Codenames on the 17.1 series were allowed to break the tradition. They won’t start with a Q, as they should, but with an R instead. It wasn’t easy to find a codename starting with Q initially, and with the move to LTS it’s getting harder and harder as the series might get a total of 4 or more releases.
The first 17.x point release will be Linux Mint 17.1 codename ‘Rebecca’.
Rebecca is of Hebrew origin and its meaning is “to bind”. The name was borne in the Bible by the wife of Isaac. It was also made famous since 1938 by the book from Daphne du Maurier entitled “Rebecca” and adapted into a movie by Alfred Hitchcock in 1940.
Despite its “R” name, Rebecca will share the same base as Qiana. Linux Mint 17 users will have the choice to upgrade or not, and that upgrade will be both easy and safe.
Cool! Thanks for your hard work!
Sounds good. Not fond of “Qiana”and Rebecca easier to remember and pronounce…:)
Nice choice! Will LM v17.1 be available as a separate ISO-image download?
Edit by Clem: Yes, although if you’re running Linux Mint 17 you won’t need a fresh install. There will be an RC for quality and testing purposes, followed by a stable ISO release for new users. Existing Mint 17 users will be notified of the new stable release from within Linux Mint, and they’ll be able to either dismiss the notification or choose to upgrade from there.
Many thanks to the staff of Linuxmint. What about plasma 5 on KDE version? Shall it be included in 17.1?
Edit by Clem: Hi Paolo, it’s too soon to say.
Hi Clem,
Will it be released at the same time as Ubuntu 14.10?
And will you also follow Ubuntu’s release schedule for all the other 17.x releases?
Thanks again for your excellent work from a proud Linux Mint sponsor!
Edit by Clem: From a technical point of view it’s no longer tied to the Ubuntu schedule, so it could be released at any time, there’s no technical relevance between 14.10 and 17.1. Now, with that said, the 6 months cycle gave us rhythm and although quality and content dictate releases going public or being held back more so than dates or vague deadlines, the idea of a late November release is still there within the team and it helps us working towards that target.
is the 17.1 going to an updated kernel version (3.13+) ?
Edit by Clem: It’s too soon to say. 3.13 worked very well for us. What we can easily do is add 3.14, 3.16..etc to the repository. These kernels would then be available via the Update Manager -> View -> Linux Kernels window. As it is now they’re available via “mainline”
Hi. That was an unexpected surprise for me. I think we won’t need a fresh install. Thanks Clem and whole team. Greetings.
A more general questions I was having in mind for some time now:
What about the packages base? Will it stay the same until the next Ubuntu LTS comes out, i.e. will most applications be 2 years old when Ubuntu 16.04 LTS releases?
Edit by Clem: Except for backports, yes.
Sorry for my English
What difference will have a 17.0 installation (LTS) to finish with another installation in which successive apply “releases” 17.1, 17.2 etc (with the same base 17) ?
Edit by Clem: Hi. I’m not sure I understand the question correctly. Each point release will bring new features on the desktop layer but on top of the same package base. For instance in Mint 17.1 you’ll see Cinnamon 2.4, new folder colors, nemo and caja improvements, a refined kernel selector in mintupdate..etc etc..
Very nice job!!
The upgrade will include the LTS stack upgrades provided in the previous LTS version of Ubuntu, right? Simplistic question but it would mean a lot for those whose hardware needs the support provided by the newer versions of linux kernel
Edit by Clem: Hi Alexander, I think Canonical is planning 3.16 for early 2015, that would mean 17.2 for us. We tend to be even more conservative than them though when it comes to defaults and what we recommend to users. With that said we can already make these newer kernels available if there is demand out there. We developed a kernel selection screen in the update manager in 17.0, and it got much improved in 17.1. Thanks to that we can give you more choice of kernels, along with information on known regressions and bug fixes. We rely heavily on feedback here, especially when it comes to the kernel, but we can definitely be conservative, bet on what we know works, while at the same time give you additional choices.
Thank you for all the work.
Will 17.1 resolve the AMD A6-6400 (et al.) issues that were a part of Ubuntu 14, or will that come later?
Edit by Clem: Hi, it’s likely to be very similar as we’re keeping the same base. If there are known fixes though or workarounds we can look into integrating them.
Hi, Thanks very much for the hard work. I really like Linux Mint. The only thing I would appreciate is an easier way to upgrade from one release to the next via Internet sources as my CD is not workingb on my old laptop….
Edit by Clem: Well from two major releases, our policy is still to warn you about potential risks rather than making it easy for you to break anything. With that said, point releases within a same series (17->17.1->17.2..etc) will be trivial to upgrade to. We’re planning to integrate the update within the OS itself (probably via the Update Manager).
Hi, that’s a great news, thanks!
Fortran, actually a fresh install isn’t necessary… you can just upgrade from 17 to 17.1, as Clem said.
I think this is the right direction to go.
