concerned the Ubuntu .debs are rapidly becoming the standard.

    Also glad that Mint is sticking with Firefox and Thunderbird as defaults. If someone actually wants to use Epiphany and Evolution I’d probably be safe in assuming they know how to install them. And I won’t buy into that old argument about how “mono” is evil and should not be included and that only open source drivers and equivalents of Flash and Java should be used and so on and so forth. Linux Mint main edition is built and geared toward the average user so it needs to be as fully functional “out of the box” as possible. There are plenty of other distros out there that only include the best of open source software. Enough to satisfy all tastes and philosophies.

    A smart decision, Clem. Personally, I was wondering how you were going to pull off Gnome 3 with a traditional desktop. Didn’t seem possible at this stage of the game.

  50. I’m excited about this, too. You guys haven’t disappointed me yet over 2 years. This gives me just enough time to try out Unity and maybe one other distro, before returning to my favorite!

  51. Great News Staying with gnome2, Gnome3 and unity need to go straight out to the dustbin. At least you are listening to the users out here.
    Gnome 3 and unity are a bit like “The emporers new clothes”
    great news keep it up.

  52. At the end of the day, I’m a Linux newbie and I need a good stable Linux experience without too much of a hassle regarding program installation and such. An out of the box performance is what I’m looking for. Natty Narwhal was a bad experience for me. Julia was great and I hope that Katya won’t disappoint!

  53. Gnome 3 with traditional desktop doesn’t make sense. I’ve tested Gnome 3 shell for a week, it’s really interesting alternative to most desktop environments I’ve seen. It’s very different, which can be good, but – I think Mint team knows it well – it’s very, very unstable. It’s doesn’t work with FGLRX drivers at all. With open Radeon driver it works, but it’s not fast enough for everyday work. Mono doesn’t work (serious bug). Most OpenGL games don’t work. No configurable screen saver. Desktop configuration requires external tools and is very tricky. Older Gnome applications (almost all Gnome soft, including Firefox 4) will still use GTK2 engines, so… Since GTK3 themes are very raw yet, it won’t just look as expected. To make Gnome3 look consistent and not ugly I have to choose GTK3 and GTK2 engine separately, default choice looks quite poor, especially compared to great Mint Julia themes.

    Gnome 3 has really great potential, but is quite far from being ready yet. If you’re impatient as I am, shrink your Linux partition, make another one, install Ubuntu Natty, then Gnome 3 from PPA. Then follow WebUpd8 news, the best Gnome 3 info source I’ve found.

    If you wonder how Unity works – it’s quite similar to Gnome 3. It’s not as bad as most people say. It’s quite usable and looks nice. But again – it’s very unstable and incomplete now. The problem is people around the web say about “stable” Unity or “stable” Gnome 3 while there is no such thing yet. I would call them pre-alpha 🙂 Don’t judge them now, it’s the future 🙂

    And Katya… will be the greatest and most perfect Gnome 2.x desktop ever. There will be no Gnome 2.x distros next year. Katya will probably be the last one.

  54. Thanks. DO NOT implement Unity, not now, or in near future, and I’m back to Mint again.

    Stay on Ubuntu base, and drop all bloated sh.t from it, and it’s a winning formula.

  55. I like the desition of keep gnome 2 for this release, but i think that for Mint 12 you should include gnome 3. This six upcoming months will be the starting point to see how gnome 3 (and unity) evolve and make the desition to switch over it.
    I really like the idea of having an ubuntu based distro but using gnome 3 instead of unity. Makes some sort of character of its own, and allows the users to make a personal choice without sacrifice the whole OS.

    I only would like to see a bit of improvements on the compiz config. Gaussian blur, opacity, RGBA enabled, animations, shadows (with more radius… like 0.45) will make a huge improvement on the overall.

    Also Nautilus elementary, conky, docky. All of them catch the attention of whoever sees my notebook.

    Maybe you can include by default WebUpd8 PPA (appart from GetDeb and medibuntu), since includes a good selection of software and they’re very stable.

    Also… a clipboard manager will be very usefull. Like klipper. And there are 4 or 5 alternatives to choose, glipper, parcellite, etc, glipy, pastie.

    This the oportunity to get “the best Gnome “2″ desktop you’ve ever got to see”. But, to make that, in my opinion, you need do those (among others) small improvements, and include some small packages who makes some difference (p7zip, rar, preload, shutter, maybe the patched notifyosd, maybe xpad, Mplayer, or SMPlayer, or UMPlayer, if not vlc, MS fonts… a lot of people complains about how crappy looks some web pages).

    Just an opinion, keep it up!

  56. Hello Clem 🙂

    I have one question for you: it will be possible to install Mint 11 but WITHOUT GRUB2 (an option to choose not to install it). I have a system with GRUB1 and I dont want to change this.
    Thank you very much for all your work

  57. It looks really good. I really hope though that you stay away from Gnome 3 and Unity, especially Gnome 3. I just read a review which pretty much sums up Gnome 3 as being useless for getting work done. As there is no way to go back to Gnome 2 from 3, perhaps, as Microsoft have done with browser choice, you could build a distro which allows the user to choose their desktop when installing?

    I don’t know if that is possible or even desirable but if the reviews are correct, there is a great danger I would have to look elsewhere for a distro which does not make me happy.

    I have used Linux Mint since version 7 and have installed/recommended it to many users on all types of hardware. It goes without saying that one of the main reasons for the success of Mint is the stable and clean desktop environment which I have found to be extremely effective and productive and it installs on all kinds of hardware both old and new.

    This trend towards pretty looking but useless for working desktops is fine for some but let those users stick with Ubuntu or something else.

  58. This is exactly why I love Mint! Great decisions, guys! It’ll be a beautiful release!

  59. One thing I would heartily recommend for this release is ‘replacing’ the standard Mint-X icons with the Faenza ‘Mint-X-F’ icon theme. Not removing the standard Mint-X icon theme, just setting Mint-X-F as the default.

    These are especially made for Linux Mint and requires that the default Linux Mint-X icon theme to remain installed in order to work so the standard Mint icons will always be there to switch back to if the user wishes. I’ve been using the Mint-X-F icon theme in LM 10 and it gives it that extra polished look to it.

    Just a thought.

  60. Mint theme still needs much work. Also, the Mint search needs to go away. I won’t switch back to mint or donate until these problems are solved.

  61. Mint 9 is installed in my machine and will continue to be, until the next LTS release.
    But is hard to resit to the looks of that screenshot, pure beauty.
    I will install Mint 11 theme, if available, over my Mint9 (i did that with Mint-X Metal, though it doesnt look as in Mint 10)

    I have nothing against Gnome3 o Unity, but feel perfectly confortable with Mint customized 2.32.

    Congratulations to Mint team and thank you very much for your passionate work!

  62. I’ve been using Ubuntu nearly exclusively for years, since 4.? days. Last year I switched to Mint AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!! Of course I played with other distros, but IMHO Mint is the best overall for daily use on my desktop, laptop, and also my netbook computers. With Ubuntu switching to Unity I am SOOOOOO GRATEFUL that you guys will continue with gnome. I will play with Ubuntu 11 in virtualbox to see how unity works, but for daily productivity Mint is now my OS of choice. Forget about Windows & Mac, Linux really is superior, and Mint is the cream.

  63. I hope that Mint 11 KDE edition will be released not long afterwards. Just a small stability update of KDE 4.6, the switch to Libre Office and FF 4 would be enough, just to straighten the release cycles with the main edition a bit.

  64. Glad to see Gnome 2 in Mint 11, Unity and Gnome 3 are great eye-candy but not user friendly! I am looking forward to trying Mint 11 on a separate partition, but will stay with LMDE for my main OS. I have tried a lot of distros but for me the Mint editions can’t be beat!

  65. Well, good luck, waiting for Mint 12.
    But I think, a missed chance Mint to be recognized as innovating and special …
    One advice, no Gnome 3, no Unity ? Go XFCE ….

