The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela” KDE.

Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela KDE Edition
Linux Mint 17.2 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.
New features at a glance:
- Software Sources
- Update Manager
- Login Screen
- Better support for UEFI, NVIDIA and Optimus cards
- System Improvements
- Artwork Improvements
- Other Improvements
- Main Components
- LTS Strategy
For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 17.2 KDE“.
Important info:
The release notes provide important information about:
To be aware of issues and read about explanations and possible solutions related to this release, visit: “Release Notes for Linux Mint 17.2 KDE”
System requirements:
- 10GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
- Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
- DVD drive or USB port.
- The 64-bit ISO can boot with BIOS or UEFI.
- The 32-bit ISO can only boot with BIOS.
- The 64-bit ISO is recommend for all modern computers (Almost all computers sold in the last 10 years are equipped with 64-bit processors).
Upgrade instructions:
- If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17.2 RC, simply launch the Update Manager and install any Level 1 update available.
- If you want to upgrade from Linux Mint 17 or Linux Mint 17.1, please follow the instructions at
Md5 sum:
- 32-bit: 4dc4bde699e8cc723a0300cea2e26fa7
- 64-bit: 9d702816f8180bcab94d8c1fde317af7
- Signed sha256 signatures
HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:
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- China University of Science and Technology of China Linux User Group
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- Czech Republic Ignum, s.r.o.
- Czech Republic UPC Ceska republika
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- France
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- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
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- Sweden Academic Computer Club, Umea University
- Sweden DF – Computer Society at Lund University
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- United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service
- USA Advanced Network Computing Lab at the University of Hawaii
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- USA James Madison University
- USA Linux Freedom
- USA MetroCast Cablevision
- USA Nexcess
- USA Team Cymru
- USA University of Oklahoma
- USA US Internet
- USA XMission Internet
HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:
- Argentina Xfree
- Australia AARNet
- Australia iiNet
- Australia Internode
- Australia RackCentral
- Australia Western Australian Internet Association
- Australia Yes Optus Mirror
- Austria Goodie Domain Service
- Bangladesh dhakaCom Limited
- Belarus ByFly
- Belgium Solutions
- Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana
- Bulgaria Telepoint
- Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
- China Qiming College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- China University of Science and Technology of China Linux User Group
- Colombia EDATEL
- Czech Republic CZ.NIC
- Czech Republic Ignum, s.r.o.
- Czech Republic UPC Ceska republika
- Ecuador CEDIA
- Ecuador CEDIA Ecuador
- France
- France
- France Gwendal Le Bihan
- France IRCAM
- France Ordimatic
- Germany Artfiles
- Germany Copahost
- Germany FH Aachen
- Germany Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Germany GWDG
- Germany Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Germany NetCologne GmbH
- Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
- Greece National Technical University of Athens
- Greece University of Crete
- Greenland Tele Greenland
- Iceland Siminn hf
- Indonesia Jaran.undip
- Ireland HEAnet
- Israel Israel Internet Association
- Italy GARR
- Kazakhstan Neolabs
- Latvia University of Latvia
- Luxembourg root S.A.
- Netherlands NLUUG
- Netherlands Triple IT
- New Zealand University of Canterbury
- New Zealand Xnet
- Philippines RISE
- Poland ICM – University of Warsaw
- Poland Piotrkosoft
- Poland Polish Telecom
- Portugal Universidade do Porto
- Romania ServerHost
- Russia Yandex Team
- Serbia University of Kragujevac
- Singapore NUS – School of Computing – SigLabs
- Slovakia Energotel
- Slovakia Rainside
- South Africa Internet Solutions
- South Africa University of Free State
- South Korea KAIST
- South Korea NeowizGames corp
- Spain Oficina de Software Libre do Cixug
- Sri Lanka Lanka Education and Research Network
- Sweden Academic Computer Club, Umea University
- Sweden DF – Computer Society at Lund University
- Sweden Portlane
- Switzerland SWITCH
- Taiwan NCHC
- Taiwan TamKang University
- Taiwan Yuan Ze University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Turkey Linux Kullanicilari Dernegi
- United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting
- United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service
- USA Advanced Network Computing Lab at the University of Hawaii
- USA Department of CS at Utah State University
- USA Go-Parts
- USA James Madison University
- USA Linux Freedom
- USA MetroCast Cablevision
- USA Nexcess
- USA Team Cymru
- USA University of Oklahoma
- USA US Internet
- USA XMission Internet
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!
Why no Plasma 5?