Names that start with Q? Hmmm, uh, well, uh, yeah Rebecca sounds like a great name! I’ve been running Mint 17 Mate 64 Q/R for a month now and it works great on a Dell Core 2 Duo laptop and a home-built desktop with an AMD E-350 CPU/APU. Not a single problem with either of them! No problems with drivers for my ATI graphics or my Wifi adapter either.
Good news! Will the point releases of Mint 17 make a “kernel jump” like the point releases of Ubuntu (starting with 14.04.2)? Or will they stick to the original kernel 3.13.0-24?
Edit by Clem: I’m sorry Pjotr, it’s too early to say. There’s a lot of feedback to be looked at and QA/testing involved in choosing a kernel. Even within the 3.13.0 series, we’re at -35 right now, we think we know -29 is a safe update (we’re still looking into it). Ideally we gather all known regressions on the series and make sure they’re all fixed in the most recent kernel. In any case, whatever default kernel we provide, we’re improving kernel selection in 17.1. (I hope you won’t mind my screenshot being half in French
What kind of features can we expect in 17.1?
Is there a released set of proposals out?
Edit by Clem: Hi Joe, you can follow the Roadmap, also when features are ready or near-completion we talk about them on Segfault

Queen (We Will Rock You)
Way cool! I checked my Mint Update but it didn’t offer me any update or new package. What should i do to get 17.1? Thanks
Edit by Clem: Hi Remco, 17.1 isn’t ready yet. This is just an announcement of the codename for the next release.
I’ll have to reinstall anyway, because mint 17 xfce impressed the hell out of me on a throw away laptop and now I want it for my main machine too….. Though cinnamon is very usable at this point. XFCE with compiz: DROOL
Really the Xfce edition is rock solid (in theory it can run with as little as 256 MB RAM) but the main attention is towards Mate and Cinnamon.
Btw I’ve found lot of names beginning with q just typing in the Google the phrase “female names that start with q”.
The first hit was .
Just a minute… As far as I understand, Mint 17.1 means only new ISO for convenient installation, i.e. Mint 17.1 = Mint 17 + updates. So, the users of Mint 17 – if they do all the updates regularly – have everything from 17.1 already on their disks, right Clem?
Edit by Clem: Yes, but with an opt-in. In other words, these updates won’t come to Mint 17 users by default.. a notification will get to them so they can decide if they want to upgrade to 17.1 or not.
Rebecca is a nice name, remind me of this girl
nice strong cute
way to go rebecca !!!!
Thank you very much, Clem. I’ll jump to Rebecca ASAP.
Awesome, Thank you for all the effort “we” definitely appreciate it
Some Q started female names in Brazil: Quésia, Quitéria, Quênia, Quintina, Queila, Quirá, Quirina
I really would like to thank to all the Mint staff, for all your hard work, for making it easy for many never linux users, who had been introduced to this world thanks to this wonderful OS.
I’ve been running persistent Live USB but holding off installing M17 to see how these point releases work. Glad to hear it will update over existing installation and a complete reinstall won’t be needed. Will the third party software repositories update with each point release?
I don’t like having to completely reconfigure settings and plug ins for LibreOffice, GIMP, and other packages along with redoing all my little OS tweaks as needed with a fresh install. If M17 repos will be refreshed in point releases for the full run of the OS that is a major achievement.
Thank you very much Clem!
You and your team do a tremendous job!
Clem, why not install (Mate Edition) as default Nautilus-image-converter (or mate-image-converter)? Is a small but productive function.
I would to see also others themes and icons pre installed, preferentially not green.
A flat design would be great to give a fresh face to system.
I dont like Rebecca. Pleas call it Querida !
Is LMDE 2 going to have Cinnamon 2.4 like LM 17.1, or is it going to have Cinnamon 2.2?
Edit by Clem: At the moment it has 2.2 (although Betsy is only a repository at the moment). By the time it’s released it should have 2.4.
Great news Clem about the update bringing yet more polish to the product.
There wouldn’t be any change, a shortcut cut key could be added in the Update Manager for Install Updates
(problems with my mouse – long story)
For example, right now,in Update Manager
Alt + F works for File
Alt + E works for Edit
Alt + V works for View
Alt + H works for Help
But without using the mouse is there a way to navigate to Install Updates? A bit of googling gave me the solution of going into Terminal and just typing “sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade” Another solution I’m using is accessing the machine using Teamviewer on another device.
Both methods work, so I’m happy, was just thinking that maybe I’m doing something wrong in Update Manager, usually you can just tab from one thing to another.
Hi Clem.
Can this 17.1 codename still be changed? Does the name have to end in the letter A?
Here’s my suggestion for girls names beginning with Q and ending in A.
The newest Cinnamon was my first dive into Linux. Why did I wait so long?
A thank you hardly covers my gratitude for a reliable, faster, and more secure OS. I only wish I had back the years I spent ‘repairing’ an unnamed OS.
Will 17.1 have the same years of support as 17? 5 years of support right?
Edit by Clem: The 17.x series will share the same support time, and EOL in 2019.