  66. this is why i like mint. a distro created by the people, for the people. that is the right spirit.
    i see that is really a community based and oriented and many of the community ideas are implemented and that is a reason why this distro has become smth fantastic and in my opinion the nr one distro.
    Clem i really hope and wish that despite all the changes that are happening right now in the open source community, you will keep this spirit and the originality that has characterized this distro. home developed tools like mint menu, mint update, mint software manager (copied with both hands without giving credit for that by ubuntu )are what makes it unique.
    keep going with the hard work and i am looking forward to a very polished release this time.

  67. I am looking forward to Mint 11 because I will probably be able to use it on all of my computers. I had to abandon it on my desktop computer because of frequent freezes. The mtbf was about 40 seconds for Mint 9 and about 30 minutes for Mint 10. I had the same problem with the corresponding versions of Ubuntu. I tried the first Ubuntu 11.04 beta and it didn’t freeze at all. That is probably an indication that I will be able to use Mint 11 on all of my computers. Yippee!!!

  68. I switched to Mint from Ubuntu, due to Gnome 3 and Unity, I did not like Classic with no effects any better; glad I can stay.

    I hope you will always stay with a Desktop that works for everyone, and not just change for change sake; I don’t mind Gnome 3 being an Option to install; but do not want it force fed on me like Ubuntu did; which by the way, I’m predicting it will push Mint into the number 3 spot, which will make Mint the most popular Linux Distribution; Good Job.

  69. Sweet! “Improving” on what’s already there. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Glad Mint remains one of the more functionality based distros out there.

  70. Disappointing… one reason why I switched to Mint was the announcement that it will use Gnome 3. I guess I will have to move to PinguyOS, Mint is nice but I really love Gnome 3.

  71. Thank you – I’m looking forward to the coming release weeks ago.
    It’s nice to see, that Unity is not installed by default. 🙂

    What I don’t understand is that Gnome 2.x still remains while communicating that the GUI will base uppon Gnome 3 without the Shell.

    All the other changes are really brilliant – I’ve always used gThumb, so this agrees with me a lot.

  72. Glad to hear that you dont use Unity, Gnome3 or such. Just playing around with them, but you cant do your work fast and properly because the bars are always hiding with slow fading times…
    Currently running Kubuntu 11.04 just to get a bit of feeling i had with Mint 10 – damn i changed my box to early 😀

  73. Looks great!

    What do you think of replacing the standard gnome bar at the bottom of the screen with a more convenient and prettier option like awn. It’s one of the first things I do after I install Linus Mint.
    Have a look:

  74. Maybe someone will roll a Mint 11 Gnome 3 edition? Seems like there is a radical enough difference between 2 and 3 to warrant a separate edition like there is for KDE and Xfce.

  75. Well… about the only bad news in there is LibreOffice!

    I’ve tried it on several recent distro’s and found that it’s not up to much – especialy on the database side. Now – that’s always been a problme anyway (needs far more development) – but when you can’t edit the forms properly.. or at all…… then there’s a big problem somewhere. I’ve tried searching for an answer and been dissappointed… so please – let’s keep OpenOffice in there – because it works!

  76. I must say I’m satisfied with the changelog. Unlike some here say, that Shotwell is fater than gThumb and stuff like that. No. No way. Maybe you folks have a stronger machine, but overall I’ve tested both and gThumb all the way. The same for Rhythmbox, seriously, there are by far better music players out there and Banhee is definitely a better addition. One of the first things I always did was uninstalling stuff like Rhythmbox and Shotwell, so this time you made things a lot more easier for me, and some of us sharing my opinion.

    Overall, you guys take your time. When things’re rushed, mistakes happen, always.

  77. Great news as i dont like Unity. about gnome3 i cannot say much, only i always was a gnome man :). Clementine is a nice music player, i never liked Rhythembox – in all the years they never managed to handle cue sheets.

    Will switch back from Ubuntu to Linux Mint will new release. Thanks for ur work.

    One wish remains though: Can you not add other payment methods than PayPal? Check out UKash, Paysafe.flattr for example. REASON: One needs to give all information to Paypal completely otherwise those dummies lock one account.

  78. I’m happy with this changelog. New to Linux Mint, getting away from Unity and still didn’t decided to gnome 3, everyday I think I did a good decision coming to Linux Mint.

  79. I hope to see more rolling distributions. Me, my wife and my 4 year old son are all using Mint 10 KDE, and we love it!!! Tks to all involved in the project!!!

  80. hi together,

    I also can’t really wait to have hands on LinuxMint 11. And I can also agree, that it was a good and right decision, to listen to the users, that recommend not to implement Unity or even Gnome 3 (Gnome-Shell) in the next release of LinuxMint. Perhaps somewhen in future, when Gnome-Shell will have become more stable and with Compiz included (yes, for me, Compiz is badly needed in Gnome-Shell!!), I will switch over to Gnome 3. But it was right, not to implement Unity. Unity-dekstop not only looks awful, it is also way to unstable and buggy for productive everyday-use. I personnally would not recommend it.

    But what I do not understand is, that rhythmbox will be replaced by banshee. Please, not more of this terrible mono-programs. Rhisthmobx is better than this terrible banshee!!! And it is also true, that shotwell seems to be better then gthumb!! But what is way-better than gthumb and shotwell together, is Picasa. OK, Picasa is from Google, who is well-known for its data-collecting. But: Picasa has – in my eyes the way-best features to work with fotos. And what may not be mising in all Mint-distros is Gimp!! Gimp is essential for doing artwork!! But what I would greet is, that gtk3 will be implemented in LinuxMint 11 together with usb3. Because the new hardware, which enters the market, already uses the new usb3-standard. I already experienced this on some hardware on my fathers box (he has Windows 7 with usb 3). His problem was, that his WLAN-Card is no longer detected by the usb3-ports. Yes, his machine already uses usb3.0. So he had to buy a new one. But these new ones are still rare on the market. And today, I also had to buy a new one for my second stationary machine, which also has LinuxMint 11 on it. But it is switched off at the moment, because the DVD-drive is defective (the new one is already here). But I have terrible problems in removing the old one.

    So I hope, that usb3 will be implemented in LinuxMint 11. And please: make Compiz available in Gnome 3!! Compiz together with Emerald is a “must-have”. Emerald looks so much nicer than Metacity!! Please make this possible!!

  81. Vive La Linux Mint.

    Vive La différence.

    Vive La Francais

    Jeux de vie!

    Thank You Linux Mint Team for creating these continuous works of art, I really admire and appreciate your work!
    Leave it to the French and Italians to design and create. Huh?

  82. 11 pcs Mint installed with all 10 women who had their first personal computer and adptação is immediate and they do not know what the other (Redmond) exist. Congratulations for good work, Clement and his team.

    saudações a todos.

  83. First, thanks for the Mint it is a great distributive.

    I have a technical question – you use Python for your GTK applications. Would it be better to use Vala language instead?

    Vala compiles to native code – it is faster and requires less RAM.

  84. Banshee…..Novell…..Microsoft. I see where this is heading. I’m now confident that my move from Mint to Debian Squeeze was a wise one.

  85. One of the things I have always loved about Mint is its stability, and I am glad to see that is not going to change. I think it was a very wise decision to stay with Gnome 2, and suspect that the new Mint will attract a lot of users who are dissatisfied with the new Ubuntu.

    Also, good to see that progression of software, as always. Libreoffice has been much better in my experience, and Firefox 4 is just awesome. And if the Mint search Add-on is better, that would be great too.

    As for Banshee… meh. Probably simpler to follow Ubuntu when it does not prove to be annoying for most users, I guess. Personally, I prefer Audacious and think it would make a great default. But I guess a lot of people like Banshee.

    No matter what, really looking forward to this, can’t wait until there are some more pictures and/or videos. It looks like, in sharp contrast to Ubuntu, this will be the most stable Mint yet.

  86. ok guys the look and feel of linux mint is dramatically improved especially with Julia, but to me the main, bottom panel still looks kind of cheep, too flat, anonymous, too much windows 2000 in a 2010 desktop.
    i dont know if i am the only one. from the screenshot above i can see that even for Katya it will be the same. i was hoping that the guys at mint would have improved it

  87. Banshee? I agree get rid of rhythmbox bloat, but banshee is not my choice. How about something sleek, fast, and easy like Audacious?