I Upgraded to this new release through the update manager from Linuxmint 17.1 KDE And the results are in Linuxmint 17.2 KDE Edition Is Just as good if not better than 17.1 KDE
Fantastic Job Linuxmint Team you continue to outdo yourselves every time one minor bug this should not be an issue for those who are going to do a fresh install Here is the bug i think it is cosmetic
go into the MDM Login Manager and click about and click about MDM
and it says 1.0 not 2.0 like it should this is an issue only for those who have Upgraded though the update manager as far as I know
other than that there are no bugs as far as I can tell
Hernan KDE Plasma 5 is not going to come until Linuxmint 18
the reason why this is Is because everything for KDE 4 has not been ported to KDE 5 yet In 2016 Probably December Of that year Linuxmint 18 KDE Will be Released With KDE Plasma 5 as the default desktop
Thanks for NOT including Plasma 5. In other distros that I have tried is remains too unstable at this time and I prefer 4.14 over it greatly.Kudos and thumbs up to the LinuxMint Team for this wise decision.
Shawn Plasma desktop will never be 100% based on Frameworks 5 just like we never had KDE 4 desktop fully based on kde4 library. There’s KNode which is KDE 3 based works well in KDE4 and Plasma 5.
I’d suggest changing “Almost all computers sold in the last 10 years are equipped with 64-bit processors” to “the last 8 years”.
Intel’s Core 2 architecture didn’t start shipping in bulk until 2007.
Good choice, KDE 4 remain the better release
KDE 5 is missing features, its been crippled, it has bugs. Its a total re-write of many applications. KDE 4 works great and its been out long enough to have its issues fixed. You want a stable, fast functioning KDE desktop that looks great, Mint is a perfect choice.
I was interested in this until I found out it was based on KDE 4. Plasma 5 works great — smooth, stable, fast functioning and fewer bugs than 4. Been using Plasma 5 in Kubuntu and can’t see going back to KDE 4. As far as I’m concerned, Plasma 5 is the better release, but obviously YMMV. Looking forward to Linuxmint 18..
Very nice! Thanks
I’m happy to see a new, long-term supported distro release with KDE4 and 32-bit images. This could be an interesting option for one or two older systems I manage. I’m an openSUSE user for more than a decade and have toyed with a couple of other distros on occasions, but the next openSUSE (Leap) release will likely be dropping 32-bit support. I’m also wary of moving to Plasma 5 too soon given the number of additional KDE utilities, some of them obscure, that I rely on.
I downloaded 17.2 mate but now i really want to work with kde edition and uninstall mate desktop is there any way with apt-get to do this??
can you help me in this way please???
Hi thank you for your jod, i wish please your isos files in zsync for my internet connection is very slow. thanks
Unlike some, I’m glad this release doesn’t include Plasma 5. I’ve tried KaOS and Kubuntu 15.04 with Plasma 5, and I have issues with it crashing pretty regularly on both. I don’t think it’s quite ready for full time use yet. So, thanks to the team for letting it “mature” a bit. KDE 4 works great for me. I’m going to download this and replace my Kubuntu 15.04 installation with it.
@Mohammad: You can install kde-plasma-desktop from mint repos. You will have two desktops environments (which is not bad at all!). However you must install kde-config-gtk-style to have the possibility to get MATE and KDE with the same look.It is a little bit more to work than the fresh kde installation.
Mozilla Firefox can’t run after i do the upgrade to linux mint kde 17.2 rafaela
Why there is no link in India ?
I’ve always had problems with FF on all KDE distros. That’s one of the main reasons I use the standard Cinnamon version of Mint. It just works. Also like how the super key works as expected out of the box. Plasma is nice looking but it’d be nice if all these developers joined forces a bit and worked on 1 desktop.
No reason KDE couldn’t be a Cinnamon theme (with advancements made to Cinnamon), and retain the KDE apps, act like the independent DE environment it is.
But just to have 1 underlying desktop that was the codebase everyone was improving, we probably wouldn’t have weird issues like FF failing to start in KDE today. Both Cinnamon and Plasma would benefit.
After upgrade my system not started. I have to restart (hard) a few times before the system starts.
I thought about graphic card driver, but then I understand that this is due to the new core.
If I stay with the old core, everything works well.
I couldn’t find and solves in the forum.
Where should I send this issue?
Thanks for sticking to Plasma 4.
From what I have witnessed, the 5 version is not ready for production at all. It keeps freezing and icons do not properly resize in the panel (I like to have the panel on the right-hand side, vertically). And a couple of other issues. Tested with Kubuntu and Netrunner. Moreover, the only pretty thing about it is the splash screen. Compared to what Mint ships, Plasma 5 on those distributions is actually ugly in my view.
I very much hope that Mint KDE Plasma 4 will be available also beyond 2019.
Add my voice to “thanks for NOT including KDE5”. I’ve tried it and quickly ran back to KDE4.x because so many things in 5 were “my way or the highway”. At the very least please give us a choice, when the time comes. Thanks!