Well that’s sounds pretty good but what about the X-Server couldn’t started some of laptop. I have been tried so many times to install Linux mint 17 Kde version on my dell inspiron 5537 but won’t work.
So please do something on the next updates.
Good, Thanks for your hard work!
Hello Clem and team.
When will Rebecca reach EOL? 4.5 years after release or 9 months after release?
Edit by Clem: All 17.x releases will reach EOL in 2019.
More of a general comment. Nothing but praise for Mint v.17. I’m a total newbie (read Windows refugee) and was gobsmacked by how efficient and elegant this OS is. I am just amazed at how I can boot off the dvd and be out to the internet without even installing at this point. Which has saved my bacon since a reinstall of Windows can’t even find the important hardware, much less get out to the internet.
With the fairly recent disaffection of many Windows users to MS’s very poor implementation of Win8, you have an opportunity to steal a bunch of users (like myself) who’ve had just enough. I suspect this to be the ideal Linux OS to do it.
You’d be doing us all a favor.
Many of those folk would never get past the GUI, but who cares? Not everyone needs to be a command line guru.
Folks: you have a superior product. You need to get the word out to the unwashed masses.
– michael
Seems a shame to break the naming convention and start with ‘R’ prematurely. There are plenty of girl’s names beginning with ‘Q’. How many do you need? True, the only traditional English one that sprang to mind instantly was ‘Queenie’, but a quick Google search reveals a few dozen more. ‘Quintessa’ I like.
I was very happy with Mint 17 Mate but threw it out non the less. Unless you can promise me that the support for alternative input methodes, mine being ibus, but the same holds for scim and fcitx, will work flawless in 17.1 I do not see the use. I have just reinstalled Mint 13. There all these work fine and I need them.
Edit by Clem: They do work fine, just not out of the box yet. We need to improve their integration and that’s something we’re looking into.
And before I forget. No names with a Q. A simple google or yahoo search gives you website upon website with suggestions. I have a book with names used in Belgium and the Netherlands. Q is very little used in Dutch but even so we manage 5 pages of all kinds of names starting with a Q. If help is needed let me know.
Edit by Clem: I won’t comment on that.. I don’t want to offend anyone out there wearing the names we didn’t settle on. That said, let me assure you all of these names were considered and all of these websites were visited. In the end of the day we need to enjoy working and publishing our release and that means loving its codename. It seemed important to stick to the tradition we had set but not as much as being happy with the end result.
Mint team, you do a great job. I use KDE version of Linux mint 17. I switched from ubuntu because I had problems with my wifi (intel centrino N 1030). Sometimes it just couldn’t connect to the router. I don’t know what you changed in the base, but my hardware works as it should. The only thing I can suggest is to add to package base few apps that make the life much easier, especially for beginners. For example, my wife can’t stand linux because her screen dims when she watches movies. It enough to add an app like Caffeine with correct settings or some script to prevent it. Additionally, why screen brightness setting is disabled by default? Loads of people claim that linux sucks because even their “brightness function key doesn’t work”. It is also time when smart TVs are more and more popular. Rygel is a great app that can stream movies. People would appreciate such a minor changes that are available in Windows by default.
Well, if finding a suitable name is your biggest problem, I will continue enjoying Mint without the leasyxt of worries….
Hi Clem and team!
Please, do your best for the LM 17.x series to come with an upgraded kernel (preferably 3.15.xx or newer) because …
kernel 3.13.0-24 does not support well (or in some cases like the card reader, not at all) the new hardware of my ASUS X551MA-SX090D 15,6″ Laptop and If I try to install any of the 3.13.0-xx kernels via Update Manager, I get a kernel panic error!! right after boot…
Again thank you all for your effort!
Hey, folks, Clem just wants to move on from Quiana, and we should just let him do so. Remember Shakespeare’s “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!”
The steadily increasing convenience and power of Linux Mint continues to be impressive, month after month and release after release.
What a well directed and organized effort it is! Clem, you are entitled to be extremely proud of what you and your team have accomplished. Just keep up the excellent work!
I see there’s a lot of chatter with the codename. Why do we need codenames in the 1st place? Can’t we just say Linux Mint 17.1? I know that we use codenames to setup repositories, but we can just as easily use ‘mint17.1’ or ‘mint171’ if periods are not allowed in repository strings.
Personally I prefer using version numbering based on year, as Ubuntu does. Looking ahead Ubuntu 20.04 will correspond to LinuxMint 20.x; perhaps when Ubuntu 22.04 rolls out can we use LinuxMint 22.x (skipping 21.x)?.
Clem, if you respond thank you in advance.
Hi. This distro is the best i have used ever. I use my computer nowadays,and learning a lot about how computers should work…not only watching a virus scanner making the cooling fan scream in pain and watching reboot after reboot sometimes end in a notorious blue screen… =). Only thing i would like to see is that Totem would get a little love, its quite buggy and clicking on the timeline only makes it stutter, it works fine in Ubuntu. It would also be great if apps bought in the Ubuntu appstore could also be available in the Mint softwaremanager. Other than that…no complaints, only kudos kudos kudos. And this sticking to LTS releases is a VERY good thing!.