    Otherwise great choices! Consider Audacious instead of Banshee. Please consider it!!

  88. What about the release of LMDE with restricted drivers manager?

    I prefer LMDE, but it needs this app for easy drivers installation.


  89. I’m sorta surprised by all the negative responses this has gotten. I’ve been looking forward to the Linux Mint 11 release for a while now and am excited to be able to fire up the RC here in a couple weeks or so. Definitely appreciate the moderate approach you guys take and the reasonable changes you implement.

    I’ve written up a news article for any that care to hear my take on Linux Mint 11 / Gnome 2.32:


  90. On Libre Office – why WOULDN’T Mint switch, folks? the future of Open Office is questionable (at best), while the sky is the limit for Libre Office, which is already quite good.

    And Banshee – why? I have not used it, and know nothing about it, but I am very comfortable with Rhythmbox.

    Gnome 3 – what I have seen looks horrible. Convince me it works and I’ll try it. Until then, another good choice to stick with Gnome 2.

    Looking forward to the next release, as always, though my main system runs LMDE (staying that way – LOVE it) and my home game/desktop/server are still on Mint 9 (probably switching to 11 in a month).

  91. No Gnome 3 even if it was a trimmed down panel? This release seems like a step back for Linux Mint as a whole and in return can regress the importance and acceptance of this Ubuntu derivative. Definitely a pass.

    Don’t expect reviews to be nice on this release especially when many are considering Gnome 3 and Unity to be revolutionizing the Linux desktop.

  92. I can hardly wait – especially as I have been having a devil of a time trying to install version 10 on a free partition of my Samsung Netbook. Hopefully, it’ll be less problematic with version 11.

  93. Oh yeah! Anyway you can check out Dolphin performance for this release? It’s pretty much the only thing keeping me dual booting to Windows. (Dolphin is a cross platform Wii and Gamecube Emulator)

  94. I too was looking forward to the gnome3 classic. I feel good having the latest software. From what I have tested gnome3 can handle itself quite well, and fixed many crazy problems I have had with linux. This decision is ok though. I will install the new Linux Mint hoping that it will be the best Gnome 2 desktop I have ever seen. Show us what you can do!

  95. Happy to know about the LinuxMint 11. Will I be able to upgrade my LinuxMint 10 or will a fresh install be required for the new version ? Please someone advise. Tried Ubuntu 11.04 but was disappointed, 10.10 is a lot better.
    Thanks in advance.

  96. Why not come with Gnome 3 ? I bet everybody is expecting to see Linux
    Mint 11 with Gnome 3 . What’s more, I think a brand new theme would be better…I don’t quite like the current theme. I don’t know what other people think, whether feeling fancy or unpleased, but to me , I’m a little bit disappointed actually. Anyway, I love Linux and Linux Mint. No matter what you decide to do with the new release, I will respect your decision and keep mint as my main system. Love it.

  97. No Gnome3??ohhh
    To me i dont like the default mintx theme..i hope it will change in Mint11..:(
    so disappointed..and no Gnome3..!
    I love mint very this realease i think its a polished version of Mint10..!

  98. Yes!!! Gnome 2.32 classic!!!
    I hate Unity and gnome-shell!!!
    My favorite music players: DeadBeef and Audacious. And QMMP, a QT based player with DSP!!! Beoutiful sound!!!

  99. Linux mint (Main) must switch to debian stable other than ubuntu. It would be a great release! Any ways…… my most favourite distro gets better and bettter!

  100. Guys, 6 months, and only 10 minor fixes?
    Where GNOME 3? Mint 11 is a LTS? In any case, try to add the ability to install and use Gnome 3. Because at the moment Linux Mint 11 looks like Windows XP compared to Ubuntu, Open Suse and Fedora 🙂

  101. I noticed on Distro Watch that the Ubuntu page hits went very high since Unity’s release, it’s and are now dropping, also Mints page hits are soaring up, which tells me there might be quite a few jumping the good ship Ubuntu and jioning Mint.
    Well done to the Mint team.

  102. I don’t blame you for releasing with gnome 2x, I’ve tried Ubuntu 11.04 and it’s plauged with so many bugs that I have to class it as unusable and in an alpha state.

  103. Hi, i agree with the gnome 2.32 decision. i loved gnome 2 since i tryed it on 2007 and im sad that it is goin to be the last release of this wm. I think, on a production machine its better to keep something that works great and its well known instead of something new, and that its on first release. we will have time to meet gnome 3, let it grow and get used to it ( i tried gnome3 with fedora for a month, loved it not fedora. i tried gnome 3 and suse for a month, havent liked them both. Unity is not for me. kde4 is good but i dont get any feelings with it (i tried it on arch, chakra wich still be on my disk, kubuntu, suse; arch and chakra are great distro bytheway)

    great news, i would like to see mono-cli and its apps “like banshee” banned totaly from the installation. anyway I still have that fantastic apt-get purge command.

    my congratulations with mint team, you are making a great linux distro, my favourite one.

  104. The decision to stay with the old Gnome is great, there’s no need to change stable software to pre-mature unstable one. For now Gnome 3 is just inferior to Gnome 2.

  105. Gnome 3 is unstable and to get final normal version – need time.
    So position team Linux mint I understand.

    You must full finish Linux Mint in this version. You have time.

    New style? Interested 🙂 Will see.

    Cant wait to install this stuff! 🙂

  106. I think you are not able to distribute a modified version of Opera browser…

    Please let me know if this is not the case.

  107. Some of this year I am comfortable using Linux Mint. I hope Linux Mint could still use the old desktop, because the more comfortable I use. Can you explain how Linux Mint for remastering can I share with my friends, after I add other apps? Because since Linux Mint 9, I could not use Remastersys to remaster Linux Mint. Please send remastering tutorials Linux Mint to my email address.

    Thank you. Hopefully, Linux Mint will always grow and thrive.

  108. Clem, You announced a while ago that Mint 11 would have Gnome 3 with Gnome-panel. Now the decision has changed? That’s cool…. but you didn’t mention any reasons why you changed your mind? Can you fill us in on why Gnome 2xx was chosen over Gnome 3? Was their problems with it running gnome-panel?


  109. Gnome 3 hasn’t crashed or bugged out while I tested it on Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE. I think leaving it out of Mint 11 is a bad thing, but then again I will install it anyways.

  110. hoping for the LM11 release. tried Gnome3 on LM10 and hated it but why not trying a dual release LM10-Gnome 2.3 and another running an experimental 3.0 release for tests (so a final LM12 UI can be decided

  111. mint mint mint …………mint changed my life along with all my friends here and the details you provided above is just yummie…………can not wait …………just can not wait
    and now catia
    all my girlfriends are envy

  112. I am a newbie and started with mint 9. I heard Gnome3 was having problems so I was getting ready to try a new flavor of Linux.
    Cant wait to try the stable version of Mint 11. I have become a fan of Linux as soon as I tried 9 . Thank You

  113. You are right about your “release when ready”. Many problems today could be avoided if everyone do that.
    I also expected the amazing Gnome 3, but I understand that you need more time to implement it. So Gnome 2 i great also. And you do a great job in it.
    I am happy.
    I’m looking forward to this release!

  114. HEY, IT’S ALL OK if you have to stick with gnome 2, BUT DO SOMETHING WITH THAT UGLY MINT X THEME. IS realy flat looking like windows 98 ;/

  115. Great news. So happy that you stick to Gnome 2.32!!!
    Thanks a lot for your brilliant work….

  116. I agree, gThumb is a good addition. And like other people I also use Audacious and QMMP for mp3 and flac playback. I feel safe with keeping Gnome 2.

  117. Why bother about default applications? if you don’t like the default then uninstall it and install the one you want, no? so what’s the big complaints about banshee and co??
    I personally don’t like/need banshee, rhythmbox, gimp, shotwell, firefox and so many other DEFAULT application, and long for an empty distro instead or lite as they call it..