I’ve been hearing about Linux for the last few years and often wondered who are its core users? Only highly knowledgeable IT persons?
Can someone with zero tech know how and whose only User exposure to OS has been Dos, then Windows can install Linux?
I’m currently using Win 8.1 64 bit on an All-In-One Dell Inspiron 2350 touch screen machine. Microsoft has gotten to my last nerve and I’ve had it with Windows.
Can I use this new Linux OS on my machine and how and what would I need to install it?
@22 – the specs for the machine are certainly good enough. LM 17 Cinnamon supports touch screen – I haven’t tried it with KDE, but it should work fine.
If you’re thinking of Linux, LM is certainly one of the easiest to install, and it will please many Windows converts.
Do you depend on Photoshop? iTunes?? Microsoft Office??? There are substitutes in LM and Linux, but be prepared for some learning, and some “missing” functionality.
LinuxWhat?? (#22), Linux Mint is the most drop in ready Linux there is. There is a good chance that LM will work on your system without a hiccup but there’s a chance that some of your hardware may not work as advertised until you tweak your software. Don’t worry though as there is a lot of friendly people with the knowledge and willingness to help if you just raise a flag.
I wish I could get with you one on one to sort out your best options. I was once in your shoes and now I’m completely MS free.
Linux Mint Team
Do you can add to repository latest version rkhunter 1.4.2 and chkrootkit 0.50?
@brad -I’m glad to hear there is hope for me. I’m not 100% dependent on MS. I have a useful knowledge of LibreOffice, GIMP, Inkscape and Calibre -my forever bookmaster :). I would be totally willing to replace ADE and Adobe Acrobat with whatever is best compatible with Linux. Any suggestions for those 2?
my gratitude.
@Levi -When you say ‘tweak’ the software, how do you mean? would it be possible for you to email me then?
@LinuxWhat??, by tweaking Levi means adjusting the default settings that ship for the software.
As for support, I would recommend that you create a forum account and ask for your problems there, so that others in a similar situation as you can benefit from the threads. Better still, if and when you face a problem, first search for the problem on the forums or search engines yourself, it is highly likely that you’ll find a readily available answer.
@26 – ADE = Adobe Book Reader?
If so, try Calibre (I noticed that you mentioned it in your post). I just installed it, and added Moby-Dick to my library from a backup of my mobile device. I had no problems reading it, although I would prefer using a mobile device for reading.
As far as Acrobat (PDF reading?) is concerned, almost all Linux distros come with a PDF reader by “default”. If you need to annotate and edit, Libre Office Draw works in many situations, and there are probably more solutions out there.
@LinuxWhat?? – By tweaking I mean you may have to manually check and change your settings. Additionally, you may need to change your kernel or kernel modules to get things to work right. DON’T PANIC!
Setting changes are as straight forward as simply going to the appropriate app under system tools/admin/Preferences menus.
Kernel changes are simple with Mint as well. For modules, just use Synaptic. For the kernel itself you can change that via the update manager. This is pretty well automated and can be done even by a novice user. Reading the documentation on this website and the forums will give you all the instructions you will need.
I am not an IT guy or even really a power user. I just read, ask questions, and follow the instructions. If you’ve ever installed windows to a new system then you’ll find installing LM refreshingly easy.
As for accessing files such as .pdf, .mobi, and .epub LM has several options. Just enter the file type in the search field in Synaptic and a list of packages associated with handling it. Some will be readers, some will be authoring programs, and some will be libraries to support the format. Read the descriptions and select the program that sounds right for you. Try them all and un-install the ones you choose not to use.
IMHO the best distribution with KDE.
@ Anonymous Penguin#28, @brad#29, @Levi#30, @urgo#31
I am very grateful for all your suggestions. I feel less ‘Linux illiterate’ already; I’m learning. I will check in with the forums as well to suss out KDE and Synaptic.
much gratitude.
Dolphin freeze ups for cut/copy and move dates. In some cases freeze the entire desktop.
I was really disappointed that this distro did not have the new kde 5 desktop but after trying Kubuntu, Kaos and Fedora with kde 5, I think that the Mint team did the right thing to go with a more stable kde edition (4). This is my workhorse right now.Thanks to the entire LM team.
Hey LM team, you guys did a Fantastic job on this release…..well like all past releases, they just keep getting better and better. I hated KDE till i tried it on Mint, perfect just perfect, runs all my laptops and main desktop now. Thank you so much!
I had tired KDE plasma 5 in most of major distros . It is still no ready for end users with bug free.. Now switch back KDE 4 with linuxmint 17.2 with stable KDE. Thank s Mint Team for the right decision not going for Plasma 5..