You better use release number only
none cares about, or use these names anyway (i think)
I have a few recommendations for future updates that might be worth consideration.
Synaptic — a Custom Filter for orphaned packages
Software Manager — A choice to install a complete package such as Vbox with all of the add-ins as one package instead of needing to go through and figure out which ones are needed
Great and well thought out distro
Been on this web site now for 20 mins !!!!! still DON’T NOW HOW TO GET LINIX MINT ON MY COMPUTER111111111
I have one older Dell running Mint 13 and one running Mint 17 and love both of them! I have even had several friends that requested me to install LINUX for them… new converts! All that I can say is “keep up the GREAT work!!!
Regarding #6 I would greatly appreciate you adding 3.17 to the repo as the kernel devs added Acer C720 (Chromebook) patches for the touchpad and touchscreen. Huge thanks to you and your team for the excellent distro!
Question: Quo, Quorum, Quasi- (as a prefix – dozens of combos possible), Quite, Quince, Quiche, Quantity, Quantify, Quality nor Quantum would suffice?
There must be many more in other languages. Why limit to just Anglais?
Thank you, what ever you name it.
My humble respect to Clem and the many membered body of seemingly tireless souls at work and have worked on this literally and figuratively priceless distro.
Oh, you are looking for names. d’oh
Alexandre Quintela Ponte had some good Brazilian names beginning with Q.
Raymond E. had posted some good names too.
Willy horn & Raymond E. had Querida {Spanish – Someone you hold dear. A good choice for your Chihuahua or Xolo.(} :lol
Quinones, Questi? (
Quadi, Qaletaqa, Qeturah, etc. (
Merci beaucoup.
Happy to hear your still working on the input methods. From looking around thoughit seems that scim is almost death and IBUS is being neglected. I can as yet not get fcitx to do what I want and need. Since the very beginning that has been my biggest problem with Linux. Finding a practical and easy way to input Chinese. I get it to work on a distro and then upgrade and they either mess it up or the upgrade sucks big time (e.g. Ubuntu with Unity desktop). I tried all 3 input methods but the one I like best is IBUS. It resembles best the best input method I use in Windows, Twinbridge.
Linux 17 q installed just now instead of Womdows 8,0 as did not functon so good for me,
Have SSD 250 gb in this computer ,tvise I made install and the secund tim it function good.
Just is worring abaut to get Hp Printer:Deskjet 2950 All in one j510 serius also to function here.
I second the need for better integrated IBUS. IBUS itself work very well for me now (Simplified Chinese, SunPinyin), but as long as the IBUS daemon is running, I cannot rename files and folders in nemo…
Will the new update manager notify when an updated kernel is available? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the current one does. Also, If you plan on sticking to an old kernel for the new 17.x isos, as people get new hardware all the time, I believe the added hardware support brought by each kernel version might at some point start to outweigh the possible regressions. It’s nice to have the newer kernels available on in the repos, but that doesn’t help when running the live installer on a brand new laptop for example. Just a thought.
I got an update yesterday, and on my Laptop, it works fine, but on my desktop, I am having trouble, hooking up on my wifi. I had some trouble previously, with Quiana? but now, It’s almost impossible to hook up. And when it does, it looses connection, all the time, and short of a reboot, and 30 minutes unplugging, yada, it’s hit or miss ever getting back online. Romeo has worked perfect, until yesterdays updates. I can’t remember what they were. :/ Im using a Ralink 3072 chipset, with the standard drivers.
Sorry, wrong blog. :/
Will there be a way to update from into a previous release (mine: 14 installed in January 2013 and still working despite of messages like those below while updating) *without losing programs and settings added* or a fresh install will it be absolutely necessary?
Impossible de récupérer 404 Not Found [IP : 80]
Impossible de récupérer 404 Not Found [IP : 80]
Thx for response.
Hi Clem & team-
I just wanted to say that I’m looking forward to the new goodies in 17.1.
My A.D.D. misses the old 6-month release cycle, but the lazy part of me is glad that I can leave everything alone for 2-5 years now that we are following a LTS cycle instead. LOL. 
Mint has been the best OS I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. It’s been rock solid stable, everything has “just worked” out of the box, it does what I want, and I’ve discovered new things that I can also do to it. Keep up the good work, guys! You’re doing great.
PS, Rebecca is a fine name for 17.1.
Will the updates STOP switching fromx XIM input? I use the awful CNO Cherokee Language keyboard that requires an .XCompose to be useful. (It remaps numbers back to numbers and makes most typing phonetic). Every point release seems to reset my preferred input method and then I have to fiddle with the system to get it to type correctly again.
Alternatively, is there a way to have a keyboard layout added?
Since this is still in early development can I ask pretty please can you include the armel/armhf architectures this go round? Last time I checked it’s still flagged as “Considered” with no updates.
linux mint is the best os that i touch.
thank you mint’s teams who create great works for cyber world.