    Good job Clem!

  118. Just a clarification here:

    “GNOME 3” does not equal “Gnome Shell.”

    GNOME 3 is a desktop and application framework built around GTK+3 and related technologies.

    Gnome Shell is a desktop window manager/shell that uses Mutter and Clutter to render decorations and effects. Since Gnome Shell uses Mutter and Clutter to do compositing and interface with OpenGL, it is very, very doubtful that it will *ever* be compatible with Compiz.

    On the Ubuntu/Canonical side, Unity (3D/OpenGL accelerated version) is a desktop window manager/shell implemented as a Compiz plugin, and is built around GTK+2 and GTK+3, and makes use of many GNOME 3 technologies. Unity 2D (non-accelerated version for graphics hardware with no present OpenGL acceleration support) is being developed around the Qt framework used by KDE SC 4.x, and will likely use Metacity for window decoration and management.

    What I am hoping for is a version of Linux Mint that migrates as much as possible to the GTK+3/GNOME 3 framework (because it is much cleaner and more consistent than the mish-mash that GTK+2 has become), retains Compiz for desktop effects and window management, and still retains the multi-panel/multi-panel-applet and desktop customisation flexibility of GNOME 2.3x.

  119. I like what you decided. I tried GNOME 3 and I was very disappointed. It has many flaws and still not ready for mainstream. Unity also isn’t on my list. I tried Ubuntu 11.04 and I’m still not ready to move on. Good luck with this release. I’m waiting for it.

  120. Sounds great… but like ever i have to wait much longer to get LM KDE 😀 but hey it’s a pleasant suprise, that you won’t use Unity, neither Gnome 3.

  121. I was waiting for this release with Gnome 3.0. That’s sad. But if it will be available in the repositories … good.
    My distribution was, and really WAS. I don’t like the changes they’ve done since 9.10 and definetely I don’t like Unity.

  122. I think would be good a suse version of linux mint.
    but i like mint very much, I’m user since Helena.
    good work

  123. great! i like the decision to stick with gnome2. unity and gnome3 look very bad and they feel very bad. i have rsi-syndrom and have to save every click. under theseaspects gnome2 is heavenly. please stick to it!

  124. I’ve always used Rhithmbox… but yesterday I tried Banshee, just to see what is coming… but… Banshee doesn’t plays music from external drives, so I just removed it… and I’l do the same thing when I install LM11

  125. I was so disappointed with Ubuntu’s move to Unity that I switched to Linux Mint 10. Delighted to hear that LM11 is sticking with the Gnome desktop. I also like that you don’t feel bound by release deadlines, and instead release when ready. Good work!

  126. Great news! 🙂

    How about these ideas?

    1. Make mintInstall and mintUpdate sort packages by size (from small to big) and download in that order. Yum does that and the download performs better with unstable networks.

    2. At install, automatically set the closest mirror (based on country selection) for updates when an internet connection is available and the mirror responds properly.

    3. In the welcome splash after install place links to the following apps:

    – gnome-appearance-properties (theme chooser)
    – gnome-session-properties
    – gnome-default-applications-properties
    – nautilus-file-management-properties
    – services-admin

  127. i must say that linux mint is the best linux distribution i’ve ever found on the internet…
    i’ve try ubuntu many times before get to mint, its much2 easier to understand and to use without must to get extra codecs…

    thanks to mint team, can’t wait for the next release…

    cheers from Indonesia

  128. Mint 11 sounds nice…except it’s Ubuntu.

    Mint 11 Debian Edition, now that’s what I want to hear

    When is the next Debian Edition?

  129. Hello!!
    Anyone knows when the news of 12 will be available for Linux Mint XFCE (debian)?
    I`m thinking installing it now, because it is rolling realise, but i`m afraid if the changes of the 12 will install perfectly…
    Any advices?

  130. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 and its buggy as hell, I HATE Unity And I don’t like that the dock can’t be on the bottom. I use Ubuntu 11.04 gnome classic for now but as soon this Mint version is released I switch. I can’t wait, after years of using Ubuntu. (and before KDE3/SuSE)

    *what are the thinking when the make the decision to push Unity?? %&##&$*

  131. Clem,

    Thanks for your unbelievable product. It has change my life, especially my relationship with computers.

    My one suggestion: Add a Web Browser designed around PRIVACY.

    Chrome is famous for invading user’s privacy. However, there is a European developer who created “SWare IRON” – All speed of Google Chrome without sacrificing any of the user’s PRIVACY!

    Here’s a Review from

    # SRWare Iron: “Looks and acts almost exactly like Google Chrome, but without sending any information back to Google’s servers. Amazingly fast at loading pages, minimalist interface, with impressive features such as an Incognito Mode for privacy.”

    COMPARISON: Chrome vs Iron

    Comparison of Iron and Chrome at privacy:
    [NOTE: For easier reading, “a)” = CHROME; “b)” = SWare Iron ]

    Problem # 1: Installation-ID

    a) Chrome
    A copy of Google Chrome includes a generated installation number which will be sent to Google after the installation and the first usage. It gets deleted when Chrome checks first time for updates.If Chrome is received as part of a promotional campaign, it may generate a unique promotion number which is sent to Google on the first run and first use of Google Chrome.

    b) Iron: Problem does not exist in Iron

    PROBLEM # 2: Suggest

    a) CHROME: Depending on the configuration, each time you put something in the address line,this information is sent to Google to provide suggestions.

    b) does not exist in Iron

    PROBLEM # 3: Alternate Error Pages

    a) CHROME: Depending on the configuration, if you have typed a false address in the address bar, this is sent to Google and you get an error message from Google’s servers.

    b) does not exist in Iron

    PROBLEM # 3: Error Reporting

    a) CHROME: Depending on the configuration, details about crashes or failures are sent Google’s servers.

    b) does not exist in Iron

    PROBLEM # 4: RLZ-Tracking

    a) CHROME: This Chrome-function transmits information in encoded form to Google, for example, when and where Chrome has been downloaded.

    b) does not exist in Iron

    PROBLEM # 5: Google Updater

    a) Chrome installs a updater, which loads at every Windows in background.

    b) does not exist in Iron

    PROBLEM #5: URL-Tracker

    a) CHROME: Calls depending on the configuration five seconds after launch the Google homepage opens in background

    b) does not exist in Iron


    PROBLEM #6: Adblocker

    a) Chrome doesn’t have an built-in adblocker

    b) Iron has an easy to use and built-in adblocker which can be configured by a single file

    PROBLEM # 7: User-Agent

    a) The User-Agent in Chrome is only be changeable with parameters over a link or command, which isn’t really ideal for permanent usage.

    b) The User-Agent in Iron can be flexible and permanently changed by UA.ini.

    PROBLEM # 8: Preview-Thumbs
    a) Chrome only has 8 preview thumbs on the “NewTab”-Page

    b) Iron offers you 12 preview-thumbs to make the most of the available space on your monitor

  132. a great feature would be in MintBackup would be an update before every new release that creates a backup of everything in such a way that perfectly mixes with the next release. I would love a small total backup, and maybe a easy tool to “restore from Linux Mint [insert previous number here] to Linux Mint [current number]”. Really the speed of linux distros is amazing, but a more fluid way to keepup is needed.

  133. Absolutely Brilliant! To get LibreOffice AND Firefox4 is too much *I am using the RC version of Firefox4 on the experimental console – well actually its SUSE11.4 with Gnome3, Libreoffice and Firefox 4 and it is superb there though it doesn’t have the demuxers that Mint has – but one can’t have everything! (yes I know the full version of Firefox4 is already out – but I’ve been using firefox 4 since it came out in RC – and it is really rad – though not as rad as Google Chrome) But hey! we are going to get Firefox4, Chrome and Opera to choose between and chrome is a lot faster and more invisible (privately) when you want it to be. It was a wise decision to iron out the problems with Gnome3 before releasing it with everything you plan to include with it that is unique to LinuxMint. Power to your elbow sir! Hugo

  134. Mint-X theme is really ugly in shading and colors, pls. polish it enough like latest equinox themes. Or Bright+Gray like OSx theme. 🙂

  135. WARNING: Big BUG on Ubuntu 11.04,

    Aspire ONE netbooks lost wireless connection.
    HOPE Mint can notice the problem and avoid it, as it is recent.

    I’m still using netbook edition with some friends, Mint on desktops (naturally), and we all go the same problem now. (I noticed an upgrade referencing “card” just before losing wireless connection. However could not find it with synaptic.

    Feedback Notes:
    – This bug was copied to late ubuntu 10.10 upgrades dating around April,28. So I got it too.
    – To help finding the culprit: Those who have windows in a partition can make it work by booting from windows first, them a reboot (no power off)- So that the wireless card can connect.
    – This is a connection problem, as near emitters are found correctly.
    – Using wicd, connection fails with bad handshake, also in non protected connections. Local (AspireOne) is not identified.

    Since Ubuntu WAS the most complete hardware distro for Aspire One users… and possibly other Netbooks, Mint is now the last hope.

    Will try Mint XFCE tonight.
    Hope someone sees this and transmits to Mint developers.

    Tried to warn Ubuntu, for several days BEFORE this happened around day 28 (11.04 RC was the first to fail). Only posted LATER at 2 IRC channels… with no result.

    Thank you for Mint being more opened to users…
    Someone will see this.

  136. o.O i need wait more time ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    mmmmmm that be hard 😀 i hope all going well on your work, thanks for Mint is great!!
    Sorry for my englush:(
    think in green 😀

  137. I love Mint. The UI and polished appearance set it apart. Incredible work!

    As for Mint 11, I’m thrilled to hear it’s coming so soon. Fight on.

  138. Seeing as Mint 11 will be based on Ubuntu 11.04 I will be sticking with Mint 9 LTS which I know to be stable

  139. Mint is doing itself no favors sticking with Ubuntu. Its high time for a complete breakaway and concentrate solely on LMDE

  140. Thank you Clem. Mint is my favourite Linux distribution and I’m looking forward to Mint 11.

  141. One small request:

    Can we please have the “Windows 7 Snap” feature installed by defult

    I have look at several ways to do this on Mint and have never been successful

    This feature is a necessity after I tried it on Windows 7, sadly enough thats the only thing windows has going for it now a days

  142. Good news!
    Gnome 2 is the best choice! Stable and lightweight! Nice!
    What I lack in Linux Mint 10 is the wireless driver for D-Link DWA 125. OpenS*SE developers have already included it, but LM doesn’t support D-Link so far. My attemps to compile the driver failed, I’m not a programmer.
    And one more sad thing is that Gparted crashes in LM 10.
    Looking forward to LM 11.

  143. Thank you Mint team. Once again you are delivering what I expected from you. Great decision to present a stable system.
    ~ mint fan

  144. Sounds good!
    It would be great if during the installation the user could select “advanced” and then choose which software to install. I love rhythmbox and dislike banshee, so it would be great if I could decide during install.

  145. Someone will see the above message but it may need to be pointed out.
    Maybe by you, to help Mint to avoid the glitch. Tank you.

  146. For all of you that wonder why Libre Office instead of Open Office. Since Oracle bought out Sun Microsystems last year, Oracle has been slowly pulling away from the open source community whereas Sun was happy to be involved with the open source community. Oracle was invited to help guide and oversee the open source community that headed up Solaris 10 (I think) and they flat refused the invite. Apparently they just are in it ‘for the money’ (sound familiar like Windows?) and they don’t wish to support or contribute towards the open source community. Since Open Office 3.2 was the last version released by Oracle/Sun and they’ve taken this about-face, some of the people involved with Open Office ‘abandoned ship’ from Oracle and set-up with the Document Foundation (again, I think) and added all the updates and bug-fixes that Sun was kind of foot-dragging on with Open Office (was behind a year in this stuff) and all those things were added into Libre Office 3.3 (which would’ve been Open Office 3.3 if Oracle hadn’t been greedy). So, I think Libre Office will be a much better open office standard to follow than Open Office (since Open Office will no longer have new releases and updates…) By the way, I’m a newbie from Ubuntu to Linux Mint and I think what the Linux Mint Team has done is GREAT!! I just have to learn more about Linux Mint as an OS and I’ll just be happy as a clam!! I wish Windows was as easy to do things with like Linux is….

  147. Real happy to see that you’re staying with Gnome 2, but changing to Libre Office. I’ve been a Mint user since 7 and haven’t looked back. I have tried Unity and Gnome 3 – NOT liking either at all!

    Thanks Clem!!!

  148. great work clem. Ability to upgrade to the new distribution from the live cd would be great addition to the features.

  149. Glad to hear about the changes and that Gnome Shell and Unity are not default. I’m also glad to hear about the changes in the software manager because that was one of the things I have noticed being different compared to some of the other distros. I actually like it better than the others (set-up wise) but I thought it was funny when I seen some of the file sizes being so small. I recently switched to Linux Mint from Ubuntu in case anyone was wondering and Linux Mint seems to run smoother on my laptop compared to Ubuntu; not to mention recently my WiFi adapter quit working right with Ubuntu what caused it I don’t know but I was only getting about half the speed of Dial-up for whatever reason.

  150. 我可是非常的期待呀,我用linuxmint-10,觉得太好使了,而且画面特效实在是太好了。

  151. @unclatino: I see no point of adding such forked browser to the already jam-packed browser world repository. Besides, you can use Firefox with its ‘Private Browsing’ feature if you’re really that paranoid or install other privacy addons if that maybe the case.

  152. Congrats on the forthcoming release and thanks for the preview and the continued commitment to a most excellent distro by the dev team 🙂

    I’ve been testing Gnome 3 on Fedora and I must say that prefer it over Unity. I would also like to add that the use of the silver color on the desktop is a little hard on the eyes. The last thing I want to do when installing a new distro is to have to start changing themes and backgrounds. Looking forward to the final release!

  153. Maybe the optimized selections has been done with this version. I was waiting for long. I’m happy with the features and suggestions that has been accepted. waiting like mad for the new stable release.
    Especially the choice of Fortune messages for terminal through GUI and locally downloadable thing is something is was waiting for long…

    Excellent Job!! Hats offf……….

  154. I have used mint 10, gnome and KDE. They convinced me to commit to Linux.

    I have used Ubuntu 11.04 and they have released an incomplete distro. Many bugs, problems and limited support. An example is acpi, I have had to add acpi_osi= to grub in order to boot, never had any issue with Mint. I understand their thought in moving to Unity but this was done too quickly and without enough testing and development so I support your choice in staying with gnome 2.3.

    Out of interest what kernel will you ship with?
    How does the software manager compare with Ubuntu 11’s? Will it have similar functionality?

    More importantly, I cannot wait. Looking forward to MINT 11!!!!

  155. Yee, you do all right! The classic mint desktop experience is much more better than the new alpha desktops used by ubuntu etc. … !

    I will switch from ubuntu 10.10 to mint 11, cause it seems that the developers of mint think the way I do!!!

    Great Job!

  156. Please please release a ‘LM11 Gnome3’ version. I have been using gnome3; i feel that it has excellent features and has an awesome look.

  157. I think the Linux Mint community should change from Ubuntu to Debian rolling. I have been using it for over 6 month without issue. It is by far the fastest usable distro. Great idea Mint guys you rock LMDE rocks. Forget Ubuntu it is in the past now.

  158. That’s good news I was wondering when LM 11 was going to be released. I’m sure it will up to par with previous versions and better than the last. I am happy you decided not to use Unity it reminds me of some of the netbook remixes that are out. I us LM on my netbook with only a few issues because of the small screen.

    Thanks for all your hard work on LM and I will be watching for the preview in couple of weeks.