Itś nice of you sharing the reasons behind the choice of the name but I find kinda funny how people in some comments suggest a lot Q starting names. Of course there are a lot of names starting with any letter but some names sound better than others I guess :).
Keep up the good work! Linux Mint made my fianceé’s entire family switch to Linux and even I, a long time user of a rpm based distro switched to Mint after a while – running in an old Turion64 with 512mb ram and installed openbox on top of the base system.
As a fairly new user to Linux (since MS dropped support for Windows XP), I’ve been very happy with it, especially Mint 17. My main problem was finding the work around for Citrix since Citrix doesn’t keep updated with new releases very well. I did find the work around the Linux Mint team provided, now I’m wondering if I upgrade to 17.1 if I’ll have to find another work around or if there’ll even be one. My primary use for this PC is for working from home using Citrix. Thanks.
HI clem and & Team thank so much for the work all you guys are doing this mint 17 really the best of all for me any way just love my cinnamon DE ,plus can change any colour i want and recommend to all my friends but like to ask 1 favour only if possible can a script be build to install netflix-destop now that Google Chrome has Html5 ,i can install it usually but seem harder and harder to find all the files every time you do a install,Than you very much for a superb linux that work.Ray
It would be very great to have the newer kernel versions included in the repos – optimum would be a package (or 3) which includes, once installed, always the latest stable version from the ubuntu kernel ppa.
Actually I run Mint 17 on linux-3.16.3 and it works very fine

But I always install the latest kernel manually via dpkg – it would be great, if the update manager could do that!
So far thanks for your excellent work!
(I installed Mint on the Laptop of my Aunt beside Win 8 btw. – now, she does all her stuff in Mint and never uses Win 8 because Mint is much less complicated to use, she says ^^ )
thanks to Clem and the team for your work.
Could it be possible that Linux mint give us new stable versions of nvidia driver ? For now, we’ve got the 331.38 nvidia driver since the Mint 17 release.
Thank you for your hard work, I’m glad to see Mint is so creative and independent, these decisions bring the distro closer to its users.
Me again. The change from Language Support to Language setting (did not really notice that subtle change before) is not an improvement. First of all Thunderbird apparently needs to be installed for full language support for English. When I only want to keep English UK the system keeps reminding me that not all language support is installed, same for Dutch and Chinese. Extremely annoying. And one can no longer chose the settings for the IM for each language. Even the keyboard IM does not work.
Since Mint 17 Mate on my Asus X550C clicking the deactivate touchpad while typing does not work nor does switching off the mousepad (touchpad) all together. That us the pad stays active no matter what I try. All that worked fine in Mint 13 and other distros I tried. Why no longer in Mint 17 Mate?
Hi there ! Lots of people say Mint is the best distro, they are right. Thanks to Clem and the team.
I understand that Rebecca 17.1 sticks to the Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS base.
In the previous posts above it is said that new features and functionalities will show up in 17.1. Will they apply to Cinnamon only, or all the other Mint ‘flavors’ (Mate, Xfce, KDE …)
Dig the Biblical name, as well as the Hitchcock reference. You all are awesome.
I just want to say that in the past I complained allot about the graphical effects performance of the Cinnamon edition. With Mint 17 I am very pleased with the performance. Silky smooth. Thanks Clem! and the Mint devs!!. Very satisfied. My niece is Rebecca a great name!. Thanks again!.
I just want to say that in the past I complained allot about the graphical effects performance of the Cinnamon edition. With Mint 17 I am very pleased with the performance. Silky smooth. Thanks Clem! and the Mint devs!!. Very satisfied. My niece is Rebecca a great name!. Thanks again!.
Reposted not Bob B. but Bob K. Could you please correct my name. Thanks.
Great work team! A small request. Please do something so that it doesn’t need a fresh install after each upgrade in near future. Some of your fans lack usb boot and depend on burning DVD s!
Quax would have been a good name.
Clem… I LOVE Linux Mint and it is my Favorite Distro! I also appreciate it that in a day of Political Correctness and Christian Bashing that you and the Team chose Rebecca and mentioned her Jewish roots and the Holy Bible! Thanks!
Nice, i really like the idea to stick with LTS (but can upgrade the kernel easily from the update manager). Plus, i really want to try the new colors in cinnamon
No need to turn over sleepily in the morning and trying to remember a name that start with Q!
Thank you for the shut-down button in the keyboard shortcuts. Would it be possible to include a ‘suspend’ button also?
I’m happy with my newly installed Qiana on and old, but healthy IBM T40. The only problem is its ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 display adapter driver, which I cannot find despite an extended search. Does Rebecca bring us any improvement in this respect? Thank you in advance.
Guys. Linux has a weakness when it comes to DVD. With all distros and now including Mint17 we find it tedious / difficult to play DVD movies.
Just to echo Michael’s post. I really appreciate Mint Cinnamon. I ran Petra alongside XP when XP support ended. With the release of Qiana I took the plunge and eradicated XP from my PC entirely. Clem, you have developed a great OS which I find easy and intuitive to use. I am just a standard computer user and was laughed at when I told friends I was moving OS to Linux. “But that’s for computer geeks” I was told. So I’m spreading the word as to how easy it is to use Mint. Brilliant that you will have upgrade available from 17.0 to 17.1 rather than have to reinstall. Looking forward to getting the upgrade notification. Thanks again.