  159. LibreOffice instead of OOo. excellent step.
    Banshee instead of Rhythmbox. doesn’t mean much to me.
    Gnome 2 instead of Gnome 3?? this i can’t really understand. I moved from Ubuntu because of the Unity shell which i can’t stand but Gnome3 shell was superb i use it now on Mint 10. It was the reason i could convince some friends to convert to Linux from Windows because of this live, fluid and modern desktop. Now you guys are sticking to Gnome 2.32???? No. This is really “backward”.I thought people will flock from Ubuntu to Mint because of Unity to find out that Mint users will flock from Mint too!!!
    My options: moving to OpenSuse or Fedora and definately Gnome3.
    Thanks for this lovely experience with Mint. See you all!

  160. Hello!!
    Anyone knows when the news of LM 11 will be available for Linux Mint XFCE (debian)?
    I`m thinking installing it now, because it is rolling realise, but i`m afraid if the changes of the 11 will install perfectly…
    Any advices????????????? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  161. Ok! Mint Fans! I have come to linuxmint debian xfce from ubuntu. I’ve used ubuntu since release 6 and was faithful and true. With Unity forget it, its over! Game Over! I’ve been using this release since the day it was made public and have been using it ever since. Simply wonderful. Though I’m very new to mint distro’s thank you, thank you so much for listening to your user base. I hope mint users will never, never have to go through what we did with our leadership. We never had a voice.

  162. No Gnome 3 ?

    Ok… Bye Bye Mint !

    I’m sorry for this bad new because Mint was nice… But there are others distro, and they have Gnome 3…

    Sorry Clem !

  163. Great news! Glad you guys aren’t doing the Unity desktop. I’ll be updating the GNOME version on my laptop and the LXDE version on my netbook. Keep up the great work guys! 😀

  164. @All the people complaining about Mint 11 not using Gnome 3:
    If you want a distro with all the latest releases and mainly all the latest bugs, go to Ubuntu. They can’t do good for everyone, and it’s no good asking for a “Gnome 3” version, just wait patiently, ’cause if do do decide to make a “Gnome 3” version then you can start to complain that releases are going too slow and that the release is full of bugs.
    It’s a great decision to stick with Gnome 2, as Gnome 3 has still got a lot of bugs. It’s better to wait until most of the bugs have been fixed. Personally I don’t like the switch form Rhythmbox to Banshee, just like a lot of people don’t like the switch from to LibreOffice and the fact that Gnome 3 has not been packed with Mint 11 yet. Don’t like Banshee? sudo aptitude purge banshee && sudo aptitude install rhythmbox. Don’t like LibreOffice? sudo apt-get purge libreoffice* && sudo apt-get install openoffice*. Want Gnome 3? Find a repo and run sudo aptitude install gnome3. Simple as that.

  165. just installed mint. really liking it and the whole community thing. came from ubuntustudio. have not tried any audio yet. looking forward to updating my new mint :). no more smelly breath :p

  166. Yes! Three cheers for going with polished stability over the wishful thinking experimentation we now see in Unity and the Gnome 3 shell. My gut feeling is that Shuttleworth has shot himself in the foot with the new Ubuntu release, it will not be enthusiastically embraced, and this will allow Linux Mint to ultimately ascend to the top spot in As for Gnome 3, well, I haven’t tried it long enough to give it a fair evaluation, but as of now I’m not too keen on it.
    Linux Mint…..11th floor….. elevator going up!

  167. I agree with Clem, lets play safe, I downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 as a curiosity and I don’t see Unity as any advantage at all for beginners or regular users at this point. Gnome 3 has to many bugs and is not mature yet for daily use. If you guys likes variety and beauty try Linux Mint KDE, it’s what I’m using 99% of the time and is getting better and better on every release.

    Linux Mint Really Rocks!

  168. Excellent! I like the looks of Unity, but I find it difficult to use. Possibly because when I played with Ubuntu 11.04, a bunch of icons are missing, making it VERY difficult to get to certain settings (and I tweak my computer like crazy). But I am a fan of the classic layout. I hope there’s an easy, clean update path to Gnome 3 so I can try it and roll it back if I don’t like it.

    Thank you, Linux Mint! I like the compatibility of Ubuntu (no other distribution I’ve tried makes it easy to properly use some of my hardware), but I can’t stand some of the changes they’ve been making recently. Pushing Ubuntu One and Ubuntu Music Store all the time, and making it impossible to remove them without breaking security updates… Canonical is turning Ubuntu into adware! Also, they make the UI less and less usable to power users with each new release. Sure, Joe Shmoe may not have a use for Archive manager, but for power users, the only way to open Archive manager is to either memorise the executable name, create your own shortcut (which is a pain in Unity), or to open an existing archive. Also, each time I go to run an app, Ubuntu’s Unity tries to advertise a bunch of other apps I have no interest in, with no obvious way to hide these suggestions. Half the apps I installed that install menu items don’t show up in Unity, or at least not immediately. So thank you, Linux Mint, for taking the things Ubuntu does well, and ditching the junk they force on you.

  169. I am actually getting fed up with new releases every 6 months, I would much prefer a more polished upgrade with the latest security fixes, bug fixes etc, rather than having to do a complete install with no really proper installation upgrade path. why not work on a way to install a new the current system first. then do a full proper upgrade installation every 2 years or even every 12 months, this is one of the things that I think are preventing windows users from switching to linux as I am sure that are afraid of the complications. really Linux mint doesnt have to be a sheep and follow everyone else. what I think seems to be happening is that all the developers are concentrating on the latest and greatest system and the problems that they are bringing rather than using their artistic talents of innovation. I am fed up with spending 3 months of year finding and fixing all the broken systems, such as the wireless, printing and other peripheral add ons with every new release. of course not everyone will agree with me, but when you run a business sometimes less is more.

  170. Good Call!
    I’ve checked out both unity and Gnome 3 and I wasn’t looking fwd to either change. Besides, I think my family would start a rebellion.
    I’m the old fart, who likes to try new things, but my family is old school… go figure!
    The change would be too dramatic at this point. (I just got them off windowsXP a few months ago).

  171. After spending time with the new Ubuntu 11.04 Unity as well as Gnome 3 in Fedora, and finding them terribly lacking it far too many areas to even attempt to innumerate, the only thing left to say is what huge disappointments Unity and Gnome 3 have been so far.

    Judging from comments from a broad spectrum of frustrated long time Ubuntu users, a great many are looking to jump ship. Linux Mint 11, the renowned “Ubuntu Done Right” distro, is positioned to be a primary destination for a huge number who’ve decided that Ubuntu as gone too far too fast in trying to push what is essentially an early beta version of Unity down users throats.

    The only thing left to say is let’s do everything we can to help insure that Linux Mint 11, with its highly polished classic Gnome 2 desktop and world famous Mint fit and finish, is supported and encourage in every meaningful way. That will assure that Clem and the Mint Team will have what they need to “get it right” for years to come, something we all can agree is vitally important.


    ive used both unity and gnome shell they are both buggy (its freaking annoying when your desktop crashes while you are working) gnome 2 is the way to go until unity/gnome shell becomes more stable

    eagerly waiting for for mint 11 🙂

  173. Hi Mint is my favorite distro and it will remain so forever one suggestion for the photo app please consider Shotwell instead of gThumb
    Shotwell is more modern and much faster and I am not sure if Banshee is any better than Rhythumbox?
    take care and wish you all the best

  174. I’m a Mint user for a week now (Linux Mint 10). I used Ubuntu for many years but i absolutely hate their new ‘unity’ garbage. OK, i switched to Ubuntu Classic so i didn’t had to look at those exaggerated graphics of ‘unity’, but i’m afraid that within 6 months they will not use Gnome any more. So i searched for another distro and i must say: wow! Linux Mint is really what i like.
    It’s great that Mint keeps Gnome 2 for the time being, and i do hope that they will keep Gnome all the way. Please no unity or whatever fancy looking but user-unfriendly stuff. At the end of the month i absolutely shall upgrade to version 11.
    Keep on the good work.

    From Flanders/Belgium

  175. whatever Gnome 2 or Gnome 3 or Unity, I always vote for Linux Mint for it’s simplicity. All runtimes and media codecs installed without re-downloaded. Just install and use it. Because in my country Indonesia, permanent and fast internet connection just like a dream. That’s why Linux Mint is my favorite for playing any media and internet browsing without any additional downloads. (sorry if my english is bad)

  176. I am a Mint user for about 4 months now (home and work), Linux 8 was my hook, and Mint 10 Gnome is a SPOT ON. The only thing I am interested in new versions if OS is bug fixes, hardware compatibilities in my case (Intel graphics cards), usability, stability and new ability to “candy eye” the interface 🙂 …

    Default applications like “LibreOffice or OpenOffic” is not relevant to me, that is something that you can install by choice.

    Looking forward to Mint 11

  177. Also with LM 11 must include drivers for Atheros AR81XX family by default both for wireless and wired connections

  178. Thank you developers.

    Mint Linux has been my main desktop OS since 4.0 version and I can’t wait to see the newest version.

    I would like to ask for a few favors:

    Please have a look at the installer. Ubuntu 11.04 has a bug that crashes the installer when there is partition that Ubuntu cannot mount. I have FreeBSD partition and the installer tries to mount it (to try to migrate settings / data / whatever) and crashes. Could you please have an option in installer that says “do not try to import settings from other Operating Systems on this computer”? I like to reinstall and start with a clean slate anyway.

    Please try to set your “improved search-plugin-addon” so that it would return the same result as in vanilla configuration. Please test it with searches such as:
    123 ukrainian money in usd — this should return sum in dollars directly as a first result)
    (1.49*1.05) eur/liter in dollars/gallon
    time bangkok — this should return current time in Bangkok, Thailand as a first result
    Those are just small examples where plain Google returns different results than sponsored “Mint Google” page.

  179. I made the switch from Windows to Linux with Ubuntu but something was missing. My first reaction to Mint was WOW !

    I have been a Mint user since Mint 9.

  180. Installed Mint 11 last night and it was the easiest/smoothest install I have ever had. My wireless driver worked right out of the box since it was bundled with the kernel. It is so elegant and just works. I love that ff 4 comes with it and I really like libreoffice as well. You have knocked it out of the park with this one Clem. Excellent, just excellent;)

  181. I was just about to do a reinstall of Mint KDE. Think I will postpone and try Mint 11. I am excited!

  182. Rhythymbox no sera por defecto en Linux Mint 11 mas??? Por que? Porque Banshee se ve mejor que rhythmbox o que? 🙁 Yo quiero Rhythmbox porque es mejor… Banshee is a very big SH*T! 🙁

  183. Great way to capitalize on the Natty flop. Based on this description, it looks like you will be picking up another Ubuntu refugee 😉 I also hope that the Gnome bunch is also keeping track on the rising popularity of Mint and the reasons behind it. They went a bit overboard with 3. At least you guys are going in the right direction. Looking forward to giving 11 a test-drive!

  184. Thank you for the update. My little Linux community are probably going to move from Natty to Mint 11. We want to give Unity a chance, but are rapidly deciding that what is good for touch screens with limited applications, screen size and resources, is rubbish for computers where you want to be able to use multiple programs on multiple desktops. It is somewhere between awkward and unworkable.

    It looks like Mint 11 is going to be our light at the end of the tunnel. Nice to know roughly how far away that is.

  185. I look forward for this one.. about the whole unity/gnome3/gnome-shell [in]compatibility with compiz thing… i have managed to setup a very productive yet eyecandy desktop, and Gnome-shell simply blows in comparison. I havent tested Unity but for what ive read, it wont really do the job (based on my currrent results) any thoughts..?


  186. Disappointing for me. I didn’t quite like the look and feel of LM10 itself. Now I don’t see much of change in the appearance for 11. I guess, I will move on to Ubuntu 11.04. I am not craving for Gnome 3 but I definitely am bored with current appearance of gnome 2 and LM10.

  187. I wonder if LM11 will have a LTS like Linux Mint 9. I’m using LM9 instead of 10, cauz its way faster for my lap. But I’m curious about LM11.


  188. @Andrew:
    There is no Release Candidate yet. This is just a look into what will be the main changes.

  189. This is my problem now whith mint 10 and take back to version 9 linux mint.

    WARNING: Big BUG on Ubuntu 11.04,

    lost wireless connection.

    HOPE Mint can notice the problem and avoid it, as it is recent.

  190. Just by looking at the list of distro’s, and going by the pattern, it looks like we may not have an LTS until 2013

  191. Gnome 3 is not yet ready; one may note that after KDE 4 (major rewrite with ‘plasma’) was released it took 2 years to get it reasonable stable and it is still somewhat buggy. I suspect the same time frame for Gnome 3.

    Also – will the floppy drive please work? There are some who still use them !!!!

  192. Just want to tell example from business world, old and respected companies fight for their clients trust and this tactic is never failed. Gnome 3 (with their experimental toy shell) and Unity (generally the same thing, just based on Gnome 2) are both quite buggy, revolutionary… but disregarding to their old clients opinion. Mint 11 made some right reasonable decision about Gnome 2 and Classical Desktop and will get great amount of users, that are thrown out by Canonical (me — one of them). More important is their correct direction, because future expectation of Gnome move or Canonical frustrates many of Linux community (my opinion). Ubuntu did well about hardware drivers and bringing some fancy staff to biggest Debian repository, but for now Mint will rule if they will keep their direction: stability, freedom to chose whatever desktop people like (including compiz, emerald, awn, docky and other good things based on solid classical Gnome 2). Just curious, what next year will bring to Linux community? Is Mint 11 will be latest release that is clean from this kind of Gnome 3, Unity staff?

  193. Indeed, Linux Mint is becoming better and better and better.
    You really take care of your users and you listen what users wants.
    Good work….no: great work!! 😉

  194. I have one question. When Ubuntu 11.10 is release (October time) what’s Linux Mint going to do? Go to Gnome 3 or keep up their own Gnome 2.xx repositories? Or how are they going to do that? I love Gnome 3, but it’s not ready yet for the Ubuntu side, it keeps breaking, from the PPAs we use.

    Either way I’m switching to Mint for now =D

  195. I’m looking forward to testing Mint 11 as ive been a fan for years. However as with previous releases we still cant install to a raid array ( or LVM ), and i need my raid-1.
    Its obvious with the time spent on mint-menu that this release had to stay with gnome-classic which is good for all my linux-newbie friends that are on mint. I hated Unity during the alpha’s but i find it brilliant now ( especially on my laptop where the extra pixel saving is welcome ). I think Mint could have released a better Unity.

    Will mint 11 have zeitgeist? I imagine mint-menu could integrate easily Anyway i came here looking for a download link 🙁

  196. I hope there is going to be a new Logo for Mint, and also, change that ugly plymouth theme, which basically just copied the ugly ubuntu theme and change the background and logo. Otherwise, I will just stick with Elementary OS. I have a feeling that this time, mint is going to beat Ubuntu on popularity, cheers guys.

  197. “As always, we release “when ready” and we can delay a release if we’re not happy with its quality.”
    I like it!!! 😀

  198. “In contrast with the many distributions adopting new interfaces, Linux Mint 11 will feature the best Gnome “2″ desktop you’ve ever got to see.”

    A damn nice, direct, supportable and appreciated aim. Thanks for thinking this way. I appreciate it! (and I am sure others do too)

    Notes on this.
    Unity and Gnome 3 ‘SEEM’ to be interfaces taking lessons from a touch screen/tablet esque philosophy. They both lack any real customising features (not a strong point in Gnome2, but these seem to offer less) – and also, seemingly built without any care about what people want. Yes, I am sure people welcome easier ways of doing work. Thats fine.

    But take a look at Linux history in the desktop area. The wide and deep and long ‘customisation’ is one of the features people loved about the linux desktop. It has many shortcomings as a desktop (these are widely talked about, windows app compatability and all the rest) – but stripping out customisation is not something that makes a better plattform. It may sell tablets, it might move handsets, but its not going to be a reason why people move to Linux.