Environment: Linux Mint 17 (32bit) – Cinnamon
Computer: Notebook (!)
Click the Menu –> Visible Menu panel.
Close the notebook lid –> Notebook suspend turn on.
Open the notebook lid –> Login screen does not appear!
Serious security issue!
Will be fixed LM 17.1?
Ill have to share this with my daughter Rebecca!
too bad I just cant hit the G+ button for convenient easy sharing.
Fyi I had a veryfrustrated and disappoint windows 8.1 user come to me and say…I just cant even use it..
She said “I’ll Take it!” after 10 min tour to LinuxMint 17.
Thank you Clem, to you and your whole team for creating such a warm and friendly experience.
What about the inclusion of a good BASIC or FORTRAN (other than the gcc bunch) compiler in the application mix?
I am pumped! As a recent noobie to linux mint and after failed attempts of figuring out how to use older versions of redhat I am thrilled to be a part of the linux community. Although I’m not a fan of the ubuntu os, mint has it figured out and it runs better on my machine – way better.
I do Volunteer Work at a local Recycling Shop, and one day one of the staff who works there gave me an old Notebook that had just come in. It was a little Samsung/Intel i5 with 4GB memory and the usual bits that all Notebooks seem to have (wireless card, dvd drive, etc.). I took it home and checked it out. The battery was hopeless, and the screen looked like it’d been burnt by arcing or something.
Lo and behold the thing turned on and booted up… but the Windows 7 O/S on it was stuffed; it booted to a black screen with white mouse cursor. So I thought, ‘okay…’ Inserted Linux Mint 17 DVD; and it booted up fine. Then installed Mint, taking over the Hard Drive…
Brought the thing back to the tip shop and sold it the next day for $100.
Mint is PERFECT for getting old machines going again! Thanks guys.
Cool, rebecca.
Hmmm, may on next on “S” codename use “Sarah” or “Soneta”
I’m thinking about:
1. Qiana-anna
2. Qiana-bella
3. Qiana-cinta
4. Qiana-donna
5. Qiana-echa
As some already think about the “S”, what about
“Sonja” (I’d like a Red Sonja Theme:-))
“Sahara” (without a limit, if you look out of your windows:-)
…”Sonora, Samantha, Silva
(What is the point with this “a”-ending?)
Thanks for making 17.1 an upgrade instead of requiring a new install.
I put 17 Cinnamon 64 on my new HP laptop and it all went smoothly. Installing windoz on the same laptop was extremely difficult because of the lack of drivers.
An opinion about names: I’d prefer that there not be any. It is easier for me to remember sequential numbers than names.
I recently switched to Linux Mint 17 from Ubuntu, and I want to say that this is my favorite operating system of all time. Install was a breeze, the usability is first rate, and the aesthetics are unmatched.
Thank you to everyone on the Linux Mint team!
Good work Guys, Lets to check this out ! amazing…binggo..
What advantage is there for me to install 17.1 Rebecca vs the 17 Qiana I have now?
First of all. I like your hard work very much.
I have a request though.
Is Mint Mate version going to have support for Intel Network Adapter I217-LM and Audio Adapter Realtek ALC292. Tried it out. For a little while. Everything else seems fine.
The LAN adapter is not recognized and the sound chip has issues with sound through HDMI (meaning it speeds up the sound and distorts it to a higher pitch).
Or if you know a solution to those things. Could you point me to some solutions that are simple to follow?
Thank you very much in advance,
I am on Linux Mint 17 Qiana KDE SC Version 4.13.3
Will Linux Mint 17.1 include KDE SC Version 4.14.1 ?
Name no matter
I’d like to know when will be available for download
will you launch a version in KDE 5?
I’ve upgraded variously from Mint 14 XFCE and Mint 15 Cinnamon. Cinnamon really, really feels like its own mature desktop now.
On my laptop I like the nvidia driver allows easy(ish) switching between the nvidia chip and onboard intel graphics. My laptop is a bit of a “problem child” lenovo (Broadcom wireless etc!) and I’d just like to add my vote for the available kernels to include 3.14 as I understand that fixes a bug in the alx eth0 driver. The CPUs run much cooler now I’m running 17, I notice.
Any estimate on the timescale for 17.1 to be released? At the moment the alx bug isn’t critical, but I might think about upgrading to 3.14 myself if 17.1 is still a way off.
I love Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon but, having trouble with sudden Freezes, probably due to ATI 6570 graphics card.
The ATI driver was installed but unable to change anything as it says “admin priviledges required”, even when logged in as su.
Wondering whether the 60Hz in the driver settings is the cause, as I have 50Hz monitor ?
Tried Login with/without cinnamon software rendering. No luck.
Would Quantum Quanta Qubec Qland would do for starters if name can change?
P.S. How about Quadrabyte?
Would it be possible to include ‘reply’ for each post/comment and nest such replies? I know you as the administrator can edit, and reply to, each post; but I think it would be nice for users to directly reply to a post vs. ‘this comment is for the post #xyz …’.
I gave up using windows with mint 12. I recently bought myself a new laptop which came with windows 8.1 and decided to give that a chance. After less than a week, I could take no more and installed Mint 17. What a relief. Finally a computer which did what I wanted it to do, not what microsoft decided I should do. I was so impressed that I installed 17 in place of 12 on my other 2 PCs.
Since then I upgraded the laptop to 8GB ram and a 512GB SSD. The laptop now boots nearly as fast as my son’s MacBook pro.It would be faster if not for the BIOS taking 10 seconds. The log on screen appears after another 5 seconds.
PS I work as a windows infrastructure support engineer.
Dear Clem,
I propose you reconsider the names for the following LM versions to come, because there are many names using letter Q, not in European languages certainly but in our South American forefathers’ aboriginal languages indeed( Quechua, Aymara and Mapuche languages). This link can show you abundant names in 2 of our aboriginal languages:
Aymara language in the Andes as in
Quechua language in Pacific Ocean coasts as in
Mapuche language named Mapudungun in Patagonial countries as in
I hope this will help and keep Rebecca for LM 18 Os versions.
Warm hugs from southern Patagonia, and all the best from Chile
Just drop code-names, useless !
Linux Mint 17.1 is just fine.
Mint Cinnamon doesn’t work correctly on my PC. (both regular and LMDE)
After a while (more or less long), program windows open black.
Tried software rendering, but same thing.
I’ve tried Manjaro Cinnamon for a short while, but didn’t have this problem, if I remember well.
PC (a bit dated I admit) uses a straightforward Intel video chipset, nothing ususual or fancy.
P.S. OTOH, I’m happy with Mate, but I thought I should mention the issue with Cinnamon anyway.
I am deciding to definitely remove my Vista OS from my pc. I already used Linux OS like Debian, fedora or redhat (when it was free).
After many installation and years I still don-t understand why Linux community is not able to make installation process ease, and when I say ease I meant just that. Ease.
If I don-t follow the standard procedure than everything became hard to do. let me explain the last case.
I am trying to format my hard disk where I have mounted Vista so to delete it definitely. I have also other partitions whit data I would like to keep. So if don-t accept to install the new os close to old one I have to possibility to choice one partition or the whole disk.
I opted for one partition / where vista was installed / and the installing process ask me to define a mount point. I did. Then he asks me define the swap area, but I can-t find how to do it. unless I don-t opt for a full manual installation. I know, somebody will show me how easy it is. But why the process it is not intuitive and idiot/tailored? Think me like an idiot that just want to install new OS on the old partition. can the community think something simpler?
Next time some of you will design a process, please follow the K.I.S.S. requirements.
2 questions only… when is this new version coming out and what are the new features that Rebecca will provide?
Will Linux Mint (with which I am very pleased) be able to address the vulnerability of the ‘bash’ shell soon?
Thanks for bringing up the suject, David.
@113 David,
there is a test (suggested when I’ve read the news on the bash vulnerability):
in terminal type in:
env x='() { :;}; echo OOPS’ bash -c /bin/true
and press enter.
If it returns OOPS, then you are vulnerable.
if it returns:
bash: warning: x: ignoring function definition attempt
bash: error importing function definition for `x’
Then you are safe.
I’m running Linux Mint 17 MATE 64-bit and it looks like the issue has been resolved.
Unless of course if any security experts say otherwise.
@114 Francois,
The link you’ve provided seems to throw security issues with both firefox and chrome. I’ve decided not to accept their certificate so not sure what that site contains.
I know what you mean Jacob.
But is THE place to discuss about computer security, so don’t be afraid.
It can be accessed by regular HTTP by the way.
Just remove the s after http.
It just has been resolved with the today update of bash (Mint 17 Mate 64bit)
It seems to be great
thanks for your hard work
Hi Clem!
Will Nemo ever get a filter bar like Dolphin has?
I mean on a feature, that would hide all the files in the current folder which doesn’t contain the specified pattern. That would be a HUGE improvement. The Alt+S of Gnome is worth nothing.
The bash bug was there when I checked my LMDE Mate x64 a couple of hours ago.
Hello sirs how to update mint 17 to 17.1? I already have an existing Mint 17 in my acer veriton 1000. No more fresh install right? Would the update in existing mint 17 install be a STABLE release? Why only RC?
I am happy that that you and the Linux team are keeping this software alive, I moved from MS some nine years agao and will never go back. Linux is the tops and I am pushing all my friends to join in the use of this brilliant operating system.
Is Shellshock vulnerability fixed in the latest Mint version?
Thanks for all the hard work Clem and Co. I went ahead and remembered to donate for the first time this month, and will continue doing so from now on most likely.