    Taking a look around the web, my view on this is something like people would like a cleaner – easier to use desktop, with good features, and they would also like it to be customisable. Imagine if someone came along and simnply stated they were going to remove compiz because it just did not fit in with their sterile, dour, tedious and limited outlook for the desktop.

    Contrary to some people’s current mentality, people might want a simple, clean ‘Unity’ desktop or tablet or handset in the beginning if they are new to it. But boy will it be a stale place if it lacks all customisation and ends up being a locked down tedious drab and uncustomisable place to suffer long term within. After a few months, people will be desperate to get something of a more interesting place to spend their time. And we do spend time in that place, even if some peopole would like us to stop.

    I tried out some other desktop window/managers too, and I have to say how disappointing it all is. The new stuff – Gnome 3 and Unity bear no relation to what I feel I like. And the alternatives are a bit like Gnome 2 – they work, but have limits and have been around for a while. KDE has a menu system that wants to use as much screen as possible, and has grown more ‘branded’ and less customisable over time. And its menu’s are dire. Everytme I give it a try – I hate it. Everyone has seemingly decided that large buttons, radio buttons, toolbars and menu bars, and stupid menu’s are the way to go.

    And by stupid menu’s – a note to all the UI and menu designers. I like to move around menu’s. Try to make it easy. Some of you seem to think you should create a maze menu system, or better yet, let us choose a child option and remove the parent menu from the screen (whoever ever designs that to happen needs to die, seriously). Oh you’d like to go back, yes you can, just click the first menu button again and navigate back to here. *Arggggggghhh!*

    I can’t really believe that in 2011, whats on the table is this grim. But thats where it is.

  199. The Faenza icons are not yet updated, I am gonna get the low quality sound tray icon + strange networkmanager tray icon + old fashioned sound icon in Mintmenu. Please update the Mint menu and Update the GTK theme to give the distro a standard look.

    Pls. note these down before Release. I’ve tried the Mint-11-RC version but still not satisfied with theme and looks 🙁 the Speed and stability is awesome.

    Hope these will be taken care, Mint Dev’s !

  200. Please fix the battery-status indicator applet. Ubuntu-11.04 battery does not show percentage only says battery is charged or says ESTIMATING 🙁 . Pls. fix this, it is most common bug for ubuntu users.

  201. I am writing this from Linux-mint-11 RC. I have not seen any plymouth theme till now in my 3 reboots. Is it removed. The ubuntu plymouth theme is fixed in 11.04. Please used Linux Mint standard logo for plymouth theme background and logo.

    Plymouth theme is Crown of the OS !! 🙂

    I guess mint developers are now into designing new blazing mint Plymouth theme.

  202. I just installed the Mint 11 RC on my macbook pro 6,2 and I have no sound, It works on Ubuntu 11.04 and earlier and shows up in alsa mixer but all pulseaudio will show is a Dummy Audio device and digital audio device the latter does me no good because i don’t have a digital receiver nor do I need or want one

  203. @ AdmV0rl0n

    I agree with your comments. I’m coming back to Mint after a couple of years away. I actually use my desktop for “work”. I have been using Unity since it was released and the short comings I see are that: 1) very limited configurability (though this might changed in 11.10) I miss my favourite applets. 2) Extra key strokes required to achieve simple tasks 3) Open windows that vanish 4) What is the difference between the launcher and having icons on the desktop???? I’ve tried to use it and have lived with it since its release, but at the moment it is indeed the Vista of Ubuntu.

    It is a wise decision to hold off moving to Unity Even the so called “classic” desktop offered lacks the ability to be configured the same as Gnome 2.xx.


  204. # padevchooser, paman, paprefs, pavumeter and pavucontrol are no longer installed by default.

    So does that mean you’re stripping out that Pulse-Audio garbage as well… About time to… 🙂

  205. The best thing you can do: Make Linux Mint as easy to use as possible.

    Develop a “simplified mode” if you must. Non-Linux people hate words like ‘terminal’ and ‘root’.

    Linux still scares away some people,and that’s a shame because Windows sucks and Linux doesn’t.

  206. Iv’e used Ubuntu since Hoary Hedgehog. So Iv’e been a bit of a fanboy. Then along came Not So Natty Narwhal. Major Fail. I then gave it a run on KDE but not really for me. Its currently running on Classic.

    Linux Mint 10 has 8 minutes left to download. I’m then backing up and installing.

    Thanks Ubuntu you’ve been amazing, but for me Unity blows. Gnome3 might be worth a look in 12 months time, but for now Mint offers everything I need and want.

    7 minutes left……

  207. your RC version is better than others released version! I am running it on my desktop and it flies! another great job from the Linux Mint Crew!

  208. After try the live CD, was going to install to HD, but it seems
    there is no option for install WITHOUT installing GRUB.
    Don’t like to delete my prev GRUB install with six OS’s ..
    Any chance in the final release ?

  209. Did the mintmenu was update?? I saw there were serious problem with the wine in mintmenu.. Hope there will be an update to open wine application using mintmenu.. or esle, we need to use gnome default menu..

  210. what about the kde version? had it been gnome 3, i would have downloaded it but now looking forward to the kde version. will it be released at the same time as gnome version?

  211. Hii!! I’m going to be a newbie at Linux Mint soon, since Ubuntu 11.04 (I don’t like Unity at all, as some other people) and doesn’t works as I like.

    A question, why Tomboy?, Gnote is faster, and they are the same. I love the other changes, they are great! (No Gwibber, LibreOffice, Banshee etc…)

    The only doubt is, LM Debian, or LM Katya?….I’ll try them…but I’m sure I’m not going to be under Ubuntu Unity…


  212. I am trying out mint11 and I find it beautiful and easy to learn. Unity desktop, to me, is harder and often frustrating. I see no need for it personally. It might be nice to have an easy switch between desktops inside a single OS, if the were possible. I love to experiment and experience different approaches so that would be fantastic if full featured desktops could exist in an single base OS so that you could switch from one to another without separate installs. I do believe that it isn’t as important to change desktops as it is to make more programs workable in linux. Most end users just want things to “work” and if they are coming from a windows pc experience they might want to know if what they enjoyed doing before they can still do with a linux distro. Applying the genius of the mint team to these issues is at least partially what was done with mint11. Pulling in teams that are working on issues of making what is possible in windows, also possible in linux, might be wise because if they worked in the same team as an OS team then everything could be integrated very nicely and made user friendly, perhaps more user friendly than windows has been. Yet, those who love linux love choice and aren’t afraid of small challenges, and Mint11 even in RC has answered this aspect beautifully.

  213. Personally, I’m very glad you’re staying loyal to Gnome for Mint 11. I couldn’t run the Unity desktop on our ex-XP machine. That’s why I switched over from Ubuntu. Having made the change, I don’t regret it at all. Mint as is a great-looking and highly functional distribution that grows on you the more you use it.

    Thanks for keeping this ‘steam-driven’ old Evesham going strong!

  214. I still think your line-up for the 11th reincarnation of Mint is a good choice. Libre-Office is something to look forward to and as I’ve been using Firefox4 already, I think its cool. Not sure if Unity will take off elsewhere as it is not working with some machines and creating some major problems. I don’t know enough about Gnome 3 other than my early forays within the system – but it seems to be good. I suppose the hard test will be whether it works with most other machinese that are around today and whether it will be good for Linux Mint! Well that’s my opinion for now… 😀

  215. Hi Mint team,My Dad got me to using Ubuntu but neither of us were satisfied,then he found Linux Mint 9.10 and we started running that,then Mint 10. I have learned lots about Linux and Linux Mint,I love it and so does my Dad. I have downloaded the Linux Mint 11-rc,this is a great system and everything works,it found the new drivers for my printer scanner and the scanner works,the G-force nvidia graphics works better with Mint 11 than with Mint 10,Daddy says Linux is the only way to go and I believe him,thanks guys,you do a great job

  216. I shall change from Ubuntu 11.04 to Linux Mint 11, because Mint will stay on Gnome 2. Unity is not so fast and in many cases troublesome. Good luck for Mint 11.

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