I like how Mint is doing, but would like to see dual graphics cards (like SLI and Crossfire) supported better if possible. As it is, I needed to take out one of my R9 270x’s (in crossfire) to install FGLRX from AMD’s website in order to just boot up Mint with 2 graphics cards.
Not that Crossfire’s supported in Linux very well (or at all with the latest cards), I just want to be able to install Linux without going through a hardware unplugging and re-plugging headache. Although I will admit that it’s probably more of an issue with the open source AMD drivers rather than Mint itself, most likely.
Yes I believe it was with most recent update. I think it was with the update related to Bash, although, not 100% sure about that. At least there was was an update related to Bash, I assumed that was it, since Bash is the target for Shellshock.
It may have been fixed for regular Mint (Ubuntu based) but it’s not yet in LMDE (Debian edition), as far as I can see.
Yes I think you are correct. Debian has not yet released a patch, so for obvious reasons, nothing has been rolled into LMDE. Ubuntu, Redhat and one or two more distros have patched.
Debian seems to have been fixed:
Linux Mint is much, much easier to install now than Windows. Has been for at least the last 5 versions. Just select a partition for / during install, and if you want you can even wipe the windows partition in the same menu. Personally, I find that getting an SSD and installing fresh on the SSD was worth the performance boost. Especially as SSDs have come way down in price. Then you can manage your other partitions as you see fit in GParted after everything is already installed. You’re in for a huge upgrade over Vista!!
Great news. As of very recently, at least within the last day or so, it wasn’t abundantly clear that they had a patch.
It’s all in what you’re used to. Windows isn’t necessarily a mindless process. Trying installing another Windows OS right next to your current one. You can screw the pooch real quick if you don’t know what your doing.
Swap is the equivalent to virtual memory in Windows. It’s an area on the hard drive reserved to keep the system from thrashing. You can easily create Swap by shorting your OS partition size by the equivalent size of your system memory, or close to it. Some people like twice that much. Take the remaining free space and add a partition, and simply call it Swap area.
Hope that helps.
To be clear, swap area can be found in the file system type drop down of the partition set up.
Keeping the old Windows is sometimes desireable or even necessary : if your data on other partitions or disk is on NTFS and you keep it that way, it works fine but linux doesn’t seem to have a “disk checking” for NTFS (in other terms file system checking, which a fsck.ntfs command would do if only it existed).
So an old Vista, 7 etc. can be kept around even if only used for checking the NTFS partition(s) ; best is to either still boot the Windows from time to time to apply the updates (that is slow) or disconnect all networking (unplug network cable and/or disable network cards) and run something like chkdsk /F D: on the command line (or right-click on drives in “my computer”, that does the same thing anyway)
Corruption of NTFS file system is pretty rare but that can happen with hard crashes or power outages/interrupting power while the disk is writing.
Migrating all data to ext4 (or ext3) would be better, but that can require buying a new hard drive to copy the data over (if you have a spare or external smaller hard drive, you can copy the most important data and discard/delete the unimportant or useless data). Then format your NTFS partition to ext4, which destroys all the data on it. Then copy the data back.
We should all have an additional or external big HDD to serve as a backup for our data, but we dont’t always do.
That was a long-ish write up but I thought it’s something to consider. Also even if you get rid of everything NTFS and Windows on your hard drives (or want to), support for checking external (USB) NTFS hard drives might be something to consider.
I’m glad my Windows 7 partition is “small” (19GB). I eventually forgot I had one.. but over the years, I had to “repair” my huge NTFS paritition about twice and thus had to boot Windows to fix some messed up files and folders.
Rebecca is a fantastic name for the distro…thank you very much for all the work!
Please fix bluetooth for broadcom chipsets in cinnamon. Thank you.
Lemme tell ya. Why NOT STOP with this silly name conventions. Dumb, silly and stupid. Time is short. Is it someone seeing a happy birdie every day to come up with such silly thing? Just name the distro Linux Mint and Number, period!
You guys better get the crap together coz here it comes Ubuntu MATE Remix. Mint does not even decided which flag to lift up. Mint wants to be everything. This is a sin, and this will cost.
I sincerely suggest that Mint sponsor ONE desktop only and ONE edition only. MATE edition. This is the only way to prevent from losing ground.
And yes, you guys are losing a lot of ground.
I’ll probably be skipping this release. Rebecca is my ex’s name. One I’d rather forget.
Dear LM Team,
I am newbie for linux and had ussualy use windows xp. But when XP end its time i decided to find and learn linux distro. I have tried several distro. For me LM 17 Qiana XFCE is the best fit to my netbook and my work for the latest 2 months, and i’ll enjoy to stick with it for long time use. thank you…
1. There used to be support for 2 dvd drives ( V 14). Sadly that has lapsed with more recent releases. Yes, I do run 2 DVD drives.
2. the recent releases do not properly decode laptop doubled taps as a select command. I will not “select” everything A-La-Apple. You are loosing a large and growing user demographic, like me.
I have downloaded the iso file .. I turned off the laptop and when I logged in again the downloading file won’t open saying its missing or moved ..what should u do now?
Harold Burton